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12 8raeslde Close
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1hls research was [olnLly commlssloned by nAACL and 9lne ConsulLlng Lo assess Lhe
lmpacL of lads aL Longfleld Academy.

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Longfleld Academy ls an oversubscrlbed mlxed non selecLlve secondary school for sLudenLs
aged 11-18. lL ls slLuaLed near uarford ln kenL and forms parL of Lhe Lelgh Academles 1rusL.
1he currenL role ls around 970 sLudenLs wlLh around 160 of Lhese ln Lhe slxLh form.
1he Academy comprlses of 3 Colleges and each College has lLs own rlnclpal. 8esulLs over
Lhe pasL 3 years have lmproved slgnlflcanLly and Lhe Academy was descrlbed by ClS1Lu ln
May 2011 as Cood wlLh ouLsLandlng feaLures.
0>>=9 E!89 %/! '116=:>2:6;F
naace ls Lhe lC1 assoclaLlon. We are a communlLy of educaLors, consulLanLs, school leaders,
LechnologlsLs and pollcy makers from all phases of uk educaLlon, who share a vlslon for Lhe
role of Lechnology ln advanclng educaLlon. We represenL Lhe educaLlon Lechnology
communlLy and supporL lL Lhrough conferences, courses and Lhe dlssemlnaLlon of resources,
research and reflecLlon. We play a key role ln members' professlonal developmenL Lhrough
Lhe challenge and supporL of a communlLy of pracLlce, Lhe developmenL of Lhe professlon as
a whole and Lhrough sharlng lnnovaLlon and experLlse.
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9lne ls an lnLegraLed consulLancy provldlng servlces and soluLlons Lo educaLlon
organlsaLlons. Cur buslness ls fundamenLally dlfferenL from any oLher consulLancy operaLlng
wlLhln Lhe LducaLlon markeL. We manage Lhe full lC1 operaLlons llfe cycle from cradle Lo
grave. 1hls encompasses Lechnology consulLancy, currlculum lnLegraLlon, soluLlons
archlLecLure, managemenL of pro[ecL dellvery, embeddlng Lhe soluLlon and dellverlng
Lhrough efflclenL operaLlons managemenL. 1hls unlque dlfferenL means we can Lalk abouL
currenL and fuLure Lechnology and advlse on Lhe lmplemenLaLlon of Lhose Lechnologles
wlLhln a llve envlronmenL.
We have supporLed Longfleld Academy slnce 2009 ln Lhe developmenL of Lhe lad scheme. We
provlde Lechnlcal consulLancy, change managemenL and pro[ecL managemenL Lo Schools,
Academles, unlverslLles and commerclal organlsaLlons ln Lhe uk and lnLernaLlonally on Lhe
lnLegraLlon of lads and oLher emerglng or new Lechnologles.

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O(G$*' <R 8esponses by year group 14
O(G$*' MR use of lads ln each key sLage as reporLed by sLaff 13
O(G$*' NR Level of use ln lessons (SLaff) 16
O(G$*' AR Level of use ln lessons (SLudenLs) 16
O(G$*' DR Sub[ecL use (sLudenLs) 17
O(G$*' HR Sub[ecL use (Leachers) 17
O(G$*' KR Maln uses of lads (sLudenLs) 19
O(G$*' SR Maln uses of lads (sLaff) 20
O(G$*' TR SLudenL use of lads beyond school 26
O(G$*' <PR SLaff requlremenL for sLudenL use of lads beyond school 27
O(G$*' <<R lads and sLudenL moLlvaLlon (sLudenL responses) 28
O(G$*' <MR lads and sLudenL moLlvaLlon (sLaff responses) 28
O(G$*' <NR lads and sLudenL work quallLy (sLudenL responses) 29
O(G$*' <AR lads and sLudenL work quallLy (sLaff responses) 30
O(G$*' <DR lads and sLudenL progress (sLudenL responses) 31
O(G$*' <HR lads and sLudenL progress (sLaff responses) 31
O(G$*' <KR lads and sLudenL achlevemenL (sLudenL responses) 32
O(G$*' <SR lads and sLudenL achlevemenL (sLaff responses) 33
O(G$*' <TR lads and effecLlve worklng (sLudenL responses) 34
O(G$*' MPR lads and effecLlve worklng (sLudenL responses) 34
O(G$*' M<R lads and collaboraLlve worklng (sLudenLs) 33
O(G$*' MMR lads and collaboraLlve worklng (sLaff) 36
O(G$*' MNR SLudenL use of Apps ln class (sLudenLs) 37
O(G$*' MAR Use of Apps ln class (sLaff) 37
O(G$*' MDR 1he value of Apps ln helplng learnlng (sLudenLs) 39

":;. N
O(G$*' MHR 1he value of Apps ln helplng Leachlng (sLaff) 39
O(G$*' MKR Wllllngness Lo use lads regularly for learnlng (sLudenLs). 40
O(G$*' MSR Wllllngness Lo use lads regularly for Leachlng (sLaff). 41
O(G$*' MTR Lase of lnLegraLlon of lads ln classroom conLexLs (sLaff) 43
O(G$*' NPR lad ease of use (sLudenLs) 44
O(G$*' N<R lad ease of use (sLaff) 44
O(G$*' NM. 1echnlcal lssues (SLudenLs) 43
O(G$*' NNR 1echnlcal lssues (SLaff) 46

":;. A
#[#/.!%\# ).]]'-^
1hls sLudy, one of Lhe mosL exLenslve yeL regardlng Lhe use of LableL devlces flnds
LhaL wlLh Lhe ma[orlLy of puplls aL Lhe school now havlng lads Lhere has been a
slgnlflcanL and very poslLlve lmpacL on learnlng LogeLher wlLh furLher slgnlflcanL and
sLlll developlng changes ln pedagogy. ln parLlcular lL was found LhaL:

- 1he overwhelmlng ma[orlLy of Leachers regularly use lads ln Lhelr Leachlng
- lad use ls parLlcularly sLrong ln Lngllsh, MaLhs and Sclence
- 1here ls hlgh demand from sLudenLs for lad use Lo be exLended furLher
- 1eachers have ldenLlfled slgnlflcanL beneflLs for Lhelr workload and have also
ldenLlfled cosL savlngs
- use of Lhe lads ls lncreaslngly belng developed for homework and beyond
school acLlvlLles
- SLudenLs are more moLlvaLed when uslng lads
- 1he quallLy and sLandard of pupll work and progress ls rlslng
- 8oLh sLaff and sLudenL feel Lhey can work more effecLlvely wlLh lads
- Levels of collaboraLlve worklng have lmproved
- ApproprlaLe use of Apps alds learnlng
- All flnd Lhe lad easy Lo use
- Mlnor Lechnlcal lssues have arlsen, ofLen due Lo user error, buL are readlly dealL
- LffecLlve pro[ecL managemenL has been crlLlcal Lo Lhe success of Lhls

1he ouLcomes aL Longfleld clearly demonsLraLe Lhe value of Lhe lad as an
educaLlonal Lool and Lhe role LhaL lL can play ln learnlng and Leachlng.

":;. D
1he lad as a 1ool for LducaLlon:
A sLudy of Lhe lnLroducLlon of lads aL Longfleld Academy

1bls stoJy tevlews tbe lmpoct oo leotoloq ooJ teocbloq of tbe lottoJoctloo of lloJ
Jevlces ot looqflelJ AcoJemy, keot sloce 5eptembet 2011. lt floJs tbot wltb tbe
mojotlty of poplls oow bovloq tbe Jevlces, tbete bos beeo o slqolflcoot ooJ vety
posltlve lmpoct oo leotoloq, os well osslqolflcoot ooJ stlll Jeveloploq cbooqes lo
peJoqoqy. 5toJeots ote vety posltlve oboot tbe Jevlces ooJ tbe lmpoct tbey bove oo
tbelt motlvotloo, oblllty to teseotcb, commoolcote ooJ collobotote, wblle stoff
locteosloqly explolt tbe tooqe of eJocotloool Apps moJe ovolloble. wblle some
tecbolcol lssoes bove beeo lJeotlfleJ, tbese ote Jeolt wltb tbtooqb excelleot ptoject
moooqemeot. 1be ootcomes ot looqflelJ cleotly Jemoosttote tbe voloe of tbe lloJ os
oo eJocotloool tool.

":;. H
%0!-*(./!%*0 '0( H'/CM-*.0(
AlLhough use of convenLlonal compuLers lncludlng
lapLops and neLbooks ls well esLabllshed ln schools
and a conslderable body of llLeraLure conflrms Lhelr
value and lmpacL, Lhe lnLegraLlon of LableL devlces
such as Lhe lad ls sLlll, ln early 2012, aL Lhe lnnovaLlon
sLage of developmenL. 1here ls currenLly only llmlLed
publlshed research on Lhe lmpacL of such devlces on
learnlng and Leachlng, alLhough Lhe work of Melhulsh
& lalloon (2010) and SmlLh (2011) demonsLraLe Lhe
beneflLs and lnnovaLlve pracLlce engendered. 1hls ls
furLher supporLed by reporLs ln non-academlc blogs
such as Lhose aL bttp.// and
bttp.// .
Powever, conslderable debaLe remalns regardlng Lhe educaLlonal beneflLs of LableL
and oLher personal devlces for learners. MosL sLudles Lo daLe have lnvolved Lrlals
wlLh class seLs of LableLs raLher Lhan Lhe puplls uslng Lhelr own personal devlces.
Whlle clearly demonsLraLlng beneflLs of Lhe Lechnology, Lhe shared naLure of Lhe
Lrlals ralsed lLs own problems.
1hus Lhe recenL lnLroducLlon of lads LhroughouL Longfleld Academy provldes an
excellenL opporLunlLy for a small scale research sLudy of Lhe lnlLlal lmpacL of Lhe lad
on learnlng and Leachlng LhroughouL Lhe school and Lhe soclal and Lechnlcal lssues
arlslng. 1here ls also scope for a more slgnlflcanL longlLudlnal sLudy of Lhese aspecLs.
We are aL a polnL ln Lhe evoluLlon of Lechnology where Lhe personal LableL devlce
posLulaLed by Pepple (1998) ls becomlng a reallLy. Powever, we do noL yeL
undersLand how access Lo and use of Lhese devlces wlll change learnlng and
Leachlng. WlLhouL such undersLandlng we are lefL wlLh an lnadequaLe analysls LhaL
creaLes Lhe condlLlons for lll-lnformed pollcy declslons aL boLh school and naLlonal
level and a self-susLalnlng cycle of mlsundersLandlng and doubL.
1hls sLudy wlll address a gap ln Lhe llLeraLure by examlnlng Lhe lmpacL on learnlng
and Leachlng ln an lnnovaLlve school LhaL already has a sLrong commlLmenL Lo lC1. ln
parLlcular, lL wlll focus on changes ln Leachlng and learnlng sLyles, lmpacL on
sLandards and on pupll's aLLlLudes Lo learnlng wlLh Lhe devlces, LogeLher wlLh any
whole-school Lechnlcal and managemenL lssues arlslng.

