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SQL Server 2005 Express Edition Overview

Rajesh George
November 2005
Applies to:
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Epress E!itio"
Microsoft #is$al St$!io 2005
Summary: SQL Server Epress E!itio"% a free pro!$ct base! o" SQL Server 2005 tech"olog&%
i"cl$!es the $"i'$e Applicatio" ()op& feat$re% a"! "et*or+i"g a"! sec$rit& that !iffer from other
SQL Server 2005 e!itio"s, -his article !isc$sses these topics a"! the i"tegratio" of SQL Server
Epress *ith #is$al St$!io 2005, .e also compare this pro!$ct *ith the eisti"g Microsoft free
!atabases li+e MS/E a"! 0et, 123 pri"te! pages4
-arget Sce"arios
6e& 7eat$res i" SQL Server Epress 2005 Epress E!itio"
E"gi"e Specificatio"s
-ools S$pport
Net*or+i"g S$pport
/ata Access S$pport
Replicatio" S$pport
SQL Service 8ro+er
9ser 5"sta"ces
Set$p a"! /eplo&me"t
La"g$age S$pport
S$pport )o"si!eratio"s
:ar!*are;Soft*are Re'$ireme"ts
<=>bit S$pport
7eat$res Not ?rese"t i" SQL Server Epress
#is$al St$!io 5"tegratio"
)ompariso" *ith @ther 7ree Microsoft /atabases
)ompariso" *ith MS/E
)ompariso" *ith 0et
SQL Server Epress is a free a"! eas&>to>$se !atabase pro!$ct that is base! o" SQL Server 2005
tech"olog&. 5t is !esig"e! to provi!e a !atabase platform that offers s$perior ease of $se%
e"abli"g fast !eplo&me"ts for its target sce"arios, -he ease of $se starts *ith a simple a"! rob$st
graphical $ser i"terface 1G954 set$p that g$i!es the $ser thro$gh the i"stallatio" process, -he
G95 tools that come for free *ith SQL Server Epress i"cl$!e SQL Server Ma"ageme"t St$!io
Epress E!itio" 1-ech"ical ?revie* versio" available at la$"ch4% S$rface Area )o"fig$ratio" -ool%
a"! SQL Server )o"fig$ratio" Ma"ager, -hese tools simplif& the basic !atabase operatio"s, -he
!esig" a"! !evelopme"t of !atabase applicatio"s are ma!e easier b& the i"tegratio" *ith #is$al
St$!io projects, 5" a!!itio"% 5 i"tro!$ce the abilit& to !eplo& !atabase applicatio"s b& movi"g
them li+e t&pical .i"!o*s files, -he servici"g a"! patchi"g are also simplifie! a"! a$tomate!,
SQL Server Epress $ses the same reliable a"! high>performa"ce !atabase e"gi"e as the other
versio"s of SQL Server 2005, 5t also $ses the same !ata access A?5s s$ch as A/@,NE-% SQL
Native )lie"t% a"! ->SQL, 5" fact% it is !iffere"tiate! from the rest of the SQL Server 2005 e!itio"s
o"l& b& the follo*i"g:
Lac+ of e"terprise feat$res s$pport
Limite! to o"e )?9
@"e G8 memor& limit for the b$ffer pool
/atabases have a = G8 maim$m siAe
7eat$res li+e Auto-Cose a"! the abilit& to cop& !atabases as files are e"able! b& !efa$lt i" SQL
Server Epress% *hile the high availabilit& a"! b$si"ess i"tellige"ce feat$res are abse"t, 5t is ver&
eas& to Bscale $pB if that becomes "ecessar&% as Epress applicatio"s *ill *or+ seamlessl& *ith
SQL Server 2005 .or+gro$p% Sta"!ar!% or E"terprise e!itio"s, -he .eb !o*"loa! e"ables a free%
fast% a"! co"ve"ie"t !eplo&me"t,
-his *hite paper covers the compo"e"ts a"! feat$res $"i'$e to SQL Server Epress% s$ch as
Applicatio" ()op& 19ser 5"sta"ces4% "et*or+i"g% a"! sec$rit&, 5t also provi!es g$i!eli"es for
commo" $sage sce"arios, 5" a!!itio"% 5 cover the ease of !ata applicatio" !evelopme"t $si"g
Microsoft #is$al St$!io 2005, -his !isc$ssio" is targete! at:
:obb&ists a"! other "o"professio"al !evelopers
/atabase !evelopers% a!mi"istrators% a"! operatio"s specialists
8$si"ess a"al&sts
-ech"ical !ecisio" ma+ers
!ar"et Scenarios
SQL Server Epress *as !evelope! *ith t*o !isti"ct $ses i" mi"!, -he first is as a server pro!$ct%
especiall& as a .eb server or a !atabase server, -he seco"! is as a local clie"t !ata store *here
the applicatio" !ata access !oes "ot !epe"! o" the "et*or+, Ease of $se a"! simplicit& are +e&
!esig" goals,
-he three mai" $sage sce"arios for SQL Server Epress are:
No"professio"al !evelopers b$il!i"g .eb applicatio"s
5S#s re!istrib$ti"g SQL Server Epress as a lo*>e"! server or clie"t !ata store
:obb&ists b$il!i"g basic clie"t;server applicatio"s
SQL Server Epress provi!es a" eas&>to>$se a"! reliable !atabase platform that is Bfeat$re>richB
to cover these sce"arios, Special co"si!eratio" is give" to the ease a"! reliabilit& of set$p a"!
!eplo&me"t to ma+e it eas& for 5S#s to $se a"! re!istrib$te,
#ey $eatures in SQL Server 2005 Express Edition
SQL Server Epress $ses the same !atabase e"gi"e as the rest of SQL Server 2005% a"! all the
programmatic feat$res are the same, 7or a!!itio"al i"formatio" i" these areas% see SQL Server
2005 8oo+s @"li"e, -he feat$res that are $"i'$e to SQL Server Epress a"!;or have higher
c$stomer impact are !escribe! i" !etail belo*,
En"ine Speci%ications
-he SQL e"gi"e s$pports 2 )?9% 2 G8 RAM% a"! a = G8 !atabase siAe, -his mecha"ism permits
eas& !iffere"tiatio" from other SQL Server 2005 e!itio"s b& havi"g *ell !efi"e! c$t>off poi"ts,
@ther*ise% there is "o *or+loa! throttle a"! the e"gi"e performs as i" other e!itio"s, -here is "o
har!>co!e! limit to the "$mber of $sers that ca" attach to SQL Server Epress b$t their )?9 a"!
memor& limits impose practical limits o" the "$mber of $sers that ca" achieve acceptable
respo"se times from a SQL Server Epress !atabase,
SQL Server Epress ca" i"stall a"! r$" o" m$ltiprocessor machi"es% b$t o"l& a si"gle )?9 is $se!
