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Kenneth Sutton

ENC 3315
Oct 7
, 2014
Assignment #2
Touched by his Noodlieness

Over the course of the existents of humankind, man has used various forms of art
to convey a message, influence opinion and decisions of others. In this rhetorical
analysis, two paintings will be reviewed; The Creation of Adam by Michelangelo di
LodovicoBuonarroti, and Touched by His Noodly Appendage by Arne Niklas Jansson.
Both pieces are depictions of religious art, and although they incorporate similar aspects,
they have very different overall messages. Hendersons incorporation of The Creation of
Adam into Touched by His Noodly Appendage, puts fourth a much more compelling
argument based on logos rather then Michelangelos claim which is based on artistic
appeal and ethos. To understand the satirical message sent by Touched by His Noodly
Appendage, we most first understand the biblical message in the original. Artistic
interpretations depiction biblical scenery is a tradition that dates back to the ancient
peoples of the world, the some of the most well known works were commissioned by the
Roman Catholic Church in the Italian Renaissance. Renaissance art is best characterized
as a form focusing on Christian religious imagery using the classical influences of ancient
Greek and Roman art and applying scientific and mathematic principles to create depth
and realism in works. Renaissance artists were often both scientific and creative Study of
Art History. Art from the Renaissance art was very popular in it hey day that popularity
has carried over into modern times with both religious and non-religious peoples. The
Creation of Adam is how the bible explanation as to how man was created, which is
shared in various branches of Christianity. This event is so significant and essential in
religious history that various artist over the ages have made visual depictions, the most
famous being Michelangelos fresco spanning approximately 171 square feet on the
Sistine Chapel roof, this fresco created by Michelangelo circa 1511 portrays a visually
stunning depiction of the creation of Adam described in the Book of Genesis (ArtBible).

Now looking at the image created by Arne Niklas Jansson Touched by his Noodly
Appendage, this image embodies a very different argument and message then The
Creation of Adam. One most first understand what the Flying Spaghetti Monster
represents to the Pastsfarianism practices. Pastafarianism created in 2005 by Bobby
Henderson, in a open letter response to the Kansas State Board of Educations decision
to allow the Intelligent Design theory of evolution the Creationist theory of evolution to
be taught alongside the heavily researched Darwinian theory of evolution (Henderson,
2010). Although many would easily dismiss Henderson claim that his religion is legit
and is borderline ridiculous. In the letter Mr. Henderson wrote he agrees that it is
important that students be taught various theories of evolution, so they may choose which
they want to believe themselves. He goes on to introduce his fear that only one theory of
Intelligent Design will be taught in schools, when there are many more out there
(Henderson, 2005). He then states that the Flying Spaghetti Monster has its own
secretive beliefs and is the grand creator of the universe (Henderson, 2005). Henderson
argues that if the Creationist theory of Intelligent Design is taught, the Pastafarian theory
should be taught alongside it because it is based on the same science. (Henderson, 2005)
As outlandish as it many seem his statement is actually true, Creationist theories of
Intelligent Design and Pastafarianism are both based on the exact same amount of
evidence, which is absolutely none at all. Henderson then produces pieces of evidence
claiming pirates were original Pastafarians who were once peace-loving peoples, since
their decline, the world has experienced global warming which correlates with an
increase in natural disasters which Henderson claims is The Flying Spaghetti Monsters
response to the population reduction of His believers. That is the story behind the
creation of Pastafarianism and the Flying Spaghetti Monster. Made up or not The Church
of Flying Spaghetti Monster really does do some good things around the world, just like
other religions do.

