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Bhrigu Sutram"

PART 1 - 1
Information about Planets and Houses
The Zodiac, Signs and Planets
The !or" "Bhrigu Sutram" deals !ith the effects of
#arious $lanets in the t!el#e houses of the
horosco$e% Before ta"ing u$ the main !or", it !ill be
useful for the readers to ha#e some idea of the
Zodiac, the t!el#e $arts of the Zodiac #i&%, the signs
and the 'ualities characteristics and significations of
the $lanets as !ell as the significations of the t!el#e
houses% In this cha$ter !e $ro$ose to gi#e information
about the Zodiac, signs and the $lanets% The
significations of the t!el#e houses !ill be gi#en in the
ne(t cha$ter%
The Zodiac
The Zodiac is a circle of s$ace surrounding the )arth%
It ma* be imagined as a belt in the hea#ens about 1+
degrees !ide in !hich the $lanets tra#el% It is the
Sun,s a$$arent $ath that is called the ecli$tic% The
&odiacal circle is di#ided into t!el#e $arts, each $art
containing thirt* degrees of s$ace called the signs of
the Zodiac% Thus a sign is one t!elfth di#ision of the
&odiacal circle and is denned as containing -.
degrees of celestial longitude 1/ signs each
measuring -. degrees constitute the circle of the
Zodiac or -0. degrees% In this circle the $lanets tra#el
each in its o!n orbit, one outl*ing be*ond the other%
The t!el#e signs of fhe Zodiac are Aries 12esha3,
Taurus 14rishabh3, 5emini 12ithuna3, 6ancer
17ata"a3, 8eo 1Simha3, 4irgo 17an*a3, 8ibra 1Thula3,
Scor$io 14rischi"a3, Sagittarius 19hanu3, 6a$ricorn
12a"ara3, A'uarius 17umbha3, and Pisces 12eena3% It
is these t!el#e signs through !hich the $lanets tra#el
or transit from !est to east, going through one sign
after another in their order from Aries to Pisces% )ach
sign $ossesses a s$ecific influence% The $lanets also
as the* tra#el around the Zodiac e(ert an influence
according to their se$arate nature and $osition in the
Although according to modem Astrolog* there are
t!el#e $lanets #i&%, Sun, 2oon, 2ars, 2ercur*,
:u$iter, 4enus, Saturn, Rahu, 7ethu, ;ranus,
<e$tune and Pluto, Hindu Astrolog* recognises onl*
the first nine% )ach sign of the Zodiac is o!ned b* a
$lanet !ho is termed as its ,ruler,% Sun and 2oon rule
one sign each #i&%, 8eo and 6ancer res$ecti#el*%
2ars, 2ercur*, :u$iter, 4enus and Saturn rule t!o
signs each% There is contro#ers* about Rahu and
7ethu ruling some signs but the fact is that the* being
shado! $lanets do not o!n an* signs but cast their
influence according to signs in !hich the* are $laced,
or lords of those signs, or according to $lanets
influencing them b* as$ect or association% 2ars rules
Aries and Scor$io, 2ercur* 5emini and 4irgo, :u$iter
Sagittarius and Pisces, 4enus Taurus and 8ibra and
Saturn 6a$ricorn and A'uarius%
P8A<)TS TH)IR ASTR=8=5I6A8 <AT;R) A<9
1 Sun-The >ather and 8ife 5i#er
Sun is the "ing of the solar "ingdom% He is also called
the ,>ather of Stars,% Sun is about ?- million miles
a!a* from the )arth% He is the largest amongst the
$lanets% His diameter is about 11. times that of )arth
and Sun is nearl* /@,1?,... miles in circumference%
Being the centre of all life force and energ* and the
gi#er of Prana, Sun is !orshi$$ed as Sun 5od% He is
said to re$resent the creator, the Brahma, !ith his
four faces to ha#e a sur#e* of all the four directions
causing four seasons and the four elements namel*
>ire, )arth, Air and Aater% Aesterners call the Sun,
A$ollo% The Sun ta"es e(actl* one *ear to go round
the ecli$tic% It has onl* the direct motion% It is ne#er
goes retrograde% According to Hindu Astrolog* Sun is
the soul of 7al$urusha 1The 2oon is his mind,
2ercur* his s$eech, 2ars his strength, :u$iter his
"no!ledge and ha$$iness, 4enus his desire or lust,
Saturn his miser*3%
>or all li#ing beings Sun re$resents the $ositi#e and
$rimal front !hereas the 2oon re$resents the
negati#e influence% Sun is constructi#e and creati#e,
2oon is $reser#ing and formati#e% Sun is the father,
2oon is the mother% The Sun and 2oon are
considered so#ereigns% :u$iter and 4enus are
ministers% 2ercur* is the *oung $rince% 2ars is the
commander-in-chief and Saturn is the ser#ant% Sun is
the "ing and the 2oon is the 'ueen% Sun and 2oon
are also considered luminaries% Peo$le !ith Sun as
the ruling $lanet !ill ha#e hone* coloured e*es% The
face !ill be large and round% The stature !ill be
a#erage% The hair and the colour of the bod* !ill ha#e
a light shade%
Sun rules the direction )ast and "5rishma" Rithu
1Summer season3% In the birth chart Sun re$resents
the father of the nati#e% In the !oman,s chart Sun
indicates her husband 1There is another school of
thought that :u$iter re$resents the husband in a
female,s chart3% In ser#ice Sun sho!s the
administrati#e head or 5o#ernment% The Sun offers
us the $o!er of resistance and #italit*% He go#erns the
breath of life% He rules our consciousness and
denotes the indi#idualit*% He gi#es the force and self
!ill and ma"es one determined and decisi#e% The Sun
in nature is hot, dr*, masculine and life gi#ing% He
$ossesses the $o!er of absor$tion of the nature and
influence of an* $lanet !ithin an orb of B C degrees
of his conDunction%
Sun re$resents health, the #ital $rinci$le, general
$ros$erit* and high office, $ositions of ran" and title,
go#ernment affairs and officials, ne! underta"ings,
$ublicit*, $o$ularit*, su$erior or $roud and haught*
$ersons% Sun go#erns the sides, u$$er $ortion of the
bac", heart, right e*e of the male and left e*e of the
female% His da* is Sunda*, metal gold and colour
orange% If he is not ham$ered b* unfa#ourable
dis$osition or malefic as$ects or association and is
dignified b* $osition in the horosco$e, Sun besto!s a
nature !hich is ambitious, $roud, magnanimous,
fran", generous, humane, firm and honourable% 2en
ruled b* the Sun as$ire to $ositions of rulershi$ and
b* their earnest nature ins$ire others !ith a res$ect
for their abilities, so the* usuall* attain $ositions of
trust, res$onsibilit* and honour !here the* are
$erfectl* at home and ca$able of $ractical e(ecution
to a #er* satisfactor* degree%
If the Sun at birth is unfa#ourabl* $laced and is
other!ise undignified, the nati#e is inclined to be too
forceful, lordl*, domineering, $ositi#el* arrogant and
e(tra#agant, inclining also to sic"ness of a fe#erish
inflammator* nati#e, e*e affliction and heart disorders
as !ell as loss of $osition, credit or esteem due to
im$ulsi#eness of these nati#es%
The Sun,s gems are diamond and rub*% Sun o!ns
8eo% He is e(alted in Aries and debilitated in 8ibra% 1.
degrees of Aries is highest e(altation $oint and 1.
degrees of 8ibra is his lo!est debilitation $oint% Initial
/. degrees $ortion of 8eo is his 2ulatri"ona and the
remaining 1. degrees is S!a"shetra% The Sun,s
friends are 2oon, 2ars and :u$iter% 4enus and Saturn
are his enemies% 2ercur* is neutral to him%
/ 2oon-the 2other and 2ind%
2oon is the $lanet nearest to the )arth% It is the onl*
$lanet in the solar s*stem !hich re#ol#es round the
)arth% The Sun is the generator of $o!er !hereas
2oon is conductor of $o!er lent b* the Sun% 2oon
shines onl* b* the reflected light of the Sun% The
distance bet!een the )arth and 2oon is
a$$ro(imatel* /,-B,... miles% The Sun gi#es the s$irit
and life to all $lanets and 2oon rules the li#es of the
beings on )arth% Sun re$resents indi#idualit* !hereas
2oon sho!s one,s $ersonalit*% 2oon also re$resents
mother if a $erson is born at night 2oon is feminine%
Hence the $erson under the rulershi$ of 2oon
becomes timid, #acillating rece$ti#e and con#ertible%
2oon go#erns the im$regnation, conce$tion, birth of
child, the animal instinct the union and the embr*o% It
also rules the infant stage of a $erson and it has
$o!erful influence on their li#es%
Afflicted 2oon at the time of birth causes ailments
fre'uentl* and does not allo! to ha#e $ro$er gro!th%
<ati#es ruled b* 2oon generall* ha#e !hite
com$le(ion and charming e*es% The* are $lum$ and
of short stature% The* !al" !ith a rolling gait% 2oon,s
influence is said to be cold, moist, $hlegmatic and
feminine% She is fruitful and con#ertible in nature
according to her $osition in the chart and her as$ects
and location in the &odiac 1b* sign3 at that time% Her
$ro(imit* to the )arth and ra$idit* of motion render
her a $o!erful significator in all branches of 1+
astrolog*% She ma"es a com$lete transit of the &odiac
1i%e% all the signs3 e#er* /@ da*s, @ hours and E-
minutes% She rules li'uids, fresh !ater, mil", $ublic
commodities li"e groceries, fish, drin"s etc%, also
sailing, bre!ing, nursing and females generall*% 2oon
influences the gro!th of all $lant life% She go#erns the
brain, breasts, left e*e of the male and right e*e of the
female% Her da* is 2onda*, metal sil#er, colour !hiteF
gem $earl and other !hite stones% Peo$le ruled b*
2oon are usuall* sensiti#e, emotional and
domesticated, $ossessing a lo#e for home and
"indred% The* ha#e a good memor*% Ha#ing a fertile
imagination and being also #er* conscientious, the*
meet !ith man* u$s and do!ns in life% The* are 'uite
rece$ti#e and mediumistic and fre'uentl* $ossess
musical talent The* li"e !ater and natural beaut*%
If the 2oon is not fa#ourabl* dis$osed, the nati#es
ma* be either too eas* going and gi#en to self
gratification and o#er indulgence in eating, drin"ing or
$leasure, or are too changeable, negati#e and
uncertain% Person ruled b* 2oon do !ell as nurses,
coo"s, confectioners, grocers, gardeners, matrons,
dealers in li'uids, ste!ards, cler"s, com$anions and
in other occu$ations of a common, $ublic or
fluctuating nature% Aa(ing 2oon is considered a
benefic and !aning 2oon a malefic% 2oon o!ns
6ancer% She is e(alted in Taurus and debilitated in
Scor$io% Her highest e(altation $oint is - degrees of
Taurus and the lo!est debilitation $oint is - degrees
of Scor$io% The first - degrees of Taurus constitute
2oon,s e(altation $ortion and the remaining /@
degrees $ortion is her 2ooltri"ona% The !hole of
6ancer is her s!a"shetra%
- 2ars-The Brother and 6ourage
2ars is one of the outer $lanets% It is nearer to the
)arth than an* of the other outer $lanets li"e :u$iter,
Saturn etc% 2ars is smaller than )arth and its
diameter is around E,/.. miles% According to
m*thological beliefs 2ars is said to be the deit* of
Buddhists and the 5od of Romans% He is the 5od of
!ar and also of hunting% 2ars 1or Aries in 5ree",
Artos in )g*$tian, Angar"a, 2agnala, 7uDa is Sans"rit3
is said to be the son of :u$iter% According to Hindu
beliefs 2ars is said to be the son of the )arth and is
called Bhumi-$utra% He is the 5od of dis$ute,
destruction and !ar% 2ars is a dr*, fier* $lanet,
masculine b* nature% 2ars has much to do !ith one,s
ambition and desires% 2ars s*mbolises the senses
and rules the animal instinct in man% 5enerall* 2ars
is treated as a malefic $lanet% If 2ars is not afflicted,
he gi#es self confidence, endurance, im$ulse for all
#entures and heroic deeds, strength, courage,
combati#eness, shar$ !it, facult* to argue, go ahead
s$irit etc% 2ars besto!s the nature !ith 'uic" mental
acti#it* and e(traordinar* muscular strength, great
organising abilit*, $o!er for $ractical e(ecution,
inde$endent s$irit, force of character, strong
determination, ambition to come out successful in the
material field in s$ite of an* o$$osition, and abo#e all,
leadershi$ in all $ursuits% If 2ars is !ea" and afflicted
in a horosco$e, the nati#e !ill be rash, !ill lose
tem$er 'uic"l*, !ill be foolhard* and also
'uarrelsome% He !ill use brute force to settle his
affairs and ma* become a drug addict% He ma* turn
out to be the !orst t*$e of se(ualist and satisf* his
se(ual urges in no#el !a*s%
Peo$le born !ith 2ars as their ruling $lanet !ill ha#e
!hite com$le(ion !ith a shade of red% The nati#e !ill
be tall and muscular% Their e*es !ill be round% Their
!aists !ill be narro!% 2ars is the chief go#ernor for
brothers and landed $ro$ert*% His colour is red-gems,
coral, rub*, and all red stones- da* Tuesda*% 2ars
go#erns the se( organs, bladder, muscular s*stem,
head, face, left ear and sense of tasteF also cuts,
bums, scolds, etc% He rules co$$er, gold, iron and
steel, surger*, chemistr*, militar* matters and !ars,
$olicemen, surgeons, dentists, butchers, those of
'uic" tem$er and reddish com$le(ion% Being a#erse
to dictatorshi$, $ersons influenced b* 2ars usuall*
find the best outlet for their s$ecial abilit* !hen in
business for themsel#es or in $ositions !hen the* can
direct the !or" of others% Being 'uite in#enti#e and
mechanical, the* become good designers, builders
and managers and usuall* ma"e their !a* to the front
in !hate#er the* underta"e% 2ars o!ns Aries and
Scor$io% He is e(alted in 6a$ricorn, the highest
e(altation $oint being /B degrees ofEhat sign% He is
debilitated in 6ancer, the lo!est debilitation $oint
being /B degrees of that sign% The first 1/ degrees
$ortion of Aries is his 2ooltri"ona and the rest is his
S!a"shetra% The !hole of Scor$io is also his
S!a"shetra% Sun, 2oon and :u$iter are friends of
2ars% 2ercur* is his enem*% 4enus and Saturn are
neutral to him%
E 2ercur*-The 2essenger of 5ods
Amongst all the $lanets 2ercur* is nearest to Sun% It
re#ol#es round the Sun in BB da*s% Its diameter is
nearl* -,/.. miles% 2*thologicall* 2ercur* !as
"no!n as Thoth, Hermes and "The 2essenger of
5ods"% It !as usuall* $ortra*ed as a *outh, fl*ing !ith
!ings at his heels, bearing a cadaceus made of oli#e
!ood about !hich !ere t!ined ser$ents, the rod
being surmounted !ith a $air of !ings% This s*mbol
re$resents the essential 'ualities of the $lanet, dualit*,
s$eed and !isdom% According to Hindu m*tholog*
2ercur* is said to be the son of 2oon% 2ercurial
$eo$le generall* ha#e a *outhful a$$earance%
The influence of the $lanet 2ercur* is neutral,
dualistic, cold, moist, se(less and con#ertible% He
gi#es fa#ourable results !hen he is in good
association and recei#es benefic as$ects% 2ercur*
can rarel* be seen !ith na"ed e*e as he is ne#er
more man /B degrees from the Sun% Ahen he is
!ithin B C degrees of the Sun, he is treated as
combust or burnt u$ and loses great deal of its abilit*%
His influence is best !hen lea#ing the Sun% 2ercur*
rules that $art of the intellect !hich is susce$tible to
culti#ation through stud*, $rece$t, obser#ation and
imitation% 2ercur* influences the ner#ous s*stem,
solar $le(us, bo!els, arms, mouth, tongue, sense of
sight, $erce$tion, understanding, inter$retation and
e($ression% He deals !ith tra#elling, teaching,
cler"shi$, s$ea"ing, !riting, $rinting, $ublishing,
literature, stationer*, secretaries, boo"-"ee$ing,
corres$ondence, mailing etc%
His da* is Aednesda* and his metal is li'uid metal or
'uic" sil#er% His colour is green and his gem is
)merald% If 2ercur* is !ell $laced in the horosco$e,
the nati#es ma"e good linguists, orators, !riters,
re$orters, teachers, secretaries, accountants, etc%,
being full* ca$able of maintaining an* $osition !here
ada$tabilit*, de(terit*, $erce$tion, s"ill, 'uic" !it,
imagination and good memor* are re'uired% The*
usuall* conduct their !or" in an orderl*, methodical,
s*stematic and hand* manner being ade$t at
sim$lif*ing arrangements% 2ercur* sho!s the t*$e of
mentalit* one is endo!ed !ith, as he go#erns the
reaction to one,s sense and im$ressions% Being an
intellectual $lanet, the 2ercurian is highl* intelligent,
ingenious and anal*tical% He !ill gras$ the subDects
#er* 'uic"l*% He gi#es the nati#e retenti#e $o!er and
re$roducti#e abilit*% A !ell $laced and !ell as$ected
2ercur* re$resents a subtle $olitical brain and
intellect, a logician !ith learning and discretion%
A $erson influenced b* 2ercur* !ill ha#e curiosit* to
master occult sciences also% He !ill be #ersatile, good
in mathematical calculations, engineering, accounts
etc% If 2ercur* is afflicted, the nati#e !ill be cle#er,
cunning and mischie#ous, he !ill turn out to be a
great gambler, the !orst liar, a conceited sho!*
$erson, he !ill $retend as though he "no!s
e#er*thing !hile actuall* he is de#oid of real learning%
The affliction of 2ercur* !ill also cause e(cess
ner#ous acti#it* both of bod* and mind% There is also
conse'uent effect on the health detrimental to the
o$eration of bo!els and other organs under the
dominion of this $lanet% 2ercur* is the chief go#ernor
for education and uncle% 2ercur* o!ns 5emini and
4irgo% He is e(alted in 4irgo, the highest e(altation
$oint being 1+ degrees of 4irgo% He is debilitated in
Pisces, the lo!est debilitation $oint being 1+ degrees
of Pisces% The first 1+ degrees of 4irgo is the
e(altation $ortion of 4irgo, 10 to /. degrees $ortion is
his 2ooltri"ona and the rest is S!a"shetra% The !hole
of 5emini is also his S!a"shetra% Sun and 4enus are
friends of 2ercur*, 2oon is his enem* and 2ars,
:u$iter and Saturn are neutral to him%
+ :u$iter-The 5reat >ortune
:u$iter the might* $lanet is called a giant of the solar
s*stem% It has a diameter of BB,... miles% :u$iter
ta"es a little less than t!el#e *ears to go once round
the Sun% 2*thologicall*, :u$iter is the $rece$tor of
5ods% =ld 5ree"s considered :u$iter as the father of
5ods-Zeus% )g*$tians call 2m Ammon% :u$iter is said
to $ossess and offer ,Sath!aguna,% =ur fortunes are
go#erned b* :u$iter !ho is the chief go#ernor for
mone*% :u$iter is termed as ,5reater >ortune, and is
said to be hot moist, sanguine, tem$erate, social,
e($ansi#e, masculine and moderate% He go#erns the
blood, li#er, #eins, arteries and thighs% He rules higher
education and signifies Dudges, councillors, ban"ers,
bro"ers, theologians, $hilanthro$ists, also science,
la!, reason and com$arison% He rules financial
dealings, s$eculation, shi$$ing business and foreign
affairs% His da* is Thursda*, metal gold, colour *ello!
