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The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at www.scrabbleplayershandbook.

Introduction 3
Meet The Team 5
What's Different About Competitive Scrabble? !
"o# To $la% &ood Scrabble
The Words '
What Is Scrabble? (
Scorin) Well *
+nderstandin) ,ac- .eaves 3*
Word .earnin) 35
The /irst Move '(
Tile Trac-in) 5!
Time Mana)ement 5'
01chan)in) 52
$hone%s ('
Set3+ps (5
4pen and Closed 5oards (2
The 0nd)ame 65
$la%in) St%le 25
"o# To $la% Ama7in) Scrabble 8'
The .uc- 0lement 82
The &ame 5ehind The &ame 88
Startin) 4ut in Competitive $la% !
9uac-le !3
:%77%va !8
Internet Scrabble Club 5
Aerolith 6
Scrabble b% $hone 8
5oo-s *
Scrabble ;ariants *3
Scrabble Around The World *5
$la%in) 0<uipment *6
&lossar% *2
Appendi1 33
,ules &overnin) Word Inclusion 33
T#o3letter #ords 36
Three3letter #ords '!
SCRABBLE is a registered trademark. All intellectual property rights in and to the game are owned in the U.S.A. by asbro
!nc." in Canada by asbro Canada !nc. and throughout the rest o# the world by $.%. Spear & Sons Ltd. o# 'aidenhead SL( )UB"
England" a subsidiary o# 'attel !nc. 'attel and Spear are not a##iliated with asbro or asbro Canada.
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available free of char)e= There is no cop%ri)ht on the contents and readers are encoura)ed to
distribute the boo- in $D/ or printed form to all #ho #ould benefit from it= $lease respect our #or- b% retainin) the footer on ever% pa)e
and b% refrainin) from reproducin) an% part of this boo- for financial )ain=
*hank you to the #ollowing people who helped with this pro+ect through contribution o# ideas" support and proo#,reading-
Crai) 5eevers> Theresa 5ennett> ,ob%n 5o#ie> Anand 5uddhdev> Am% 5%rne> ?ohn Che#> 5rid)et Dunbar> @ate /u-a#a3Connell%>
4liver &arner> 5arr% &rossman> Cornelia &uest> Sarah3?ane "olden> Aic-% "uitson> ,i- '@oft)ari' @enned%> @itt%3?ean .a)inha>
Chris Ma%> Wend% $ittman> David Sutton> Michael Thelen> ?ohn ;an $elt> David Webb> Mi-e Whiteoa-=
Scrabuli7er soft#are B###=scrabuli7er=comC #as used for the board dia)rams= Man% than-s to Seth .ip-in for the #ebsite desi)n=
Special than-s to Chris $hilpot for the front cover art#or-= Chris's #ebsite ###=chrisphilpot=co=u- offers a )limpse into his man% talents=
Lasciate ogni speranza, voi ch'entrate!
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at
*he Scrabble .layer/s andbook
This boo- has been #ritten b% a do7en of the #orld's leadin) Scrabble pla%ers> all of #hom have
competed in past World Scrabble Championships and man% other maDor international tournaments=
4ur intention is to provide an eas%3to3read )uide to ever%thin) %ou need to -no# about this
#onderful )ame> #hether %ou are a re)ular online pla%er> perhaps thin-in) about steppin)
nervousl% into a Scrabble club for the first time> or alread% a seasoned tournament attendee
interested in improvin) to e1pert status= We'll start off #ith the basics of competitive Scrabble and
end up coverin) ever%thin) the )ame has to offer at all levels=
We are -een to share our advice on ever%thin) from #ord learnin) and #innin) strate)ies to
practical information such as #here to bu% the best Scrabble boards and #here to pla% online=
"o#ever this boo- is not Dust about improvement but about appreciation of the )ame of Scrabble>
#hich #e believe is best achieved b% understandin) its comple1ities= We believe that the
combination of creativit%> strate)%> luc-> memor%> aesthetics> tension and fun ma-es Scrabble
#orth% of bein) pla%ed at the hi)hest possible level> and furthermore that consistentl% )ood
Scrabble pla% is a lot more achievable than man% people believe= It is the belief of ever% contributor
to this boo- that e1pert level Scrabble pla% is achievable b% anyone #ho has the motivation to #or-
to#ards itE all %ou need is the confidence and inspiration to learn> alon) #ith the information tellin)
%ou ho# to )et there= We're )oin) to provide %ou #ith ever%thin) %ou need to -no# #ithin these
pa)es> and hopefull% raise a fe# smiles alon) the #a% too=
A fe# %ears a)o an Israeli e1pert pla%er #as )ivin) some advice to a ne#comer> onl% for her to
repl%F G4h I don't #ant to ta-e it that seriousl%> I onl% pla% for funH= The e1pert repliedF GWell #hat do
%ou thin- I pla% it for> miser%?IH= Scrabble is a )ame in #hich enDo%ment improves concurrentl% #ith
abilit%= Wide open boards #ith man% possibilities lead to hi)her scores and a more interestin)
e1perience for both pla%ers= If cra7% #ords #ith obscure meanin)s put %ou off then %ou ma% #ell
be readin) the #ron) boo-E this is ver% different from Scrabble #ith )rann% at Christmas= Contrar%
to some people's belief that learnin) useful Scrabble vocabular% Gta-es the fun out of the )ameH>
the authors of this boo- -no# ho# much fun it can be to la% do#n a bi7arre3loo-in) combination of
letters in the -no#led)e that the opponent's attempt to challen)e it off #ill be unsuccessful> or ho#
thrillin) it can be to combine #ord3po#er #ith a #ell devised strate)% to s<uea- a #in out of a
seemin)l% impossible end)ame.
Competitive Scrabble is tou)h and %ou must prepare to ma-e a thousand mista-es #ithout )ivin)
upE remember that an e1pert is defined as someone #ho has made ever% possible mista-e #ithin a
narro# fieldI 5ut remember also that 88J of people #ill never be more than quite good at an%thin)E
if %ou #ant to be in the J that are e1cellent at somethin)> this boo- #ill teach %ou ho#=
Whether %ou're an online Scrabble fan #antin) a fe# tips to help beat %our friends or #hether
%ou're curious about ta-in) %our Scrabble to Gthe ne1t levelH> #e hope %ou )et as much enDo%ment
out of this boo- as #e have from #ritin) it= $lease help us to share our love of the )ame b%
distributin) this boo- to an%one #ho mi)ht benefit from itE it is a )ift to all Scrabble lovers across
the #orld from the people #ho understand the )ame better than an%one else=
This is ho# #e pla% Scrabble=
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at
Editor/s 1ote
The "andboo- presumes that %ou are alread% familiar #ith the basic )ame rules of Scrabble> such
as the face value of each letter tile and the premium s<uares and ho# move scores are calculated=
If %ou're not> a <uic- #eb search #ill find the standard Scrabble rules on a variet% of #ebsites=
/or the purpose of consistenc%> the term 'bonus' is used to refer to pla%in) all seven tiles in one
turn= This can also be -no#n as a 'bin)o'> a 'Scrabble' and various other terms used around the
The board )rid references are in the format B6dC> indicatin) a #ord #hich starts in the 6
ro# in the
d column= The direction of the pla% is sho#n b% #hether the letter or number appears first> thus a
#ord at B6dC is pla%ed hori7ontall% alon) the 6
ro#> #hile a #ord at Bd6C is pla%ed verticall% in the d
An asteris- denotes an invalid #ord Ba phone%C such as DICKL=
Althou)h some effort has been made to e1plain Scrabble terminolo)% as it appears> in case of
doubt please refer to the &lossar% at the end of the boo-=
Some chapters are #ritten b% one author and credited as such> althou)h other "andboo- team
members ma% have offered advice and su))estions durin) the #ritin) process= 4ther chapters are
not credited to a specific author and should be vie#ed as #ritten b% the #hole "andboo- team
This boo- has ta-en its authors several hundreds of hours to compile and it is presented to the
Scrabble communit% entirel% free= This mi)ht appear )enerous but our motivation for #ritin) the
boo- is entirel% selfishE #e love pla%in) Scrabble face to face #ith people across the #orld and #e
#ant more people to pla% a)ainstI We #ould li-e %ou to distribute an% part or all of the information
here to an%one to #hom it #ould be of benefit> and #e positivel% encoura)e %ou to email around
the $D/ or print> photocop% and distribute an% part of The Scrabble Player's Handbook as #idel%
as possible= ?ust ma-e sure %ou al#a%s retain the footer at the bottom of ever% pa)e to )ive us due
credit for our #or-=
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at
'eet *he *eam
Stewart olden BeditorC
Aorthern Ireland
I'm ori)inall% from 41ford> 0n)land but have been resident in Aorthern
Ireland since *!!2 #here I live #ith m% #ife and our t#o children= I pla%ed
Scrabble casuall% durin) m% teens but onl% discovered the competitive
scene in *!!! #hen I found m%self at universit% #ith 5rett Smitheram
Bbelo#C> #ho mentored me to e1pert level= I have since become an A5S$
&randmaster and represented +@ at the World Championships in *!!3
and *!> finishin) a satisf%in) *2
in the latter and notchin) up the
hi)hest individual )ame score of the tournament B(8'ptsC= I #as runner3up
in the +@ Aational Championship in *!!6 and have #on a variet% of minor
tournaments over m% thirteen %ears of competitive pla%= I am ver% active
in Scrabble administration and have been on the A5S$ committee for
over ten %ears=
I love Scrabble because it combines so man% different s-ills M memor%> spatial a#areness>
creativit%> mathematics> lin)uistics> ps%cholo)% M in a #a% that nothin) else does= The local and
international Scrabble communities are ver% important to me I find that even durin) rare periods of
bein) out of favour #ith the )ame itself> it is the people I miss that al#a%s -eeps me comin) bac-
for more=
E2an Bero#sky
I am 3(> a .ibra> and enDo% short #al-s off lon) piers= I currentl% live
in Toronto> Canada> but #ill soon be movin) to 41ford> Michi)an for
marital reasons and shoddier health covera)e= While in the +S> I #ill
continue m% Dobs of lo)istics anal%st and freelance sports #riter
Bsurprisin)l% not relatedC=
Since I've started pla%in) 'professionall%' 5 %ears a)o> I have #on
more than 3! tournaments= This doesn't include the nine times I've
ta-en the Toronto Club championship season title= I have also
represented Canada t#ice at the WSC B*!!3> *!!6C> finishin) #ith an
even #in3loss record in both events=
In m% opinion> Scrabble is the perfect combination of s-ill and strate)%= @no#in) and accumulatin)
#ords is one thin)> but #hat reall% )ot me hoo-ed to the )ame is ho# the% can be applied in both a
fun and intelli)ent #a%= I've stuc- #ith Scrabble as I can still treat it as a )ame= /ocus ma% be
necessar% at times> but I tr% to use most of m% resources in life for other thin)s B#eird> I -no#C=
Andrew 3isher
I am an auditor and Chartered Accountant livin) in Melbourne= I hold
passports for both +@ and Australia> but havin) emi)rated in *!!* I no#
represent the latter= I have competed in Scrabble tournaments for #ell over
t#ent% %ears> #itnessin) man% chan)es in the le1icon and pla%in)
environment M mostl% for the better= M% first international event #as the 88
WSC> and I have ta-en part in ever% edition e1cept 883E domesticall% I have
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at

notched up <uite a fe# maDor #ins includin) Aationals and Masters in both +@ and Australia> but
alas nothin) better than second in international tourne%s BCAA Masters> @in)Ns Cup and WSCC= I
co#rote the #ell3re)arded How to Win at Scrabble #ith David Webb> and I have been on the board
of W0S$A as Treasurer since its formation= I also enDo% solvin) and settin) tou)h cr%ptic
cross#ords> and have had several of m% o#n published Bincludin) ten to date in the Times .istener
I pla% Scrabble because m% brain #or-s in letters and #ords rather than ima)es> so in the first
instance there is an aesthetic pleasure to the )ame= I am not an out)oin) person but I have a
stron) competitive spirit> and Scrabble enables me to pit m% #its a)ainst other pla%ers in a #a%
that appeals M deplo%in) a hu)e repositor% of beautiful #ords> solvin) a series of thou)ht3provo-in)
problems to best effect as the )ame pro)resses> and stretchin) m% o#n abilit% to find #a%s of
.aul 4allen
Aorthern Ireland
M% maDor Scrabble achievements to date have been finishin) 2th in
WSC *!> 'th in Cause#a% Challen)e *!!> four Aorthern Ireland
Championship titles> one All Ireland Championship and holdin) the title
of current +@ Aational Champion B*!*C=
I enDo% the )ame as it is a mi1ture of lan)ua)e and maths> t#o subDects
#hich I enDo%ed at school= It is a ver% eas% )ame to )et started at and
there is no limit to ho# much %ou can improve= I also enDo% the
tournament scene> in particular international tournaments #here %ou
)et to meet ne# people and see a bit of the #orld=
5a2e 6oenig
I )re# up in Ae# ?erse%> +SA> and pla%ed competitive chess from a)e
eleven on#ards> #innin) the state 0lementar% School Championship
and t#ice the state "i)h School Championship> and eventuall%
attainin) the ran- of /ID0 Master= After readin) Stefan /atsis's best3
sellin) boo- Word Freak in *!!*> I too- up tournament Scrabble= I
reached the e1pert ran-in)s after about a %ear of tournament pla% and
have #on numerous tournaments= I represented +SA in the *!!2 Can3
Am Challen)e and the *! World Scrabble Championship= I live in
the Washin)ton> DC area and #or- as a computer pro)rammer>
occasionall% also assistin) Stefan /atsis in or)ani7in) School Scrabble
tournaments in the re)ion=
I pla% Scrabble because it's funI I did a double maDor in colle)e in Mathematics and Classics> and I
see Scrabble as brin)in) to)ether the precise calculation and beautiful lo)ic of mathematics #ith
the #himsical histor% and #onderful illo)ic of lan)ua)e=
Chris Lipe
I'm a 33 %ear old computer pro)rammer for the +S )overnment= Wh% do I pla% Scrabble? Mostl%
for the fame and )lamor= This seems unli-el%> )iven that> %ou -no#> it's Scrabble> and %ou'd be
ri)htF seven %ears into m% Scrabble career and I'm still toilin) in relative obscurit%> but it is much
more li-el% that I'd turn the Scrabble thin) into a realit% T; sho# than some endeavor that I'm not
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at
)ood at= Scrabble is a )reat adventureF initiall% I )ot into it to test m%self a)ainst the best> to see
ho# far I could develop as a pla%er= Toda%> that )ro#th continues> but as #ell I've found the people
in the )ame> all over the #orld> to be a )reat )roup of friends=
Edward 'artin
I'm a 3( %ear old IT consultant> ori)inall% from .ondon but no# resident in
S#eden #ith m% #ife and dau)hter= I've #on <uite a fe# tournaments at
home and abroad and I represented 0n)land at the World Championship
several times= M% brother ?ames is famous for an ama7in) numbers
)ame on Countdo#nE #orth loo-in) up on KouTube= I pla% Scrabble for
the competition> the e1citement> and because I Dust doI
6e2in 'c'ahon
"ello> I'm @evin McMahon> *6 %ears old> based in Cor-> Ireland> #here I'm trainin) to be a ph%sics
M% Scrabble achievementsF I've #on man% tournaments in Ireland> includin) the All Ireland
Championship three times B*!!6> *!!2 O *!!8C= I #as on the #innin) Irish team at the *! /our
Aations tournament> #here I also finished top of the individual standin)s= Most recentl% I #on the
*!* 5MSC B5ritish Matchpla% Scrabble ChampionshipC= I also represented Ireland at the *!!8
WSC in Mala%sia> #hich #as one of the )reatest e1periences of m% life despite a disappointin)
final result B(5thC=
As for #h% I pla%? /irstl%> the act of memorisin) loads of #ords appeals to m% obsessive nature=
The sense of pro)ression as I improve more and more is <uite re#ardin)= I believe the element of
luc- adds )reatl% to the )ame= I li-e the feelin) of e1citement and drama each time I turn over ne#
tiles> from m% heart sin-in) if the% are Dun- to the bu77 I )et #hen I realise I have a fanc% hi)h3
scorin) bonus=
4ver the %ears I've also )ro#n to enDo% the social side of the )ame and the chance to spend time
#ith man% )reat people> some of #hom I #ould never normall% )et the chance to interact #ith= The
ran)e of different t%pes of people #ho enDo% Scrabble is somethin) to be proud of I feel=
Edward 7kulic8
INm a 33%ear old public servant and freelance editor> based in S%dne%>
Australia= I have competed in four World Championships and I #as runner
up in the *!!2 Cause#a% Challen)e> at the time the #orld's lon)est
tournament= I also #on the *! and *!* Australian Masters= I
completed a $h=D= that loo-ed at Scrabble pla%ers as an e1ample of a
communit% of practice #hich fosters learnin) in its participants=
I pla% Scrabble because I love #ords> problem solvin) and mental combat
M and a )ood )ame of Scrabble ta1es a variet% of intellectual faculties=
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at
Allan Simmons
After man% %ears in the IT industr% I am no# a full3time Scrabble
consultant Bboo-s> media pu77lesParticles> courses> etc=C= I #as +@
Aational Champion in *!!2 and have #on the 5MSC four times and the
A5S$ Masters t#ice=
I first became a#are of Scrabble> a)ed 5> at school> discoverin) that I
#as attracted to ana)rams and #ord forms= A friend introduced me to
pla%in) Scrabble b% post and the Games and Puzzles ma)a7ine of the
86!s and I became hoo-ed on #ord3pu77lin) challen)es= At school I
had to persuade m% teachers to allo# me to ta-e both art and
mathematics at advanced level Bit #as not a normal optionIC and I e1pect
it #as that interest in those subDects that Scrabble conDoined as a )ame= I
sa# #ords as an art form and enDo%ed #or-in) out the strate)ies of the )ame usin) m% )rasp or
probabilities Bthere #as ver% little> if an%> strate)% #ritten do#n an%#here at the timeC=
When I dared to pla% face3to3face Scrabble in the .ondon .ea)ue> a)ed 2> I #as surprised that
most pla%ers #ere relativel% casual and didnNt reall% bother to learn man% ne# or unusual #ords
apart from the t#os and those that the% pic-ed up from others= Thus> I came in at the top end and
found I #as doin) #ell #ithout much e1tra effort Bthat certainl% #ouldnNt be the case no# #here the
startin) bar is much hi)herC=
4ne particular fascination #as the belief that there could be a seven or ei)ht3letter #ords hidden in
most reasonabl% balanced rac-s Bno ana)ram lists around at the time to -no# either #a%C and so
after most pla%in) session it #as a <uestion of spendin) hours flic-in) throu)h the dictionar%
BChambersC methodicall% seein) #hat bonus #ords #ere missed #ith li-el% rac-s=
I thin- perhaps I #ouldnNt have stuc- at Scrabble if the I #asnNt )ettin) the bu77 from Q#innin)N as a
re#ard for effort=
Brett Smitheram
I'm a 33%r old headhunter for a .ondon recruitment firm and have
been pla%in) Scrabble since I #as 6= M% Scrabble achievements
include bein) +@ Aational Champion in *!!!> four times 5MSC
champion> Masters Champion> (th in *! WSC and former no= in
the #orld ran-in)s=
INve al#a%s held a fascination for lan)ua)e> and Scrabble combines
this fascination #ith the adrenaline rush of po-er M there is nothin) li-e
#or-in) out %ou can onl% #in if the onl% tile left in the ba) is the
blan-=== and then turnin) it over and -no#in) %ouNve #on= The
Scrabble communit% has a )reat level of camaraderie on the #hole> so
itNs )reat to be part of such a movement=
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at
4eo## *he2enot
Scrabble achievementsF *nd in +=S= Aationals> *!!(E competed in
WSC in *!!6> *!!8 and *! Bfinished *st> *st and (thCE 'th in
World $la%ers Championship> *!!2=
Wh% do I pla% Scrabble? I came to the )ame after readin) Stefan
/atsis's boo- Word Freak about ten %ears a)o= I'd al#a%s had an
affinit% for #ords and )ames> and upon readin) the boo- I
decided to ta-e m% shot at becomin) a stron) tournament pla%er=
The Dourne% has been and continues to be ever% bit as enDo%able
and endlessl% challen)in) as I had hoped= What -eeps me
comin) bac-> in addition to all the friends I've made and #onderful
e1periences I've had alon) the #a%> is that a )ame of Scrabble
can pull m% mind in so man% different directions= It's a Du))lin) act
involvin) man% facets of lan)ua)e> probabilit%> strate)%> board )eometr%> and even ps%cholo)%= And
%ou Du))le all of these on the cloc- in one3on3one competition that so often has a thrillin)>
counterpunchin) feel to it> thou)h ultimatel% %ou're testin) %our #its a)ainst the )ame itself= I could
pla% this )ame ever% da% for the rest of m% life and not hope to come close to masterin) it all= And
that's ho# it should beI
*oh %eibin
I'm a **3%ear old student from Sin)apore= I have pla%ed
competitive Scrabble since *!!'> #ith minor tournament
successes both locall% and overseas= $ersonal hi)hli)hts include
#innin) the World Kouth Championships in *!!6 as #ell as the
Aational Championships at home in *!E I #as also honoured to
represent m% home countr% at the Worlds in *!=
I pla% this )ame for a variet% of reasons= I am continuall%
charmed b% the curious #ords used in the )ame 3 it al#a%s a#es
me #hen someone pla%s a #ord I have never seen before= I li-e
the anal%ses behind the )ame as #ell> as the% brin) order to the
chaos behind the letters= The most important reason #h% I pla%
this )ame> ho#ever> is its international presence= I am most
e1cited about visitin) places> e1periencin) the different t%pes of
tournaments all over the #orld and meetin) fello# Scrabble
pla%ers= The sheer variet% of pla%ers %ou encounter in an
international tournament is ama7in)=
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at
%hat/s di##erent about competiti2e Scrabble9
Family and riends learn that it's not such a good idea to ask how the Scrabble is going! "n
res#onse$ a serious #layer might launch into tales o his latest study regimen or tournament gae!
Serious Scrabble is an acquired taste! The urther into the game a #layer goes$ the more remo%ed
he becomes rom the #arlour #layer's understanding o Scrabble! &nly ellow loonies get it!' 3 $aul
McCarth%> (etterati
When ta-in) the first tentative step to#ards more serious Scrabble pla%> either b% enterin) a local
competition or turnin) up at a Scrabble club for the first time Bas even e1perts once started outC> a
fe# thin)s about more formalised Scrabble pla% sometimes come as a surprise= .et's have a loo-
at some of the differences=
/riendl% )ames of Scrabble #ith the famil% at Christmas mi)ht have involved three or four pla%ers>
but competitive Scrabble is strictl% a one3on3one activit%= Increasin) the number of pla%ers
drasticall% increases the luc- factor> as %ou are onl% allocated a small handful of the !! tiles to
pla% #ith> #hile more advanced strate)ic considerations such as tile trac-in) Bmore on this laterC
become impossible #hen more pla%ers are involved= &ames #ith more than t#o pla%ers are also
fairl% borin)> as %ou have to #ait so lon) for %our turn to come around= 4ut3of3hours )ames at
Scrabble tournaments mi)ht see a team of t#o competin) a)ainst one pla%er> or perhaps t#o3
a)ainst3t#o> but there are never more than t#o GsidesH pla%in)=
The penalt% for pla%in) an invalid #ord is al#a%s the loss of %our turn> presumin) that the opponent
has been sensible enou)h to issue a challen)e of %our #ord= The responsibilit% for chec-in) the
validit% of %our opponent's #ords lies entirel% #ith you and never #ith %our opponent= The recent
sur)e in popularit% of online Scrabble )ames offerin) a Gno challen)eH mode in #hich #ords are
chec-ed automaticall% b% a computer before bein) put on the board has made it more difficult for
ne# pla%ers to become accustomed to chec-in) #ords pla%ed a)ainst them> but in realit% it is an
eas% habit to )et into> especiall% once %ou realise the painful conse<uences of failin) to do so=
There is no s<uabblin) over #hether a #ord should be allo#ed because one fi1ed #ord list is used
to determine validit%= The #ord authorit% used in competitive )ames is )ollins Tournament and
)lub Word (ist *+,-+ edition.E this is true for ever% countr% in the #orld e1cept for +SA and
Canada> #hich stic- to a smaller> more localised #ord list= The Collins #ord list can be obtained in
most boo-shops> but to ensure that %ou have the correct edition #e recommend chec-in) the
,esources section at the bac- of this boo- for the correct IS5A numbers=
All tournaments and some clubs use timers Bcommonl% -no#n as chess cloc-sC to ma-e sure that
)ames are finished in a reasonabl% timel% manner and one overlon) pairin) of pla%ers doesn't slo#
thin)s do#n for ever%one else= The standard time allo#ance is *5 minutes per pla%er per )ame>
meanin) that most )ames last bet#een '!35! minutes in total= This mi)ht seem dauntin) at first
but )ettin) used to a )ame #ith the cloc- is onl% a matter of practice= It's not as hard as it first
seemsI &ood time mana)ement is discussed in a later chapter=
4ther than the differences above> %ou'll find that if %ou're pla%in) competitivel% for the first time it's
not much different to the )ame %ou've alread% -no#n and loved for %earsE= The onl% other
difference is that nobod% #ill chastise %ou for usin) obscure #ords= In fact> the more the merrierI
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at
ow to .lay 4ood Scrabble
G&ood ScrabbleH can be defined as the )ame pla%ed b% those #ho -no# not onl% the basic )ame
rules but #ho follo# the principles #hich separate the Scrabble that a casual pla%er mi)ht enDo%
pla%in) #ith famil% members from the advanced )ame %ou #ill understand b% the end of this boo-=
As #ith ever% )ame there are occasions in #hich those principles should be i)nored> but in order to
identif% such moments %ou first need to learn the principles themselves= "ere are the top tips #hich
#ill immediatel% start %ou on %our Dourne% to#ards Scrabble stardom=
3or e2ery potential play" the letters le#t behind on the rack are +ust as important as the
Success at Scrabble is achieved b% assessin) a board position #ith a rac- of seven tiles and then
compilin) a list of candidate mo%es before decidin) to pla% the one #hich seems best= In the
over#helmin) maDorit% of positions durin) the first half to t#o3thirds of ever% )ame of Scrabble %ou
#ill ever pla%> the t#o most important factors to consider areF
the score
the <ualit% of the rac- leave
/ack lea%e refers to the tiles %ou are choosin) not to pla% on this turn and #hich #ill therefore form
the basis of %our ne1t rac-= When e1pert pla%ers are as-ed b% Dournalists or other non3Scrabble
pla%ers for the sin)le most important piece of advice a ne# pla%er could be )iven> almost all of
them #ill sa% that appreciation of the importance of rac- leave rather than simpl% )oin) b% score
alone is the thin) #hich #ill most immediatel% improve an%one's abilit% to pla% Scrabble= The abilit%
to evaluate Gscore vs= rac- leaveH and pic- a move offerin) a )ood balance of both is the bac-bone
of all Scrabble move selection=
Blank and S are the most 2aluable tiles in the game.
The value of each tile in the Scrabble set can be measured in t#o #a%s= The most obvious value is
the nominal point value printed on the ph%sical tile itself B0 is #orth pt> 9 is #orth !pts> etc=C=
"o#ever> each tile also has an intrinsic value to %ou as a pla%er #ith the )oal of buildin) #ords and
pla%in) bonusesE this is #hat the tile is actuall% '#orth' #hen -ept behind to form part of %our ne1t
These t#o -inds of values usuall% have a ne)ative correlation M ?9R: mi)ht have a hi)h face
value but the% ma-e buildin) #ords more difficult> #hile the most useful tiles BA0IA,STC are onl%
'#orth' pt each> or even 7ero in the case of the most useful tile> the blan- B#hich is usuall% printed
as a <uestion mar-> thus G?HC but these tiles are the -e% to orientin) one's rac- to#ards those
crucial bonus pla%s=
Whilst be)inners mi)ht complain that the blan- Gdoesn't score an%thin)H and therefore should be
dispensed #ith as <uic-l% as possible> this is strate)icall% suicidal as the blan-'s abilit% to act as the
missin) lin- to complete an% promisin)3loo-in) rac- )ives it enormous value= It should rarel% be
used in a non3bonus pla%> the onl% e1ception to this bein) #hen a move usin) the blan- scores
substantiall% hi)her than an% other available move= The usual rule of thumb is that the blan- has an
actual value of *!33!pts dependin) on the sta)e of the )ame> #hich means that %ou should not
use the blan- unless doin) so adds at least that number of points to %our move score= /or
e1ample> if %ou can score *'pts #hilst -eepin) the tiles 0I,T? or score '!pts #hilst -eepin) onl%
0I,T> %ou #ould be better to ta-e the lo#er score and retain the blan-= Kou are simpl% not )ettin)
enou)h value out of the blan- b% onl% usin) it to )ain (pts=
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at
The same principle applies to the S> #hich has an actual value of around 23!pts= This is because
it is the most commonl% appearin) consonant in bonus pla%sE one3ei)hth of the #ords in the
0n)lish lan)ua)e be)in #ith the letter S and it is the letter most commonl% used to pluralise or
inflect #ords> allo#in) %ou to hoo- %our o#n pla% onto an e1istin) #ord on the board more easil%=
When considerin) a move #hich uses the S on %our rac-> as- %ourself #hether %ou can score
#ithin 2pts of that move #hilst retainin) the S for %our ne1t turn= If %ou can> do=
*he high,scoring tiles $:;< are usually more o# a hindrance than a help" and holding on to
them is the road to ruin.
The tiles ?9R: appear once in the tile distribution and the% are the ultimate double3ed)ed s#ords
in Scrabble= The% can occasionall% score #ell due to their hi)h face value and can often be placed
on a double or triple score for over '!pts #ith relative ease> but their appearance on the rac- also
usuall% ruins one's attempt to turn a promisin) rac- leave into a bonus pla%=
There is common belief amon)st be)inners that it is Gnot #orthH usin) ?9R: unless one can
achieve a si7eable score #ith them= This leads to endless clun-% non3bonus rac-s #hile the pla%er
#aits for the m%stical super3pla% to appear> #hich it usuall% doesn't= Mean#hile their opponent has
dumped their difficult tiles for a lo#er score and then pla%ed a bonus to ta-e a comfortable lead=
@eepin) an% of ?9R: #ill immediatel% harm the value of %our rac- leave> thus as soon as one of
these tiles appears on %our rac- %ou should loo- to pla% it for #hatever is available and onl%
choose not to do so if there is a substantiall% hi)her3scorin) pla% available else#here #hich #ill
compensate for the dama)e done to %our rac- leave= 0ven a simple 9I for pts #ill often prove to
be a superior move than a *533!pt pla% else#here that leaves %ou stuc- #ith the 9 for the ne1t
/ull -no#led)e of the '3letter #ords #ith ?9R: Bthere aren't too man%C and a smatterin) of useful
5s #ill help %ou to shed these heav%#ei)hts #ith ease and allo# %ou to carr% on to#ards %our ne1t
Si8e doesn/t matter
4ne of the most often repeated pieces of poor advice passed around amon)st ne# pla%ers sounds
li-e thisF
" you'%e #layed 00 o the tiles at the end o the game and your o##onent has only #layed 10$ that
means you'll ha%e scored more #oints! Turn o%er as many tiles as #ossible on e%ery turn and you'll
ha%e a better chance o getting the blanks and S's!'
There is a correlation bet#een #innin) and pla%in) more tiles than %our opponent> but this is
because #inners tend on avera)e to pla% more bonuses than losers= These bonuses have
appeared as a conse<uence of the pla%er mana)in) his rac- #ell throu)hout the )ame= The crucial
point #hich advocates of Gtile turnoverH fail to realise is that the quality of an% rac- leave is far more
important than the simple number of tiles pla%ed or retained= $ic-in) more tiles from the ba)
provides an increased chance of pic-in) unhelpful tiles Dust as much as it increases the chance of
pic-in) helpful ones=
The -e% to successful rac- mana)ement is avoidance of -eepin) duplicate letters and
understandin) #hich letter combinations have hi)h de)ree of Gs%ner)%HE put simpl%> ho# #ell the%
#or- to)ether= 9ualit% over <uantit%=

5e)inners #ill sometimes spot the possibilit% of a spectacular move #hich is almost pla%able> if
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at
onl% the board position #as sli)htl% different= The% decide that passin) their turn> scorin) 7ero and
-eepin) the same tiles> is strate)icall% sound= This is a hu)e mista-e and it is one of the easiest
#a%s to identif% %ourself as a poor pla%er=
"ere's the main reason this strate)% is so badF If attempted on the openin) move> an% sensible
opponent #ill simpl% use %our pass as an opportunit% to e1chan)e their o#n tiles> thereb% leavin)
%ou facin) the same startin) position and an opponent #ith a stron)er rac-I Kes> %our opponent
mi)ht be a pla%er #ho does not -no# that e1chan)in) is the correct counter pla% to a pass> but as
a )eneral principle Bin all casesC> %ou should avoid ma-in) intentionall% inferior pla%s simpl% to
match %our opponent's possible i)norance= 01tensive computer anal%sis has sho#n that there is
no openin) rac- in #hich passin) is the correct pla%= /urthermore the )ame ends after si1
consecutive scores of 7ero and so this -ind of silliness can lead to a )ame that is over before it has
even started=
What about the openin) move #hen %ou Dust need one floatin) Bi=e= openl% availableC tile to pla% a
reall% nice ei)ht3letter #ord? The ans#er is still noI The closest candidate is the openin) rac-
I4,ST+; #hich does not form a bonus on its o#n but combines #ith all five vo#els to ma-e ei)ht3
letter #ordsE ;I,T+4SA> ;I,T+4SEP;IT,E4+SP;4IT+,ES> ;I,T+4S!> ;I,T+4S7>
;I,T+4US respectivel%= "o#ever even #ith this rac- there are better moves available such as
;,4+> ;,4+S or e1chan)in) +; to -eep the bonus3oriented I4,ST=
In a Scrabble end)ame far )reater -no#led)e of the opponent's rac- comes into pla% Bmore on this
laterC and so the d%namics and rules of the )ame chan)e dramaticall%= It is #orth notin) that there
are situations in a tin% minorit% of end)ames Bfar fe#er than JC in #hich some e1perts have put
for#ard the ar)ument that passin) one's turn is strate)icall% DustifiableE such a situation occurs
#hen there is one tile left in the ba)> one pla%er has a sli)ht lead but pla%in) an% move #ould li-el%
lead to a loss #hereas a Gsi1 scores of 7eroH premature finish to the )ame #ould result in a #in= In
this position a pass is Dustifiable but such situations occur e1tremel% rarel%= In ever% other
ima)inable scenario> passin) is a mista-e=
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at
When your amily won't #lay with you any more$ it's time to
ind a Scrabble club
*he %ords
Allan Simmons
The word list is the bible or organized Scrabble! 2 word is either in the book or it isn't! Some
#layers criticize it because the words are either too weird or too common! &thers lament that it's
not a real dictionary with deinitions!!! but most get on with their Scrabble li%es and lea%e the
k%etching to others! They recognize that there has to be a standard! 2nyone who has tried to #lay
without one quickly realizes that!' 3 $aul McCarth%> (etterati
Social home pla%ers ma% choose #hatever dictionar% the% #ish to pla% to> but for consistenc%
across all clubs and tournaments there has to be a sin)le #ord authorit% #hich is used as a
Scrabble QbibleN to determine #hich #ords are allo#ed=
The #ord authorit% endorsed b% the World 0n)lish3lan)ua)e Scrabble $la%ers Association
BW0S$AC and used b% clubs and tournaments #orld#ide B#ith the e1ception of Aorth America
#hich has its o#n official #ordlistC is Collins 4fficial Scrabble Words BCSWC= At the time of #ritin)
the current edition is the *! publication> adopted b% the club and tournament movement from the
start of *!* and therefore referred to b% pla%ers as CSW*=
CSW lists all valid #ords from *35 letters in len)th= /or ease of use> the boo- is or)anised in t#o
sectionsF #ords of *38 letters #hich #ill be the ones loo-ed up the most> and #ords of !35 letters
#hich one ma% be re<uired to chec- from time to time= To date CSW has been updated about
ever% five %ears usin) the latest editions of its sources=
%hat is in it" and why9
CSW lists ever% #ord and their inflections Bthin)s li-e
verb endin)s and pluralsC as separate entries and in
strict alphabetical order so there is no scope for
misinterpretation= As an e1ample> the list on the ri)ht
sho#s ho# the #ords startin) $.+M5 #ill appear=
Aote ho# far a#a% $.+M5S is from the root verb
$.+M5 #hen in strict alphabetical order> and note that
the plural forms $.+M50,I0S and $.+M5A0SS0S
#ill be in the separate !35 letter #ord section=
The #ords come from several published dictionar%
sources and the list also includes all #ords that are
listed in the Aorth American official Scrabble #ord list
to ma-e it a trul% )lobal Scrabble authorit%= As a result>
CSW embraces a lot of 0n)lish usa)e in 0n)lish
spea-in) countries around the #orld> as #ell as a
ran)e of dialect #ords from +@ and #ords of historical
interest from literature> such as Sha-espeare and
archaic usa)e=
5o you need to know de#initions9
It is probabl% true to sa% that most top pla%ers learn man% thousands of #ords #ithout an% re)ard
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at
to the definitions= In contrast> there are man% social home pla%ers #ho believe that a pla%er should
-no# the meanin) of #ords that the% pla%= In the tournament and club movement across the #orld>
there is no re<uirement to define #ords that are pla%ed= That is probabl% Dust as #ell because it
#ould be both time3consumin) and a ni)htmare to enforce fairl%= The deli)htful 45AA&> for
e1ample> is defined as Gan old ?apanese oblon) )old coinH= If a pla%er had to define it to be able to
pla% it> could an% parts of the definition be left out and it still be passable? And #hat if it #as mis3
recalled as a Gs<uare coinH? So %ou see> there can be no rule insistin) on definitions=
"avin) said that> an interest in #hat the #ords mean can certainl% help %our Scrabble= It can aid
recall and also allo# %ou to ma-e informed )uesses as to #hether a #ord can ta-e an 3S> behave
as a verb> or perhaps ta-e a .atin plural form= 5ut if %ou #ant to improve %our Scrabble vocabular%
e1pedientl% it is best not to #orr% too much about #hat the unusual #ords mean=
/or those #ho li-e to accumulate definitions #hen the% loo- up #ords> there is a )ood hardbac-
version of CSW #ith minimal definitions sho#n Bsee 5oo-s sectionC=
ow do ! know what is likely to be allowed9
The e1act rules devised b% the W0S$A Dictionar% Committee for determinin) #hich #ords are
acceptable can be found in the Appendi1> but the follo#in) -e% points are reall% all %ou need to be
a#are of=
As a )eneral )uide all sin)ular nouns can have a plural form #hich for most #ill be the standard
addition of MS or M0S= Thus all the follo#in) plurals are allo#edF A$TA0SS0S 4RK&0AS
TIAWA,0S= If a #ord is of forei)n ori)in it ma% #ell have a forei)n plural instead of> or as #ell as>
the standard 0n)lish plural= ThatNs #h% %ouNll find both S0,+MS and S0,A allo#ed as plurals of
A lot of short adDectives of one s%llable Be=)= .44S0> 5+TC"C or of t#o s%llables endin) in MK Be=)=
,+STK> .AWAKC #ill ta-e a comparative and superlative form in M0,> 30ST= If %ou can ima)ine the
#ord havin) various de)rees to its definition> then it is most li-el% the comparative and superlative
forms #ill be allo#ed= Be=)=> .44S0, .44S0ST> 5+TC"0,> 5+TC"0ST> ,+STI0,> ,+STI0ST>
There are plent% of slan) #ords and contractions contained in the #ord list= So #ords such as DIS>
0D> "IKA> M4:> 4$> $,4/> +/4 are all allo#ed= ?ust remember that forms that are strictl%
abbreviations and onl% sho#n as such in the source dictionar% are not allo#ed= So 0TCL BetceteraC>
C4ATL BcontinuedC> and 0M/L Belectro3motive forceC are all invalid for that reason=
An% #ords that can onl% be spelt #ith an initial capital letter> or contain a capital letter are all
disallo#ed= This is #h% 4@L is not allo#ed Bonl% sho#n capitalised in the source dictionar% as &4C>
neither is $"L Bsho#n in the source dictionar% as #HC=
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at
%hat !s Scrabble9
Allan Simmons
The more " #ractice$ the luckier " get' 3 Gary Player
To the uninitiated> Scrabble is thou)ht of as a )ame in #hich luc- pla%s a si)nificant part in
determinin) #hether %ou have )ood or bad letters on %our rac-= This is truer #hen it is a three or
four3handed )ame but the t#o3pla%er )ame is <uite different= Whilst there is undoubtedl% an
element of luc- in the t#o3pla%er )ame> there is also a )reat deal more s-ill than the casual
observer ma% realise=
So #hat are the luc- and s-ill elements of Scrabble?
.+C@ 3 .0TT0,S F
The letters dra#n from the ba) and their compatibilit% #ith scorin) places on the board=
S@I.. 3 ;4CA5+.A,K F
The -no#led)e of valid #ords> the ammunition #ith #hich %ou can arm %ourself a)ainst the
opponent= A pla%er ma% have a vast #ord -no#led)e but little strate)ic s-ill to benefit from it=
Conversel% a pla%er #ith a smaller but relevant vocabular% coupled #ith strate)ic s-ills is li-el% to
be a better all3round pla%er= Whatever the case ma% be> it certainl% is not a luc- factor=
S@I.. 3 AAA&,AM S@I..S F
Abilit% to see #ordsPana)rams from Dumbled letters=
S@I.. 3 54A,D AWA,0A0SS F
A read% a#areness of the opportunities and threats on a board at an% point=
S@I.. 3 $,45A5I.ITI0S F
The abilit% to assess the li-elihood of pic-in) certain tiles from the ba) to maintain a balanced rac-
andPor achieve bonus #ord pla%s=
S@I.. 3 A+M0,ACK F
The abilit% to <uic-l% calculate scores for different pla%s in order to evaluate the best pla%s B#hich
isnNt al#a%s the hi)hest scorin) pla%C=
S@I.. 3 ST,AT0&K F
The abilit% to ma-e creative pla%s> ta-e timel% ris-s> thin- ahead> -no# #hen to pla% man% tiles or
fe# tiles> and calculate best end)ame pla%s=
So %ou can see from the above that there are a si)nificant number of s-ill areas= If these are
applied consistentl% the% #ill si)nificantl% reduce the element of luc- of the letter dra#= .etNs ta-e a
loo- at each of these s-ill areas briefl%> to)ether #ith some e1amples= All these areas are also
covered in more depth later in the boo-
W4,D @A4W.0D&0
This boo- has dedicated a #hole chapter to #ord -no#led)e because of its fundamental
importance to the )ame= Clearl%> the more #ords that are -no#n from the dictionar% of authorit%>
the more solutions a pla%er #ill have available for )ood scorin)> and resolvin) problem rac-s=
"o#ever> it isnNt necessar% to read a dictionar% from cover to cover because the #ord -no#led)e
can be selective to fit the most li-el% situations and needs that arise durin) the )ame= This is
covered in a separate section but here are a fe# e1amples of the po#er of vocabular%=
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at
If %ou found %ourself startin) #ith the rac- AC0IIIA then> #ith an elementar% vocabular%> pla%s
such as IC0> AIC0> AC0 ma% occur to %ou= 5ut these all -eep t#o a#-#ard INs on the rac-=
@no#led)e of the #ords IAIA or ACIAI here offers immediate resolution to the problem=
If %ou find %ourself #ith the lo#3scorin) tiles AD0I.4, then #ords such as ,AI.> .4AD0,> or
ma%be 4,D0A. can be found= 5ut it is onl% #ith a more specialist Scrabble vocabular% of seven3
letter #ords that occur #ith common letters that %ou mi)ht be able to pla% DA,I4.0 for a 5!pt
Suppose %ou have a fairl% obvious bonus #ord on %our rac-> "0ATIA&> but the board is as belo#=
To the casual pla%er it loo-s li-e %ouNll have to for)o the bonus pla%=
"o#ever> #ith some specialist -no#led)e of a fe# unusual hoo-s to the e1istin) #ords on the
board there are actuall% several useful openin)s=
Kou ma% have spotted the possibilities for T0A,/+. or /0A,/+. Bh'C but #hat about the
0RACT ta-es " before it for "0RACT
4@AK ta-es T before it for T4@AK
$I.0 ta-es I after it for $I.0I
"4M0.K ta-es A after it for "4M0.KA
/rustratin)l%> even #ith -no#led)e of those unusual #ords "0ATIA& still #onNt fit on the board=
"o#ever> -no#led)e of useful ana)ram pairs reveals that "0ATIA& has the ana)ram &A"AIT0
#hich is pla%able in four different positions> the top score bein) &A"AIT0 BhC for !'pts= ThatNs
the difference #ord -no#led)e can ma-e to a move and scoreI
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at
0ven in the most successful )ame> onl% 3 or ' of %our moves #ill be bonus pla%s= A t%pical )ame
consists of *35 moves per pla%er and thus -no#led)e of shorter #ords> particularl% those #hich
help to rid %our rac- of tiles not conducive to bonuses> is Dust as important as -no#in) the bonuses
Durin) a )ame the letters arrive on %our rac- randoml% and it #ould be ver% fortunate for them to
spell out a useful #ord on %our rac-=
4ne #a% to prompt #ords on %our rac- is to move the tiles around> placin) compatible tiles
to)ether or formin) common prefi1es or suffi1es> or simpl% loo-in) for inspiration for an unusual
#ord %ou mi)ht -no#= /or e1ample> #ith the rac- of AA5C0,T> %ouNd need to either shuffle the
tiles or have the mental de1terit% to unravel #ords such as 5,AC0> A5AT0> CAT0,> C,AT0 and
so on= ItNs important to loo- be%ond the first #ords %ou find> since an alternative #ord or an
ana)ram of a #ord mi)ht be a better pla% andPor score more points=
&iven the 5!pt bonus for pla%in) all seven letters> either as a seven3letter #ord or even an ei)ht3
letter pla% usin) an available letter on the board> this is the area #here ana)ram s-ills and
-no#led)e are hu)el% beneficial= Durin) pla% there is never an%one to tell %ou #hen %ou have a
bonus #ord on %our rac- or not> so itNs #orth )ettin) into the habit of al#a%s loo-in) for a bonus
#ord no matter ho# unli-el% %our letters ma% be=
Would %ou have -ept loo-in) until %ou found CA5A,0T from the e1ample above? 01perts #ould
also -no# that CA5A,0T has t#o ana)rams> A5,0ACT and 50A,CAT=

/ormin) shorter #ords that mi)ht fit to)ether as a compound #ord can help as #ell= That #a% %ou
mi)ht have stumbled across 50A,CAT before CA5A,0T= Similarl% if %ou had the rac- AA5MA4T>
b% formin) 54AT %ouNre left #ith MAA and hence could #ell spot 54ATMAA=
Al#a%s assume there is a bonus #ord to find on %our rac- no matter ho# unli-el% the letters are>
and ma-e %ourself loo- for one= 4nl% then should %ou loo- for other pla%s=
Ta-e these series of rac-s> for e1ample> #hich ones #ould %ou be prompted to loo- for a seven3
letter #ord #ith?
A56L'RU AE!L7R* A53317 AC4!617
4nl% t#o of them %ield seven3letter #ords but #hich ones? Ao ans#ers here= So %ouNll have to
#or- at those> suffice to sa% the t#o #ords are not too unusual=
As a )ame develops> so do access to the various premium s<uares> openin)s for bonus #ords>
)ood scorin) spots for the hi)her3scorin) letters= These are both opportunities for one pla%er to use
and threats that the other pla%er mi)ht score from= Maintainin) a constant a#areness of these
opportunities and threats as the )ame develops is a s-ill in itself= Aaturall% the e1tent to #hich a
pla%er is a#are of the board situation is hindered or boosted accordin) to the number of useful
#ords the% -no# and their -no#led)e of #hat letters are still to come from the ba) 33 althou)h a
pla%er can have a ver% )ood vocabular% and still not be )ood at spottin) places to pla% #ords on
the board=
Ta-e a loo- at this )ame situation= "ave a )ood loo- at the board and consider #hat %ou mi)ht
re)ard as the scorin) opportunities=
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at
The board is <uite open but the bi))est scorin) opportunities Bor threats if %ou need to be
defensiveC mi)ht not be #here %ou thin-= The & at BbC and the A at Bo'C are not considered
dan)erous even thou)h the% lie on TWS lines= The & is a#-#ard to use in its position and the A is
alread% coverin) the D.S #hich in combination #ith the TWSs #ould have been the bi))est
scorin) dan)er= The possibilities of scorin) #ell #ith .A:0 do#n to the TWS at Bh5C are limited
because all the four DNs have been pla%ed and there is no valid #ord .A:0,L> so an S #ould be
the onl% letter to benefit from this= 4f course> if .A:0 later becomes 5.A:0 or &.A:0 then
5.A:0, or &.A:0, become possible= An% pla%s alon) ro# ' hoo-in) both A" and :4 are
restricted because the% #ould have to contain the se<uences AA A. A4 AS IA I. I4 IS SA S4 or
SS= Moreover> such pla%s are less #orr%in) because the% #ould also open access to the bottom
TWS line=
4n this board the )reatest scorin) opportunities areF
The hotspot for an R at BD(C scorin) 5!pts #ith one letter
The T.SPDWS combination accessed b% formin) BAC$.0ATK=
Access to the TWS at BhC throu)h formin) BACM4;0 or B0CM4;0
Seven3letter #ord openin)s> includin) the M4$0DBSC openin)
5oard a#areness #ill naturall% improve over time throu)h e1posure to more and more )ame
positionsE pattern reco)nition develops over time and #ill help %ou to spot the most li-el% places for
achievin) )ood scores or strate)ic cleverness=
This s-ill involves bein) familiar #ith the letter set and bein) a#are at an% point in the )ame #hat
letters are still to be pla%ed= In all competitive )ames pla%ers -eep trac- of the tiles pla%ed on their
scorepad in order to -no# the remainin) BunseenC tilesE more on this in the chapter on Tile
Trac-in)= This not onl% enables better mana)ement of a favourable balance of letters on the rac-
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at
but also helps in assessin) the ris-s of certain pla%s b% the opponent= As the )ame pro)resses and
the number of letters remainin) reduces so this s-ill becomes more si)nificant= Durin) pla% this
-no#led)e can help pla%ers ma-e the strate)ic decisions about #hich vo#els ou)ht to be pla%ed>
#hether to pla% more consonants than vo#els or vice versa> #hether to -eep bac- a )ood set of
letters in the hope of a bonus #ord> and so on= +ltimatel% top pla%ers #ill be able to deduce e1actl%
#hat letters their opponent has on their rac- once the ba) is empt%E see the 0nd)ame chapter for
the strate)ies involved=
It #ould not be possible to pla% Scrabble #ithout some basic numerac% s-ills since there is usuall%
a lot of addin) up and multipl%in) to do each turn= "o#ever the more adept %ou are at speed%
arithmetic Bthrou)h practice or natural abilit%C the better e<uipped %ou are to appl% strate)% to %our
)ame= ItNs not Dust a <uestion of tottin) up the score once %ou have pla%ed %our #ord on the board
M itNs also about carr%in) out a <uic- assessment of the scores achievable for all the reasonable
alternative moves %ou are considerin) before an% tiles are pla%ed> and read%3reco)nition of the
letter3values as second nature= /amiliarit% #ith the premium s<uares and letter values is essential
for speed% assessments of the best pla%s=
This s-ill applies to an% t#o3pla%er )ame= ItNs the abilit% to foresee the effect of %our move on the
)ame short term and lon) term= ItNs the abilit% to )au)e ho# the opponent mi)ht respond to %our
pla% and ho# %ou then mi)ht be able to respond in turn= ItNs the abilit% to pla% set3up pla%s> and
close or open the board for letters that ma% be still to come from the ba)= ItNs the abilit% to mana)e
the letter poolE to reco)nise #hen vo#els are more valuable than consonants and vice versa= ItNs
the abilit% to thin- about the effect of the positionin) of %our #ord on subse<uent pla%=
Rack 1: E E H N S T V
Rack 2: B G I O R T Y
Rack 3: D F I L T U U
Despite the unli-el% mi1 of letters on these rac-s> the% can each ma-e a seven3letter #ord= Kou
have to find the #ords> find the onl% place each can be pla%ed> and #or- out the scores=
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at
Scoring %ell
Allan Simmons
This section loo-s at ho# %ou mi)ht improve %our scorin) other than b% ma-in) bonus pla%s=
5onus pla%s #ill )ive %ou 5! points e1tra irrespective of the position on the board and )enerall%
ma-e )ood use of the lo#er scorin) one and t#o3point tiles= 4ther )ood scores re<uire an
a#areness of the scorin) opportunities #ith the premium s<uares available on the board and
involve s<uee7in) the most out of the hi)her scorin) tiles=
$A,A..0. $.AKS
The importance of t#o3letter #ords has alread% been emphasised and canNt be underestimated=
Without them and the three3letter #ords> it #ill be impossible to ma1imise %our scores from parallel
pla%s= 5% pla%in) #ords parallel to e1istin) #ords> not onl% #ill %ou be addin) the value of those
letters alread% on the board to %our score> but %ou ma% also have the opportunit% to compound the
value of an% premium s<uares covered b% %our pla%=
If the first #ord pla%ed is T4WA Bh6C and the second pla%er has the rac- AAD4,,?> a standard
Glivin) room pla%erH response mi)ht be W4,D Bi2C for 8pts= If ,4AD B8hC had been pla%ed instead>
parallel to T4WA> it #ould score almost double #ith (pts= The t#o letter #ords made are 4,> W4
and AA=
Aote that the double3letter score BD.SC beneath the W counts for the 4 in W4 and in ,4AD> in
effect ma-in) the one3pointer 4 )ain four times its value= A simple e1ample but one #hich clearl%
demonstrates the score )ains from parallel pla%=
Ta-in) this position one move further on> assume that the first pla%er no# has the rac- IIA$$+;
#ith the board no# as sho#n belo#F
5% continuin) the parallel pla% thin-in)> a score of *6pts can be obtained for $I$ B!DC or even
better $IA+$ B!DC for 35pts=
Thin-in) QparallelN ta-es some practice and itNs ver% eas% to succumb to more obvious pla%s
throu)h e1istin) letters on the board> but the re#ards are )reat if %ou can ma-e those shorter
#ords #or- for %ou in this #a%=
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"44@ 4$$4,T+AITI0S
4nce a)ain> if %ou can ma-e use of the value of e1istin) letters on the board then it follo#s that
%ou can improve %our )ame score= Words can be pla%ed so that the% hoo- onto e1istin) #ords at
the front or bac- >thereb% scorin) the face value of the e1istin) #ord a)ain= As mentioned in the
vocabular% section there are plent% of useful and interestin) hoo-s to learn and most pla%ers have
their o#n )ems up their sleeves=
5ut even the more common front and bac- hoo-s can be missed if the pla%er is not vi)ilant as the
)ame unfolds=
Whenever a ne# #ord is pla%ed on the board it is )ood to )et into the practice of immediatel%
chec-in) #hat sin)le letter e1tensions the #ord ma% ta-e and then bear these in mind durin) the
rest of the )ame= If the chec- is not done #hen the #ord is pla%ed> more often than not the hoo-
possibilit% can )et overloo-ed in later pla%=
Ta-e a loo- at this board> #hich at first )lance loo-s a little bloc-ed for )ood scorin) opportunities=

Ao# loo- a)ain and ma-e %ourself thin- about #hat letters mi)ht be able to )o in front of or at the
end of some of those e1istin) #ords= ItNs all too eas% for the brain to s#itch off especiall% if #ords
are vertical or the e1tension is at the front of the #ord= This is because #e naturall% read
hori7ontall% from left to ri)ht=
"ave %ou spotted the follo#in) openin)s on the above board?
