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MVHS Staff Sentinel
Target Time Survey!
A Falcon Forum took place on the
subject of Target Time.
A survey was created and distributed to
staff via Google Docs and First Class.
The results of the survey and a few
comments are listed below.
I do think Target Time is beneficial,
there just needs to be some tweaking to
make it more efficient.

Last year's model worked pretty well
and was comparatively simpler and less
time-consuming. Also, with the current
model, we've lost what I think was a
really important feature: the regular
monitoring by homeroom teachers of
their students' progress.

I think the Wednesday homeroom
should be the time to talk with the
homeroom about where they are going
(and why), as-well-as sign students up. I
struggle, not only to find time to sign
kids up, but figure out what the window
of opportunity is to sign students up.

2014-15 School Year
Welcome back! What a month. It sure seems to have flown by,
as we are all working to adjust to the new schedule, the new
standards, and Empower.
This newsletter will be distributed on a monthly basis. Its
purpose is to review the previous months professional
development here at MVHS.
October 6-10
Workshop Day
October 10
A day of
development based
around Design
Question 2 & 3,
Empower, and web

October 15
Sophomores &
Juniors will be
taking the test.
Freshmen will be
touring Region 9,
Seniors UMF.
O C T O B E R 2 0 1 4
festivities included
dress up days, a
pep rally on
Thursday and the
parade on Friday.


The Major Components of a PLC
Why 3 Big Ideas
1. Focus on learning
2. Build a collaborative culture
3. Focus on results

What 4 Critical Questions

1. What is it we expect them to learn?

2. How will we know when they have learned it?
3. How will we respond when they do not learn?

4. How will we respond when they already know

Design Question 2 & 3

DQ #2: Helping students interact with new knowledge
Identify critical information, Organizing students to
interact with new knowledge, Previewing new content,
Chunking content into Digestible bites, Processing of new
information, Elaborating on new information, Recording
and representing knowledge, Reflecting and representing
knowledge, Reflecting on learning

DQ #3: Helping students practice and deepen new knowledge

Review content, Organizing students to practice and deepen knowledge, Using homework, Examining
similarities and differences, Examining errors in
reasoning, Practicing skills-strategies-processes, Revising
Empower / Educate

A software system created to support educators,
parents, and students in a personalized, proficiency
based education system. This tool will allow students
to track and lead their own learning as they view what
standards they have reached proficiency on and which
standards they need to work on during their
educational career.

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