When analyzing the message relayed in The Creation of Adam we can first look at
Michelangelos devoted faith in the Catholic Church (William Wallace 1992). In the
Book of Genesis begins with God creating the Heavens, Earth and man, very significant
biblical events to the Catholic Church. Which is no surprise why he would place the
depiction of the creation of Adam in the center of the ceiling of the chapel, amongst
many other religious figures. The idea behind the placement of the creation of Adam
without this event man would not exist. If we examine the images of God and Adam by
themselves, one would note discernible similarities between the likeness of Adam and
God. To the Catholic faith this is a critical message that points to man being a reflection
of God. Thou the way in which they are posed gives the two figures different meaning in
terms of dominance. God being posed in a powerful manor his body very open and his
arm out stretched, while Adam is more placed in a more closed pose showing weakness
or submissiveness and his arm resting on his knee further shows how fragile he figure is.
When you look even closer at the image one would see the difference in the way Gods
finger is extended fully, while Adam hand appears quite limp. Also Adam is posed on a
rock and God is depicted hovering on above on what looks like a rose petal. (William
Wallace) noted that the arrangement of the angels around god looks somewhat like a
brain, which would hit that God gave Adam knowledge as well as life. When looking at
the image critically scholars have seen many different details in the image and have come
up with many different meanings behind these jesters. For example Gods other hand
resting on a child this is often thought to be Jesus Christ and the angel his arm is around
thought to be Eve or the Virgin Mary (The Creation of Adam) Michelangelos fresco
brings to life through vivid imagery, along with the message and arguments behind the
idea of creationism and the underlying idea that without God man would not exist.

Some would say Touched by His Noodly Appendage is a piece of parody art,
which plays off Michelangelos Creation of Adam. Touched by His Noodly Appendage
features a hovering entity composed of spaghetti, meatballs, and two eyes known as
Flying Spaghetti Monster. In the parody piece the Pastafarian God is placed where
Michelangelos Catholic God is in the original piece, reenacting the monument where
man was created if you believe in Creationism. The idea behind placing the Flying
Spaghetti Monster in Michelangelos Creation of Adam is on of satire, as a result conveys
a nearly identical message when compared to the original work, that man was created by
God, but in this image Christian God has been replaced by the grand creator is the Flying
Spaghetti Monster. In Michelangelos Creation of Adam God extends a finger to give
Adam the spark of life; well the Flying Spaghetti Monster does not have finger but
reaches out his noodly appendage, thus the name of the piece Touched by His Noodly
Appendage. The superficial meaning of this work most would agree are similar, and not
so very different Michelangelos original creation. However when one looks at the
context that brought fourth the creation of the Flying Spaghetti Monster Bobby
Hendersons letter, a protest against the teaching of Intelligent Design to elementary
school students. The meaning is very different, image created to belittle and undermind
the Kansas State Board of Educations decision to allow the Creationist theory of
evolution to be taught alongside the Darwinian. Hendersons argument is that Creationist
theory is built upon not scientific evidence, thus making it open to logical fallacy because
there are no facts supporting any claims made.
Janssons argument is identical to Hendersons, Jansson used description
Hendersons letter to bring to life the Flying Spaghetti Monster in paint on canvas.
Jansson used Michelangelos piece to direct his visual argument at a very specific target
audience that had a strong connection with the original work people that believe in
creationism. Showing that the creation of Adam by the Flying Spaghetti Monster is just
as probable as the creation of Adam by the Christian God. Both are not supported by any
hard evidence, the only records we have of either are written text that are many years old
both of which the author did not directly witness the events.
One may find Jansson argument much more powerful due the to the use of
logos in his argument, where Michelangelos pathos argument is strong with creationism
believers is easily prone to fallacy when subjected to question. Both ideas are completely
bonkers when talking about creationism and the Flying Spaghetti Monster but the idea
that a religious based taught in opposition to a science based teaching goes against many
peoples believe that church and state should be separate. That and only what is general
accepted, as science should be taught in a science class. Michelangelos argument that,
the Catholic God in the idea of creationism created us all has a great number of followers.
Hendersons and Janssons argument even with having parody bases is equality plausible
if you look at both in the same light and ultimately conveys a stronger message with its
logic bases.

"Characteristics Of Renaissance Art." Study of Art History. Study of Art History, 9 May
2011. Web. 27 Sept. 2014.

Art and the Bible. The Creation of Adam. Art and the Bible: 2014. Retrieved from

Henderson, B. (2010). About. Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster: 2010. Retrieved

William Wallace Steinberg, Leo. Whos Who in Michelangelos Creation of Adam: A
Chronology of the Pictures Reluctant Self-Revelation. Art Bulletin (1992): 552-

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