":;. K
%0)%M"!) ,-*] !"# +%!#-'!.-#
Several sLudles of Lhe use of Lhe lad as an educaLlonal Lool have been underLaken
slnce Lhe lnLroducLlon of Lhls producL, LogeLher wlLh oLhers relaLlng Lo LableL
compuLers ln general. Powever, Lhe focus of mosL has been on Lhe lad due Lo Lhe
funcLlonallLy of Lhe Lool compared Lo some oLhers, Lhe range of apps avallable and
Lhe aLLracLlveness and sLreeL credlblllLy of Lhe lad Lo young people.
8esearchers have explored Lhe lmpacL of lads ln a number of slLuaLlons Lo daLe, Lhough
mosLly where small scale Lrlals of Lhe devlce have Laken place as ln LhaL reporLed by
Cllcksman (2011) on Lhe webslLe lloJs fot Jocotloo and also by Carcla and lrledman
(2011) ln a sLudy ln a unlLed SLaLes hlsLory classroom. CLher slmllar sLudles have Laken
place ln Cermany aL kalserln AugusLa Schule, where a slx monLh evaluaLlon wlLh 600
sLudenLs was reporLed by Spang (2011) aL bttp.// and by Learnlng
Lxchange (2011) ln AusLralla.
ln Lhe above examples, Lhe devlces were owned by
and managed by Lhe school, yeL lL musL be
remembered LhaL lads and slmllar LableL devlces are
deslgned as personal devlces and Lhus wlll coose
slqolflcoot sblfts lo tbe lJeo of owoetsblp, tbe
owoetsblp of tecbooloqy ooJ koowleJqe.' (1raxler
2010). lL ls only recenLly LhaL schools such as
Longfleld have begun Lo equlp Lhe ma[orlLy of puplls
wlLh a personal lad, Lhus enabllng Lhe full lmpacL of
Lhe devlce Lo be evaluaLed boLh ln a snapshoL vlew
and poLenLlally as parL of a longlLudlnal sLudy.
Powever, Lhere ls conslderable convergence ln Lhe flndlngs of Lhese varlous sLudles
whlch, whlle hlghllghLlng conslderable beneflLs of lads, also hlghllghL a number of
Lechnlcal, pedagoglcal and managemenL lssues LhaL schools wlll need Lo address. 1he
resulLs from Lhe Longfleld sLudy, uslng slmllar research meLhodologles, serve Lo furLher
conflrm Lhe slgnlflcanL poLenLlal of LableL devlces as ublqulLous Lools for learnlng.
lL ls useful here Lo conslder Lhe naLure and poLenLlal of moblle devlces ln educaLlon
ldenLlfled by researchers Lhus far, whlle noLlng LhaL Lhe slLuaLlon regardlng
ownershlp of a range of personal, neL connecLed devlces ls expandlng rapldly. lor
example, a sLudy by Lhe Speak up naLlonal 8esearch ro[ecL (2011), wlLh a sample of
416 000 uS 3
Lo 12
grade sLudenLs, found LhaL by of secondary age puplls 30
owned SmarLphones and 21 personal LableLs. 1he level of ownershlp ls llkely Lo
have lncreased slnce Lhen as prlces generally become more compeLlLlve as Lhe
Lechnology maLures.
As ownershlp of devlces lncreases, so does sLudenL demand Lo use Lhem ln school and
ln parenLal accepLance of such devlces ln school. Powever, Lhe Speak up research also

":;. S
noLes LhaL, as ls evldenL ln Lhe uk, school managemenL ls relucLanL Lo allow such use!
Curlously only 40 of parenLs see value ln ublqulLous lnLerneL access ln a modern
school, a vlew LoLally aL odds wlLh explolLlng Lhe beneflLs of personal devlces.
SLudenLs, conversely, flnd Lhe fllLerlng resLrlcLlons on school neLworks frusLraLlng.
CurrenL research flndlngs from Melhulsh and lalloon (2010), Cllksman (2011),
Learnlng Lxchange (2011) and Spang (2011) all demonsLraLe educaLlonal value and
poslLlve learnlng ouLcomes from Lhe use of lads, as does Lhls wrlLer's sLudy aL
Longfleld Academy. 1here are however some, such as 1raxler (2010), who conLlnue
Lo urge cauLlon and express reservaLlons abouL Lhe convergence of mulLlple
Lechnologles ln modern smarL devlces. Pe expresses concern LhaL we have yeL Lo see
Lhe emergence of a generlc converged devlce and LhaL, oo otcbltectote boseJ oo
JeJlcoteJ closeJ boxes meoos tbot tbls sltootloo wlll oot cbooqe. Whlle Lrue of
Apple Lechnology, Lhls lgnores Lhe wlde range of devlces based on varlanLs of Lhe
Androld operaLlng sysLem now avallable. 1raxler (2010) furLher noLes LhaL, Jevlces
owoeJ by stoJeots wlll be, ot best, pootly solteJ fot leotoloq, Jlffeteot ooJ cbooqloq,
ofteo fot teosoos tbot ote oot tecbolcol, oot eJocotloool, ooJ ptobobly oot eveo
totlooole ooJ foteseeoble. 1hls vlew does, lndeed, have some valldlLy aL Lhe Llme of
wrlLlng slnce early adopLer schools are adapLlng whaL ls essenLlally a devlce creaLed
for lndlvldual personal use lnLo a ublqulLous classroom Lool. 1he Lechnology ls sLlll
developlng rapldly and Lhls poses lLs own problems for schools, such as ensurlng LhaL
Lhere ls a commonallLy of plaLform and Apps. Powever, where Lhe school recognlses
Lhe personal naLure of Lhe devlce and adapLs lLs approach and pedagogy Lo sulL, lL ls
posslble, as aL Longfleld Academy, Lo lnLegraLe lads as [usL anoLher Lool for learnlng.
lndeed, 1raxler (2010) noLe LhaL moblle Lechnologles are dlfflculL Lo lgnore as Lhey
are, woveo loto oll tlmes ooJ ploces of stoJeots llves, someLhlng LhaL can only
lncrease as devlces become more affordable and powerful.
Melhulsh and lalloon (2010) lead us Lo a conslderaLlon of how moblle Lechnologles
are redeflnlng whaL consLlLuLes a learnlng space, one LhaL ls no longer flxed ln Llme
buL based on connecLlng people wlLh each oLher and lnformaLlon Lhrough vlrLual
collaboraLlve spaces and communlLles. Such use ls evldenL aL only a low level ln Lhe
Longfleld sLudy, where much use ls classroom based. Powever, Lhere ls evldence
from boLh pupll lnLervlews and quesLlonnalres lndlcaLlng LhaL some, buL noL all
sLudenLs, are uslng Lhelr lads ln [usL Lhls way. ln Lhls respecL Lhe flndlngs reflecL
Lhose of Lhe Speak up 2011 sLudy.
#I_@6<:;? 289 :11391
Whlle Lhese recenL sLudles are demonsLraLlng Lhe beneflLs of personal devlces, Lhelr
lnLroducLlon does glve rlse Lo many lssues: Lechnlcal, pedagoglcal and ln
managemenL. Powever, lessons are belng learned from Lhe early adopLers, Lhough
noL always by Lhe manufacLurers.

":;. T
1raxler (2010) conslders currenL moblle Lechnologles are noL deslgned for
educaLlonal use and are poorly sulLed Lo learnlng. Powever, Lhls ls a generallsaLlon
and Lakes llLLle accounL of Lhe speed of developmenL over Lhe lasL Lwo years durlng
whlch Lhe lad has become Lhe domlnanL Lool and Lhe Lechnology of cholce ln
schools. 1here are clear reasons for Lhls, Lhe mosL lmporLanL belng Lhe conslsLency
of Lhe operaLlng sysLem and lnLerface and Lhe avallablllLy of educaLlonal apps. 1hls ls
slmply noL (yeL) Lhe case wlLh oLher sysLems. Spelrs (2012) noLes ln hls blog LhaL
whlle lCS 3 ls deployed ln Lhe vasL ma[orlLy of lCS devlces ln Lhe fleld, Lhe maln
compeLlLlon, Androld plaLforms, are largely uslng Lhe ouLdaLed Androld 2.x, wlLh
llLLle llkellhood of upgrade. lurLher, Lhere are no Androld Apps equlvalenL Lo e.g.
Carage8and, keynoLe, ArL8age eLc. As ever, lL ls Lhe avallablllLy of educaLlonal Lools,
as well as lssues of securlLy, backup and resLore and llfecycle supporL LhaL are
lmporLanL Lo school users. CurrenLly only Lhe lad provldes all of Lhese.
As noLed above, Lhe lad and slmllar producLs are
produced and markeLed as personal devlces and as such
are noL deslgned for educaLlonal use. 1hus 1raxler (2010)
conslders Lyplcal sLudenL owned devlces Lo be, pootly
solteJ to leotoloq. Powever, Lhls ls Loo slmpllsLlc a vlew
slnce lL applles Lo Lhe range of devlces LhaL a learner may
own, lncludlng SmarLphones, whlle successful use of
LableL devlces has Laken place where Lhere has been use
of a conslsLenL Lechnology, Lyplcally lads.
?eL a devlce ls only as useful as Lhe Lools or apps LhaL lL uses and ln Lhe case of Lhe
lad Lhere appears Lo be a developlng use of a small buL growlng number of apps -
Carage8and, 8rushes, keynoLe, ages eLc LhaL are provlng Lhelr worLh. 1hese meeL
Lhe concerns expressed by Melhulsh and lalloon (2010) LhaL, lot oppllcotloos to be
effectlve os pott of oo loJlvlJools leotoloq potbwoy tbey most be peJoqoqlcolly
soooJ lo tbelt Jeslqo, fostet lotetoctloos tbot ls qtoooJeJ . . . lo m-leotoloq tbeoty,
totbet tboo focosloq solely oo cooteot, eoqoqemeot ot eJotolomeot.
1hls brlngs us Lo maLLers of pedagogy and school pracLlce, an area LhaL has been
wldely debaLed slnce moblle and hand-held Lechnologles became readlly avallable.
1here ls broad agreemenL on Lhe poLenLlal of such Lools, noLably around Lhe ldea of
anyLlme, anywhere learnlng and Lhe faclllLy for learners Lo access courses and
resources aL wlll and Lo boLh ask quesLlons of and Lo publlsh Lo an audlence far beyond
school. 1hls has noL however LranslaLed lnLo radlcal pedagoglcal approaches ln
schools. ersonal classroom observaLlons and Lhose of e.g. ClS1Lu (2012) relnforce
Lhe noLlon LhaL schools wlsh Lo remaln ln full conLrol of a pupll's learnlng Lhrough
resLrlcLlons on web access, vlrLual learnlng envlronmenLs (vLLs) LhaL are largely
documenL reposlLorles wlLh llLLle or no dlrecL sLudenL parLlclpaLlon and where learnlng
ls dlrecLed along narrow and someLlmes shallow paLhs. 1hls aL a Llme when
unlverslLles are complalnlng (Cambrldge AssessmenL 2012) LhaL sLudenLs are poorly

":;. <P
prepared ln crlLlcal/hlgher order Lhlnklng skllls and lndependenL lnqulry/research skllls,
Lhe developmenL of whlch can be supporLed by effecLlve use of moblle Lechnologles.
1here are, however, dangers lf approprlaLe pedagogles are noL evolved. 1raxler
(2010) noLes a changed sense of boLh ownershlp and knowledge broughL abouL by
personal devlces, whlle expresslng concern LhaL such devlces dellver knowledge,
cbookeJ, l.e. sttoctoteJ ooJ coooecteJ lo vety Jlffeteot woys ftom eotllet leotoloq
tecbooloqles socb os tbe lectote, tbe web ooJ tbe book.. ?eL ls Lhls markedly
dlfferenL from Lhe way ln whlch a school currlculum ls ofLen dellvered - small chunks
of knowledge sufflclenL Lo pass an exam, someLhlng LhaL may well become worse
under a Plrsch sLyle knowledge-based currlculum as currenLly proposed for Lngland.
Melhulsh and lalloon (2010) are slmllarly concerned LhaL Lhere ls now a blurred
dlsLlncLlon beLween formal and '[usL ln Llme' learnlng and no assoclaLlon wlLh Lhe
susLalned, deep and formallsed learnlng LhaL socleLy has demanded.
1raxler (2010) furLher noLes LhaL as lndlvlduals can now exerclse cholce and conLrol
Lhey begln Lo lnhablL Lhelr own worlds of knowledge. WheLher you agree or dlsagree
wlLh 1raxler's vlew LhaL, 1bls etoJes tbe lJeo of o commooly occepteJ coooo, o
commoo cottlcolom, of tbloqs we oll oeeJ to koow ooJ ote ossomeJ to koow, ooJ
teploces lt wltb wbot some people tefetteJ to os o oeo-llbetol olqbtmote may
depend on your personal pollLlcal ouLlook. 1he very facL LhaL learnlng ls able Lo
become much more personallsed, and wlLhouL Lhe cosL and efforL of [olnlng and
Lravelllng Lo llbrarles, lecLures and semlnars can only be poslLlve. Learnlng ls
llberaLed from boLh Lhe classroom and dlrecL conLrol of Lhe school, lndeed of Lhe
SLaLe. uangerous Llmes, or an exclLlng new freedom? CerLalnly lL brlngs a confllcL
beLween a hlghly formallsed LradlLlonal currlculum and LesLlng reglme and one based
on a small core of fundamenLal knowledge and Lhe open exploraLlon of wlder
concepLs and ldeas. 1hus Melhulsh and lalloon (2010) suggesL Leacher and sLudenL
musL work LogeLher Lo develop lndlvldual paLhways based on acLual sLudenL need.
As ever, Lhe reallLy of Lhe classroom mlghL lead Lo varled ways of uLlllslng Lhe
opporLunlLles presenLed by LableL devlces, yeL Lhe sLudles publlshed Lhus far and Lhe
evldence of Longfleld Academy suggesL LhaL Lhere ls a remarkable slmllarlLy ln
modes of use and of Leacher and pupll percepLlons of Lhe devlces. 1hus Lhe Learnlng
Lxchange (2011) sLudy ln AusLralla ldenLlfled LhaL Lhe lad ls a slgnlflcanL Lool Lo
supporL and enhance learnlng and ln parLlcular:
- Was used for Lasks LhaL besL sulLed lLs use raLher Lhan slmply because lL was
- Cffered qulck access Lo Apps requlred for parLlcular learnlng Lasks,
- Was engaglng learnlng, dependlng on cholce of Apps,
- Lnabled relnforcemenL and roLe learnlng of baslc concepLs for learners aL all
- SupporLed creaLlvlLy,