at a"& time, 5"ter"all&% the e"gi"e limits the "$mber of $ser sche!$ler threa!s to 2 so that o"l& 2
)?9 is $se! at a time, 7eat$res s$ch as parallel '$er& eec$tio" are "ot s$pporte! beca$se of the
si"gle )?9 limit,
-he 2 G8 RAM limit is the memor& limit available for the b$ffer pool, -he b$ffer pool is $se! to
store !ata pages a"! other i"formatio", :o*ever% memor& "ee!e! to +eep trac+ of co""ectio"s%
loc+s% a"! so o" is "ot co$"te! to*ar! the b$ffer pool limit, 5t is therefore possible that the
server *ill $se more tha" 2 G8 i" total% b$t it *ill "ever $se more tha" 2 G8 for the b$ffer pool,
A!!ress .i"!o*i"g Ete"sio"s 1A.E4 or C G8 !ata access is "ot s$pporte! or "ee!e!,
-he = G8 !atabase siAe limit applies o"l& to !ata files a"! "ot to log files, :o*ever% there are "o
limits to the "$mber of !atabases that ca" be attache! to the server, -here are some mi"or
cha"ges to the start$p of SQL Server Epress, 9ser !atabases are "ot a$tomaticall& starte!% a"!
the !istrib$te! -ra"sactio" )oor!i"ator is "ot a$tomaticall& i"itialiAe!, 7or the $ser eperie"ce%
tho$gh% there sho$l! be "o !iffere"ce other tha" a faster start$p, ?rogrammers i"te"!i"g to $se
SQL Server Epress are recomme"!e! to +eep these cha"ges i" mi"! *he" !esig"i"g their
M$ltiple SQL Server 2005 Epress i"stallatio"s ca" coeist o" the same machi"e alo"g *ith other
i"stallatio"s of SQL Server 2000% SQL Server 2005% or Microsoft /es+top E"gi"e 1MS/E4, 5"
ge"eral% it is best that SQL Server 2000 i"sta"ces be $pgra!e! to Service ?ac+ = 1S?=4, -he
maim$m limit to the "$mber of SQL Server Epress i"sta"ces is 2< o" the same machi"e, -hese
i"sta"ces m$st be $"i'$el& "ame! for the p$rpose of i!e"tif&i"g them,
SQL Server Epress b& !efa$lt i"stalls as a "ame! i"sta"ce calle! SQLE(?RESS, -his partic$lar
i"sta"ce ma& be share! amo"g m$ltiple applicatio"s a"! applicatio" ve"!ors, .e recomme"!
that &o$ $se this i"sta"ce $"less &o$r applicatio" has special co"fig$ratio" "ee!s,
-he A?5s available to program agai"st SQL Server Epress are the same as those for SQL Server
2005% so that $sers have a seamless eperie"ce if the& choose to move to other e!itio"s of SQL
Server 2005, All of the "e* feat$res i" SQL Server 2005% s$ch as commo" la"g$age r$"time
1)LR4 i"tegratio"% "e* !ata t&pes s$ch as #AR):AR1MA(4 a"! (ML% $ser>!efi"e! t&pes% a"!
$ser>!efi"e! aggregates are s$pporte!, Also% SQL Server Epress !atabases ca" attach to SQL
Server 2005% a"! applicatio"s programme! *ith a SQL Server Epress i"sta"ce *ill *or+ e'$all&
*ell *ith a SQL Server 2005 i"sta"ce, Replicatio" a"! SQL Service 8ro+er f$"ctio"alit& is also
available% a"! *ill be !escribe! i" !etail later,
!oos Support
SQL Server Epress is !esig"e! to be eas& to $se% a"! the graphical $ser i"terface 1G954 tools
ma+e it eas& eve" for !atabase "ovices to $se the basic !atabase f$"ctio"alities i" SQL Server
Epress, A "e* G95 tool calle! SQL Server Ma"ageme"t St$!io Epress E!itio" *ill be freel&
available as a separate .eb !o*"loa!, SSMS>EE *ill allo* eas& !atabase ma"ageme"t a"! '$er&
a"al&sis capabilities a"! *ill be freel& re!istrib$table,
SSMS>EE *ill s$pport co""ectio"s to SQL Server Epress a"! other SQL Server 2005 e!itio"s%
SQL Server 2000% a"! MS/E 2000, A simple co""ectio" !ialog *ill g$i!e the $ser thro$gh the
selectio" of the i"sta"ce a"! the a$the"ticatio" metho!s to be $se!, 8oth local a"! remote
co""ectio"s *ill be possible, @bject Eplorer *ill e"$merate a"! !ispla& the commo" objects
$se!% s$ch as the i"sta"ce% tables% store! process% a"! so o"% i" a hierarchical ma""er a"! *ill
help the $ser vis$aliAe access to the !atabase,
All the !atabase ma"ageme"t f$"ctio"alities *ill be available b& i"vo+i"g the right>clic+ co"tet
me"$ from @bject Eplorer, SSMS>EE feat$res li+e creati"g a"! mo!if&i"g !atabases% tables%
vie*s% logi"s% a"! $sers are i!e"tical to the f$ll SQL Server Ma"ageme"t St$!io available i" other
e!itio"s, -his allo*s &o$ to imme!iatel& leverage the s+ills &o$ lear" *ith SSMS>EE o"ce &o$
$pgra!e to the f$ll versio" of SSMS,
Ma"& !atabase $sers prefer to ma"age their servers $si"g ->SQL% si"ce this approach offers fi"er>
grai"e! co"trol tha" $si"g the graphical $ser i"terface, -he Q$er& E!itor i" SSMS>EE *ill allo*
$sers to !evelop a"! eec$te ->SQL stateme"ts a"! scripts, -he Q$er& E!itor *ill have rich
feat$res s$ch as +e&*or! color>co!i"g a"! a res$lts pa"e that ret$r"s res$lts i" a !ata gri!, -he
error messages% if a"&% *ill also be sho*" i" the res$lts pa"e, SSMS>EE s$pports all the '$er&
e!itor f$"ctio"alit& of SSMS i"cl$!i"g graphical '$er& pla"s,
$i"ure &' Query Editor (cic) ima"e to enar"e*
SSMS>EE *ill be !istrib$te! thro$gh a separate .eb !o*"loa!, 9sers *ill simpl& clic+ the
eec$table to la$"ch the set$p, 5f SSMS is alrea!& i"stalle!% SSMS>EE *ill fail to i"stall beca$se it
is $""ecessar&, Similarl&% $sers *ill be able to $"i"stall SSMS>EE b& re>la$"chi"g the set$p or
$si"g the Add or +emove ,ro"rams me"$ i" )o"trol ?a"el,
Some of the tools that ship *ith SQL Server Epress i"cl$!e the SQL )omp$ter Ma"ager% SQL
)omma"!% a"! 8)?, SQL )omp$ter Ma"ager is $se! for starti"g a"! stoppi"g the SQL Server
service% a"! for e"abli"g a"! !isabli"g "et*or+ protocols, SQL )omma"! is $se! for co""ecti"g
a"! '$er&i"g $si"g the comma"! li"e% *hile 8)? is $se! for b$l+ cop&i"g !ata,
SQL )omp$ter Ma"ager allo*s a!mi"istrators to co"fig$re basic service a"! "et*or+ protocol
co"fig$ratio"s, -his is the SQL Server 2005 e'$ivale"t of ol!er tools li+e Server Net*or+ 9tilit&%
)lie"t Net*or+ 9tilit&% a"! Service Ma"ager, 5t is "ot i"te"!e! to a!j$st performa"ce
characteristics or operatio"s of SQL Server,
5" )omp$ter Ma"ager% there is a "o!e for BMicrosoft SQL ServersB $"!er *hich all services% server
"et*or+ protocols% a"! clie"t "et*or+ protocols *ill eist, -he services "o!e lists all the available
Epress services a"! gives !etails li+e the "ame of the server i"sta"ce% the service stat$s% a"!