An A in front of ;0A+0 to ma-e A;0A+0
An 4 before the unusual ;0,5ID to ma-e 4;0,5ID
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An I before S.AAD0, to ma-e IS.AAD0,
An 0 after STAM$0D to ma-e STAM$0D0 Bnote that STAM$0D4 is also allo#edC
There are also the less familiar but still useful front hoo-s for $.AID and C4D to ma-e
+$.AID and 0C4D respectivel%=
Kou #ill note that in some cases spottin) the hoo-s is vital to bein) able to have access to )ood
TWS scores on top of the score for the hoo-ed #ord itself= If %ou are a#are of IS.AAD0, in the
above situation %ou can score ver% #ell from the TWS as #ell as the 8 points for the hoo-ed #ord=
In other cases the hoo-ed #ords can provide some score from other#ise #ea-3scorin) letters= /or
e1ample> dumpin) the t#o one3pointers T and 4 can be achieved #ith T4W B6c> hoo-in)
4;0,5IDC for *! points=
TW43.0TT0, "4T S$4TS
If %ou have an% of the hi)her scorin) tiles on %our rac-> i=e= those #orth 3 or more points B 5 C / "
@ M $ W K or ? 9 R :C then #atch out for vo#els ne1t to an% of the premium s<uares= Aote that the
; has been e1cluded because there are no t#o3letter #ords #ith the ;= The DWS and TWS tend
to be less available as the% tend to attract more attention for immediate use so it is more li-el% that
there #ill be D.Ss or T.Ss available= A)ain> throu)h -no#led)e of the t#o3letter #ords #ith these
hi)her3scorin) letters it can be possible to notch up *! to 3! points easil% Band much more for the ?
9 R :C for usin) one of those letters #ith one of %our vo#els= Kou ma% be fortunate enou)h to have
several vo#els that )o #ith %our consonant and thus be able to pla% the letters that #ill leave %ou
#ith the best balance=
.oo- at this e1ample positionF
"otspots for )ood scorin) #ith the hi)her3scorin) consonants are sho#n in %ello# on the board=
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$la%s usin) these could beF
W4 or K0 at Bb!C for *2 points
Slottin) in a solitar% R at B8)C #ould net 3' points
$la%in) +$ or 4M at Bn5C #ould score ** points=
45 or 0M at BnC #ould use the DWS both #a%s and thus )ain 8 points=
4/ or 0" #ould score *2 points at Bn5C=
M+ or $I at Bn!C #ould score *3 points=
K+ or "I in the same spot #ould score *8 points=
0ven better> if %ou could pla% RI at Bn!C it #ould score 5* points
Kou ma% note that some of those spots offer opportunities for three3letter parallel pla%s as #ell
#hich not onl% #ill )ain more points but mi)ht also help %ou dump another a#-#ard letter from
%our rac-=
/or e1ample> if %our rac- is 0/I4,TT %ou should choose /IT aBnC for 3( points and rid of the
duplicate T rather than 4/ Bn5C for *2 points= If %our rac- is AA0I@4T #hilst @AS or @4S loo-s
nice for 35 points at Bn(C> %our better pla% #ould be 4@AS at Bn5C for 36 points to help restore
some balance to the vo#el3heav% rac-=
The pattern of the premium s<uares on the board is such that the better scores can be had nearer
the ed)es of the board than in the middle= The outer four ro#s and columns all provide potential for
)ood scorin) pla%s throu)h a combinations of the D.S and T.S #ith the DWS and TWS= Kou #ill
note that in most cases the D.S or T.S has a )ap of three s<uares bet#een it and the DWS or
TWS althou)h there are some positions #here the )ap is Dust t#o s<uares= /our and five letter
#ords lar)el% come into their o#n here> particularl% those that be)in or end #ith a hi)her3scorin)
letter= Aormall% there #ill be a floatin) letter that creates the opportunit% for such pla%s so %ou #ill
find %ourself loo-in) to pla% three of four letters around such a floater #ith a hi)her scorin) letter on
one of the premium s<uares=
*!. - +se the board to drive %our thou)hts 33 donNt Dust rel% on inspiration from the rac- alone= .oo-
for the premium s<uare hot spots and combinations that are available> especiall% if %ou have a
hi)her scorin) letter on %our rac-= Then see ho# %ou can ma1imise the points b% seein) #hat
#ords %ou ma-e to fit the spots #ith the other letters from %our rac-=
If %ou donNt have a hi)her scorin) letter then it is li-el% that %ou #ill )et more points throu)h parallel
pla%s else#here on the board since %ou #ill )ain no real benefit from the letter premium s<uare=
The board la%out belo#> #hich is a little artificiall% open> serves to sho# all of the possible letter
and #ord premium combinations available mar-ed b% the lines=
See #hat )ood pla%s %ou can ma-e in the positions specified #ith each of the follo#in) rac-s b%
)ettin) one of the hi)her3scorin) letters on one of the premium letter s<uares= There are some
common #ord solutions in each case but %ou ma% find others=
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AD@A4;W 3 pla% from B*DC and Bm8C
&0A4,;K M pla% from B5hC and B3iC
/&"IA4K M pla% from B2aC and BaC
0/&IA$W M pla% from BdC and Bl2C
5".4W,T M pla% from Bb*C and B'-C
,ead on for some su))ested solutions=
"ere are some su))ested )ood pla%s #ith the rac-s )iven above=
/rom B*DC %ou could pla% ;4D@A for '* points and from Bm8C %ou could pla% @A4WA for 3' points
/rom B5hC %ou could pla% 0;0,K for '5 points and from B3iC %ou could pla% K4+A& for *( points
/rom B2aC %ou could pla% IAC" for 38 points and from BaC %ou could pla% &4,K for 3( points
/rom BdC %ou could pla% WIS$ for *( points and from Bl2C %ou could pla% /0I&A for *( points
/rom Bb*C %ou could pla% 50.4W for 3( points and from B'-C %ou could pla% T",4W for 3! points
Aote that these arenNt necessaril% the best pla%s> but #ith ever% rac- %ou should loo- out for such
opportunities in order to ta-e them into consideration alon) #ith other pla%s before concludin) %our
move= As %ou #ill have discovered once %ou have read this boo-> there are man% factors to ta-e
into consideration for each move=
,0AC"IA& T,I$.0 W4,DS
TWSs can become available to pla% onto in several #a%s= Sometimes the development of #ords
and t%pes of #ords on the board can ma-e it difficult to spot some TWS opportunities= Ta-e a loo-
at the follo#in) board and see ho# man% TWS prospects %ou can see> then read on=
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Different t%pes of pla% that score TWSs on this board position are demonstrated #ith some sample
rac-s belo# as follo#sF
The rac- isF E 4 ! ! 1 S %
An e1istin) #ord could be hoo-ed in order to reach the TWS> e=)= S0WIA& Ba5C ma-in)
0M4TI4A= There is actuall% a bonus pla% here of the obscure W0ISIA&> if %ou -no# it=
An e1istin) #ord could be pla%ed throu)h to use a TWS> e=)= WID0AS Bo2C throu)h D0A
An e1istin) #ord could be pla%ed throu)h D0A cover t#o TWSs Band thus )et nine times the #ord
scoreC> e=)= WID0AIA& Bo2C throu)h D0A
A letter of an e1istin) #ord could provide access to the TWS> e=)= WIA&0D B2aC onto the D of
The rac- isF ! 7 . : U ;
An e1istin) #ord can be hoo-ed to )ive access to a TWS> e=)= 9+I$ BaC turnin) ,0S0T into
An e1istin) letter can be pla%ed throu)h to use a TWS> e=)= $".4R B2-C throu)h . of /.ATT0A
The rac- isF A E ! ' 7 * =
An e1istin) #ord could be pla%ed parallel to 5I@IA&> e=)= MATK BhC ma-in) 5A> IT> @K
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An e1istin) #ord could be e1tended at the front to reach a TWS> e=)= 0MI&,AAT B5aC usin)
&,AAT on the board
An e1istin) #ord could be e1tended at the end to reach a TWS> e=)= TI,0S4M0 BoC from TI,0S
on the board
Some of these pla%s are no# sho#n on the board for clarificationF
01tendin) e1istin) #ords before or after to reach TWS are the moves that are often unspotted and
so can )ive a pla%er an advanta)e #ith a bit of lateral thin-in)= Watch out for these opportunities
especiall% follo#in) first pla%s of five letters that start at B2dC or Bh'C=
Whilst some e1tensions are more obvious than others> bein) standard prefi1es or suffi1es> some
#ill completel% transform the e1istin) #ord= +nless %ou are vi)ilant throu)hout> even the more
obvious pla%s can be missed= Would %ou spot the follo#in) e1tensions durin) pla%?
C7A,T,AC@ 4A1,&.AAD 4;0,T3A6E T4WAS3!.
D4+5.0 D4+5.0S
When a pla% covers t#o double #ord scores it is -no#n as a double3double because the score for
the pla% is first doubled> and then doubled a)ain= Sometimes it is referred to as a four3timer= Whilst
it can be a )reat thrill to be able to pla% a bonus #ord across t#o DWS and )et a hu)e score> there
are also )ood scores to be had throu)h non3bonus double3double pla%s= It tends to be the
innermost DWS that create the easiest opportunities for such scores because the% are closer
to)ether= Kou ma% be able to pla% Dust si1 of %our tiles throu)h an e1istin) letter bet#een t#o
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at
DWSs> or less commonl%> five tiles around a t#o3letter #ord bet#een t#o DWSs> or e1tremel%
rarel% as fe# as t#o3letters around a five3letter #ord sittin) bet#een t#o DWS=
Scores of 3! or more points can be obtained throu)h usin) Dust one or t#o3point tiles from even the
most unli-el% rac-s> especiall% if pla%in) around a t#o or three3letter #ord= Ta-e the follo#in)
uninspirin) rac-s for e1ampleF
4n the follo#in) board the% can all ma-e pla%s scorin) '' or more= ,ead on for the solutions=
A5&IAT;F With this rac- the IA& is the inspiration for 5AT"IA& around the " of C"AAT= ThatNs
scores ' 1 3 S 5* points=
A/&II4,F With this rac- it is the 0D in column BeC that enables a )reat double3double pla% of
/I,0D4& for ' 1 * S '2 points=
AC&.,;KF With this rac- the unli-el%3loo-in) 5ID in ro# provides the solution this time b%
enablin) the pla% ,A5ID.K for ' 1 3 S 5* points=
DIA4T++F The a#ful lo#3scorin) collection on this rac- can liven up the )ame #ith A+TW44D
throu)h the less obvious possibilities do#n column B-C= That scores ' 1 S '' points= Aot bad
for dumpin) DA+4I 0ven better> if %ou -no# it> is 4+TW4+AD in the same spot=
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4f course in actual )ames the opportunities arenNt as abundant as the% are in that e1ample> but
there #ill often be one or t#o possibilities arisin) throu)h natural pla%> especiall% #hen a pla% such
as $AD,0 enables a TWS parallel pla% such as W,4T0 as in the e1ample board=
T"0 +.TIMAT0F T,I$.03T,I$.0S
;er% often in a )ame> a #ord is pla%ed such that it leaves a letter bet#een t#o TWSs= Aormall%
one or other of the TWSs is then used for a TWS pla%= Sometimes> althou)h ver% rarel%> a pla%er
mi)ht be able to pla% all seven letters around the letter on the board so that the ei)ht3letter #ord
formed covers both TWSs= This is termed a triple3triple and amasses nine times the #ord score>
#hich is #h% some pla%ers refer to them as Qnine3timersN=
DonNt e1pect to )et too man% triple3triples since itNs rare for a useful letter to be left open bet#een
t#o TWSs for more than a turn= It is more li-el% to be )ood fortune that #ill )ive %ou the ri)ht rac-
at the ri)ht time to pounce on an openin) made b% the opponent= Word -no#led)e #ill undoubtedl%
increase %our prospects thou)h=
"ere are some e1amples=
*he rack is - A 4 ! 1 . R *
Kou have the unpla%able $A,TIA& Bthe more unusual T,A$IA& and $,ATIA& are also
unpla%ableC but the floatin) M Ba'C allo#s T,AM$IA& to be pla%ed for a triple3triple #orth a
#hoppin) (6pts B3 1 8 plus 5! bonusC=
*he rack is - E 4 ! 1 . S *
+nfortunatel% $0STIA& is not a #ord but %ou ma% deli)hted to spot a )reat double3double pla%
around the 4 BeC> $4A&I0ST B8'C= ItNs all to eas% to be thrilled #ith such a pla% and loo- no
further but itNs #orth chec-in) out a triple3triple position if itNs available Dust in case= In this instance
%ou #ere about to miss $I&M0ATS B(6CI
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*he rack is - A 5 4 E 1 R S
ItNs not too difficult to spot a seven3letter #ord here M There are three B&A,D0AS> DAA&0,S>
&AAD0,SC= 4nl% DAA&0,S can be pla%ed on the board at Bm2> 65ptsC= This time there is no
triple3triple #ord around that M but there are other possibilities to e1plore before pla%in)
DAA&0,S= ItNs not uncommon for there to be t#o3letters available bet#een t#o TWSs #hen one
pla%er tries to restrict an openin) b% pla%in) parallel to the openin) #ord Be=)= WAIT ne1t to
0AD0A,S in the e1ampleC= In this case the t#o letters are W0= ItNs al#a%s #orth -eepin) an e%e
open for possible triple3triple pla%s around such letter )roups= Kou onl% need to pla% si1 letters to
)et a hu)e score> #hich increases the possibilities of such a pla%= With the &A,D0AS letters there
are actuall% t#o possible triple3triple non3bonus pla%sF AASW0,0D B!2C and ,A&W00DS B6C=
Treat triple3triples as an occasional b%3product of the )ame and donNt )et fi1ated on tr%in) to )et
one> nor indeed overl% #orr% about the opponent )ettin) one if %our best pla% is to leave a triple3
triple openin)=
%AR1!14 F If %ou find %ourself #ith a triple3triple opportunit% but %our rac- is Dust one letter #ron)
for a fantastic score do not fall into the trap of Qfishin)N for the ri)ht letter b% pla%in) off the odd letter
some#here else= +nless the letter %ou re<uire has a )reater than 5!J chance of bein) pic-ed %ou
are ver% unli-el% to )et it> and an%#a%> the spot is li-el% to be ta-en b% the opponent=
The rac- isF A / I . M T +
With this rac- see ho# man% TWS pla%s %ou can ma-e b% e1tendin) e1istin) #ords on the above
board la%out= Start afresh for each pla% #ith the same rac- and the same board position BaboveC=
A)ain> #ith the same rac- and board position see if %ou can find the t#o double3double pla%s
throu)h e1istin) letters on the board= Kou donNt need to use all seven letters but the pla%s must
cover t#o DWSs=
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The rac- isF A / I @ 9 + W
There are several hi)h3scorin) hotspots on this board= As an e1ercise> see ho# man% points %ou
can accumulate from the rac- in four moves= 4nce %ouNve pla%ed one #ord> leave it on the board
and find a further pla% #ith the remainin) letters on %our rac- and so on until %ouNve used all seven
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Understanding Rack Lea2es
It is no e1a))eration to describe successful rac- leave evaluation as the "ol% &rail of competitive
Scrabble= If as-ed to identif% the main difference bet#een casual 'at home' Scrabble pla%ers and
those #ho pla% competitivel%> most e1perts #ill sa% this is the definin) factor= 5e)inners #ill simpl%
tr% to form an% #ord from their seven tiles and ta-e the ma1imum score the% can see> i)norin) the
letters the% are forcin) themselves to have on the follo#in) turn= 0ffective rac- mana)ement in the
first half of a )ame of Scrabble is )eared stron)l% to#ards manipulatin) the rac- to#ards hi)h3
probabilit% bonus pla%s usin) mainl% the pt and *pt tiles #hich constitute 65 of the !! tiles in the
Ta-e the e1ample of a rac- of ABE37R* some#here near the start of a )ame= An e1pert pla%er's
thou)ht process could be as follo#sF
C What are the most difficult and non3bonus3friendl% tiles on the rac-? Ans#erF 5 and /=
*C Do I #ant to simpl% dump them both and leave A04,T? Ans#erF Ao> this rac- leave #ould be
too vo#el3heav%= I need to lin- them someho# #ith a vo#el=
3C The most obvious options are /A5 or /45= Which one is best? Ans#erF A0,T is a better rac-
leave than 04,T> because A is a better tile to -eep than 4=
ConclusionF pla% /45 -eepin) A0,T=
This is perhaps an oversimplified e1ample but it demonstrates the )eneral idea of pla%in) a#a% the
mid3value tiles to manipulate the rac- to#ards hi)h3probabilit% bonus material Bthere bein) more
than !!! seven3letter #ords containin) A0,T plus three other tilesC= If %ou can appl% this t%pe of
process to the maDorit% of rac-s in the first half of ever% )ame then %ou are alread% pla%in) better
Scrabble than 8!J of domestic pla%ers=
It )oes #ithout sa%in) that the essential counterpart to the above strate)% is to -no# the hi)h3
probabilit% bonuses one is most li-el% to dra# into= /or this there is no substitute for havin) done
the hard )raft of stud%in)> but the chapters on #ord learnin) and :%77%va #ill ma-e this much
easier= .earn the most useful and commonl% pla%ed 's and 5s for )ettin) rid of the non3bonus tiles
alon)side the hi)h3probabilit% 6s and 2s that #ill appear on %our rac- as a result and %ou #ill find
%our avera)e number of bonus pla%s per )ame startin) to increase=
So #hat are the other important factors in assessin) rac- leaves?
.lay away duplicate letters
Kou are more li-el% to create bonus #ords if %ou rid %our rac- of duplicates= @eepin) four INs and
t#o ;Ns mi)ht allo# %ou to pla% DI;IDI;I> but precious little else= Combinations #ith one of each
letter li-e A0I,ST and A0IA,T #ill %ield several hundred possible sevens and ei)hts= If forced to
choose bet#een -eepin) duplicate letters 3 00 and AA #ould )enerall% be preferable to II> 44 and
++= With consonants TT> ,, and $$ are preferable to CC> "" and ;;=
6eep a balance o# 2owels and consonants" ideally three 2owels and #our consonants
The full Scrabble set contains 52 consonants and '* vo#els= Dependin) on the board Band tile
ba)C situation a sli)htl% consonant3heav% rac- is more conducive to bonus formation= .et %our tile
trac-in) )rid Bsee later chapterC )uide %ou as to #hether the ba) is consonant3heav% or vo#el3
heav% and retain the appropriate tilesE if %ou -no# onl% one 0 is to come> be #ar% of #astin) it=
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at
5on/t hold on to the wrong tiles
4ne of the most common mista-es is to clin) on to 'po#er tiles' such as ?9R: in the hope of
scorin) more points #ith them later= 0ver% time %ou do this %ou annihilate the probabilit% of pic-in)
a bonus pla%= Aote that a common mista-e> even amon)st e1perienced pla%ers> is to hold on to a
mi1ture of both bonus3friendl% tiles and one of ?9R:= A rac- leave of 0,T: is unli-el% to %ield a
bonus pla% and the chances of pic-in) three tiles #hich combine #ith the : for a decent score are
ver% slim> meanin) that the ne1t turn after -eepin) 0,T: #ill involve some destruction of the
bonus3friendl% 0,T=
Aote that the amateur practice of holdin) on to a + if the 9 has not %et been pla%ed is unnecessar%
due the availabilit% of 9I> 9AT and friends= The + is b% far the least helpful of the vo#els and is not
a tile an%one should strive to ma-e part of their rac- leave= When %ou pic- the 9 it is usuall%
advisable Band not too difficultC to )et rid of it almost immediatel%E the table of +3less 9 #ords on
pa)e 3( ma% help #ith this=
The S is accorded a special value and should not be frittered a#a% if %ou can score 23!pts less
else#here #hilst -eepin) it> but this principle should be applied to onl% the first S on the rac-= A
duplicate S should be treated the same as an% other duplicate tileE it can still have uses #hen
retained for a future 3S hoo- but should not be afforded the same protection as the first S in a rac-
leave= 01ampleF
,ack- 6'7SS*
T#o S tiles have alread% been pla%ed> meanin) that the pla%er holds both of the remainin) S's=
Aonetheless in a computer simulation of this position M4AT"S B'b> -eepin) @SC places
considerabl% better than M4AT" B'b> -eepin) @SSC due to the e1tra *pts in score and the rac-
leave bein) considered superior= Also farin) #ell is M"4S Bc*C #hich uses the S for onl% 'pts
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at
e1tra compared to M"4 in the same position> but @ST is a better rac- leave than @SST=
"o#ever> the optimal pla% )iven b% 9uac-le computer soft#are is M4T" B)8C ma-in) use of the
5.4AD0S3T hoo-= In this instance the duplicate S is retained because the pla% creates an 3S hoo-
that the opponent is unli-el% to bloc- unless the% have the sin)le remainin) K for M4T"3K>
#hereas pla%in) M4T"S in the same place #ould not have this benefit=
4o #ishing" but don/t neglect your score
4nl% pla% a#a% a sin)le letter Bfishin)C if %our rac- is in such )ood shape that it virtuall% assures
%ou of a bonus #ord ne1t turn 3 such as A0I,ST plus K= The -e% is Dud)in) ho# man% points to
sacrifice in order to ma-e the 'fish' #orth#hileE %ou ma% onl% be able to score 3pts for dumpin)
the K alone but could pla% KA for *2pts #ith the still promisin) remnant 0I,ST= 0ven the humble
three3letter leave 0,S attracts a bonus rou)hl% 33J of the time= "o#ever #ith ever% tile %ou pla%
rather than -eep> the odds of dra#in) into a bonus rac- decrease= This is #here anal%sis of
positions usin) 9uac-le is particularl% useful as it #ill simulate each position man% thousands of
times to put the available options in order of li-el% successE loo-in) at the results #ill help %ou to
ma-e more successful decisions in %our o#n )ames=
A change #or the better
01chan)in) is an essential strate)% in #hich one chooses to score 7ero but #ith a free choice of
rac- leave from the seven tiles on %our rac-= This is covered in detail b% @evin McMahon in a later
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at
56*2.)4 or 56*".)4 might score well here but the rack lea%e would be
horriic! 2 loating & or 56*&.74 to lea%e )77 would be #reerable!
%ord Learning
Andre# /isher
To #lay com#etiti%e Scrabble$ one has to get o%er the conceit o reusing to acknowledge certain words as
real and acce#t that the game requires learning words that may not ha%e any outside utility! "n the li%ing
room$ Scrabble is about who has a better working %ocabulary! "t's a sort o crossword #uzzle in re%erse! 8ut
in the tournament room$ Scrabble has nothing to do with %ocabulary! " it did$ " 9 an "%y (eague educated
#roessional :ournalist$ or crying out loud 9 would rule! 8ut " can only dream o com#eting with the
cham#ions! 7o$ Scrabble isn't about words! "t's about mastering the rules o the game$ and the words are the
rules!' 3 Stefan /atsis> Word Freak
The sheer number of valid Scrabble #ords listed in CSW* ma% seem horrendousl% dauntin) to a
be)inner= This chapter #ill sho# %ou ho# to focus on the more important #ords> so that even #ith
fairl% minimal effort %ou can become a contender=

If %ou #ant to aim at complete master% of the le1icon up to ei)ht letters in len)th> %ou #ill need to
-no# about (>!!! different #ords= "ereNs ho# the% are bro-en do#nF
Length %ords .ercentage
* *' !=J
3 >3! =3J
' 5>5*( '=66J
5 *>('( !=8J
( **>'! 8=33J
6 33>*6' *2=6J
2 '!>(** 35=!'J
*otal >>?"@>A >BB.BBC
/ortunatel% %ou do not need to learn them all from scratch to pla% a hi)hl% effective Scrabble
)ame= In fact> the #or-in) vocabular% needed to pla% a ver% competent )ame of competitive
Scrabble is surprisin)l% small> #ith most ne# pla%ers findin) that the )radual learnin) of up to
*>!!! select #ords ma-es an enormous difference to ever% )ame= In Dust the same #a% as %ou can
easil% carr% on a conversation about soap operas or sociolo)% usin) a #ord stoc- of Dust a fe#
hundred common #ords> %ou can )et b% in Scrabble #ith a smallish set of basic buildin)3bloc-s
that come up time and a)ain= So #hich #ords do Scrabble pla%ers learn> and #h%?
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at
*wo,letter words
/irst thin)s first> the ideal place to start is the t#o3letter #ords= These are strate)icall% the most
important to -no#> because the% permit the crucial parallel pla%s and overlaps that advance %our
score= /or instance> it is not much )ood seein) the bonus M0,,I.K on %our rac- if %ou are
una#are that it can be pla%ed alon)side a @ to ma-e @K=
"ere the% areF
There are not that man% to learn> and most aspirin) pla%ers can master the t#os in short order= We
touch on learnin) techni<ues else#here> but as far as the t#os are concerned a )reat number are
alread% ever%da% #ords so do not demand particular effort=
It mi)ht help to chec- out the definitions for these ver% short #ords M for instance> -no#in) that AA
is a -ind of lava seems to help #ith recall= 4r %ou can tr% mnemonic tric-s> such as the fact that M
can precede ever% vo#elE or attempt to memorise subsets such as the &ree- letters as a )roup
BM+> A+> $I> RIC or the all3consonant t#os BC"> "M> MM> S"> STC= An% focused effort on %our o#n
part to anal%se the t#os #ill help them stic-E other#ise> these #ords come up so often that it is
strai)htfor#ard to fi1 them> and the% #ill soon become second nature= Aote that the Appendi1
contains full lists of all *s and 3s #ith definitions provided as a memor% aid=
Scorin) #ith overlaps is a ver% important part of Scrabble> and this techni<ue can often s<uee7e
ma1imal points from a dull3loo-in) rac-= The follo#in) simple openin) position illustrates thisE sa%
%our opponent has started #ith A&00 and %ou hold AAD0&M4F
Kou can score stron)l% #ith overlaps> ma-in) multiple t#o3letter #ordsF
&4AD B8fC pla%s for *3 points> leavin) A0M= This ma-es use of A&> &4> 0A and 0D=
DAMA&0 B6fC pla%s for *( points> leavin) 4= This ma-es use of DA> A&> M0 and A0=
4M0&A B8)C pla%s for * points> leavin) AD= This ma-es use of &4> 0M and 00=
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at
*!3odd points is hardl% spectacular> but in this case it ma-es the most of %our rac- b% doublin) up
the points from all the overlaps= The techni<ue comes up time and a)ain> meanin) that %ou simpl%
have to -no# all the t#os to pla% an effective )ame=
At this point #e must mention the most fre<uentl% pla%ed #ord of all> the ma)nificent 9I= As the 9
rears its head in ever% )ame of Scrabble> ver% often it is easiest to dump it to)ether #ith an I
Bcomputer anal%ses have sho#n that 9I has a clear lead as most common #ord> bein) pla%ed as a
main #ord over '=* times as fre<uentl% as the second most popular t#o> RI= ThatNs a lot of 9ISC=
As an aside> +3less 9 #ords ma% themselves repa% individual stud%F it is rarel% #orth#hile to han)
on to a +> and %et %ou #ill dra# the 9 in about 5!J of %our )ames= "ere is a table of all such
#ords up to ei)ht lettersF
A number of these #ords #ill sho# up belo# in the list of top fours and fives b% pla%abilit% order>
indicatin) their utilit% for dealin) #ith a difficult tile=
*hree,letter words
Ae1t on %our learnin) a)enda should be the t#o3to3three hoo-s= 5ecause t#os come up so often> it
is #ell #orth -no#in) #hat )oes before or after them M %ou ma% not )et to pla% M0,,I.K unless
%ou -no# that A5K or K+&> for instance> e1ist Bhoo-in) A5 and +&C= At the same time> overlaps
involvin) e1tensions to t#os can score ver% heavil%= Assumin) 4M0&A had been chosen in the
)ame belo# and %ou hold A5DD@,T M #hat can %ou do?
It isnNt possible to ma-e a five3letter #ord #hich reaches to the TWS at Bo2C> so the best course
seems to be moves from B6fC such as 5A,D 3!pts Bma-in) 5A> A&4> ,0M and D00C> @A,T 3!pts
B@A> A&4> ,0M and T00C or the less familiar DA,5 3*pts BDA> A&4> ,0M and ,00C= 4nce a)ain
these advance %our score handil% than-s to the multiple overlaps> and a solid -no#led)e of the
hoo-s #ill reall% help %our )ame=
KouNll see 9IA turnin) up all the time= Ta-in) this a little further> it is #ell #orth -no#in) all the
threes Beven the rarities such as :+:> #hich come up hardl% ever because there is onl% one : in
the setC= This is because the% can allo# %ou to fit a particular )roup of letters onto the board to best
advanta)e> #ith the intention of -eepin) bac- a )ood rac- leave= .et us sa% %ou #ished to deplo%
the letters .PMPK on the above board to )et rid of some surplus consonantsF it #ould be reall%
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at
useful to -no# that .KM is a #ord> and can be slotted at B6fC to ma-e .A> K&4 and M0M for a
splendid 3*3point haul=
.earnin) the threes ta-es a little more effort than the t#os> althou)h most of them come up fairl%
often in pla%= ,eadin) throu)h the list a fe# times is a )ood startin) pointE %ou ma% also #ish to
e1plore the definitions> or attempt some mnemonic techni<ues= /or e1ample> %ou could memorise
the end3hoo-s to AD b% thin-in) of an advertisement for D:4S B#hich confirms ADD> AD:> AD4
and ADSE in case %ou didnNt realise> D:4 is a ver% common three> a variant form of the infamous
:4> a cross bet#een a %a- and a co#C= &roupin) the #ords into sets can also be helpful M tr% and
find patterns that %ou #ill be able to recall> or match up the #ords usin) the same letters such as
@ISPSI@PS@I> or 54,P5,4P4,5P,45=
.earn the #ords activel% as %ou read the lists M loo- for connections> pic- up on the Qsurprisin)N
letter combos li-e CWM> ima)ine ho# each #ord could be pla%ed= ?ust scannin) the #ords in
isolation or #ithout an% conscious effort #onNt reall% help #ith memorisation=
4nce %ou have them prett% much fi1ed> a )ood techni<ue for testin) %our -no#led)e is simpl% to
#rite do#n a se<uence of threes #ith )iven parameters= Kou could choose to list all threes startin)
and endin) #ith "> for e1ample> and then chec- to see #hat %ou missed=
Bonus words
T#os and threes are hi)hl% important> but a )ood Scrabble pla%er
#ill also aim to bonus as man% times as possible in a )ame= 5onus
#ords )ive %ou the fift%3point bonus that can <uic-l% put %ou out of
%our opponentNs reach> and at this sta)e in the learnin) process it
#ill be #orth pic-in) up some of the most li-el% candidates=
Sin)le3point tiles are the most fre<uent because the% represent the
most common letters Be=)= there are t#elve 0Ns in the setC> ma-in)
it li-el% that the maDorit% of bonuses #ill have a relativel% lo# face
value= Conse<uentl% most pla%ers tend to stud% bonuses in
probabilit% order> because the most li-el% letter combinations #ill
come up time and a)ain M consider A0IA4,T> for e1ample> #hich
permits A4TAI,0 or 4TA,IA0= "ardl% ever%da% #ords> but as the
letters are so li-el% to be dra#n from the ba) Bor -ept> if the pla%er
is mana)in) their rac- leaveC> %ou #ill see them fre<uentl% on an
e1pert3level Scrabble board=
Short #ords #ith heav% letters tend to be )ood for rac-in) up mid3si7ed scores> #hile bonuses are
)ood for ma1imisin) the po#er of the lo#er3value tiles= The value of stud%in) in probabilit% order is
made plain b% an anal%sis of Dust ho# often the top bonuses recurF the startlin) truth is that learnin)
onl% !!! or so sevens and ei)hts #ill deliver %ou about !J of bonuses that actuall% appear>
because #ords li-e AA0,4ID> &4ATI0,> A0,ATI4A and 0TA0,I4S are pla%ed so fre<uentl%=
$uttin) that into conte1t> there are about 6'>!!! sevens and ei)hts> so the most po#erful !!! of
them constitutes a mere =35J of the total= All developin) Scrabble pla%ers need to have these
bread3and3butter bonuses in their armour%> so %ou mi)ht as #ell start there=
ItNs also #orth -no#in) that if %ou can )et throu)h *!J of the sevens and ei)hts Bsa% 5>!!! #ords
in totalC> these #ill )ive %ou about 5!J of bonuses as actuall% pla%ed in )ames=
5% the #a%> sevens and ei)hts come up e<uall% often in computer3simulated )ames Bin fact ei)hts
have a sli)ht ed)e consistent #ith their )reater force of numbersC> so donNt focus on one set to the
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at
e1clusion of the other M possibl% sevens are easier to learn> but donNt ne)lect the ei)hts=
5onus lists in probabilit% order are easil% )enerated #ith soft#are such as :%77%va> but here is a
taster of the top ! most useful letter3sets for each len)thF
That ma-es fort% #ords for the price of t#ent% letter3sets> all of them potentiall% ver% useful= And
%ou shouldnNt #orr% too much if %ou have difficult% rememberin) all seven solutions for A0IA4,ST
M if %ou can )et even one of them on the board> %ouNve done #ell Band <uite often> the board
position #ill su))est somethin) to %ou> even if %ou donNt al#a%s reproduce it in the course of a
stud% sessionC= 4f course> there are a lot of ver% familiar #ords amon) them> so it is hardl%
necessar% to QlearnN TAI.4,0D or 0.ATI4A> but stud% #ill help %ou unravel the solution s#iftl%
#hen %ou )et the ri)ht letters=
&ow that yo' have identified a preliminary set of words to learn( it is a matter of findin) the best
way of doin) so. St'dyin) in mana)eable ch'nks of data will make it easier( and far less da'ntin)(
than tryin) to master the whole dictionary in one bite. *nce yo' have )ot a )ood handle on the first
1%%% bon'ses( yo'r )ame will improve e+ponentially( and that may well )ive yo' the motivation to
move onto the ne+t 1%%%( and then the ne+t 1%%%, if yo' find a tho'sand at a time too da'ntin)
then ask -y..yva for the first %% and then the ne+t %% and so on. /t is far better to know a small
sample of words thoro')hly than to attempt to learn too m'ch at once and end 'p
with only #%0 acc'rate knowled)e of a lar)er sample.
Most of the top Scrabble pla%ers use :%77%va for #ord stud%> )enerall% settin) it to
pose a series of ana)rams to #hich the pla%er finds the solution Beither t%pin) it in>
or findin) it mentall% before flic-in) to the ne1t screenC= ItNs similar to a set of
manual flashcards #hich have the Qalpha)ramN Be=)= A0IA,STC on one side #ith the
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at
solutionBsC on the other> but less time3consumin) to set up= $rior to maDor tournaments such as the
World Championship> %ou #ill commonl% see pla%ers rehearsin) a rapid3fire series of :%77%va
<ui77es in order to #arm themselves up=
The :%77%va preferences settin)s can deliver the <ui7 in alphabetical order> or #ith vo#els or
consonants first if preferred> or even in random order if thatNs the #a% %ou li-e to do it= Some
pla%ers therefore al#a%s rearran)e their rac-s into alphabetical order durin) a )ame to mimic their
stud% method> #hile others seem to do better #ith letters placed hapha7ardl% as the% are dra#n
Bincludin) side#a%s or upside3do#n> in some casesC=
"ere are a number of #a%s of learnin) bonuses> mainl% b% )roupin) them into sets #ith common
Stem3based stud%= It is #ell -no#n that certain stems of si1 or seven letters are ver% fruitful for
)eneratin) bonuses> classic cases includin) A0IAST and A0IA,T= Kou can prett% confidentl%
fish to those leaves Bi=e= pla% off the other tiles> usuall% for a lo# scoreC and )uarantee a bonus
pla% most of the time> because the% combine #ith almost ever% possible letter to ma-e a seven
Bthe research is left to the readerC= This can help #ith recall> and some pla%ers can reel off the
#hole set of possible bonusesE but be#are of chan)es #ith dictionar% updates=
Stud% of bonuses #ith BC one3point tiles onl%> e=)= AIAS0..> +STI4AS> ,00A.IST and
+AIT,+STE B*C one3 and t#o3pointers onl%> e=)= AD0AIA0 and ,+AA&AT0E B3C one3pointers
#ith a sin)le hi)h3value tile> e=)= AI,.I@0 and A.0"4+S0=
Stud% from smaller stems> e=)= T,AIA T * for sevens> or T,AIAS T * for ei)hts B%ieldin)
beauties such as CAAT,I$> WAIT,4A> STIA&,AK and T,A"IS4A=
Stud% in pictorial )roups or mind maps> perhaps #ith a common letter3pattern such as the CAT
#ords BCAT/AC0> CATTAI.> CAT54AT> SA.TCAT> 50A,CAT etc=C=
Sub3#ords from lon)er sets> e=)= all sevens and ei)hts from %our surname or to#n of residence
plus a blan- Be=)= ,4C"DA.0 plus a blan-> limited to sevens and ei)hts can )ive %ou
A,C"/40> C"A.D,4A> 4,C"0..A etc=C=
An% other scheme that %ou devise %ourself is li-el% to be at least as fruitful as the above> because
%our o#n involvement in the research helps the #ords lod)e in the brain=
.earnin) a list of #ords )enerated usin) a specified criteria> such as an% of those described above>
#ill also )ive %ou the advanta)e of -no#in) #hen not to #aste time loo-in) for a bonus from an
infertile rac-= /or e1ample if %ou have learned the ,0TAIAT bonus set and are faced #ith a rac-
of AA0IA,T %ou #ill be confident that there is no seven3letter #ord here and that %ou should
search for floatin) letters for an ei)ht3letter #ord instead= @no#in) #hen there isn't a #ord in a
particular rac- can be as valuable as -no#in) #hen there is=
Scrabble #layers lie awake at night imagining once3in3a3lietime mo%es such as 4&FTG2/"
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at
At this sta)e> it is #orth emphasisin) the import of Qlearnin)N a #ord= It isnNt Dust a case of
reco)nisin) somethin) that is pla%ed a)ainst %ou M %ou actuall% have to identif% and unravel it from
the random Dumble of letters on %our rac-= /or e1ample> %ou #ouldnNt baul- if %our opponent pla%ed
ST4MAC" or 54+D4I, a)ainst %ou> but #ould %ou have found the bonuses from AC"M4ST and
This mindset can help %ou solve the ana)rams that lead to ever%da% #ords> but #hich are actuall%
fairl% hard to find #hen presented cold= /or instance it #ould be eas% to miss the #ords from the
sets belo#> and %ou )enerall% have to stud% them beforehand Bthe solutions are not )iven here> but
if %ou -no# there is somethin) to be found it mi)ht helpCF
C0IAA4T+ 0I.4,,T+ 0A44,S+
So much for bonus #ords> thou)h masterin) the lot of them could ta-e a lifetime= 5ut if %ou do no
more than learn the t#os> threes and a fe# top bonuses> %ou #ill have the tools to perform ver%
creditabl% in Scrabble tournaments=
ea2y #ours and #i2es
Ae1t on the list should be a selection of #ords featurin) the reall% heav% tiles ?> 9> R and := If %ou
alread% -no# the t#os and threes> the first port of call should be the fours featurin) those letters=
4nce a)ain> brea-in) these #ords do#n into small batches #ill help the learnin) process= As an
e1ample> all '3 fours includin) the letter ? are as follo#sF
The ones includin) common letters Be=)= ?0AT> ?4TA and ,4?IC are fre<uentl% seen and #ell #orth
-no#in)= KouNll also find that the hoo-s to three3letter #ords can be useful> such as the front S3
hoo- to ?40> ma-in) S?40> and the surprisin) ? terminal hoo- to 50A> ma-in) 50A?= Similar
considerations appl% to the 9> R and : #ords in this cate)or%> and it is ver% pleasurable to slot in a
hi)h3scorin) R,AK> 9+0$ or M:00 #hen the chance arises=
&ettin) a toehold into the fours #ith the heav% tiles is a )reat platform to ta-e it further= ?ust as the
*3to33 hoo-s are important> so it is advisable to )et a solid )rasp of the 33' hoo-s first> and then
)raduall% tic- off the rest= Kes> there are five and a half thousand of them> but the more %ou -no#>
the better %ou #ill do= Consider the )eo)raph% of the board M in all of the places hi)hli)hted belo#>
a four3letter #ord is ver% #ell placed to capitalise on double hotspots Bthe same applies both
across and do#nCF
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at
/ours are also fabulous as vo#el dumps> and %ou should pic- up on beauties li-e 0IAA> 0+4I>
I+,0 and man% others to be able to massa)e the rac- leave as desired=
If %ou are #ell advanced in stud% of fours> the ne1t step is obviousl% the fives= These have an even
)reater capacit% for hittin) t#o premium s<uares> and in fact the board is riddled #ith them
Bsho#in) onl% one side and orientation to avoid crossoversCF
/ives> of course> also cover all the best spots for fours> so the potential for scorin) is immense>
particularl% usin) those #ith heav% tiles in the appropriate locations=
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at
.earnin) fours and fives can be approached in much the same #a%= +nli-e bonuses> the priorit% is
not to -eep compatible lo#ish3value tiles for deplo%in) as fours or fivesE the focus is rather on
ma1imisin) the potential of %our scorin) tiles> or dumpin) unneeded letters such as e1cess vo#els=
$robabilit% order #ould mean %ou are faced #ith sets li-e A0,ST to learn in priorit% to others>
#hereas the realit% is %ou are hardl% ever )oin) to pla% that set as a five3letter #ord M so it isnNt
#orth )ettin) hun) up about ST,A0 or its absurd number of pla%able variants=
Instead> the #a% to )o is #layability order= This is defined in terms of the utilit% of each #ord in
actual pla%> or ho# much dama)e it does B%our 'e<uit% lossNC if %ou overloo- it= The ori)inal data
#as collected b% ?ohn in countless numbers of computer3vs3computer matchups> usin)
a comparison of the QbestN pla%> the Qsecond3bestN pla% and the <uantum of points sacrificed if the
latter #ere chosen instead Bof course> this relies on the assumption that %ou can -no# #hat the
best pla% isC= It measures to #hat e1tent> on avera)e> one candidate is better than another M hence
#ords #ith heav% tiles come to the fore> as indeed do vo#el dumps= Kou #ill also find that #ords
#ith minimal numbers of ana)rams )enerall% appear hi)her than #ords #ith multiple siblin)s>
because it can be statisticall% important to pla% off Dust the ri)ht combination of letters= "ence
#ords li-e MI,;> /I.II or &+9IA are rather less li-el% to appear on %our rac- than the hi)h3prob
ones li-e A0,A.> but the% are far more li-el% to be candidates for the optimal pla%=
/ortunatel% the data is built into :%77%va> #hich ma-es it much easier to )enerate suitable lists= As
a taster> the top *! fours and fives b% pla%abilit% order are set out belo#F
Aotice the preponderance of heav% tiles> vo#el dumps and incompatible letters amon) the
selection= Stud%in) shorter #ords in pla%abilit% order is therefore more useful> and considerabl%
more interestin)> than loo-in) at probabilit% order= Kou can be for)iven for not )ettin) throu)h all
*>('( fives Bnot#ithstandin) %our )ood intentionsC> so it ma-es sense to loo- at the reall% useful
ones first=
Kou can also ma-e up %our o#n lists of #ords %ou feel are )oin) to be most usefulE doin) this ma%
itself help the #ords stic-= /or e1ample> %ou could )enerate the top fours and fives b% pla%abilit%
#hich e1clude 0> S> ?> 9> R and :> )ivin) %ou a useful #ord list #hich includes $I@A> D4.IA>
T"4W.> ,4A,K> T+AT"> IA+.A> 5+5A> CKAA4> T,4$> +A5A&> @AA,> AK4AT and so forth
Bnic-named the Gu)l% listH b% top +S pla%er Scott AppelC=
As #ith other lists for stud%> %ou should be loo-in) for memorable connections bet#een #ords> or
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at
combinations that stand out for particular reasons> and tr%in) to ma1imise the active learnin)
process= ,e)ular repetition #ill> as al#a%s> be beneficial=
SiD,letter words
Si1es are still a relativel% obscure field of stud%> even amon) top3fli)ht pla%ers= $erhaps this is
because the% donNt offer an% additional opportunit% to hit t#o hotspots #hen compared to fives> and
also because the% can turn over too man% tiles> effectivel% deliverin) %ou a random rac- on the
ne1t dra# but #ithout the 5!3point bonus= "o#ever> there are of course man% ver% useful #ords
amon) the si1es> and a <uic- scan of the hi)h3pla%abilit% #ords #ill thro# up )ems li-e TA+IWI>
A04AIC and WAI,+A=
Kou mi)ht thin- that if %ou )o throu)h all the fours and fives> %ou #ill naturall% pic- up on the hoo-s
to threes and fours amon) them= In fact> it is also #orth stud%in) hoo-s as a separate e1ercise=
This is because the% can be hard to spot over the board M consider the innocent 5.0D> for
e1ample= +nless %ou stud% the hoo-s specificall%> it is so eas% to miss the A3hoo- BA5.0DC= There
are man% comparable e1amples> and loo-in) at the hoo-s is also a )ood #a% to ma-e head#a%
into the ne1t )roup of #ords b% len)th=
Consider ane# this board from earlier in the section= A&00 is an adverb meanin) Qto one sideN> but
students of hoo-s #ill be a#are that it ta-es a front , B,A&00 is a -ind of cereal )rassC= Well
#orth -no#in) #hen %ou have the other#ise unpla%able "AK,IC@ on %our rac-=
,e)rettabl%> there is no real substitute for consistent and in3depth #ord stud% if %ou #ant to
become a top pla%er= $eople #ho are attracted to top3fli)ht Scrabble ma% have the necessar%
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at
Bsli)htl% obsessiveC self3discipline #hich enables them to spend hours revie#in) #ords> and if %ou
donNt have an appetite for this %ou could stru))le to ma-e head#a%= The best #a% is to revie# the
chosen list in an attempt to learn it> and then test %ourself a)ain and a)ain until it starts to stic-= 5ut
the satisfaction of uncor-in) the fruits of %our #ord stud% over the board is hard to beat=
In summar%> learnin) the hu)e number of #ords in Collins is an almi)ht% tas-> but it can be made
easier b% approachin) it in a s%stematic #a% and chun-in) the data into small se)ments= If %ou
#ant to become proficient at Scrabble %ou #ill have to start learnin) #ords> and ever% little
se)ment %ou revie# #ill add to %our -no#led)e> and eventuall% -nit to)ether as an ever3e1pandin)
patch#or- <uilt in %our repositor% of tools for the )ame Bif #e are permitted to mi1 oran)es>
haberdasher% and ironmon)er% into one metaphorC=
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at
*he 3irst 'o2e
5rett Smitheram
/e# moves in the )ame of Scrabble have so fre<uentl% found themselves both under3 and over3
anal%sed than the openin) pla% of the )ame= Statistics sho# that in )ames bet#een t#o pla%ers of
e<ual abilit%> the pla%er #ho has the first move #ill #in 5'J of the time> but ho# do %ou decide the
ri)ht pla% on a completel% free board> and #hat considerations are #orth mullin) over?
Some maDor areas of discussion #ithin this topic Bri)htl% and #ron)l%C are summarised asF ;o#el
placement> 4rientation> ,is- of providin) floaters> $otential triple3#ord e1tensions> and the GAearl%H
Eowel .lacement
The )reatest m%th surroundin) the openin) move is the belief that it is #orth sacrificin) more than
* points in order to avoid placin) vo#els ne1t to the double3letter s<uares in the B)C and BiC ro#s= A
number of boo-s and ma)a7ine articles #ere published around 53*! %ears a)o #hich advocated
pla%in) a lo#er3scorin) move in order to avoid doin) this> but this #as in an a)e #here human G)ut
feelin)H #as utilised rather than hard data> and human nature recalls those odd occasions #here
%ou )et stun) much more vividl% than the maDorit% of occasions #hen %ou do not= Computer
simulations have no# sho#n that in realit% a vo#el placed ne1t to a double letter score is onl% a
tin% threat=
If %ou have a choice bet#een t#o or three moves of equal score then choosin) one #hich avoids
this ma% be preferable> but factors such as rac- leave Binvestin) in the futureC are far more
important= If in doubt> )rab the points on offer rather than attemptin) to be defensive from the ver%
As #e read from left to ri)ht in 0n)lish> the vast maDorit% of openin) pla%s are positioned
hori7ontall%= Whether there is an% )enuine strate)ic value to pla%in) verticall% is hi)hl% debatable=
The pla%s available to %our opponent are identical in either case= Some pla%ers believe that an
GunnaturalH vertical positionin) can disconcertPdisorient the opponent> or ma-e it easier to see an 23
letter pla% hori7ontall%> but unsurprisin)l% there is no difference #hatsoever if %ou loo- at the ra#
BcomputerC data=
Risk o# pro2iding #loaters
While onl% one rac- is able to provide a )iven 63letter pla%> a total of 2 different rac-s can combine
#ith an additional letter on the board to create the same 23letter pla%= Some consideration therefore
needs to be )iven to %our opponentNs relative stren)th Bif %ou are a#are of itC and the ris- of
providin) multiple useful floatin) tiles to enable them to pla% an 2=
Ta-e for e1ample an openin) rac- of AACE1*E= Ao 63letter pla%> but )ood scorin) potential e1ists
in ;ACAAT or ;ACAT0PCA;0AT= "o#ever> consider the merits of ;AC placed centrall%F ver% fe#
parallel pla%s are available Bonl% if %our opponent has an " to ma-e C"C and onl% if the% have an S
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at
can the% hoo- ;AC3S= Without these> %our opponent is restricted to a simple> li-el% lo#3scorin)
pla% throu)h the ;> A or C= Additionall%> %ou are -eepin) a stron) A0AT #hich ma% #ell combine to
ma-e an 2 #ith the floaters our opponent #ill have to leave us=
4f course> if the% LdoL have a pla%able bonus then #e have sacrificed ' points to little benefit> but
these are the probabilities #hich need to be considered=
As a rule of thumb> it is probabl% better to choose the more restrictive pla% if %ou believe %ou are at
a si)nificant disadvanta)e in #ord -no#led)e> but if %ou do )et stun)> it #ill hurt moreI
/inall%> it is #orth notin) that appro1imatel% in 2 openin) rac-s ma-es a seven3letter #ord= If %ou
find %ou have pic-ed a hi)h3probabilit% rac- #ith a blan- and have a variet% of bonuses to choose
from> consider ma-in) the blan- tile the same as one of the other letters in the #ordE there's no
point in )ivin) %our opponent an e1tra choice of floatin) letter to use in repl%=
.otential EDtensions
This is the concern that an openin) pla% mi)ht )ive the opponent a hi)her3scorin) response b%
e1tendin) the #ord to the TWS> a ris- usuall% overestimated b% #ea-er pla%ers= The issue is best
considered #ith specific illustrations=
01ample ,ac- UF C 0 0 @ . , ,
The #ord #hich leaps out at us is C.0,@= With this rac- there should be no hesitation in puttin) it
do#n at Bh2C> ta-in) the 3*pts and movin) on= G5ut han) onIH> %ou cr%> GWhat about the ris- of the
opponent turnin) it into C.0,@IA&?H
C.0,@IA& #ill score '5pts= This is rou)hl% 53*!pts more than %ou mi)ht e1pect them to score on
avera)e= "o#ever> in order to avoid this ris-> %ou #ill need to either choose a different position for
C.0,@ Bpresumabl% d2C> sacrificin) a #hoppin) 2pts on the ver% first move> or pla% C,00@ Bh2C
#hich leaves %ou #ith an inferior ., vs 0, if #e pla% C.0,@= 4f course S+53C.0,@ and
C,00@3I0, are both valid as #ellV
*he correct position
It is vital to realise that the opponent needs to be sittin) there #ith IA& on their ver% first rac- in
order for this threat to be relevant= After their first repl% %ou #ill both have an e<ual chance of
)ettin) the necessar% letters= As #ith the decision to place vo#els ne1t to double3letter s<uares
mentioned above> the apparent ris-s in this situation are usuall% overestimated b% less
e1perienced pla%ers= Mathematicall%> the probabilit% of an opponent havin) the letters IA& on their
openin) rac- is actuall% onl% in '!= 4nce a)ain> if in an% doubt> Dust )rab the points=
.ess clear3cut e1amples e1ist amon) short pla%s= /or e1ample> if %ou have decided %ou have to
pla% off the tiles A0/@, from %our rac-> #hat #ould %ou pla%?
/,0A@ Bh2C ma1imises the score #ith the added bonus of -eepin) a vo#el a#a% from the double
letter s<uares= "o#ever> e1tensions of MI0,> 3IS"> 3IA&> 3I.K> 30,K> 3/+. and M4+T are all
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at
potentials= /,0A@ endin) on Bh2C sacrifices points> leaves a vo#el ne1t to the double letter> and
has the potential front e1tension of 0C43= /inall% /A@0, endin) on Bh2C sacrifices points and
leaves a vo#el ne1t to the double letter=
In fact> computer simulation sho#s that /,0A@ be)innin) at Bh2C is the best pla%> follo#ed b%
/A@0,> #innin) appro1imatel% J more )ames> and *J more than the alternative positionin) of
/,0A@= It's not a clear cut result if the multiple minor pros and cons are considered> but it does
continue to uphold the )eneral rule of thumb=
Summary- 4n the #hole> if %ou have found a five3 or si13letter pla% #hich reaches a double3letter
s<uare> pla% it= It is not #orth sacrificin) score in order to position the tiles more defensivel%=
01ample ,ac- U*F 0 0 0 / , , :
A classic poser= Ao pri7es for spottin) /,00:0,> but do %ou pla% it to double the : for !2 points
and ris- %our opponent havin) a hu)e repl% #ith a simple MS pla% on the triple #ord score> or do
%ou sacrifice a massive * points b% doublin) the / instead for 8(?
