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Sean C.

ePoitfolio 7: Naiketing Plan
I. Executive 0veiview
A. Enviionmental Bealth Communication focuses on impioving
community health thiough the enviionment. Thiough oui
paitneiship with the Chaileston Wateikeepei, we will intiouuce
watei quality iepoit oveiviews to the community anu connect local
boateis with appiopiiate boat waste management iesouices.
B. Recent BBEC suiveys iepoit high levels of fecal colifoim in moie than
S2 Chaileston SC wateiways. Fecal colifoim is a bacteiia that ueiives
fiom human anu animal feces anu can cause uysenteiy, typhoiu fevei,
gastioenteiitis, anu hepatitis A in inuiviuuals who come into contact
with it. Chaileston SC is a community that uepenus gieatly on its
wateiways foi foou anu iecieation. If watei quality continues to
uegiaue, the health of its iesiuents will woisen as contact with this
haimful bacteiia incieases. 0ui piioiity population foi this
inteivention is local boateis. Stuuies have shown that some boateis
impiopeily uispose of waste into wateiways, intiouucing haimful
contaminants into the enviionment. By taigeting this population, we
aim to ieuuce the intiouuction of pollution into wateiways so as to
impiove the health of the community.
C. 0ui health communication piogiam will utilize seveial piint methous
to inteiact with oui piioiity population anu the suiiounuing
community, oui seconuaiy auuience. 0ui piimaiy inteivention will
be to uistiibute biochuies to local maiinas anu uocks outlining
appiopiiate waste uisposal channels anu infoiming of the uangeis of
fecal colifoim in oui wateiways. Naiina anu uock manageis in key
offices at these locations will uistiibute these to boat owneis.
Auuitionally, we will place infoimation biochuies in weathei-
iesistant boxes at non-staffeu county uocks. Rauio-baseu public
seivice announcements will also be utilizeu, noting the fiequent use
of iauio by oui taiget auuience while they aie boating. Finally, we
will employ the use of billboaiu auveitising to fuithei engage oui
piimaiy auuience anu connect them to appiopiiate iesouices. Both
iauio anu billboaiu auveitising will also ieach oui seconuaiy
auuience, the Chaileston community, who we expect will pioviue
auuitional piessuies on the boating community to manage theii
waste appiopiiately. By August 2u1S, use of sanitaiy waste uisposal
seivices will inciease by Su% at Chaileston maiinas. Also by August
2u1S, mobile pumpout seivices pioviueu by Chaileston Wateikeepei
will inciease to 4 pumpouts pei uay. Within the yeai, we expect to
see moie boat owneis anu opeiatois utilizing waste uisposal seivices.
0ui long-teim outcome will uemonstiate impioveu watei quality in
Chaileston SC as seen by ieuuceu concentiation of fecal colifoim anu
fewei wateiways being categoiizeu as impeueu.
II. The Customeis
A. 0ui piimaiy taiget auuience consists of boat owneis anu opeiatois in
the Chaileston community, specifically those boat owneisopeiatois
who have on boaiu waste stoiage. These will be owneisopeiatois
who utilize Chaileston maiinas anu county uocks.
1. Cuiiently, boat opeiatois uo not piopeily uispose of waste
because they aie unawaie of uisposal seivices anuoi the
finu it most convenient to uispose of waste into the watei
system at theii leisuie.
2. Bemogiaphically, this auuience is both male anu female,
howevei a laigei piopoition of boat owneis aie male. They
iepiesent uiveise age gioups anu ethnicities.
B. The seconuaiy taiget auuience will be membeis of the Chaileston
community. All membeis of this community aie affecteu by the
quality of local watei souices so they have a vesteu inteiest in its
quality impiovement. They will pioviue an incieaseu piessuie on
boat owneis anu opeiatois to biing about the intenueu change.
III. The Piouuct
A. We will be connecting boat owneis anu opeiatois to local waste
management seivices. These seivices incluue waste uisposal sites
locateu at local maiinas anu the mobile pumpout seivices offeieu by
the Chaileston Wateikeepei. These seivices aie offeieu to the boat
owneis anu opeiatois as an alteinative to uumping waste into
Chaileston wateiways.
B. We pioviue two seivices. Connecting oui auuience to waste uisposal
sites allows them to uispose of theii waste whenevei they want. The
mobile pumpout seivice allows boateis to have someone else uispose
of theii waste at a scheuuleu uate anu time.
Iv. Stiategies
A. Position
1. Image: 0ui inteivention will visually poitiay inuiviuuals
