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Abulwafa, Reem. The Image of the Non-Jewish Woman in the Old Testament.
M.A Thesis, Facult of A!ts, Mansou!a "ni#e!sit, $%&'.
This stud sheds light on the image of the non-(ewish woman th!ough
some sam)led mentioned in the Old Testament. A non-(ewish woman was one
that li#ed within Ancient Is!aelis communit whe!eas she belonged to anothe!
communit. The daughte! of a non-(ewish woman was non-(ewish as well.
The Old Testament )!esented ste!eot)ical images of some of g!ou)s. *ince
some figu!es we!e !e)etiti#el mentioned while associated with ce!tain
+ualities and )a!ticula! actions, this e#entuall led to c!eating intellectual
moulds fo! the non-Jewish woman.
This stud is di#ided into two )a!ts, )!eceded b )!eface and
int!oduction. The )!eface is entitled ,-asic conce)ts fo! the Non-Jewish
woman in the Old Testament,. As its title suggests, the )!eface tac.les the
woman as gene!all )e!cei#ed in the Old Testament, the non-Jewish woman
in )a!ticula!, the conce)t of the ,othe!,, and issues li.e mi/ed ma!!iage.
0ART ON1 is entitled ,*)!eading Mo!al 2ecadence amongst the
Is!aelites, which deals with some ste!eot)ical images of the non-Jewish
woman in the Old Testament !ega!ding the s)!ead of mo!al decadence that
negati#el affected Is!aelis3 !elationshi) with thei! 4ahweh. The !esea!che!
di#ides this )a!t into th!ee cha)te!s.
5ha)te! one is entitled ,*)!eading Religious 5o!!u)tion, whe!eb the
!esea!che! dis)las some te/ts in which the non-Jewish woman aimed at
s)!eading he! !eligion within the Is!aelites eithe! th!ough mi/ed ma!!iage o!
b (ust tem)ting them, thus con#e!ting to he! !eligion.
5ha)te! two is entitled ,*)!eading *e/ual 5o!!u)tion,. This 5ha)te!
deals with the te/ts that show ste!eot)ical images fo! the se/uall co!!u)t
non-Jewish woman, thus c!eating wides)!ead #ices within the Is!aelites3. The
Old Testament im)a!ted some immo!al featu!es e#en on each non-(ewish
woman holding a )ositi#e )osition.
5ha)te! th!ee is entitled ,The Names of Non-Jewish Women and thei!
*ignificance on Mo!al 2ecadence,. This cha)te! tac.les the significance of
names and titles of some non-Jewish woman in the Old Testament, something
that cont!ibuted in c!eating the image of the mo!all co!!u)t non-Jewish
0ART TWO is entitled ,O))!ession and 6iolence against Non-Jewish
Woman in the Old Testament,. It falls into th!ee cha)te!s.
5ha)te! one is unde! the title ,*)i!itual 6iolence,. It !eco!de!s some
featu!es of non-Jewish woman !ebu.e in the Old Testament *uch as se!#ilit,
sla#e!, humiliation, ost!acism.
5ha)te! two is entitled ,0hsical 6iolence,. It deals with some te/ts that
demonst!ated the )hsical #iolence on non-Jewish women such as se/ual
#iolence was also )!esented in the fo!m of mu!de!, to!tu!e and co!)ses abuse.
5ha)te! th!ee is entitled ,1conomic 6iolence, which deals with some
te/ts that #iolated non-Jewish women economicall. This t)e of #iolence
was shown in the fo!m of de)!i#ing he! child!en f!om thei! !ight of
Finall, the !esea!che! ends this stud with conclusion which is de#oted
to the following findings7
&8The Old Testament )!esented a negati#e image of the non-Jewish
woman th!ough desc!i)tion, action, and names. *he a))ea!ed as
)agan, )laful, and sometimes e#en mu!de!e!.
$8The !e)eatedl negati#e image of the non-Jewish woman in the Old
Testament )a#ed the wa fo! othe!s to acce)t #iolence, with its th!ee
fo!ms, against he!.
'8The negati#e image of the non-Jewish woman in the Old Testament
!einfo!ced the legislations and the ideologies of the sac!ed offs)!ing. It
achie#ed the )!omise of 4ahweh and the !efusal of ,Othe!s, a well.
98The legislations of inte!!acial ma!!iage )!ohibition su))o!ted the
negati#e image of the non-Jewish woman in the Old Testament. This
image fi!ml established the 5ommandments and legislations of the
Old Testament which demanded of non-Jewish women !e(ection.


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