and gems *ello! sa$$hire and To$a&%
T*$ical :u$iterians are usuall* termed Do#ial o!ing to
the fact that :u$iter gi#es such characteristics as
socialiblit*, ho$e, bene#olence #eneration,
com$assion, Dustice, honest*, s$iritualit*, also !ell
de#elo$ed faculties of $ro$ortion, calculation and
location% The :u$iterian is usuall* 'uic" to hit the mar"
as his s*mbol is the Archer% In the business !orld,
nati#es ruled b* :u$iter become interested in large
$o$ular enter$rises and deal much in matters related
to la!*ers, Dudges, ban"ers, bro"ers and $h*sicians%
Science and medicine, insurance and commercial
tra#elling often engage their attention, also affairs of
$hilanthro$ic, charitable and religious or bene#olent
im$ort% :u$iter is called the ,5reater >ortune, because,
unless he is ill $laced in the horosco$e, he besto!s a
considerable amount of !hat a$$ears to be good luc"
u$on nati#es !ho are suited for $ositions of dignit*,
trust or $o!er in business and social circles% Ha#ing a
logical, broad mind, considerable self $ossession, self
confidence and determination, the* usuall* ins$ire
confidence and attain res$onsible $ositions% :u$iter is
fier*, noble, bene#olent, fruitful, Do#ial, o$timistic,
$ositi#e, and dignified $lanet% He is the greatest
benefic% Ho!e#er, much other $lanets ma* be ill
$osited and threaten difficulties to a $erson, if :u$iter
is strong and !ell $laced in a chart, he !ill enDo* the
$ro#idential hel$ at least at the last moment to tide
o#er the difficulties and get rid of e#il% :u$iter also
indicates ho! far one !ill res$ect the elders,
$rece$tors and religious scri$tures% :u$iter ma"es
one la! abiding, true, honest, sincere and dutiful% If
:u$iter is afflicted in the horosco$e, the nati#e !ill be
an e(tremist and uncon#entional% He !ill be
e(tra#agant and la#ish% The other e#il effects !ould
be o#er o$timism, false ho$es, carelessness, debts,
dis$utes, failure in s$eculation, gambling, !orr*
through children, false $restige, loss of re$utation,
mis-Dudgment and miscalculation, etc% :u$iterians are
!ell built and ma* ha#e a huge bell*% The* !ill ha#e
good gro!th in *outh, ha#e muscular bod* and
become so stout as to command res$ect from others%
:u$iter is also considered as significator for children
1Santan 7ara"a3% :u$iter o!ns Sagittarius and Pisces%
He is e(alted in 6ancer, the highest e(altation $oint
being + degrees of 6ancer% He is debilitated in
6a$ricorn, the lo!est debilitation being + degrees of
6a$ricorn% >irst + degrees $ortion of Sagittarius is his
2ultri"ona and the rest is hi,-, S!a"shetra-The !hole
of Pisces is also his S!a"shetra% The Sun, the 2oon
and 2ars are friends of :u$iter% 2ercur* and 4enus
are his enemies Saturn is neutral to him%
0 4enus-The 8o#er
4enus is much closer to the Sun than the )arth% The
si&e of 4enus is similar to that of the )arth% 4enus has
a diameter of @,0.. miles% 4enus can ne#er be more
than EB degrees a!a* from the Sun% 4enus is the
brightest $lanet in the solar s*stem% 2*thologicall*,
4enus is considered to be the 5oddess of lo#e,
marriage, beaut* and comforts% It is called 2aha
8a"shmi, !ife of 8ord 4ishnu% 4enus is also called
one e*ed% 6ree"s call 4enus the A$hrodite% 4enus is
called 7ama, for one,s $assion de$ends on its
strength% 4enus $roduces $eo$le of a#erage height,
of $lum$ bod*, and !ith a round and $im$led face,
"ind and $leasing e*es, $leasant #oice, s!eet smile
and curl* hair% 4enus is termed as a feminine $lanet%
4enus rules the sense of touch and to a great e(tent
the dis$osition% 4enus inclines to all that $ertains to
the higher attributes of the mind, music, $oetr*,
$ainting, singing, drama, o$era, acting and all refined
amusements and adornments% The influence of 4enus
is e($ressed as generous, "ind, good humoured and
lo#ing% 4enus is considered benefic, !arm, moist and
fruitful% 4enus go#erns the throat, "idne*s, #eins and
o#aries% His da* is >rida*, metal sil#er, colour !hite
and gem diamond%
2en and !omen ruled b* 4enus are noticeabl* "ind
and social% Ahen !ell $laced 4enus endo!s the
nati#e !ith a $leasant and handsome countenance,
s*mmetrical form and graceful manners% 4enus
inclines to harmon* and as this $lanet rules the sense
of touch, he fa#ours art, music and decoration% B*
their $leasing $ersonalit* the subDects of 4enus are
natural $eacema"ersF their refined nature softens the
ruffed feelings of friends and con#ert anger to
$leasure% As 4enus is the $romoter of $leasure, these
$eo$le are s$lendid entertainers and e(cellent hosts%
Ahen afflicted, 4enus $roduces unsatisfactor*
domestic conditions, an(iet* in lo#e, difficult* !ith
friends of through finances% 4enus rules the s"in,
throat, #eins, o#aries and internal generati#e organs
and these are ad#ersel* affected b* o#er indulgence
in amusements, eating and drin"ing% 4enus is called
7alathra 7ara"a, that is the chief go#ernor for
marriage% 4enus also indicates the $artner in
business% 4enus is the chief $lanet connected !ith
#ehicles 14ahana3% >or those born during da* time
4enus is the significator for mother% 4enus o!ns
Taurus and 8ibra% 4enus is e(alted in Pisces, the
highest e(altation $oint being /@ degrees of Pisces%
4enus is debilitated in 4irgo, the lo!est debilitation
$oint being /@ degrees of 4irgo% >irst /. degrees
$ortion of 8ibra is his 2utri"ona and he rest is his
S!a"shetra% The !hole of Taurus is also his
S!a"shetra% 2ercur* and Saturn are, friends of
4enus% The Sun and the 2oon are his enemies% 2ars
and :u$iter are neutral to him%
@ Saturn-The 5od Gama
Saturn is called ,Sanaischara, as it mo#es along the
Zodiac leisurel* and more slo!l* than other $lanets%
He is the outermost $lanet amongst the $lanets
recognised b* Hindu Astrolog*% Saturn is smaller than
:u$iter and his diameter is around @+,... miles%
Saturn ta"es /?1H/ *ears to go round the Sun% Hence
on an a#erage Saturn remains in a sign for about / C
*ears% Saturn is called ,Gama, as he is the chief
go#ernor for longe#it*% Saturn is said to be ,lame, and
the son of The Sun% Saturn is sometimes s*mbolised
as >ather Time% According to Aestern belief in olden
da*s Sater or Satan !as the name gi#en to Saturn
and he signified de#il, dar"ness, secrec*, loss and
misfortune% His nature is cold, dr*, $hlegmatic,
melancholic, earth* and masculine% Ahen Saturn is
!ell $laced or !ell as$ected, the $erson is gra#e,
$rofound, $rudent, cautious and of e(cellent
organising and e(ecuti#e abilit*% If Saturn is afflicted,
the nati#e is a$t to be bigoted ac'uisiti#e irritable,
discontented and com$laining% Saturn go#erns the
teeth, bones s$leen, "nees, right ear and sense of
hearing% He rules bric" la*ing, $otter*, masonr*,
$lumbing and other laborious and uncongenial
em$lo*ment% He denotes aged $ersons, thin,
ner#ous, dar", reclusi#e-also farmers, miners, coal
and Dun" dealers, $ro$ert* o!ners etc% He rules land,
$ro$ert*, mines, lead and dealings in real estate% 9a*
Saturda*, metals iron and steel, colour dar" blue or
blac", gem blue sa$$hire or other blue and blac"
coloured stones% The influence of Saturn is commonl*
called e#il and in this res$ect he is much maligned,
but in realit* there is no e#il since all things !or"
together for good ultimatel*% Saturn acts as a
deterrent and because he brings denial and necessit*
into some li#es, he has been considered as an
o$$ressor, a Satan "He that filleth !ith $ride !ill suffer
a fall"F for Saturn !ill bring the nati#e to his "nees,
humble him, and b* means of restrictions, limitation
and ad#ersities, !ill cause the indi#idual to $onder,
stud* and see" to find the source of !oe that in future
ma* be o#ercome% Thus !hile Saturn is a destro*er
1of false ideals3, he is also a redeemer, in that he
brings to mind a state of intros$ection and stimulates
effort to!ards $erfection and #ictor*% Saturnians are
e(tremel* sensiti#e but the* hide their feelings and
emotions under a mas" of reser#e% If fre'uentl*
censured, the* !ithdra! from association and their
$rogress and de#elo$ment are much dela*ed% Saturn
is considered to be fa#ourable for $eo$le born in the
signs o!ned b* 4enus !hereas Saturn is e#il to those
born in the signs go#erned b* 2ercur*% He is also
beneficial !hen he is in his o!n sign, or !hen he
occu$ies the signs of :u$iter or !hen he is e(alted%
Saturn !hen benefic ma"es a $erson true, reliable,
honest, sincere, faithful and chaste% He aids
concentration, meditation $ra*ers, etc% Saturn is the
chief go#ernor for longe#it* 1He is called A*ush
7ara"a3% If he occu$ies the house of longe#it*,
namel*, the Bth house in a horosco$e, the nati#e gets
a long s$an of life% Saturn o!ns 6a$ricorn and
A'uarius% He is e(alted in 8ibra, the highest e(altation
$oint being /. degrees of 8ibra% He is debilitated in
Aries, the lo!est debilitation $oint being /. degrees of
Aries% >or Saturn the first /. degrees $ortion of
A'uarius is his 2ultri"ona and the rest is his
S!a"shetra% The !hole of 6a$ricorn is also his
s!a"shetra% 2ercur* and 4enus are friends of Saturn%
The Sun, the 2oon and 2ars are his enemies% :u$iter
is neutral to him%
B Rahu and 7etu-the Shado!* Planets
Rahu and 7etu are called shado!* $lanets b* our
ancients% The* are not substantial hea#enl* bodies
!ith an obser#able bod* sha$e or mass li"e the Sun,
2oon and other $lanets% Hindu m*tholog* has in its
characteristic !a* s*mbolised these t!o $arts of a
single bod*% According to a Puranic stor* after
churning of the ocean 1Samudra 2anthan3 came out
a di#ine ele$hant, a horse, a $h*sician, the 5oddess
of !ealth and Amrita or immortalit*% About the
distribution of Amrita there !as a serious dis$ute
amongst the 9e#as and Asuras% The Su$reme 8ord
18ord 4ishnu3 assuming the sha$e of an alluring
2ohini, too" charge of distributing the Amrita !ith the
consent of both 9e#as and Asuras% She so distributed
the Amrita that all of it !as consumed b* 9e#as but
one among the Asuras had stealthil* Doined the ran"s
of 9e#as and got a share of Amrit but !as disco#ered
and e($osed b* the Sun and the 2oon% The Su$reme
8ord cut the Asura in t!o $ieces but as he had ta"en
Amrita both the se#ered $arts remained ali#e though
se$arated% The head got the name of ,Rahu, and the
bod* and tail ,"etu,% This made Rahu and 7etu eternal
enemies of the Sun and the 2oon%
Periodicall* the* succeed in s!allo!ing the Sun and
the 2oon 1This is during ecli$ses3 but the* esca$e as
the* are immortal% The fact that has since been
uni#ersall* acce$ted is that Rahu 7etu are celestial
$oints on the Zodiac !ith regulated mo#ement and
orbit and the* ha#e a distinct and $redictable
influence in horosco$es% The motion of these $oints
!hich is al!a*s retrograde, can be calculated as
accuratel* as the $osition of the Sun or the 2oon,
through o!ing to their being !ithout substance, this
cannot be #erified b* #isual obser#ation%
Aesterners ha#e named Rahu and 7etu as 9ragon,s
Head and 9ragon,s Tail res$ecti#el*% 6a$ut and
6auda are the other names gi#en to them b*
Aesterners% To understand ho! these imaginar*
$oints are accuratel* located and their mo#ements
are calculated !e ha#e to consider the a$$arent
$aths in the hea#ens of the t!o $lanets the Sun and
the 2oon, that is, the $aths along !hich the Sun and
the 2oon a$$ear to an obser#er on earth, to rotate%
The Sun a$$ears to mo#e along an elli$se of !hich
)arth is a focus% The $lane of this elli$se is inclined to
the terrestrial )'uator at an angle of /- degrees% The
2oon, as the satellite of the )arth mo#es round it and
its $ath is also elli$tical !ith the )arth as a focus, and
$lane of this orbit is inclined to the )'uator at an
angle of /B degrees, so that the $lanes of the orbits of
the Sun and the 2oon a$$ear to the obser#er on
)arth to be inclined to each other at an,angle of +
degrees% The t!o $oints at !hich the orbit of the
2oon cuts the orbit of the Sun are called nodes, and
the* are e(actl* 1B. degrees a$art% The $oint of
intersection formed !hen the 2oon,s motion is from
South to <orth, is said to be ascending node and
named Rahu, and the $oint of intersection formed
!hen the 2oon,s motion is from north to south is
called the descending node or 7etu% It has been
obser#ed that the nodes ha#e a retrograde mo#ement
in the Zodiac at the rate of 1? degrees /. minutes $er
*ear% Rahu and 7etu are said to sta* in a sign for
about 1B months% Rahu and 7etu indicate one born in
a lo! casteF one !ho ma* ha#e intrigue !ith girlsF is
one !hose thoughts and actions !ill be e#il% =ne !ill
resort to outcastes and lo! born as !ell as in bred
There is 'uite a contro#ers* amongst the ancients
about the signs o!ned b* Rahu and "etu and signs in
!hich the* are e(alted and debilitated% >or e(am$le,
according to ;ttara 7alamrita an ancient classic on
Hindu Predicti#e Astrolog* Rahu is e(alted in Taurus
and debilitated in Scor$io, #ice #ersa of 7etu% This
!or" also assigns the sign A'uarius as o!ned b*
Rahu and Scor$io as o!ned b* 7etu% 2ooltri"ona of
Rahu has been fi(ed as 5emini and 2ooltri"ona of
7etu has been gi#en as 4irgo% San"etnidhi another
recognised !or" allots 5emini as the e(altation sign
of Rahu, 4irgo as his o!n sign and Sagittarius as the
e(altation sign of 7etu and Pisces as its o!n Sign% It
is also belie#ed that Rahu acts li"e Saturn and 7etu
acts li"e 2ars% The 5em of Rahu is "5omed" and that
of 7etu 6at,s )*e% >or further information about Rahu
and 7etu $lease see Part II 6ha$ter )ight%
PART 1 - /
Significations of the T!el#e Houses of the Horosco$e
>irst House 1or 8agna-Ascendant3
Ph*sical stature, colour, form and sha$e, constitution,
health, #italit* and #igour, natural dis$ositions and
tendencies, $ersonalit* and struggle for life, honour,
dignit*, $ros$erit*, general !ell being, head, u$$er
$art of the face, #irtues, longe#it*, start in life and an
idea about the general structure of life%
Second House
2one* matters, fortune, $rofit, gain or loss, one,s
$o!er and resources, !orldl* attainments and
$ossession of e(trinsic #alue, De!eller*, $recious
stones, bonds, securities and shares, s$eech, #ision,
right e*e, memor*, imagination, nails, tongue, nose,
teeth, chin, famil* members% This is also a house of
death or mara"a sthana% 2an* a learned are of the
o$inion that education is also a signification of this
house etc%
Third House
2ental inclination, abilit*, memor*, intellect, inclination
to stud*, courage, firmness, #alour, $ro!ess, heroism,
*ounger brothers or sisters, cousins, neighbours,
short tra#els, communications such as rail!a*s,
!ireless, $osts and telegra$hs, corres$ondence,
!ritings, change of residence, signing contracts or
agreements, rumours, carr*ing tales, hands, throat,
shoulder blade, collarbone, arms, ner#ous s*stem%
>ourth House
2other, one,s home 1nati#e $lace3, residence,
domestic en#ironments, gra#e, $ri#ate affairs etc%,
secret life, #ehicles, fields, $astures, farms, orchards,
mines, buildings, ancestral $ro$ert*, hidden treasure,
academic education, !ells, !ater, mil", ri#ers, la"es
>ifth House
Progen* 1children3, inclinations, $leasure, artistic
talent, recreation, amusement, s$orts, romance,
com$etiti#e acti#ities li"e cards, cross!ords, lotter*,
gambling or betting, lo#e affairs, ambassadors, good
or bad morals, mantra-tantra, religions mindedness,
high learning and !isdom, intelligence, enormous
riches, s$iritual $ractice etc%
Si(th House
Sic"ness, diseases, nursing, food, ser#ice,
em$lo*ees, subordinates or ser#ants, debts, cattle,
tenants, enemies, maternal uncle, miserliness,
intense anguish, litigation etc%
Se#enth House
House of union or earthl* ties, legal bondage, $artner
in life 1!ife or husband3, $artner in business, conDugal
life, influence in foreign countries and re$utation
achie#ed there, se(ual life, marital relations, danger to
life, mara"asthana 1house of death3%
)ighth House
8onge#it* or s$an of life, also called house of death
1because end of longe#it* is death3F inheritance,
legacies, !ills, insurance, $ension and gratuit*,
accidents, death b* dro!ning, fire or suicideF miser*,
misfortune, sorro!, strife, !orries, disgrace, dela*,
deDection, disa$$ointment, defeat, loss and
obstruction, theft, robber*, chronic diseases%
<inth House
>aith, !isdom and di#ine !orshi$F fortune or luc"
1bhag*a3, $hiloso$h*, religious and $hiloso$hical
beliefs, meditation, intuition and forethought, $laces of
!orshi$, sacrifices and charit*, father, $rece$tor
15uru3, teaching, 9hanna, grandchildren, dreams and
#isions, "neesF communication !ith s$irits, long
Dourne*s, #o*age, air tra#el, higher education, foreign
Tenth House
Thighs, honour, dignit*, $ublic esteem, name and
fame, $o!er $restige, credit 1for good !or" and
conduct3, success and status, ran" and reno!n,
res$ect and re$utation, ambition and authorit*, !orldl*
acti#ities, res$onsibilities, $ermanenc* 1in ser#ice3,
$romotion, ad#ancement, a$$ointment, $rofession,
last rites to one,s $arents, religious functions%
5o#ernment, high $osition such as President, Prime
2inister or 2inister, $ilgrimage to hol* $laces, honour
from 5o#ernment%
)le#enth House
>riends, societ*, communit*, fa#ourites, ambitions,
!ishes, desires and their fulfilment, gains of !ealth,
success in underta"ings, incoming !ealth, $rofits,
$ros$erit*, elder brothers and sisters, reco#er* from
illness, da!n of fortune, an"les%
T!elfth House
8oss and im$ediments, restraint and limitation, !aste
and e(tra#agance, e($enses, drudger* and
dece$tion, in#estments, donations, charities,
se$aration from famil*, going to far a!a* $laces,
sorro! and sin, miser* and misfortune, $o#ert*,
im$risonment, secret enemies, confinement in
hos$ital, association, fraud, scandal, disgrace, secret
sorro!s, success through occult affairs, the feet, the
left e*e, the left ear, comforts of bed, debts, life in a
foreign $lace and 2o"sha 1final sal#ation3%
PART / - 1
)ffects of the B Planets in the T!el#e Houses
The Sun in the >irst House or Ascendant
Sutras 1-/1 If the Sun is $osited in the >irst House or
Ascendant, the nati#e !ill enDo* good health% He !ill
be of bilious constitution and !ill suffer from diseases
of the e*e% He !ill be !ise and of good conduct% He
!ill ha#e acidic stomach and !ill be bereft of
"no!ledge and sense% He !ill be highl* intelligent, !ill
s$ea" less, and !ill !ander a!a* from his nati#e
$lace% He !ill be ha$$*% If the Sun is in Aries 1that is in
his sign of e(altation3, the nati#e !ill get name and
fame% If such Sun is as$ected b* benefics, the nati#e
!ill become highl* learned% If the Sun is in debilitation
1that is, in the sign 8ibra3, the nati#e !ill be dignified%
He !ill, ho!e#er, be de#oid of learning, and $o!er
and be blind% These ill effects !ill not be felt, if the
Sun is as$ected b* benefics 1:u$iter or 4enus3% If the
Sun be in 8eo, or 8eo <a#amsha, the nati#e !ill
ac'uire lordshi$ o#er some territor*% If the Sun be in
6ancer, the nati#e !ill be "no!ledgeable% He !ill,
ho!e#er, suffer from boils in the bod*% If the Sun be in
6a$ricorn, the nati#e !ill suffer from heart disease% If
the Sun be in Pisces, the nati#e !ill be subser#ient to
!omen% If the Sun be in 4irgo, the nati#e !ill be father
of daughters onl*% He !ill lose his !ife and !ill be
ungrateful% The nati#e !ill enDo* good health if the Sun
be in his o!n sign 8eo, but if the Sun is in association
!ith malefics or be in his enem*,s sign or sign of
debilitation, the nati#e !ill suffer from fe#er in his third
*ear% Such unfa#ourable effects !ill not be felt if the
Sun is as$ected b* benefics%
Brihat :ata"a If the Sun occu$ies the 1st house at a
$erson,s birth he !ill be #aliant, obstinate, !ill ha#e
defecti#e e*es and be cruel hearted% But if Aries be
the ascendant, the $erson !ill earn himself but !ill
suffer from e*e disease% If the Sun be in 8eo, the
$erson concerned !ill be night blind% If 8ibra be the
ascendant, the nati#e !ill be blind and $oor as !ell% If
the ascendant be 6ancer !ith the Sun in it, the
$erson concerned !ill ha#e inflamed e*es%
Sara#ali If the Sun be in the ascendant the nati#e !ill
be la&*, of 'uic" tem$er, $roud, cruel, #aliant and
unforgi#ing% He !ill ha#e cataract in his e*es if the
Sun be in 6ancer% He !ill ha#e defecti#e e*e sight, if
Sun be in Aries in the ascendant% The Sun in 8eo !ill
ma"e the nati#e night blind% If the Sun be in 8ibra, the
nati#e !ill be $oor and issueless%
6hamat"ar 6hintamani The nati#e !ho has the Sun
in the ascendant has a good nose and bod* and a
high forehead% He is troubled on account of his !ife,
children and famil*% He suffers from bilious diseases%
He is al!a*s tra#elling% His !ealth is not constant% He
has u$s and do!ns in this res$ect%
The Sun in the Second House
Sutras //--/ If the Sun is in the second house, the
nati#e !ill suffer from diseases of the mouth% In his
/+th *ear he !ill incur !rath of 5o#ernment and as a
conse'uence !ill suffer loss of !ealth% This !ill not
ha$$en if the Sun is in Aries 1that is, e(alted3 or in 8eo
1o!n sign3% If Sun is associated !ith a malefic, the
nati#e !ill get diseases of the e*e, he !ill ha#e little
"no!ledge of ancient scri$tures 1Shastras3 and !ill
remain in ill health% If the Sun is as$ected b* benefics
the nati#e !ill be $rotected from the abo#e e#il effects
and !ill become !ealth*% If the Sun is !ith 2ercur*
the nati#e !ill stammer in s$eech% If the lord of the
second house is $osited in his sign of e(altation, the
nati#e !ill tal" succinctl* and clearl*, !ill ha#e
"no!ledge of ancient scri$tures, !ill be learned, !ill
enDo* good e*e sight% This dis$osition !ill cause
RaDa*oga as a result of !hich nati#e !ill ac'uire
name, fame and !ealth%
Brihat :ata"a The $erson concerned !ill be
immensel* rich but !ill be de$ri#ed of his !ealth b* a
"ing and !ill suffer diseases in the face%
Phaldee$i"a The $erson concerned !ill be de#oid of
-0 learning, modest* and !ealth% He !ill ha#e defect
in his s$eech%
Sara#ali The nati#e !ill $ossess cattle and ser#ants%
He !ill suffer from disease of the mouth% He !ill be
bereft of fame and comforts% He !ill ac'uire !ealth
from the "ing or the thie#es b* 'uestionable means%
6hamat"ar 6hintamani-The nati#e !ill be learned% He
!ill $ossess co!s, horses and ele$hants% He !ill incur
e($enditure on good causes% He !ill 'uarrel !ith
members of his famil* on account of his !ife% All his
efforts to ac'uire !ealth !ill go in #ain%
The Sun in the Third House
Sutras ---E/ If the Sun is in the third house, the
nati#e !ill be brotherless 1no *ounger brothers3 and
his elder brothers !ill not sur#i#e% In the Eth, +th Bth
and the 1/th *ears he !ill suffer from bodil* troubles%
If the Sun is associated !ith a malefic, the <ati#e !ill
do cruel deeds% He !ill ha#e t!o mothers and !ill be
#alourous because !hen the Sun alone !ill den*
*ounger brothers #ide Sutra --, ho! can he !ith
association of a malefic gi#e t!o brothers3% He !ill be
a bra#e fighter% He !ill ha#e a good re$utation and !ill
enDo* his !ealth% If the Sun is associated !ith a
benefic, the brothers !ill become $ros$erous% If the
lord of the third house is strong, the brother !ill be
long li#ed% If the Sun is associated !ith a malefic and
is also as$ected b* a malefic the famil* !ill be
destro*ed % If the Sun is as$ected b* a benefic 1and
has no malefic influence3 there !ill be gro!th of famil*
and the nati#e !ill be !ealth*, !ill enDo* good life and
!ill be ha$$*%
Brihat :ata"a The $erson concerned !ill $ossess a
good intellect and great strength%
Phaldee$i"a-The nati#e !ill be mil of strength,
#alourous, !ealth* and generous but he !ill be
inimical to!ards his relations%
2ansagari The nati#e !ill ha#e no brothers% He !ill
do good to his friends and !ill ha#e !ife and children%
He !ill be !ealth*, $atient, of forgi#ing nature and !ill
be li"ed b* !omen%
Sara#ali The nati#e !ill be #alourous, full of strength,
res$ected, good loo"ing, learned and con'ueror of
6hamat"ar 6hintamani The nati#e !ill be full of
#alour% He suffers on account of his real brothers% He
goes on $ilgrimages and al!a*s con'uers his
enemies in the battle field% He is $ro#ided !ith
comforts b* the "ing%
<ote It !ill be seen that e(ce$t in some res$ects, the
effects of the Sun in the third house gi#en in the
abo#e !or"s tall* !ith those gi#en b* Bhrigu Sutras%
Ho!e#er, Bhrigu Sutras has em$hasised the
necessit* of benefic influence on the Sun and the
third house !hich is logicall* maintainable%
The Sun in >ourth House
Sutras E--+.-If the Sun is in the fourth house, the
nati#e !ill ha#e defecti#e limbs, he !ill be $roud, !ill
be o$$osed to the $ublic and !ill be hot
constitutionall*% In the -/nd *ear of his life he !ill get
congenial en#ironments% He !ill then become
res$ected and successful, !ill be learned, attain a
high $osition and !ill become #alorous% He !ill not,
ho!e#er, be !ell off financiall*% If the lord of Eth house
is strong 1b* being e(alted3 or is in his o!n sign and is
$osited in a 'uadrant 17endra3 or trine 1tri"ona house
namel* 1,+ or ?3, he !ill ac'uire high class
con#e*ances% If the lord of the Eth is associated !ith
or as$ected b* a malefic or is $laced in a bad house
1-, 0,B or 1/3, the nati#e !ill ha#e to do !ith a lo!
