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Personalised Feedback Sheet for IGCSE Section 1 Types and Components of Computers

Name: Nathan Blundell

Target grade:
Score on this assessment: 43/58
Grade for this assessment: B

General feedback/class needs:
The majority of you in this class really nailed this test. You clearly knew the main components of a
computer and most of you could give a definition for RAM and ROM.
Software and Hardware didnt seem to pose any problems for you, most students achieved the full 8
marks on question 8.
Common problems seemed to be that you didnt know the reasons why components such as RAM
and ROM are needed in a computer system and that Backing Storage is NOT backup!
Next, most of you seemed to struggle on things that an operating system does. Many of you told me
it was software that controls the whole system but we were looking for more in depth answers such
as handles any program errors or crashes to prevent the whole computer freezing.
Finally, the weakest area for you all was types of computers and their uses. It was clear that many of
you didnt know what a mainframe was, for example, nor the types of situations it would be used in.
Your personal targets:
1. To revise RAM and ROM and be able to describe clear uses for it in a computer.
2. To check through paper for mistakes e.g. not putting enough information.
3. To use a more effective way of revising e.g. find practise questions and try them.
One question I got totally right was :2b this was because I made sure I remembered it in my revision.
One question I nearly got right was : Describe the difference between RAM and ROM. I missed
what they stood for RAM: Random access memory and ROM: Read only memory.
One question I got completely wrong was: Give a reason why each of the following are needed
in a computer system, I got this wrong as I mixed everything up and didnt add key
You will have been allocated an exam question to further your knowledge or help you to overcome a
misconception. Copy out the question here in full and answer it.
Describe four features of ROM (4 marks)
1. Read only memory.
2. ROM cant be changed easily.
3. ROM is non-volatile.
4. Used to store the BIOS of a computer.

Explain why computers have backing storage and RAM. (3 marks)
So you can have a permanent copy of something. To store an open program. So users can make
changes to their data they are currently working on.

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