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Ministry of Commerce
Government of the Peoples Republic of Banla!esh
Import Policy Order, 2012-2015
Sl. No. Chapter Subect Pa!e No.
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1. Chapter One Prelude 1
2. Chapter Two General Provisions or I!port "
#. Chapter Three Provisions Re$ardin$ I!port ees 1"
%. Chapter &our Mis'ellaneous Provisions 1(
". Chapter &ive General Provisions or Industrial I!ports ##
). Chapter *i+ Provisions or I!port ,- Co!!er'ial
.. Chapter *even I!port ,- Pu,li' *e'tor I!porters "(
/. Chapter Ei$ht I!port Trade Control 0ITC1 Co!!ittee )2
(. Chapter 3ine Co!pulsor- Me!,ership o re'o$nised
Cha!,er o Co!!er'e and Industr- and
Trade 4sso'iation.
0The I!port Poli'- Order5 22126221" has ,een pu,lished ,oth in 7en$ali and En$lish
Lan$ua$es. I there is an- in'onsisten'- ,etween the two versions the 7en$ali te+t will
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0Pu,lished ,- the 4uthorit- in 7an$ladesh Ga8ette E+traordinar- dated Monda-5
De'e!,er 22121
Date= 2"62(61%1( 7*>1(61262212 4.D
3o. *.R.O. %1164in>22126 In e+er'ise o the powers 'onerred ,- se'tion #011 o the
I!ports and E+ports 0Control1 4't. 1("2 04't ???I? o 1("215 the Govern!ent is pleased to
!a@e and issue the ollowin$ order.
1. Short Title, #pplicatio%5 &uratio%, etc.6
011 This Order !a- ,e 'alled the I!port Poli'- Order5 22126221".
021 <nless otherwise spe'iied5 this Order shall appl- to all i!ports into 7an$ladesh.
"#$ It shall 'o!e into or'e i!!ediatel- and shall re!ain in or'e up to #2
:owever5 it will re!ain in or'e ater the e+pir- o the validit- until the new I!port
Poli'- Order is issued.
0%1 3otwithstandin$ an-thin$ 'ontained in this Order5 an- notii'ation5 'ir'ular or
order issued ti!e to ti!e ,- the $overn!ent re$ardin$ i!port under &inan'e 4't
or an- other law whi'h does not 'onor! this i!port poli'-5 shall have preeren'e
over this Order.
2. &e'i%itio%(. -) In this order5 unless there is an-thin$ repu$nant to the su,Be't or
011 CEntre6port Trade; !eans su'h trade in 'ase o whi'h i!ported $oods 'ould ,e
e+ported to a third 'ountr- at a pri'e !ini!u! "D hi$her without 'han$in$
Eualit-5 Euantit- or shape and without allowin$ the said $oods to ,e ,rou$ht out
side the port area ,ut 'an ,e 'arried5 with the per!ission o the Ministr- o
Co!!er'e5 ro! one port to another port or the purpose o e+ports.
021 F4'tG !eans5 The I!ports and E+ports 0Control1 4't5 1("2 04't5???I? o 1("21 H
0#1 FI!porterG !eans the CI!porter; as deined in arti'le 201 o I!porters5 E+porters
and Indentors 0Re$istration1 Order51(/1H
0%1 FI!port Control 4uthorit-G !eans the Chie Controller o I!ports and E+ports and
in'ludes an- other authori8ed oi'er to issue li'enses5 per!its or re$istration
'ertii'ates as per the relevant provisions o the 4't and rules I orders issued
under this 4't.H
0"1 F7asis o I!portsG !eans per'enta$e5 rate or or!ula adopted or deter!inin$
the share o a re$istered i!porterH
0)1 FI!port valueG !eans C&R value o i!ported $oods or entre port trade or re6
e+port H
0.1 FIndentorG !eans an indentor as deined in arti'le 20$1 o the I!porters5
E+porters and Indentors 0Re$istration1 Order51(/1H
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0/1 :.*. Code 3u!,er !eans the :.*. Code 'o!prisin$ ei$ht or !ore di$its
pertainin$ to 'lassii'ation o 'o!!oditiesH

0(1 FL>CG or Letter o Credit !eans letter o 'redit opened or the purpose o i!port
under this OrderH
0121 FL>C 4uthori8ation &or! 0LC41G !eans the or! pres'ri,ed or authori8ation o
openin$ o L>CH
0111 FClearin$ and &orwardin$ 4$ent 0CI& 4$ent1G or F&rei$ht &orwarder 0&&1G
!eans a person or an or$ani8ation a'tin$ as CI& a$ent or as &.&.=
Provided that su'h person or or$ani8ation !ust possess TI3 and all a'tivities o
the !entioned or$ani8ation !ust ,e 'o!puteri8ed.
0121 G&ood Produ'tsG !eans ood produ'ts it or hu!an 'onsu!ption dire'tl- or ater
01#1 FRe$istered I!porterG !eans an i!porter re$istered under the I!porters5
E+porters and indentors 0Re$istration1 Order5 1(/1H
01%1 FControlled listF !eans the list o ite!s5 i!port o whi'h is 'ontrolled and $iven in
the ta,le o anne+ure61H
01"1 FGoodsG !eans the list o $oods spe'iied in the &irst *'hedule o Custo!s 4't5
1()( 04't 3o.I9 o 1()(1H
01)1 F4nne+ureG !eans an anne+ure appended to this orderH
01.1 GPer!itG !eans an authori8ation or I!port and E+port5 and in'ludes i!port
per!it5 'learan'e per!it5 i!port per!it on returna,le ,asis5 e+port per!it or
e+port6'u!6i!port per!it as the 'ase !a- ,e issued ,- I!port Control 4uthorit-.
01/1 The F*ponsorJ !eans 7oard o Invest!ent 07OI1 or 7an$ladesh E+port
Pro'essin$ Kones 4uthorit- 07EPK41 or 7an$ladesh E'ono!i' Kones 4uthorit-
07EK41 or 7*CIC or 7an$ladesh :andloo! 7oard in 'ase o handloo!
industries run ,- Leaver;s 4sso'iationH
01(1 FRe6e+portG !eans e+port o an- i!ported ite! within spe'ii' period with at
least 12D value addition to the i!port value ater repro'essin$ the said
i!ported ite! lo'all- ,- 'han$in$ either its Eualit- or shape or ,othH
0221 F4'tual userG !eans a person5 $roup o persons5 institution5 ,od- or
or$ani8ation5 other than re$istered i!porters5 who !a- i!port a per!issi,le ite!
0not ,ein$ an industrial raw !aterial reEuirin$ urther pro'essin$ ,eore ,ein$
used or 'onsu!ed1 in li!ited Euantit- or his or its own use or 'onsu!ption and
not or sale or transerH
0211 FChie ControllerG shall have the sa!e !eanin$ as $iven in se'tion 20a1 o the
I!ports and E+ports 0Control1 4't5 1("2.H
0221 FE+patriate 7an$ladeshiG !eans orei$n e+'han$e earnin$ 7an$ladeshi 'iti8ens
wor@in$>livin$ a,roadH
02#1 FCo!!er'ial i!porterG !eans an i!porter re$istered under the I!porters5
E+porters and Indentors 0Re$istration1 Order51(/1 who i!ports $oods or sale
without re6pro'essin$ H
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02%1 F&ish or Livesto'@ or 7ird;s eedG !eans eeds whi'h are dire'tl- i!ported as
eed or used as &ish or Livesto'@ or 7ird ater pro'essin$H
02"1 FI!porter or lease inan'in$G !eans an i!porter re$istered5 as spe'ial 'ase5
under the I!porters5 E+porters and Indentors 0Re$istration1 Order5 1(/1
approved ,- the Govern!ent or provision o lease inan'in$ to the industrial5
ener$-5 !inin$5 a$ri'ultural5 'onstru'tion5 transport and proessional servi'e
02)1 FIndustrial 'onsu!erG !eans industrial unit re$istered as an Industrial i!porter
under the I!porters5 E+porters and Indentors 0Re$istration1 Order5 1(/1 whi'h is
122D 7an$ladeshi industrial unit and a orei$n investor re$istered with relevant
sponsorin$ authorit- H
02.1 FPu,li' se'tor i!porterG !eans i!porters ,ein$ $overn!ent or$ani8ations or
institutes5 statutor- ,odies5 'orporations and pu,li' universitiesH and
02/1 FPlant and Plant produ'tG !eans plant spe'ies or produ'ts ori$inates ro! plant
or live and dead portion o plant with seeds5 reprodu'tive o plant sour'e5
Ger!plas!5 pro'essed or unpro'essed sour'e o plant whi'h or their
'hara'teristi's or or the pro'ess a,le to 'arr-5 trans!it and spread diseases
and pa'@in$ !aterials and 'otton.
+e%eral Pro,i(io%( 'or Import
-. e!"#ation o$ %mport- I!port o $oods under this Order shall ,e re$ulated as
0a1 <nless otherwise spe'iied in this order5 the ite!s ,anned or i!port in the list
0anne+ure611 shall not ,e i!porta,le=
Provided that5 those ite!s whi'h are i!porta,le on ulill!ent o 'ertain
'onditions spe'iied in the list shall ,e i!porta,le on ulill!ent o those
0,1 E+'ept the ite!s spe'iied in the su,6para 0a1 all other ite!s are
i!porta,le reel-H
0'1 Lhile deter!inin$ the i!port status o an ite! !entioned in the CControl
List;0anne+ure6115 i an- dis'repan'- arises ,etween the :.*. Code and the
des'ription o $oods5 the des'ription o $oods shall prevail.
ME+planation666 Ite!s !entioned in the oot note $iven ater the restri'ted list
0anne+ure611 shall ,e treated as ,anned ite!s.N
.. Co%ditio%( 'or re!ulati%! import. ---- I the i!port o an ite! was restri'ted
,eore 'o!in$ into ee't o this Order or i su'h restri'tion has ,een !ade ee'tive due
to the in'lusion o the ite! in the Control List or or i!position o an- other provision
su'h restri'tion shall ,e su,Be't to the ollowin$ 'onditions=66
0a1 In 'ase an- restri'tion is i!posed on i!port o a parti'ular
'o!!odit- with a view to prote'tin$ the interest o a lo'al industr- the
'on'erned sponsorin$ authorit-> 7an$ladesh Tari Co!!ission shall stri'tl-
!onitor produ'tion o that industrial unit re$ularl-H
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0,1 The industrial units 0Prote'ted Industr-1 whi'h are spe'iall-
en$a$ed in Fasse!,lin$ t-peG a'tivities shall have to a'tivel- and e+peditiousl-
!ove towards pro$ressive !anua'turin$ H
0'1 E+'ept due to the rise o pri'e o raw !aterials or the de'line in the
rate o e+'han$e5 i the pri'e o an ite! in'reases or the pri'e o inished
produ't in'reases disproportionatel- than the rise in the pri'e o the raw
!aterials in the international !ar@et5 the ,an on the i!port !a- ,e revo@ed
on the re'o!!endation o the 'on'erned sponsorin$ authorit- or Tari

0d1 Goods ro! Israel or $oods produ'ed in that 'ountr- and also
$oods 'arried in the la$ vessels o that 'ountr- shall not ,e i!porta,le.
0e1 :owever5 i an- one is a$$rieved ,- an- de'ision re$ardin$ ,an or
restri'tion on i!port o an- ite!5 that person or or$ani8ation 'an su,!it his
representation to the 7an$ladesh Tari Co!!ission. The 7an$ladesh Tari
Co!!ission will dul- e+a!ine su'h a representation and urnish its
re'o!!endation0s1 to the Ministr- o Co!!er'e or 'onsideration.
5. +e%eral Co%ditio%( o' Import o' !ood(- ---
/10 :.*. Code 3u!,er or i!port purpose5 use o :.*. Code with at least ei$ht di$its
'orrespondin$ to the 'lassii'ation o $oods as $iven in the &irst *'hedule o the
Custo!s 4't51()( 04't 3o. I9 o 1()(1 ,ased on the :ar!oni8ed Co!!odit-
Des'ription and Codin$ *-ste!5 shall ,e !andator-=
Provided that5 7an@ shall not issue L.C. 4uthori8ation or! or open L>C without
'orre'tl- !entionin$ :.*. Code nu!,er or the ite!0s1.
/20 NOC o% the ba(i( o' $O$ /$i!ht o' $e'u(al0---
0a1 3o O,Be'tion Certii'ate on the ,asis o Ri$ht o Reusal 0ROR1 ro! an-
authorit- shall not ,e reEuired or i!port o an- reel- i!porta,le ite! ,-
an- Pu,li' *e'tor a$en'-=
Provided that in 'ases where a pu,li' se'tor a$en'- is reEuired to
i!port ,anned> restri'ted ite!s in'luded in the Control List prior
per!ission o the Ministr- o Co!!er'e shall have to ,e o,tained on the
,asis o 3OC issued ,- the Ministr- o Industries or ,- the *ponsorin$
Ministr->Division or ,- ,oth5 as the 'ase !a- ,eH
0,1 In 'ase o i!port o restri'ted ite!s or approved proBe'ts inan'ed under
orei$n aid5 the 'on'erned Ministr-5 Depart!ent5 4$en'- or 'orporation
will approa'h the Ministr- o Co!!er'e dire'tl- or de'ision urnishin$ a
list o the ite!s dul- 'ertiied $ivin$ detailed des'ription and provisions o
'ontra't o the aided proBe't5 et'. and other ne'essar- inor!ation alon$
with Euantit- or nu!,er5 pri'e and :.*. Code 3u!,er o ea'h ite! to ,e
/-0 Pre-(hipme%t i%(pectio%---
0a1 In this order where there is 'ondition or pre6ship!ent inspe'tion o
i!ported $oods the said 'ondition has to ,e 'o!plied withH and
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0,1 <nless otherwise spe'iied5 in 'ase o e+port and i!port5 ship!ent o
$oods 'an ,e !ade under The 7an$ladesh &la$ 9essels 0Prote'tion1
Ordinan'e5 1(/2 0Ord. 3o.?I9 o 1(/21.

/.0 Import at competiti,e rate---
0a1 I!port shall ,e !ade at the !ost 'o!petitive rate and it is o,li$ator- or
the i!porters5 at an- ti!e5 to su,!it do'u!ents to I!port Control
4uthorit- re$ardin$ the pri'e paid or to ,e paid ,- the!H
0,1 In 'ase o i!port under <ntied Co!!odit- 4id in the private se'tor5 $oods
shall ,e i!ported at the !ost 'o!petitive rate ,- o,tainin$ Euotations
ro! at least three suppliers>indentors representin$ at least two sour'e
Provided that5 this 'ondition shall not appl- or openin$ L>C up to T@. One
la'H and
0'1 &or i!port at the !ost 'o!petitive rate ,- the Pu,li' *e'tor i!porters5
Euotations have to ,e invited ,eore openin$ letter o 'redit and $oods
shall ,e i!ported at the !ost 'o!petitive pri'e.
/50 Import o% C1$, CPT, 1O2, CI1, CIP, &#T, a%d &#P ba(i(6
0a1 Goods 'an ,e i!ported on C&R5 CPT5 &O75 CI&5 CIP5 D4T5 and D4P
,asis deined in the in'oter!s ,- water5 land and airwa-sH
Provided that in 'ase o i!port on &O7 ,asis the 'on'erned i!porter
shall have to properl- 'o!pl- with orei$n e+'han$e re$ulationH
0,1 <nless there is spe'ii' provision in the relevant loan a$ree!ent>proBe't
a$ree!ent 'on'luded with the orei$n donors or i!port on CI& or CIP
,asis5 no i!port shall ,e allowed on CI& or CIP ,asis without prior
approval ro! the Ministr- o Co!!er'eH
0'1 4n- e+patriate 7an$ladeshi with in'o!e earned a,road and an- orei$n
investor with his share o eEuit- 'an send 'apital !a'hineries I raw6
!aterials on CI& or CIP ,asisH
0d1 Goods ro! orei$n 'ountries ree o 'ost or $it ite!s are i!porta,le on
CI& or CIP ,asisH
0e1 7eore openin$ L>C5 ne'essar- insuran'e 'over note shall ,e pur'hased
ro! the *adharan 7i!a Corporation in 'ase o i!port ,- the
Govern!ent and ro! *adharan 7i!a Corporation or an- non6lie
insuran'e 'o!pan- approved ,- the Govern!ent in 'ase i!port ,- the
private se'tor. The insuran'e poli'- has to ,e su,!itted to the Custo!s
4uthorit- durin$ release o i!ported $oods ro! the 'usto!s 4uthorit-H
01 &ood ite!s 'an ,e i!ported ,- Ministr- o &ood and Ministr- o Relie and
Reha,ilitation Mana$e!ent on CI& or CIP ,asisH
0$1 Co!!er'ial $oods 'an ,e i!ported ,- postal servi'e throu$h post oi'es
whi'h are de'lared as 'usto! stations su,Be't to the 'o!plian'e o all
relevant rules and re$ulations o this OrderH
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0h1 7older stone 'an ,e i!ported ro! India ,- waterwa-s.
/30 Import by me%tio%i%! 4Cou%try o' Ori!i%5666

0a1 In all 'ases o i!port5 F'ountr- o ori$inG shall ,e !entioned 'learl- on the
pa'@a$e and 'ontainer o $oodsH
0,1 4 'ertii'ate re$ardin$ F'ountr- o ori$inG issued ,- the 'on'erned
Govern!ent a$en'-5 approved authorit- or or$ani8ation o the e+portin$
'ountr- !ust ,e su,!itted5 alon$ with i!port do'u!ents to the Custo!s
4uthorit- at the ti!e o release o $oods = Provided that the provisions o
F'ountr- o ori$inG shall not ,e appli'a,le to 'oal and e+port oriented
$ar!ents industriesH
0'1 Prote'tion o Intelle'tual6propert- ri$ht= In 'ase o i!port o ,randed
$oods re$istered under an- law related to intelle'tual propert- in
7an$ladesh 'op- o intelle'tual propert- 'ertii'ate in avour o 'on'erned
,randed $oods 'ertiied ,- the Intelle'tual propert- ri$ht holder o the
e+portin$ 'ountr-5 shall ,e su,!itted to the Custo!s 4uthorit-H
0d1 In 'ase o i!port o 'otton it shall not ,e reEuired to !ention F'ountr- o
ori$inG on ea'h ,ale = Provided that F'ountr- o ori$inG need not ,e
!entioned in the ph-to6sanitar- 'ertii'ateH
0e1 *u,Be't to the 'onditions i!posed ,- the &orei$n E+'han$e Re$ulation
4't51(%. 04't 9II o 1(%.15 7an$ladesh 7an@ and Co!!er'ial 7an@s5
F'ountr- o ori$inG need not ,e !entioned ,- the 122D e+port oriented
industries approved ,- Custo!s 4uthorit- in'ludin$ the industries
i!portin$ raw !aterials or the use o said industries.
01 In 'ase o i!port 4lu!iniu! In$ot 5 Kin' In$ot alon$ with other 3on6
errous and &errous !etals5 F'ountr- o ori$inG need not ,e !entioned.
0$1 In 'ase o i!port o Li!estone5 in dierent 'onsi$n!ents>lot ,- the rope6
wa- or ,- river5 as raw6!aterials or Chatta@ Ce!ent &a'tor-5 FCountr- o
Ori$inG 'ertii'ate ro! the e+portin$ 'ountr-;s Govern!ent5 approved
authorit- or or$ani8ation shall ,e su,!itted on'e to the Custo!s authorit-
at the ti!e o release o $oods5 instead or ea'h 'onsi$n!ent>lot or the
Euantit- !entioned in L>C.
/60 I%(criptio% o' Name, #ddre(( a%d TIN o' Importer-
E+'ept in the 'ase o ollowin$ i!ports5 the na!e5 address and TI3 shall ,e
ins'ri,ed or printed in indeli,le in@ on5 at least two per'ent o the lar$est
pa'@et>'over>tinned pa'@a$e>sa'@ pa'@>wooden ,o+>other pa'@ets 'ontainin$ the
i!ported $oods5 as=666
0a1 &or the produ'ts i!ported un'overed and in ,ul@H
0,1 &or produ'ts valued up to <*O "2220ive thousand1 in ea'h 'hallanH
0'1 &or i!port in $overn!ent se'torH
0d1 &or i!port o approved orei$n aid6,ased proBe'tsH
0e1 &or i!port o ree sa!ple 5 advertise!ent !aterials and $it ite!s valued
<*O 1222 0one thousand 1 or less as per provisions o the I!port Poli'-
01 &or i!ports under the Transer o Residen'e 7a$$a$e rules52222 H
0$1 &or $oods i!ported ,- the a'tual userH
0h1 &or I!port ,- the Diplo!ati' MissionsH
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0i1 &or I!port ,- the 122D e+port oriented Industrial units under 7onded
Lare houseH
0B1 &or $oods i!ported on returna,le ,asisH
0@1 &or e+port6'u!6i!port $oodsH
0l1 &or $oods i!ported on entre6pot ,asisH
0!1 &or i!port ,- various edu'ational institutions>'harita,le or$ani8ations>
0n1 &or $oods sent ,- 7an$ladeshi nationals livin$ a,road.
3. Source o' 'i%a%ce--- I!port !a- ,e allowed under the ollowin$ sour'es o inan'e5
0a1 Cash P
0i1 Cash orei$n e+'han$e 0,alan'e o the orei$n e+'han$e reserve o
7an$ladesh 7an@1H
0ii1 &orei$n 'urren'- a''ounts !aintained ,- 7an$ladeshi E+patriates
wor@in$>livin$ a,roadH
0iii1 E+ternal e'ono!i' aid 0Co!!odit- 4id5 Loan5 Grant1H
0iv1 Co!!odit- e+'han$e= 7arter and *pe'ial Tradin$ 4rran$e!ent 0*T41 .
0,1 Co!!er'ial i!porters and industrial 'onsu!ers !a- utilise their respe'tive shares
under 7arter>*T4 as per ,asis notiied.
0'1 I!port under the *pe'ial Tradin$ 4rran$e!ents 0*T41 'on'luded with prior
approval>per!ission o the $overn!ent5 shall ,e su,Be't to the spe'ii' pro'edures
laid down ,- the $overn!ent in this respe't.
0d1 The provision o su,6para 0a1 0iv1 o this para will re!ain ee'tive onl- upto the
ti!e o 'o!pletion o on6$oin$ a$ree!ents.
6. 1u%d pro,i(io% 'or 'i%a%ci%! import6 <nless otherwise spe'iied5 the i!porters shall
i!port pri!aril- a$ainst 'ash orei$n e+'han$e.
7. Import procedure6 I!port shall ,e !ade as per ollowin$ pro'edure=6
011 Import 8ice%ce %ot re9uired- <nless otherwise spe'iied5 no i!port li'en'e will ,e
ne'essar- or i!port o an- ite!.
021 %mport a!ainst L&A 'orm( )nless other*ise specifie!+ all import transactions throuh a
Ban, "-.Cs/ ban, !rafts+ remittances etc/$ shall re0uire -C1 forms irrespective of the
source of finance/
0#1 Import throu!h 8:C- <nless otherwise dire'ted i!port will ,e ee'ted onl- throu$h
openin$ irrevo'a,le L>C=
Provided that ea'h 'onsi$n!ent o Eui'@l- perisha,le ood ite!s worth <* dollar
&it- Thousand via Te@na Custo!s *tation5 essential ood ite!s and raw !aterials
used in industr- worth <* Dollar Ten Thousand and 'apital !a'hiner- irrespe'tive
o pri'e li!it via other 'usto! land stations 'an ,e i!ported a$ainst LC4 &or!
without L>C. H
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Provided urther that 'onditions stated in su, para 0)1 shall ,e unior!l- appli'a,le
and i!porters shall ,e re$istered with authori8ed dealer 7an@ or i!portation
without L>C.
0%1 Import a!ai%(t 8C# 1orm but ;ithout ope%i%! o' 8etter o' Credit /8:C0 - I!port
a$ainst LC4 &or! !a- ,e allowed without openin$ o Letters o Credit in the
ollowin$ 'ases=
0a1 I!port o ,oo@s5 Bournals5 !a$a8ines and periodi'als on si$ht drat or
usan'e ,ill ,asisH
0,1 I!port o an- per!issi,le ite! or an a!ount not e+'eedin$ <* Dollar
1225222>6 0hundred thousand1 is allowed onl- durin$ ea'h inan'ial -ear
a$ainst re!ittan'e !ade ro! 7an$ladesh5 ,ut in 'ase o M-an!ar666
011 I!port o ri'e 5 pulse5 !ai8e5 ,eans5 $in$er5 $arli'5 so-a,in oil5
pal! oil5 onion and ish ite!s valued not e+'eedin$ "25222>6 0it-
thousand 1 <* dollar in a sin$le 'onsi$n!ent and other ite!s
valued #25222>60thirt- thousand1 <* dollar and
021 I!port o ri'e under Pu,li' *e'tor valued upto <* dollar two !illion
in a sin$le 'onsi$n!ent shall ,e i!porta,le without L>C and in this
'ase a,ove !entioned annual 'eilin$ o hundred thousand <*
dollar shall not ,e appli'a,le.
0'1 I!port under 'o!!odit- aid5 $rant or su'h other loan or whi'h there are
spe'ii' pro'ure!ent pro'edures or i!port o $oods without openin$ an-
L>C= and
0d1 I!port o Finternational 'he!i'al reeren'esG throu$h 7an@ drats ,-
re'o$nised phar!a'euti'al industr- on the approval o Dire'tor5 Dru$s
4d!inistration or the purpose o Eualit- 'ontrol o their produ'ts.
/50 Import a!ai%(t Import Permit( a%d i% (pecial ca(e( a!ai%(t Cleara%ce Permit
/'or cleara%ce o' !ood( o% payme%t o' 'i%e0- In the ollowin$ 'ases5 neither LC4
&or! nor openin$ o L>C will ,e ne'essar-H ,ut I!port Per!it 0IP1 or Clearan'e
Per!it 0CP1 will have to ,e o,tained ,- the i!porter5 as or e+a!ple666=
/a0 I!port o ,oo@s5 !a$a8ines5 Bournals5 periodi'als and s'ientii' and
la,orator- eEuip!ents a$ainst surrender o <3E*CO CouponsH
/b0 I!port under Pa-64s6You6Earn6*'he!e in the ollowin$ 'ases onl- on the
,asis o 'learan'e o the 7an$ladesh 7an@ =
011 3ew or not e+'eedin$ ten -ears old plant and !a'hiner- o
per!issi,le spe'ii'ationH
021 3ew or not e+'eedin$ ive -ear old !otor 'arsH
0#1 Car$o or passen$er vessel o steel or wooden ,odies5 in'ludin$
reri$erated vessel o an- 'apa'it- either new or not e+'eedin$
iteen -ears old =Provided that in 'ase o o'ean $oin$ old ships5
not e+'eedin$ twent- ive -ears old shall ,e i!porta,leH
0%1 I!port o plant and !a'hiner- or e+port6oriented industrial units
with the 'learan'e o the 'o!petent san'tionin$ authorit-5
wherever ne'essar-H
0"1 Trawlers and other ishin$ vessels5 either new or not e+'eedin$
twent- ive -ears old= Provided that or i!port under this s'he!e
/var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_4/247370163.doc: Last printed 1/1/2003 12:53 AM
the san'tionin$ authorit- o su'h i!port shall orward a 'op- o
san'tion letter to the Chie Controller and the i!porter shall appl-
to the CCIIE alon$ with ne'essar- papers or prior per!issionH
/c0 I!port o ite!0s1 ,- passen$er 'o!in$ ro! a,road in e+'ess o the
per!issi,le li!its o Euantit->value as per the relevant ,a$$a$e rules5
provided the i!port o the said ite!0s1 is per!issi,le under the relevant
,a$$a$e rulesH
/d0 I!port o sa!ples5 advertisin$ !aterials and $it ite!s a,ove the 'eilin$
pres'ri,ed as per para$raph 12 o this OrderH
/e0 I!port o onl- dru$s and her,al !edi'ines under ,onus s-ste! su,Be't to
the 'ondition that it shall ,e o,li$ator- on the part o the i!porters
'on'erned to pass on the ,eneit to the 'onsu!ers. The Dire'tor5 Dru$s
4d!inistration shall devise appropriate pro'edure in this ,ehalH
/'0 I!port o 'apital !a'hiner- and spare parts5 as share o 'apital o the
orei$n share6holder or an approved Boint venture or 122D orei$n
investors industrial unit alread- set up or to ,e set upH
/!0 I!port o an- other $oods5 not spe'ii'all- e+e!pted ro! per!it.
030 Import o% &e'erred Payme%t 2a(i( or #!ai%(t Supplier<( Credit- *u,Be't to
restri'tion and prohi,itions 'ontained in this order5 i!port on deerred pa-!ent
,asis or a$ainst *uppliers Credit !a- ,e allowed on the ,asis o pro'edure laid
down ,- the 7an$ladesh 7an@ in this ,ehal.
/60 Import a!ai%(t direct payme%t abroad- Onl- 7an$ladeshi nationals livin$ a,road
!a- send an- i!porta,le ite! irrespe'tive o value 'eilin$ a$ainst dire't pa-!ent
a,road in the na!e o an- 7an$ladeshi livin$ in 7an$ladesh. The na!e and
address o the 'onsi$nee shall ,e !entioned in the i!port do'u!ents5 in su'h
0a1 3o per!ission or i!port per!it ro! the I!port Control 4uthorit- shall ,e
0,1 In this 'ase a 'ertii'ate ro! the 7an$ladesh e!,ass- in that 'ountr- as
an earner o orei$n e+'han$e has to ,e su,!itted. *ender;s passport
nu!,er5 o''upation5 annual in'o!e5 period o sta- a,road et'. shall have
to ,e !entioned in that 'ertii'ateH
0'1 The pa-!ent re'eipt o the $oods shall have to ,e 'ertiied ,- the
/70 Time limit 'or ope%i%! o' 8:C-
0a1 <nless otherwise spe'iied5 or i!port under 'ash orei$n e+'han$e5 letter
o 'redit shall ,e opened ,- all i!porters within one hundred and it-
da-s ro! the date o issue >re$istration o LC4 or!=
Provided that the a,ove ti!e li!it !a- ,e e+tended upto su'h ti!e as
dee!ed it ,- the Chie Controller o I!port and E+portH
0,1 &or i!port under orei$n aid>$rant and ,arter>*T45 L>C shall ,e opened
within the ti!e li!it as !a- ,e notiied ,- the Chie Controller.
/=0 >alidity o' (hipme%t 'or !ood(-
0a1 <nless5 otherwise spe'iied5 ship!ent o $oods shall ,e !ade within
1.0seventeen1 !onths in the 'ase o !a'hiner- and spare parts and
/var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_4/247370163.doc: Last printed 1/1/2003 12:53 AM
(0 nine1 !onths in the 'ase o all other ite!s ro! the date o issuan'e o
LC4 &or! ,- 7an@.
0,1 *hip!ent o $oods under 'o!!odit- aid>$rant5 and a''ount trade
arran$e!ent>'ounter trade arran$e!ent shall ,e ee'ted within the ti!e
li!its as !a- ,e notiied ,- the Chie ControllerH
0'1 In 'ase where ship!ent 'ould not ,e !ade within the validit- period due
to 'ir'u!stan'es ,e-ond 'ontrol o the i!porter5 the Chie Controller !a-
e+tend the ti!e li!it or ship!ent o $oods on the !erit o ea'h 'ase.
0121 $e(trictio% o% 8:C a'ter impo(itio% o' ba%:re(trictio%- 3o e+tension o the date
o ship!ent in an- Letter o Credit or a!end!ent to Letter o Credit or
enhan'e!ent o the value or Euantit- o $oods shall ,e allowed ,- the no!inated
7an@ or ,- the I!port Control 4uthorit- ater the i!position o ,an or restri'tion on
an- ite!0s1.
0111 &ocume%t re9uired to be (ubmitted alo%! ;ith 8C# 1orm- I!porters in ,oth
pu,li' se'tor and private se'tor shall su,!it to their no!inated 7an@s the ollowin$
do'u!ents alon$ with the L>C 4uthorisation &or! or openin$ Letter o Credit=
0a1 L>C 4ppli'ation &or! dul- si$ned ,- the i!porterH
0,1 Indents or $oods issued ,- Indentor or a Proor!a Invoi'e o,tained ro!
the orei$n supplier5 as the 'ase !a- ,eH and
0' 1 Insuran'e Cover 3ote.
0121 #dditio%al docume%t( to be 'ur%i(hed by public (ector importer(- In addition
to the do'u!ents !entioned in su,6para$raph 0111 a,ove5 pu,li' se'tor i!porters
shall su,!it the attested photo'op- o san'tion letter ro! the ad!inistrative
Ministr- or Division or 4uthorit-5 wherever appli'a,leH
01#1 #dditio%al docume%t( to be 'ur%i(hed by pri,ate (ector importer(- In addition
to the do'u!ents !entioned in su,6para$raph 0111 a,ove private se'tor i!porters
will ,e reEuired to su,!it the ollowin$ do'u!ents5 as =666
0a1 9alid Me!,ership 'ertii'ate ro! the re$istered lo'al Cha!,er o
Co!!er'e and Industr- or an- Trade 4sso'iation esta,lished on all
7an$ladesh ,asis5 representin$ an- spe'ial trade>,usinessH
0,1 Renewed I!port Re$istration Certii'ate or the 'on'erned inan'ial -earH
0'1 4 de'laration5 in tripli'ate5 that the i!porter has paid in'o!e6ta+ or
su,!itted in'o!e ta+ return or the pre'edin$ -earH
0d1 Proo o havin$ Ta+ Identii'ation 3u!,er 0TI31 in all 'ases o i!ports5
e+'eptin$ personal useH
0e1 4n- su'h do'u!ent as !a- ,e reEuired as per Pu,li' 3oti'e5 or Order
issued ,- Chie Controller5 ro! ti!e to ti!e under this OrderH
01 4n- ne'essar- papers or do'u!ents a''ordin$ to this OrderH

0$1 Insuran'e Cover 3ote either ro! *adharan 7i!a Corporation or ro!
an- 7an$ladeshi Insuran'e Co!pan- and dul- sta!ped insuran'e poli'-
a$ainst this 'over6note5 whi'h shall have to ,e su,!itted to the Custo!s
4uthorit- durin$ release o $oods.
01%1 >iolatio% o' the re9uireme%t o' 8C#:8C-

/var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_4/247370163.doc: Last printed 1/1/2003 12:53 AM
0a1 *hip!ent ee'ted ,eore issuan'e o the L>C 4uthorisation &or! ,- the
no!inated 7an@ and re$istration with the authori8ed dealer ,an@5
wherever ne'essar-5 and ,eore openin$ o L>C or ater e+pir- o the
validit- o the L>C 4uthorisation &or! or L>C shall ,e treated as i!port in
'ontravention o this Order.
0,1 L>C 4uthorisation &or! o,tained on the ,asis o alse or in'orre't
parti'ulars or ,- adoptin$ an- raudulent !eans shall ,e treated as invalid
and void a,initio.
01"1 Import a!ai%(t i%de%t a%d pro-'orma I%,oice- L>C !a- ,e opened a$ainst an
indent issued ,- a lo'al re$istered Indentor or a$ainst a pro6or!a invoi'e issued
,- a orei$n !anua'turer>seller>supplier.
01)1 Procedure to be 'ollo;ed by ba%?( 'or accepta%ce:i((ua%ce o' 8C# 1orm(6
7an@s will ollow the ollowin$ pro'edures in the 'ase o a''eptin$ or issuin$ o
LC4 &or!=
0a1 #ccepta%ce o' 8C# 1orm( by the %omi%ated ba%?(-
0i1 LC4 &or!s and other relevant papers shall ,e su,!itted ,-
re'o$nised industrial units in the private se'tor and re$istered
'o!!er'ial i!porters to their respe'tive no!inated ,an@ or the
purpose o i!port ,- openin$ L>C.
0ii1 Lhile a''eptin$ LC4 &or!s ro! a private se'tor i!porter the
no!inated ,an@s shall ensure that the 'on'erned i!porter has a
valid I!port Re$istration Certii'ate 0IRC15 the reEuisite renewal
ees or IRC or the relevant inan'ial -ear has ,een paid and
parti'ulars o the treasur- 'halan showin$ pa-!ent o renewal ees
has ,een dul- re'orded in the IRC o the said i!porter. <nless a
private se'tor i!porter is spe'ii'all- e+e!pted ro! IRC5 LC4
&or!s shall not ,e a''epted ro! hi!>her5 or L>C shall not ,e
opened in his>her avor without valid and le$all- renewed IRC.
0iii1 In 'ase o i!port throu$h land route5 na!e o the land port o
destination in 7an$ladesh will ,e 'learl- stated in 'on'erned L>CH
0iv1 L>C or i!port o 'apital !a'hiner- and initial spares or settin$ up
o a new industrial unit !a-5 however5 ,e opened without an-
I!port Re$istration Certii'ate 0IRC1 and without o,tainin$
e+e!ption 'ertii'ate ro! the Chie Controller. 3o or!al san'tion
shall ,e ne'essar- ro! the sponsorin$ authorit- or su'h i!port
a$ainst 'ash orei$n e+'han$e in respe't o industrial units in the
ree se'torH
0v1 In 'ase o i!port o 'apital !a'hiner- and spares ,- the orei$n
investor5 a 'ertii'ate to the ee't that i!port 'ost will ,e paid in
'ash orei$n e+'han$e ro! the eEuit- o orei$n investor5 issued
,- the 'on'erned ,an@ is reEuiredH
/b0 Compul(ory recordi%! o' ".S. Code Number- 7an@s shall not pro'ess
an- LC4 &or! or open L>C without properl- re'ordin$ the appropriate
:.*. Code 3u!,er on the LC4 &or! or L>C. 7an$ladesh 7an@ shall
!onitor the 'o!plian'e ,- the ,an@s 0s'heduled1 o the a,ove
/var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_4/247370163.doc: Last printed 1/1/2003 12:53 AM
/c0 $e!i(tratio% o' 8C# 1orm- In 'ase o i!port ,- openin$ L>C or without
L>C5 the authorised dealer ,an@ shall $et the LC4 &or! re$istered and
su,!it 'opies to 7an$ladesh 7an@ alon$ with !onthl- state!ent ater
pa-!ent is !ade5 Chie Controller o I!ports and E+ports5 i!porter5
Custo!s 4uthorit- and the retain 10one1 'op- with the ,an@. The dealer
7an@ shall send all the inor!ation o re$istration to the 'on'erned oi'e
o 7an$ladesh 7an@ in a state!ent on !onthl- ,asis.
/d0 Ca(e( ;here 8C# 1orm a!ai%(t +o,er%me%t allocatio% are %ot
re9uired to be re!i(tered- In 'ase o i!port under Loan5 Grant5 7arter or
spe'ial trade a$ree!ent5 no!inated ,an@ ater re'ordin$ the parti'ulars
!entioned in the LC4 &or! shall orward the LC4 &or! or LC 4ppli'ation
&or! alon$ with other ne'essar- do'u!ents to the desi$nated ,an@ with
the reEuest to open LC. 4nd then the desi$nated ,an@5 ater openin$ L>C5
!ust orward the third and ourth 'opies o LC4 &or! to the I!port
Control 4uthorit- within 1"0iteen1 da-s.
/e0 Tra%(mi((io% o' the copy o' 8:C 'or record o' the Import Co%trol
#uthority6 In all 'ases5 the L>C openin$ ,an@s shall orward a reada,le
'op- o the L>C and 'op- o a!end!ent thereto5 i an-5 to the 'on'erned
I!port Control 4uthorit- or their re'ord within iteen da-s.
/'0 &e(patch o' I%come Ta@ declaratio%( (ubmitted by pri,ate (ector
importer(- The no!inated ,an@ o the 'on'erned private se'tor i!ports
shall retain one 'op- o the In'o!e Ta+ de'laration urnished ,- the
i!porters and orward or other 'op- to the Dire'tor 0Resear'h and
*tatisti's153ational 7oard o Revenue.
/!0 Cha%!e o' Nomi%ated 2a%?- Lithin the Burisdi'tion o an- parti'ular
Re$ional oi'e o Controller o I!ports and E+ports5 'han$e o no!inated
7an@ 'an ,e done i there is no o,Be'tion ,- ,oth the 7an@s. In this 'ase
'op- o no o,Be'tion 'ertii'ate o ,oth ,an@ have to ,e su,!itted to the
'on'erned I!port Control 4uthorit-.
=. $e!i(tratio% Certi'icateB---- /10 Re$istered 'o!!er'ial and industrial i!porters have
,een 'lassiied into ollowin$ si+ 'ate$ories on the ,asis o 'eilin$6 value o overall
annual i!port or the inan'ial -ear 221261# to 221%61". 4nd their Re$istration 0IRC1 and
renewal ees will ,e as ollows=
Cate!ory Ceili%! >alue o' a%%ual
I%itial $e!i(tratio%
#%%ual re%e;al 'ee(
&irst T@. "5 225222 T@. "5222 T@. #5222
*e'ond T@. 2"5225222 T@. 125222 T@. )5222
Third T@. "25225222 T@. 1/5222 T@. 125222
&ourth T@. 15225225222 T@. #25222 T@. 1"5222
&ith T@. "5225225222 T@. %"5222 T@. 225222
*i+th 4,ove T@."5225225222 T@. )25222 T@. #25222
021 4n i!porter shall appl- in writin$ to the 'on'erned I!port Control 4uthorit- or
re$istration in an- o the si+ 'ate$ories !entioned a,ove alon$ with ne'essar-
/var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_4/247370163.doc: Last printed 1/1/2003 12:53 AM
papers and ori$inal 'op- o the Treasur- Chalan as eviden'e o pa-!ent o the
pres'ri,ed re$istration ees.
0#1 I!port Control 4uthorit- shall !a@e an endorse!ent under seal and si$nature
on the IRC o ea'h i!porter indi'atin$ the value 'eilin$ o annual i!port and the
rate o renewal ees appli'a,le in ea'h 'ase.
0%1 Re$istered i!porters o all 'ate$ories5 0or renewal o their re$istration
'ertii'ate1 shall su,!it two 'opies o appli'ation in writin$5 !ain 'op- o IRC
and 'op- o treasur- 'halan o renewal ees paid to 7an$ladesh 7an@ or *onali
7an@50where there is no ,ran'h o 7an$ladesh 7an@1 under the :ead o 4''ount
F1>1.#1>2221>1/21G to the I!port Control 4uthorit- indi'atin$ the 'ate$or- stated
at su,6para 011 in whi'h the- intend to ,e 'lassiied.
0"1 I!porters o all 'ate$ories 'an renew their IRC throu$h their no!inated ,an@s.
0)1 I!porter shall pa- renewal ee in 'ash at pres'ri,ed rate or the said 'ate$or- to
the no!inatin$ ,an@ a$ainst re'eipt and su,!it appli'ation alon$ with !ain 'op-
o IRC.
0.1 The ,an@s shall deposit the !one- re'eived as renewal ees to the 7an$ladesh
7an@ or *onali 7an@5 where there is no ,ran'h o 7an$ladesh 7an@5 under the
:ead o 4''ount F1>1.#1>2221>1/21G separatel-.
0/1 The ,an@s shall5 in turn5 !a@e an endorse!ent under seal and si$nature on the
IRC o the i!porter indi'atin$ the value 'eilin$ o annual i!port and the rate o
renewal ee appli'a,le in his 'ase and return the ori$inal IRC to the i!porter
0(1 The no!inated ,an@ shall @eep with it one 'op- o the i!porter;s appli'ation and
send the other 'op- to the 'on'erned I!port Control 4uthorit- alon$ with ori$inal
'op- o treasur- 'halan re$ardin$ pa-!ent o renewal ees. The 7an@ shall also
send a separate list o i!porters where Re$istration Certii'ates have ,een
renewed ,- it under ea'h o the si+ 'ate$ories !entioned a,ove within irst wee@
o ea'h !onth.
0121 Renewal &ees or the 'on'erned inan'ial -ear shall ,e paid ,- the i!porter
within #2
*epte!,er o that -ear without an- sur'har$e.
0111 4n- i!porter intendin$ to open L>C or the purpose o i!port ,eore the
aore!entioned dates in su,6para 0121 shall however ,e reEuired to irst pa-
renewal ees properl- or the inan'ial -ear 'on'erned at the pres'ri,ed rate.
0121 I!porters ailin$ to pa- renewal ees within the ti!e li!it !entioned in su,6
para$raph 0121 shall have to pa- sur'har$e5 in addition to arrear renewal ees5 at
the ollowin$ rates=6
Ti!e Li!it 4!ount o *ur'har$e
*ur'har$e or dela- or a period one -ear
or less
T@. "22
*ur'har$e or dela- or a period e+'eedin$
one -ear ,ut not e+'eedin$ two -ears
T@. 15222
*ur'har$e or dela- or a period e+'eedin$
two -ears ,ut not e+'eedin$ three -ears
T@. 25222
*ur'har$e or ea'h ne+t -ear ater third
4t a dou,le rate o the previous -ear
/var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_4/247370163.doc: Last printed 1/1/2003 12:53 AM
01#1 In 'ase an i!porter alread- re$istered in one 'ate$or- intends to ,e 'lassiied
into a hi$her 'ate$or-5 he>she shall pa- renewal ees or the ,alan'e a!ount as
per the rate appli'a,le or the relevant hi$her 'ate$or- in a''ordan'e with the
pro'edure !entioned in su,6para 0%150"1 and 0)1.
01%1 The ,an@ shall !a@e ne'essar- a!end!ents on the IRC o the i!porters
'on'erned and send to the 'on'erned I!port Control 4uthorit- one 'op- o the
i!porter;s appli'ation alon$ with ori$inal treasur- 'halan showin$ pa-!ent o
additional a!ount o renewal ees.
01"1 3o i!porter shall ,e allowed to open L>C in e+'ess o the value 'eilin$ o annual
i!port appli'a,le or hi!.
01)1 The i!porter 'on'erned and the ,an@ shall ,e eEuall- responsi,le or an-
violation o this 'ondition 0su, para 61"1.
01.1 The sponsorin$ authorit- 07oard o Invest!ent>7*CIC>7EPK41 while sendin$
re'o!!endation to the Chie Controller o I!ports and E+ports or issuan'e o
IRC in avour o a new industrial unit shall 'learl- !ention the 'ate$or- under
whi'h the 'on'erned industrial unit is to ,e re$istered.
01/1 Indentors and e+porters shall pa- re$istration and renewal ees at the ollowin$
I%itial re!i(tratio% 'ee( $e%e;al 'ee(
Indentor T@. %25222 T@. 225222
E+porter T@. .5222 T@. "5222
01(1 Indentors shall pa- renewal ees in 'ash to the 7an$ladesh 7an@ or *onali
7an@5 where there is no ,ran'h o 7an$ladesh 7an@5 under the :ead o
4''ounts F1>1.#1>2221>1/21G and send the ori$inal 'opies o the Treasur-
Chalan alon$ with ori$inal 'op- o IRC with renewal ,oo@ to the 'on'erned
Re$ional I!port Control Oi'e or re'ord and verii'ation.
0221 Indentors shall pa- re$istration and renewal ees in 'ash to their respe'tive
no!inated ,an@s a$ainst appropriate re'eipt.
0211 The 7an@s shall5 in turn5 deposit the re'eived a!ount separatel- with the
7an$ladesh 7an@ or *onali 7an@5 where there is no ,ran'h o 7an$ladesh 7an@5
under the :ead o 4''ounts !entioned in su,6para 0%1 and send the ori$inal
'op- o the Treasur- Chalan alon$ with ori$inal E+port Re$istration Certii'ate to
the respe'tive I!port Control 4uthorit- or re'ord and verii'ation.
0221 E+porters shall deposit renewal ees with the 7an$ladesh 7an@ or *onali 7an@5
where there is no ,ran'h o 7an$ladesh 7an@5 under the :ead o 4''ount
!entioned in su,6para 0%1 and send the ori$inal 'op- o the Treasur- Chalan
alon$ with ori$inal E+port Re$istration Certii'ate to the respe'tive I!port
Control 4uthorit- in the irst wee@ o ever- !onth or endorse!ent o renewal