t*$e of con#e*ance% He !ill ha#e no land of his o!n
and !ill li#e in other $eo$le,s houses%
Brihat :ata"a The $erson concerned !ill ha#e no
ha$$iness and !ill be troubled in mind%
Phaldee$i"a The nati#e !ill be unha$$*, !ithout
friends and relations and an* land or house% He !ill
also lose his $aternal $ro$ert*%
2ansagari The nati#e !ill be #er* sociable, soft
hearted, e($ert in #ocal and instrumental music,
con'ueror, !ill enDo* com$an* of his !ife and !ealth
and !ill be li"ed b* the "ing%
Sara#ali The nati#e !ill be unha$$*, !ithout !ealth
and con#e*ances, $aternal house% He !ill s'uander
a!a* !hat he has and !ill be in the ser#ice of a
!ic"ed "ing%
6hamat"ar 6hintamani The nati#e !ill al!a*s remain
a!a* from his nati#e $lace% He !ill be defeated b* his
enem* and !ill ha#e no $eace of mind%
The Sun in the >ifth House
Sutras +1-+B If the Sun is in the fifth house, the
nati#e !ill be $oor, of bul"* bod* and in his se#enth
*ear his father !ill face death, serious illness or
misfortune% The nati#e !ill be !ise and brilliant but !ill
ha#e fe! children% If the lord of the +th is !ell $laced
and strong there !ill be no death of sons% If the Sun is
associated !ith Rahu or 7etu, there !ill be loss of
children due to curse of the Ser$ent 5od% If the Sun is
in conDunction !ith 2ars, there !ill be loss of children
due to enem* but there !ill be no such loss if the
combination of the Sun and Rahu or the Sun and
7etu or the Sun and 2ars is as$ected b* a benefic
1:u$iter or 4enus3% Ahen the Sun is in the fifth house
the nati#e !ill become a de#otee of the Sun 5od% If
the Sun is strong the children !ill be $ros$erous%
Brihat :ata"a The $erson concerned !ill be childless
and !ith out !ealth%
Phaldee$i"a The nati#e !ill be bereft of ha$$iness,
!ealth and children% He !ill also be short li#ed% He !ill
be intelligent and !ise and !ill be fond of !andering
in the Dungles%
Sara#ali The nati#e !ill be unha$$*, $oor, !ithout
children, agriculturist, resident of mountainous
regions, !ise, !ithout bodil* strength and short li#ed%
6hamat"ar 6hintamani The nati#e !ill lose his eldest
son% He !ill be #er* intelligent and !ill influence
others b* his su$erior "no!ledge% He !ill accumulate
!ealth% He !ill die on account of some stomach
The Sun in the Si(th House
Sutras +?-0B If the Sun is in the si(th house, the
nati#e !ill belong to lo!er caste% He !ill ha#e man*
enemies but !ill be #er* !ell off financiall*% In his
t!entieth *ear the nati#e !ill suffer from e*e diseases,
but if the Sun is as$ected b* a benefic, he !ill not
suffer from e*e afflictions% The nati#e !ill !ander in
Dungles and !ill ta"e great interest in chantingI
mantras% He !ill ha#e good re$utation but he !ill ha#e
mental !orries and !ill be constitutionall* hot% If the
lord of the si(th is associated !ith a benefic, the
nati#e !ill enDo* good health% He !ill ha#e man*
relations and man* enemies% If the lord of the si(th is
!ea", there !ill be destruction of enemies% The father
!ill also $ossess a !ea" constitution%
Brihat :ata"a The $erson born !ill be $o!erful but
!ill be o#er $o!ered b* his enemies%
Phaldee$i"a The nati#e !ill be glorious li"e a "ing%
He !ill be famous, !ealth*, endo!ed !ith good
'ualities and a con'ueror%
Sara#ali The nati#e !ill be #er* $assionate, !ill suffer
from acidic troubles, !ill be $o!erful, !ealth*, a "ing
or li"e a "ing%
6hamat"ar 6hintamani The nati#e !ill be destro*er
of enemies% His !ealth !ill be s$ent on the "ing
15o#ernment, or on friends% He !ill be troubled b*
maternal relations and animals and tribals%
The Sun in the Se#enth House
Sutras 0?-@E If the Sun is in the se#enth house the
marriage of the nati#e !ill ta"e $lace late 1that is, long
after the marriageable age3% He !ill not res$ect the
o$$osite se(% He !ill indulge in se(ual relations !ith
!omen other than his !ife% He !ill ha#e more than
one !ife% In his /+th *ear he !ill tra#el to a $lace far
a!a* from his nati#e land% He !ill be !itt* and fond of
non-#egetarian food% He !ill not ha#e fair dealings
!ith his !ife% He !ill be of unstable mind% If the Sun is
$osited in his o!n sign 8eo, the nati#e !ill li#e !ith
onl* one !ife% If the Sun is associated !ith an enem*
or debilitated $lanet, or if he is associated !ith or
as$ected b* a malefic, the nati#e !ill ha#e a number
of !i#es 1or !ill ha#e se(ual contacts !ith man*
Brihat :ata"a The $erson concerned should suffer
humiliation at the hands of !omen%
Phaldee$i"a Some $art of the bod* of the nati#e !ill
be afflicted% The nati#e !ill act against the interests of
the 5o#t% He !ill !ander aimlessl* and get humiliated%
The nati#e !ill be de#oid of ha$$iness from !ife%
Sara#ali The nati#e !ill be !ithout luster on his face,
he !ill get humiliated in $ublic, he !ill suffer from
diseases and !ill do deeds !hich ma* lead him into
$rison% He !ill be immoral and !ill ha#e no res$ect for
6hamat"ar 6hintamani-The !ife of the nati#e !ill
suffer% The bod* of the nati#e !ill be afflicted% He !ill
al!a*s be !orr*ing% He !ill suffer loss in business%
Because of his Dealous nature he !ill ne#er get $ro$er
The Sun in the )ighth House
Sutras @+-B/ If the Sun is in the eighth house the
nati#e !ill get fe! children% He !ill suffer from e*e
diseases% In the *ear he !ill suffer from a head
inDur* but he !ill not get this if the Sun is as$ected b*
a benefic% The nati#e !ill ha#e meager !ealth and the
domestic cattle, co!, buffaloes belonging to the nati#e
!ill get destro*ed% He !ill suffer from chronic ailments
of the bod* but he !ill be famous% If the lord of eighth
is associated !ith strong $lanets, the nati#e !ill
become o!ner of the land of his choice% If the Sun is
e(alted 1in Aries3 or in his o!n sign 18eo3, the nati#e
!ill be long li#ed%
Brihat :ata"a The nati#e !ill ha#e a limited number of
issues and !ill ha#e defecti#e e*e sight%
Phaldee$i"a There !ill be loss of !ealth, loss of
longe#it*, loss of friends, $oor e*e sight%
Sara#ali The nati#e !ill suffer from e*e troubles, !ill
be de#oid of ha$$iness and !ealth, !ill be short li#ed
and unha$$* because of se$aration from near and
dear ones%
6hamat"ar 6hintamani The nati#e !ill al!a*s be
read* to do an* !or" entrusted to him% He !ill al!a*s
be in difficult*% He !ill ha#e close relations !ith foreign
!omen% He !ill be a drug addict% His mone* !ill be
stolen b* thie#es% He !ill suffer from diseases of the
secret organs%
The Sun in the <inth House
Sutras B--B@ If the Sun is in the ?th, nati#e !ill be a
de#otee of the Sun and other 5ods% He !ill be
religious-minded but not much fortunate and !ill be
inimical to father% If the Sun is e(alted or is in his o!n
sign the results !ill be #er* fa#ourable namel*, the
nati#e !ill be blessed !ith !ife and children% The
nati#e,s father !ill be long li#ed% He !ill also be #er*
!ealth*, !ill ta"e interest in religious rites and
meditation and !ill be de#oted to the $rece$tor and
5od% If the Sun is $osited in his sign of debilitation
18ibra3, enem* or malefic sign or if he is as$ected b*
a malefic, there !ill be loss of father 1this means that
this dis$osition !ill ad#ersel* affect the longe#it* of
the father3% If the Sun is as$ected b* or associated
!ith a benefic, the father !ill be long li#ed%
Brihat :ata"a The $erson concerned !ill be endo!ed
!ith children, !ealth and ha$$iness%
Phaldee$i"a The father of the nati#e !ill not be
ha$$* and be shortli#ed% The nati#e !ill get ha$$iness
from children and relations, and !ill $a* res$ect to
Brahmins 1religious leaders3 and 5od%
Sara#ali The nati#e !ill be !ealth*, blessed !ith
children, de#otee of Brahmins and 5od and inimical
to!ards mother%
6hamat"ar 6hintamani The nati#e !ill be an e#il
$erson, he !ill al!a*s be mentall* !orried, he !ill
$erform religious rites un!illingl* and !ill suffer from
the hands of his real brothers%
The Sun in the Tenth House
Sutras BB-?+ If the Sun is in the tenth house, the
nati#e !ill ma"e distincti#e achie#ements in the
educational s$here b* his 1Bth *ear, and !ill become
famous and 'uite ca$able of learning !ell% If three
$lanets as$ect the Sun, the nati#e !ill be li"ed b* -the
"ing 15o#ernment3, he !ill do $ious deeds, !ill be
#er* bra#e and #alorous and earn good re$utation% If
the Sun is e(alted 1that is, he is in Aries3 or is in his
o!n sign 8eo, the nati#e !ill become $o!erful and
famous on account of his good 'ualities and
achie#ements% He !ill construct reser#oirs and
tem$les and $laces for housing co!s and Brahmins% If
the Sun is in the sign of a malefic, or is as$ected b* or
associated !ith a malefic, there !ill be obstructions in
his $rofessional career% He !ill indulge in e#il deeds,
!ill be of undesirable conduct, immoral and sinful%
Brihat :ata"a The $erson concerned !ill be ha$$*
and $o!erful%
Phaldee$i"a The nati#e !ill be blessed !ith children
and !ill ha#e all comfort,of con#e*ances% He !ill be
!ise, !ealth*, $o!erful and of good re$utation%
Sara#ali The nati#e !ill be blessed !ith children and
!ill be !ise and !ealth*% He !ill enDo* the comfort of
con#e*ances% He !ill achie#e success in his
$rofession, !ill remain uncon'uered and !ill be noble
and !ill attain high status%
6hamat"ar 6hintamard The nati#e !in achie#e
success in his !or" li"e a "ing% He !ill cause $ain to
his mother 1as Sun as a malefic as$ects the fourth
house !hich is significator for mother3 and !ill get
se$arated from his relations% He !ill al!a*s be
mentall* !orried%
The Sun in the )le#enth House
Sutras ?0-1./ If the Sun is in the ele#enth house the
nati#e !ill ha#e substantial income from agricultural
o$erations% In his /+th *ear he !ill ac'uire
con#e*ances% B* the use of his !ealth and di$lomatic
tal", he !ill be able to ac'uire more !ealth% He !ill
suffer from a serious "ind of fe#er and !ill ha#e
cordial relations !ith his em$lo*ees% If the Sun is !ith
a malefic he !ill incur lot of e($enditure and !ill be
!ithout an* con#e*ance% If the Sun is in his o!n sign
or is e(alted, he !ill ha#e immense !ealth% If the Sun
is in conDunction !ith the lord of the Eth house, he !ill
ha#e sources of income at man* $laces and !ill
ac'uire con#e*ances and !ill be #er* fortunate%
Brihat :ata"a The Sun in the 11th house !ill ma"e
the $erson born !ealth*%
Phaldee$i"a The nati#e !ill be !ealth*, longli#ed and
ha$$*% He !ill ha#e command o#er man* $ersons,
that is, he !ill be of high status%
Sara#aliThe nati#e !ill accumulate !ealth, !ill be
$o!erful, !ill hate others, !ill be !ithout ser#ants, !ill
stic" to his !ords and !ill be successful in his
6hamat"ar 6hifitamani The nati#e !ill ac'uire !ealth
from the "ing 15o#ernment3 and $ossess man* "inds
of !ealth% He !ill destro* his enemies b* his #alour
but !ill be unha$$* in the matter of children%
The Sun in the T!elfth House
Sutras 1.--11. If the Sun is in the 1/th house, the
nati#e !ill suffer from a$$endicitis in the -0th *ear of
his life% He !ill !aste his mone* on undesirable
$ur$oses, he !ill be sinful and !ill incur loss of
!ealth% He !ill be accused of "illing a co! and !ill li#e
a!a* from his nati#e land% If the Sun is associated
!ith strong and aus$icious $lanet or $lanets the
nati#e !ill enDo* blessings of 5od% He !ill also enDo*
bed comforts 1se(ual $leasures3% If the Sun is in
conDunction !ith malefics the nati#e !ill incur !asteful
e($enditure and !ill be de$ri#ed of bed comforts% If
the Sun is associated !ith the lord of the si(th house
the nati#e !ill suffer from le$ros* but he !ill reco#er
from this disease if a benefic as$ects the Sun% The
$resence of the Sun in the 1/th also !ill ma"e the
nati#e sinful and there !ill be aggra#ation of the
diseases he suffers from%
Brihat :ata"a The $erson !ill suffer degradation%
Phaldee$i"a The nati#e !ill be inimical to!ards his
father% He !ill suffer from e*e troubles% He !ill be
!ithout !ealth and childless%
Sara#ali The nati#e !ill ha#e a lean bod*% He !ill be
one e*ed, sinful, childless, inimical to his father,
$o!erless and mean%
6hamat"ar 6hintamani The nati#e !ill suffer from
e*e troubles% He !ill be #ictorious in the battlefield% He
!ill li#e at onl* one $lace to earn his li#elihood% He !ill
gain !ealth during Dourne*s%
PART / - /
)ffects of the 2oon in T!el#e Houses
The 2oon in the first House of Ascendant
Sutras 1-B If the 2oon is in the first house
1ascendant3, the nati#e !ill be #er* handsome loo"ing
but unstead* mentall*% He !ill suffer from bodil*
troubles and !ill be ha$$* at !ater* $laces% He !ill
$erform man* tra#els in his 1+th *ear% If the 2oon in
the Ascendant is in Aries, Taurus or 6ancer, the nati#e
!ill be !ell #ersed in shastras 1Hindu religious
scri$tures3, !ealth*, ha$$* and soft s$o"en% He !ill
ha#e soft s"in and strong build but he !ill not be
intelligent% If the 2oon is as$ected b* benefics, the
nati#e !ill be $o!erful, !ise, intelligent, health*,
cle#er con#ersationalist and !ealth*% If the lord of the
ascendant is !ea", the nati#e !ill suffer from ill
health% If he is as$ected b* a benefic the health !ill be
Brihat :ata"a The $erson concerned !ill be mute,
insane, stu$id, blind, base or mean, deaf or ser#ile
1this does not a$$l* to birth !ith 2oon in Aries, Taurus
or 6ancer3% If the 2oon should occu$* her o!n house
identical !ith the Ascendant, the $erson !ill be rich% If
Aries ta"es the $lace of 6ancer, the $erson
concerned !ill ha#e man* children% If Taurus be the
ascendant, the $erson !ill be !ealth*%
Phaldee$i"a If the 2oon of the bright half of the lunar
month 1Su"la Pa"sha3 is in the ascendant, the nati#e
!ill be fearless, of strong bod*, !ealth* and long
li#ed% Juite o$$osite !ill be the results if the 2oon is
of dar" half of the lunar month%
Sara#ali If the 2oon is in Aries, Taurus or 6ancer in
the ascendant or if the full 2oon is $osited in other
ascendants, the nati#e !ill head in handsomeness,
generosit*, good 'ualities, !ealth and enDo*ment%
A !aning 2oon in the ascendant !ill ma"e the nati#e
mean, deaf, mute and $erturbed%
6hamat"ar 6hintamani-If the 2oon be in Aries,
Taurus and 6ancer in the ascendant, the $erson
concerned !ill be rich, lustrous and !ill enDo* all "inds
of comforts% If 2oon be in 5emini, 8eo, 4irgo, 8ibra,
Scor$io 6a$ricorn, A'uarius and Pisces in the
ascendant, the nati#e !ill be $oor, !ea" bodied,
stu$id and deaf%
The 2oon in the Second House
Sutras ?-1E-The nati#e !ill be handsome in
a$$earance, full of glor*, !ealth* and easil* satisfied%
In his 1Bth *ear he !ill get the a$$ointment as his
commander-in-chief b* the "ing 1this can also mean
that he gets a distinguished $rofessional achie#ement
b* the fa#our of the "ing in his 1Bth *ear3% If the 2oon
is associated !ith a malefic, the nati#e !ill be
uneducated% If the 2oon is in conDunction !ith benefic
or benefics, the nati#e !ill be highl* educated and
!ealth*% If onl* %full 2oon is in the second house, the
nati#e !ill be #er* !ealth* and highl* educated%
Brihat :ata"a The $erson concerned !ill ha#e a
Phaldee$i"a If the 2oon is in the second the nati#e
!ill be soft s$o"en and !ill enDo* all material comforts,
but there !ill be something !rong !ith his s$eech%
Sara#ali <ati#e !ill get all comforts of life and
ha$$iness, !ill ha#e friends and !ill be !ealth*% If
there is full 2oon in the second house the nati#e !ill
be #er* rich but !ill not be much tal"ati#e%
6hamat"ar 6hintamani The nati#e !ill gain !ealth
and enDo* all comforts of the bod* 1that is, he !ill be
#er* health*3% He !ill enDo* !omen and !ill be
affectionate to!ards members of his famil*% He !ill be
#er* handsome%
The 2oon in the Third House
Sutras 1+-1B If the 2oon is in the third house the
nati#e !ill ha#e a#erage number of sisters% He !ill
suffer from rheumatic troubles, his agricultural out$ut
!ill be negligible and he !ill be unfortunate% In his
/Eth *ear he !ill get $unishment from 5o#ernment as
a result of !hich he !ill ha#e to suffer loss of !ealth%
He !ill lose his cattle !ealth% He !ill be a bac"biter
but intelligent and !ill ha#e good number of brothers%
Brihat :ata"a The nati#e !ill be cruel%
Phaldee$i"a The nati#e !ill be ha$$* on account of
his brothers% He !ill be into(icated !ith $o!er and !ill
be courageous, but miser%
Sara#ali The nati#e !ill loo"% after his brothers !ell,
he !ill be health* and strong and also courageous%
He !ill be educated and !ill accumulate clothes and
6hamat"ar 6hintamani-The $erson concerned !ill
ac'uire !ealth through his #alour 1that is b* arm*
ser#ice3% He !ill be a $o!erful saint e#en after ha#ing
se(ual contacts !ith man* !omen% He !ill earn fame
on account of his religious accom$lishments% He !ill
enDo* ha$$iness from the side of his brothers%
The 2oon in the >ourth House
Sutras 1?-/E The nati#e !ill be cro!ned as a "ing
1that is he !ill attain a #er* high status in
5o#ernment3, he !ill o!n man* horses 1no!-a-da*s
he !ill o!n man* con#e*ances3 and he !ill enDo*
agricultural and financial $ros$erit* but his mother !ill
be sic"l*% The nati#e !ill ha#e mil" to drin" in
abundant 'uantities but he !ill be brought u$ on
breast mil" of !omen other than his mother% He !ill
get $lentiful good food to eat and be ha$$* but he !ill
be fond of !omen other than his !ife% If the 2oon is
strong b* being full or in his o!n sign 6ancer, the
mother !ill be long li#ed% She !ill be short li#ed if the
2oon is !ea" 1that is, !aning3% The !aning 2oon !ill
also de$ri#e him of the comforts of con#e*ances but
he !ill enDo* these comforts if the 2oon is strong% If
the lord of the Eth is e(alted, the nati#e !ill ha#e the
good fortune of o!ning man* "inds of con#e*ances%
Brihat :ata"a The $erson !ill be ha$$*%
Phaldee$i"a If the 2oon is in the fourth house, the
nati#e !ill be ha$$*, fond of lu(uries and !omen and
of sacrificing s$irit% He !ill ha#e good friends, good
re$utation and !ill enDo* the comfort of con#e*ances%
Sara#ali The <ati#e !ill be !ell $ro#ided !ith friends
and relations, grains, house, con#e*ances and !ill be
#er* ha$$*% He !ill conduct business across the ri#ers
or oceans%
6hamat"ar 6hintamani The $erson concerned !ill
occu$* a $osition of high status !ith the "ing
15o#ernment3% He !ill lead a ha$$* married life and
!ill be blessed !ith children% The nati#e !ill not get
much ha$$iness in his childhood%
The 2oon in he >ifth House
Sutras /+--/ If the 2oon is in the fifth house the
nati#e !ill be successful in $leasing deities 1b* his
de#oted !orshi$3% The !ife of the nati#e !ill be good
loo"ing but 'uic" tem$ered and !ill ha#e an ugl* birth
mar" in bet!een her breasts% The nati#e !ill ac'uire
cattle !ealth, !ill ha#e t!o !i#es, !ill ha#e abundant
su$$l* of mil", !ill be of ,sat!i", nature and a hard
!or"er% He !ill be !orried and !ill beget a number of
daughters and onl* one son% He !ill be a !orshi$$er
of female deities% If the 2oon is as$ected b* or
associated !ith a benefic or benefics the nati#e !ill
do good to others% This !ill not ha$$en if the 2oon
has malefic influence b* association or as$ect% If the
2oon is strong b* being a full 2oon, the nati#e !ill
ta"e interest in feeding others, he !ill be $o!erful and
!ill be full of glor* b* the blessings of man* learned
$eo$le% He !ill do $ious deeds, !ill be #er* fortunate
and $ros$erous, learned and a RaD*ogi 1one !ho
!hile being in a high and $ros$erous situation enDo*s
!orldl* things but remains saintl* and $ossesses a
sense of detachment and renunciation% >or e(am$le,
because of such 'ualities 7ing :ana" !as "noan as
