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1 Scenario
SAP Business Planning and Consolidation provides standard support for multicurrency translation and
reporting. The default configuration expects all data to be loaded in the local currency (LC) and then
translated into one or more common reporting currencies. However, if a significant portion of the LC data is
also in the main reporting currency used, there are alternative configurations available that can dramatically
improve currency conversion time and save disk space in the relational database. This guide will go
through the basic currency translation configuration and processes along with the changes required to
implement such a partial translation configuration.
2 Introduction
It is quite common to find multicurrency financial models where a large portion of the data is already in the
desired reporting currency. For example, a US based manufacturing company may have facilities located
in Mexico and Canada which require data to be loaded in their local currencies for internal reporting
purposes. However, for management and external reporting purposes financial statements are prepared
only in US Dollars (the reporting currency).

Assume that 1,000,000 records are loaded into their BPC system each month and that 10% of the data
comes from the Canadian facilities and 12% comes from the Mexican facilities. In the standard
configuration, all 1,000,000 records would be loaded to the reporting currency of LC. Then currency
translation would be run to convert the data into the reporting currency of USD producing an additional
1,000,000 records in the fact table for a total of 2,000,000 records. However, 780,000 of these records
have the same value in LC as in USD. It would be more desirable in this case to only convert the 220,000
records that need to be translated so that only 1,220,000 records reside in the fact table.

In this guide, we will go through how the standard currency translation process functions within BPC, how
to modify it to only translate limited data, and the implications and design considerations for other
components within the application. This process can only be used in models where there is a single
reporting currency. If all data in the application must be converted into more than one reporting currency,
the solution in this guide will not be of benefit.

For illustrative purposes, the sample application ApShell will be used to go through the configuration
process. The screen shots, code examples, and step by step process shown in this guide will be from 5.x
BPC. However, the basic concepts and configuration process is the same in the 4.x releases of BPC.
3 Standard Currency Translation
The currency translation process (FXTrans) makes use of an application (typically called Rate) to store the
currency exchange rates in and one or more applications which hold the financial data that requires
translation. The currency translation process reads in the local currency (LC) records from the financial
application, looks up the corresponding currency translation rate in the rate application, and generates a
new record in the financial application for the same dimensional intersections as the original record except
for the reporting currency value. The original LC records remain unchanged. Using this process, data that
comes into the application either through manual data entry or through bulk loading is always and only
loaded to the reporting currency of LC or then translated to one or more desired reporting currencies.
3.1 Dimensions and Properties
First we will look at the dimensions within ApShell for the Finance and Rate applications and discuss the
specific dimensions and properties that are used for currency translation. In this model, the Finance
application is the main user application and the Rate application is where currency exchange rate data is

Caption Dimension
Account Account Account X
Category Category Category X X
DataSrc Data Source DataSrc X
Entity Entity Entity X
IntCo Intercompany Intercompany X
RptCurrency Report Currency Currency X
Time Time Time X X
InputCurrency Input Currency Currency X
Rate Currency Rate Account X
RateSrc Rate Source Entity X
Table 1

Dimension Name Description
Category Identifies the scenario or classification of data (e.g. Actual,
Budget, Forecast)
Entity Typically the primary units of the organizational structures (e.g.
departments, cost center, plants)
RptCurrency The currency or currencies that financial reporting is done in.
These are the currencies that data will be translated to for
reporting purposes. In addition, the LC currency is required in
this dimension to hold un-translated data.
Time Fiscal or Calendar time
Input Currency These are the local currencies that data is entered into the
application from. This is not the same as the reporting currencies.
For example, if a US company has locations in Mexico, Canada,
and the US, the input currencies would be MXN, CAD and USD.
However if data is only converted to USD, the reporting
currencies would only be LC and USD.
Rate The type of exchange rate. (e.g. average, period end, historical)
RateSrc Rates are entered to the RateInput member and logic is used to
derive the RateCalc value which is used to perform the currency
Table 2
The first thing to notice is there are two shared dimensions (Category and Time) between the two
applications. This means when exchange rates are entered they are specific to a category and time period.
The most common reason for currency translation to not work is forgetting to enter the exchange rates into
the corresponding category and time periods. Another common question is why is the Rate dimension an
account type dimension and RateSrc an entity type dimension? The short answer is because all applications
are required to have an account type and entity type dimension (along with time and category types). There
is no intrinsic meaning to the types used in this case. There is actually a relationship between the Account
dimension in the Finance application and the Rate dimension in the currency translation process but it has
nothing to do with the dimension types but rather how theyre used in the process. If you are creating a new
rate application after the main application(s) have been created, you should use the dimension names and
types that are listed here to ensure that the currency translation process will work without modification and
for general consistency to aid support staff.

