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How to export the Mesh from Hypermesh to Ansys?

Hello Everyone,
This is Ghana:shyam.
Before some days, I was getting the problem in exporting the mesh from Hypermesh to
Ansys so I decided to post the solution. Hope this will be helpful.

Before creating the mesh for export ,you have to follow these steps and then start the mesh
Heres the procedure:
1. Keep the User Profile as "ANSYS". (Path: Preferences-User Profile-Ansys)

2. After importing and cleaning up geometry, Click on create 'Component' from 'collectors'.

3. Assign the name say 'MESH' to the new component.
4. Keep the card image as "HM_COMP".
5. Assign the color you want and ON (or Tick) the 'Card edit component upon creation'.
6. Say 'Create'.

7. Go to '3D'page in the main Menu.

8. Click on 'ET Types'.
9. Assign the name say sense1 and select the element say 'Solid187' in 'card image'.

10. Click on 'Create'. A new 'sensor' will appears in the Entity list on left hand side.
11. Now right click on component "MESH" and select 'Card edit'

12. In card edit, double click on the 'Type 'and select the 'Sense1'. In the same way give the real
constants, if any and say 'return'.

13.Do the mesh in the mesh component only.
14. Click on Export. Click on Icon Showing the mesh.
15. Select file type and template as Ansys.
16. Assign the file name and destination folder in file name window.

17. Select export All and export.
18. Enjoy the Analysis

Name : Ghana:shyam M.Chendke

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