RaDarishi or RaD*ogi3%
Brihat :ata"a The nati#e !ill ha#e children%
Phaldee$i"a The nati#e !i;:oe highl* intellectual
and !ill ha#e good sons% He !ill become a minister of
the "ing%
Sara#ali The nati#e !ill be timid, educated and !ill
ac'uire and accumulate clothes and grains% He !ill
ha#e friends and children and !ill be !ise and full of
6hamat"ar 6hintamani The nati#e !ill enDo*
ha$$iness in the matter of children% He !ill ac'uire
agricultural !ealth and lands% He !ill be of $ious mind
and he !ill ac'uire !ealth b* doing ban"ing and other
The 2oon in the Si(th House
Sutras ---E. If the 2oon is in the si(th, the nati#e !ill
be $oor and of diseased bod*% In his -0th *ear nati#e
!ill de#elo$ illicit relations !ith a !ido!% If the 2oon is
associated !ith a malefic the nati#e !ill indulge in
sinful deeds% If the 2oon is in conDunction !ith Rahu
or 7etu the nati#e !ill be bereft of !ealth, he !ill ha#e
dangerous enemies, !ill be 'uarrelsome, !ithout
brothers and !ill suffer from stomach ailments% If this
dis$osition !ater* $laces li"e $onds, !ells, ma* $ro#e
dangerous for his life% If the 2oon is in conDunction
!ith a malefic the nati#e !ill suffer from ill health% If
the 2oon is !aning, it !ill gi#e totall* malefic results%
If the 2oon is in conDunction !ith a benefic the nati#e
!ill ha#e strong constitution and !ill be free from
Brihat :ata"a The $erson concerned !ill ha#e man*
enemies, !ill ha#e a delicate constitution and a
d*s$e$tic a$$etite% His se(ual $assion !ill also be
!ea"% He !ill be harsh in tem$erament and indolent
in his !or"%
Phaldee$i"a The nati#e !ill be short li#ed and stu$id%
He !ill suffer from stomach ailments and !ill be
defeated and humiliated b* enemies%
Sara#ali The nati#e !ill suffer from stomach ailments%
If the 2oon is !ea" 1!aning3, the nati#e !ill be short
6hamat"ar 6hintamani The nati#e !ill be o$$osed to
"ing 15o#ernment3 and !ill ac'uire fame b* his o!n
glorious deeds% He !ill con'uer his enemies% He !ill
not be de#oted to his mother%
The 2oon in the Se#enth House
Sutras E1-E0 If the 2oon is in the se#enth house the
nati#e !ill be soft s$o"en and !ill get a !ife in his
-/nd *ear% He !ill ha#e some defect in his e*es and
#ttll be fond of !omen% He !ill ha#e to undergo
surger* caused b* contacts !ith !omen% He !ill get
fa#ours from the "ing 15o#ernment3% If the lord of the
se#enth is $o!erful he !ill ha#e t!o !i#es% If the
2oon is !ea" 1!aning3, there !ill be loss of !ife% If
the 2oon is full, or $o!erful or in his o!n sign, there
!ill be onl* one !ife and all comforts and lu(uries !ill
be a#ailable to him%
Brihat :ata"a The $erson concerned !ill be en#ious
and !ill be e(ceedingl* o#er head and ears in lo#e%
Phaldee$i"a The nati#e and his !ife !ill both be #er*
good loo"ing and !ill lo#e each other%
Sara#ali The nati#e !ill be good-loo"ing, !ell
beha#ed, ha$$* and $assionate% If the 2oon be !ea"
1!aning3, the nati#e !ill be $oor and !ill suffer from ill
6hamat"ar 6hintamani The nati#e !ill get all
ha$$iness from his !ife% He !ill enDo* gains in inland
trade and business% He !ill li"e s!eet dishes% He !ill
be #er* greed*% He !ill be so !ea" that he !ill get
defeat from his enemies%
The 2oon in the )ighth House
=f comfort from con#e*ances% Aater* $laces li"e
$onds, tan"s, !ells etc% !ill be sources of danger to
his life% He !ill be se$arated from his relations on
account of his !ife% If the 2oon is in her =!n sign or
e(alted, the nati#e !ill be long-li#ed% He !ill ha#e
medium s$an of life if the 2oon is !aning%
Brihat :ata"a The $erson !ill ha#e a fic"le mind and
suffer from diseases%
Phaldee$i"a The nati#e !ill suffer from diseases and
!ill be shortli#ed%
Sara#ali The nati#e !ill be intelligent, full of glor* and
lean and thin on account of diseases he !ill suffer
from% If there is !aning 2oon in the Bth the nati#e !ill
be shortli#ed%
6hamat"ar 6hintamani The nati#e !ill al!a*s be
surrounded b* $h*sicians 1this means he !ill al!a*s
be sic"l*3% He !ill suffer from horrible afflictions, !ill
al!a*s be in fear from enemies and !ill ha#e to face
man* ad#ersities%
The 2oon in the <inth House
Sutras E@-+- If the 2oon is in the ninth house, the
nati#e !ill be highl* learned and charitable% He !ill
construct $onds, tan"s for the good of others and
shelters for co!s% He !ill also be fortunate in the
matter of children !ho !ill be $ros$erous% If the 2oon
is full, the nati#e himself !ill be #er* fortunate and his
father !ill be long-li#ed% If 2oon is in conDunction !ith
a malefic or in the house of a malefic, the nati#e !ill
be unfortunate and !ill suffer loss of his $arents earl*
in his life%
Brihat :ata"a The $erson concerned !ill $ossess
sons, friends relations and !ealth%
Phaldee$i"a The nati#e !ill $erform $ious deeds and
!ill ha#e sons 1children3%
Sara#ali The nati#e !ill be a de#otee of 5ods and
obedient to his $arents% He !ill be ha$$* and
intelligent and !ill be blessed !ith children% He !ill
also be attracti#e for members of the o$$osite se(%
6hamat"ar 6hintamani The nati#e !ill be res$ected
b* all, e#en Brahmins% He !ill become fortunate from
his *oung age and !ill be courageous%
The 2oon in the Tenth House
Sutras +E-0. If the 2oon is in the tenth house the
nati#e !ill achie#e high academic attainments% He !ill
be brilliant, !ill do $ious deeds, !ill be famous and
"ind hearted% If the lord of the tenth is $o!erfull*
dis$osed, the nati#e !ill be highl* #irtuous% If the
2oon is in coDnunction !ith or as$ected b* a malefic,
the nati#e !ill ha#e illicit relations !ith a !ido! in his
/@th *ear and !ill earn bitterness of the $eo$le on
that account% He !ill indulge in sinful deeds and !ill
ha#e to face obstacles in all s$heres of his life%
Brihat :ata"a The $erson !ill com$lete to $erfection
an*thing he underta"es and !ill be endo!ed !ith
#irtue, !ealth, intellect and #alour%
Phaldee$i"a The nati#e !ill be con'ueror, and he !ill
get success #er* earl* in an* #enture he underta"es%
He !ill do #irtuous deeds%
Sara#ali-The nati#e !ill be ha$$*, de#oted to his !or"
!hich he !ill $erform successfull*, !ealth*, $ious,
#alorous and charitable%
The 2oon in the )le#enth House
Sutras 01-0? If the 2oon is in the ele#enth house,
the nati#e !ill be highl* learned, !ill ha#e sons and
!ill be hel$ful to others% At the age of +. he !ill be
father of man* sons% He !ill also $ossess
$raise!orth* 'ualities% If the lord of the ele#enth
house is !ea", the nati#e !ill lie $ut to lot of
e($enditure% If the lord of the ele#enth is strong 1and
!ell dis$osed3 the nati#e !ill ha#e gains of !ealth%
The $resence of the 2oon in the ele#enth !ill enable
nati#e to ac'uire !ealth !ithout much effort% If the
2oon is in conDunction !ith 4enus the nati#e !ill be
o!ner of con#e*ances $ulled b* men% He !ill be
highl* educated, !ill o!n lands, !ill be fortunate and
$rotector of others%
Brihat :ata"a The $erson concerned !ill become
famous and !ill ac'uire !ealth and the li"e%
Phaldee$i"a The nati#e !ill be a great thin"er, long
li#ed, !ealth* and !ill be blessed !ith sons% He !ill
also ha#e ser#ants%
Sara#ali The nati#e !ill be !ealth*, !ill ha#e man*
sons, long li#ed, !ill be a good friend and !ill ha#e
ser#ants% He !ill be a great thin"er, full of glor*,
#alorous and famous%
6hamat"ar 6hintamani The nati#e !ill get honours,
authorit* and good dresses from the "ing% He !ill be
#er* !ealth* and !ill ha#e beautiful damsels to enDo*%
He !ill often be unsuccessful in his efforts and he !ill
beget daughters onl*%
The 2oon in the T!elfth House
Sutras @.-@1 If the 2oon is in the t!elfth house, the
nati#e !ill be de$ri#ed of good food, !ill incur
!asteful e($enditure, !ill be of angr* nature, !ill earn
mone* b* 'uestionable means 1li"e gambling, racing,
trading in !omen etc3, !ill suffer from diseases as a
result of contacts !ith !omen 1li"e #enereal diseases3
and !ill ha#e no grains% If the 2oon is associated !ith
a benefic, the nati#e !ill be learned "ind-hearted, !ill
ha#e good friends and !ill go to hea#en after death% If
the 2oon is associated !ith a malefic, the nati#e !ill
go to hell%
Brihat :ata"a The $erson concerned !ill be !ic"edl*
dis$osed and defecti#e in some limb%
Phaldee$i"a The nati#e !ill be la&*, humiliated,
unha$$* and !ill not be li"ed b* others%
Sara#ali The nati#e !ill be mean, en#ious, la&*,
troubled and humiliated and !ill suffer from e*e
6hamat"ar 6hintamani The nati#e !ill al!a*s be
troubled b* enemies, e*e troubles and other
afflictions% His mone* !ill be s$ent on good causes%
He !ill be dissatisfied !ith his uncles and mother% His
efforts !ill $ro#e aborti#e%
PART / - -
)ffects of 2ars in the T!el#e Houses
>irst House 1Ascendant3
Sutras 1-? If 2ars is in the Ascendant the nati#e !ill
ha#e !ound mar"s in the bod* or mar"s left behind b*
boils% The nati#e !ill ha#e a stout bod*, !ill ha#e
stealing habit, a big na#el and reddish hands% He !ill
be cruel, strong, stu$id, of angr* tem$erament,
e(traordinaril* #alourous, !ealth*, unstable and he
!ill suffer from $eculiar diseases, sufferer of mental
troubles% He !ill also be of !ic"ed dis$osition% If 2ars
is in his o!n signs 1Aries or Scor$io3 or is e(alted%1is
in 6a$ricorn3, the nati#e !ill be health* and of strong
constitution, and !ill get honours from 5o#ernment
enhancing his re$utation% He !ill also be long li#ed% If
2ars is in conDunction !ith a malefic or enem* $lanet,
the nati#e !ill be short li#ed, !ill ha#e fe! children,
!ill ha#e an ugl* a$$earance and !ill suffer from
diseases and $ains on account of rheumatism% If 2ars
is e(alted in the Ascendant, the nati#e !ill be !ealth*
and !ill be fond of sight seeing% If 2ars is associated
!ith or as$ected b* malefic or is in enem* sign, the
nati#e !ill suffer from e*e diseases%
Brihat :ata"a The $erson concerned !ill ha#e an
inDured limb%
Phaldee$i"a The nati#e !ill be #er* cruel and
courageous% He !ill be short li#ed and !ill get inDuries
in his bod*%
Sara#ali The nati#e !ill be cruel, courageous, stu$id,
short li#ed, $roud*, #alourous, handsome and of
unstable mind%
6hamat"ar 6hintamani 8athi 1obDects made of iron
and fire3 !ill be source of danger to the life of the
nati#e% He !ill remain !orried and !ill suffer from the
loss of his !ife, children etc% Ho!e#er courageous he
ma* be, he !ill ha#e to face e#il conse'uences from
his actions%
2ars in the Second House
Sutras 1.-1+ If 2ars is in the second, the nati#e !ill
ha#e no education but he !ill gain !ealth% If the 2ars
is !ith the lord of the si(th house, the nati#e !ill suffer
from e*e troubles such as cataract, defecti#e
e*esight, blindness etc%, but this ma* not ha$$en or
the nati#e ma* reco#er from e*e troubles if the abo#e
combination is as$ected b* a benefic 1:u$iter or
4enus3% If 2ars is in one of his t!o signs, namel*
Aries or Scor$io or if he is e(alted 1is in 6a$ricorn3 the
nati#e !ill be !ell educated and !ill ha#e good
e*esight% If 2ars is in conDunction !ith a malefic, is in
the house of a malefic or is as$ected b* a malefic, the
nati#e !ill suffer from e*e troubles%
Brihat :ata"a The $erson concerned !ill eat bad
Phaldee$i"a The nati#e !ill ha#e an ugl* face, his
s$eech !ill not be $erfect, he !ill be uneducated and
!ill ser#e undesirable $ersons%
Sara#ali The nati#e !ill be $oor, he !ill eat bad food,
!ill ha#e an afflicted face, !ill mo#e in the societ* of
mean $eo$le and !ill be stu$id%
6hamat"ar 6hintamani The nati#e !ill be miser and
!ill defeat his enemies%
2ars in the Third House
Sutras 10-/+-If 2ars is in the third house, the nati#e
!ill ha#e no *ounger brothers or sisters and the
nati#e,s !ife !ill be of 'uestionable character but this
!ill not ha$$en if 2ars is as$ected b* a benefic% He
!ill also ha#e financial gains% If 2ars is associated
!ith Rahu or 7etu, the nati#e !ill ha#e association
!ith $rostitutes% He !ill ha#e inimical relations !ith his
brothers and !ill face difficulties on that account% His
!ife !ill ha#e a !ell- sha$ed female organ% He !ill
ha#e fe! brothers and sisters% If 2ars is associated
!ith or as$ected b* malefics, the nati#e !ill suffer
from loss of brothers 1and sisters3% If 2ars is in his
o!n sign 1Aries or Scor$io3 or is in his sign of
e(altation 16a$ricorn3, the brothers !ill be long-li#ed
and the nati#e !ill be $atient and bra#e% He !ill $ro#e
#er* #alourous in the battle-field% If 2ars occu$ies a
friendl* house, the nati#e !ill be courageous%
Brihat :ata"a )ffects same as for the Sun in the third
house% 1See Part II, 6ha$ter I3%
Phaldee$i"a The nati#e !ill be full of good 'ualities,
!ealth*, ha$$* and #alourous and he cannot be
su$$ressed b* an* bod*% But the nati#e !ill not be
ha$$* on account of his brothers 1this can mean that
he ma* ha#e no brothers or the relations bet!een him
and his brothers ma* be inimical3%
Sara#ali The nati#e !ill be #alourous, uncon'uerable,
!ithout brothers, e'ui$$ed !ith good 'ualities,
health* and famous%
6hamat"ar 6hintamani The nati#e !ill be #alourous,
!ealth* 1Aealth earned b* #alourous deeds3 unha$$*
on account of brothers and relations%
2ars in the >ourth House
Sutras /0--- If 2ars is in the fourth house, there !ill
be ad#ersities in the famil* of the nati#e causing
domestic disturbances% The father ma* die in the
eighth *ear of the nati#e,s and the mother of the
nati#e !ill al!a*s be in bad health% The nati#e !ill
enDo* good health but !ill ha#e no land of his o!n, he
!ill be $oor and li#e in a dila$idated house% He !ill
ha#e inimical relations !ith his near relati#es, !ill li#e
a!a* from his nati#e $lace and !ill be !ithout $ro$er
clothes% If 2ars is associated !ith 2ercur* 1his
enem*3, the nati#e ma* not ha#e a house of his o!n
but ma* ha#e to li#e in somebod* else,s house% If
2ars is in his o!n sign 1Aries or Scor$io3 or in his
sign of e(altation 16a$ricorn3 and is in conDunction
!ith a benefic or is in a friendl* sign, the nati#e !ill
o!n con#e*ances, lands and his mother !ill be long-
li#ed% If 2ars is in his sign of debilitation 16ancer3 and
is associated !ith a malefic or malefics or the lord of
the Bth house, the nati#e !ill suffer the loss of his
mother earl* in his life%
Brihat :ata"a The same effects as gi#en for the Sun
in fourth house 1$lease see $art II cha$ter I3%
Phaldee$i"a The nati#e !ill be !ithout mother 1that is
he !ill lose his mother in his earl* life3, !ill be !ithout
friends, ha$$iness, con#e*ances and lands%
Sara#ali The nati#e !ill ha#e no house, grains,
$ro$er clothes, relations, con#e*ances !ill ha#e no
ha$$iness and !ill ha#e to li#e in a house not his
6hamat"ar 6hintamani Ins$ite of the other $lanets
being fa#ourable in the horosco$e, if 2ars is in the
fourth, the nati#e !ill be de$ri#ed of ha$$iness from
father, mother, !ife and children 1in other !ords his
domestic life !ill be unha$$*3% But the nati#e gets
land and clothes b* the fa#our of the "ing
2ars in the >ifth House
Sutras -E-E+ If 2ars is in the fifth house the nati#e
!ill be $oor, !ill ha#e fe! or no children, !ill be
immoral and in the bad boo"s of the 5o#ernment% He
!ill suffer from cuts or !ounds in his si(th *ear% He
!ill be a liar but #er* shre!d% If 2ars is in his o!n
sign 1Aries or Scor$io3 or in his o!n sign of e(altation,
the nati#e !ill ha#e a good number of children and !ill
feed others% He !ill hold 5o#ernmental $ositions of
high status but !ill ha#e troubles from enemies% If
2ars is in conDunction !ith a malefic or is in the house
of a malefic there !ill be loss of children% He !ill suffer
from mental disorders and other such diseases% If he
is associated !ith the lord of the Bth house, he !ill be
sinful but bra#e% He ma* ha#e no children of his o!n
and ma* ha#e to ado$t one%
Brihat :ata"a Same effects as for the Sun in the fifth
house 1see $art II, cha$ter I3
Phaldee$i"a The nati#e !ill be !ithout children, !ill
not be intelligent, and !ill be a bac"biter%
Sara#ali The nati#e !ill be !ithout children, !ealth
and ha$$iness% He !ill be of unstable mind, a
bac"biter, !ic"ed, !orried and mean%
6hamat"ar 6hintamani-The nati#e !ill suffer from
h*$eracidit* and !ill be sinfull* inclined% The nati#e,s
!ife !ill suffer from abortions%
2ars in the Si(th House
Sutras E0-+- If 2ars is in the si(th house, the nati#e
!ill be famous, he !ill be successful in his
underta"ings, !ill defeat his enemies, !ill be blessed
!ith children, !ill ha#e marriage and ac'uire
con#e*ances 1horses and camels3 in his /@th *ear
and his enemies !ill cease to e(ist% If 2ars is
associated !ith or as$ected b* a malefic, the abo#e
results !ill be realised in their entiret* but the nati#e
!ill suffer from rheumatism, $ains etc% If 2ars is
$osited in an* of the signs o!ned b* 2ercur* 15emini
or 4irgo3, the nati#e !ill suffer from 8e$ros*% He !ill,
ho!e#er, reco#er from this disease if he is as$ected
b* a benefic%
Brihat :ata"a Same effects as gi#en for the Sun 1See
Part II, 6ha$ter I3
Phaldee$i"a The nati#e !ill be !ealth*, famous,
con'ueror of enemies, glorious li"e a "ing but #er*
Sara#ali The nati#e !ill be #er* $assionate% He !ill
suffer from h*$eracidit* and !ill be handsome !ith a
stout, bod*, $o!erful and a leader amongst his
6hamat"ar 6hintamani The nati#e !ill humiliate e#en
the most $o!erful enem*% He !ill be #er* intelligent
but he !ill suffer unha$$iness on account of his
maternal uncle% He !ill earn a lot and !ill s$end it all%
2ars in the Se#enth House
Sutras +E-0+ If the 2ars is in the se#enth the nati#e
!ill suffer on account of being of ill health% If 2ars is in
the house of a malefic, or is associated !ith a malefic
or e#en if he is in his o!n sign 1Aries or Scor$io3, the
nati#e !ill lose his !ife% If 2ars is associated !ith a
benefic, the !ife !ill die in the life time of the nati#e
and the latter !ill go a!a* from his nati#e land% If
2ars is in his sign of e(altation, or in the sign of a
friend or in his o!n sign or is associated !ith a
benefic or in the sign of a malefic, the nati#e suffers
loss of !ife% If this does not ha$$en then the nati#e
!ill secretl* de#elo$ se(ual intimac* !ith !omen of
loose character and indulge in se(ual $er#ersions li"e
"issing the secret $arts% He !ill also ha#e unnatural
intercourse !ith 'uadru$eds and !ill be fond of
drin"ing li'uor% If 2ars is as$ected b* Saturn the
nati#e !ill touch !ith his mouth the secret organs of
others% If 2ars is associated !ith 7etu, the nati#e !ill
not mind ha#ing se(ual intercourse !ith a !oman in
menses% If 2ars is associated !ith an inimical $lanet
the nati#e !ill suffer loss of man* !i#es 1one after
another3% He !ill be !ithout $otenc* and !ill be full of
#anit*% It !ill not be so if 2ars is as$ected b* a
Brihat :ata"a The $erson concerned should suffer
humiliation at the hands of !omen%
Phaldee$i"a The nati#e !ill in#ol#e himself in
undesirable things, !ill be sic"l* and !ill suffer from
loss of !ife%
Sara#ali The nati#e !ill suffer loss of !ife, !ill be
sic"l*, immoral, unha$$*, sinful troubled and $oor%
6hamat"ar 6hintamani The nati#e !ill be engaged in
business in a foreign land or in a $lace a!a* from his
nati#e $lace% He !ill al!a*s be troubled b* enemies
and diseases% The nati#e,s !ife !ill be short li#ed%
2ars in the )ighth House
Sutras 00-@1 If 2ars is in the eighth house, the nati#e
!ill suffer from e*e diseases, he !ill not be long li#ed%
>ather !ill die earl* in the nati#e,s life and he 1nati#e3
!ill suffer from urinar* diseases% He !ill ha#e fe!