":;. <<
- SLrongly supporLed research and lnformaLlon fluency and crlLlcal Lhlnklng,
problem solvlng and declslon maklng.

vrLls (2010) furLher noLed LhaL sLudenLs uslng LableLs ln Lhe classroom felL beLLer prepared
wlLh Lhelr homework and LhaL Lhe Lechnology asslsLed Lhem wlLh Lhelr noLe Laklng skllls.
1he laLLer use was clearly evldenL durlng classroom observaLlons aL Longfleld, where a
ma[orlLy of sLudenLs used Lhelr lad for Lhls purpose raLher Lhan pen and paper.
Cllcksman (2011) reporLlng on a uS hlgh school sLudy, whlle agaln noLlng use of a
common seL of Apps, also refers Lo annoLaLlon of noLes whlle ldenLlfylng parLlcular
use ln sub[ecLs such as PlsLory, 8ellglous SLudles and Sclence. erhaps of greaLer
slgnlflcance are Lhe resulLs of Cllckman's sLudenL survey whlch ldenLlfled LhaL Lhe
ma[orlLy of sLudenLs:
- lound Lhe lad easy Lo use,
- Pelped learnlng ln class,
- Was easy Lo use, lncludlng Lhe onscreen keyboard,
- Was preferred Lo a lapLop.

1hls agaln mlrrors Lhe more deLalled Longfleld sLudy and ls furLher conflrmed by Lhe
Spang (2011) sLudy ln a Cerman grammar school. WhllsL small scale Lhe resulLs are
markedly slmllar Lo Lhose obLalned from Longfleld Academy. ln summary Spang
found LhaL:
- use ln MaLhs, Muslc and 8ellglon was parLlcularly sLrong,
- lnLerneL research was Lhe maln use followed by use of ages, keynoLe, oppleL
and Carage8and Apps plus annoLaLlon of documenLs,
- A slgnlflcanL ma[orlLy of puplls felL Lhey worked beLLer wlLh an lad, found Apps
beneflclal Lo learnlng and wanLed Lo make greaLer use of Lhe devlces.

Llsewhere, Carcla and lreedman (2011), uslng lads wlLh uS hlgh school PlsLory
sLudenLs, found LhaL use of a parLlcular App (Lxplore 9/11) ldenLlfled small buL
slgnlflcanL learnlng galns compared Lo classes noL uslng Lhe App. ln parLlcular Lhey
noLe LhaL use of Lhe lads faclllLaLed and encouraged group collaboraLlon LhaL lLself
had a poslLlve lmpacL on achlevemenL. 1hls, of course, requlres access Lo dlscusslon
boards, wlkls, eLc on a school vLL or vla cloud Lools, whlle also ralslng e-safeLy and
securlLy lssues. 1he poLenLlal ls Lhere buL perhaps as yeL noL fully explolLed,
regardless of Lhe devlce or plaLform avallable wlLhln Lhe school envlronmenL.
8eyond school ls anoLher maLLer enLlrely.
1here ls now sLrong evldence LhaL devlces such as Lhe lad2 (and lndeed Lhe lad ln
parLlcular raLher Lhan Androld LableLs) are valuable educaLlonal Lools. As wlll be seen
ln Lhe deLalled analysls of Lhe Longfleld sLudy, Lhere are lssues Lo be resolved ln uslng
personal devlces ln an enLerprlse envlronmenL buL Lhe lncreaslngly poslLlve lmpacL
on learnlng and aLLlLudes Lo learnlng are clearly ldenLlfled, even afLer a mere Lwo
school Lerms.

":;. <M
H'/CM-*.0( !* !"# +*0M,%#+( '/'(#]^ %&'( &-*`#/!
Longfleld Academy ln kenL ls a new bulld school of 960 sLudenLs coverlng ?ears 7 Lo
13 (11-18 chronologlcal ages). 1he school has a sLrong vlslon for lC1 and lnLends Lo
- A cuLLlng edge learnlng experlence lncludlng access Lo Lechnology ln every lesson
and aL home.
- Lvery sLudenL wlLh Lhelr own learnlng devlce.
- LxclLlng and engaglng lessons.
- Lvery sLudenL uslng Lechnology Lo lmprove Lhelr learnlng wherever Lhey are.

Worklng wlLh 9lne ConsulLlng, Lhe school has been able Lo provlde hlgh quallLy
cabled and wlreless neLworklng Lo supporL 400 lMac worksLaLlons locaLed ln Lhree
lC1 sulLes, Lhree plaza spaces and Lhe posL-16 learnlng area LogeLher wlLh Leacher
Mac8ooks and sLaff and pupll lads.
1he lads are provlded Lhrough a leaslng scheme wlLh upLake as aL March 2012 of
726 unlLs represenLlng 76 of Lhe puplls on roll:
?7 - 139
?8 - 143
?9 - 123
?10 - 123
?11 - 81
?12 - 60
?13 - 33

AddlLlonally, a furLher 100 sLudenLs have lads noL supplled by Lhe school.
1he lmplemenLaLlon has been led aL senlor managemenL level Lhrough an lLearnlng
Croup led by Lhe rlnclpal. 1hls oversees Lhe vlslon and Lakes a sLraLeglc overvlew of
Lhe lad for learnlng. 1he group comprlses sLaff wlLh a range of responslblllLles,
experlence and confldence, meeLs regularly and meeLlngs are mlnuLed wlLh
approprlaLe acLlons and deadllnes.
Conslderable lnlLlal and ongolng Lralnlng and professlonal developmenL has been
1he school has noLed several challenges arlslng from Lhls novel scheme, malnly
Lechnlcal such as ensurlng LhaL Lhe vLL supporLs Lhe Safarl browser and also from
llcenslng lssues for Apps, slnce Apple do noL currenLly offer enLerprlse llcenslng.
LducaLlon challenges lnclude Lhe provlslon of ongolng Cu and Lo conLlnually
challenge Leachers ln Lhelr use of Lhe devlces.

":;. <N
WlLhln Lhe consLralnLs of Llme and budgeL,
lL was agreed wlLh Lhe school Lo gaLher
daLa vla quesLlonnalre surveys of sLaff,
sLudenLs and parenLs. 1hls was furLher
supporLed by a sLrucLured slLe vlslL
lnvolvlng lnLervlews and lesson
observaLlons ln order Lo clarlfy and furLher
develop lssues ldenLlfled ln Lhe
quesLlonnalre responses.
1he quesLlons and sLrucLure used ln Lhe quesLlonnalres were revlewed by senlor
sLaff aL Longfleld and modlfled followlng commenLs and some llmlLed LesLlng, afLer
whlch Lhey were creaLed on SurveyMonkey wlLh approprlaLe web llnks provlded for
Lhe school Lo dlsLrlbuLe. 1he use of SurveyMonkey enabled rapld and auLomaLlc
summarlslng and graphlng of Lhe daLa, Lhus savlng conslderable Llme and speedlng
analysls. Coples of Lhe quesLlonnalres can be found aL Annex 1 (SLaff), Annex 2
(SLudenLs) and Annex 3 (arenLs).
Clven Lhe slze of Lhe school (960 on roll) and Lhe number of sLudenLs now wlLh lads,
lL was agreed LhaL Lhe sample should lnclude all sLaff plus sLudenLs wlLh lads and
Lhelr parenLs. 1he quesLlonnalres proved qulck and easy Lo compleLe, resulLlng ln 71
sLaff responses, 310 pupll responses buL only 23 responses from parenLs. Whlle Lhe
poor response raLe from parenLs means LhaL Lhls daLa ls of low sLaLlsLlcal
slgnlflcance, parenL commenLs have been lncluded ln Lhe flndlngs where
(>2> =6@@9=2:6; >;4 >;>@51:1
SLudenL and sLaff quesLlonnalres were compleLed ln laLe March/early Aprll 2012,
largely durlng school hours Lhus ensurlng ready access Lo Lhe Lools and supporL ln
Lhe evenL of problems. arenLs were lnformed ln Lhe lasL week of Lhe sprlng Lerm
2012 buL ln Lhe evenL Lhe response raLe by Lhe end of Aprll was poor, wlLh numbers
(n=23) lnsufflclenL Lo provlde valld daLa.
1he use of SurveyMonkey resulLed ln a general analysls of responses Lo each
quesLlon belng avallable almosL lnsLanLly.

":;. <A
1he lads nove tevolotloolseJ teocbloq. ln Lhe oplnlon of one Longfleld Leacher, a
sLaLemenL LhaL, whlle noL necessarlly shared by all, sums up Lhe vlews of mosL
sLudenLs and many sLaff.
.19 D5 59>< ?<63_
Whlle Lhe ma[orlLy of sLudenLs have lads, only one Lhlrd of Lhese compleLed Lhe
quesLlonnalre and of Lhese 68 were ln key sLage 3 (kS3) and 23 ln key sLage 4
(kS4) and Lhe remalnder ln Lhe 6

!"#$%& () kespooses by yeot qtoop
lnLeresLlngly, sLaff reporLed sllghLly greaLer use wlLh kS4 Lhan wlLh younger puplls,
Lhough lnLervlews wlLh puplls suggesLed LhaL greaLer use was occurrlng ln kS3.
CerLalnly Lhere were suggesLlons from kS4 sLudenLs LhaL Lhey felL Lhe Lool was noL
belng explolLed ln sufflclenL lessons, lndlcaLlng LhaL Lhere ls an lssue here LhaL could
be followed up furLher.

":;. <D
1eacher vlews are shown ln Lhe followlng Lable:

!"#$%& *) use of lloJs lo eocb key stoqe os tepotteJ by stoff
+9a9@ 67 319
1he lads are now regularly used ln lessons by Lhe overwhelmlng ma[orlLy of
Leachers, alLhough Lwo respondenLs had noL used Lhem ln Lhe survey perlod.
Powever, 80 of sLaff reporLed uslng Lhe devlce ln beLween one and Len lessons,
wlLh 38 reporLlng use ln beLween slx and Len. A slgnlflcanL number of sLaff, 17,
used Lhe lad ln Lhe ma[orlLy of Lhelr lessons, Lhough glven Lhe laLer responses on
sub[ecL use Lhls ls also drlven by Lhe avallablllLy of sulLable sofLware and Apps.
SLudenL lnLervlews, albelL a very small sample, suggesLed a somewhaL dlfferenL
plcLure. Whlle kS3 sLudenLs were overwhelmlngly poslLlve and Lalked readlly abouL
Lhe regularlLy and range of use of Lhe lads, Lhose ln kS4 were, ln some cases, qulLe
negaLlve. 1hey reporLed only llmlLed use by a small number of Leachers. Powever,
Lhls ls aL varlance wlLh Lhe sLaff survey responses, where greaLer use ln kS4
compared Lo kS3 ls lndlcaLed (88 compared Lo 76 of sLaff). lL would Lhus appear
LhaL Lhe lnLervlew sample of kS4 sLudenLs were noL represenLaLlve of Lhe key sLage
as a whole.

":;. <H

!"#$%& +) level of ose lo lessoos (5toff)
uaLa from puplls provldes a slmllar plcLure, wlLh 84 reporLlng use ln beLween one
and Len lessons per week, of whlch 27 lndlcaLlng use ln slx Lo Len. Agaln a slgnlflcanL
number, 12, lndlcaLed use ln Lhe ma[orlLy of Lhelr lessons. 1hus afLer [usL Lwo Lerms
of Lhe lmplemenLaLlon programme, Lhe use of Lhe lads ls becomlng flrmly embedded.