All other relationships besides time and category between the applications are done through properties. The
key properties that are used for the basic currency translation process are listed in Table 3.

Property Usage / Notes
Account RateType Identifies the rate that is used to convert the account for
FXTrans. P&L accounts translate at the average rate for the
period and BS accounts translate at the period end rate.
However, there can be additional rates if there are items that
have some fixed historical rate. The values entered in the
property must be the valid ID of a member in the RATE
dimension. If accounts are not translated (e.g. volumes, head
count) then the property is left blank. Also, FXTrans only
occurs on base level members so the property can be omitted
on parent level members but is typically filled in for purposes
such as report filtering.
Entity Currency This identifies the local currency of the member. The value
must correspond to the ID of a member of the InputCurrency
dimension. By default, the entity type dimension is assumed
to determine the currency of the record since in a typical
model it corresponds to a physical location. If the entity type
dimension is not the dimension that uniquely associates a
record with a currency then the default currency translation
process would have to be modified.
InputCurrency Reporting A Y indicates that the local currency is also a reporting
InputCurrency MD Value is either Multipy or Divide. This is used by default
logic in the rate application to derive the RATECALC value
which is used to actually perform the currency translation.
Rate Acctype This particular property is not used to control the currency
translation process and has no intrinsic meaning in the context
of the dimension. However, it is a required property on
account type dimensions and controls whether the values
accumulate across time or not and whether the values in the
fact table are signed positively or negatively. So for reporting
purposes, the type of AST is used so the value does not
accumulate across time and so the underlying values are stored
as positive number in the fact tables.
Rate Group The value of FX Rate must be on each rate that is to be
included in the currency translation process.
InputCurrency Reporting All members of the dimension other than LC would have
a flag value of Y
Table 3
3.2 Logic to Perform FXTrans
There are two standard calculation processes available within BPC to perform FX translation: script logic
and business rules. Script logic uses the proprietary scripting language of BPC to code the translation rules.
These rules can be customized as needed to support application specific needs. The business rules are
encrypted SQL stored procedures that are supplied to perform various tasks one of which is currency
translation. The source code for the business rules is not published code and the rules cannot be modified.
In a standard configuration, both processes produce the exact same numerical results. In general, the
business rule will run faster than the script logic but the time difference can vary depending on the amount
of data and hardware resources.
3.2.1 Script Logic
The script logic file that runs currency translation is FXTrans and is accessed through the BPC
Administration interface. Script logic is application specific so you will need to drill into the individual
applications to access the code.

Figure 1
Depending on when and how currency translation was setup in an existing application you may either have
reference to the translation code as in this example or the underlying code which we will discuss shortly. In
this example, the line *SYSLIB MultiCurrencyTrans.LGL is referencing or including the underlying
translation code from the system library. To access the underlying code, you will have to directly open the
system library file using notepad or another text editor. The files are located in on the file server in the
\Webfolders\AppsetName\SystemLibrary\Logic Library folder. The referenced file contains the logic shown
in Code 1.

The translation process first determines what rates and currencies need to be processed. It then clears any
previous data that was generated by earlier FXTrans processes for the same category and time scope as the
current run. Next, the process goes to the rate application and looks-up the correct currency translation
rates. Finally using the rate type property on the account dimension and the currency property on the entity
dimension, each record is translated into the reporting currency selected. If the rate type property is
NOTRANS then no record will be generated in the reporting currency. If the rate type is a valid member of
the Rate dimension, then the record will be converted at the appropriate rate. Otherwise, if the rate type is
blank (or invalid) a record will be generated in the reporting currency with the same value as the local
currency value. This is typically used for non financial data such as volumes or headcount so that the
statistical data and the financial data are together to make reporting easier. Note that the code uses variables
(e.g. CURRENCYDIM) that are defined in the included system constants file. The code in Code 2 is Code 1
with the comments removed and the variables replaced with the underlying values. This is the final
executed code.