iecieationally enjoying Chaileston's wateiways. This will
incluue inuiviuuals anu families boating, fishing, anu
swimming. We will also featuie images of the beauty of the
Chaileston's iiveis anu maishes.
2. Bistinctiveness: We will be unique to oui auuience because
they may not cuiiently know that oui wateis aie polluteu
anu being monitoieu by BBEC. We will be intiouucing the
public to this conceining issue anu pioviuing them with
oppoitunities foi impiovement.
B. Piouuct
1. Featuies: We will emphasize the easy with which boateis
can sanitaiily uispose of theii waste. Connecting this
population to establisheu sites anu intiouucing them to the
convenience of the mobile pumpout seivices will appeal to
the community.
2. Necessity: This behavioi change is impoitant in oiuei to
impiove the health of the enviionment so as to pievent
health pioblems in the community. We will emphasize the
negative siue effects of fecal colifoim infections so as to
pioviue a ieason foi auopting oui pioposeu behavioi
C. Piice
1. Piice: Theie is no cost to the boatei foi utilization of
seivices. Establisheu waste management systems aie
pioviueu fiee of chaige to maiina pations anu the
Chaileston Wateikeepei offeis mobile pumpouts fiee-of-
2. value: Impioving the health of the enviionment will cieate
safe places foi iecieational activities anu pievent negative
health consequences in the Chaileston community.
B. Piomotion
1. Selling points: Ease of access anu no-cost seivices will be the
key selling points. Auuitional uiscussion of the
consequences of wateiway contamination will also be a
uiiving foice foi behavioi change.
2. Piomotional places: WSSX-FN, WIWF-FN, WXLY-FN, WNXZ-
FN, anu WEZL-FN aie all local iauio stations that will
bioaucast oui PSA foi the inteivention. We will also utilize
Auams 0utuooi Auveitising to iun billboaiu campaigns neai
maiinas anu high tiaffic aieas. The maiina offices foi City
Naiina, Patiiot's Point Naiina, Shem Cieek Bay Bock,
Naiinei's Cay Naiina, anu Coopei Rivei Naiina, as well as
weathei-iesistant boxes at Toleis Cove Naiina, Wappoo Cut
Boat Ramp, St. }ohns Yacht Baiboi, anu Sunset Cay Naiina,
will all offei biochuies to theii pations.
v. Buuget
A. 0ui one-yeai piojecteu buuget is listeu below:
!"# %&'()*+"*,- ./+&-'&
0*112,3)4 546&)"*'*-7
1 Billboaiu - Lockwoou Ave, Chaileston City Naiina (Su uays) $4Su
1 Billboaiu - I-26 at Coopei Rivei Biiuge exit (Su uays) $4Su
1 Billboaiu - Folly Roau neai Ashley Rivei ciossing (Su uays) $SSu
1 Billboaiu Consultation anu Besign fee $8S
0*112,3)4 892","31 :;<<=
>34*, 546&)"*'*-7
1 Su seconu iauio slot - WSSX-FN (2x pei uay xSu uays) $1Suu
1 Su seconu iauio slot - WIWF-FN (2x pei uay xSu uays) $14Su
1 Su seconu iauio slot - WXLY-FN (2x pei uay xSu uays) $11uu
1 Su seconu iauio slot - WNXZ-FN (2x pei uay xSu uays) $97S
1 Su seconu iauio slot - WEZL-FN (2x pei uay xSu uays) $8uu
>34*, 892","31 :=?@=
A)*-" 546&)"*'*-7
1uuu Coloi, uouble-siueu biochuies ($u.117siue) $2S4
4 Weathei iesistant biochuie boxes $8S
A)*-" 892","31 :<;B

B. While the pioposeu buuget may appeai high, it will allow us to
bioauen the influence of oui health communication inteivention. The
most impoitant iequest within oui buuget ueals with oui piint
auveitising. These biochuies will communicate the most infoimation
to oui piioiity population anu will be most uistiibuteu at sites with
high taiget tiaffic. They will contain uetails on the iisks of continueu
pooi behavioi (i.e., woisening watei quality anu incieaseu health
conceins in local human population) anu will connect boateis to
uisposal iesouices by pioviuing them with a map of local waste
management sites. This is a veiy impoitant aspect of oui piogiam.
The next most impoitant aspect of oui inteivention incluues oui
billboaiu auveitising. These billboaius will be seen fiom laigei
uistances away anu will also influence oui seconuaiy auuience.
Because of the laige span of influence that these boaius have, we
expect oui seconuaiy auuience to assist with the behavioi change
sought by oui taiget auuience. 0ui "ieach" iequest ueals with iauio
auveitising. Boateis listen to these populai local iauio stations while
boating anu this will biing oui message uiiectly to theii boats. The
iauio auveitising will also inciease the volume of inuiviuuals who
ieceive oui message. We have saveu $2Suu by piouucing the
commeicial in-house without the use of iauio station piouuction

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