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5,000,000 ybp first hominids

2,500,000 ybp first stone tools
1,500,000 ybp Homo erectus
500,000 ybp Homo sapiens
230,000 ybp first use of fire
200,000 ybp mitochondrial Eve (?
110,000 ybp H. sapiens Neanderthalensis
!0,000 ybp H. sapiens sapiens ("frica, #ear East
$0,000%35,000 ybp H. sapiens sapiens (Europe
2&,000 ybp cave paintin's
20,000 ybp (ro%)a'non man
13,000 ybp * 11000 +( a'riculture
11,000 ybp * !000 +( domestication of 'oats, sheep
10,000 ybp * &000 +( domestication of do', bo- and arro-, fishin' nets, canoes
!,000 ybp * .000 +( domestication of pi's, cattle, first villa'es
&,000 ybp * /000 +( pottery
.,000 ybp * 5000 +( copper in common use
/,000 ybp * $000 +( invention of -heel, plo-
5,500 ybp * 3500 +( first cities, invention of -ritin'
5,000 ybp * 3000 +( bron0e in common use
3,000 ybp * 1000 +( iron in common use
(ybp * years before present, all dates appro1imate

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