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UNSTRUCTURED Field Experience Log & Reflection

Instructional Technology Departent

"ason Dasinger
%atric& '(ney$Coputer
%ope )igh School$Co((
Course! ITEC *+,- %rofessor$Seester!
Dr. /right$Suer 0,12
%art I! Log
3This log contains space for up to - different field experiences for your - hours. It ight (e that you coplete one field experience totaling - hours4
If you ha5e fe6er field experiences7 8ust delete the extra ro6s. Than& you49
Date3s9 1
Field Experience 'cti5ity$Tie %SC$ISTE Standard3s9
(Minimum of 3-4 sentences per question)
<a to 2p
I was on a team to develop SLOs for Cobb Count Sc!ool district"
I !elped develop SLOs for #$ %overnment as well as re&ular
&overnment over t!e wee'( we anal)ed data from t!e #$ e*am to
!elp us formulate questions" +e loo'ed at specific wordin& and
!ow it scored wit! different demo&rap!ics" I also loo'ed at data
on !ow to create a multiple c!oice question" ,!e sessions were
led b t!e cobb count sc!ool district administration as well as
some professionals from t!e state" I spent time in a collaborative
settin& wit! ot!er &overnment teac!ers and wor'ed wit! t!em to
create a fair assessment"
1. =riefly descri(e the field experience. /hat did you learn
a(out technology facilitation and leadership fro copleting
this field experience> I learned !ow to ta'e specific data and use
it to create a fair test" I learned w!at t!e data said about specific
distractors and !ow t!e can be unfairl used in an assessment" I
t!en was able to transfer m learnin& to a specific tas'0 writin& a
count wide assessment"
0. )o6 did this learning relate to the &no6ledge 36hat ust
you &no697 s&ills 36hat ust you (e a(le to do9 and dispositions
3attitudes7 (eliefs7 enthusias9 re?uired of a technology
facilitator or technology leader> 3Refer to the standards you
selected in %art I. Use the language of the %SC standards in
your ans6er and reflect on all +@&no6ledge7 s&ills7 and
,!is learnin& !elped me develop more as a professional as well as
!elp me understand !ow to ac!ieve professional collaboration"
,!is e*perience introduced me to professional development
t!rou&! data driven researc!" I was able to anal)e t!e researc!
and t!en appl it in m dail role as a researc!er" ,!is learnin&
will empower me to be a tec!nolo& coac! to ot!er teac!ers
learnin& !ow to use data to drive t!eir teac!in& strate&ies"
+. Descri(e ho6 this field experience ipacted school
ipro5eent7 faculty de5elopent or student learning at your
school. )o6 can the ipact (e assessed>
,!is e*perience opened m ees to !ow tests are written" I !ad no
idea &reat tests were data driven" 6rom ma'in& sure distractors are
plausible to 'eepin& t!e same sentence structure0 all tests are data
driven" ,!is e*perience will !elp me create better tests for m
students w!ile at t!e same time coac!in& up m peers w!en t!e
write tests" ,!is impact can be assessed b comparin& and
contrastin& scores of poorl written tests and data driven tests"
($lace an 7 in t!e bo* representin& t!e race8et!nicit and sub&roups involved in t!is field
Ethnicity %:10 Faculty$Staff %:10 Students
$-. 3-1 2-4 9-/. $-. 3-1 2-4 9-/.
<ative #merican8#las'an
+!ite 7
Students wit!
Limited 5n&lis!
5li&ible for
6ree8>educed Meals

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