the start$p t&pe, Do$ ca" select a partic$lar service a"! perform operatio"s li+e start% stop%
pa$se% or restart of the service, -he Server Net*or+ ?rotocols "o!e e"$merates the list of
protocols for each i"sta"ce o" the machi"e, Right>clic+i"g the protocol 1e,g,% -)?4 *ill allo* &o$
to e"able or !isable the protocol% or cha"ge its properties, Similar optio"s are available i" the
clie"t "et*or+ protocols "o!e, ?lease "ote that the Server Net*or+ ?rotocols "o!e *or+s !irectl&
o" the protocol setti"gs o" the SQL Server i"sta"ce% *hile the )lie"t Net*or+ ?rotocols "o!e
!eals *ith the protocol setti"gs of clie"ts li+e M/A) or SQL Native )lie"t provi!er, -he )lie"t
Net*or+ ?rotocols "o!e also allo*s &o$ to create a" alias that is a" alter"ate "ame for SQL
Server% a"! ca" co"tai" i"formatio" s$ch as the server "ame% protocol $se!% co""ectio" stri"g%
a"! e"cr&ptio" i"formatio",
SQL )omma"! is a" @LE /8 versio" of the eisti"g os- tool, 5t "ot o"l& attempts to mai"tai"
f$"ctio"al compatibilit& *ith os'l% b$t also i"cl$!es s$pport for "e* SQL Server 2005 !ata t&pes,
All comma"! li"e optio"s o$tp$t i"formatio" to sta"!ar! o$tp$t% ecept error messages that ma&
appear *he" a" operatio" faile!, -he S-Cmd -. comma"! !ispla&s the s&"ta s$mmar& of
s-cmd s*itches,
SQL )omp$ter Ma"ager a"! SQL )omma"! are the same for SQL Server Epress as for the other
e!itio"s of SQL Server 2005,
/etwor)in" Support
@"l& the share! memor& co""ectio" t&pe o" the local machi"e is accessible b& !efa$lt for SQL
Server Epress% altho$gh the $ser ca" eplicitl& t$r" o" other s$pporte! protocols s$ch as -)?;5?
a"! Name! ?ipes, #5A a"! :--? protocols are "ot s$pporte! i" SQL Server Epress, .ith o"l&
share! memor& available b& !efa$lt% co""ectio"s from a remote machi"e to SQL Server Epress
*ill fail $"less the "et*or+i"g is t$r"e! o", -o t$r" "et*or+i"g o"% there are the follo*i"g
9se the S$rface Area )o"fig$ratio" tool to e"able "et*or+i"g a"! e"able a"! start the
SQL8R@.SER service,
9se SQL Server )o"fig$ratio" Ma"ager to e"able releva"t protocols a"! start SQL 8ro*ser,
7ig$re 2 sho*s the $sage of this tool to e"able the "et*or+i"g protocols,
9se 0ISA1LE/E!2O+#,+O!OCOLS30 i" the set$p comma"! li"e% if &o$ +"o* i"
a!va"ce that "et*or+i"g s$pport is "ee!e!,
9se SM@>base! scripti"g to e"able the protocols,
SQL 8ro*ser is a "e* service i" SQL Server 2005 that is $se! to i!e"tif& the ports that "ame!
i"sta"ces liste" o", Si"ce share! memor& !oes "ot $se it% this service is t$r"e! off i" SQL Server
Epress b& !efa$lt, -his mea"s that the $ser *ill have to start this service so that "et*or+ access
ca" *or+,
/ote @"e i"teresti"g fact is that SQL 8ro*ser liste"s o" 9/? port 2=C=, :o*ever% pre>S?C
versio"s of SQL Server 2000 hol!i"g port 9/? 2=C= ma& res$lt i" fail$re of SQL 8ro*ser "ame
resol$tio"% si"ce the& ma& ref$se to give $p the port, -he *or+aro$"! is to $pgra!e all SQL
Server 2000;MS/E i"sta"ces o" the machi"e to S?C or higher,
$i"ure 2' 4sin" SQL Sever Con%i"uration 5ana"er to ena6e t7e protocos (cic) ima"e
to enar"e*
0ata Access Support
SQL Server 2005 Epress s$pports the same "ative a"! ma"age! provi!ers as the rest of SQL
Server 2005, -his has the h$ge a!va"tage that a" applicatio" *ritte" for SQL Server Epress *ill
*or+ seamlessl& *ith other SQL Server e!itio"s,
SQL Server 2005 Epress s$pports A/@,NE- for ma"age! access, .e recomme"! $si"g the
S'l)lie"t !ata provi!er for !evelopi"g "e* applicatio"s% si"ce most of the applicatio" ()op&
feat$res are available o"l& *ith S'l)lie"t, -he A/@,NE- 2,0 !ata provi!ers 1available i" #is$al
St$!io 20054 s$pport the "e* SQL Server !ata t&pes li+e varchar1MA(4 a"! (ML% as *ell $ser>
!efi"e! t&pes,
Starti"g *ith SQL Server 2005% the logical sessio"s i" the server are !etache! from the ph&sical
co""ectio"s, 8oth the clie"t a"! server tra"sport la&ers are $p!ate! to provi!e m$ltiplei"g
capabilities so that m$ltiple logical sessio"s ca" go over a si"gle ph&sical co""ectio", -his e"ables
clie"ts to have m$ltiple active res$lt>sets 1MARS4 agai"st the same co""ectio", Note that MARS is
"ot targete! at removi"g the "ee! for m$ltiple co""ectio"s i" ge"eral, MARS is off b& !efa$lt i"
SQL Server 2005% a"! e"ables &o$ to i"terleave SQL operatio"s, 7or eample% &o$ ca" operate o"
a res$lt>set a"! also be able to eec$te stateme"ts agai"st the !atabase *hile processi"g it%
*itho$t ope"i"g a "e* co""ectio", MARS ca" effectivel& replace server c$rsors i" ma"& of these
sce"arios a"! is partic$larl& $sef$l *he" the !ata retrieval a"! $p!ate operatio"s all happe"
*ithi" the same tra"sactio",
SQL Server 2005 clie"ts also s$pport as&"chro"o$s 5"p$t @$tp$t 15;@4 so that the applicatio"
threa!s *ill "o lo"ger be bloc+e! b& !ata tra"sfer operatio"s% a"! the clie"t applicatio" is as
respo"sive as possible, 5" this mo!el% the 5;@ calls *ill ret$r" imme!iatel& a"! the completio" *ill
be as&"chro"o$sl& "otifie! to the applicatio", -his e"ables the applicatio" to co"ti"$e *ith other
processi"g a"! chec+ for the 5;@ completio" eve"ts at a later time,
-he !ata access compo"e"ts i" the SQL Server 2005 time frame *ill be !ivi!e! i"to t*o parts:
the M/A) stac+ that is part of the operati"g s&stem% a"! the SQL Native )lie"t provi!er givi"g
SQL Server specific !ata access librar& for "ative !ata access, -he SQL Native )lie"t is targete!
