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Problems solutions
Logging interests cut down
rain forest trees for timber
used in flooring, furniture,
and other items.
Sustainable-logging regimes that selectively cull
trees rather than clear-cut them would save
millions of acres of rainforest every year.

Power plants and other
industries cut and burn
trees to generate electricity
Campaigns that educate people about the
destruction caused by rain forest timber and
encourage purchasing of sustainable rainforest
products could drive demand down enough to
slow deforestation.
The paper industry turns
huge tracts of rainforest
trees into pulp.
Encouraging people who live near rain forests to
harvest its bounty (nuts, fruits, medicines) rather
than clear-cutting it for farmland would save
million of acres
The cattle industry uses
slash-and-burn techniques
to clear ranch land
Government moratoriums on road building and
large infrastructure projects in the rain forest
would save many acres.

ANIMALS Pandas (major) Sloth(minor)
FOOD bamboo Sloths are classified as folivores, as
the bulk of their diets consist of buds,
tender shoots, and leaves, mainly of
Cecropia trees. Some two-toed sloths
have been documented as eating
insects, small reptiles, and birds as a
small supplement to their diets.
BEHAVIOR Because of their low-energy diet they
avoid stressful situations and exertion,
preferring shallow slopes and solitary
living. They use scent markers to avoid
one another. Giant pandas dont roar
like other bears, but bleat like goats, or
honk, growl and bark to communicate.
Cubs whine and croak for attention.
Eating and sleeping while hanging
from the trees is one feature of their
low energy lifestyle. At night, when
their body temperature decreases
they stop moving altogether and wait
for morning. When the sun rises they
climb to the top of the tree and soak
in the rays of light - re-charging by
solar energy.
Plants bamboo: A Panda's daily menu
consists almost entirely of the leaves,
stems, and shoots of various bamboo
species. Bamboo contains very little
nutritional value, so pandas must eat
12-38kg every day to meet their energy
needs. Only about 1% of their diet is
made up of other plants and meat.
Occasionally the panda will hunt for
pikas and other small rodents. As
members of the bear family, giant
pandas possess the same digestive
system of a carnivore. But they differ in
the sense that they have adapted to a
vegetarian diet. This behavior defines
their lives in many ways, since they will
often rely on living close to areas where
bamboo is abundant. This leaves them
vulnerable to any loss of bamboo
habitat a key threat to their survival.
cecropia tree:
the cecropia tree has a relationship
with the Azteca ants, which live inside
it and take food from it and also
protecting the tree from strangers
including sloths. In the process of
mulching on cecropia leaves, sloths
ingest these ants. These mammals
eat leaves in every position; put a
leafy branch to its mouth and it will
break it off and turn the branch to eat
the leaves.

Climate warmish moist and wet, warmish
area of
China, in Sichuan, Shaanxi, and
Gansu province

slow-moving mammals found in the
rainforest canopies of Central and
South America

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