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10 Extension Note

Landscape Ecology and Natural

Disturbances: Relationships to Biodiversity

Natural disturbance statistics grab natural disturbances such as wildfire,

your attention: wind, and insects (Figure , Table ).
• Hurricane-force winds flatten over To maintain a range of ecosystems and
Biodiversity   ha of forest land on north- habitats and to maintain biodiversity,
Management Concepts ern Vancouver Island in the winter a new approach in forest management
in Landscape Ecology
of . applies the concepts of landscape and
• Small isolated “hot spots” of moun- disturbance ecology.
tain pine beetle infestations are The field of landscape ecology
John Parminter and Patrick Daigle detected in southwestern British integrates natural disturbance regimes
B.C. Ministry of Forests Columbia in the early s. These and their effects on the distribution of
Research Program
31 Bastion Square infestations irrupt rapidly a decade ecological types across a landscape,
Victoria, BC V8W 3E7 later into massive outbreaks cover- the dispersal and movement of plant
(250) 386-6810
ing   ha of lodgepole pine and animal species, and the flow of
July 1997 forests. energy and nutrients. The Forest Prac-
• Wildfire burns over   ha of tices Code explicitly recognizes
British Columbia’s forest land in landscape ecology by designating
. One fire alone covers   planning areas called Landscape Units,
ha—more than half of the total each with specific Landscape Unit
area burned. Objectives. The Biodiversity Guide-
These extraordinary events can book (B.C. Ministry of Forests and
“. . . if the effects of forest mean different things to different B.C. Ministry of Environment, Lands
people: a reduced timber harvest, a and Parks ), a component of the
management activities
lost wilderness reserve, an unsightly Code, focuses on the significance of
closely resemble those of recreation area. Many of the feelings sustaining naturally occurring land-
generated embrace a sense of loss and scape patterns.
natural disturbances, the
the belief that nature is on the ram- The guidebook recommends a
risk of losing native species page. But while these scenarios may procedure for establishing and meet-
appear to conflict with and impair a ing objectives to maintain biodiversity
and altering ecological
multitude of forest resource values, at both landscape and stand levels.
processes is lowered . . .” these natural disturbances show evo- Ecological principles form the basis of
lution in action and can actually this approach, which assumes that if
maintain that increasingly precious the effects of forest management ac-
global treasure—biodiversity. tivities closely resemble those of
British Columbia’s natural ecosys- natural disturbances, the risk of losing
tems have all evolved, and are still native species and altering ecological
evolving, under the influence of processes is lowered.
 January 2000. Policy direction for biodiversity is now represented by the Landscape Unit Planning
Guide. This Extension Note should be regarded as technical background only.

Ministry of Forests Research Program

  Disturbance history of British Columbia’s forests for insects, wildfires, and forest

The other biological This extension note is the second in from human intervention, believing
a series designed to raise awareness of that this was the appropriate way to
concepts documented as
landscape ecology concepts and to preserve all species.
individual extension notes provide background for the ecologi- However, scientists have increas-
cally based forest management ingly recognized that forest, shrub,
approach recommended in the and grassland ecosystems are dynamic
• management concepts for Biodiversity Guidebook. The emphasis entities. This view, referred to in ecol-
is on natural disturbance ecology ogy as the “non-equilibrium model,”
landscape ecology
(Parminter ). We first define and considers ecosystem structure to be
(Extension Note No. 07), describe natural disturbances, the determined by interactions between
agents responsible, and the ecological the long-term forces of ecological
• spatial patterns, principles of natural disturbances, and succession, fluctuations in climate,
• connectivity, their effects on landscape patterns, and the more immediate effects of
processes, and functions. We conclude natural disturbances.
• riparian areas, by examining how the concepts of Natural disturbances are defined as
• interior habitats and natural disturbance ecology are incor- relatively distinct events in time that
porated into the Forest Practices Code disrupt ecosystem, community, or
edge effects, and
and the biodiversity guidelines. population structure and that change
• seral stages across resources, the availability of suitable
What Is Natural Disturbance habitat, and/or the physical environ-
Ecology? ment. These events occur at varying
intensities across various space and
Until relatively recently, natural re- time scales and have contributed,
source management decisions and along with climate, soils, and
activities were based on the idea that geomorphology, to producing the
ecosystems existed in a steady, self- diverse landscape patterns we see
replacing state (sometimes today.
corresponding to “old-growth” condi-
tions) and that natural disturbances Disturbance Agents and Regimes
were unimportant. Some people Wildfire, wind, drought, insects, and
sought to protect old-growth forests disease cause some of the most

 Parminter’s chapter in Voller and Harrison’s Conservation Biology Principles for Forested Landscapes
provides a valuable reference for those wanting an in-depth understanding.