// filter the appropriate currencies and rates

// set the appropriate region to clear
//(all reporting currencies)

// load the rates from the RATE cube
// define the translation rule
// skip
// translate
// take as is

Code 1



Code 2

As discussed earlier, there is script logic in the Rate application that converts the rates entered by the user
(RateInput) to the appropriate factor to perform the currency translation. The code is shown below (Code 3)
with all underlying variables substituted for clarity. Based on whether the input currency is entered as a
divisor rate or multiplier rate, the appropriate calculated rate (RateCalc) is derived. All the rates in ApShell
are setup as divisor rates.

*IS "D"

Code 3

Currency Translation Example

Account dimension (partial members and properties)
ID Description RateType
Cash Cash END
AR Accounts Receivable END
ExtSales External Sales AVG
COGS Cost of Goods Sold AVG
FTE Full-time equivalent heads
Temp_Calc Calculation temp account NOTRANS
Table 4

Entity dimension (partial members and properties)
ID Description Currency
NE_SALES Northeast Sales office USD
SE_SALES Southeast Sales office USD
Montreal_Plant_1 Montreal Mfg Plant 1 CAD
Veracruz_Plant_8 Veracruz Mfg Plant 8 MXN
Table 5
Rate Application Fact table
Category Time InputCurrency Rate RateSrc SignedData
Actual 2007.DEC CAD AVG RateInput 1.0015
Actual 2007.DEC CAD END RateInput 0.9820
Actual 2007.DEC MXN AVG RateInput 10.8631
Actual 2007.DEC MXN END RateInput 10.9235
Actual 2007.DEC CAD AVG RateCalc 0.998502
Actual 2007.DEC CAD END RateCalc 1.018330
Actual 2007.DEC MXN AVG RateCalc 0.092055
Actual 2007.DEC MXN END RateCalc 0.091546
Table 6
Finance Application Fact table (assume no FXTrans has been run)
Account Category DataSrc Entity IntCo RptCurrency Time SignedData
Cash Actual GL_Feed NE_SALES Non_InterCo LC 2007.DEC 5000
AR Actual GL_Feed SE_SALES Non_InterCo LC 2007.DEC 1300
ExtSales Actual GL_Feed Montreal_Plant_1 Non_InterCo LC 2007.DEC 8900
COGS Actual GL_Feed Veracruz_Plant_8 Non_InterCo LC 2007.DEC 4200
FTE Actual GL_Feed Montreal_Plant_1 Non_InterCo LC 2007.DEC 80
Temp_Calc Actual CALC Montreal_Plant_1 Non_InterCo LC 2007.DEC 445
Cash Actual GL_Feed Veracruz_Plant_8 Non_InterCo LC 2007.DEC 200
Table 7
Fact table records and member properties (other dimensions excluded for clarity)
Account Account.
Entity Entity.
Category Time Exchange
Rate based on
found in Rate
Rate (Source
Rate / USD
Cash END NE_SALES USD Actual 2007.DEC 1 1
AR END SE_SALES USD Actual 2007.DEC 1 1
ExtSales AVG Montreal_Plant_1 CAD Actual 2007.DEC 0.998502 0.998502
COGS AVG Veracruz_Plant_8 MXN Actual 2007.DEC 0.092055 0.092055
FTE Montreal_Plant_1 CAD Actual 2007.DEC NULL
Temp_Calc NOTRANS Montreal_Plant_1 CAD Actual 2007.DEC NULL
Cash END Veracruz_Plant_8 MXN Actual 2007.DEC 0.091546 0.091546
Table 8
Table 8 shows the properties used in the script logic to determine the appropriate rate to associate with each
record. The value in column 8 is the value from the rate application lookup. This is the RateCalc member
(shaded records in table 6) which was derived by logic in the rate application at the time the exchange rates
were entered. The value in column 9 is calculated by the FXTrans script logic which is then multiplied by
the record in the fact table to calculate the translated value for the new record. Table 9 shows the fact table
in the Finance application after FXTrans has run. Note that no record is produced for Temp_Calc where as
one is for FTE based on their RateType properties.
Finance Application Fact table (after FXTrans)
Account Category DataSrc Entity IntCo RptCurrency Time SignedData
Cash Actual GL_Feed NE_SALES Non_InterCo LC 2007.DEC 5000
AR Actual GL_Feed SE_SALES Non_InterCo LC 2007.DEC 1300
ExtSales Actual GL_Feed Montreal_Plant_1 Non_InterCo LC 2007.DEC 8900
COGS Actual GL_Feed Veracruz_Plant_8 Non_InterCo LC 2007.DEC 4200
FTE Actual GL_Feed Montreal_Plant_1 Non_InterCo LC 2007.DEC 80
Temp_Calc Actual CALC Montreal_Plant_1 Non_InterCo LC 2007.DEC 445
Cash Actual GL_Feed Veracruz_Plant_8 Non_InterCo LC 2007.DEC 200
Cash Actual GL_Feed NE_SALES Non_InterCo USD 2007.DEC 5000
AR Actual GL_Feed SE_SALES Non_InterCo USD 2007.DEC 1300
ExtSales Actual GL_Feed Montreal_Plant_1 Non_InterCo USD 2007.DEC 8886.67
COGS Actual GL_Feed Veracruz_Plant_8 Non_InterCo USD 2007.DEC 386.31
FTE Actual GL_Feed Montreal_Plant_1 Non_InterCo USD 2007.DEC 80
Cash Actual GL_Feed Veracruz_Plant_8 Non_InterCo USD 2007.DEC 18.31
Table 9
The script based logic is executed either on demand through data manager or automatically as part of default
logic depending on the business processes and system requirements of the individual installation. Figure 2
shows executing the process on demand using the standard SSIS package provided. Note that this SSIS
package specifically runs the script logic named FXTrans. If you modify the underlying code, the best
practice is to create a new script file with your modified code and then simply modify FXTrans to include
the new code. This avoids the possibility of losing your code modifications during an upgrade and avoids
the need to create a new dedicated SSIS package to run your code.