02#1 Indentors and E+porter shall pa- renewal ees or the 'on'erned inan'ial -ear
within #2
*epte!,er o that -ear without an- sur'har$e.
02%1 Those who ail to pa- renewal ees within the ti!e li!it !entioned in su,6para
02#1 shall pa- sur'har$e5 in addition to arrear renewal ees at the ollowin$ rate=6
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Ti!e Li!it Indentor E+porter
*ur'har$e or dela- or a
period o one -ear or less
T@. 15222 T@. "22
*ur'har$e or dela- or a
period e+'eedin$ one -ear
,ut not e+'eedin$ two
T@. 25222 T@. 15222
*ur'har$e or dela- or a
period e+'eedin$ two
-ears5 ,ut not e+'eedin$
three -ears.
T@. #5222 T@. 15222
*ur'har$e or ea'h -ear
ater third -ear
4t a dou,le rate o the previous
4t a dou,le rate o the
previous -ear

02"1 4ll 'on'erned 7an@s shall send a list o those indentors who have paid renewal
ees to the 'on'erned I!port Control 4uthorit- within 1
wee@ o ever- !onth.
02)1 4ppli'ation o renewal o re$istration 'ertii'ate ,- the I!porters5 E+porters and
Indentors who ail to pa- renewal ees or a period e+'eedin$ three -ears will ,e
disposed o su'h on the !erit o ea'h 'ase ,- the Chie Controller o I!ports I
02.1 Re$istration Certii'ate Renewal 7oo@- 4ll re$istered I!porters5 E+porters and
Indentors !ust o,tain a Re$istration Certii'ate Renewal 7oo@ or endorse!ent
o inor!ation relatin$ to the renewal.
02/1 4n a!ount o T@. 152220One Thousand1 as ees or ea'h renewal ,oo@ shall ,e
deposited throu$h Treasur- Chalan under :ead o 4''ount F1>1.#1>2221>1/21G.
02(1 The Renewal 7oo@ shall ,e o,tained to$ether with the Re$istration Certii'ate in
'ase o new Re$istration Certii'ate is issued.
0#21 I!porters5 E+porters and Indentors who have alread- re'eived Re$istration
Certii'ates shall o,tain Renewal 7oo@s ro! their respe'tive li'ensin$ oi'e on
su,!ission o Chalan showin$ pa-!ent o ees.
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Mis'ellaneous Provisions
12. Import o% Coi%t 2a(i(--- 011 I!porters all over 7an$ladesh !a- or! one or !ore
$roups or i!port on Boint ,asis a''ordin$ to their 'onvenien'e.

021 The pro'edure or i!port on Boint ,asis is $iven at 4nne+62.

0#1 The industrial 'onsu!ers shall or! $roup or $roups with other industrial
'onsu!ers onl-.
0%1 The 'o!!er'ial i!porters shall or! $roup or $roups with other 'o!!er'ial
11. Import by #ctual D(er.---/10 Individuals or institutions5 not ,ein$ re$istered i!porters5
!a- i!port per!issi,le ite!s valued up to <* Dollar &ive thousand or their own use
under 'ash orei$n e+'han$e without an- per!ission.
021 Prior per!ission ro! the Chie Controller shall ,e ne'essar- in 'ase o su'h
i!ports e+'eedin$ <* Dollar ive thousand.
0%1 The provision o su,para 011 and 021 shall also appl- to the $overn!ent servants
and e!plo-ees o ,odies6'orporate set up ,- or under an- statute or the ti!e
,ein$ in or'e=
Provided that 5 su'h e!plo-ee shall produ'e a 'ertii'ate ro! their respe'tive
:ead o Depart!ent or Or$anisation to the ee't that the ite!s0s1 to ,e i!ported
are or their a'tual use and not or sale.
0%1 Goods i!ported ,- a'tual users o,servin$ the provisions !entioned in su,6para
0115 021 I 0#1 shall not ,e sold within one -ear o their i!port e+'ept with the
per!ission o the 'on'erned I!port Control 4uthorit-.
12. Import by 2a%!lade(hi pro'e((io%al<( abroad. --- 7an$ladeshi proessionals livin$
a,road !a- i!port their own proessional and s'ientii' eEuip!ents out o their own
orei$n e+'han$e earnin$s a,road without an- value 'eilin$. In su'h 'ase5 per!ission or
per!it ro! I!port Control 4uthorit- shall not ,e reEuired.

E@pla%atio% 666 4''ordin$ to this para5 proessionals !ean all proessionals in'ludin$
Do'tors5 En$ineers5 *'ientists and Le$al pra'titioners.
1#. Import o' Sample(, #d,erti(i%! Aaterial( a%d +i't(. ---
011 Ite!s o $it5 advertisin$ !aterials and sa!ples !a- ,e i!ported ree o 'har$e
within C&R value li!it without an- prior per!ission or per!it ro! the Chie
Controller in the ollowin$ 'ases durin$ ea'h inan'ial -ear5 as =666.
Type( o' Importer( Item( o' (ample(,
ad,erti(i%! material(
E !i't(.
C1$ ,alue limit
1 2 #
I!porters o !edi'ine5
respe'tive indentors
and a$ents
:er,al and !edi'ines T@.25225222
0two la'1 onl-
4ll I!porters5
Indentors and 4$ents.
Other sa!ples and
advertisin$ !aterials.
0two la'1 onl-
4$ents o orei$n
3ew ,rand o ite! or
sale with a view to
0one la'1 onl-
/var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_4/247370163.doc: Last printed 1/1/2003 12:53 AM
in 7an$ladesh
introdu'in$ it to the
Individual>Or$ani8ation 7onaide ite!s o $its T@.15225222
0one la'1 onl-
4dvertisin$ !aterials shall in'lude5 a!on$ others5 diaries5 ,ro'hures5 posters5
'alendars5 pa!phlets and te'hni'al literature related to the trade o the 'on'erned
i!porters as well as ,all6point pen5 @e- rin$ and li$hters with 'o!pan-6na!e
en$raved>printed thereon.
021 Lith a view to a'ilitatin$ !anua'ture o produ'ts o new desi$n0s1 or
the purpose o e+port or produ'tion o $oods lo'all- a''ordin$ to the preeren'e
o the orei$n ,u-er0s15 ollowin$ sa!ples !a- ,e i!ported ,- the 'on'erned
e+porters without an- prior per!ission or per!it ro! the Chie Controller durin$
ea'h inan'ial -ear5 su'h as=66
Type( o'
Fearly ,alue ceili%!: ma@imum %umber( o'
(ample( to be imported
1 2 # %
1. E+port
Ma+i!u! "22 0ive hundred1
sa!ples with not !ore than 12
0ten1 in ea'h 'ate$or-.
In 'ase o old $ar!ents
!anua'turer and e+porter5 i!port
a'ilit- or 1D o the 'loth used in
!a@in$ $ar!ents in the pre'edin$
-ear shall ,e availa,le.
In 'ase o new industrial units
i!port a'ilit- or 1D o the
reEuired ,- the! or utili8in$ hal o
their approved 'apa'it- shall ,e
2. E+port
Ma+i!u! 222 0two hundred1 pairs o sa!ple. 66666
#. E+port
Ma+i!u! 222 0two hundred1 pairs o tanned
leather sa!ple
%. Other
<*O 125222.22 0ten thousand onl-1 *u,Be't to the
su,!ission o
tion ro!
0#1 I i!port o sa!ples is reEuired or e+e'ution o e+port6orders and the 'on'erned
orei$n supplier does not a$ree to suppl- the sa!ple ree o 'har$e5 the
/var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_4/247370163.doc: Last printed 1/1/2003 12:53 AM
'on'erned e+porter>!anua'turer !a- i!port5 on the ,asis o re'o!!endation
o E+port Pro!otion 7ureau and with prior per!ission o Chie Controller5 su'h
sa!ples within their respe'tive value>Euantit- li!it noted a,ove5 under 'ash
orei$n e+'han$e5 on pa-!ent o pri'e or the ite!s under the nor!al 7an@in$
0%1 &or the purpose o !anua'ture o ite! or e+port5 ,anned or restri'ted ite!s0s15
i reEuired5 !a- also ,e i!ported as sa!ples within their respe'tive
value>Euantitative li!it !entioned a,ove.
0"1 In 'ase o i!port o sa!ples5 i reEuired5 in e+'ess o the value 'eilin$
!entioned in su,6para$raphs 011 and 02 prior per!ission o the Chie Controller
and I!port Per!it !ust ,e o,tained.
0)1 I i!port o ,anned ite!s in inished or! are reEuired or the purpose o lo'al
produ'tion>asse!,lin$ o the sa!e5 re'o$nised industrial units under the
respe'tive se'tor !a- i!port ree o 'har$e su'h ,anned ite!s as ree sa!ples
not e+'eedin$ 2 3os. o ea'h !odel5 su,Be't to the prior per!ission o the Chie
Controller. Lo'al a$ents o the orei$n supplier will also $et si!ilar a'ilit- or
i!port o su'h ite!s as sa!ples5 i reEuired5 or parti'ipation in tenders.
0.1 The non'o!!er'ial $oods 'ostin$ not !ore than ta@a ten thousand e+ported ,-
7an$ladeshis livin$ a,road to the a!il- !e!,ers in 7an$ladesh or personal
uses 0with restri'ted ite!s1 'an ,e released on pa-!ent o dut- and ta+
appli'a,le thereo without an- per!it and in one inan'ial -ear5 the nu!,er o
ite!s shall not ,e !ore than one in 'ase o ele'troni' $oods5 in other 'ases the
nu!,er shall not ,e !ore than ive .
1.. Temporary importatio% ;ith co%ditio%( 'or re-e@port(. ---
011 4$ents and representatives o the orei$n !anua'turers shall ,e allowed to
i!port !a'hiner- and eEuip!ent on te!porar- ,asis o their Prin'ipal or parent
'o!pan- or displa- in 7an$ladesh su,Be't to the 'onditions stated ,elow=
0a1 Goods ,rou$ht into 7an$ladesh or su'h e+hi,ition or de!onstration
will ,e re6e+ported within a period o one -earH
0,1 The i!porter shall e+e'ute a ,ond and urnish a 7an@ Guarantee or
a le$al instru!ent to the satisa'tion o the Custo!s 4uthorit- at the
ti!e o 'learan'e o the $oods re$ardin$ ti!el- re6e+portH
021 I an- ,anned or restri'ted ite! is in'luded in the eEuip!ent> !aterial needed to
,e i!ported on te!porar- ,asis or the i!ple!entation o an- develop!ent
proBe't or or an- other spe'ii' purpose5 prior per!ission o the Chie Controller
!ust ,e o,tained or their i!port.
0#1 EEuip!ent>!aterial i!ported on re6e+port ,asis under su,6para 021 !a- ,e
transerred with the prior per!ission o Chie Controller to an- lo'al 'ontra'tin$
ir! at a 'on'essionar- rate o dut->duties.
0%1 I!port or Centre6port; trade= Goods 'an ,e i!ported or Centre6port; trade a$ainst
,a'@6to6 ,an@ L>C o the ,u-er throu$h I!port Per!it on returna,le ,asis issued
,- the oi'e o the Chie Controller o I!ports and E+ports. It is to ,e !entioned
in the i!port de'laration that it is Centre6port; or CTe!porar- I!port;.
0"1 *u'h $oods will not ,e allowed to ,rin$ out side o the port area5 i the port o
entr- and port o e+port is the sa!e.
0)1 I the port o i!port and e+port are dierent5 $oods 'an ,e shited to the port o
e+port with the per!ission o Custo!s 4uthorit- on pa-!ent o dut- I ta+es
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under Dut- Draw 7an@ s-ste! or a$ainst 122D 7an@ Guarantee and it is to ,e
e+ported within the spe'iied ti!e li!it.
0.1 I!port or Re6e+port= 4n- $oods 'an ,e i!ported or 122D e+port a$ainst
e+port L>C o the ,u-er on pa-!ent o Dut- I Ta+es under Dut- Draw ,a'@
s-ste!>a$ainst 122D 7an@ Guarantee>under 7onded Larehouse with I!port
Per!it on returna,le ,asis issued ,- the Chie Controller o I!ports I E+ports.
0/1 CPro'essed in 7an$ladesh; is to ,e !entioned in the pa'@et o the re6e+ported
$oods. 7esides5 date o e+pir- and pa'@in$ o the $oods5 date o pa'@in$5
des'ription o $oods are to ,e written>printed on ea'h pot >'ontainer>pa'@a$e o
the $oods.
0(1 4ll the pro'edures and or!alities o the Govern!ent are to ,e o,served in 'ase
o re6e+port o i!ported $oods.
0121 &or sendin$ o !a'hiner->eEuip!ent>'-linder or repair>re6illin$>!aintenan'e
et'. to another 'ountr-5 E+port6Cu!6I!port Per!it>Per!ission is to ,e ta@en
ro! the I!port Controllin$ 4uthorit- on su,!ission o 7an@ $uarantee o
eEuivalent value o the $oods.
0111 Provisions o su,6para 0121 will ,e appli'a,le or the industrial enterprises and in
those 'ases the enterprises will e+e'ute I su,!it ,onds on re'o!!endation
ro! the sponsorin$ authorities.
0121 In 'ase o tur,ine 0with or without $ear,o+1 'apa,le o produ'in$ ele'tri'it- or
!a'hineries o the sa!e nature5 approval o e+port6'u!6i!port per!it shall ,e
ta@en ro! i!port 'ontrol authorit- or e+port in avour o suppl-in$ enterprise
throu$h repla'e!ent o the e+pired i!ported tur,ine 0with or without $ear,o+1
,- i!portin$ tur,ine 0with or without $ear,o+1 and other related !a'hineries and
spare parts as per 'onditions in the a$reed 'ontra't > L>C with tur,ine
!anua'turer or over6holder or$ani8ation.
0a1 In 'ase o release o return reBe'ted e+ported read-!ade $ar!ents ro!
the port and re6e+port 6
011 In 'ase o ,onded warehouse read- !ade $ar!ents whi'h have
,een e+ported i returns due to dee'ts or an- other reason5
'learan'e order or release and re6e+port shall ,e issued ,- the
Chie Controller on the ,asis o no o,Be'tion o 'on'erned lien
,an@ and 'usto!s authorit- or release ro! the port and re6
021 In 'ase o without ,onded warehouse5 li'ense or read- !ade
$ar!ents !anua'tured ro! lo'al raw !aterials5 'on'ern
!anua'turer !a- ,rin$ ,a'@ dee'tive read- !ade $ar!ents on
the ,asis o ,ond or re6e+port within one -ear su,Be't to the
'learan'e o Chie Controller. 7ut i ails to re6e+oprt $oods in
a''ordan'e with ,ond then the $oods shall ,e allowed to ,e sold
in lo'al !ar@et su,Be't to the pa-!ent o lo'al 94T as per 94T 4't
alon$ with pa-!ent o eEuivalent o 94T e+e!ption ta@en as per
94T 6110onl- in 'ase o lo'al 'loth1.
0,1 In 'ase o return o dee'tive 'loth =
011 The supplier>e+porter whi'h are a$reea,le to a''ept the dee'tive
'loth and no orei$n e+'han$e has ,een re!itted ro!
7an$ladesh5 in that 'ase Chie Controller shall issue 'learan'e
'ertii'ate or re6e+port su,Be't to no o,Be'tion o 'on'ern lien ,an@
and 'usto!s authorit-.
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021 The supplier>e+porter whi'h are a$reea,le to a''ept the dee'tive
'loth and pa-!ent has ,een !ade in orei$n 'urren'- ro!
7an$ladesh5 ,- i+in$ the Euantit- o dee'tive 'loth on the ,asis o
inventor- !ade throu$h ,i6laterial 'onsensus o 7u-er6*eller and
ater pa-!ent !ade throu$h TT or L>C at si$ht in orei$n 'urren'-
or ater repla'e!ent o eEuivalent Euantit- o $oods5 Chie
Controller shall issue 'learan'e 'ertii'ate or re6e+port su,Be't to
no o,Be'tion o 'on'ern lien ,an@ and 'usto!s authorit-.
01%1 In 'ase o i!port o $oods as warrant- repla'e!ent and 'onseEuentl- or
returnin$ the dee'tive $oods to the supplier5 approval is to ,e o,tained ro! the
i!port and e+port 'ontrol authorit-.
15. Import i%to a%d E@port 'rom the E@port Proce((i%! Go%e /EPG0-
011 I!port into and e+port ro! the EPK shall re!ain outside the purview o this
Provided that5 the ,anned ite!s !entioned in the anne+ure 61 shall not ,e
i!ported and in 'ase o i!port o other ite!s5 the rules I re$ulations related to pu,li'
health and environ!ent !ust ,e o,served stri'tl-.
021 The ,an@in$ and 'usto!s pro'edure relatin$ to e+port ro! or i!port into the
E+port Pro'essin$ Kone to or ro! an- 'ountr- outside 7an$ladesh shall ,e
re$ulated in a''ordan'e with the instru'tions issued in that ,ehal ,- the
7an$ladesh 7an@ and the 3ational 7oard o Revenue respe'tivel- ro! ti!e to
0#1 4ll statisti's re$ardin$ i!port into and e+port ro! E+port Pro'essin$ Kone shall
,e !aintained ,- the Custo!s 4uthorit- 'on'erned.
0%1 *u,Be't to the provisions o su,6para$raphs 0"1 and 0)1 ,elow all !ove!ent o
$oods ,etween the E+port Pro'essin$ Kone and an- other area in 7an$ladesh
outside the Kone shall ,e re$ulated in a''ordan'e with the e+istin$ I!ports and
E+ports Control re$ulations.
0"1 EPK 4uthorit- shall prepare a list o ite!s 0on the ,asis o 3.O.C. ro! the
37R1 reEuired to ,e pro'ured ro! the 7an$ladesh Custo!s area or use in the
EPK area and $et the sa!e approved ,- the Ministr- o Co!!er'e. 4n-
'orre'tion in5 or a!end!ent to the said list !a- ,e !ade in a''ordan'e with
the sa!e pro'edure. Industrial units situated in the EPK area shall pa- in
'onverti,le 'urren'-5 out o their own orei$n 'urren'- a''ounts5 the 'ost o
$oods pro'ured ro! the 7an$ladesh Custo!s area as per the said list. EPK
4uthorit- shall issue Pass 7oo@s in avour o industrial units situated in the EPK
area indi'atin$ therein the a!ount in Ta@a upto whi'h $oods 'an ,e pro'ured
lo'all- on a -earl-5 hal -earl- or Euarterl- ,asis. The EPK 4uthorit- shall
deter!ine the proor!a o the aoresaid Pass 7oo@ and the reEuisite
4''ountin$ *-ste! in 'onsultation with the Custo!s 4uthorit-. Lhen the value
'eilin$ !entioned in the Pass 7oo@ will ,e e+hausted the EPK 4uthorit- !a-
endorse a resh value 'eilin$ in the sa!e Pass 7oo@ or issue a new Pass 7oo@.
0)1 EPK 4uthorit- shall issue ne'essar- FIn6PassG and FOut6PassG or !a'hiner-
and eEuip!ent whi'h are reEuired to ,e ,rou$ht out o EPK area or the
purpose o repair. On the ,asis o su'h passes the Custo!s 4uthorit-5 ater
!a@in$ ne'essar- entries in appropriate re$ister5 shall allow !ove!ent o
!a'hiner- and eEuip!ent out o the EPK area or the purpose o repair and into
the EPK area ater repair. :owever the do'u!entation and a''ountin$
pro'edure or su'h outward and inward !ove!ent o !a'hiner- and eEuip!ent
/var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_4/247370163.doc: Last printed 1/1/2003 12:53 AM
shall ,e deter!ined ,- the EPK 4uthorit- in 'onsultation with the Custo!s
13. #pplicable co%ditio%( 'or import o' 'ood 'or huma% co%(umptio%-
/10 3n case of import of mil,+ mil, foo!+ mil, pro!ucts+ e!ible oil an! other foo!
items pro!uce! in any country+ test of ra!ioactivity levels present in those items is
man!atory/ 3n this case+ a certificate from competent authority reconise! by the
overnment of the e4portin country is to be submitte! to the custom authority *ith
other import !ocuments/ 3n case of import of mil, an! mil, pro!ucts+ a certificate
issue! by the competent authority of the e4portin country mentionin that these
pro!ucts are free form 1!!e! Melamine+ the co*s from *hich the mil, oriinates have
not been iven 5stroenic 6ormones an! 6ormone ro*th promotants "6GPs$
treatment an! the e4istence of the level of heavy metal are in accor!ance *ith Co!e4
7tan!ar!s+ must be submitte! to the customs authority by the importer/ It is to ,e
noted that test o radioa'tivit- levels o ve$eta,les and seeds5 whi'h !a- ,e
used as ood dire'tl- is also !andator-.
/20 In 'ase o i!port o ood ite!s ro! an- 'ountr-5 the shippin$ do'u!ents
!ust ,e a''o!panied ,- radioa'tivit-6test reports ro! the 'on'erned authorit-
o the e+portin$ 'ountr- indi'atin$ the level o C* 1#. ound in su'h
radioa'tivit-6test in ea'h @ilo$ra! o ood ite!s shipped. In addition5 a
'ertii'ate to the ee't that the ite!s are it or hu!an 'onsu!ption shall also
,e reEuired=
Provided that5 in su'h 'ase5 'olle'tion o representative sa!ples o su'h ood
ite! ro! on ,oard ship at the port o loadin$ and despat'h thereo shall not ,e
/-0 The ollowin$ pro'edure shall ,e appli'a,le in the !atters o radioa'tivit-6test
o ood ite!s to ,e i!ported ro! an- 'ountr-5 as= 666
0a1 Prior to ship!ent o the aoresaid ite!0s1 the inspe'tion a$ent o the
supplier or ,u-er>'onsi$nee shall !a@e ne'essar- arran$e!ent or the
test o radioa'tivit- levels or su'h ite!sH
0,1 Prior to the arrival o a ship 'arr-in$ su'h ite!s at a 7an$ladeshi port5 the
,u-er or 'onsi$nee or his inspe'tion a$ent shall !a@e ne'essar-
arran$e!ent or sendin$ ,- 'ourier the 'ertii'ate re$ardin$ radioa'tivit-6
test to the 'on'erned Custo!s 4uthorit-H
0'1 3o $oods5 the radioa'tivit- level o whi'h is a,ove the a''epta,le li!it
shall ,e shippedH
0d1 In 'ase o i!port o ood ite!s5 whi'h were5 produ'ed neither in an-
European 'ountr- nor pa'@ed> tinned in or shipped ro! the third 'ountr-
su,!ission o the aoresaid 'ertii'ate a,out radioa'tivit-6test to the
Custo!s 4uthorit- ,- 'ourier servi'e shall not ,e reEuired=

Provided that5 a report on radioa'tivit-6test o i!porta,le ood ite!s
!entionin$ the level o C* 1#. ound per @ilo$ra! o the i!porta,le ite!
'on'erned is to ,e su,!ittedH and
0e1 a $eneral 'ertii'ate to the ee't that the ite!s are it or hu!an
'onsu!ption !ust ,e en'losed with the 7ill o Ladin$07.L.1.
/.0 Onl- ater satisa'tor- ulill!ent o the 'onditions laid down in su,6para 021 and
'lauses o su,6para 0#1 a,ove the Custo!s and the Port 4uthorit- shall allow the
unloadin$ o the 'on'erned $oods ro! the ship to the Bett-.
/50 On arrival o a ship 'arr-in$ the aoresaid ite!s at a 7an$ladesh Port 666
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0a1 the Custo!s 4uthorit- shall 'olle't the reEuired nu!,er o sa!ples o the
ite!s 'arried ,- the ship in presen'e o the i!porter;s representative and
the port authorit- 0sa!ples are to ,e 'olle'ted ro! the port area1 or the
!aster o the ship 0in 'ase spe'ial appraise!ent is to ,e !ade while the
ship is still at the outer an'hora$e or !oorin$1 and shall properl- pa'@
the sa!ples and atta'h to it a ta$ !ade o hard,oard as per proor!a
$iven ,- the 7an$ladesh 4to!i' Ener$- Co!!issionH
"b$ The ta$ so atta'hed shall ,ear the si$natures o all those who were
involved in the 'olle'tion o the sa!ple i.e. the representative o the
'usto!s authorit-5 the i!porter;s representative and the representative o
port authorit- and the !aster o the shipH
0'1 4ter pa'@in$ and ta$$in$ the sa!ples as !entioned a,ove5 the Custo!s
Oi'er 'on'erned shall send it to the 'usto!s sa!ples roo!H
0d1 The Custo!s oi'er in 'har$e o the sa!ple roo! shall @eep proper
re'ord o the sa!ples and hand over the sa!e to the Oi'er> *ta o
7an$ladesh 4to!i' Ener$- Co!!ission a$ainst appropriate re'ord and
0e1 4ter re'eipt o the sa!ples in the La,orator-5 7an$ladesh 4to!i' Ener$-
Co!!ission shall within twent-6our hours5 send to the Custo!s *a!ple
Roo! their report on the result o e+a!ination o the sa!ples=
Provided that5 in 'ase o 'olle'tion o sa!ples ater oi'e hours the
'usto!s oi'er 'on'erned shall @eep the sa!e in his own 'ustod- and
hand it over to the sa!ples roo! the ne+t da- i!!ediatel- ater the
openin$ o oi'eH
01 The representative o 7an$ladesh 4to!i' Ener$- Co!!ission shall on
re'eipt o inor!ation5 'olle't su'h sa!ple ro! the *a!ple Roo! on the
sa!e !ornin$ and shall !a@e arran$e!ent or sendin$ reports to the
*a!ple Roo! ater proper e+a!ination o the sa!plesH
0$1 The representative o 7an$ladesh 4to!i' Ener$- Co!!ission shall
'olle't sa!ples ro! the sa!ple roo! twi'e a da- i.e. on'e in the
!ornin$ and a$ain in the aternoon.
/30 I on test o sa!ple0s1 o the 'onsi$n!ent ,- the 7an$ladesh 4to!i' Ener$-
Co!!ission5 it is ound that the 'onsi$n!ent 'ontains radioa'tivit- level a,ove
the a''epta,le li!it5 the 'onsi$n!ent shall not ,e released and the 'on'erned
e+porter>supplier shall ,e ,ound to ta@e it ,a'@ at his own e+pense.

/60 The testin$ pro'edures des'ri,ed at su,6para$raph 0#15 0%1 and 0"1 a,ove shall
also ,e appli'a,le in 'ase o i!port o !il@5 !il@ ood5 !il@ produ'ts5 ish produ't
5 edi,le oil and other ood ite!s5 even when these have ,een produ'ed in one
'ountr- and pa'@ed> tinned in or shipped ro! another 'ountr-.
/70 The 'ondition laid down in su,6para$raph 0#15 0%15 0"1 and 0)1 shall ,e !entioned
in the 'on'erned Letters o Credit> Pur'hase Orders.
/=0 The Custo!s 4uthorit- shall5 in the usual 'ourse5 release the $oods5 onl- ater
$ettin$ the Clearan'e Certii'ate0s1 ro! the 7an$ladesh 4to!i' Ener$-
Co!!ission 'erti-in$ that the radioa'tivit- level ound in the i!ported ood6stu
is within the a''epta,le li!it.
/100 3otwithstandin$ an-thin$ 'ontained in su, para$raph in 011 and 0(15
Radioa'tivit-6test or pal! oil5 pal!olein and R7D pal! stearine produ'ed in
Mala-sia or Indonesia and i!ported or to ,e i!ported ro! Mala-sia5 Indonesia
I *in$apore shall not ,e reEuired=
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Provided that5 7an$ladesh 4to!i' Ener$- Co!!ission 074EC1 shall 'olle't
sa!ples5 or radioa'tivit-6test o these ite!0s1 ro! the !ar@et ro! ti!e to ti!e
and this poli'- shall ,e lia,le to 'han$e i5 on test o su'h sa!ple0s1 ,- the
74EC it is ound at an- sta$e that the ite!s 'ontain har!ul levels o
/110 Test or deter!ination o purit- o the i!ported R7D pal! stearine5 ,- the
7an$ladesh *tandard and Testin$ Institution 07*TI1>7an$ladesh Coun'il o
*'ientii' and Industrial Resear'h 07C*IR1 is o,li$ator-. &or this purpose5 the
Custo!s 4uthorit- shall 'olle't the reEuired nu!,er o sa!ples o the ite!s
'arried ,- a ship in presen'e o the no!inated oi'er0s1 o the Port 4uthorit- and
the i!porter or his representative. The Custo!s 4uthorit- shall seal the sa!ple
in their presen'e and send the sa!e to the authori8ed oi'er o the 7an$ladesh
*tandard and Testin$ Institution>7an$ladesh Coun'il o *'ientii' and Industrial
Resear'h5 Dha@a or Chitta$on$ or 'ondu'tin$ ne'essar- test. The authori8ed
oi'er o the 7C*IR shall dul- test the sa!ples o su'h ite!s pro!ptl- and
urnish e+pert report as to whether those sa!ples o pal! oil5 pal! olein or R7D
pal! stearine are in 'onor!it- with the des'ription o the ite!s $iven in the
i!port do'u!ents. 7*TI>7C*IR will then send su'h report to the 'on'erned
Custo!s 4uthorit-.
/120 The 'on'erned i!porter0s1 shall ,ear all e+penses in'urred or the radioa'tivit-6
test o the a,ove ood ite!s i!ported or to ,e i!ported. The i!porters shall also
,ear the e+penses relatin$ to the test 'ondu'ted ,- the 7an$ladesh *tandard
and Testin$ Institution>7an$ladesh Coun'il o *'ientii' and Industrial Resear'h5
o su'h R7D pal! stearine.
/1-0 Radioa'tivit-6test shall not ,e ne'essar- in 'ase o i!port o 'i$arette5 'i$arette
paper5 pipe to,a''o5 whis@e-5 ,eer I other al'oholi' ,evera$es5 'on'entrated
essen'e5 spi'es and !edi'ine.
/1.0 These pro'edures shall not appl- to the ood ite!s i!ported or to ,e i!ported5
or whi'h separate pro'edure has ,een pres'ri,ed ,- the Ministr- o &ood or
testin$ radioa'tivit- level. In these 'ases5 the pro'edure pres'ri,ed ,- Ministr- o
&ood shall ,e ollowed.
/150 4''epta,le li!its o radioa'tivit- or !il@ powder5 !il@ ood and !il@ produ'ts is
(" ,E o C*61#. per @ilo$ra! and that or other ood ite!s is "2,E o C*61#.
per @ilo$ra!. The level o C*61#. in an ite! shall ,e 'al'ulated in the state it
rea'hes the port without ,ein$ liEueied5 'on'entrated or pro'essed. In 'ase o
lo'al ite!s5 the level o C*61#. in an ite! shall ,e 'al'ulated in the state it is
!ar@eted. The hi$hest a''epta,le li!it o radioa'tivit- levels !a- ,e revised ,-
the $overn!ent ro! ti!e to ti!e.
/130 In 'ase o dire't i!port o ri'e5 wheat5 other 'ereals and ood stu ro!
*44RC5*outh6East 4sia and 4sia6Pa'ii' O'ean 'ountries5 the provision o the
a,ove !entioned radioa'tivit-6test shall ,e rela+a,le on ulill!ent o the
'onditions !entioned ,elow5 as=6
0a1 I!ported ri'e5 wheat5 other ood 'ereals and ood stu !ust ,e produ'ed
in *44RC or *outh6East 4sian Countries and a 'ertii'ate o ori$in5
issued ,- the related Govern!ent> approved 4$en'- o the e+portin$
'ountr-5 shall ,e su,!itted5 alon$ with i!port do'u!ents to the Custo!s
0,1 4 'ertii'ate5 issued ,- the Govern!ent> 4pproved 4$en'- o the
e+portin$ 'ountr-5 de'larin$ that the standard I Eualit- o the i!ported
ri'e5 wheat5 other 'ereals and oodstu are it or hu!an 'onsu!ption and
ree ro! all har!ul $er!s5 shall ,e su,!itted to the Custo!s 4uthorit-H
/var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_4/247370163.doc: Last printed 1/1/2003 12:53 AM
0'1 In 'ase o i!port o easil- perisha,le oodstu su'h as5 resh ruits5 ishes5
ve$eta,les et'. ro! *44RC 'ountries5 a 'ertii'ate re$ardin$
radioa'tivit- issued ,- the Govern!ent or 4$en'- o the e+portin$ 'ountr-
shall ,e su,!ittedH and
0d1 I!port o ro8en !eat and sea ood as perisha,le ood ite!s !a- ,e
stored te!poraril- under the i!porter;s 'ustod- a$ainst ,an@ $uarantee
deter!ined ,- the 'usto!s authorit-.
/160 Mil@ ood= 4ll @inds o !il@ ood produ'ts in'ludin$ ,a,- ood with at 'ontents
'overed under :.*. :eadin$ 2%.22 or 1(.21 and all :.*. Code 'lassiia,le there
under shall ,e i!porta,le su,Be't to the ollowin$ 'onditions5 asH666
0a1 7a,- ood produ'ed ro! !il@ shall ,e i!ported in tin 'ontainers5 airti$ht
pa'@a$es or 7a$ in 7o+ up to 2." @$sH
0,1 Mil@ ood with 'rea! shall ,e i!ported in the loose 'overed tin
'ontainers or ,a$ in ,o+ up to 2." @$sH
0'1 The Industrial enterprises5 whi'h are approved ,- the pa'@in$ or 'anin$Q
*e'tor o 7oard o Invest!ent5 7an$ladesh *!all I Cotta$e Industries
Corporation or Dire'tor5 Institute o Pu,li' :ealth I 3utrition 5 shall i!port
!il@ ood with 'rea! or ,a,- ood in ,i$ airti$ht :er!iti' Container or
pa'@in$ lo'all- 0 retail1 H
0d1 The words= 4 gvqi `yai weK bvB /There i( %o alter%ati,e to
brea(t- 'eedi%!0 shall ,e printed 'learl- in relativel- lar$er letters in 7an$la
in a visi,le spa'e on ea'h tin 5airti$ht pa'@a$e or ,a$ in ,o+ o ,a,- ood with
0e1 Co!position and per'enta$es o various in$redients shall ,e printed in
7an$la on the tin 'ontainers5 airti$ht pa'@a$es or ,a$ in ,o+es o !il@
01 The date o !anua'ture and the date o e+pir- 0or hu!an 'onsu!ption1
o !il@ ood shall ,e e!,ossed or 'o!puter printed in per!anent in@
either in 7an$la or in En$lish on ea'h airti$ht pa'@a$e with tin 'ontainer5
or ,a$ in ,o+H
0$1 The net wei$ht o !il@ ood shall ,e 'learl- indi'ated on ea'h 'ontainer in
7an$la or in En$lishH apart ro! this5 in 'ase o i!port o !il@ and !il@
produ't ,a,- ood5 the re$istration nu!,er $iven ,- the Dire'tor5 Institute
o Pu,li' :ealth I 3utrition 0IP:31 shall ,e printed on ea'h tin> airti$ht
pa'@a$e with tin 'ontainer> ,a$ in ,o+ 'learl-H
0h1 The 'ondition !entioned at 'lauses 0d15 0e15 01 and 0$1 a,ove !ust ,e
e!,ossed on ea'h airti$ht pa'@a$e with tin 'ontainer or ,a$ in ,o+ and
separate printed la,els shall5 in no wa-5 ,e pasted on airti$ht pa'@a$e
with tin 'ontainer or ,a$ in ,o+H
0i1 Measurin$ spoon shall ,e supplied airti$ht pa'@a$e with tin
'ontainer or ,a$ in ,o+ o ,a,- ood i.e. !il@ ood havin$ at
'ontents up to 1(DH
/170 I!port o non6at powdered !il@ shall ,e !ade su,Be't to the ollowin$
'onditions5 as 666
/var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_4/247370163.doc: Last printed 1/1/2003 12:53 AM
0a1 In ,a$ or sealed tin 'ontainer
0,1 The i!porter shall produ'e an anal-sis 'ertii'ate dul- authenti'ated ,-
the 'o!petent authorit- o the e+portin$ 'ountr- and the 'ertii'ate shall
'ontain a de'laration to the ee't that the !il@ ood is it or hu!an
0'1 The date o !anua'ture and date o e+pir- o itness o the 'ontents or
hu!an 'onsu!ption shall ,e printed on ea'h 'ontainer5 tin or ,a$H
0d1 In 'ase o i!port o !il@ ood produ'ts and powder !il@5 pre6ship!ent
inspe'tion shall ,e !andator- or deter!ination o radioa'tivit- level and
the $oods !a- ,e shipped onl- i in su'h test the radioa'tivit- level is
ound within the a''epta,le li!its approved ,- the Govern!ent. *u'h test
report shall ,e sent to all 'on'erned authorities as one o the shippin$
0e1 On arrival o !il@ ood and dried !il@ in the 'ountr-5 the 'onsi$n!ent shall
,e su,Be't to radioa'tivit- test or the se'ond ti!e ,eore release o the
$oods and the $oods shall ,e released onl- i the radioa'tivit- level is
ound within the a''epta,le as well as approved li!its. The e+istin$
pro'edure o testin$ the radioa'tivit- level o i!ported !il@ ood and dried
!il@ on arrival in the 'ountr- shall 'ontinue as usual.

