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24 Apr 04

R v Dawson [1976] 64 Cr App R 170
D belongs to a gang of 3 persons. D push V to lose balane an! other "e"ber steal
V#s $allet.
(CA) Held: D l%able for robber&. '"all a"ount of fore %s suff%%ent.
s.9 (1)(a) *.A. 196+ , -ntr& %nto bu%l!%ng or part of a bu%l!%ng. , onl& 1 step %s
Walkington , as a trespasser
Smith & Jones , $%th the %ntent to steal (e.en steal noth%ng).
s.9 (1) (a) /ust ha.e a plan0 %f no 12 s.9 (1) (b) e.g. a trespasser $al3 b& then f%n! a
hane to steal.
4utase 106
150 ase
Brown , effet%.e 6 substant%al. 7rea3 the $%n!o$s an! use h%s han! grab the
8e$elr& through the $%n!o$. 9el!: st%ll effet%.e 6 substant%al.
Walkington , 8ust go to 1 roo". 9 sue burglar& fro" a shop. D $al3 beh%n! the
ounter an! ta3e "one& out. 9el!: beh%n! the ounter %s area restr%t to staff onl& 12 D
R v Walkington 1979
4utase 105
Smith & Jones , %f o$ner g%.e on!%t%on to entr&. D %s !rug a!%t. '6; ta3e furn%ture
out to sell %n or!er to bu& !rug. D onl& ha.e per"%ss%on to eat0 oo3 but not steal.
-<ee! the l%"%te! per"%ss%on 12 trespasser. D l%able
R v Collins (1972) QB
Collins ,D l%"b up a la!!er to V#s be!roo" $h%h V left the $%n!o$s open. V th%n3
he %s her bo&fr%en! an! %n.%te h%" to o"e %n an! ha.e se< $%th h%". D $as harge of
rape an! burglar& 1 s9(1)(a) *A 196+.
9el!: '%ne V %n.%te D to o"e %n 12 not trespasser 12 no burglar&. 4o %ntent to steal
12 4o theft. Also0 V "a3e "%sta3e an! onsent of se< 12 4o rape.
-ffet%.e entr&= >es.
7u%l!%ng= >es , 9ouse
*respasser= '%ne l%"%te! per"%ss%on (onl& e"ergen&) '"%th 6 ;ones (e<ee! the
?ntent%on to steal= Cr%"%nal !a"age= @79= Rape=
'1 , *heft A4000 !%shonestl&= Appropr%at%on= Bropert&= 7.*.A.0 ?.B.*.D.
12 burglar&
?ntent to 3eep %t= >es. *heft.
4o. 4o *heft.
4ot gu%lt& of robber&
'1 *heft.
7*A= *o $ho" !oes ne3lae belong
B , Ca$ful o$ner0 legal t%tle
D , Ca$ful possessE ontrol , #ee$h : F an steal fro" other theft.
B G o$ner D steal C steal
9 , s.1. theft.
;o%nt pr%n%pal offen!er.
RH@ , Robber& s.+. *A (Fse of fore H *heft)
4o theft , s%ne no appropr%at%on (possess 6 ontrol).
;ust atte"pte! robber&.
D , she go to I $hether or not. *heft of A100. $%n lotter&0 a%!ent%all& got A200.
'he $ant to 3eep %t. *heft= >es. %ilks , u ha.e !ut& to restore %t. '.5(3) 6 (4)
?nnoent or%g%nall&0 but seJuent appropr%ate 12 no "ore %nnoent. C%able of theft.
*heft of !ress=
'.6(1) Clo&! , borro$%ng eJu%.alent of appropr%ate per"anentl&.
Dress torn0 !%rt&. ("a& e.en $orthless)
(D&& v Ra")
-at $%thout pa& , hane of "%n! !ur%ng eat%ng0 representat%on to pa& the "eal. '%t 6
$a%t unt%l the $a%ter lea.e an! una$are.
?ntent hange after obta%n.
Kalse representat%on of pa& 12 after obta%n (eat%ng). 4ot offene for !eept%on.
4o$0 the la$ ha! hange! an! no$ $%ll l%able.
D&& v Ra" (197')
&re((" & Sla(e (out!ate!) , s.15(a) *A. Dbta%n%ng "one& transfer b& !eept%on. '%gn
the heJue not r%"e. Lhen u ta3e %t to ban3 for "one& transfer 12 r%"e.