  Area affected by some natural and cultural disturbances in British Columbia
(from Parminter 1997)

Disturbance agent Area (ha)

Insects (1921 1995) 24 274 990
Wildfire (1912 1995) 10 577 151
Forest harvesting (1913 1993) 8 289 096
Slash burning (1913 1993) 1 744 789
Land clearing (1913 1958) 438 164
Wildlife habitat burning (1982 1993) 551 980
Total 45 876 170

widespread landscape disturbance. habitats, such as riparian and wetland

They affect most ecosystems, but not areas, or to the spatial relationships
with equal frequency or magnitude. that influence landscape connectivity
Catastrophic events, such as wildfire, and edge or interior forest habitats.
wind, landslides, snow avalanches, British Columbia’s forests have
flooding, and certain other weather- evolved under the influence of several
related phenomena, can be intense natural disturbance regimes, which
and act over large areas, resulting in have created the composition, size,
the death of entire populations and age, and distribution of specific forest
causing major changes to ecosystems. types, as well as the structural charac-
However, a relatively minor distur- teristics of forest stands.
bance, involving tree death or treefall
gaps, would affect only one or a few Seven Generalizations about the
individuals. Importance of Disturbance
Two categories of natural distur-
bances are: Disturbances are fundamentally
. Abiotic: from non-living agents, important in controlling landscape
such as wildfire, flood, landslides pattern and ecological function. Peter
and snow avalanches, and weather- White () listed seven generaliza-
related phenomena (e.g., wind, tions that help to explain natural
drought, frost/ice/snow). disturbances and their effects on
. Biotic: from living agents, such as ecosystems.
disease organisms, or grazing and
browsing by mammals or insects. . Disturbances occur on a variety of
The combined effects of abiotic spatial and temporal scales
and biotic natural disturbance agents Landscape mosaics reflect the temporal
determine natural disturbance re- and spatial distributions of distur-
gimes. These regimes are defined by bances. Disturbances can be of:
variables such as the area disturbed • small spatial scale (e.g., an individual
and the frequency and magnitude of tree dies or falls, creating a treefall
the disturbance (expressed as either gap), or
intensity or severity). • large spatial scale (e.g., fire may re-
Disturbance frequency, size, and turn a large forested area to an early
intensity vary among ecosystems, seral stage or wind may advance
helping to create landscapes with succession by releasing an
different attributes. Landscape at- understorey of shade-tolerant ad-
tributes include the relative vanced regeneration).
abundance of seral stages, or the Both small- and large-scale distur-
stages of ecosystem development that bances can occur, resulting in landscape
follow a major disturbance event. mosaics with patches of varying size,
Other attributes relate to specific species composition, and age structure.

