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Pope Elementary

Collaboration Commitment
Our staf recognizes that the strongest determining factor in the success of a
student is the efectiveness of his or her teacher. We also recognize that the
efectiveness of a teacher is greatly enhanced through regular collaboration
with other professionals.
Because of this, we commit to collaborating in the following ways.
Grade Level Collaboration:
Grade level teams will meet at a consistent and agreed upon time each week
for a minimum of ! minutes. "f the team determines that they need to
continue beyond that ! minutes they may choose to do so.
#o ensure that grade level time is productive and focused$
%gendas will be created in advance of meeting times
&ollaboration norms will be established, documented, and followed
'acilitation responsibilities will be rotated weekly.
#eam members will identify and follow through with collective
(iscussion during the collaboration time will be focused solely on
student achievement. #he ) *ssential +uestions of a ,-& will act as
a guide$
What do we want our students to learn. /0tandards1Outcomes2
3ow will we know they4ve learned it. /%ssessment2
What will we do if they don4t learn it. /"ntervention2
What if they already know it. /*nrichment1*5tension2
Grade level teams commit to working collaboratively to plan and efectively
use intervention time to diferentiate instruction and strategically meet the
needs of all students.
Vertical Teaming:
#he focus of these meetings will be on meeting the uni6ue needs of students
and articulation of the standards, e5pectations and strategies used at each
grade level. We will look for creative ways to build vertical teaming into the
regular schedule as well as consider using dedicated professional
development time for this purpose.
Instructional Walks:
Revised 6/30/14
(uring the 7!8) 9 7!8: school year we will e5plore the idea of using an
;instructional walk< model to provide opportunities for teachers to observe
and learn from one another.
All Staf:
0tudent learning=designated /,rincipal=directed2 late start >onday mornings
will be dedicated to growing professionally together through sharing of new
ideas, methods, and strategies and learning together. >onthly staf
meetings will incorporate professional development activities such as book
studies, article reviews, or whole group sharing of successful strategies.
Revised 6/30/14

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