/1=0 &or i!port o all @inds o ood and ,evera$es5 the date o !anua'ture and the
date o e+pir- shall 'learl- ,e e!,ossed on ea'h tin 5 'ontainer or pa'@a$e and
printed la,el shall not ,e pasted on the tin5 'ontainer or pa'@a$e separatel- =
Provided that5 no ood ite!s will ,e allowed to i!port ater the e+pir- date.
/200 I% 'ase o i!port o wine>liEuor5 date o e+pir- need not to ,e !entioned.
/210 The Euantit- and des'ription o preservative5 additive and 'olour used in
preserved ood !ust ,e !entioned and no separate la,el shall ,e pasted on it.
In this 'ase5 e!,ossin$ is a !ust .
/220 Date o !anua'ture and date o e+pir- shall have to ,e written>printed on the
'ontainer>pa'@a$e o those raw !aterials used in preparation o ood and
,evera$es whi'h are to ,e unusa,le ater 'ertain period o ti!e.

/2-0 &or i!port o all ood produ'ts5 0dire'tl- 'onsu!ed>drun@ or 'onsu!ed>drun@
ater pro'essin$1 the i!porter shall reEuire to su,!it alon$ with other shippin$
do'u!ents a 'autionar- 'ertii'ate ro! the $overn!ent o the e+portin$ 'ountr-
or ro! appropriate approved a$en'- to the ee't that the ite! is Fit or hu!an
'onsu!ptionG5 Fthat it does not 'ontain har!ul in$redientsG5 or that Fit is ree
ro! all @inds o har!ul $er!s.G *u'h a 'ertii'ate shall !ention the a$e $roup
or whi'h the ite! is eli$i,le or 'onsu!ption.

/2.0 In 'ase o all oodstu>edi,le su,stan'es i!porta,le to 7an$ladesh5 the
i!porters shall send inor!ation o the edi,le su,stan'es !entioned in su, para
2"02(1 in a pres'ri,ed or! o 7*TI to the 7an$ladesh *tandard I Testin$
Institution 07*TI1 and inor!ation o other ood stu to 7an$ladesh Centre or
*'ien'e and Industrial Resear'h .
/250 4ll oodstu>edi,le su,stan'es i!ported into 7an$ladesh !ust under$o
!andator- tests o 7*TI and 7C*IR. On arrival o the 'onsi$n!ent in
7an$ladesh the i!porters shall su,!it sa!ples o the ite!s to the 7*TI>7C*IR
or testin$ and o,tain 'learan'e 'ertii'ate ro! the!. I ood sta>edi,le
/var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_4/247370163.doc: Last printed 1/1/2003 12:53 AM
su,stan'e does not 'onor! to their standard5 the 'onsi$n!ent will not ,e
eli$i,le or release and the i!porter will ,e su,Be't to le$al a'tion.
/230 In 'ase o i!port o ood ite!s ,elow the standard set ,- 7*TI shall ,e returned
to the e+portin$ 'ountr->an- third 'ountr- at i!porter;s own 'ost. *u'h
'onditions should ,e added to L>C or i!ports o ood ite!s.
/260 In 'ase o i!port o ood ite!s as relie $oods ,- the Govern!ent shall ,e
released su,Be't to ,e ound suita,le or hu!an 'onsu!ption at the la, test
'ondu'ted ,- the Ministr- &ood. In this 'ase provisions o para 1)0#1 0e1 o this
Order shall ,e rela+ed.
/270 In 'ase o i!port o ood ite!s or hu!an 'onsu!ption as GMO 0Geneti'all-
Modiied Or$anis!15 LMO0Livin$ Modiied Or$anis!1 7an$ladesh 7io6saet-
Guidelines should ,e ollowed.
1.. #dditio%al term( a%d co%ditio%( to be applicable 'or the import o' 'i(h 'eed,
poultry 'eed a%d a%imal 'eed item(. ---
011 In 'ase o i!port o ish eed5 poultr- eed and ani!al eed ite!s5 the shippin$
do'u!ents !ust ,e a''o!panied ,- radioa'tivit-6test reports ro! the
'o!petent authorit- o the e+portin$ 'ountr- and a 'ertii'ate to the ee't that
the ite!s are it or 'onsu!ption ,- ish5 poultr- or ani!al as the 'ase !a- ,e
and the radioa'tivit-6test report !ust 'learl- indi'ate the level o C*61#. ound in
su'h radioa'tivit-6test in ea'h @ilo$ra! o the ite!s.
021 0a1 The i!ported ish eed !ust ,e ree ro! har!ul !edi'ines5 hor!one
and steroid in'ludin$ 'hloro!pheni'ol and 3itrouranH
0,1 In 'ase o i!port o poultr- eed and ani!al eed in$redients are to ,e
ins'ri,ed on its pa'@et and a 'ertii'ate issued ,- 'o!petent authorit- o
the e+portin$ 'ountr- to the ee't that su'h eed ite!s are ree ro!
'hloro!pheni'ol5 3itrouran and Mela!ine is to ,e su,!itted
0#1 *u'h ite!s shall ,e released onl- when their radioa'tivit- levels are ound
within the a''epta,le li!its in a''ordan'e with the reports !entioned in su,6
para 0115 otherwise5 the supplier shall ,e under o,li$ation to ta@e ,a'@ the
'onsi$n!ent at his own e+pense.
0%1 Meat and 7one Meal shall ,e i!porta,le su,Be't to prior per!ission issued ,-
the Dire'torate o &isheries I Livesto'@ and in 'ase o i!port o Meat and 7one
Mea5 sour'e and na!e o ani!al are to ,e !entioned=
Provided that5 i!port o Meat and 7one Meal o swine shall not ,e allowed and
i!porters shall su,!it ollowin$ 'ertii'ates issued ,- 'o!petent authorit- o the
e+portin$ 'ountr- to the 'usto!s authorit- durin$ the release o $oods=
0a1 The i!ported $oods are ree ro! har!ul 'hloro!pheni'ol I 3itrouran
in'ludin$ 4nti,ioti'H
0,1 The i!ported $oods are ree ro! ,-6produ't o swineH
0'1 The i!ported $oods are ree ro! Mela!ine.
0"1 In 'ase o i!port o 7one and Meat Meal prepared ro! the sour'e o other
ani!al5 a 'ertii'ate issued ,- the 'o!petent authorit- o the e+portin$ 'ountr-
,e su,!itted to the ee't that it is ree ro! 7ovine *pon$ior! En'ephalopath-
07*E15 Trans!issi,le *pon$ior! En'ephalopath-0T*E15 4nthra+ and T7.
1men!e! by 7R8 9o/ 2(#--a*.201# !ate! 22 1uust 201#
/var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_4/247370163.doc: Last printed 1/1/2003 12:53 AM
0)1 Re$istered 9a''ines and dia$nosti' rea$ent used in ish and poultr- industr-
will ,e i!porta,le su,Be't to per!ission issued ,- the Dire'torate o &isheries
and Livesto'@.
0.1 In 'ase o i!port o poultr- and ,irds5 a 'ertii'ate to the ee't that those are
ree ro! 4vian Inluen8a issued ,- the appropriate authorit- o the e+portin$
'ountries shall have to ,e su,!itted to the Custo!s 4uthorit-.
0/1 The 'onditions laid down in this para shall ,e !entioned in the letter o 'redit
to ,e opened or i!port o ish eed5 poultr- eed and ani!al eed.
0(1 There is no need or urther testin$ o radioa'tivit- level o ish eed5 ani!al
and poultr- eed ite!s ater their arrival at the 7an$ladesh port.
0121 In 'ase o i!port o 'anned ish5 the date o !anua'ture5 the date o e+pir-
and net wei$ht shall ,e 'learl- e!,ossed or 'o!puter printed in per!anent in@
in 7an$la or in En$lish on its 'ontainer and separatel- printed la,el shall not ,e
pasted on the 'ontainer.

0111 In 'ase o i!port o ish5 a 'ertii'ate issued ,- the Govern!ent or an-
authorit- re'o$ni8ed ,- the Govern!ent o the e+portin$ 'ountr- to the ee't
that the ish is ree ro! &or!alin5 to ,e su,!itted to the Custo!s 4uthorit-.
0121 It is to ,e e+a!ined ,- the Govern!ent re'o$ni8ed a$en'- at the port o entr-
in 7an$ladesh that no &or!alin is used in the i!ported ish and it will ,e
released su,Be't to 'ertii'ation that there is no &or!alin in it.
01#1 In 'ase o i!port o ,ee5 !utton or 'hi'@en or other 'onsu!a,le !eat o
ani!al5 the date o !anua'ture and date o e+pir- have to ,e e!,ossed>printed
on the 'ontainer ,- the e+portin$ 'ountr- and preservation pro'ess is to ,e
!entioned on it. *eparatel- printed la,el shall not ,e pasted on the 'ontainer.

01%1 4 'ertii'ate ro! the 'o!petent authorit- o the e+portin$ 'ountr- to the ee't
that the i!ported $oods are ree ro! 7ovine *pon$ior! En'ephalopath- 07*E1
and 4vian Inluen8a is reEuired.
01"1 In 'ase o i!port o !eat ro! the 'ountries under European <nion5 a
'ertii'ate issued ,- the 'o!petent authorit- o the e+portin$ 'ountr- to the ee't
that the !eat is ree ro! C!ad 'ow disease;5 to ,e su,!itted to the Custo!s
01)1 In 'ase o i!port o Protein 'on'entrate prepared ro! 7one Meal5 Meat Meal
and Meat I 7one Meal ro! 4!eri'a5 Europe and other 'ountries5 a 'ertii'ate
to the ee't that prepared ite!s is ,- no !eans ine'ted with Trans!issi,le
*pon$ior! En'ephalopath-0T*E1 and ollowin$ 'ertii'ates issued ,-
'o!petent authorit- o the e+portin$ 'ountr- !ust ,e su,!itted alon$ with
shippin$ do'u!ents ,- the i!porter=
0a1 The i!ported $oods are ree ro! har!ul 'hloro!pheni'ol I 3itrouran
in'ludin$ 4nti,ioti'H
0,1 The i!ported $oods are ree ro! ,-6produ't o swineH
0'1 The i!ported $oods are ree ro! Mela!ine= and
0d1 The i!ported $oods are ree ro! 4nthra+ and T7.
17. $elea(e o' +ood( detai%ed by the Cu(tom(.---
011 I a 'onsi$n!ent o i!ported $oods is detained ,- the Custo!s 4uthorit-5 the
'on'erned i!porter !a- appl- to the Chie Controller o I!ports and E+ports
/var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_4/247370163.doc: Last printed 1/1/2003 12:53 AM
with a pra-er to issue instru'tion to the Custo!s 4uthorit- or 'learan'e o the
'onsi$n!ent. *u'h an appli'ation shall ,e su,!itted to the Chie Controller
within (2 0ninet- da-s1 ro! the date o o,Be'tion $iven in writin$ ,- the Custo!s
4uthorit-. 4ppli'ations su,!itted ater e+pir- o the a,ove ti!e li!it will not ,e
'onsidered with e+'eption to spe'ial 'ase0s1.
021 *u'h appli'ations as per su,6para 011 !ust ,e a''o!panied ,- written
o,Be'tion0s1 o the Custo!s 4uthorit- or detention !e!o showin$ the $round0s1
or detention o the 'onsi$n!ent0s1.
0#1 The Chie Controller shall e+peditiousl- dispose o all 'ases under su, para615
e+'ept those involvin$ issuan'e o IP>CP or ite!s in the 'ontrol list or ite!s
otherwise restri'ted or i!port as per an- other provision o this Order ta@in$
into 'onsideration o all relevant aspe'ts o the 'ases.
0%1 The Chie Controller shall5 however5 orward to the Ministr- o Co!!er'e with
his opinion su'h other 'ases that involve i!port o ite!s in the 'ontrol list or
ite!s otherwise restri'ted or i!port as per an- other provision o the I!port
Poli'- Order or de'ision re$ardin$ rela+ation o the relevant provisions.
1=. Claim 'or import 'acility i% ca(e( accepted i% $e,ie;, #ppeal a%d $e,i(io% .--- 3o
'lai! or i!port shall ,e entertained in 'ases a''epted under Review5 4ppeal and
Revision Order5 1(..5 i the ite! is no lon$er per!issi,le or i!port.
20. Import i% co%tra,e%tio% o' thi( Order. ---- Goods i!ported in violation o an-
provision o this Order or o an- notii'ation issued there under ,- the Chie Controller
shall ,e treated to have ,een i!ported in 'ontravention o the provision o the 4't.
21. #me%dme%t or alteratio% o' thi( Order. ---- The Govern!ent5 !a- at an- ti!e5 i
ne'essar-5 a!end5 alter or rela+ the provision o this Order.
22. Pro,i(io%( re!ardi%! e@port. ---- 4ll provisions re$ardin$ e+port as !entioned in this
Order shall appl- in 'ase o e+port o $oods.
/var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_4/247370163.doc: Last printed 1/1/2003 12:53 AM
&)A*+, '%-,
General Provisions or Industrial I!port
2-. +e%eral rule( 'or Import i% the I%du(trial (ector- <nless otherwise spe'iied in this
0a1 Industrial units approved on re$ular ,asis will ,e allowed to i!port up to three
ti!es 0#22D 1o their re$ular i!port entitle!ent o the ite!s5 i!port o whi'h is
,anned or 'o!!er'ial purpose and whi'h are i!porta,le ,- industrial
'onsu!ers onl-H
0,1 Industrial units approved on adho' ,asis will ,e allowed to i!port upto the
!a+i!u! value li!it not e+'eedin$ two ti!es 0222D1 o their hal6-earl- i!port
0'1 4ter re'eivin$ the 1
adho' share the 'on'erned industrial units shall appl-
throu$h the 'on'erned sponsorin$ authorit- to the Chie Controller o I!ports I
E+ports or re$ularisation o their i!port entitle!entH
0d1 I!port entitle!ent and IRC o the 'on'erned industrial unit will ,e re$ularised on
the ,asis o re'o!!endation o the sponsorin$ authorit-5 i .2D o the irst
adho' share had ,een utilised. Otherwise5 'learan'e will ,e issued or the 2
adho' shareH
0e1 4dho' IRC o the 'on'erned industrial unit shall not ,e renewed until the Chie
Controller o I!ports and E+ports issues 'learan'e or the 2
adho' share or
re$ularises its i!port entitle!ent on the ,asis o re'o!!endation o the
sponsorin$ authorit-H
01 I5 ater utilisation o the 1
adho' share5 an industrial unit is allowed to utilise
their 2
adho' share as per re'o!!endation o the sponsorin$ authorit- instead
o re$ularisin$ their i!port entitle!ent5 the industrial unit5 ater utilisation o the
adho' share5 will ,e a,le to appl- to the sponsorin$ authorit- or
re$ularisation o their i!port entitle!ent. The adho' entitle!ent and the adho'
IRC will ,e re$ularised as per re'o!!endation o the sponsorin$ authorit-.
0$1 In 'ase o i!port ,- those se'tors o industries or whi'h entitle!ent has ,een
i+ed on the ,asis o !ore than one shit5 units a''epted on a re$ular ,asis
under su'h a se'tor shall not ,e eli$i,le to i!port !ore than 122D o the annual
entitle!ent or su'h restri'ted raw !aterials or pa'@in$ ite!s and the industrial
units a''epted on an adho' ,asis5 under su'h a se'tor shall not ,e eli$i,le to
i!port !ore than 122D o the hal6-earl- a!ount or su'h restri'ted ite!sH
0h1 Govt. se'tor industrial units will o,tain approval o the Ministr- o Co!!er'e
throu$h their ad!inistrative Ministr- the total annual reEuire!ent o the restri'ted
ite!s at the ,e$innin$ o the inan'ial -earH
0i1 Re$ular industrial units whi'h have ,een provided with spe'ial inan'ial ,eneit
alon$ with pa-!ent o advan'e in'o!e ta+ with respe't to i!port o industrial
raw !aterials>pa'@in$ !aterials>spare parts will not i!port those ite!s three
ti!es !ore than the i!port 'riteria even i those ite!s are reel- i!porta,leH
0B1 4!ount o approved i!port entitle!ent 0su! and word in ta@a1 will ,e 'learl-
Euoted in the IRC at the ti!e o its issue ,- the oi'e o the Controller o I!ports
and E+ports and the re$ional oi'e o the Chie Controller o I!ports I E+ports
/var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_4/247370163.doc: Last printed 1/1/2003 12:53 AM
will deliver- a 'op- o the entitle!ent paper approved ,- sponsorin$ authorit- I
dul- 'ountersi$ned ,- the 'on'erned re$ional oi'e o I!ports I E+ports to the
industrial unitH
0@1 4 'op- o the entitle!ent paper dul- endorsed shall ,e provided to the
sponsorin$ authorit-H
0l1 The provisions at su,6para 0,1 and 0$1 a,ove shall not appl- in 'ase o i!port ,-
the read-!ade $ar!ents5 hosier- and spe'ial te+tile industries operatin$ under
,onded warehouse s-ste! and the phar!a'euti'al 0allopathi'1 industriesH ,ut
the provisions o su,6para 0)1 and 0(1 o para$raph 2# respe'tivel- shall appl-
in these 'asesH

0!1 I!port under 'ash orei$n e+'han$e- *u,Be't to the provision o su,6para 0,1
and 0$1 industrial se'tors or whi'h no und under Govern!ent allo'ation has
,een provided !a- i!port their essential raw !aterials5 pa'@in$ !aterials and
spares 0e+'ludin$ restri'ted ite!s in the 'ontrol list1 under 'ash orei$n
e+'han$e without an- value li!it.
0n1 In 'ase o liEuidation o an- industrial unit the Industrial Re$istration Certii'ate
0IRC1 o that unit shall ,e transerred to the Oi'e o I!port and E+port Control
within 122 da-s o liEuidation.
2.. Pre(cribed co%ditio% 'or import o' i%du(trial item(-
011 &orei$n e+'han$e earnin$ hotels !a- i!port5 ,- pur'hasin$ 'ash orei$n
e+'han$e5 all ite!s under :.* :eadin$ 3o. 22.2#5 22.2)5 22.2/ and all :.*.
Code 'lassiia,le under it and all ite!s in'ludin$ sausa$es o !eat o swine
under :.*. :eadin$ 3o. 1).21 and :.*. Code 3o. 1)21.22.
021 In addition to i!portin$ ro! a,road5 the orei$n e+'han$e earnin$ hotels !a-
also pur'hase ite!s !entioned in su,6para011 ro! the dut- ree shops o
7an$ladesh ParBatan Corporation su,Be't to pa-!ent o 'usto!s duties and
other dues at usual rate.

0#1 &or su'h i!port !entioned in su,6para 0115 0in'ludin$ ite!s pur'hased lo'all-1
the- shall o,serve the ollowin$ 'onditions and pro'edure5 as= 6666
0a1 I!port o the restri'ted ite!s shall ,e li!ited to twent- per'ent o the
orei$n e+'han$e earned ,- the hotel durin$ the pre'edin$ inan'ial -earH
0,1 I!port o al'oholi' ,evera$es and spares shall ,e li!ited to a !a+i!u!
o seven and a hal per'ent o the total orei$n e+'han$e earnin$ and the
re!ainin$ twelve and a hal per'ent !a- ,e utili8ed or i!port o other
restri'ted ite!0s1H
0'1 Total i!port o restri'ted ite! shall not e+'eed twent- per'ent o the total
earnin$s o orei$n e+'han$e reerred to a,ove 'lause 0a1H
0d1 &orei$n e+'han$e earnin$s o a hotel shall ,e re'orded ,- the ,an@ to
whi'h the orei$n e+'han$e is sold and utili8ation o orei$n e+'han$e will
,e re'orded ,- the no!inated ,an@ while openin$ L>C or these restri'ted
0e1 7eore su,!ittin$ LC4 &ro! and openin$ o L>C or an- restri'ted ite!
the orei$n e+'han$e earnin$ hotel shall o,tain ne'essar- endorse!ent
in the IRC ro! the 'on'erned I!port Control 4uthorit-.
0%1 2eer E ;i%e o' all cate!ory /".S. "eadi%! No. 22.0- to 22.03 a%d all ".S.
Code cla((i'iable u%der thi( headi%!0 shall ,e i!porta,le onl- ,- orei$n
/var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_4/247370163.doc: Last printed 1/1/2003 12:53 AM
e+'han$e earnin$ hotels as per 'onditions o su,6para 011. In spe'ial 'ases5
su'h ite!s !a- ,e i!ported with approval o Ministr- o Co!!er'e I prior
per!ission ro! Chie Controller su,Be't to spe'iied 'onditionsH however5 in all
'ases o i!port o ,eer I al'oholi' drin@s5 'on'erned i!porter shall irstl- o,tain
li'en'e>per!ission ro! the Dire'tor General5 3ar'oti's Control Depart!ent.
0"1 A.S. Sheet a%d Plate /hot rolled0, +.P. Sheet, 2.P. Sheet, Stai%le(( Steel,
C$C# Sheet, Ti% Plate, A.S. Sheet a%d Silico% Sheet----
0a1 Re'o$ni8ed industrial units havin$ entitle!ent or M.*. *heet5 *tainless
*teel *heet5 C. R. C. 4. *heet5 *ili'on *heet5 7.P. *heet or Tin Plate
0!isprint15 !a- i!port these ite!s o se'ondar- Eualit- also and these
ite!s o pri!e Eualit- as well as se'ondar- Eualit- shall also ,e
i!porta,le on 'o!!er'ial ,asisH
0,1 G.P. *heet or se'ondar- Eualit- G.P. *heet shall ,e reel- i!porta,leH
,oth ,- 'o!!er'ial i!porters and industrial 'onsu!ers5 without an-
value6li!it and irrespe'tive o its si8e5 $au$e or Euantu! o 8in' 'oatin$.

0)1 $a; material( E pac?i%! material( 'or pharmaceutical i%du(try------
0a1 Govern!ent approved and re'o$ni8ed phar!a'euti'al industries shall $et
the 7lo'@ List dul- approved ,- the Dire'tor5 Dru$ 4d!inistration
spe'i-in$ the des'ription o raw and pa'@in$ !aterials5 value5 Euantit-5
a''ordin$ to their annual produ'tion pro$ra!!eH
0,1 The 7lo'@ List shall ,e used in 'ase o i!port or phar!a'euti'al
industries and raw and pa'@in$ !aterials !entioned in the 7lo'@ List shall
,e i!porta,le5 irrespe'tive o the restri'ted list5 up to the Euantit- and
value as !entioned in the 7lo'@ List. Ite! whi'h does not appear in the
7lo'@ List shall not ,e i!porta,le ,- the 'on'erned phar!a'euti'al
industr- even i su'h ite! is otherwise reel- i!porta,leH
0'1 In 'ase o i!port o raw and pa'@in$ !aterials or phar!a'euti'al
industries or whi'h prior per!ission ro! an- other authorit- other than
the approval o the Dire'tor5 Dru$ 4d!inistration5 is reEuired to ,e
o,tained as per the provisions o this Order5 su'h prior per!ission ro!
the 'on'erned authorit- shall ,e dul- o,tained or i!port o su'h raw and
pa'@in$ !aterials. Dire'tor5 Dru$ 4d!inistration shall urnish 'opies o the
approved 7lo'@ List to the Custo!s 4uthorit- and the Oi'e o the Chie
Controller5 I!ports and e+portsH
0d1 I!ported raw and pa'@in$ !aterials shall ,e released ,- the Custo!s
4uthorit- on the ,asis o i!port6invoi'e and anal-sis report o the raw
!aterials5 'ertiied ,- the Dire'tor5 Dru$ 4d!inistration or Govt. approved
internationall- reputed Pre6ship!ent Inspe'tion 4$ent re$ardin$ the
Euantit-5 value and Eualit- o ea'h ite!.
0.1 $2& Palm Steari%e a%d Tallo;-
0a1 Re'o$nised industrial units under soap industr- !a- ,e allowed to i!port
R7D Pal! *tearin and Tallow as per the entitle!ent or the ite! onl- on
the ,asis o spe'ii' re'o!!endation o the sponsorin$ authorit-H
0,1 4ter the i!port o R7D pal! *tearin and Tallow the i!porters shall inor!
the Euantit- so i!ported I utili8ation to the sponsorin$ authorit-. The
sponsorin$ authorit-5 ,ein$ satisied with proper utili8ation o the $oods
i!ported previousl- on the ,asis o re'o!!endation5 will $ive per!ission
or ne+t share o entitle!ent H
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0'1 Co!!er'ial i!port o R7D *tearin and Tallow shall not ,e per!issi,le
under an- sour'e o inan'e .
0/1 Import o% adhoc ba(i( by the I*T Operator(, Poultry a%d &airy 1arm( a%d
1i(h D%it---- Inland Later Transport Operators5 ish 'at'hin$ units and poultr-
and dair- ar!s whi'h are not re'o$nised as industrial units !a- i!port
per!issi,le ite!s as per their reEuire!ent without an- re'o!!endation or
per!ission ro! an- authorit-. The- shall5 however5 ,e reEuired to 'o!pl- with
the 'onditions and pro'edures o i!ports as per this Order.
0(1 Import by E@port-Orie%ted I%du(trie(-
0a1 Re'o$nised read-!ade $ar!ent industries operatin$ under the ,onded
warehouse s-ste! shall ,e per!itted to i!port raw and pa'@in$ !aterials
0in'ludin$ ,anned I restri'ted ite!s15 the approved Euantit- as per
<tili8ation De'laration 0<.D1 issued ,- the 7an$ladesh Gar!ents
Manua'turers and E+porters 4sso'iation 07GME41 in a''ordan'e with
the poli'- or!ulated ,- the 3ational 7oard o Revenue on the ,asis o
'onir!ed and irrevo'a,le Letter o Credit or e+port o read-!ade
$ar!ents a$ainst ,a'@ to ,a'@ letter o 'redit. The- will have to i!port
a,ri's5 e+'eptin$ $ra- a,ri's5 in re$ular and 'ontinuous len$th o 1/.2(
!etre or a,ove in FthaanG or standard pie'es or si8eH
0,1 These industrial units !entioned in 'lause 0a1 shall not ,e allowed to
i!port 'loth in pie'es or 'loth 'ut into pie'es. *taple pins shall also not ,e
i!porta,le a$ainst ,a'@ to ,a'@ L>C H
0'1 &or i!port o $ra- a,ri's the provisions o 'lause 0d1 o su,6para 2( o
this Order shall appl-. Duple+ ,oard o our hundred $ra! 0$ra- ,a'@1
shall ,e i!porta,le under ,a'@ to ,a'@ L>C throu$h entr- in the Pass
0d1 Duple+ ,oard o lesser thi'@ness0deter!ined ,- EP71 or use as 'ollar
and ,a'@ ,oard !a- ,e i!ported a$ainst ,a'@ to ,a'@ L>C throu$h entr-
in the Pass 7oo@H

0e1 I!port o raw and pa'@in$ !aterials a$ainst ,a'@ to ,a'@ L>C ,- su'h
units !entioned in 'lause 0a1 !a- also ,e !ade throu$h su,!ission o
LC4 or!s5 dul- illed in5 to the 'on'erned no!inated 7an@ and under this
arran$e!ent5 su'h units will not ,e reEuired to o,tain IP>CP ro! the
'on'erned I!port Control 4uthorit- or 'learan'e o their raw and pa'@in$
!aterials i!ported a$ainst ,a'@ to ,a'@ L>CH
01 *u'h units 0!entioned in 'lause a1 under read-!ade $ar!ents industr-
shall5 however5 ,e per!itted to i!port raw !aterials on C3o Cost 7asis; or
e+e'ution o e+port orders on ollowin$ 'onditions5 as =666
0i1 Ea'h 'ase will ,e reali8ed on 'onsi$n!ent ,asis a$ainst <.D
issued ,- the 7GME4 and or this no orei$n 'urren'- will ,e
re!itted ro! 7an$ladeshH
0ii1 Pre6*hip!ent Inspe'tion 0P*I1 'ertii'ate re$ardin$ inished
produ'ts5 i reEuired5 will have to ,e produ'ed at ,u-er;s e+pense
durin$ e+e'ution o e+port and read-!ade $ar!ents !ade or
e+port will ,e not ,e reBe'tedH
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0iii1 The entire value added a!ount in respe't o read-!ade $ar!ents
shall ,e repatriated to 7an$ladesh. The lowest per'enta$e o value
addition shall ,e as under=
Sector:'ield H mi%imum rate o' ,alue additio%
E+port o @nit $ar!ents Twent- per'ent 022D1
E+port o 3on6Euota 'ate$or- woven
Twent- per'ent 022D1
E+port o Euota 'ate$or- woven $ar!ents
up to <*O %2 0&.O.71 per do8en
Twent- per'ent 022D1
E+port o Euota 'ate$or- woven $ar!ents
a,ove <*O ort- 0&.O.7.1 per do8en
Twent- per'ent 02 Twent- per'ent 022D1H however5 in
no 'ase the value addition per do8en
shall ,e less than <*O twelveH
In 'ase o e+port o hi$her pri'e $ar!ents 9alue addition or 9alue addition o Euota 'ate$or- I
non6Euota 'ate$or- shall not ,e less
than iteen per'ent and ten per'ent
respe'tivel-. :owever5 in this 'ase
the value o per do8en shall ,e <*O
si+t- 0&.O.71 or !oreH
E+port o all t-pes o sweater Twent- per'ent 022D1
E+port o all t-pes o ,a,- $ar!ents &iteen per'ent 01"D1
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0iv1 Ruantit-5 pri'e and des'ription o the !aterials i!ported on
'onsi$n!ent ,asis !ust ,e !entioned in the invoi'e ,ut i!ported
raw and pa'@in$ !aterials !a- ,e transerred throu$h inter6,ond
transer and i!ported $ra- a,ri's5 @nit a,ri's and white a,ri's
!a- ,e transerred to various d-ein$ and printin$ or pro'essin$
0121 The e+port oriented read-!ade $ar!ent units operatin$ under ,onded
warehouse s-ste! shall ,e allowed to i!port @nitted a,ri's in roll or FthaanG
or! onl-.
0111 <nless otherwise spe'iied in the order re$ardin$ other e+porta,le $oods5 the
rate o lo'al value addition or other e+port ite!s and esta,lish!ent o ,a'@6to6
,a'@ L>C or i!port o raw and pa'@in$ !aterials o those ite!s a$ainst net
&.O.7. value o e+port L.C. shall ,e upto the !a+i!u! per'enta$e notiied ,-
E+port Pro!otion 7ureau.
0121 Re'o$nised units under spe'iali8ed te+tile industr- operatin$ under the ,onded
warehouse s-ste! shall ,e per!itted to i!port raw I pa'@in$ !aterials
0in'ludin$ ,anned>restri'ted ite!s1 as deter!ined ,- 'usto!s authorit- on the
,asis o 'onir!ed and irrevo'a,le letter o 'redit or e+port o the ite!s o
spe'ialised te+tile a$ainst ,a'@ to ,a'@ L>C. &or this purpose no prior per!ission
ro! the Chie Controller shall ,e reEuired.
01#1 Re'o$nised e+port6oriented hosier- industr- under ,onded warehouse s-ste!
will ,e allowed to i!port raw and pa'@in$ !aterials 0in'ludin$ ,anned I
restri'ted ite!s1 to an a!ount i+ed ,- the 'usto!s authorit- a$ainst ,a'@6to6
,a'@ L>C ,- esta,lishin$ 'onir!ed and irrevo'a,le letter o 'redit. &or this5 prior
per!ission ro! the Chie Controller will not ,e ne'essar-. 7ut re'o$ni8ed
Gar!ent Industries will ,e allowed to i!port -arn and @nitted a,ri's in FthaanG or
roll or! or produ'tion o hosier- and @nitted $ar!ents.
01%1 I!port o a,ri's in 'ut pie'es and i!port o @nitted a,ri's other than in Cthaan;
or roll or! will not ,e allowed. Re'o$nised Gar!ents Industries in sweater
se'tor will not ,e allowed to i!port sweater5 Bu!per5 pullover 5 s'ar5 hand $loves
and $loves in or! o pie'e5 panel or roll or in Cthaan; or in the or! o 'ut pie'es.
Onl- i!port o all -arn o all sorts will ,e allowed as raw !aterials or these
01"1 4ll other e+port6oriented industries e+port6oriented read-!ade $ar!ent>hosier-
and spe'ialised te+tile industries !a- ,e allowed to i!port an- ,anned or
restri'ted raw and pa'@in$ !aterials and spares reEuired or the e+e'ution o
spe'ii' e+port order with prior per!ission ro! the Chie Controller on the ,asis
o re'o!!endation o the sponsorin$ authorit-. In su'h instan'e5 the 'on'erned
industrial units shall su,!it ,an@ $uarantee 'overin$ hundred per'ent o the
value o the ,anned or restri'ted ite!0s1 i!ported. :owever5 su'h ,an@
$uarantee shall not ,e reEuired in 'ase o e+port6 oriented industries operatin$
under ,anded warehouse li'en'e.
01)1 Re'o$nised !anua'turin$ and e+portin$ units in all other se'tors operatin$
under the ,onded warehouse s-ste! !a- i!port their raw and pa'@in$
!aterials under ,a'@ to ,an@ L>C arran$e!ent. This provision shall 'over ,oth
the output !anua'turin$ 0dire't e+porters1 as well as the input !anua'turin$
0indire't e+porters1 units.
01.1 In 'ase o industries whi'h suppl- raw !aterials to e+port oriented industries i.e.
dee!ed e+porters5 raw !aterials 'an ,e i!ported a$ainst ,a'@ to ,a'@ L>C
throu$h ,onded warehouse.
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01/1 Onl- 122D e+port oriented industries unit under ,onded warehouse s-ste! will
,e allowed to i!port ne'essar- raw !aterials I pa'@in$ !aterials or % 0our1
!onths in revolvin$ s-ste! a$ainst ,a'@6to6,a'@ L>C a$ainst Master E+port L>C
or a$ainst 'onir!ed 'ontra't ,- the ,u-er. In this 'ase66666
0a1 The 'on'erned ,an@ will 'onsider value o e+port o the previous -ear or
peror!an'e 'ertii'ate as the ,asis or i+in$ the need.
0,1 In 'ase o new a'tories the need or our !onths will ,e i+ed on the
,asis o produ'tion 'apa'it- deter!ined ,- the 7oard o Invest!ent.
01(1 &or i!port a$ainst ,a'@6to6,a'@ L>C ,- these industries !entioned in su,6para
01.15 authori8ation o 7an$ladesh 7an@ will not ,e ne'essar- and raw !aterials
will ,e i!ported without L>C and a$ainst 'ontra't on the ,asis o 7an@ Custo!er
relationship throu$h si$ht> the usan'e L>C under prevailin$ rules.
0221 I ew separate 'ut pie'es are ound in the 'ontainer>'onsi$n!ent o a,ri's
i!ported or read-!ade $ar!ent industr-5 Custo!s 4uthorit- shall detain onl-
the 'ut pie'es instead o the total 'ontainer>'onsi$n!ent.
0211 The restri'tion o 1/.2( !etres shall not ,e appli'a,le in 'ase o e!,roidered
a,ri's5 ,ad$es5 la,els5 sti'@ers I pat'hes i!ported or the e+e'ution
o spe'ii' e+port order ,- read-!ade $ar!ent industr-.
0221 It shall not ,e 'onsidered as the violation o I!port Poli'- i an- ,u-er>supplier
!a@es ship!ent o raw I pa'@in$ !aterials ,eore esta,lish!ent o ,a'@6to6
,a'@ L>C or e+port oriented read-!ade $ar!ents industr->te+tile industr-5 the
,a'@ to ,a'@ L>C is opened ,eore su,!ission o 'hallan !aniest.
02#1 *u,Be't to the o,tain a,ilit- o ,onded warehouse li'en'e5 openin$ o L>C shall
not ,e reEuired to i!port raw !aterials 0in$redient1 or 122D e+port oriented
Bewelr- !anua'turin$ industr-. In su'h 'ase o i!port without openin$ L>C a
prior per!ission ro! the Custo!s 4uthorit- shall ,e reEuired or release o
i!ported $oods.
02%1 I!port o raw !aterials and 'apital !a'hineries or $ar!ent industries are
allowed without an- value li!it and openin$ o L>C.
02"1 $ou!h &iamo%d /".S. Code No. 6102.10, 6102.21, 6102.-10----
0a1 122D e+port oriented inished dia!ond !anua'turin$ industrial units
operatin$ under supervised ,onded warehouse s-ste! will ,e allowed to
i!port Rou$h un'ut dia!ond as raw !aterial on 'onsi$n!ent ,asis
without openin$ L>C and !a@in$ pa-!ent o its value under at si$ht >
usan'e s-ste! a$ainst e+port 'onta't>suppl- order with orei$n ,u-ers
ulillin$ the 'onditions o this su,6para$raph5 ,ut in that 'ase i!port 'ost
in'ludin$ value addition will ,e !ini!u! e+port value whi'h will ,e
repatriated throu$h le$al ,an@in$ 'hannelH
0,1 Pro'essin$ o su'h un'ut dia!ond will ,e dee!ed to entail loss o
'ontents not e+'eedin$ ."DH
0'1 The 'on'erned e+porters will ,e allowed to e+port inished dia!ond onl-
ater reali8ation o the !one- 'overin$ total a!ount o the value added to
the e+porta,le inished dia!ond5 su,Be't to the rate o value addition
,ein$ not ,elow <*O 12.22 0ten1 per 'aret. The total added value o
inished dia!ond is to ,e repatriated throu$h ,an@in$ 'hannel ,- L>C5
do'u!entar- 'olle'tion5 Cash a$ainst Colle'tion 0C4D1 or TTH
/var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_4/247370163.doc: Last printed 1/1/2003 12:53 AM
0d1 E+ports I I!port o Rou$h dia!ond ro! >in 7an$ladesh will have to ,e
'arried out as per pro'edure pres'ri,ed ,- 7an$ladesh 7an@ and the
Custo!s 4uthorit-. FRou$h Dia!ond I!port and E+port 0Control1 Rules5
222)G is also to ,e ollowed or i!port o rou$h dia!ond and its e+port.
02)1 In 'ase o i!port o raw6!aterials or 122D e+port6oriented industries operatin$
under ,onded warehouse s-ste! I !anua'turin$ 'orru$ated 'arton5 thread5
pol- ,a$ 5 ,utterl- la,els5 interlinin$5 $u! tape leather5 leather $oods5 oot ware
et'.5 the previous pro'ess5 i.e. i!port throu$h *EM or Cash L>C pro'edure
under ,onded warehouse5 will also re!ain valid alon$ with the e+istin$ ,a'@ to
,a'@ L.C a'ilities.
02.1 E+port6oriented Industries who are dee!ed e+porters will ,e $iven <tili8ation
Per!it 0<P1 a$ainst 7a'@6to67a'@ L>C su,Be't to the ollowin$ 'onditions5 as=666
0a1 In the 'ases where pa-!ent or 'arton and a''essories is not possi,le
ater pa-!ent throu$h L>C5 adBust!ent or pa-!ent o 'arton and
a''essories will ,e !ade i there is surplus in an- other L>C opened or
raw and pa'@in$ !aterials. *u'h adBust!ent or pa-!ent a$ainst raw and
pa'@in$ !aterials will ,e !ade throu$h adBust!ent in not e+'eedin$
seven su'h 'asesH
0,1 9arious relevant inor!ation o the 'ases in whi'h surplus !one- is
adBusted a$ainst ,a'@6to6,a'@ L>C5 su'h as relevant ,a'@6to6,a'@ L>C
nu!,er5 reeren'e5 date5 na!e and address o the L>C opener5
des'ription o the 'o!!odities5 Euantities and other relevant inor!ation
should ,e 'learl- Euoted in the <PH
0'1 7a'@6to6,a'@ L>C or supplied a''essories will in no wa- ,e let
unadBusted or !ore than si+ !onthsH
0d1 4dBust!ent or inland ,a'@6to6,a'@ L>C should ,e !ade within )0si+1
!onthsH and
0e1 Conditions !entioned in 'lause 0a1 to 0d1 will ,e appli'a,le irrespe'tive o
value or all 'onsi$n!ent.

