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Swanson - Box 2803; Fargo, ND 58108-2803 - 1800-437-4148

1. Ubiquenol - 50mg - D6SWU393- 60 softgels - 2 bottles - ≈ $11.89 ea.

2. Organic Stevia Packets - D6SW916 - 3 sets - 100 packets - ≈ $4.89 ea.
3. Phosphatidylserine - D6SWU289 - 100mg - 90 softgels - 3 bottles - ≈ $19.29 ea.
4. Digestive Enzymes - 180 tab. - D6SW668 - 1 bottle - ≈ 9.39 ea.
5. Okra Pepsin - 90 caps - D6SW1396 - 4 bottles - ≈ $7.99 ea.


1. One-Touch Ultra - 50 Test Strips - 2

2. Systane Ultra (3-Pack) Lubricant eye drops - 3-10ml bottles each pack -Cosco-
3. One bag of sugar-free Halls’ candy (pharmacy)
4. Nesporin - 4 (5oz)

Note: I am running out of these supplements. I cannot wait in September! Thanks!

Health Alert - 30 Ryan CT., Monterey, CA 93940 - Toll-free- 1800-231-8063

1. Cataplex GTF - 90 Tab - #4675- 2 bottles ≈ $14 per bottle

2. Renafood - #7115 - 90 Tab - 4 bottles - ≈ $ 16/bottle

Note: Please pack Swanson products in a small box. Please pack the Miscellaneous and
Health Alert products in another small box.

Thank you. Mail by LBC.

I have been ordering the products of Health Alert and Swanson for ten years.

The prices may change as my brochure are old. If possible please request for new catalogs
from Health Alert & Swanson when they mail the ordered products - Thank you for all.

Ate Ding

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