!"#$%& ,) level of ose lo lessoos (5toJeots)

":;. <K
.19 67 289 :&>41 :; =3<<:=3@3A 13Db9=21
lL ls clear LhaL parLlcular use of Lhe lads ls made ln a small number of sub[ecLs,
Lhough all are reporLed Lo have made some use. 1hree sub[ecLs ln parLlcular
domlnaLe use - Lngllsh, MaLhs and Sclence, Lhough sLrong usage ln Ceography,
PlsLory, ArL, Muslc and urama ls also reporLed.

!"#$%& -) Sub[ecL use (sLudenLs)

!"#$%& .) 5object ose (teocbets)

":;. <S

SLaff use, of course, reflecLs boLh Lhe number of sLaff Leachlng a sub[ecL and Lhe
allocaLed Leachlng Llme. lL ls Lherefore no surprlse LhaL Lhose sub[ecLs wlLh Lhe
greaLesL allocaLlon of Llme are also Lhe greaLesL users of Lhe devlce. Powever, lL also
conflrms LhaL all sub[ecLs are maklng aL leasL some use and Lhus galnlng valuable
experlence ln whaL Lhe lad can offer.
1here are lnLeresLlng slmllarlLles beLween Lhls daLa and LhaL obLalned by Spack
(2011) aL hls Cologne school. Pe found parLlcularly hlgh levels of use ln MaLhs, Muslc
and 8ellglon wlLh sclences followlng, Lhough aL no more Lhan 14 of users and wlLh
oLher sub[ecLs Lralllng. Powever, ln Lhe Spack sLudy, a slngle class seL of lads was
shared, whereas Lhe Longfleld sLudenLs largely have personal devlces, Lhus enabllng
slgnlflcanLly greaLer rouLlne use.
lnLervlews wlLh Longfleld sLudenLs hlghllghLed use ln MaLhs, Lngllsh, PlsLory and
Muslc especlally. Powever, Lhere does appear Lo be a relaLlonshlp beLween level of
use and Lhe avallablllLy of sulLable Lools and Apps. 1hus ln MaLhs use of graphlng
Apps, lncludlng 3u graphlng, ls lmporLanL, as ls Lhe ablllLy Lo send work dlrecL Lo Lhe
Leacher for emall response. ln Lngllsh Lhe Leacher sends sllde shows creaLed ln rezl,
whlle ages ls a sLandard Lool. Carage8and ls, of course, a modern essenLlal for
muslc, as ls Lhe 8rushes flnger palnLlng App ln arL, Lhe laLLer enabllng rapld
experlmenLaLlon and remarkable quallLy.
SLudenLs ldenLlfled regular lad use ln many oLher sub[ecL areas wlLhln CCSL and 6

form courses. hoLography was menLloned especlally frequenLly, as was 8uslness
!89 ;>23<9 67 :&>4 319
1hree maln uses of Lhe lads domlnaLe. unsurprlslngly Lhe ma[or use ln class,
reporLed by 64 of sLudenLs and 80 of sLaff, ls researchlng Loplcs onllne. 1hls
lllusLraLes a slgnlflcanL beneflL of personal devlces and good neLwork connecLlons ln
LhaL reference Lo web resources can be lnLegraLed fully lnLo Lhe lesson. 1hus
hlsLorlcal resources, sclence vldeos, onllne maps, rellglous vlewpolnLs eLc can be
referred Lo lnsLanLly and used Lo exLend learnlng ln ways slmply noL posslble

":;. <T

!"#$%& /) Molo oses of lloJs (stoJeots)
1he oLher key uses reporLed were mlnd mapplng uslng Lhe oppleL App and Lhe
creaLlon of presenLaLlons. 1he use of mlnd mapplng (reporLed by 36 of sLudenLs
and 70 of sLaff) ls parLlcularly lmporLanL slnce lL supporLs Lhe developmenL of
hlgher level Lhlnklng skllls and beLLer analysls of lnformaLlon and connecLlvlLy of
ldeas and evenLs. A lesson observaLlon where Lhe Lechnlque was used Lo relnforce
undersLandlng demonsLraLed LhaL glven a free cholce mosL puplls chose Lo use
oppleL raLher Lhan pencll and paper, clLlng speed, Lhe faclllLy for rapld edlLs and Lhe
ablllLy Lo readlly share Lhelr mlnd map as lmporLanL. Clearly Lhe users know whaL Lhe
devlce ls capable of and are keen Lo explolL LhaL funcLlonallLy.

":;. MP

!"#$%& 0) Molo oses of lloJs (stoff)
CLher ma[or uses are as expecLed, noLably readlng Leacher provlded course
maLerlals and noLes (reporLed by 33 of sLaff and puplls), readlng publlshed LexLs
(20 of sLudenLs and 18 of sLaff) and posLer deslgn (37 of puplls and 44 of
sLaff). 1he former explolLs Lhe e8ook reader poLenLlal of Lhe lad whlle Lhe heavy
emphasls on posLer deslgn, a perhaps overused Lechnlque, ls made easler wlLh Lhe
lad Lhrough easy edlLlng and ready access Lo graphlcs and LexL lnformaLlon. 1hls has
Lhe poLenLlal Lo supporL more LhoughLful and beLLer researched sLudenL responses.
Cverall, many of maln uses of Lhe lads are LradlLlonal" - word processlng (23 of
puplls and 39 of sLaff) or waLchlng vldeos (19 of sLudenLs and 31 of sLaff).
1he daLa suggesLs LhaL many sLaff feel more comforLable uslng Lhe devlces wlLhln
famlllar conLexLs whlle sLudenLs are poLenLlally more llkely Lo explolL funcLlons and
Apps LhaL Lhey feel meeL Lhelr needs and learnlng sLyles. Powever, some Lools are
well explolLed by boLh e.g. uslng Lhe lad's camera Lo Lake vldeo of work ln progress
and for assessmenL purposes (37 of sLudenLs, 33 of sLaff) and ln parLlcular Lhe
rapldly developlng use of boLh general and sub[ecL speclflc Apps (32 of sLudenLs,
43 of sLaff).
CollaboraLlve worklng ls commonplace (reporLed by 43 of puplls and 32 of sLaff)
buL ln observaLlons appears Lo be a classroom acLlvlLy lnvolvlng recordlng of group
work raLher Lhan an onllne acLlvlLy. lndeed, aL Lhe presenL sLage of developmenL
some key beneflLs of Lhe lad are noL yeL fully explolLed. 1hus few sLudenLs produce
podcasLs (6), commenL on forums or blogs (3), Lhough 20 creaLe web conLenL
e.g. on Lhe school vLL. 1he poLenLlal ls cerLalnly Lhere Lo explolL e.g. use of vldeo
producLlon. lor example, as parL of an 8L lesson Lhe Leacher seL groups a Lask Lo

":;. M<
make a Lwo mlnuLe news reporL regardlng rellglous vlews of cerLaln conLroverslal
Powever, open responses from sLudenLs offer an lnslghL lnLo Lhe wlder uses LhaL are
developlng. Lxamples lnclude:
- MaLhs games and Lngllsh games
- l-Movles for phoLography
- Maklng muslc (e.g. uslng Carage8and App)
- Maklng vldeos
- WrlLlng sLorles
- ArL

1hls was expanded conslderably when sLudenLs were asked whaL Lhey would llke Lo
use Lhe lad for lf glven Lhe opporLunlLy.
H32 Z8>2 Z63@4 12349;21 @:X9 26 46 Z:28 289:< :&>41c
A wlde range of responses were recelved buL Lhree key lssues sLand ouL. ln parLlcular,
sLudenLs wlsh Lo make much greaLer use of vldeo resources Lo help Lhelr learnlng,
many of whlch are hosLed on ?ou1ube and Lherefore lnaccesslble Lo Lhem ln school.
1hls ls noL Lhe place for a debaLe on school web fllLerlng and a good case can be made
for blocklng ?ou1ube ln schools slmply because of Lhe huge amounL of undeslrable
maLerlal hosLed Lhere. Powever, Lhere also exlsLs an equally large reposlLory of free
educaLlonal resources LhaL are slmply noL belng explolLed. SLudenLs are well aware of
Lhls and volced Lhelr frusLraLlon boLh ln Lhe quesLlonnalres and ln face Lo face
lnLervlews. 1hls ls an lssue for all schools and one requlrlng wlder debaLe.
1he oLher key requesLs relaLe Lo greaLer use of lMovle and also use of educaLlonal
games. 1hus sLudenLs menLloned, Jeslqoloq qomes, ployloq lotetoctlve qomes
tbot belp me leoto, JowolooJloq qomes tbot belp yoo, and ose qomes to belp
wotk bettet. Whlle 'compuLer games' ls a Lerm wlLh negaLlve connoLaLlons for
LradlLlonallsLs (alLhough gamlng has been used e.g. ln Ceography for many years) aL
leasL some sLudenLs appreclaLe Lhe learnlng beneflLs offered by approprlaLely
deslgned gamlng acLlvlLles.
Cverwhelmlngly sLudenLs wanLed Lo make more use of Lhelr lads and lndlcaLed a
range of acLlvlLles LhaL Lhey felL should be more common e.g.
- use Lhem more ln ArL, L, MaLhs, Lngllsh eLc.
- use wlklspaces
- LdlL phoLographs and anlmaLlons
- WrlLe more noLes
- CreaLe more presenLaLlons
- Make vldeos/movles

":;. MM
- More onllne research
- Word games Lo help spelllng
- lor sLaff Lo seL more Lasks requlrlng use of Lhe lads
- uslng Lhe lads lnsLead of pen and paper
- WrlLe essays and sLorles uslng Lhe lad
- Make more muslc on Lhe lad
- uo LesLs on Lhe lad
- use more Apps for Sclence
- MaLhs homework
- ueslgnlng games
- use Lhe lad lnsLead of books
- Access Lhe school vLL

1hese represenL no more Lhan a summary of Lhe maln responses buL one has Lo feel
for Lhe sLudenL who complalned LhaL, we oevet ose oot lloJs". 1hls was Lhe only
negaLlve response, mosL oLhers demonsLraLlng LhaL noL only are Lhelr lads well
used buL LhaL sLudenLs wanL much more, Lo Lhe polnL where Lhelr ldeas mlghL
usefully form Lhe drlver for Lhe nexL sLages of developmenL.
(6:;? ;6Z Z8>2 =63@4 ;62 D9 46;9 D976<9
1hls same Lheme ls apparenL when sLudenLs were asked whaL Lhey could now do Lo help
Lhelr learnlng compared Lo Lhe pre-lad era. A key Lheme Lo emerge was, once agaln,
Lhe ease of access Lo resources. 1hus, ln summary, responses lncluded aspecLs such as:
- Lasy lnLerneL access
- use of l8ooks
- Makes readlng lnLeracLlve
- 1ranslaLlon Lools
- Maklng movles
- use of educaLlonal games
- use of Apps Lo supporL learnlng
- Mlnd mapplng
- CommunlcaLlon wlLh Leachers
- CreaLlng and dellverlng presenLaLlons
- Pomework
- Access Lo LexLs, mark schemes and pasL exam papers
- LlsLenlng Lo podcasLs e.g. on CCSL od
- AnnoLaLlon of LexLs
- urawlng eLc ln arL.