at SQL @LE/8% SQL @/8)% a"! A/@ c$stomers *ho are *riti"g "e* applicatio"s or e"ha"ci"g
eisti"g applicatio"s to ta+e a!va"tage of "e* SQL Server 2005 f$"ctio"alit&,
SQL Native )lie"t co"tai"s the SQL Server 2005 a!!itio"s to the SQL @LE /8% SQL @/8)% SQL
8)?% a"! SQL Net*or+i"g 5"terface, -he SQL Server 2005 feat$res s$ch as MARS% 9ser /efi"e!
-&pes% (ML !ata t&pe% etc, are available via SQL Native )lie"t o"l& for ) or )EE programmers,
SQL Native )lie"t is comprise! of "e* compo"e"ts 1"e* class 5/s4 that are separate a"! !isti"ct
from the eisti"g compo"e"ts i" M/A), 7or eample% the @LE /8 ?rogi! $se! is SQLN)L5F the
@/8) /river Name is SQL Native )lie"tF a"! the :ea!er file $se! is SQLN)L5,h,
SQL Native )lie"t comes as a si"gle !ll 1SQLN)L5,!ll4, Not bei"g a" operati"g s&stem compo"e"t
mea"s simplifie! servici"g% a"! easier re!istrib$tio" a"! !eplo&me"t of applicatio"s, -here *ill be
a" $p!ate! SQL Native )lie"t release *ith each "e* release of SQL Server a"! the applicatio"s
ca" eplicitl& cha"ge their co"fig$ratio" ma"ifest to $se a later versio" of this provi!er,
-here are some i"teresti"g !&"amics base! o" the i"teractio"s bet*ee" M/A) provi!ers a"! the
SQL Native )lie"t provi!ers, 7or i"sta"ce% M/A) 2,5% 2,G% or 2,H ca""ot co""ect to SQL Server
2005 $si"g Share! Memor&, -his affects a"& "ative applicatio" $si"g SQL @LE /8 or SQL @/8)
a"! i"cl$!es "ot o"l& eisti"g "ative applicatio"s% b$t also the ma"age! @LE /8 or @/8)
applicatio"s si"ce the& $se M/A) i"ter"all&, -&picall& for SQL Server% if the share! memor&
co""ectio" fails% "et*or+i"g protocols s$ch as -)?;5? are $se!, :o*ever% for SQL Server Epress%
si"ce the "et*or+i"g is t$r"e! off b& !efa$lt% these applicatio"s *o$l! simpl& fail to co""ect, -he
*or+aro$"! is to cha"ge the apps to $se the SQL Native )lie"t provi!er or e"able "et*or+i"g
-ra"smissio" )o"trol ?rotocol 1-)?4 a"! start SQL 8ro*ser,
7or SQL Server Epress% o"e of o$r goals is to provi!e sec$re !efa$lts for the !iffere"t
compo"e"ts, 7or i"sta"ce% the "et*or+i"g protocols s$ch as -)?;5? a"! Name! ?ipes are t$r"e!
off, SQL 8ro*ser service is "ot starte! $"less the $ser eplicitl& as+s for this i" the set$p
comma"! li"e, -he SA or S&stem A!mi" acco$"t is !isable! b& !efa$lt if .i"!o*s A$the"ticatio"
is $se!, Normal $sers o" the machi"e have almost "o privileges o" the SQL Server Epress
i"sta"ce, A Local a!mi"istrator o" the server m$st eplicitl& gra"t releva"t permissio"s for
"ormal $sers so that the& ca" $se SQL f$"ctio"alit&,
-he SA logi" is a special logi" i" SQL Server% a"! is a member of the s&stem a!mi"istrator
1s&sa!mi"4 role, 5t is $se! pre!omi"a"tl& i" co"fig$ratio"s that $se the SQL a$the"ticatio" mo!e%
a"! is "ot $se! i" .i"!o*s a$the"ticatio" mo!e, SQL re'$ires a stro"g SA pass*or! for sec$rit&
reaso"s% a"! !$ri"g G95 i"stalls a"! sile"t SQL a$the"ticatio" mo!e i"stalls% the $ser m$st
provi!e a stro"g SA pass*or!, :o*ever% for sile"t .i"!o*s a$the"ticatio" i"stalls% the SA
pass*or! is "ot a re'$ireme"t, -he reaso" is that *he" $si"g .i"!o*s a$the"ticatio" mo!e% the
sile"t SQL Server Epress set$p provi!es a ra"!om stro"g SA pass*or! if the pass*or! is "ot
specifie! b& the $ser, -he set$p also !isables the SA acco$"t i" this case% so that &o$ m$st
eplicitl& e"able SA at a later stage $si"g ->SQL if &o$ *ish to $se it, -his is !o"e so that the
5S#s !o "ot have to provi!e the pass*or! *he" $si"g .i"!o*s a$the"ticatio"% so that the mass
!eplo&me"t sce"arios are "ot bloc+e!, 5" f$t$re releases% this f$"ctio"alit& ma& be ete"!e! to
G95 .i"!o*s>base! i"stalls also,
+epication Support
Replicatio" allo*s the $ser to mai"tai" copies of !ata at m$ltiple sites $si"g a p$blisher>
s$bscriber mo!el *ith s&"chro"iAatio" of the copies at $ser>!efi"e! i"tervals, SQL Server Epress
s$pports s$bscriptio"s to merge% s"apshot% a"! tra"sactio"al p$blicatio"s% b$t !oes "ot permit
p$blicatio"s itself, Replicatio" s$bscriptio"s i" SQL Server Epress are f$ll& f$"ctio"al, :o*ever%
si"ce SQL Server Epress !oes "ot ship SQL Age"t% sche!$li"g the s$bscriptio"s is more
challe"gi"g, Do$ ca" s&"c SQL Server Epress s$bscriptio"s b& the follo*i"g metho!s:
?rogrammaticall& s&"c $si"g Replicatio" Ma"ageme"t @bjects 1RM@4,
9se .i"!o*s S&"c Ma"ager for sche!$le! s&"c,
SQL Service 1ro)er
SQL Service 8ro+er 1SS84 is the "e* reliable messagi"g i"frastr$ct$re i" SQL Server 2005, -he
service programs ca" choose to comm$"icate thro$gh peer>to>peer message echa"ge co"tracts
calle! !ialogs, -his feat$re is accessible via ete"sio"s to the ->SQL la"g$age,
SQL Server Epress ca" $se Service 8ro+er o"l& i" combi"atio" *ith other SQL Server 2005
e!itio"s, 5f SQL Server Epress receives a 8ro+er message from a"other Epress i"sta"ce% a"! if
a"other SQL Server 2005 e!itio" has "ot processe! the message% the" the message is !roppe!,
So the message ca" origi"ate from a" Epress i"sta"ce a"! e"! $p at o"e% b$t it m$st be ro$te!