children and suffer from rheumatism, shooting $ains
etc, but !ill ha#e a ha$$* married life% If 2ars is in
conDunction !ith a benefic, the nati#e !ill enDo* good
health and !ill be longli#ed% If 2ars is in the house of
a malefic or is associated !ith a malefic, the nati#e
!ill suffer from rheumatism, consum$tion or from
urinar* troubles% The s$an of life !ill be medium% If the
lord of the eighth is $o!erful, the nati#e !ill ha#e full
Brihat :ata"a The nati#e !ill ha#e a limited number of
issues and !ill ha#e defecti#e e*esight%
Phaldee$i"a The nati#e !ill ha#e an afflicted bod*, he
!ill be $oor and shortli#ed and $eo$le !ill s$ea" ill of
Sara#ali The nati#e !ill be sic"l*, short li#ed and ugl*%
He !ill indulge in undesirable acti#ities and !ill be
6hamat"ar 6hintamani If 2ars is in the Bth, e#en
other good $lanets in the horosco$e cannot remo#e
the ad#ersities of the nati#e% )#en his friends !ill turn
into enemies% He !ill face obstacles in !hate#er
efforts he ma"es for his betterment%
2ars in the <inth House
Sutras @/-@E If 2ars is in the ninth house the nati#e
!ill suffer the loss of father in his earl* life% He !ill be
unfortunate 1no $ros$erit*3% If 2ars be e(alted 1in
6a$ricorn3 or be in his sign 1Aries or Scor$io3 the
nati#e !ill ha#e illicit relations !ith the !ife of his
Brihat :ata"a The $erson concerned !ill commit
sinful actions Phaldee$i"a-Peo$le !ill be Dealous of
the nati#e e#en if he is a "ing,s fa#ourite% The nati#e
!ill not enDo* ha$$iness from the side of his father
1this ma* mean earl* death of the father3 and he !ill
cause sorro! and $ain to others%
Sara#ali The nati#e !ill be mean, #iolent, irreligious,
sinful but he !ill get fa#ours from the "ing
6hamat"ar 6hintamani The nati#e !ill be !ealth*
and fortunate% He !ill ha#e a cruel mind% His efforts
!ill not $ro#e successful%
2ars in the Tenth House
Sutras @+-B+ If 2ars is in the tenth house, the nati#e
!ill be acclaimed b* the $eo$le% If the lord of the tenth
is strong the brothers !ill be long-li#ed% The nati#e !ill
be $articularl* fortunate and $ros$erous, he !ill ta"e
interest in meditation, and !ill be de#oted to his
$rece$tor% If 2ars is in conDunction !ith a malefic,
there !ill be obstructions in the $rofessional career% If
he Ds associated !ith a benefic or is in the house of a
benefic, the nati#e !ill be successful in his
underta"ing% He !ill be famous and res$ected and !ill
commence earning from his 1Bth *ear% He !ill ha#e a
stout bod* and !ill be !ell off in e#er* res$ect but he
ma* ha#e mentalit* of a thief% If 2ars is associated
!ith a malefic or is in the house of a malefic, the
nati#e,s life !ill be full of obstructions and he !ill
indulge in sinful deeds% If 2ars is associated !ith lord
of the ?th or, the nati#e !ill be installed as a "ing
or heir a$$arent% If 2ars is associated !ith :u$iter the
nati#e !ill $ossess ele$hants 1con#e*ances3 and !ill
be full of glor*% He !ill also $ossess lands%
Brihat :ata"a The $erson concerned !ill be ha$$*
and $o!erful%
Phaldee$i"a The $erson !ill be cruel, charitable, li"e
a "ing, #alourous and !ill be admired b* all%
Sara#ali The nati#e !ill be #er* efficient in his !or",
#alourous, uncon'uerable, em$lo*ee of a highl*
$laced man, blessed !ith children and full of glor*%
6hamat"ar 6hintamani The nati#e !ill ha#e
aus$icious celebrations in his house% He !ill be
res$ected b* $eo$le% )#en if he belongs to modest
famil* he !ill rise #er* high on account of his brilliant
intellect% He !ill be li"e a lion 1that is, #er*
2ars in the )le#enth House
Sutras B0-B? The nati#e besides enDo*ing $ros$erit*
on account of his de(terit* in his affairs, !ill be
in#ol#ed in manifold acti#ities% If 2ars is associated
!ith the lord of the llth, the nati#e !ill be a "ing% If
2ars is associated !ith t!o benefics, the nati#e rules
o#er a big "ingdom and his brother !ill be
Brihat :ata"a The $erson born !ill be !ealth*%
Phaldee$i"a The $erson concerned !ill be !ealth*,
ha$$*, #alourous and !ill be cultured%
Sara#ali The nati#e !ill be full of good 'ualities,
ha$$*, #alourous and !ealth*% He !ill also be blessed
!ith children%
6hamat"ar 6hintamani 2ars in the llth is bad for
enemies and children% )#en if a $erson is unfortunate,
he !ill consider himself as fortunate% He !ill earn
!ealth b* selling co!s, horses, ele$hants and
chariots% He !ill be #er* miser and his !ealth !ill be
2ars in the T!elfth House
Sutras ?.-?1 The nati#e !ill suffer from !ant of
finance% He !ill suffer from rheumatic and bilious
diseases% If 2ars is associated !ith a malefic the
nati#e !ill ha#e false #anit*%
Brihat :ata"a The $erson !ill suffer degradation%
Phaldee$i"a The nati#e !ill be a bac"biter, cruel,
!ithout !ife and mean% He !ill also suffer from e*e
Sara#ali The nati#e !ill suffer from e*e troubles, he
!ill be sinful, mean, "iller of his !ife, bac"biter and
cruel, and !ill be liable to get im$risonment%
6hamat"ar 6hintamani The nati#e !ill be irreligious
and a liar% He !ill ha#e fear from thie#es%
PART / - E
)ffects of 2ercur* in the T!el#e Houses
2ercur* in the >irst House
Sutras 1-1@ If 2ercur* is in the first house
1ascendant3, the nati#e !ill be educated, !ill ha#e
earl* marriage and !ill be a de#out listener of the
recitation of religious scri$tures% He !ill li"e to tra#el
to man* $laces%% He !ill be inclined to!ards 2antras
and Tantras and !ill ha#e the $o!er to free $eo$le
from the influence of e#il s$irits% He !ill be soft
s$o"en, learned, of a forgi#eable nature and "ind
hearted% He !ill go on $ilgrimages in his /@th *ear
and !ill ha#e enormous gains of !ealth and !ill attain
distinction in academic $ursuits% If 2ercur* is in
conDunction !ith or in the house of a malefic, the
nati#e !ill suffer from diseases 1$ossibl* s"in
diseases3, bilious troubles and Daundice% If 2ercur* is
associated !ith or in the house of a benefic, the
nati#e !ill maintain good health% His bod* !ill glitter
li"e gold on account of good health, he !ill ta"e
interest in the stud* of astrolog*% He !ill ha#e a
defecti#e limb, !ill be antagonistic to!ards gentlemen
and !ill suffer from e*e diseases% In his 1@th *ear he
!ill ha#e inimical relations !ith his brothers and !ill
be deceitful% If 2ercur* is in his sign of e(altation
14irgo3 or in his o!n sign 15emini or 4irgo3, he !ill
ha#e ha$$iness from the side of his brothers% He !ill
go to hea#en after his death% If 2ercur* is associated
!ith or as$ected b* a malefic or in his sign of
debilitation 1Pisces3, the nati#e !ill go to hell after his
death% He !ill be de$ri#ed of the comforts of bed
1se(ual $leasures3 and !ill be a de#otee of e#il 5ods%
If 2ercur* is in conDunction !ith malefic li"e Saturn,
the nati#e !ill suffer the loss of sight in his left e*e% If
2ercur* is in conDunction !ith the lord of the si(th or a
debilitated $lanet, there !ill be no e*e trouble but he
!ill be sinful and incur e($enditure on undeser#ing
$ersons% If 2ercur* is associated !ith a benefic, he
!ill definitel* ha#e !ealth and a good stoc" of grains
and !ill be religious minded% He !ill be !ell #ersed in
the use of arms and in arithmetic, !ill be ha$$* and
gain $roficienc* in logic and !ill ha#e a stout bod*%
Brihat :ata"a The $erson concerned !ill be a learned
Phaldee$i"a The $erson concerned !ill be !ell
#ersed in shastras% He !ill be a s!eet and tactful
tal"er and !ill be long-li#ed%
6hamat"ar 6hintamani 2ercur* in the first house
destro*s the Arishta 1e#il effect on longe#it*3 caused
b* other $lanets in the horosco$e the nati#e !ill be
#er* intelligent and !ill earn his li#ing b* !riting% Such
nati#es !ill also be good $h*sicians%
2ercur* in the Second House
Sutras 1B-/E If 2ercur* is in the second house, the
nati#e !ill ha#e a good number of children, he !ill be
tal"ati#e, !ell #ersed in shastras, determined,
contented, !ealth* and full of good 'ualities% He !ill
attain distinction in academic $ursuits in his 1+th *ear
and !ill ha#e enormous financial gains%
If 2ercur* is associated !ith a malefic, or is in the
house of a malefic or- is in his sign of debilitation
1Pisces3, the nati#e !ill remain uneducated% He !ill
also suffer from !ind* troubles% If 2ercur* is
associated !ith or as$ected b* a benefic, the nati#e
!ill be !ealth* and educated% If 2ercur* is associated
!ith or as$ected b* :u$iter the nati#e !ill be #er*
$roficient in mathematics and !ill be an authorit* on
this subDect%
Brihat :ata"a The $erson concerned !ill be rich%
Phaldee$i"a The nati#e !ill ac'uire !ealth b* his
intelligence% He !ill become a $oet% He !ill be soft
s$o"en and !ill get s!eetish food to eat%
Sara#ali The nati#e !ill earn his li#elihood b* his
intelligence% He !ill be fond of good food and drin"s%
He !ill be soft s$o"en and of high moral%
6hamat"ar 6hintamani The nati#e !ill be !ise and
intelligent and !ill ac'uire name and fame% He !ill be
a good orator and #er* generous% He !ill also be fond
of lu(urious li#ing%
2ercur* in the Third House
Sutras /+--1 if 2ercur* is in the third house the
nati#e !ill ha#e a good number of brothers and !ill be
#er* ha$$*% In 1+th *ear he !ill get a son and !ill
become o!ner of lands% 2ercur* in the third house
!ill enable the nati#e to ac'uire !ealth% He !ill be of
high morals and full of good 'ualities% If the lord of the
third is strong the nati#e !ill be long-li#ed and
tolerant% If the lord of the third is !ea", the brothers
!ill ha#e to face sufferings and the nati#e !ill be timid%
If the lord of the third is strong the brothers !ill be
Brihat :ata"a The $erson concerned !ill be a
consummate rogue%
Phaldee$i"a The nati#e !ill be courageous but of
medium longe#it*% He !ill ha#e good brothers and
sisters% He !ill ha#e to !or" #er* hard to earn his
Sara#ali The nati#e !ill be hard !or"ing, !ithout
friends, cle#er and blessed !ith brothers and sisters,
and !ill ha#e unstable mind%
6hamat"ar 6hintamani The nati#e !ill ha#e contacts
!ith businessmen and !ill himself ado$t business as
his $rofession% He !ill ha#e good nature and !ill
remain detached from !orldl* affairs% His *ounger
brothers and sisters !ill be de$endent on him%
2ercur* in the >ourth House
Sutras -/--@ If 2ercur* is in the fourth house, the
nati#e !ill ha#e #er* acti#e hands, he !ill be $atient,
!ill ha#e broad e*es and ha$$iness from $arents% He
!ill be learned and ha$$*% In his 10th *ear he !ill
ac'uire !ealth b* 'uestionable means and ac'uire
man* "ind of con#e*ances% If the lord of the Eth house
is strong he !ill ha#e $alan'uin as his con#e*ance% If
2ercur* is associated !ith Rahu, 7etu or Saturn the
nati#e !ill be de$ri#ed of the comforts of
con#e*ances% He !ill ha#e no land, !ill ha#e
bitterness !ith his relations and !ill be deceitful%
Brihat :ata"a The $erson concerned !ill be learned%
Phaldee$i"a The nati#e !ill be learned, a flatterer,
!ealth*, !ill o!n lands and ha#e good friends% He !ill
also be ha$$*%
Sara#ali The nati#e !ill be !ealth*, !ill ha#e good
relations, !ill o!n con#e*ances and good clothes% He
!ill also be learned%
6hamat"ar 6hintamani The nati#e !ill be !ise% He
!ill ha#e enDo*ments !ith his friends% He !ill be 6hief
Accountant of the 5o#ernment Secretariat% He !ill be
de$ri#ed of ancestral $ro$ert*%
Brihat :ata"a The $erson concerned !ill be a
Phaldee$i"a The nati#e !ill enDo* ha$$iness and
glor* on account of his brilliant intellect% The nati#e !ill
ha#e man* children and he !ill be learned in mantra
Sara#ali The nati#e !ill be learned in mantra shastra
and h*$notism% He !ill ha#e a good number of
children, !ill be !ell educated, !ill hold a $osition of
authorit* and !ill be ha$$*%
6hamat"ar 6hintamani The nati#e !ill get children
late in his life% He !ill be selfish and a cle#er
2ercur* in the Si(th House
Sutras E1-E@ If 2ercur* is in the si(th house the
nati#e !ill be res$ected b* the "ing% There !ill,
ho!e#er, be obstacles in achie#ing success in
educational $ursuits% The nati#e !ill be sho!* and
$roud and #er* $roficient in creating contro#ersies% In
his *ear he !ill be accorded great fa#our b* the
"ing 15o#ernment3% The nati#e !ill !rite letters, boo"s
etc% If 2ercur* is in the sign of 2ars 1Aries or
Scor$io3, the nati#e !ill suffer from le$ros* of the blue
colour or other similar diseases of the s"in% If 2ercur*
in the 0th is associated !ith Saturn and Rahu or
Saturn and 7etu, the nati#e !ill suffer from diseases
li"e rheumatism, shooting $ains etc% He !ill ha#e
'uarrels !ith enemies belonging to his communit*% If
lord of the 0th is strong the $eo$le of the communit*
!ill $ro#e stronger% If the lord of the 0th is !ea", the
$eo$le of the communit* !ill get annihilated%
Brihat :ata"a The nati#e !ill be !ithout enemies%
Phaldee$i"a The nati#e !ill be la&* and !ill ha#e
harsh s$eech% He !ill humiliate his enemies but !ill
be fond of creating contro#ersies%
Sara#ali The nati#e !ill be #ictorious in the battlefield
and !ill be free from diseases% He !ill be la&*, !ithout
anger, harsh in s$eech and he !ill get humiliated%
6hamat"ar 6hintamani He !ill ha#e inimical relations
!ith other $eo$le% He !ill earn !ealth !ith his o!n
2ercur* in the Se#enth House
Sutras EB-+0 If 2ercur* is in the se#enth house, the
nati#e !ill enDo* ha$$iness from mother and !ill also
enDo* comforts of horses etc% He !ill be religiousl*
inclined and !ill be broadminded% He !ill $ossess
!ide s$read re$utation and !ill be res$ected b*
5o#ernment% If 2ercur* in @th is associated !ith
benefics he !ill o!n a $alan'uin 1con#e*ances3 and
!ill get a good !ife but he !ill eat non-#egetarian
food% If the lord of the @th is strong the nati#e !ill ha#e
onl* one !ife% If the lord of @th is !ea" or is situated in
a malefic house or in conDunction !ith malefics li"e
2ars, Saturn, Rahu or 7etu, there !ill be loss of !ife%
In a female horosco$e the abo#e dis$osition !ill
cause loss of husband and the nati#e herself !ill
suffer from le$ros* and !ill be ugl* in a$$earance%
Brihat :ata"a The $erson concerned !ill $ossess a
"no!ledge of la! and rules of the countr*%
Phaldee$i"a The nati#e !ill be !ise, !ell dressed
and full of glor*% He !ill be married to a !ealth* !ife%
Sara#ali The !ife of the nati#e !ill be intelligent,
beautiful, 'uarrelsome and !ealth*% The nati#e
himself !ill be a res$ected $erson%
6hamat"ar 6hintamani The nati#e !ill gi#e
ha$$iness to his !ife but !ill not be #er* #irile% He !ill
be handsome and !ealth*%
2ercur* in the )ighth House
Sutras +@-0- If 2ercur* is in the Bth house, the
nati#e !ill get a good s$an of life and !ill be o!ner of
a large area of land% He !ill ha#e se#en children% In
his /+th *ear he !ill recei#e res$ect and honour in
man* !a*s and !ill get !ide s$read fame and
re$utation% If the lord of the Bth is strong or if the lord
of the Bth is in his sign of e(altation 14irgo3 and
associated !ith benefic the nati#e !ill be assured of
full s$an -of life% If the lord of the Bth is in his sign of
debilitation 1Pisces3 and is associated !ith malefics,
the nati#e !ill ha#e a short life%
Brihat :ata"a The $erson concerned !ill be !idel*
"no!n for his 'ualities%
Phaldee$i"a The nati#e !ill be a $erson !ho !ill
ha#e authorit* to a!ard $unishment 1Dudge,
magistrate etc3% He !ill ha#e !ide s$read re$utation
and !ill be long-li#ed% He !ill be a su$$orter of his
famil* and !ill be full of good 'ualities%
Sara#ali The nati#e !ill be famous, full of glor*,
$o!erful, longli#ed and su$$orter of his famil*% He !ill
be li"e a "ing or a Dudge%
6hamat"ar 6hintamani The nati#e !ill li#e for one
hundred *ears% He !ill enDo* good re$utation not onl*
in his o!n countr* but in foreign countries also% He
!ill ac'uire !ealth b* fa#our of the "ing or b* doing
business% He !ill enDo* the com$an* of !omen%
2ercur* in the <inth House
Sutras 0E-00 If 2ercur* is in the ?th house the nati#e
!ill ha#e man* children% He !ill be learned in 4edas
and Shastras, fond of music, #er* $atient, religious
minded, full of glor*, !ealth* and fortunate and his
father !ill be long-li#ed% He !ill be !ell cultured and
!ill ta"e interest in meditation%
Brihat :ata"a The $erson concerned !ill be endo!ed
!ith children, !ealth and ha$$iness%
Phaldee$i"a The nati#e !ill be #er* learned, religious
minded, !ealth* and of good conduct%
Sara#ali The nati#e !ill be #er* !ealth*, #er* learned,
of good conduct, orator, $roficient in his !or" and
religious minded%
6hamat"ar 6hintamani The nati#e !ill be religious
minded and #er* !ise% He !ill $erform religious rites,
bathe in the 5anges, bring good re$utation to his
famil* and !ill destro* those !ho indulge in sinful
2ercur* in the Tenth House
Sutras 0@-@. If 2ercur* is in the tenth house the
nati#e !ill be successful b* $erforming #irtuous
deeds% He !ill be $atient, !ill ha#e !ide s$read
re$utation and !ill be a great thin"er% In his /Bth *ear
he !ill suffer from e*e troubles% If 2ercur* is in his
o!n sign or in his sign of e(altation or is in
conDunction !ith :u$iter, the nati#e !ill $erform man*
"inds of religious rites% If 2ercur* is in the house of
his enem*, or is associated !ith a malefic, the nati#e
!ill be stu$id, !ill indulge in sinful deeds and !ill be of
bad conduct%
Brihat :ata"a The $erson concerned !ill be ha$$*
and $o!erful%
Phaldee$i"a The nati#e !ill be learned, $o!erful,
intelligent, ha$$*, !ill $erform #irtuous deeds and !ill
be successful in his life%
Sara#ali The nati#e !ill be highl* intelligent, !ill
$erform #irtuous deeds, !ill be successful in his life,
!ill be educated, tolerant and $o!erful% He !ill be
decorated !ith man* honours%
6hamat"ar 6hintamani The nati#e !ill get $aternal
$ro$ert*% He !ill be res$ected e#er*!here% He !ill
ha#e the authorit* of a "ing% He !ill s$ea" less and do
2ercur* in the )le#enth House
Sutras @1-@+ If 2ercur* is in the ele#enth house, the
nati#e !ill $erform man* aus$icious ceremonies% He
!ill ac'uire !ealth* through man* sources% After the
age of /1 he !ill be blessed !ith children and !ill be
!ealth* and "ind-hearted% If 2ercur* is in the house
of a malefic or is associated !ith malefics, the nati#e
!ill suffer loss of !ealth on account of sinful deeds% If
2ercur* is in his o!n sign or in his sign of e(altation,
the nati#e !ill become !ealth* b* $erforming #irtuous
Brihat :ata"a 2ercur* in the 11th house !ill ma"e the
$erson born !ealth*%
Phaldee$i"a The nati#e !ill be long-li#ed, true to his
!ords, $ossessor of enormous !ealth and ha$$*% He
!ill enDo* ha$$iness and comforts from his ser#ants%
Sara#ali The nati#e !ill be !ealth*, learned, ha$$*,
fond of things of lu(ur* and famous, and !ill ha#e
obedient ser#ants%
6hamat"ar 6hintamani There !ill be no gain of