02/1 I!port a$ainst I!port Per!its and in spe'ial 'ases a$ainst Clearan'e Per!it 0or
'learan'e o $oods on pa-!ent o ine1 6666 4n- approved industries set up or to
,e set up under 122D orei$n invest!ent need not have LC4 or! or open L>C
to i!port 'apital !a'hineries I spares5 ,ut the i!porters have to o,tain I!port
Per!it or5 in spe'ial 'ases 5Clearan'e Per!it.
02(1 +rey-1abric(----
0a1 Onl- the re'o$nised te+tile inishin$ 0!e'hani8ed1 units operatin$ under
the ,onded warehouse s-ste! shall i!port all t-pes o FGre- &a,ri'sG
a$ainst ,a'@6to6,a'@ L>C on the 'onditions that all the i!ported Gre-
&a,ri's ater inishin$5 d-ein$ or printin$ shall ,e supplied to e+port6
oriented read-!ade $ar!ents units or ,e ull- e+ported to the orei$n
0,1 Lhere the i!ported $re- a,ri' ater inishin$5 d-ein$ or printin$ are
dire'tl- e+ported to orei$n 'ountries5 the 'on'erned i!porter will ,e
reEuired to inish5 d-e or print at least an eEual Euantit- o lo'al $re-
a,ri's5 and suppl- the sa!e to the e+port oriented read-!ade $ar!ent
units or dire'tl- e+port the sa!e to the orei$n 'ountries durin$ the sa!e
/var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_4/247370163.doc: Last printed 1/1/2003 12:53 AM
inan'ial -ear. :owever5 i the i!ported $re- a,ri's ater inishin$5 d-ein$
or printin$ are supplied to the e+port oriented read-!ade $ar!ent units5
the 'ondition o pro'essin$ an eEual Euantit- o lo'al $re- a,ri's shall not
0'1 The E+port Pro!otion 7ureau shall properl- !onitor the 'o!plian'e o
the a,ove 'onditions ,- the i!porters o $re- a,ri'sH
0d1 The e+port oriented read-!ade $ar!ent industries operatin$ under
,onded warehouse s-ste! !a- i!port $re- a,ri' or the Euantit-
re'o!!ended or deter!ined ,- C<tili8ation E+pert Co!!ittee; 'onstituted
,- the Ministr- o Co!!er'e or the relevant Custo!s *RO. Gre- a,ri's
so i!ported shall ,e endorsed in the Custo!s Pass 7oo@ o the
'on'erned read-!ade $ar!ent units. On e+port o read-!ade $ar!ents
!ade ,- usin$ i!ported $re- a,ri's5 the sa!e shall ,e endorsed in the
Pass 7oo@ as per e+istin$ pro'edure or the purpose o adBust!ent
showin$ that the entire Euantit- o i!ported $re- a,ri's has ,een ull-
utili8ed in the $ar!ents e+portedH
0e1 Gre- a,ri's shall ,e i!porta,le under usual pro'edures or usin$ in
e+port oriented industr- and or dire't e+port a$ainst a spe'ii' e+port
01 E+port oriented spe'iali8ed te+tile 0d-ein$5 printin$ I inishin$ or d-ein$5
printin$5 inishin$5 weavin$>spinnin$1 units onl- whi'h have $ot reEuired
te'hni'al 'apa,ilit- !a- i!port $re- a,ri's I -arn upto our !onths
reEuire!ent in revolvin$ s-ste! a''ordin$ to the 'onditions in 'lauses
0a16660' 0!a+i!u! ##D o produ'tion 'apa'it-11 even without ,a'@6to6
,a'@ L.C. under supervised ,onded warehouse s-ste!. In this 'ase
Euantit- o i!port a$ainst a a'tor- will ,e deter!ined on the ,asis o the
'ertii'ate issued ,- the 'on'erned ,an@ on the e+port peror!an'e o the
e+istin$ a'tor- in the previous -earH
0$1 122D e+port oriented spe'ialised te+tile !ill !a- i!port raw !aterials
under supervised ,onded warehouse upto twelve !onths reEuire!ent in
revolvin$ s-ste! without ,a'@ to ,a'@ L.C. In this 'ase Euantit- o i!port
will ,e deter!ined on the ,asis o the 'ertii'ate issued ,- the 'on'erned
,an@ on the e+port peror!an'e o the e+istin$ !ill in the previous -ear.
0#21 Import o' part(, acce((orie( a%d compo%e%t(B--- Parts5
a''essories or 'o!ponent5 i!port o whi'h is otherwise ,anned or restri'ted5
shall however5 ,e i!porta,le alon$ with !a'hiner- onl- as its inte$ral and
indispensa,le part=
Provided that5 the said !a'hiner- ite! is per!issi,le or i!port.
0#11 Seco%d-ha%d:reco%ditio%ed capital machi%erie(666
0a1 *e'ond6hand> re'onditioned 'apital !a'hineries I $enerators or
$eneratin$ set used in industr- shall ,e i!porta,le without an- pri'e li!it
,ut a 'ertii'ate ro! a surve-or enlisted5 no!inated or appointed ,-
3ational 7oard o Revenue to the ee't that ea'h !a'hine has at least 12
0ten1 -ears e'ono!i' lie e+'ept $enerators or $eneratin$ sets5 !ust ,e
su,!itted alon$ with 7ill o Ladin$H and

0,1 In 'ase o i!port o $enerators or $eneratin$ sets5 'ertii'ates to the ee't
that not !ore than " 0ive1 -ears old ro! the appropriate authorit- o
e+portin$ 'ountr- !ust ,e su,!itted.
/var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_4/247370163.doc: Last printed 1/1/2003 12:53 AM
0#21 Electric Aeter /Electric Iilo;att Aeter0 ----
0a1 In 'ase o i!port o sin$le6phase ele'tri' !eter 0:.*. Code 3o.
(22/.#2.125 (22/.#2.225I (22/.#2.#21 in 'o!plete or! its standard will
have to 'onor! to 4C Ener$- !eters part 1 04''ura'- 'lass6II1 7D*
1#1 0part611=1((/ and 4C ener$- !eters part62 04''ura'- 'lass6I1 7D*
1#1 0part621=1(((H
0,1 Testin$ o standards shall not5 however5 ,e ne'essar- or i!portin$ the
spare parts o ele'tri' !eters 0:.*. Code 3o.(22/.(2 I (22/.(2.(21 ,ut
prior to !ar@etin$ the ele'tri' !eters in 'o!plete or!5 !ade o the
i!ported parts5 !ust 'onor! to the 7D* 1#1=1((/ and the sa!e shall ,e
tested ,- 7*TI.
0##1 Re'o$nised industrial units under pa'@in$ and 'annin$ se'tor will i!port ull6
'rea! !il@ powder and oods o :orli'@s t-pe in tin or in ,ul@ pa'@in$ on
ulill!ent o the rules as $iven ,elow5 as=666
0a1 4 'ertii'ate ro! the appropriate authorit- o the e+portin$ 'ountr-
0Govern!ent depart!ent o health or ood1 showin$ in$redients and their
proportion5 date o !anua'ture5 date o e+pir- or use as hu!an ood5 will
have to ,e en'losed with ea'h 'onsi$n!entH
0,1 Provisions relatin$ to radioa'tivit- test as laid down in para 1) o this
Order will ,e appli'a,le.
0'1 Provision o su,6para 01.1 o para 1) o this Order will ,e appli'a,le in
'ase o i!port o these ite!s in tin 'ontainer and in 'ase o sellin$ those
ite!s in retail pa'@in$>'annin$ i!ported in tin 'ontainer or ,ul@ pa'@a$e.
0d1 In 'ase o i!port o those ite!s in ,ul@ 'ontainer inor!ation relatin$ to
in$redients o that ite!5 proportion o the in$redients5 date o !anua'ture
and date o e+pir- or use as hu!an ood will have to ,e printed
per!anentl- on the ,od- o the ,ul@ 'ontainer or on la,el or on sti'@er.
0#%1 Coco%ut oil--- Coco%ut oil /:.*. :eadin$ 3o. 1".1# and all :.*. Code
'lassiia,le under this headin$1 shall ,e i!porta,le ,- the re'o$nised industrial
units ,ut in 'ase o 'o'onut oil i!porta,le as hair oil a'id value upto 2.) and
'o'onut oil i!porta,le or the soap industr- a'id value upto 12.2. It shall ,e also
i!porta,le or 'o!!er'ial purpose and in this 'ase a'id value shall not e+'eed
0#"1 Import o' *a(te a%d Scrap-
0a1 Onl- re'o$ni8ed ,onaide user industrial unit shall ,e allowed to i!port
iron and steel waste and s'rap 0:.*. :eadin$ 3o. .2.2% and all :.*.
Code 'lassiia,le under it1 as raw !aterials a$ainst its i!port
0,1 Onl- re'o$ni8ed ,onaide user industrial unit shall ,e allowed to i!port
4lu!inu! waste and s'rap 0:.*. :eadin$ 3o. .).22 and all :.*. Code
'lassiia,le under this headin$1 as raw !aterials a$ainst its i!port
0'1 Onl- re'o$ni8ed ,onaide user industrial unit shall ,e allowed to i!port
Calet *'rap o Glass 0:.*. :eadin$ 3o. .221.22.221 as raw !aterials
a$ainst its i!port entitle!entH and
0d1 In 'ase o i!port o ite!s !entioned in a,ove su,6para$raph 0a15 0,1 and
0'15 i!porter !ust su,!it a 'ertii'ate to the ee't that !entioned ite!s
/var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_4/247370163.doc: Last printed 1/1/2003 12:53 AM
are ree ro! to+i' or radio6a'tive parti'les5 issued ,- 'o!petent authorit-
o the e+portin$ 'ountr-5 to the Custo!s 4uthorit-.

0#)1 $eco,ered paper or paper board /;a(te a%d (crap0 0:.*. :eadin$ 3o. %..2.
and all :.*. Code 3o. 'lassiia,le under it1 is i!porta,le or use as industrial raw
0#.1 2rea? #crylic 0:.*. :eadin$ 3o. #(.1" and :.*. Code 3o. #(1".(2 'lassiia,le
under it1 7rea@ 4'r-li' will ,e i!porta,le under the ollowin$ 'onditions=
0a1 Onl- those re'o$ni8ed industrial units usin$ a'r-li' as raw !aterial or
their industr- will ,e allowed to i!port a'r-li' a''ordin$ to their produ'tion
'apa'it- as Euoted on their IRCH
0,1 I!!ediatel- ater i!port o 7rea@ 4'r-li' the sour'e o i!port o 7rea@
4'r-li' and the 'ountr- o ori$in shall ,e inor!ed to the Dire'torate o
0'1 4 pre6ship!ent inspe'tion 'ertii'ate ro! an internationall- reputed
surve-or or P*I Co!pan- approved ,- the 37R to the ee't that the
i!ported ,rea@ a'r-li' does not 'ontain an- to+i' or radioa'tive
su,stan'e as per International Convention on environ!ent whi'h 'an
'onta!inate Environ!ent will have to ,e produ'ed ,- the i!porter and on
the ,asis o the 'ertii'ate5 the i!port 'onsi$n!ent will ,e released
a''ordin$ to the 'usto!s rules and re$ulation in or'e.
0#/1 Re'o$nised 122D e+port oriented industrial unit 'an i!port related raw
!aterials e+'ept i!port restri'ted $oods or e+port ater repro'essin$ a$ainst its
i!port entitle!ent approved ,- sponsorin$ authorit-.
0#(1 Aetha%ol:Aethyl #lcohol----
0a1 Methanol>Meth-l 4l'ohol 0:* Code 3o. 2(2".11.22 o :.*. :eadin$ 3o.
2(.2" and all :.*. Code 'lassiia,le under this Code1 !a- ,e i!ported
onl- ,- the re'o$nised industrial units or a'tual use as raw !aterials in
their iindustries a''ordin$ to their i!port Euota=
Provided that5 $eneral provision or the industrial i!port o this order will5
however5 not ,e appli'a,le in 'ase o su'h i!port o !ethanolH
0,1 Govern!ent approved edu'ational and resear'h institutions other than
re'o$nised industrial units 'an i!port Methanol or Meth-l 4l'ohol with
prior per!ission ro! the Ministr- o Co!!er'e.
0#(41 1ormali%
- 1ormali% (hall be importable u%der 'ollo;i%! co%ditio%(,
0a1 4ll @inds o or!alin shall ,e i!ported with prior approval o the
Ministr- o Co!!er'eH
0,1 &or!alin i!porters shall have to appl- to the Ministr- o Co!!er'e
with re'o!!endation o 'on'erned Ministr-H
0'1 &or!alin i!porters shall have to re$ister the sales o or!alin to
the ,u-ersH and
0d1 Ministr- o Co!!er'e or authorit- dire'ted ,- the Govern!ent
shall e+a!ine sales re$ister o i!porters ti!e to ti!eH
3nserte! vi!e 7R8 9o/ '0--a*.201# !ate! 1% March 201#
/var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_4/247370163.doc: Last printed 1/1/2003 12:53 AM
0%21 Crude Soya-bea% 0:.*. :eadin$ nu!,er 1".2. and :.*. 'ode nu!,er
1"2..12.12 I 1"2..12.(2 'lassiia,le under it1 P Crude *o-a6,ean oil will ,e
i!porta,le or use in produ'tion o edi,le oil ,- the re'o$nised edi,le oil
produ'in$ industrial units havin$ their own reineries or ,- an- 'o!!er'ial unit
havin$ 'ontra't with an- reiner- up to the Euantit- li!it as 'ontra'ted 5 with prior
per!ission ro! the Ministr- o Co!!er'e and in this 'onte+t the 'o!!er'ial
unit will ,e treated as an industrial unit.
0%11 $e'i%ed Palm Olei% a%d Crude palm Olei% 6666
0a1 0:.*. :eadin$ no. 1".11 and all :.*. Code 'lassiia,le under this ite!1=
6The provisions in para 1) o this order5 shall ,e ollowed in 'ase o I!port
o reined pal! olein su,Be't to produ'tion o separate 'ertii'ate ro! the
health authorit- and the Cha!,er o Co!!er'e I Industr- o the
e+portin$ 'ountr- to the ee't that the 'onsi$n!ent o the pal! olein is it
or hu!an 'onsu!ption. These 'ertii'ates shall ,e su,!itted to the
Custo!s 4uthorit- at the ti!e o 'learan'e o Consi$n!entsH

0,1 The ollowin$ ite!s shall not ,e per!issi,le or i!port as edi,le oil5 as = 66
0i1 *olid or *e!i6solid pal! oil whi'h loo@s li@e ve$eta,le $heeH
0ii1 Reined5 ,lea'hed I deodori8ed 0R7D1 pal! stearine and tallowH
0iii1 Crude pal! stearineH
0'1 The edi,le oil produ'in$ industries havin$ &ra'tionation Plants shall ,e
allowed to i!port Reined and Crude Pal! oil on the ,asis o the
re'o!!endation o the 7oard o Invest!ent and the 7oard o Invest!ent
will !onitor the !ater.
0d1 Edi,le oil produ'in$ industrial units havin$ own reineries and approved
,- appropriate authorities will ,e eli$i,le to i!port 'rude pal! olein or
'rude pal! oil or produ'in$ edi,le oil or an- 'o!!er'ial unit havin$
'ontra't with an- reiner- will ,e eli$i,le to i!port the sa!e up to the
Euantit- li!it as 'ontra'ted5 with prior per!ission ro! the Ministr- o
Co!!er'e and in this 'onte+t5 the 'o!!er'ial unit will ,e treated as an
industrial unitH
0e1 I!port o Crude so-a6,ean oil and 'rude pal! olein throu$h 'onservation
in the tan@ ter!inal666 Crude so-a6,ean oil and Crude pal! oil 0 :.*.
:eadin$ 3o. 1".2. I 1".11i!ported ,- i!porters !entioned in su,6para
0%21 I 0%110d1 will ,e reserved in tan@ ter!inal under the supervision o
'usto! authorit- ,- tan@er ro! !other vessel and the reserved oil !a-
,e released under ,onded ware6house s-ste! on pa-!ent o 'usto!
dues properl-H
01 7eore suppl- o edi,le oil ro! tan@ ter!inal to lo'al units 'usto!s
authorit- will ensure whether 'orre't a!ount o duties5 9at et'. has ,een
paid. 4nd i orei$n 'urren'- is re!itted showin$ ille$al sale o e+'ess
a!ount o oil reserved or re'eived in the tan@ and an- dis'repan'- arises
,etween i!port5 sale and e+port5 the tan@ ter!inal 'onserved with will ,e
held responsi,le and the 'usto!s authorit- will ensure the !atter.
4''ount o i!port5 sale and return o ea'h i!ported 'onsi$n!ent will ,e
sent to &orei$n Poli'- Depart!ent o 7an$ladesh 7an@H
0$1 4ll the relevant rules and re$ulations in'ludin$ the rules laid down in para
1) o this Order shall have to ,e o,served dul-H
0h1 Co!!odities i!ported on dierent dates will ,e @ept in dierent
ter!inals5 so that date o e+pir- 'an ,e ensured.
/var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_4/247370163.doc: Last printed 1/1/2003 12:53 AM
0%21 In 'ase o i!port o in$redients5 to+i' 'he!i'al ele!ents and raw !aterials5
har!ul or hu!an health5 used in industr-5 the word Cpoison; !ust ,e written
visi,l- on ea'h dru!5 ,ottle or pa'@et.
2". 011 Commercial Import ) Co!!er'ial i!port will nor!all- ,e !ade under 'ash
orei$n e+'han$e ,ut su,Be't to availa,ilit- o und i!port o 'o!!er'ial ite!s
!a- ,e allowed under Govern!ent allo'ation. In su'h 'ases the na!e o ite!s5
sour'e o inan'e and other ter!s and 'onditions or 'o!!er'ial i!port will ,e
notiied ,- the Chie Controller ro! ti!e to ti!e.
021 Import o' i%du(trial ra; material(, pac?i%! material( a%d (pare( part( by
commercial importer(--- Industrial raw !aterials5 pa'@in$ !aterials and spares
parts whi'h are not in'luded in the ,anned and restri'ted lists shall ,e reel-
i!porta,le under 'ash orei$n e+'han$e ,- 'o!!er'ial i!porters.
0#1 Commercial import by 1orei!% 1irm(6 &orei$n &ir!s re$istered in 7an$ladesh
under the Co!panies 4't5 1((% 0?9III o 1((%1 shall ,e allowed to i!port
per!issi,le 'o!!er'ial ite!s a$ainst their 'o!!er'ial IRC5 without an- prior
per!ission ro! the Chie Controller. :owever5 in su'h 'ases o i!port o
'o!!er'ial ite!s orei$n ir!s shall inor! the Oi'e o the Chie Controller o
I!ports and E+ports in writin$ the detailed inor!ation o the ite! 0e$. :* 'ode
o the ite!5 des'ription o the ite!5 Euantit-5 value5 na!e and address o the
e+portin$ orei$n ir! et'.1 ,eore i!portation.
0%1 Import o' capital machi%ery 'or commercial purpo(e6 Co!!er'ial i!porters
!a- i!port per!issi,le new and se'ond hand or re'onditioned ite!s o
industrial 'apital !a'hiner- I $enerator or $eneratin$ set under 'ash orei$n
e+'han$e without an- value li!it or 'o!!er'ial purpose ,- 'o!pl-in$ the rules
I re$ulations o this order.
Pro,i(io%( applicable 'or import o' 'ollo;i%! item(-
2). Import o' E@plo(i,e(B
011 0a1 I!port o e+plosives in'ludin$ Trinitrotoluene 0T3T1 'lassiia,le under
:.*.:eadin$ 3o. 2(.2% and all ite!s in'ludin$ e+plosives 'lassiia,le
under :.*. :eadin$ 3o. #).21 to #).2% shall not ,e allowed without prior
approval o the Chie Inspe'tor o E+plosives o the Ministr- o Power5
Ener$- I Mineral Resour'es.
0,1 Co!,usti,le solid !atter5 o+idi8in$ !atter5 poisonous !atter= I!port o
'o!,usti,le solid !atter5 o+idi8in$ !atter5 poisonous !atter in'ludin$
*ulphur 'lassiia,le under :.*. :eadin$ 3o. 2".2# I 2/.225 Phosphorus
'lassiia,le under :.*. :eadin$ 3o. 2/.2%5 Potassiu! Chlorate
'lassiia,le under :.*. :eadin$ 3o. 2/.2(5 Potassiu! 3itrate5 7ariu!
3itrate5 *odiu! 3itrate and 4lu!iniu! 3itrate 'lassiia,le under :.*.
:eadin$ 2/.#%5 4lu!iniu! 0powder1 'lassiia,le under :* headin$
3o.2/.2"5 4rseni' *ulphide and Cal'iu! Car,ide 'lassiia,le under :*
headin$ 3o.2/.#2 shall not ,e allowed without prior approval o the Chie
Inspe'tor o E+plosives.
021 Co!!er'ial i!port o e+plosive su,stan'es shall not ,e allowed e+'ept throu$h
the Tradin$ Corporation o 7an$ladesh 0TC71.
/var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_4/247370163.doc: Last printed 1/1/2003 12:53 AM
0#1 The TC7 !a- sell e+plosive su,stan'es i!ported ,- it to the a'tual users onl-
under inti!ation to the Ministr- o :o!e 4airs.
0%1 E+plosive su,stan'es shall however5 ,e i!porta,le ,- the Govt. re'o$nised
industrial units upto the entitle!ent or su'h ite!s with prior approval o the
Chie Inspe'tor o E+plosives. 7ut su'h industrial units shall not ,e allowed to
i!port e+plosives in e+'ess o their i!port entitle!ent>value under the provisions
o para 2# o this Order.
0"1 I!!ediatel- ater $ivin$ 'learan'e or i!port o Potassiu! Chlorate the Chie
Inspe'tor o E+plosives shall inor! the 3ational 7oard o Revenue in writin$
a,out the Euantit- o Potassiu! Chlorate to ,e i!ported.
0)1 E+plosive su,stan'es i!ported ,- industrial units a$ainst their i!port
entitle!ent>value shall ,e used in the a'tor- or produ'tion purposes onl- and
these shall not ,e sold5 transerred or used in an- other wa-.
0.1 $adio-acti,e material= Thoriu! nitrate 'lassiia,le under :.*. :eadin$ 3o.
2/.#%5 all ite!s in'ludin$ radio6a'tive 'he!i'al>ele!ent I isotopes 'lassiia,le
under :.*. :eadin$ 3o. 2/.%% to 2/.%)5 ?6ra- in'ludin$ radio$raph- or
radiotherap- apparatus 'lassiia,le under :.*. :eadin$ 3o.(2.22 I :.*. Code
3o. (222.1(.225 (222.21.225(222.2(.22 is i!porta,le onl- with prior per!ission
ro! the 7an$ladesh 4to!i' Ener$- Co!!ission.

0/1 3u'lear Rea'tors I its parts 0:.*. :eadin$ 3o. /%.21 I all :.*. Code 3o.
'lassiia,le under it1 are i!porta,le ,- 7an$ladesh 4to!i' Ener$- Co!!ission
onl- with the 'learan'e o sponsorin$ Ministr-.
0(1 4'id666 4n industrial user havin$ li'en'e under 4'id Control 4't5 2222 04't 3o. 1
o 22221 and 4'id 0I!port5 Produ'tion5 *tora$e5 Transport5 *ale and use1 Control
Rules5 222% will ,e allowed to i!port an- t-pe o sulphuri' a'id5 h-dro'hlori'
a'id5 nitri' a'id5 phosphori' a'id5 'austi' potash5 'ar,oli' a'id5 ,atter- luid
0a'id15 'hro!i' a'id5 aEua6re$ia and other 'orrosive ite!s o a'id t-pe as
deter!ined ,- the $overn!ent in 'ondensed5 liEuid or !i+ed a'id upto the
a!ount i+ed ,- the sponsorin$ authorit- in their i!port entitle!ent. :owever5
edu'ational and resear'h institute approved ,- the $overn!ent shall ,e allowed
to i!port a,ove !entioned a'ids with prior approval o the Ministr- o
0121 4 ir! or a person havin$ li'en'e under 4'id Control 4't5 2222 04't 3o. 1 o
22221and 4'id 0I!port5 Produ'tion5 *tora$e5 Transport5 *ale and use1 Control
Rules5 222% will i!port a'id !entioned in *u,6para 0(1 on 'o!!er'ial ,asis or
or personal use su,Be't to per!ission o the Ministr- o Co!!er'e.
0111 Che!i'al &ertili8er6 Coloured and $ranular *.*.P and powder *.*.P. that is
'olour !i+ed *.*.P. o an- t-pe and $ranular *.*.P. o all t-pe and powder
*.*.P. 0:.*. Code no. #12#.12.125 #12#.12.22 I #12#.12.(21 and Cr-stal &used
Ma$nesiu! Phosphate 0:.*. Code 3o. #12#.(2.221 are ,anned or i!port=
Provided that 'he!i'al ertili8er under :.*. :eadin$ #1.22 to #1.2" and other
'he!i'al ertili8er 'lassiia,le under the! is i!porta,le under the ollowin$
0a1 4 list showin$ in$redients used in !anua'turin$ 'he!i'al ertili8er dul-
attested ,- the !anua'turer should ,e there alon$ with shippin$

/var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_4/247370163.doc: Last printed 1/1/2003 12:53 AM
0,1 Pre6ship!ent Inspe'tion 'ertii'ate ro! an internationall- re'o$ni8ed
inspe'tion 'o!pan- should ,e there alon$ with shippin$ do'u!ents.
*pe'ii'ation o i!ported 'he!i'al ertili8er !entioned therewith should
,e in 'onsistent with the spe'ii'ation approved ,- the Ministr- o
0'1 &ertili8er shall ,e i!porta,le onl- ro! the !anua'turer or ro! his
0d1 *pe'ii'ation as well as inor!ation re$ardin$ ph-si'al and 'he!i'al
properties o the i!ported ertili8er shall ,e urnished in the invoi'e o the
shippin$ do'u!entsH

0e1 *pe'ii'ations and properties !ust !entioned in 'lause 0d1 'oin'ide with
those approved ,- the Ministr- o 4$ri'ultureH
01 Other inor!ation a''ordin$ to the international rules shall ,e urnished in
the 7ill o Ladin$H

0$1 The i!porter will ,e a !e!,er o 7an$ladesh &ertili8er 4sso'iation.
0121 7- ulillin$ 'onditions !entioned in su,6para 01215 i!ported ertili8er 'an ,e
released without post landin$ inspe'tion ,ut on 'ondition that ,oth the supplier
and the i!porter will ,e si!ultaneousl- responsi,le or dete'tion o har!ul
!aterial in an- su,seEuent e+a!inationH
01#1 Ground ro'@ phosphate 0:.*. :eadin$ 3o. 2".12 and :.*. Code 3o.2"12.22
'lassiia,le under it1 6 Ground ro'@ phosphate is i!porta,le on ulill!ent o
'onditions as !entioned ,elow5 as =66
0a1 Total Phosphates 0as P
1 per'ent 2/.22 ,- wei$ht !ini!u!H
0,1 Parti'le si8e !ini!u! (2 per'ent5 the !aterials shall pass throu$h 2.1"
!! I* sieve and the ,alan'e 12 per'ent o the !aterials shall pass
throu$h 2.2" !! I* sieveH
0'1 To ensure Eualit- its sa!ple has to ,e su,!itted to the Ministr- o
4$ri'ulture or an or$ani8ation approved ,- the Ministr- o 4$ri'ulture.
Ministr- o 4$ri'ulture will $ive 3OC i the sa!ple is ound upto the
standard on testH
0d1 7an@ will open L>C on su,!ission o that 3OC to the 7an@.
0e1 Post Landin$ inspe'tion o i!ported $round ro'@ phosphate will have to
,e done ,- the a$en'- appointed ,- the Ministr- o 4$ri'ulture and i the
sa!ple is ound a''urate on test5 'usto!s authorit- will allow 'learan'e
o the 'onsi$n!ent.
01%1 Pe(ticide( E i%(ecticide(B pesti'ides will ,e deter!ined as per the FThe
Pesti'ides Ordinan'e5 1(.1 0Ordinan'e no. II o 1(.11G6 Pesti'ides I
inse'ti'ides shall ,e i!porta,le su,Be't to the ollowin$ 'onditions =
0a1 Containers shall ,e in $ood 'ondition and 'apa,le o withstandin$ the ris@
o handlin$ and 'arr-in$ ,- seaH
0,1 Corre't te'hni'al>'he!i'al na!e o the 'ontents !ust ,e !ar@ed on the
'ontainerH and
0'1 The ollowin$ inor!ation shall ,e printed 'learl- in 7an$la on the
0i1 3a!e o the produ'tH
/var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_4/247370163.doc: Last printed 1/1/2003 12:53 AM
0ii1 3a!e and address o the !anua'turer or the or!ulator or the
person in whose na!e5 the pesti'ide is re$isteredH
0iii1 3et 'ontents in 'ontainerH
0iv1 Date o !anua'tureH
0v1 Date o testH
0vi1 3or!al stora$e sta,ilit- and ti!e li!itH
0vii1 3a!e and per'enta$e ,- wei$ht o a'tive in$redients and total
per'enta$e o other in$redients5 warnin$ or 'aution state!ents
su'h as F@eep out o rea'h o 'hildrenG5 FDan$erousG5 FLarnin$G or
FCautionG5 et'.H
0viii1 The $oods should possess Eualit- to 'apa'itate it to ,e in $ood
'ondition in nor!al stora$e.
01"1 Seco%d-ha%d Clothi%! 0:.*. :eadin$ 3o.)#.2( I all :.*. Code 'lassiia,le
under this headin$16 *e'ond6hand 'lothin$ shall ,e i!porta,le onl- ,- sele'ted
i!porters on the ,asis o prior per!ission issued in their avor su,Be't to the
ollowin$ 'onditions=
0a1 Onl- ,lan@ets5 sweaters5 ladies 'ardi$ans5 !en;s Ba'@ets in'ludin$ 8ipper
Ba'@ets5 !en;s trousers and shirts o s-ntheti' and ,lended a,ri's shall
,e i!porta,le as se'ond6hand 'lothin$ and no other ite!s o se'ond6
hand 'lothin$ shall ,e i!porta,leH
0,1 *hare o an individual i!porter shall not e+'eed Ta@a 1 0One1 la' and the
!a+i!u! Euantit- to ,e i!ported within that share shall urther ,e su,Be't
to wei$ht li!it as !entioned ,elow=6666
Sl .No. Name o' +ood( Kua%tity
21 7lan@et 2 0two1 ton
22 *weater ) 0si+1 ton
2# Ladies Cardi$an ) 0si+1 ton
2% Men;s Aa'@et in'ludin$ 8ipper Ba'@et ) 0si+1 ton
2" Men;s trouser ) 0si+1 ton
2) *hirts o s-ntheti' and ,lended a,ri' 2 0two 1 ton
0'1 I an i!porter intends to i!port !ore than one o the !entioned ) 0si+1
ite!s o the a,ove ta,le then i!port o the 'on'erned ite!s shall ,e
li!ited to the Euantit- wor@ed out in proportion to the value or the said
ite!s within the overall share o Ta@a one la'H
0d1 Other ter!s and 'onditions shall ,e notiied ,- the Chie Controller in due
'ourse and L>C or i!port o se'ond6hand 'lothin$ !a- ,e opened onl-
,- the sele'ted i!porters on the ,asis o su'h notii'ationH
0e1 4ll 'onsi$n!ents o se'ond6hand 'lothin$ shall ,e a''o!panied ,- a
'ertii'ate ro! a re'o$nised Cha!,er o Co!!er'e o the e+portin$
'ountr- 'erti-in$ that the 'onsi$n!ent does not 'ontain an- ite! whose
i!port is ,anned as per this OrderH
/var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_4/247370163.doc: Last printed 1/1/2003 12:53 AM
01 Co!!er'ial I!porters re$istered or se'ond6hand 'lothin$ shall not ,e
allowed to i!port se'ond6hand 'lothin$ i the- are not sele'ted or su'h
i!port in a''ordan'e with sele'tion pro'edureH
0$1 4 total o )222 0si+ thousand1 i!porters shall ,e sele'ted throu$hout the
'ountr- onl- on the ,asis o open lotter- ,- a three6!e!,er distri't
'o!!ittee headed ,- Deput- Co!!issioner o the 'on'erned distri't
a$ainst distri't Euota allo'ated ,- the Chie Controller o I!ports and
E+ports wor@ed out on the ,asis o populationH

0h1 The 'on'erned i!porters shall ,e reEuired to ,rin$ i!ported se'ond6hand
'lothin$ to their own distri'ts. The Ministr- o Co!!er'e will ta@e
ne'essar- !easures to ensure 'o!plian'e o this 'ondition.
01)1 Aedici%e----Medi'ine 0*ulphona!ides 'lassiia,le under :.*. Code 3o.
2(#".22 under :.*. :eadin$ no. 2(.#"5 :.*. :eadin$ 3o. 2(.#. to 2(.#( and all
ite!s 'lassiied under the!5 anti6,ioti' 'lassiied under :.*. :eadin$ 3o.2(.%15
all ite!s 'lassiied under :.* :eadin$ 3o. #2.215 all ite!s in'ludin$ live va''ine
'lassiied under :.*. :eadin$ 3o. #2.22 all ite!s 'lassiied under :.*. :eadin$
3o. #2.2# and #2.2%1 in'luded in i!porta,le list throu$h $overn!ent $a8ette
notii'ation ,- Dire'torate o Dru$ 4d!inistration will ,e i!ported on prior
approval ,- the Dire'torate o Dru$ 4d!inistration and the a!ount o !edi'ine5
trade na!e and $eneri' na!e5 value5 re$istration nu!,er $iven ,- Dire'torate
o Dru$ 4d!inistration5 date o !anua'ture and date o e+pir- will ,e !entioned
in the approval letter.
01.1 En8-!es 'lassiied under :.*. :eadin$ 3o. #".2. and all ite!s 'lassiied under
:.*. :eadin$ 3o. 2(.#) are i!porta,le ,- i!porters and !anua'turers o
!edi'ine on approval o Dire'tor5 Dru$ 4d!inistration and su,Be't to 'onditions
!entioned in para 2#0)1 and 2"01)1 o this Order. 9ita!in 4 I D 0&ood $rade1
under :.*. :eadin$ 3o. 2(.#) and En8-!es 0&ood $rade1 under :.*. :eadin$
3o. #".2. is reel- i!porta,le.
01/1 7anda$e 0sterile sur$i'al1 'lassiied under :.*. Code 3o.#22".(2 and :.*.
:eadin$ 3o. #2.2"5 'o!posite dia$nosti's 0in vivo1 'lassiied under :.*. Code
3o. #/22.22 and :.*. :eadin$ 3o. #/.225 s-rin$e 0with or without disposa,le
needle1 in ,lister pa'@ or in ri,,on pa'@ 'lassiied under :.*. Code 3o. (21/.#1
and :.*. :eadin$ 3o. (2.1/ and ,lood ,a$s 0sterile1 or transusion 'lassiied
under :.*. Code 3o. (21/.(2 and :.*. :eadin$ 3o. (2.1/ and Co!plete
Inusion *et 'lassiied under :* Code 3o. (21/.#(.12 are i!porta,le on
per!ission o Dru$ 4d!inistration and su,Be't to the 'onditions !entioned in
para 2#0)1 and 2"01)1 o this order.
01(1 Parts and &ittin$s or Inusion *et under #(2).(2.#25 #(2).(2..15 #(2).(2..25
#(2).(2./25 #(2).(2.(1 I #(2).(2.(( 'lassiia,le under :.*. :eadin$ 3o. #(.2)
and :.*. Code 3o. #(2).(2.12 are i!porta,le on approval o Dru$s
4d!inistration and su,Be't to the 'onditions !entioned at para 2%0)1 and 2)01)1.
0221 Ci!arette6 The Lords Fmswewae mZKxKiY t a~gcvb ^vi Rb
wZKi: 0*tatutor- warnin$= F*!o@in$ is inBurious to healthG1 shall ,e printed
'learl- in 7an$la on the pa'@et o the 'i$arette. :owever5 in 'ase o 'i$arettes
i!ported ,- the ,onded warehouses5 this statutor- warnin$ shall ,e printed
'learl- in an- lan$ua$e other than 7an$la on the pa'@et o the 'i$arette.
0211 Computer- &orei$n 'o!!er'ial ir!s5 en$a$ed in 'o!puter ,usiness shall ,e
allowed to i!port their proprietar- ite!s5 i.e. new 'o!puter and its spares and
a''essories5 either ,- openin$ L>C or ,- dire't pa-!ent a,road.

/var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_4/247370163.doc: Last printed 1/1/2003 12:53 AM
0221 +old E Sil,er---- Gold I *ilver shall ,e i!ported onl- ,- ulillin$ the 'onditions
i!posed under The &orei$n E+'han$e Re$ulation 4't5 1(%. 04't 9II o 1(%.1.
02#1 +a( Cyli%der or +a( Co%tai%er--- Gas C-linder or Gas Container shall ,e
i!porta,le with 'learan'e 'ertii'ate ro! the Dire'torate o E+plosives.
02%1 Gas in '-linder 0:.*. :eadin$ 3o.2..2" and all :.*. Code 'lassiia,le under it1
shall ,e I!porta,le onl- with the 'learan'e 'ertii'ate ro! the Chie Inspe'tor o
02"1 Petroleum oil E all ?i%d( o' oil obtai%ed 'rom bitumi%ou( mi%eral crude- :*
Petroleu! Oil 0:* 'ode 3o.2..2(.22 under :* headin$ 3o. 2.2(1 are
I!porta,le ,- 7an$ladesh Petroleu! Corporation. :owever5 in private se'tor5 it
is i!porta,le with the approval o the Ministr- o Power5 Ener$- I Mineral
Resour'es I prior per!ission ro! the Ministr- o Co!!er'e and private se'tor
i!porter is to have a li'en'e ro! the Ener$- Re$ulator- Co!!ission as per
Ener$- Re$ulator- Co!!ission 4't5 222#.
02)1 Ethyle%e o@ide !a(- Ethyle%e o@ide !a( 0:.*. headin$ 3o. 2..2( and all :.*.
Code 3o. 2.2(.22 'lassiia,le under it1 shall ,e i!porta,le ,- re'o$ni8ed
industries as raw6!aterials a''ordin$ to the approved ,lo'@6list o Dru$
4d!inistration and pres'ri,ed spe'ii'ation.
02.1 4ll petroleu! produ'ts I LiEueied 3atural Gas 0L3G1 are i!porta,le su,Be't to
'onditions ,elow =666

0a1 4ll petroleu! produ'ts e+'ept liEuid parain 0:.*.:eadin$ no. 2..12 and
all :.*. Code 'lassiia,le under it1 is i!porta,le ,- 7an$ladesh Petroleu!
Corporation. 7ut all t-pes o inished lu,ri'atin$ oil5 $rease I transor!er
oil alon$ with !otor 'ar en$ine o !ini!u! two 4PI*C> CC en$ine oil5
lu,ri'atin$ oil o A4*O6&7 $rade or TC or two stro@e en$ine will also ,e
i!porta,le on private ,asisH
0,1 3otwithstandin$ an-thin$ !entioned in para$raph 0a15 all @inds o Lu,e
7ase Oil 0 : * Code 2.12.1(.221 shall ,e i!porta,le ,- private Lu,e
7lendin$ Plants.
0'1 The private se'tor i!porters shall have li'en'es ro! the Ener$-
Re$ulator- Co!!ission a''ordin$ to Ener$- Re$ulator- Co!!ission 4't5

0d1 LiEueied 3atural Gas 0L3G15 liEueied Propens I 7utanes 0:* Code
3o. I 2.11.1#.22 o :* :eadin$ 3o.2..111 are
i!porta,le on private ,asis5 ,ut the private se'tor i!porters shall have
li'en'es ro! the Ener$- Re$ulator- Co!!ission a''ordin$ to Ener$-
Re$ulator- Co!!ission 4't5 222#H
0e1 In 'ase o private se'tor i!port o L3G5 per!ission ro! the Ministr- o
Power5 Ener$- I Mineral Resour'es is reEuired.
01 Condensate shall ,e i!porta,le su,Be't to ollowin$ 'onditions=
011 Condensate 'an ,e i!ported onl- ,- the owners o approved
ra'tionation plants or use in their own plantsH
021 The enterprise shall have to !a@e 'ontra't with 7PC as per
7an$ladesh Petroleu! 4't5 1(.% 04't L?I? o 1(.%1 and related
rules and re$ulations issued ,- Govern!ent ti!e to ti!e in'ludin$
provisions o this 4't shall ,e appli'a,le or the i!porterH
/var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_4/247370163.doc: Last printed 1/1/2003 12:53 AM
0#1 Prior approval shall have to ,e ta@en ro! 7PC re$ardin$ the
Euantit- o i!porta,le 'ondensate and the ratio o produ'ts
produ'ed ro! 'ondensateH
0%1 4 'ertii'ate !entionin$ F'ondensate is ,ein$ i!ported or use in
own operational plant onl-G shall have to ,e ta@en ro! an oi'er5
not ,elow the ran@ o Dire'tor5 o 7PC ,eore ea'h 'onsi$n!ent5
inor!in$ 7PC a,out the i!porta,le Euantit- o 'ondensate.

