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Introduction to Generation Y
Gen Y consists of people who age
between 13 to 26.
We are called as Gen Y because we
love to ask why. In other words, Gen Y
are inquisitive.
Gen Y modernize this world.
Usage of new short forms and
creation of new words.

Promote through social media such as
Facebook, Instagram, Twitter etc.
Most Gen Y spend time on their phones
instead of other mass media such as TV
and newspaper.
Gen Y are self-conscious, they care
about their image.
Therefore, our product will partner with
some prominent brands to attract
customers as to build trust.

As a result, these partnered brands
will be able to propagate our product
by distributing flyers or brochures,
also by word of mouth.
Also, there will be discounts up to
30% for early birds, perhaps the first
500 to ensure the break-even point is
met as soon as possible.

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