Disturbances can affect an ecosys- than % in interior ponderosa pine
tem for: forests where conditions are different
• a relatively short time period (e.g., and fire is the prevalent disturbance
a tree falls; subsequent canopy agent.
closure occurs within a decade), or Small-scale wind events may create
• a relatively long time period (e.g., a disturbances of varying size in the
landslide or intense wildfire; landscape because of specific topo-
complete ecosystem recovery to graphic or vegetation conditions.
pre-disturbance conditions may Trees susceptible to blowdown include
take centuries). those that are:
• situated in rain-saturated soils;
. Disturbances affect many levels of • located where airflow may be fun-
biological organization nelled and thus accelerated (e.g., on
Most biological communities are re- a mountain ridge, at the head of a
covering from the last disturbance. valley, or next to clearcuts); and
The effects of disturbance are felt at • weakened by age, root disease, or
many levels of biological organiza- insect damage.
tion—from the individual to
ecosystem-wide. Natural disturbances . Disturbances overlay environmen-
can: tal gradients, both influencing and
• disrupt ecosystem and stand being influenced by those gradients
development, Underlying environmental gradients
• return areas to earlier stages of affect some natural disturbances. For
succession, and example, fires have the potential to
• change habitat mosaics. burn more intensely when moving
For example, severe fires may con- across dry terrain as opposed to
sume organic matter in soils, kill moister areas, where less fuel might
dominant tree species, change stream burn. Some disturbances, however,
chemistry, and shift the patterns of operate independently of physical
mammal movements, thus affecting gradients, as when severe windstorms
ecological, physiological, and behav- randomly destroy trees over wide
ioural processes and landscape areas. The landscape patterns that
patterns. result from this type of disturbance
are thus patchy and unrelated to the
. Disturbance regimes vary, both underlying environmental gradients.
regionally and within one landscape. Alternatively, some disturbances
Disturbances vary among specific reinforce changes in landscape com-
geographic areas and biogeoclimatic position and structure along physical
zones. Some regions or landscapes are gradients. Such events are important
subject to wind, landslides, and flood- mechanisms for energy flow and nu-
ing, while fire, insects, and disease trient cycling and for maintaining age,
affect others more. species, genetic, and structural
For example, damage during severe diversity.
wind events is strongly associated with
elevation and aspect, as well as 5. Disturbances interact
vegetation structure. Extremely large Various disturbance agents affect an
areas can be disturbed, especially already diverse physical and biological
along or near the west coast, where landscape to create and maintain eco-
large-scale storms with hurricane- system diversity. Some disturbance
force winds come ashore. Some % agents may promote or inhibit the
of individual tree mortality in coastal occurrence and effects of other distur-
Sitka spruce–western hemlock forests bance agents.
is wind-induced, compared to less For example, windthrow may affect

areas with root rot, or insect attack the establishment of early seral spe-
may increase in fire-damaged trees. cies. In contrast, windthrown forests
Or, stands regenerating after a wildfire may be accelerated towards a later
may be less prone to bark beetle attack seral stage if shade-tolerant advanced
for several decades, at which time the regeneration forms the bulk of the
trees may become susceptible. next stand.

. Disturbances may result from Natural Disturbances, Ecosystem

feedback between the state of the Recovery, and Biodiversity
plant community and its
vulnerability to disturbance To maintain biodiversity, resource
Certain landscape characteristics rein- managers should understand how
force either shorter or longer natural disturbances and ecosystem
disturbance return intervals because recovery are linked, and how historical
of the composition and structure of natural disturbance regimes have
the vegetation. So while the frequency produced the current habitat patterns
and intensity of disturbances can and attributes of the landscape
influence the types of ecosystems, and (Rogers ).
thus the vegetation present, these Immediately after trees die in a
ecosystems can also develop distinct forest, the complex process of renewal
feedback reactions that can, in turn, begins. The speed of this recovery will
control the nature of the disturbance. vary greatly depending on the charac-
For instance, stand-maintaining ter and intensity of the disturbance
surface fires were common in interior and the type of ecosystem affected.
Douglas-fir and ponderosa pine for- Ecosystems are not equally resilient—
ests. Historically, these forests were that is, they do not possess an equal
all-aged and consisted of distinct ability to recover. The species diversity
groups (or clumps), usually of simi- that ultimately arises in the disturbed
larly aged trees, with a relatively open area depends on the balance struck
understorey and interspersed between disturbance frequency and
grasslands. Such fires maintained intensity and the level of competition
these forests in this condition by es- that exists between species. Factors
sentially fire-proofing them: their such as predation, other forms of
vulnerability to crown fires was re- mortality, and environmental influ-
duced, which effectively reduced the ences are also involved.
potential for succession to communi-
ties composed of later seral plant Ecosystem Management and the
species. Forest Practices Code

. Disturbances produce variability In landscapes solely affected by natu-

in communities ral processes, disturbances vary in
Disturbances can impact a stand or time and space and maintain many
landscape unevenly. Natural distur- seral stages and community types at a
bances (and those created by human regional scale. In the middle part of
action) can promote plant and animal this century, the forests of coastal
diversity by influencing the species British Columbia were often harvested
composition, age, edge characteristics, and left to regenerate naturally or
and distribution of stands across the restocked with Douglas-fir, sometimes
landscape. regardless of site suitability. Forest
Because disturbance regimes can management consisted of clearcutting,
be variable, resulting successional snag falling, and slashburning—
pathways may also vary. For example, practices that were considered to
a stand-destroying wildfire may favour mimic wildfire effects.

