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ROLL NO.: 4212

Advertising account planners play a key part in developing advertising campaigns for a diverse range of
products and services. The planner is responsible for writing the formal creative brief and for providing the
ideal environment for creative development. Acting as the voice of the consumer within an agency, a planner
uses research data to identify suitable audiences and the best methods of communication. Planners combine
market data, qualitative research and product knowledge within a brief to enable the creative team to produce
advertising ideas that resolve defined business problems. With increasing public awareness of marketing
strategies, a key challenge is to develop innovative ways to reach consumers.
The account planner does many things in an organization but the main being the various roles he plays. He is
constantly working with clients day in and day out so that he can get a better understanding of their business.
This also gives him of a better idea of the target market the company is looking cater too thus helping them
reach the right consumers. Once the clients perspective is in the frame the account planner analyzes the data
available to him. this helps him determine the business objectives of his clients and hence clearly find out what
are the target markets that they are looking to cater to.. This procedure then continues in analyzing the data in
hand and the current trend prevailing in those target markets.This further leads to various other things like
commissioning, conducting and analyzing qualitatively i.e. by various focus groups etc. or quantitatively i.e. via
survey. This research gives him a more clear mental picture of the market and the target group that he is going
to cater to. This procedure is then followed by briefing of the creative team. This involves giving them a clients
view or perspective on what the client requires rather than the obvious that the client requires rather than the
obvious that the ad could state. This brief may also include various trending words within the target market that
may make it easier to delever the message to them. The last but not the least is monitorin the effectiveness of
the creative campaign and checking whether the right message was delivered or whether it brought brought
about the desired attention, interest, desire or action.
The value an account planner adds to the advertising process is measured through the variety of tasks that he
carries out for the advertising agency.
Speaking to clients, he helps define the main problem that the advertising or promotional campaign must
address. Without the key problem, the entire advertising campaign can be a failure even though it may be a
brilliant one. The other thing is that he is in constant interaction with people from various age groups and
different professions. This helps him keep in touch with the current trends of the society and hence easily cater
to the required target audience by directly connecting to what is trending in that particular age group. He is also
constantly in interaction with the art/creative department of the agency to be update with the creative level
present in the current advertising world. His analysis of matter includes a wide range of information gained in
every possible detail. This includes demographics, socio-economics and the market for the clients product and
market share. He also commissions research from outside organizations to inform advertising strategies, using
both qualitative methods, such as focus groups and structured interviews, and quantitative methods, such as
demographic profiling and questionnaires. This also includes creating qualitative research groups by using a
variety of market and research data. This helps him measure cultural and social trends and their impact on
consumers' attitudes, behaviour and perceptions.
Many qualities can be listed out for an account planner but the key ones are only those that helps him ad
value to the advertising process.
He should first be a good listener. Without being a good listener he wont be able to understand the client or
their needs or requirements. After listening to what the client has to say he should also be inquisitive in
knowing why exactly a client is stating what he is. This helps him gain an entire insight into what exactly his
client is looking for or which is the exact target group that he has to cater to.
He should obviously be interested in people else knowing what trend is prevalent in the society would be very
tough. He should be a person who is able to connect easily with the opposite person. Be it a client or someone

from the target or focus group. This helps him grow bonds that make future contacts easier to come by. He has
to have a creative side to him. New and innovative words do not come overnight into an ad. They are properly
researched and are accordingly put in as per the target market. The creative side of an account planner would
only help him in identifying such key words that could make the campaign a hit.
He has to be comfortable with handling chaos because that is going to be there when he has mass
interactions. Its one of the main aspects of his bread and butter that if not comfortable with wont get him
A account planner is needed because he helps finding an 'angle' on a specific product or service on which to
base an advertising campaign. He does the researching the product or service to be advertised, which may
involve gaining technical or specific knowledge. He reconcils the differences between consumers' current
perceptions of the brand and the way the client wishes the brand to be perceived.
He sets up meeting with the client to learn the background to the brand and advising on possible approaches
or adaptation of approach to the target market. He provides the creative team with a clearly defined brief that
contains concise information on the product, audience and strategy, so that they can develop creative ideas
applicable to the media channels that will promote the idea most effectively. He presents the conclusions and
ideas to clients and other agency staff. He is a part of the team that analysis and interprets customer response
and sales data to evaluate the effectiveness of the campaign.
He defines ad objectives by working with the client to establish their aims and objectives, as the objectives
come in from understanding what the client wants. It can be in terms of market share, market volume,
company share or brand preference by the people. By analyzing existing data, market reports and trends. By
also developing, managing and analyzing research projects. This helps him I selecting the right communication
to make the brand people pleasing.
He basically looks at ad objectives to make it very clear to the company what to measure. This also helps in
selecting what kind of communication should the campaign use or what is the image the brand is looking to
build. It also helps him realize whether he has to take soft term measures or hard term measures or hard term
measures for a particular campaign. He is very important in collecting the data before and after the ad
The importance of deciding ad objectives is that it helps the ad agency define the problem that they are
specifically looking to address. This is very important as the ad can be an entertaining ad but not the one that
is targeting the problem for which the company wants to advertise. The main objective overall is to make a
great ad but if it does not solve the problem that is at hand then the entire campaign even though good will be
a failure. The advertising objectives help why a particular campaign should take that particular direction to get
this particular result.

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