A)ain> the ra# numbers a##ear to be on %our side #ith the more a))ressive pla%= Kour opponent
has 6 chances out of 83 unseen tiles to have an S or blan-= If the% donNt> then %ou subse<uentl%
have 6 shots out of 2( and the% are presented #ith the dilemma of #hether to tr% to bloc- a
potentiall% )ame #innin) *3move double #hamm% and in so doin) sacrificin) their o#n score> or
ma1imise their o#n score and i)nore the dan)er=
Despite this> it #ould ta-e a brave pla%er indeed> #hen faced #ith a 8( point alternative> to ta-e
an% form of perceived ris- at all=== althou)h of course there is al#a%s the chance %our opponent
promptl% plon-s do#n 5+M/,00:0, for 62I
In fact> simulation on this occasion favours the more conservative pla%> sho#in) that it #ins Dust
over 3J more )ames= This is li-el% to be due to the ver% hi)h alternative score on offer for the
price of * points and the e1treme nature of the potential ris-E but #hen it comes to defensive
choices on the first move> this is a rare e1ampleI
SummaryF With t#o ver% hi)h scorin) alternatives Be=)= those li-el% to be #orth around three
avera)e moves or moreC there is sli)htl% more room for defensive thin-in) to avoid moderate ris-s=
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at
*he FnearlyG rack
5% this is meant rac-s #hich re<uire somethin) additional to realise their potential> be it a floater for
an 2 Be=)= AA0IA,TC> or a place to pla% a hi)h3scorin) tile Be=)= ?@,,TR:C
The first thin) to ma-e clear is that passin) is ne%er the ri)ht thin) to do= If %our opponent has an%
sense at all the% #ill simpl% chan)e in order to create a bonus on their o#n rac- M and even if the%
do pla%> it is not )uaranteed that the% #ill )ive %ou the desired floater and %ou find %ourself in the
same position> Dust further behind=
In the first e1ample> the best move is simpl% to e1chan)e one A= This is because A0IA,T is hu)el%
li-el% to %ield a 6 or 2 #ith another random tile> and an% score Be=)= ' points for AI> or ' for
,0TAIA etc=C is si)nificantl% belo# #hat could be achieved #ith the hi)hl%3li-el% bonus on move *>
even if move scores nothin)=
In the second e1ample> it #ould onl% ta-e one vo#el to )ive potential hi)h scores from the li-es of
?0,@> ,IT: or :ARP:0R etc= 5ut bearin) in mind the earlier comment on passin)> it ma% surprise
%ou to learn that pla%ers have completed )ames #ith a total Lne)ativeL score b% passin) in the
hope that their opponent B#ho subse<uentl% also passesC )ives them a hi)h scorin) openin)>
#hich never appearsI
5est pla% here is a)ain to chan)e= It ma% feel counter3intuitive to put Q)oodiesN bac- in the ba) for
%our opponent> but in realit% the% #ill onl% hold %ou bac-= &ood options include retention of one or
both of the :PR as the% are the most fle1ible of the hi)h scorers> alon) #ith one or both of TP,= Aot
ho#ever that it is inadvisable to -eep more than * or 3 tiles in total> in order to minimise the ris- of
another rac- full of consonants=
Summary- If itNs a Gnearl%H rac-> chan)in) is usuall% the best choice=
2ustralian artist ;mma 2nna's imag<ne installation
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at
*ile *racking
5rett Smitheram
When ta-in) the step from QdomesticN pla% to club level or hi)her> one of the principal differences is
the practice of tile trac-in)> #here one is allo#ed to -eep a record of #hich tiles are on the board
and hence -no# #hich ones remain QunseenN=
Ae# pla%ers often e1press surprise that this practice is allo#ed> since in card )ames one cannot
sift throu)h the discard pile and so #or- out #hat the opponent is li-el% to be holdin) M it feels
almost dishonest> as if %ou #ere loo-in) over %our opponentNs shoulderI The vital difference is that
Scrabble is #hat )ame theorists #ould call a total knowledge )ame= Since all the pla%ed tiles are
on the board visible to both pla%ers at all times> it is impossible to prevent a pla%er from seein)
#hether the 9 has been pla%ed> ho# man% 0s are left> #hether the blan-s have alread% )one> etc=
/urthermore> useful information about #hether the ba) contains an e1cess of an% particular letter
or a noticeable imbalance of vo#elsPconsonants allo#s a pla%er to ma-e better decisions durin)
the )ame Be=)= #ould pla%in) ;IA0 or ;I.D be most li-el% to %ield a balanced pic-up mid3)ame?C
When approachin) the end)ame this information becomes vital> as the abilit% to estimate the
probabilit% of the opponent holdin) certain crucial letters ma-es an enormous difference to oneNs
success rate and ma-es the #hole end)ame scenario both more comple1 and more e1citin)= In '
out of 5 )ames %our tile trac-in) #onNt ma-e much difference to the end)ame> but in the other it #ill
be the difference bet#een #innin) and losin)=
%hy is tile tracking so use#ul9
Tile trac-in) all the #a% throu)h a )ame allo#s %ou toF
,educe %our chances of pic-in) duplicate tiles b% seein) #hich letters are in abundance in
the ba)
See at a )lance ho# man% po#er tiles B?9R:S?C remain and hence -no# #hether score or
tile turnover is more important at that moment and #hether the rest of the )ame #ill be
more dependent upon bonus pla%s or hi)h3scorin) non3bonus pla%s=
@no# #hether a #ord #ith a hoo- is safe to pla% because all relevant letters are alread% out
Be=)= can I pla% ,I: dan)lin) above the bottom ro# -no#in) that ever% A for ,I:A has
alread% been pla%ed?C
See ho# man% tiles are left in the ba) #ithout needin) to chec- and determine #hether to
attempt to leave one tile in the ba) Bmore on this tactic in the 0nd)ame chapterC
5loc- the opponentNs most li-el% hi)h3scorin) moves
5loc- the opponentNs outpla%
Increase %our chances of ma-in) the last pla% and )ainin) 'countbac-' from %our
opponent's unpla%ed tiles
Some non3e1pert pla%ers do not -eep trac- of tiles throu)hout the )ame but onl% be)in to tile trac-
once the ba) is nearl% empt%= There are numerous disadvanta)es to this> most notabl% that the first
t#o benefits listed above are completel% lost and that tile trac-in) 2!J of a )ame at once ta-es a
considerable amount of time B#hich ma% not al#a%s be availableC= Ti)ht )ames in #hich tile
trac-in) becomes most important are also li-el% to be the ones #hich have re<uired the most
thin-in) timeE #ith the cloc- runnin) lo# the pla%er decides the% no# donNt have time to trac- the
#hole )ame and inevitabl% falters in the end)ame= The solution is simpl% to )et into a routine of
trac-in) ever% move as it is pla%ed=
The )olden rule of learnin) to tile trac- is that practice ma-es perfect= When %ou come to appl% the
techni<ues in this chapter> %our first attempt at tile trac-in) #ill almost certainl% )o horribl% #ron)=
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at
This is the point at #hich man% novice pla%ers promptl% )ive up= Successful tile trac-in) involves
trainin) %ourself to perform a routine on ever% move of ever% )ame> somethin) that you will not
do per#ectly a#ter only a #ew games= "o#ever> much li-e learnin) to drive a car #ith a manual
)earbo1 or ridin) a bic%cle> %ou #ill soon )o from feelin) that %ou are Qall over the placeN to
completin) the #hole routine <uic-l% and automaticall% 3 as lon) as %ou are prepared to practice=
ow 5o ! 5o !t9
$rinted sheets sho#in) the !! tiles are permitted at all levels of pla% and %ou #ill rarel% see a
pla%er #ithout oneE this is a lu1ur% not afforded to tournament pla%ers some %ears a)o #hen the
rules stipulated %ou had to #rite out the trac-in) list in %our o#n time once the )ame had be)unI
"o# the letters are presented is a matter of personal preference= Some pla%ers )roup
consonantsPvo#elsPpo#er tiles for <uic- reference #hen it comes to the balance in the ba)> others
stic- #ith alphabetical order= Some cross off letters e=)= AAAAAA> #hile some simpl% record a
tall%= "avin) tried most versions> I #ould )enerall% advise a)ainst the tall% method unless %our
hand#ritin) is ver% clear under pressureI Some preprinted scoreboo-s also contain a small empt%
board dia)ram> or else %ou can find a variet% of scoresheet desi)ns online to do#nload and print
man% copies= ,umour has it that office photocopiers have been used for such purposes but I
couldn't possibl% comment=
Tournament rules state that %ou must #rite do#n the scores of ever% move pla%ed b% both pla%ers=
The instructions for tile trac-in) are essentiall% simpleF #or- out #hich tiles %our opponent has
pla%ed and cross them off the )rid= 5e sure to onl% cross off the ne# tiles placed on the board and
not ever% letter in the #ord pla%ed= /or e1ample> in the picture above MA,;0. has been pla%ed
ma-in) use of the MA and ; tiles alread% on the board and hence the onl% letters to cross off %our
)rid are ,> 0 and .=
0ach move pla%ed usuall% re<uires the follo#in) actionsF #ritin) do#n the #ordBsC> #ritin) the
move score and cumulative score> dra#in) fresh tiles from the ba) if necessar% and then trac-in)
the tiles pla%ed on the last turn=
When there are onl% a fe# tiles left in the ba) Bt%picall% less than 6C> it is time to use the blan-
space on %our scoresheet to #rite out #hich letters are unseen= Kou ma% choose to circle or cross
off the letters on %our o#n rac- before doin) this in order to avoid accidentall% #ritin) them do#n=
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at
%hat do ! do when it goes wrong9
If %ou realise %our mista-e at the time then it is usuall% easil% fi1edE for e1ample> if %ou cross off a
letter accidentall% then simpl% reinstate it at the end of the ro# of printed letters= "o#ever> most
mista-es in tile trac-in) are not noticed until the end of the )ame #hen the number of tiles in the
ba) is not #hat %ou #ere e1pectin) or #hen the opponent pla%s a letter #hich> accordin) to %our
sheet> the% are not supposed to have=
When %ou find the #ron) number of tiles in the ba)> the error is nearl% al#a%s a failure to tile trac-
one or more pla%s= Most pla%ers find this #ill occasionall% happen after a challen)e has
une1pectedl% interrupted their routine and the% have not )one bac- to their scoresheet to finish the
Dob= The smartest tactic is to ensure that this mista-e is easil% corrected b% recordin) the moves
pla%ed on an empt% board )rid as %ou )o alon)= Ma-e sure that %ou ne2er separate the actions of
#ritin) the #ord on the board and trac-in) the tiles on the )rid= Since the board on %our sheet
should al#a%s be an e1act replica of the real board in front of %ou> #hen %ou do find that %our
trac-in) )rid sho#s too man% letters still remainin)> it is ver% eas% to compare the t#o boards and
see #hich moves %ou have not trac-ed=
If %ou #rite the move on %our cop% of the board before %ou tile trac- it #ill reduce the chances of
crossin) off the #ron) letters on the )rid= Kou #ill also be able to stud% %our cop% of the board
#ithout sho#in) %our opponent #hich part of the board %ou are loo-in) at and #ithout havin) to
read it upside3do#n #hile it is the opponentNs turn= The benefits of bein) able to see immediatel%
#here %our trac-in) has )one #ron) and of havin) a duplicate board for %our o#n reference at an%
time easil% out#ei)h the e1tra * or 3 seconds it #ill ta-e to #rite a #ord on the board once %ou
have made it part of %our routine=
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at
;=am#le scorebook #age *rom Tileish. with tile tracking grid$ em#ty
board diagram and s#ace to record the #layer's racks or rack lea%es=
ow 5o ! Use !t9
The act of tile trac-in) does not intrinsicall% improve %our pla%> Dust as bu%in) a more po#erful car
does not automaticall% ma-e %ou a better driver= "ere are some )uidelines for #hat to do #ith the
information %ou are )atherin)F
iC If %ou have a choice bet#een pla%s of similar score but usin) different letters> chec- ho# man% of
each tiles remain and reduce the chance of havin) duplicate tiles on %our rac-= /or e1ample> if
there is no real difference bet#een pla%in) &,IA or &,IT but the trac-in) )rid sho#s AATTTTT
remainin)> %ou ma% ver% #ell opt to pla% &,IT because %ou are much more li-el% to pic- T than A=
iiC Are the tiles left bonus3friendl%? This #ill determine #hether %ou need to be closin) do#n the
board to protect %our lead or #hether bloc-in) po#erful spots for ?9R: pla%s is more important>
#ith similar Bbut oppositeC considerations if %ou are tr%in) to catch up=
iiiC Do %ou hold the last one of an% particular letter> and can %ou use this to %our advanta)e b%
settin) up a hoo- that onl% %ou can use?
ivC As the end)ame approaches> #hat is %our opponent most li-el% to have on their rac- and #here
are the% li-el% to use it? /or e1ample> there are 2 tiles in the ba) B5 unseen in totalC> the : is the
onl% Qpo#er tileN unseen and there is an obvious (!pt :4 pla% available= DonNt end up bein) )iven a
nast% shoc- b% somethin) %ou could have predicted and prevented=
vC 4nce the ba) is empt%> %ou should -no# eDactly #hich tiles are on the opponentNs rac-= This
ma-es a crucial difference in man% )ames= The 0nd)ame chapter #ill teach %ou ho# to ma-e best
use of this information=
As an aside> once %ou have mastered tile trac-in) %ou #ill find that onl% one further small step is
necessar% for recordin) complete )ames as the% are pla%ed> namel% ma-in) a note of %our full
rac-s as the% appear= Kou can do this either b% #ritin) do#n all seven tiles ever% time or simpl%
ma-in) a note of the rac- leave after ever% #ord pla%ed= /or e1ample if %ou held A50/4,T and
pla%ed /45 %ou could record the move as /45 BA0,TC= The same as for tile trac-in) itself> it is all
about )ettin) into a routine of actions follo#in) ever% turn=
$ractise> practise> practiseI
Tile trac- all the #a% throu)h> not Dust at the end
Tr% -eepin) a cop% of the board in s%nc #ith %our trac-in) to ma-e mista-es less li-el% and
easier to identif% #hen the% do happen Bthis is optionalC=
+se the information %ou are )atherin) as much as possible= There is somethin) to be )ained
from loo-in) at %our trac-in) )rid on almost ever% turn after the third or fourth move of a )ame
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at
*ime 'anagement
Dave @oeni)
Competitive Scrabble )ames are al#a%s pla%ed #ith e1actl% t#o sides and #ith a )ame cloc- to
re)ulate the time of pla%> the same -ind of timer that is most often seen in competitive chess= The
)ame cloc- has t#o separate timers side b% side #ith a button on each side= After each move> %ou
press the button on %our side> #hich stops %our cloc- and starts %our opponentNs> so that the time
onl% runs for the pla%er #ho is on the move=
The standard time limit for almost all competitive Scrabble )ames is *5 minutes per side= The
cloc- is onl% stopped to handle a challen)e> settle a scorin) discrepanc%> or consult #ith the
director in the event of a dispute= This )enerall% means that a )ame ta-es no more than 5!
minutes= If a pla%er )oes over the allotted *5 minutes> ! points are deducted for each minute or
part of a minute that he or she has )one over the time limit= In practice most )ames have no
overtime penalties> and amon) e1perienced pla%ers it is rare to see a penalt% of more than *!
When most people start pla%in) Scrabble casuall% #ith famil% and friends> it is often at a leisurel%
paceE a )ame ma% ta-e a fe# hours= In comparison> the pace of competitive Scrabble can seem
<uite fast= While it ma% feel dauntin) at first> most pla%ers find that handlin) the cloc- and the time
limit becomes natural after Dust a fe# competitive )ames= Most of this chapter shall focus on the
basics of time mana)ement and is intended mainl% for people #ho are ne# to competitive pla%= A
section at the end of the chapter #ill be devoted to more advanced aspects of time mana)ement=
Basic .rocedures %ith *he Clock
I stron)l% encoura)e %ou to start pla%in) at a Scrabble club #ith e1perienced pla%ers before
Dumpin) into %our first tournament= The tournament settin) is not the best place to )et %our first
e1perience #ith the cloc-> and in a club settin) man% pla%ers #ill be for)ivin) and helpful in
directin) %ou throu)h the proper procedures on %our turn as #ell as remindin) %ou if %ou have
for)otten to press %our cloc-=
These da%s man% pla%ers )et started pla%in) online> often in timed )ames that are as fast as or
even faster than tournament time controls= 0ven if this is the case> it is still e1tremel% helpful to )et
in3person practice usin) a cloc- before enterin) %our first tournament= This is because online
)ames ta-e care of man% of the mechanics for %ou> such as dra#in) tiles and scorin) the pla%s> so
almost ever%one #ill tend to )o slo#er in over3the3board encounters=
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at
The basic procedure of events on most turns is as follo#sF
C ,ecord the score of %our opponentNs previous pla% and his or her cumulative score> if there
#as one
*C Search for and decide on %our pla%
3C $lace the tiles on the board
'C Announce the score of the pla% to %our opponent
5C $ress the cloc-
!1 ,ecord the score of %our pla% and %our cumulative score on %our scoresheet
6C If the opponent has not challen)ed the pla% or said Ghold>H dra# ne# tiles
This procedure can seem complicated at first> but it #ill become natural <uic-l% enou)h throu)h
practice= Ideall%> %ou #ould li-e to have done this enou)h times in club )ames that it is natural b%
the time %ou pla% in %our first tournament=
Saying FoldG 7r Challenging
The order of events described above is specificall% desi)ned to )ive each pla%er a )race period to
revie# the validit% of an opponentNs pla% before the opponent has dra#n ne# tiles= This is because
%ou are )enerall% not allo#ed to challen)e a pla% after the opponent has dra#n at least one fresh
tile out of the ba)= ,e)ardless of ho# <uic-l% %ou #rite do#n the scores> %ou should )ive %our
opponent at least 5 seconds to revie# the pla% before %ou dra# ne# tiles=
If a pla%er decides to challen)e an opponentNs pla% before the opponent has dra#n ne# tiles> he or
she ma% do so immediatel% b% sa%in) the #ord Gchallen)eH and stoppin) the cloc-= "o#ever>
pla%ers often #ant a bit more time to thin- over #hether to challen)e a <uestionable pla%= Sa%in)
GholdH is shorthand for GI am thin-in) about challen)in) %our pla%> so donNt dra# %our tiles %et=H
Kour cloc- continues to run #hile %ou are holdin) the opponentNs pla%= Strate)% about #hen to
challen)e is be%ond the scope of this chapter> but from a time mana)ement perspective> the main
thin) to -eep in mind is that since holdin) time is on %our cloc-> it benefits %ou to ma-e up %our
mind #hether to challen)e sooner rather than later> in order to save %our time for thin-in) about
%our o#n pla%s=
Basic *ime 'anagement
01pert level )ames of Scrabble usuall% avera)e about *33 moves per side> because the pla%ers
pla% a )reater number of lon) #ords and thus use up the tiles <uic-l%= At the be)inner and
intermediate levels> )ames ma% tend to avera)e a fe# more moves per turn> but not usuall% more
than 53(= &iven the *5 minute time limit> this means> %ou #ill have to avera)e a bit less than *
minutes per move= I find it helpful to -eep that )eneral )uideline in mind throu)hout the )ame= If
%ou spend more than * minutes on a sin)le move> remember that %ou are borro#in) time from
other pla%s= Conversel%> if %ou ma-e a pla% si)nificantl% faster> %ou )ive %ourself more lee#a% on
other pla%s=
4ne of the simplest thin)s that %ou can do to deal #ith the time crunch is to be in the habit of
loo-in) for %our pla%s #hile %our opponent is on the move= Certainl% %ou need to ta-e into account
ho# the board has chan)ed after %our opponent ma-es his or her move> but there #ill be plent% of
cases #here %ou mi)ht see a )ood pla% durin) the opponentNs time that is still a )ood pla% after the
opponent has )one=
0ven so> the pace ma% feel <uic-= If %ou are used to pla%in) more slo#l%> as man% pla%ers are
#hen the% start> %ou ma% feel that %ou donNt have ade<uate time to thin- about the possibilities and
find the best pla% that %ou are capable of findin)= That ma% ver% #ell be true= 5ut one of the first
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at

steps in learnin) to cope #ith the pace is reco)ni7in) that competitive Scrabble is more of a sport
than an e1act science= Kour )oal is not to find the best pla% that %ou can= >our goal is to ind the
best #lay that you can in the allotted time! As such> it can be helpful to practice pla%in) a number
of )ames #ith the cloc-> ma-in) sure that %ou can move fast enou)h and )o throu)h the
mechanics Bscorin) the pla%s> recordin) the score> replenishin) %our tiles> etc=C> and )et to the end
of the )ame #ithin the allotted time> #ithout puttin) too much pressure on %ourself to #in nor even
to pla% particularl% #ell= 4nce %ou have )ained some e1perience at movin) at the necessar% pace>
then %ou can #or- on refinin) and improvin) %our pla% #ithin those time constraints=
I do not recommend that be)innin) pla%ers #ho are learnin) to cope #ith the cloc- bother trac-in)
the tiles that have been pla%ed= 5rett Smitheram has e1plained the hu)e value of tile trac-in) in a
previous chapter and it is an important s-ill to learn> but if %ou're pla%in) #ith a cloc- for the first
time feel free to )ive the trac-in) a miss for the first fe# )ames= Tile trac-in) is an advanced
strate)% to be adopted onl% after %ou are comfortable findin) pla%s and ma-in) moves at a fast
enou)h pace=
Another thin) that can help is ta-in) less time on Geas%H pla%s to save %ourself more time for harder
ones= 4f course> #hether a pla% is eas% is relative to the individual pla%er> but man% times the
easiest pla%s are #hen %ou have a seven letter bonus that %ou have alread% seen> and there is
onl% one or a small number of places to pla% it= Since %ou )et a fift% point bonus for the bonuses> it
is almost al#a%s )oin) to be the case that %ou #ant to pla% %our bonus> so no sense in dall%in)
about it=
G5ut>H %ou mi)ht ar)ue> GI have to find the bonus firstI And that ta-es me some timeIH This )ets at
an important truism about time mana)ementF it is easier to move faster #hen %ou are faster at
findin) the #ords= ,efer to the chapter on #ord stud% for hints on #hat #ords to learn first to )et
the most ban) for %our buc-=
In the end> these letters #ill help %ou most #ith time mana)ementF ACC0I$,T= The% spell
$,ACTIC0= Kou #ill be surprised to discover that the more %ou force %ourself to pla% at a fast time
control> the better %ou #ill )et at visuali7in) the possibilities and findin) the pla%s <uic-l%= A)ain>
this is a )reat thin) to practice in a club settin)> #here other pla%ers can help coach %ou and #ill be
less intense as %ou practice than the% ma% be in a tournament=
Ad2anced *ime 'anagement
/or more e1perienced pla%ers or those #ho are curious about more advanced aspects of time
mana)ement> here is a list of tips= +nli-e the previous section> #hich #as mostl% )eneral3purpose
advice> this is more of a Gba) of tric-s>H man% of #hich ma% appl% in specific situations and not in
others= There is an important reason for thatF the t%pe of pu77le that %ou have to solve and its
de)ree of difficult% is hi)hl% variable from move to move= There #ill al#a%s be some situations that
ta-e time because findin) the pla%s is difficult or because there are Dust too man% close pla%s to
choose from> Dust as there #ill be cases #here the ri)ht pla% becomes obvious <uic-l%=
If %ou are trac-in) tiles> tr% to do it on %our opponentNs time=
Avoid placin) %our tiles do#n until %ou are sure that this is the pla% %ou #ant to ma-e> and
press %our cloc- soon thereafter= This minimi7es the amount of %our time that the opponent has to
thin- on=
Develop an a#areness of #hen the board is )ettin) ver% bloc-ed up earl%> such that this is
more li-el% to be a 6 or 2 move )ame than an or * move )ame> and start uppin) %our pace
even ver% earl% in the )ame= If %ou do a better Dob of this than %our opponent> often he or she #ill
be the one dealin) #ith bad time pressure=
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at
If it is late in a )ame in #hich %ou are a little bit behind> have tiles that loo- li-e %ou mi)ht be
able to bonus> and need a bonus to #in> remember that it can be o-a% to )o a little bit over the
allotted time loo-in) for it= If %ou find it %ouNll often #in an%#a%> even #ith a penalt%> but if %ou force
%ourself to sta% #ithin the time limit and not pla% a bonus> %ou #ill undoubtedl% lose=
More )enerall%> donNt panic in time pressure= There are man% )ames in #hich %ou can
afford to )o a minute over %our allotted time and still #in> so donNt let the possibilit% of it happenin)
rattle %ou into ma-in) a mista-e that costs %ou more than the ! point penalt%=
0speciall% late in the )ame #here there is one bi) scorin) tile remainin)> loo- to see if there
is a particularl% bi) Ghot spotH for it= B/or e1ample for a (!T point parallel pla% #ith the 9 or : on a
triple letter s<uare=C If there is onl% one spot> focus on pla%s that eliminate or bloc- it> so the
opponent canNt )et it> and donNt #aste time on other ones= If there is more than one and %ou canNt
bloc- them all> consider pla%in) a lot of tiles to )ive %ourself a chance to )et to that po#er tile first=
There are times> especiall% earl% in a )ame> in #hich %ou have man% different bonus #ith a
blan-= Sometimes it is the case that %ou can tell that there mi)ht be a bonus that scores Dust a little
bit more than #hat %ou have found alread%> but remember that if %ou spend several e1tra minutes
for Dust an e1tra point or t#o> %ou mi)ht actuall% be hurtin) %our chances=
,ac-s #ith a blan- Bor t#oC can be some of the bi))est time eaters> but a )ood )eneral
)uideline is to ima)ine first that the blan- is a vo#el if %our rac- is more consonant heav% or that it
is a consonant if %our rac- is vo#el heav%=
If %ou have spent a couple of minutes loo-in) for a bonus> it ma% be time to )ive up and
move on= Kour chances of findin) a bonus tend to decrease the lon)er %ou spend M it ma% be that
there Dust isnNt a bonus in a rac-> as friendl% as it ma% seem=
5e a#are of #hen %ou are pla%in) a particularl% fast movin) opponent #ho #ill tend not to
)ive %ou as much of his or her time to thin- on= Kou ma% need to )et in the habit of movin) more
<uic-l% a)ainst such opponents to avoid )ettin) in time trouble=
Conversel%> if %ou notice that an opponent is )oin) particularl% slo#l% or has made a
mista-e in his or her trac-in) and seems to be fumblin) #ith his or her scoresheet to fi1 it> movin)
<uic-l% can put the time pressure onto him or her= Wei)h this advice carefull%F %ou donNt #ant to
move so <uic-l% that %ou cause %ourself to ma-e errors> but sometimes the cloc- can be %our
If %ou are reall% in a time pinch in the end)ame> puttin) the tiles upside3do#n on %our rac-
mi)ht help %ou transfer them to the board faster if the opponent has turned the board a#a% from
Stron) pla%ers tend to develop an intuition for ho# much the% should be scorin) based on
the d%namism of the board and the letters on their rac-= This can often be a )ood )uide as to
#hether the% have found the best scorin) pla% or somethin) reasonabl% close to it= Sometimes
%our )ut mi)ht tell %ou that thereNs somethin) much better to find here and itNs #orth ta-in) the
e1tra time= 4ther times it mi)ht sa% that #hat %ou have found is )ood enou)h> so move on and
save the time for later pla%s=
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at
@evin McMahon
"n a chronically leaking boat$ energy de%oted to changing %essels is more #roducti%e than energy
de%oted to #atching leaks!' 3 Warren 8uett
Do %ou remember the ver% first piece of advice )iven in this boo-? .et me repeat it= When decidin)
on a pla%> there are t#o e<uall% important factors 3 score and rac- leave 3 that si)nificantl%
out#ei)h an% other considerations= In this respect a chan)e is no different to an% other moveE it is
Dust a move #here the score happens to be 7ero= Tr% to see chan)in) in this obDective #a%> and not
as somethin) ne)ative= Chan)in) is an assertive attempt to solve a problem and ma1imise %our
chances of #innin)> not a forlorn act of desperation #hen there is literall% nothin) else to do= Some
pla%ers are especiall% reluctant to record a score of 7ero #hen alread% la))in) behind in a )ame>
and adoptin) a positive attitude to#ard chan)in) can help to cure this= When %ou are facin) a (! or
6! point deficit and a horrible rac- to )o #ith it> the best thin) to do is to peacefull% accept the fact
that %our chances of #innin) #ill probabl% not be particularl% hi)h no matter #hat %ou do= Kou
should then avoid ma-in) them even lo#er b% failin) to chan)e and attemptin) to #ade throu)h a
mess of u)l% letters=
To )ive %ou an idea of ho# often top pla%ers chan)e> I loo-ed at *2 )ames in the *!* @in)'s Cup>
a presti)ious tournament that too- place in Thailand and included some of the #orld's finest
e1perts= Si1 chan)es #ere made in these *2 )ames> meanin) the avera)e participant chan)ed
rou)hl% once ever% nine )ames= "o#ever the optimal rate for a non3e1pert ma% be hi)her> as hi)h3
rated pla%ers #ill more often be able to use their #ord -no#led)e to WsolveW a rac- of a#-#ard tiles
#here other#ise a chan)e #ould be necessar%= /or e1ample> in one )ame "elen &ipson pic-ed
out four 4's at once from the ba)> but instead of thro#in) them strai)ht bac- in #as able to ma-e
use of the #ord M44.44 for nine points Bnot that man%> but still nine more than 7eroC=
There are a couple of reasons #h% chan)in) ma% be best even #hen a scorin) pla% is available=
+suall% it #ill be because the score or the leave Bor bothC from the pla% is particularl% poor=
Sometimes> such as the AA0IA,T e1ample )iven in the /irst Move chapter> it can be because
chan)in) )ives %ou a leave that is so )ood it Dustifies passin) up other pla%s= .et's loo- at some
e1amples to help develop %our intuition about #hat tiles to chan)e and #hen=
To Dud)e the e1act #orth of each chan)e in the follo#in) positions> I used 9uac-le> an e1cellent
pro)ram #hich is discussed in depth else#here in this boo-= /or those #ho care> I did a '3pl%>
!>!!! iteration simulation in each case=
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at
7ur rack- AE!!!7R
The best of the available scorin) moves are probabl% AIB,CI0, Bf(C for !pts retainin) a not3)reat
I4 and B;CI,04 for (pts Bd2C -eepin) an unpleasant AII= Aeither of these are ver% appealin)
because both score and rac- leave are poor> so an e1chan)e is in order= "ere are some options>
rou)hl% in order from #orst to best=
EDch H 3 "avin) decided to chan)e> %ou ma% decide to )o all out and thro# ever%thin) bac->
perhaps to tr% to increase %our odds of dra#in) a blan- or S= "o#ever> it has alread% been
e1plained in this boo- #h% turnover for the sa-e of turnover is not a sound strate)%> and this
reasonin) holds up for e1chan)es= The definition of W)ood tilesW is #ider than Dust blan-s and
esses= Kou #ant to -eep some control over %our rac-> and not leave %our ne1t turn totall% up to
chance= This is thro#in) the bab% out #ith the bath#ater=
EDch (I 6eep E or EDch (I 6eep R 3 A little better than )ettin) rid of ever%thin) 3 %ou're eliminatin)
the vo#el problem #hile still ensurin) %ou #ill have at least one decent tile on %our ne1t rac-= 5ut
this still leaves %our ne1t rac- more random than it needs to be=
EDch JI6eep AE!R 3 4@> so %ou #ant to hold on to as man% )ood tiles as possible for %our ne1t
rac-> and decidin) to -eep four of the letters that appear in ,0TAIAS seems sensible= 5ut -eepin)
one consonant and three vo#els still leaves thin)s too unbalanced= If there #ere a lot of floatin)
consonants or if #e #ere at a sta)e of the )ame #here the remainin) letter distribution #as
s-e#ed in favour of vo#els> this mi)ht be alri)ht= 5ut of the t#o floatin) consonants available> one
is an u)l% ; and the other is a duplicate of a tile alread% on our rac-= And there is too much
probabilit% of pic-in) more vo#els and still bein) bo))ed do#n ne1t turn=
EDch )I6eep AER or EDch )I6eep E!R 3 Definitel% )oin) in the ri)ht direction no#> and these are
t#o decent choices= 5ut neither of these is <uite the best option= The leaves are still a tad vo#ell%
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at
for the position #e are in=
EDch ?I 6eep ER 3 This is the chan)e &oldiloc-s #ould ma-e 3 not too much> not too little> but Dust
Aote that if this #ere an openin) rac-> then 9uac-le rates @eep A0, as the best choice> mar)inall%
ahead of @eep 0I, and @eep 0,= This sho#s that the best leave from a particular rac- is not the
same ever% time> but does depend on factors such as board positionPremainin) pool to some
A typical consonant,hea2y rack
7ur rack- 3!R*EE%
This is a similar situation to the last e1ample> #ith a surplus of consonants rather than vo#els=
A)ain> there are no scorin) pla%s available that either score decentl% or -eep a )ood rac- leave> so
chan)in) is the #a% to )o= I've listed some possibilities belo#= Tr% to ran- them in a similar #a% to
last time=
01ch 3 3 @eep /I,T
01ch ' 3 @eep I,T
01ch 5 3 @eep ,T
01ch ( 3 @eep ,
01ch 6
"ere is the correct order> a)ain from #orst to best=
EDch H 3 Same reasonin) as previous e1ample= 4f course e1chan)in) seven is correct
occasionall%> but rac-s that are entirel% unredeemable are fairl% rare 3 there's nearl% al#a%s
somethin) to be salva)ed=
EDch JI6eep 3!R* 3 "oldin) onto the / ma% be defensible in the later part of the )ame #here the
board is more closed and mid3value tiles become more important for ta-in) advanta)e of T.Ss and
other premium s<uares= 5ut in the earl% part of the )ame #e should be ma1imisin) our bonus
chances> and the / is not a )ood bonus tile= It's not #orth -eepin) here=
EDch (I 6eep R 3 , is a )ood tile> but #h% onl% -eep one )ood tile #hen %ou can -eep===
EDch ?I 6eep R* 3 t#o )ood tiles? 4r even===
EDch )I 6eep !R* 3 three? While %ou #ouldn't usuall% -eep an I on its o#n> it fits in #ell here and
improves the vo#el3consonant balance= This is the best move available=
It's #orth sa%in) that the difference bet#een e1chan)in) //;W and e1chan)in) all seven is not
actuall% all that hu)e= While the latter is undoubtedl% a mista-e> it's a relativel% small one= Choosin)
not to e1chan)e at all and to pla% somethin) li-e W,IT> -eepin) a horrible /;;> #ould be much
more dama)in) to %our lon)3term chances of #innin) the )ame=
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at
A borderline case
7ur rack- E!!1UU=
In the t#o e1amples so far there #as no room for debate 3 e1chan)in) #as best= 5ut here there
are t#o plausible scorin) pla%s> KIA B3cC for 3 and K+ for *3 in the same place= These are
decent scores not to be snee7ed at> but the% come at the cost of nast% vo#el3heav% leaves=
As it happens 9uac-le ver% narro#l% favours KIA over both K+ and 01chan)e II++K> possibl%
because the value of -eepin) bonus3friendl% tiles is decreased on this bonus3unfriendl% board= 5ut
I can't )ive %ou an e1act recipe to follo# for situations li-e this= Most pla%ers have a natural
tendenc% to underestimate ho# )ood or ho# bad a particular leave is> so I tend to err on the side of
e1chan)in) to tr% to correct this bias= 5ut the most important thin) ma% be to Dust avoid da#dlin)>
pic- somethin) and save time for more crucial decisions later=
A rack o# power tiles
7ur rack- $:UE%;<
This #ould be a bi7arre rac- to dra# in an actual )ame> but useful for tal-in) about the relative
values of Wpo#erW tiles= A)ain I #ill list a selection of possible e1chan)es> from foolish to #ise=
EDch (I 6eep : 3 This is one of the #orst moves it is possible to ma-e in the )ame of Scrabble=
Don't do it= Seriousl%= Althou)h the face value of ! points for the 9 is e<ual hi)hest of an% tile> its
WtrueW value is easil% the lo#est= /or ever% meat% score %ou )et in the 5!3(! ran)e Be=)= 9IP9I #ith
the 9 tripled t#iceC there #ill be man% more times #hen %ou have to settle for a mediocre *!3
somethin) 9AT> a re)ular 3point 9I> or Dust have no place to put it at all and be forced to either
effectivel% pla% #ith si1 tiles or chan)e a)ain=
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EDch (I 6eep $ 3 The ? is si)nificantl% less clun-% than the 9> but still undoubtedl% more enem%
than friend= A)ain> it #ill frustrate %ou more often than it #ill )rant %ou a nice ?4P?4=
EDch (I 6eep ; 3 The R features in the most t#o3letter3#ords of an% of the po#er tiles> but its
overall fle1ibilit% is still lo#er than the := It's more debatable than the ? or 9> but I #ould still thro# it
bac- most of the time=
EDch ?I 6eep :U 3 Althou)h holdin) on to a lone 9 is a bit suicidal> #hen %ou add a + thin)s
aren't so bad= Kour chances of scorin) decentl% are vastl% increased= "o#ever> the dan)er of bein)
forced to dump the 9 for hardl% an%thin) is still present> albeit reduced=
EDch )I 6eep :U<
EDch H 3 With this rac- full of alle)ed po#er tiles> it is interestin) that onl% t#o of the possible
chan)es are better than -eepin) nothin) at all=
EDch ?I 6eep ;<
EDch (I 6eep < 3 The : is easil% the best of the so3called )oodies= It's the least li-el% to have to be
dumped> and its versatilit% ma-es it the most li-el% to )et a )ood score #ith= It appears not onl% in
more short #ords> but also more bonuses than an% other po#er tile B**2 seven and ei)ht letter
#ords> compared to 56* for R> #hich is ne1t bestC
So> the : is the onl% po#er tile that is unar)uabl% #orth% of the name> and is often #orth -eepin)
#hen %ou e1chan)e tiles= The R is prett% much neutral= As for the ? and 9> it is rarel% advisable to
hold onto them in an e1chan)e= While it's usuall% fine to -eep the :> and ma%be R> and trust to luc-
that %ou'll )et a )ood score ne1t turn> %ou should never hold on to the ? or the 9 unless %ou -no#
e1actl% #here %ou are )oin) to put them=
Bonus or power9
7ur rack- E:RS*E<
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The best pla% that scores an%thin) is ;0,ST Bi5C for 8> but the e1cellent leaves possible from a
chan)e ma-e doin) this the better choice= "o#ever> do %ou aim solel% to )ive %ourself the best
chance of a bonus? 4r do %ou -eep the : to ma-e sure %ou score #ell even #ithout a 5!3point
bonus? In a #a%> that depends= 9uac-le rates 01chan)e 9;: as Dust ed)in) out 01chan)e 9;= 4n
the other hand> 9uac-le does -no# all the #ords> includin) all the hi)h3probabilit% bonuses
containin) 0,ST= 5ut if %ou are not %et solid on the hi)h3probabilit% bonuses %ou ma% be better off
-eepin) the : as #ell to score #ith= After all there is no advanta)e in -eepin) bonus3friendl% tiles if
%ou then miss the resultin) bonus= "o#ever> if %ou have ambitions to be an elite Scrabble pla%er
then %ou reall% should be solid on the hi)h3probabilit% bonuses= Short> hi)h3scorin) #ords are all
#ell and )ood> but it's bonuses that #in )ames of Scrabble= Aote that : is of course a ver% )ood
tile that often is #orth holdin) on to= It's onl% because 0,ST is so po#erful that it's #orth lettin) )o
of in this case=
A 2aluable hook
7ur rack- LL11R*%
This is another e1ample of ho# the board position and remainin) tile distribution can affect #hat
move %ou should pla%= Aormall% the W is an a#ful letter and -eepin) one after a chan)e #ould be
a ver% bad idea> but here it is an e1cellent one= The potential of a substantial score for hoo-in) W3
"A$ BdC is too )ood to i)nore= 0speciall% #hen %ou consider that the spot is difficult to bloc-> and
the other W and both Cs Bthe onl% other letter that hoo-s "A$C are alread% )one= An% chan)e that
-eeps the W easil% outstrips other choices> #ith 01chan)e ..AA B-eepin) ,TWC bein) best of all=
In summar%> chan)es are nothin) to be scared of and can be enormousl% beneficial if used
correctl%= Their pros and cons must be #ei)hed in the same #a% as an% other move= It ta-es
practice to consistentl% pull off s-ilful chan)es at the ri)ht time> but hopefull% readin) this chapter
#ill )et %ou there a little <uic-er= &ood luc-I
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at
0d Martin
" you lose a turn with a #honey then you don't deser%e to win the game! Sim#le!' 3 Mar- A%man
DonNt pla% phone%sI Man% pla%ers underestimate Dust ho# costl% a phone% is> especiall% ne#er
pla%ers= 0ven one phone% has a stron) chance of costin) %ou the )ame= 4n the surface a phone%
appears to cost %ou the points %ou #ould other#ise have scored that turn= ItNs actuall% a lot #orse
than that=
/irstl%> %ou have put %ourself into a poor frame of mind and #ill immediatel% lose concentration=
GWh% did I pla% such a stupid move? I should have -no#n that #as never a #ordI If onl% I had
some senseIH /eelin)s of an)er and anno%ance are not conducive to cool> rational anal%sis M and if
%ou pla% a phone% and have to face the same rac- for a second time then %our ne1t move is li-el%
to be poor as #ell= If %ou canNt re)ain %our composure <uic-l%> it ma% affect the #hole of the rest of
the )ame= 5e positive M after pla%in) a phone% there is nothin) %ou can do about it= Concentrate on
pla%in) the best move on each of the remainin) turns=
Secondl%> %ou have revealed all or part of %our rac- to %our opponent= The de)ree to #hich this
matters depends on ho# man% letters %ou sho#ed> and the sta)e of the )ame= 5ut it #ill have an
effect= In the most e1treme e1ample> if %ou pla% a phone% bonus #ith fe#er than seven letters in
the ba)> %our opponent #ill -no# e1actl% #hat is in the ba)> and #ill be in a position to out#it %ou
in the end)ame= /ortunatel% this is rare= More normall% the effect #ill be lesser M but still important=
Most obviousl%> %our opponent #ill be able to bloc- %our best pla%s on the ne1t turn= Alternativel%>
the% ma% be able to pla% an unusuall% a))ressive move> safe in the -no#led)e that %ou #ill be
unable to ta-e advanta)e of the openin)= Indeed> %ou ma% be faced #ith a dilemma about #hether
to sacrifice points bloc-in) the spot %ourself on %our ne1t move= Most li-el%> %ou #ill return to
cursin) %ourself about %our foll% in pla%in) the phone% in the first place> compoundin) the problem=
While the effect of a phone% on the result depends on circumstances> it is a mista-e to thin- that it
is someho# less of a problem to pla% a phone% immediatel% after %our opponent has pla%ed a
phone%> or perhaps e1chan)ed> on the )rounds that neither pla%ersN score has increased= That
ar)ument #onNt amount to much #hen %ou have lost a )ame b% '! points and could have done
somethin) about itI Similarl% some pla%ers are unperturbed b% pla%in) a phone% on the first move=
The same thin) applies M it mi)ht be the difference bet#een #innin) or losin)= The fact that the
phone% doesnNt put %ou into a losin) position in its o#n ri)ht is neither here nor there=
Wea-er pla%ers #ill often sa% that the% #ere 'unluc-%' because their #ord #as disallo#ed> but this
misses the point that pla%in) a phone% is usuall% a choice= It is ver% rare for a pla%er to put do#n a
#ord that the% are !!J sure is valid> onl% to have it disallo#edE there is usuall% a scintilla of doubt
over a non#ord before it is pla%ed= Whether it is caused b% a Grush of blood to the headH or Dust
e1cessive optimism that a hi)h3scorin) or rac-3balancin) move #ill be allo#ed> the fact is that if
%ou choose to pla% #ithin %our o#n safe #ord -no#led)e Bi=e= onl% pic-in) candidate moves from
the list %ou have in %our brain of definitel% acceptable #ordsC> %ou can choose not to pla% phone%s
at all= The thou)ht process Hey$ you ne%er know i you don't try' usuall% precedes a phone%=
Instead of ris-in) the loss of a turn> ma-e a note of %our potential #ord at the bottom of %our
scoresheet #ith the intention of loo-in) it up after the )ame= Then ta-e the safe option instead=
Scrabble is about Gcontrollin) the controllablesH and the number of turns %ou lose b% pla%in)
phone%s falls into that cate)or%=
4f course> the onl% sure fire #a% to avoid pla%in) phone%s is to stud%= Kou Dust need to -no# the
#ords M and if %ou have to resort to )uess#or- durin) the )ame> %ou are at a massive
disadvanta)e= See else#here in this boo- for the most effective methods of stud%in)=
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at
Allan Simmons
A set3up pla% is one #here a b%3product of a move creates a )reat scorin) place for a letter
retained on the rac- for the subse<uent move= It follo#s that prime scorin) letters for settin) up are
the ? 9 R and : but set3up opportunities can also arise if %ou have the last of an% letter #here %ou
ma% be able to create a uni<ue hoo- position for that letter= More commonl% havin) the last S
su))ests a set3up pla% could be profitable especiall% if %ou need a bonus> or a )ood score on a
TWS for e1ample=
It is not #orth considerin) a set3up pla% thou)h if %ou estimate that %ou can score more over the
ne1t t#o moves #ithout the ris- of a set3up= It follo#s therefore that the best set3ups are those
#here %ou can also score reasonabl% #ell #ith the letters %ou have as #ell as creatin) a possibilit%
of a hi)h3score the ne1t turn= Considerations such as the li-elihood of the opponent bloc-in) the
set3up and the alternative moves if it is bloc-ed should both be factors in %our decision=
4f the hi)h3scorin) ? 9 R : )enerall% the R and the : lend themselves more to set3ups than the ?
and 9= This is because there are normall% more alternatives for the R and : should the set3up fail
#hereas a bad pic-up #ith the ? and 9 and a bloc-ed setup can be a disaster= So %ou should
consider a set3up pla% for ? 9 R or : #henF
There is no current pla% to triple or <uadruple it this turn and the set3up pla% scores close to
an% other move #ith the hi)h3scorer an%#a%=
There is a realistic prospect of the set3up achievin) a )reater score over this move and the
The set3up pla% is not too suspicious> i=e= %our pla% does not loo- as if its onl% purpose is to
set up for a hi)h3scorer=
7ur rack- 5EL'77;
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at
The scores #ith the R include AR> AR0> AR.0 > AR.0D> AR0.> AR0D at B!fC for *53*8 and D0R
B8)C for 33> .4R0D Bc3C also 35= If %ou loo- at #hat %ou can score #ithout the R then %ou ma%
spot M4.D Bi5C for *2= This pla% scores Dust 6 points less but retains pla%s of AR or 4R at the ne#l%
created hotspot at BD5C for 5'= Aote that if that spot is ta-en or inhibited B<uite li-el%C than an I from
the ba) #ill enable RI Bf!C for 53=
Sometimes the set3up ma% not be as certain as that e1ample> and ma% depend solel% on pic-in)
the ri)ht vo#el from the ba)= If the vo#el %ou need is one of A 0 I or 4 and there are not man% on
the board> and %our set3up move is usin) five or si1 letters then there is a reasonable chance %ou
ma% )et #hat %ou need=
Another e1ample #ith the same board position above= The rac- is D/&.44:
Scores #ith the : include A:4 B!e> 3*ptsC > :44 or D:4 Ba3> *2ptsC> D:4 Bi2> 3*ptsC> and D:4
B8h> 3!ptsC= "oldin) the : bac-> there is a reasonable score for /.44D Bc3> *6ptsC= Aote that the
:& on the rac- could then combine #ith an A pic-up to )ive :A& Bb(C for a #hoppin) (2pts= If the
opponent pla%s parallel to /.44D then the TWSs on the left hand side of the board ma% #ell
become available for a : pla%=
As mentioned earlier> apart from the hi)h3scorers> havin) the last of an% letter> especiall% the last S
can set the scene for a nift% set3up= ItNs not too difficult to find #ords to pla% that onl% ta-e an MS
hoo- and if %ou can mana)e to dan)le one up to a TWS ro# or column> or even up to the TWS
itself> a bumper score could be unbloc-able= Such set3ups can afford to be lo#3scorin) because
thereNs no attempt to hide the fact= If the opponent feels obli)ed to #aste letters and score little for
tr%in) to ma-e the openin) difficult then that too is a victor% for the set3up= More often the
opportunities for a uni<ue MS set3up #ill come late in the )ame but hereNs an e1ample from a
tournament )ame after about one third of pla%=
7ur rack- AE!1.SU
The letters loo- )ood and thereNs bonus potential= Aormall% #ith this sort of rac- %ou mi)ht loo- for
a )ood score #ith the $ and t#o or three other letters -eepin) the S bac- and ma%be the 0= The
best scores on offer demand use of the S> vi7= M S0$IA B*b> 3ptsC> $+AS B'b> *2ptsC= Without
usin) the S pla%s include $+A B'b> 2ptsC> $IAA B*c> *ptsC or the favourable $+A Bh> 2ptsC=
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at
"o#ever> if %ou reco)nised that %ou have the last S and more creative move is to Dust pla% $+,
B(bC for Dust pts= &iven the earl% sta)e of the )ame> if the opponent leaves it alone it could be
available for several subse<uent turns and )iven %our promisin) -eep of A0IAS there could even
be a TWS bonus comin) %our #a%=
As mentioned> it doesnNt have to be the last S> hereNs an e1ample tournament )ame #here the last
0Ns #ere all on one rac-> )ivin) a set3up chance for a front 03 hoo- to provide a late )ame score
7ur rack- BEEER%9
There are ten 0Ns on the board so the last 0Ns are on this rac- alon) #ith the second blan-= The
pla%er #as in front b% 5 points and #as loo-in) for a pla% to counter a possible TWS score b% the
opponent from 4 usin) the unseen last S for +T+S= The solution #as to pla% ;0T Bf*C -no#in)
that it ta-es an 0 as a front hoo- B0;0TC creatin) free use of the top TWS line= An% attempt to
bloc- throu)h the ; #ill onl% serve to open up the top TWS further=
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at
7pen and Closed Boards
0d#ard 4-ulic7
+nderstandin) and ta-in) advanta)e of the )eo)raph% of a board populated #ith tiles is a
challen)e for an% improvin) pla%er= $art of the challen)e is ps%cholo)ical M itNs important to let )o
of in)rained bad habits such as -nee3Der- bloc-in) or pla%in) each )ame #ith the same strate)% as
the last= The s-ill component comes from learnin) to find and ma-e the ri)ht decisions bet#een
moves #hich have distinctl% different outcomes for the board> %our rac-> and the score= Al#a%s be
a#are of the fact that #hile %our rac- is %our o#n> the board is a shared resource that %ou can
seldom control completel%= S-ilful mana)ement of open and closed board situations is about
pla%in) the percenta)es= The techni<ue of evaluatin) %our move for score and leave still appl%> but
there are times #hen %ou mi)ht need to pa% attention to other considerations=
The )ood ne#s is that improvin) board mana)ement can be done b% obe%in) a number of rules of
thumb= The complication lies in that sometimes the rules of thumb su))est doin) different thin)sE
learnin) #hich considerations to )ive more #ei)ht to is a s-ill %ou #ill develop as %ou pla% more
)ames= The best human pla%ers routinel% perform this tas- better than computer opponents> and
itNs an area in #hich %ou can improve #ithout learnin) a sin)le ne# #ord=
7pen boards
An open board is one #here there are man% opportunities for hi)h scorin)> #here smaller leads
can easil% be overcome b% pla%in) a seven3letter #ord or ma-in) Dudicious use of premium
s<uares or overlaps= A ver% open board is one that cannot easil% be shut do#n in a small number
of moves=
This is an e1ample of a board #hich has man% lanes open in #hich bonuses could be pla%ed> the
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at
most obvious of #hich are indicated b% lines> includin) a particularl% nice one on ro# = ItNs not full
of hi)h3scorin) opportunities other than that 3 but donNt discount the possibilit% of a double3double
throu)h 00A= If %ouNve )ot a lead of 5! points> %ou #ill be unable to shut do#n the board and
protect this lead #ith a series of bloc-in) pla%s M bloc-in) most of these alle%s #ill result in lo#
scores and #aste turns= The ri)ht tactic here #ill depend on %our rac- and the e1act score=
Closed boards
Closed boards are ones in #hich there are fe# scorin) opportunities= 5ut do be a#are that itNs
<uite uncommon to see a board from #hich itNs not possible to create one or more openin)s #ith a
sin)le move= 5e a#are of the possibilit% of set3ups #here %our opponent ma% have the final blan-
or S> or uni<ue hoo-in) letter Bfor somethin) li-e MK3C or D3?IAAIC= The use of a tile li-e ; or C in
an open area can create closed boards> but do ta-e notice of the possibilit% of pla%in) a small #ord
#hich ma-es a double3sided openin)> both sides of #hich cannot be bloc-edF
This is a relativel% bloc-ed board containin) Dust one eas% bonus alle% throu)h the ; Bthou)h a
blan- could be used as an " to facilitate a pla% from Bo5CC= "o#ever it could be blasted #ide open
b% dumpin) somethin) li-e A;0 B*)C throu)h the ; for ( points> openin) t#o nearl% unbloc-able
bonus places= Conversel%> this board could be stran)led further #ith a pla% li-e &+; B*fC ma-in) it
harder still to place a bonus=
Semi,open boards
These cate)ories are not scientific> but there are some boards that fall bet#een bein) open and
closed= The% mi)ht be boards in #hich there are onl% one or t#o real opportunities for points> or
ones in #hich the opportunities are restricted to the pla%er #ho holds a certain tile= A board #hich
has Dust one bonus spot available should be closed do#n b% the pla%er #ho has the lead in almost
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at
all cases= Ket> if that pla%er is holdin) the final blan- and all the SNs are on the board> if the spot is a
line for a seven endin) in S> thereNs no need> as this line is a one3#a% hotspot onl% useable b% that
pla%er= &ood strate)ists are al#a%s on the loo-out for possibilities to create spots to #hich the% #ill
have e1clusive access=
5onKt worry too much about the shape o# the board at the start
Throu)hout the first half of a )ame> the board usuall% offers several scorin) opportunities for ever%
turn and %our main focuses should be score and rac- leave> not attemptin) to limit scorin) spots or
intentionall% create ne# ones= 4f course> if %ou are ahead and can find a move #hich scores and
bloc-s> then )o for itI 5ut itNs li-el% that earl% on in the )ame %ou canNt have that much influence on
#hether the board is open or closed #ith a sin)le move= 0ven pla%in) parallel to another #ord isnNt
a securit% blan-etE %ou ma% ta-e out eas% floaters> but %ou mi)ht be e1posin) even more lucrative
overlaps> or perhaps an eas% t#o3letter #ord to pla% a nine throu)h Bli-e AT> 0S> IA or ,0C=
Cultivatin) a closed board is <uite difficult to do and %ields limited re#ards=
7pen up when behind" block when ahead
.i-e man% )ood rules> thereNs a lot of truth here> but -no#in) #hen to appl% the rule is the -e%
component= It is important that %ou not overreact to a situation and start ma-in) cra7% openin)s
#hen %ouNre onl% a small amount behind> or that %ou abandon scorin) for the purposes of bloc-in)
Dust because %ou have a small lead= Consider the ran)e of li-el% responses and ma-e a decision
on that basis=
In the middle of #ell3pla%ed )ame the pla%ers are avera)in) about '! points per turn= Some of
these pla%s are bonus pla%s> but )ood pla%ers are scorin) #ell in e1cess of *5 points even on their
ordinar% moves= If %ou can continue to score #ell #hile -eepin) a lead lar)er than a bonus> %ouNd
be better off doin) that= If #e sa% that the avera)e bonus is #orth 65 points> and %ou currentl% lead
b% !!> a pla% of '! points #ill ma-e %our lead close to t#o bonusesE this #ould in most cases be
#iser than pla%in) a 5pt bloc-er= /urther> after %our opponent pla%s a bonus> his rac- on avera)e
#ill be #orse than %ours> and the li-elihood is that the ne1t bonus #ill be %ours=
When %ou have a lead> it is important not to abandon solid scorin)> but %ou should do so #ith an
e%e to restrictin) openin)s for )ame3chan)in) pla%s= This usuall% means seven3letter #ords> but
not al#a%s= A better #a% of thin-in) about this is that %ou are tr%in) to reduce volatilit%= It mi)ht be
smart to bloc- the best hot3spots> particularl% if the tile re<uired isnNt on %our rac-> but other than at
the end of the )ame> itNs seldom the best move to pla% a little bloc-er for !pts #hen %ou have 3!
available some#here else=
7pen up when you ha2e a good rack" block when you donKt
Sometimes this rule #ill conflict #ith the former= If %ou have a !!3point lead and the board is fairl%
open> %ou could tr% to pic- off the openin)s one b% one> but this mi)ht ta-e %ou three moves in
#hich %ou score Dust 3! points in total> #hile %our opponent scores '! each for t#o heav% letters
and then s<uee7es an unli-el% bonus in bet#een them= Kour lead is Dust a distant memor% b% this
point> and %ou mi)ht have a poor rac- because %ou've used %our more fle1ible tiles to bloc-= The
time #hen %ou have a stron) rac- #hich mi)ht feature a blan- and fle1ible letters for bonuses or
hoo-s is the time to be offensive M )room %our rac- for a bonus> open up a spot> tr% to ma-e a
hoo- onl% %ou can use= Kou benefit in multiple #a%s M %ou increase the chance of )ettin) a hi)h3
scorin) pla% to put %our lead be%ond doubt> and %ou also ma% pressure %our opponent to abandon
their plan to tr% to th#art %ou= Kou ma% also find that %our opponentNs bi)3scorin) pla% opens up
one for %ou to return to a lead=
The -e% here is to be offensive but not rashl%= The de)ree of ris- %ou should ta-e depends on #hat
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at
%ou have and #hat is to come= If %ou have the final S> %ou can be more cavalier about openin)> for
instance= The ris- here is less> and the re#ard potentiall% hi)h=
The previous t#o rules have to be considered in combination #ith each other= Sometimes the
choice is eas% M if %ou have a 5! point deficit and a )ood rac-> openin) or preservin) e1istin)
openin)s is a no3brainer= Conversel%> if neither %our board nor %our rac- are conducive to bonuses>
tr%in) to -eep the board closed is )ood strate)%= 5ut if one rule su))ests one strate)% and the
other an opposin) one> %ou have to #ei)h up #hat the most li-el% outcome is based on the state of
the )ame> the score and %our rac-=
5onKt +ust make any openingL make the right one at the right time
?ust because %ouNre behind> it doesnNt mean that %ou have to open instantl%= If the score and rac-
from a move are poor and arenNt )oin) to form the basis of a decent score ne1t turn> it mi)ht be
better to massa)e %our rac- into one that can ta-e advanta)e of other spots available> or be able
to create better openin)s= It mi)ht be #orth pla%in) a fe# tiles if a modest score is available in the
hope that a po#er tile ma% land on %our rac- that )ives %ou more opportunities= To#ards the end of
the )ame> if %ou are still behind> %ou ma% have no choice but to open up a chance at an all3or3
nothin) pla% because the )ame is lost #ithout it= This should not )enerall% be done earl% on in the
)ame= The important thin) is that if %ou pla% a move #hose onl% purpose is to open up> the pla%
should be difficult to th#art> ideall% openin) t#o spots> or a ne# spot distant enou)h from an
e1istin) one to ma-e bloc-in) both impossible=
"ereNs an e1ample of a decisive openin) from a promisin) rac-F
7ur rack- A!!1U*9
Unseen- AAEEE1R*UU
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at
The board onl% contains one obvious bonus line> from B5hC onto the D= The +A3 prefi1 #ould )o
#ell #ith the D> especiall% #ith one of the three unseen 0 tiles to ma-e an +A33330D #ord> but in
order to capitalise> it is important that another spot is created= The pla% of AI B*hC creates the #ord
0TA #hich can be hoo-ed b% a T B0TATC or the blan- B0TAsC> both of #hich are retained on the
rac-= 5loc-in) both alle%s #ould re<uire a vertical pla% do#n#ards from the ne#l%3pla%ed I> and
#ould e1pose more floaters or an S3hoo-= The actual dra# of A0 allo#ed sevens li-e A+ATI0s and
A+dI0AT> and ei)hts li-e sIA+AT0D and +AbAIT0D> the last of #hich #as pla%ed to #in the
)ame> but even dra#in) a bonus that pla%s in Dust one of the t#o spots )ives %ou a )ood chance of
#innin) as the opponent ma% )uess incorrectl%=
Blocking is usually only best i# you can do it Muickly and e##ecti2ely
Much the same as the previous tipF a move that has no purpose other than to bloc- has to be
decisive= If there are multiple spots open and %our lead is modest> %ou must choose a move that
bloc-s all or nearl% all of them= It cannot be reiterated enou)h that there is no point to )ettin) a
modest lead and then fritterin) it a#a% bloc-in) hotspots one b% one=
That #ord of caution aside> often it is possible to find simple pla%s that land the -iller blo# on %our
trailin) opponent= This is far more common to#ards the end of the )ame than the be)innin) of it=
7ur rack- 5E411.9
Unseen- BEE!!!6LLL'1777RRS***UE=
Score- JHN,A@J
In this position there are feasible bonus lines throu)h the first three letters of /+.MA,S or usin)
the 530A+ hoo- at Ba3C> ho#ever the main area of concern is the possibilit% of a vertical bonus
pla% throu)h the 0 on the centre s<uare= In this real life situation from the Isle of Wi)ht tournament
in *!!(> the pla% chosen #as $0AA0D Bh'C> #hich scores little but closes off the 0> + and .
