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Framingham Public Schools

Mentor Program

Mentoring ProgramHandbook 8/07

The Teacher Mentoring Program for the Framingham Public Schools will build relationships that
encourage and support:

understanding by new staff of the districts expectations.

achievement of personal and professional goals for new staff.

development of sound practices that lead to high quality instruction for all students.

opportunities for experienced teachers to self-renew and revitalize.

favorable rate of new staff retention.

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All Involved:

Meet at the beginning of the year with the new teachers to provide an initial orientation and
schedule activities.

Teachers New-to-the-District:

1. To be an active participant in the mentoring program.
2. To be open and inquiring with the mentor.
3. To be willing to devise and implement new strategies with the mentor.
4. To be willing to listen.
5. To be a reflective learner.

The Mentor:

1. To be supportive.
2. To listen.
3. To be a resource for:
- Curriculum
- Effective instructional strategies
- Procedures (in building, in system, with all forms, etc.)
- Staff relationships
- Professional development opportunities

Other Staff:

1. To accept professional responsibility of assisting new teachers.
2. To be supportive of new teachers and mentors.
3. To provide positive direction when new teachers ask for help.
4. To make an effort to communicate with new teacher informally (lunch, prep time, social).
5. To share ideas, resources, strategies, etc.

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Department Head, Vice Principal, Principal:

1. To give clear message that they are available to help the new teacher.
2. To provide time for the new teacher (observations, meetings, informal discussions, etc.).
3. To monitor the mentoring relationship (Is it effective?).
4. To insure schedule allows for growth of the new teacher.

Central Office:

1. To endorse, encourage, and support the mentor program in each school.
2. To support and recommend sufficient funding for the program.
3. To do follow-up studies and insure the program is working properly.
4. To publicize the program throughout the community.
5. To offer training and ongoing support to mentors.

The School Committee:

1. To endorse the mentor program.
2. To fund the program.
3. To make an overall commitment to professional development.

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1. To provide instructional support (i.e., observing, offering suggestions, modeling good teacher
practices, assisting in lesson preparation, and classroom organization, and addressing such
issues as discipline, scheduling, planning, and organizing the school day).

2. To provide professional support (i.e., review school policies and procedures, advise on how to
handle relationships with the school, district, parents, and members of the community).

3. To provide personal support (empathetic listening, reflective practioner, act as a sounding
board, problem solver, etc.).

4. To maintain a confidential relationship to discuss issues in an open, timely, and informed

5. To serve as a liaison to other staff member and educational resources; facilitate introductions
and assist the new staff member as they become incorporated into the environment of the
school district.

NOTE: The mentor is not an evaluator.


Principals will distribute the mentoring handbook, which outlines the mentoring program, to interested
individuals and solicit individuals who were previously trained. The needs of the district will be posted
each year.

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The following criteria will be used to select mentors:

a) is a teacher of professional status in Framingham (preferable).

b) is matched and accessible to the mentee within each building, ideally within the grade level and
within the subject area.

c) is able to commit the time necessary to be a successful mentor.

d) has professional and personal characteristics necessary to be successful.

e) demonstrates mastery of a broad range of teaching skills and an understanding of the Districts
mission and how the District curriculum is incorporated into the beginning teachers practices.

f) possesses personal qualities such as enthusiasm, commitment to teaching, and a demonstrated
ability to work with peers.

g) exhibits knowledge of conferencing and observation skills.

h) agrees to attend a training program provided by the District.

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(It should be stressed from the outset that no match is permanent and can be changed at the request of
either person. A mentoring relationship that does not work need not be seen as a failure, but rather a
difference in style.)

I. List of pairing factors to be able to determine chemistry.

- Teaching experience, grade level, content area, time available, physical
proximity, teaching style, ideology/philosophy, common background-
cultural, place of residence, alma mater, other languages, hobbies

II. Mentor/Mentee pairing team may consist of:

- A building administrator and/or department head in conjunction with an
appropriate supervisor and/or director

III. Available mentor pool:

- For reassignment of mentors when established relationship needs to be changed
- For teachers who enter the system after September

IV. Schedule an informal building-based meeting for all mentors and mentees within the first
month. This meeting should include discussions relating to:

- Success or lack of success in the relationship
- Changes that need to be considered

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All mentors will earn 1 salary increment credit (no expense to the mentor) upon completion
of a 12-hour mandatory training for mentors.


Option A - Stipend (available for each mentoring assignment)

$258.00 per semester to a maximum of $516.00 per year

Please note: A mentoring stipend billhead and mentoring log (see attached) should be
submitted for payment of $258.00 after the 90
day for the first semester, and an
additional mentoring stipend billhead and mentoring log submitted for $258.00 on the
day for the second semester.

Option B - May be used only one time

In lieu of a stipend, 3 salary increment credits may be earned for one
semester of mentoring at no cost to the mentor.

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