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18-09-14 CETIS 78
It is called human resources to people with an organization (nonprofit or for-profit, and any
type of association) has to develop and execute correctly the actions, activities, duties and
tasks to be performed and which have been applied to such persons.
People are an essential part of an organization, and together with the material and financial
resources make up the "whole" that the organization needs.
That is why, in most companies for example, comprehensive analyzes and assessments to
candidates wishing to take a job in the organizing company are made. Even, there are areas
within the company relating to the management of human and specialized professionals in the
discipline, ranging from hiring legal knowledge to early psychology and attitudinal
performance resources.
In short, we can say that these areas are responsible for choosing the most appropriate human
resources for the company, according not only to their skills and abilities to perform the
required work, but also evaluating other conditions and attitudes that impact, or they can
impactar- positively on the organization: responsibility, entrepreneurship, partnership,
respect, honesty, transparency, etc.
Of course, for this, the company or organization also must offer good working conditions: in
principle, a correct working environment that allows normal and comfortable development
activities, and some other conditions that future workers will always consider: possibilities for
progress in of the organization, ongoing training, achievement awards, incentives, among
other things.
In this sense, those in charge of managing the human resources area, in constant contact with
people working in the organization should be able to link the concerns of workers and the
interests of the company in order to make a profit work-life balance for both sides.
By what we said about the importance of people as drive motors within the company as
growth and development, in recent years, several universities or higher education institutions
have joined its academic courses, courses, or entire degrees designed the study area of human
resources (HR -protective) and training of skilled professionals to develop in these areas within
organizations. Together with management, merchandising, marketing, corporate
communications and corporate social responsibility, forms the set of so-called "cienc

18-09-14 CETIS 78
The term human resources (HR abbreviated as, RH, HR, and also known as human capital)
originated in the area of political economy and social sciences, where it was used to identify
one of the three factors of production, also known as work (the other two being land and
capital). As such, for many years it was considered as a resource: little predictable and
The modern concept of human resources emerged in the 1920s in reaction to the approach of
"efficiency" Taylor. Psychologists and employment experts began the movement of human
resources, began to see the workers in terms of their psychology and fitness for the
organization, rather than as interchangeable parts. This movement grew throughout the
twentieth century, every day putting greater emphasis on how leadership, cohesion, and
loyalty played an important role in the success of the organization.
As the business world became aware that an employee was much more than "work" and that
could bring more than that to the company and society, the concept of "human capital", which
encompasses the complexity of this created resource.
When used in the singular, "human resource" generally refers to persons employed in a
company or organization. It stands for "personal".
When speaking in the plural, "human resources", usually refers to the area of management
that deals with managing the staff of the company. This includes hiring, developing, training
and fire, among other functions.
By the late twentieth and early twenty-first, the knowledge and skills of "human resource"
have gained great importance, being increasingly important compared to other tangible assets.
Hence the area of human resources has become a vital area for the success of organizations.

18-09-14 CETIS 78
In addition to the experiences of implementing the labor skills training; there is a development
aspect of this approach starting from its application in the management of human resources.
Many companies in the United States, Europe and America have recently incorporated human
resources management based on competency as a tool to improve productivity and maintain a
positive climate in relations with its employees.
The justification for these efforts is the attempt to improve levels of productivity and
competitiveness by mobilizing the knowledge and ability to learn from the organization. It is
evident as well, the trend appreciation of the human contribution to organizational
This application of the competencies approach includes the traditional areas of talent
management in the organization: selection, compensation, training, evaluation and promotion.
Review of applications of standardized competence systems are known, place in England,
Ireland, Scotland, Australia, framed within a national system of training and certification. In
these cases, the main feature is its national projection and articulation of training institutions
with business needs through training based on competency standards.
Additionally, many companies encouraged by the pressures of change and reorganization of
work to stay competitive, have undertaken mounting systems HRM based on competency.
Installation of these systems requires the definition of key competencies for the organization;
putting them with the participation of workers, not always all; and its application to the
selection, training needs assessment, performance appraisal, compensation, competency
assessment and promotion of staff.
The experiences that confirm this answer is based on applications of behavioral labor
competency approach whereby competitions showcasing the best workers and become the
benchmark of best performance are determined. Here are some features of this approach are
The emphasis in the company: One of the main features of these experiences is to not focus on
the problem of the formation as a national problem; simply working at the enterprise level.
The premise makes this methodological attitude derives from considering that the powers for
the same occupation in two different organizations, may differ. The organizational philosophy,
manufacturing and customer service varies from company to company; in that case, each must
find the key to his colleagues reach the desired goals skills.
Reference on the best: Models competency management behaviourist identify the best
workers; who are achieving the best results. Hence the competence profile derived under the
assumption that if the best performance becomes a standard, the organization as a whole will
improve your productivity.

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