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at
floaters= An alternative #ould be to hold onto the D and Dust pla% $0AA0 for the promise of a hi)h3
scorin) pla% at Bo*C hoo-in) "40D Bthere are 3 unseen 4s for 4A4C= While these moves donNt
bloc- all the floaters> the% bloc- the most li-el% ones and retain scorin) possibilities either throu)h
the rac- leave> or forcin) the opponent to ta-e a difficult or undesirable line Ba pla% on ro# * #ill
open a TWS> for instance> and the A column is ver% hard to useC=
Consider both counterplays and your neDt mo2e
The la%out of the Scrabble board means that for most attractive spots> the #ord pla%ed there #ill
open up parallel or perpendicular counter3opportunities for %our opponent= A pla% to a triple3#ord
score ma% open up a place for an ei)ht3letter #ord> or a bonus ma% e1pose premium s<uares that
mi)ht permit an eas% (! points for a : or 9= 5loc-in) one move ma% e1pose another ris-E openin)
up for %our rac- mi)ht also pla% into %our opponentNs hands= 5ut %ou also need to consider %our
options for the ne1t move= 4penin) up a ne# bonus spot is all ver% #ell and )ood> but %ou mi)ht
be pla%in) off the ver% tiles that #ill form the foundation of man% bonuses= Kou ma% also be scorin)
so fe# points that %our opener plus %our bonus #ill score barel% more than t#o avera)e moves>
and in this case> %ouNre ma-in) a ris- for minimal re#ard= Scrabble strate)% is holisticE even #hen
considerin) board mana)ement> %ou donNt stop considerin) more mundane concerns such as
score and leave=
5onKt be a knee,+erk blocker0
A former club3mate of mine used to tell ne# pla%ers GAl#a%s bloc- a triple3#ord score if %our
opponent opened oneH= ItNs bad advice> and if thatNs %our tactic> an opponent #ill readil% distract
%ou from their set3up or bonus spot b% lettin) %ou have a cheap 533! point on a TWS= ,emember
that the avera)e score of a top3level pla%er in the middle of the )ame is in e1cess of '! points so a
solitar% TWS is unli-el% to be a bi) deal unless %ou let it pre% on %our mind= Indeed> if %ouNve )ot a
lead> %ou have more to fear from a bonus line than a TWS= And if %ouNre behind> %our opponent
scorin) a measl% * points on a spot %ou have no interest in because a bonus #onNt fit there is
e1actl% #hat %ou #ant to happen= DonNt let one particular spot on the board ta-e the focus off other
spots #hich ma% be more si)nificant to the outcome of the )ame=
Play too deensi%ely and e%ery game will end u# looking like this
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7pening a second spot may be better than blocking the eDisting one
Certain -inds of hot3spots can be difficult to bloc-= A floatin) vo#el in a dan)erous place ma% be
difficult to bloc- #ithout sacrificin) score if %our rac- is also filled #ith vo#els= Kou ma% be unable
to ta-e out a floatin) consonant if %our rac- is also consonant3heav%= ItNs times li-e this %ou should
consider #hether that hot3spot is #orth bloc-in) at all= Sometimes there are other spots on the
board that #ill permit scorin) opportunities on %our ne1t turn even if the most attention3)rabbin) is
ta-en= It mi)ht be better to #or- to#ards maturin) %our rac- to use one of these> or if others are not
available> to create oneF
7ur Rack- AAE7RU;
An e1cessivel% defensive pla%er #ill see the A of A.0+,4A as a maDor threat #hich must be
bloc-ed at all costs= The best bloc-in) pla%s available are A+,A Ba2C or A,0A Ba2C> both scorin)
*pts> #hich are e1tremel% poor choices #hen considerin) #hat else is on offer= The best move is
,4+R Bl*C for '*pts= An% dan)er from placin) the R in this column is offset b% the fact that %our
opponent cannot use both sides of the board at once and %ou #ill be left #ith #hichever side the%
do not use= Anal%sis reveals that none of the top 2 pla%s in this position involve bloc-in) the left
hand column=
5onKt let picking the FwrongG mo2e ingrain bad habits
KouNve Dust had a ti)ht )ame #here to#ards the end %ou opted to bloc-> and %our opponent pla%ed
a bonus an%#a%= 4r %ou opened for %our o#n bonus and )ot smac-ed b% a bi) : pla%= 4r the TWS
%our opponent opened )ave them a lar)e bonus= These situations arenNt fun> but that doesnNt mean
that the move %ou pla%ed #as #ron)= When %ou donNt -no# e1actl% #hat %our opponent has> %ou
can onl% ma-e educated )uess#or-= It ma% be that the pla% %ou made #as the ri)ht one> the one
that #ould #in the most often= DonNt let these instances #ei)h on %our mind and ma-e %ou retreat
into a defensive shell ever% )ame> or at the opposite end of the spectrum> fail to consider ho# %ou
mi)ht bloc- intelli)entl%=
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*he Endgame
$aul &allen O &eoff Thevenot
;ditor's note? 2t the end o a game the #layer making the last mo%e is rewarded with double the %alue o the unused tiles
on the o##onent's rack! "n 7orth 2merica this is calculated by adding double the %alue o those tiles to the score o the
#erson who #layed out@ in the rest o the world this is calculated by adding the ace %alue o the tiles to the score o
#layer who #layed out and deducting the same %alue rom the other #layer's score! The eect on s#read *winning
margin. is the same in either case!
The end)ame 3 the final portion of the )ame #hen no tiles remain in the ba) 3 can be one of the
most ele)ant> comple1 and enDo%able pu77les Scrabble has to offer= Kes> man% Scrabble )ames
are prett% #ell decided before the tile ba) is empt%> but in as man% others these final decisions are
the most crucial ones %ou #ill ma-e in the entire )ame= 4ne )ood move can steal a victor% in a
)ame that loo-ed hopeless Dust a fe# minutes beforeE one poor move can thro# a#a% a sure #in
%ouNve #or-ed the better part of an hour for=
Aot onl% that> the nature of the )ame chan)es= Durin) most of a Scrabble )ame> #ords and
probabilit% are foremost in our minds> and #hile #e spend some time considerin) our opponentNs
position> there are sharp limits to #hat #e -no# about #hat our opponent is tr%in) to do= 5ut as #e
)et closer to the end> #e have to start seein) the )ame from both sides more and more 3 and b%
the time the ba) is empt% and Bassumin) #eNve trac-ed tiles correctl%C #e -no# #hat our opponent
holds> #e are pla%in) a different sort of )ame= The end)ame is the closest thin) in Scrabble to
)ames of pure strate)% such as chess=
;ndgame Princi#le A-? "n the endgame$ you are #laying the game rom both your own #ers#ecti%e
and your o##onentBs!
0ver% end)ame boils do#n to findin) #hat se<uence of moves #ill net %ou the most pointsF GIf I do
this> then he does that> then I do this===H and so on= So %ou are in effect pla%in) out the remainder of
the )ame in advance> both from %our o#n side and %our opponentNs= Some end)ames are
strai)htfor#ard> but man% others can re<uire some involved plannin) and calculation= This is #h% it
is a )ood )oal to pla% the earlier portion of the )ame <uic-l% enou)h to leave %ourself enou)h time
to thin- the end)ame throu)h properl%= Kou mi)ht not need the e1tra time later> but trust us> %ou
donNt #ant to be facin) a tric-% #in3or3lose end)ame #ith 3! seconds on %our cloc-=
Paul Gallen considers a crucial endgame at the 8ritish
Catch#lay Scrabble )ham#ionshi# *+,-+.! The o%erhead
camera is #art o the Scrabcast equi#ment or broadcasting
li%e tournament games online!
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at
;ndgame Princi#le A+? "t is almost always to your ad%antage to be the #layer going out irst!
When %ouNre the one ma-in) the )ameNs final pla%> in addition to the points %ou score> %ou #ill
benefit in t#o other #a%sF first> %ou net t#ice the value of the tiles %our opponent has left> and
second> %ou den% %our opponent the chance to score #ith those tiles=
These advanta)es can add up to <uite a lot= /or e1ample> letNs sa% %our opponent has made a pla%
that leaves her #ith three tilesF 0AW= Kou have AD"A left on %our rac-> and no# itNs %our turn= Kou
are behind b% *!pts= Kou see that %our opponent can pla% out #ith A0W in t#o different spots> for
'pts in either= Kou see one place to pla% "AAD 3 %ouNll score Dust * points> but %ouNll pla% all %our
tiles and be first out= ItNs a clo))ed3up board> but %ou spot a place to pla% AA" for a #hoppin) 36
points= Surel% it canNt be ri)ht to for)o *5pts starin) %ou in the face in a close )ame> can it?
Well> letNs #or- it out= If %ou pla% "AAD for *> %ouNll )et those * points plus a net )ain of * more
from %our opponentNs rac- B0AW havin) a face value of (ptsC> leavin) %ou *'pts better off than %ou
are no# 3 enou)h for a four3point #in= If %ou pla% AA" for 36> -eepin) the D on %our rac-> that puts
%ou 6 ahead of %our opponent= She #ill respond b% pla%in) A0W for 'pts and )oin) out> leavin)
her 3 points behind= Then she )ets the value of %our leftover D> nettin) ' more points for herself 3
and %ouNve lost b% a pointI
The principle of )oin) out first #ill help )uide %ou to the -ind of <uestions to as- #hen plannin)
%our end)ameF Can I )o out ri)ht a#a%> in one move> or #ill I need t#o or more? If I #ill need t#o
or more> is it possible for me to bloc- m% opponentNs outpla%s until INm read% to )o out? If I canNt
stop m% opponent from )oin) out before me> ho# man% points can I net for m%self before it
happens? If there isnNt a t#o3turn se<uence available on the board that allo#s me to )o out> is it
possible to use m% first move to create one? Can I tempt m% opponent into ma-in) an inferior pla%
that #ill allo# me to )o out first instead of him? .etNs loo- at a fe# strate)ies #e mi)ht consider
alon) the #a%F
7U* !1 71E
The simplest end)ame> thou)h not al#a%s the easiest Bmore on this laterC> is the out in one= /ind
the hi)hest3scorin) pla% that uses all %our tiles> ma-e the pla%> )ame over= "o#ever> %ou should
-eep in mind that even if %ou can pla% out in one turn> there mi)ht be a better se<uence available
b% pla%in) out in t#o or more moves instead= This is particularl% true #hen %our opponentNs tiles
are un#ield% 3 sa%> four consonants 3 and so %ou -no# he #onNt be able to pla% out ri)ht a#a%
7U* !1 *%7
This is the most common t%pe of end)ame se<uenceE often %ou canNt )o out in one move> but %ou
can usuall% )o out in t#o moves if %our opponent canNt )o out in one move either= Kour opponent
#ill li-el% be loo-in) to stop %ou from )oin) out> so %ouNll have to find a se<uence that either )ives
%ou t#o or more places to pla% %our remainin) tiles on move t#o Bma-in) sure %our opponent canNt
bloc- all %our out pla%s #ith a sin)le moveC or )ives %ou a spot that %our opponent canNt bloc- at
all= These spots can be alread% available on the board> or %ou can find a first move that creates a
ne# spot= The most important thin) to remember is not to Dump on the first )ood pla% %ou see> but
rather to ta-e the time to #or- out the se<uence includin) %our opponentNs best possible response
and -no# for sure #hether %ou are )uaranteed to be able to )o out in t#o or not=
After %ouNve )ot a t#o3move se<uence %ouNre sure #ill allo# %ou to )o out> it is also #orth chec-in)
to see #hether the t#o pla%s #ould be better pla%ed in the reverse order= /or e1ample> if %our first
pla% )ives %our opponent a ne# place to score ten more points than she other#ise could on the
resultin) board> ma%be pla%in) %our planned second pla% first instead is the better choice=
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at
A couple of e1cellent e1amples of #ell3e1ecuted t#o3move end)ame se<uences follo#F
.e#is Mac-a%Ns end)ame vs Austin Shin at 5ritish Matchpla% Championships *! is an e1ample
of these fundamentals e1ecuted nicel%= Austin has Dust pla%ed K+CA Ba*C for 38pts to ta-e a *3
point lead= .e#is holds 00044,T and Austin holds 5CII.,S #ith the ba) empt%= "o# can .e#is
#in this match?
LewisK rack- EEE77R*
Unseen- BC!!LRS
Score- JHA,J@?
Austin cannot )o out in one from 5CII.,S> but as %ou ma% have seen there are man% se<uences
#hereb% he can )o out in t#o= Therefore .e#is must )o out in t#o moves and catch Austin #ith
some of his unpla%ed tiles= There is onl% one #a% of doin) this and .e#is finds it= ,0;0,0 Bi'>
*3ptsC= This leaves 44T #ith 6 points available to pla% either 44T Bn5C or T44 B*dC= Austin
cannot bloc- both or score #ell enou)h to outpoint him= .e#is #on the match b% points and
#ent on to #in this tournament= Kou ma% be thin-in) that %ou havenNt heard of 54D&0,= "o#ever>
if this is the onl% #a% to #in> %ou ma% as #ell )o for it and -eep %our fin)ers crossedI
Trevor "alsall vs $anupol SuDDa%a-ornNs match at the Cause#a% Challen)e *!! is another
e1ample of the importance of )oin) out in t#o moves in man% end)ames= Trevor holds CDIAA,:
and trails b% ' points= $anupol holds C0I,+; and #ith such a balanced rac- is able to )o out in *
moves= Trevor must )o out in t#o moves himself therefore and catch $anupol #ith some of his
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at
*re2orKs rack- C5!11R<
Unseen- CE!RUE
Score- )B(,)>B
&ettin) rid of man% of the consonants is a priorit% #ith onl% one vo#el available= There is onl% one
#a% to #in this )ame> :IAC4 BmC for 3* points= This leaves DA, #ith A0,D Bi*C and D0AA,
B)C available for an outpla%= +nfortunatel% for Trevor he chooses :IA B*aC for 3!pts leavin) the
clun-% CDA,= "e doesnNt leave himself #ith an% outpla% and $anupol simpl% can )o out in t#o
moves himself= $anupol has man% out in t#o se<uences> can %ou see an% of them? 5est is 5I4
Bc*C then C+,;0D Ba6C= In the match $anupol chose ;I.0 BhC then ,+C B5)C=
If %ou canNt find an%#here on the board to )o out in t#o moves> %ou mi)ht consider usin) %our first
move to create a ne# place to pla% out #ith %our second move= True> %our opponent mi)ht bloc-
%our ne# threat> but she mi)ht have to ta-e man% fe#er points to do so or other#ise chan)e her
o#n end)ame plannin) to respond= If %ou canNt ma-e life eas% for %ourself> mi)ht as #ell ma-e it
tou)h on %our opponentI
Should %ou be on the other side of this tactic> as #ith ever% other end)ame decision> the choice of
#hether to bloc- or not comes do#n to calculatin) #hichever resultin) se<uence )ives %ou the
most net points= If a seven3point bloc-in) pla% leads to a se<uence that )ains %ou nine points on
balance> but ma-in) a 3!3point pla% else#here and allo#in) %our opponent to )o out )ains %ou
fifteen overall> then itNs clearl% best not to bloc-=
If %ou can -eep %our opponent from )oin) out in t#o> itNs ver% important to find the best possible
se<uence available to %our opponent> as illustrated b% the e1ample belo#F
This position from a )ame bet#een David Webb and Ai)el ,ichards at the 0uropean 4pen is an
e1ample of needin) to bloc- the opponentNs best pla% #ith %our pla% to ed)e the end)ame= Ai)el
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at
holds the unpla%able /4.@I0,= "e is over 5! points behind in the end)ame=
1igelKs rack- E3!L7R6
Unseen- E!*E=
Score- A@?,J)N
There is no mathematical #a% that Ai)el can #in> that is unless his opponent errs on his ne1t
move= Ai)el puts the pressure on David to find the best move= Ai)el pla%s /I, B*lC leavin) 0@.4=
This leaves .4@0 Ba6C for '' points and @40. Bo*C for 55 points= .4@0 doesnNt score enou)h to
#in but @40. doesI David must bloc- the latter and score decentl%> and K0TI B'l> *6ptsC is the
onl% move that does the Dob= David overloo-s the threat and pla%s STI;K B'b> 8ptsC= /rom a
losin) position> Ai)el pla%s @40. and snatches victor% from the Da#s of defeat= This #as a tou)h
loss for David #ho had led b% over !! points for most of the )ame= Aot onl% #as this an e1ample
of needin) to bloc- the opponentNs pla%> it sho#s that one should never )ive up in the end)ame
as Ai)el didnNt> even in QlostN situations=
;ndgame Princi#le AD? 8oard %ision is essential to #laying endgames well!
In the end)ame> the board is full of tiles> and man% of the )ood places to pla% have alread% been
sealed off= Kou probabl% #onNt be rel%in) on %our bonus3findin) abilit% no# 3 most of the #ords
pla%ed in end)ames are the short ones most tournament pla%ers -no# #ell= 5ut in a close )ame>
ever% end)ame point is ma)nified 3 for e1ample> if %ou need to )o out and score at least ! to #in>
and %ou have DT left and onl% find T0D for 2> overloo-in) an A and 0 one space apart in another
part of the board #here DAT0 #ould have fit for *> %ouNve lost a totall% #innable )ame= So it pa%s
to develop the habit of loo-in) ever%#here> even in the unli-el% in3bet#een spots= And this is Dust
as important #hen considerin) %our opponentNs possible pla%s 3 %ou canNt bloc- #hat %ou donNt
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at
*A6!14 A5EA1*A4E 73 =7UR 7..71E1*KS RAC6
Since %ou -no# #hat letters %our opponent holds> %ou -no# #hat %our opponent can do 3 and
moreover> #hat he canNt= If his rac- has a maDor fla# 3 all consonants> all vo#els> u)l% combos li-e
II+ or C&; that ma-e it hard to )o out <uic-l% 3 %ou ma% be able to e1ploit it=
4ne #a% to do this is to use one pla% of %our end)ame se<uence to set up another that his tiles
donNt allo# him to bloc-= The ne1t e1ample features an innocuous3loo-in) but ele)ant setup that
nets a boatload of points= A nice setup can ensure victor% and also e1tend the spread of a victor%
as seen in this match bet#een Mi--i Aicholson and Mar- A%man= Mi--i holds AA/MA4: and Mar-
holds the u)l% DD.T= What can Mi--i do to increase the mar)in of victor%?
'ikkiKs rack- AA3'17<
Unseen- 55L*
Score- )B>,JAJ
The ans#er is 0M Bm3> 'ptsC= This sets up an unbloc-able :4AAP0M4 B5lC for 6'pts= The )ame
is alread% #on but spread has decided man% a tournament and this )reat pla% )enerated a #innin)
spread of (( points in #hat had been a close )ame throu)hout=
As %ou can see from the position above> a small setup can lead to a hu)e score= It is almost never
ri)ht to pla% one tile for four points> but ever% end)ame is different and thereNs no rule of thumb to
cover them all= This sort of creative thin-in) and fle1ibilit% is a hallmar- of top3notch end)ame pla%=
Another #a% %ou can e1ploit %our opponentNs troublesome rac- is b% ma-in) it so one or more of
his tiles arenNt pla%able an%#here on the board= +n#ield% hi)h3point tiles li-e 9 and ; are most
susceptible to this tactic> thou)h as the ne1t e1ample sho#s> itNs even possible at times #ith tiles
%ou #ouldnNt e1pect=
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This )ame bet#een ?a-e ?acobs and Christian 5ro#n features an e1ample of the above= .oo- at
the board position belo#= ?a-e has Dust pla%ed $,4.AMIA to ta-e a 3 point lead= Christian is
sittin) #ith the initiall% unpromisin) rac- of 000&IT+ #hilst ?a-e is sittin) #ith a sin)le I= Christian
pla%s 0T+I> concedin) defeat> not realisin) that ?a-e onl% has three places for his I #hich can all
be bloc-ed #ith one move= Can %ou see the best se<uence to ed)e this end)ame?
ChristianKs rack- EEE4!*U
Unseen- !
Score- JHH,)BN
M0+ Ba2C must be pla%ed first to bloc- potential outpla%s of AI> MI and IA= ?a-e can no# onl% pass
ever% remainin) turn as his I is unpla%able= The best se<uence for Christian is &I& B8cC for *
points> T+& Bc6C for 5 points> "0, Bf*C for ( points then "0,0 Bf*C for 8 points to reach a score of
'= Ta-in) the I> the final score #ould have been '*3'!6=
If %ou can mana)e to stic- %our opponent #ith an unpla%able tile> itNs often best to pla% out slo#l%>
even one tile at a time> so as to ma1imise the points %ou )ain from his predicament= Kou can also
emplo% setups here at #ill> since %our opponentNs hands are tied= B?ust be careful not to create a
ne# spot for his unpla%able tile b% mista-eIC
*E .RE,E154A'E
When there are about 5 tiles remainin) in the ba)> and particularl% #hen there are seven or fe#er
Bbut at least oneC> #e are in the pre3end)ame= .i-e the end)ame> the pre3end)ame is often #hen
the most crucial decisions are made= And if an%thin)> the pre3end)ame is more comple1 than the
end)ame> because #e are movin) more and more to#ard end)ame thin-in) Bseein) the )ame
from both sides> thin-in) strate)icall%C #hile> unli-e in the end)ame> still dealin) #ith probabilit% as
#e have been doin) all )ame lon)=
Ao# that the )ameNs nearin) its end> itNs time to start thin-in) less about #hat is probable and
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at
more about #hat is possible= If %ouNre ahead> as- %ourself ho# %ou can possibl% lose this )ameE if
%ouNre behind> as- ho# %ou can #in it= /or e1ample> does %our opponent need a late bonus to #in?
Then loo- to shut do#n promisin) bonus spots= Does %our opponent need to score #ell #ith a bi)
tile li-e R or : to ma-e it happen? Then ta-e a#a% hotspots or pla% more tiles to tr% to #in the race
to the tile %our opponent needs= Is the tile pool unseen to %ou loaded #ith consonants? .oo- to
ta-e a#a% vo#els on the board she mi)ht use to balance her rac-= Will %ou need a bonus %ourself
but donNt %et have it? @eep a bonus3prone leave> or open up a ne# lane for bonuses> or tr% to pla%
a lon)er #ord to increase the chances of )ettin) that last blan-===these <uestions and man% others
li-e them reflect the mindset for pre3end)ame pla%= At no other point in the )ame do #e Du))le
more different considerations=
4ne piece of information becomes vital to -no# in the pre3end)ameF ho# man% tiles remain in the
ba)= 0ither pla%er is allo#ed to reach into the ba) to chec- ho# man% tiles remain> thou)h as a
point of eti<uette %ou should sa% WDust chec-in)W and hold up %our palm before and after> to sho#
%ou are not puttin) bac- un#anted letters=
The pre3end)ame leads directl% into the end)ame> at the point of the pla% that empties the ba)=
/rom the end)ame section> %ou ma% have noticed that the pla%er )oin) first in the end)ame has a
distinct advanta)e= If he is the one to eventuall% pla% out> and more often than not he #ill be> heNll
have had an e1tra turn the opponent did not= This means that if %ouNre the one empt%in) the ba)>
%our opponent #ill have that end)ame advanta)e= BThis advanta)e can be particularl% nast% #hen
%our opponent then pla%s a bonus to )o out= "e )ets the bonus score plus all the points from %our
rac-> #hile %ou donNt )et another turn=C
The best #a% to ma-e it so %our opponent is the one empt%in) the ba) and not %ou is to choose a
pla% late in the pre3end)ame that leaves Dust one tile in the ba)= Kour opponent #ill then be forced
to either ma-e a ba)3empt%in) pla% or pass his turn and score nothin) Band if heNs behind> even
thatNs not an option> since %ou can simpl% pass bac- and si1 passes end the )ame=C= .eavin) one
tile in the ba) is a classic tactic in Scrabble and there are hundreds of e1amples I could use to
illustrate this= In the *!!6 World Championship /inal bet#een Ai)el ,ichards and &anesh
Asirvatham> leavin) one tile in the ba) assured eventual champion Ai)el ,ichards of victor%F
1igelKs rack- A!L7RR*
Unseen- A5E!LLRS*U
Score- )?H,J)B
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at
Ai)el holds AI.4,,T and an 6 point lead= A comfortable lead on most occasions= With sin)le
point tiles and a hu)e deficit> &anesh must )o for the nine timer to #in= The )ame is not safe for
Ai)el therefore as &anesh has opened a second nine timer #ith .00= "o#ever> Ai)el pla%s the
correct move> A, B(mC for ( points= &anesh then pla%s TAI..0+, Ba2C for ** points= &anesh
pic-s up the last tile and Ai)el pla%s T4,4IDS *2pts to #in the match= 0ssential to Ai)el #innin)
this )ame is leavin) one tile in the ba)= Wh%? .etNs ima)ine that Ai)el had added a T to A, to
ma-e A,T and empt% the ba)= &anesh #ill pla% TAI..0+, and cruciall% #ill ta-e all the points
from Ai)elNs rac-> an e1tra ( points= A,T #ould lose the match for Ai)el= Instead> A, means that
Ai)el is allo#ed an e1tra turn to score #hich he dul% does #ith T4,4IDS= The other )reat
attraction of onl% )ivin) &anesh one tile is that he is unli-el% to score much thereafter #ith that one
tile after his bonus= Aote also that if Ai)el had left t#o tiles in the ba)> he #ould be leavin) himself
e1posed to &anesh pla%in) one tile in the hope of )ettin) a nine3timer and catchin) Ai)el #ith his
tiles= The A, move is ver% simple but not abidin) b% this important principle almost certainl% #ould
have lost Ai)el the match=
0ven before the ba) )ets to one tile> %ou need to thin- about ho# it mi)ht )et there if it does= /or
e1ample> if %ou leave three or four tiles in the ba)> %our opponent #ill ver% li-el% ma-e a t#o3 or
three3tile pla% and leave the last tile for %ou= T#o3 or three3tile pla%s can score #ell> 3! or even
more at times= If %ou leave t#o in the ba)> %our opponent must either pla% a sin)le tile or empt% the
ba)> and he ma% not be able to score ver% #ell at all #ith Dust one tile= Thou)h on the other hand>
leavin) t#o tiles in the ba) allo#s him the chance to fish off one tile if heNs )ot a bonus3prone rac->
so %ouNll have to consider all sides of the <uestion before ma-in) %our decision= This is true even
earlier in the pre3end)ame 3 for e1ample> if %ou thin- %our opponent is li-el% to pla% a bonus ne1t
turn> %ouNre probabl% better off leavin) seven in the ba) instead of ei)ht> causin) his bonus to
empt% the ba) and thus )ive %ou the first end)ame move=
If %ou are faced #ith the last tile in the ba)> it ma% be #orth it to choose a pla% that pla%s off lots of
tiles> to )ive %ourself a bit of a head start in the end)ame= /or e1ample> if %ou ma-e a five3tile pla%
#ith one in the ba)> %our ne1t rac- #ill have onl% three tiles on it #hile %our opponent #ill have
seven= Kou ma% then be able to pla% out before he does> even thou)h heNs )oin) first in the
*E *!LE .77L A15 E154A'E .RE.ARA*!71
$art of the pre3end)ame is loo-in) ahead to the end)ame and ensurin) as best %ou can that %our
final tiles #ill serve %ou #ell there= As %ou can see from the end)ame section> itNs much easier to
pla% an end)ame #hen %ou have a balance of vo#els and consonants and donNt have hard3to3pla%
tiles li-e Cs> 9s and ;s or u)l% combinations to fi)ht throu)h= Therefore> %ou need to pa% close
attention to the tiles that havenNt been pla%ed= If there are tiles remainin) that #ould help %ou in the
end)ame Bor soonerC> %ou ma% #ant to pla% more tiles and tr% to )et at them> or conversel%> if there
are a lot of troublesome letters left %ou ma% #ant to pla% fe# tiles and let %our opponent ta-e the
ris- of dra#in) them instead= /rom the pool and %our opponentNs pla%s> it is often possible to ma-e
educated )uesses about #hich tiles %our opponent mi)ht have and #hich are still #aitin) in the
ba)> and the e1tra thou)ht is ver% often #orth the effort= ItNs at this point that %ou start to see the
)ame from both sides> albeit imperfectl% from %our opponentNs side=
With all this advice> ho#ever> remember that scorin) points is still the name of the )ame> even late
in the )ame= ItNs no )ood to have a nice end)ame rac- and )reat end)ame s-ills if %ouNve denied
%ourself fort% points alon) the #a% to do so and no# find %ourself too far behind to pull the )ame
out= As in ever% other part of a Scrabble )ame> there is a balance to be found bet#een ta-in)
points and ma-in) lo#er3scorin) moves that offer other advanta)es> and to find that balance there
is simpl% no substitute for )ettin) lots of )ame e1perience and honin) %our strate)ic thin-in)=
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at
As %ou have seen> the end)ame is the most comple1 aspect of a Scrabble )ame but practicin) a
fe# -e% principles #ill be e1tremel% helpful= $la%ers of all levels )ain enormous satisfaction #hen
post3)ame anal%sis reveals that the% pla%ed an end)ame perfectl%> but even at e1pert level this is
b% no means ever% time= If %ou need to improve this area of %our )ame B#hich nearl% ever%one
doesC #e stron)l% recommend treatin) )ames #here one pla%er has a si)nificant lead )oin) into
the end)ame as if the scoreline #as different and those final pla%s #ere actuall% )oin) to decide
the #inner= 5% pla%in) for ever% point in non3crucial situations %ou #ill )ain the e1perience needed
to handle the pressurised situations #hen the% do arise=== and #ho -no#s> %ou mi)ht even find that
some of those Gun#innableH end)ames aren't so un#innable after allI
;ndgame co3author Geo The%enot rela=es ater another
nail3biting inish at the 6S 7ational )ham#ionshi#
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at
.laying Style
Andre# /isher
Is there a QbestN pla%in) st%le #hen it comes to Scrabble? There are certain hallmar-s of hi)hl%
successful pla%ers #hich should be emulated> but st%le is tied up to some e1tent #ith the pla%erNs
personalit%F each one #ill consider the various factors that contribute to move selection> but #ill
#ei)ht them differentl% before ma-in) a decision=
Scrabble is a )ame of #arfare #ith hidden information BoneNs opponentNs current resources> and
the contents of the ba)C> but is unli-e some other classic )ames such as chess M rather than
representin) one arm% arra%ed a)ainst another> in Scrabble the pla%in) pieces> once deplo%ed on
the board> belon) e<uall% to each pla%er and can then be built on as desired= "ence it is not reall%
possible to set up a roc-3solid defensive formation for %our o#n battle3line> as %ou mi)ht in chess>
)iven that each pla%er #ill end up #or-in) #ith much the same board formation as the )ame
pro)resses= "o#ever> it is still possible to characterise a pla%in) st%le as Qattac-in)N or QdefensiveN in
li)ht of the pla%erNs propensit% to open up floaters> leave hoo-s dan)lin) and colonise TWS lanes>
or conversel% to bloc- #ith parallel pla%s> choose une1tendable #ords and prefer interloc-in)
moves that minimise the opponentNs opportunities= There is no doubt that the former st%le can often
lead to hi)her scores and mar)ins> but is vulnerable to counterattac-E so )iven that the obDective is
solel% to #in the )ame> some prefer a more controlled approach in )eneral= "o#ever> there are
ver% fe# top pla%ers #ho are characterised as QdefensiveN> former +S champion David &ibson
bein) perhaps the most noted e1ponent=
4verridin) score considerations #ill often ma-e a sin)le move the standout candidate> no matter
#hat oneNs personal st%le ma% be= Scorin) points is important> and <uite often the hi)hest3scorin)
move #ill be clearl% best= This includes openin) up the TWS lane> as in the follo#in) earl%3)ame
position in #hich %ou trail 8* to ( and hold 0"@.44WF
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at
The obvious scorin) 7one is Bd*C3Bd5C> and there are several candidates hereF "4W@ for '2
points is the most remunerative> #ith "44@> "4.@ and W0.@ also doin) #ell= There are fe#
viable pla%s that do not hit ro# 5> but hi)hl% defensive pla%ers mi)ht favour somethin) li-e @0W.
Bd!> '!ptsC> or possibl% colonisation of the B!eC hotspot #ith W4= 4ne of the dra#bac-s of @0W.
is the poorish rac- leave of "44> #hile W4 scores ver% #ea-l% in comparison to "4W@ M and on
simulation> ta-in) the points is clearl% the best pla%= Sure> %ou mi)ht on rare occasions )et hit #ith
somethin) li-e ,44@I0ST for 52> but in truth that hardl% ever happens= Most of the time %our
opponent #ill have his o#n rac- problems to resolve> or ma% have other priorities M and %ou mi)ht
even )et to use the @ %ourself= 4ne #ell3-no#n rule of thumb is that it #ill )enerall% be beneficial to
open up the triple in this manner if %ou can score about si1 e1tra points over %our ne1t best
"ereNs another e1ample in #hich simulation su))ests that ta-in) the points is the ri)ht course>
not#ithstandin) the defensive implications= Ima)ine %ou have the rac- A&I@44T #ith scores about
Rack- A4!677*
There are some )reat overlap scores in ro# t#o #ith the @ sittin) at B*fC> and T4@4> AT4@ and
TI@A all score a heft% '3pts> albeit )ivin) some possible counterpla% B%ou can distin)uish bet#een
them b% comparin) their respective rac- leaves> also bearin) in mind that A@A> 4@A and S@A #ill
become available for access to the top ro#C= As the ne1t best score appears to be 4@A B!iC for
Dust 3'> it is fairl% obvious that %ou should ta-e the points and not #orr% about #hat mi)ht happen
in the top ro#=
,a# scorin) po#er> then> #ill often override the desire to be defensive> and #ill hi)hli)ht one pla%
as clearl% best= 5ut as the )ame pro)resses> different considerations come into pla%> and it is <uite
often sensible to pla% sli)htl% more conservativel% #hen %ou #ill maintain or secure a stron) lead=
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at
Consider the position belo#> holdin) 0I.MSS? #ith a ten3point leadF

Rack- E!L'SS9
This is actuall% a fairl% )ood position for obscure bonus practice> but letNs assume that %our revision
pro)ram has enabled %ou to identif% all possibilities= The main ones in score order areF
DonNt #orr% if %ou didnNt see these M #eNre tal-in) theor% at this sta)e= "ere the hi)hest3scorin)
bonus S.IMSI0, is ver% stron)> but is rather open and )ives )ood prospects for a comebac- Be=)=
a bonus onto the open S at B5aC> #hich happened later in the actual )ame #ith the opponentNs
un#elcome &?0T4STSC= @no#in) that %ou #ill shoot into a lead of almost !!> it is probabl%
#isest to sacrifice a small number of points b% choosin) the ti)hter S0./ISM Bi2C> #ith its
spectacular si1 hoo-sF the parallel pla% and -illin) of floaters ma-es it much more li-el% that %our
opponent #ill have trouble in pullin) bac-=
5% contrast> the ne1t position in the same )ame neatl% illustrates the mindset %ou should adopt
#hen in arrears> holdin) a rac- of DD00IATF
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at
Rack- 55EE!1*
The bonuses available areF
Aotin) firstl% that no bonus #ould have been possible if S0./ISM had been found on the previous
turn> #e ta-e stoc- of the scores #hich indicate arrears of 8(pts= That is virtuall% #orth a bonus
and a half> meanin) that #e need more volatilit% rather than a ti)ht> controlled position= This ma-es
it clear that the best pla% is to open thin)s up> providin) several ne# floaters and ma1imisin) the
score M IA0DIT0D B3hC is the choice> ma-in) it much harder for the opponent to loc- do#n the
So the current score and sta)e of the )ame are of vital importance in decidin) #hether to pla%
sli)htl% more defensivel% or sli)htl% more a))ressivel%= In )eneral it ma-es sense to pla%
defensivel% #hen ahead> and )o for volatilit% #hen in arrears> but a)ain each pla%er #ill have
different preferences and Dud)ements about this= M% personal leanin) is to ta-e calculated ris-s on
fairl% open boards> and sadl% this strate)% sometimes bac-fires=
5e a#are that if the state of the board itself is alread% ver% volatile> there is less potential dama)e
caused b% creatin) %et another openin)= Kour opponent mi)ht find it better to colonise an e1istin)
hotspot> and indeed ma-in) more openin)s available mi)ht )uarantee that %ou still have places to
score after the opponent ta-es a turn= Conversel%> if the board is prett% bloc-ed and not susceptible
to counterpla%> creatin) a )larin) hotspot can be much more ris-%= This is #hen discretion ma% be
the better part of valour=
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at
Top pla%ers are al#a%s tr%in) to )ive themselves a small ed)e= The most obvious #a% lies in
trippin) up %our opponent #ith obscure hoo-s> for e1ample a pla% of $A,0; mi)ht entice them into
subse<uentl% attachin) an S #hich #ould lead to a loss of turn B$A,0; is derived from a Kiddish
#ord meanin) QneutralN> i=e= coo-ed #ithout mil- or meatC= Then %ou can deflate them b% addin) the
0 to ma-e $A,0;0= This mindset also encoura)es setup pla%s to benefit %our o#n rac- leave> and
here are a couple of e1amplesF
=our rack- E!L17R<
All the )ood pla%s triple the : someho# in ro# (= The point in choosin) A:4 B(iC> as selected in this
position b% David 0ldar in his )ame a)ainst Aa#een /ernando> is to )ive a sli)ht ed)e b% settin)
up the A remainin) on %our rac- for A:4A= It's hard to ar)ue #ith> especiall% #ith three ANs alread%
on the board= The onl% fl% in the ointment is the creation of another hotspot for somethin) li-e a ?
Bsee belo# for a continuationC=
/or a more restrictive setup opportunit%> have a loo- at this position= Kou hold 500I.44 #ith
scores rou)hl% e<ual> %our opponent havin) Dust pla%ed +A5AAF
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at
"ere .44I0PDIM0 B!bC seems best> settin) up the 5.44I0 hoo-= The opponent has Dust used
the other 5> and the other hoo- B/3.44I0C is not particularl% li-el%= Thus the pla% clears %our rac-
of surplus vo#els> #ith the side benefit of creatin) a virtuall% one3#a% hoo- in %our favour=
"o# about bluffin) or feintin)? .etNs return to the 0ldarP/ernando )ame= "ere> /ernando holds
5CDDMTT and is *53*6! behindF
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at
There are hardl% an% reasonable pla%s available= It's either D05T BmC or e1chan)e> and here the
bold decision is made to plump for the '3point D5T dump= At least CDMT has the ma-in)s of an
acceptable rac-> and D05T turns out to be the onl% pla% #ith BDust barel%C positive e<uit% accordin)
to 9uac-le= While /ernando ma% be openin) the triple lane #ithout -eepin) the relevant hoo-
letter> at least there #ere other hoo- possibilities on the board alread%=
That )ambit ma% be termed a bluff Band incidentall%> /ernando later dre# the much3needed S and
pulled bac- #ith M+.CTSPD05TSC> but it is also possible to feint> lurin) %our opponent into an
incorrect <uadrant to address a phantom threat=
.etNs sa% %ou hold the tric-% DA$,TW: in the follo#in) positionF
4ne #a% to score some points is #ith the sin)le3tile dump> :A BD'> 3ptsC= 5ut considerin) the
unseen pool of *5 letters> #hich includes four ANs> four 0Ns> an I and a blan-> it mi)ht be #orth
hopin) for a hi)her score #ith somethin) li-e a parallel :A> :0D or :I$ in that location ne1t turn>
nettin) (!T #ith the overlap=
Thus %ou mi)ht choose to distract %our opponent #ith the *'3point TW$P$00,I0 B!aC> placin) an
invitin) floater in the triple lane Bbut #ith no prospect of a nine3timerC= This is li-el% to divert them to
pla%in) in the A column> #hereas %our focus is reall% on the BD'C hotspot M and if the planets are
ali)ned> %ou mi)ht even dra# Dust the ri)ht tiles to pla% :AAT0 for !3I In an% event %ou have
about a 65J chance of dra#in) a usable tile after TW$=
More subtle combinations of bluffin) and feintin) have also been spotted in the #ild> e=)= ma-in)
an apparent setup for a hu)e R3pla% #hen the pla%er doesnNt even possess that tile Bhopin) either
to dra# it> or to distract attention from another board sector that #ould remain usable as a follo#3
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at
upC= This sort of thin) is hi)hl% ris-%> )iven that the opponent mi)ht #ell be sittin) on the R alread%>
but J shots sometimes pa% off=
The best pla%ers have numerous #eapons in their armour% includin) the above tactics> and the
propensit% to use one or the other #ill form a part of their individual strate)ic st%le=
David Sirlin's useful boo- Playing To Win covers pla%in) st%le e1tensivel%> and althou)h the focus
there is biased to#ards Warcraft and computer )amin)> itNs still #ell #orth a read= "e devotes a
chapter to #hat he calls yomi Bnot valid in ScrabbleC> a ?apanese term impl%in) fore-no#led)e of
%our opponentNs intentions= The most rational strate)ic thin-er in the #orld #ill come off second
best to somebod% #ith abundant yomi> somebod% #ho seems able to th#art the opponentNs best
moves effortlessl% at ever% turn= This supernatural abilit% to -no# the optimal course in specific
situations> even #here it runs counter to computer simulation> improves #ith e1perience and
observation= 5ut li-e most instinctual patterns> it cannot reall% be tau)ht> and some are better3
endo#ed than others= Kou #ill sometimes be faced #ith end)ame positions in #hich %our opponent
could have t#o possible #innin) bonuses in different board sectors> and in the absence of an%
inferences %ou have to summon %our %omi po#er to -no# #hich #a% to Dump=
Kou mi)ht sometimes feel that %our opponentNs yomi e1tends to influencin) the order in #hich tiles
come out of the ba)> but I #ould call that paranoia=
Sirlin is also )ood on concepts such as continuous self3improvementE adaptabilit%E disciplineE
presence of mindE for)in) %our abilities in the heat of live tournamentsE identif%in) the critical point
of a )ame and sei7in) the advanta)eE and learnin) the abilit% to treat ever% move as a pu77le #ith
an optimal solution> re)ardless of the circumstances=
An e1cellent e1ample of differin) pla%in) st%les occurred in the final round of the *!* +S
Aationals= 4nline forums #ere soon abu77 #ith discussion of &ame 3> and here is &eoff
Thevenot settin) the scene to e1plain #h%F
GAi)el ,ichards> of Mala%sia and Ae# :ealand> the best Scrabble pla%er in the #orld> period> and
#inner of t#o of the last three Worlds and three of the last four +=S= Aationals> #as pitted in the
final )ame a)ainst David &ibson> of South Carolina> one of the best pla%ers in the #orld in his o#n
ri)ht and a former national champion= &ibson #as a )ame ahead and had the point spread
advanta)e as #ell> #hich meant that Ai)el had to #in the final )ame b% 6! or more to claim the
title= The odds of beatin) David &ibson b% 6! in an% )ame> for an%one> are <uite lon)= Aot onl%
that> &ibson has a reputation of bein) ver%> ver% s-illed at the defensive aspects of the )ame= And
&ibson> no# about (!> has been a top pla%er for *5 %ears and> li-e Ai)el> has ice in his veins and
isn't rattled b% even the most intense pressure the )ame has to offer= If %ou #anted to pic- one
pla%er in the #orld to defend a 6!3point lead a)ainst Ai)el ,ichards in a )ame pla%ed to TW. Bthe
smaller +S Scrabble #ord authorit%C &ibson #ould be %our man=
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at
Kou )uessed it 3 Ai)el #on b% 66= +nbelievable= &ibson did pla% <uite poorl% b% his o#n
standards 3 he missed a crucial bonus> not bein) sure enou)h of its validit% to put it on the board in
that situation> and made other moves that most of us a)reed #ere <uestionable= Scrabble is hard>
and humblin)E even the ver% best of the best can have a )ame li-e that= So that ma-es an
unprecedented four +=S= Aationals #ins for Ai)el> despite the fact that his WnativeW #ord list is CSW
and he has to -no# #hich of its #ords A4T to pla% in order to compete in TW.= Astonishin)=H
The e1traordinar% thin) is that even to#ards the end of the )ame> &ibson had a chance of #innin)
the tournament b% restrictin) his losin) spread to a mere (2 Binstead of .4S0. on move 3 he
could have pla%ed the ama7in) t#o3point setup 4+T at &*> burnin) the blan- but leavin) an
outpla% of .0A,AP,4+TC= The #hole )ame is #ell #orth pla%in) throu)h and anal%sin) in depth M
tr% and #or- out for %ourself #h%> for instance> ,ichards chose TA.0 on move = When this
particular choice #as criticised in a blo) comment> a tellin) response came from top +S pla%er
Dave @oeni)F
GIt rin)s hollo# to tal- about Ai)el's #ea-ness #hen he's the best pla%er in the #orld= Ai)el's st%le
is to -eep the board as d%namic as possible and blud)eon the hell out of %ou #ith superior #ord
-no#led)e> ana)rammin) abilit%> and pla%3findin) s-ills= It's a flat3out better #a% of pla%in) than
obsessin) about strate)%= And that fact should be obvious b% the fact that he has consistentl%
better results than )u%s #ho do= I am oversimplif%in) a bit= Ai)el has a )reat -nac- for visuali7in)
and creatin) setup possibilities=H
There %ou have it M the pla%in) st%le of the #orldNs best pla%er in a nutshell= Develop %our o#n
st%le b% becomin) a#are of the factors that mi)ht influence %our decision> and #ei)h these factors
up for %ourself in decidin) ho# to pla%=
?ohn ;an $elt's Eerbama# dia)ram is an attempt at representin) the man% factors #hich affect ever% move
in a )ame of Scrabble=
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at
ow *o .lay A'A<!14 Scrabble
*he 6!SS principle O6eep !t Simple Stupid0P
A )ame of Scrabble is a series of !35 individual pu77les> each of #hich has no connection to the
pu77le immediatel% before or after#ards= In each case %ou are presented #ith a board and a rac-
of tiles and %our obDective is al#a%s the same 3 to find the best move in that particular position=
Don't ma-e the )ame into somethin) more complicated than it is=
Scrabble is not chess. Scrabble is not poker.
Kou don't need to thin- about #hat the opponent is plottin) on ever% turn> this onl% becomes part of
a Scrabble )ame near the end= .et them pla% their o#n )ame #ith their o#n rac-> #hich #ill be
lar)el% un-no#n to %ou and lar)el% impossible to )uess #ith an% accurac%= Kour opponent is Dust
doin) e1actl% the same as %ou are> treatin) each position as a separate entit% and tr%in) to
ma1imise scorePrac- leave #ith #hatever tiles the% have= Kou and %our opponent are t#o
individuals competin) a)ainst %our own abilities to find the best move from a )iven rac- #hilst
usin) a shared board=
0ven in competitive )ames pla%ed #ith a penalt% for an incorrect challen)e> bluffin) pla%s a ver%
small part of the )ame= 'Trash tal-' or )amesmanship are not part of competitive Scrabble and
such activit%> often called coeehousing> is fro#ned upon= Don't moan about %our tiles because it
ma-es %ou loo- amateurish and> perhaps more importantl%> even if %our opponent is a )ood friend
in Greal lifeH> he or she #ill onl% be secretl% )lad that %ou are stru))lin) in %our )ame a)ainst them=
,espect %our opponent and pla% %our o#n )ame=
%hen you #ind a good mo2e" look #or a better one.
It is far too eas% to be e1cited b% seein) a stron) move from an other#ise difficult rac-> perhaps a
bonus pla% #hen %ou #eren't e1pectin) one or %our opponent suddenl% providin) %ou #ith a 5!pt
Gpo#er tileH spot> onl% to realise after the move has been pla%ed that there #as an even better pla%
available else#here= The rush of blood to the head brou)ht on b% a Geure-a momentH can lead %ou
to ma-e mista-es> so if %ou're about to pla% too <uic-l% then sit on %our hands Bliterall%> if
necessar%IC and don't miss an obvious alternative that %ou'll -ic- %ourself later for not havin) seen=
.lay the right mo2e" not the pretty one.
This point is self3e1planator% but there is no den%in) that even hardened e1perts #ill sometimes be
tempted b% the once3in3a3lifetime opportunit% to pla% a spectacular bonus #hen the% -no# that a
mundane alternative is strate)icall% superior= It can be hard to settle for +A$A&0D #hen %ou -no#
that $K0A&AD+ can be pla%ed for !pts less else#here= Ta-e pleasure in havin) spotted the
possibilit% an%#a%> feel free to even ma-e a note of it to mention out to %our opponent #hen the
)ame is finished=== but then tou)hen up and abide b% the )olden ruleF $la% to #in=
*here is no luck in picking the best mo2e.
" donBt belie%e in #sychology! " belie%e in good mo%es!' 9 8obby Fischer
4nce %our seven tiles have been pic-ed from the ba) Ba random processC there is no more luc-
involved in a Scrabble turnE %ou are entirel% responsible for #hat happens= Whether a rac- is ')ood'
or 'bad' does not affect to %our abilit% to ma-e a )ood choice of move from #hatever that rac-
happens to be= In fact> #hen %our rac- is WbadW and %ou have fe#er candidate moves to choose
from> findin) the best one is usuall% easier=
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at
=ou can/t +udge the mo2e by the pickup.