thro$gh a "o">Epress i"sta"ce if that is the case, Do$ ca" chec+ a 5essa"e 0rop trace eve"t
that is accessible from the ?rofiler or $se traci"g store! proce!$res to trac+ this t&pe of
occ$rre"ce, -he error message associate! *ith the !roppe! message i"cl$!es verbiage to this
effect: B-his message has bee" !roppe! !$e to lice"si"g restrictio"s,B
)o"si!er a scale>o$t sample sce"ario, -he applicatio" has 200 SQL Server Epress i"sta"ces
!eplo&e! o" cash registers, -he& are co""ecti"g to a "o">SQL Server Epress server i" the bac+
e"!, -his sce"ario *or+s as lo"g as the bac+>e"! server is i"volve! i" all the !ialogs, -he SQL
Server Epress i"sta"ces ca""ot e"gage i" s$ccessf$l !ialog$es *ith each other *itho$t goi"g
thro$gh the bac+ e"!,
4ser Instances
9ser 5"sta"ces are a "e* feat$re i" SQL Server Epress that provi!es the abilit& to treat
!atabases li+e files, -he local !atabase ca" "o* be move!% copie!% or e>maile! alo"g *ith the
applicatio", At the "e* locatio"% "o a!!itio"al co"fig$ratio" is "ee!e! to ma+e it *or+, -here are
three mai" feat$res that e"able the Applicatio" 9ser 5"sta"ce s$pport i" SQL Server Epress: the
Attac701$iename optio" i" the co""ectio" stri"g% the lac+ of a re'$ireme"t to specif& the
logical !atabase "ame% a"! the 9ser 5"sta"ce optio",
-here are some ass$mptio"s implicit i" 9ser 5"sta"ce s$pport, .e ass$me that SQL Server
Epress *ith i"sta"ce "ame SQLE(?RESS is alrea!& i"stalle! o" the machi"e, Also this is a
ma"age!>stac+>o"l& sol$tio"% a"! &o$ m$st $se the ,NE- SQL Server /ata ?rovi!er to !evelop
()op&>!eplo&able applicatio"s, 5" other *or!s% &o$ ca""ot $se SQL Native )lie"t or M/A) to
!evelop applicatio"s that ca" be $se! *ith 9ser 5"sta"ces,
-&picall&% the applicatio" !eveloper *o$l! cop& j$st the $ser !atabase a"! the log file alo"g *ith
the applicatio", :o*ever% i" SQL Server there are some co"fig$ratio" e"tries prese"t i" a special
s&stem !atabase calle! master, -he feat$res that rel& o" e"tries i" master i"cl$!e SQL
a$the"ticatio" 1*e a!vise $si"g .i"!o*s a$the"ticatio" *he"ever possible4, 5f &o$r applicatio"
relies o" a"& e"tries i" master% the applicatio" !eveloper *ill have to ma+e s$re these
co"fig$ratio" e"tries are replicate! i" the target s&stem, @"e *a& to e"s$re this is to i"cl$!e a"
SM@% /M@% or ->SQL co"fig$ratio" script alo"g *ith the applicatio" that r$"s *he" the applicatio"
is i"stalle! o" the target machi"e, 7or most applicatio"s r$""i"g *ith .i"!o*s a$the"ticatio"%
replicati"g i"formatio" from the master !atabase sho$l! "ot be a" iss$e,
Do$ ca" specif& a relative or absol$te file path for the Attac701$ie/ame co""ectio" stri"g
e"tr&, -he specifie! !atabase file is attache! *he" the co""ectio" is ope"e! a"! this !atabase is
$se! as the !efa$lt !atabase for that co""ectio", 5f the !atabase is alrea!& attache! *he"
Attach/87ileName is i"vo+e!% the" attach !oes "othi"g, -his +e& *or! s$pports a special stri"g
calle! 80ata0irectory8 that poi"ts at r$"time to the !ata !irector& of the applicatio" *here
!atabase files are store!, -his special stri"g sho$l! be at the begi""i"g of the file path% *or+s
o"l& agai"st a local file s&stem% a"! chec+s are !o"e for 9''9 s&"ta so that the file path is "ot
higher tha" the !irector& poi"te! to b& the s$bstit$tio" stri"g,
-here are certai" variatio"s i" the $sage of log files *he" $si"g Attach/87ileName, -he log file
"ame m$st be of the format: I!atabase>7ile>NameJKlog,l!f% a"! there is "o optio" to specif& the
log file "ame *he" $si"g Attach/87ileName, 7or i"sta"ce% if the !atabase file "ame is m&/b,m!f
a"! is at locatio" c:Lm&App% the" the log file "ame sho$l! be m&/bKlog,l!f, 5f SQL ca""ot fi"!
