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Induction checklist (Example)

This example is developed from an induction checklist from You

should add or remove items to make the list relevant to you.
New starters can also have a copy of this list this enables them to follow what is
happening and will act as a reminder of anything missed or that needs particular
attention. It should be the responsibility of both the employer and the new starter to
ensure that all relevant items are properly covered during the induction period.
Name ..................................

tarting date .................................
Personnel documentation and checks completed
Tax !le number
uperannuation details
"vidence of #esidency or right to work
$icenses and %uali!cations
&edical Insurance details
'ank details (if needed for payment of salary)wages*
"mergency contact details
Terms and conditions of employment explained
+ontract of employment or letter of con!rmation issued and
,ward identi!ed and described
-robationary period
.ours of work and work breaks
+locking on)/exi time procedures
-ay and -ayment procedures
.olidays and sick leave entitlements and procedures
0ther leave
Trade union membership
#eviewing work performance and counseling
1rievance and disciplinary procedures
Termination procedures
Occupational Health and safety
,wareness of ha2ards
afety rules
"mergency procedures
$ocation of exits
+lear gangways3 exits
4angerous substances or processes
#eporting of accidents
#eporting of ha2ards
5irst aid
-ersonal and workplace hygiene
Identi!ed introductory training courses on 0.6
Regulatory Procedures
.andling +hemical +hemcert training re%uired7
Training in 8uality ,ssurance procedures re%uired7
Induction checklist - continued
Introduction to the farm
9ho:s who
-roduce3 harvests3 annual farm cycle of activities and markets
5uture plans and developments
-romotion and pay reviews
Welfare and employee benefts/facilities
ocial ) sport facilities
Transport o; of farm
$iving %uarters3 meals and facilities
0rganised social activities
,ccess to internet3 T< and media
-rotective clothing supply3 laundry3 replacement
-olicy)procedures to prevent bullying and harassment
&edical services
arm rules
moking policy
1eneral behaviour)dress code
Telephone calls
+anteen)meal breaks and facilities
The !ob
Introduction to manager)supervisor
Introduction to other sta;
Tour of farm
#e%uirements of new =ob
,llocation of =obs and communication processes
tandards expected
,reas of training identi!ed
upervision re%uirements outlined

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