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Casi Delaat-Russo Questions!

Please contact me@ 616-690-5132

Mother Moon Placenta Services
Casi Delaat-Russo
367 Indiana Ave Apt A
Grand Rapids MI, 49504
I plan to do the following with my placenta:
o Encapsulate
o Tincture
o Salve
o Prints
o Gelatin Capsules
o Vegetarian Capsules
o Any 2 of the following herbs:
o Alfalfa
o Nettle
o Red Raspberry Leaf
o Motherwort
o Lemon balm
o Blessed thistle
o Echinacea
o Rose hips
o St. Johns Wart
o _________________
o Alcohol based
o Glycerin Based
Salve: (includes all)
o Comfrey
o Calendula
o Goldenseal
o Arnica

Prints: (includes 2)
o Black
o Silver
o Pink
o Purple
o __________
Please have payment and form ready at
the time the placenta is picked up or at
36 week appointment:
___ Encapsulation with 2 herbs $100
___ Each additional herb $2
___Vegetarian Capsules $5
___ Tincture $25
___ Salve $25
___ Prints $5 (for two prints)
___ Simply Born 25% off Encapsulation
___ Total (Cash or Check)
Free cord dehydration at your request!

Casi Delaat-Russo Questions! Please contact me@ 616-690-5132
o Take 1 capsule up to 3 times a day.
Then slowly decrees amount to 1
capsule once a day unless you
continue to feel fatigued or unable
to cope. All in all the does depends
on how you are feeling.
o Keep capsules in refrigerator while
in use and can be moved to freezer
for long term storage.

o Can be added to water or taken
directly under the tongue. 5-10
drops 3 time a day.
o Can be put on cesarean incisions
or perineal tears or lacerations as

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