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Unexpected Changes

By: CatherineChandler38
Full Summary: Micheala Quinn and Byron Sully have been engaged
or t!o years because they !here !aiting or her to graduate
medical school so there !as not distractens" But no! that she has
got her o!n clinic in Boston no! and not really in the s!ing o
things" Micheala discovers she is pregnant" So Sully moves them
ater the !edding beore anyone #no!s she is pregnant"

Chapter %
&raduation and a 'e! Begging
As Micheala expected her diaploma, it began to sink in. She was
finally a doctor and was proud of herself and so was her father
and fiance. Her mother never really wanted her to be a doctor but
they seen a little smile as her name was called. Micheala was
also alvictoryin so after her diaploma was given she stood and
was nervous that she would mess up.
"good evening first off would like to thank you all for coming
to gradution, we all know when we where young everyone asked us
what we wanted to be when we grew up and most of us answered a
princess or something like that, but answered doctor !ust like
daddy and look at us now we are standing here today receiving a
medical degree to practice medicine and are parents are proud so
would like to congradulate the rest of the graduating class and
bring my speech to close and like my fiancee told me last night
it isn"t the end it"s a begging for all of us" Micheala took her
seat and once it was over she hurried off the stage where her
father and fiancee gave her a hug and congradulated her but her
mother wasn"t happy like she thought. She left before Micheala
could say anything.
"it"s okay Micheala you still have to people that are proud of
"thanks Sully,we should get going have an appointment to open
my clinic tomorrow and have to put the down payment on it"
" will go with you and besides we haven"t had lot of time
together in the last week"
"i"m sorry"
"no don"t be and after all we have to start calling you #r.$uinn
or at least until the wedding"
" wanted to talk to about that"
" was thinking of !ust adding on to my name instead of dropping
$uinn if that is okay"
"sounds good to me so you want have to change your license"
"right" Sully kissed her and they headed to make the payment on
the clinic. %hat evening after dinner at Sully"s she started
feeling bad.
"you all right"
"yeah think so"
"come on will get you home" She went to stand and passed out in
the floor. Sully managed to wake her back up.
"what happened"
"you passed out" She went to stand up.
"no don"t am taking you to bed"
" need to get home"
"you are staying here will sleep in the floor by the fire
place" Sully picked her up and took her to the bedroom and layed
her on the bed and slipped her shoes off and pulled the blankets
over her. Micheala soon fell asleep and once she was Sully
figured it was time for him to turn in as well. He placed
blankets and a pillow next to the fireplaced and fell asleep
%hat following morning he woke to the sound of Micheala sick
outside. He put a shirt on and ran outside to find nearly ready
to hit the ground. He suppported her and took her back into the
house. Sully decided that she needed to see a doctor but he
didn"t want to get her out in cold where it make her worse.
&efore he could go for the nearest doctor Micheala"s mother
showed worried and mad.
"&yron where is my daughter"
"she fell ill last night and let her sleep in the bed why"ll
slept in the floor and my bed is still in the floor if you want
"she is sick and you did not get us"
"has she seen a doctor"
" am going for one now"
"take her to one"
"Mrs. $uinn you may not like me or on what am about to say she
is acting pretty sick and am !ust going to bring the doctor to
her and know one that will come to us if you let me"
"it will take longer"
"look love Micheala and the longer sit her talking the longer
she is laying in there getting worse" Micheala then, came into
the room.
"mother please leave"
"Micheala" Sully hurried to her and took her in the bedroom where
he shut the door on 'li(asbeth"s face.
"you feeling any better"
"much although am straving"
" will make you something to eat"
"you !ust stay in bed and rest for a day and get back on your
feet good"
"Sully when we know that my mother isn"t listening to are
conversation need to talk you"
"okay will make sure she has gone away" He proceeded to the
kitchen, where 'li(asbeth then, assumed she knew what was wrong.
"is my daughter pregnant" As went to get the fire going to heat
up food.
"no she is not"
"it is pretty funny she is acting fine but what happened last
"She passed out and this morning she was sick why"
"sounds like she is pregnant to me and if she is that is
forbidden childern before marriage and that will cost her the
clinic you broke your neck to make sure she had it when she
"if she is so what it don"t matter what other people think"
Micheala got back up when she heard them fighting and what the
fight was about.
