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Mary Christensen

FILM 1023 Geoff Hanson

Shot by Shot Analysis of Dr. Horribles Sing-Along Blog (2008)
Opening Scenes
Shot 1
Shot opens with a costumed Dr. Horrible (Neil Patrick Harris) in center foreground at
eye level dressed in an older style shoulder-button lab coat, mussed hair, thick elbow
length leather gloves, with a pair of old safety goggles resting on his head. Dr. Horrible
laughs a wavering, weak, evil laugh and then proceeds to explain to the camera that he
is working with a vocal coach to strengthen the haaaa. Dr. Horrible then states that
he is applying for entrance into the Evil League of Evil, he says that his application will
be strong this year, implying that he has tried and failed at the task before. It becomes
evident as he goes on to answer letters from readers that Dr. Horrible is updating his
blog, which he uses to explain himself to the world. The first of the letters accuses Dr.
Horrible of being an inept criminal and lying about a bank heist that he supposedly
completed some time ago, saying that if he had really robbed the bank, it would be on
the news. Dr. Horrible indignantly huffs that of course theyre not going to say anything
in the press and theatrically holds up for the camera a bag of brown sludge, which he
identifies as the gold bars that he stole from the bank with his transporter ray. In an
effort to distract from his apparent failure, Dr. Horrible quickly states that Its not about
making money, its about taking money. He goes on to explain his statement saying
that Its about destroying the status quo, because the statusis not quo. The world
is a mess and I just need to rule it His pauses seem to indicate that he is making this
statement up on the spot. Dr. Horrible moves on to his next reader letter which comes
from someone who identifies himself as Johnny Snow. The letter asks why Dr. Horrible
didnt meet up with him at Dooley Park, stating that Johnny had waited 45 minutes for
him. Exasperated, Dr. Horrible pointedly explains, while twitching his face and shifting
his shoulders uncomfortably, that Johnny Snow is not his nemesis. His nemesis is
Captain Hammercorporate tool. Dr. Horrible states that hes trying to save the world
and doesnt have time to fight every poser in a parka.. and besides there are kids in
that park.. so. He goes on to explain that he has something big in the works, a
Freeze-ray that will stop time. Dr. Horrible doesnt answer the last letter that he reads;
rather he begins to pause and trails off at the end. He seems to make a flustered
attempt to answer as his mouth futilely tries to form words. The letter reads You
always say in your blog that you will show her the way, show her that youre a true
villain; who is her and does she even know you exist?
This shot explains Dr. Horrible in a very concise way. It reveals that while he deeply
desires to be included in the Evil League of Evil, he also has a love interest of whom he
speaks often. The existence of Dr. Horribles video blog as well as his application to the
League indicate that he has a need for attention, and his failure to approach the girl of
his dreams demonstrates his social ineptitude. The tone and execution of Dr. Horribles
blog is reminiscent of the stereotypical blog of an angsty, misunderstood teenager.
Shot 2
A song, sung by Dr. Horrible begins playing in the background, the song is about how
he goes to do laundry and cant quite bring himself to approach a woman that he sees
there. It quickly becomes apparent that the woman mentioned in the song is Penny.
This song continues through the entire Laundromat scene. Dr. Horrible is shown in
profile, he dressed in a long-sleeved, worn t-shirt and a pair of thoroughly abused jeans
and takes a single, jerky step to the center of the frame, entering a Laundromat. He is
carrying a full laundry basket and holds his shoulders up near his ears and acts
generally tens and awkward. Other patrons can be seen in the background doing
laundry, apparently oblivious to him. The camera pans quickly to a young red-headed
woman (Penny, played by Felicia Day) who is shown at a distance throwing her clothes
into a washing machine with a dreamy, distracted look on her face. The combination of
inattentiveness of the subject, distance, and words of the song give the distinct
impression that Dr. Horrible is obsessed with this woman, and while he is too afraid or
shy to approach her, he has spent a significant amount of time watching her from a
Shot 3
The camera cuts to Dr. Horrible as he sets his laundry basket on a washer, glancing
frequently at Penny. The song continues in the background.
Shot 4
The camera cuts back to Penny, she is still tossing her laundry into the washer, a dryer
can be seen running behind her. This shot focuses on her head and shoulders, she is
wearing a faded t-shirt and her hair is brushed but not styled, she is not wearing any
makeup. The shot lasts just a moment too long, adding to the awkwardness of the
opening scene.
Shot 5
The camera returns to the Doctor, his torso is pictured, and behind him in the frame you
can see through the glass on the front of the Laundromat. It is a bland building, lacking
any special or unique characteristics. This shows that the building is relatively
unimportant at this time and that the sole focus of Dr. Horribles attention is Penny. Dr.
Horrible opens the lid of his washing machine, and glances at Penny again.
Shot 6
The camera cuts to Penny again, showing her in a closer shot. She is still putting her
laundry in the machine, nothing appears to have changed since the last shot. The
increasing closeness of the shots shows Dr. Horribles increasing focus on Penny.
Shot 7
The camera cuts back to Dr. Horrible, again showing him above the waist. The song in
the background, which is a representation of his inner monologue, says that Dr. Horrible
would like to compliment her. He turns toward the still-oblivious Penny, leans on the
washing machine with his shoulders tensed and opens his mouth to say something.
Rather than the intended love your hair he mumbles something intelligibly. And then
turns, awkward and defeated, back to his washing machine.
Shot 8
The camera cuts to a new scenario from Dr. Horribles imagination, it shows him
approaching her boldly, the song in the background states that once his freeze ray is
completed, he wont have any trouble approaching Penny. To illustrate his point, the
imaginary Dr. Horrible jabs the air with his finger, freezing time just as Penny begins to
dump her basket of clothes into the washing machine. The patron in the background
continues to move as Dr. Horrible lowers his arm and stares at Penny admiringly, this
scene is clearly a fantasy that he has been imagining for a long time.
Shot 9
Dr. Horrible is dressed in his costume again, back in his lab holding a large gun-like
weapon that is obviously his freeze ray. In this scene he is singing the song himself,
rather than just having the song play through his mind. He lifts his chin confidently and
sneers at the camera, as though admiring himself in a mirror. This shot is obviously part
of his triumphant fantasy, he sings that once his freeze ray is completed he will be able
to find the words to get Penny to love him as much as he loves her.
Shot 10
Back in reality at the Laundromat Dr. Horrible is absorbed by his visions, his head and
shoulders are shown through the glass front of a wall mounted dryer as he puts his
clothes in to dry. The camera zooms back incrementally, showing other patrons also
putting their laundry in the machines, with their faces also shown through the glass.

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