":;. MN
Agaln, Lhere ls a clear message LhaL sLudenLs regard Lhe lad as a Lool LhaL enables
Lhem Lo work more efflclenLly and Lhus, by exLrapolaLlon, more producLlvely.
SLaff were as poslLlve as sLudenLs ln Lhls respecL. WlLh Lhe excepLlon of one
respondenL who sLaLed blunLly, 1oke tbem owoy, Lhe ma[orlLy were able Lo
ldenLlfy beneflLs. Some were glowlng ln Lhelr pralse:
LveryLhlng! lrees me up from flndlng a compuLer room when l wanL Lo do
someLhlng. 1hls means much less sLress. Can plan lessons wlLh more varleLy and
beLLer pace as Lhe devlce can be used for a few mlnuLes and Lhen move on, Lhen
agaln laLer ln Lhe lesson. Makes role play much more producLlve. SLudenLs can
beLLer revlew whaL Lhey have done, wlLh oLher sLudenLs, and allows effecLlve
peer evaluaLlon of Lhls work. Allows sLudenLs Lo research maps and llnk wlLh
saLelllLe phoLos ln a way lL has never posslble before. 1hey can easlly flnd places
Lhey know Lo do work whlch makes lL more relevanL. l have Laken Lhe devlces
ouLslde onLo Lhe fleld Lo do Lhlngs, l could noL do Lhls wlLh a deskLop! 1hese are
[usL a few."
AnoLher Leacher noLed LhaL:
lads allow lnsLanL access Lo a huge range of resources. SLudenLs are able Lo
research a word deflnlLlon ln an lnsLanL. 1hey can dlp ln and ouL of varlous
llLerary LexLs wlLhouL Lhe need Lo go Lo Lhe llbrary or be glven phoLocopled
resources or books. Learnlng ls far more varled and lnLeracLlve. LlecLronlc
LexLbooks can be Lallored Lo Lhe group or even Lo Lhe lndlvldual, so LhaL lads
open Lhe door Lo a genulnely lndlvlduallsed currlculum."
Cne noLed cosL savlngs amongsL oLher beneflLs:
ersonallsed owerolnL slldes, saves on my phoLocopylng blll, seL Lasks aL
home - such as researchlng vldeo cllps, recelvlng Lyped work ln Lhe lesson, puplls
can message my lad wlLhln class lf Lhey are needlng help."
CLhers Lalked abouL:
AnlmaLlons on locaLlons edlLlng and analyslng phoLographs as Lhey are Laken.
SponLaneous vlsual research ln class dlscusslons."
Allows more lndependenL learnlng from sLudenLs. 1hey can Lake on board Lhe
Lask and feed lL back however Lhey wlsh as long as Lhey are answerlng Lhe
quesLlon or compleLlng Lhe Lask."

":;. MA
lmmedlaLe access Lo lnformaLlon. vldeolng experlmenLs and playlng back, use
of phoLos easlly ln coursework and assessmenLs."

?eL oLhers noLed personal beneflLs such as:
- uslng Lhelr own lad for reglsLraLlon
- CreaLlng podcasLs
- noL havlng Lo worry abouL flndlng a compuLer
- Lasler lesson plannlng
- laclllLaLlng LargeL seLLlng
- Sharlng resources easlly

Whlle beneflLs Lo learnlng were equally clear ln commenLs lncludlng amongsL oLhers:
- Lngaglng sLudenLs
- lmmedlaLe research
- romoLlng lndependenL learnlng
- Lasler Lo dlfferenLlaLe
- Lnabllng sLudenLs Lo lmmedlaLely see Lhe resulLs of Lhelr learnlng.

CommenLs such as Lhose quoLed above show noL only Lhe lmpacL LhaL Lhe lad ls havlng
on pedagoglcal Lhlnklng buL also LhaL sLaff lncreaslngly recognlse and explolL Lhe beneflLs
broughL abouL by sLudenLs' access Lo personal devlces LhaL are always avallable.
1eachers also offered lnLeresLlng lnslghLs lnLo Lhose Lhlngs LhaL Lhey would llke Lo
furLher develop uslng Lhe lads and whlle some wlshed Lo develop lnnovaLlve pracLlce,
Lhls was noL always Lhe case desplLe, Lhe remarkable range of uses so far. ln some
cases, frusLraLlon wlLh Lhe Lechnology was evldenL e.g. Lhe lnablllLy Lo use educaLlon
webslLes such as MyMaLhs LhaL use llash (whlch Apple sysLems cannoL handle),
Lechnlcal lssues ln connecLlng lads Lo Lhe lnLeracLlve whlLeboards ln order Lo use
Apple1v and Lhe poLenLlal cosL of some useful Apps, e.g. for Sclence Leachlng. lndeed,
lack of budgeL for pald-for Apps appears as a poLenLlal use llmlLlng lssue. Powever, Lhe
llash lssue has now been resolved Lhrough use of Lhe uffln web browser App.
CLhers were keen Lo furLher explore boLh currenLly avallable Lools, as well as
developlng pedagoglcal pracLlce. 1he followlng were commonly menLloned:
- odcasLs and Apps Lo supporL llLeracy
- 8logglng
- e8ooks
- More sub[ecL speclflc Apps
- llnal producL performance vldeos for assessmenL and peer revlew
- Self revlew and peer assessmenL ln general

":;. MD
- CreaLlng e8ooks
- eer Leachlng
- CreaLlon and use of revlslon resources
- use of lnLeracLlve games
- Llnklng Lo voLlng sysLems.

Some Leachers ldenLlfled several of Lhe above buL bemoaned Lhe lack of Llme Lo
develop resources, a common lssue LhaL also arlses ln vLL developmenL. lL ls posslble
LhaL commerclal provlders wlll ldenLlfy Lhls as a poLenLlal markeL and creaLe
maLerlals, Lhough cosL may be a llmlLlng facLor ln Lhe currenL flnanclal cllmaLe.
lL ls clearly evldenL, however, LhaL boLh Leachers and puplls noL only wanL Lo expand
Lhe use of Lhe lads buL can arLlculaLe many ways ln whlch Lhls can and should be
done. 1he ldeas are Lhere and whlle some are sLlll aL Lhe sLage of dolng LradlLlonal
Lhlngs more easlly, many oLhers are poLenLlally agenLs of change.
.19 67 289 :&>41 D956;4 289 =@>11<66A
1here ls llLLle polnL ln sLudenLs havlng personal devlces lf Lhey are noL fully uLlllsed
wherever Lhe sLudenL happens Lo be. Clearly Lhe school seeks Lo explolL Lhls by
seLLlng homework and oLher learnlng acLlvlLles LhaL requlre use of Lhe lads buL has
Lo accepL LhaL sLudenLs wlll also use Lhem for personal acLlvlLles. 1hus whlle 71 of
sLudenLs reporL uslng Lhelr lad Lo compleLe homework Lasks 87 use Lhem for
playlng games and soclal neLworklng. Whlle Lhe laLLer use ralses Lhe usual e-safeLy
and cyberbullylng lssues, Lhe ma[orlLy of reporLed uses were broadly ln Lhe conLexL
of learnlng acLlvlLles.

":;. MH

!"#$%& 1) 5toJeot ose of lloJs beyooJ scbool
1hus 47 of sLudenLs researched Loplcs onllne, whlle 39 reporLed uslng Lhem for
creaLlve and deslgn acLlvlLles. CLher reporLed uses lncluded maklng vldeos, muslc
and Laklng plcLures, wlLh one sLudenL complalnlng LhaL Lhey needed more books on
Lhe devlce. 1here ls Lherefore sLrong evldence LhaL mosL sLudenLs are uslng Lhelr
lads Lo supporL Lhelr learnlng ln ways LhaL meeL Lhelr parLlcular needs.
Some, buL noL all sLaff (60 of 71 respondenLs), seL homework and coursework Lasks
requlrlng use of Lhe lad, wlLh 73 of Lhose respondlng requlrlng onllne research
and 63 compleLlon of homework Lasks wlLh a furLher 38 requlrlng sLudenLs Lo
access course maLerlals and LexLs.

":;. MK

!"#$%& (2) 5toff tepoltemeot fot stoJeot ose of lloJs beyooJ scbool
Some lnnovaLlve use was menLloned e.g. llsLenlng Lo and/or preparlng podcasLs,
maklng presenLaLlons and work on graphs and daLa handllng.
Cverall, a slgnlflcanL group of sLaff are developlng Lhe use of Lhe lads for learnlng
beyond school, albelL largely as a replacemenL for LradlLlonal paper-based acLlvlLles
aL Lhls sLage wlLh only llmlLed explolLaLlon of Lhe more lnnovaLlve Lools avallable.
Powever, Lhls reflecLs Lhe currenL early sLage of developmenL and provldes a good
basls for furLher developmenL.
Cf more concern ls Lhe 13 of sLaff who appear noL Lo seL homework and slmllar
Lasks LhaL requlre use of Lhe lads, especlally as Lhls number ls much larger Lhan Lhe
3 who lndlcaLe overall anLlpaLhy Lo Lhem. WhllsL Lhls may be due Lo a vlew LhaL as
noL all sLudenLs yeL have Lhe devlces lL would be lmpracLlcal, Lhere may be oLher
reasons LhaL Lhls sLudy has noL been able Lo ldenLlfy. Powever, Lhe school ls
lnLroduclng a new homework pollcy ln !une 2012 LhaL emphaslses Lhe use of lads
and should serve Lo address Lhls lssue.
!89 :A_>=2 67 289 :&>41 6; 12349;2 A62:a>2:6;
A slgnlflcanL 69 of sLudenLs cerLalnly conslder Lhemselves Lo be more moLlvaLed
now LhaL Lhey have Lhe lads, wlLh 46 agreelng and 23 sLrongly agreelng wlLh Lhe
sLaLemenL, l feel more moLlvaLed and can work beLLer Lhan wlLhouL lL". Cnly 11
dlsagreed wlLh Lhe sLaLemenL, posslbly lncludlng Lhose who laLer lndlcaLed Lechnlcal
problems wlLh Lhelr devlces.

":;. MS

!"#$%& (() lloJs ooJ stoJeot motlvotloo (stoJeot tespooses)
lnLeresLlngly, 67 of sLaff had slmllar vlews wlLh 31 agreelng and 16 sLrongly
agreelng LhaL sLudenLs are more moLlvaLed and worked beLLer when uslng Lhe lads.
Some 14 of sLaff dlsagreed, a flgure conslsLenL wlLh oLher sLaff responses.

!"#$%& (*) lloJs ooJ stoJeot motlvotloo (stoff tespooses)

":;. MT
8aLher more sLaff Lhan puplls currenLly malnLaln a neuLral poslLlon, Lhough Lhls ls Lo
be expecLed aL Lhls sLage of Lhe lmplemenLaLlon. V,#= (C (?73*=#)= (C =,#= =,'*' (C #
+%'#* +3)C')C$C I*3? #%% ()>3%>'/ =,#= =,' ("#/C #*' ,#>()G # 73C(=(>' (?7#+= 3)
B3=, ?3=(>#=(3) #)/ ,3W C=$/')=C W3*FR
!89 :A_>=2 67 289 :&>41 6; 289 d3>@:25 67 12349;21 Z6<X
Some 73 of sLudenLs reporL a hlghly poslLlve lmpacL, wlLh 49 lndlcaLlng LhaL Lhey
agreed and 24 LhaL Lhey sLrongly agreed LhaL worklng wlLh Lhe lad has helped
lmprove Lhe quallLy of Lhelr work. Cnly some 6 dlsagree.

!"#$%& (+) lloJs ooJ stoJeot wotk poollty (stoJeot tespooses)
SLaff were raLher more reLlcenL on Lhls lssue, wlLh 31 remalnlng neuLral. Cf Lhe
remalnder 31 agreed and 16 sLrongly agreed LhaL work quallLy was lmprovlng.
Powever, afLer a mere Lwo Lerms Lhere ls noL currenLly sufflclenL assessmenL daLa
avallable Lo conflrm Lhe currenL sub[ecLlve vlew.
1he facL LhaL vlrLually half Lhe sLaff belleve LhaL Lhe quallLy of work ls lmprovlng due
Lo Lhe lads ls a very poslLlve lndlcaLlon of Lhe lmpacL of Lhe devlces.

":;. NP

!"#$%& (,) lloJs ooJ stoJeot wotk poollty (stoff tespooses)
Agaln some 14 of sLaff dlsagree, relnforclng Lhe vlew LhaL, as ln any school, Lhere
are a small group of sLaff who slmply cannoL see Lhe beneflLs of Lechnology.
!89 :A_>=2 67 :&>41 6; 12349;2 _<6?<911
Agaln, Lhere ls a dlvlslon of oplnlon beLween sLudenLs and sLaff, wlLh Lhe former
agaln more poslLlve. 1hus a conslsLenL 67 of sLudenLs agree (44) or sLrongly agree
(23) LhaL Lhey are maklng beLLer progress now LhaL Lhey have lads, Lhough a
quarLer remaln neuLral. Agaln, under 10 dlsagree.

":;. N<

!"#$%& (-) lloJs ooJ stoJeot ptoqtess (stoJeot tespooses)
1he vlews of sLaff are raLher less poslLlve, Lhough 28 agree and 11 sLrongly agree
LhaL Lhe lads have resulLed ln lmproved sLudenL progress and a larger 18
dlsagreelng. Some 42 remaln neuLral.

