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To Ki l l A Mocki ngbi rd Vocabul ary

Defi ni ti on Li st
To Kill A Mockingbird contains some difficult
words that you dont use everyday. The
following list provides definitions for some of
the more complicated words in the text.
Chapter 1
1. pi ety: describes being devoted to God or
particularly religious.
2. nebul ous: means vague or unclear.
Chapter 2
3. conferred: consulted.
Chapter 3
4. expoundi ng: to explain in great detail.
5. j udi ci ousl y: wisely.
6. concessi ons: acts of acknowledging and
accepting the opposing partys point.
Chapter 4
7. auspi ci ous: something that is favorable or
8. parcel ed: divided and distributed.
9. evasi on: the act of avoiding or hiding.
10. quel l i ng: pacifying or suppressing.
Chapter 5
11. beni gn: kind and gentle, not causing
12. taci t: implied or known without stating
13. benevol ence: a kind or thoughtful act.
14. peri l : immediate danger or risk.
15. pl aci dl y: acting calmly or quietly.
Chapter 6
16. ensui ng: following afterwards.
17. di smemberment: to cut up the limbs or
parts of something.
18. wani ng: to decrease or diminish in size or
Chapter 7
19. vi gi l : the act of keeping watch.
To Kill A Mockingbird
Chapter 8
20. unfathomabl e: unable to be
21. accosted: approached and demanded a
22. perpetrated: committed.
23. vi vi d: intensely bright and colorful.
24. perpl exi ty: the state of being confused.
Chapter 9
25. i nordi natel y: going beyond what is
considered reasonable.
26. i ngenuous: describes something that is
innocent and unworldly.
27. provocati on: something that causes
anger or other intense feelings.
28. i nevi tabl e: it cannot be stopped or
Chapter 10
29. i nconspi cuous: easy to miss or not see.
30. mausol eum: large tomb or a structure
that holds many caskets.
32. errati cal l y: wandering without purpose
or direction.
33. vehementl y: forcefully or vigorously.
34. arti cul ate: able to speak in a clear
Chapter 11
35. degenerati on: the process of breaking
down or being destroyed.
36. umbrage: resentment.
37. skul ked: hid out or walked about with a
guilty conscience.
38. ti rade: a long negative speech.
39. propensi ti es: tendencies toward
Chapter 12
40. contemptuousl y: scornfully.
41. eccl esi asti cal : something related to a
church or religion.
42. qual ms: feelings of unease or
43. austere: strict or severe.
Chapter 13
44. prerogati ve: a right to do something.
45. curtness: being brief in a rude way.
Chapter 14
46. pensi ve: thinking deeply or wistfully.
47. antagoni ze: to cause anger or irritation.
48. tentati ve: uncertain or not completely
agreed upon.
To Kill A Mockingbird
Chapter 15
49. sti fl e: to keep down or hold back.
50. prevai l ed: what is predominant or most
51. succi nct: precise and without any extras.
52. acqui escence: agreeing without
53. futi l i ty: there is no point in doing
Chapter 16
54. unobtrusi ve: inconspicuous or not very
55. eccentri ci ti es: characteristics that are
out of the ordinary and somewhat odd.
Chapter 17
56. scruti ny: careful examination.
57. devoi d: totally empty or lacking.
58. geni al l y: pleasantly or friendly.
59. tenet: a doctrine or principle.
Chapter 18
60. mol l i fi ed: soothed or calmed.
61. ari d: something that is dry or lifeless.
Chapter 19
62. predi cament: a difficult situation.
63. uni mpai red: undamaged or unhindered.
64. expunge: to completely erase.
65. i mpudent: someone who is acting
offensively bold.
Chapter 20
66. equi val ent: equal in value or worth.
67. contraband: forbidden goods or objects.

68. unmi ti gated: unrelieved or without
Chapter 21
69. acqui t: to clear of all charges.
70. exhi l arated: caused to feel happy or
Chapter 22
71. fatal i sti c: believing things are
predetermined and unchangeable.
72. rueful l y: bringing pity or sorrow.
To Kill A Mockingbird
Chapter 23
73. credi bi l i ty: the quality of believability.
74. furti ve: something hidden and secretive.
75. adamant: firm and unyielding or
76. i nfanti l e: something childish.
77. wary: watchful or unsure.
Chapter 24
78. qual i d: dirty and filthy, usually due to
79. i mperti nence: rudeness or insolence.
Chapter 25
80. veneer: a thin layer covering an inferior
Chapter 26
81. al l egedl y: supposedly, not yet proven.
82. persecuti ng: oppressing or harassing.
83. enunci ated: spoken aloud clearly.
84. mused: concentrated on ones own
thoughts and feelings.
Chapter 27
85. annal s: written records of events.
86. notori ety: being famous for doing
something bad.
87. nondescri pt: lacking memorable
features or qualities.
Chapter 28
88. i ncantati ons: spells or charms spoken
aloud for magical protection.
89. gai t: the particular way a person walks.
90. teemi ng: full to the brim.
91. morti fi cati on: a feeling of deep shame
or embarrassment.
92. reel i ng: being thrown off balance.
93. staccato: short, separate sounds or
Chapter 29
94. i nsti ncti ve: happening naturally and
without thought ahead of time.
95. repri mand: strongly admonishing
Chapter 30
96. conni ved: schemed or plotted.
Chapter 31
97. rai l i ng: an odd sound accompanying
normal breathing that usually
suggests illness.

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