02/1 0a1 *o!e ite!s6 &ollowin$ ite!s will ,e i!porta,le su,Be't to su,!ission o a
'ertii'ate ro! 7an$ladesh *tandards and Testin$ Institution 07*TI1 to
the Custo!s 4uthorit- to the ee't that the standard o the $oods 'onor!
to the 7an$ladesh *tandard 07D*1 spe'iied ,- 7an$ladesh *tandards
and Testin$ Institution as Euoted a$ainst their na!es. Govern!ent !a-
'han$e this list5 i ne'essar-=6
Sl.No. Name o' +ood( 2&S No.
1. Ceme%t Part- 1 B
Co!position5 spe'ii'ation I 'onor!it-
'riteria or 'o!!on 'e!ent
7D* E361(. 0part6 11=222#.
2. Galvanised steel sheet I 'oil 7D*61122=222.
#. Toilet soap 7D*6 1#=222)
%. *ha!poo5 s-ntheti' deter$ent ,ased 7D*612)(=22225 a!end!ent 0
". Tu,ular lores'ent la!ps or $eneral li$htin$
7D*6 2(2=2221
). 7allast or lores'ent la!ps peror!an'es
7D* IIC6)2(21=222"
.. Peror!an'es I 'onstru'tion o ele'tri'
'ir'ulatin$ ans I re$ulators 0'eilin$ I de'@
head ans5 pedestal ans I ta,le>'a,in ans
with in6,uilt re$ulators1
7D*61/1=1((/ a!end!ent6
/ Primary batterie(B---
0a1 Part 61 $eneral 7D* IIC6)22/) 0part611=222"
0,1 Part62 ph-si'al I ele'tri'al
7D* IIC6)22/) 0part621=222"
0'1 Part6# Lat'h ,atteries 7D* IIC6)22/) 0part6#1=222"
0d1 Part6% *aet- o Lithiu! ,atteries 7D* IIC6)22/) 0part6%1=222"
0e1 Part6" *aet- o ,atteries with aEuas
7D* IIC6)22/) 0part6"1=222"
(. Co'oanut oil 7D*6((=222.
12. Cera!i' Ta,le wares 7D*6%/"=22225
a!end!ent 1525#=222)
11. Mil@ powder I 'rea! powder 7D* C*C622.=222/
12. 7is'uit 7D*6#/#=2221
1#. Lo8en$es 7D*6%(2=2221
a!end!ent 61=222.
1%. Aa!5 Aell- and Mar!alade 7D*6"1(=2222
1". *o-a ,ean oil 7D*6(2(=2222
1). 9a'uu! pan su$ar0plantation white su$ar 7D*6#)1=1((%
1.. &ruit or ve$eta,le Bui'e 7D*6"1#=2222
1/. Chips>'ra'@ers 7D*61"")=1((.5
a!end!ent no.1=222%
1(. :one- 7D* C4C612=222.
22. &ruit Cordial 7D*6"2/=222)
21. *au'e 0ruit and ve$eta,le 1 7D*6"12=222.
/var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_4/247370163.doc: Last printed 1/1/2003 12:53 AM
22. To!ato @et'h6up 7D*6"#2=2222
2#. Inant or!ula 7D*>C*C6.2=222#
2%. *ot drin@s 7D*61"/)=222.
2". Instant noodles 7D*61""2=222.
2). Edi,le sunlower oil 7D*6C*C62#=2222
2.. Tooth paste 7D*6121)=22215
a!end!ent 1525#=222)
2/. *@in 'rea! 7D*61#/2=1((25
a!end!ent 1525#=222)
2(. *@in powders 7D*61##.=1((15
a!end!ent 1=222)
#2. Lipsti'@ 7D*61%2%=1((#5
a!end!ent 152=222)
#1. 4ter shave lotion 7D*61"2%=222)
#2. Two6pin plu$s I so'@et outlets reversi,le
t-pe or do!esti' use
##. Three pin plu$s I so'@et outlets 7D*611"=222"
#%. Tu!,ler I other swit'hes or do!esti' I
si!ilar purposes 0push ,utton5 piano5
swit'hes5 et'.1
#". Pol-ester 7lend *uitin$ 7D*611."=2221
#). Pol-ester 7lend *hirtin$ 0!ar@et varieties1 7D*S11%/=222#
#.. Cera!i' t-les6dei'itions5Q 'lassii'ation5
'hara'teristi's I !ar@in$
7D* I*O 1#22)=222)
#/. Toees 7D*61222=2221
#(. Pro'essed 'ereal ,ased oods or inants
and -oun$ 'hildren
%2 Cera!i' *anitar-ware 7D*611)2=222)
%1 Car,onated ,evera$es 7D*6112#=22225 4!end
%2 *el ,allasted la!ps or $eneral li$htin$
servi'es peror!an'e reEuire!ents
%# Ele'troni' t-pe &an re$ulators 7D*1#2#=1((154!end!ent 1=
0,1 In 'ase o i!port o P-re+ and $lassware produ'ts in'luded ,etween :*
Code .21#.12.22 to .21#.((.225 a health 'ertii'ate to the ee't that it or
hu!an use5 issued ,- appropriate authorit- o e+portin$ 'ountr-5 shall
have to ,e su,!itted to the Custo! authorit-.
02(1 Toy( a%d $ecreatio%al item( o' all type(- On the ,od- or pa'@et o the to-s o
ea'h t-pe should ,e e!,ossed the a$e $roup o the 'hildren or whi'h the- are
0#21 Potato (eed(- Potato seeds 'lassiia,le under :.*. :eadin$ 3o.2..21 and :.*.
Code 3o. I 2.21.12.(2 shall ,e i!porta,le su,Be't to the ollowin$
0a1 The i!porter shall su,!it5 alon$ with i!port do'u!ents5 a Euarantine
'ertii'ate issued ,- the ori$inal supplier and a ph-tosanitar- 'ertii'ate
ro! the Govern!ent a$en'- o the potato seed e+portin$ 'ountr-H
0,1 4 Euarantine 'ertii'ate shall also ,e o,tained ro! the Plant Prote'tion
4uthorit- ,eore 'learin$ i!ported potato seeds5 ro! the Custo!s
4uthorit-H and
0'1 4n i!port per!it issued ,- the Plant Prote'tion 4uthorit- should ,e
su,!itted at the ti!e o L>C openin$.
/var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_4/247370163.doc: Last printed 1/1/2003 12:53 AM
0#11 Ri'e seeds 0:* Code 3o. 122).12.12 'lassiia,le under :* :eadin$ 3o. 12.2)1
will ,e i!porta,le su,Be't to the ollowin$ 'onditions =666
0a1 The i!porter shall su,!it5 alon$ with i!port do'u!ents a Euarantine
'ertii'ate urnished ,- the ori$inal supplier and a ph-tosanitar-
'ertii'ate5 alon$ with e+port do'u!ents ro! the Govern!ent a$en'- o
the seed e+portin$ 'ountr-H
0,1 In 'ase o i!port o h-,rid ri'e seeds5 there shall ,e in the ph-tosanitar-
'ertii'ate that the seed is puriied with hot water treat!ent and with
approved pesti'idesH
0'1 4 Euarantine 'ertii'ate shall also ,e o,tained ro! the Plant Prote'tion
4uthorit- ,eore 'learin$ i!ported ri'e seeds5 ro! the Custo!s
4uthorit-H and
0d1 4n i!port per!it issued ,- the Plant Prote'tion 4uthorit- or i!portin$
ri'e seed should ,e su,!itted at the ti!e o L>C openin$.
0#21 Coal:"ard Co?e- 0:.*. :eadin$ 3o.2..21 I 2..2% and all :.*. Code 'lassiia,le
under these :eadin$s1= In 'ase o i!port o 'oal and hard 'o@e in ,oth private I
pu,li' se'tor5 pre6ship!ent inspe'tion 'ertii'ate shall ,e o,tained ro! an
internationall- reputed surve-or to the ee't that the Euantit-5 wei$ht and Eualit-
0standard1 o the ite! are ound as de'lared and Euantit- o sulphar is not a,ove
#D 0three per'ent1.

0##1 A.S. 2illet(- 0:.*. :eadin$ 3o..2.2. and all :.*. Code 'lassiia,le under this
:eadin$1= Onl- pri!e Eualities o M. *. 7illets shall ,e i!ported 5irrespe'tive o
sour'es o und5 su,Be't to pre6ship!ent inspe'tion ,- an internationall- reputed
surve-or . 3e'essar- 'ertii'ate re$ardin$ pre6ship!ent inspe'tion shall ,e
produ'ed to the Custo!s 4uthorit- at the ti!e o releasin$ o $oods.
0#%1 2oiler- 0:.*. :eadin$ 3o./%.22 I /%.2% and all :.*. Code 'lassiia,le under
these :eadin$s16 7oilers will ,e i!porta,le on the ,asis o a 'ertii'ate ro!
internationall- reputed surve-or as re$ards to Eualit- o su'h ,oilers.
0#"1 *ei!hi%! machi%e( /".S. "eadi%! No. 7..2- a%d all item( cla((i'iable
u%der thi( headi%!0B- Onl- !etri' s-ste! wei$hin$ and !easurin$ instru!ents
!a'hines e.$. wei$hin$ s'ale5 len$th !easurin$ instru!ents 0steel tape5
wooden s'ale5 le+i,le tape and shape wood used ,- tailors or !easurin$ 'loth1
and its spares 0in ,uilt6up or @no'@ed down 'ondition1 shall ,e i!porta,le =

Provided that or 'o!!er'ial i!port o !etri' s-ste! wei$hin$ and !easurin$
instru!ents5 the i!porter>dealer shall have to ,e re$istered with 7an$ladesh
*tandard and Testin$ Institution 07*TI1.
0#)1 *ei!ht( E Aea(ure( /".S. "eadi%! No.=0.13 a%d all ".S. code cla((i'ied
u%der thi( item0- Onl- !etri' s-ste! wei$ht !easurin$ instru!ents0,urette5
pipette5 ,ea@er5 !easurin$ la+5 !easurin$ '-linder et'.15 !easurin$ instru!ents
0Ther!o!eter5 pressure $au8e5 Ta+i!eter5 water !eter et'.1 and wei$hts shall
,e i!porta,le=
Provided that or 'o!!er'ial i!port o !etri' s-ste! wei$hts and !easures5 the
i!porters >dealers should have to ,e re$istered with 7an$ladesh *tandard and
Testin$ Institution 07*TI1.

0#.1 Sea-!oi%! >e((el(, oil ta%?er( a%d 'i(hi%! tra;ler( 0:.*. :eadin$ 3o. /(.21
I /(.22 and all :.*. Code 'lassiia,le under this :eadin$16 *ea $oin$ 9essels5
oil tan@ers and ishin$ trawlers o !ore than 2" 0twent- ive1 -ears old shall not
,e i!porta,le.
/var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_4/247370163.doc: Last printed 1/1/2003 12:53 AM
0#/1 *ar(hip( o' all ?i%d( 0,oth new I se'ond6hand1 0:.*. :eadin$ 3o./(.2) and
all :.*. Code 'lassiia,le under this :eadin$16 4ll @inds o warships are
i!porta,le onl- ,- the Ministr- o Deen'e.
0#(1 Scrap >e((el(B-- In 'ase o i!port o s'rap vessels 0:* :eadin$ 3o. /(.2/15 a
'ertii'ate to the ee't that Fno poisonous or ha8ardous waste e+'ept in,uilt
!aterials o the ship is not ,ein$ 'arriedG issued ,- the last e+porter or owner
and a de'laration o the i!porter !ust ,e su,!itted with shippin$ do'u!ents.
Provided that5 provisions o 7an$ladesh Environ!ent Prote'tion 4't 1((" 04't
3o. 1 o 1(("1 and rules and re$ulations thereon shall ,e o,served in 'ase o
ship ,rea@in$.
0%21 #ll item( i%cludi%! (;ord( E 2ayo%et( 0:.*. :eadin$ 3o.(#.2. and all :.*.
Code 'lassiia,le under this :eadin$16 I!porta,le onl- ,- user a$en'ies with
'learan'e ro! the *ponsorin$>4d!inistrative Ministr-.
0%11 #%imal(, pla%t( a%d pla%t product(- Ruarantine 'onditions shall ,e
appli'a,le or i!port o ani!als5 plants and plant produ'ts.
0%21 Tire Cord 1abric /Seco%dary 9uality06 Tire 'ord a,ri' o se'ondar- Eualit- it
or !a@in$ ishin$ nets shall ,e reel- i!porta,le on 'o!!er'ial ,asis.
0%#1 $e'i%ed Edible Oil- Reined edi,le oil shall ,e i!porta,le su,Be't to ollowin$
0a1 Reined edi,le oil is to ,e i!ported in ,ul@ in a reined edi,le oil 'arrier

0,1 4ter unloadin$ it is to ,e preserved in a tan@ ter!inal it or preservation
o reined edi,le oil and while 'arr-in$>suppl-in$ it inside the 'ountr-5 the
'on'erned i!porter !ust 'arr->suppl- it in a tan@er used or 'arr-in$
reined edi,le oil or in a new 'ontainerH
0'1 I!porta,le reined edi,le oil !ust 'onor! to the Eualit- standard o the
e+portin$ 'ountr- and to the standard o 7*TI and valid 'ertii'ates ro!
the authorities o ,oth the 'ountries are to ,e su,!itted to the Custo!s
4uthorit- at the ti!e o 'learan'e o the $oodsH
0d1 In 'ase o i!port in dru! or ,ottle or 'ontainer the date o produ'tion and
date o e+pir- !ust ,e !entioned on itH
0e1 Conditions laid down at para$raph 1" o this Order are to ,e ollowed
0%%1 Chic?(6 0:.*. :eadin$ 3o. 21.2"16 Onl- one da- old 'hi'@s shall ,e i!porta,le
a''ordin$ to ollowin$ 'onditions =666

0a1 a 'ertii'ate issued ,- the authori8ed oi'er o the Livesto'@ Depart!ent
o the e+portin$ 'ountr-5 to the ee't that the i!porta,le 'hi'@s are ree
ro! 'onta$ious disease H
0,1 4 'ertii'ate issued ,- the Lorld Or$ani8ation o 4ni!al :ealth to the
ee't that the e+portin$ 'ountr- is ree ro! 4vian inluen8a5 is to ,e
0'1 I!porter !ust su,!it to the ,an@5 at the ti!e o L>C openin$5 'ertii'ate
ro! the Dire'tor or an authori8ed oi'er o the Livesto'@ Dire'torate that
he has either hat'her- or ,reedin$ ar!.
/var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_4/247370163.doc: Last printed 1/1/2003 12:53 AM
/.50 E!!( o' Poultry a%d 2ird(--- E$$s o Poultr- and 7irds 0:* Code 3o. 2%2..22
under :* :eadin$ 3o. 2%.2.1 are i!porta,le on prior per!ission ro! the
Ministr- o Co!!er'e su,Be't to the ollowin$ 'onditions =666
0a1 E$$s are i!porta,le in li!ited Euantit- ro! the 'ountr- ree ro! 4vian
Inluen8a or 7ird &luH and
0,1 &or ever- 'onsi$n!ent o i!ported e$$s5 there !ust ,e a 'ertii'ate to
the ee't that the $oods are ree ro! 4vian Inluen8a or 7ird &lu virus I
har!ul ,a'teria 5 issued ro! the Livesto'@ Depart!ent or 'o!petent
authorit- o the e+portin$ 'ountr-.
0%)1 &eep 'roLe% (eme% o' o@e% /".S. Code No. 0511.10 'lassiia,le under ".S.
"eadi%! 05.11.( Deep ro8en se!en and E!,r-o o o+en 5 e+'ept o &risianH
&risian CrossH *hahiwalH *hahiwal Cross5 &risian66*hahiwal Cross5 4.&.*.5 .&.*.
Cross variet-5 is ,anned. 7ut Deep ro8en se!en and E!,r-o o o+en o
&risianH &risian Cross5 *hahiwal5 *hahiwal Cross5 &risian66*hahiwal Cross5
4.&.*.5 4.&.*. Cross5 7ra!ah5 Murrah5 3illiravi and Mediterannean variet- is

0%.1 &or the i!port o se!en !entioned in su,6para 0%)1 a 'ertii'ate shall ,e
o,tained ro! the 'o!petent authorit- o the e+portin$ 'ountr- re$ardin$ the
variet- o se!en to the ee't that it is ree ro! an- 'onta$ious and venereal
diseases and the e+portin$ 'ountr- is also ree ro! 7ovine *pon$ior!
En'ephalopath- 07*E1.
0%/1 4Etha%ol /ethyl alcohol0 a%alar !rade /u%de%atured05 is i!porta,le onl- ,-
re'o$ni8ed phar!a'euti'al units with the approval o the Dire'torate o Dru$
4d!inistration and su,Be't to pres'ri,ed 'onditions.
0%(1 Ci%emato!raph 'ilm, ;hether or %ot i%corporati%! (ou%d trac?----B
Cine!ato$raph il! e+posed I developed whether or not in'orporatin$ sound
tra'@ is i!porta,le on the ollowin$ 'onditions=6
0a1 Cine!ato$raph il! 0e+posed1 in En$lish lan$ua$e without su,6title and in
other lan$ua$es e+'ept su,6'ontinental lan$ua$e with su,6title in 7an$la
or in En$lish shall ,e per!issi,le or i!port.

0,1 I!port or e+port per!it when 'onsidered ne'essar-5 !a- ,e issued on
the ,asis o spe'ii' re'o!!endation o the &il! Develop!ent
Corporation or i!port or e+port o the print>ne$ative o su'h
Cine!ato$raphi' il! produ'ed as a Boint venture.
0'1 I!port o 'ine!ato$raph il!s ro! *4&T4 'ountries shall ,e eEual in
nu!,er a$ainst e+port o il!s produ'ed in 7na$ladesh.
0d1 I!port o all 'ine!ato$raph il!s shall ,e su,Be't to 'ensorship rule
0"21 (eco%d ha%d:reco%ditio%ed e%!i%e( a%d !ear bo@e(6
0a1 Co!!er'ial i!port o se'ond hand>re'onditioned en$ines and $ear
,o+es o ,us5 tru'@5 'ar5 !ini6,us and !i'ro,us will ,e per!issi,le. 7ut su'h
en$ines and $ear ,o+es shall not ,e per!issi,le or i!port i the
e'ono!i' lives are less than seven -ears. In this 'ase5 a 'ertii'ate5 either
ro! e+portin$ 'ountr-;s re'o$ni8ed Cha!,er o Co!!er'e I Industr- or
ro! an internationall- reputed surve-or shall ,e su,!itted to the
Custo!s 4uthorit- at the ti!e o release o the $oodsH
/var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_4/247370163.doc: Last printed 1/1/2003 12:53 AM
0,1 *e'ondhand>re'onditioned !arine diesel en$ines a,ove #" 0thirt- ive1
horse power used in 'oasters5 laun'hes and sel propelled ,ar$es and
other water'rats o this t-pe will ,e 'o!!er'iall- i!porta,le.
0"11 Tele-commu%icatio%( e9uipme%t(---
0a1 Radio Trans!itters and Trans6re'eiver Lireless EEuip!ent5 Lal@ie6
tal@ie5 and other Radio 7road'ast Re'eivers in'ludin$ Re'eivers
in'orporatin$ *ound Re'orders or Reprodu'ers are i!porta,le ,- Radio
7an$ladesh5 7an$ladesh Television5 Private se'tor Television I Radio
with per!ission o usin$ Radio &reEuen'- ro! 7an$ladesh
Tele'o!!uni'ation Re$ulator- Co!!ission and 'learan'e ro! the
sponsorin$ or ad!inistrative Ministr-.
0,1 The eEuip!ents !entioned in 'lause 0a1 are i!porta,le ,- other
Govern!ent5 *e!i6 Govern!ent I 4utono!ous a$en'ies and Private
se'tor e+'ept the Pu,li' *e'tor 'ited in 'lause 0a1 on the ,asis o
'learan'e ro! the 'on'erned ad!inistrative Ministr- and 3OC ro! the
7an$ladesh Tele'o!!uni'ation Re$ulator- Co!!ission.
0"21 $adio Na,i!atio%al #id #pparatu(, $adar #pparatu( a%d $adio $emote
Co%trol #pparatu(666 Radio 3avi$ational 4id 4pparatus5 Radar 4pparatus and
Radio Re!ote Control 4pparatus are i!porta,le ,- user a$en'ies with
'learan'e ro! the sponsorin$ Ministr-.
0"#1 Ta%?( E armoured 'i!hti%! ,ehicle(B 4ll ite!s in'ludin$ tan@s I ar!oured
i$htin$ vehi'les are i!porta,le onl- ,- the Ministr- o Deen'e.
0"%1 #ll item( i%cludi%! Ailitary *eapo%(B 4ll ite!s in'ludin$ Militar- Leapons are
i!porta,le onl- ,- the Ministr- o Deen'e.
0""1 Combat cloth6 Co!,at 'loth shall ,e i!porta,le onl- ,- the Deen'e *ervi'es
and Law and Order Controllin$ 4$en'ies.
0")1 OLo%e le,el depleti%! material(--- In 'ase o i!port o an- ite!
prepared>!anua'tured ,- usin$ o8one level depletin$ !aterials or or i!port o
an- ite! 'ontains su'h !aterials5 the i!porter !ust 'o!pl- the O8one Level
Depletin$ Material 0Control1 Rules5 222% and o,tain per!ission ro! the
Depart!ent o Environ!ent.
0".1 In 'ase o i!port o all produ'ts in'ludin$ wood pa'@in$ !aterials or !a'hiner-5
i wood and wooden !aterials are used as pa'@in$ !aterials5 wood and wooden
!aterials are to ,e disine'ted with heat treat!ent ,- the 'on'erned
Govern!ent 4$en'- o the e+portin$ 'ountr- ollowin$ I*PM61" 0International
*anitar- and Ph-tosanitar- Measures61"1 o IPPC 0International plant prote'tion
'onvention1 and a Ph-tosanitar- Certii'ate is to ,e su,!itted to the Ruarantine
4uthorit- ,- the i!porter alon$ with other e+port do'u!ents.

0"/1 Salt --- Co!!on *alt 0:* :eadin$ no 2".211 0Reined or 7oulder or Otherwise1
shall not ,e i!porta,le. 7ut5 salt shall ,e i!porta,le ,- the re'o$ni8ed industrial
unit produ'in$ 'he!i'al produ'ts5 0e+'ept sodiu! 'hloride or otherwise an- salt
produ'in$ unit1 under Chapter 2/ and 2( o the &irst *'hedule o Custo!s 4't5
1()( 04't I9 o 1()(1 as ,asi' raw !aterial o 'on'erned industr- and
re'o$ni8ed phar!a'euti'al industrial unit as per approved ,lo'@ list o
Dire'torate o Dru$ 4d!inistration.
/var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_4/247370163.doc: Last printed 1/1/2003 12:53 AM
0"(1 Che!i'als !entioned in 4nne+ure6# o this Order shall ,e i!porta,le su,Be't to
the ulill!ent o 'onditions ins'ri,ed in Che!i'al Leapon 0 Prohi,ition1 4't
222)04't ???9II o 222)1 and Enlist!ent Rules 2212 !ade under this 4't.
/)21 &u!i$ation is !andator- in 'ase o i!port o 4!eri'an Cotton that !eans raw
'otton produ'ed and pa'@ed in Lestern :e!isphere.
/var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_4/247370163.doc: Last printed 1/1/2003 12:53 AM
2.. Public Sector Import= 666
011 4ll Ministries and Govern!ent Depart!ents !a- i!port $oods a$ainst spe'ii'
allo'ation $iven to the! ,- the Govern!ent. 7ut in 'ase o i!port o plants and
plant produ'ts 'learan'e 'ertii'ate issued ,- Plant Prote'tion 4uthorit- under
Plant Ruarantine 4't5 2211 !ust ,e ta@en.
021 4ll Ministries and Govern!ent Depart!ents e+'ept the Ministr- o Deen'e shall
irst dul- su,!it L>C 4uthori8ation &or! to their no!inated 7an@s ,eore
openin$ L>C or the purpose o i!port.
0#1 Import a!ai%(t (peci'ic allocatio% o' 'u%d(- 4ll Pu,li' *e'tor a$en'ies5 pu,li'
se'tor 'orporations5 resear'h institutes5 industrial units and Pu,li' <niversities
!a- ,e allowed to i!port per!issi,le ite!s on the ,asis o spe'ii' allo'ation o
unds !ade ,- the Govern!ent to the! or i!port a$ainst Govern!ent
allo'ation. 4''ordin$l- all eli$i,le i!porters shall ,e allowed to open Letters o
Credit dire'tl- throu$h their no!inated 7an@s or i!port o per!issi,le ite!s on
su,!ission o L>C 4uthori8ation &or!s on the ,asis o allo'ation or su,6
allo'ation o unds without an- i!port li'ense.
0%1 Import u%der +o,er%me%t allocatio% by i%du(trial e%terpri(e( or a!e%cie(-
Govern!ent allo'ation or i!port !a- ,e !ade to the pu,li' se'tor industrial
units or a$en'ies in proportion to their reEuire!ent su,Be't to availa,ilit- o
orei$n e+'han$e. *u'h pu,li' se'tor i!porters !a- i!port their ite!s approved
,- the Ministr- o Co!!er'e in an- proportion or 'o!,ination within the overall
allo'ation !ade to the!. The- shall not however sell5 transer or otherwise
dispose o an- i!ported ite! in unpro'essed or!.
0"1 Import u%der ca(h 'orei!% e@cha%!e- In addition to i!ports under
Govern!ent allo'ation the pu,li' se'tor i!porters will also ,e eli$i,le to i!port
an- per!issi,le ite! under 'ash orei$n e+'han$e.
0)1 Import $e!i(tratio% Certi'icate /I$C0 re9uired by the public (ector- I!port
Re$istration Certii'ate 0IRC1 shall not ,e reEuired or i!porters ,- the pu,li'
0.1 Import u%der Ca(h #!ai%(t &eli,ery /C#&0- Pu,li' se'tor a$en'ies shall ,e
allowed to i!port under FCash 4$ainst Deliver- 0C4D1G ,asis in a''ordan'e with
the pro'edure laid down ,- the 7an$ladesh 7an@.
0/1 +uideli%e( 'or import o' !ood( by Public Sector #!e%cie(---4ll Govern!ent
a$en'ies are to ulill the ollowin$ 'onditions while i!portin$ $oods5 as=666
0a1 Ruotations shall ,e o,tained ,eore openin$ o letters o 'redit to veri-
the 'o!parative !ar@et pri'e and pro'ure!ent shall ,e !ade at the !ost
'o!petitive rate and the provisions o Pu,li' Pro'ure!ent 4't5 222) I
Pu,li' Pro'ure!ent Re$ulation5 222/ shall ,e appli'a,leH and
0,1 In 'ase o i!port under 'ash and 'onditional loan or $rant5 at least three
Euotations shall ,e o,tained ro! re$istered Indentors or ro! orei$n
Provided that5 this 'ondition shall not appl- in 'ase o proprietar- ite!s or where
value o the 'onsi$n!ent is less than ta@a one la' onl-.
/var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_4/247370163.doc: Last printed 1/1/2003 12:53 AM
0(1 Pre-(hipme%t I%(pectio% o' !ood(- Lhere the value o a sin$le ite!
authori8ed or i!port is Ta@a it- la' or a,ove5 the i!portin$ a$en'- shall
arran$e Pre6ship!ent Inspe'tion.
0121 Pre6ship!ent Inspe'tion shall ,e entrusted to internationall- reputed surve-ors
Provided that5 Pu,li' *e'tor 4$en'ies !a- however5 ,e allowed to 'lear $oods
on produ'tion o a 'ertii'ate ro! their 4d!inistrative Ministr- to the ee't that
pre6ship!ent inspe'tion reEuire!ent has ,een waived ,- that Ministr- in respe't
o the i!ported ite!s or that no pre6ship!ent in respe't o a parti'ular
'onsi$n!ent was 'onsidered ne'essar-.
0111 Import by the Tradi%! Corporatio% o' 2a%!lade(h /TC20 - TC7 shall i!port
an- per!issi,le ite!5 ar!s I a!!unition and TC7 shall also ,e allowed to
i!port ,anned I restri'ted ite!s upto approved Euantit- within the spe'iied
ti!e with the prior per!ission o the Ministr- o Co!!er'e and TC7 shall avail
itsel all the a'ilities o industrial I 'o!!er'ial i!ports provided ,- this Order.
2/. ITC Committee=666
011 In 'ase o an- dispute ,etween an i!porter and the Custo!s 4uthorit- on ITC
'lassii'ation or des'ription o $oods i!ported under &irst *'hedule o Custo!s
4't.5 i!porter !a- as@ or adBudi'ation ,- the lo'al ITC Co!!ittee set up at
Chitta$on$5 Dha@a5 Thulna5 7enapole and *-lhet.
021 The lo'al ITC Co!!ittees will 'onsist o representatives o the Chie Controller5
Lo'al Cha!,er o Co!!er'e and Industr- and the Custo!s 4uthorit- and will
,e headed ,- the representative o the Oi'e o Chie Controller o I!ports and
0#1 I the lo'al ITC Co!!ittee is reEuired to dis'uss and ta@e de'ision a,out an-
spe'ial t-pe o ite!5 a representative ro! the 'on'erned Trade 4sso'iation
whi'h represents that parti'ular ite! shall also ,e invited to attend the relevant
!eetin$ o the Co!!ittee.
0%1 The i!porter 'on'erned shall ,e $iven an opportunit- to plead his 'ase ,eore
the lo'al ITC Co!!ittee and ne'essar- de'ision shall ,e ta@en ,- the a,ove
Co!!ittee within 1"0iteen1 da-s.
0"1 I the i!porter is not satisied with the de'ision o the lo'al ITC Co!!ittee5 !a-
ile an appeal to the Central ITC Co!!ittee at Dha@a whi'h 'onsists o the Chie
Controller as the Chair!an and representative o the 3ational 7oard o
Revenue5 the 'on'erned sponsorin$ authorit- and the &ederation o 7an$ladesh
Cha!,er o Co!!er'e and Industr- as !e!,ers.
0)1 4 revision petition !a- ,e iled with the *e'retar-5 Ministr- o Co!!er'e in
a''ordan'e with the Review. 4ppeal and Revision Order5 1(..5 i the i!porter is
not satisied with the de'ision at appeal sta$e.
0.1 In addition to appeal petition5 the Chie Controller !a-5 i he 'onsiders
ne'essar-5 pla'e an- 'ase relatin$ to ITC !atter ,eore the Central ITC
/var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_4/247370163.doc: Last printed 1/1/2003 12:53 AM
2(. Aember(hip etc.---
011 4ll i!porters5 e+porters and Indentors shall o,tain !e!,ership ro! a
re'o$nised Cha!,er o Co!!er'e and Industr- or !e!,ership ro! the
'on'erned trade or$anisation or!ed on all 7an$ladesh ,asis representin$ his
own trade=
Provided that5 Govern!ent !a- e+e!pt an- i!porter5 e+porter or indentor ro!
the aoresaid provision in the pu,li' interest.
021 In the 'ases5 where i!porters5 e+porters I indentors shall ,e allowed to o,tain
IRC>ERC a$ainst their provisional>pri!ar- !e!,ership o a re'o$nised
Cha!,er o Co!!er'e and Industr- or Trade 4sso'iation esta,lished on all
7an$ladesh ,asis5 in those 'ases the issued IRC>ERC shall re!ain valid upto
the validit- o the respe'tive provisional>pri!ar- !e!,ership. 4terwards5
su,Be't to the su,!ission o per!anent>re$ular !e!,ership5 per!anent>re$ular
IRC>ERC shall ,e issued ater $ettin$ the provisional one return ,a'@.
/var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_4/247370163.doc: Last printed 1/1/2003 12:53 AM
List o$ &ontro##ed %tems
&e(criptio% o' item( a%d Co%ditio%(
1 2 #
2#.2) 4ll :.*. Code I!ports o *hri!ps are ,anned
12.2. 4ll :.*. Code I!port o Popp- seeds I FPostadanaG are ,anned
0PostadanaG shall not also ,e i!porta,le
as spi'es or in an- other wa-1.
12.11 4ll :.*. Code I!port o Grass 04ndropo$en *pp.1 I 7han$
0Canna,is *ativa1 are ,anned.
1#.22 4ll :.*. Code I!port o Opiu! is ,anned. 4ll ite!s e+'ept a$ar6a$ar
I pe'tin are i!porta,le with prior
'learan'e ro! the Dire'torate o Dru$
4d!inistration and ro! the 'on'erned
*ponsor> Ministr-> Or$ani8ation or
industries other than phar!a'euti'al
2#.2. 2#2..22 I!ports o Line Lees5 4r$ol are ,anned.
2..12 2.12.22..1 a1 In 'ase o i!port o &urna'e Oil or use in own
011 7an$ladesh Petroleu! 4't5 1(.% 04't L?I? o
1(.%1 and Rules issued ,- the Govern!ent5 ro! ti!e
to ti!e5 in this respe't will ,e appli'a,leH
021 I!porter !ust inor! 7an$ladesh Petroleu!
Corporation re$ardin$ Euantit- and Eualit- o the
i!porta,le &urna'e Oil on or ,eore "
o ever-
!onthH and
0#1 The i!porter !ust o,tain E+plosive Li'en'e and
other reEuired li'en'e0s1 as per prevailin$ rules.
0,1 In 'ase o i!port or sale>!ar@etin$ to other
011 4n a$ree!ent is to ,e si$ned with 7an$ladesh
Petroleu! Corporation as per 7an$ladesh Petroleu!
4't 1(.% 04't L?I? o 1(.%1 and rules issued ,- the
Govern!ent ro! ti!e to ti!e5 in this respe't these
rules will ,e appli'a,leH
021 Rualit- o the sala,le petroleu! produ't !ust ,e
as per spe'ii'ation o 7*TIH
0#1 4ll arran$e!ent is to ,e !ade ,- the i!porter or
'olle'tion5 stora$e and !ar@etin$ o
urna'e oilH
3nserte! vi!e 7R8 9o/ '0--a*.201# !ate! 1% March 201#
/var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_4/247370163.doc: Last printed 1/1/2003 12:53 AM
0%1 Representatives o 7an$ladesh Petroleu!
Corporation and 7*TI 'an inspe't an- esta,lish!ent
o the i!porter to e+a!ine the Eualit- o the sala,le
0"1 I!ported urna'e oil is to ,e sold at the !ar@et
0)1 The i!porter !ust o,tain E+plosive Li'en'e and
other reEuired li'en'e0s1 as per prevailin$ rulesH
0.1 &urna'e Oil is to ,e sold onl- to the user industr-H
4 state!ent re$ardin$ Euantit- and Eualit- o !onthl-
i!ported and !ar@eted urna'e oil is to ,e sent to
7an$ladesh Petroleu! Corporation on or ,eore "
ever- !onth.
2..11 4ll :.*. Code E+'ept LiEueied natural $as 0L3G15 LiEueied
propane and ,utanes 0whi'h are part o L.P.G.15
Petroleu! $as and other $aseous h-dro'ar,ons are
,anned or i!port.
2..1# 4ll :.*. Code 4ll ite!s in'ludin$ petroleu! oil residues are ,anned
e+'ept petroleu! 'o@e I petroleu! ,itu!en.
2(.2( 2(2(.(2.22 I!port o *odiu! C-'la!ate 0se!i6solid su$ar1 is
2(.#2 2(#2.(2( I!port o 4li-l isothio'-onate 0artii'ial !ustard oil1 is
#/.2/ 4ll :.*. Code Inse'ti'ides5 na!el- :epta'hlore6%25 LP5 DDT5 7idrin
7rand in the $eneri' na!e= Di'rotopes5 Meth-l
7ro!ide5 Chlorden6%25 LP and Daildrin are ,anned.
7ut all other ite!s 'lassiia,le under this headin$ are
i!porta,le su,Be't to the 'ertain 'onditions as
!entioned ,elow=6
0a1 I!porta,le su,Be't to the pres'ri,ed 'onditions at
para 2"01%1 o this order.
"b$ Deltra!ethrine o s-ntheti' p-rithroid $roup shall
,e i!porta,le with the prior per!ission o the
Ministr- o Co!!er'e ,ut onl- ,- those ir!s who
will ,e 'ertiied and $uaranteed ,- the Ministr- o
:ealth that the ite! will ,e used onl- or pu,li'
health purposeH
/var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_4/247370163.doc: Last printed 1/1/2003 12:53 AM
0'1 Inse'ti'ides o the *-ntheti' P-rithroid $roup i.e.
011 C-halothrin5
021 C-per!ethrin5
0#1 C-luthrin5
0%1 &envelarate5
0"1 4lpha C-per!ethrin5
0)1 Es6&envalarate5
0.1 Delta!ethrin.
0/1 Danitol 12 EC 0&enpropathrin1
!a- ,e i!ported ,- ulillin$ the ollowin$ 'onditions
011 Des'ription o the i!ported inse'ti'ides !ust ,e
'o!!uni'ated to the 4$ri'ultural E+tension
Dire'torate and it will !onitor the use o the i!ported
021 The i!ported inse'ti'ides !ust ,e used as per the
approved level provided ,- the Pesti'ide Rules5 1(/".
").2/ 4ll :.*. Code &ishin$ nets 0Gillnet1 with !eshes o %." 'enti!etres
or less in width or len$th. Lith the prior per!ission
ro! the Dire'tor General o &isheries Deptt. onl-
deep6sea ishin$ vessels shall ,e allowed to i!port
nets with !eshes o %." '! or a,ove under *ea &ish
Ordinan'e5 1(/# 0Ord. 3o. ???9 o 1(/#1. Dire'tor
General &isheries Depart!ent shall $ive per!ission
or an i!porter per trawler to i!port %." '!
radius>!esh6net upto !a+i!u! / 0ei$ht1 ,a$s>sa'@s
per -ear.
)#.2" )#2".#1 I!port o Pol-prop-lene ,a$ is ,anned.
/%.2/ /%2/.(2 I!port o 'hassis with Two stro@e en$ines o three
wheeler vehi'les 0Te!po5 auto ri'@shaw et'.1 is
/..21 to
4ll :.*. Code 0a1 Motor 'ar o an- C.C. and !i'ro,us5 !ini,us5 Beeps
in'ludin$ other old vehi'les and tra'tors are
i!porta,le under the ollowin$ 'onditions5 as =666
011 3o vehi'le will ,e !ore than ive -ears old in
the 'ase o ship!ent.
021 Old vehi'les will ,e i!porta,le onl- ro! the
'ountr- o its ori$in. Old vehi'les will not ,e
i!porta,le ro! an- third 'ountr-H FProvided
that 5 old vehi'les 'an not ,e i!ported ro!
third 'ountr- e+'ept those whi'h were to ,e
used personall- and are to ,e used
personall- and in 'ase o i!port ro! third
'ountr- 5 'ertii'ate o re$istration I
'ertii'ate o 'an'ellation o re$istration
0 ro! the 'ountr- o use11 will have to ,e
su,!itted to the 'usto!s authorit-G.
/var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_4/247370163.doc: Last printed 1/1/2003 12:53 AM
0#1 4 'ertii'ate 'ontainin$ a$e5 !odel nu!,er and
'hassis nu!,er o the old 'ar will have to ,e
su,!itted to the 'usto! authorit- ro! Aapan
4uto 4ppraisal Institute 0A44I1In 'ase o i!port o
'ars ro! Aapan and ro! the re'o$nised
4uto!o,ile 4sso'iation in 'ase o i!port o old
'ars ro! other 'ountries.
0%1 &or deter!inin$ date>a$e o the i!ported old 'ar
the date>a$e will ,e 'al'ulated ro! the irst da- o
the ne+t -ear o !anua'ture o 'hassis.
0"1 In 'ase o i!port o 'ars ro! Aapan date o
!anua'ture will ,e as'ertained> deter!ined ater
e+a!inin$ the 'hassis ,oo@ pu,lished ,- Aapan
4uto!o,ile 4sso'iation and or i!port ro! other
'ountries ,- e+a!inin$ the 'hassis ,oo@
pu,lished ,- the 'on'erned Govern!ent
approved 4uto!o,ile 4sso'iation. 3o old 'ar or
vehi'le will ,e i!porta,le ro! a 'ountr- whi'h do
not pu,lish 'hassis ,oo@.
0)1 Lith respe't to 'atal-ti' 'onverter in petrol driven
'ar and 'onne'tion o Diesel parti'ulate &ilter in
diesel driven 'ar5 a'tion will ,e ta@en as per
*.R.O.2(6law >2222 dated &e,ruar- 1)5 2222
issued ,- the Ministr- o Environ!ent and &orest.
0.1 3o 'ar will ,e i!porta,le without seat ,elt.
"($ Lind shield $lass and ,oth sides window $lasses
o drivin$ seat !ust ,e transparent so that inside
o the 'ar is visi,le.
/b0 Old Ta@icab 'rom 1250 CC to 2000 CCB-
*u,Be't to ulill!ent o 'onditions laid down at 'lause
021 to 0)1 a,ove5 Ta+i'a, o less than # 0three1 -ears old will
,e i!porta,le.
/.2#.221 Three6wheeler vehi'les o two6stro@e en$ine 0te!po5 auto
ri'@shaw et'.1 are ,anned or i!port.
/..2/ 4ll :.*. Code &ollowin$ used parts o !otor vehi'les will ,e i!porta,le su,Be't
to 'onditions !entioned ,elow=6
0a1 7od- parts=6
011 7u!perH
021 &ront $rillH
0#1 Door 4ss-H
0%1 Lind shield>wind shield $lassH
0"1 MirrorsH
0)1 Radiator 4ss-H
0.1 Li$ht>La!psH
0/1 Desh ,oard 4ss-H
0(1 7onnet 4ss-H
0121 &elder 4ss-H
0111 Door !irror 4ss-H
0121 *eatsH
01#1 Rear !ud$uard 4ss-H
01%1 Ca,in 4ss->7odiesH
01"1 :ead li$hts0e+'ludin$ ,ul,1H
/var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_4/247370163.doc: Last printed 1/1/2003 12:53 AM
01)1 Tail la!ps 0e+'ludin$ ,ul,1H
01.1 *ide si$hts 4ss-H
01/1 Lirin$ *etsH
01(1 E&I 'ontrol unitH
0221 *tarterH
0211 4lternatorH
0221 Edd- 'o!pressor>'onderser>'oolin$
'ha!,er 4ss-H
02#1 Other ru,,er 'hannels and ru,,er
!ouldin$s 'ondenser.
02%1 &use ,o+H
02"1 Distri,utorH
02)1 Du!perH
02.1 3ose 'art Q
0,1 D%der tere% part(B-
011 Power steerin$ 4ss-H
021 *uspension sho'@ 4,sor,ersH
0#1 *teerin$ wheels 4ss-H
0%1 *teerin$ 'olu!n and steerin$ ,o+esH
0"1 Dierential 4ss-H
0)1 Propeller shat 4ss-H
0.1 4+les 4ss-H
0/1 7ra@e dru! and hu,s 4ss-H
0(1 9a'uu! ,ooster with ,ra@e !aster pu!p 4ss-H
0121 7ra@e dru!s 4ss-H
0111 Lheel '-linder 4ss-H
0121 *ilen'er and e+haust pipes.
01#1 Mountin$H
01%1 &uel pu!pH
01"1 4ir 'leaner ,o+
011 4,ove !entioned parts will ,e i!porta,le ,- the
re'o$ni8ed repairin$ and servi'in$ industr- re$istered with
7oard o Invest!ent 07OI1> 7*CIC>re'o$ni8ed asso'iation o
repairin$ *ervi'in$ Industries> Re$istrar Aoint *to'@ Co!pan-
and &ir!s.
021 Co!!er'ial i!port o used !otor vehi'les parts will not ,e
0#1 4 pre6ship!ent 'ertii'ate ro! an internationall- reputed
surve-or re$ardin$ Eualit- o the a,ove !entioned used parts is
to ,e su,!itted.
0%1 The seller or the asse!,ler shall $ive a written $uarantee or
2 0two1 -ear or the sold or asse!,led parts.
0"1 The repairin$ and 4sse!,lin$ industr- !ust ,e a !e!,er o
the related 4uto!o,ile and Repairin$ 4sso'iation.
0)1 The repairin$ and servi'in$ Industr- shall !aintain a proper
sale re$ister o the i!ported used parts and a Euarterl- sales
state!ent is to ,e sent to CCIIE.
0.1 4ter i!port5 CCIIE shall re$ularl- !onitor re$ardin$ use o
the i!ported used parts.
0/1 The i!porter !ust have 94T re$istration I TI3 nu!,er as a
Repairin$ I *ervi'in$ Or$anisation and related do'u!ents I
papers are to ,e su,!itted to the Custo! 4uthorit-.
/var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_4/247370163.doc: Last printed 1/1/2003 12:53 AM
/..11 4ll :.*. Code More than # 0three1 -ears old and a,ove 1"" CC !otor '-'le are
,anned. :owever5 a,ove !ore than 1"2 CC li!it will not ,e
appli'a,le or the Poli'e Depart!ent. In 'ase o i!port o #
0three1 -ears old !otor '-'les5 this # 0three1 -ears; period will ,e
'al'ulated ro! the irst da- o the 'alendar -ear ne+t to the
!anua'turin$ -ear. To deter!ine the a$e o old !otor '-'le5
'ertii'ate 0P*I1 ro! internationall- re'o$ni8ed I 37R 03ational
7oard o Revenue1 approved inspe'tion 'o!pan- !a- ,e
a''epted as alternative to re$istration 'an'ellation 'ertii'ate.
(2.1/ (21/.#1 I!port o Glass s-rin$e is ,anned
(#.22 4ll :.*. Code 4ll ite!s in'ludin$ Revolver and Pistol are i!porta,le ,-
authori8ed dealers o irear!s su,Be't to prior per!ission o the
Ministr- o :o!e 4airs. &or private se'tors 1 0one1 3P7
revolver>pistol with "2 rounds o 'artrid$es>a!!unitions and .22
,ore rile>.12 ,ore short $un> $un with 122 rounds o
'artrid$es>a!!unitions shall ,e i!porta,le ,- TC7>appointed
authorit->persons on approval o the Ministr- o Co!!er'e on
3OC>re'o!!endation ro! the Ministr- o :o!e 4airs.
4ll :.*. Code I!port o 4ir $un is ,anned. 7ut 4ir$un 'an ,e i!ported or the
use o *ports and *hootin$ Clu, su,Be't to prior per!ission o
the Ministr- o :o!e 4airs. 4ll ite!s in'ludin$ other irear!s
0e+'ept ,anned ,ore1 are i!porta,le ,- authori8ed dealers
su,Be't to prior per!ission o Ministr- o :o!e 4airs. &or private
se'tor these ite!s shall ,e i!porta,le ,- TC7>appointed
authorit->person on approval o the Ministr- o Co!!er'e on
3OC>Re'o!!endation ro! the Ministr- o :o!e 4airs.
(#.2) 4ll :.*. Code 0a1 I!port o 4ir $un a!!unition is ,anned. 7ut 4ir $un
a!!unition 'an ,e i!ported or the use o sports and
shootin$ 'lu, su,Be't to prior per!ission o the Ministr- o
:o!e 4airs.
0,1 Other a!!unitions are i!porta,le ,- Ministr- o Deen'e.
/var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_4/247370163.doc: Last printed 1/1/2003 12:53 AM
1oot %ote o' the prohibited li(t(
The ollowin$ $oods shall not ,e i!porta,le=
011 Maps5 'harts and $eo$raphi'al $lo,es whi'h do not indi'ate the territor- o 7an$ladesh
in a''ordan'e with the !aps pu,lished ,- the Depart!ent o *urve-5 Govern!ent o
the People;s Repu,li' o 7an$ladeshH
021 :orror 'o!i's5 o,s'ene and su,versive literature in'ludin$ su'h pa!phlets5 posters5
newspapers5 periodi'als5 photo$raphs5 il!s5 $ra!ophone re'ords and audio and video
'assette tapes et'H
0#1 7oo@s5 newspapers5 periodi'als5 do'u!ents and other papers5 posters photo$raphs5
il!s5 $ra!ophone re'ords5 audio and video 'assettes5 tapes et'. 'ontainin$ !atters
li@el- to outran$e the reli$ious eelin$s and ,elies o an- 'lass o the 'iti8ens o
0%1 <nless otherwise spe'iied in this order5 $oods o se'ondar- or su,6standard Eualit- or
,elow Pstandard or old5 used5 re'onditioned $oods or a'tor- reBe'ts and $oods o Bo,6
0"1 Re'onditioned oi'e eEuip!ent5 photo'opier5 t-pe6writer !a'hine5 tele+5 phone5 and
a+5 old 'o!puter5 old 'o!puter a''essories5 old ele'troni' ite!s H
0)1 Goods 0in'ludin$ their 'ontainers1 ,earin$ an- words or ins'riptions o a reli$ious
'onnotation the use or disposal o whi'h !a- inBure the reli$ious eelin$s and ,elies o
an- 'lass o the 'iti8ens o 7an$ladeshH
0.1 Goods 0in'ludin$ their 'ontainers1 ,earin$ an- o,s'ene pi'ture5 writin$ ins'ription or
visi,le representationH
0/1 I!port o live *wine and an- ite! prepared ro! swineH