!"#$%& (.) lloJs ooJ stoJeot ptoqtess (stoff tespooses)

":;. NM
!89 :A_>=2 67 :&>41 6; 12349;2 >=8:9a9A9;2
As wlLh progress, so wlLh achlevemenL, where Lhe dlsparlLy of oplnlons beLween
sLaff and sLudenLs ls slmllarly marked - lndeed more so as Lhe poslLlve response from
sLaff ln parLlcular ls much lower. 1hus some 61 of sLudenLs agree (42) or sLrongly
agree (19) LhaL Lhelr achlevemenL has rlsen, whlle 28 remaln neuLral.
unforLunaLely, Lhe reasons for Lhls percepLlon were noL lnvesLlgaLed so lL ls unclear
as Lo wheLher lL ls due Lo assessmenL daLa and commenLary reLurned Lo sLudenLs or
slmply a 'feel good' facLor engendered by Lhe faclllLy Lo produce work dlglLally.

!"#$%& (/) lloJs ooJ stoJeot ocblevemeot (stoJeot tespooses)
1he ma[orlLy of sLaff, almosL 38, remalned neuLral on Lhls quesLlon, lndlcaLlng agaln
LhaL Lhere ls currenLly lnsufflclenL assessmenL daLa avallable Lo conflrm or oLherwlse
any lmpacL from Lhe use of Lhe lads. lndeed, ln a new school bulldlng wlLh new
worklng meLhods, lL may be dlfflculL Lo deflne any one lndlvldual facLor lnfluenclng
achlevemenL ln Lhe shorL Lerm.

":;. NN

!"#$%& (0) lloJs ooJ stoJeot ocblevemeot (stoff tespooses)
uesplLe Lhls, some 28 of sLaff Look Lhe vlew LhaL achlevemenL has rlsen, wlLh over
8 agreelng sLrongly. 1hus ln some classes aL leasL, lL can be consldered LhaL Lhe use
of Lhe lads ls cerLalnly havlng a poslLlve lmpacL on achlevemenL. 1he challenge for
Lhe school wlll lle ln ldenLlfylng Lhe pedagoglcal pracLlces ln Lhose lessons LhaL are
enabllng Lhls lmprovemenL.
!89 :A_>=2 67 :&>41 6; Z6<X:;? 9779=2:a9;911
unsurprlslngly, a slgnlflcanL 73 of sLudenLs conslder LhaL Lhey work more
effecLlvely now LhaL Lhey can (usually) make rouLlne use of Lhe lads. 1hus 48
agreed and 23 sLrongly agreed LhaL Lhls ls Lhe case. Cnly 19 remaln neuLral and
Lhe same small cohorL of 8 dlsagree. Clven responses elsewhere regardlng e.g. Lhe
beneflLs of lmmedlaLe onllne research and Lhe beneflLs of many Apps, such a poslLlve
response ls Lo be expecLed.

":;. NA

O(G$*' <TR lads and effecLlve worklng (sLudenL responses)

!"#$%& *2) lloJs ooJ effectlve wotkloq (stoJeot tespooses)
SLaff agaln Lake a more reserved aLLlLude, Lhough 42 agree and 9 sLrongly agree
LhaL sLudenLs are lndeed worklng more effecLlvely, wlLh 31 remalnlng neuLral. A
raLher hlgher proporLlon Lhan wlLh oLher quesLlons, 18, dlsagree, Lhough wheLher
Lhls ls due Lo e.g. Lechnlcal lssues or Lhe naLure of a parLlcular sub[ecL ls noL recorded.
Agaln, Lhls ls an area requlrlng furLher research and analysls aL school level.

":;. ND
!89 :&>4 >;4 =6@@>D6<>2:6;
8oLh sLudenLs and sLaff were asked wheLher Lhe avallablllLy of Lhe lads enabled a
greaLer level of collaboraLlve work Lhan had prevlously been Lhe case e.g. Lhrough
sharlng resources and ldeas onllne and Lhrough group worklng ln class where Lhe
devlces enabled such acLlvlLles as Lhe rapld creaLlon of group vldeos.
SLudenLs clearly belleved LhaL Lhe lads supporLed collaboraLlon, wlLh whlch 47
agreelng and 18 sLrongly agreelng wlLh Lhe quesLlon. Agaln a conslsLenL group, 10
dlsagreed. As has already been noLed, a proporLlon of Lhe respondenLs reporLed
Lechnlcal and oLher lssues wlLh Lhelr lads and oLhers wlll noL have been placed ln
learnlng slLuaLlons where Lhe Leacher uses collaboraLlve Lechnlques or where Lhese
are noL an approprlaLe meLhodology.

!"#$%& *() lloJs ooJ collobototlve wotkloq (stoJeots)
SLaff were sllghLly less confldenL ln Lhelr responses buL even so 36 overall agreed
(39) or sLrongly agreed (17) LhaL sLudenLs dld work more collaboraLlvely wlLh
lads LhaL Lhey dld wlLhouL. Agaln, a conslsLenL 14 dlsagreed whlle abouL one
quarLer remaln neuLral.

":;. NH

!"#$%& **) lloJs ooJ collobototlve wotkloq (stoff)
Agaln Lhough, a ma[orlLy of sLaff do recognlse and explolL Lhe poLenLlal of Lhe lad
and are evolvlng Lhelr pedagoglcal approaches accordlngly. lL wlll Lherefore be
lmporLanL for fuLure developmenL LhaL Lhe school ls able Lo ldenLlfy Lhe besL pracLlce
ln Lhe school and Lo dlssemlnaLe Lhls as parL of Lhelr already well sLrucLured
programme of conLlnulng professlonal developmenL.
(691 289 319 67 '__1 >:4 @9><;:;?c
A range of lad Apps were lnsLalled when Lhe devlces were lnLroduced wlLh oLhers
added slnce. lL ls Lherefore noL surprlslng LhaL Lhese are well used, wlLh sLudenL use
hlgher Lhan for sLaff. 1hls ls whlle 74 of sLudenLs reporLed use of Apps ln Lhelr
classes and only 66 of sLaff dld so, suggesLlng LhaL sLudenLs make use of some Apps
regardless. 1he relaLlvely brlef classroom observaLlons and lnLervlews suggesL LhaL
sLudenLs undersLand Lhe beneflLs of e.g. keeplng noLes uslng ages or mlnd mapplng
wlLh oppleL and prefer Lo work on Lhe lad raLher Lhan ln an exerclse book.
lnLeresLlngly, sllghLly more Lhan one Lhlrd of sLaff (34) had noL used Apps ln Lhelr
lessons, wlLh some clalmlng LhaL Lhere were no sub[ecL approprlaLe Apps or LhaL
Lhey could noL afford Lo purchase Lhose LhaL were. All lads have ages and
keynoLes lnsLalled. 1hese are Apps LhaL have uses across Lhe currlculum, so a lack of
use by some Leachers perhaps lndlcaLes elLher an unwllllngness Lo explore Lhelr
poLenLlal or a llmlLed awareness of how Lo explolL Lhem ln Lhe classroom. lL also slLs
uneaslly wlLh Lhe lndlcaLlons ln earller responses of Lhe beneflLs offered by Lhe
devlces. Powever, Lhe reason may be more prosalc ln LhaL ages eLc are noL
regarded as Apps buL as whaL, on a LradlLlonal compuLer, would be seen as 'offlce'

":;. NK
Lools and LhaL Lhese are used anyway. lL ls posslble LhaL non-App users are acLually
referrlng Lo non-use of sub[ecL speclflc Apps only.

!"#$%& *+) SLudenL use of Apps ln class (sLudenLs)

!"#$%& *,) 3se of Apps lo closs (stoff)

":;. NS
A wlde range of Apps were lndlcaLed Lo be ln use coverlng several sub[ecLs, buL
parLlcularly Lhose noLed earller, MaLhs, Sclence and Lngllsh. 1hose menLloned by
boLh sLaff and sLudenLs lnclude:
- ages
- keynoLe
- lMovle
- oppleL
- Carage8and
- Wordz
- lroggy !ump
- CalculaLor
- ulce
- lracLlons
- Culck Craph
- number Cruncher
- WordvenLure
- AcceleraLed 8eader
- !umbllne2
- numbers
- l8ooks
- Show Me
- lreddy lracLlons
- MaLhs arLy
- Cuakes
- 1rafflc LlghLs
- CreaLlve 8ook 8ullder
- Lasy 8ecorder
- 8rushes
- . . . and many more.

1he poLenLlal ls cerLalnly recognlsed, Lhough lL mlghL be prudenL for Lhe school Lo
revlew and evaluaLe Lhese resources ln order Lo ldenLlfy Lhose LhaL offer Lhe greaLesL
value wlLh regard Lo learnlng.
1he sLudenLs cerLalnly conslder LhaL Apps are a valuable parL of Lhelr lessons wlLh
31 lndlcaLlng agreemenL and 23 sLrong agreemenL wlLh Lhe ldea LhaL Apps had
helped Lhelr learnlng. Cnly 6 dlsagreed, Lhough Lhls rlses sllghLly Lo 8 lf Lhose who
sklpped Lhe quesLlon are consldered as negaLlve responses. 1he poslLlve response ls,
however, overwhelmlng.

":;. NT

!"#$%& *-) 1he value of Apps ln helplng learnlng (sLudenLs)

!"#$%& *.) 1be voloe of Apps lo belploq teocbloq (stoff)
SLaff, slmllarly, appear Lo recognlse Lhe value of Apps ln Lhelr Leachlng wlLh 34
agreelng and 10 sLrongly agreelng wlLh Lhe conLenLlon LhaL use of Apps appears
useful Lo Lhelr Leachlng. A furLher 31 remaln neuLral on Lhe maLLer agaln lndlcaLlng
LhaL around one Lhlrd of sLaff respondenLs Lo all quesLlons are sLlll Laklng Lhe llne Lhe
'Lhe [ury ls sLlll ouL'. Powever, whlle noL as sLrongly poslLlve as Lhe sLudenLs Lhe
value of Apps ls recognlsed Lhough Lhe open responses lndlcaLe LhaL whllsL Lhere ls

":;. AP
conslderable lnnovaLlon ln some classes Lhls ls noL unlversal. 1hus Lhere remalns a
need for ongolng professlonal developmenL and sharlng of besL pracLlce. 1hls ls well
undersLood by Lhe senlor managemenL Leam.
"6Z 8>__5 ><9 12>77 >;4 12349;21 31:;? 289 :&>41 :; @9><;:;? >;4 29>=8:;?c
1hls ls perhaps an awkward quesLlon buL one LhaL provldes a valuable summary of
feellngs and aLLlLudes Lowards Lhe lnLroducLlon of Lhese devlces. 1hls ls, afLer all,
someLhlng of a radlcal experlmenL, as Longfleld ls one of a very small number of uk
schools Lo lmplemenL a school-wlde programme of Lhls naLure.
A hlghly slgnlflcanL 90 of sLudenLs lndlcaLed LhaL Lhey happy uslng lads ln Lhelr
learnlng, wlLh 48 agreelng and 42 sLrongly agreelng wlLh Lhe sLaLemenL. 1hls
represenLs an overwhelmlng endorsemenL of Lhe devlce and lLs use by Lhe sLudenLs.
lL may be surmlsed LhaL Lhls ma[orlLy lncluded all lad owners and LhaL Lhe small
number who dlsagreed were Lhose wlLhouL Lhelr own devlces or who had Lechnlcal

!"#$%& */) wlllloqoess to ose lloJs teqolotly fot leotoloq (stoJeots).
1he sLudenL vlew was conflrmed by sLaff, wlLh 77 happy Lo regularly use Lhe lad ln
Lhelr Leachlng. A slgnlflcanL 33 agreed and a furLher 23 sLrongly agreed wlLh Lhe
sLaLemenL. Cnly 6 dlsagreed whlle 17 remalned neuLral on Lhe maLLer. 1he
proporLlon of sLaff happy Lo develop Lhe use of Lhe lad ls unusually hlgh, Lhough as
sLudles clLed earller conflrm, lL does seem Lo be a common flndlng. A number of
reasons may be posLulaLed, mosL lmporLanLly Lhe facL LhaL Lhe devlce ls (almosL)
always avallable, Lhus lL becomes ublqulLous and can be used aL wlll, unllke older

":;. A<
lapLop and deskLop Lechnologles LhaL requlre conslderable plannlng and preparaLlon
lf Lhey are Lo be used ln a lesson. CLher reasons concern Lhe Lype and use of Apps,
lmmedlacy of research and ease of collaboraLlon.