Chan Wai )am (up!ate) , Cease $r%tten h%s na"e. A heJue not useful unt%l s%gn. A
lease not useful unt%l ter"s learl& $r%tten out.
7efore s%gn 6 lease "a3e up0 8ust a p%ee of paper belong to nobo!&.
s.15 not useful.
D&& v Ra" , Con!ut %n s%lene of no pa&.
7& !eept%on
?#ll pa& u $hen lotter& $%n (sub8et%.el& re3less false representat%on).
Silverman , e<ess est%"ate %n bu%l!%ng $or3. A $o"an bel%e.e the est%"ate the
a"ount of $or3 nee!.
R v Silverman (19**)
4utase ++
Rai , Appl& a grant fro" oun%l for !eorat%on the house of h%s gran!"other. After
gett%ng the "one&0 h%s gran!"a !%e but !o not tell the oun%l. 12 !eept%on.
Do!kas , a $a%ter %n hotel restaurant. 9e !e%!e! to sell h%s $%nes to usto"er
$%thout restaurant onsent an! not sell $%ne of restaurant. 9e 3ept the "one& fro"
usto"er %n h%s o$n po3et.
Kalse representat%on that he %s sell%ng $%ne of hotel.
D%shonest& to sell o$n goo!s !%"%n%sh h%s e"plo&er prof%t
Dbta%n: "one& fro" usto"er
(Although no steal "one& fro" e"plo&er.)
?f less l%able0 tell the usto"er the $%ne %s h%s an! not fro" hotel.
/%<%ng petrol %n tan3 an! annot separate.
Collis + Smith
D go to petrol pu"ps an! f%ll the ar $%th petrol us%ng stolen re!%t ar!.
Bol%e th%n3 %t %s har! to harge.
9a.e author%t& fro" ar! entre. 7ut $%thout onsent after transat%on.
Deept%on $hen u put petrol %n.
Alternat%.e0 harge of steal%ng.
At hange !ue to the 2 r%"es.
'16 , l%"%te! use
Pecuniary advantage
e.g. sa& u ta3e 5 %garettes a !a& for %nsurane ontrat0 but atuall& ta3e 50.
Watkins , get
Callen(er ,
'elf e"plo&
'et%on 10 197+
Dbta%ns ser.%es b& !eept%on.
e.g. tell ta<% ! to hosp%tal $%th no "one&. ?ntent%on no pa&.
7ut %f u tell &our fr%en! to !r%.e an! tell h%" &ou $%ll not pa&0 no proble".
Cre!%t ar! ha! to pa& "e"bersh%p fee. 7ut u l%e that u are erta%n organ%Mat%on an!
$a%.e the fee 12 !eept%on.
'et%on 20 197+
D o$n V N1000. D tell V that D ha! no 8ob an! not %ntent to pa& or pa& less '2
Ja$kson: Fse 'tolen re!%t ar!0 D gett%ng the goo!s 6 ser.%es $%ll harge to ar!
enter. 6 use D Mero re!%t.
e.g. u o$n V N1000. V as3 D to pa& ba3. D sa& he !on#t ha.e the "one& on han!
an! an pa& ne<t &ear0 but %n fat he $%ll "o.e out fro" that house.
D&& v ,!nner
-<e"pt%on or abate"ent of l%ab%l%t&.
F l%e to Fn%.ers%t& for grant.
Brooks , Dur%ng pa&..
-.i. , ta<% onl& nee! to pa& after 8oune&. DBB 6 Ra&.
s16(2)() , obta%n b& !eept%on0 !%shonestl&0 obta%n peun%ar& a!.antage.
(Dpportun%t& to earn re"unb%at%on.
D&& v Ra" , Kalse representat%on b& on!ut
;ob appl%at%on for" as3%ng %f an& r%"e o""%tte! before. F f%ll noth%ng.
Silverman 1 b& $or!
/erle" %hosh test for !%shonest&
'e 15 , obta%n propert& b& !eept%on. Bropert& , usto"er#s "one&. (Do!kas)
'e1 , 10 ounts of I. *est: !%shonest0 appropr%at%on0 propert&0 belong to another
(7.*.A.) , $%n%ng stu!ents0 !epr%.e per"anentl&.