Figure 2
3.2.2 Business Rules
Business rules are SQL stored procedures that are provided with the BPC product. The stored procedures
are encrypted and cannot be viewed or modified during implementation. There are a number of business
rule installed with the product one of which is currency translation. All the dimensions and properties used
for the script logic FX translation are used for the business rules FX translation. To run the stored
procedure, a call is made using a script logic file. The basic call would be:


Using the call above, all records within the scope of execution would have currency translation performed as
described in the script logic currency translation process. Typically, this call would be placed in the
FXTrans script logic file replacing the call to the script logic currency conversion process. This allows the
code to be run on demand with the standard SSIS package as well as being included in other script logic

This call does not use any values from the business rules parameter table so no configuration there is
required. There is a process in the current conversion business rules that can be configured to perform a
similar limited currency conversion process. The details of that and the other options available in the
parameter table are in the Administration help file under the business rules configuration section. The main
disadvantage of this approach is that it makes use of dummy LC entity members and currency translation
data is written to a separate member in the entity dimension. That is, if you have an entity in Mexico (e.g.
Mexico_City) you would have one member (Mexico_City_LC) where data is loaded in LC. Then when
currency translation is performed, the reporting currency data would be written to a separate member
(Mexico_City_USD) in the entity dimension to separate out the LC from the translated data. This process
would work fine for very small numbers of foreign currency entities but would become difficult to manage
if there were 50 or 100 entities in a larger model that needed to have currency translation performed. Also
having separate members for LC and non-LC data can make navigating the hierarchy for reporting purposes
more challenging.
4 Modifying for limited FXTrans
4.1 Step by Step Process
The modifications needed to implement limited translation are to add an additional property to the entity
type dimension on which your currency translation is defined and modifying the script logic rules to limit
which entity members are processed. As of BPC 5.1 SP1, the business rules stored procedures do not
support the limited translation process. Therefore, to implement this change does require the use of the
script logic version of FXTrans. However, BPC 5.1 SP3 is targeted to support the process described. When
implemented, the structure changes described would need to be made as described but no additional changes
should be required.

IMPORTANT: Before you begin these modifications, be sure ALL data in your existing application has had
currency conversion run. Also, read through the entire guide BEFORE beginning the modifications so that
you have a clear understand of all the required changes and have an appropriate implementation plan.

4.1.1 Structure Changes
1. The first change will be to add the property IS_CONVERTED with a size of 1 in the entity
dimension. The property does not need to be in the application for the FXTrans to work. You can
optionally add it to be InApp if you wish to be able to do reporting within BPC on the property.
2. Then select the Modify Dimension Property to create the property in the application.

Figure 3
3. When the dimension has completed processing, choose Maintain Dimension Members to open the
member sheet. The new column with your property will be the last column in the property list on the
4. You now need to populate the property with a value of Y on each member that you wish to
translate. Ideally this would be only base-level members since they are the only ones that have data
in the fact table. One approach is to use an Excel formula to fill in the property. This approach does
put the property in on base and non-base members but it shouldnt make any difference. The
formula below [=IF(F2<>USD,Y,)] would put a Y in all non-USD entities and a blank
space in the USD entities.