!"#$%& *0) wlllloqoess to ose lloJs teqolotly fot teocbloq (stoff).
1hls leads Lo a conslderaLlon of wheLher Lhe lad has lmpacLed on Lhe way ln whlch
Leachers now Leach. Agaln a ma[orlLy of Lhe sLaff, some 63 conslder LhaL lL has and
many offer valuable lnslghLs lnLo why Lhls ls so. 1yplcal responses lnclude:
- More sLudenL cenLred approach, more group work acLlvlLles, more sLudenL led
plenarles and acLlvlLles
- l [usL use lL as anoLher Lool. My Leachlng approach has noL changed buL clearly
uslng Lhe lads ls new.
- 1he lad ls lnLulLlve and a pleasure Lo use. 1hls means LhaL l am more
enLhuslasLlc abouL researchlng and plannlng lessons. l have greaLer scope Lo
lnLroduce Lngllsh sLudenLs Lo a broad range of llLeraLure wlLhouL spendlng hours
creaLlng and phoLocopylng resources (1hls ls parLlcularly Lrue of A Level
Leachlng). l have sLarLed Lo creaLe elecLronlc LexLbooks whlch alm Lo focus
lndlvldual sLudenLs on Lhe CCSL Lasks Lhey need Lo compleLe. 1hls sorL of Lallored
currlculum was slmply lmposslble before Lhe lnLroducLlon of Lhe lad.
- 1he lnsLanL access Lo new lnformaLlon means LhaL sLudenLs can galn lnfo from a
varleLy of resources noL [usL a LexLbook or worksheeL.
- My Leachlng ls now very focused durlng pracLlcal sesslons on sLudenLs who
sLruggle Lo concenLraLe whlle oLhers are able Lo conLlnue wlLh Lhe work because
Lhey have Lhe Lask and vldeo LuLorlals ln fronL of Lhem.

":;. AM
- Allows me Lo seL Lasks and Lhe sLudenLs Lo [usL geL on wlLh lL, Lhey have all Lhe
vlsual Lools and resources ln fronL of Lhem. lus Lhey can emall me work so l
don'L have Lo lug blLs of work home.
- l Lhlnk lL makes for more relevanL lessons. SLudenLs engage ln Lhe maLerlal more
and can work lndependenLly more effecLlvely.
- Lasler Lo work wlLh sLudenLs who experlenced dlfflculLy when grasplng cerLaln

CLher Leachers expressed some reservaLlons buL were clearly aware of Lhe value of
Lhe lads. lnLeresLlngly, Lhere were no overLly negaLlve commenLs alLhough Lhe
anonymous naLure of Lhe survey enabled such responses. 1he example commenLs
below lndlcaLe LhaL Leachers are reflecLlng boLh on Lhe role of Lhe lad and lLs
lmpacL on Lhelr Leachlng and Lhey are Lhus ldenLlfylng pracLlcal and pollcy, raLher
Lhan pedagoglcal, lssues.
- lL has made me Lhlnk dlfferenLly abouL how l dellver my lessons, ulLlmaLely
Lhough sLudenLs sLlll need key drawlng skllls whlch Lhey do noL need Lhe lad for.
- l sLlll flnd myself dolng acLlvlLles LhaL Lhe lad can be lncorporaLed lnLo raLher
Lhan cenLrallslng all work Lo be done on Lhe lad. l am noL sure whaL Lhe pollcy ls
on Lhe use of lads over exerclse books are and wheLher lL ls accepLable Lo have
all work on Lhe lad and none ln Lhe books. Pow ls all Lhe work on Lhe lad
meanL Lo be marked.
- 8ecause l sLlll need baslc resources avallable for Lhose wlLhouL lads.
- lL has made resourclng sllghLly easler (l.e. noL havlng Lo have whlLeboards and
pens and A3 paper) buL noL changed much ln my sLyle of Leachlng.

A ma[orlLy of sLaff furLher conflrmed LhaL Lhey found Lhe lad easy Lo lnLegraLe lnLo
Lhelr work ln a classroom conLexL, wlLh 62 overall ln agreemenL (Agree 32,
sLrongly agree 10) wlLh a furLher 23 remalnlng neuLral aL Lhls Llme. Powever,
some 16 were ln dlsagreemenL and alLhough reasons were noL soughL, lL can be
surmlsed from oLher commenLs Lo lnclude a supposed lack of approprlaLe Apps and
perhaps anLlpaLhy Lowards Lechnology ln general.

":;. AN

!"#$%& *1) ose of loteqtotloo of lloJs lo closstoom cootexts (stoff)
1here are messages here, boLh for Longfleld and for oLher schools followlng a
personal devlce sLraLegy. ln parLlcular, regular,ongolng Cu and dlssemlnaLlon of
experlences and pracLlce are cruclal aspecLs of Lhe change managemenL process.
X,(C (C W'%% $)/'*C=33/ B@ J3)GI('%/Y W,'*' =,' (?7%'?')=#=(3) C=*#='G@ ,#C B'')
H32 :1 289 :&>4 9>15 26 319c
1here ls no doubL LhaL lL ls, for boLh sLudenLs and sLaff. Some 87 of sLudenLs and
over 86 of sLaff agreed or sLrongly agreed LhaL boLh Lhe lnLerface and appllcaLlons
were easy Lo use.

":;. AA

!"#$%& +2) lad ease of use (sLudenLs)

!"#$%& +() lloJ eose of ose (stoff)
A very small proporLlon of Lhe respondenLs found dlfflculLy wlLh Lhe devlce, LhaL
flgure belng ln llne wlLh Lhe proporLlon of negaLlve responses found LhroughouL Lhe
sLudy. roblems ln uslng Lhe devlce lLself are Lherefore no barrler Lo lLs use ln class
by mosL people. lL should be noLed LhaL Lhls sLudy has a focus enLlrely on Lhe use of
Lhe Apple lad and LhaL Lhls response may noL necessarlly apply Lo oLher Lable
devlces and operaLlng sysLems.

":;. AD
!9=8;:=>@ :11391
WlLh all compuLer and neLwork Lechnologles Lhere are Lechnlcal lssues LhaL arlse
from Llme Lo Llme. Whlle good lnfrasLrucLure plannlng and use of good quallLy
equlpmenL can mlnlmlse Lhese, a school ls a Lough envlronmenL for any plece of klL -
some users could easlly push mlllLary grade devlces Lo Lhelr llmlL! 1hus some
Lechnlcal lssues are Lo be expecLed, parLlcularly as a compleLely new lnsLallaLlon
beds ln, and lL ls Lherefore no surprlse LhaL some were reporLed.
AbouL one Lhlrd of sLudenLs agreed LhaL Lhey had Lechnlcal lssues ln school, wlLh a
slmllar proporLlon dlsagreelng and Lhe same remalnlng neuLral. SLaff responses
offered a very slmllar plcLure evenly spread beLween Lhose havlng problems and
Lhose noL, Lhough ln Lhls case only 20 remalned neuLral on Lhe lssue.

!"#$%& +*. 1ecbolcol lssoes (5toJeots)

":;. AH

!"#$%& ++) 1ecbolcol lssoes (5toff)
Powever, lL ls when Lhe reasons are analysed LhaL Lhe plcLure becomes clear. Cf
parLlcular noLe are Lhe lack of problems wlLh Lhe lads Lhemselves, Lhough some
sLudenLs had recelved faulLy devlces e.g. buLLons and sound noL worklng buL wlLhln
Lhe expecLed fallure raLe for whaL ls essenLlally a consumer devlce. CLher complalnLs
lnclude Apps crashlng, noL dolng whaL Lhe user wanLed, or freezlng ln use and for
some Lhe lnablllLy Lo updaLe or download Apps. Powever, many of Lhese may be due
Lo user error, elLher Lhrough nalveLy or mallclous lnLenL.
Cne sLudenL user lnLervlewed was qulLe scaLhlng of Lhose havlng problems, clalmlng
Lo be aware of many who had Lrled, for example, Lo '[allbreak' Lhe machlne wlLh noL
unexpecLed consequences. 1he same sLudenL noLed also LhaL some of hls peers [usL
could noL be boLhered Lo malnLaln Lhe sysLems or Lo use Lhe supporL LhaL Lhe school
had puL ln place. CLhers pralsed Lhe lLeaders (Lech savvy sLudenLs) sysLem for Lhe
quallLy of supporL lL provlded Lo oLhers - lL ls clearly a sLrengLh and Lhe school ls
dolng well ln ensurlng LhaL sLudenLs can updaLe and malnLaln Lhelr lads effecLlvely.
1hls ls, however, a normal school wlLh normal sLudenLs and all LhaL LhaL enLalls.
1he maln sLudenL complalnLs relaLed Lo occaslonal poor neLwork access and Lo Lhe
blocklng of lnLerneL slLes. lurLher lnvesLlgaLlon of Lhe neLwork lssues wlLh Lechnlcal
sLaff lndlcaLed LhaL Lhese were well undersLood and LhaL approprlaLe upgradlng and
provlslon of furLher access polnLs was ln progress. Cnce agaln, Lhe hlgh quallLy of
pro[ecL monlLorlng by Lhe school ls hlghllghLed as well as Lhe speed wlLh whlch lssues
can be dealL wlLh, offerlng a useful lesson Lo oLhers plannlng slmllar developmenLs.
8esLrlcLlons on web access due Lo school fllLerlng pollcles resulL ln sLudenL
complalnLs ln all schools. Powever, schools have a duLy of care and Lhls requlres

":;. AK
Lhem Lo fllLer lnLerneL access Lo an accepLable sLandard, Lyplcally LhaL seL by Lhe
ersLwhlle 8LC1A some years ago. 1he crlLlcal Lhlng ls noL Lhe fllLerlng buL wheLher lL
ls flexlble enough Lo Lake accounL of Lhe needs of learnlng, especlally for older
sLudenLs and for advanced courses. Powever, desplLe Lhe frequency of Lhls
complalnL ln Lhe quesLlonnalre reLurns, when lnLervlewed, sLudenLs aL all levels
conslder Lhe fllLerlng a mere nulsance raLher Lhan a serlous resLrlcLlon on Lhelr
acLlvlLles. CLhers noLed LhaL Lhere were many Apps avallable Lo access proxy servers
and Lhus avold Lhe school fllLerlng alLogeLher - an ongolng baLLle for neLwork
Lechnlclans ln many schools.
SLaff reporLed a dlfferenL seL of problems. 1he lnablllLy of Apple devlces Lo access
llash based webslLes ls a parLlcular lssue, glven LhaL many educaLlon slLes are
creaLed uslng llash. WlLh Lhe lmplemenLaLlon of P1ML3 Lhls problem wlll fade over
Llme and ls someLhlng LhaL Apple users musL currenLly llve wlLh, Lhough Lhe uffln
web browser App appears Lo resolve Lhe lssue and has recenLly been lnsLalled aL
Longfleld. Adobe llash Medla Server 4, a recenLly announced meLhod of sLreamlng
conLenL Lo an lad, provldes anoLher soluLlon.
Powever, Lhe key lssue for many sLaff has been problems ln connecLlng Lhe lad Lo
class pro[ecLors. 1echnlcally, Lhls should noL be an lssue provlded LhaL Lhe
approprlaLe adapLors have been made avallable and Lhe lads conflgured. Slnce Lhe
ablllLy Lo pro[ecL Lhe lad screen for demonsLraLlon purposes ls an essenLlal for many
sLaff, ensurlng a slmple soluLlon ls lmporLanL and an area LhaL requlres furLher
developmenL and posslble sLaff Lralnlng.
CLher complalnLs are Lhose common Lo any Lechnology, lncludlng Lhe humble
exerclse book - sLudenLs leavlng Lhe devlce aL home, loslng work and someLlmes
Apps or noL acLually havlng Lhe expecLed Apps lnsLalled. Also, desplLe Lhe long
baLLery llfe of an lad some sLudenLs sLlll forgeL Lo charge Lhem or run down Lhe
baLLery playlng games ln Lhe lunch break.
1here are few, lf any, surprlses regardlng Lechnlcal lssues. MosL are Lo be expecLed
and Lhe school ls evolvlng ways Lo deal wlLh lL as Lhey develop experlence. valuable
lessons are belng learned buL leadlng edge lnnovaLlve developmenL has never been
Lhe mosL comforLable place!
!89 &><9;2 &9<1_9=2:a9
1he number of parenL quesLlonnalres reLurned (23) means LhaL Lhe daLa Lhus
acqulred ls noL sLaLlsLlcally slgnlflcanL. lndeed, Lhe naLure of many of Lhese
responses suggesLs LhaL Lhe populaLlon ls llkely Lo be unrepresenLaLlve and Lhus Lhe
daLa presenLed below should be consldered wlLh cauLlon. 1he facL LhaL Lhe
overwhelmlng ma[orlLy of parenLs have noL responded could be Laken as accepLance
of Lhe value of Lhe lad pro[ecL.