0(1 4ll @inds o industrial slud$e and ertili8er I an- other produ'ts produ'ed ro!
slud$eH and
0121 <nless or otherwise spe'iied in this order5 all @inds o wasteH
/var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_4/247370163.doc: Last printed 1/1/2003 12:53 AM
/Plea(e (ee Para-100
1. +roup by Commercial Importer(B ---
Co!!er'ial i!porters have ,een allowed the a'ilit- o i!port on Boint ,asis or the sa@e o
e'ono!-. &or this purpose su,Be't to 'ondition o this order5 the $roup o the i!porters !a- ,e
or!ed ,eore or ater re$istration o the LC4 &or! with the no!inated authori8ed dealer ,an@.
*u'h i!porters havin$ dierent no!inated L>C openin$ ,an@s5 desirous o i!portin$ their share
in 'ash5 loan5 and 'redit or under a''ount trade arran$e!ent>'ounter trade arran$e!ent on
Boint ,asis !a- do so in a''ordan'e with the pro'edure !entioned ,elow=
2. The procedure o' 'ormatio% o' !roup( to import Coi%t-ba(i( be'ore re!i(tratio% o' 8C#
'orm i% the %omi%ated reco!%iLed dealer ba%?. ---
011 4n i!porter will su,!it to his no!inated 7an@ the L>C 4uthori8ation &or! in the usual
!anner dul- illed in and si$ned alon$ with a de'laration5 that666
0a1 :e had not applied in an- !anner to i!port his share or the 'urrent inan'ial
-ear individuall- and a$rees to ee't i!port o the sa!e on Boint ,asis under the
$roup leadership o M>s...................................... 03a!e and address o the $roup
leader with IRC 3o. and his no!inated ,an@ to ,e !entioned15 and that
0,1 :e underta@es not to !a@e in an- !anner an- 'lai! whatsoever ro! the I!port
Control 4uthorit- in an- !atter arisin$ out o deault or dispute with the $roup
leader o !e!,ers o the $roup. *i$nature o the i!porter will ,e veriied ,- the
authori8ed oi'er o no!inated ,an@ with date.
021 The i!porter;s no!inated 7an@ ater ,ein$ satisied that the L>C 4uthori8ation &or!5 the
de'laration $iven ,- the i!porter and other reEuired inor!ation are 'o!plete and
'orre't in all respe't5 will orward these papers to the no!inated 7an@ o the $roup
leader and will 'erti- on the ,od- o the L>C 4uthori8ation &or! as under=
FLe have no o,Be'tion to allow the a,ove!entioned $roup under the $roup leadership o
M>s............................................................................................. ....................................................
................................................... this i!porter is eli$i,le to
i!port................................................................................... &or Ta@a..........................................
Seal and signature of the Authorized Officer
of the importers bank with date
0#1 The $roup leader will su,!it L>C 4uthori8ation &or! in a si!ilar !anner. In addition o
L>C 4uthori8ation &or! he will also su,!it L>C 4ppli'ation &or! 'overin$ the total value
o all the L>C 4uthori8ation &or!s o the $roup !e!,ers in'ludin$ his own share. :e
will also su,!it a de'laration to the ee't that 66666
0a1 Parti'ulars $iven in the L>C 4uthori8ation &or! are 'orre't to the ,est o his

0,1 :e has not applied5 in an- !anner5 to i!port his share or the 'urrent shippin$
period separatel- other than as a !e!,er o $roupH and that 6666
0'1 :e has underta@en to a't as the $roup leader or i!portation on Boint ,asis or
the sa@e o e'ono!- ,- the i!porters in the $roup 0here $roup leader will re'ord
the na!es and address and IRC 3os. o all the !e!,er in'ludin$ that o hi!sel
and their individual shares1 and that.
/var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_4/247370163.doc: Last printed 1/1/2003 12:53 AM
0d1 :e underta@es not to !a@e in an- !anner an- !atter arisin$ out o deault or
dispute with !e!,ers in the $roup. The si$nature o the $roup leader will ,e
veriied ,- the authori8ed oi'er o his ,an@ with date.
0%1 The $roup leader;s ,an@5 ater ,ein$ satisied that L>C 4uthori8ation &or! and the
de'laration $iven ,- the $roup leader are 'o!plete and 'orre't in all respe'ts5 will
'erti- on the ,od- o the L>C 4uthori8ation &or! as under=
FLe have no o,Be'tion to allow the a,ove i!porter to a't as $roup leader o the
$roup................................ Me!,ersG.
Seal and signature of the Authorized Officer
of the group leaders banks with date.
0"1 Certiied LC4 or! with all other LC4 or!s re$istration will ,e 'o!pleted in the Group
leaders; no!inated ,an@.
0)1 4ter 'o!pletion o re$istration o LC4 or!5 the 'on'erned ,an@ will send two 'opies o
de'laration and 'ertiied LC4 or! to the i!porter;s 'on'erned I!port Control 4uthorit-
or post 'he'@in$.
0.1 The eli$i,le 'o!!er'ial i!porters ,elon$s to the sa!e no!inated ,an@ in'ludin$ all the
,ran'hes who are interested to i!port under Cash>ID4 'redit5 ree loan or under 'redit
share in the 'ases o Aoint 7asis i!port5 the i!port pro'edure will ,e sa!e. The ,an@
will orward 'o!plete set o do'u!ent outlined a,ove5 su'h as LC4 or!5 de'laration
et'. to the Group Leaders no!inated ,an@ ,- endorsin$ ne'essar- 'ertii'ation on the
,od- o the LC4 or!. The $roup leader;s no!inated ,an@ will pro'ess the LC4 or!
outlined as a,ove and to 'o!plete the re$istration in the ,an@.
0/1 The eli$i,le 'o!!er'ial i!porters5 who are interested to i!port on Aoint ,asis under
a''ount trade arran$e!ent>'ounter trade arran$e!ent and tied loan or 'redit5 shall
su,!it their LC4 or! to their respe'tive no!inated 7an@ in the pres'ri,ed !anner. In
su'h 'ases the- do not need an- appli'ation or openin$ o L>C. The no!inated ,an@ on
,ein$ satisied that the LC4 or! is in order5 will orward all the 'opies o the sa!e to
the $roup leader;s no!inated ,an@ ater !a@in$ ne'essar- entries in the i!porters
Re$istration Certii'ate. The $roup leaders no!inated ,an@ on ,ein$ satisied that the
LC4 or! o $roup leader and $roup !e!,ers are in order and ound 'o!pleted all
or!alities o i!port on Aoint ,asis ,ein$ done5 the no!inated ,an@ will trans!it the
LC4 or! o $roup leader and other !e!,ers o the $roup to the desi$nated ,an@ alon$
with the appli'ation or! or openin$ o letter o 'redit or the total a!ount 'overed ,-
individual LC authori8ation or!s. The desi$nated ,an@ will open letter o 'redit and
endorse two 'opies o ea'h LC4 or! to 'on'erned I!port and E+port 'ontrol oi'e.
-. Procedure i% ca(e o' 'ormatio% o' !roup 'or import o% oi%t ba(i( a'ter re!i(tratio% o' 8:C
#uthoriLatio% 1ormB---
011 In 'ase o or!ation o $roup or i!port on Boint ,asis ater re$istration o LC4 or!5 the
i!porter will su,!it LC4 or! in his no!inated ,an@ and he will inor! his ,an@ in
written or su,!it a de'laration that he intend to !a@e a $roup ater re$istration o LC4
or!. The i!porters no!inated ,an@ ater ,ein$ satisied that the LC4 or!s are ound
'o!plete and 'orre't in all respe't will re$ister alon$ with de'laration and advise the
i!porter to or! a $roup or $roup0s1 i!!ediatel-.
021 The i!porter shall ,e reEuired to su,!it a de'laration to their ,an@ e+a'tl- sa!e
!anner as laid down under para 2011 o this 4nne+ure while or!in$ a $roup. I!porters
si$nature will ,e attested ,- the authori8ed oi'er o his no!inated ,an@. The said ,an@
will orward the entire do'u!ent i.e. LC 4uthori8ation or! and de'laration to the $roup
leaders no!inated ,an@ with 'ertii'ate as laid down in the para 2021 o this 4nne+ure.
0#1 The $roup leader shall also su,!it L>C 4uthori8ation &or! and L>C 4ppli'ation &or!
with a de'laration as !entioned in para 20#1 o this 4nne+. The si$nature o the $roup
leader will ,e veriied ,- the authori8ed oi'er o his ,an@ with date and will endorse
reEuired 'ertii'ate on the ,od- o L>4 4uthori8ation &or! !entioned in para 20%1.
/var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_4/247370163.doc: Last printed 1/1/2003 12:53 AM
0%1 The $roup leader;s 7an@ will then @eep two 'o!plete sets o L>C 4uthori8ation &or!s5
de'laration o all $roup !e!,ers and 'ertii'ates issued ,- the dierent ,an@s o the
$roup !e!,ers with 'o!plete set o L>C 4uthori8ation &or! in'ludin$ de'laration and
'ertii'ate issued in respe't o $roup leader or openin$ o L>C and orward other 20two1
'opies o L>C 4uthori8ation &or!s alon$ with 'o!plete set o papers 0de'laration and
'ertii'ates1 to the 'on'erned I!port Control 4uthorit- or post6'he'@in$. I $roup
!e!,ers ,elon$ to dierent I!port Control Aurisdi'tions5 'o!plete set o papers shall
,e su,!itted to the 'on'erned I!port Control Oi'ers o the $roup !e!,ers or post6
0"1 Lhere the eli$i,le 'o!!er'ial i!porters desirous o i!portin$ their share on Boint ,asis
are lo'ated within the Burisdi'tion o the sa!e I!port Control 4uthorit- and have the
sa!e no!inated ,an@ in'ludin$ all the ,ran'hes o the ,an@s within the Burisdi'tion o
the sa!e I!port Control Oi'er5 the pro'edure or i!port on Boint ,asis will ,e sa!e as
outlined a,ove e+'ept that the dierent ,ran'hes o the sa!e will orward the 'o!plete
set o do'u!ents outlined a,ove to the ,ran'h o the sa!e ,an@ whi'h is the no!inated
,an@ o the $roup leader. The no!inated ,an@ o the $roup leader will pro'ess the L>C
4uthori8ation &or!s in the sa!e !anner as outlined a,ove.
0)1 In 'ase o i!port on Boint ,asis under 4''ount Trade 4rran$e!ent>Counter Trade
4rran$e!ent and tied loan or 'redit5 the pro'edure as !entioned a,ove in Para 20/1
shall ,e ollowed=
.. In ,oth 'ases o the or!ation o $roup5 as soon as L>C is opened and trans!itted to the orei$n
supplier5 the no!inated ,an@ o the $roup leader will endorse the $roup leaders IRC as the
'ase !a- ,e and advise the 'on'erned I!port Control 4uthorit- or 4uthorities and the
respe'tive ,an@s o the !e!,ers o the $roup a,out the parti'ulars o the L>C with individual
share o ea'h !e!,er o the $roup.
5. Group ,- Industrial I!porters= In 'ase o i!port ,- industrial units on Boint ,asis5 the- should
no!inate a $roup leader and reEuest their no!inated ,an@ to orward their L>C. 4s alon$ with
other relevant papers to the no!inated ,an@ o the $roup leader or openin$ o L>C in
a''ordan'e with the pro'edure outlined under para 2.and #.o this 4nne+. The $roup leader;s
no!inated ,an@ ater verii'ation o the LC4 &or! shall open Letter o Credit on Boint ,asis and
endorse the LC4 &or!s a''ordin$l-.
). I!porters su,!ittin$ L>C 4uthori8ation &or! or openin$ o L>C or ee'tin$ i!port on
Boint ,asis in violation o the provisions o the I!port Poli'- Order5 222(62212 or o this 4nne+.
shall ,e lia,le to punish!ent as per provision o this Order.
/var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_4/247370163.doc: Last printed 1/1/2003 12:53 AM
*L 3o 3a!e o Che!i'als :.* Code 3o
011 O64l@-l 0UVC125 in'l. '-'loal@-l1 al@-l 0Me5 Et5 n6Pr or i6
e.!. Sari%B O6Isoprop-l !eth-lphosphonoluoridate 2(#1.22
Soma%B O6Pina'ol-l !eth-lphosphonoluoridate 2(#1.22
021 O64l@-l 0UVC125 in'l. '-'loal@-l1 3536dial@-l 0Me5 Et5 n6
Pr or i6Pr1 phosphora!ido'-anidates
e.!. Tabu%B O6Eth-l 3536di!eth-l
0#1 O64l@-l 0: or UVC125 in'l. '-'loal@-l1 *626dial@-l 0Me5
Et5 n6Pr or i6Pr16a!inoeth-l al@-l 0Me5 Et5 n6Pr or i6Pr1
phosphonothiolates and 'orrespondin$ al@-lated or
protonated salts
e.!. >JB O6Eth-l *626diisoprop-la!inoeth-l !eth-l
0%1 26Chloroeth-l'hloro!eth-lsulide 2(#2.(2
Mustard $as= 7is026'hloroeth-l1sulide 2(#2.(2
7is026'hloroeth-lthio1!ethane 2(#2.(2
*esEui!ustard= 15267is026'hloroeth-lthio1ethane 2(#2.(2
15#67is026'hloroeth-lthio16n6propane 2(#2.(2
15%67is026'hloroeth-lthio16n6,utane 2(#2.(2
15"67is026'hloroeth-lthio16n6pentane 2(#2.(2
7is026'hloroeth-lthio!eth-l1ether 2(#2.(2
7is026'hloroeth-lthioeth-l1ether 2(#2.(2
0"1 Lewisite 1= 26Chlorovin-ldi'hloroarsine 2(#1.22
Lewisite 2= 7is026'hlorovin-l1'hloroarsine 2(#1.22
Lewisite #= Tris026'hlorovin-l1arsine 2(#1.22

Nitro!e% mu(tard(B
:31= 7is026'hloroeth-l1eth-la!ine 2(21.1(
:32= 7is026'hloroeth-l1!eth-la!ine 2(21.1(
:3#= Tris026'hloroeth-l1a!ine 2(21.1(
0.1 *a+ito+in #222.(2
0/1 Ri'in #222.(2
0(1 4l@-l 0Me5 Et5 n6Pr or i6Pr1 phosphon-ldiluorides
e.!. &1B Meth-lphosphon-ldiluoride 2(#1.22
0121 O64l@-l 0: or UVC125 in'l. '-'loal@-l1 O626dal@-l 0Me5
Et5 n6Pr or i6Pr16a!inoeth-l al@-l 0Me5 Et5 n6Pr or i6Pr1
phosphonites and 'orrespondin$ al@-lated or
protonated salts
e.!. K8B O6Eth-l O626diisoprop-la!inoeth-l
0111 Chloro(ari%B O6Isoprop-l !eth-lphosphono'hloridate 2(#1.22
0121 Chloro(oma%B O6Pina'ol-l

#mito%B O5O6Dieth-l *6M260dieth-la!ino1eth-lN
phosphorothiolate and 'orrespondin$ al@-lated or
protonated salts
01%1 P1I2B 1,1,-,-,--Pe%ta'luoro-2-/tri'luoromethyl0-1-
/var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_4/247370163.doc: Last printed 1/1/2003 12:53 AM
01"1 2GB #6Ruinu'lidin-l ,en8ilate 0Q1 2(##.#(

Che!i'als5 e+'ept or those listed in *'hedule 15 'ontainin$ a
phosphorus ato! to whi'h is ,onded one !eth-l5 eth-l or
prop-l 0nor!al or iso1 $roup ,ut not urther 'ar,on ato!s5
e.! B Meth-lphosphon-l di'hloride 2(#1.22
Di!eth-l !eth-lphosphonate 2(#1.22
E@emptio%B &onoos= O6Eth-l *6phen-l
01.1 3536Dial@-l 0Me5 Et5 n6Pr or i6Pr1 phosphora!idi' dihalides 6
01/1 Dial@-l 0Me5 Et5 n6Pr or i6Pr1 3536dial@-l 0Me5 Et5 n6Pr or i6Pr16
01(1 4rseni' tri'hloride 2/12.12
0221 2526Diphen-l626h-dro+-a'eti' a'id 2/1/.1(
0211 Ruinu'lidin6#6ol 2(##.#(
0221 3536Dial@-l 0Me5 Et5 n6Pr or i6Pr1 a!inoeth-l626'hlorides and
'orrespondin$ protonated salts

3536Dial@-l 0Me5 Et5 n6Pr or i6Pr1 a!inoethane626ols and
'orrespondin$ protonated salts
E@emptio%(B 3536Di!eth-la!inoethanol
and 'orrespondin$ protonated salts
and 'orrespondin$ protonated salts
02%1 3536Dial@-l 0Me5 Et5 n6Pr or i6Pr1 a!inoethane626thiols and
'orrespondin$ protonated salts
02"1 Thiodi$l-'ol= 7is026h-dro+-eth-l1sulide 2(#2.(2
02)1 Pina'ol-l al'ohol= #5#6Di!eth-l,utan626ol 2(2".1(
02.1 Phos$ene= Car,on-l di'hloride 2/12.12
02/1 C-ano$en 'hloride 2/"1.22
02(1 :-dro$en '-anide 2/11.1(
0#21 Chloropi'rin= Tri'hloronitro!ethane 2(2%.(2
0#11 Phosphorus o+-'hloride 2/12.12
0#21 Phosphorus tri'hloride 2/12.12
0##1 Phosphorus penta'hloride 2/12.12
0#%1 Tri!eth-l phosphite 2(22.(2
0#"1 Trieth-l phosphite 2(22.(2
0#)1 Di!eth-l phosphite 2(22.(2
0#.1 Dieth-l phosphite 2(22.(2
0#/1 *ulur !ono'hloride 2/12.12
0#(1 *ulur di'hloride 2/12.12
0%21 Thion-l 'hloride 2/12.12
0%11 Eth-ldiethanola!ine 2(22.1(
0%21 Meth-ldiethanola!ine 2(22.1(
0%#1 Triethanola!ine 2(22.1(
By order of the President
omol rishno Bhatachar!o
Additional Secretary
/var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_4/247370163.doc: Last printed 1/1/2003 12:53 AM
#bre,iatio% u(ed i% the Import Policy Order 2012-2015
C; < Clearin an! <or*ar!in/
C1= Cash 1ainst =ocument/
C<R Cost 1n! <reiht/
C3< Cost 3nsurence 1n! <reiht/
C3P Carraie 1n! 3nsurence Pai! >o/
CP Clearence Permit/
CP> Carraie Pai! >o/
=1> =elivere! 1t >erminal/
=1P =elivere! 1t Place/
<8B <ree 8n Boar!/
3P 3mport Permit/
3PPC 3nternational Plant Protection Convention/
3>C 3mport >ra!e Control/
-C -etter of Cre!it/
-C1 -etter of Cre!it 1uthorisation/
R8R Riht of Refusal/
>CB >ra!in Corporation of Banla!esh/
/var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_4/247370163.doc: Last printed 1/1/2003 12:53 AM
M#M C8#SS C"#A2E$S
1. President
7a$erhat Cha!,er o Co!!er'e I Industr-
Main Road5 7a$erhat.
Tel= 2%)/6)2)).5)2%"20O1
Mo,= 21.116#/#2##
2. President
7arisal Cha!,er o Co!!er'e I Industr-
P.O. 7o+ 3o. #25 *haw Road 03a8irer Pool1
Tel= 2%#16)%%%25 )1/.) 0O15 )2)(2 0Res1
/1%1%." 0Dha@a1
&a+= 2%#16)1/.)
Mo,ile= 21.1"62%%(2#
-. President
7an$ladesh Cha!,er o Industries
7CIC 7ha,an 0#rd &loor1
#26#1 Dil@usha C>45 Dha@a61222
Tel= (""1))(5 (")()215 (")"#%"0O1
&a+= (")%1.2
Mo,= 21.116"2%(2"
E6!ail= ,'iW,d'o!.'o!
.. President
7o$ra Cha!,er o Co!!er'e I Industr-
Cha!,er 7uildin$ 02
Ta,i 3a8rul Isla! Road5 Ahautola
Tel= 2"16)%1#/5 .2""#5 .2""%0O15 .2""2 0Res1
&a+= 2"16))2".
Mo,= 21.116/)().(5 21.2)61.###)
5. Presi!ent
Chandpur Cha!,er o Co!!er'e I Industr-
Puran,a8ar5 Chandpur
Tel= 2/%16)"("/5 )#.%/ 0O15 )#%2/ 0R15
/)1)"/" 0Dha@a1
&a+= 2/%16)"("/
Mo,= 21.1"61./%%1
3. Presi!ent
Chapai 3awa,$anB Cha!,er o Co!!er'e I
7o-es 7uildin$5 Taha,a8ar
P.O. Chapai 3awa,$anB
Chapai 3awa,$anB
Tel= 2./16""2).0O15 ""((# 0R1
Mo,= 21.116/22...
6. President
Chitta$on$ Cha!,er o Co!!er'e I Industr-
Cha!,er :ouse
4$ra,ad C>45 P.O. 7o+ 3o.%/15 Chitta$on$.
Tel=2#16.1##))6(0P47?15 .2""#(0O15 )22"(.0R1
&a+= //26#16.12./#
Mo,= 21.116#"1...
7. President
Co!illa Cha!,er o Co!!er'e I Industr-
Ra!!ala Road5 Ranir 7a8ar5 Co!illa.
Tel= 2/16)/2."5 .)())5)#""" 0O15 )/#2#
Mo,= 21.116/"2%"1
=. President
Dha@a Cha!,er o Co!!er'e I Industr-
Dha@a Cha!,er 7uildin$
)"6)) MotiBheel C>4
Tel= (""2")25 //2"/220O1 //2"/210R1 21.1#6
&a+= (")2/#25 (")///.
10. President
DinaBpur Cha!,er o Co!!er'e I Industr-
Cha!,er 7ha,an5 Maldah Patt-5
Puratan Goru :at5 DinaBpur.
Tel= 2"#16)#1/(5 )%%1( )#1/(0O15 )"(/% 0R1
Mo,= 21.1%62"21#2
11. President
&aridpur Cha!,er o Co!!er'e I Industr-
Cha!,er :ouse5 3iltul-5 &aridpur
Tel= 2)#16)#"#25)1%)%0O15 )%22.0R1
&a+= 2)#16)12.2
Mo,= 21.1#62122(.
12. President
&eni Cha!,er o Co!!er'e I Industr-
Trun@ Road5 &eni.
Tel= 2##16)1%##
1-. President
&orei$n Investors Cha!,er o Co!!er'e I
Pri!e 9iew 02#6#2#1
.5 Gulshan 4venue5 Gulshan615 Dha@a P 1212
Tel= (/(#2%(5(/(2(1#
&a+= //2626(/(#2"/
E6!ail =i''iW,an$
1.. Presi!ent
Gai,andha Cha!,er o Co!!er'e I Industr-
*u@hna$ar5 Polash,ari Road5 Gai,andha.
Tel= 2"%16)1)""
Mo,= 21.1)62(."(%
15. President
Ga8ipur Cha!,er o Co!!er'e I Industr-
Than ManBil 02
loor15 7anarupa *ara@
Chandona Chowrasta5 Ga8ipur
Tel= .#1(.1%6/ 0O15 (2)#%1# 0Res1
Mo,= 21.116)#)/(.
13. #dmi%i(trator
Aa!alpur Cha!,er o Co!!er'e I Industr-
Post I Dist6 Aa!alpur
Tel= 2(/16)###.0O15 )2"1.0Res1
16. President
Aessore Cha!,er o Co!!er'e I Industr-
3etaBee *u,hash Chandra Road5 Aessore.
Tel= 2%216))21(0O15 ))1%(0R1
&a+= //62%216)/#2)
Mo,= 21.1162/2%2"
/var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_4/247370163.doc: Last printed 1/1/2003 12:53 AM
17. President
Thulna Cha!,er o Co!!er'e I Industr-
Cha!,er Mansion5 " TD4 C>4
Than646*a,ur Road5 Thulna.
Tel= 2%16.2##/)5 2/#22%#
&a+= //26%16.2)"#"5 .2")#"
Mo,= 21.1#6%2""""
1=. President
Tishore$onB Cha!,er o Co!!er'e I Industr-
*tation Road5 Tishore$onB.
Tel= 21.1#622).(%
20. President
Tushtia Cha!,er o Co!!er'e I Industr-
1)5 *ira8uddowla Road 02nd &loor1
Tel= 2.16"%2)/>.#2(15 "%2)/5
.12(10O15"#2215 "#...0Res1
Mo,= 21.116"%)/"2
E6!ail= @ush'ha!W$!ail.'o!
21. President
Mani@$anB Cha!,er o Co!!er'e I Industr-
Kila Parishad 7ha,an5 Lireless Gate
7us *tand5 Mani@$anB
Tel= 2)"16)1%..0O1
Mo,= 21.116/("/%#
E6!ail= rtnS!rinalW-ahoo.'o!
22. President
Metropolitan Cha!,er o Co!!er'e and Industr-5
Cha!,er 7uildin$ 0%th &loor1
122612%5 MotiBheel C>45 Dha@a61222.
Tel= (")"22/6115 //2.22/ 0R1
&a+= //2626(")"212
2-. 4'tin$ President
Moulvi,a8ar Cha!,er o Co!!er'e I Industr-
Court Road5 Moulvi,a8ar6#222.
Tel= 2/)16"%2#25"2/#"0O15 "2/#"0Res15
&a+= //26/)16"2("2
2.. President
Munshi$anB Cha!,er o Co!!er'e I Industr-
Mir Tadi!5Ta!lo$hat5 Munshi$anB.
Dha@a Mailin$ 4ddress=
3oor Tower5 1%.>%5 Green Road6Panthopath5
Tel= 21.16"#12(#0O15 (#)12//
25. President
M-!ensin$h Cha!,er o Co!!er'e I Industr-
125 T.7. Is!ail Road5 Au,ilee Ghat
Tel= 2(16)2""(
Mo,= 211(26.#/#.#

