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How many even 3 digit integers greater than 700 with distinct non zero digits are there ?

A. 729
B. 243
C. 108
D. 88
E. 77
1. Number of 3 digit even numbers >than 700 and <1000 = 149. We can use Arthmetic
progression to find 149. How? 702 is the first even number and 998 is the last even
number. The difference is 2 between the numbers. So, we have 702 + (n-1)2 = 998 or
2. Number of 3 digit even numbers that need to eliminated = 41, How? 702, 704, 706,
708, 710 => 5 numbers x 3 (for 70x, 80x and 90x series)= 15. Also, 720, 730...790 - 8
numbers x 3 = 24. Also 800 and 900 - 2 numbers. So, 15 + 24 + 2 = 41.
3. So net result is 149-41 = 108.
4. C is the answer.

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