'e 5(3) ,
Run $E pa&"ent not eJual to !eept%on0 s%ne no one II
'1 *heft of Cre!%t
?B*D ,
%ntent to use an! thre$E!estro& 12 *heft
%ntent to use an! return 12 no theft
s2(1)(a) *A 197+
7u& a ar 6 petrol
Argu"ent fro" s15 , obta%n ar an! petrol b& !eept%on.
Kalse representat%on , that he ha! author%t& to use re!%t ar! , !%shonest.
Lhen p%3 the petrol pu"p "eans a representat%on that u#ll pa&.
Botent%al proble"
Betrol belong to L (Coll%ns 0 Coa..) an! "%<e! %n tan3.
'1 %ome. , st%ll steal petrol
*herefore0 steal of ar an! petrol. 12 l%ableP
use spe%f%all& for rent but use for other purpose. 4ot "ore u %f use %n other $a& 12
propert& go ba3 to o$ner.
s3(1) get "one&Epropert& %nnonentl& 12 then !ela& appropr%at%on 12 theft
s.1. *A 196+
'eason t%3et ,
7oo3 of t%3ets , uses of 2 t%3et eah t%"es
'1 *heft of t%3et.
Clo&! , although return the lub but the t%3et beo"e $orthless.
'1 197+ *A
Dbta%n ser.%e b& Deept%on
'2(3) 197+1 e<e"pt%on for free %f &ou pa& a!.ane &earl&.
'2(1) ;a3son
'et%on t%3et , l%3e Dtopus
Dffene !%fferent.
4ot steal t%3et
'1 197+ *A
Dbta%n ser.%e b& Deept%on
'2(3) 197+1 e<e"pt%on for free %f &ou pa& a!.ane &earl&.
'2(1) ;a3son
7& not *heft
Degree of Participation
#i$hael: D $ant to 3%ll the h%l! b& g%.e h%" a po%son apple to %nnoent $ho $%ll
g%.e %t to V for lunh. ?nnoent agent not l%able.
A%!%ng , ass%st%ng at the t%"e of offene. -.g.! $a%t outs%!e an! $a%t
for the robber&.
Abett%ng , enourag%ng at the t%"e of offene.
Counsell%ng , pre1o""%ss%on enourage"ent0 a!.%e 6 sol%%t.
Brour%ng , aus%ng E pro!ue b& en!ea.our E br%ng about the o""%ss%on of
Kor the Jst 30 BD 6 'B "ust ha.e ontat.
R v Bo!rne 019122 C-
D ('B)0 the husban! (9) fore! h%s $%fe (L) (BD) to %nterourseEbugger& $%th !og.
L $as aJu%tte! as she $as un!er !uress. D appeal aga%nst on.%t%on of a%!%ng an!
abett%ng of bugger&.
Held: Appeal fa%l. BD not l%able but 'B an st%ll be l%able as a%!%ng an! abett%ng.
R v Cogan & )eak 019732 C-
Cea3 (C) persua!e! Cogan (C) to ha.e se<ual %nterourse $%th /rs Cea3. C $as
aJu%tte! of rape beause 8ur& aepte! that C bel%e.e! /rs Cea3 $as onsent%ng. C
appeale! aga%nst h%s on.%t%on as a%!erEabettor as C $as aJu%tte!.
Held: Appeal !%s"%sse!.
1) 'B %s l%able e.en BD %s aJu%tte!.
2) 'B proure AR0 no /R %s reJu%re!.
R v Cone" 01**22 QB
D $as the 8u!ge of an unl%ense! pr%e f%ght%ng. Dne bo<er 3%lle! another. D $as
harge of a%!%ng an! abett%ng.
Held: ;ust present at the sene ($%th no %ntent%on to enourage) %s not l%able.
R v Clarkson 019712 ' -ll 4R '55 Co!rts6#artial -77eal Co!rt
D $athe! a rape but no e.%!ene that D agree! to or pos%t%.el& ass%ste! %n the r%"e.
(CA) Held: Appeal of a%!%ng an! abett%ng allo$e!. /ere presene $as %nsuff%%ent.
Davies v D&& 019152
2 gangs of bo&s f%ght $%th eah other. A "e"ber of D#s gang "e"ber su!!enl& ta3e a
3n%fe an! 3%ll h%s opponent. D harge of "ur!er.
Held: '%ne he unforeseen the "ur!er0 BD out of sope0 D $as not l%able of "ur!er.