Play the best mo%e@ winning is a by3#roduct' 3 Stefan /atsis> Word Freak
The best move is the best move re)ardless of #hich tiles %ou pic- from the ba) after#ards=
Ima)ine a situation in #hich one tile remains in the ba)= The ei)ht unseen tiles from %our point of
vie# are ei)ht different letters> let's sa% AC0A4$9W= $ost3)ame anal%sis reveals that pla%in)
GMove AH in this position #ill #in the )ame for %ou if the one tile in the ba) turns out to be an% of
AC0A4> but pic-in) an% of $9W #ill result in a loss= This move therefore has a 5P2 chance of
#innin)= Alternativel%> GMove 5H #ill #in the )ame for %ou if an% of C$W are in the ba)> but pic-in)
an% of A0A49 loses and therefore Move 5 #ill onl% #in 3P2 times= Move A is the correct move here
re)ardless of #hat happens to be in the ba) Gin real lifeH= It #ould be futile to ar)ue that %our choice
of Move 5 #as correct because it turned out that the W #as in the ba) and Move A #ould have lost
on this occasion= Aone of us are ps%chic> #e can onl% pla% the )ame #ith the information #e have
at the time= If %ou pla%ed the G#innin)estH move then %ou did the best %ou could have done=
!# you are not willing to analyse your own play you will struggle to make progress.
The only real mistake is the one rom which we learn nothing!' 3 Fohn Powell
In a )ame such as snoo-er or pool it is eas% to reflect on missed shots or poor positional pla% and
immediatel% -no# #here one's #ea-ness liesE a pla%er cannot avoid -no#in) that if the% had
potted that particular ball or avoided carelessl% sin-in) the cue3ball the% #ould still be at the table
and )oin) on to #in the frame= .i-e#ise in football or hoc-e%> the number of )oals scored or
conceded is a reasonable indication of #hether the individual or team performed #ell or badl%=
Scrabble provides no such feedbac-= It is remar-abl% eas% to pla% a )ame and have no idea
#hether one has actuall% made the best of the opportunities presented= A fe# specific occurrences
such as losin) a turn throu)h a phone% are obvious e1amples of poor pla%> but the luc- factor
involved in a sin)le )ame of Scrabble means that %ou can #al- a#a% from a )ame thin-in) that
because %ou #on %ou must have pla%ed #ell or because %ou lost %ou must have pla%ed badl%>
#hen in fact the opposite ma% be true in either case=
5e brutall% honest #ith %ourself about %our o#n stren)ths and #ea-nesses= If %ou are the -ind of
person #ho #ould rather not -no# about their mista-es Bthe Gi)norance is blissH principleC> the truth
is that %ou #ill never )et far in an% competitive activit%= In ever% aspect of life #e learn the most b%
anal%sin) our mista-es= In Scrabble %our real opponent is %ourself rather than the person sittin)
opposite %ou> because #ith post3)ame anal%sis %ou #ill discover #hether the choices %ou made
#ere )ood or bad= Kou #ill be able to con)ratulate %ourself #hen %ou found the best move and
-no# %ou are learnin) #hen %ou identif% the areas that re<uire improvement= This ta-es coura)e
and the abandonment of e)o> but it is essential and ultimatel% ver% re#ardin)=
Aobod% is )oin) to point out the #ords %ou missed on ever% turn> but if %ou don't have the coura)e
to find out for %ourself then %ou #ill )o no#here slo#l%= "o#ever the )ood ne#s is that even a
small amount of self3anal%sis can %ield noticeable results b% helpin) %ou to ma-e better choices=
What's more> the process of self3anal%sis is usuall% performed in the privac% of %our o#n home
#ith onl% %ourself a#are of the outcome> meanin) the onl% obstacle is %our o#n pride=
.ater on in the boo- #e #ill loo- in detail at the po#erful pieces of soft#are :%77%va and 9uac-le
#hich are vital user3friendl% tools for Scrabble improvement M and best of all> the% are both freeI
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at
Learn #rom the best.
Ta-e ever% opportunit% to pla% the best opponents %ou can find= Don't care about the resultE care
about ho# #ell %ou pla%ed and enDo% pla%in) that )ame re)ardless of the score= Al#a%s be #illin)
to learn> because a be)inner #ho is -een to learn #ords and strate)% #ill find the% are respected
b% even the best pla%ers in the #orld B#ho #ere all once in that position themselvesC> #hereas the
old3timers #ho have no interest in improvin) and continue to ma-e the same mista-es over
thousands of )ames #ill never be of interest to an%one but themselves=
It can be difficult to find top3fli)ht human opponents to pla% on a re)ular basis and even the most
hard% of learners #ill occasionall% need a brea- from relentless #allopin)s b% 9uac-le> but %ou do
not al#a%s have to be pla%in) in order to learn from the best= 4ver the past five %ears several
#ebsites have appeared #hich cover tournaments around the #orld as the% happen> often #ith
)ames to pla% throu)h move3b%3move= In particular #e recommendF
Cross*ables M ###=cross3tables=com M outstandin) #ebsite coverin) events in Aorth America>
#ith substantial database of e1pert )ames to pla% throu)h in both TW. and Collins le1icons=
CentreStar M ###=centrestar=co=u- M covera)e of events in +@ and Ireland
5weebo2ision 3 httpFPP###=%outube=comPuserP7apateo88 M +@ &randmaster David Webb's
KouTube channel featurin) videos of live ISC )ames #ith in3)ame commentar% from e1pert pla%ers
In the cases of CrossTables and CentreStar> pla% throu)h )ames b% decidin) #hat move %ou
#ould ma-e and then clic-in) the /or#ard button to see #hat the e1perts pla%ed= Man% )ames
have accompan%in) move lists )enerated b% 9uac-le #hich #ill rate the pla%ers' moves Band %our
o#nC as %ou )o alon)= As an% e1pert #ill tell %ou> the process of learnin) never endsI
3ind a mentor.
Centoring is a brain to #ick$ an ear to listen$ and a #ush in the right direction!' 3 Fohn )! )rosby
Competitive Scrabble has not %et reached the level of popularit% of other competitive activities
#hereb% an unfortunate side effect is that e1perts become inaccessible to ne# pla%ers= In
Scrabble> former World Champions and ne#comers fre<uent the same internet forums and the
)ame's finest )urus are invariabl% more than happ% to offer advice and support to an%one sho#in)
a desire to improve their )ame= We are a relativel% small and close3-nit communit% of people #ho
all #ant the competitive scene to thrive> and #e all reco)nise that one of the best #a%s to learn is
to as- for help from the best pla%er %ou can find= 5etter still> as- someone to mentor %our pro)ress
for a fe# months= If %ou sho# a )enuine enthusiasm for improvement %ou #ill find a plethora of
e1pert pla%ers #ho are more than #illin) to ta-e %ou under their #in)= It is doubtful #hether man%
other competitive activities could claim to have more accessible #orld class pla%ers than those
found in the Scrabble communit%> so don't be afraid to as-=
5on/t count FgoodiesG.
The usefulness of an% of the !! tiles in a Scrabble set is entirel% dependent upon the board facin)
%ou at that particular moment= There is a tendenc% amon)st #ea-er pla%ers to overstate the
importance of the t#o blan-s and four S's #hich appear in each )ame and #ill use this as some
-ind of indicator of G#ho )ot better tilesH= Althou)h fe# #ould den% that blan-s are po#erful the%
are b% no means decisive and havin) both at once is much less beneficial= .i-e#ise the value of an
S tile is hu)el% dependent on the available openin)s on the board and so simpl% countin) #ho
pic-s more of them> in the belief that this means an%thin)> #ill onl% demonstrate that %ou have a
poor understandin) of Scrabble=
0ven #orse than this behaviour is the idea that the pla%er #ho dra#s a hi)h number of 'po#er tiles'
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at
?@9R: is luc-ier than his or her opponent= The hi)h3value tiles are double3ed)ed s#ordsE the% #ill
)ive an eas% 5!T score on the ri)ht board but #ill Dust as often scupper a bonus3friendl% rac- leave>
since if %ou have retained A0A,T a pic-up of ?R is unli-el% to be #elcome= If %ou #ere told in
advance of a )ame that %ou #ould pic- all of ?@9R: in the same )ame> %ou should be more
#orried about %our opponent )ettin) the useful bonus material rather than thin-in) G"oora%> I'm
)oin) to )et lots of )ood tilesH= So don't -eep trac- of G#ho )ot #hatH> because %ou are better than
5on/t #ear your #ear.
Control %our emotions and use them to %our advanta)e= &ames of Scrabble can be e1citin)>
challen)in) and difficult and there is nothin) #ron) #ith feelin) nervous tension #hen sittin) do#n
to pla% a face3to3face opponent in a situation #here %ou #ant to prove %ourself= As one of the
#orld's )reatest chess pla%ers> &arr% @asparov> #roteF
G;motion is a critical element o decision3making$ not a sin always to be a%oided! 2s with anything
it is harmul in e=cess! >ou learn to ocus it and control it the best you can! When " sat down at the
board against my great ri%al$ 2natoly 4ar#o%$ it was a s#ecial occasion! " knew it$ he knew it$ and
we both knew the chess world was #aying s#ecial attention! We had such a long and bitter history
that it was im#ossible not to bring it to the board with us e%ery time we #layed! &n some occasions
this an=iety created negati%e emotions like doubt! Core oten it generated greater creati%e tension$
greater su##lies o ner%ous tension$ which is a chess #layerBs lieblood!
6sually when you are under stress there is a good reason or it! (earning not to get an=ious about
things beyond your control is a se#arate issue! So donBt ight stress$ use itH )hannel that ner%ous
energy into sol%ing the #roblems! Sitting around worrying isnBt going to achie%e anything and the
loss o time will oten make the #roblem worse! ;%en in the worst case$ mistakes o action teach
you much more than inaction! ForwardHG
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at
*he Luck Element
0d Martin
Scrabble has a luc- element= &et over itI It evens out over time= The best thin) an% pla%er can do
is stop thin-in) about luc- and startin) thin-in) about the thin)s the% can do somethin) about= At
its core> Scrabble is a relativel% simple )ame= To succeed> %ou need to -no# a lot of #ordsE %ou
then need to spot moves over the boardE %ou then need to evaluate them> #ith reference to score>
rac- leave and Bto a lesser de)reeC the board position=
Ket man% pla%ers devote disproportionate amounts of time to considerin) the random order in
#hich the letters come out of the ba) M to the detriment of other> more productive disciplines= The
best pla%ers achieve a certain detachment from considerations of luc-= I recall an occasion from
earl% in m% Scrabble career in the earl% 88!s> as a teena)er pla%in) a top pla%er of the time= I
pla%ed a bonus containin) t#o blan-s> and loo-ed up at m% opponent hopin) to see a flic-er of
disappointment= "e cooll% scored and tile trac-ed the pla% and carried on #ith the )ame= "e later
remar-ed that he #as al#a%s pleased to see an opponent's bonus pla% containin) both blan-s as
he #ould much prefer that the% replenish their rac- from a ba) containin) no blan-s than t#o= Ket
the reaction of most pla%ers is disappointment that their opponent has pic-ed the blan- tiles> and
not them=
There are no shortcuts to success at ScrabbleF learn the #ords> find the best moves> and pic- the
best one= Do this over and over a)ain= /or)et the order in #hich the letters come out of the ba)= It
doesnNt matter= This isnNt eas% and involves ta-in) a more rational and less emotional approach to
the )ame M somethin) that can onl% come #ith practice= .earnin) to detach %ourself from the
va)aries of luc- in the short term means )oin) a)ainst %our natural reactions= /or someone #ho
has devoted a lot of time to stud%in)> the% #ill #ant some return on their investment> in the form of
)ood results= If that isnNt forthcomin)> for reasons the% perceive to be be%ond their control> the% #ill
)et upset M but this reinforces the problem> because the% #ill be in a frame of mind #here the% #ill
be less li-el% to find and select the best pla% in the first place= The onl% solution is to practise= Tell
%ourself the order the letters appear doesnNt matter= When %ou see %our opponent pla%in) t#o
blan-s and %ou are pleased> %ouNre doin) better than most pla%ersI
Turn your thinking u#side3down
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at
*he 4ame Behind the 4ame
0van 5erofs-%
"s it worth itI There's a :oy to Scrabble that makes it both addicti%e and satisying! Whate%er the
outcome on a gi%en day$ #layers in%ariably return! 2n elusi%e eight3letter word is ound or the irst
time! 2 strategic conce#t that ne%er made sense becomes crystal clear! Jeensi%e tactics that
were once a chore to recall$ become automatic! Tiles that would ha%e looked ho#eless a year ago$
oer scoring #ossibilities! The game comes together$ #iece by #iece! This is why #layers do it!' 3
$aul McCarth%> (etterati
So %ouNve heard about the e1citin) #orld of tournament and club Scrabble= Kou ma% fanc%
%ourself the master of the )ame a)ainst friends> famil% and online opponents> but ho# do %ou thin-
%ou #ill fare a)ainst live> QprofessionalN competition? If %our attitude enterin) this realm is one of
immediate domination and )lor%> then %ou mi)ht #ant to rethin- this position= "o#ever> if %ou are
realistic in %our approach in %our first fe# visits> then %ou #ill probabl% #ant to continue readin)=
Contrar% to popular perception> Scrabble is more than Dust a simple #ord -no#led)e )ame #ith
tiles and a board #ith fanc%3coloured s<uares= A fair amount of s-ill> anal%sis> and patience are
re<uired> ma-in) it a lot closer to chess than most people reali7e=
%alk on the %ild Side
The da% has come= Kou have decided to ma-e the leap into competition= DonNt be too nervous
and> more importantl%> donNt e1pect success ri)ht a#a%= After all> %ou recentl% discovered #ords
li-e 9I and :A= So thereNs no sense rushin) %our inevitable climb to the top=
Stud%in) proves to be a lon) and intense process> but ultimatel% one that becomes )ratif%in) #hen
#ords %ou recentl% learnt blend into %our decision3ma-in) process= The ur)e to increase stud%
#or-load ma% be temptin)> but donNt tr% to cram too much too <uic-l%= Kou #ill improve at this
)ameE it Dust ta-es a little time= 5e patient> %oun) )rasshopper=
At this earl% sta)e> %ou #ill most li-el% hesitate to pla% #ords of #hich %ou are unsure= While this
ma% occur fre<uentl%> %ou shouldnNt #aste too much time on an% turn= 4n the other hand> donNt be
too hast% in an% decision to allo# for the most recent chan)e in board appearance= Kou have *5
minutes Bor less> dependin) on #here %ou liveC and %ou donNt receive bonus points for an%
remainin) time> so use it #isel%=
.i-e po-er and other live head3to3head hobbies> readin) %our opponent can be an inte)ral part of
the )ame= Their behaviour and mannerisms at different points could si)nal #hat -ind of tiles the%
possess= 4r it could simpl% tell %ou ho# tired or hun)r% the% are= ;isual and audio cues #ill
become better to identif% once %ouNve pla%ed a certain opponent enou)h times=
*he Long and %inding Road
A fe# tournaments have come and )one and %ou finall% feel comfortable= Kou ma% have also
mastered a number of varied #ord lists= 5etcha #ent throu)h all the *s> 3s> the hi)h3point 's and
5s> and the first fe# hundred 6s and 2s b% probabilit%Ppla%abilit%= 5ut> alas> Scrabble is so much
more than Dust strin)s of letters that accumulate points=
After this initial stud% period> %ou ma% be tempted to tr% out %our ne# material at the first
opportunit%= While this ma% be hand% at times> implementin) this techni<ue re)ularl% at an
intermediate or e1pert level is hardl% a #innin) strate)%= Spottin) #ords on %our rac- is one thin)>
but can %ou re)ularl% find them on a live board?
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at
This doesnNt mean locatin) the hotspots= "ec-> an%one can do that= And man% ne#comers often
#orr% too much about leavin) them open #hen better scorin) opportunities e1ist= 5ut that reaction
is normal> as the brain initiall% interprets the coloured s<uares as a miniaturi7ed pol%)on form of
Shan)ri3.a= After a #hile> %ou #ill eventuall% learn the% act more as distractions than as a #a% to
help %our overall )ame=
5oard vision is one of the -e% characteristics that separate the )reat Scrabble pla%ers from the
avera)e ones= .oo-in) over the 53b%35 )rid as a sin)le unit and then determinin) the best move
ever% turn ma% seem li-e a dauntin) tas-> but the process )ets easier as %ou familiari7e %ourself
#ith the board= There ma% be a pla% alon) the top ro#> but if %ou arenNt pa%in) attention> then
%ouNll probabl% overloo- the '3tile overlap or the disconnected (3letter #ord that does a better Dob of
cleanin) up %our rac-=
Stud%in) and anal%sis are both fine tools to o#n in %our Scrabble repertoire> but so much is
re<uired from %our mental approach= After all> a tournament M or even a casual encounter M brin)s
out the competitive side in all of us= WhatNs ultimatel% important in all this is the abilit% to sta%
focused #hile still bein) able to enDo% the )ame= BKes> %ou heard me ri)ht= I said QenDo%N= A fe#
established pla%ers ma% disa)ree=C
The pressure ma% over#helm %ou durin) a )ame if %ou let %our mind d#ell on ever%thin) at once=
The rac-3b%3rac- anal%sis= The an1iet% about each anal%sis= The formulation of alternate
anal%ses= The intense shufflin) of letters= The concern over the cloc-= The thou)hts about #hat
%our opponent ma% or ma% not be holdin)= And those anno%in) e1ternal noises= /ace it> thereNs
Dust so man% activities )oin) on ever% turn=
The important tas- to do durin) these moments is to separate the essential activities from the
e1traneous ones= Tr% to handle #hat %ou can control= There is no sense concernin) %ourself #ith
that crea-% table on the other side of the room because it #onNt help %ou ma-e the ne1t pla%=
/ocus= Ta-e a deep breath= Calm %our nerves= Thin- of somethin) positive and smile= Then la%
do#n %our #ord= ,epeat= ItNs reall% that simple=
Big Shot
With a fe# stron) tournament performances under %our belt> %ouNre read% to climb the ran-s= Kou
could be full of pride and hope> e1citedl% see-in) out the ne1t challen)e= 4r %ou ma% #orr% about
%our pro)ress> fearin) %ou #ill be stuc- at a certain level= 0ither #a%> %our ne1t move is to test
%ourself a)ainst e1perts=
When approachin) a battle versus a hi)her3rated opponent> %ou must thin- li-e an% other )ame=
Ao matter the opponent and hisPher credentials> tr% not to be intimidated= Kou )o in distracted li-e
that and itNs almost as if %ouNre pla%in) from behind= A#e and #onderment are for space shuttle
launches> not for Scrabble=
Aever assume e1perts #ill al#a%s pla% acceptable #ords= If a bluff #or-s the first tr%> then another
e1ample #ill probabl% be introduced later on= Aothin) unethical about that= .etNs not for)et the%
are there #ith the same )oal as %ouF to #in= Advanced #ord -no#led)e and e1perience #ill help
%ou sniff out the phonies> but so #ill fre<uent encounters #ith the same opponent=
After dispatchin) a number of bi) names> %ouNll probabl% feel li-e the -in) Bor <ueenC of the #orld=
5ra) to %our friends and fill up the messa)e boards #ith tales of %our accomplishments= 5ut then
please come bac- do#n to 0arth= $rolon)ed bouts of coc-iness #ill often lead to la7iness= The
onl% #a% %ouNll continue to improve is to admit %ou can do better= So )o out there and do it alread%=
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at
Starting 7ut in Competiti2e .lay
This advice is adapted from the A5S$ #ebsite and offers a friendl% )uide for those ta-in) part in
their first Scrabble tournament=
Kou do not need to belon) to an% club or association in order to pla% in a Scrabble tournament= In
man% cases> information on %our countr%'s national association #ill be available at the event=
Simpl% find details of the event on the appropriate #ebsite and follo# the instructions for pa%in) the
entr% fee> the or)aniser #ill then advise %ou on an%thin) else %ou need to -no#=
" was #laying on the "nternet Scrabble )lub or a year beore " entered my irst tournament$ and at
one stage " thought " ne%er would! " suer rom some an=iety and once told an 28SP member that
" would ne%er be able to #lay real3lie tournaments! This changed as " grew in conidence$ but " eel
" may ha%e entered a tournament much sooner had " actually known what to e=#ect!'
5o ! ha2e to bring a Scrabble set9
Ao= Althou)h pla%in) e<uipment is not provided b% the or)anisers> most of the e1perienced pla%ers
comin) to a tournament brin) their o#n boards> tiles> rac-s etc= alon) #ith them= This means there
is never a shorta)e of e<uipment to )o around and so ne# pla%ers should not #orr% about brin)in)
their o#n e<uipment=
The onl% thin) %ou should brin) is a pen and paper for recordin) the score= A variet% of desi)ns of
printed Scrabble scoresheet can be found on man% #ebsites=
ow do ! know who to play9
The name of %our first opponent> #hich table %ou are pla%in) on and #ho starts the )ame #ill
appear shortl% before the first round> usuall% on a computer printout #hich people )ravitate to#ards
#hen it is posted up on the #all= Who starts each )ame is normall% determined b% the pro)ram
ma-in) the fi1tures 3 it tries to ensure that ever%one has an e<ual number of starts and replies in
the event=
%hat do ! need to know about playing with a timer9
Kour move is officiall% finished #hen %ou have pressed the button on %our side of the timer and
started %our opponent's timer tic-in)= +ntil then> %ou can do an%thin) %ou li-e 3 place a #ord on the
board> announce the score> chan)e %our mind alto)ether> etc= until %ou announce the score for that
move and then press %our timer= This even applies if %our opponent has prematurel% said
WChallen)eW before %ou have ended %our move b% pressin) %our timer=
The usual time limits are *5 minutes for a pla%er in #hich to complete all hisPher moves= $eople
#ho are not used to pla%in) Scrabble #ith a timer sometimes have difficult% rememberin) to press
it #hen the% have finished their moveE as Dave @oeni) advises in the chapter on time
mana)ement> pla% some friendl% practice )ames before the da% itself= If all of %our time tic-s a#a%
there is a penalt% of ! points for ever% e1tra minute or part of a minute used> but don't panic and
pla% too <uic-l% 3 %ou #ill find %ou have plent% of time as lon) as %ou remember to press %our timer
#hen %ou have made %our move=
%hat i# ! want to eDchange9
If %ou #ish to use %our move to e1chan)e tiles> place the tiles %ou are )oin) to e1chan)e face
do#n on the table> announce WChan)eW and the number of tiles bein) e1chan)ed> then press %our
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at
cloc- to end %our move= Ta-e fresh tiles from the ba) before puttin) the un#anted ones bac- in
Bother#ise %ou could end up )ettin) the same tiles ri)ht bac- a)ainIC= There is no limit to the
number of times a pla%er can use their moves to e1chan)e tiles> althou)h there must al#a%s be at
least seven tiles in the ba)E after this point it is no lon)er possible to e1chan)e=
ow do ! tell how many tiles are le#t in the bag9
Kou are allo#ed to pic- up the ba) and feel it at an% time to Dud)e rou)hl% ho# man% tiles are left in
it= If %ou #ish to feel inside the ba) to count the remainin) tiles more precisel% then sho# %our
opponent an open hand> count them #ithout too much disruption to %our opponent> and sho# an
empt% hand after#ards=
ow do ! challenge mo2es9
It is imperative that %ou are not afraid to challen)e an% #ords pla%ed b% %our opponent of #hich
%ou are unsure= There have been cases in the past #hen ne# pla%ers have felt intimidated b% their
opponent's ratin)> W#ord -no#led)eW or apparent e1perience and so have not felt confident enou)h
to chec- the validit% of #hat is pla%ed a)ainst them= $la%ers at all levels of the )ame pla% invalid
#ords <uite oftenE in )ames in #hich there is no penalt% for ma-in) an unsuccessful challen)e %ou
are encoura)ed to chec- ever%thin) %our opponent pla%s unless %ou are !!J sure of its validit%=
To challen)e a #ord> simpl% #ait until %our opponent has announced their score and pressed their
timer= Sa% WChallen)eW and press the button in the middle of the timer #hich neutralises both sides
of the timer= In the maDorit% of tournaments the adDudication is done b% use of computers located at
various points in the pla%in) room= Kou can challen)e an% number of #ords pla%ed b% %our
opponent in the precedin) move= 5e a#are that all challen)es are adDudicated #ith one tic- or
cross 3 the #hole move is simpl% deemed either WvalidW or WinvalidW> re)ardless of ho# man% #ords
have been challen)ed=
%hat/s this about /ratings/9
Kou #ill notice that most other people in %our division have a ratin) listed ne1t to their name>
#hereas %ou #ill find %ou don't because this is %our ver% first event= After ever% tournament the
or)aniser #ill ensure the results are entered to the national ratin) s%stem= ,atin)s are fun and a
useful indication of %our o#n performance> and ensure %ou are al#a%s put in a division #ith people
near %our o#n abilit%=
Anything else9
It is important to arrive on time> and even more important to let the or)aniser -no# if %ou are )oin)
to be late= Most or)anisers #ill have provided %ou #ith an emer)enc% contact number for this
There #ill al#a%s be a Tournament Director BTDC at ever% event= If there is ever an% problem or
somethin) %ou are unsure of then don't hesitate to neutralise the timer and call himPher over to
help %ou outE ever%one has <ueries from time to time> not Dust people at their first tournament=
"o#ever> lous% letters are not a problem the Director #ill help %ou #ithI
Don't #orr%> rela1 and have fun= Most people find their first tournament an enDo%able e1perience 3
%ou mi)ht discover a fe# thin)s %ou didn't realise and #ill perhaps feel a bit Wne#W at first> but most
people )o home havin) reall% enDo%ed themselves and alread% loo-in) for#ard to the ne1t one=
&ood luc-I
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at
Toh Weibin
9uac-le BhttpFPP###=<uac-le=or)C is a #ord)ame artificial intelli)ence pro)ramme
no#ada%s used b% most e1pert Scrabble pla%ers to evaluate their )ames in one
#a% or another= As a pla%er it is important to understand 9uac-leNs usefulness in
anal%sin) oneNs )amepla%> and at the same time ac-no#led)e its notable
#ea-nesses> most of #hich stem from its nonhuman nature= /amiliarit% #ith the
soft#are #ill allo# %ou to understand the )ame much better from a mathematical
perspective and improve %our decision3ma-in) abilities #hen it comes to the
Starting up Q some brie# instructions
To be)in> do#nload the latest version of the pro)ramme from the #ebsite= The ver% first step is to
confi)ure the board to mirror a Scrabble board= This can be done b% )oin) to the GSettin)sH tab and
clic-in) GAdd 5oardH> follo#ed b% left or ri)ht3clic-in) the s<uares on the board until the% reflect the
correspondin) colour on a Scrabble board= 4nce that is done> select CSW* as the le1iconE %ou
are no# read% to start %our first )ame=
Startin) a ne# )ame can be done b% clic-in) GAe# )ameH and then selectin) and namin) the
pla%ers= There are currentl% ( t%pes of pla%ers available for selectionE for the sa-e of brevit% onl%
four are included in this discussion M "uman> "uman With +n-no#n ,ac-s> Speed% $la%er and
Championship $la%er= The first t#o are> as their names su))est> human pla%ersE the latter bein)
introduced to ease -e%in) in moves pla%ed b% an opponent #ith un-no#n rac-s> as there is no
need to corroborate the pla%erNs rac- before -e%in) in his move on the board= /or re)ular )ames
a)ainst 9uac-le use the "uman option for %ourself=
The Speed% $la%er is the fastest computer pla%er on offer as it ma-es its move instantl% in most
cases= Its anal%sis comprises a static evaluation> meanin) that it doesn't perform an% -ind of
'simulation' of the position Bmore on this laterC= In the maDorit% of positions it ma-es decisions here
based purel% on score and rac- leave> the onl% e1ceptions bein) the first move and the pre3
end)ame= As this is purel% a matter of comparin) scores and leave values> the Speed% $la%er
often pla%s #ithout re)ard for position> sometimes openin) triple lanes dan)erousl% and ma-in)
foolish pre3end)ame pla%sF
"n the screenshot gi%en abo%e S#eedy Player recommends *P.&6/"; 8-,$ which is unnecessarily
risky or the #layer with a lead o 1,#ts 9 this is because it e=#oses a Tri#le Word Score which the
o##onent can use to score well on his turn! 2 better #lay would kee# the board tight!
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at
The Championship $la%er on the other hand is some#hat slo#er> as it does a short Bappro1imatel%
one minute> thou)h it depends on the position and %our machine speedC simulation of the top 5!
pla%s based on static evaluation= As a result it is more positionall% a#are than the Speed% $la%er
and tends to ma-e more strate)ic moves=
.laying a game against :uackle
This is )enerall% a )ood form of trainin)> as 9uac-le is a formidable opponent pla%in) #ith full
-no#led)e of the dictionar%= To be)in a )ame a)ainst the computer> select GAe# &ameH> choose a
computer pla%er as %our opponent> then hit G4@H= Kou #ill then be able to ma-e moves as in a
Scrabble )ame M the fastest #a% to do this is to clic- on the spot #here %ou #ish to pla% %our tiles
Bdouble3clic- if %ou #ant to pla% verticall%C and t%pe the letters %ou #ill use to form the #ord Bhold
Shift for blan-sC= To confirm a choice immediatel%> either hit GCommitH or press CtrlT0nter= To
compare its static valuation Bor do further simulationC a)ainst other choices> hit 0nter M the choices
%ou -e% in #ill be sho#n in a list under the GChoicesH tab= 01chan)es can be done b% t%pin) Ge1ch
XtilesYH in the upper te1t form beside the GT5H button=
"n the abo%e situation$ F&G"; *Ke. a##ears to be the strongest #lay in terms o static %aluation!
F&G"; *Li. kee#s the same tiles but scores 1 #oints less 9 thereore its static %aluation is 1 #oints
less than F&G"; *Ke.! F&; *Lg. and F"; *Lg. score the same as F&G"; *Ki.$ but the lea%e is
slightly worse 9 thereore its static e%aluation is lower!
Most pla%ers pit themselves a)ainst Speed% $la%er to save timeE ho#ever Speed% $la%er does
sometimes pla% unrealisticall%> ta-in) the fun out of certain )ame positions= $la%in) a)ainst
Championship $la%er ma% be more time3consumin)> but it could be more re#ardin) in the lon)
Using :uackle to analyse your game
4ne of 9uac-leNs most useful functions is its abilit% to perform #ost mortem )ame anal%sis= The
soft#are contains po#erful computational tools #hich allo# one to anal%se a move from different
perspectives= A pla%er #ill often use more than one tool at a time to identif% the stron)est pla%s
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at
If %ou are anal%sin) a )ame %ou have Dust pla%ed a)ainst 9uac-le> simpl% )o to the G"istor%H tab
and double3clic- the move %ou #ish to anal%se= Careful M unless %ou -no# #hat %ou are doin)> do
not hit GCommitH as it #ill repla% that move and erase the rest of the )ame histor%I
If %ou are anal%sin) a )ame %ou have pla%ed a)ainst another human pla%er> start a ne# )ame and
choose G"uman #ith +n-no#n ,ac-sH as %our opponent= Then> -e% in %our and %our opponentNs
moves one at a time M %ou ma% edit %our rac- b% deletin) the ori)inal rac- Bfrom the lo#er te1t form
beside the GSet ,ac-H buttonC> t%pin) the desired letters in and clic-in) GSet ,ac-H Bor hittin) 0nterC=
A)ainst a G"uman #ith +n-no#n ,ac-sH> %ou do not need to t%pe in %our opponentNs rac- M Dust
-e% the moves in directl% and their rac-s #ill automaticall% adDust= If this #as a )ame pla%ed #ith
penalt% points for incorrect challen)es> these can be added in b% selectin) the move on the
GChoicesH tab and clic-in) the GT5H button=
Static ;%aluation
The most time3efficient method of revie#in) oneNs )ame is to do static anal%sis for each move of
the )ame 3 this can be done simpl% b% clic-in) on G&enerate choicesH= This #ill list up to 5 pla%s
#hich have been identified as the stron)est in terms of leave and score= It is also possible to
)enerate 5! or even all choices BMove Y &enerate 5! choices or &enerate all choicesC but that is
rarel% necessar%=
8y clicking on Generate choices'$ one can see a list o -0 choices ranked by %aluation! For the
irst turn o the game$ S#eedy Player does consider the #ositioning o the mo%e 9 F68 a##ears
multi#le times on the list$ with dierent #ositions! MF or MH F68 are generally weaker because they
lea%e a %owel e=#osed to the Jouble (etter Score! 7ote? S#eedy Player may not make strong
o#ening mo%es$ and it is always better to simulate or the o#ening #lay!
Static evaluation> of course> suffers from the same problems as the Speed% $la%er M one cannot
full% understand the position Dust b% loo-in) at the score and leave of available moves= There are
often man% other considerations M e=)= the scoreline> the openness of the board> %our ne1t move M
that ma% si)nificantl% influence %our decision= It is not uncommon to see such considerations
out#ei)h score and leave in e1pert pla%E static evaluation ma% thus favour choices that are far from
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at
In most cases> thou)h> it is possible to use a mi1 of human intuition Be=)= some of the pla%in)
strate)ies outlined else#here in this )uideC and the list of Speed% $la%er choices to reasonabl%
identif% the best pla% each move= 4nl% select cases demand further evaluation=
2sk )ham#ionshi# Player
Championship $la%er Bclic- GAs- Championship $la%erH M usuall% ta-es about a minuteC tends to
)ive a more reasoned assessment of the position at hand> and hence )enerall% recommends
stron)er pla%s than Speed% $la%er= As #ell as pure simulation> it ran-s pla%s accordin) to 8ogowin
or Win J> #hich is an estimate of ho# li-el% %ou are to #in the )ame> )iven the current scoreline
and the number of tiles in the ba)= While this is a more reliable al)orithm than mere static
evaluation> it is less accurate the earlier in the )ame %ou are> #hen there are more tiles in the ba)=
Do note that Championship $la%er is in essence a short simulation and in ver% difficult situations
the simulation results ma% not be accurate= In these scenarios it is usuall% better to run lon)er
simulations to determine the best pla%=
As-in) Championship $la%er is the most useful in a pre3end)ame or end)ame situation> as it
solves almost all end)ames= This is one aspect #here simulation is not as stron)=
So what is 'simulation'I
Simulation is the most time3consumin) anal%sis tool available in 9uac-le> but it is also the most
When 9uac-le is as-ed to 'simulate' a Scrabble position it ta-es the list of candidate moves and
pla%s each of them on the board in turn= /or each move it then pla%s a random response from an
opponent and then a further move b% %ou= If %ou select a deeper level of simulation it #ill then pla%
a further response from the opponent and a further pla% b% %ou= It does this for each of the
candidate moves and in each case records ho# man% points advanta)e each potential move #ill
)ive %ou after the future pla%s have been totalled up= Then it repeats the process a)ain and a)ain
until %ou tell it to stop= The lon)er %ou )ive 9uac-le to run a simulation> the more times it #ill be
able to pla% each of the candidate moves and responses and so the more accurate the data #ill
$ossible outcomes are randoml% )enerated b% assi)nin) random rac-s to the opponent
immediatel% after the choice move is pla%ed> follo#ed b% random dra#s for both pla%ers based on
the unseen tiles= 5% havin) a lar)e enou)h sample Bi=e= b% )eneratin) and calculatin) the avera)es
for a lar)e number of possible outcomesC> the simulation can closel% estimate the effectiveness of
the choice moves> as defined b% the indicators Bthe most relevant to this discussion bein) WinJC=
To simulate a list of choices> brin) up a list of candidate moves in the GChoicesH tab and hit
GSimulateH= Kou #ill see a screen similar to the one sho#n belo#= The pla%s #ill be ran-ed b% Win
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at
2 simulation! For those interested in the result o the simulation$ 56*2.T *:N. ends u# with the
highest WinO 9 #ossibly because it creates the 562T3; hook$ but also because J;C/ works
strongly with the e=isting 2 on the board!
It is critical to understand some terms at this Duncture= /irst of all> GpliesH are the number of turns
%ou are simulatin) ahead of %our current move= "ence *3pl% #ould be simulatin) %our opponentNs
response move to %our pla%> as #ell as %our move after thatE and 33pl% #ould be anal%sin) one
additional move after that> etcetera= Most pla%ers #ill avoid odd3number plies tends because the%
tend to result in ne)ative valuations> since %ou are simulatin) more of %our opponentNs moves than
%our o#n= +se *3pl% or '3pl% to produce more meanin)ful data=
GIterationsH> on the other hand> are the number of times the simulation is bein) run Bi=e= number of
outcomes )eneratedC to the number of plies %ou have selected= ,unnin) '(*2 iterations on '3pl%
#ould thus mean runnin) four future pla%s '(*2 times based on random dra#s= Therefore> the
more iterations %ou run %our simulation> the more accurate %ou #ould e1pect the result to be= It is
often better to simulate #ith more plies to#ards the end of the )ame and fe#er plies Babout *3'C at
all other parts of the )ame= This is because the dra#s are too uncertain before the pre3end)ame
for man%3pl% simulations to be of much accurac%= "o#ever> to#ards the end)ame> the tiles in the
ba) d#indle and it then becomes possible to simulate to a deeper level> as more certaint% Bof the
tile dra#sC #ill be captured #ithin the iterations=
A -e% caveat of the simulation is ho# the future moves are determined= 9uac-le uses its static
e%aluation to ran- response pla%s> and hence the predicted response pla%s ma% also be devoid of
positional a#areness= /or instance> setups are sometimes overvalued on simulation> as human
pla%ers are more li-el% to react differentl% to obvious setups Bi=e= b% bloc-in) the spot M computer
pla%ers ma% thin- the pla%er does not have the re<uisite tilesC= To#ards the end)ame> it could be
better to use Championship $la%er to )et more accurate results> thou)h it does sometimes
)enerate #on-% fi)ures Bbest to clic- a fe# times and see #hat moves it thro#s upC=
4ne feature that can be put to )reat use is the tile inference option M #here %ou can simulate
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at
assumin) %our opponent is holdin) certain tiles= This can be done b% chec-in) GSpecif% partial
oppo rac-H and t%pin) in %our opponentNs tiles= This is perhaps helpful #hen %our opponent has Dust
pla%ed a phone% and %ou therefore -no# some of his tiles= It could also be valuable #hen %our
opponent has made a pla% #hich stron)l% su))ests he holds a certain tile M for instance a setup
#ith a specific hoo-> or a fish #hich su))ests stron) tiles= In such cases> %ou #ould have to use
%our o#n intuition to determine if %our )uess Bof %our opponentNs tilesC is ri)ht=
"n the situation abo%e$ the o##onent has :ust #layed one tile at H+$ orming J*2(.! With the tiles in
the bag$ this strongly indicates that he is holding a 6$ which can hook in ront o J2( to orm 6J2(
and net a high score the ne=t mo%e! "t is also #ossible he is holding a 5$ since *es#ecially in e=#ert
#lay. the o##onent would only #lay a low3scoring setu# i he were certain o a strong ollow3u#
#lay! 8y simulating with inerence o 5 and 6 on the o##onentBs rack$ the block o G- 82*G".;
simulates stronger than the higher3scoring #lay +( J28! For reerence$ the letter & can also be
hooked in ront o J2( but there are no unseen &'s in this game!
Simulatin) #ith inferred -no#led)e of the opponent's tiles can %ield ver% different results even in
other situations= Ima)ine that %our opponent has pla%ed a bonus #ith a phone% hoo- and has a
bloc-able spot for the same bonus else#here= If %ou simulate #ithout inference it is possible that
the top pla%s on 9uac-le's su))estion list do not restrict his opportunities> or even )ive him better
pla%sI Simulatin) #ith full -no#led)e of his rac- #ould allo# %ou to pla% %our best move #hile
minimisin) his opportunities=
Althou)h this article does not comprehensivel% cover all available functions of the soft#are> it
should hopefull% clear up some of the technicalities and terms behind its usa)e> to ma-e it more
accessible to pla%ers= More e1perienced users should e1plore its intricacies further=
Indeed> 9uac-le is a po#erful Scrabble anal%sis toolE but it is human input that ma-es its anal%ses
complete= A )reat #a% to develop this instinct is to loo- at the best Scrabble pla%ers in the #orld
and discern #h% the% sometimes pla% differentl% from computers M #hile these differences ma%
sometimes be due to human error> the% ma% also reflect deeper thin-in) or strate)% #hich
computers> at least for the time bein)> cannot capture #ith simulations=
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at
Chris .ipe
&nly those who dare to ail greatly can e%er achie%e greatly' 3 ,obert @enned%
:%77%va B###=7%77%va=netC is a computer pro)ram #ritten b% Michael Thelen
ori)inall% in *!!' #hich has man% features indispensable to Scrabble pla%ers=
There are functions for ana)rammin) #ords> man% options for searchin) the
le1icon> a #ord Dud)e feature> <ui77es for #ord stud%> and an implementation of
the .eitner Cardbo1 s%stem for those #ho #ould li-e a more ri)orous and
structured #ord stud% pro)ram= The soft#are is available at no char)e=
This )uide offers advice on ho# to use the most common and useful features in :%77%va= A
comprehensive )uide to ever%thin) the pro)ram can do is available in a separate do#nload from
###=scrabblepla%ershandboo-=com= "o#ever it is important to note that the best #a% of learnin)
ho# to use the pro)ram is to open it up and Dust pla% around #ith the various searches and
<ui77es= If %ou see an option and %ou don't -no# #hat it does> tr% itI
Aote that there is also an e1cellent GIntroduction to :%77%vaH tuition video b% Canadian pla%er
Curran 0))ertson available at httpFPP###=%outube=comP#atch?vSom<m;cb3ll'
:%77%va also has a mailin) list and a /aceboo- pa)e #hich are )ood places to as- <uestions=
ow to Use <y88y2a
After installin) the soft#are %ou #ill be as-ed #hich le1iconBsC %ou #ish to be loaded into the
database= This onl% needs to be done once as the pro)ram #ill remember %our preferences=
Clic-in) the ma)nif%in) )lass icon on the :%77%va toolbar #ill brin) up a Search #indo#=
There are a fe# po#erful options built into the search function of :%77%va that %ou can use to
create some complicated and sophisticated <ueries a)ainst the le1icon= 5esides enterin) letters
that %ouNre loo-in) for> %ou can use the follo#in)F
? or = 33 si)nifies a sin)le #ild card Bi=e=> a blan-C
Z or L 33 si)nifies 7ero or more #ild cards= So pattern match of A$0Z #ould
return A$0 and all #ords that start #ith A$0=
[ and \ are used to set up a character class= A character class is treated in the
search as one character #hich can match an% member of the class= /or
e1ample> searchin) for $attern MatchF[A0I4+\[A0I4+\ #ould return an%
#ord that consists of t#o vo#els= [A0I4+\ counts as one character that can
match A> 0> I> 4> or +=
The ] can be used in a character class to ne)ate that class= /or e1ample>
[]A0I4+\ #ill match an% letter that is not A> 0> I> 4> or += So $attern MatchF
[]A0I4+\[]A0I4+\ #ould match an% t#o letter #ord #ith no vo#el=
The most useful search options areF
Ana)ram Match
Sho#s all the #ords that can be made b% rearran)in) the inputs= +sin) the Z #ildcard #ill )ive
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at
%ou all the #ords that contain the )iven letters in an% order= /or e1ample> Ana)ram MatchF 99Z
#ill sho# all the #ords containin) t#o 9Ns=
$attern Match
Sho#s the #ords that can be made )iven the inputs in the order provided= This is most useful
usin) #ildcards or character classes= Some e1amples are )iven above=
Subana)ram Match
Sho#s all the #ords that can be made usin) some of the inputs provided= Aote that usin) the Z
#ildcard #ith this option #ill return ever% #ord in the le1icon=
In .e1icon
.ets %ou choose from the le1icons %ou have installed in :%77%va so %ou can <uer% on the union or
intersection of t#o different le1icons= This is often useful #hen usin) the GnotH chec-3bo1= /or
e1ample> if %ou are searchin) the CSW* le1icon> then choosin) GAotH and In .e1iconF CSW!6 %ou
#ill )et a listin) of the #ords added ne#l% to CSW*=
In Word .ist
This lets %ou search for #ords contained in an arbitrar% list= The list of #ords should be in a te1t
file> one #ord per line= Kou choose G0dit .istH> G4pen /ileH and then the #ords in the list #ill be
available to search on= This is especiall% useful to )enerate a :%77%va <ui7 or add to %our cardbo1
a list of #ords %ou have trac-ed from a site li-e Aerolith> or #ords that had come up in )ames that
mi)ht need special attention> etc=
Includes .etters
4nl% returns #ords that contain all of the letters indicated= 4ur <uer% for t#o39 #ords above could
also be #ritten simpl% as Includes .ettersF 99= +sin) the GAotH #ill sho# #ords #hich contain none
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at
of the letters= So Includes .ettersF GAotH A0I4+ #ill return all the #ords #ith no vo#els=
So as %ou can see> there are man% different criteria to search #ith in :%77%va= Kou can combine
these in an% #a% %ou li-e> ho#ever 33 clic-in) the GTH button to the left of a search criterion #ill add
a ne# line to the search list= Multiple criteria entered #ill be AADed to)ether 33 the #ords returned
#ill need to fulfil all the criteria entered= Clic-in) the G3H button on the left #ill delete a criterion=
9ui77es in :%77%va are the bac-bone of #ord stud% for man% competitive Scrabble pla%ers= A <ui7
can be created from an% search b% ri)ht3clic-in) Bcontrol3clic-in)C on the results of a search> or b%
choosin) the <uestion mar- icon in :%77%va and enterin) search criteria=
9ui7 4ptions
= 9ui7 T%peF
= Ana)rams 3 This #ill as- %ou to enter the #ords found in a Dumble of
*= Ana)rams #ith "oo-s 3 This #ill as- %ou to enter the #ords in a
Dumble of letters plus the hoo-s those #ords ta-e> in a specific format=
Aamel%> the ans#er should beF /ront hoo-s Bif an%C> space> the #ord>
space> bac- hoo-s Bif an%C= The spaces are not optional so if a #ord
has no hoo-s> it should be entered as space> #ord> space= The space
character #ill displa% as a F in the ans#er bo1= If %ou do not enter a
response in this particular format for an Ana)rams #ith "oo-s <ui7>
%ou #ill )et the follo#in) errorF
3= Word .ist ,ecall 3 This #ill displa% the search criteria %ou enter> and
%ou #ill be re<uired to enter all #ords that match that search criteria
from memor%> #ithout seein) tiles or unscramble= This is )ood for
<ui77in) %ou on stems or the li-e> as in> #hat are all the bonuses in
'= "oo-s 3 This #ill sho# %ou a #ord> and %ou need to enter the #ords
made b% hoo-in) a letter to the front or the end= /or e1ample if the
<uestion is A,IA then the correct responses #ill be MA,IA> ;A,IA>
and A,IAS=
*= 9ui7 MethodF This section #ill cover the Standard method= See the ne1t
section for an overvie# of the Cardbo1 method=
3= TimerF Kou can set :%77%va to automaticall% declare an ans#er #ron) if no
responses are )iven in a certain period of time> or if all responses are not
)iven in a certain period of time= This is commonl% used 3 if %ou need to
stru))le for a response over a period of time> then the <uestion probabl%
ou)ht to be revie#ed> even if %ou do come up #ith the correct ans#er
'= ,estore $ro)ressF When loadin) a saved <ui7> do %ou #ant to restart #here
%ou last saved the <ui7?
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at
9ui7 4peration BSavin)> ,estorin)C
4nce %ouNve set up a search for the <uestions %ou #ant in %our <ui7> and %ouNve
selected the options for the t%pe of <ui7> order of <uestions> etc=> then %ouNre read%
to start=
The Ae1t button moves to the ne1t <uestion in the <ui7= It is onl% available
after the current <uestion has been mar-ed as correct or incorrect=
Chec- Ans#ers #ill sho# the ans#ers to the <ui7= It #ill mar- the <uestion as
incorrect if the ans#ers have not all been entered Bunless %ou are in
flashcard modeC=
Mar- As Correct P Incorrect allo#s %ou to to))le bet#een mar-in) a <uestion
correct and incorrect after it has been ans#ered= This is useful in the case of
t%pos> etc=
Ae# 9ui7=== brin)s up the Ae# 9ui7 dialo) bo1> pre3populated #ith the
criteria for the current <ui7=
Save 9ui7 allo#s %ou to save both the contents and the pro)ress on the
current <ui7=
When usin) a timer> the $ause button #ill be activated=
Aormall%> :%77%va #ill re<uire %ou to t%pe in each ans#er= In /lashcard
mode> this #ill be disabledE instead> the space bar #ill reveal the ans#er> and
the <uestion assumed correct unless the Mar- As Incorrect button is
pressed= This is useful for )oin) throu)h <ui77es more <uic-l%=
.etter 4rder #ill rearran)e the letters in various combinations= Clic-in) on
the letters displa%ed #ill also scramble them randoml%=
Anal%7e 9ui7> 9ui77in) missed #ords
As %ou )o throu)h %our <ui7> the Anal%7e 9ui7 button #ill )ive %ou information about ho# it is
)oin) alon) the #a%= The top half #ill sho# all #ords %ou missed> and a percenta)e correct= Aote
this is of #ords total> and not of <uestions 33 )ettin) ' out of 5 ana)rams of one <uestion in an
Ana)rams <ui7 #ill )ive %ou 2!J correct> but if %ou re3<ui7 on the one #ord displa%ed that %ou
missed> %ou #ill need to ans#er all five of the ana)rams a)ain= The bottom half of the Anal%7e
9ui7 dialo) #ill sho# %ou #hat t%pos %ouNve made durin) the <ui7=
If %ou ri)ht3clic- on the list of #ords %ouNve missed> %ou #ill have an option G9ui7 from .istH= This
function allo#s a ver% popular #a% of <ui77in) a )roup of #ords= /irst> be)in a <ui7 #ith a lar)e
)roup of #ords that %ouNd li-e to stud%> sa%> all the sevens= Then> save %our pro)ress as %ou )o
throu)h the <ui7= When %ou )et to the end> )o to GAnal%7e 9ui7H and create a <ui7 from the list of
#ords missed= ,epeat this process until %ouNve )otten each #ord correct once= This is a )ood #a%
to do a once3over pass of lists of #ords=
What is Cardbo1?
