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Thursday 9

Magazine cover.
For my first cover
line I have chosen a
Rockwell style font
in black so it stands
out. The first part of
the cover line, is of
a size 100 and is in
bold, contrasting
the second part of
the cover line which
is not bold and is of
a size 72. This is
because the first
part of the cover
line has to be short
and snappy to
entice the reader.
The second part of
the cover line is just
to give the reader a
little more
information about
the article.
I have added my
second cover line
Write the perfect
statement! Tips for
success when
applying for
The size and font
style is the same as
the other cover
I have added my third
cover line Get
Involved! Find the
enrichment course
perfect for you. The
same font and size is
used as the previous
cover lines. I have
chosen to put
Enrichment in
capital letters so the
reader will know the
article is about
enrichment. I have
also changed the first
part of all the cover
lines to blue so they
stand out more but
kept the second part
of the cover lines
black to contrast each
I have added my
fourth cover line
Creative writing:
Whats it all
about?. The same
colour, size and
font style is used.
I have added my
fifth cover line Is
the Crescent Caf
up to our
standards? The
I have changed my
fifth cover line to
to new head.
Exclusively is in
capitals because it is
an incentive used to
entice the reader. I
have also changed
the colour of the first
part of the cover line
from blue to red as it
stands out more and
contrasts the plain
back ground and blue
of the masthead.
I have altered the
brightness and
contrast of the
image to make it
stand out more.
I have added a
circle which will
become my puff.
It is bright blue
so it stands out.
I have added
the words
coffee voucher
To my puff.

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