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Cass Marie Kelly

Box 203
Ninette, Manitoba
R0K 1R0
Cell Phone: 204-573-077
Graduate of Crocus Plains High School 12
Serving It Safe License
First Aid License
%aitressin&'Barten"in& !x(erien$e

March 2011 February 2012
Waitress/Bartender, The Silver Saddle Grill/Upt!n "un#e, Suris, MB

February 2012 May 201$
Waitress/Bartender, %e Beever&, Brandn, MB
)ther %or* !x(erien$e
May 201$ 'resent
Far( )and/*anny, +ndersn Fa(ily Far(, ,ypress -iver, MB
Working indeendentl! I effectivel! "anage "! ti"e to co"lete i"ortant
#o$s on the far" including%
&anage inventor!' reare orders and deliver food to far" custo"ers
Feed and care for natural asture raised livestock
Care for ( !oung children and reare "eals
Clean and organi)e house
*erate and reair far" e+ui"ent
,enovate and "aintain ne- house' shelter$elt and !ard
%anuary 201. 'resent
Sales +ssciate, /yna(ite, Brandn MB
Working -ith a tea" of sales associates' I "ake d!na"ite custo"ers feel
co"forta$le and achieve the look the! -ant. *ther i"ortant duties include%
*rgani)ing and cleaning the store
Handling "one!
&aintaining inventor!
I -ork and co""unicate -ell -ith others. I a" a hard -orker and I en#o! $eing $us!.
Cleaning and organi)ation are secial skills of "ine. I a" a ver! resonsi$le
individual and I can erfor" an! task given to "e. I en#o! learning ne- things. I a"
also ver! aroacha$le and friendl!. I a" told I a" ver! intuitive. I have the a$ilit! to
run &icrosoft Progra"s' Windo-s' Internet /0lorer and the restaurant S+uirrel
I en#o! $eing outdoors' and $eing active. As -ell as' sending ti"e -ith ani"als and
eole I care for. I a" assionate a$out architecture and renovating ho"es.
1ravelling is i"ortant to "e. I also en#o! "usic.
2rad and Leanne Anderson
*-ners of Anderson Far"s
324(5 676 8 2291
&ichele Carels
&anager at :oe 2eever)' &anager at ;!na"ite
324(5 6<4 8 72=2
>vette Clae!s
Advertise"ent Secialist
324(5 629 8 6692
Gu! and 1rac! ,o$erts
2randon Police *fficer' 2?
324(5 <2< 8 1614

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