Man% top pla%ers learn #ords b% doin) <ui77es repetitivel%> and re3<ui77in) themselves on
#ords the% miss> over and over a)ain until #ords have stuc- in their memor%= The
disadvanta)e of doin) complete <ui77es over and over a)ain is that after a #hile of doin)
this> it #ill involve runnin) throu)h a list of !! ana)rams to find the * or 3 that %ou don't
-no#E this is not efficient use of stud% time=
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at
:%77%vaNs cardbo1 feature implements a more structured stud% re)imen= It -eeps trac- of
ho# often %ou )et a <uestion ri)ht or #ron) and repeats that <uestion at scheduled
intervals> choosin) the intervals for %ou based on %our performance on that <uestion= So if
%ou -eep )ettin) a <uestion ri)ht it #ill push that <uestion further do#n the list and not as-
it a)ain for a #hile> but if %ou -eep )ettin) a <uestion #ron) it #ill come up more often until
%ou've learned the ans#er= This is a much more efficient #a% to stud%I
Settin) up a Cardbo1
The Kouth Scrabble #ebsite offers a useful clic-3throu)h tutorial #hich ma% help %ou to set up a
/irst> do a search in :%77%va to find the list of #ords to add= Then ri)ht clic- in the list of #ords
returned b% the search Bor CT,.3clic- on a MacC= Select GAdd .ist to Cardbo1H=
0ach cardbo1 is associated #ith a certain t%pe of <ui7= In this case> it #ill be an Ana)rams #ith
"oo-s cardbo1= If %ou #ere to then add #ords to an Ana)rams3t%pe cardbo1> it #ould actuall% be in
a separate cardbo1 instance= This can be a point of confusion 33 if %ou add #ords to %our cardbo1
and the% do not appear> the% ma% be in a different t%pe of cardbo1=
After addin) the list to the cardbo1> the Cardbo1 tab in :%77%va #ill sho# some statistics about the
cardbo1 after clic-in) G,efreshH= In the above e1ample> ** cards have been added to Cardbo1 !>
and the% are all due to be seen immediatel%=
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at
To do a <ui7 #ith those #ords> choose the correct 9ui7 T%pe> and choose GCardbo1H for the 9ui7
Method= Choosin) GScheduleH for the <uestion order #ill sho# cards #hich are due to be seen in
the order the% #ere scheduledE choosin) GSchedule BCardbo1 ! /irstCH #ill sho# first all cards in
cardbo1 ! Bre)ardless if the% are due to be seen or notC follo#ed b% the rest of the cards #hich are
due to be seen in the order the% are scheduled= Aote also that on the i4S version of :%77%va there
are additional options for orderin) %our cardbo1 <ui77es Bsee belo#C #hich ma% at some point in
the future be implemented in the des-top version of :%77%va=
If %ou #ish to <ui7 %ourself on a subset of the #ords available in the cardbo1 %ou can use a search
specification to narro# the <ui7= This is especiall% useful to <ui7 %ourself on one len)th of #ord at a
After the <ui7 is completed 33 * out of ** correct 33 clic-in) the G,efreshH button on the Cardbo1
tab #ill sho# the follo#in)= The * cards ans#ered correctl% have been scheduled bet#een * and
5 da%s in the future= The one card ans#ered incorrectl% is scheduled for sometime in the ne1t *'
G&et data for <uestionH #ill let %ou t%pe in an alpha)ram and see the <ui7 statistics> as illustrated
This chapter has e1plained the basic <ui7 and cardbo1 functions of :%77%va= Comprehensive
instructions on ever% feature the pro)ram has to offer> includin) details on ho# to s%nchroni7e the
des-top :%77%va #ith the i$hone app in order to maintain a sin)le cardbo1> can be found in the
"elp files of the pro)ram itself=
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at
!nternet Scrabble Club
The "nternet Scrabble )lub is an online Scrabble server launched in March *!!= The site is
accessed b% do#nloadin) soft#are named Wordbi7 from the ISC #ebsite and enterin) a username
and pass#ord=
Man% of the #orld's top pla%ers have re)istered ISC usernames and lists of identities can be found
on the A5S$ #ebsite and other local sites= "o#ever the vast maDorit% of pla%ers are non3
competitive pla%ers and the ran)e of abilit% )oes do#n to be)inner level so %ou are )uaranteed to
find %our o#n level some#here and plent% of opponents= The simple but functional ratin) s%stem
helps and as in real life it can be fun to -eep trac- of %our pro)ress=
Wordbi7 soft#are suffers from rather clun-% and unintuitive controls> althou)h the "elp files found
on the ISC #ebsite are comprehensive and should be read thorou)hl%= +pdates to official
tournament #ord lists are implemented promptl% B#hich is more than can be said for the various
licensed Mattel products> none of #hich have %et mana)ed to be updated to use the Collins *!*
+nfortunatel% the site suffers from numerous other bu)s and problems> perhaps most notabl%F
menus are poorl% laid out and the te1t3based commands can be unintuitive
poor online supportE ver% fe# of the "elper team are club or tournament pla%ers
pla%ers can abort )ames #ithout penalt% after their opponent's first move
the adDudication s%stem for determinin) the #inner after one pla%er has <uit is fla#ed
lo)3in pass#ords can never be chan)ed
inabilit% to produce list of rac-sPmoves after a )ame or e1port finished )ames to outside the
server Bfor e1ample =)c) files as used b% 9uac-leC=
.i-e all )amin) sites there are also a fe# pla%ers #ho pla% #ith obvious computer assistance> and
a far )reater number of pla%ers #ho #ill accuse most of their opponents of some -ind of
deceptionPcheatin) #ith little or no evidence= It is not uncommon for an% pla%er #ho produces a
hi)h probabilit% bonus such as 4TA,IA0 to find themselves accused of cheatin)> #ithout the
accuser realisin) ho# i)norant this can appear to an%one of club level or above= /ortunatel% the
site also provides users #ith a 'no3pla%' list for bloc-in) undesirable opponentsE this is the onl%
sensible course of action as nearl% all formal complaints to the AdminP"elper team are i)nored=
The editor takes a #articularly se%ere beating at the hands o an "S) com#uter #layer
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at
"o#ever> a )ood number of friendl%> courteous and challen)in) opponents can be found online at
an% time and man% lon) friendships have been formed on ISC over the %ears= 4f course the site is
also a fantastic method of encoura)in) Scrabble enthusiasts to ta-e that first step into competitive
face3to3face pla% and man% hundreds of -een tournament pla%ers started out #ith several %ears of
ISC pla% before finall% steppin) out into the 'real #orld'= It is a move that ver% fe# have re)retted=
The site #as amon)st the first to offer Scrabble online usin) a no3challen)e mode -no#n here as
'void' mode= This involves each pla% bein) automaticall% verified b% a computer as it is made so
phone%s are impossible= /rom the perspective of competitive pla% this is disastrous as it ma-es
pla%ers unaccustomed to chec-in) their opponent's #ords> a vital part of the )ame of Scrabble=
"o#ever the real travest% of 'void' )ames is that attemptin) to pla% a phone% #ord does not result
in the loss of a turn> meanin) that pla%ers can tr% as man% combinations of letters as the% can thin-
until the% find a valid pla%= The often heard ar)ument that pla%in) #ith 'void' mode helps a pla%er to
learn ne# #ords is a fallac% as memor% retention levels drop si)nificantl% #ith this Gthou)ht3freeH
variantE there is ver% little need to learn an% #ords in order to pla% this form of Scrabble= The
correct #a% to learn #ords is throu)h an or)anised stud% pro)ramme usin) :%77%va soft#are and
to be punished b% losin) a turn throu)h a phone%> rather than removin) the possibilit% of ma-in) a
mista-e and Dust hopin) that the #ords #ill someho# 'stic-'= .i-e#ise> pla%ers #ho simpl% run their
rac-s throu)h an ana)ram pro)ram mi)ht believe the% are learnin) ne# #ords but in realit% #ill
remember ver% little of #hat the% have pla%edE the% are onl% cheatin) themselves= Althou)h fine for
casual G-itchen tableH Scrabble> the challen)e3free variant of the )ame has no place in competitive
pla% and #e stron)l% recommend pla%in) #ith at least single challenge mode #henever possible=
It is best not to ta-e ISC )ames seriousl%= Much li-e pla%in) a)ainst 9uac-le> the real benefit of
pla%in) practice )ames on the site is to )ain e1perience for pla%in) real opponents face3to3face=
The results of online )ames don't matter and ISC ratin)s should be ta-en #ith a lar)e pinch of salt
due to the eas% availabilit% of ana)rammin) soft#are= The 'void' challen)e )ames bein) rated in
the same s%stem as normal )ames also )rossl% distorts the ISC ratin)sE consider the relative
merits of a *!!3rated pla%er #ho has pla%ed single challenge )ames a)ainst human opponents
and another *!!3rated pla%er #ho has used 'void' mode #hile pla%in) the ISC bots Bcomputer
opponentsC> bein) allo#ed as man% attempts as the% need to find a valid pla%= When %ou start to
pla% competitive face3to3face %ou #ill find %our ISC ratin) no lon)er reall% matters at all=
Despite its limitations> ISC remains a valuable resource to the Scrabble communit% and if %ou don't
#ant to spend %our #hole time bein) beaten b% 9uac-le or simpl% fanc% mi1in) thin)s up #ith the
occasional human opponent> #e recommend lo))in) on> pla%in) a fe# )ames and chattin) to a
fe# li-e3minded fol-= 4f course for man% people> %ou Dust can't beat sittin) do#n face3to3face and
dra#in) those real Scrabble tiles out of a real tile ba)= There is no substituteI
Some of this boo-'s authors and the editor can be found on ISC under the follo#in) usernamesF
aphis Andre# /isher
dewk Dave @oeni)
e28one 0van 5erofs-%
'alomar @evin McMahon
mitsurugi $aul &allen
taMi 0d#ard 4-ulic7
*okoloshe Ste#art "olden
twM Toh Weibin
%inchelsea 0d Martin
If %ou see us online then don't be afraid to introduce %ourself and sa% helloI
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at
Aerolith is a #ebsite for practisin) ana)rammin) s-ills and learnin) #ords> usin) the interactive
WordWalls soft#are #ritten b% +S e1pert Scrabble pla%er Cesar Del Solar=
A pla%er is faced #ith a '#all' of ana)rams of a
particular len)th Be=)= 6sC and )iven a fi1ed time limit to
solve as man% as possible= When the time runs out the
pla%er is )iven the solutions to the missed ana)rams>
alon) #ith their hoo-s and definitions=
The default colour scheme is a rather )arish )reen
bac-)round #ith coloured tiles> but fortunatel% this can
be chan)ed in the $references #hich can be accessed
#hen a )ame starts= 4ptions for arran)in) the letters in
alphabetical order or to randoml% shuffle them also
*oday/s Challenges
0ver% ne# da% a #all of #ords of each len)th appears
on the site= The #ords are selected randoml% from
across the full probabilit% ran)e for an% len)th> so
0TA0,I4 or C45W05S #ill appear #ith e<ual
0ach Challen)e can onl% be attempted once and all pla%er's scores for the da% are sho#n on a
leaderboard= At the end of *'3hour period the scores are #iped and ne# sets of ana)rams appear=
,e#ards in the form of 'medals' are available for )ood performances for each #ord len)th=
If %ou decide to attempt all Challen)es of #ords from *32 letters %ou #ill need to allo# bet#een 3!3
'5 minutes in total> but individual #alls last no more than five minutes #hich ma-es Aerolith a <uic-
and enDo%able #a% of sharpenin) the mind and developin) those crucial ana)rammin) s-ills=
Some people have found it too dauntin) to have their Challen)e scores
displa%ed for all to see> especiall% ne# pla%ers #ho #ill stru))le to solve
lo#3probabilit% #ords ta-en from the entire le1icon Bin fact man% e1perts
#ould stru))le #ith these tooIC= "o#ever there is no compulsion to
re)ister #ith the username %ou are -no#n b% on other sites and man%
pla%ers deliberatel% choose to remain anon%mous= The competitive
element of the site is actuall% fairl% meanin)less since all scores are
deleted at the end of ever% da%= The important point is to be competin)
a)ainst %ourself and -no#in) #hether %ou are )raduall% improvin)=== and
even if the personal best %ou have Dust set is onl% a score of (J as
opposed to %our previous 'J> %ou still -no# more than %ou did %esterda%=
1amed Lists
$erhaps more useful for stud% purposes> especiall% at be)inner level> are the prescribed lists of
bonuses sorted b% probabilit% and other commonl% used lists of shorter #ords> #hich %ou can
attempt as man% times as %ou li-e= This is )ood if %ou fanc% a brea- from #ord <ui77in) in :%77%va
and fanc% a more fun form of ana)rammin)= The results are not displa%ed an%#here and the site
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at
-eeps no record of an% -ind=
This screenshot sho#s a small sample of the stud%3friendl% #ord sets #hich %ou can attempt as
man% times as %ou li-e=
In both -inds of )ame> #hen the timer has run out %ou are sho#n the ans#ers and then have an
opportunit% to attempt the same #all a)ain #ith onl% the <uestions %ou previousl% failed to ans#er=
Kou can do this an unlimited number of times and if %ou have sufficient #ill po#er to eventuall%
solve ever% <uestion %ou deserve a heart% pat on the bac-I
Althou)h :%77%va remains the number one stud% tool for all Scrabble pla%ers> especiall% #ith the
use of the Cardbo1 feature> #e recommend -eepin) Aerolith in %our boo-mar- folder and findin)
time to attempt the dail% Challen)es #henever %ou can or savin) a fe# Aamed .ists to help the
learnin) process=
It is #orth mentionin) that a predecessor to Aerolith e1ists in the form of ?umbleTime= Althou)h
offerin) fe#er features> the )ame itself is almost identical and the site also offers dail% challen)es
in both TW. and CSW* le1icons= /or the latter> use the A5S$ satellite lo)3in to ma-e CSW* the
default dictionar%=
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at
Scrabble by .hone
A variet% of #ord apps e1ist for various smartphone mobile devices and handheld tablets= "ere is a
selection of both the official offerin)s and those of interest to Scrabble pla%ers=
i7S" i.hone" i.od *ouchP-
Scrabble by ;lectronic 2rts *;2.
Mattel and "asbro have both licensed 0A to produce official Scrabble apps for Apple products> the
availabilit% of #hich depends on %our location=
The Mattel app onl% offers the option to pla% a)ainst a computer opponent=
Shoc-in)l%> there is no facilit% for pla%in) a)ainst other human friendsE this is in
comparison to the man% rival Scrabble3li-e )ames #hich are pla%ed b% tens of
millions of people a)ainst their friends across the #orld= The dictionar% used is
not one produced b% Mattel's official licensee Collins DictionariesE it is a
variation of the outdated CSW!6 but #ith non#ords such as ARSL and 9+4L
deliberatel% added in= The reason for this is un-no#n= The computer opponent
has been pro)rammed not to use a blan- tile for a move scorin) less than
Bappro1=C *5pts but applies this rule into the end)ame as #ell> meanin) that
#ith a final rac- of 0?? it #ill use the 0 alone first> then one blan- in the ne1t
move and finall% the second blan- in a third move= The 'hard' difficult% settin)
does not pla% the optimal move available ever% time> as demonstrated in the
screenshot Bri)htC in #hich the double3double S$0CTAT0 #ould have been
si)nificantl% superior= 4verall the app is ver% poor and of little interest to
competitive pla%ers=
"asbro's Scrabble app for pla%ers in Aorth America> #hich pla%s to TW.
le1icon onl%> fares better b% offerin) the crucial multi3pla%er function a)ainst
randoml% selected opponents from an online forum or a)ainst %our /aceboo-
friends> alon) #ith a built3in chat facilit%= "o#ever it also lac-s tile trac-in) and
other features common to competitive Scrabble= The app offers a 'Teacher'
function #hich assesses %our previous pla% usin) smile% or sad faces but this
is based purel% on score> #ith no consideration of rac- leave> strate)% or board
:arf is a <uic-> eas% to use and free #ord3findin) app
#hich features CSW* le1icon amon)st its default options=
With the standard $attern> Ana)ram and 5uild options it is
a vital handheld resource> a must3have for all competitive
pla%ers= Also includes a built3in timer to turn %our i$hone
into a 'chess cloc-'> useful for Scrabble on the moveI
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at
The "ol% &rail of #ord stud% soft#are also has an i$hone app #hich is
currentl% under development= /eaturin) basic search options and a rudimentar%
<ui7 function #hich has ne# features added on a re)ular basis> there is also an
option to s%nchronise %our des-top computer's Cardbo1 contents #ith %our
i$hone> enablin) %ou to stud% %our re)ular Cardbo1 on the busPtrainPtoilet===
an%#here that suitsI
A hi)hl% recommended score3-eepin) app #hich records rac-s> moves and points and output the
data in useful formats> includin) the =)c) files used b% 9uac-le= +se of mobile devices in
tournament )ames is forbidden but this is ver% hand% for friendl% )ames=
An e1haustive list of Android #ord)ames #ould be impossible> but Scrabble 2ssistant and Word
2## are #ord3findin) tools -no#n to contain the correct CSW* dictionar%= An Android version of
:%77%va is at earl% development sta)e> Doin the :%77%va forum for re)ular pro)ress updates=
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at
These are the books you should stri%e to own i you are a com#etiti%e #layer using )SW-+! Jue to
the #lethora o similar3sounding Scrabble titles #ublished by )ollins o%er the years we ha%e
included the "S87 numbers or those titles$ these should be checked beore making any #urchase!
2ollins Scrabble 3ords 42%12 edition1
IS5A33F 8623!!!6'586
Commonl% -no#n as CSW*> this it the #ord authorit% of all competitive pla%
outside Aorth America= An immediate non3ne)otiable essential purchase for
an%one readin) this boo-= Aote the W0S$A lo)o on the front cover to indicate that
this is the correct reference for competitive pla%ers=
2ollins Scrabble 5ictionary 42%12 edition1
IS5A33F 8623!!!6'3(!('
As above but #ith definitions= A #ei)ht% tome #ith small print but e1tremel% useful
for both #ord adDudication and for those #ho find definitions of interest or of benefit
for #ord learnin)=
Collins 7##icial Scrabble Lists OAB>A editionP
IS5A33F 8623!!!6'*5(3
The useful companion to CSW*> this contains #ord stud% lists startin) #ith *s> 3s
and 's and movin) to hi)h3pla%abilit% shorter #ords> essential bonus stems Be=)=
A0IA,TTC and a complete list of all 6s and 2s in alpha)ram form= ;er% little in
here could not be )enerated b% :%77%va and a printer but %ou can't beat havin)
the boo- for portabilit%=
Paul Cc)arthy
GAn unauthorised loo- at Scrabble and the people #ho pla% itH> this is an
entertainin) and detailed loo- at the histor% of Scrabble from ever% an)le M
as both a corporate brand #ith multiple o#ners over more than (! %ears>
and as a famil% parlour )ame enDo%ed b% millions #hich is rapidl% )ainin)
reco)nition as a competitive mind sport=
This )uide charts the development of competitive Scrabble in Aorth
America and the control of the )ame e1erted b% "asbro> Inc=> the holder of
the )ame's trademar-= Throu)h more than a hundred intervie#s> the
evolution of Scrabble from the hustler3populated )ame rooms of Ae# Kor-
Cit% in the 8(!s> before the or)ani7ed )ame even e1isted> to the Aorth
American Aational Championship> #here more than 2!! pla%ers vied for
^28>!!! in pri7e mone% is detailed= 01aminin) its ori)ins> strate)ies>
chan)es> and the business behind it all> this is a comprehensive loo-
behind the )ame of Scrabble=
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at
3ord 6reak7 Heartbreak( Tri'mph( 8eni's and *bsession in the 3orld of 2ompetitive Scrabble
Stean Fatsis
This is the novel #hich man% of toda%'s e1pert pla%ers cite as their inspiration for
ta-in) their first steps into the Scrabble #orld= In this compellin) mi1ture of
travelo)ue> histor%> part% Dournal> and ps%cholo)ical stud%> Wall Street ?ournal
#riter /atsis )ives us all the facts about Scrabble> from the stor% of the do#n3on3
his3luc- architect #ho invented the )ame in the 83!s to the intricacies of
individual international competitions and the corporate #ars to control the
#orld's favourite #ord )ame= The tournament elements are +S3centred but the
tales and characters #ill be familiar to pla%ers from an% part of the #orld=
/atsis -eeps the reader turnin) the pa)es as #e )et involved in the lives of the men and #omen
#ho have a point to prove a)ainst the #orld and have chosen Scrabble as their pla%)round and
their pulpit= Word Freak made the Ae# Kor- Times best3seller list #hen released in *!!= A brilliant
read for an%one #ho fancies a #ell3#ritten and humorous novel about Scrabble and a Qmust haveN
for all club or tournament pla%ers=
The Times Scrabble 3orko't
2llan Simmons
+sin) positions ta-en from Allan Simmons' #ee-l% column in The Times
ne#spaper> over 8! pu77les feature real3life )ame3pla% challen)es for the
reader to solve and come #ith accompan%in) help and advice on a
particular Scrabble problem=
.laying *o %in
Ja%id Sirlin
Available to purchase in printed form but also to read for free online at
###=sirlin=netPpt#= Arcade )ame e1pert David Sirlin's #idel%3acclaimed
#or- on competitiveness ma-es onl% passin) reference to Scrabble> but it
is essential and inspirin) readin) for an%one interested in ps%cholo)%
behind competition= Man% of the topics covered and the points he ma-es
are readil% applicable to Scrabble and %ou #ill reco)nise character t%pes
found in an% competitive activit%= Playing To Win #ill sharpen %our mind
and help %ou to avoid the bad thin-in) #hich ties so man% pla%ers to their
current level for evermore= An inspirin) readI
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at
Scrabble Eariants
5rett Smitheram
4ver the %ears Scrabble pla%ers have devised other #a%s of enDo%in) #ordpla% #hich are
variations upon the traditional )ame #e all -no# and love> some usin) the board> some Dust the
letters> but all based upon the same le1icon= The three most popular of these areF Clabbers> If 4nl%
and Ana)rams Balso -no#n as Snap ?arnacC= A variant named Duplicate Scrabble also e1ists and
is the standard method of tournament pla% in /rench3spea-in) countries=
This is essentiall% Scrabble #ith ana)rams= $la%ed on a
normal board> #ith a normal set of tiles> the difference is that
as lon) as the letters %ou pla% ma-e a #ord when rearranged
then %ou can place them in an% order %ou #ish e=)=
A.$,4A00> ma-in) $0,4A0A.> could subse<uentl% be
hoo-ed b% addin) an A to it===A.$,4A00A ma-in)
A0,4$.AA0= This means that not onl% are %ou able to
ma1imise %our score from a pla% b% bein) able to position the
hi)hest scorin) tiles on the best premium s<uares> but it
becomes much easier to pla% bonus #ords Busin) all 6 tilesC
because there is almost no such thin) as a Wbloc-in)W pla%= It is
not uncommon in Clabbers to find boards developin) into lar)e
s<uares of tiles> #ith each move creatin) multiple overlaps and
intricate inter#eavin) pla%s=
This open3soundin) )ame does come #ith certain tactical considerations ho#ever= /or e1ample>
because the potential for scorin) becomes si)nificantl% hi)her once there are alread% tiles on the
board> it is a disadvanta)e to )o first====so the pla%er #innin) the dra# to start actuall% earns the
ri)ht to )o second= As triple3triple pla%s also become much easier as %ou don't have to #orr% about
#here the floatin) tile is> pla%ers also tend to tr% to avoid the outs-irts of the board #ith lo#3point
tiles> preferrin) to han) a 9 out> as althou)h it ma% )ive '! points a#a%> that is si)nificantl% less
than a !!T nine3timerI
As Clabbers is so focused on the pla%ers' ana)ram abilities> it is usuall% pla%ed to double3
challen)e i=e= a failed challen)e resultin) in the challen)er forfeitin) their ne1t move= 4nce a #ord
is challen)ed> the person pla%in) it must declare the #ord and it is chec-ed as normal====<uite
embarrassin) #hen it turns out to be an ever%da% #ordI
Top pla%ers should usuall% be avera)in) 5!T per move in a )ame of Clabbers> #ith individual
scores of 6!!T not bein) too uncommon=
!# 7nly
Aamed after one of the most common e1clamations #hen loo-in) at an almost3rac-= WIf onl% this
tile #as one of those====W In If 4nl%> it can beI
If 4nl% allo#s %ou to pla% an other#ise normal )ame of Scrabble> but #ith the abilit% to pretend that
one of %our tiles is another for the purposes of pla%in) a move that scores 5!T points= To do this>
%ou simpl% pla% the #ord as normal> but turn the replaced tile upside do#n> declarin) it in a similar
#a% to a blan- Band similarl% to a blan-> it scores ! points=C /rom this point on> #henever either
pla%er finds themselves #ith the tile it represents on their rac-> the% can opt to s#ap it for the face3
do#n tile= Sometimes this can produce pleasant surprises Ba much3needed vo#el in a rac- of
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at
consonantsC or the lur-in) 9 that nobod% #anted= Some cunnin) tacticians have been -no#n to
hide blan-s in this #a% for future use> or to replace a tile L#ith itselfL to confuse the opposition=
A)ain> amon) )ood tournament pla%ers #ith reasonable -no#led)e of 6s and 2s> it isn't
uncommon to #itness boards filled #ith a criss3cross of bonus pla%s> and at least a couple of
)ames have been recorded #hich are Lsolel%L made up of bonuses as far as is possible #ith !!
tiles= Avera)e scores #ithin If 4nl% are a)ain often appreciabl% hi)her than in normal Scrabble> but
because both pla%ers are usin) up tiles at a hi)her rate> the% rarel% approach the hei)hts of
Aot so much a variant of Scrabble> but a #ord)ame often enDo%ed b% )roups of Scrabble pla%ers
utilisin) one or more sets of tiles #ithout a board=
All of the tiles are turned face do#n and pooled> #ith blan-s bein) removed= Tiles are then
distributed appro1imatel% evenl% to each person pla%in)> remainin) face3do#n all the time= $la%ers
then ta-e it in turns to turn one of their tiles face up in the centre of the table= 4nce the number of
upturned tiles reaches 5 or more> pla%ers are able to shout out an% #ord #hich the% are able to
ma-e from them Bof a minimum of 5 letters in len)th=C The pla%er shoutin) a valid #ord first '#ins'
that #ord and places it on the table in front of himPher= $la% continues as before> #ith one tile at a
time bein) turned over in the centre of the table> but from this point on pla%ers can either ma-e
#ords from the pool in the middle> or> b% addin) letters from the pool to a previousl% '#on' #ord in
front of themselves or other pla%ers= If the letters are added to a #ord in front of one of their
opponents> the pla%er declarin) the ne# ana)ram first '#ins' the #ord> and so on=
Scorin) in Ana)rams is strai)htfor#ard= 4nce all the tiles have been used and no more pla%s are
possible> pla%ers score the s<uare of the len)th of each #ord the% have #on= e=)= *5 for 5 letters>
(' for 2 and so on=
This scorin) s%stem means that it is commonplace for the stron)est pla%ers to plan #ell ahead for
impressive steals= Memorable pla%s include such beauties as MID&0 T 44K S &04MK4ID>
MAC"IA0 3Y AC"A0AI+M 3Y AA+MAC"IA0 and the maDestic $.AST0,IA& 3YAATI&,4$0.4SI
5uplicate Scrabble
Duplicate Scrabble> as the name su))ests> is a variant of the head3to3head )ame #hich involves
all pla%ers usin) the same tiles on the same board position= 4n each move all participants are
)iven the same set of 6 letters and a defined time limit in #hich to find the Lhi)hest scorin)L pla%>
re)ardless of traditional match pla% considerations such as rac- balance or tactical positionin)= At
the end of that time> ever% pla%er must declare the hi)hest score the% have found=
$la%ers score accordin) to their o#n pla%> ho#ever it is onl% the hi)hest move out of all those
declared #hich is placed on Lever%oneNsL boardsPa sin)le master board re)ardless of #hether it
#as their move of choice= e=)= In a room of ! pla%ers> * find AA0,&IA for 6!> ( find &,AIA for (
and * find A&AIA for '= All pla%ers place AA0,&IA on their o#n boardPthe master board> but onl%
* score 6!> ( score ( and the remainin) * score '= The )ame continues li-e this until all tiles
have been e1hausted> and the pla%er #ith the hi)hest a))re)ate score #ins=
It should be noted that althou)h in this boo- #e refer to Duplicate as a variant> in some countries
Bmost notabl% /ranceC it is seen as the main form of the )ame removin) the luc- element inherent
#ith GstandardH Scrabble= $la%ers more familiar #ith match pla% tend to prefer the e1citement and
subtleties of rac- balancePstrate)ic placement as #ell as the volatilit% #hich means no matter ho#
stron) a pla%er ma% be there is al#a%s a slim chance of an upset=
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at
Scrabble Around *he %orld
There are a ran)e of mailin) lists> discussion forums and /aceboo- pa)es dependin) on %our
home countr%= These -eep %ou up3to3date #ith tournament results as the% happen and most of
them re)ularl% feature articles of interest> Scrabble pu77les> photos> etc== If %ou #ant to )et into the
Scrabble scene then Doinin) a mailin) list and Doinin) %our local Scrabble association are the best
#a%s to start=
Kou do not need to belon) to a club or alread% be tournament pla%er in order to Doin %our national
Scrabble association> Dust simpl% find the membership details on the appropriate #ebsite= Most
associations produce periodical Scrabble ne#sletters and offer discounts on tournament entr%
W0S$A BWorld 0n)lish3lan)ua)e Scrabble $la%ers AssociationC is the umbrella or)anisation for all
national competitive Scrabble associations= The W0S$A #ebsite and W0S$A /aceboo- pa)e are
a )ood source of information and Scrabble activit% for pla%ers of all levels=
/or %outh pla%ers a)ed 2 or under there is a dedicated Kouth Scrabble #ebsite #ith advice aimed
at %oun)er pla%ers= Man% Scrabble associations have one or more officers dedicated to the
promotion of Scrabble clubs in schools and as a %oun) person's competitive activit%=
The follo#in) ma% also be of interestF
Word 5uff M includes a Word of The Da% ta-en from CSW*> provided #ith definitions
ScrabCast M live video broadcast of )ames from maDor Scrabble events
D#eebovision M videos of ISC )ames b% +@ &randmaster David Webb #ith tuitional commentar%=
Country Association 3acebook 'ailing List
Oclick link to subscribeP
Australia Australian Scrabble
$la%ers Association
Scrabble ASW
Scrabble ;ictoria
Canada Aorth American
Scrabble $la%ers
AAS$A naspa3pro
Indian Scrabble
Ireland ,epublic of Ireland
Scrabble $la%ers
Irish Scrabble irishscrabble
Tel Aviv Scrabble
@en%a ScrabAf
Mala%sian Scrabble
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at
Country Association 3acebook 'ailing List
Oclick link to subscribeP
Malta Malta Scrabble
Ae# :ealand
Association of
Scrabble $la%ers
Ai)eria Ai)erian Scrabble
$a-istan Scrabble
Sin)apore Scrabble Association
South Africa
Scrabble South
Sri .an-a Sri .an-a Scrabble
+A0 Scrabble
+@ Association of 5ritish
Scrabble $la%ers
Bsee belo#C
5ritish Scrabble u-3scrabble
Aorth American
Scrabble $la%ers
AAS$A naspa3pro
Scrabble content in the media
The Times *64. M Scrabble pu77les ever% #ee-da% and a strate)% column ever% Saturda% Bb%
Allan SimmonsC
The Jaily Telegra#h *64. M Scrabble tar)et pu77le ever% Saturda% Bb% Allan SimmonsC
The Guardian *64. M Scrabble tar)et pu77le ever% Saturda% Bb% Ste#art "oldenC
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at
To celebrate the launch of The Scrabble $la%er's "andboo-> the
Association of 5ritish Scrabble $la%ers BA5S$C is offerin) hal# price
membership to an%one Doinin) for the first time durin) ?anuar% *!3=
That's Dust _6=5! for si1 emailed copies of &nboard ma)a7ine> plus the
A5S$ members' handboo- and discounts on event entr% fees= Clic- the
lin- belo# to ta-e advanta)e of this fantastic offerI
Scrabble EMuipment
Competitive Scrabble uses pla%in) e<uipment desi)ned for more re)ular usa)e than standard
commercial Scrabble sets= Kour loved ones #ill never a)ain have the problem of not -no#in) #hat
to bu% %ou for Christmas=
Scrabble boards
Scrabble clubs tend to use standard "asbro or Mattel Scrabble boards for reasons of econom%=
"o#ever at tournament level man% pla%ers purchase circular boards #hich have the advanta)e of
rotatin) #ithin their o#n area Bsee pictureC= &eneric hi)h <ualit% round boards are available from
###=samtimer=com or ###=)enetimer=com #hile beautiful hand3painted personalised circular
boards can be found at ###=customscrabbleboards=com=
Tiles must be smooth and Gnon3braillableH in order to avoid an% suspicion of pla%ers tr%in) to
identif% letters inside the ba) Bin particular the blan-sC= The over#helmin) maDorit% of pla%ers use
$rotiles> available directl% from ###=protiles=net or local distributors=
Also -no#n as a chess cloc-> this -eeps time for both pla%ers= Most timers desi)ned for chess are
not suitable for Scrabble because the% fail to measure overtimeE this is because runnin) out of time
in chess leads to an automatic forfeit #hile in Scrabble the standard penalt% is !pts per minute or
part3minute= The most popular brands are the SamTimer and the AdDudicator available directl% from
###=samtimer=com and ###=)enetimer=com respectivel% or via local distributors=
A ran)e of other Scrabble accessories such as tile ba)s> scoreboo-s #ith pre3printed trac-in) )rids
and other items can be found on most of the #ebsites mentioned above= /or +@ and 0uropean
readers Tilefish B###=tilefish=co=u-C are #ell -no#n stoc-ists of most items for competitive pla%ers=

The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at
0d#ard 4-ulic7
A44RE4A*E 0ither the total of both pla%erNs scores in a )ame> or the total of a pla%erNs scores in
a tournament or series of )ames= ;er% fe# tournaments use a))re)ate to ran- pla%ers> this is more
commonl% done usin) margin or spread=
AL.A4RA' The constituent letters of a #ord arran)ed in alphabetical se<uence> normall%
applied to seven and ei)ht3letter #ords= Be=)= A0IA4,T is the alpha)ram of 4TA,IA0C> used as a
stud% aid=
A1A'71!C A short mnemonic phrased used to remember #hich tiles combine #ith a stem to
form a bonus=
BAC6 776 An e1tension to the end of a #ord b% one letter to form a ne# #ord= Be=)= one bac-
hoo- to /4,&0 is T> ma-in) /4,&0TC
BE1$A'!1 An eDtension of a #ord> normall% the first #ord pla%ed> such that it e1tends to reach a
TWS Be=)= at " or "5C> for instance> e1tendin) ?4IST to 5AA?4IST=
B!147 Alternative term for bonus=
BL7C6ER or BL7C6!14 '7EE A defensive pla%> or indeed a defensive pla%er> that closes do#n
openin)s on the board=
BL7%7U* A )ame #on b% a lar)e margin or spread=
B71US A #ord that uses all seven3letters from the rac- and thus earns the pla%er a 5!3point
bonus= Also bingo or se2en=
BUR1 To use a tile for less than its potential value for strate)ic reasons> such as ta-in) out a hoo-
or ma-in) an openin)= +suall% applied to an S or a blan-=
CE1*RE S*AR or CE1*ER S*AR= The middle s<uare on the board> #hich doubles the value of
the first #ord and #hich )enerall% has a star desi)n=
CALLE14E What a pla%er sa%s #hen challen)in) the validit% of an opponentNs #ord= Also> the
act of a Qchallen)eN= A correct challen)e results in the #ord bein) removed from the board= An
incorrect challen)e ma% be penalised dependin) on the rules bein) used=
CA14E A pla%er can chan)e an% number of letters instead of pla%in) a #ord providin) there are
at least seven letters in the ba)= The pla%er #ill normall% declare QChan)eN and announce the
number of letters bein) chan)ed= Also eDchange.
CL7C6 The device used to -eep time durin) the )ame> usuall% similar to a chess cloc-> allo#in)
both pla%ers the same amount of time for the )ame #hich the% can apportion to moves as
C7LL!1S SCRABBLE %7R5S The current authorit% for Scrabble in most of the #orld= 4ften
referred to as Dust Collins or CS%.
C71S74RA' .i-e an alphagram> but #ith the letters bro-en into vo#els and consonants> so
4TA,IA0 becomes A,TTA0I4= Some pla%ers prefer to or)anise their rac-s or stud% #ords this
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at
C71S71A1*,EAE= A rac- of letters that has more than five consonants> or more than four if the
consonants are incompatible to)ether=
C7U1*BAC6 The process of adDustin) scores at the end of a )ame for unused letters= Dependin)
on the rules> the pla%er #ho )oes out ma% either add double the face value on the opponentNs rac->
or ta-e face value #hile the opponent has face value subtracted=
5LS Short for Double .etter S<uare= An% letter pla%ed on this s<uare has its value doubled=
57UBLE CALLE14E A term used to describe a challen)e rule #hereb% the challen)er loses a
turn for an incorrect challen)e> as in Aorth America=
57UBLE,57UBLE An% pla% that e1tends across t#o double #ord s<uares thus earnin) four times
the value of the #ord pla%ed= Also #our,timer=
5U'. To pla% off un#anted letters> normall% in a ris-3free position> in order to sort out a rac-
imbalance= The #ord used is called a dumper.
5U.L!CA*E Duplicate Scrabble is a variation of the tournament )ame> pla%ed primaril% in /rance>
#hereb% all competitors have the same rac-s of letters and have to find the hi)hest3scorin) pla%
each turn on the same Blar)e displa%C board= .uc- is eliminated but so are lar)e areas of strate)ic
5%S Short for Double Word S<uare= An% #ord that covers this s<uare has its total value doubled=
E154A'E This term is usuall% used to define the sta)e of the )ame #hen all the letters are out of
the ba) and both pla%ers have letters on their rac-s to pla% out their final moves= Therefore both
pla%ers have the means to deduce #hat the other pla%er has on the rac-=
E:U!*= A #a% of <uantif%in) the value of a move be%ond its score> ta-in) into account the lea2e
and the board position=
E;CA14E Same as change.
E;*E1S!71 Addin) tiles to the front or end of an e1istin) pla%> i=e= turnin) C"AAT into
3ALSE %7R5= A #ord that does not appear in the dictionar%> a phoney=
3!S!14 The action of pla%in) off Dust one Bor sometimes t#oC tile from a rac- in the hope of
pic-in) the letterBsC re<uired to ma-e a bonus pla%= +suall% performed #hen pla%er is holdin) a
blan- or a stem=
3L7A*ER An% letter on the board that is available to pla% an ei)ht letter #ord throu)h= The term is
also used for a letter on the board that can onl% be)in or end an ei)ht3letter #ord=
37UR,*!'ER Another term for a double,double
3R71* 776 An e1tension to the be)innin) of a #ord b% one letter to form a ne# #ord= /or
e1ample> a front hoo- to S.AAD0, is I to ma-e IS.AAD0,=
47!14 7U* The act of ma-in) an outplay to conclude the )ame=
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at
47!14 7EER 01ceedin) the time limit M see also o2ertime=
4775!ES Another term for the power tiles=
7L5 A declaration made #hen %ou are not sure if %our opponentNs #ord is valid and %ou are
considerin) challen)e= A pla%er ma% not dra# #hen an opponent has called GholdH=
776 An% letter that can be added at the be)innin) or end of
another #ord to form a ne# valid #ord= See #ront hook and back hook=
7* S.7* An% place on the board that becomes available for Bor a ris- ofC a hi)h score for a
specific letter or letters= These are often T.Ss available for pla%in) a letter li-e the R to ma-e t#o
short #ords for around 5! points=
6EE. Another #ord used for lea2e=
LA55ER A term used to describe a succession of short #ords that start from the centre and build
up to#ards one of the corners> often meanin) a ver% bloc-ed board= Also stair,step=
LA1E A succession of s<uares not %et pla%ed on that #ould fit a lucrative pla% such as a bonus=
LEAEE The letters left on the rac- after a pla%= Also keep=
'AR4!1 The difference bet#een t#o pla%ersN scores at an% point in the )ame= The final spread is
recorded at the end of tournament )ames and is used alon) #ith number of #ins in determinin)
pla%ersN performance= Also spread=
1!1E,*!'ER A pla% that e1tends across t#o triple #ord s<uares and thus earnin) nine times the
value of the #ord pla%ed= This is also called a triple,triple=
7S.5 A shorthand for the official dictionar% used in non3competitive pla% in Aorth America>
replaced b% *%L Bor 7taC%LC after recent editions of the 4S$D #ere e1pur)ated to not include
#ords deemed to be offensive=
7*aC%L The official #ord list used in club and tournament pla% in Aorth America= Also *%L.
7U*.LA= or .LA= 7U* A pla% that concludes the )ame b% one pla%er empt%in) their rac-=
7EER5RA% When a pla%er pic-s too man% letters from the ba) to replenish his rac- then this is
an overdra#=
7EERLA. A pla% #here a #ord overlaps another ma-in) several other short #ords in the process=
Also parallel play or underlap=
7EER*!'E The amount of time a pla%er has e1ceeded the allocated pla%in) time= &oin) overtime
immediatel% attracts a ! point penalt%> and a further ! point penalt% for each minute be%ond that=
.ARALLEL .LA= Same as o2erlap=
.ASS A move in #hich a pla%er does not pla% a #ord and does not chan)e an% letters= A pla%er
often passes at the end of a )ame if stuc- #ith unpla%able letters #hilst the opponent can still pla%>
or to tr% to force their opponent to empt% the ba)=
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at
.71E= A #ord that has remained on the board throu)h not bein) challen)ed but is not valid
under the #ord rules= Also referred to as a #alse word=
.7!1* .E1AL*= CALLE14E= A rule used in most international tournaments #hereb% an
unsuccessful challen)e attracts a point penalt%> usuall% 5 points added onto the challen)ed pla%=
The pla% can be per challen)e> or per #ord B#here multiple #ords are challen)ed simultaneousl%C=
.7%ER *!LES The ? 9 R and :> the four S's and the t#o blan-s= Also goodies or Gbi) tenH=
.RE,E154A'E= The part of the )ame #hen there are fe# tiles left in the ba) Bless than seven>
.RE'!U' S:UARE= An% s<uare #hich )ives e1tra value to a letter or entire #ord=
: S*!C6 M An endgame pla% #hich involves trappin) the opponent #ith an unpla%able 9 and
collectin) *! points in countback= The pla%er cau)ht #ith the 9 tile is sometimes said to have
Geaten the 9H= Can also be applied to an% tile that can be rendered unpla%able> i=e= G; stic-H=
RAC6 Althou)h strictl% spea-in) this is the rac- upon #hich the letters are placed> it has come to
also mean the letters that a pla%er holds at an% point in the )ame=
RAC6 BALA1C!14 or RAC6 'A1A4E'E1* Maintainin) a balance of vo#els and consonants
on the rac- to ma1imise choice of pla%s and chances of a bonus #ord= T%picall% a balanced rac-
#ill consist of three vo#els and four consonants=
RA16!14 The position of a tournament pla%er in the ratin)s table for either the #orld BW0S$AC or
a national association=
RA*!14 A fi)ure representin) a tournament pla%erNs abilit%> derived from tournament pla%=
SE*,U. A pla% that creates a hi)h3scorin) possibilit% #ith a letter remainin) on the rac-=
SEEE1 Another term for a pla% usin) all seven tiles> the same as a bonus> even if the #ord
created is more than seven letters lon)=
S!'ULA*E To use a computer pro)ram to determine the best pla% in a board position=
S!14LE CALLE14E A form of the )ame rules in #hich unsuccessful challen)es to #ords is met
#ith no penalt%= Compare double challenge or point penalty challenge=
S*AR The centre star=
S*E' An% )roup of si1 Bor sevenC letters that are common to man% seven3 Bor ei)ht3C letter #ords
and thus form a focus for bonus #ord stud%=
S7%.75S An acron%m derived from the +S and +@ le1icons in use before *!!! B4S$D T 4SWC>
referrin) to a le1icon includin) #ords that are contained in either= Sometimes used to refer to
C7LL!1S SCRABBLE %7R5S= "istoricall% also called Gdouble dictionar%H=
S.REA5 Another term for margin=
S*A!R,S*E. or S*A!RCASE Same as ladder.
S*E' A set of tiles #hich forms seven3 or ei)ht3letter #ords #ith a lar)e number of other letters>
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such as SATI,0 or ,0TIAA=
*R7U4,.LA= A pla% that is pla%ed throu)h t#o or more letters on the board> i=e= turnin)
M04W into "4M04WA0,=
*!LE *RAC6!14 The action of -eepin) trac- of the letters pla%ed> and therefore notin) the letters
remainin)= Most tournament pla%ers use a pre3printed sheet of the Scrabble letters to
cross off durin) pla%=
*!'E .E1AL*= The time ta-en off the score for )oin) o2ertime=
*!'ER See clock.
*LS Short for Triple .etter S<uare= An% letter that covers this s<uare has its value tripled=
*7UR1A'E1* *!LES Scrabble tiles #ith smooth surfaces to eliminate an% possibilit% of
accidental Bor other#iseC of feelin) for blan-s= Standard tiles )enerall% have a sli)htl% embossed
surface> e1cept for the blan-s
*R!.LE *R!.LE Another term for a nine,timer.