this file i" the same !irector& as the !atabase file% the" a "e* log file *ill be create! !$ri"g
attach, -his mea"s that *e !o "ot s$pport $ser>!efi"e! log file "ames *he" $si"g
SQL Server s$pports $si"g m$ltiple !ata a"! log files for a !atabase a"! these files ca" be
!istrib$te! i" m$ltiple file gro$ps, -his is "ot s$pporte! i" the Attach/87ileName s&"ta, Also the
"et*or+ share% :--? paths% or 9"iversal Nami"g )o"ve"tio"al 19N)4 remote !atabases are "ot
Lo"ica data6ase name
.he" the logical !atabase "ame is "ot specifie! i" the co""ectio" stri"g% a" a$tomatic "ame is
ge"erate! for the !atabase that is bei"g attache!, -he "ame ge"erate! is base! o" the relative
file path of the ,m!f file, 7or i"sta"ce% if the file is at c:Lm&/oc$me"tsLM&appLm&/8,m!f% the
logical !atabase "ame *ill be base! o" the f$ll path, 5f the file path is lo"ger tha" 22H characters%
the" this f$"ctio" *ill $se the eisti"g path a"! a hash to ge"erate the logical !atabase "ame,
-his is "e* i" SQL Server Epress% si"ce "ot specif&i"g the !atabase "ame i" SQL Server 2000
*o$l! res$lt i" a" error, -he s$pporte! s&"ta i"cl$!es data6ase3: or initia catao"3: or the
$ser ca" also omit them totall& i" the co""ectio" stri"g,
-his feat$re is $sef$l *he" movi"g or cop&i"g the !atabase o" the same machi"e% si"ce the file>
pathMbase! logical "ame is $"i'$e, 5f this feat$re *as "ot prese"t% there *ill be "ami"g co"flicts
*ithi" SQL Server if the same logical "ame is $se! to ope" !atabases i" t*o !iffere"t !irectories,
Applicatio" ()op& is also s$pporte! across machi"es,
Note that it is still possible to eplicitl& specif& the logical !atabase "ame $si"g the +e&*or!s
database or Initial Catalog, 9sers ma& *a"t to eplicitl& specif& the logical !atabase "ame *he"
$si"g replicatio"% SQL Service 8ro+er% m$ltiple>part "ames i" ->SQL '$eries% or cross>!atabase
A$to>)lose eiste! i" SQL 2000 a"! is e"able! b& !efa$lt i" SQL Server Epress, -his feat$re
releases the file loc+s o" the $ser !atabases *he" there are "o active co""ectio"s to it, -h$s% the
!atabase is rea!& to be move! or copie! after the applicatio" that $ses it is close!,
:o*ever% from the $serNs perspective% A$to>)lose !oes "ot al*a&s *or+% especiall& !$ri"g
$"epecte! clie"t termi"atio" or *he" $si"g a co""ectio" pool, 7or $"epecte! clie"t
termi"atio"s% the co""ectio"s are clea"e! $p eve"t$all& b& the time>o$t mecha"ism, .he"
co""ectio" pooli"g is e"able!% co""ectio"s are "ot act$all& close! *he" the $ser i"vo+es the
co""ectio" closeF the& are ret$r"e! to the pool i"stea!, 5" or!er to close all co""ectio"s% t&picall&
the applicatio" !omai" has to be sh$t !o*" or all the ope" co""ectio"s have to be close!,
A/@,NE- also co"tai"s f$"ctio"s li+e Cear,oo for ma"$al resets,
4ser Instances
9ser 5"sta"ces allo* a "o">a!mi"istrator to attach a"! a!mi"ister SQL Server Epress !atabase,
-he& !o this b& creati"g a private cop& of SQL Server that r$"s i" the sec$rit& co"tet of the $ser
that ope"s the co""ectio" to a !atabase, -he $ser ope"i"g the co""ectio" becomes the service
acco$"t for the 9ser 5"sta"ce a"! th$s has f$ll !atabase s&stem a!mi"istrator permissio"s, -hese
permissio"s allo* a "o">a!mi"istrator .i"!o*s $ser to have !atabase a!mi"istrator permissio"s
permitti"g the $ser to attach !atabases *ith Attach/87ile"ame, -hese permissio"s also allo* the
$ser to create a"& "ecessar& !atabase objectsF ma+i"g this mo!e i!eal for !evelopi"g !atabase
Setup and 0epoyment
SQL Server Epress set$p is a simplifie! versio" of the SQL Server 2005 process, 5t is rob$st%
reliable% a"! s$pports both G95 a"! the sile"t i"stall mo!es, @"l& .i"!o*s 5"staller>base! 1,msi4
tech"olog& is s$pporte!,
-he SQL Server Epress .eb !o*"loa! is pac+age! as a si"gle eec$table $si"g Microsoft
i"stallatio" tech"olog& calle! S7()ab, Do$ ca" !o*"loa! SQL Server Epress from the Microsoft
/o*"loa! )e"ter, /o$ble>clic+i"g the ,ee a$tomaticall& starts the i"stall process,
-he #is$al St$!io 2005 versio" of the ,NE- 7rame*or+ is a prere'$isite for the i"stallatio" of SQL
Server Epress% a"! the set$p pro!$ces a" error if the correct versio" is "ot fo$"! o" the
machi"e, -he set$p has a compo"e"t calle! S&stem )o"fig$ratio" )hec+ 1S))4 that is r$" before
the act$al set$p begi"s, -his compo"e"t verifies that the s&stem meets the mi"im$m criteria for
i"stallatio"F the criteria i"cl$!e mi"im$m har!*are re'$ireme"ts% mi"im$m operati"g s&stem
re'$ireme"ts% pe"!i"g reboot re'$ireme"ts% etc, Ma"& $sers co$l! r$" i"to the pe"!i"g reboot
re'$ireme"t fail$re% *hich mea"s that the $ser has to reboot the machi"e before the SQL Server
Epress i"stallatio" ca" procee!, -he mai" a!va"tage of the S)) is that commo" i"stallatio"
errors !$e to ba! machi"e co"fig$ratio" are i!e"tifie! earl& a"! appropriate *ar"i"gs a"! error
messages are give" to the $ser, 7or i"sta"ce% the S)) *ill give a *ar"i"g b$t procee! *ith the
i"stall if o"l& 25< M8 memor& is prese"t o" the machi"e, A sample scree" shot of S)) is give" i"
7ig$re C belo*,
$i"ure ;' System Con%i"uration C7ec)
@"ce the set$p starts% &o$ ca" see that the scree"s are simplifie! to be accessible to !evelopers
of all levels of eperie"ce, 7or i"sta"ce% some complicate! !ialogs s$ch as those ha"!li"g
collatio"s a"! service acco$"ts are hi!!e" b& !efa$lt% $si"g the <ide Advanced Con%i"uration
chec+ bo, 5f the $ser clears this optio"% the" the a!va"ce! co"fig$ratio" !ialogs are sho*",
Set$p loggi"g is t$r"e! o" b& !efa$lt so that the $ser ca" easil& fig$re o$t a"& i"stallatio"
fail$res b& $si"g the log files create! i" the L?rogram 7ilesLMicrosoft SQL ServerL30LSet$p
8ootstrapLL@G !irector&,
SQL Server Epress i"stalls as a "ame! i"sta"ce calle! SQLE(?RESS b& !efa$lt a"! *e
recomme"! that applicatio"s $se the share! SQLE(?RESS i"sta"ce, Also b& !efa$lt% several
feat$res are t$r"e! off i" SQL% so &o$ m$st eplicitl& choose the compo"e"ts &o$ *a"t to i"stall,
-he feat$re compo"e"t tree scree" is sho*" belo*% *here &o$ *ill ma"$all& chec+ the items to
be i"stalle!, -he set$p comma"! li"e A00LOCAL3A *ill select all the compo"e"ts for
