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Lourdesberry Village Thomas So 8F

The path was like ridding on the back of a camels hump and Adam wanted it to stop.
Camping wasn't an activity he'd consider fun. He had already begged his parents three
times to take him home but he always got the same answer. His parents always tried to
convince him to go outside and do things without electronic devices, so he knew his
parents were heading towards the camp site no matter what. Then the car stopped. Finally,
Adam thought, it was his saving grace. He would head back home and relax for the rest of
the weekend. That was until his dad said "were completely lost".
While his parents were desperately looking in the boot for anything helpful, he spotted
something. This wasn't possible because in his mind there was literally nothing but trees
here. Rubbing his eyes again he saw rooftops. Excited at the sight of civilization he headed
down. Quickly after, his parents raced down after him. Upon arrival, he saw a ceremony of
hunting. Adam knew this as he had completed many medieval games consisting of them
and he knew it would give hunters wisdom and luck in their hunt. As Adam and his parents
walked down towards the huts they saw a dark shadow behind them. As they walked a few
more steps a mysterious man came up to them.
Introducing himself the man overexcitedly said "Hello, newcomers, I am Shak, the head of
the Lourdesberry Village. In this village we let strangers stay for how ever long they wish.
Come join us in our ceremony".
Adam had a gut feeling not to trust him. Something seemed sinister about him. His eyes
were red, he had the same teeth as a vampire and you would think he was in a costume
for Halloween. As they walked in the village Adam whispered to his parents,
"I don't think we should trust him".
Whispering back his dad said
"Don't be silly, if he wanted to kill us he would have by now"
As his parents joined the ceremony he wandered around the village. He always saw
villages and forest trees in his video games but never truly experienced it before. This was
the case with most things. The times when he had gone out the house would be either if
his parents had forced him too or if it was for a desperate cause. Looking around he saw
Shaks hut. His name was embedded onto the hut but it clearly was rushed. Walking
around the back he saw something horrifying. It was the totem of death.
Glancing back a couple of times to make sure he was alone, Adam began to investigate.
The totem of death was a totem he would never forget. During his success in fnishing
many quests he had died twice to the totem of death. Beneath him were the ancient
weapons in which death had used to kill him. A scythe. Just as he was going to pick it up
he saw silhouette of a man. Dropping the weapon and turning around slowly he saw it was
"Don't touch the ancient weapon, it shall be used in the hunt, stay in your designated hut till
we come back Adam," Said Shak frustratingly.
With that, Shak took the weapon and headed of towards the ceremony. Adam walked
back to where his parents were supposed to be staying and looked out of the hut. He knew
something was up. He saw the villagers and everyone at the ceremony enter the forest. As
he saw the last of the leave, he headed straight to the totem pole again. Trying to fgure out
if there were any clues in the tote of death he heard that unpleasant sound. The same
sound was clear in his head as it always reminded him of how he couldn't swim. Then it
came at full blast.
The water exploded. Out of the totem of death and into the village. Barely above the water
he held onto the totem. The water was demolishing his hut and was heading towards the
village and forest. Holding on tighter he was pushed. The water was to much for him to
hold. Flying backwards he saw a massive wave come down on a hut and thought it was
truly destroyed but as the wave collided with the hut, it went right through. He couldn't
believe his eyes. Thinking this was a dream he lost his concentration and fell under the
Being in shallow water and not knowing how to swim would be terrifying for Adam. Being in
deep water with waves pushing him back was too much for him. He sounded like a four
year old who just heard no to getting their favourite toy but at least no one would hear him
scream. He was a dead goldfsh that happened to be lucky enough to be kept afoat. It was
a huge struggle just to stay up but he could breathe at least. Just as he thought he would
survive, he saw a double storey hut. Bracing for impact he closed his eyes. Just as he
thought it would be dead he opened his eyes, surprised, not to see heaven but to see a
hologram projector underneath him.
There was a sign ahead but that was unreadable,especially since all the water had made
vision blurry. Getting shoved around by waves he fnally got close enough to see the sign.
He read to himself "Danger Clif ahead!", it took a few seconds to clearly register it in his
head. Desperately struggling to swim back against the waves he noticed something. A
metal rod hanging out of a bush. Groping for it, his hands fnally connected with the rod.
Holding it tightly his feet were dangling out in the air. He saw the last of the waves and
thought everything was going to be fne again. Jumping down he just realised that the
wave was heading towards the forest where all the villagers were hunting. Walking back up
the village he heard something. It sounded like a propeller.
Behind him was Shak on a mobile phone. Adams as confused. None of this made sense,
he knew he should of trusted his gut feeling. Calling out to Shak he exclaimed "I thought
you went hunting with the rest of the villagers, what's going on." To his surprise Shak
turned around. "It is done, Death shall be satisfed with the sacrifces. Our souls will all be
sold to death." Then he raced straight at Adam. In his hand was the scythe he had seen
earlier. Running away he knew Shak was beyond convincing, he was clearly a madman.
Ahead of him was a small hut. Going in he saw a vent. Slipping through, he fell in right
before Shak came in. Desperately trying to hold his breathe he could hear Shak saying
"Come out wherever you are." He could see through the vent gaps that Shak started
searching in the cupboards. Looking up he could see pitch darkness now. Going for a
bigger peep he saw the devils eyes. Crawling through the rest of the vent he saw a ladder
ahead. He saw Shak trying to climb in the vent. Seeing an escape he climbed up the
ladder. Then Shak screeched "There's nowhere to run, this whole village is a hologram
and your parents are going to die from the waves. Though this whole village might of been
a hologram, he knew there was something that was real, the family Ford.
Racing to the Ford he could see Shak coming out of the vent ready to corner him. Diving
through the windows and into the back seat he grabbed his parents phone and called 911.
He could hear the receptionist on the other side. As Shak came lunging at the car, he
screamed "a madman is trying to kill me, my car number plate is 895, my parents are
going to die by a massive tidal wave." Then he hung up and ran through the other side of
the car. Running through the village he had an aching stitch and knew he would let Shak
catch up sonnet or later. Then he saw a dark cave ahead.
Running through a cave he knew he wasn't going to out run Shak. His plan was to hide
and catch his breathe until the police came. Following the path he looked for a good place
to hide. He turned a corner expecting some sort of tunnel but there was only a dead end.
Shak came out of the shadows and said excitedly "Nowhere to hide now kid". Pulling out
his scythe he began to corner Adam in the dead end. Adam closed his eyes and prayed for
something to happen. He could hear Shak come lunging in at him when he heard a loud,
confdent voice "Freeze, your under arrest,". He opened his eyes to see a squad of police
men handcufng Shak and escort him away. Shak shouted "Death will have all your souls"
as he was driven of in the police van.
Then a police ofcer came up to him. "Are you alright kid, do you have any questions?"
Thinking for a second he replied
"I would like to know if my parents are alive or not." The ofcer didn't seem like he wanted
to say it but he said "Another squad went to look for them and they did fnd them."
"Oh that's great," said Adam.
"Not quite, we found their corpses full of wasp stings so we can conclude that they may
have either died by the tidal wave or the wasp stings."
Adam looked down. He began to get teary, he knew him and his parents hadn't had the
best relationship in them constantly trying to get him to do something else other than
gaming but it wasn't the worse relationship either. "We will sort something else out for you."
said the sad ofcer.

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