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10/5/13 Resetting NTFS files security and permission in Windows 7 | lallous' lab 1/29
lallous' lab
Resetting NTFS files security and permission in
Windows 7
June 14, 2009 at 8:59 am Filed under The Lab, Tips and Tricks Tagged access control list, access
denied, acls, attributes, broken, clear permission, damaged, external, external harddisk, file
permission, file security, hard disk, linux, ntfs, permission, reset, windows 7, windows 7 rc, windows
8, windows 8.1, windows blue
Resetting NTFS files security and permission on Windows 7 RC
I was running Vista with two NTFS partitions (OS and DATA), then formatted first partition and
install Windows 7 RC.
The second partition (DATA) had some security settings on some files and folders.
After Win 7 was installed, some files on drive D were not accessible anymore and I was getting
Access Denied
I tried to right-click on the folders that were not accessible and changed their owner and changed
permissions but still some folders were still inaccessible not matter what I did.
Just before giving up, I remembered that since Windows NT, there was a tool named cacls that
allows one to display or change ACLs (access control lists).
Ok, to make a long story short, on Windows 7 it is called icalcs.
So to reset files permissions:
1. Run cmd as Administrator
2. Go to the drive or folder in question, for example:
CD /D D:
3. To reset all the files permissions, type:
icacls * /T /Q /C /RESET
4. And thats it!
After that, the files permissions were reset and I could access them back again.
cacls is a handy tool to change permissions of files en-mass.

UPDATE: I have released a new graphical user interface utility to reset the files
permissions. Try it out.

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I was running Vista with two NTFS partitions (C: and D:), then formatted C: partition and installed
Windows 7 RC.
The second partition (D:) had some files security set on files and folders.
After Win 7 was installed, some files on drive D: were not accessible anymore and I was getting
Access Denied
I tried to right-click/properties on the folders that were not accessible and changed their owner and
changed permissions but still some folders were still inaccessible not matter what I did.
After some research, it turned out the tool cacls that allows one to display or change ACLs (access
control lists) can help to reset ACLs.
In Windows 7 it is called icalcs. To reset files permissions:
1. Run cmd as Administrator
2. Go to the drive or folder in question, for example:
CD /D D:
3. To reset all the files permissions, type:
icacls * /T /Q /C /RESET
4. And thats it!
After that, the files permissions were reset and I could access them back again.
It is possible that icacls might fail. For that try to take ownership of the files first.
Just before Step (3), please type the following command:
takeown /R /F *
cacls is a handy tool to change permissions of files en masse.
Please support my efforts and time put into writing entries and maintaining this blog by donating
money through Paypal:
Thank you.
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1. treoo0 said
December 31, 2009 @ 11:37 pm
Fantastic!! Thank you so very much for sharing. I messed-up my permissions and this did the
2. alireza said
January 29, 2010 @ 2:42 pm
i did this but it didnt work because i got access denied on all files in my D drive
yonester said
March 9, 2010 @ 5:01 am
Before running this command, do the following:
1. Right click on the folder in question then choose Properties
2. Select the Security tab.
3. Click the Advanced button.
4. Select the Owner tab.
5. Click Edit
6. Select your user name and check the box marked Replace owner on subcontainers and
7. Click OK
Now you should be able to run the command mentioned in this article successfully.
Frederick II said
October 20, 2011 @ 10:36 pm
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Thanks! This did the trick for me!
Stan said
March 4, 2012 @ 12:07 am
Dude! Awesome! This is what finally worked for me. I have spent hours over days trying
to fix this and only by doing your method did it work for me. Gracias
Web said
April 15, 2012 @ 1:56 am
yes!! it finally worked after hours of web searching. that was immensely helpful and did
the trick. thank you!
Mostafa Zare said
November 6, 2012 @ 8:50 am
Tanx a million. I were loosing all my photos and videos! it helped me:)
raheel said
February 26, 2013 @ 6:13 pm
thx sir i full day up said for thiz problam thank u
paliB said
August 24, 2013 @ 2:27 pm
And that can I do when I am missing Security tab?
lallousx86 said
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August 25, 2013 @ 12:18 am
Try to type first:
takeown /r /f *
Then proceed as normal.
3. Jonny said
February 12, 2010 @ 5:14 pm
Likewise, even running from safe mode cmd prompt as administrator I got access denied on all
files and folders even though I know Im owner with full permissions on many of the folders I
tried. Any thoughts?
lallousx86 said
February 12, 2010 @ 5:52 pm
@alrieza, Jonny: I would suggest trying to run cmd as system account then trying to reset the
You need PsExec tool.
This link might help:
GuestUser said
April 11, 2011 @ 5:38 am
WindowsITPro link broken, here is new linky
4. Juan said
February 27, 2010 @ 9:55 pm
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recomend to do this in windows repair environment worked like a charm it didnt work in safe
mnode for me neither
5. r1e1z1a said
May 7, 2010 @ 2:17 pm
thanks for this post !