*UR17EER The number of letters used in a pla%= Sometimes the turnover can be a strate)ic
factor of the pla%=
*%L See 7*aC%L=
*%S Short for Triple Word S<uare= An% #ord that covers this s<uare has its total value tripled=
U15ERLA. An o2erlap or parallel play> this term is t%picall% used #hen the pla% is beneath the
e1istin) #ord=
U1SEE1 The tiles not on the pla%erNs rac- or on the board M the% ma% be in the tile ba)> or on the
opponentNs rac-= Also GpoolH=
E7%EL 5U'. An% pla% or #ord that consists of mainl% vo#els in order
to resolve a vo#el3heav% rac-=
E7%EL,EAE= A rac- of letters that has five or more vo#els=
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Rules go2erning word inclusion in Collins Scrabble %ords
The follo#in) subsection e1plains the rules for inclusion of infle1ions that the W0S$A Dictionar%
Committee BDCC has used in compilin) CSW= ItNs not essential to be familiar #ith this but it ma% be
of interest to the curious= It is a little bit technical but plentiful e1amples should aid understandin)=
There is no <uestion about #hether common #ords such as C"AI, can have a plural and ho# that
plural is formed BC"AI,SC but there is also an abundance of nouns in the source dictionaries
#here the plural form ma% not be e1plicitl% sho#n and not so obvious=
/or the Scrabble #ord list> all sin)ular nouns in the source dictionar% are deemed to ta-e a plural
form irrespective of ho# rare> or unli-el%> that plural form ma% be= Most plurals #ill be formed b%
addin) MS or M0SF
Aote that some plural forms are the same as the sin)ular= Most of these are #here the source
dictionar% e1plicitl% sho#s the plural to be the same as the sin)ularV=
01amplesF 5"ATE "WAAE S"00$
Vor #here the noun is sin)ular in definition but loo-s as if it is an 3S plural formF
01ampleF &0A0TICS Bthe stud% of )enes> hence no &0A0TICS0SLCE AAD4,S BthirstCE
$"KSICS Bthe scienceC
Where sin)ular nouns are clearl% forei)n imported #ords and no plural is sho#n in the source
dictionar% then> if there is evidence in other 0n)lish3dictionar% sources> a forei)n plural andPor an
0n)lish plural ma% be included=
01ampleF ?0+ is allo#ed because it e1ists as a main dictionar% entr% as a stand3alone
#ord= 4nl% ?0+R is specified in the dictionar% as the plural> so ?0+SL is not allo#ed=
01ampleF DI and D0I are both allo#ed as alternative forei)n plurals of the #ord D0+S
01ampleF T0CT+MS and T0CTA are both allo#ed as plurals of T0CT+M
An% verb #ill attract the standard verb forms B3S> 30D> 3IA&C unless the source dictionar% sho#s
non3standard forms or states that the verb is used in one tense onl%=
01ampleF D00@ is a verb but used in one tense onl%
01ampleF +A50 is a verb but has +A50IA& and +A500A onl%
01ampleF $44@ is a Scottish verb )ivin) $44@S $44@IA& $44@IT Bbut not $44@0DLC
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There are plent% of archaic and old3fashioned verbs included in CSW because the% are listed in the
source dictionar%= Standard verb inflections are sho#n for such #ords unless the source dictionar%
sho#s an historic inflection=
01ampleF ;4, is a Sha-espearean #ord conDectured to be dialect for WA,A= The
inflections ;4,S ;4,,0D ;4,,IA& are included=
01ampleF $,KS is an old spellin) of $,IC0 and $,I:0= The inflections $,KS0S $,KS0D
$,KSIA& are included= Aote $,KS0S is also the plural of the <uite different #ord> $,KS0=
01ampleF C.0$0 and C.00$ are archaic verbs= The source dictionar% e1plicitl% sho#s
past tenses to be KC.0$T or KC.0$0D but nothin) is sho#n for the past participles= So
C.0$0D and C.00$0D are also included alon) #ith C.0$0S C.00$S C.0$IA&
Some> but not all adDectives can ta-e comparative forms in M0, and a superlative form in M0ST
Be=)= ,4+&" ,4+&"0, ,4+&"0STC= The DC has applied some rules for allo#in) such forms=
These are as follo#sF
The comparative and superlative BcompsOsupsC forms are e1plicitl% sho#n in the source dictionar%=
01ampleF S"K S"K0, S"K0ST S"I0, S"I0ST
The adDective is not obsolete and not an obsolete spellin)=
01amplesF 4+&".K BS+&.KC has no compOsup= .A0SI0 BS.A:KC has no compOsup
The adDective is one s%llable and the compsOsups are supported in an unabrid)ed dictionar% such
as WebsterNs 3
01amplesF C"4IC0 C"4IC0, C"4IC0STE DWA,/ DWA,/0, DWA,/0ST
The adDective is one s%llable and the compsOsups forms are recommended b% the editor of the
source dictionar% bein) used Bthis has often been the case re)ardin) Scottish adDectivesC
01amplesF D,0IC" D,0IC"0, D,0IC"0STE S@0I&" S@0I&"0, S@0I&"0ST
The adDective has t#o s%llables #ith the second bein) an MI0 or MK and a definition Be1plicit or
impliedC that lends itself to be compared Bi=e= meanin) Mli-e> some#hat> aboundin) in> 3ishC= The
DC has decided that the euphon% of such adDectives lends themselves to be compared #ith MI0,
and MI0ST forms irrespective of #hether there is an% support for such forms in unabrid)ed
01amplesF .AWAK .AWAI0, .AWAI0STE 4+,I0 4+,I0, 4+,I0STE ;0I.K ;0I.I0,
InterDections are allo#ed as #ords but the% onl% ta-e a plural form or verbal forms if the% are listed
as a noun andPor verb=
01ampleF 0" is also a verb so 0"S 0"0D 0"IA& are included
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01ampleF +&" is also a noun so plural +&"S is included=
01ampleF A"A is onl% an interDection so has no inflections=
4nl% those adverbs that are e1plicitl% listed in the source dictionar% are allo#ed= There #ill be
plent% of reasonable soundin) adverbs that are A4T included but #here the correspondin)
adDective is allo#ed= This can be a difficult area for ne#er pla%ers to )et familiar #ith= &enerall%>
an% adverb that feels ver% natural and is li-el% to be reasonabl% common in usa)e can be e1pected
to be allo#ed=
01ampleF All these are included &,00A.K A0,;I.K $4,4+S.K ,A5ID.K TI,0D.K
01ampleF These are A4T includedF 5,4WA.K /,A+&"T.K "AI,I.K M4+.DI.K
Comparative and superlative forms of adverbs are ver% rare in usa)e and so onl% those e1plicitl%
listed in the source dictionar% are allo#edF
01ampleF /IT.K /IT.I0, /IT.I0ST
01ampleF A0A,.K A0A,.I0, A0A,.I0ST
.hrasal %ords-
0n)lish #ords that onl% e1ist as part of an 0n)lish phrase in the source dictionar% are allo#ed
01ampleF 5+SMAA is allo#ed from the phrase 5+SMAANs "4.IDAK
01ampleF /4.IC is allo#ed from the phrase /4.IC ACID
As a conse<uence there ma% also be some plurals allo#ed Be=)= 5+SM0AC or #here the phrase is
of the t#o #ord form 1 % #here 1 describes a t%pe of %
01ampleF $IA&$4A& and $IA&$4A&S are allo#ed from the phrase A0,IA. $IA&$4A&
There are some #ords that onl% behave as nouns in phrasal use> #hich is #h% a plural form is in
the #ord list=
01ampleF C,+AC"IA&S is onl% allo#ed because the phrase A+M50, C,+AC"IA& can
be plurali7ed=
01ampleF ?+M$IA&S is onl% allo#ed because the phrases 5AS0 ?+M$IA& and 5+A?K
?+M$IA& can be pluralised
/orei)n #ords that only e1ist as a part of a phrase are not allo#ed=
01ampleF S+0K is disallo#ed from C"4$ S+0K
01ampleF 9+4 is disallo#ed from STAT+S 9+4
01ampleF &,0A: is disallo#ed from &,0A: ,AKS
1orth,America *%LIRest,o#,%orld Scrabble word list standardi8ation
The DC has ta-en some steps to ensure that there is a consistent approach #hen the Aorth
American TW. #ords #ere included= /or e1ample> in the main sources the verb endin)s of MI:0>
3IS0 are interchan)eable but some MI:0 verbs uni<ue to TW. do not have an MIS0 sho#n=
01amplesF TW. has 0,4TI:0 but not 0,4TIS0= 0,4TIS0 and inflections have been included
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TW. has 4D4,I:0 but not 4D4,IS0= 4D4,IS0 and inflections have been
The DC has corrected this for the sa-e of consistenc%= Similarl%> the approach to compsOsups of
adDectives has been applied to adDectives uni<ue to TW. #here such forms have not been included
in TW.=
01amplesF TW. has "AK0K but no compOsup= "AKI0, and "AKI0ST have been included
TW. has MA,;K but no compOsup= MA,;I0, and MA,;I0ST have been included
These are the onl% t#o areas #here the DC felt it #orth#hile t#ea-in) the TW. content for the
sa-e of )reater consistenc% across the official #ord list=
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*wo and *hree Letter %ords
Complete lists of the *s and 3s are provided here= Definitions are unimportant but are included to
aid learnin)= .earnin) ho# to use the search function in :%77%va to )enerate %our o#n #ord lists is
essentialE these lists are provided for <uic- reference onl%=
*wo,letter words
AA n a t%pe of volcanic roc- Y AAS
AB n short for abdominal muscle Y A5S
AD n short for advertisement Y ADS
AE ad: a Scots #ord for one
AG ad: a)ricultural ` n a)riculture Y A&S
AH int an interDection e1pressin) surprise> Do% etc ` %b to sa% ah Y A"S> A"IA&> A"0D
AI n the three3toed sloth Y AIS
AL n an 0= Indian shrub Y A.S
AM %b
person present tense of 50
AN ad: the indefinite article ` n a dialect form of if> an additional consideration> as in ifs and ans Y AAS
AR n the letter r Y A,S
AS ad% in #hatever #a% ` con: because> since ` n a Aorse )od Y A0SI,E a )ravel rid)e or -ame Y ASA,E a ,oman
coin Y ASS0S
AT #re# a preposition denotin) position in space or time ` n a monetar% unit of .aos Y ATS
AW int an interDection e1pressin) disappointment> s%mpath% etc ` ad: all
AX n an a1e Y AR0S
AY int %es ` n an affirmative vote Y AKS
BA n in ancient 0)%ptian reli)ion> the soul Y 5AS
BE %b to e1ist Y AM> Bobs=C A,T> IS> A,0> 50IA&> WAS> Bobs=C WAST> Bobs=C W0,T> W0,0> 500A
BI n short for bise1ual Y 5IS
BO int an e1clamation used to startle someone ` n a fello#E pal> budd% Y 54S
BY #re# indicatin) the doer of an action> nearness> movement past> time before or durin) #hich> etc ` ad% near ` n
a pass to the ne1t round Bof a competition> etc=C Y 5KS
CH #ron a dialect form of I
DA n a heav% 5urmese -nife Y DAS
DE #re# from Bas used in namesC
DI #l X D0+S> a )od
DO %b to perform Y D40S> Bobs=C D40ST> Bobs=C D4ST> Bobs=C D40T"> Bobs=C D4T"> Bobs=C D40A> D4IA&> DID>
Bobs=C DIDST> D4A0 ` n a part%> a celebration Y D4S
EA n an old #ord for river Y 0AS
ED n short for education Y 0DS
EE n an old #ord for e%e Y 00A
EF n the letter f Y 0/S
EH int an interDection e1pressin) en<uir% ` %b to sa% 'eh' Y 0"S> 0"IA&> 0"0D
EL n the letter .E an elevated railroad Y 0.S
EM n a unit of measurement in printin)> the s<uare of a bod% of an% si7e of t%pe Y 0MS
EN n a unit of measurement in printin)> half the #idth of an em Y 0AS
ER int an interDection e1pressin) hesitation
ES n the letter S Y 0S0S
ET %b past tense of 0AT> to consume b% mouth
EX #re# not includin) ` n a former #ife> husband etc ` %b to cut out> delete Y 0R0S> 0RIA&> 0R0D
FA n a musical note> as in sol3fa Y /AS
FE n a "ebre# letter Y /0S
FY int an interDection e1pressin) reproach
GI n a loose3fittin) #hite suit #orn in Dudo> -arate> and other martial arts Y &IS
GO n a turnE a ?apanese board )ame Y &4S ` %b to pass from one place to another Y &40S> Bobs=C &40ST> Bobs=C
&40T"> &4IA&> W0AT> &4A0
GU n a -ind of violin formerl% used in the Shetlands Y &+S
HA int an interDection e1pressin) e) surprise
HE #ron the masculine sin)ular pronoun ` n a male person or animal Y "0SE ` int an e1clamation e1pressin)
HI int an interDection callin) attention
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HM int an interDection e1pressin) thou)htful consideration
HO int an interDection callin) attention ` n cessation ` %b to stop Y "4S> "4IA&> "40D
ID n the mind's instinctive unconscious ener)iesE a fish of the carp famil% Y IDS
IF con: on condition that ` n a condition Y I/S
IN #re# indicatin) position inside> state or situation> etc ` ad% indicatin) position inside> entr% into> etc ` ad:
fashionable ` n a #a% of approachin) or befriendin) a person ` %b to ta-e in Y IAS> IAAIA&> IAA0D
IO int an interDection e1pressin) Do%> triumph> )rief ` n a cr% of 'io' Y I4S
IS %b third person present tense of 50> to e1ist
IT #ron the neuter of he she him or her ` n a pla%er #hose turn it is to catch the others in children's )ames
JA int a S= African #ord for %es
JO n a Scots #ord for loved one Y ?40S
KA n in ancient 0)%pt> an attendant spirit supposedl% d#ellin) as a vital force in a man or statue ` %b to serve> help
Y @AS> @AIA&> @A0D
KI n the spirit of ?apanese martial art Y @IS
KO n a Maori di))in)3stic- Y @4S
KY #l cattle
LA n a musical note Y .AS
LI n a Chinese unit of distance Y .IS
LO int an interDection meanin) see> loo-
MA n collo<uial for mother Y MAS
ME #ron the obDective first person pronoun Y n a musical note Y M0S
MI n a musical note Y MIS
MM int an interDection e1pressin) a)reement or enDo%ment
MO n a moment Y M4S
MU n a letter of the &ree- alphabet Y M+S
MY ad: of or belon)in) to meE ` int an e1clamation of surprise or a#e
NA ad% no> not at all
NE ad% not ` con: nor
NO int e1pressin) ne)ation ` ad: not an%> not a ` ad% e1pressin) ne)ation ` n a no vote Y A4S or A40S
NU n a letter of the &ree- alphabet Y A+S
NY ad: near ` %b to approach Y AK0S> AKIA&> AK0D
OB n an obDection Y 45S
OD n a h%pothetical forceE an old #ord for )od> often used as a mild oath Y 4DS
OE n a )randchild Y 40S
OF #re# belon)in) to
OH int an interDection ` %b to sa% oh Y 4"S> 4"IA&> 4"0D
OI int an interDection used to e1press attention ` n a Ae# :ealand bird> the )re%3faced petrel Y 4IS
OM n an intoned "indu sacred s%mbol Y 4MS
ON ad% in contact #ith the upper surface of ` ad% in operation ` ad: operatin) ` n the side of the field on #hich the
batsman stands ` %b to )o on #ith> to put up #ith Y 4AS> 4AAIA&> 4AA0D
OO n a Scots #ord for #ool Y 44S
O n short for operation Y 4$S
OR con: a conDunction lin-in) alternatives ` ad: of the metal )old ` n the heraldic tincture )old Y 4,S
OS n a bone Y 4SSAE a mouthli-e openin) Y 4,AE an es-er Y 4SA,
OU ad: an interDection e1pressin) concession ` n a blo-e Y 4+S or 4+0AS
OW int an interDection e1pressin) pain
OX n a bovine animal Y 4R0AE a clums% person Y 4R0S
OY n a )randchild Y 4KS
A n a childNs #ord for fatherE a Maori hill fort Y $AS
E n a "ebre# letter Y $0S
I n a letter in the &ree- alphabet Y $IS ` %b to mi1 t%pe indiscriminatel% Y $IS> $IIA&> $I0D
O n chamberpot Y $4S
!I n the ph%sical life3force postulated b% certain Chinese philosophers Y 9IS
RE #re# concernin) ` n Bin tonic sol3faC the second de)ree of an% maDor scale Y ,0S
SH int an interDection re<uestin) silence
SI n an earlier form of ti> a musical note Y SIS
SO ad: in such a #a%> to such a de)reeE ` int an e1clamation of surprise> triumph> or reali7ation ` n Bin tonic sol3faC
the fifth de)ree of an% maDor scale Y S4S
ST int an interDection re<uestin) silence
TA int an interDection e1pressin) than-s ` n a than-3%ou Y TAS
TE n the seventh de)ree of an% maDor scale Y T0S
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TI n a musical noteE a small $acific tree Y TIS
TO #re# in the direction of> to#ards ` ad% a closed position
UG %b to dread> loathe Y +&S> +&&IA&> +&&0D
UH int an interDection e1pressin) surprise
UM int an interDection e1pressin) doubt or hesitation ` %b to e1press doubt or hesitation Y +MS> +MMIA&> +MM0D
UN #ron a spellin) of 'one' intended to reflect a dialectal or informal pronunciation Y +AS
U ad% to#ards a hi)her place ` ad: of a hi)h or hi)her position ` %b to move up Y +$S> +$$IA&> +$$0D
UR int an interDection e1pressin) hesitation
US #ron the obDective case of the first person plural pronoun
UT n a musical note Y +TS
WE #ron the subDective case of the first person plural pronoun
WO n an old form of #oe Y W4S
XI n a letter in the &ree- alphabet Y RIS
XU n a ;ietnamese monetar% unit Y R+
YA #ron an American form of %ou
YE #ron an old form of %ou ` ad: an old form of the
YO int an interDection callin) for effort or attention
YU n a precious Dade Y K+S
"A n short for pi77a Y :AS
"O n a cross bet#een a %a- and a co# Y :4S
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*hree,letter words
AAH int an interDection e1pressin) surprise ` %b to e1press surprise Y AA"S> AA"IA&> AA"0D
AAL n an 0= Indian shrub Y AA.S
AAS pl < AA> a t%pe of lava
ABA n a S%rian cloth of )oat's or camel's hairE an outer )arment made from this Y A5AS
ABB n a te1tile %arn Y A55S
ABO n short for an abori)inal Y A54S
ABS #l Q A5> an abdominal muscle
ABY %b to pa% the penalt% for Y A5KS> A5KIA&> A54+&"T
ACE n the one in cards ` %b to pla% a #innin) serve in tennis Y AC0S> ACIA&> AC0D
ACH int an interDection e1pressin) re)ret or impatience
ACT %b to do in a specified #a% Y ACTS> ACTIA&> ACT0D
ADD %b to ma-e an addition Y ADDS> ADD0D> ADDIA&
ADO n bustle or fuss Y AD4S
ADS #l Q AD> an advertisement
AD" n a cuttin) tool #ith an arched blade set at ri)ht an)les to the handle Y AD:0S
AFF ad% a Scots #ord for off
AFT ad% behindE near the stern of a vessel> etc
AGA n a Tur-ish commander Y A&AS
AGE n duration of life ` %b to )ro# old Y A&0S> A&IA& or A&0IA&> A&0D
AGO ad% pastE since
AGS #l Q A&> a)riculture
AHA int an interDection e1pressin) e1ultation or pleasure
AHI n the %ello#fin tuna Y A"IS
AHS %b 3
person sin)ular of A"> to sa% ah
AIA n an Indian nurse3maid Y AIAS
AID n help> assistance ` %b to help or assist Y AIDS> AIDIA&> AID0D
AIL %b to be indisposed Y AI.S> AI.IA&> AI.0D
AIM %b to point or direct Y AIMS> AIMIA&> AIM0D
AIN n a letter of the "ebre# alphabet Y AIAS
AIR n the mi1ture of )ases breathed b% people and animals ` %b to ma-e -no#n publicl% Y AI,S> AI,IA&> AI,0D
AIS #l Q AI> a -ind of sloth
AIT n a small island in a river Y AITS
AKA n a Ae# :ealand vine Y A@AS
AKE %b an old spellin) of ache Y A@0S> A@IA&> A@0D
ALA n an out)ro#th on a fruit Y A.A0
ALB n a priest's lon)> #hite vestment Y A.5S
ALE n a -ind of beer> made #ithout usin) hops as a flavourin) Y A.0S
ALF n an uncultivated Australian Y A./S
ALL ad: the #hole <uantit% of ` ad% #holl% ` n the #holeE ever%thin) and ever%bod% Y A..S
AL n a mountain Y A.$S
ALS #l Q A.> an 0= Indian shrub
ALT n a hi)h tone in a voice or instrument Y A.TS
ALU n in India> a potato Y A.+S
AMA n a native maidservant or child's nurse> especiall% a #et nurse Y AMAS
AME n a /rench #ord for soul Y AM0S
AMI n a /rench #ord for friend Y AMIS
AM n short for ampere or amplifier ` %b to e1cite Y AM$S> AM$IA&> AM$0D
AMU n a unit of atomic mass Y AM+S
ANA n a collection of someone's table3tal- Y AAAS
AND con: a conDunction indicatin) addition ` n the s%mbol ampersandE somethin) added Y AADS
ANE n one Y AA0S
ANI n a tropical American bird Y AAIS
ANN n the half3%ear's stipend pa%able to a minister's #ife on his death Y AAAS
ANS #l Q AA> as in ifs and ans> thin)s that mi)ht have happened> but #hich did not
ANT n a small industrious insect Y AATS
ANY ad: someE #hichever> no matter #hich
AE n an anthropoid primate ` %b to imitate Y A$0S> A$IA&> A$0D
AO n short for apolipoprotein> a t%pe of protein Y A$4S
A n short for application pro)ram Y A$$S
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at
AT ad: suited to Y A$T0,> A$T0ST> A$T.K ` %b an old form of adapt Y A$TS> A$TIA&> A$T0D
ARB n short for arbitra)eur> a stoc-s and shares sh%ster Y A,5S
ARC n a part of the circumference of a circle or other curve ` %b to form an arc Y A,CS> A,CIA& or A,C@IA&>
A,C0D or A,C@0D
ARD n a -ind of primitive plou)h Y A,DS
ARE n a unit of metric land measure Y A,0S
ARF n a bar-in) sound Y A,/S
ARK n a chest or coffer ` %b to place in an ar- Y A,@S> A,@IA&> A,@0D
ARM n a limbE a #eapon ` %b to provide #ith #eapons Y A,MS> A,MIA&> A,M0D
ARS #l Q A,> the letter ,
ART n the creation of #or-s of beaut%E a human s-ill Y A,TS
ARY ad: an%
ASH n the dust or remains of an%thin) burnt ` %b to convert somethin) into ash Y AS"0S> AS"IA&> AS"0D
ASK %b to re<uest> in<uire or invite Y AS@S> AS@IA&> AS@0D
AS n a venomous sna-e Y AS$S
ASS n a lon)haired animal li-e a small horseE a stupid person Y ASS0S
ATE n rec-less ambition that drives one to ruin Y AT0S
ATS #l Q AT> monetar% unit of .aos
ATT n a monetar% unit of .aos Y ATT
AUA n the %ello#3e%e mullet Y A+AS
AUE int an e1clamation of pain> distress or astonishment
AUF n an elf's child Y A+/S
AUK n a t%pe of sea3bird Y A+@S
AVA n an aromatic plant of the pepper famil%E a narcotic drin- prepared from its root and stem Y A;AS
AVE n a recitation of the pra%er to the ;ir)in Mar% Y A;0S
AVO n a monetar% unit of Macao Y A;4S
AWA ad% a Scots form of a#a%
AWE n reverential #onder or fear ` %b to stri-e #ith a#e Y AW0S> AWIA& or AW0IA&> AW0D
AWK n a computer3pro)rammin) lan)ua)e used for data processin) Y AW@S
AWL n a pointed tool for borin) Y AW.S
AWN n a beard on )rass ` %b to shelter #ith an a#nin) Y AWAS> AWA0D> AWAIA&
AXE n a tool for choppin) ` %b to chop or cut do#n Y AR0S> ARIA&> AR0D
AYE int %es ` n an affirmative vote Y AK0S
AYS #l Q AK> an affirmative vote
AYU n a small edible ?apanese fish Y AK+S
A"O ad: of compounds> containin) nitro)en> as in a7o d%e
BAA %b to bleat as a sheep Y 5AAS> 5AAIA&> 5AA0D
BAC n short for baccalaureate Y 5ACS
BAD ad: evil> #ic-ed Y 5ADD0,> 5ADD0ST> 5AD.K ` n somethin) evil Y 5ADS
BAG n a receptacle for containin) somethin) ` %b to put into a ba) Y 5A&S> 5A&&IA&> 5A&&0D
BAH int an interDection e1pressin) dis)ust or contempt
BAL n short for balmoral> a t%pe of Scots bonnet or boot Y 5A.S
BAM %b to hoa1 or cheat Y 5AMS> 5AMMIA&> 5AMM0D
BAN n a monetar% unit of ,omania Y 5AAI ` %b to forbid or prohibit Y 5AAS> 5AAAIA&> 5AAA0D
BA n a lar)e> flat brea-fast roll Y 5A$S
BAR n a rod> a barrier ` %b to obstruct or prevent Y 5A,S> 5A,,IA&> 5A,,0D
BAS #l Q 5A> the soul in ancient 0)%ptian reli)ion
BAT n a fl%in) mammalE an implement for stri-in) a ball ` %b to stri-e #ith a bat Y 5ATS> 5ATTIA&> 5ATT0D
BAY n a #ide semicircular indentation of a coastline ` %b to bar- or ho#l Y 5AKS> 5AKIA&> 5AK0D
BED n a place to sleep on ` %b to put to bed Y 50DS> 50DDIA&> 50DD0D
BEE n an insect that ma-es hone% Y 500S
BEG %b to as- for Y 50&S> 50&&IA&> 50&&0D
BEL n a measure of noise Y 50.S
BEN n a Scots #ord for a mountain Y 50AS
BES n a letter of the "ebre# alphabet Y 50S0S
BET n a #a)er ` %b to #a)er Y 50TS> 50TTIA&> 50T or 50TT0D
BEY n a Tur-ish )overnor Y 50KS
BE" n the second tine of a deer's horn Y 50:0S
BIB n a cloth or plastic shield put under a %oun) child's chin ` %b to tipple Y 5I5S> 5I55IA&> 5I550D
BID n an offer ` %b to ma-e an offer Y 5IDS> 5IDDIA&> 5IDE to command Y 5IDS> 5IDDIA&> 5IDD0A> 5ID> 5AD0
BIG ad: si7eable Y 5I&&0,> 5I&&0ST> 5I&.K ` %b a Scots #ord for build Y 5I&S> 5I&&IA&> 5I&&0D
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at
BIN n a lar)e container ` %b to place into a bin Y 5IAS> 5IAAIA&> 5IAA0D
BIO n short for bio)raph% Y 5I4S
BIS ad% t#iceE in music> a direction that a piece is to be repeated
BIT n a small piece ` %b to curb or restrain Y 5ITS> 5ITTIA&> 5ITT0D
BI" n short for business Y 5I::0S
BOA n a lar)e constrictin) sna-e Y 54AS
BOB n a short Der-in) motion ` %b to move <uic-l% up and do#n Y 545S> 5455IA&> 54550D
BOD n collo<uial for person Y 54DS
BOG n a marsh ` %b to sin- into a bo) Y 54&S> 54&&IA&> 54&&0D
BOH int an e1clamation used to startle someone Y 54"S
BOI n a lesbian #ho adopts a bo%ish appearance or manners Y 54IS
BOK n a )oat or antelope Y 54@S
BON ad: a /rench #ord for )ood
BOO int a interDection e1pressin) disapproval or contempt ` n a sound of disapproval or contempt ` %b to ma-e such
a sound Y 544S> 544IA&> 5440D
BO %b to dance to pop music Y 54$S> 54$$IA&> 54$$0D
BOR n an 0ast An)lian form of address meanin) nei)hbour Y 54,S
BOS #l Q 54> a term of address
BOT n the ma))ot of a botfl% ` %b to cad)e Y 54TS> 54TTIA&> 54TT0D
BOW n a bendin) of nec- or bod% in )reetin) ` %b to bend or incline do#n#ards Y 54WS> 54WIA&> 54W0D
BOX n a case or receptacle Busuall% #ith four sides and a lidC for holdin) an%thin) ` %b to put into a bo1 Y 54R0S>
54RIA&> 54R0D
BOY n a male child ` %b in Sha-espeare> to pla% Ba female partC as a bo% Y 54KS> 54KIA&> 54K0D
BRA n short for brassiere Y 5,AS
BRO n a place for #hich one feels a stron) affinit% Y 5,4S
BRR int an interDection e1pressin) a feelin) of cold
BRU n a S= African #ord for friend Y 5,+S
BUB n a bo% Y 5+5S
BUD n a rudimentar% shoot of a plantE a flo#er #hile still not opened ` %b to produce buds Y 5+DS> 5+DDIA&>
BUG n a name applied loosel% to certain insects ` %b to anno% Y 5+&S> 5+&&IA&> 5+&&0D
BUM ad: #ron)> dud Y 5+MM0,> 5+MM0ST ` n a tramp or spon)er ` %b to cad)e Y 5+MS> 5+MMIA&> 5+MM0D
BUN n a -ind of s#eet roll or ca-e Y 5+AS
BUR n a continual hummin) soundE a pric-l% fruit ` %b to spea- #ith a bur Y 5+,S> 5+,,IA&> 5+,,0D
BUS n a road vehicle for transportin) a considerable number of passen)ers ` %b to travel or transport b% bus Y
5+S0S or 5+SS0S> 5+SIA& or 5+SSIA&> 5+S0D or 5+SS0D
BUT con: on the other hand ` n an obDection ` %b to put for#ard as an obDection Y 5+TS> 5+TTIA&> 5+TT0D
BUY %b to purchase Y 5+KS> 5+KIA&> 54+&"T> 54+&"T0A
BYE n a pass to the ne1t round Bof a competition> etc=C Y 5K0S
BYS #l Q 5K> a b%e> a pass to the ne1t round of a competition
CAA %b to call Y CAAS> CAAIA&> CAA0D
CAB n a ta1icab ` %b to travel b% ta1i Y CA5S> CA55IA&> CA550D
CAD n a dishonourable man Y CADS
CAG n short for ca)oule Y CA&S
CAM n an irre)ular proDection on a revolvin) shaft or rotatin) c%linder ` %b to #hiten #ith camstone Y CAMS>
CAN n a container of tin3plate ` %b to store in such a container Y CAAS> CAAAIA&> CAAA0DE to be able Y CAA>
C4+.D> C4+.DST> C4+.D0ST
CA n a flat brimless hat ` %b to put a cap on somethin) Y CA$S> CA$$IA&> CA$$0D
CAR n a self3propelled #heeled vehicle Y CA,S
CAT n a carnivore of the )enus /eli1 ` %b to vomit Y CATS> CATTIA&> CATT0D
CAW n the cr% of a cro# ` %b to cr% as a cro# Y CAWS> CAWIA&> CAW0D
CAY n a small lo# island of coral> sand etc Y CAKS
CA" ad: collo<uial for casual
CEE n the letter C Y C00S
CEL n short for celluloid Y C0.S
CE n a -ind of edible mushroom Y C0$S
CHA n a collo<uial #ord for tea Y C"AS
CHE #ron a dialect form of I
CHI n the t#ent%3second letter of the &ree- alphabet Y C"IS
CID n a chief> captain or hero Y CIDS
CIG n ci)arette Y CI&S
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at
CIS ad: havin) certain atoms on the same side of the molecule
CIT n a contemptuous term for one #ho is not a )entleman Y CITS
CLY %b to sei7e or steal Y C.I0S> C.KIA&> C.I0D
COB n a male s#an ` %b to stri-e Y C45S> C455IA&> C4550D
COD n a -ind of food fish ` %b to hoa1 or ma-e fun of Y C4DS> C4DDIA&> C4DD0D
COG n a proDection> e) on a toothed #heel ` %b to furnish #ith co)sE to cheat at dice Y C4&S> C4&&IA&> C4&&0D
COL n a pass in a mountain ran)e Y C4.S
CON n a tric- or s#indle ` %b to tric-> or persuade b% dishonest means Y C4AS> C4AAIA&> C4AA0DE an old #ord
for to -no#> stud% Y C4AS> C4AAIA&> C4AD> BarchaicC KC4AD
COO %b to ma-e a sound li-e a dove Y C44S> C44IA&> C440D
CO n a policeman ` %b to capture Y C4$S> C4$$IA&> C4$$0D
COR n a "ebre# measure Y C4,S
COS n a crisp> lon)3leaved lettuce Y C4S0S
COT n a small bed for a %oun) child Y C4TS ` %b to entan)le Y C4TS> C4TTIA&> C4TT0D
COW n the female of bovine and some other animals Y C4WS> @IA0> @K> @K0 ` %b to subdue Y C4WS> C4WIA&>
COX n co1s#ain ` %b to steer a ro#in) boat Y C4R0S> C4RIA&> C4R0D
COY ad: modest> bashful Y C4K0,> C4K0ST> C4K.K ` %b an old #ord meanin) to affect co%ness Y C4KS>
CO" n collo<uial for cousin Y C4::0S
CRU n a vine%ard Y C,+S
CRY n a sound of pain> )rief etc= ` %b to utter a sound of pain or )rief Y C,I0S> C,KIA&> C,I0D
CUB n the %oun) of certain carnivorous animals ` %b to produce cubs Y C+5S> C+55IA&> C+550D
CUD n food che#ed a)ain b% a ruminatin) animal Y C+DS
CUE n the last #ords of an actor's speech servin) as a si)nal to the ne1t spea-er to be)in ` %b to )ive a cue as a
si)nal Y C+0S> C+IA& or C+0IA&> C+0D
CUM #re# #ith the addition of ` n eDaculated sperm Y C+MS
CU n a drin-in) vessel> rou)hl% hemispherical> usuall% #ith one handle ` %b to form into a cup shape Y C+$S>
C+$$IA&> C+$$0D
CUR n a #orthless mon)rel do) Y C+,S
CUT n an incisionE a reduction ` %b to ma-e an incision inE to reduce Y C+TS> C+TTIA&> C+T
CU" n collo<uial for cousin Y C+::0S
CWM n a Welsh #ord for a valle% Y CWMS
DAB n a li)ht touch ` %b to touch or press )entl% Y DA5S> DA55IA&> DA550D
DAD n collo<uial for father ` %b to thump Y DADS> DADDIA&> DADD0D
DAE %b a Scots #ord for do Y DA0S> DA0IA&> D4A0> DID
DAG n a tuft of sheep's #ool ` %b to cut the da)s off sheep Y DA&S> DA&&IA&> DA&&0D
DAH n a 5urmese -nife Y DA"S
DAK n in India> the mail or post Y DA@S
DAL n a -ind of Indian edible pea Y DA.S
DAM n an emban-ment to restrain #ater ` %b to restrain #ater #ith an emban-ment or ban- Y DAMS> DAMMIA&>
DAN n a level of efficienc% in ?apanese combative sports Y DAAS
DA %b to dip bait )entl% into the #ater #hen fishin) Y DA$S> DA$$IA&> DA$$0D
DAS #l Q DA> a -ind of 5urmese -nife
DAW n a bird of the cro# famil% ` %b to da#n Y DAWS> DAWIA&> DAW0D> DAW0A
DAY n the time #hen it is li)ht Y DAKS
DEB n short for debutante Y D05S
DEE n the -etter D ` %b a substitute for damn Y D00S> D00IA&> D00D
DEF ad: e1cellent> brilliant Y D0//0,> D0//0ST> D0//.K
DEG %b to #ater Be) a plantC Y D0&S> D0&&IA&> D0&&0D
DEI #l Q D0+S> )od
DEL n a mathematical s%mbol> a-a nabla Y D0.S
DEN n the hollo# lair of a #ild animal ` %b to retire to a den Y D0AS> D0AAIA&> D0AA0D
DEV n a )odE a )ood spirit Y D0;S
DEW n moisture deposited from the air on coolin) ` %b to moisten as #ith de# Y D0WS> D0WIA&> D0W0D
DEX n a pill containin) De1edrine> a sulfate used as a stimulant Y D0R0S
DEY n formerl%> the pasha of Al)iers Y D0KS
DIB n one of the small bones of a sheep's le) ` %b to dip bait )entl% into the #ater #hen fishin) Y DI5S> DI55IA&>
DID %b past tense of D4> to act
DIE n a shaped bloc- used to shape metal Y DI0SE a dice Y DIC0 ` %b to depart from life Y DI0S> DKIA&> DI0DE to
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at
cut or shape #ith a die Y DI0S> DI0IA&> DI0D
DIF n collo<uial for difference Y DI/S
DIG n an e1cavation ` %b to ma-e a hole> e1cavate Y DI&S> DI&&IA&> DI&&0D or D+&
DIM ad: not bri)ht Y DIMM0,> DIMM0ST> DIM.K ` %b to ma-e dim Y DIMS> DIMMIA&> DIMM0D
DIN n a loud continued Darrin) noise ` %b to ma-e a loud noise Y DIAS> DIAAIA&> DIAA0D
DI n a brief do#n#ards movement ` %b to immerse briefl%E to lo#er Y DI$S> DI$$IA&> DI$$0D or DI$T
DIS %b to dismiss> put do#n Y DISS0S> DISSIA&> DISS0D
DIT n a poemE the #ords of a son) ` %b a Scots #ord for to bloc- Y DITS> DITTIA&> DITT0D or DITTIT
DIV n an evil spirit of $ersian m%tholo)% Y DI;S
DOB %b to inform on or betra% Y D45S> D455IA&> D4550D
DOC n short for doctor Y D4CS
DOD n a lump ` %b to -noc-> thump Y D4DS> D4DDIA&> D4DD0D
DOE n the female of a deer> rabbit and some other animals Y D40S
DOF ad: a S= African #ord for stupid
DOG n a #ild or domestic animal of the )enus Canis ` %b to follo# li-e a do) Y D4&S> D4&&IA&> D4&&0D
DOH n a musical note Y D4"S
DOL n a unit of pain intensit% Y D4.S
DOM n a title )iven to certain mon-s Y D4MS
DON n a universit% lecturer ` %b to put on Bclothes> etc=C Y D4AS> D4AAIA&> D4AA0D
DOO n a dove or pi)eon Y D44S
DO %b to dip Y D4$S> D4$$IA&> D4$$0D
DOR n moc-er%E a -ind of dun)3beetle ` %b to moc-> scoff at Y D4,S> D4,,IA&> D4,,0D
DOS #l Q D4> a musical noteE a part%
DOT n a ver% small spot ` %b to ma-e such a spot Y D4TS> D4TTIA&> D4TT0D
DOW n a -ind of Arab boat ` %b to be able Y D4WS> D4WIA&> D4W0D or D4C"T or D4+&"T
DOY n a beloved person Y D4KS
DRY ad: not #et Y D,I0, or D,K0,> D,I0ST or D,K0ST> D,I.K or D,K.K ` n a prohibitionist Y D,KS ` %b to
ma-e dr% Y D,I0S> D,KIA&> D,I0D
DSO n in the "imala%as> a cross bet#een a %a- and a co# Y DS4S
DUB %b to add sound effects> etc=> to Y D+5S> D+55IA&> D+550D
DUD n somethin) or someone ineffectual Y D+DS
DUE ad: re<uired Y D+.K ` %b to endue Y D+0S> D+IA&> D+0D
DUG n the teat or udder of a female mammal Y D+&S
DUH int an ironic response to a <uestion
DUI #l Q D+4> t#o people considered a pair for a specific reason
DUN ad: )re%3bro#n Y D+AA0,> D+AA0ST ` n a )re%3bro#n colour ` %b to press for pa%ment Y D+AS> D+AAIA&>
DUO n t#o people considered a pair for a specific reason Y D+I or D+4S
DU %b to undo Y D+$S> D+$$0D> D+$$IA&
DUX n a leader Y D+C0S or D+R0S
DYE n a colour used to stain ` %b to colour #ith d%e Y DK0S> DK0IA&> DK0D
D"O n in the "imala%as> a cross bet#een a %a- and a co# Y D:4S
EAN %b a Sha-espearean #ord meanin) to )ive birth to Y 0AAS> 0AAIA&> 0AA0D
EAR n the or)an of hearin) ` %b to plou)h or till Y 0A,S> 0A,IA&> 0A,0D
EAS #l Q 0A> a river
EAT %b to consume b% mouth Y 0ATS> 0ATIA&> 0AT0A> AT0 or Bobs=C 0T
EAU n #ater Y 0A+S or 0A+R
EBB n the recession of the tide ` %b to move bac- from the land> to recede Y 055S> 055IA&> 0550D
ECH %b an obsolete form of e-e Y 0C"0S> 0C"IA&> 0C"0D
ECO n short for ecolo)% Y 0C4S
ECU n a 0uropean unit of currenc% Y 0C+S
EDH n a letter used in old 0n)lish Y 0D"S
EDS #l Q 0D> education
EEK int an interDection e1pressin) fri)ht
EEL n a lon)> smooth> c%lindrical fish Y 00.S> 00.K
EEN #l Q 00> e%e
EFF %b a euphemism for to fuc- Y 0//S> 0//IA&> 0//0D
EFS #l Q 0/> the letter /
EFT n a ne#t Y 0/TS
EGG n an oval or round bod% from #hich %oun) are hatched ` %b to add e))s to Bin coo-in)> etc=CE to ur)e on Y
0&&S> 0&&IA&> 0&&0D
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at
EGO n the 'I' or self Y 0&4S
EHS %b 3
person sin)ular of 0"> to sa% 'eh'
EIK %b an obsolete form of e-e Y 0I@S> 0I@IA&> 0I@0D
EKE %b to add to or increase> especiall% so as to ma-e a suppl% last Y 0@0S> 0@IA&> 0@0D
ELD n an old #ord for a)e> old a)e Y 0.DS
ELF n a fair%3li-e bein) Y 0.;0S ` %b a Sha-espearean #ord meanin) to entan)le hair Y 0./S> 0./IA&> 0./0D
ELK n a -ind of lar)e deer Y 0.@S
ELL n an old measure of len)th> used especiall% for cloth Y 0..S
ELM n a -ind of tree Y 0.MS> 0.M0A> 0.MK
ELS #l Q 0.> an elevated railroad
ELT n a %oun) so# Y 0.TS
EME n an old #ord for uncle Y 0M0S
EMO n a t%pe of music combinin) traditional hard roc- #ith personal and emotional l%rics Y 0M4S
EMS #l Q 0M> a printin) unit
EMU n a fli)htless> fast3runnin) bird Y 0M+S
END n the last point or portion ` %b to finish or close Y 0ADS> 0ADIA&> 0AD0D
ENE n a poetic #ord for evenin) Y 0A0S
ENG n a phonetic s%mbol representin) the sound n)> a-a a)ma Y 0A&S
ENS n bein)> e1istenceE an entit% Y 0ATIA
EON n a lon) period of time Y 04AS
ERA n a series of %earsE an a)e Y 0,AS
ERE ad% before ` %b an old #ord for to plou)h Y 0,0S> 0,IA&> 0,0D
ERF n in S= Africa> a )arden plot Y 0,;0A
ERG n a unit of #or- Y 0,&SE a Saharan area of shiftin) sands Y A,0&
ERK n an aircraftsman Y 0,@S
ERM int an interDection e1pressin) hesitation or doubt
ERN %b to earn Y 0,AS> 0,AIA&> 0,A0D
ERR %b to ma-e a mista-e Y 0,,S> 0,,IA&> 0,,0D
ERS n the bitter vetch Y 0,S0S
ESS n the letter S Y 0SS0S
EST n a pro)ramme desi)ned to develop human potential B0rhard Seminars Trainin)C Y 0STS
ETA n a letter of the &ree- alphabet Y 0TAS
ETH n a letter used in old 0n)lish> same as edh Y 0T"S
EUK n an old #ord for itch ` %b to itch Y 0+@S> 0+@IA&> 0+@0D
EVE n a poetic #ord for evenin) Y 0;0S
EVO n Australian slan) for evenin) Y 0;4S
EWE n a female sheep Y 0W0S
EWK n an old #ord for itch ` %b to itch Y 0W@S> 0W@IA&> 0W@0D
EWT n an old #ord for ne#t Y 0WTS
EXO ad: Australian slan) for e1cellent
EYE n the or)an of si)ht Y 0K0S> Bobs=C 00A> 0IA0> 0KA0> B+SC 0K0A ` %b to loo- at carefull% Y 0K0S> 0KIA& or
0K0IA&> 0K0D
FAA %b a Scots #ord for fall Y /AAS> /AAIA&> /0..> /AAA or /A..0A
FAB ad: marvellous Y /A550,> /A550ST ` n a fabrication Y /A5S
FAD n a cra7e Y /ADS> /ADDK
FAE #re# a Scots #ord for from
FAG n a tiresome tas-E Boffensive slan)C a homose1ual ` %b to #or-> or be #or-ed> hard Y /A&S> /A&&IA&>
FAH n a musical note Y /A"S
FAN n a instrument used for coolin) ` %b to cool> as #ith a fan Y /AAS> /AAAIA&> /AAA0D
FA ad: fuddled or drun-
FAR ad: distant Y /A,T"0, or /+,T"0,> /A,T"0ST or /+,T"0ST ` ad% a lon) #a% ` %b to remove to a
distance Y /A,S> /A,,IA&> /A,,0D
FAS #l Q /A> a musical note
FAT ad: stoutl% built Y /ATT0,> /ATT0ST> /AT.K ` n a substance found in adipose tissue ` %b to ma-e or )ro# fat Y
FAW n a )%ps% Y /AWS
FAX n facsimile ` %b to send messa)es via a machine that scans electronicall% Y /AR0S> /ARIA&> /AR0D
FAY ad: #himsical Y /AK0,> /AK0ST ` n a fair% ` %b to clean out esp a ditch Y /AKS> /AKIA&> /AK0D
FED n a federal a)ent Y /0DS
FEE n the price paid for services ` %b to pa% a fee to Y /00S> /00IA&> /00D
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at
FEG n a se)ment of an oran)e Y /0&S
FEH n a letter of the "ebre# alphabet Y /0"S
FEM n a passive homose1ual Y /0MS
FEN n lo# marsh% land Y /0AS
FER #re# a dialect #ord for for
FES #l Q /0> a letter of the "ebre# alphabet
FET %b an old #ord for fetch Y /0TS> /0TTIA&> /0TT0D
FEU n a tenure #here the vassal> in place of militar% services> ma-es a return in )rain or in mone% ` %b to )rant or
hold land in feu land tenure Y /0+S> /0+IA&> /0+0D
FEW ad: not man% Y /0W0,> /0W0ST ` n a small number Y /0WS
FEY ad: foreseein) the future Y /0K0,> /0K0ST> /0K.K ` %b to clean out> especiall% a ditch Y /0KS> /0KIA&>
FE" n a red brimless cap of #ool or felt Y /0:0S or /0::0S> /0::0D
FIB n a small lie ` %b to tell a small lie Y /I5S> /I55IA&> /I550D
FID n a conical pin of hard #ood Y /IDS
FIE int an interDection denotin) disapproval ` ad: #himsical> fe% Y /I0,> /I0ST
FIG n a shrub of the mulberr% famil%E its fruit ` %b to dress up Y /I&S> /I&&IA&> /I&&0D
FIL n the shaft of a vehicle Y /I.S
FIN n an or)an b% #hich an a<uatic animal steers> balances or s#ims ` %b to e<uip #ith fins Y /IAS> /IAAIA&>
FIR n a -ind of conifer Y /I,S
FIT ad: health%> suitable Y /ITT0,> /ITT0ST> /IT.K ` %b to ma-e suitable Y /ITS> /ITTIA&> /ITT0D
FIX %b to ma-e firm> to arran)e Y /IR0S> /IRIA&> /IR0D or /IRT
FI" n a sputterin) sound ` %b to ma-e a hissin) or sputterin) sound Y /I::0S> /I::IA&> /I::0D
FLU n influen7a Y /.+S
FLY ad: surreptitious or sl% Y /.I0, or /.K0,> /.I0ST or /.K0ST ` n an% insect of the order Diptera ` %b to travel
throu)h the air Y /.I0S> /.KIA&> /.4WA> /.0WE to hit a ball hi)h into the air in baseball Y /.I0S> /.KIA&>
FOB %b to put off Y /45S> /455IA&> /4550D
FOE n an enem% Y /40S or BSpenserC /40A or /4A0
FOG n a thic- cloudli-e mist near the )round ` %b to be affected b% fo) Y /4&S> /4&&IA&> /4&&0D
FOH int an e1pression of dis)ust
FON n an old #ord for fool Y /4A.K ` %b to fool> be foolish Y /4AS> /4AAIA&> /4AA0D
FO n an affected dand% ` %b to deceive Y /4$S> /4$$IA&> /4$$0D
FOR #re# in the place ofE in favour ofE to#ards
FOU ad: a Scots #ord for drun- Y /4+0,> /4+0ST ` n a bushel Y /4+S
FOX n a do)3li-e animal ` %b to act cunnin)l%> to cheat Y /4R0S> /4RIA&> /4R0D
FOY n a partin) entertainment or )iftE a Spenserian #ord for alle)iance> lo%alt% Y /4KS
FRA n brother Y /,AS
FRO #re# from ` n an African hairst%le Y /,4S
FRY %b to coo- in oil or fat Y /,I0S> /,KIA&> /,I0D
FUB %b to put off Y /+5S> /+55IA&> /+550D
FUD n a rabbit or hare's tail Y /+DS
FUG n a ver% hot> close atmosphere ` %b to cause a fu) in Y /+&S> /+&&IA&> /+&&0D
FUM n a fabulous bird in Chinese m%th Y /+MS
FUN ad: providin) enDo%ment Y /+AA0,> /+AA0ST ` n pleasure> enDo%ment ` %b to pla%> frolic Y /+AS> /+AAIA&>
FUR n the thic-> soft> fine hair of certain animals ` %b to cover or coat #ith fur Y /+,S> /+,,IA&> /+,,0D
GAB n chat> )ossip ` %b to chatter Y &A5S> &A55IA&> &A550D
GAD %b to #ander about idl% Y &ADS> &ADDIA&> &ADD0D
GAE %b a Scots #ord for )o Y &A0S> &A0IA&> &A0A> &A+A> &A0D
GAG n somethin) put into the mouth or over it to enforce silence ` %b to silence Y &A&S> &A&&IA&> &A&&0D
GAK n slan) for cocaine Y &A@S
GAL n collo<uial for )irl Y &A.S
GAM n a school of #halesE a social visit bet#een #halers ` %b to Doin up in a )am Y &AMS> &AMMIA&> &AMM0D
GAN %b a dialect #ord for )o Y &AAS> &AAAIA&> &AAA0D
GA n an openin) or breach ` %b to ma-e a )ap in Y &A$S> &A$$IA&> &A$$0D
GAR %b a Scots #ord for compel Y &A,S> &A,,IA&> &A,,0D or &A,T
GAS n a state of matter Y &AS0S ` %b to poison #ith )as Y &ASS0S> &ASSIA&> &ASS0D
GAT n a slan) #ord for pistol Y &ATS
GAU n a &erman political district of the Aa7i re)ime Y &A+S
GAW n an imperfect rainbo# or other supposed si)n of comin) #eather Y &AWS
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at
GAY ad: cheerful Y &AK0,> &AK0ST> &AI.K or &AK.K ` n a homose1ual Y &AKS
GED n a pi-e Y &0DS
GEE %b of horses> to ur)e on Y &00S> &00IA&> &00D
GEL n a Dell%3li-e apparentl% solid colloidal solution ` %b to form a )elatinous substance Y &0.S> &0..IA&> &0..0D
GEM n an% precious stone> especiall% #hen cut ` %b to adorn #ith )ems Y &0MS> &0MMIA&> &0MM0D
GEN n short for )eneral information ` %b to )ain information Y &0AS> &0AAIA&> &0AA0D
GEO n a )ull% or cree- Y &04S
GER n in Mon)olia> a -ind of felt tent> a %urt Y &0,S
GET n a divorce b% ?e#ish la# Y &ITTIA ` %b to obtain Y &0TS> &0TTIA&> &4TT0A> &4T
GEY ad: considerable Y &0K0,> &0K0ST
GHI n clarified butter Y &"IS
GIB n a #ed)e3shaped piece of metal ` %b to fasten #ith a )ib Y &I5S> &I55IA&> &I550D
GID n a disease of sheep Y &IDS
GIE %b a Scots #ord for )ive Y &I0S> &I0IA&> &I0A> &I0D
GIF con: an old form of if
GIG n an en)a)ement> esp of a band or pop )roup for one performance onl% ` %b to pla% a )i) Y &I&S> &I&&IA&>
GIN n an alcoholic drin- ` %b to process cotton Y &IAS> &IAAIA&> &IAA0DE an old #ord for be)in Y &IAS>
&IAAIA&> &AA or &+AA0A
GIO n a )ull% or cree- Y &I4S
GI %b to s#indle Y &I$S> &I$$IA&> &I$$0D
GIS #l Q &I> a -arate costume
GIT n a stupid person ` %b to )et Y &ITS> &ITTIA&> &ITT0D
GJU n a t%pe of violin formerl% used in Shetland Y &?+S
GNU n a -ind of African antelope Y &A+S
GOA n a -ind of Tibetan )a7elle> )re%3bro#n #ith bac-#ard3curvin) horns Y &4AS
GOB n the mouth ` %b to spit Y &45S> &455IA&> &4550D
GOD n a superhuman bein)> an obDect of #orship ` %b to deif% Y &4DS> &4DDIA&> &4DD0D
GOE n a )ull% or cree- Y &40S
GON n a )eometrical )rade Y &4AS
GOO n a stic-% substance Y &44S
GOR int an interDection used as a mild oath
GOS #l Q &4> a ?apanese board )ame
GOT %b past tense of &0T> to obtain
GOV n short for )overnor Y &4;S
GOX n )aseous o1%)en Y &4R0S
GOY n a ?e#ish #ord for a non3?e# Y &4KIM or &4KS
GUB n a #hite man ` %b to stri-e on the mouth Y &+5S> &+55IA&> &+550D
GUE n a violin formerl% used in Shetland Y &+0S
GUL n a desi)n used in oriental carpets Y &+.S
GUM n an adhesive substance that collects in or e1udes from certain plants ` %b to smear or coat #ith )um Y &+MS>
&+MMIA&> &+MM0D
GUN n a #eapon for dischar)in) e1plosive proDectiles ` %b to dischar)e such proDectiles Y &+AS> &+AAIA&>
GU n )ossip> prattle Y &+$S
GUR n an unrefined> s#eet cane su)arE a felt tent Y &+,S
GUS #l Q &+> a Shetland violin
GUT n the intestine ` %b to ta-e the )uts out of Ba fish> etc=C Y &+TS> &+TTIA&> &+TT0D
GUV n short for )overnor Y &+;S
GUY n a person ` %b to ma-e fun of Y &+KS> &+KIA&> &+K0D
GYM n short for )%mnasium Y &KMS
GY n pain> torture ` %b to s#indle Y &K$S> &K$$IA&> &K$$0D
HAD %b to hold Y "ADS> "ADDIA&> "AD> "ADD0A
HAE %b a Scots #ord for have Y "A0S> "A0IA&> "A0A> "A0D
HAG n an u)l% old #oman ` %b a Scots #ord for to hac- or he# Y "A&S> "A&&IA&> "A&&0D
HAH int a sound of surprise Y "A"S
HAJ n a Muslim pil)rima)e to Mecca Y "A?0S
HAM n the thi)h of an animal> esp of a pi) salted and driedE a bad actor ` %b to overact> e1a))erate Y "AMS>
HAN %b 3rd person plural form of "A;0> to possess
HAO n a monetar% unit of ;ietnam Y "A4S
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at
HA ad: chance Y "A$.K ` %b to happen b% chance Y "A$S> "A$$IA&> "A$$0D
HAS n 3rd person sin)ular present form of "A;0> to possess
HAT n a coverin) for the head ` %b to provide #ith a hat Y "ATS> "ATTIA&> "ATT0D
HAW n the fruit of the ha#thorn ` %b to ma-e indecisive noises Y "AWS> "AWIA&> "AW0D
HAY n )rass> etc> cut do#n and dried for fodder ` %b to ma-e ha% Y "AKS> "AKIA&> "AK0D
HEH n a letter of the "ebre# alphabet Y "0"S
HEM n an ed)e or border ` %b to form a hem on Y "0MS> "0MMIA&> "0MM0D
HEN n a female bird ` %b to challen)e to a darin) act Y "0AS> "0AAIA&> "0AA0D
HE n a rosehip Y "0$S
HER #ron a pronoun or possessive adDective representin) a female person or thin)
HES #l Q "0> a male person
HET n short for heterose1ual Y "0TS
HEW %b to cut #ith blo#s Y "0WS> "0WIA&> "0WA> "0W0D
HEX n a ma)ical curse ` %b to brin) misfortune Y "0R0S> "0RIA&> "0R0D
HEY int an interDection to attract attention ` n a #indin) countr% dance ` %b to dance a he% Y "0KS> "0KIA&>
HIC int an interDection representin) a hiccup
HID %b past tense of "ID0> to conceal
HIE %b to hurr% alon) Y "I0S> "I0IA& or "KIA&> "I0D
HIM #ron a pronoun representin) a male person or thin) Y "IMS
HIN n a "ebre# li<uid measure Y "IAS
HI ad: trend% Y "I$$0,> "I$$0ST> "I$.K ` n the flesh% part of the thi)h ` %b to carr% on the hip Y "I$S>
"I$$IA&> "I$$0D or "I$T
HIS ad: of or belon)in) to a male person or thin)
HIT n a blo#E a success ` %b to stri-e Y "ITS> "ITTIA&> "IT
HMM int an interDection e1pressin) thou)htful consideration
HOA int an interDection callin) attention ` n cessation ` %b to stop Y "4AS> "4AIA&> "4A0D
HOB n a flat surface on #hich pots and pans are placed ` %b to furnish #ith hobnails Y "45S> "455IA&> "4550D
HOC ad: this
HOD n a ;3shaped stemmed trou)h for carr%in) bric-s or mortar on the shoulder ` %b to bob or Do) Y "4DS>
"4DDIA&> "4DD0D
HOE n a tool for loosenin) the earth ` %b to use a hoe Y "40S> "40IA&> "40D
HOG n a -ind of pi) ` %b to use selfishl% Y "4&S> "4&&IA&> "4&&0D
HOH int an interDection callin) attention ` n cessation ` %b to stop Y "4"S> "4IA&> "4"0D
HOI int an interDection used to attract attention
HOM n a sacred plant of the ancient $ersians Y "4MS
HON n short for hone%> as a term of endearment Y "4AS
HOO int an interDection e1pressin) boisterous emotion
HO n a plant of the mulberr% famil%> used to flavour beer ` %b to leap on one le) Y "4$S> "4$$IA&> "4$$0D
HOS #l Q "4> an interDection callin) attention etcE a disrespectful term for a #oman
HOT ad: ver% #arm Y "4TT0,> "4TT0ST> "4T.K ` %b to heat Y "4TS> "4TTIA&> "4TT0D
HOW ad% in #hat manner ` n a lo# hill Y "4WS
HOX %b to hamstrin) Y "4R0S> "4RIA&> "4R0D
HOY %b to incite Y "4KS> "4KIA&> "4K0D
HUB n the centre of a #heel Y "+5S
HUE n a colour or tint Y "+0S> "+0D
HUG n an embrace ` %b to embrace Y "+&S> "+&&IA&> "+&&0D
HUH int an interDection e1pressin) non3understandin)
HUI n a Maori )atherin) Y "+IS
HUM n a lo# murmur as of bees ` %b to ma-e a hummin) sound Y "+MS> "+MMIA&> "+MM0D
HUN n a barbarous and destructive person Y "+AS
HU int a call Bto a horseC to )o faster or to turn to the ri)ht ` %b to turn a horse to the ri)ht Y "+$S> "+$$IA&>
