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Italian Mafia Rap

Once a way of life

To protect your daughters, sons, and wife
From a government that you thought wasnt fair
Turned into a group that you must beware

Because of its corrupt system and rulers
Led to citizens being killed and left in the sewers
Induced by fear, instilled by violence
Caused so much catastrophe that families had to form an alliance

The more they grew the more they were known
From politicians to the almighty Al Capone
As they helped form a sense of security in Italy
Many refer to them as a second government in Sicily
And then expanded to the US suspiciously
Where the US met gangsters like Al, Gambino, and Luciano unluckily
The Godfathers of crime
Able to love and hate at the same time
But even though they arent in their prime
They still rack up more money than some people do in their lifetime
The great and powerful Italian Mafia
Dont mess with them and if you do, well see ya.

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