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Decicated to Pearse Tracey

Hospital Hall Pass

"Breakfest" Mr Murphy as the nurse pulled the string on the curtain chain. "It's
too early for porridge id prefer some tabacco instead...
for the extremeties you know". Brain Murphy was a 80 year old man with best part
of his life behind him. A jaded marriage which was spun
with a woman that cna be descirbed as pulseant meaning a woman which chokes anyo
ne with a pulse. ie - someone never
away from the fire man, or the bleach stained crustations of a well versed boy(n
ot yet man).
As he rolled out of bed the plastic sheets stuck to his head and the last strech
. Convieant for a patient that smokes
the foulest of the foulest of cheap cigar, paper, rolled, gum, fags. "I'll have
to ask you to visit the garden of thats the please Bryan"
"Thanks for being the cog to my rachet nursey". It struck him that manners were
best at asleep over last night. As plesantstries were not his usual moonlighting
The nurse swayed out the sliding doors which left him with a comforting yet devi
lish-ly idle move.Murphy glanced round the night squared room to see the night h
ad made, changed or even dis-appeared.
Things do believe me he thought to himself. Room for mind loo's. Maybe that's th
e solution.
Glance, look, sane and take in what Bryan did and from so on remember that Bryan
recalls nothing other than being move
to the new bed pan. Neber used to say, never once. A tab to keep the statue of t
he hospital mentality probably joking.
Bringing the other nurses on the ward round.
15 minutes
30 minutes
45-47 minutes
60 minutes and thoughts of a new pan perhaps. May be a harmful joke about a colo
noscopy bag. And again 15 minutes, 30 minutes 45 minutes then it would itself gi
ve itself
attention of the room.Least im not a dia-beat-us case though Mr.Bryan Murphy as
he slowley licked the paper. Sharper than a tic-tac-toe game today or maybe it w
just the sun elevating his room to a high twisted brain wave frequency like-end
by himself. Romance is in the air he though as the cabinet collaped to bring
in the revelation that the room was falling apart and cheery blossom boxers he h
ad were just the ocean to his hinny.
What a waist he thought to himself as he though of sitting greedly idle through
the day But Mr.Bryan's thoughts were as simple as they were.
And a perry token from the saline drink the nurse had managed to refresh with so
me peppermint this time and a layer of health, taste bud sacrifice and salt hit
his palate,
Hat or no hat. His last orginal though was as he balmed his face with the alchoh
ol and piperdozne mixted fastened to the wall.
Disbelief he though that he tryed to wrech it from the wall in one of his persua
ssion hospital.

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