HUT n a small> mean or crudel% built house ` %b to settle in a hut Y "+TS> "+TTIA&> "+TT0D
HYE %b to hasten Y "K0S> "K0IA&> "K0D
HY %b to offend Y "K$S> "K$$IA&> "K$$0D
ICE n fro7en #ater ` %b to cool #ith ice Y IC0S> ICIA&> IC0D
ICH %b an old form of e-e Y IC"S or IC"0S> IC"IA&> IC"0D
ICK int an interDection used to e1press dis)ust
ICY ad: covered #ith ice Y ICI0,> ICI0ST> ICI.K
IDE n a fish of the carp famil% Y ID0S
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IDS #l Q ID> a fish of the carp famil%
IFF con: 'If and onl% if' as used in lo)ic
IFS #l Q I/> a condition
IGG %b to i)nore> snub Y I&&S> I&&IA&> I&&0D
ILK n a t%pe or -ind Y I.@S
ILL ad: un#ell Y I..0,> I..0ST> I..K ` n harm> misfortune Y I..S
IM n a small devil ` %b to en)raft Ba ha#-C #ith ne# feathers Y IM$S> IM$IA&> IM$0D
ING n a meado#> especiall% one beside a river Y IA&S
INK n a coloured li<uid used in #ritin) ` %b to colour #ith in- Y IA@S> IA@0D> IA@IA&
INN n a hostelr% ` %b to put up at an inn Y IAAS> IAAIA&> IAA0D
INS %b 3
person sin)ular of IA> to ta-e in
ION n an electricall%3char)ed particle formed b% loss or )ain of electrons b% an atom> effectin) b% its mi)ration the
transport of electricit% Y I4AS
IOS #l Q I4> a cr% of 'io'
IRE n an)er ` %b to an)er Y I,0S> I,IA&> I,0D
IRK %b to anno% or #ear% Y I,@S> I,@IA&> I,@0D
ISH n in Scots la#> issue or e1pir% Y IS"0S
ISM n an% distinctive theor% or fad Y ISMS
ISO n short for isolated repla%> a T; and film facilit% Y IS4S
ITA n the miriti palm Y ITAS
ITS ad: of or belon)in) to somethin)
IVY n a climbin) ever)reen plant Y I;I0S> I;I0D
IWI n a Maori #ord for tribe Y IWIS
JAB n a prod> a po-e ` %b to po-e or stab Y ?A5S> ?A55IA&> ?A550D
JAG n a sharp proDection ` %b to cut unevenl% Y ?A&S> ?A&&IA&> ?A&&0D
JAI int in India> victor% BtoC
JAK n an 0ast Indian tree of the breadfruit famil% Y ?A@S
JAM n a conserve made #ith fruit and su)ar ` %b to bloc- up Y ?AMS> ?AMMIA&> ?AMM0D
JA %b to splash or spatter Y ?A$S> ?A$$IA&> ?A$$0D
JAR n a #ide3mouthed container ` %b to put in DarsE to )ive an unpleasant shoc- to Y ?A,S> ?A,,IA&> ?A,,0D
JAW n a mouth3structure for bitin) or che#in) ` %b to chatter at len)th Y ?AWS> ?AWIA&> ?AW0D
JAY n a bird of the cro# famil% Y ?AKS
JEE %b of horses> to ur)e on Y ?00S> ?00IA&> ?00D
JET n a stream of li<uidE a Detplane ` %b to travel b% Detplane Y ?0TS> ?0TTIA&> ?0TT0D
JEU n a /rench #ord for )ame Y ?0+R
JEW %b to ha))le> )et the better of Y ?0WS> ?0WIA&> ?0W0D
JIB n the boom of a crane or derric- ` %b to sho# obDection Y ?I5S> ?I55IA&> ?I550D
JIG n a livel% dance ` %b to dance a Di)E to Dump up and do#n Y ?I&S> ?I&&IA&> ?I&&0D
JIN n one of a class of spirits in Muslim theolo)% Y ?IAS
JI" n a #i) Y ?I::0S
JOB n a tas-> an emplo%ment ` %b to #or- at Dobs Y ?45S> ?455IA&> ?4550D
JOE n a Scots #ord for loved one Y ?40S
JOG n a sli)ht sha-e or push ` %b to run at a slo#> stead% pace Y ?4&S> ?4&&IA&> ?4&&0D
JOL %b a S= African #ord for to have a )ood time Y ?4.S> ?4.IA&> ?4.0D
JOR n the second movement of a ra)a Y ?4,S
JOT n a little bit ` %b to note do#n Y ?4TS> ?4TTIA&> ?4TT0D
JOW n a stro-e of a bell ` %b to rin)> toll a bell Y ?4WS> ?4WIA&> ?4W0D
JOY n )ladness ` %b to reDoice Y ?4KS> ?4KIA&> ?4K0D
JUD n a mass of coal Y ?+DS
JUG n a potter% Dar ` %b to ste# in a Du) Y ?+&S> ?+&&IA&> ?+&&0D
JUN n a coin of A= @orea Y ?+A
JUS n a la# or le)al ri)ht Y ?+,A
JUT %b to proDect Y ?+TS> ?+TTIA&> ?+TT0D
KAB n an ancient "ebre# unit of measure Y @A5S
KAE n a Dac-da# ` %b to serve Y @A0S> @AIA& or @A0IA&> @A0D
KAF n a letter of the "ebre# alphabet Y @A/S
KAI n a Ae# :ealand #ord for meal Y @AIS
KAK n a S= African #ord for faeces> rubbish Y @A@S
KAM ad: a Sha-espearean #ord for croo-ed> a#r%
KAS #l Q @A> the spirit or soul
KAT n a shrub of 0= Africa> Arabia> etc> or its leaves> che#ed or ta-en as tea for their stimulant effect Y @ATS
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KAW %b to ca# Y @AWS> @AWIA&> @AW0D
KAY n the letter @ Y @AKS
KEA n a lar)e Ae# :ealand parrot Y @0AS
KEB %b to )ive birth to a stillborn lamb Y @05S> @055IA&> @0550D
KED n a #in)less fl% that infests sheep Y @0DS
KEF n a state of dream% into1ication induced b% e) cannabis Y @0/S
KEG n a small cas- ` %b to put in -e)s Y @0&S> @0&&IA&> @0&&0D
KEN n -no#led)e ` %b to -no# Y @0AS> @0AAIA&> @0AA0D or @0AT
KE %b a Scots #ord for catch Y @0$S> @0$$IA&> @0$$0D or @0$$IT> @0$$0A> @I$$0A
KET n carrion> rottin) flesh Y @0TS
KEX n the hollo# stal- of an umbelliferous plant> such as the co# parsnip or the hemloc- Y @0R0S
KEY n an instrument for loc-in) ` %b to enter BdataC into a computer Y @0KS> @0KIA&> @0K0D
KHI n a letter of the &ree- alphabet Y @"IS
KID n a %oun) )oatE a child ` %b to hoa1 or deceive Y @IDS> @IDDIA&> @IDD0D
KIF n a state of dream% into1ication induced b% e) cannabis Y @I/S
KIN n one's relations Y @IAS
KI n a nap ` %b to have a nap or sleep Y @I$S> @I$$IA&> @I$$0D
KIR n a #ine and blac-currant drin- Y @I,S
KIS #l Q @I> the spirit of ?apanese martial art
KIT n e<uipment ` %b to outfit> provide #ith e<uipment Y @ITS> @ITTIA&> @ITT0D
KOA n a "a#aiian acacia Y @4AS
KOB n an African #aterbuc- Y @45S
KOI n a lar)e ?apanese carp Y @4IS
KON %b an old #ord for -no# Y @4AS> @4AAIA&> @4AD
KO n a S= African #ord for hill Y @4$S
KOR n a "ebre# unit of measure Y @4,S
KOS n an Indian measure of distance Y @4S0S
KOW n a bunch of t#i)s Y @4WS
KUE n the letter 9 Y @+0S
KYE n co#s> cattle Y @K0E a @orean3American commercial club Y @K0S
KYU n a novice )rade in Dudo Y @K+S
LAB n laborator% Y .A5S
LAC n a dar-3red resin Y .ACS
LAD n a bo% or %outh Y .ADS
LAG n a dela% ` %b to fall behind Y .A&S> .A&&IA&> .A&&0D
LAH n a musical note Y .A"S
LAM n escape or hurried fli)ht> as in on the lam ` %b to beat Y .AMS> .AMMIA&> .AMM0D
LA n a circuit of a race trac- ` %b to scoop up #ith the ton)ue Y .A$S> .A$$IA&> .A$$0D
LAR n the )od relatin) to a house Y .A,0S or .A,S
LAS #l Q .A> a musical note
LAT n short for latrine Y .ATSE a .atvian unit of currenc% Y .ATI or .AT+
LAV n lavator% Y .A;S
LAW ad: lo# Y .AW0,> .AW0ST ` n a rule of action established b% authorit% ` %b to ta-e to court Y .AWS> .AWIA&>
LAX ad: slac-> careless Y .AR0,> .AR0ST> .AR.K ` n a -ind of salmon Y .AR0S
LAY n a situation> a place for l%in) ` %b to deposit> place hori7ontal Y .AKS> .AKIA&> .AID or .AK0D
LEA n a meado# or pasture Y .0AS
LED %b past tense of .0AD> to conduct
LEE n shelter ` %b a Scots #ord for to tell a lie Y .00S> .00IA&> .00D
LEG n a limb for #al-in) and standin) ` %b to #al- bris-l% Y .0&S> .0&&IA&> .0&&0D
LEI n a "a#aiian )arland or #reath Y .0IS
LEK n the standard monetar% unit of Albania Y .0@S> .0@0 or .0@+E a piece of )round #here blac-coc- )ather and
displa% Y .0@S ` %b to perform such a displa% Y .0@S> .0@@IA&> .0@@0D
LE %b a dialect form of leap Y .0$S> .0$$IA&> .0$$0D> .0$T
LES n short for lesbian Y .0S0S
LET n a hindranceE a lettin) for hire ` %b to allo# Y .0TS> .0TTIA&> .0T or BScotsC .44T> BScotsC .ITT0A>
.44T0A> .+TT0AE to hinder Y .0TS> .0TTIA&> .0TT0D
LEU n a unit of ,omanian currenc% Y .0+
LEV n a unit of 5ul)arian currenc% Y .0;A
LEW n a unit of 5ul)arian currenc% Y .0;A
LEX n la# Y .0R0S or .0&0S
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at
LEY n a meado# or pasture Y .0KS
LE" n short for lesbian Y .0:0S or .0::0S
LIB %b to )eld Y .I5S> .I55IA&> .I550D
LID n a cover> hin)ed or separate> for the openin) and closin) of a receptacle ` %b to provide #ith a lid Y .IDS>
LIE n a false statement ` %b to tell a lie Y .I0S> .KIA&> .I0DE to be in a hori7ontal position Y .I0S> .KIA&> .AIA>
LIG %b to lie Y .I&S> .I&&IA&> .I&&0D
LIN n a #aterfall ` %b an old #ord for cease Y .IAS> .IAAIA&> .IAA0D
LI n either of the muscular flaps in front of the teeth ` %b to touch #ith the lips Y .I$S> .I$$IA&> .I$$0D
LIS n a fleur3de3lis Y .IS or .ISS0S
LIT n a former monetar% unit of .ithuania Y .ITS
LOB %b to thro# )entl% Y .45S> .455IA&> .4550D
LOD n a statistic relatin) to the odds of an event Y .4DS
LOG n a fallen tree trun- ` %b to fell timber Y .4&S> .4&&IA&> .4&&0D
LOO n collo<uial for lavator% ` %b to love Y .44S> .44IA&> .440D
LO %b to cut off unnecessar% parts Y .4$S> .4$$IA&> .4$$0D
LOR int for lord> an interDection e1pressin) surprise
LOS n praise> reputation Y .4S0S
LOT n a set of thin)s ` %b to separate into lots Y .4TS> .4TTIA&> .4TT0D
LOU %b to love Y .4+S> .4+IA&> .4+0D
LOW ad: not hi)h Y .4W0,> .4W0ST> .4W.K ` n that #hich is lo# ` %b to ma-e the noise of cattle Y .4WS>
.4WIA&> .4W0D
LOX n li<uid o1%)en ` %b to suppl% #ith li<uid o1%)en Y .4R0S> .4RIA&> .4R0D
LOY n a lon)> narro# spade #ith a footrest on one side of the handle Y .4KS
LUD n lord> used #hen addressin) a Dud)e Y .+DS
LUG n an earli-e proDection or appenda)e ` %b to pull or dra) #ith difficult% Y .+&S> .+&&IA&> .+&&0D
LUM n a chimne% Y .+MS
LUR n a 5ron7e A)e trumpet Y .+,S
LUV n love> as a term of endearment Y .+;S
LUX n a unit of illumination Y .+R0S or .+C0S
LU" n a supposedl% indestructible bone in the sacrum Y .+::0S
LYE n a solution obtained b% leachin) Y .K0S
LYM n a -ind of bloodhound Y .KMS
MAA %b to bleat as a )oat Y MAAS> MAAIA&> MAA0D
MAC n short for mac-intosh Y MACS
MAD ad: insane Y MADD0,> MADD0ST> MAD.K ` %b to drive mad Y MADS> MADDIA&> MADD0D
MAE ad: more Y MA0S
MAG %b to teaseE to steal Y MA&S> MA&&IA&> MA&&0D
MAK %b to ma-e Y MA@S> MA@IA&> MAD0
MAL n a /rench #ord for pain> sic-ness Y MA.S
MAM n mother Y MAMS
MAN n an adult human male Y M0A ` %b to provide #ith a BhumanC operator Y MAAS> MAAAIA&> MAAA0D or
BSpenserC MAAD
MA n a dia)ram of the surface of the earth> etc= ` %b to ma-e a map of Y MA$S> MA$$IA&> MA$$0D
MAR %b to spoil or dama)e Y MA,S> MA,,IA&> MA,,0D or BSpenserC MA,D
MAS n a house or home in the south of /rance Y MAS
MAT n a tan)led mass> esp of hair ` %b to entan)le Y MATS> MATTIA&> MATT0D
MAW n the Da#s or )ullet of a voracious animal ` %b B+SC to mo# Y MAWS> MAWIA&> MAW0D> MAWA
MAX %b to reach the upper limit Y MAR0S> MARIA&> MAR0D
MAY n ha#thorn blossom ` %b to )ather ma% Y MAKS> MAKIA&> MAK0D
MED n short for medical> medicine Y M0DS
MEE n in Mala%sia> noodles or a dish containin) noodles Y M00S
MEG n an old #ord for halfpenn% Y M0&S
MEH int mediocre or borin)E an e1pression of indifference or boredom
MEL n hone% Y M0.S
MEM n a letter of the "ebre# alphabet Y M0MS
MEN #l Q MAA> an adult human male
MES #l Q M0> a musical note
MET n short for meteorolo)% Y M0TS
MEU n the spi)nel plant Y M0+S
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at
MEW %b of a cat> to ma-e a hi)h pitched cr% Y M0WS> M0WIA&> M0W0D
MHO n a unit of electrical inductance Y M"4S
MIB n a t%pe of pla%in) marble Y MI5S
MIC n short for microphone Y MICS
MID ad: middle ` n the middle Y MIDS
MIG n a t%pe of pla%in) marble Y MI&S
MIL n a unit of #ire measurement Y MI.S
MIM ad: prim> demure> prudish Y MIMM0,> MIMM0ST
MIR n a Muslim ruler Y MI,SE a ,ussian farmin) communit% Y MI,S or MI,I
MIS #l Q MI> a musical note
MIX n a blend> a mi1ture ` %b to min)le Y MIR0S> MIRIA&> MIR0D or MIRT
MI" n short for miser% Y MI::0S
MNA n a &ree- unit of #ei)ht or mone% Y MAAS
MOA n a )i)antic e1tinct bird Y M4AS
MOB n a disorderl% cro#d ` %b to form into a mob Y M45S> M455IA&> M4550D
MOC n short for moccasin Y M4CS
MOD n one #ho #ears boldl% st%lish clothes ` %b to modif% a machine or piece of soft#are Y M4DS> M4DDIA&>
MOE n a #r% face Y M40S
MOG %b to move a#a% Y M4&S> M4&&IA&> M4&&0D
MOI #ron a /rench #ord for me> facetiousl% used in 0n)lish
MOL n a unit of molecular concentration Y M4.S
MOM n mother Y M4MS
MON n a ?apanese famil% bad)e or crest Y M4A
MOO %b of cattle> to lo# Y M44S> M44IA&> M440D
MO n a spon)e> etc=> on a stic- ` %b to clean #ith a mop Y M4$S> M4$$IA&> M4$$0D
MOR n a la%er of humus Y M4,S
MOS #l Q M4> a moment
MOT n a /rench #ord meanin) #ord Y M4TS
MOU n a Scots #ord for mouth Y M4+S
MOW %b to cut the )rass on Y M4WS> M4WIA&> M4WA> M4W0D
MOY n a Sha-espearean #ord for coin or a measure Y M4KS
MO" n Australian slan) for bad luc- Y M4::0S
MUD n #et soft earth ` %b to bur% or hide in mud Y M+DS> M+DDIA&> M+DD0D
MUG n a cup #ith vertical sides ` %b to attac- from behind Y M+&S> M+&&IA&> M+&&0D
MUM ad: silent ` n mother ` %b to act in a mime Y M+MS> M+MMIA&> M+MM0D
MUN n a dialect #ord for man Y M+AS
MUS #l Q M+> a letter of the &ree- alphabet
MUT n a mon)rel> a bloc-head Y M+TS
MUX %b to spoil> botch Y M+R0S> M+RIA&> M+R0D
MYC n a cancer3causin) )ene Y MKCS
NAB %b to sei7e Y AA5S> AA55IA&> AA550D
NAE ad% a Scots #ord for no
NAG n a small horseE a <uerulous complaint ` %b to #orr% or anno% constantl% Y AA&S> AA&&IA&> AA&&0D
NAH int no
NAM n the action of ta-in) another's )oods b% distraint Y AAMS
NAN n a -ind of sli)htl% leavened Indian bread Y AAAS
NA n a short sleep ` %b to ta-e a short sleep Y AA$S> AA$$IA&> AA$$0D
NAS %b an old contraction of ne has> has not and ne #as> #as not
NAT n short for nationalist Y AATS
NAW int collo<uial for no
NAY int no ` n a denial Y AAKS
NEB n a bird's bill ` %b to put a bill on Y A05S> A055IA&> A0550D
NED n a %oun) hooli)an Y A0DS
NEE ad: of a #oman> born #ith the name of
NEF n an elaborate table decoration in the shape of a ship for holdin) such thin)s as table nap-ins and condiments Y
NEG n a photo)raphic ne)ative Y A0&S
NEK n in S= Africa> a col> a pass in a mountain ran)e Y C4.S
NE n catmint> a plant attractive to cats Y A0$S
NET n an open material> formed into meshes ` %b to catch BfishC in a net Y A0TS> A0TTIA&> A0TT0D
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at
NEW ad: of recent ori)in Y A0W0,> A0W0ST> A0W.K ` %b an old form of rene# Y A0WS> A0WIA&> A0W0D
NIB n the #ritin) point of a pen ` %b to provide #ith a nib Y AI5S> AI55IA&> AI550D
NID n a pheasant's nest or brood Y AIDS
NIE %b to ni)h> approach Y AI0S> AKIA&> AI0D
NIL n nothin) Y AI.S
NIM %b to ta-e or steal Y AIMS> AIMMIA&> AIMM0D
NI n a pinch> a sharp feelin) of cold ` %b to pinch Y AI$S> AI$$IA&> AI$$0D
NIS n in Scandinavian fol-lore> a bro#nie or )oblin Y AISS0S
NIT n a %oun) louseE a fool Y AITS
NIX n a #ater3sprite Y AIR0 or AIR0S ` %b to veto or cancel Y AIR0S> AIRIA&> AIR0D
NOB n a person of hi)h social ran- Y A45S
NOD n a <uic- bendin) for#ard of the head ` %b to move the head for#ard in assent or )reetin) Y A4DS> A4DDIA&>
NOG n a #ooden pe)E a -ind of drin- ` %b to fi1 #ith a no)> a #ooden pe) Y A4&S> A4&&IA&> A4&&0D
NOH n a traditional st%le of ?apanese drama Y A4"
NOM n a /rench #ord meanin) name Y A4MS
NON ad: not
NOO ad% a Scots #ord for no#
NOR con: and notE neither
NOS #l Q A4> a #ord of ne)ation
NOT int e1pressin) denial> ne)ation or refusal
NOW ad% at present ` n the present time Y A4WS
NOX n nitro)en o1ide Y A4R0S
NOY %b to anno% Y A4KS> A4KIA&> A4K0D
NTH ad: an ordinal impl%in) a lar)e indefinite number
NUB n a -nob ` %b an old #ord meanin) to e1ecute b% han)in) Y A+5S> A+55IA&> A+550D
NUN n a female member of a reli)ious order Y A+AS
NUR n a -not in #ood Y A+,S
NUS #l Q A+> a letter of the &ree- alphabet
NUT n an edible seed in a hard shell ` %b to loo- for and )ather nuts Y A+TS> A+TTIA&> A+TT0D
NYE n a pheasant's nest ` %b an old form of ni)h> approach Y AK0S> AKIA&> AK0D
NYS %b a Spenserian contraction of is not
OAF n a loutE an idiot Y 4A/S or 4A;0S
OAK n a -ind of treeE its #ood Y 4A@S> 4A@0D
OAR n a li)ht pole #ith a blade at one end for propellin) a boat ` %b to ro# a boat Y 4A,S> 4A,IA&> 4A,0D
OAT n a -ind of )rass> the seeds of #hich are used as food Y 4ATS
OBA n in West Africa> a chief or ruler Y 45AS
OBE n a form of West Indian #itchcraft Y 450S
OBI n a form of West Indian #itchcraft ` %b to be#itch Y 45IS> 45IIA&> 45I0D
OBO n a vessel for carr%in) oil and bul- ore Y 454S
OBS #l Q 45> an obDection
OCA n a S= American #ood3sorrel #ith edible tubers Y 4CAS
OCH int an interDection e1pressin) re)ret or impatience
ODA n a room in a harem Y 4DAS
ODD ad: stran)e> unpaired Y 4DD0,> 4DD0ST> 4DD.K ` n in )olf> an additional or allo#ed stro-e Y 4DDS
ODE n an elaborate l%ric addressed to someone or somethin) Y 4D0S
ODS #l Q 4D> a h%pothetical force supposed b% ,eichenbach to account for ma)netism etc
OES #l Q 40> a )randchild
OFF ad% a#a%> not on ` n the start ` %b to )o off Y 4//S> 4//IA&> 4//0D
OFT ad% often Y 4/T0,> 4/T0ST
OHM n a unit of electrical resistance Y 4"MS
OHO int an e1pression of triumph or surprise
OHS %b 3
person sin)ular of 4"> to sa% oh
OIK n an inferior person Y 4I@S
OIL n a )reas%> flammable li<uid ` %b to smear or lubricate #ith oil Y 4I.S> 4I.IA&> 4I.0D
OIS #l Q 4I> a Ae# :ealand bird> the )re%3faced petrel
OKA n a Tur-ish unit of #ei)ht Y 4@AS
OKE n a Tur-ish unit of #ei)ht Y 4@0S
OLD ad: a)ed Y 4.D0,> 4.D0ST ` n an individual of a specified a)e Y 4.DS
OLE int a shout of approval Y 4.0S
OLM n a -ind of blind salamander Y 4.MS
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at
OMS #l Q 4M> a "indu sacred s%mbol
ONE ad: sin)le> of unit number ` n an individual thin) or personE the number or fi)ure Y 4A0S
ONO n a "a#aiian fish Y 4A4S
ONS %b 3
person sin)ular of 4A> to )o on #ith
ONY ad: an%
OOF n mone% Y 44/S
OOH int e1pressin) surprise ` n an e1clamation of ooh ` %b to e1press pleasure or surprise #ith 'ooh' Y 44"S>
44"IA&> 44"0D
OOM n a S= African #ord for uncle Y 44MS
OON n a Scots #ord for oven Y 44AS
OO %b to bind #ith thread> Doin Y 44$S> 44$IA&> 44$0D
OOR ad: a Scots #ord for our
OOS #l Q 44> #ool
OOT ad% out ` n an out Y 44TS
OE %b a poetic #ord for to open Y 4$0S> 4$IA&> 4$0D
OS #l Q 4$> an operation
OT %b to decide or choose Y 4$TS> 4$TIA&> 4$T0D
ORA #l Q 4S> a bone
ORB n an%thin) spherical ` %b to form into an orb Y 4,5S> 4,5IA&> 4,50D
ORC n a -iller #hale Y 4,CS
ORD n a point of a #eapon Y 4,DS
ORE n a solid mineral a))re)ate Y 4,0S
ORF n a viral infection of sheep Y 4,/S
ORS #l Q 4,> the heraldic tincture )old
ORT n a leftover from a meal Y 4,TS
OSE n an es-er> a narro# rid)e of )ravel and sand Y 4S0S
OUD n a strin)ed instrument of Aorthern Africa Y 4+DS
OUK n a Scots #ord for #ee- Y 4+@S
OU %b to bind #ith thread> Doin Y 4+$S> 4+$IA&> 4+$0D
OUR ad: of or belon)in) to us
OUS #l Q 4+> a man> a blo-e
OUT ad% not #ithin ` n a #a% out> an e1it ` %b to put or thro# out Y 4+TS> 4+TIA&> 4+T0D
OVA #l Q 4;+M> an e))
OWE %b to be in debt for Y 4W0S> 4WIA&> 4W0D
OWL n an% member of the Stri)iformes> nocturnal predacious birds ` %b to smu))le> especiall% #ool or sheep from
/rance Y 4W.S> 4W.IA&> 4W.0D
OWN ad: belon)in) to oneself ` #ron #hat belon)s to oneself ` %b to possess Y 4WAS> 4WAIA&> 4WA0D
OWT n a dialect #ord meanin) an%thin) Y 4WTS
OXO ad: of compounds> containin) o1%)en
OXY ad: of compounds> containin) o1%)en ` n a po#erful anal)esic dru)> s%nthesi7ed from thebaine Y 4RI0S
OYE n a Scots #ord for )randchild Y 4K0S
OYS #l Q 4K> a )randchild
AC n a shoe patterned after a moccasin Y $ACS
AD n an%thin) stuffed #ith a soft material> to prevent friction> pressure> etc= BverbC to cover or fill #ith soft material Y
AH n a Maori hill fort Y $A"S
AL n a friend ` %b to associate as a pal Y $A.S> $A..IA&> $A..0D
AM n the -nave of clubs Y $AMS
AN n a broad> shallo# container ` %b to #ash earth for )old Y $AAS> $AAAIA&> $AAA0D
A n soft food for infants ` %b to feed soft pap food to infants Y $A$S> $A$$IA&> $A$$0D
AR n a state of e<ualit% ` %b to score a standard number of stro-es in )olf Y $A,S> $A,,IA&> $A,,0D
AS n a /rench #ord for step Y $AS
AT ad: hittin) the mar- precisel% Y $AT.K ` n a li)ht touch ` %b to stro-e )entl% Y $ATS> $ATTIA&> $ATT0D
AV n short for pavlova> a t%pe of dessert consistin) of a merin)ue base topped #ith #hipped cream Y $A;S
AW n a cla#ed foot ` %b to scrape #ith a pa# Y $AWS> $AWIA&> $AW0D
AX n peace> a truce Y $AR0S
AY n #a)es ` %b to remunerate Y $AKS> $AKIA&> $AIDE to seal #ith tar Y $AKS> $AKIA&> $AK0D
EA n a ve)etable> the rounded seed of a climbin) plant Y $0AS
EC n a pectoral muscle Y $0CS
ED n short for pedestrian Y $0DS
EE n the letter $ ` %b to urinate Y $00S> $00IA&> $00D
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at
EG n a pin or fi1ture ` %b to fasten #ith a pe) Y $0&S> $0&&IA&> $0&&0D
EH n a letter of the "ebre# alphabet Y $0"S
EL n an earlier> no# less common> #ord for a pi1el Y $0.S
EN n an implement for #ritin) ` %b to #rite do#n on paper Y $0AS> $0AAIA&> $0AA0DE to put in a pen
BenclosureC Y $0AS> $0AAIA&> $0AA0D or $0AT
E n vi)our or spirit ` %b to put pep into Y $0$S> $0$$IA&> $0$$0D
ER #re# for eachE b%
ES n the human foot Y $0D0S
ET n a tame animalE a favourite ` %b to treat as a pet Y $0TS> $0TTIA&> $0TT0D
EW n a bench in a church Y $0WS
HI n a letter of the &ree- alphabet Y $"IS
HO n a ;ietnamese noodle soup Y $"4S
HT int an interDection e1pressin) mild an)er
IA n a tropical plant Y $IAS
IC n short for picture Y $ICS or $IR
IE n a <uantit% of meat> fruit> or other food ba-ed #ithin or under a crust of prepared pastr% ` %b to reduce to
confusion Y $I0S> $I0IA& or $IIA&> $I0D
IG n a farm animal bred for food ` %b to eat )reedil% Y $I&S> $I&&IA&> $I&&0D
IN n a piece of #ood or metal used for fastenin) ` %b to fasten #ith a pin Y $IAS> $IAAIA&> $IAA0D
I n a small hard seed in a fruit ` %b to offend or dis)ust Y $I$S> $I$$IA&> $I$$0D
IR n a Muslim title of honour> )iven to a hol% man Y $I,S
IS #l Q $I> a letter in the &ree- alphabet
IT n a hole in the earth ` %b to ma-e a pit in Y $ITS> $ITTIA&> $ITT0DE a Scots form of put Y $ITS> $ITTIA&>
$+TT0A> $ITT0A> $AT
IU ad% more
IX n a bo1 in #hich coins are -ept for testin) Y $IR0S
LU n a beaver pelt Y $.+S
LY n a fold ` %b to bend or fold Y $.I0S> $.KIA&> $.I0D
OA n a meado#3)rass plant Y $4AS
OD n the fruit> or its shell> in peas> beans> and other le)uminous plants ` %b to shell peas Y $4DS> $4DDIA&>
OH int an interDection e1pressin) contempt
OI n a "a#aiian dish of fermented taro Y $4IS
OL n short for a politician Y $4.S
OM n short for $omeranian do) Y $4MS
OO n e1crement ` %b to defecate Y $44S> $44IA&> $440D
O n a mild e1plosive soundE a )enre of popular music ` %b to ma-e a pop Y $4$S> $4$$IA&> $4$$0D
OS ad: short for positive
OT n a utensil used for coo-in) or storin) ` %b to coo- or put in a pot Y $4TS> $4TTIA&> $4TT0D
OW n a Scots #ord for head Y $4WS
OX n an% of several virus diseases causin) a rash of pustules ` %b to infect #ith po1 Y $4R0S> $4RIA&> $4R0D
O" ad: short for positive
RE #re# before
RO n short for professional> or prostitute Y $,4S
RY %b to en<uire impertinentl% into Y $,I0S> $,KIA&> $,I0D
SI n a letter of the &ree- alphabet Y $SIS
ST int an interDection used to attract attention
UB n a public house ` %b to visit a pub Y $+5S> $+55IA&> $+550D
UD n puddin) Y $+DS
UG n cla%> )round and #or-ed #ith #ater ` %b to fill in #ith cla% or mortar Y $+&S> $+&&IA&> $+&&0D
UH int an interDection e1pressin) dis)ust
UL n a coin of Af)hanistan Y $+.S or $+.I
UN n a pla% on #ords ` %b to ma-e a pun Y $+AS> $+AAIA&> $+AA0D
U n a %oun) do) ` %b to )ive birth to puppies Y $+$S> $+$$IA&> $+$$0D
UR %b to ma-e a sound li-e a cat Y $+,S> $+,,IA&> $+,,0D
US n a thic- %ello#ish bodil% fluid associated #ith infection Y $+S0S> $+SSK
UT %b to placeE to thro# Y $+TS> $+TTIA&> $+T
UY n a small volcanic cone Y $+KS
YA n a copper coin of 5urma Y $KAS
YE %b to reduce to confusion Y $K0S> $K0IA&> $I0D
YX n a bo1 at the Mint in #hich sample coins are -ept for testin) ` %b to test a coin Y $KR0S> $KRIA&> $KR0D
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at
!AT n a shrub of 0= Africa> Arabia> etc> or its leaves> che#ed or ta-en as tea for their stimulant effect Y 9ATS
!IN n a -ind of Chinese 7ither #ith sil-en strin)s Y 9IAS
!IS #l Q 9I> the ph%sical life3force postulated b% certain Chinese philosophers
!UA #re# in the capacit% of
RAD ad: an old #ord for afraid Y ,ADD0,> ,ADD0ST ` n a unit of radiation dosa)e ` %b to fear Y ,ADS>
RAG n a #orn scrap of cloth ` %b to tease or ridicule Y ,A&S> ,A&&IA&> ,A&&0D
RAH int an interDection e1pressin) Do% ` n a shout of rah ` %b to e1press Do% #ith a shout of rah Y ,A"S> ,A"IA&>
RAI n a modern A= African form of popular music Y ,AIS
RAJ n in India> soverei)nt% Y ,A?0S
RAM n a male sheep ` %b to push or cram do#n hard Y ,AMS> ,AMMIA&> ,AMM0D
RAN %b past tense of ,+A> to move <uic-l%
RA n a sharp blo# ` %b to stri-e sharpl% Y ,A$S> ,A$$IA&> ,A$$0D
RAS n a headlandE an 0thiopian prince Y ,AS0S
RAT n a )enus of rodents ` %b to hunt rats Y ,ATS> ,ATTIA&> ,ATT0D
RAV n a rabbi> esp one in authorit%E a teacher or mentor Y ,A;S
RAW ad: uncoo-ed Y ,AW0,> ,AW0ST> ,AW.K ` n a sore or irritated spot Y ,AWS
RAX %b to stretch Y ,AR0S> ,ARIA&> ,AR0D
RAY n a line alon) #hich li)ht or other ener)%> or a stream of particles> is propa)ated ` %b to emit ra%s Y ,AKS>
REB n short for rebel> especiall% a Confederate soldier in the American Civil War Y ,05S
REC n a recreation )round Y ,0CS
RED ad: of a colour li-e blood Y ,0DD0,> ,0DD0ST> ,0D.K ` n the colour of blood ` %b to put in order Y ,0DS>
,0DDIA&> ,0DD0D
REE n an enclosure for sheep Y ,00S
REF n short for referee ` %b to referee Y ,0/S> ,0//IA&> ,0//0D
REG n short for re)istration BnumberC Y ,0&S
REH n an accumulation of salts on soil Y ,0"S
REI n a $ortu)uese coin Y ,0IS
REM n a unit of radiation dosa)e Y ,0MS
REN %b an old form of run Y ,0AS> ,0AAIA&> ,0AA0D
REO n a Maori #ord for lan)ua)e Y ,04S
RE n a BsalesC representative ` %b to #or- as a sales representative Y ,0$S> ,0$$IA&> ,0$$0D
RES n short for Ba Aative AmericanC reservation Y ,0S0S
RET %b to soa- fla1 Y ,0TS> ,0TTIA&> ,0TT0D
REV n a revolution in an internal combustion en)ine ` %b to increase the speed of revolution Y ,0;S> ,0;;IA&>
REW n a ro# Y ,0WS
REX n an animal #ith a sin)le la%er of hair Y ,0R0SE a -in) Y ,0&0S
RE" n short for Ba Aative AmericanC reservation Y ,0::0S
RHO n a letter of the &ree- alphabet Y ,"4S
RHY n an old form of r%e Y ,"I0S
RIA n a dro#ned valle% Y ,IAS
RIB n a bone curvin) for#ard from the bac-bone ` %b to tease Y ,I5S> ,I55IA&> ,I550D
RID %b to free or clear Y ,IDS> ,IDDIA&> ,IDD0D
RIF %b to dismiss from emplo%ment Y ,I/S> ,I//IA&> ,I//0D
RIG n an outfitE )arb ` %b to fit #ith sailsE to e<uip or clothe Y ,I&S> ,I&&IA&> ,I&&0D
RIM n an ed)e> border> brim ` %b to provide #ith a rim Y ,IMS> ,IMMIA&> ,IMM0D
RIN %b a Scots form of run Y ,IAS> ,IAAIA&> ,+A> ,AA
RI n a tear ` %b to tear open or apart Y ,I$S> ,I$$IA&> ,I$$0D or Bobs=C ,I$T
RIT n a scratch> a slit ` %b to score or scratch Y ,ITS> ,ITTIA&> ,ITT0D
RI" %b a +S past tense of ,IS0> to move up#ard
ROB %b to steal Y ,45S> ,455IA&> ,4550D
ROC n an enormous bird of Arabian le)end Y ,4CS
ROD n a slender bar of metal or other matter ` %b to push a rod throu)h Y ,4DS> ,4DDIA&> ,4DD0D
ROE n a mass of fish e))s Y ,40S> ,40D
ROK n an enormous bird of Arabian le)end Y ,4@S
ROM n a )%ps% man Y ,4MA or ,4MS
ROO n shot for -an)aroo Y ,44S
ROT n deca%E nonsense ` %b to deca% Y ,4TS> ,4TTIA&> ,4TT0D
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at
ROW n a noiseE an ar)ument ` %b to <uarrelE to propel throu)h #ater #ith oars Y ,4WS> ,4WIA&> ,4W0D
RUB n the act of rubbin)E a hitch ` %b to appl% friction Y ,+5S> ,+55IA&> ,+550DE a Scots #ord for rob Y ,+5S>
,+55IA&> ,+550T> ,+55IT
RUC n an enormous bird of Arabian le)end Y ,+CS
RUD n an old #ord meanin) redness of comple1ion ` %b a Spenserian #ord meanin) to redden Y ,+DS> ,+DDIA&>
RUE n repentance> re)ret ` %b to re)ret Y ,+0S> ,+IA& or ,+0IA&> ,+0D
RUG n a heav% floor3mat ` %b a Scots #ord meanin) to pull rou)hl% Y ,+&S> ,+&&IA&> ,+&&0D
RUM ad: odd> droll Y ,+MM0,> ,+MM0ST> ,+M.K ` n a spirit distilled from su)ar3cane Y ,+MS
RUN n a )ait faster than a #al- ` %b to move <uic-l%E to or)anise andPor control Y ,+AS> ,+AAIA&> ,+A> ,AA
RUT n a furro# made b% a #heel ` %b to ma-e a furro# #ith a #heel Y ,+TS> ,+TTIA&> ,+TT0D
RYA n a t%pe of Scandinavian ru) Y ,KAS
RYE n a cereal )rassE its )rain Y ,K0S
SAB n a saboteur ` %b to act as a saboteurE also> a Scots #ord for sob Y SA5S> SA55IA&> SA550D
SAC n in biolo)%> a ba)3li-e structure Y SACS
SAD ad: unhapp%> sorro#ful Y SADD0,> SADD0ST> SAD.K ` %b to e1press sadness Y SADS> SADDIA&> SADD0D
SAE ad% a Scots #ord for so
SAG n a do#n#ard han) ` %b to bend or han) do#n Y SA&S> SA&&IA&> SA&&0D
SAI n the capuchin mon-e% Y SAIS
SAL n a lar)e A= Indian tree Y SA.S
SAM ad% to)ether ` %b to )ather Y SAMS> SAMMIA&> SAMM0D
SAN n a discarded letter of the &ree- alphabet Y SAAS
SA n a li<uid circulatin) throu)h plants ` %b to drain Y SA$S> SA$$IA&> SA$$0D
SAR %b a Scots #ord for savour Y SA,S> SA,IA&> SA,0D
SAT %b past tense of SIT> to rest on the buttoc-s
SAU n a ;ietnamese monetar% unit Y SA+
SAV n short for savelo%> a hi)hl% seasoned sausa)e Y SA;S
SAW n a cuttin) tool #ith a toothed blade ` %b to cut #ith a sa# Y SAWS> SAWIA&> SAWA> SAW0D
SAX n a chopper for trimmin) slate Y SAR0S
SAY %b to utter in #ords> spea- Y SAKS> Bcoll=C S0:> Bobs=C SAKST> Bobs=C SAK0ST> Bobs=C SAIT"> Bobs=C SAKA0>
SA" n a strin)ed instrument of A= Africa Y SA:0S or SA::0S
SEA n a )reat e1panse of #ater Y S0AS
SEC n short for second> a unit of time measurement Y S0CS
SED %b an old form of said
SEE %b to perceive b% the e%e Y S00S> S00IA&> S00A> SAW
SEG n a stud in the sole of a shoe Y S0&S
SEI n a -ind of ror<ual #hale Y S0IS
SEL n self Y S0.S
SEN n a ?apanese monetar% unit Y S0A
SER n a unit of #ei)ht in India Y S0,S
SET %b to put or place in position Y S0TS> S0TTIA&> S0T
SEW %b to #or- on #ith a needle and thread Y S0WS> S0WIA&> S0WA> S0W0D
SEX n the <ualit% of bein) male or female ` %b to identif% the se1 of Y S0R0S> S0RIA&> S0R0D
SEY n a part of a carcase of beef Y S0KS
SE" %b collo<uial 3
person sin)ular of SAK
SHA int an interDection re<uestin) silence
SHE #ron a pronoun used in referrin) to female person or thin) Y S"0S
SHH int an interDection re<uestin) silence
SHY ad: embarrassed> bashful Y S"I0, or S"K0,> S"I0ST or S"K0ST> S"I.K or S"K.K ` n a sudden s#ervin)
aside ` %b to Dump aside> recoil Y S"I0S> S"KIA&> S"I0D
SIB n a blood relation> a -insman Y SI5S
SIC ad% literall% ` %b to incite a do) to attac- Y SICS> SICCIA& or SIC@IA&> SICC0D or SIC@0D
SIF ad: s%philitic> nast%
SIK ad: an Australian slan) #ord for e1cellent
SIM n short for simulation or for Simeonite> an evan)elical follo#er of Charles Simeon Y SIMS
SIN n a moral offence ` %b to commit sin Y SIAS> SIAAIA&> SIAA0D
SI n a small mouthful of li<uid ` %b to drin- in small mouthfuls Y SI$S> SI$$IA&> SI$$0D
SIR n a title of respect ` %b to address as WsirW Y SI,S> SI,,IA&> SI,,0D
SIS n short for sister Y SIS0S
SIT %b to rest on the buttoc-s Y SITS> SITTIA&> SAT or Bobs=C SAT0> SITT0A
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at
SIX n the ne1t #hole number after five Y SIR0S ` ad: of the number si1
SKA n a form of ?amaican music similar to re))ae Y S@AS
SKI n a narro# strip attached to a boot for )lidin) over sno# ` %b to move on s-is Y S@IS> S@IIA&> S@I0D
SKY n the apparent canop% over our heads ` %b to hit to#ards the s-% Y S@I0S> S@KIA&> S@I0D or S@K0D
SLY ad: cunnin)> #il%E surreptitious Y S.I0, or S.K0,> S.I0ST or S.K0ST> S.I.K or S.K.K
SMA ad: a Scots #ord for small
SNY n a side channel of a river Y SAI0S
SOB n a convulsive catch of the breath ` %b to cr% uncontrollabl%> ta-in) intermittent breaths Y S45S> S455IA&>
SOC n the ri)ht of holdin) a local court Y S4CS
SOD n a piece of turf ` %b to cover #ith sods of turf Y S4DS> S4DDIA&> S4DD0D
SOG n a #et place ` %b to soa- Y S4&S> S4&&IA&> S4&&0D
SOH n a musical note Y S4"S
SOL n a musical note Y S4.S
SOM n the standard monetar% unit of @%r)%7stan Y S4MS or S4MK
SON n a male offsprin) Y S4AS
SO n bread or other food dipped or soa-ed in li<uid ` %b to soa- Y S4$S> S4$$IA&> S4$$0D
SOS #l Q S4> a musical note
SOT n a habitual drun-ard ` %b to pla% the sot Y S4TS> S4TTIA&> S4TT0D
SOU n an old small /rench coin Y S4+S
SOV n soverei)n> a )old coin Y S4;S
SOW n a female pi) ` %b to scatter seed on the )round Y S4WS> S4WIA&> S4W0D> S4WA
SOX #l soc-s
SOY n a dar-> salt% sauce made from fermented beans Y S4KS
SO" int sorr%
SA n a resort #ith a mineral sprin) ` %b to sta% at a spa Y S$AS> S$AIA&> S$A0D
SY n a secret a)ent emplo%ed to #atch ` %b to #atch secretl% Y S$I0S> S$KIA&> S$I0D or Bobs=C S$ID0
SRI n in India> a title of )reat respect )iven to a man Y S,IS
STY n a home for a pi) ` %b to -eep in a st% Y STI0S or STK0S> STKIA&> STI0D or STK0D
SUB n short for submarine> subscription> substitution ` %b to subscribe> substitute etc Y S+5S> S+55IA&> S+550D
SUD n a rare sin)ular form of suds> a froth of soap% #ater Y S+DS
SUE %b to prosecute at la# Y S+0S> S+IA&> S+0D
SUG %b to attempt to sell a product #hile purportin) to be en)a)ed in mar-et research Y S+&S> S+&&0D>
SUI #ron of himself> itself
SUK n an Arab mar-et place Y S+@S
SUM n the total> #hole amount ` %b to add> ma-e up the total of Y S+MS> S+MMIA&> S+MM0D
SUN n the star that is the source of li)ht ` %b to e1pose to the sun's ra%s Y S+AS> S+AAIA&> S+AA0D
SU n a small mouthful ` %b to ta-e li<uid into the mouth Y S+$S> S+$$IA&> S+$$0D
SU! n an Arab mar-et place Y S+9S
SUR #re# a /rench #ord meanin) on> above
SUS n a suspect Y S+S0S ` %b to arrest for suspicious behaviour Y S+SS0S> S+SSIA&> S+SS0D
SWY n the Australian )ame of t#o3up Y SWI0S
SYE %b to strain Y SK0S> SK0IA&> SK0D
SYN #re# since
TAB n a small ta) or flap ` %b to affi1 a tab to Y TA5S> TA55IA&> TA550D
TAD n a small amount Y TADS
TAE n a Scots #ord for toe ` %b to toe Y TA0S> TA0IA&> TA0D
TAG n a tab or label ` %b to put a ta) on Y TA&S> TA&&IA&> TA&&0D
TAI n a ?apanese sea bream Y TAIS
TAJ n a cro#n> a Dervish's tall conical cap Y TA?0S
TAK %b a Scots form of ta-e Y TA@S> TA@IA&> TA@0A> T44@
TAM n a cap #ith a broad> circular flat top Y TAMS
TAN ad: bro#n Y TAAA0,> TAAA0ST ` n a bro#n colour from sunbathin) ` %b to become bro#n in the sun Y TAAS>
TAO n a path of virtuous conduct in Chinese philosoph% Y TA4S
TA n a )entle -noc- or its sound ` %b to -noc- )entl% Y TA$S> TA$$IA&> TA$$0D
TAR n a blac- bituminous substance ` %b to coat #ith tar Y TA,S> TA,,IA&> TA,,0D
TAS #l Q TA> a than-3%ou
TAT n odds and ends of little real value ` %b to touch up Y TATS> TATTIA&> TATT0D
TAU n a letter of the &ree- alphabet Y TA+S
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at
TAV n a letter of the "ebre# alphabet Y TA;S
TAW %b to prepare s-ins for #hite leather Y TAWS> TAWIA&> TAW0D
TAX n a contribution levied to#ards a countr%'s revenue ` %b to impose a ta1 on Y TAR0S> TARIA&> TAR0D
TAY n a dialect #ord for tea Y TAKS
TEA n a bevera)eE an afternoon meal or li)ht refreshment at #hich tea is )enerall% served ` %b to ta-e tea Y T0AS>
TEC n a detective Y T0CS
TED %b to spread out )rass for dr%in) Y T0DS> T0DDIA&> T0DD0D
TEE n a small plastic or #ooden support for a )olf ball ` %b to place a )olf ball on a tee Y T00S> T00IA&> T00D
TEF n an 0thiopian cereal )rass Y T0/S
TEG n a sheep in its second %ear Y T0&S
TEL n in Arab lands> a hill or ancient mound formed from the accumulated debris from earlier mud or #attle
habitations Y T0.S
TEN n the ne1t #hole number after nine Y T0AS ` ad: of the number ten
TES #l Q T0> a musical note
TET n a letter of the "ebre# alphabet Y T0TS
TEW %b to hustle Y T0WS> T0WIA&> T0W0D
TEX n a unit of #ei)ht used to measure the densit% of %arn Y T0R0S
THE ad: the definite article
THO ad: a Spenserian form of hose
THY ad: of thee
TIC n an involuntar% t#itchin) of muscles ` %b to t#itch Y TICS> TICCIA&> TICC0D
TID n a mood Y TIDS
TIE %b to fasten Y TI0S> TI0IA& or TKIA&> TI0D or BSpenserC TKD0
TIG n a touch> a )ame of 'it' ` %b to touch Y TI&S> TI&&IA&> TI&&0D
TIK n the dru) methamphetamine in cr%stal form Y TI@S
TIL n the sesame plant Y TI.S
TIN n a metallic element Y ` %b to coat #ith tin Y TIAS> TIAAIA&> TIAA0D
TI n a )ratuit%E a helpful piece of advice ` %b to )ive a tip Y TI$S> TI$$IA&> TI$$0D or Bobs=C TI$T
TIS #l Q TI> a small $acific tree #ith s#ord3shaped leaves
TIT n an% of various -inds of small son)birds of the famil% $aridae ` %b to tu) Y TITS> TITTIA&> TITT0D
TIX #l tic-ets
TOC n telecommunications code for the letter T Y T4CS
TOD n a #ei)ht used in the #ool trade> usuall% *2 pounds or * stone ` %b to %ield a tod Y T4DS> T4DDIA&>
TOE n a di)it on the end of a foot ` %b to -ic- or touch #ith the toes Y T40S> T40IA&> T40D
TOG n a )arment> an item of clothin) ` %b to dress Y T4&S> T4&&IA&> T4&&0D
TOM n a male cat ` %b to en)a)e in prostitution Y T4MS> T4MMIA&> T4MM0D
TON n a unit of #ei)ht e<uivalent ot t#ent% hundred#ei)ht Y T4AS
TOO ad% as #ell> in additionE to a )reater e1tent than is re<uired
TO n the hi)hest point ` %b to cover the topE to surpass Y T4$S> T4$$IA&> T4$$0D
TOR n a hill> a roc-% hei)ht Y T4,S
TOT n a small child or drin- ` %b to add or total Y T4TS> T4TTIA&> T4TT0D
TOW n fibres of fla1> Dute or hemp ` %b to pull alon) BbehindC Y T4WS> T4WIA&> T4W0D
TOY n an obDect for pla%in) #ith ` %b to pla% idl% #ith Y T4KS> T4KIA&> T4K0D
TRY n an attempt ` ad: choice> purified ` %b to attemptE to ma-e an effort Y T,I0S> T,KIA&> T,I0D or Bobs=C T,ID0
TSK int to utter such an e1clamation of anno%ance Y TS@S> TS@IA&> TS@0D
TUB n an open container> ori) of #ooden staves and hoops ` %b to bathe in a tub Y T+5S> T+55IA&> T+550D
TUG n a forcible or Der-in) pull ` %b to pull forcibl% Y T+&S> T+&&IA&> T+&&0D
TUI n a Ae# :ealand bird> a hone% )uide Y T+IS
TUM n the stomach Y T+MS
TUN n a lar)e cas- ` %b to put in a tun Y T+AS> T+AAIA&> T+AA0D
TU %b of a ram> to copulate Y T+$S> T+$$IA&> T+$$0D
TUT int an e1clamation of rebu-e ` %b to sa% tut Y T+TS> T+TTIA&> T+TT0D
TUX n tu1edo> a dinner Dac-et Y T+R0S
TWA ad: a Scots form of t#o Y TWAS
TWO n the ne1t #hole number after one Y TW4S ` ad: of the number t#o
TW ad: dim3#itted or stupid
TYE n an inclined trou)h for #ashin) ore ` %b to #ash in a t%e trou)h Y TK0S> TK0IA&> TK0D
TYG n an old drin-in)3cup #ith t#o or more handles Y TK&S
UDO n a ?apanese species of aralia Y +D4S
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at
UDS int an old interDection meanin) '&od Save'
UEY n a +3turn Y +0KS
UFO n an unidentified fl%in) obDect Y +/4S
UGH int an old representation of a cou)h or )runt Y +&"S
UGS %b 3
person sin)ular present form of +&> to loathe
UKE n short for u-ulele Y +@0S
ULE n a Central American rubber tree Y +.0S
ULU n an Inuit -nife Y +.+S
UMM int an interDection e1pressin) doubt or hesitation
UM n short for umpire ` %b to umpire Y +M$S> +M$IA&> +M$0D
UMS %b 3
person sin)ular present form of +M> to sa% um
UMU n a t%pe of Maori oven Y +M+S
UNI n short for universit% Y +AIS
UNS #l Q +A> one
UO #re# upon
US %b 3
person sin)ular present form of +$> to move up
URB n an urban area Y +,5S
URD n an Indian bean Y +,DS
URE n an e1tinct #ild o1 Y +,0S
URN n a vase for the ashes fo the dead ` %b to place in an urn Y +,AS> +,AIA&> +,A0D
UR %b to vomit Y +,$S> +,$IA&> +,$0D
USE n the fact or state of servin) a purpose ` %b to put to some purpose Y +S0S> +SIA&> +S0D
UTA n an% of a )enus of lar)e li7ards Y +TAS
UTE n a utilit%> a small truc- Y +T0S
UTS #l Q +T> a musical note
UTU n a Maori settlement of a debt Y +T+S
UVA n a )rape or )rape3li-e berr% Y +;A0 or +;AS
VAC n a vacation ` %b to clean #ith a vacuum cleaner Y ;ACS> ;AC@IA&> ;AC@0D
VAE n in 4r-ne% or Shetland> a ba% or cree- Y ;A0S
VAG %b to arrest someone for va)ranc% Y ;A&S> ;A&&IA&> ;A&&0D
VAN n a li)ht vehicle used in transportin) )oods ` %b to )o or send in a van Y ;AAS> ;AAAIA&> ;AAA0D
VAR n a unit of reactive po#er Y ;A,S
VAS n a duct carr%in) li<uid Y ;ASA
VAT n a lar)e vessel or tan- ` %b to put or treat in a vat Y ;ATS> ;ATTIA&> ;ATT0D
VAU n an obsolete letter in the &ree- alphabet Y ;A+S
VAV n a letter of the "ebre# alphabet Y ;A;S
VAW n a letter of the "ebre# alphabet Y ;AWS
VEE n the letter ; Y ;00S
VEG n short for ve)etable Y ;0&0S ` %b to la7e about> to en)a)e in mindless activit% Y ;0&&0S> ;0&&0D>
VET n an animal doctor ` %b to e1amine closel% Y ;0TS> ;0TTIA&> ;0TT0D
VEX %b to distress or anno% Y ;0R0S> ;0RIA&> ;0R0D or Bobs=C ;0RT
VIA ad% b% #a% of ` n a road Y ;IA0 or ;IAS
VID n a short form of video Y ;IDS
VIE %b to contend in rivalr% Y ;I0S> ;KIA&> ;I0D
VIG n short for vi)orish> a char)e paid to a boo-ie on a bet Y ;I&S
VIM n ener)%> vi)our Y ;IMS
VIN n #ine Y ;IAS
VIS n force Y ;I,0S
VLY n lo#3l%in) )round #here a shallo# la-e forms in the #et season Y ;.I0S
VOE n in 4r-ne% or Shetland> a ba% or cree- Y ;40S
VOL n in heraldr%> t#o #in)s displa%ed and conDoined Y ;4.S
VOR %b to #arn Y ;4,S> ;4,,IA&> ;4,,0D
VOW n a solemn promise ` %b to ma-e a vo# or vo#s Y ;4WS> ;4WIA&> ;4W0D
VOX n a voice Y ;4C0S
VUG n a small unfilled cavit% in a lode or in roc- Y ;+&S
VUM %b to vo# Y ;+MS> ;+MMIA&> ;+MM0D
WAB n an old form of #eb Y WA5S
WAD n a pad of loose material used for pac-in) ` %b to form into a #ad Y WADS> WADDIA&> WADD0D
WAE n a Scots form of #oe Y WA0S
WAG n a side#a%s movementE a droll person ` %b to move from side to side Y WA&S> WA&&IA&> WA&&0D
The Scrabble Player's Handbook is available for free download at
WAI n a Maori #ord for #ater Y WAIS
WAN ad: pale Y WAAA0,> WAAA0ST> WAA.K ` %b to ma-e or become #an Y WAAS> WAAAIA&> WAAA0D
WA %b to thro# or pull <uic-l% Y WA$S> WA$$IA&> WA$$0D
WAR n a state of conflict ` %b to ma-e #ar Y WA,S> WA,,IA&> WA,,0D ` ad: an old form of #orse Y WA,ST>
WAS %b a past tense of 50> to e1ist
WAT n a Thai 5uddhist temple or monaster% Y WATS
WAW n an old #ord for #ave Y WAWS
WAX n a fatt% substance ` %b to treat #ith #a1E to )ro# lar)er Y WAR0S> WARIA&> WAR0D or Bobs=C W4R or
WAY n a route ` %b BSpenserC to #ei)h> esteem Y WAKS> WAKIA&> WAK0D
WEB n a fine structure spun b% a spider ` %b to envelop #ith a #eb Y W05S> W055IA&> W0550D
WED %b to marr% Y W0DS> W0DDIA&> W0DD0D
WEE ad: small Y W00,> W00ST ` n urine ` %b to urinate Y W00S> W00IA&> W00D
WEM n the #omb or bell% Y W0MS
WEN n a sebaceous c%st Y W0AS
WET ad: not dr% Y W0TT0,> W0TT0ST> W0T.K ` %b to ma-e #et Y W0TS> W0TTIA&> W0TT0D
WEX %b to #a1> )ro# Y W0R0S> W0RIA&> W0R0D
WEY n a measure for dr% )oods Y W0KS
WHA #ron a Scots form of #ho
WHO #ron a pronoun used in referrin) to a person or people
WHY ad% for #hat cause or reason ` n the reason or cause of somethin) Y W"KS
WIG n an artificial coverin) of hair for the head ` %b to scoldE to provide #ith a #i) Y WI&S> WI&&IA&> WI&&0D
WIN %b to )ain Y WIAS> WIAAIA&> W4AE to #inno# Y WIAS> WIAAIA&> WIAA0D
WIS %b a sham archaic #ord for to -no#
WIT n intelli)enceE humour ` %b to -no# Y WITS> WITTIA&> WITT0D
WI" n a ver% s-ilful person Y WI:0S or WI::0S
WOE n miser% Y W40S
WOF n Australian slan) for fool> idiot Y W4/S
WOG n a non#hite forei)ner Y W4&S
WOK n a pan used in Chinese coo-er% Y W4@S
WON %b to d#ell Y W4AS> W4AAIA&> W4AA0D or W4AT
WOO %b to courtE to see- the support of Y W44S> W44IA&> W440D
WO n an offensive #ord for a member of a Mediterranean or .atin race> e) an Italian ` %b to thump Y W4$S>
W4$$IA&> W4$$0D
WOS #l Q W4> #oe
WOT %b an old #ord for -no# Y W4TS> W4TT0ST> W4TT0T"> W4TTIA&> W4TT0D
WOW int an e1clamation of #onder ` n a success ` %b to impress Y W4WS> W4WIA&> W4W0D
WOX %b an old past tense of WAR> to )ro#
WRY ad: t#isted Y W,I0, or W,K0,> W,I0ST or W,K0ST ` %b to )ive a t#ist to Y W,I0S> W,KIA&> W,I0D
WUD n #ood ` %b to load #ith #ood Y W+DS> W+DDIA&> W+DD0D
WUS n a Welsh term used for addressin) a companion Y W+S0S
WYE n the letter KE a K3shaped pipe Y WK0S
WYN n a rune> havin) the value of modern 0n)lish W Y WKAS
XIS #l Q RI> a &ree- letter
YAD n a hand3held pointer used for readin) the Torah Y KADS
YAE ad: a Scots #ord meain) one> ver% or same
YAG n a t%pe of s%nthetic )arnet containin) %ttrium and aluminium> used in lasers and as a )em Y KA&S
YAH ad% a variant of %ea> an affirmative vote ` n an affected upper3class person Y KA"S
YAK n a species of o1 found in Tibet ` %b to tal- persistentl% Y KA@S> KA@@IA&> KA@@0D
YAM n a s#eet potato Y KAMS
YA n a sharp bar- ` %b to bar- sharpl% or constantl% Y KA$S> KA$$IA&> KA$$0D
YAR ad: an old #ord meanin) nimble Y KA,0,> KA,0ST
YAW %b of e) a plane> to move from ri)ht to left in a hori7ontal plane Y KAWS> KAWIA&> KAW0D
YAY int an e1clamation of Do%> approbation> encoura)ement etc ` n an affirmative vote Y KAKS
YEA ad% %es ` n an affirmative vote Y K0AS
YEH int %es
YEN n a ?apanese unit of currenc% ` %b to desire or %earn Y K0AS> K0AAIA&> K0AA0D
YE int %es Y K0$S
YES n an affirmative repl% Y K0S0S or K0SS0S ` %b to )ive an affirmative repl% to Y K0SS0S> K0SSIA&> K0SS0D
YET ad% in addition> besidesE nevertheless
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YEW n a t%pe of ever)reen tree Y K0WS
YEX %b to hiccup or belch Y K0R0S> K0RIA&> K0R0D
YGO %b a Spenserian past tense of &4> to pass from one place to another
YID n an offensive term for a ?e# Y KIDS
YIN n a Scots #ord for one Y KIAS
YI %b to )ive a short> sudden cr% Y KI$S> KI$$IA&> KI$$0D
YOB n a lout Y K45S
YOD n a "ebre# letter Y K4DS
YOK %b to lau)h Y K4@S> K4@@IA&> K4@@0D
YOM n a ?e#ish da%> esp in a reli)ious conte1t Y K4MIM
YON ad: that> those ` ad% %onder ` #ron that one
YOU #ron pronoun referrin) to the person bein) addressed Y K4+S
YOW %b to %o#l> ho#l Y K4WS> K4WIA&> K4W0D
YUG n one of the four "indu a)es of the #orld Y K+&S
YUK %b an unpleasant mess ` %b to itch Y K+@S> K+@@IA&> K+@@0D
YUM int an interDection e1pressin) satisfaction
YU int %es Y K+$S
YUS #l Q K+> a -ind of Dade
"AG n a ne# line> or sharp chan)e> of direction on a 7i)7a) course ` %b to chan)e direction on a 7i)37a) course Y
:A&S> :A&&IA&> :A&&0D
"A %b to destro% Y :A$S> :A$$IA&> :A$$0D
"AS #l Q :A> pi77a
"AX n a chopper for trimmin) slate Y :AR0S
"EA n part of a cereal> once used as a diuretic Y :0AS
"ED n the letter : Y :0DS
"EE n in the +S> the letter : Y :00S
"EK n an inmate of a labour camp in the former +SS, Y :0@S
"EL n an oriental c%mbal Y :0.S
"E n a lon) sand#ich Y :0$S
"EX n a chopper for trimmin) slate Y :0R0S
"HO n a cross bet#een a %a- and a co# Y :"4S
"IG n a ne# line or sharp chan)e of direction on a 7i)7a) course ` %b to chan)e direction on a 7i)37a) course Y
:I&S> :I&&IA&> :I&&0D
"IN n 7infandel> a -ind of )rape Y :IAS
"I n a -ind of fastenerE ener)% ` %b to fasten #ith a 7ip Y :I$S> :I$$IA&> :I$$0D
"IT n a pimple Y :ITS
"I" n a nap or sleep ` %b to ta-e a nap Y :I::0S> :I::IA&> :I::0D
"OA #l Q :44A> a unified individual creature
"OL n S= African slan) for a cannabis ci)arette Y :4.S
"OO n a )arden or par- #here animals are -ept Y :44S
"OS #l Q :4> a cross be#een a %a- and a co#
"U" n an ancient $alestinian coin Y :+:IM or :+::IM
""" int an interDection e1pressin) sleep
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