i"stallatio", -he feat$re compo"e"t tree G95 e"tries% as *ell as the correspo"!i"g comma"! li"e
optio"s% are sho*" i" -able 2 belo*,
!a6e &' SQL Server Express $eature Components tree
$eature Components =4I $eature Components Command Line
,arameters: ,rovide a comma-deimited
ist wit7 no spaces o% t7e %eatures to insta
a%ter A00LOCAL'
SQL Server /atabase Services SQLKE"gi"e
/ata 7iles SQLE"gi"eK/ataK7iles
Replicatio" SQLKReplicatio"
)lie"t )ompo"e"ts )lie"tK)ompo"e"ts
SQL )omma"! Li"e -ools ServerKtools
)o""ectivit& )ompo"e"ts )o""ectivit&
Soft*are /evelopme"t 6it S/6
-he G95 set$p mo!e is recomme"!e! *he" &o$ are i"stalli"g the pro!$ct &o$rself, -&picall&%
&o$Nll get SQL Server Epress as a .eb !o*"loa! from Microsoft site% or from the applicatio" )/,
.e recomme"! $si"g the sile"t set$p mo!e *he" &o$ are i"stalli"g SQL Server Epress as a part
of a" applicatio" i"stall, 5" this mo!e% &o$ ca" verif& if the i"sta"ce "ame SQLE(?RESS is prese"t
o" the machi"e% a"! if "ot% i"stall it sile"tl&, -here are t*o eas& *a&s of i!e"tif&i"g SQL Server
Epress i"sta"ces o" the machi"e:
ServerInstance i" SQL .i"!o*s Ma"ageme"t 5"str$me"tatio" 1.M54 ?rovi!er co"tai"s
the SQL e!itio" a"! versio" i"formatio",
-he Seect SE+>E+,+O,E+!?(@E/=I/EE0I!IO/@* ->SQL comma"! ret$r"s a val$e of
A for SQL Server Epress,
Do$ ca" $se a Set$p bootstrap or #is$al St$!io B)lic+ @"ceB tech"olog& to i"cl$!e the SQL Server
Epress Microsoft .i"!o*s 5"staller 1MS54 or .eb !o*"loa! ee% *hich is especiall& helpf$l for
5S#s, Do$ sho$l! "ot procee! *ith i"stalli"g SQL Server Epress if the SQLE(?RESS i"sta"ce is
alrea!& prese"t, @"e importa"t thi"g to +eep i" mi"! is that ,msi chai"i"g is "ot s$pporte! b&
Microsoft% a"! sho$l! "ot be $se!, Also% merge mo!$les are "ot s$pporte! *ith SQL Server
Epress, 5f &o$ have a" eisti"g i"stallatio" of MS/E that !oes "ot appear i" the Add or +emove
,ro"rams me"$ i" )o"trol ?a"el% &o$ m$st perform a clea" i"stallatio" of SQL Server Epress,
Some of the commo"l& $se! comma"! li"e parameters are give" belo*,
SA,20 is $se! to provi!e the pass*or! for the SA acco$"t, -his is pre!omi"a"tl& $se! if
SEC4+I!?5O0E3SQL is also $se!, SE)9R5-DM@/EOSQL e"ables Mie! mo!e
a$the"ticatio" a"! it is importa"t to provi!e a stro"g SA pass*or!, 7or .i"!o*s
a$the"ticatio"% this parameter is "ot re'$ire!,
A00LOCAL3ALL selects all the SQL Server Epress compo"e"ts for i"stallatio",
0ISA1LE/E!2O+#,+O!OCOLS is $se! to e"able;!isable "et*or+i"g protocols, 8&
!efa$lt the val$e is 2% *hich mea"s that the "et*or+i"g is !isable! b& !efa$lt, 9se
0ISA1LE/E!2O+#,+O!OCOLS30 to e"able "et*or+i"g i" the i"sta"ce
B-n is $se! to i"stall sile"tl&
-he I/S!A/CE/A5E parameter is $se! to specif& the "ame of the "ame! i"sta"ce, -he
!efa$lt val$e recomme"!e! is SQLEC,+ESS,
Lan"ua"e Support
-he SQL Server Epress !atabase e"gi"e s$pports all of the 22 la"g$ages that MS/E s$pports,
-he targete! la"g$ages are E"glish% 8raAilia" ?ort$g$ese% /$tch% S*e!ish% Simplifie! )hi"ese%
-ra!itio"al )hi"ese% 7re"ch% Germa"% 5talia"% 0apa"ese% 6orea"% a"! Spa"ish,
Support Considerations
SQL Server Epress is s$pporte! via "e*sgro$ps% as *ell as .eb>base! !oc$me"tatio" a"!
reso$rces s$ch as SQL 8oo+s @"li"e a"! *hite papers,
<ardwareBSo%tware +e-uirements
7or the har!*are a"! soft*are re'$ireme"ts for SQL Server Epress% please refer to SQL Server
8oo+s @"li"e,
DA-6it Support
SQL Server Epress *ill s$pport .i"!o*s o" .i"!o*s 1.@.4 o" <= platforms, .@. esse"tiall&
mea"s r$""i"g a C2>bit Epress o" <=>bit machi"es, SQL Server Epress *ill "ot i"stall o" 5A<=
$eatures /ot ,resent in SQL Server Express
Some of the feat$res available i" other SQL E!itio"s% b$t "ot i" SQL Server Epress% i"cl$!e the
Availabilit& feat$res s$ch as !ata mirrori"g% cl$steri"g% etc,
7$ll>tet search
SQL Age"t
Reporti"g Services
8$si"ess 5"tellige"ce ?latform% s$ch as Notificatio" a"! A"al&sis Services
SQL Ma"ageme"t St$!io% *hich is the "e* G95 tool replaci"g SQL 2000 E"terprise
Note that 7$ll -et Search a"! Reporti"g Services *ill be a!!e! to SQL Server Epress E!itio"
later i" 200<,
>isua Studio Inte"ration
SQL Server Epress is i"stalle! *ith all e!itio"s of #is$al St$!io, #is$al St$!io i"stalls SQL Server
Epress $si"g the i"sta"ce "ame SQLE(?RESS, 5" SQL Server Epress% the applicatio"s rel& o"
the SQLE(?RESS i"sta"ce "ame, -he goal of #is$al St$!io a"! SQL Server Epress i"tegratio" is
to ma+e !atabase access *ith SQL Server Epress as simple a"! eas& as *or+i"g *ith 0et, -his is
tr$e "ot o"l& for clie"t applicatio"s b$t also for AS?,NE- .eb server sce"arios,
7or i"sta"ce% a !atabase object% *hich is a template SQL Server !atabase% is i"tro!$ce! i" the
#is$al St$!io projects, -his object is !ispla&e! *he" the $ser chooses the Add /ew O6Eect
optio" i" a #is$al St$!io project, @"ce a !atabase is a!!e! to the project% the co""ectio"
ma"ageme"t to the !atabase happe"s a$tomaticall& so that the $ser ca" clic+ the !atabase to
see all the objects i"si!e the !atabase s$ch as tables% store! proce!$res% etc, .e offer the abilit&
to !rag a"! !rop releva"t tables !irectl& to a form, 5" the case of #is$al .eb /eveloper% the
=rid>iew a"! S-0ataSource are create! a$tomaticall& *itho$t the $ser t&pi"g i" a li"e of
co!e, Do$ ca" also a$tomaticall& bi"! a co"trol s$ch as a tet bo to a !atabase val$e b& j$st
!raggi"g a"! !roppi"g, All the co""ectio" stri"g setti"gs are store! i" a ce"tral .eb,co"fig% so
that the $ser has to go to a si"gle locatio" to mo!if&,
#is$al St$!io $ses the 9ser 5"sta"ce i" SQL Server Epress so SQL Server !atabase files ca" be
treate! j$st li+e .i"!o*s files *ithi" the #is$al St$!io project, 7or i"sta"ce% &o$ ca" re"ame%
!elete% cop&% or move the !atabase 1,m!f4 file i" the /ata /irector& j$st li+e 0et files, -he
associate! log file 1,l!f4 goes thro$gh the same operatio" as the ,m!f beca$se #is$al St$!io
mai"tai"s a" associatio" bet*ee" these files, #is$al St$!io ma"ages these operatio"s a"! the&
s$ccee! eve" *hile a" AS?,NE- page or process is r$""i"g agai"st the !atabase, -his mea"s that
the t&pical #is$al St$!io applicatio" !eveloper "ee! "ot *orr& abo$t log files i" a !esig" a"!