The coastal plantations had a forests, and non-forested land. In
simpler structure and composition some areas, scattered cutblocks frag-
than natural forests and it was antici- mented the landscape. In others, the
pated that most stands would be process of continuous clearcutting left
harvested before they were  years few, if any, remnant patches. The
old. These plantations lacked the amount of edge, the degree of isola-
multi-layered canopy, range of tree tion of forest remnants, and the length
sizes, old live trees, and abundant of forest road networks increased.
standing dead trees and coarse woody These factors further influenced natu-
debris that are often present in natural ral disturbance regimes, often
forests, thus reducing habitat quality resulting in accelerated windthrow,
for some species. pest outbreaks, wildfire, and land-
At the landscape level, this manage- slides.
ment approach tended to alter Today, forest operations are no
disturbance regimes by breaking up longer viewed as discrete treatments.
large blocks of mature forest into a Management activities take place in a
mosaic of young plantations, mature semi-natural matrix of “culturally

  Comparison of idealized development in stands for (a) both structural diversity
and wood production and (b) maximum wood production only (from Hansen
et al. 1991).

modified” forests, grasslands, and patterns that result from natural dis-
Cissel et al
al.. (199
(19944 ) describe wetlands that dominates at the pro- turbances and by anticipating future
a useful six-step process to vincial scale. Furthermore, the land in disturbances. To aid this integration
analyze disturbance this matrix is managed in various process, the Biodiversity Guidebook
processes at the landscape ways—ranging from concentrated and groups the biogeoclimatic units of
level and to generate intensive, to dispersed and extensive— British Columbia into five natural
potential management
to use multiple resources. This matrix disturbance types characterized by
also plays three important roles re- similar disturbance regimes. These
1. Assess historic and current lated to biodiversity: regimes were responsible for the com-
disturbance regimes for
terrestrial and aquatic • providing habitat at smaller scales, position, size, age, and distribution of
ecosystems. • buffering and increasing the effec- specific forest types on the landscape,
tiveness of protected areas (e.g., as well as the structural characteristics
2. Integrate this information
parks and wilderness), and of forest stands.
using an appropriate
mapping and/or narrative • controlling connectivity in the To conserve biodiversity and main-
technique and define a
landscape, including the movement tain more natural landscapes,
desired landscape of organisms between protected landscape-level management activities
condition and associated areas (Franklin ). should be kept within the historical
management approach for The Forest Practices Code ad- range of variability that existed as the
subareas, or strata, with dresses the management needs of this current ecosystems and landscapes
similar disturbance semi-natural matrix by using an eco- developed. This concept is central to
regimes, potential system approach that considers the designing management prescriptions
vegetation, and human forest as a functioning ecological sys- because it provides a reference point
use patterns. tem in which ecological processes from which to evaluate the success of
3. Project this management form a blueprint for specific resource ecosystem management. It can help
approach into the future management activities. These activi- to:
using a geographic ties must enable the harvest of wood
information system;
• describe the dynamics of ecosys-
fibre, as well as maintain native spe- tems that undergo continual
assume no natural
cies, ecosystem processes and change,
disturbances, but allow for
structures, and long-term ecosystem • identify the range of sustainable
natural succession; model
har vesting that
harvesting productivity (Figure ). future conditions, and
approximates the natural The guidelines in the Biodiversity • establish the limits of acceptable
disturbance regime. Guidebook () help to incorporate change (Morgan et al. ).
4. Analyze the resulting the principles of natural disturbance Several current landscape design
landscape pattern to see if ecology into forest planning. The methods incorporate important ele-
adjustments are needed to major premise underlying the guide- ments of the historical range of
meet established lines is that if the effects of forest variability, such as site history, natural
management objectives management activities closely resem- disturbance regimes, and successional
(current conditions may be ble those of natural disturbances, then processes. (See, for example, Diaz and
outside the range of natural ecological processes will likely Apostol ; Bell ; Regional
desired conditions). continue with minimal adverse im- Interagency Executive Committee
5. Adjust the frequency
frequency,, pact. This approach ensures that ; Diaz and Bell .) British Co-
intensity,, or location of management treatments are consist- lumbia’s biogeoclimatic ecosystem
future har vesting units as
harvesting ent with the conditions under which classification system provides a frame-
required; change the natural species, gene pools, communi- work that can be used to study how
amount or shape of
ties, ecosystems, and ecosystem the historical roles of natural distur-
reser ves; prescribe
processes have evolved. bances have affected different
ecosystem restoration
ecosystems, and how disturbance
Applying Disturbance Ecology regimes interact with resource man-
6. Identify management
Concepts agement activities.
actions that will
encourage development of
New management practices should
the desired landscape Management activities can be success- consciously focus on the effects of
condition. fully integrated into the natural natural disturbances and the value of
landscape by paying attention to the biological legacies, rather than on the