!ealth unless 2ercur* is in the ele#enth house%
2ercur* in the T!elfth House
Sutras @0-B1 The nati#e !ill be learned% He !ill be
fond of distributing things to others% If 2ercur* is
associated !ith malefics, the nati#e !ill ha#e an
unstable mind and he !ill ha#e bitterness to!ards the
"ing% If 2ercur* is associated !ith benefics, the nati#e
!ill incur e($enditure on religious charities and !ill
ha#e meager education%
Brihat :ata"a The $erson concerned !ill suffer
Phaldee$i"a The $erson !ill be $oor, la&*, cruel and
!ithout an* education% He !ill also suffer humiliation%
Sara#ali The $erson !ill be true to his !ords, la&*,
humiliated, orator, $oor and cruel%
6hamat"ar 6hintamani The nati#e !ill entertain
Brahmins and create fear in the mind of enemies%
PART / - +
)ffects of :u$iter in the T!el#e Houses
:u$iter in the >irst House
Sutras 1-0 If :u$iter is in his o!n sign 1Sagittarius or
Pisces3 in the first house 1ascendant3 the nati#e !ill
be a% good s$ea"er and !ell-#ersed in Shastras% He
!ill ha#e full "no!ledge of three 4edas good number
of children and !ill be ha$$*, long li#ed and learned% If
:u$iter is in his sign of e(altation 16ancer3 all the
abo#e results !ill be full* realised and in his 10th *ear
the nati#e !ill enDo* the effects of 2aharaDa *oga so
caused b* :u$iter% If :u$iter is in the house of his
enem*, or in the house of a malefic, or is associated
!ith a malefic or in his sign of debilitation 16a$ricorn3
the nati#e !ill indulge in sinful deeds, he !ill ha#e an
unstable mind and a medium s$an of life% He !ill be
childless, ungrateful, full of false #anit*, !ill forsa"e
his near relations and !ell !ishers, li"e tra#els, !ill be
inimical to!ards others and be miserable%
Bri"at :ata"a The $erson concerned !ill be learned%
Phaldee$i"a The nati#e !ill ha#e a dignified
a$$earance, !ill $erform righteous deeds, !ill be
long-li#ed and fearless% He !ill ha#e ha$$iness from
Sara#ali The nati#e !ill $ossess a beautiful bod*, !ill
be long-li#ed, learned and tolerant%
6hamat"ar 6hintamani The nati#e !ill be res$ected
for his good 'ualities% He !ill s$end mone* on
:u$iter in the Second House
Sutras @-1/ If :u$iter is in the second house the
nati#e !ill be rich and intelligent% Ahat he foretells !ill
come true% In his 10th *ear he !ill enDo* financial
gains and agricultural $ros$erit*% He !ill also be #er*
$o!erful% If :u$iter is in his o!n sign 1Sagittarius or
Pisces3 or in his sign of e(altation, the nati#e !ill be
#er* $ros$erous and !ealth*% If :u$iter is associates
!ith a malefic there !ill be obstacles in educational
$ursuits and the nati#e !ill be a thief, liar and !ill
ha#e #ulgar s$eech% If :u$iter is in his sign of
debilitation and associated !ith a malefic, the nati#e
!ill be a drun"ard and immoral% He !ill be a destro*er
of his famil* and !ill ha#e relations !ith other $eo$le,s
!i#es% He !ill also be childless%
Brihat :ata"a The $erson concerned !ill be elo'uent
and s!eet tongued%
Phaldee$i"a The nati#e !ill be intelligent, handsome
and elo'uent% He !ill get good food to eat% :u$iter in
the second !ill im$ro#e all the good significations of
this house%
Sara#ali The nati#e !ill be rich, fond of lu(uries,
elo'uent handsome, s!eet tongued and charitable%
6hamat"ar 6hintamani The nati#e !ill be fond of
$oetr*% He !ill be !ell #ersed in administrati#e affairs%
He !ill suffer on account of lac" of food% He !ill be
#er* tal"ati#e% He !ill earn !ealth !ith difficult* and
ins$ite of all his efforts he !ill be unable to
accumulate an* !ealth%
:u$iter in the Third House
Sutras 1--1B-If :u$iter is in third house, the nati#e !ill
be #er* miser and there !ill be a good number of
brothers% The nati#e !ill be #er* cle#er and
determined% He !ill forsa"e his relations and !ill ha#e
tra#els in his -Bth *ear% If the lord of the -rd is strong
the brothers !ill be longli#ed% If the lord of the -rd is
associated !ith a malefic there !ill be loss of brothers
and the nati#e !ill be im$atient b* nature, an idiot and
Brihat :ata"a The $erson concerned !ill be sting*%
Phaldee$i"a The nati#e !ill be sinful, !ill ha#e a
malicious nature, and !ill be miser and humiliated,
but his brother !ill achie#e a high $osition%
Sara#ali The nati#e !ill be humiliated in $ublic, miser,
*oungest amongst his brothers, dominated b* his !ife
and sinful%
6hamat"ar 6hintamani-The nati#e !ill get ha$$iness
from his brothers but he !ill be ungrateful and !ill not
be friend of an* bod*% Although,he !ill be fortunate he
!ill not be able to earn as much !ealth as he as$ires
to get%
:u$iter in the >ourth House
Sutras 1?-/- If :u$iter is in the Eth house, the nati#e
!ill be ha$$*, !ise, of good conduct and highl*
intelligent% He !ill also be a land-lord and !ill ha#e
abundance of mil"% If the lord% of the Eth house is
strong .1% is associated !ith 4enus or 2oon or is in
benefic #argas the nati#e !ill ha#e con#e*ances
$ulled b* human beings% He !ill ?!n man* lands,
horses and a s$acious house% If :u$iter is as$ected
b* or associated !ith a malefic, the nati#e !ill be
!ithout an* land or con#e*ance, he !ill ha#e to li#e in
other $eo$le,s houses and !ill suffer loss of mother
and ha#e bitterness !ith relations%
Brihat :ata"a The $erson concerned !ill be ha$$*%
Phaldee$i"a The nati#e !ill enDo* ha$$iness from
mother, friends, children, !ife and agriculture%
Sara#ali The nati#e !ill enDo* ha$$iness in regard to
members of his famil*, house, clothes, con#e*ancesF
lu(uries and !ealth% He !ill humiliate his enemies%
6hamat"ar 6hintamani The nati#e !ill o!n horses
and !ill ta"e $art in religious ceremonies% His
enemies !ill act li"e his ser#ants% Still he !ill not
remain contented%
:u$iter in the >ifth House
Sutras /E--1-If :u$iter is in the fifth house, the nati#e
!ill be highl* intelligent, !ill ha#e broad e*es, !ill be a
good con#ersationalist, full of glor*, !ill feed others,
lo#e famil* and in his 1Bth *ear become commander
of the arm* b* the fa#our of the "ing% He !ill also
ha#e a good number of children !ho !ill be
$ros$erous% If the lord of the +th is strong and at the
same time in the house of a malefic or his enem* or
he is in his sign of debilitation, there !ill be loss of
children or the nati#e !ill ha#e onl* one issue% He !ill
be rich but !ill suffer loss of !ealth on account of
$enalties im$osed b* the "ing 15o#ernment3% If
:u$iter is associated !ith Rahu or 7etu, the nati#e !ill
suffer loss of his children on account of the !rath of
Ser$ent 5od but this !ill not ha$$en if :u$iter is
as$ected b* a benefic%
Brihat :ata"a The nati#e !ill be intelligent%
Phaldee$i"a The nati#e !ill be intelligent and a
minister 1/. of the "ing but !ill be unha$$* on
account of !ant of children%
Sara#ali The nati#e !ill be ha$$*, !ill ha#e a good
number of children, !ill be learned, tolerant, and
$ermanentl* !ealth*%
6hamat"ar 6hintamani The nati#e !ill be fond of
lu(uries% He !ill be a good orator and a !riter !ith
good imagination% He !ill sometimes ac'uire !ealth
through his children%
:u$iter in the Si(th House
Sutras -/--E The nati#e !ill destro* his enemies,
there !ill be gro!th of the members of his famil*
1some ha#e inter$reted this to mean increase of
ne$he!s and in-la!s3, he !ill ha#e grand-children
and mar"s of !ounds on the bod*% If :u$iter is in
conDunction !ith a benefic the nati#e !ill be free from
diseases% If he is associated !ith a malefic or is in the
house of malefic, the nati#e !ill suffer form
rheumatism or diseases due to cold% If :u$iter is in the
sign of Saturn 16a$ricorn or A'uarius3 in association
!ith Rahu or 7etu the nati#e !ill suffer from diseases
of the !orst t*$e%
Brihat :ata"a The $erson concerned !ill be !ithout
Phaldee$i"a The nati#e !ill destro* his enemies, he
!ill be la&*, he !ill get humiliated, !ill ta"e interest in
recitation of mantras and !ill be cle#er%
Sara#ali The nati#e !ill !in o#er his enemies, !ill be
famous but humiliated, la&*, !ill gain name and fame
through his !ife and !ill suffer from diseases li"e
6hamat"ar 6hintamani The nati#e !ill destro* his
enemies, get ha$$iness ,from his !ife but not from his
maternal uncle% He !ill al!a*s be sic"l*% His mother
!ill also remain sic"l*%
:u$iter in the Se#enth House
Sutras -+--@ If :u$iter is in the se#enth house, the
nati#e !ill be highl* educated and aKLo !orried% He
!ill ha#e lot of financial gains and his !ife !ill be
learned, chaste and de#oted to her husband% If the
lord of the @th is !ea" or is associated !ith Rahu,
7etu, Saturn or 2ars or is as$ected b* an* of these
malefics, the nati#e !ill ha#e illicit relations !ith
!omen other than his !ife% If :u$iter is associated
!ith benefics, is in his o!n sign or in his sign of
e(altation, the nati#e !ill ha#e and be attached to one
!ife onl* and he !ill gain !ealth through his !ife% He
!ill be ha$$* and earn great res$ect in his -Eth *ear%
Brihat :ata"a The $erson concerned !ill be e(celling
his father 1in his 'ualities3%
Phaldee$i"a The nati#e !ill get a good !ife, !ill be
blessed !ith children and !ill be more generous than
his father%
Sara#ali The nati#e !ill be handsome, !ill get a
beautiful !ife and !ill be su$erior to his father in good
'ualities% He !ill be an orator, $oet, head of the #illage
and famous for his learning%
6hamat"ar 6hintamani The nati#e !ill be highl*
intelligent% He !ill not care #er* much for !omen
1$erha$s those other than his !ife because of his
chaste nature3% He !ill be $o!erful and #er*
:u$iter in the )ighth House
Sutras -B-E- If :u$iter is in the Bth house, the nati#e
!ill be shortli#ed, and indulge in undesirable acti#ities%
If :u$iter is associated !ith a malefic, the nati#e !ill
be sinful% If the lord of Bth is associated !ith a benefic
and is $osited in the Bth the nati#e !ill be long li#ed% If
the lord of Bth is !ea", he !ill be short li#ed% If the
lord of Bth is associated !ith a malefic the nati#e !ill
ha#e illicit relations !ith !ido!s after his 1@th *ear% If
:u$iter is in his o!n sign or in his sign of e(altation
the nati#e !ill be long li#ed, free from diseases a
saintl* $erson, learned and !ell 4ersed in #edas and
Brihat :ata"a The nati#e !ill be base%
Phaldee$i"a The nati#e !ill be $oor and !ill earn his
li#elihood b* ser#ing others% He !ill be long li#ed but
indulge in sinful deeds%
Sara#ali The nati#e !ill be long li#ed but !ill li#e in
humiliation b* ser#ing others% He !ill ha#e illicit
relations !ith dirt* !omen 1or !omen of lo! status3%
6hamat"ar 6hintamani The nati#e !ill not li#e in his
$aternal house for a long time% He !ill not be in good
health% He !ill go to hea#en after his death%
:u$iter in the <inth House
Sutras EE-E+ The nati#e !ill $erform religious and
charitable deeds, !ill ta"e interest in meditation and
!ill be $ious and !ealth*% He !ill $erform religious
ceremonies in his -+th *ear% His father !ill be long
li#ed, he !ill be righteous and !ill recei#e res$ect and
honour in man* !a*s% He !ill gi#e $rotection to man*%
6omments-The abo#e Sutras are #er* logical and to
the $oint Beneficial results ha#e been attributed to
:u$iter in the ninth house because as a natural
benefic he im$ro#es all the good significations of this
aus$icious house% Still better results !ould be
e($erienced if :u$iter is in his o!n sign or in his sign
of e(altation% If :u$iter is in one of his o!n signs, b*
being lord of ?th in the ?th, he !ill gi#e rise to a
$o!erful RaDa*oga gi#ing name, fame and !ealth to
the nati#e% If :u$iter is in his sign of e(altation
16ancer3, the ascendant !ill be Scor$io and :u$iter
!ill be in the ninth house as lord of /nd and +th,
gi#ing rise to an e(tremel* $o!erful *oga for
$ros$erit* and fame%
Brihat :ata"a The nati#e !ill be de#out and
Phaldee$i"a The nati#e !ill be !ealth*, blessed !ith
children, famous, an(ious to $erform religious rites
and a minister of the "ing%
Sara#ali The nati#e !ill !orshi$ famil* gods, !ill be
learned, handsome, a minister of the "ing or
commander of the arm* and a recognised leader%
6hamat"ar 6hintamani The nati#e !ill o!n a $alatial
mansion% He !ill be a fa#ourite of the "ing and
de#otee of Brahmins% He !ill be lo#ed b* his near
:u$iter in the Tenth House
Sutras E0-E? The nati#e !ill be religious minded and
!ill $erform righteous deeds, stud* 5eeta, !ill be #er*
able, !ill ha#e !ides$read re$utation and !ill be
res$ected b* the masses% If the lord of the is
strong, the nati#e !ill $erform high class religious
sacrifices% If the lord of the is associated !ith a
malefic or is in the house of a malefic, there !ill be
obstacles in his $rofessional career and the nati#e !ill
indulge in e#il deeds and !ill suffer financiall*%
Brihat :ata"a The nati#e !ill be !ealth*%
Phaldee$i"a The nati#e !ill be #er* rich and a
fa#ourite of the "ing 15o#ernment3% He !ill be of
$raise!orth* conduct and !ill enDo* great res$ect and
Sara#ali The nati#e !ill be successful in his efforts,
res$ected and $roficient in e#er* !a*% He !ill be
ha$$*, !ealth* res$ected and !ill enDo* confidence of
the $ublic and comforts of con#e*ances%
6hamat"ar 6hintamani A% flag !ill fl* on the to$ of
the house of the nati#e 1sign of being head of a
State3% His house !ill be decorated !ith $ictures% He
!ill e(cel his forefathers in his re$utation% He !ill not
be ha$$* in regard to his children%
:u$iter in the )le#enth House
Sutras +.-+- If :u$iter is in the ele#enth house, the
nati#e !ill be learned, !ealth* and !ill ha#e lot of
financial gains% In his -/nd *ear he !ill $ossess
horses to ride on 1this means he !ill ac'uire
con#e*ances3 and !ill ha#e !ides$read re$utation% If
he is associated !ith benefics and malefics he !ill
$ossess ele$hants and !ill ha#e $ronounced good
luc"% If :u$iter is associated !ith 2oon, the nati#e !ill
ha#e effortless financial gains%
Brihat :ata"a The nati#e !ill be $ros$erous%
Phaldee$i"a The nati#e !ill be !ealth*, fearless and
long li#ed% He !ill ha#e fe! children but man*
Sara#ali The nati#e !ill enDo* enormous financial
gains, comforts of con#e*ances and ser#ants% He !ill
be noble but !ill ha#e fe! children and not much of
6hamat"ar 6hintamani The nati#e !ill $ossess
articles of, gold and sil#er% He !ill be intelligent and
!ill maintain his father% He !ill get fi#e children% He
!ill s$end mone* not on lu(uries but for the good of
:u$iter in T!elfth House
Sutras +E-+B The nati#e !ill be $oor, he !ill be
interested in studies, !ill ha#e fe! children, !ill be
$roficient in mathematics but !ill be of loose
character% If :u$iter is associated !ith a benefic or is
in his o!n sign or sign of e(altation, the nati#e !ill go
to hea#en after his death% If :u$iter is associated !ith
a malefic the nati#e !ill go to hell after his death% He
!ill s$end mone* on religious causes and !ill ha#e
se(ual contacts !ith Brahmin and $regnant !omen%
Brihat :ata"a The nati#e !ill be a #illain%
Phaldee$i"a The nati#e !ill be disli"ed b* other
$eo$le% The nati#e !ill also be #ulgar in his s$eech%
He !ill be childless, !ill indulge in sinful deeds, !ill be
la&* and one !ho ser#es others%
Sara#ali The nati#e !ill be la&*, !ithout good s$eech
and unfortunate and !ill ha#e a feeling of bitterness
to!ards others%
6hamat"ar 6hintamani The nati#e in s$ite of
s$ending on good causes !ill not get an* $raise% He
!ill be stu$id and !ill incur loss of !ealth%
PART / - 0
)ffects of 4enus in the T!el#e Houses
4enus in the >irst House
Sutras 1-1- If 4enus is in the first house 1ascendant3
the nati#e !ill be $roficient in mathematics and
lor%gli#ed% He !ill be lo#ed b* his !ife, fond of
ornaments, good dresses and beaut*% He !ill be li"ed
b* !omen, !ill be !ealth* and learned% If 4enus is in
conDunction !ith a benefic, the nati#e !ill ha#e a
lustrous bod* shining li"e gold and !ill o!n man*
ornaments% If 4enus is associated !ith of as$ected b*
a malefic or is in his sign of debilitation 14irgo3, the
nati#e !ill be a thief and a cheat and !ill suffer from
rheumatic and $hlegmatic diseases% If the lord of the
first is associated !ith Rahu the nati#e !ill suffer from
h*drocele% If 4enus is in the ascendant and the fourth
house is occu$ied b* a benefic, the nati#e !ill o!n
ele$hants 1con#e*ances3 and enDo* high $ros$erit*% If
4enus is in his o!n sign 1Taurus or 8ibra3 the nati#e
!ill enDo* 2aharaDa *oga 1great name, fame and
!ealth3% If 4enus is lord of the Bth, 0th or 1/th%house
or is !ea", the nati#e !ill ha#e t!o !i#es, his fortune
!ill be fluctuating and he !ill be hard hearted%
Brihat :ata"a The $erson concerned !ill be s"illed in
amorous s$orts 1lo#e affairs3 and !ill be ha$$*%
Phaldee$i"a The nati#e !ill ha#e an attracti#e bod*,
charming e*es and !ill be ha$$* and long li#ed%
Sara#ali The nati#e !ill be handsome in e#er*
res$ect, ha$$* and long-li#ed% He !ill be li"ed b*
6hamat"ar 6hintamani The nati#e !ill ha#e an
attracti#e bod* and !ill li"e the com$an* of noble
$ersons% He !ill be suitable for the com$an* of
beautiful !omen% He !ill $erform $ious deeds and !ill
enDo* high class comforts%
4enus in the Second House
Sutras 1E-1? The nati#e !ill be !ealth*, !ill ha#e a
famil*, !ill get good food to eat, !ill ha#e attracti#e
e*es and !ill be of humble nature, "ind hearted and
hel$ful to others% He !ill get a beautiful !ife in his
-/nd *ear% If the lord of the second is !ea" or in the
0th, Bth or 1/th house, the nati#e !ill suffer from e*e
troubles% If 4enus is associated !ith 2oon 1!hile the
lord of the /nd is in 0th, Bth or 1/th3, the nati#e !ill
suffer from night blindness, !ithout an* famil* and
sufferer of e*e troubles and !ill s'uander a!a* his
Brihat :ata"a The nati#e !ill be elo'uent or s!eet
Phaldee$i"a The nati#e !ill ac'uire !ealth from
man* sources and !ill be a $oet%
Sara#ali The nati#e !ill be #er* !ealth*, humble in
his s$eech and !ill enDo* good food and drin"s, !ill
be full of glor* and !ill enDo* high class lu(uries
1including com$an* of !omen3%
6hamat"ar 6hintamani The nati#e !ill be s!eet
tongued and intelligent% He !ill ha#e good
a$$earance and decent dresses% He !ill be fond of
beautiful !omen%
4enus in the Third House
Sutras /.-// If 4enus is in the third house, the nati#e
!ill be #er* miser, he !ill be tolerant, there !ill be a
good number of brothers and the nati#e !ill ha#e
success b* his determined efforts% 8ater on, the
number of brothers !ill decrease% In successi#e order
the nati#e,s brothers !ill ha#e less and less of
financial gains b* their efforts% If the lord of the third
house is strong, is in his o!n or in his sign of
e(altation, there !ill be increase in the number of
brothers% If the lord of the third house is in the 0th, Bth