"stop you two"
"Micheala what are you doing out of bed"
"you are not the boss of me anymore mother and if am pregnant
Sully will love a child of ares as much as he loves me and will
close down the clinic and move far away to be with them as well"
"you would destroy your life for a baby and man that has a small
house and has no money to support you"
"mother do not care about money but the important thing is that
we will be together and thats the important thing and who cares
if we are married and very little to no money we will make do and
thats all care about and you remember how &ecka, and my other
sisters asked for a lot of stuff growing up"
"yeah of coarse but"
"all asked was want a good medical college where could
become a ama(ing doctor some day thats all asked for and they
wanted all of the exspensive dresses for dances and everything
but didn"t and matter in fact didn"t even go to the
sweethearts dance until met Sully last year"
"that doesn"t matter"
"leave mother and do not come back please and do not bother
coming the the wedding" 'li(asbeth stormed out of house where the
driver of it took off.
"now that she is gone can say it"
"you"re not pregnant are you"
" think am"
" will think of something that will work for us !ust give me a
few days and you need to see another doctor to confirm"
" will if you will go with me"
"of coarse will" Sully finished preparing their meal which
Micheala ate all of it. )hen they where done Sully saddle up a
horse by himself and took Micheala up to the doctor that was
close to his house and knew the doctor personally.
"Sully what are you and Micheala doing here"
"can we talk to you in one of the exam rooms now please"
"yes don"t have any patients" %hey stepped into one of the
small exam rooms and Sully shut the door behind them.
"whats going on"
"we think Micheala is pregnant and if so we need you to keep *uit
am coming up with a plan and for now you need to keep *uit if
so please"
"of coarse" Sully stepped out why"ll the doctor check Micheala
for signs of pregnancy. Sully was starting to worry of what was
going to happen if she was pregnant. He sat there and thought.
)hat if that got married before anyone knew she was pregnant and
went a small town and everyone thought they were married longer
than they really have. He thought it was a good idea but would
Micheala think it was. %he doctor was soon finished going over
everything with Micheala he had Sully come back into the room.
"she"s pregnant" Micheala looked at Sully with a worried looked.
"thank you"
"and will keep *uit but you do know people will know very soon
she is in her third month she will start showing here in a few
" will start thinking of something come on will take you home
so we can talk" Sully took to his house so they could talk when
that arrived she in a daydream thinking about something.
"Micheala where here" She !umped like he had scared her.
"did scared you"
"no you didn"t was daydreaming" He helped her off the horse and
into the house.
"have you thought of a plan"
"yeah have"
"what is"
"well what if we got married *uicker than we planned and then we
left and in that new town everyone thinks we where married along
time before the baby it work"
"yeah it would" She smiled at the idea and once they got done
talking she to a carriage to her mothers so her and her sister
could finish planning the wedding by )ensday which was in two
days so they had plenty of time. She went in and &ecka was !ust
finishing lunch.
"&ecka could talk to you in my room for a second please"
"yes am finished" %hey went upstairs and into Micheala"s room"
"whats going on"
" am going to tell you this but you have to keep *uit and you
can not tell mother"
"what is going on you know will keep a secert and especially
with it being you"
"i"m pregnant"
"really" &ecka gave her a hug.
"congrads to you and Sully"
"whats wrong"
"with it not being proper to have a child before marriage me a
Sully and are going to get married )ensday and then, we are
leaving we are going to a two and then going to make them beileve
that we where married at least six months before got pregnant
and if people find out will loose my medical clinic and
everything no one will think am good person anymore"
"okay we have till this )ensday"
"lets go pick up your wedding dress then" %he went down the
stairs where Hairson gave them their coats and took off before
their mother could stop them. %hey then, picked up the last
things that where missing in the wedding. &y the end of the day
they where wore out and ready for bed.
"driver got to &yron Sully"s place"
" am already you know"
"what will hurt then and besides mother is mad at you from the
fight still earlier it would be best if you stayed there for
"thanks for understanding" %he driver stopped at Sully"s and
Micheala told him to go on home. She climbed out and hurried to
the front door and knocked. Sully camed to the door and let her
"Micheala everything alright"
"yes everything is perfect" Micheala ate and then, went in to get
ready for bed seeing Micheala"s mother had been mad enough to
bring her stuff and tell Sully she was not aloud to stay at the
house anymore. Sully came in and went to make his spot on the
"Sully we can share a bed, mean what would hurt you know"
"are you alright"
" am fine and told my sister it is hard keeping this from her
and she promised to keep it a seceret even from her husband"
"yes" He kissed her and then, they crawled into bed where
Micheala layed her head on his chest and fell asleep that night
knowing that they where going to have a knew start with other
people to make friends with and it all started with the move.
Chapter (
)he *edding and )he Move
*ensday Morning +:,,am
t was the morning of the wedding and it was to take place in
three hours when Micheala woke. &ecka had stayed the night before
and Sully stayed at a friends house so they could make sure
Micheala"s dress was okay before the day of. )hen Micheala went
into the kitchen there was a note addressed to her.