Figure 4

Figure 5
5. After you have copied down the formula, do a copy and paste special-values to convert the formula
to plain text.
6. Validate and process the dimension. When this completes put the application back on line.

4.1.2 Logic Changes
1. Next you need to make a copy of the currency translation logic into a new logic file with a different
name so that the file cannot be accidently overwritten. This can be done in the system library or the
code can be put into a logic file in the application. If there are a number of applications that will
share the same logic, the library is a better option. If there is only one or two and you dont mind
putting the code into each application, creating a script file has the advantages of making it obvious
you are using customized FXTrans logic and make accessing the code easier as there is no interface
to modify the system library files. For this guide, we will create and new script logic file in the

Figure 6

Figure 7

Figure 8
2. Now copy the contents of the MultiCurrencyTrans.LGL from the logic library file into the new script
logic file. If you choose to keep the file in the system library, then make a copy of the file and
rename it in the same folder.

Figure 9
3. Now we begin making the logic modifications. First modify the logic to include the system
constants. Originally this was done in the FXTrans code itself but to validate this logic file, the
constants will need to be included here.

Figure 10
4. Now we need to limit the members of the entity dimension that are cleared at the beginning of the
process. We only want to clear data for entities which we will be performing currency translation on
based on the [IS_CONVERTED] property.

Figure 11
5. Now put the filter list in the clear destination statement

Figure 12

6. Next we want to filter the records that are processed to only be entities that are translated.

Figure 13

7. Finally, add a *COMMIT statement to the end of the code so this logic file is a complete code

8. The final code (with comments removed) is:








Code 4
9. Now, to avoid having to modify the SSIS package that runs the logic file, we will simply modify the
FXTrans logic file to call the newly created logic. The figure 14 is if logic is in the script logic file
and figure 15 is if the code is in the system library. Note the difference in file extensions depending
on where the file is stored.

Figure 14

Figure 15

4.1.3 Data modifications
1. Now that you have modified the structure and logic, your application will no longer convert data in
your reporting currency from LC so this data can be deleted to free up disk space and improve
overall application performance.

IMPORTANT: These steps will be deleting data from the relational database so be sure you have a
verified backup of your SQL database before proceeding.

2. Perform an incremental optimization with compressions to get all records into one fact table and
eliminate duplicate records to make the deletion process go a quickly as possible. This process can
take a number of hours to run depending on the number of records in the fact table and the hardware
resources available. Be sure to plan an adequate maintenance window. Also, the transaction log will
grow quite large so it should be shrunk after this process completes back to a normal size for your
3. Using query analyzer, execute the following query. This will delete all LC data from the fact table
for entities that will not be translated. Be sure you have correctly set and verified the
IS_CONVERTED property on the entity dimension. This will have to be repeated for each
application in your application set that is being modified. Note that {FINANCE} in the table name
is the name of the particular application.

Delete From tblFactFINANCE
where RptCurrency = LC and
Entity in (Select [ID] from mbrEntity where IS_CONVERTED <> Y)

4. Run an incremental optimization on each application that you have cleared data for so that the
Analysis Service application will be updated.
5. You will need to modify any existing data ETL processes so that data in your reporting currency
(USD in the guide example) is loaded directly to the reporting currency and not to LC. For all
records that are not in the reporting currency, they will continue to be loaded to LC. The ETL
process rules must match the IS_CONVERTED flag in your application to get accurate currency
4.2 Other considerations
1. If you have other script logic in your application, you will need to modify it to explicitly process
records in your reporting currency. By default, logic only executes on LC. This can be done with
*XDIM_ADDMEMBERSET RPTCURRENCY=USD statement. Depending on the rules of the
script logic, you may have to modify the code to specifically run calculations on LC only for
translated entities and separate calculations on non-LC your reporting currency for non-translated
2. If you application is a planning system or otherwise has manual data entry screens, then these will
need to be modified so that the screen sends data to the appropriate currency based on the current
entity. This would have to be done on each input schedule and can be accomplished by reading the
entity property using BPC functions and some basic Excel formulas. The example in Figure 16 reads
the IS_CONVERTED property from the current entity. If the property is Y, then data is written to
LC otherwise it is written to the reporting currency.

Figure 16
3. If there are custom data manipulation processes that have been implemented (e.g. custom stored
procedures or SSIS packages) then these will need to be reviewed and possibly modified to deal with
the differences in where data is loaded.

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