23. President
3ao$aon Cha!,er o Co!!er'e I Industr-
:at 3ao$aon5 3ao$aon6)"22.
Tel= 2.%16"2...5"21220O15"2.2"
Mo,= 21.116/(%(##
26. President
3ara-an$anB Cha!,er o Co!!er'e I Industr-
2#2>15 7an$a,andu Road
P.O.7o+ 3o.25 3ara-an$anB.
Tel= .)%2")"5 .)%2"))5 (."12//
&a+= //2626.)%2"))
Mo,= 21.116"#).#(5 21.1#6%#"2.2
27. President
3arsin$di Cha!,er o Co!!er'e I Industr-
Ga8li Pla8a5 #2%5 Lest 7raho!ondi
Court *adar Road5 <pa8ila Moar
Mo,= 21.1/6#.("2/
2=. President
RaBshahi Cha!,er o Co!!er'e I Industr-
Cha!,er 7ha,an5 *tation Road5
Tel= 2.216/12122
&a+= 2.216/121##
Mo,= 21.116#2((#2
-0. President
Ran$pur Cha!,er o Co!!er'e I Industr-
Cha!,er 7ha,an5 G.L. Ro- Road
3owa,$anB5 Ran$pur.
Tel= 2"216)#2/15 )##1#0O1
&a+= //26"216)2%2%
Mo,= 21.1#6221"2%
-1. President
*una!$onB Cha!,er o Co!!er'e I Industr-
*tation Road5 *una!$onB6#222.
Tel= 2/.16"")#/5"")""0O1
&a+= //26/.16"")(2
-2. President
*-lhet Cha!,er o Co!!er'e I Industr-
Cha!,er 7uildin$5 P.O. 7o+ 3o.(.
Aail Road5 *-lhet.
Tel= 2/216.1%%2#5 .1)2)(0O1
&a+= //26/216.1"212
--. Tan$ail Cha!,er o Co!!er'e I Industr-
Pa'hani 7a8ar5 Tan$ail
Tel= 2(2161/10Tan$15 (#"2%1/0R15 (""%#"%5
Mo,= 21.1#6222)"2
-.. President
7an$ladesh Lo!en Cha!,er o Co!!er'e I
Gulshan Gra'e 4ppt.X 2C 01st &loor1
:ouse X /5 7lo'@6CL*5 *outh 4venue
Gulshan615 Dha@a.
Tel= (/)1"2)
&a+= //)12()
Mo,= 21.116"21/"/
425 C8#SS C"#A2E$S
-5. President
7andar,an Cha!,er o Co!!er'e I Industr-
Isla!ia *hoppin$ Co!ple+57andar,an 7a8ar
7andar,an :ill Distri't5 7andar,an.
Tel= 2#)16)2.%(
Mo,= 21).#6.22%#2 0*e'retar-1
-3. President
/var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_4/247370163.doc: Last printed 1/1/2003 12:53 AM
7ar$una Cha!,er o Co!!er'e I Industr-
Tel= 2%%)6)2#2#5 )2"220O1
Mo,= 21.1"62/".)/
-6. Presi!ent
7haira, Cha!,er o Co!!er'e I Industr-
P.O. 7haira,5 Tishore$anB62#"2.
Tel= 2(%2%6%"%5 Mo,= 21.116/11"2(
-7. President
7hola Cha!,er o Co!!er'e I Industr-
Kia *uper Mar@et 02nd &loor15 7hola.
Tel= 2%(16)12#)5 /11.2(%
Mo,= 21.116/1)211
-=. President
7rah!an,aria Cha!,er o Co!!er'e I
Aa!e MasBid Road
Post I Dist67rah!an,aria.
Tel= 2/"16"/)2"5 "/(22 0Res1
Mo,= 21.1161%""1%
.0. President
Chuadan$a Cha!,er o Co!!er'e I Industr-
7ara,a8ar5 Chuadan$a.
Tel= 2.)16)222#5 )2.(20O15 )2#".5 )#12/0R1
Mo,= 21.1162.%//)
.1. Presi!ent
Co+;s 7a8ar Cha!,er o Co!!er'e I Industr-
Main Road5 Co+;s 7a8ar.
Tel= 21.126222.(.
.2. President
Gopal$onB Cha!,er o Co!!er'e I Industr-
7ala@a 7uildin$ 02
Theater Road5 Gopal$onB.
Tel= 2))/6""%/"5 )1%.%
Mo,= 21.1161/.")(
.-. President
:a,i$anB Cha!,er o Co!!er'e I Industr-
Town :all Road5 :a,i$anB.
Tel= 2/#16"22.25 "2)((
Mo,= 21.11622"")/
... President
Aaipurhat Cha!,er o Co!!er'e I Industr-
Cha!,er 7ha,an5 7a$i'ha Para
Madrasha Road5 Ao-purhat.
Tel= 2".16)2)#15)#2/"0O1
Mo,= 21.1161."%%#
.5. #dmi%i(trator
Ahala@ati Cha!,er o Co!!er'e I Industr-
Cha!,er 7ha,an5. Tasharipatt-
Tel= 2%()6)22..5 )#"2)0O15 )#%#20R1
.3. President
Ahenaidah Cha!,er o Co!!er'e I Industr-
*her6e67an$la *ara@
Tel= 2%"16)22(.5)22110O1
.6. Pre(ide%t
Tha$ra'hari Cha!,er o Co!!er'e I Industr-
Tha$ra'hari5 :ill Tra'ts. Tha$ra'hari
Tel= 2#.16)1)11%>)1/%(5 )1)1%5)1/%(0O1
&a+= //26#.16)1)125 //"")220Dha@a1
Mo,= 2116/%)2""
.7. President
Turi$ra! Cha!,er o Co!!er'e I Industr-
7a8ar Road5 Turi$ra!.
Tel= 2"/16)1...5)1/))5)111.0O1
Mo,= 21.1)6#"#%(25 211(16#"##%"
.=. President
La@sh!ipur Cha!,er o Co!!er'e I Industr-
Colle$e Road5 La@sh!ipur
Tel= 2#/16""21. 0O1
&a+= //26#/16""#..
Mo,= 21.1261%/%/.
50. President
Lal!onirhat Cha!,er o Co!!er'e I Industr-
Patwari 7ha,an5 Thana Road
Tel= 2"(16)12)/5)12//
Mo,= 21.116./%2"/
51. President
Madaripur Cha!,er o Co!!er'e I Industr-
Puran,a8ar5 Madaripur.
Tel= 2))16""#%#5"""##0O15 /#"2.2(
Mo,= 21.116"(%//2
52. 4'tin$ President
Ma$ura Cha!,er o Co!!er'e I Industr-
M. Road5 Ma$ura.
Tel= 21.116(%2/2/5 2%//6)22%2
5-. President
Meherpur Cha!,er o Co!!er'e I Industr-
:a8i Mohasin Road5 7ara,a8ar
Tel= 2.(16)2(125 )2/220O15 )22.20Res1
Mo,= 21.1162)/%"%
5.. Presi!ent
3arail Cha!,er o Co!!er'e and Industr-
Colle$e Road5 Rup$anB
Tel= 2%/16)2#%(5 )2"""0O15
Mo,= 21.162#/"%/5 22.(%1
55. Presi!ent
3atore Cha!,er o Co!!er'e I Industr-
Cha!,er 7ha,an5 Lal,a8ar
Tel= 2..16)2%/25 )2/2(0O15 )2"(10R1
&a+= //26..16)112(
Mo,= 21.116/22"%"5 21"""62%/)(1
53. President
3etro@ona Cha!,er o Co!!er'e I Industr-
Court Road5 3etro@ona.
Tel= 2("16)1"#"5)1.2%0O1
Mo,= 21.116222/1.
56. President
3ilpha!ari Cha!,er o Co!!er'e I Industr-
:aBi Mahasin Road 0*tation Road1
Tel= 2""16)12."
Mo,= 21.1)61222..5 21"")6"/2%))
/var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_4/247370163.doc: Last printed 1/1/2003 12:53 AM
57. Presi!ent
3oa@hali Cha!,er o Co!!er'e I Industr-
Poura *hava 7ha,an5 MaiBdee Court
Tel= 2#216)2#2(0O1
5=. President
Pa,na Cha!,er o Co!!er'e I Industr-
Cha!,er 7ha,an5 7ania Patt-5 Pa,na.
Tel= 2.#16))(215 ))/".5 )".210R1
Mo,= 21.1#622)#)2
30. President
Pan'ha$arh Cha!,er o Co!!er'e I Industr-
Mohosin Mar@et 01st &loor1
Cina!a Road5 P.O. Pan'ha$arh
Dist. Pan'ha$arh.
Tel= 2")/6)1#2%#5 )1"%"0O15 )1#210Res1
Mo,= 21.12622(22.
31. President
Patua@hali Cha!,er o Co!!er'e I Industr-
Ter!inal Ghat5 P.O. I Dist. Pauta@hali
Tel= 2%%16)2%1(
32. President
PeroBpur Cha!,er o Co!!er'e I Industr-
Puraton TraBari 7ha,an
*ardar Road5 PeroBpur
Tel= 2%)16 )2#.)5 )2#/15 )2"(2
Mo,= 21.1#622.(#25 211(26)2%#%%
3-. President
RaB,ari Cha!,er o Co!!er'e I Industr-
:aBee Mar@et 01st &loor15 RaB,ari 7a8ar
Tel= 2)%16)"...5)"#2%
Mo,= 21.161/2//.
3.. President
*at@hira Cha!,er o Co!!er'e I Industr-
Cha!,er 7uildin$
Mu@tiBhodd-a *ara@5 *at@hira.
Tel= 2%.16)#")#
Mo,= 21.116#"2)((
35. President
*hariatpur Cha!,er o Co!!er'e I Industr-
*adar Road5 P.O. I P.*= Palan$
*hariatpur Town5 *hariatpur.
Maillin$ 4ddress=
:ouse X 12>7625 Road X #>4
Thulshi R>45 Chitta$on$
Tel= 2#16 )""(2#5 )".%%# 0O1
&a+= 2#16)"%)(%
Mo,= 21.1#612%"/"
33. President
*herpur Cha!,er o Co!!er'e I Industr-
Cha!,er 7uildin$5 3ine 4nnas 7a8ar
P.O. *herpur Town5 Dist *herpur.
Tel= 2(#16)12(#5)1)#10O15 )1"#"0Res1
Mo,= 21.116"#2(22
36. President
*iraB$anB Cha!,er o Co!!er'e I Industr-
*. *. Road 0&ariapatti1
P.O. *iraB$anB5 Dist= *iraB$anB.
Tel= 2."16)2).%5)2".1O15 )2#(10Res1
&a+= //26."16)2).%
Mo,= 21(1/6)(2())5 21.116"#1()/
37. President
Tha@ur$aon Cha!,er o Co!!er'e I Industr-
7an$a,andu Road5 Tha@ur$aon.
Tel= "#%%.5 "#%21
3=. President
4!eri'an Cha!,er o Co!!er'e in 7an$ladesh
Roo! 3o. #1(5 Dha@a *heraton :otel
15 Mintoo Road5 Dha@a61222.
Tel= /##22215 /#"/2)2
Mo,= 21.16")2%"2 0M1
5-mail? a!'ha!Wa!'ha!,d.or$
Le,= www.a!'ha!,d.or$
60. President
4ustraliaP7an$ladesh Cha!,er o Co!!er'e
and Industr-
:ouse X %75 Road X "%4 0#rd &loor1
Gulshan625 Dha@a6122)
Tel= (//#(2)5 &a+ = (///%"25 //2)/1"
61. President
7an$ladesh China Cha!,er o Co!!er'e and
1216#5 3ew Esta@on Road5 Dha@a61222
Tel= 2#..2221"1#
&a+= //2626/()##22
Mo,= 21.1#62)2)#25 21.116/)"1#1
E6!ail= ,'''i.W-ahoo.'o!
62. President
7an$ladesh6Ger!an Cha!,er o Co!!er'e
and Industr-
GTK 7uildin$5 P.O. 7o+ )2(1
Road (25 :ouse 12C
Gulshan625 Dha@a61212
Tel= //2)%/2
&a+= //2626//2%/"/
E6!ail= ,$''i,dW-ahoo.'o!
6-. President
7an$ladesh6Mala-sia Cha!,er o Co!!er'e I
:ouse 3o.1%5 Road 3o. 2.
7lo'@ 3o. A5 7anani5 Dha@a6121#.
Tel= (/("12%5 (/(""2"
&a+= (/(""%1
Mo,= 21/1(6%12112
6.. Chair!an
7an$ladesh63orwa- Cha!,er o Co!!er'e I
East Coast Centre
*L0G1 / Gulshan 4venue5
Gulshan615 Dha@a61212
Tel= (//%#1261.
&a+= //2626(//#./#5 (//#./"
65. President
7an$ladesh6Thai Cha!,er o Co!!er'e and
Industr- 07TCCI1
/var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_4/247370163.doc: Last printed 1/1/2003 12:53 AM
%26I5 Indira Road5 Dha@a6121"
Tel= (12)"#"5 /112.2%
&a+= /11#"1/
E6!ail= ,dthai'ha!,erW$!ail.'o!
63. President
CanadaP7an$ladesh Cha!,er o Co!!er'e
and Industr-
Con'ord Tower5 *uite X "2% 0"
11#5 Ta8i 3a8rul Isla! 4venue5 Dha@a61222.
Tel= (#"(#"(5 &a+= (#"(%2.
66. President
Dut'h67an$la Cha!,er o Co!!er'e I Industr-
Chowdhur- Centre 0#rd &loor1
2# Ta 3ew Es@aton Road5 Dha@a61222.
Tel= /#"(##.
&a+= //2626/#"(")2
67. President
&ran'e67an$ladesh Cha!,er o Co!!er'e I
:ouse 3o.25 Road 3o.15 7aridhara5
Tel= //21%"25 //22."16%
&a+= //2626//21%"25 //2#)""

6=. Presi!ent
India67an$ladesh Cha!,er o Co!!er'e and
Rupa-an Centre 01)
.25 Moha@hali C>45 Dha@a61212
Tel= //"/"2.5 //1.#%"5 /#"112%
Mo,= 21.1#621"2/(
&a+= //1.#%"5 (//#121
70. President
Ital-67an$ladesh Cha!,er o Co!!er'e
I Industr-
:ouse X 2"5 Road X %5 7lo'@ X &
7anani5 Dha@a6121#
Tel= (/.22"(5 21/1(6#12"1"
&a+= (/(%2#"
E6!ail= i,tp'dha@aW-ahoo.'o!
71. President
AapanP7an$ladesh Cha!,er o Co!!er'e and
*hari Pla8a 0#rd &l.1
#(5 Te!al 4tatur@ 4venue5 7anani5 Dha@a6121#
Tel = //)212"5 /11"12(5 /11)2//6(1
&a+ = //2626//1/22%>//)212"
E6!ail= B,''iW'ite'h6,d.'o!
72. President
*rilan@a67an$ladesh Cha!,er o Co!!er'e
I Industr-
:ouse X 2(5 Road X 1/5 7lo'@ X6A
7anani5 Dha@a6121#
Tel= //1"22"5 //1#".(6/2
Mo,= 21.1#621).11
7-. President
Tur@e-6 7an$ladesh Cha!,er o Co!!er'e
I Industr-
3avana Tower5 %"5 Gulshan 4venue
4part!ent6C 022
&loor15 Gulshan615 Dha@a.
Tel= //#.2)%5 &a+= //#.2)"
/var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_4/247370163.doc: Last printed 1/1/2003 12:53 AM
1. President
4dvertisin$ 4$en'ies 4sso'iation o 7an$ladesh
#) DIT E+tension Road
3a-apltan 02nd &loor15 Dha@a61222.
Tel= /#1))2)5/#"2/.%0O1
&a+= //2626/)1#(2(5 /)1"##/
Mo,= 21.116").(%%
2. President
4$ri'ultural Ma'hiner- Manua'turers
2(5 Dil@usha C>4
Ra8 7ha,an 02nd &loor15 Dha@a P1222
Tel= (""(2#15 &a+= ("".(1%
Mo,= 21(116#".2#2
-. President
4ni!al :ealth Co!panies 4sso'iation o
Centre Point <nit612D
1%>4 TaB@unipara
&ar!$ate C.45 TaB$aon5 Dha@a6121"
Tel= //1)#)25 (/)2"1"6)5 /)1"#20O1
&a+= //2626(1%12"2
Mo,= 21.116"#/2(2
.. President
4sso'iation o 7an$ladesh Mineral and Puriied
Drin@in$ Later Manua'turers
12">45 3ew Ta@rail Road5 *hantina$ar Pla8a5
*hantina$ar Chourasta 02nd l.1
Roo! X "/5 Dha@a P 1222
Tel= /#112"(
Mo,= 21.116)22"/#
5. President
4sso'iation o Car$o 4$ents o 7an$ladesh
:ouse 3o.%" E5 Road 3o. 1# C
7anani5 Dha@a6121#.
Tel= (//1))#5 //#)#2%6"0O1
&a+= //2626(//1))%
Mo,= 21.116"%/121
E6!ail= a'a,
3. President
4sso'iation o Ta+i Ca, Owner;s o 7an$ladesh
#)5 Purana Palton5
Ro@e-a Monsion loor1 Dha@a.
Tel= (#")225 /)1"%)2
Mo,= 21.1"6222(.2
6. President
4sso'iation o Travel 4$ents o 7an$ladesh
*attara Center
#2>4 3a-a Paltan 01"th loor1
9IP Road5 Dha@a61222.
Tel= (##2.2/5 /##2.125 (##."%1
&a+= //2626/#"""("
Mo,= 21.116"#2##2
7. President
7an$ladesh 4''u!ulator I 7atter-
Manua'turersY 4sso'iation
.2"5 Lest 3a@halpara5 TeB$aon5 Dha@a6121"
Tel= (11#)()
&a+= //2626/11"#2"
Mo,= 21.116"#.)##
=. President
7an$ladesh 4'id Mer'hant 4sso'iation
12>#5 En$lish Road 01
&loor15 Dha@a.
Tel= .11"/2)5 .1.2/1.
Mo,= 21.1#62/1(%2
10. President
7an$ladesh 4$ri'ultural Ma'hiner- Mer'hants
2.6#25 Madanpal Lane 0Mu@tiBodha Model
Co!ple+15 )
loor5 3a,a,pur Road5
Tel= .11/)./5 .112(.)5 .12"/1(
Mo,= 21.11611)#.#
11. President
7an$ladesh 4$ro6Pro'essors; 4sso'iation
:ouse X .02nd &loor1
Road X 1#5 Dhan!ondi R>45 Dha@a6122(
Tel>&a+ = /1%%"#)
Mo,= 21.116"#"#21
12. President
7an$ladesh 4$ro6,ased Produ't Produ'ers I
Mer'hants 4sso'iation
1)%>15 D.I.T. E+tention Road 02
&loor15 Dha@a.
Tel= (###.11
Mo,= 21.1)6(/)12"
1-. President
7an$ladesh 4lu!iniu! Manua'turersY
JAahanara ManBilJ5
#%" *e$un,a$i'ha 02nd &loor15 Dha@a61222.
Tel= /#"2#225/#112)#5(##"21#0O15
&a+= //2626/#1)/)%
Mo,= 2116/"2(#.
1.. Chair!an
7an$ladesh 4sso'iation o 7an@s
IE,al Center 012th &loor1
%25 Te!al 4tatur@ 4venue5
7anani C>45 Dha@a6121#
Tel= //"(//"
&a+= //"121"5 //#222"
Mo,= 21.1#6#2(())
15. President
7an$ladesh 4sso'iation o Constru'tion
Industr- 074CI1
3ahar Green *u!!it 0#rd loor1
:ouse X #2" 0Old1>%# 03ew15
Road X 2.0Old1>1) 03ew15 Dhan!ondi5 Dha@a.
Tel= /11(#"#5 21.1)6(#(2"2 0M1
&a+= /11(#"#
E6!ail= inoW,a'i6,d.or$
13. President
7an$ladesh 4sso'iation o Consultin$
:ouse 3o. (">45 Road 3o.%5
7lo'@6 &.5 7anani5 Dha@a6122(.
Tel= (/)2.1#5 &a+= (//##21
Mo,= 21/1(62%2)).
16. President
7an$ladesh 4sso'iation o International
Re'ruitin$ 4$en'ies 074IR41
1#25 3ew Es@aton Road5 Dha@a.
Tel= (#%""/.5(#"")/25/#"(/%20O1
/var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_4/247370163.doc: 77 Last printed 1/1/2003 12:53 AM
&a+= //2626(#%%(.(
Mo,= 21/1(62%2"2)
17. Chair!an
7an$ladesh 4sso'iation o Pu,li'l- Listed
7lo'@675 :ouse 3o. 1. 0/th &loor15 Eastern
:ousin$ Co!ple+ Opp= 4ron$ TeB$aon
Gulshan615 Dha@a61212.
Tel= //22#225 //21"(16P47?5 //2/%(.0O1
&a+= //2626//1#2#/
Mo,= 21.116"%2(21
1=. President
7an$ladesh 4sso'iation o *otware I
Inor!ation *ervi'es 074*I*1
7*R* 7ha,an 01%th &loor1 East
12 Tawran 7a8ar5 Level6"5 Dha@a6121".
Tel= /1"11()6.5/1%%.2/6(
&a+= //2626/1"11(.
Mo,= 21.116"#2"2(
20. President
7an$ladesh 4ushad *hilpa *a!it-
:ouse 3o. &6#15 Road 3o. %
7lo'@6&5 7anani C>45 Dha@a61212
Tel= (//(.#15 //1"#.# 0O1
&a+= //2626//2.(.(
Mo,= 21.116"22221
21. President
7an$ladesh 4uto!o,iles 4sse!,lersY I
Manua'turers 4sso'iation
3itol Centre 01%th &loor1
.15 Moha@hali C>45 Dha@a61222
Tel= (//)/"%5 (//.2.% 0O1
Mo,= 21.116"21/"/
&a+= //2626(//.2.25 (//#121
22. President
7an$ladesh 4uto 7is'uits I 7read
Manua'turers 4sso'iation
Planners Tower
*uite 3o. (6125 1%th loor
1#>45 *onar$aon Road5 Dha@a6122"
Tel = /#122#)
Mo,= 21.11622/.%.5 21""26%#)%1)
2-. President
7an$ladesh 4uto!o,iles Lor@shop Mali@
2/5 Tawran 7a8ar 01
loor15 Dha@a61222.
Tel= (12/2%15 21.2.6)..2"" 0M1
E6!ail= ,aw!
2.. President
7an$ladesh 4uto Paints Mer'hant 4sso'iation
#/15 Ton$i Diversion Road
7ara Mo$h 7a8ar5 Dha@a.
Tel= (#%")/.5 &a+= /#1())2
Mo,= 21.1"611)/./
25. President
7an$ladesh 4vhantarin Posha@ Prostut@ara@
Mali@ *a!it-
2%5 *hohid *-ed 3a8rul Isla! *arani 0#rd &loor1
3orth *outh Road5 Lest *ide o *hooritola
*'hool5 Dha@a61122.
Tel= .#1)2#25 21/1.2)1"22
23. President
7an$ladesh 4uto *pare Parts Mer'hants I
Manua'turers 4sso'iation
Mah!uda Mar@et5 1st &loor
(25 7CC Road5 Thatari 7a8ar5 Dha@a6122#
Tel= .12112#5 .11)"#"5 .12"%2%
Mo,= 21.116"#2).2
26. President
7an$ladesh 4-urvedi' 4ushad *hilpa *a!it-
12/)>#6757a$an 7ari Road5
East Aurain5 Dha@a6122%.
Tel= .%1""2"5 .%22%)25 Mo,= 21.1"612%2#.
27. President
7an$ladesh 7ailin$ 7oard Manua'turersY
:ouse 3o.1/5 Road 3o.2%
7lo'@ 3o= T5 7anani5 Dha@a
Tel= (//.".%5//1%2.(0O1
Mo,= 21.1162%)1))
2=. President
7an$ladesh 7etal Leas 0Pan1 E+porters;
Ispahani 7uildin$ 0/th &loor1
1%61" MotiBheel C.4.5 Dha@a61222.
&a+= //2626(")"#1)
Mo,= 21.1#622"12"
-0. President
7an$ladesh 7i6'-'le I Parts Manua'turers; and
E+porters 4sso'iation
1/.61//>/ TeB$aon I.45 Dha@a.
Tel= //1.)115//1.)116%
&a+= //2626((.).%5(//.).%
Mo,= 21/1(622%%%%
-1. President
7an$ladesh 7i6C-'le Mer'hants 4sse!,lin$ I
I!porters 4sso'iation
.%>7 7an$shal Road5 Dha@a.
Tel= .#1(("25.)2%11(0O15 (//.22.0Res1
&a+= //2626.#1(("2
Mo,= 21.116"#22%"
-2. President
7an$ladesh 7idi *hilpa Mali@ *a!it-
1..5 *haheed *-ed 3a8rul Isla! *arani
Mahata, Center 0"
loor1 Roo! X )5
7iBo-na$ar5 Dha@a61222
Tel= .#1#1""5 .#1(/1"0O1
Mo,= 21""26)##((#
--. President
7an$ladesh 7read 7is'uit6O6 Cone'tioner-
Prostut@ara@ *a!it-
/" 7ara Ma$h,a8ar5 Lireless Moor
Ra!na 0#rd &loor15 Dha@a6121..
Tel. /#1//)10Res1
Mo,= 21.116)#)12(
-.. President
7an$ladesh 7ri'@ Manua'turin$ OwnersY
"1>1 *antina$ar 9IP Road
/var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_4/247370163.doc: 7/ Last printed 1/1/2003 12:53 AM
09IP Tower /th &loor15 Dha@a61222.
Tel= //2%(/10O15 (.1222"
Mo,= 21(116%.("2%
-5. Chairman
7an$ladesh 7us Tru'@ OwnersY 4sso'iation
:a8i 4hsan <llah Co!ple+
2".>Ta 7a$,ari5 Mirpur Road5 Dha@a6121).
Tel= /21#(..5/21#%#.0O1
Mo,= 21.116"2)"##
&a+= //2626/21#(")
-3. 7an$ladesh Car$o 9essel OwnersY 4sso'iation
4@ra! Tower5 "th &loor
Roo! 3o.61I25 1">"5 7iBo-na$ar5 Dha@a.
Tel= .11121# 0O1
Mo,= 21.1#62#1%"/
&a+= //2626(")%2(2
-6. President
7an$ladesh Cellophane Mer'hants 4sso'iation
/># Au!rail Lane5 3a-a,a8ar5 Dha@a
Tel= .#(2/#%5 21/1.6"#//./ 0M1
-7. Presi!ent
7an$ladesh Ce!ent Manua'turers 4sso'iation
&resh 9illa5 :ouse X 1"5 Road X #%5 Gulshan61
Tel= (//(#2)5 (//(%(2
Mo,= 21.1#62)2#%#
&a+= //2626(//%/()5 (//(#)1
-=. President
7an$ladesh Cera!i' Lares Manua'turers
"2>1 3ew Es@aton Road 0#rd &loor1
Tel= /#1%"#15 (#%"1.%5 (#")2/"0O1
&a+= //2626/#1%(##
Mo,= 21.116"%/(2/
.0. President
7an$ladesh Cera!i' I Glassware I!porters
*hapla Pla8a5 #15 Mitord Road5
Tel= .#122/) 0O15 21.116."2)"#
&a+= .#21"(2
E6!ail= ,'$
.1. Chair!an
7an$ladeshi-o Cha *an$sad
0Tea 4sso'iation o 7an$ladesh1
Pro$ressive Tower 0%th &loor1
1/#.5 *@. MuBi, Road
7ada!toli5 4$ra,ad C>4.
Tel= .1)%2.5"22"#)0O15 //2.#/(0R1
Mo,= 21.116/2))(2
&a+= //26#16.1)%2.
.2. 7an$ladesh Chala'hitra ProBoBa@ Pari,esha@
*@- Lar@ Point &loor1
2%>45 7iBo-na$ar5 Dha@a.
Tel= /#1%1)#5 21.126"1(("" 0M1
&a+= /#)1/1"
.-. President
7an$ladesh Chas!a *hilpa6O67ani@ *a!it-
15 Patuatul- Lane
Chas!a Mar@et 01st &loor15 Dha@a61122.
Tel= .#(#.2/5 ().1/"#
&a+= ().1/"#
Mo,= 21.116"2%.#%
... President
7an$ladesh Che!i'al I Peru!er- Mer'hant
7handari 7ha,an5
")6". Mitord Road5 Dha@a61122.
Mo,= 21/1(622/%"(5 21.116/"%%.25 "#%1.2
.5. President
7an$ladesh Che!i'al I!porters and Mer'hants
12% :a8ari,a$h 0Dha@a Tanner- Moor1
Tel= /)22)2/5 /)122"%0O1
Mo,= 21/1(61%"22.
.3. President
7an$ladesh Ci$arette Manua'turers;
TC7 7ha,an5Roo! X "5 7ase!ent &loor
Tawran 7a8ar5 Dha@a6121".
Tel= (122/("6.0O1
&a+= //2626(122.#)
Mo,= 21.116.2".2.
.6. President
7an$ladesh Cloth Mer'hantsY 4sso'iation
#2>1 4.C. Dhar Road5 Talir,a8ar5 3ara-an$anB.
Tel= .)#%%)%5 (.1%.2/5(.1221/5(.1%.2/0O15
Mo,= 21.1#62221..
.7. President
7an$ladesh C3G &illin$ *tation I Conversion
Lor@shop Owners 4sso'iation
22"622.5 TeB$aon Industrial 4rea5 Dha@a.
Tel= (/(2"/"
Mo,= 21.1%6222/)2
.=. President
7an$ladesh Coal>Co@e I!portersY 4sso'iation
1#/ Gulshan 4venue
*uite X "2% 0"th &loor15 Gulshan625 Dha@a61212
Tel= //1)%1.5 //12..%5 (//((#(
Mo,= 21.116"2.%/2
&a+= (/(2##1
E!ial= s!ahWd,n6,
50. Chair!an
7an$ladesh Cold *tora$e 4sso'iation
7C*4 7ha,an5 #/5 Purana Paltan5 Dha@a61222.
Tel= (")2(#25("""2"25(""%//#0O1
Mo,= 21.116"2%2%2
&a+= (")2(#2
51. President
7an$ladesh Co!puter *a!it-
F*O34RT4RI TOLERG 012th &loor1
Plot 3o. 125 7iponon C>4
*onar$aon Road 0Lin@ Road15 Dha@a6122".
/var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_4/247370163.doc: 70 Last printed 1/1/2003 12:53 AM
Tel.I &a+= ().2(""6") E+t. 12/5 1216#
52. Presi!ent
7an$ladesh Con'rete Produ'ts I 7lo'@
Manua'turers 4sso'iation
Isla! Tower5 *uite X &2 0"
)"5 3a-a Paltan5 Dha@a61222
Tel = /#1%22"5 /#1/#)25 //1%22/5 //1"%))
&a+ = //2626//2#""25 (//.2#.
5-. President
7an$ladesh Corru$ated Carton I 4''essories
Manua'turersY I E+porters 4sso'iation
F*O34RT4RI TOLERG 0(th &loor1
Plot 3o.125 7iponon C>4
*onar$aon Road 0Lin@ Road15 Dha@a6122".
Tel= ())).)#5 /)212225 .122%"25 .122%"2 0O1
&a+= /)212225 .122%"1
5.. President
7an$ladesh Crat and Gitware E+porters
#)5 DIT E+tension Road
3a-a Paltan 02nd &loor15 Dha@a61222.
Tel = /#1))2)
&a+ = /#12/2)
55. President
7an$ladesh Cro'@eries Mer'hants 4sso'iation
1%%5 Mitord Road5 Chaw@ 7a8ar5 Dha@a61222
Tel= .#1#").5 .#11/1/
&a+= .#%11."
Mo,= 21/1(6211/")5 21.116"#.222
53. Chair!an
7an$ladesh Crop Prote'tion 4sso'iation
C>o. &MC Che!i'al International 4G
*uite P.215 Con'ord Tower 0.
11#5 Ta8i 3a8rul Isla! 4venue5 Dha@a61222
Tel= (#"2.)/5 (#"12..
&a+= //2626(#"2.)(
E6!ail= !'ap$daW,d!
Mo,= 211((6/"1"/2
56. President
7an$ladesh C.R. Coil Manua'turers I
E+porters 4sso'iation
2""5 3asira,ad Industrial 4rea5 Chitta$on$.
Tel = 2#16)/12%26%%
&a+=)/%22%5 )/1#(/
57. President
7an$ladesh Cos!eti's I Toiletries
Manua'turers 4sso'iation
*Euare Centre5 %/5 Moha@hali C>45
Tel= (""#"225)2"21#5 //2..2(6#/0O1
&a+= //2626(").#2%5//2/)2(
5=. President
7an$ladesh Cotton 4sso'iation o 4$ents
Trader;s Growers I Ginners
/.5 MotiBheel C>4 01st &loor1
Red Cresent Cha!,er5 Dha@a61222.
Tel= (""#22.5 21.1#6212%"10M1
&a+= //2626(""/(%2
30. President
7an$ladesh Die I Mold Manua'tures
Roo! X #16#2 loor15 Eastern Pla8a
*onar$aon Road5 Dha@a6122"
Tel= /)1#/")5 /)1///)
&a+= //2626/)1)#.25 /)1%%/)
31. President
7an$ladesh Do@an Mali@ *a!it-
1". 3a-apaltan 01st &loor15 Dha@a61222.
Tel= (""11#15("")#2%5 ("")1".0O1
/#1)/220R15 &a+= (")%"2/
Mo,= 21.16"#2"(1
32. President
7an$ladesh Dress Ma@ersY 4sso'iation
%"5 7.7. 4venue 0%th &loor15 Dha@a.
Tel= (".22)(5(""")#25(".22)(0O1
&a+= //2626//1#/.(
3-. President
7an$ladesh Du$hdha I Du$dhaBat
*ha!a$ri Prostut@ara@ I 7a,osha-ee *a!it-
%(>15 La@e Cir'us5 Tala,a$an5 Dha@a6122".
Tel= /11)"."5.#12/)%0O15 /1112))0Res1
&a+= //2626/11)".)
3.. President
7an$ladesh Dal 7a,osa-ee *a!it-
1.) Later Lor@s Road
Rah!at$onB5 Dha@a
Tel= .#122/15 Mo,= 21.116#%2/%1
35. President
7an$ladesh D-ed Yarn E+porters 4sso'iation
Ere'tors :ouse
1/5 Te!al 4tatur@ 4venue 0(th loor1
7anani C>45 Dha@a6121#
Tel= //#)(21620O1
&a+= (/(/)22
Mo,= 21.116"2)#""
33. President
7an$ladesh E$$ Produ'ers 4sso'iation
2>25 *hahBahan Road
Moha!!adpur5 Dha@a 6 122.
Tel = (11)11% 0O1
Mo,= 21(116#/2%()
36. Chairman
7an$ladesh Ele'tri'al 4sso'iation
Chistia Ele'tri'al Mar@et 0%th &loor1
1#% 3awa,pur Road5 Dha@a61122
Tel= .11.2("5("""#)2
&a+= //2626/)1()#"
37. President
7an$ladesh Ele'tri'al Contra'tors 4sso'iation
1( 7an$ha,andhu 4venue5 Dha@a61222.
Tel= (#%#1..
Mo,= 21.116/1")("
3=. Chair!an
7an$ladesh Ele'troni's Manua'turers
4raat Tower 02nd &loor1
(% Mali,a$h DIT Road5 Dha@a6121.
Tel= (""22./5 ("".().0O15 /(1)2/20R1
&a+= //2626/#12(1#
/var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_4/247370163.doc: /0 Last printed 1/1/2003 12:53 AM
60. President
7an$ladesh Ele'tri'al Mer'handise
Manua'turersY 4sso'iation
)5 7.C.C. Road 01st loor1
Thatari 7a8ar5 Dha@a6122#
Tel= (")212)5 (".2"210O1
&a+= //2626/(1(.)2
61. President
7an$ladesh Ele'troni's Mer'hants 4sso'iation
21) *hahid 3a8rul isla! *warini
%# Top@hana Road 0#rd &loor15 Dha@a61222
Tel= (""11#15 ("")#2%5 ("")1".0O15 /#1)/220R1
Mo,= 21.116"#2"(1
62. President
7an$ladesh E!,roider- Manua'turers I
E+porters 4sso'iation
:ouse X 2( I #15 Ta,i &aruEue *arani
3i@unBu625 Dha@a6122(
Tel= /(1#"#/
&a+= /(1)"(/
Mo,= 21.226"./1.15 211(.622)"22
6-. President
7an$ladesh Ener$- Co!panies 4sso'iation
(5Moha@hali C>40(th &loor15 Dha@a61212.
Tel= (//#2)"5 //2/#2.
&a+= //2#12(
Mo,= 211((6/211/2
6.. President
7an$ladesh En$ineerin$ *hilpa Mali@ *a!it-
#/5 Tipu *ultan Road5 Dha@a.
Tel= .1.#%2#
Mo,= 21.116"#222)
65. President
7an$ladesh En$ine I 7ul@head 7oat OwnerYs
12>45 R.T. Mission Road 02nd &loor1
7ehind Propert- :ei$hts 7uildin$5 Dha@a6122#
Tel= .121)##5 .112%%2H &a+= (""%%."
63. President
7an$ladesh E+port Oriented Gar!ents Lashin$
Industries Owners 4sso'iation
1(25TeB$aon Industrial 4rea 0#rd loor1
TeB$aon5 Dha@aP122/
Tel= (//").%5 (//)%2)
&a+= (//12).
Mo,= 21.116"))###
66. Chair!an
7an$ladesh &ertili8er 4sso'iation 07&41
4lra8i Co!ple+ 0"
1))61).5 *haheed *a-ed 3a8rul Isla! *arani
0*outh *ite o 7iBo-na$ar Later Tan@1
Purana Paltan5 Dha@a61222
Tel= (#"2%125 &a+= (#%/.1%
Mo,= 21.116##"%22
67. President
7an$ladesh &il! I!porters 4sso'iation
#)5 :at@hola5 Dha@a6122#
Tel = .1)(2).5 /(22#/.5 /(1.%)#
Mob? 01552-2002'2+ 01'15-1552%%
6=. Chair!an
7an$ladesh &inished Leather I Leather
Goods I &ootwear E+porters 4sso'iation
:ouse 3o. #2>45 Road 3o. 25 &lat 3o. 762
Dhan!ondi R>45 Dha@a6122(.
Tel= /)221).6/
&a+= //2626/)221)/
E6!ail= ,lleaW-ahoo.'o!
70. President
7an$ladesh &le+i,le Pa'@a$in$ Industries
25 7*CIC Industrial Estate5 Ton$i5 Ga8ipur.
Tel= (/2####5(/2#)210O1
&a+= //2626(/21.125 (/21.11
71. President
7an$ladesh &lower Growers and E+porters
/%>1 Moha!!adi :ousin$ *o'iet-
1st &loor5 Road 3o. %5 Moha!!adpur5 Dha@a
Tel= /122%#%5 (1%1."25 (1#2%"2
&a+= (1#2%"2
72. Chairman
7an$ladesh &orei$n E+'han$e Dealers
Eastern :ousin$ Co!!er'ial 7uildin$
011th &loor15 .# Ta@rail5 Dha@a61222.
Tel= /#"%##"0O1
7-. Presi!ent
7an$ladesh &ro8en &oods E+porters
*@-lar@ Point 012th &loor1
2%>4 7eBo- 3a$ar5 3orth *outh Road5 Dha@a
Tel= /122%#%5 (1%1."25 (1#2%"2
&a+= (1#2%"2
7.. President
7an$ladesh &ruits 9e$eta,les I 4llied
Produ'ts E+portersY 4sso'iation
Rah!ania Int;l Co!ple+ 0"th &loor1
Roo! X 115 2/>1>C5 To-n,ee Cir'ular Road
MotiBheel5 Dha@a61222.
Tel= (")2"2) 0E+t= 1215 1225 12# I 12"1
&a+= //2626(""22".
E6!ail= ,vapeaSasso'iationW-ahoo.'o!
75. Chairman
7an$ladesh &urniture *hilpa Mali@ *a!it-
76222>C *hoppin$ Centre 0%th &loor1
Gulshan615 Dha@a61212.
Tel= )2#%2/5//2..2#5//2/..)5//2..2#
)2"/%15 (//2/2/0O1
&a+= //2626//2/.")
Mo,= 21.116"22")/
73. President
7an$ladesh Gar!ent 7u-in$ :ouse 4sso'iation
*a, 3eer5 :ouse X 12"5 Road X 125
7lo'@6C5 3i@aton5 Gulshan615 Dha@a61212
Tel= (/(#)/(
&a+= (/(#)/(
Mo,= 211((6/11)))
76. President
/var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_4/247370163.doc: /1 Last printed 1/1/2003 12:53 AM
7an$ladesh Gar!ent Manua'turers I
E+portersY 4sso'iation
2#>15Panthapath Lin@ Road
Tarwan 7a8ar5 Dha@a6121".
Tel= /11""(.5/11"."15 /21122.5 /21##")0O1
&a+= //2626/11#("15 /21#"2%
77. President
7an$ladesh Ga-an6O6*riBonshil Pro@asha@
Paltan Tower loor15 Roo! 3o6.2"
/.5 Purana Paltan Line5 Dha@a61222.
Tel= .111##25 (#""2"/
Mo,= 21/1(621(22%
7=. President
7an$ladesh Ghar- 7a,osha-ee *a!it-
##5 Patuatuli Road 02nd &loor1
Tel= .#(#)2%0O1
=0. President
7an$ladesh Glitter and Glitter Yarn
Manua'turer 4sso'iation
C>O Ga8i Ce!ent Mills
2nd &loor5 12)5 MotiBheel C>4
Tel= (""122%5 (""(")"
=1. President
7an$ladesh Gre-6Cloth Mer'hant 4sso'iation
4hsan ManBil 0#rd &loor1
(5 4hsanullah Road5 Isla!pur
Tel= .#(2(%/5 .#(222/5 .%122(15 .#(2(%/0O1
=2. President
7an$ladesh Gre- and &inished &a,ri's Mills
E+porters 4sso'iation
Dil@usha Center5 *uit 3o.1/2% 01/th &loor1
2/ Dil@usha C.45 Dha@a61222.
Tel= (""/"#%0O1
=-. Presi!ent
7an$ladesh Gro'er- 7usiness 4sso'iation
12.5 MotiBheel C>4 Roo! X #25 0"th &loor1
Tel= .#(2(%/5.#(222/5 /(1/)"2 0O1
=.. President
7an$ladesh :ard 7oard DealersY 4sso'iation
/># Au!rail Lane5 3a-a,a8ar5 Dha@a.
Tel= .#(121/0O1
Mo,= 21.1#62%#)2#
=5. President
7an$ladesh :andi'rats Manua'turers I
E+portersY 4sso'iation
7TMC 7ha,an
.6( Tawran 7a8ar 0%th &loor15 Dha@a6121"
Tel= (11(2(2
=3. President
7an$ladesh :ardware I Ma'hiner- Mer'hants;
"5 7an$a,andu 4venue 0#rd &loor1 Dha@a61222.
Tel= (""2.%10O15 2.216/)1#((0Res1
Mo,= 21.126"2)2225 21"")6#2%2#/
=6. Chair!an
7an$ladesh :er,al Produ'ts Manua'turin$
*Euare Centre5 %/ Moha@hali C>45 Dha@a61212
Tel= /11/)(2
&a+= //2626//121/2
Mo,= 21.116"%2(21
=7. President
7an$ladesh :ide I *@in Mer'hants 4sso'iation
//>45 Later Lor@s Road
Postha5 Lal,a$h5 Dha@a61211.
Tel= ())#22#5())"//(0O1
==. President
7an$ladesh :osier- 4sso'iation
:osier- 7ha,an
:osier- *hilpa 3a$ar-
*hason$on$5 &atullah5 3ara-an$anB61%22.
Tel= .).122#5 .).1)2(
Mo,= 21(116#21%2(5 21""26#(2(.%
100. President
7an$ladesh :otel and Guest :ouse Owners
:ouse X %>75 Road X ).5 Gulshan62
Tel= //2#)"25 //1.%)15 //1.)#1
&a+= //2626(//("/(
E6!ail= inoW'ivi'inn.'o!
101. President
7an$ladesh :o!eopathi' Medi'ine
Manua'turersY 4sso'iation
#25 3a-a Paltan 0#rd &loor1
DIT E+tension Road5 Dha@a61222.
Tel= (#"/2.(5 Mo,= 21.116"22%%2
102. President
7an$ladesh :orti'ultural Produ'ers and
E+porters 4sso'iation
2/>1>C To-en,ee Cir'ular Road
0#rd &loor15 MotiBheel C>45 Dha@a61222
Tel= .1)1(/" 0O1
Mo,= 21.116).1"##
10-. President
7an$ladesh I!itation Aeweller- Manua'turers5
E+porters and Mer'hants 4sso'iation
##"5Chaw@ 7a8ar5 Dha@a.
Tel= .#1".2)5 21(116.2)).2 0M1
10.. Chair!an
7an$ladesh Insuran'e 4sso'iation
Cha!,er 7uildin$ 0(th &loor1
122612% MotiBheel C>45 Dha@a61222
Tel= ("".##25 (".12%.
&a+= //2626("".##2
105. President
7an$ladesh Indentin$ 4$entsY 4sso'iation
*uite 3o. (21 0(th &loor1
Dil@usha Centre5 2/5 Dil@usha C>45 Dha@a61222.
Tel= .1)(2)"0O1
&a+= //2626(""2%#)5 21.116"#"#/2 0M1
/var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_4/247370163.doc: /2 Last printed 1/1/2003 12:53 AM
103. Chair!an
7an$ladesh Inland Laterwa-s 0P.C.1
1%5 Purana Paltan
Darussala! 4r'ade 0%th &loor15 Dha@a.
Tel= (".2.%"
&a+= (".2.%"
Mo,= 21.116")#2".
106. President
7an$ladesh Iron and *teel I!porters
((>1225 Malitola 7iponi 7itan 01st &l15 Dha@a.
Tel= .1)."1)5 .1)##/.
Mo,= 21.1"622/)1"
107. President
7an$ladesh Iron I *teel Mer'hantsY 4sso'iation
12>1 TaB!ahal Road5 Moha!!adpur
Tel= (122(((5 (12.(/)
&a+= //2626(12(2(%