"&ecka what is this"
"if is from Sully he came by he forgot his tux and left that" She
picked it up and went to the bedroom so she could read it when
she got finished digging out the hair pins she was going to use
that her grandmother had given her when she turned sixteen. After
she got them out and placed them on the table she picked up the
letter and opened it and it read.
#ear Micheala,
wish could have seen you this morning but your sister was
bugging me on the the tradition that it is bad luck to see the
bride before the wedding so am doing it this way. can"t wait
to be married to you and share a life with you. have wanted
this seens the day we met. love you and can"t wait to see and
do not care what you wear when you come down that aisle you are
beautiful and always will be.
+our ,iancee,
-.S. will be the one in black and white.
Micheala let out a laugh and folded the letter up and placed it
in her suitcase because everything they wanted to take to the new
town was packed up and her parents did not even know they where
leaving for good. &ecause honestly they would throw a fit if they
found out. &ecka knew and understanded why they where doing it
and she said if where her she would the same thing.
*ensday- %%:.8
As the clock struck of eleven and on to tweleve the music
started up and Micheala"s father took her by the arm and walked
her down the aisle. Micheala had butterflies turning in her
stomach but when she layed eyes on Sully they went away. She made
it to the end of the aisle where her father kissed her on the
cheek and placed her right hand into Sully"s. He took his seat
and !ust like Micheala had told her, she did not listen her
mother was there and Micheala was not thrilled with all of the
problems she had cause recently.
"ladies and gentlmen we are gathered her today to witness the
union of Micheala $uinn and &yron Sully if any of you show !ust
cause why these two should not be wedd please speek now or
forever hold your piece... %ake right hands please and &yron
repeat after me take you Micheala $uinn to be my wife as for
better or for worse, threw sickness and in health, threw good
times and in bad as long as both shall live"
"Micheala repeat after me... Micheala take you Sully to be my
husband for better or for worse, threw sickness and in health,
threw good times and in bad as long as we both shall live"
"Micheala do you"
" do"
"Sully do you"
" do"
"well by the power investated in me by the state of &oston now
prounce that they are husband and wife, you may kiss the bride"
Sully kissed Micheala until there was no breath left in them and
lead her by the arm back down the aisle. Micheala and Sully had
re*uested there not be a after party so people would not pick up
on Micheala not drinking any wine or anything. &ecka took them to
train center where they got their tickets for the next, train to
.olorado Springs where they were going to start a new life. %he
only reason Sully choice this town was because an old friend that
he met when he traveled there last year was there and thought it
would be nice to know one person. %he last wisle had been blown
to board.
"&ecka please come and visit"
" will" She hugged Micheala and Sully help her up the stairs of
the train where they took their seats in the one of the
compartments and shut the door to it and pulled the curtain to
get some privacy.
" love you Micheala"
"and love you" She kissed him and being wore out from their
long day she layed her had on his shoulder and went to sleep for
the night. %he train went on all night and they arrived in
.olorado that next, morning. )here Sully"s friend #aniel was
waiting on them. Sully stepped off the train first and then,
helped Micheala off the bottom step. %hey had changes out of
their wedding stuff so no one knew.
"welcome Sully and who is this"
"#aniel this is my wife Micheala and Micheala this is my friend
was telling you about #aniel"
"nice to meet you #aniel"
"you to Micheala" Micheala began to get di((y again.
"Sully something wrong"
"what is it"
"i"m di((y all of a sudden"
"she alright"
"did you bring your wagon"
"yes it is over there" Sully walked Micheala over to the wagon
and sat in the back with her to make sure nothing else was wrong.
%hey arrived at #aniel"s homestead where Micheala was feeling a
bit better.
"you better"
"yeah think it is from the !ourney and not having anything to
" can fix that you to" %hey smiled. #aniel got their things
why"ll Sully took care of Micheala and made sure she was back to
a hundred percent.
"#aniel come here"
"should tell him Sully"
"he is gonna find sooner or later" #aniel came in to the living
"what is it"
"Sully and have something to tell you"
"well what"
"we"re expecting"
"thats what the di((y spell was wasn"t it"
"yes it was"
"congrads to you both then"
"thanks #aniel" #aniel and Sully finshed bringing in Micheala"s
and his things into the house. #inner time soon rolled around and
they where both straving. #aniel made a wonderful dinner that
Micheala didn"t expect from him. She was soon ready to turn in,
#aniel gave them the bedroom upstairs and he took the one
downstairs so Micheala and Sully could have their privacy.
Micheala was laying awake late thinking about everything that was
going to happen in the future but she knew it would be okay
because they had a fresh start that no one can ruin for them not
even her mother because her mother would not be told where they
are at for that reason. &ut Micheal knew it would be okay from
here on out.
Chapter 3
.oming Soon

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