particular disturbance agent responsi- over several cutting cycles.
ble. Larger-scale disturbances, such as No single silvicultural system will
more extensive wildfire and wind- precisely reproduce the inherent natu-
throw, are emulated at the landscape ral variability because forests are
level by designing similarly sized and created by a variety of disturbances.
shaped cutblocks, and leaving rem- Some of this natural variation can be
nant patches of live and dead trees, as introduced into managed landscapes
well as residual coarse woody debris. by using a variety of silvicultural sys-
Several adjacent cutblocks may be tems, but the choice will ultimately
needed to mimic larger natural distur- depend on the biological, social, and
bances, especially wildfires in economic objectives for the landscape.
sub-boreal and boreal ecosystems The basic premise asserts that when
(DeLong ). At a landscape scale, an ecosystem is managed within its
the choice of rotation age, rate of cut, historical range of variability, it will
and cutblock layout will determine remain diverse, resilient, productive,
the future age-class distribution and and healthy.
landscape pattern. The long-term
consequences of these new manage- Text by Susan Bannerman
ment regimes should be evaluated

References landscapes? Ecological Applications
Bell, S. . Total resource design. In Hansen, A.J., T.A. Spies, F.J. Swanson,
Visual landscape design training and J.L. Ohmann. . Conserving
manual. B.C. Min. For., Rec. biodiversity in managed forests:
Branch, Victoria, B.C. Rec. Br. Publ. lessons from natural forests.
No. -. App. . pp. –. BioScience ():–.
British Columbia Ministry of Forests Morgan, P., G.H. Aplet, J.B. Haufler,
and B.C. Ministry of Environment, H.C. Humphries, M.M. Moore, and
Lands and Parks. . Biodiversity W.D. Wilson. . Historical range
guidebook. B.C. Forest Practices of variability: a useful tool for
Code. Victoria, B.C. ix +  p. evaluating ecosystem change. Jour-
Cissel, J.H., F.J. Swanson, W.A. McKee, nal of Sustainable Forestry 
and A.L. Burditt. . Using the (/):–.
past to plan the future in the Pacific Parminter, J. []. Natural distur-
Northwest. Journal of Forestry bance ecology. In Conservation
():–, . biology principles for forested
DeLong, C. . Lessons from wild- landscapes. J. Voller and S. Harrison
fire: managing the pattern of forest (editors). B.C. Min. For., Res.
harvest. B.C. Min. For., Prince Program, Victoria, B.C. In prep.
George For. Region, Prince George, Regional Interagency Executive Com-
B.C. Res. Note PG-.  p. mittee. . Ecosystem analysis at
Diaz, N. and D. Apostol. . Forest the watershed scale: federal guide
landscape analysis and design: a to watershed analysis, Version ..
process for developing and imple- Regional Ecosystem Office, Port-
menting land management land, Oreg.
objectives for landscape patterns. Rogers, P. . Disturbance ecology
U.S. Dep. Agric. For. Serv., Port- and forest management: a review of
land, Oreg. R-ECO-TP--. the literature. U.S. Dep. Agric. For.
Diaz, N. and S. Bell. . Landscape Serv., Ogden, Utah. Gen. Tech. Rep.
analysis and design. In Creating a INT-GTR-.  p.
new forestry for the twenty-first White, P.S. . Natural disturbance,
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Island Press, Covelo, Calif. pattern in natural areas. Natural
Franklin, J.F. . Preserving Areas Journal ():–.
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