Assignment 1

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Michael Long

Information Literacy

2. Write a paragraph summarizing the article. (5 points)

Doug Gross of CNN makes an argument as to why your smartphone is your new credit card.
He explains how major companies are putting a lot of time and money into mobile payment
systems. Companies are doing this because over 70% of Americans own a smartphone and
20% of them have used a mobile wallet application in the last 90 days. Mary Monahan, who is
quoted in the article, says that it could be similar to texting with parents. Teens could convince
parents to send money using a mobile payment system and that would open the door for them
to use it more often.

3. Find two additional Internet articles on the same topic. (4 points)
1.1. Mobile Wallet Articles
1.2. Google
2.1. Mobile Wallet Article
2.2. Bing
Compare the results from the two searches was one search engine better than the
other, why, how.

I thought the searches were extremely similar and I did not find any major distinguishing factors.
If I had to nitpick I would say Google was marginally better because Bing wasted space on the
results for images of Mobile Wallet Article. I personally use Google whenever searching for
anything, so I am more comfortable using that search engine.

4. TRAAP your sources. (8 points)
Evaluate one Internet article you found in step 3. by answering the following questions:
CBS News Article
1. Time The article was written October 3, 2014 and has not been updated.
2. Relevance It is directly related to my main article for this assignment.
3. Authority The author is Beth Lisa Goodbaum and she is a freelance writer with a degree
from Hofstra University. I cannot say for certain that she is qualified, but she has a history of
writing technology pieces for CBS News. I would say that, after reading several of her articles,
she is qualified to write about technology.
4. Accurate The information come from a reliable source and it is supported by evidence. The
evidence that is used to support the article was able to be looked up and confirmed.
5. Purpose The article was written to inform people about mobile wallet technologies. The
article was written because Apple Pay is going to be released soon, so I thought there might be
an Apple bias. This did not hold true though, as they mention why Apple might struggle and the
fact that Google Wallet has been around for several years.

Michael Long
Information Literacy
5. Find two scholarly journal articles on the same topic from the CCBC library
databases. (4 points)
I searched the ScienceDirect database with the keywords, Mobile Payment.
I used ScienceDirect because the description said that it had full-text articles on technology.
The rest of the science databases seemed to be mostly applied science and environmental
science articles.

6. Compare the Internet and Journal articles. (5 points)
Write a paragraph comparing one Internet article and one journal article based on the
Ease of access

Comparing the journal article by Niina Mallat and the Forbes internet article by Steven Bertoni
one could conclude that the internet article is easier to access and more up to date, but Niina
Mallat has better credentials. The Forbes internet article was easier to find and comprehend.
Journal articles tend to be more detailed and scholarly than other types of papers. The journal
article was written in December 2007 and the internet article was written in February 2014.
Niina Mallat is from the Helsinki School of Economics and Steven Bertoni has a background in
Wall Street and now writes for Forbes.

7. Cite all five sources in APA or MLA format. (10 points)
I used APA format to create the Works Cited page that is attached at the end.

8. Formatting of document. (4 points)
Place the title of the assignment and your name on the left side of the header.
Place the page number in the center of the footer.

Works Cited
Gross, Doug. "Your Phone Is Your next Credit Card." CNN. Cable News Network, 01 Jan. 1970.
Michael Long
Information Literacy
Web. 14 Oct. 2014. <
"How Do You Win The Mobile Wallet War? Be Like Starbucks." Forbes. Forbes Magazine. Web.
14 Oct. 2014. <
Mallat, Niina. "Exploring Consumer Adoption of Mobile Payments A Qualitative Study." The
Journal of Strategic Information Systems 16.4 (2007): 413-32. Print.
"Ready or Not, Mobile Wallets Take off." CBSNews. CBS Interactive. Web. 14 Oct. 2014.
Tan, Garry Wei-Han, Keng-Boon Ooi, Siong-Choy Chong, and Teck-Soon Hew. "NFC Mobile
Credit Card: The next Frontier of Mobile Payment?" Telematics and Informatics 31.2
(2014): 292-307. Print.

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