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Ulli S.
City Hall Tel: 416-392-8011
100 Queen Street West Fax: 416-392-4900
West Tower,
Toronto, Ontario M5H 2N2
October 18, 2014
Mayor Ford
223 Edenbridge Drive,
Toronto, ON M9A 3G9
Dear Mayor Ford:
i have been informed that on Thursday and Friday of this week you attended the voting
places in wards 8 & 7 respectively and spent considerable time at the facilities talking to
voters even after voting place staff requested that you leave. I am sending this to clarify
the rules around who may attend a voting place and what is considered to be the voting
Section 48(1) of the Municipal Elections Act, 1996 (MEA) prohibits anyone in a voting place
from attempting to directly or indirectly influence how a person votes. It also states that the
voting place includes any place in the immediate vicinity of the voting place designated by
the Clerk.
I have adopted a policy as authorized by the MEA, that provides the following:
The designated voting place shall include the entire building and the entire propefly on
which the building is located that is leased or permitted by the City Clerk for the purpose of
In addition, the MEA only allows certain people (candidates, scrutineers and election
officials) to remain in a voting place when the vote is being taken in accordance with the
rules set out in section 47. In wards other than ward 2, therefore, you are only allowed to
remain in a voting place where you are a scrutineer properly appointed in writing.
Scrutineers must present documentary proof of appointment and comply with the attached
If you are attending a voting place as a candidate in ward 2, you must also comply with the
rules in the MEA and as attached.
I hope that this information assists in clarifying the rules and trust that we can expect full
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City Clerk
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2014 Municipal Election
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October 2014
Candidates and Scrutineers at a Voting Place
During voting days, candidates and/or scrutineer(s) are permitted to be present at a voting place to
observe the voting process. Specifically, the candidate and/or scrutineer(s) can be present at each
ballot issuing station and at the vote tabulator.
Upon entering a voting place, the candidate must identify themselves as a candidate, present
identification and take a declaration. A scrutineer, appointed by a candidate, is required to present a
Scrutineer Appointment Notice and take a declaration.
Scrutineers and/or candidates can
Enter the voting place 15 minutes before it opens to inspect the vote tabulator stand, the ballots
and other election documents but not so as to delay the opening of the voting place
Object to an elector voting (objection to be decided by the election official)
Sign the statement of the results of the election
Scrutineers and/or candidates cannot
Attempt, directly or indirectly, to interfere with how an elector votes or with an elector who is
marking a ballot
Display a candidates election material (including buttons, ribbons, pins, etc.) in the voting place
Compromise the secrecy of voting
Obtain or attempt to obtain, in the voting place, any information about how an elector intended
to vote or has voted
Communicate information about how an elector intends to vote or has voted
Speak to any electors
Act as an interpreter for an elector (an elector must make their own arrangements)
Provide assistance to an elector
Use electronic communication and/or photographic devices, including but not limited to cell
phones, smart phones and tablets
Sit at the same table as an election official
Handle any documents in possession of an election official, including, but not limited to, the
voters list, VICs and other election forms
Viewing of the voters list
During the advance vote, election officials will be using an electronic voters list.
o At the voting place, election officials cannot produce a list of those who voted. This list is
produced centrally by Election Services.
o Candidates and/or scrutineers can request to receive a list of electors who voted on each
day of the advance vote the day following voting. See instructions below for how to
request this list.
On election day, election officials will be using a paper copy of the voters list. At the discretion
of the MDRO or DRO, during slow periods, a scrutineer may view the voters list, subject to the
rules above.
Candidates and/or scrutineer(s) forfeit the right to be at the voting place if, at the discretion of the
MDRO or DRO, they disrupt the voting place or interfere with the voting process.

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