or 1/th house or he is associated !ith malefics there
!ill be loss of brothers%
Brihat :ata"a The $erson concerned !ill be sting*%
Phaldee$i"a The nati#e !ill be miser, not li"ed b*
$eo$le, !ithout ha$$iness and !ealth and also
!ithout !ife%
Sara#ali The nati#e !ill be miser, ha$$* and !ealth*
!ife !ill dominate o#er the nati#e, he !ill not be
courageous and !ill be unfortunate%
6hamat"ar 6hintamani The nati#e !ill not li"e
!omen% He !ill not lose his brothers and sisters% He
!ill ha#e children but !ill not be ha$$* in regard to
them% He !ill not be courageous%
4enus in the >ourth House
Sutras /--/B If 4enus is in the fourth house, the
nati#e !ill be handsome, intelligent, !ill ha#e
ha$$iness from brothers, !ill be ha$$* and of
forgi#able nature% In his *ear he !ill $ossess
con#e*ances $ulled b* horses% He !ill also ha#e
abundance of mil"% If the lord of the fourth house is
strong the nati#e !ill $ossess horses, $alan'uins and
gold etc% If the lord of the fourth house, is associated
!ith a malefic, is in the house of a malefic or his
enem* or is debilitated or is other!ise !ea", the
nati#e !ill be !ithout lands or con#e*ances% His
mother !ill be in distress and he !ill ha#e illicit
relations !ith !omen other than his !ife%
Brihat :ata"a The $erson concerned !ill be ha$$*%
Phaldee$i"a The nati#e !ill $ossess a good
con#e*ance, good house, ornaments, dresses and
articles of $erfumer*%
Sara#ali The nati#e !ill ha#e ha$$iness from
relations and friends, !ill $ossess con#e*ance and
house and !ill be handsome and generous%
6hamat"ar 6hintamani The nati#e !ill be su$erior to
others% He !ill get man* gifts from his follo!ers% He
!ill loo" after his mother from his earl* life%
4enus in the >ifth House
Sutras /?--- The nati#e !ill be full of !isdom and !ill
be a minister or commander of the arm*% He !ill ha#e
the good luc" of seeing his grand mother ali#e, !ill
ha#e a *oung !ife and also children% He !ill be
res$ected and honoured b* 5o#ernment, !ill be a
cle#er minister and his !ife !ill be full of ha$$iness% If
4enus is associated !ith a malefic or is in the house
of a malefic or in his sign of debilitation, the nati#e !ill
be dull headed and !ill remain in !ant of children% If
4enus is associated !ith a benefic or is in his o!n
sign or in his sign of e(altation the nati#e !ill be #er*
!ise, !ill be #ersed in !orldl* affairs and !ill ha#e
children and con#e*ances%
Brihat :ata"a The $erson concerned !ill be
Phaldee$i"a The nati#e !ill be !ealth* and honoured
li"e a "ing% He !ill ha#e ha$$iness from children and
!ill be #er* intelligent%
Sara#ali The nati#e !ill be ha$$*, !ill ha#e children
and friends% He !ill be fond of enDo*ments and #er*
!ealth*% He !ill be a minister or a Dudge%
6hamat"ar 6hintamani The nati#e !ill ha#e children
but !ill not get ha$$iness from them% He !ill not be
courageous but !ill get success in his underta"ings
b* hard !or"% He !ill be educated but !ill be
inca$able of being a $oet%
4enus in he Si(th House
Sutras -E--0 If 4enus is in the si(th house, the nati#e
!ill ha#e good number of relations, there !ill be
destruction of enemies and the nati#e !ill ha#e
children and grand children% He !ill incur !asteful
e($enditure, !ill be deceitful and !ill suffer from
diseases% If the lord of the si(th house is strong there
!ill be increase in the number of relations and
enemies% If the lord of the si(th is associated !ith a
malefic or is in his sign of debilitation or is associated
!ith 2oon, there !ill be loss of relations and
destruction of enemies%
Brihat :ata"a The nati#e !ill be !ithout enemies%
Phaldee$i"a The nati#e !ill be !ithout enemies but
he !ill be $oor and unha$$*% He !ill ha#e contacts
!ith se#eral !omen%
Sara#ali The nati#e !ill ha#e bitterness to!ards his
!ife% He !ill ha#e man* enemies, !ill be in distress
and of mean mentalit*%
6hamat"ar 6hintamani The nati#e !ill ha#e
dangerous enemies% He !ill incur lot of e($enditure%
He !ill be unsuccessful in all his efforts% He !ill be
de$ri#ed of ha$$iness from father, $rece$tor etc%
4enus in the Se#enth House
Sutras -@-EE If 4enus is in the se#enth house, the
nati#e !ill be fond of "issing on the mouth and !ill be
highl* se(ed% He !ill be !ealth* and !ill ta"e interest
in !omen other than his !ife% He !ill $ossess
con#e*ances, !ill be efficient in his !or", !ill $la* foul
!ith !omen and !ill ha#e a famil* consisting of
brothers and !ife etc% If 4enus is associated !ith a
malefic or is in the house of a malefic or in his sign of
debilitation 14irgo3 there !ill be loss of his !ife but he
!ill marr* again% If there are man* malefics !ith
4enus, the nati#e !ill ha#e to marr* man* times on
account of successi#e loss of his !i#es% In this
situation the nati#e !ill ha#e no children% If 4enus is
associated !ith a benefic or in his o!n or in his sign
of e(altation 1Pisces3 the nati#e !ill become #er*
!ealth* on account of gift of !ealth b* his in-la!s% He
!ill be #er* influential !ith the hel$ of his !ife and !ill
be surrounded b* !omen%
Brihat :ata"a The $erson concerned !ill $romote
'uarrels and !ill be fond of se(ual union%
Phaldee$i"a The nati#e !ill ha#e a good !ife but he
ma* ha#e to suffer the loss of his !ife% The nati#e !ill
be !ealth* and !ill fall for unchaste !omen%
Sara#ali The nati#e !ill be handsome, and !ill enDo*
a ha$$* married life% He !ill be !ealth*, fortunate and
a friend of e#er*bod*%
6hamat"ar 6hintamani The nati#e !ill be #er*
attracti#e% His !ife !ill gi#e birth to De!el of a son% He
!ill be fond of enDo*ing life in e#er* $ossible manner%
4enus in the )ighth House
Sutras E+-EB The nati#e !ill be ha$$*% His mother !ill
suffer from a throat trouble in his fourth *ear% He !ill
ha#e less than medium s$an of life and !ill be sic"l*%
He !ill ha#e a de#oted !ife but he !ill be
discontented% If 4enus is in the house of a benefic, 1or
associated !ith a benefic3 the nati#e !ill enDo* full
s$an of life% If 4enus is associated !ith 1or as$ected
b*3 a malefic, the nati#e !ill be short li#ed%
Brihat :ata"a The nati#e !ill be base%
Phaldee$i"a The nati#e !ill be !ealth*, long-li#ed
and o!ner of lands%
Sara#ali The nati#e !ill be long li#ed and e'ui$$ed
!ith all "inds of comforts, #er* !ealth*, li"e a "ing and
6hamat"ar 6hintamani He !ill enDo* comforts of all
"inds of con#e*ances li"e horses, ele$hants etc% He
!ill be long-li#ed but he !ill be harsh in s$eech% He
!ill al!a*s remain in debt%
4enus in the <inth House
Sutras E?-+B If 4enus is in the ninth house, the nati#e
!ill be religious minded, !ill de#ote himself to
meditation and !ill $erform religious rites, he !ill ha#e
#er* aus$icious signs in his foot 1li"e lotus, an"ush,
conch, etc3, !ill enDo* all "inds of comforts and !ill be
blessed !ith children% The father of the nati#e !ill be
long li#ed% If 4enus is associated !ith 1or as$ected
b*3 a malefic there ma* be loss of father earl* in
nati#e,s life% Again if 4enus is associated !ith 1or
as$ected b*3 a malefic, or is in the house of a malefic
or is in his sign of debilitation, there !ill be loss of
!ealth and the nati#e !ill ha#e illicit relations !ith the
$rece$tor,s !ife% If 4enus is associated !ith 1or
as$ected b*3 a benefic 1or is in his o!n sign or in his
sign of e(altation3, the nati#e !ill enDo* high $ros$erit*
as a result of 2aharaDa *oga% If 4enus is associated
!ith the lord of the Eth or @th house, the nati#e !ill be
e(ceedingl* fortunate and enDo* the comforts of all
"inds of con#e*ances, dresses and ornaments%
Brihat :ata"a The nati#e !ill be de#out and
Phaldee$i"a The nati#e !ill get rise in life b* the
fa#our of the "ing 15o#ernment3% He !ill enDo*
ha$$iness in res$ect of !ife, children and friends%
Sara#ali The nati#e !ill ha#e a stout constitution% He
!ill ac'uire great !ealth, !ill be generous and !ill be
ha$$* in res$ect of !ife and friends% He !ill de#ote
himself to the ser#ice of his guests, $rece$tor and
6hamat"ar 6hintamani The nati#e !ill be a
$ros$erous mone*lender and religious minded% He
!ill ha#e ha$$iness in res$ect of his brothers 1as
4enus as$ects the third house3% He !ill li#e a #er*
comfortable and ha$$* life%
4enus in the Tenth House
Sutras +?-01 If 4enus is in the tenth house, the
nati#e !ill be full of glor*% If 4enus is associated !ith
1or as$ected b*3 a malefic, the nati#e !ill ha#e
difficulties and obstacles in his underta"ings% If 4enus
is associated !ith 2ercur*, :u$iter and 2oon, the
effects !ill be as under- 1a3 The nati#e !ill enDo* the
comfort of man* con#e*ances% 1b3 He !ill $erform
religious ceremonies of man* "inds% 1c3 He !ill enDo*
!orld !ide re$utation% 1d3 He !ill enDo* man* RaDa
*ogas 1that is, he !ill be !ealth*, honoured and
famous3% 1e3 He !ill be #er* fortunate and tal"ati#e%
Brihat :ata"a The nati#e !ill be !ealth*%
Phaldee$i"a The nati#e !ill $erform #irtuous deeds,
he !ill ha#e ha$$iness from friends% He !ill be
res$ected and !ill attain a high status and get name
and fame%
Sara#ali The nati#e !ill achie#e b* his efforts
ha$$iness, name, fame, honours and good
6hamat"ar 6hintamani the nati#e !ill earn !ealth b*
doing religious !or"%
4enus in the )le#enth House
Sutras 0/-0E If 4enus is in the ele#enth house, the
nati#e !ill be learned, #er* !ealth*, o!ner of lands
and "ind hearted% If 4enus is associated !ith 1or
as$ected b*3 a benefic the nati#e !ill enDo* the
comforts of man* con#e*ances% If 4enus is in
conDunction !ith a malefic, the gain of !ealth !ill be
through 'uestionable means% If 4enus is associated
!ith a benefic the financial gains !ill be through
rightful means% If 4enus is in his sign of debilitation or
is associated !ith a malefic or the lord of Bth, 0th or
1/th there !ill be no financial gains%
Brihat :ata"a The $erson concerned !ill be
Phaldee$i"a The nati#e !ill be !ealth*, !ill ha#e
contacts !ith !omen other than his !ife and !ill enDo*
all comforts of life%
Sara#ali The nati#e !ill be ha$$* and !ill enDo* large
financial gains%
6hamat"ar 6hintamani The nati#e !ill be handsome,
!ell beha#ed, re$uted, lo#er of truth, full of good
'ualities, fortunate, !ealth* and "ing or li"e a "ing%
4enus in the T!elfth House
Sutras 0+-0B If 4enus is in the t!elfth house, the
nati#e !ill face e(terme $o#ert*% If 4enus is
associated !ith a malefic the nati#e !ill be inclined
to!ards se(ual indulgences% If 4enus is associated
!ith a benefic the nati#e !ill be #er* !ealth*, !ill ha#e
all comforts of bed 1se(ual $leasures3 and !ill go to
hea#en after death% He !ill go to hell if 4enus is
associated !ith a malefic%
Brihat :ata"a The $erson concerned !ill be rich%
Phaldee$i"a The nati#e !ill be rich and !ill ha#e
se(ual enDo*ments !ith man* !omen%
Sara#ali The nati#e !ill be la&* and ha$$*% He !ill
ha#e a $lum$ bod*% He !ill be mean, cle#er in se(ual
matters and dominated b* !omen%
6hamat"ar 6hintamani The nati#e !ill be rich% He !ill
destro* his fame and good 'ualities and !ill be
inimical to!ards his friends and others%
PART / - @
)ffects of Saturn in the T!el#e Houses
Saturn in the >irst House
Sutras 1-@ If Saturn is in the first house 1ascendant3,
the nati#e !ill suffer from rheumatic and bilious
diseases% If Saturn is in his sign of e(altation 18ibra3,
the nati#e !ill ha#e lordshi$ o#er a #illage or to!n and
!ill ha#e financial and agricultural $ros$erit*% If Saturn
is in his o!n sign 6a$ricorn or A'uarius, the father of
the nati#e !ill be rich% If Saturn is in the ascendant in
the sign of the lord of the Eth or the nati#e !ill be
#er* fortunate and !ill enDo* the effects of 2aharaDa
*oga 1name, fame and !ealth3% If Saturn in the
ascendant is as$ected b* 2oon, the nati#e !ill earn
his li#elihood b* begging% This !ill not ha$$en if
Saturn is as$ected b* a benefic 1:u$iter or 4enus3
Brihat:ata"a The $erson concerned !ill be $oor,
sic"l*, lo#e stric"en, #er* unclean, suffering from
diseases during his childhood and indistinct in his
s$eech% 1The abo#e effects are onl* !hen Saturn
occu$ies the 8agna identical !ith a sign other than
Sagittarius, Pisces, A'uarius, 6a$ricorn and 8ibra3% If
an* one of the signs Sagittarius, Pisces, A'uarius,
6a$ricorn and 8ibra be the ascendant and Saturn
should occu$* it, the $erson concerned !ill be e'ual
to a "ing, the headman of a #illage, ma*or of a cit*, a
great scholar and !ill be handsome%
Phaldee$i"a If Saturn is in the ascendant in his sign
of e(altation or in his o!n sign, the nati#e !ill be li"e a
"ing or head of a #illage or a to!n% If Saturn is in an*
other sign, the nati#e !ill be unha$$* in his childhood
and later !ill be $oor and la&*%
Sara#ali Same effects as gi#en b* Phaldee$i"a%
6hamat"ar 6hintamani The nati#e !ill o!n large
$ro$erties and !ill be $ros$erous but greed*,
sorro!ful and narro! minded% He !ill humiliate his
Saturn in the Second House
Sutras B-? The nati#e !ill remain in !ant of mone*
1financial stringenc*3 and !ill ha#e t!o !i#es 1this
means that his first !ife !ill die and he !ill marr*
again3% If Saturn is associated !ith a malefic the
nati#e !ill $la* foul !ith !omen and !ill be in charge
of a 2atha 1a religious institution3% He !ill $ossess no
lands and !ill suffer from e*e troubles%
Brihat :ata"a The $erson concerned !ill be
immensel* rich but !ill be de$ri#ed of his !ealth b* a
"ing and !ill suffer diseases in the face%
Phaldee$i"a The nati#e !ill be ugl* in a$$earance%
He !ill ado$t 'uestionable means for earning his
li#elihood and !ill be $oor% 8ater in his life he !ill go
a!a* from his nati#e $lace and !ill ac'uire !ealth,
con#e*ance and other obDects of comfort%
Sara#ali The nati#e !ill ha#e an afflicted face% 8ater
in life he !ill lea#e his nati#e $lace and ac'uire
!ealth, con#e*ances and other obDects of comfort%
6hamat"ar 6hintamani The nati#e !ill be harsh in
s$eech and !ill ac'uire !ealth etc%, !hen he
se$arates from his famil* and goes a!a* from his
nati#e $lace%
Saturn in the Third House
Sutras 1.-1- If Saturn is in the third house there !ill
be loss of brothers 1or there ma* be no *ounger
brothers3% The nati#e !ill earn his li#elihood b*
undesirable trades% If Saturn is in his o!n sign or in
his sign of e(altation, the nati#e !ill ha#e a good
number of brothers% If Saturn is associated !ith a
malefic the nati#e !ill be inimical to!ards his brothers
1if there are an*3%
Brihat :ata"a The $erson concerned !ill $ossess a
good intellect and great strength%
Phaldee$i"a The nati#e !ill be intelligent, generous
and !ill enDo* the comforts of married life, but he !ill
be la&* and unha$$*%
Sara#ali The nati#e !ill be a man !ith famil*,
courageous, charitable and intelligent but he !ill be
6hamat"ar 6hintamani The nati#e !ill be unha$$* on
account of his brothers% He !ill be ambitious and a
good orator% He !ill face man* obstacles in his life%
Saturn in the >ourth House
Sutras 1E-/1 If Saturn is in the fourth house, there
!ill be loss of mother% After the death of his mother,
the nati#e !ill get a ste$ mother, but all these e#il
effects !ill not ha$$en if Saturn is in his o!n house or
e(alted in the fourth house and the nati#e !ill o!n
horses and $restigious con#e*ances li"e $alan'uins%
If Saturn in the fourth ha$$ens to be lord of the
ascendant, the mother !ill be long-li#ed and the
nati#e !ill enDo* all "inds of comforts and be ha$$*% If
Saturn is associated !ith the lord of the Bth house,
there !ill be loss of mother and ha$$iness%
Brihat :ata"a The $erson concerned !ill ha#e no
ha$$iness and !ill be troubled in mind%
Phaldee$i"a The nati#e !ill be !ithout house,
con#e*ance, mother and ha$$iness% He !ill also be
sic"l* in his childhood%
Sara#ali-Same as Phaldee$i"a%
Saturn in the >ifth House
Sutras //-/0-If Saturn is in the fifth house, the nati#e
!ill be childless and #er* $oor% He !ill be engaged in
inferior trades and !ill ado$t a daughter% If Saturn is in
his o!n sign the nati#e !ill ha#e daughters% If Saturn
is as$ected b* :u$iter the nati#e !ill ha#e t!o !i#es
of !hom one !ill be issueless and the second one !ill
gi#e birth to daughters% If Saturn is strong the nati#e
!ill ha#e affairs !ith man* !omen%
Brihat :ata"a The $erson concerned !ill be childless
and !ithout !ealth%
Phaldee$i"a The nati#e !ill be e#il minded and
de#oid of learning, children, !ealth and ha$$iness%
He !ill mo#e about aimlessl*%
Sara#ali The nati#e !ill be !ithout ha$$iness,
children, friends and intelligence% He !ill be heartless
and al!a*s $oor%
6hamat"ar 6hintamani The nati#e !ill be childless
and of unstable mind and !ealth%
Saturn in the Si(th House
Sutras /@--1 If Saturn is in the si(th house, the
nati#e !ill ha#e little learning and there !ill be
destruction of enemies% The nati#e !ill ha#e fall
financial and agricultural $ros$erit*% If Saturn is
associated !ith 2ars, the nati#e !ill tra#el far and
!ide and !ill enDo* RaDa Goga of a moderate order% If
Saturn is in the 0th as lord of the Bth house, the nati#e
!ill suffer from Arishta 1reduction in longe#it*3 and
rheumatic troubles and shooting $ains% He !ill also
ha#e mar"s of inDuries in the bod*%
Brihat :ata"a The $erson concerned !ill be $o!erful
but !ill be o#er$o!ered b* his enemies%
Phaldee$i"a The nati#e !ill eat a lot, !ill be !ealth*
and $roud%
Sara#ali The nati#e !ill eat a lot and !ill be
$ssionate, handsome, courageous, e#il minded and
con'ueror of his enemies%
6hamat"ar 6hintamani The nati#e !ill #an'uish his
enemies, !ill o!n cattle li"e co!s and buffaloes and
!ill suffer loss of his uncle%
Saturn in the Se#enth House
Sutras -/--0 The nati#e !ill ha#e a lean bodied !ife,
he !ill be afflicted in his bod* and !ill indulge in
$rostitution% He !ill also be #er* sorro!ful% If Saturn is
in his o!n sign or in his sign of e(altation the nati#e
!ill ha#e intimac* !ith man* !omen% The effect !ill
be the same if Saturn is in conDunction !ith 7etu% If
Saturn is associated !ith 2ars the nati#e !ill "iss
somebod*,s male organ !ith his mouth% If Saturn is
associated !ith 4enus, the nati#e !ill "iss the female
secret $arts !ith his, mouth and !ill ha#e intimac*
!ith !omen other than his !ife%
Brihat :ata"a The $erson concerned should suffer
humiliation at the hands of !omen%
Phaldee$i"a The nati#e !ill ha#e intimac* !ith
!omen of 'uestionable character% He !ill be $oor and
unha$$* and !ill tra#el aimlessl*%
Sara#ali The nati#e !ill be sic"l* and !ill suffer loss
of !ife% He !ill be $oor, ugl*, sinful and of loose
6hamat"ar-6hintamani The nati#e !ill ha#e good
friends, stable !ealth and a stable minded !ife%
Husband and !ife !ill both be sic"l*%
Saturn in the )ighth House
Sutras -@-E. The nati#e !ill ha#e a life s$an of @+
*ears% He !ill be $oor, !ill ha#e intimac* !ith lo!