10=. President
7an$ladesh Aa!dani Manua'turersI E+porters
#.5 7an$a,andhu 4venue 01
loor15 Dha@a
Tel = (")(##)
&a+= (""/)(%
Mo,= 21.116"%.%))
110. President
7an$ladesh Aeweller- Manua'turers I
E+porters 4sso'iation
//5 4nar@ali *uper Mar@et 0%th loor1
Mow'ha@5 *iddeshwari5 Dha@a.
Tel= /#22#1%
111. President
7an$ladesh AewellersY *a!it-
#5 7aitul Mo@arrra! 01st &loor15 Dha@a.
Tel= /)11".)5 "2)(##5 /)1%12)5 (""2)%20O15
Mo,= 21.116"%("2%
112. Chair!an
7an$ladesh Aute 4sso'iation
7A4 7ha,an5 ..5 MotiBheel C>45 Dha@a.
Tel= (""2(1) E+t= 111
&a+= //2626(")")##
E6!ail= ,ButeW,an$
11-. Chair!an
7an$ladesh Aute E+portersY 4sso'iation
(>G MotiBheel C>45 Dha@a61222.
Tel= ("2(125 (""#%2/5 .1.)(#"
&a+= //2626(""/(2)
11.. Chair!an
7an$ladesh Aute Goods 4sso'iation
#>125 3a-a Paltan 0%th &loor15 Dha@a61222.
Tel>&a+= (#%/%("
E6!ail= ,B$aWa$
115. President
7an$ladesh Aute Mills 4sso'iation
4da!Bee Court 0%th &loor1
11"6122 MotiBheel C>45 Dha@a61222
Tel = ("))%.25 (""".(/0O1
&a+= //2626("))%.2
Mo,= 21.116"))2/(
113. Chairman
7an$ladesh Aute *pinnersY 4sso'iation
""5 Purana Paltan 0#rd &loor15 Dha@a61222.
Tel= (""1#1.5 (")2..
&a+= (")2..2
116. President
7an$ladesh Ta'h Dealers and 4ina 7a,osa-ee
% 48i8 <llah Road5 7a,u 7a8ar5 Dha@a61122.
Tel= //1%2.(5 (//.".%0O1
117. Presi!ent
7an$ladesh Tali Prostut@ara@ Mali@ *a!it-
25 DIT 4venue 0E+tension15 %
MotiBheel C>45 Dha@a61222
Tel= (")////
&a+= //2626(")///.
E6!ail= to@aW,an$
11=. President
7an$ladesh Tnit D-ein$ Owners
Old 7ar 4sso'iation 7uildin$ 01st loor1
*.T. Road5 3ara-an$onB.
Tel= (."2))"5 .)%112(
Mo,= 21.116"#.#12
120. Presi!ent
7an$ladesh Tnitwear Manua'turersI E+porters
4sso'iation 07TME41
2##>15 7.7. Road5 3ara-an$anB61%22
Tel= .)%1/".5 .)%2"#"5 /)22#..0O15
&a+= .)#2)2(5 ().###.
Mo,= 21(1#6"#"#"#5 21.116"#)1/%
121. President
7an$ladesh La,el Manua'turers I E+porters
Ere'tors :ouse 0(th &loor1
1/5 Te!al 4tatur@ 4venue
7anani C>45 Dha@a6121#.
Tel= //#)(215 //#)(220O1
&a+= //2626(/(/)22
122. President
7an$ladesh La,an Mill Mali@ *a!it-
DCCI 7uildin$ 0#
)"6)) MotiBheel C>45 Dha@a61222.
Tel= (")2.#2
&a+= //2626
Mo,= 21.116"#2)%%
12-. Presi!ent
7an$ladesh Leasin$ I &inan'e Co!panies
7a-;s Galleria 01
".5 Gulshan 4venue5 Dha@a61212
Tel= //#%((2
&a+= //2626//#"//%
E6!ail= e+e'utiveWidl'.'o!
12.. President
/var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_4/247370163.doc: /3 Last printed 1/1/2003 12:53 AM
7an$ladesh Leather Goods Manua'turin$
125 Au!rail Lane5 3a-a 7a8ar5 Dha@a.
Tel= .#(2"2#
125. President
7an$ladesh Lo8en$e Manua'turin$ 4sso'iation
2#2>2#15 Chaw@ 7a8ar5 Dha@a61122.
Tel= .#1".2)50O15/)22"2(0Res1
&a+= //2626())("612
Mo,= 21(116.2)).25 21.1%6((/"#1
123. Presi!ent
7an$ladesh Ma'hine Made R.C.C. Pipe
Manua'turers 4sso'iation
1> %5 Pari,a$h5 Dha@a
Tel= (//1##2
&a+ = //2626(//1##2
126. Presi!ent
7an$ladesh Man$o Produ'er Mer'hants
Daudpur Road 5 Chapai 3awa,$onB
Tel= 2./16")//(0O1
Mo,= 21.116")/##2
127. Presi!ent
7an$ladesh Marine 4''essories Mer'hants
/>25 Lai8 Ghat Road5 Totwali5 Dha@a61122.
Tel= .#(##2%5 .#(#".10O1
&a+= //2626.#(%21(
12=. Chairman
7an$ladesh Marine &isheries 4sso'iation
1#>4 Centre Point Con'ord
*uit 3o. 1#>4 01#th &loor15 &ar!$ate5 Dha@a
Tel= /)1)(#%5 /11.#2(5 (11/2("
&a+= //26#162""2%%5 //2626/)1)(#%5 /11#%//
1-0. President
7an$ladesh Master *tevedores 4sso'iation
:ussain Cha!,er 01st &loor1
12" 4$ra,ad C>45 Chitta$on$.
Tel= 2#16.22##"5 .111/#5 .2%""(0O1
.1221"0R15 &a+=2#16.12#(/
Mo,= 21.116/1%/1(
1-1. Presi!ent
7an$ladesh Mat'h Manua'turers 4sso'iation
RaBu@ 4nne+ 7uildin$ 0Gr. &loor15
Tel= (""1#(%5(")22.%0O15
1-2. Presi!ent
7an$ladesh Medi'al Instru!ent and :ospital
EEuip!ent Dealer;s and Manua'turers
#2 7an$ha,andhu 4venue5
Ground &loor5 Dha@a61222.
Tel= (""").(0O1
Mo,= 21.116"#2"(1
1--. Presi!ent
7an$ladesh Metal Pa'@a$in$ Manua'turers
C>o= Oshadhi Industries Ltd.
1/ Gopi,a$ 1
Ground &loor5 Dha@a6122#
Tel= .1.1()#
&a+= //2626.1.()#
1-.. Presi!ent
7an$ladesh Metal Lire and Lirenails
Mer'hant;s 4sso'iation
12 I!a!$onB5 Au!!an 7epari Pla8a5 Dha@a.
Tel= .#12.()5 .#112115 .#12%)(0O1
Mo,= 21.116"#1#"1
1-5. Presi!ent
7an$ladesh Mi'ro *heet Manua'turer;s
%"5 Tari!ullah 7a$h
P.*. *ha!pur5 Posta$ola5 Dha@a6122%
Tel= .%122225 .%12".#5 .11/2%" 0R1
Mo,= 21.126%2")1/5 21.1"6"))###
1-3. Presi!ent
7an$ladesh Mo,ile Phone I!porters
:ouseX 25 RoadX 1>45 Gulshan615 Dha@a61212.
Tel= //##%)#6%
Mo,= 21/1(6212#)/5 21.1%6111212
1-6. President
7an$ladesh Mo,ile Phone 7usiness!en
#%">#>4 *onar$aon Road 0#
3ear Eastern Pla8a5 :atirpul5 Dha@a6122"
Tel= ())))/"5 ()."//"5 ()).)))
Mo,= 21(1162111//5 21/1(61."1//
1-7. Presi!ent
7an$ladesh Monihari 7ani@ *a!it-
C.*. Plot 3o. 2%2>Gha
Chaw@ Cir'ular Road 03orth *ide1
Post Oi'e= Chaw@ 7a8ar5 Dha@a61211
Tel = .#1(.%/ 0O1
1-=. President
7an$ladesh Mosai' Mer'hantsY 4sso'iation
4!an Tiles5 #2"5 *onar$oan Road5
Tel= ())"2)10O1 H &a+= //2626())(#(/
Mo,= 21.116"#12#(
1.0. Presi!ent
7an$ladesh Motor C-'le Dealers; 4sso'iation
2/ 3ew Es@aton Road5 Dha@a61222.
Tel= .#1/%))5 .#12""/
Mo,= 2116/221"(
1.1. Presi!ent
7an$ladesh Motion Pi'ture E+hi,itors;
*uit 3o6)>1) 0)
/var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_4/247370163.doc: /4 Last printed 1/1/2003 12:53 AM
Eastern Co!!er'ial Co!ple+
.#5 Ta@rail5 Dha@a61222.
Tel= (##1/.15 P47? = (#%#2.2>#"2
&a+= //2626.#(11(#
1.2. Presi!ent
7an$ladesh Motor Parts I T-re Tu,e
Mer'hants; 4sso'iation
(5 3orth 7roo@ :all Road5 Dha@a61122.
Tel= .11/%/)0O15 &a+= //2626(")"2./
1.-. Chairman
7an$ladesh Mudran *hilpa *a!it-
Cit- :eart 0%th &loor1
).5 3a-a Paltan5 Dha@a.
Tel= .1221/25 .122"2(0O15 (##221"0R1
Mo,= 21.116)/./2(
1... Chairman
7an$ladesh 3urser- Mali@ *a!it-
:X %(.5RX ##53ew DO:*
Moha@hali5 Dha@a 6 122)
Tel = //")/(%5 &a+ = //1"2/1
Mo,= 21.116"#2#2/
1.5. Presi!ent
7an$ladesh O'ean Goin$ *hip Owners
:RC 7ha,an
*uite 3o. .22 0.
%) Tawran 7a8ar5 Dha@a6121".
Tel= /12)1.#6)0O1
&a+= //2626/112((#
1.3. Chairman
7an$ladesh Oil Mills 4sso'iation
11">.64 Distilar- Road
Ganderia5 Dha@a6122%.
Tel= .%1#"%"5(###.120O1
&a+= //2626(""11("
Mo,= 21.116")222#
1.6. Presi!ent
7an$ladesh Oil Tan@er OwnersY 4sso'iation
7CIC 7ha,an 01%th &loor1
#26#1 Dil@usha C.4.5 Dha@a61222.
Tel= (")"2/2>(11".1"5(11"/2/0O1
#2"22"0Res15 &a+= //2626/11##.2
1.7. Presi!ent
7an$ladesh P47? 4sso'iation
1).5 Distilar- Road 0%
Gandaria. Dha@a6122%
Tel = .%112#"5 .%12"2/
&a+= (#"..2)
Mo,= 21.1)6%2%#%%5 21/1(62/2.2(
1.=. Presi!ent
7an$ladesh Padu@a Prostut@ara@ *a!it-
1)>2 Ao-na$h Road5 7a@shi,a8ar5
Lal,a$h5 Dha@a61211.
Tel= ())(//(5())2(#)0O15 .#1122/0Res1
Mo,= 21/1.62.1%1"5 21.12622/".2
150. Chairman
7an$ladesh Paint D-es I Che!i'al Mer'hantsY
"5 Chaw@ Cir'ular Road
Lutor Rah!an Manation 0#
&l15 Dha@a61211.
Tel= .#12/2(
Mo,= 21.116)()/%/
151. Presi!ent
7an$ladesh Paint Manua'turersY 4sso'iation
(257ai8id 7osta!i Road5 P.O. 7o+X #("5
Tel= (")1#.)6/5 2#16)"%2226%0O1
152. Presi!ent
7an$ladesh Pai@ar- Gara!
Mashallah 7a,osa-ee *a!it-
Mo!ta8 Pla8a
2>25 Mo@i!@atara 02nd loor1
Moulvi,a8ar5 Dha@a61122
Tel= .#1..#2
&a+= .#122.%
Mo,= 21.1#62#22%%
15-. Presi!ent
7an$ladesh Pai@ar- 9oBBa-a Tel 7a,osa-ee
..>25 Moulvi 7a8ar5 Dha@a P 1122
Tel= .#1(.2"5 .#122/.
Mo,= 21.116"()(1(
15.. Presi!ent
7an$ladesh Plasti' Pa'@a$in$5 Roll
Manua'turers Owners 4sso'iation
1)5 Ma@i! Tatara 03a$ina 7ha,an1
loor5 Chaw@ 7a8ar5 Dha@a61211
Tel= .#21(2(5 &a+= .#21(2(
155. Presi!ent
7an$ladesh Paper Cone I Tu,e Manua'tuers
Dil@usha Centre5 1.
&loor5 *uite61.2#
2/5 Dil@usha C>45 Dha@a61222.
Tel= (").)2%
Mo,= 21(1#6)2//"#
153. Presi!ent
7an$ladesh Paper I!portersY 4sso'iation
Mahta, Center 0%
l.15 Roo! X 2)5
1..5 *-ed 3a8rul Isla! *arani5
7iBo-na$ar5 Dha@a61222.
Tel= (")2.%15 21.116"%%"21 0M1
&a+= (""/.".
156. Presi!ent
7an$ladesh Paper Mer'hantsY 4sso'iation
C>o= M>s. Monora! Tradin$
#1>15 3awa, Yusu Road5
3a-a 7a8ar5 Dha@a61122.
Tel= .#(2#%#0O15 (")(%.%
157. President
7an$ladesh Paper Mills 4sso'iation
C>O= 7ashundhara Group
7ashundhara Cit-
1#>Ta>1 Panthpath5 Dha@a6121"
Tel= ("")%"26%
&a+= //2626("")%"(
/var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_4/247370163.doc: /5 Last printed 1/1/2003 12:53 AM
15=. Presi!ent
7an$ladesh Par'el *ervi'es Owners
*.4. Pari,ahan 7ha,an
2262%5 Ta@rail5 *hantina$ar Road5 Dha@a.
Tel= (##22"2
&a+= (##%.#25 (#%12#.
Mo,= 21.116")22..
130. Presi!ent
7an$ladesh Pathor 7a,osa-ee *a!it-
1% Purana Paltan
Darussala! 4r@ed 0"
Roo! 3o.)675 Dha@a.
Tel= ("")%%/5 (.1)2/" 0O1
Mo,= 21.116/2/((.
131. Presi!ent
7an$ladesh Path-a Pusta@ Mudra@6O67iponon
""5 Inner Cir'ular Road
*hantina$ar5 Dha@a6121..
Tel= (##/1/)5(#"2##/0O15
132. Presi!ent
7an$ladesh Petroliu! Dealer;s5
Distri,utor;s 4$ents I Petrol Pu!p
Owners; 4sso'iation
/2>25 Ta@rail 0#
loor15 9IP Road5 Dha@a
Tel= (""22.%
13-. Presi!ent
7an$ladesh Pet &la@es Manua'turers I
E+porters 4sso'iation 07P&ME41
122>45 R* 7ha,an5 MotiBheel C>45
Tel= (".1)1"5 ("""%)2 0O1
&a+= (".1)2#
Mo,= 21.116"2"%".5 21.1#62)2222
13.. Presi!ent
7an$ladesh Photo$raphi' 4sso'iation
Ka@aria 7ha,an 0#
##.2+ 6at,hola Roa!+ =ha,a-120#/
Tel= .1))2//5 (12221) 0Res1
&a+ = //2626.1))2//
Mo,= 21.116"2#%.2
135. Presi!ent
7an$ladesh Pipe I Tu,ewell Mer'hantsY
1%5 :a8i Os!an Gani Road 02
Tel= .11(%#25 (""#)")
&a+= //2626(""%(.%
Mo,= 21/1.6"1(2."
133. Presi!ent
7an$ladesh Plasti' 7a,osa-ee *a!it-
%25 T.7. Rudra Road
0<rdu Road5 #rd &loor 15 Dha@a61211.
Tel= .#1%)./0O1
Mo,= 21.116"#21#.
136. Presi!ent
7an$ladesh Plasti' Dra,-a Prostut@ara@6O6
Raptani@ara@ 4sso'iation
Paltan Tower5 *uite 3o. )2# I )2%
/.5 Purana Paltan Lane 0)
&loor15 Dha@a.
Tel= /#"21(2
&a+= //2626(#%.//(
Mo,= 21.1"6/#(1%2
137. Presi!ent
7an$ladesh Podder *a!it-
2/5 Totwali Road 0#rd &loor1
Tel= /)1%".1
13=. Presi!ent
7an$ladesh Pol-!ar I!porters; 4sso'iation
#1">75 TeB$aon Industrial 4rea
Tel= //222#"5//21))"0O1
&a+= //2626//2(1..
160. Presi!ent
7an$ladesh Poultr- Industries 4sso'iation
4da!Bee Court 0Ground &loor1
11"61225 MotiBheel C.4.5 Dha@a6
Tel= (")%)1#5(""2"%#5(11##)/5 /11/"(20O1
&a+= //2626(##2/))
161. Presi!ent
7an$ladesh Private Clini' and Dia$nosti'
Owner;s 4sso'iation
&ara,i General :ospital Ltd.
Road X 1% 0new15 :ouse X />#
Dhan!ondi R>45 Dha@a.
Tel = /122%.15 21.1"22(2(
&a+ = /122%.1
162. Presi!ent
7an$ladesh Pu,lishers I 7oo@sellers
#5 LiaEuat 4venue5 Dha@a.
Tel= .111)))5 .12#%2"0O1
&a+= .12#%2"
16-. #dmi%i(trator
7an$ladesh Pusta@ 7andhai 7a,osa-ee *a!it-
15 :orish Chandra 7oshu *treet
Paridas Road5 7an$la,a8ar5 Dha@a61122.
Tel= .1.%)2%
16.. Presi!ent
7an$ladesh P9C Co!pound Manua'turers
#)5 La@e Cir'us Tala,a$an5 Dha@a6122".
Tel= /11"2"%H &a+= /11#1)%
165. Presi!ent
7an$ladesh P9C Pipe Manua'turersY
22>2" *iddiEue 7a8ar
3orth *outh Road5 Dha@a.
Tel= .1)#2)#5 ("))/%25 /11##(/
163. Presi!ent
7an$ladesh Railwa- *pares I 4''essories
*uppliers 4sso'iation
/var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_4/247370163.doc: /6 Last printed 1/1/2003 12:53 AM
12>7625 Thulshi5 Ka@ir :ossen Road5
Thulshi5 Chitta$on$.
Tel= 2#16)""(2#5 )".%%#5 )##/120Res15
Mo,= 2116.)222%
166. Presi!ent
7an$ladesh Re'onditioned 9ehi'les
I!porters I Dealers 4sso'iation
l.15 Dha@a61222.
Tel= (##(%)/0O1
&a+= /#"(22#5 /#1%(%(
Mo,= 21.1#622.12.
167. Presi!ent
2a%!lade(h $e'ri!eratio% E #ir
Conditionin$ Mer'hants 4sso'iation
:6)%>. 01st &loor15 4!toli5
Moha@hali5 Dha@a61212
Tel=//21#%#5 (/()"1#0O1
&a+= //2626//2"%.%
16=. Chairman
7an$ladesh Re6Rollin$ Mills 4sso'iation
4si Mansion 0(
..>15 Ta@rial5 Dha@a61222.
Tel= /#"#2"1
170. Presi!ent
7an$ladesh Restaurant Owners 4sso'iation
*uit X "2%5 Dr. 3awa, 4li Tower 0"
2%>45 Purana Paltan5 Dha@a61222
Tel= .11%/215 (")(./25 .1222/#5 .11%/21
&a+= //2626(")%"2#
171. Presi!ent
7an$ladesh Resha! *hilpa Mali@ *a!it-
34*CI7 7ha,an 0*ide Poli'e *tation1
7*CIC Industrial Estate5
I>E5 *opura5 RaBshahi6 )122.
Tel= 2.216/)1#)%
&a+= //26.216/)12#%
Mo,= 21.1#6#))#""5 21.116/))122
172. Presi!ent
7an$ladesh Ri'e E+porters 4sso'iation
)25 3ew Paltan Line5 48i!pur5 Dha@a.
Tel= ().#("/5 /)2()1#
&a+= //2626()...#1
Mo,= 21/1%6/)(2""
17-. Presi!ent
7an$ladesh Ri'e Mer'hants 4sso'iation
. Gopinat Dutta To,iraB *treet
7a,u,a8ar5 Dha@a
Tel= .1)2."%
17.. Presi!ent
7an$ladesh Ri'e Mills OwnersY 4sso'iation
225 MotiBheel C>4 02
loor15 Dha@a.
Tel. .#(2/#)
Mo,= 21.116"#.(1%
175. Presi!ent
7an$ladesh Rin Grohita *ara@ Pari,ahan Mali@
##5 7aitul 4!an Aa!e MasBid Co!ple+ 01st &lr1
Inner Cir'ular Road5 4ra!,a$
MotiBheel C>45 Dha@a61222
Tel= .121))/5 .122#%# 0O1
Mo,= 21.1"6)(.1"#
173. Presi!ent
2a%!lade(h $i,er Tra%(port #!e%t O;%er(
Aa,in 7ha,an 01
1(#>45 &a@irapul5 Dha@a61222.
Tel= 211((6".%#1#
176. Presi!ent
7an$ladesh Ru,,er Garden OwnersY
1(>15 3a-a Paltan 0Ground loor15 Dha@a61222
Tel= 2)))62)2%."2
Mo,= 21/1.621(2.#
177. Presi!ent
7an$ladesh Ru,,er Industries 4sso'iation
)>(5 *ir 3a8i! <ddin Road 01
Tel= .#1(.1%5 .#1#(%% 0O1
&a+= //2626.#1(.1#
Mo,= 21/1.621.)#)
17=. Presi!ent
7an$ladesh *alted I Deh-drated Marine
&oods E+portersY 4sso'iation
3ur Mansion5 1" 4$ra,ad C.4.
2nd &loor5 Chitta$on$.
Tel= 2#16.11"2#6%5.11"210O1
&a+= //26#16.121.1
1=0. Presi!ent
7an$ladesh *a,an Prostut@ara@ *a!it-
125 DIT E+tension 4venue 0"
MotiBheel C>45 Dha@a.
Tel= (""."%"
1=1. Presi!ent
7an$ladesh *and Minin$ I Mer'hants
Cha@dah 7uildin$ 02
Munshi@hola5 Cha@dah5 Post= &arida,adh5
P.*= *ha-!pur5 Dha@a.
Tel= .%%1)225 .%%".""
&a+= .%%/%2#
Mo,= 21.116"#2()2
1=2. #dmi%i(trator
7an$ladesh *ara@ Pari,ahan *a!it-
1">45 Purana Paltan 01
loor5 East *ide1
Tel= ())212%0O15 Mo,= 21.11612/###
1=-. Presi!ent
7an$ladesh *eed Grower5 Dealer I Mer'hants
1%"5 *iddiEue 7a8ar 01st &loor15 Dha@a61222
Tel= (")()..5 ("".2.25 ("".1"#
&a+= (")()..5 .12%(/#
1=.. Chairman
/var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_4/247370163.doc: /7 Last printed 1/1/2003 12:53 AM
7an$ladesh *e'urit- *ervi'es Co!panies
Owners 4sso'iation
Isla! Tower5 )"5 3a-a Palton 0%
loor15 Dha@a.
Tel= /#1)21.
Mo,= 21.116)""2"25 21/1(622%./"
1=5. President
7an$ladesh *ewin$ Thread Manua'turers I
E+porters 4sso'iation
Youth Tower5 /22>2 Ro@e-a *arani5 Dha@a6121)
Tel= /2"2#%#5 /2"2%1/5 /2"2."/ 0O1
&a+= /2"2#"15 /2"2((/
1=3. Presi!ent
7an$ladesh *'ientii' Instru!ent DealersY
##># :at@ola Road
*u!!er Centre 0%th &loor15 Dha@a6122#.
Mo,= 21.116"#2))#
1=6. Chairman
7an$ladesh *hippin$ 4$ents; 4sso'iation
Chitta$on$ *to'@ E+'han$e 7uildin$
12/25 *T MuBi, Road5 Chitta$on$
Tel= 2#16.1""2(5 .2##(#0O1
&a+= //26#16.2##(#
1=7. Presi!ent
7an$ladesh *hip 7rea@ersY 4sso'iation
Road 3o.1#5 :ouse X #."
4$ra,ad 4,ashi@ 4rea5 Chitta$on$.
Tel= 2#16.1%../5 .211/25 .1)1).0o1
)"%/%1 0Res1
&a+= //26#16.2#%2#
Mo,= 21.1#612/"/1
1==. Presi!ent
7an$ladesh *hip 7uilders 4sso'iation
12#5 MotiBheel C>45 Dha@a61222.
Tel= (").1(.5(""11.15(""12)20O15
Mo,= 2116/"/2%)5
&a+= //2626("))#%#5(")21%2
200. Presi!ent
7an$ladesh *hoe Dealers 4sso'iation
15 Aail Road5 Dha@a61211
Tel= .#1))/0O1
Mo,= 21.1262%%2%2
201. Presi!ent
7an$ladesh *i8in$ Mills 4sso'iation
*uit X 112%011th &loor1
2/5 Dil@usha C.4.5 Dha@a61222.
Tel= (""%22)5 (""112.5 (")%12"0O1
202. Presi!ent
7an$ladesh *pe'iali8ed :-dro'ar,on
Manua'turersY 4sso'iation
2%/>1 East Goran5 Thil$aon
Tel= .212/22
20-. President
7an$ladesh *pe'iali8ed Te+tile Mills I
Powerloo! Industries 4sso'iation
*uite X 22%5 Paltan Tower 02
Purana Paltan Lane5 Dha@a61222
Tel= (#)2.#)5 /#"1(.#5 (""#%).5 ()).22(0O1
&a+= //2626/#"1(.#
20.. Presi!ent
7an$ladesh *teel Mill Owners 4sso'iation
4si Mansion
..>15 Ta@rail 0(th &loor15 Dha@a61222.
Tel = /#"#2"1
Mo,= 21.116")2/12
205. President
7an$ladesh *u,6Contra'tin$ *hilpa Mali@
1"#>15 7ano$ra! Road5 Dha@a
Tel= .11."")0O1
Mo,= 21.116"#2/#)
203. President
7an$ladesh *uper Mar@et Owners 4sso'iation
115 Moha@hali C>45 Dha@a61212
Tel= //"1)2%5 (///%%1
&a+= (//(12#
206. Presi!ent
7an$ladesh Tan@lorr- Owner;s 4sso'iation
")6".5 *hari Mansion 0"th &loor1
MotiBheel C>45 Dha@a P 1222
Tel = (")1((15 (")(%/"
&a+ = (")1((1
207. Chairman
7an$ladesh Tanners 4sso'iation
"#5 *her6e67an$la Road5
Ai$atola Tanner- Morh5 Dha@a.
Tel= ())(2215 ()))"11
&a+= //2626/)2/"2/
20=. Presi!ent
7an$ladesh Tele'o! 7a,osa-ee *a!it-
Chowran$i Mar@et 01
("5 *henpara Par,ata5 Mirpur612
Mo,= 21.116"2#(%%
210. Chairman
7an$ladeshTerr- Towel I Linen Manua'turers
I E+porters 4sso'iation
Paltan Tower0"
/.5 Purana Paltan Line5 Dha@a61222.
Tel= (#"1/1"5(#"1/225//"#1%1
&a+= //2626(#"1/1"5//"2)/%
Mo,= 21.116/11%"#
211. Presi!ent
7an$ladesh Te+tile D-ein$ Printin$ Industries
Isla!pur Mansion 0%th &loor1
1.5 Isla!pur Road5 Dha@a61122.
Tel= (")(##252%/2%.52#%)2)5
2%%".252%2().5 (")(##"5(")(##%0O1
&a+= //2626(111")25(")(#2)
212. Presi!ent
7an$ladesh Te+tile Mills 4sso'iation
<niEue Trade Center 0Level6/1
/ Panthapath5 Tawran 7a8ar
Tel= (1%#%)15 (1#2()(5 /112#)1 0O1
&a+= //2626(12"##/
/var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_4/247370163.doc: // Last printed 1/1/2003 12:53 AM
21-. Presi!ent
7an$ladesh Te+tile Mills OwnersY 4sso'iation
25 &older *treet5 Lari5 Dha@a61222.
>el? '115%'(+ '1&#%2&@ <a4? '11&#00
21.. Presi!ent
7an$ladesh Thi@ader *a!it-
%>1( :u!a-un Road5 7lo'@ X 7
Tel= (11/%//5 /11%21% 0O1
Mo,= 21.116"2%((2
215. Chairman
7an$ladesh Ti!,er Mer'hants; 4sso'iation
(.5 Ta,i 3a8rul Isla! Road
&erin$hee 7a8ar5 Chitta$on$.
Tel= 2#16)#2(#.5 )2#)(.5 )#12)#5 )#%%#%0R1
&a+= //26#16.2%22(
Mo,= 21.116%%/#22
213. Presi!ent
7an$ladesh To,a''o Produ'ts Distri,utors
Road 3o. .5 :ouse 3o. .5 0Ground &loor1
Gulshan Model Town615 Dha@a6 122..
Tel= //"))"2 0O1
216. Presi!ent
7an$ladesh T.9. Manua'turers 4sso'iation
"25 3ew Eas@aton Road5 Ra!na5 Dha@a61222.
Tel= (#%.%21625(##2"1%5/#1/##(5 /#1%(/20O1
&a+= //2626/#1/##(
217. Presi!ent
7an$ladesh Twistin$ Mills 4sso'iation
2/ Dil@usha C>4
*uite 3o. %2#>%2% 0%th &loor15
Tel= (""/"#%5 ("))2"26#5 (.1"")# 0O1
&a+= //2626(""/"##5 .)22221
21=. Presi!ent
7an$ladesh <nani 4ushad *hilpa *a!it-
#15 Tala,a$an5 1
Dhan!ondir5 Dha@a6122"
Tel= (112")15 ())"())
&a+ = //2626/)1)(..
220. Presi!ent
7an$ladesh 9e$eta,le Oil Reiners I 9anaspati
Manua'turers 4sso'iation
7aitul Thair 7ha,an 012
*uite X 122#6122%
%/>47 Purana Paltan5 Dha@a61222
Tel= (""222)5(""2(%#5(""12220O15 2(."%0R1
&a+= //2626(")%.).
Mo,= 21.116"#.)"2
221. Presi!ent
7an$ladesh Lat'h I!porters
4sse!,lers I Manua'turers 4sso'iation
163o. L4PD4 7uildin$
MotiBheel C>45 Dha@a61222.
Tel= (""222)5(""2(%#5(""12220O15 2(."%0R1
&a+= //2626(")%.).
Mo,= 21.116"#.)"2
222. Presi!ent
7an$ladesh Leaver;s Produ'ts I
Manua'turers 7usiness 4sso'iation
%%>"5 7. *haheed *-ed 3a8rul Isla! *arani
G.P.O Dha@a61222
Tel= 21.116##2.)25 21/1(6.%1."2
22-. Chairman
7an$ladesh Yarn Mer'hants 4sso'iation
1( *.M. Maleh Road5 Tan,a8ar5 3ara-an$anB.
Tel= (.11)2/5.)11#220O1
22.. Presi!ent
7reeders 4sso'iation o 7an$ladesh
Para$on :ouse 0.
2"5 Moha@hali C>45 Dha@a P 1212
Tel= (//212.6/>21/5(/)2(1%6"
&a+= (/(2))/5//1"2125//21#(%
Mo,= 21/(6212)21
225. Presi!ent
Ca, 4sso'iation o 7an$ladesh
1)"5 La@e Cir'us 02nd loor1
Tala,a$an5 Mirpur Road5 Dha@a.
Tel= /12"(12
Mo,= 21.116"22)%#5 21""26%%(1#2
223. Presi!ent
Ca,le Operators; 4sso'iation o 7an$ladesh
2#5 Purana Paltan Lane5
*hovo *adan0#
&l.15 Dha@a61222.
Tel= (#"%..%0O1
&a+= //2626(##/%.2
Mo,= 21.116"222)2
226. Chairman
Coastal *hip Owners 4sso'iation o 7an$ladesh
.">45 Ta@rail 0Gr. &loor15 Dha@a61222.
Tel= (#"#/#(5(")1%.(5 (")1%)1
Mo,= 21.116"2"12/
227. Presi!ent
Courier *ervi'es 4sso'iation o 7an$ladesh
*adharan 7i!a *adan
2%62"5 Dil@usha C.4. Dha@a61222.
Tel= (""1)")5(""1(/%0O1
&a+= //2626(")#(("
Mo,= 21.116/1211"
22=. President
C-,er Cae Owners 4sso'iation o 7an$ladesh
4l6&arid Mansion 0Ground &loor1
12.5 Green Road5 Dha@a.
Tel= (1#//2/5 Mo,= 21(116#%1(/#
2-0. Presi!ent
&red!er( #((ociatio% o' 2a%!lade(h
12>76R.T.Mission Road5 Dha@aP122#
Tel= .121)##5.112%%25 .112"2/
2-1. Presi!ent
E+porters 4sso'iation o 7an$ladesh
7TMC 7ha,an 0Ground &loor1
.6(5 Tawran 7a8ar5 Dha@a.
Tel= /1""(.1
2-2. Presi!ent
&orei$n 4d!ission I Career Develop!ent
Consultants 4sso'iation o 7an$ladesh
1"2>15 Green Road 01
Panthapath5 Dhan!ondi5 Dha@a6122"
/var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_4/247370163.doc: /0 Last printed 1/1/2003 12:53 AM
Tel= 21).1#.#122
Mo,= 21/1.62%2"""
2--. Presi!ent
&oundr- Owner;s 4sso'iation o 7an$ladesh
Ran$pur Road
&ul,aria 7I*IC 4rea5 7o$ra6"/22
Tel= 2"16)#/"#
2-.. Presi!ent
:aBB 4$en'ies 4sso'iation o 7an$ladesh
*attar Center
01"th &loor5 :otel 9i'tor- Ltd.1
#2>45 3a-apaltan5 9IP Road5 Dha@a61222.
Tel= /#".2#26120O15 //".))( 0Res1
&a+= //2626(""%/%"5 (")()2/
2-5. President
:o!eopathi' Medi'ine I Medi'inal Plant
I!porter I E+porter 4sso'iation o 7an$ladesh
(>.5 *e'retariat Road5 &ul,aria5 Dha@a.
Tel= (".1.//
Mo,= 21.1"61"1)%(
2-3. Presi!ent
International 4ir E+press 4sso'iation o
I,rahi! Cha!,er5 ("5 MotiBheel C>45 Dha@a.
Tel = (")"11#5 (//%/"15 (//1.2#6.
&a+ = (")"1125 (//)"#15 //2#2%/
2-6. Chairman
International Container *hippin$ 4sso'iation o
Rupa-an Cener 01"
.25 Moha@hali C>45 Dha@a P 12125
Tel = //2)(/. E+t= 122
2-7. President
International &rei$ht &orwarders 4sso'iation o
48i8 Court 01st &loor15
//>/( 4$ra,ad C.4. Chitta$on$.
Tel= 2#162"2#%"#
&a+= 2#162"2#"2"
Mo,= 21.116"#((11
E6!ail= ia,hEW'ol,d.'o!5 ia,hEW-ahoo.'o!
2-=. Presi!ent
Internet *ervi'es ProvidersY 4sso'iation o
7ashati Resort5 &lat X 7615 :ouse X "25
Road X 2/5 Gulshan615 Dha@a61212
Tele&a+= //11(225 21.12"//2)%
Mo,= 21.116"2."2#
E!ail= ,iBo-@W,ol6online.'o!
2.0. Presi!ent
Laun'h OwnersY 4sso'iation o 7an$ladesh
ILT4 Ter!inal 7uildin$
*adar$hat5 Dha@a61122
Tel= .11((215 (").1(.0O15 (#%2"110R1
&a+= //2626(")21%2
Mo,= 21/1(622"%(/
2.1. President
Leather Goods and &ootwear Manua'turers
and E+porters 4sso'iation o 7an$ladesh
Ere'tors :ouse 0(th &loor1
1/ Te!al 4tatur@ 4venue
7anani C>45 Dha@a6121#
Tel= (//21226"
&a+= //2626//22%"#
2.2. Presi!ent
Mai8e 4sso'iation o 7an$ladesh
R-!e Ra88aEue Pla8a
#/#5 Tan$i Diversion Road
Roo! 3o. 1(622
7ara Mo$h,a8ar5 Dha@a6 1222
Tel= (#")#/10O15 (##11.%0Res1
Mo,= 211621(2()
2.-. Presi!ent
Marine *urve-ors 4sso'iation o 7an$ladesh
Road 3o.15 Lane 3o.%
:ouse 3o.(5 FGG 7lo'@
:alishahar :ousin$ Estate5 Chitta$on$.
Tel= 2#16.121#25.11")"0O1
&a+= //26#16.12221
2... President
Musi' Industries Owners 4sso'iation o
/2>1625 La,orator- Road
Tel= /)1#1.%
&a+= //2626/)1(2(.
Mo,= 21.1#62#2(/)
2.5. Presi!ent
3ational 4sso'iation o *!all I Cotta$e
Industries o 7an$ladesh
.(5 *iddeswari Cir'ular Road
Mali,a$h Moor5 Dha@a6121.
Tel= /#22.2(0O1
&a+= //262/#22.2(
Mo,= 21/2#62%2%/"
2.3. Presi!ent
Pa'@a$in$ Industries 4sso'iation o 7an$ladesh
). Dil@usha C.4.0Ground &loor1
GPO 7o+ 3o."#"5 Dha@a61222.
Tel= ("".2."5("".2.15(""2"(1625
2#2"(16(20O15 /#2.#20Res1
&a+= //2626(")%"2/5 (")%%"(
2.6. Chairman
Plasti' I Ru,,er *hoe Mer'hants 4sso'iation
o 7an$ladesh
1.>25 Mawlana Muti Din Moha!!ad Road
0<rdhu Road15 Dha@a
Tel= .#1(212
2.7. President
Private Carrier Owners 4sso'iation o
*.4.Pari,ahan 7ha,an
2262%5 Ta@rail5 Dha@a.
Tel= (##22"2
&a+= (##%.#25 (#%12#.
Mo,= 21/1.6"1"2#/
2.=. Presi!ent
Real Estate I :ousin$ 4sso'iation o
3ational Pla8a 0)th &loor1
1>G5 &ree *'hool *treet
*onar$aon Road5 Dha@a.
Tel= ())2%/25 ())(/(.5 /)"22)%
&a+= //2626/)1((1(
250. Presi!ent
/var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_4/247370163.doc: 00 Last printed 1/1/2003 12:53 AM
*eaood E+port 7u-in$ 4$ents 4sso'iation o
:ouse X 2/5 Road X 1%
*e'tor X 1%5 <ttara Model Town5 Dha@a612#2
Tel= /(1.2125 /(1.".%
&a+= /(1."11H Mo,= 21.116"#%1"1
E6!ail= se,aa,W,ol6online.'o!
251. Chairman
*hippersY Coun'il o 7an$ladesh
Elite :ouse 0(
"%5 MotiBheel C>45 Dha@a61222
Tel= ("")%(%5(")/"22
&a+= (""//%/5(")2/#2
Mo,= 21/1(6#12)%1
252. Presi!ent
*hri!p :at'her- 4sso'iation o 7an$ladesh
1.>7 *ha, :ouse5 *ai@at Residential 4rea
Talatali Road5 Co+;s 7a8ar
Mo,= 21.1"6(%)#)%
25-. Presi!ent
*il@ Manua'turer;s I E+porters 4sso'iation o
Pin@ Cit-5*uit 3o. "2>"1 0Ground &loor1
Plot 3o. 1"5 Road 3o. 12#5 Gulshan62.
Dha@a P 1212
Tel = //2.1125 //"#12#
Mo,= 21.1"62)##2)
25.. President
*!all and Mediu! Enterprises Owners;
4sso'iation o 7an$ladesh
Glo,e Cha!,er 02
12%5 MotiBheel C>45 Dha@a61222
Tel= .122"1"
&a+= //2626.122"1"
E6!ail= s!e,an$laWhot!ail.'o!
255. Chairman
Tea TradersY 4sso'iation o 7an$ladesh
Pro$ressive Tower 0#rd &loor1
1/#.5 *@. MuBi, Road57ada!toli5 4$ra,ad
Tel= 2#16.12%"25 /12.."5 )"%2226%0O15
&a+= //26#16)"21"1
253. Presi!ent
Tour Operators; 4sso'iation o 7an$ladesh
1.5 3ew Es@aton Road
*ha!suddin Mansion 012th loor15 Dha@a61212
Tel= (#"##"162
&a+= //"#2#"5 //#1212
Mo,= 211((6/)2"2"
E6!ail= presidentWtoa,.or$
Le,= www.toa,.or$
256. Presi!ent
Lo!en Entrepreneur 4sso'iation o
7an$ladesh 0LE471
4n'hor Tower 0/
12/5 7ir <tta! C.R Datta Road 03ew1
1>1675 *onar$aon Road0Old15 Dha@a6122".
Tel= /)1("216%
&a+= //2626/)1//)162
Mo,= 21.126)2/"%)
E6!ail= wea,W!ulti!ode,d.'o!
257. Presi!ent
Youth Entrepreneurs 4sso'iation o 7an$ladesh
.(5 *hiddeswari Cir'ular Road
Ground &loor5 Mali,a$h5 Dha@a P 121.
Tel= (#)2)#/5 (#%)%/"
&a+= (#%/#2"
Mo,= 21""2611%"#2
25=. President
7an$ladesh Ce!ent TradersY 4sso'iation
). Dil@usha C>45 Dha@a61222.
Tel= (""2##)0O1
&a+= (")2#(#
Mo,= 2116/"#)#"
230. Presi!ent
7an$ladesh Che!ists I Dru$$istsY *a!it-
1 3o. Mitord Road 0#rd &loor1
7CD* 7ha,an5 Dha@a61122.
Tel= .#21(2%5.#(221/0O15 /11)(/"0Res1
Mo,= 21161#"(/1
231. Presi!ent
7an$ladesh Chini 7a,osha-ee *a!it-
..>25 Moulavi 7a8ar5 Dha@a61122
Mo,= 21.2)6"(#.2(
232. Presi!ent
7an$ladesh &ishin$ Industries 4sso'iation
CD4 7uildin$ 0"th &loor1
Court Road5 Chitta$on$.
Tel= 2#16)#2%#25(""/)2.0O1
&a+= //26#16)221"(
E6!ail= s@netW,tt,.net.,d
23-. Presi!ent
7an$ladesh Phar!a'euti'al I!porters
Ya@u, *outh Center 0%
).>D5 Dhan!ondi5 1")5 La@e Cir'us
Tala,a$an5 Mirpur Road5 Dha@a6122"
Tel= (1#%/2/5 (1#%"/2
&a+= //6226(1#%.2(
23.. Presi!ent
7an$ladesh *a!oi@ee Pro@ashana *a!it-
1(5 7an$ha,andhu 4venue
Dha@a :ouse 0%th loor15 Dha@a6 1222.
Tel= (""(""2
/var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_4/247370163.doc: 01 Last printed 1/1/2003 12:53 AM


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