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'Alexander' traces the short, but adventurous life of the Macedonian conqueror,
Alexander the Great (356-323 B.C.), who conquered almost the entire known
world of his era.
1.1. From his childhood as the son of King Philip, to acending the thrown at
age 20 in 336 B.C.
1.1.1. upon his father's murder, and starting in 334 B.C., Alexander crossed
into Asia on his 11-year conquest of the known world. From his conquests of Egypt, to battles with the Persians and the
capture of Babylon, operations near Maracanda and in
Afghanistan, and pushing all the way to India where he reigned
unchallenged before his sudden death at age 32. Though Alexander made use of the well-oiled army created
by his father, he pushed the limits of Macedonian & Greek
power to levels King Philip could not have dreamed of.

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