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Student selection form reflections on a sample piece of work

Subject: French Phases 4, 5

Name of assignment/task: preuve crite

Brief summary of the task: To write a letter in French to a friend explaining them about what our typical
weekend is like and to write an essay in French describing about our current school.

This piece of work was selected to illustrate the following ATL and/or Learner Profile attributes
Inquirer, Thinker, Communicator, and to use soical and communication skills.
Why this piece of work is a good example of the above because I worked indepedently on this which
makes me an inquirer. I was creative in writing and constructing the sentences and phrases in the writing
which makes me a thinker. I was writing an informal letter to a friend which means I was using my social
and communication skills and it makes me a communicator.

What can/will I do differently next time? I will write a creative essay again and I will research and work
more on small mistakes I made in the letter like spelling and grammar mistakes.

What are my goals for improving this particular criterion

a) in the immediate future (1 week)? To look at all of my errors and mistakes in my wtiting and make a
note of them.

b) in the short term (1 month)? To research and work more on those mistakes to improve them so I
wont make the same mistake again in the next test.

c)in the long term (until the end of the semester)? I will still continue to learn about areas I think I
need to work on more.

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