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What I would like to change?

I want to change my shyness and be

more secure of the person that I am
and what I like.
Also I want to be able to talk in front of
many people feeling great and didnt
think in how do I look, what are they
thinking about me and how do they
look at me.

Sometimes I feel awkward when I am
with two or more people that I didnt
now, because in the only thing that I
can think is in didnt say something
stupid so I didnt talk, and then I
realize that I could look better if I talk,
instead of look like a statue.
And I want to be able to do whatever I
want or say what I am really thinking,
and not what others want me to do or
to say only because the fear of no
have any friend.

How does the shyness affect
my life?
The shyness really put me a lot of
obstacles in my daily life, here are the
most common:
1. When I want to express
something I really dont like but
Im afraid the others think bad
about me.
2. When I know somebody new
but I dont know what to say to
please him.
3. When I fell like everybody is
looking at me and I dont know
what to do or say, I get really
4. When I felt down and
everybody around me are
laughing, the only thing I want is
to be in somewhere else.

But the thing that I hate more about
skyness, and affect my way of being it
when, in few situations I actually do
things, or I say something I really dont
want to, because I do the things that
someone told me to do, and I do it to
dont look boring or something similar,
and then I feel bad because I relized
that the actions that I do or say could
heart somebody, and the only thing
that I was thinking in that moment
were thinking about me, but
sometimes the only person that Im
hearting its my self because I pretend
to be someone I am not and I really
dont like to be.

Actions to change it.
Here are some steps I am doing and I
would try to do, so I can change this
negative trait.

1. Be sure of who I am, and not
what others want me to be.
2. Be comfortable with the person
that I am.
3. Be sure of who are my reals
4. Get away the people that
makes me feel bad or want to
change me in someone else.
5. Do and say the things that I
want to, and I think that are
6. Think two times in the thing that
Im doing or saying.
7. Start talking with some persons
that I didnt talk before.
8. Make a lot of presentations in
class in front of everybody,
trying to not feel shyness.

I think that this is a really good project,
because it makes you think about what
you didnt like and how to change it,
and I really think that this is going to
help me in my daily life.
I never think in how much my shyness
is affecting my daily life until I write it in
this project, so I can refect that
something was wrong and I really
need to change it.
Tecnolgico de Monterrey.
Preparatoria Esmeralda.

Relacin humana.
Nancy Maricela Ocampo G.
Semestre 2014-11.


Emilo Axel Monroy Campos.

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