!evelopme"t sce"ario, :o*ever% !$ri"g !eplo&me"t% the log files m$st be tra"sporte! alo"g *ith
!atabase files,
Comparison wit7 Ot7er $ree 5icroso%t 0ata6ases
Comparison wit7 5S0E
SQL Server Epress replaces Microsoft SQL Server /es+top E"gi"e 1MS/E4 i" SQL Server 2005
a"! provi!es "$mero$s ease>of>$se feat$res that e"able it to be $se! b& a "o"professio"al
!eveloper or hobb&ist, MS/E is base! o" SQL 2000 tech"olog& a"! is recomme"!e! for $se *ith
.i"!o*s 3 platforms% *hile SQL Server Epress is base! o" SQL Server 2005 tech"olog&, SQL
Server Epress has feat$res s$ch as Applicatio" ()op&% Rob$st Set$p 95% )LR s$pport% G95 tools%
a"! #is$al St$!io 5"tegratio" that are "ot prese"t i" MS/E, :o*ever% some feat$res are remove!
from SQL Server Epress compare! to MS/E, -hese feat$res i"cl$!e /-S% replicatio" p$blishi"g%
a"! SQL Age"t,
-he $se of merge mo!$les for !eplo&me"t has bee" a servici"g problem for MS/E% a"! this
f$"ctio"alit& is "ot available i" SQL Server Epress, -he *or+loa! throttle i" MS/E *as
sometimes !iffic$lt to $"!ersta"! a"! $se, 5" SQL Server Epress% the throttle is remove! a"!
i"stea! the e"gi"e $ses )?9% RAM% a"! !atabase siAe limitatio"s to !iffere"tiate it from the other
e!itio"s, -he table belo* sho*s the compariso" of these pro!$cts,
!a6e 2' Comparison o% 5S0E wit7 SQL Server Express
SQL Server Express 2005 5S0E 2000
9ser 5"sta"ce s$pport 7eat$re "ot prese"t
/-S i" separate !o*"loa! /-S r$"time prese"t
Eas& !eplo&me"t beca$se of "o M/A) M/A) is part of i"stall
MS5 o"l&% goo! servici"g stor& MS5 a"! MSM% servici"g of MSM har!
S$bscriber Replicatio" for -ra"sactio"al% Merge%
a"! s"apshot
Merge;s"apshot p$blicatio" s$pporte! i"
a!!itio" to replicatio" s$bscriptio"
Rob$st set$p 95 8asic set$p 95
No age"t Age"t prese"t
S$pports .i"!o*s 2000 S?=% .i"!o*s (? S?2%
a"! .i"!o*s 200C
S$pports .i"!o*s 3H% .i"!o*s Me% .i"!o*s
2000% .i"!o*s (?% .i"!o*s N-=% a"! .i"!o*s
)LR s$pport No )LR s$pport
G95 tools available No G95 tools
/atabase siAe limit: = G8 /atabase siAe limit: 2 G8
2 )?9% 2 G8 RAM 2 )?9% 2 G8 RAM
No throttle .or+loa! throttle e"force! for 5 co"c$rre"t
/eep i"tegratio" *ith #is$al St$!io 8asic i"tegratio" *ith #is$al St$!io
Comparison wit7 Fet
SQL Server Epress is base! o" the latest SQL Server 2005 tech"olog&% *hile 0et has bee" i"
service pac+ a"! mai"te"a"ce stage for '$ite some time, All the latest a"! greatest feat$res%
s$ch as )LR i"tegratio" a"! (ML s$pport% are available o"l& i" SQL Server Epress, -he reliabilit&
a"! scalabilit& stor& of SQL Server Epress is also sig"ifica"tl& better tha" 0et, Applicatio"s
*ritte" to SQL Server Epress ca" easil& move to SQL Server .or+gro$p% Sta"!ar!% or E"terprise
e!itio"s% *hile 0et is more !iffic$lt to scale $p, SQL Server Epress also provi!es fi"er>grai"e!
sec$rit& co"trol over its !atabase objects, .ith the #is$al St$!io 2005 i"tegratio" a"! the 9ser
5"sta"ce feat$re% *e are bri"gi"g the ease of $se of 0et to SQL Server,
SQL Server Epress is a sig"ifica"t Microsoft pro!$ct release% si"ce this pro!$ct is !esig"e!
specificall& for "o"professio"al !evelopers% 5S#s% a"! hobb&ists, 5t is free% eas& to $se% pac+e!
*ith po*erf$l feat$res% a"! provi!es a seamless $pgra!e path to other e!itio"s of SQL Server,
-here are feat$res s$ch as 9ser 5"sta"ces that are $"i'$e to this SQL Server e!itio"% a"! the
i"stallatio" a"! !eplo&me"t is sec$re b& !efa$lt, 5t has big a!va"tages over the eisti"g free
Microsoft !atabases% 0et a"! MS/E, -he i"tegratio" of SQL Server Epress *ith #is$al St$!io
2005 also provi!es a simple !atabase !esig" a"! !evelopme"t eperie"ce,

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