":;. AS
As sLaLed, only 23 parenLs responded, of whlch 19 (82) had one or more chlldren ln
?ears 7 Lo 10.1hese respondenLs were Lhe leasL poslLlve of all Lhe sLudy groups and
suggesL a posslble gulf ln vlewpolnL beLween parenLs and sLudenLs. 1hus only 33 of
parenLs consldered Lhelr chlld more moLlvaLed and able Lo work beLLer wlLh Lhe lad
Lhan wlLhouL, wlLh 30 dlsagreelng and 33 remalnlng neuLral. Powever, Lhe age of
Lhe sLudenLs musL be a conslderaLlon - Leenagers are no more llkely Lo appear
moLlvaLed abouL school [usL because Lhey have an lad Lhan Lhey would wlLhouL.
1he survey group were more poslLlve when asked wheLher Lhe lad could lmprove
Lhe overall quallLy of Lhelr chlld's work wlLh a poslLlve response of 43, Lhough 33
were sLlll negaLlve. Slmllarly, when asked abouL lmpacL on Lhelr chlld's progress only
34 were poslLlve wlLh 26 dlsagreelng. Powever, wlLh regard Lo lmprovemenLs ln
achlevemenL slnce Lhe lnLroducLlon of Lhe lads Lhe response ls very negaLlve wlLh
43 lndlcaLlng dlsagreemenL and only 17 supporLlng Lhe conLenLlon LhaL
achlevemenL has rlsen. 8uL such an answer ls very sub[ecLlve, slnce Lhe pro[ecL ls
only Lwo Lerms old and only llmlLed assessmenL daLa would have been reporLed.
WlLh regard Lo wheLher sLudenLs work more effecLlvely wlLh Lhe lads Lhan wlLhouL,
one Lhlrd agree and one Lhlrd dlsagree Lhough a more poslLlve response was ellclLed
wlLh regard Lo collaboraLlve worklng, where 43 agreed LhaL Lhelr chlld now worked
more collaboraLlvely, Lhough 30 sLlll dlsagreed. CommenLs from parenLs suggesLed
LhaL Lhey were largely unaware of Lhe wldespread use of Lhe lads ln class, whlle
several complalned LhaL Lhelr chlldren used Lhe devlce for Loo much games playlng.
1here were, however, poslLlve commenLs as well, e.g.:
- Pe uses lL a loL ln Lngllsh and PlsLory buL ls lncreaslng hls use of lL ln sclence. lL
has been very useful for revlslon durlng exams.
- Lasy access Lo lnLerneL and emalllng homework.

1here were also, perhaps leglLlmaLe concerns:
- My chlld's hand wrlLlng has deLerloraLed slnce uslng Lhe lad, buL he keeps
beLLer noLes on Lhe lad Lhan ln hls book, however he can'L use lL ln hls exam and
hls Leachers are concerned as am l.

ln Lhe lasL quoLe above Lhere ls poLenLlally greaLer learnlng belng achleved by Lhe
pupll buL Lhls ls aL odds wlLh a hlghly LradlLlonal examlnaLlon sysLem.1here ls one
area ln whlch parenLs do agree fully wlLh sLaff and sLudenLs and LhaL ls ln regard Lo
Lhe ease of use of Lhe devlce. Cver 91 agree LhaL Lhe lad ls easy Lo use, wlLh only
one respondenL ln dlsagreemenL. A furLher very poslLlve aspecL ls Lhe ease of
connecLlon of Lhe lad Lo home broadband servlces, where 78 agreed LhaL Lhls was
easy. 1he negaLlve responses were, lL seems, from homes LhaL had wlred broadband
connecLlons raLher Lhan Wl-ll. lew oLher Lechnlcal lssues were reporLed - faulLy
sysLems belng Lhe maln lssue. 1here dld however seem Lo be some concern aL how
Lhe school dealL wlLh Lechnlcal problems, Lhough wheLher Lhese were [usLlfled or
slmply a percepLlon cannoL be dlscerned. Clven Lhe Lechnlcal supporL sysLems puL ln

":;. AT
place by Lhe school, any such lssues are as llkely Lo be Lhe resulL of sLudenLs noL
reporLlng problems ln accordance wlLh procedures.
A flnal quesLlon Lo parenLs concerned value for money and how Lhe lad scheme
mlghL be lmproved. ln Lhe evenL, only 21 (3 respondenLs) consldered Lhe scheme
Lo be value for money, wlLh 48 (11 respondenLs) dlsagreelng of whlch 6 were ln
sLrong dlsagreemenL. 1hls ls dlsappolnLlng buL needs Lo be consldered ln Lhe conLexL
of Lhe currenL flnanclal cllmaLe. 1he scheme requlres parenLs Lo lease a cosLly
machlne for a prolonged perlod of Llme and lndeed may have Lo do so for more Lhan
one chlld. 1haL so many have done so ls remarkable even lf, as one respondenL
noLed, Lhey felL bullled lnLo lL. CLhers noLed LhaL Lhe prlce could be lower, Lhough
may noL have fully undersLood Lhe lnsurance and malnLenance value provlded wlLhln
Lhe leaslng scheme, Lhough concerns over an upgrade paLh may be leglLlmaLe glven
Lhe rapld model changes. Cne respondenL demanded LhaL Lhe school should, Moke
tbem ftee.
1here ls furLher work Lo be done Lhen, aL leasL wlLh some parenLs, Lo ensure LhaL
Lhey undersLand Lhe obvlous educaLlonal value of lads and Lhelr llk. lndeed Lhls
vlew was expressed by some e.g.:
- More feedback Lo parenLs whaL and when Lhey are uslng Lhem ln school so we
can see how much Lhey are helplng ln lessons eLc.
- would llke Lo see a demonsLraLlon of lL belng used ln a lesson

1hls, Lhen, wlll be a key lssue now LhaL experlence had been galned and Lhe beneflLs
ldenLlfled. 1he educaLlonal value, and Lhus Lhe value for money, musL be clearly
demonsLraLed and Lhere ls now more Lhan sufflclenL evldence, noL only from Lhls
sLudy buL from Lhe wlder llLeraLure Lo provlde such a demonsLraLlon. lL ls Lherefore
lncumbenL on schools Lo go forLh and make Lhe case. AL Longfleld Lhls dlalogue wlll
Lake Lhe form of a dlscusslon wlLh Lhelr parenLs Councll as parL of Lhe school's revlew
of Lhe lads pro[ecL afLer Lhe flrsL year.

":;. DP
1he evldence from Lhls sLudy clearly conflrms Lhe vlews of Melhulsh, Cllksman,
Spang and oLhers LhaL Lhe use of lad and slmllar LableL devlces ln schools ls
beneflclal Lo boLh learnlng and Leachlng.
Such devlces cannoL be dlsmlssed as mere Loys or dlsLracLlons and whlle Lhey brlng
wlLh Lhem Lechnlcal and managemenL lssues, Lhese are far ouLwelghed by lncreased
sLudenL moLlvaLlon, progress and collaboraLlon. SLudenLs uslng Lhem regularly
lndlcaLe LhaL Lhelr lads have become an lndlspenslble Lool, faclllLaLlng research,
communlcaLlon wlLh Leachers and, as ln arL, savlng conslderable Llme so enabllng
greaLer achlevemenL.
1eachers Loo, Lhough perhaps wlLh Lhe same lnbullL cynlclsm LhaL many have for any
new Lechnology, are very poslLlve abouL Lhe value of Lhe lads and arLlculaLe many
of Lhe beneflLs, noL only for learnlng buL for Lhemselves. ln Lhe conLexL of a
resLrucLured school ln brand new bulldlngs, Lo enable almosL all sLudenLs and all sLaff
Lo have a new LableL devlce, one noL deslgned for such a slLuaLlon, and Lo lnLegraLe lL
lnLo learnlng and Leachlng, as has happened aL Longfleld, would be consldered brave
by many. ?eL Lhe pro[ecL proved Lo be exLremely successful. Whlle Lhe Lechnology
has been an lnLegral parL of LhaL success, a key facLor has been Lhe quallLy of Lhe
lnlLlal and ongolng pro[ecL managemenL, wlLhouL whlch Lhe ouLcome may have been
very dlfferenL. Sound change managemenL prlnclples have been applled and oLher
schools lnLendlng Lo lmplemenL slmllar pro[ecLs should learn from Lhe experlence of
Longfleld Academy.
ln a presenLaLlon Lo schools and lndusLry ln March 2012, Lhe rlnclpal, Anne uavls,
seL ouL nlne lessons LhaL Lhe school had learned from Lhe pro[ecL up Lo LhaL polnL
and lL ls useful Lo repeaL Lhese here:
- uevelop a clear vlslon and sLraLegy for your 1:1 scheme
- ueflne your learnlng culLure
- ueflne and creaLe your user experlence and supporL model
- Work wlLh a Lrafflc llghL and reporLlng sysLem
- LvaluaLe your exlsLlng poslLlon
- know how many sLaff and sLudenLs already own, ln Lhls case, an lCS devlce
- CeL everyone lnvolved -don'L leL a percepLlon grow LhaL lL ls a 'done deal', even
lf lL ls!
- CeL devlces ln Leachers and learners hand as soon as posslble
- 8ecord and share your experlences

She wenL on Lo advlse LhaL Lhe above should be developed lnLo a robusL sLrucLural
framework approprlaLe Lo Lhe lndlvldual school. Powever, Lhere ls noLhlng new ln

":;. D<
Lhese prlnclples, Lhey slmply represenL Lhe good managemenL of school
lmprovemenL and developmenL.
Clven LhaL Lhe case ls made for one Lo one devlces, lL ls useful Lo brlefly conslder
wheLher a sLralghLforward '8rlng ?our Cwn uevlce' (8?Cu) approach mlghL work as
well. Such an approach lnvolves sLudenLs brlnglng ln all manner of devlces from
Androld SmarLphone's Lo lads, along wlLh a rafL of Lechnlcal and managemenL
lssues and Lhelr assoclaLed resource cosLs. A scheme such as LhaL aL Longfleld, fully
managed by Lhe school and uslng Lrled and LesLed Lechnlcal sLandards based on one
operaLlng sysLem clearly works. 1echnlcal problems are mlnlmlsed, sLudenLs and
sLaff use Lhe same Lools and Apps whlle work can be planned and LaughL, knowlng
LhaL mosL puplls wlll be able Lo underLake Lhe acLlvlLles. 1o be accepLed, Lhe klL musL
[usL work as expecLed when needed. 1he approach aL Longfleld based on Lhe lad
and oLher Apple klL does [usL LhaL - lL works.

":;. DM
1he lmplemenLaLlon of a one Lo one scheme uslng Lhe lad has been very successful.
1he devlces have been well recelved by sLudenLs and by sLaff and are lncreaslngly
well-used ln Lhe currlculum as Lhelr aLLrlbuLes and llmlLaLlons are learned. 1here has
been a slgnlflcanL and very poslLlve lmpacL on learnlng and Leachlng whlch, ln Llme,
should be reflecLed ln achlevemenL and aLLalnmenL, Lhanks Lo boLh pedagoglcal
changes and new ways of learnlng engendered by any Llme anywhere" access Lo
lnformaLlon and learnlng Lools.
rogress ln Lhe lmplemenLaLlon of Lhe scheme has been ouLsLandlng. 8y sharlng such
sLraLegles wldely, oLher schools can adopL slmllar processes.

":;. DN
Carcla, L. 8. & lreldman, A. (2011) 1betes oo App fot 1bot. A 5toJy usloq lloJs lo o
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Cllksman, S. (2011) WhaL do SLudenLs 1hlnk of uslng lads ln Class? lloL Survey 8esulLs.
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Pepple, S. (1998) 1eocbets, teocbloq ooJ tecbooloqy lo tbe oew mllleoolom. [Cnllne:
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CompuLers ln new Zealand Schools: Learnlng, Leadlng, 1echnology, 22(3).
ro[ecL 1omorrow (2012). letsooollzloq leotoloq lo 2012. 1be 5toJeot ooJ loteot lolot of
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