caste !omen and !ill earn his li#elihood b* ser#ing
others% If Saturn is in his o!n sign or in his sign of
e(altation, the nati#e !ill ha#e a still longer s$an of
life% If the lord of the-Bth house is in the house of his
enem* or in his sign of debilitation, the nati#e !ill be
short li#ed and he !ill earn his li#elihood !ith difficult*
and ma* ha#e to go !ithout food%
Brihat :ata"a The nati#e !ill ha#e a limited number of
issues and !ill ha#e defecti#e e*e sight%
Phaldee$i"a The nati#e !ill be unclean, !ill suffer
from $iles, !ill be $oor, cruel minded and !ill remain
in !ant of food%
Sara#ali The nati#e !ill suffer from diseases of the
anus and !ill be short li#ed and inca$able of
succeeding in an* #enture%
6hamat"ar 6hintamani The nati#e !ill suffer loss of
!ealth, !ill be !ithout friends, sic"l* and e#il minded%
Saturn in the <inth House
Sutras E1-E- If Saturn is in the ninth house the nati#e
!ill be sinful but still he !ill get the dila$idated
buildings of religious institutions re$aired and in his
-?th *ear !ill ha#e bathing ghats, shelters for co!s
etc% built% If Saturn is in his o!n sign or in his sign of
e(altation, the nati#e,s father !ill be long-li#ed% If
Saturn is !ea" or is associated !ith a malefic the
nati#e,s father !ill be short-li#ed%
Brihat :ata"a The $erson concerned !ill be endo!ed
!ith children, !ealth and ha$$iness%
Phaldee$i"a The nati#e !ill be unfortunate, $oor,
childless, fatherless, and irreligious% He !ill also be
e#il minded%
Sara#ali The nati#e !ill ha#e meager !ealth and !ill
be irreligious, childless, unha$$* and one !ho causes
troubles to others%
6hamat"ar 6hintamani The nati#e !ill be cruel
minded% He !ill ha#e faith in Goga Shastra and
Saturn in the Tenth House
Sutras EE-E+ If Saturn is in the tenth house the nati#e
!ill bathe in the 5anges in his /+th *ear% He !ill be
sting* and of bilious constitution% If Saturn is
associated !ith a malefic the nati#e !ill face
obstacles in his $rofessional career% He !ill be
successful in his underta"ings if Saturn is associated
!ith a benefic%
Brihat :ata"a The $erson concerned !ill be ha$$*
and $o!erful%
Phaldee$i"a The nati#e !ill be a "ing or minister of a
"ing, and !ill be e(tremel* !ealth*, famous and
courageous and !ill ta"e interest in agriculture%
Sara#ali The nati#e !ill be !ealth*, learned, minister
or a :udge or head of a #illage%
6hamat"ar 6hintamani The nati#e !ill lose both his
$arents in his childhood% He !ill indulge in sinful
deeds% He !ill humiliate his enemies% His means of
li#elihood !ill be $oor%
Saturn in the )le#enth House
Sutras E0-EB If Saturn is in the ele#enth house, the
nati#e !ill be #er* !ealth* but there !ill be obstacles
in his !a*% He !ill also be o!ner of landed $ro$ert*
and a fa#ourite of 5o#ernment% If Saturn is in his o!n
sign or in his sign ofe(altation the nati#e !ill be
learned and enDo* 2ahabhag*a Goga 1causing
$ros$erit* of a #er* high order3 and comforts of all
"inds of con#e*ances%
Brihat :ata"a The $erson concerned !ill be !ealth*%
Phaldee$i"a The nati#e !ill be courageous, health*,
!ealth*, longli#ed and !ill o!n immo#able $ro$ert*%
Sara#ali Same as Phaldee$i"a%
6hamat"ar 6hintamani The nati#e !ill al!a*s be
!ealth* and courageous%
Saturn in the T!elfth House
Sutras E?-+- If Saturn is in the t!elfth house, the
nati#e !ill be sinful and !ill ha#e affliction in some
$art of his bod*% If Saturn is associated !ith a malefic
the nati#e !ill ha#e defecti#e e*e sight% If he is
associated !ith a benefic the nati#e !ill be ha$$*, !ill
ha#e good e*e sight and !ill go to hea#en after death%
If he is associated !ith a malefic the nati#e !ill go to
hell, !ill incur !asteful e($enditure and !ill be $oor%
Brihat :ata"a The $erson concerned !ill suffer
Phaldee$i"a The nati#e !ill be shameless, $oor,
childless and stu$id and some $art of the bod* of the
nati#e !ill be deformed%
Sara#ali The nati#e !ill be sinful, gossi$er, hard
hearted, mischie#ous and humiliated and !ill incur
!asteful e($enditure%
6hamat"ar 6hintamani The nati#e !ill be shameless
and !ill ha#e small e*es% He !ill be ha$$* in foreign
tra#els% If Saturn is in 1/th as lord of the ascendant,
the nati#e !ill destro* his enemies%
PART / - B
)ffects of Rahu and 7etu in the T!el#e Houses
Rahu and 7etu in the >irst House
Sutras 1-E If Rahu or 7etu is in the first house the
nati#e,s !ife !ill gi#e birth to a still born child% If Rahu
or 7etu is in Aries, Taurus or 6ancer, the nati#e !ill be
"ind hearted and fond of enDo*ments% If Rahu or 7etu
is as$ected b* a malefic there !ill be mar"s on the
face 1$robabl* of small $o(3%
Brihat Jataka and Saravali have not dealt with the
effects of Rahu and Ketu in the various houses.
Phaldee$i"a Rahu-The nati#e !ill be short li#ed but
!ealth* and $o!erful but he !ill suffer from disease in
the u$$er $art of his bod*% 7etu-The nati#e !ill be
ungrateful unha$$*, bac"biter, and mo#ing in the
societ* of undesirable $ersons% He !ill ha#e an
afflicted bod* and !ill be de$ri#ed of his $osition%
6hamat"ar 6hintamani Rahu-The nati#e !ill destro*
the $o!er of his enemies% He !ill remain under the
influence of others% He !ill remain detached in s$ite of
ha#ing man* !i#es% 7etu-The nati#e !ill $ro#e
troublesome to the members of his famil*% He !ill
suffer from !ind* troubles%
Rahu or 7etu in the Second House
Sutras +-0 If Rahu or 7etu is in the second house,
the nati#e !ill be $oor, !ill suffer from diseases of the
bod* and loss of children, and !ill be of dar"%
com$le(ion% If Rahu or 7etu is associated !ith a
malefic the nati#e !ill ha#e a mar" on the li$s%
Phaladee$i"a Rahu-The nati#e !ill sa* !ords !hich
con#e* double meaning% He !ill suffer from diseases
of the mouth% He !ill be of angr* tem$erament but
rich on account of fa#our from the "ing% 7etu-The
nati#e !ill be de#oid of !ealth and education% He !ill
indulge in #ulgar s$eech, ha#e defecti#e e*e sight
and !ill de$end on others for food%
6hamat"ar 6hintamani Rahu-The nati#e !ill face
destruction of his famil*% He !ill be fearless but a liar%
He !ill destro* his enemies to sa#e his !ealth% 7etu-
The nati#e !ill suffer from diseases of the mouth% He
!ill ha#e bitterness !ith the "ing 15o#ernment3% He
!ill suffer loss of !ealth and !ill ha#e troubles from
the members of his famil*% If 7etu is in Aries, 5emini
or 4irgo, the nati#e !ill enDo* all comforts%
Rahu or 7etu in the Third House
Sutras @-B If Rahu or 7etu is in the third the nati#e
!ill ha#e abundance of oil seeds of the t*$e of
mustard, til, sesamum etc% If Rahu or 7etu is
associated !ith a benefic, there !ill be a mar" on the
Phaladee$i"a Rahu-The nati#e !ill be res$ected and
!ill ha#e inimical relations !ith his brothers% He !ill be
!ealth*, long li#ed and determined% 7etu-The nati#e
!ill be !ealth*, $o!erful, long li#ed and re$uted% He
!ill enDo* com$an* of his !ife and !ill ha#e abundant
agricultural $roducts% He !ill suffer loss of brothers%
6hamat"ar 6hintamani Rahu-The nati#e !ill be #er*
courageous% 7etu-The enemies !ill be #an'uished%
There !ill be contro#ersies% 5reat $ros$erit* !ill be
enDo*ed% There !ill be no friends%
Rahu or 7etu in the >ourth House
Sutras ?-1. The nati#e !ill o!n man* "inds of
ornaments, !ill ha#e t!o !i#es and !ill ser#e others%
If Rahu or 7etu is% associated !ith a malefic, the
nati#e,s mother !ill be in distress but this !ill not
ha$$en if there is association !ith a benefic%
Phaldee$i"a Rahu-The nati#e !ill be stu$id,
troublesome, short li#ed and seldom ha$$*%
7etu-The nati#e !ill li#e in the house of others% He !ill
suffer loss of his mother, land, ha$$iness and grain
fields% He ma* ha#e to go a!a* from his nati#e $lace%
6hamat"ar 6hintamani Rahu-The mother of the
nati#e !ill be sic"l*% Rahu in Aries, 6ancer or 4irgo,
gi#es beneficial results% The nati#e !ill then become a
"ing% 7etu-The nati#e !ill be de#oid of ha$$iness from
mother and friends% He !ill not sta* in his o!n house
for long% His $aternal $ro$ert* !ill be destro*ed%
Rahu or 7etu in the >ifth House
Sutras 11-1- The nati#e !ill ha#e no children or
suffer loss of children due to !rath of the Ser$ent
5od% He !ill ha#e children after conducting PooDa of
<aga Pratima% The nati#e !ill suffer from !ind*
diseases and indulge in sinful deeds% He !ill suffer
from !rath of the "ing and !ill li#e in undesirable
Phaladee$i"a Rahu-The nati#e !ill be childless, hard
hearted and !ill suffer from stomach ailments% 7etu-
The nati#e !ill suffer from loss of children% He !ill be
of e#il nature and un!ise% He ma* also suffer from
,Pishacha Badha,%
6hamat"ar 6hintamani Rahu-The nati#e !ill get a
son% He !ill al!a*s be !orried on account -of his !ife%
He !ill suffer from stomach ailments% 7etu-The nati#e
!ill suffer from stomach ailments% He !ill not get
man* children% In s$ite of being courageous he !ill
remain de$endent on others%
Rahu or 7etu in the Si(th House
Sutras 1E-10 The nati#e !ill be tolerant and #er*
ha$$*% If 2oon is associated !ith Rahu or 7etu, the
nati#e !ill ha#e se(ual contact !ith ladies of "ing,s
famil*% He !ill be $oor and a thief%
Phaldee$i"a Rahu-The nati#e !ill be !ealth* and
long li#ed% He !ill suffer from diseases of the anus%
He !ill also suffer from enemies and from the e#il
effect of malefic $lanets%
7etu-The nati#e !ill be generous, full of good
'ualities, determined, famous and a $erson in
6hamat"ar 6hintamani Rahu-The nati#e,s enemies
!ill be destro*ed% He !ill be $o!erful, #irile and
!ealth*% 7etu-The nati#e !ill suffer loss of re$utation
on account of his maternal uncle% He !ill o!n cattle
li"e co!s etc% He !ill be health* but narro! minded%
Rahu or 7etu in the Se#enth House
Sutras 1@-/1 The nati#e !ill ha#e t!o !i#es% The first
!ife !ill die and the second !ill suffer from tumour% If
Rahu or 7etu is associated !ith a malefic the nati#e
!ill suffer from a disease called ,5anda mala,% This
!ill not ha$$en if the* are associated !ith a benefic%
The nati#e !ill generall* ha#e t!o !i#es but there !ill
be onl* one !ife if Rahu or 7etu is in conDunction !ith
a benefic%
Phaldee$i"a Rahu-The nati#e !ill be of inde$endent
nature and !ill incur loss of !ealth on account of his
association !ith !omen% He !ill be a !ido!er and !ill
suffer from loss of #irilit*%
7etu-The nati#e !ill suffer from humiliation% He !ill
indulge in affairs !ith unchaste !omen and !ill be
se$arated from his o!n !ife% He !ill suffer from
intestinal disorders%
6hamat"ar 6hintamani Rahu-The nati#e !ill suffer
loss of !ife% 7etu-He !ill suffer loss of !ealth and
there !ill be danger to his life from !ater* $laces% His
!ife and children !ill be sic"l*% If 7etu is in Scor$io,
the nati#e !ill al!a*s be ha$$*%
Rahu or 7etu in the )ighth House
Sutras //-/- If Rahu or 7etu is in the eighth house,
the nati#e !ill be #er* sic"l* and the life s$an of the
nati#e !ill be of -/ *ears% It !ill be of E+ *ears if Rahu
or 7etu is associated !ith a benefic% It !ill be of 0.
*ears if the lord of the eighth house is strong or is in
his sign of e(altation%
Phaldee$i"a Rahu-The nati#e !ill be in distress, !ill
suffer from rheumatic troubles, !ill ha#e fe! children,
!ill be short li#ed and !ill indulge in e#il deeds% 7etu-
The nati#e !ill be se$arated from his near and dear
,ones, !ill be 'uarrelsome and short li#ed% He !ill get
inDured from !ea$ons and !ill face obstacles in all his
6hamat"ar 6hintamani Rahu-The nati#e !ill suffer
from !ind* troubles% He !ill be de$ri#ed of $aternal
$ro$ert* and !ill be declared as an outcaste b* his
relations% He !ill be res$ected b* the "ing and
learned men but members of his famil* !ill ha#e little
regard for him% 7etu-The nati#e !ill suffer from $iles
and !ill ha#e danger to life from falling do!n from a
horse% He !ill be short of funds but there !ill be
accumulation of !ealth if 7etu is in Scor$io, 4irgo or
Rahu or 7etu in the <inth House
Sutra /E If Rahu or 7etu is in the ninth house, the
nati#e !ill be childless, !ill ha#e intimac* !ith lo!-
born !omen, !ill de$end on others for his li#elihood
and !ill be irreligious%
Phaldee$i"a Rahu-The nati#e !ill s$ea" !ith
bitterness and !ill not $erform an* charitable deeds
but !ill be a leader of #illage or to!n% 7etu-The nati#e
!ill be sinfull* dis$osed, !ill $erform un-$ious deeds,
!ill be fatherless, unfortunate and $oor%
6hamat"ar 6hintamani Rahu-The nati#e !ill be full of
good 'ualities, fond of $ilgrimages and "ind hearted%
7etu-The nati#e !ill be an(ious to get children and
!ill earn !ealth !ith the hel$ of non-Hindus%
Rahu or 7etu in the Tenth House
Sutras /+-/B The nati#e !ill ha#e se(ual contacts
!ith !ido!s and !ill li#e in slums% He !ill li#e in good
$laces if Rahu or 7etu is associated !ith a benefic%
The nati#e !ill also be interested in $oetr*%
Phaldee$i"a Rahu-The nati#e !ill ha#e fe! children,
!ill not $erform good deeds but !ill be fearless and
famous% 7etu-The nati#e !ill indulge in sinful deeds
but he !ill be famous for his courage%
6hamat"ar 6hintamani Rahu-The nati#e !ill !aste
mone* on drin"ing and do cruel deeds% He !ill $refer
the com$an* of non-Hindus and enDo* beautiful
!omen% 7etu-The nati#e !ill be unfortunate and !ill
li#e in distress% He !ill ha#e no ha$$iness from father%
He !ill destro* his enemies if 7etu is in Aries, 4irgo or
Rahu or 7etu in the )le#enth House
Sutras /?--.-The nati#e !ill be blessed !ith children
and be !ealth*%
Phaldee$i"a Rahu-The nati#e !ill be !ealth* and
long li#ed but !ill ha#e fe! children% He !ill suffer
from ear troubles% 7etu-The nati#e !ill accumulate
!ealth and !ill enDo* all "inds of comforts% He !ill get
success in all his underta"ings%
6hamat"ar 6hintamani Rahu-The nati#e !ill ac'uire
!ealth through non-Hindus% He !ill ha#e ha$$iness
from children% 7etu-The nati#e !ill ha#e all "inds of
gains% He !ill be fortunate, learned and !ell dressed%
His issues !ill be unfortunate%
Rahu or 7etu in the T!elfth House
Sutras -1--/ The nati#e !ill ha#e fe! children and
suffer from e*e troubles% He !ill go to hell after death%
Phaldee$i"a Rahu-The nati#e !ill incur lot of !asteful
e($enditure and indulge in sinful deeds%
7etu-The nati#e !ill commit sins secretl* and incur
e($enditure for e#il $ur$oses% He !ill also suffer from
e*e troubles%
6hamat"ar 6hintamani Rahu-The nati#e !ill be $oor
and !ill be unsuccessful in all his underta"ings% He
!ill ha#e friendshi$ !ith e#il minded $ersons% 7etu-
The nati#e !ill be li"e a "ing% He !ill incur e($enditure
on charities% His enemies !ill be #an'uished and he
!ill suffer from e*e troubles%

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