R v &owell an( Daniels8 R v 4nglish 019972 ' W)R 9199 :)
R v &owell an( Daniels 019972 :)
D an! h%s 8o%nt enterpr%se argue $%th a !rug !ealer (V) an! then shot !ea! V. 7ut
!on#t 3no$ $ho shot an! 3%ll !on#t 3no$ $ho %s the Br%n%pal offen!er.
Held: (9C) Appeal !%s"%sse!. D foresee the poss%b%l%t& of BD#s at $as suff%%ent
R v 4nglish 019972 :)
-ngl%sh an! other h%t a pol%e"an $%th ro!s. 7ut BD p%3 up a 3n%fe an! stab the
pol%e %n the sto"ah. -ngl%sh la%" he ha! no 3no$le!ge of the 3n%fe. BD at
fun!a"entall& !%fferent fro" o""on sope.
Held: (9C) Appeal allo$e! as D annot o""%t "ur!er or "anslaughter.
R v ;((in 0199*2 C-
@roup of s%< attah the .%t%". B.D. na"e! *. Dther "e"ber of the group !on#t 3no$
$%th the 3n%fe. F!!%n harge for "ur!er. Dther 4 harge for "anslaughter. F!!%n
appeal as he !on#t 3no$ $%th the 3n%fe.
Held: Kollo$ -ngl%sh#s !e%s%on fun!a"entall& !%fferent $eapon use! Dut
sope F!!%n not l%able for "ur!er. @u%!el%nes reo""en!e! t&pe $eapon %s
%"portant to sho$ the %ntent%on of o""on sope.
R v Da" 02<<12
*he BD as3 D ('B) to ass%st to 3%3 V an! "a!e h%" fell !o$n an! let BD to h%t V. D
appeal for on.%t%on of "ur!er.
Held: Case uphel!. D an foresee so"e har" to V0 'B l%able for "anslaughter (base!
on h%s /R).
R v Bain=ri(ge 0193<2 CC-
D suppl%e! utt%ng eJu%p"ent to BD 3no$%ng to be use for brea3%ng 6 enter%ng. D
$as harge! as ao"pl%e of burglar&.
Held: Appeal !%s"%sse!. An ao"pl%e "ust ha.e a general r%"%nal %ntent%on an!
nee! not 3no$ the !eta%ls of offene.
L%th!ra$al "ust be Q*%"el& an! effet%.eR
Be$$ara & Coo7ers 019732 C-
BD o""%tte! "ur!er !ur%ng a burglar&. D $as harge! as ao"pl%e an! appeal
that he ha! $%th!ra$n fro" 8o%nt enterpr%se before 3%ll%ng.
Held: Appeal !%s"%sse!. D s%"pl& sa& Qlet#s goR an! then ran before 3%ll%ng. 112 4ot
t%"el& an! effet%.e $%th!ra$al.
7rutus , /ur!er of Caesar
Cass%us , /ur!er of Anthon&
7oth are BD. '+ *A , robber&.
'9(1)(a) 7urglar&.
Def%ne /ur!er (Lool%n) 6 Robber& 6 7urglar&.
'a& all %ngre!%ent:
-.g. 7urglar& , -ntr&0 I
Co""on r%"%nal purpose:
1. 'teal fro" shop
2. *hreaten to use .%olene %f neessar&.
Fse gun %s be&on! o""on purpose. Fse of 3n%fe %s be&on! o""on purpose.
Fse .%olene %s also argue as out sope s%ne the& agree 8ust threaten.
&owell & 4nglish9 ;((in
&erman , ?f !ur%ng V ha.e heart atta3 an! !%e !ur%ng threaten. /anslaughter.
(4ot appl& to fat of th%s ase).
4utase 1 S
/olan * /%hael0 150 Cea!%ng Cases Cr%"%nal Ca$0 2e!0 20030 Dl! 7a%le& Bress 1 S
4ot effet%.e $%th!ra$.
'.B. of Atte"pte! robber& l%able.
Can Cass%us as '.B. of beat%ng of Caesar to !eath. 9e !on#t 3no$ BD use gun0 at least
ause V !%e or @79. Davies. Cla%" fun!a"ental !%fferent $a& of o""on purpose:
7autus an#t forsee Cass%us 3%ll Anthon& outs%!e. 4o o""un%at%on 12 no hange of
o""on purpose. 'o 7 not 'B of Anthon& !eath. 7 $%ll be l%able %f Bain=ri(ge0 %f
foresee C ha.e 3n%fe an! "a& use %n the r%"e. &owell.

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