It solved my problem
6. Kutbi Nahar said
June 11, 2010 @ 1:01 pm
huh amazing
thanks alot solved 100 problems of mine !!!
i tried FIXIT from microsoft Not workes but this worked like a charm
with regards
7. GCG said
July 2, 2010 @ 1:22 am
Hey I just wanna say thanks a lot for this fix it helped me after I tried to restrict access to the
Guest account and messed up the permissions. This system is so convoluted!
8. Trkh Web Tasarm said
August 3, 2010 @ 11:27 am
Likewise, even running from safe mode cmd prompt as administrator I got access denied on all
files and folders even though I know Im owner with full permissions on many of the folders I
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9. James Swift said
September 14, 2010 @ 7:36 am
I want to change the permissions on the users folder in windows 7 back to the defualts. When I
try this however, it gives access denied and also that the system cannot find the path specified.
I am the owner and have administrator rights.
I have played around with the permissions and think I messed something up. Now my backup
program, syncback, runs into the infinite application data loop on the defualt folder in the users
10. woomera said
September 28, 2010 @ 4:17 pm
thanks alot for this. its been a week ive had problem with my flash drive and even no one
responded to my problem at forum. until i came across this tutorial.
thank you
11. Gabriel Labbad said
November 23, 2010 @ 8:33 am
hi-five! -Gabriel Labbad
12. Alex said
November 30, 2010 @ 1:29 pm
Thanks for this tip i had the same Problem and i didnt found a help on german sites only this
tip i can use now my files.
13. Black_Raven said
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December 5, 2010 @ 7:41 am
thanks! youre a lifesaver!
14. Richard M Rimmer said
December 21, 2010 @ 8:35 am
Thanks for this remarkable command. Everyone should bookmark this page and copy the
command. I just got back my Outlook 2007! It started goofing off after a backup recovery.
These are my files, its ridiculous.
15. toxy said
December 23, 2010 @ 5:26 pm
Thanks for this info, helped me fix windows bullcrap settings.
16. Gabby said
January 1, 2011 @ 11:56 am
Yahh yhaa bla bla
all this show sucsess but if trying to change folder Atribute NOTING WORK
17. HC said
January 8, 2011 @ 10:03 pm
Thanks very much for this post.
To make this work, I had to boot into recovery mode by pressing F8 after the BIOS screen. It
wouldnt work inside Windows. B also made a system image of my hard drive, in case Windows
stopped working.
Like GCG, I had tried to restrict access to my files from the Guest account (not that I had
anything to hide). Although I still could access the files, my virus scanner didnt scan them,
10/5/13 Resetting NTFS files security and permission in Windows 7 | lallous' lab 9/29
saying Locked file. Not tested, so I wanted to reset the permissions. Now I have resetted them
and the virus scanner is now able to scan them.
Once again, thanks very much.
18. Windows 7 Tricks and Tips said
February 11, 2011 @ 12:51 pm
Good find!
Refer for XP
19. tabela said
March 16, 2011 @ 10:02 pm
thanks very good site
20. lallousx86 said
March 17, 2011 @ 1:18 pm
Thank you guys for your wonderful and encouraging comments!
21. Tavi said
April 9, 2011 @ 7:01 pm
cool ! thanks a lot!
22. Jeff said
May 14, 2011 @ 2:44 pm
saved my bacon as well. Much obliged!
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23. timoboehmek said
June 14, 2011 @ 5:28 pm
Xcacls is no more available for download. Can someone send it to me, please?
lallousx86 said
September 16, 2011 @ 3:00 pm
Xcacls if youre using XP. for Win7, use icacls.
Still, you can download Xcacls:;DisplayLang=en&id=19419
24. lallousx86 said
June 14, 2011 @ 5:30 pm
Why do you need Xcacls? Use icacls instead.
25. Daniel Lichtenberger said
June 20, 2011 @ 8:15 pm
Thanks a lot. This was driving me crazy
26. Bharat Bharija said
July 11, 2011 @ 7:34 pm
Thank you !!!!
thanks a lot.. you just saved my precious memories of last 5 years
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god bless you !!
27. mendel said
July 28, 2011 @ 11:42 pm
nice one! you fixed my ksod!
28. Jen'ari Lunax said
August 6, 2011 @ 6:17 pm
install things as standard user the app cant write to the programs folder :/
install things as admin app works
re-log into standard user and no access to the app
re-log into admin and give permisions..
re-log into standard user user runn app works for a bit
the app trys to update or makes update and now updated parts are inaccessable to standard user
give ownership of intire drive to everyone and everything works
sucks that windodos attempted to use linux/gnu security and search styles and didnt get it
29. Mick said
August 9, 2011 @ 3:01 am
Thanks heaps this is exactly what I was looking for
30. xfphile said
August 9, 2011 @ 3:12 am
Okay, Im stumped.
1. Run cmd as Administrator
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This is fine.
2. Go to the drive or folder in question, for example:
CD /D D:
This is done. The folder is open.
3. To reset all the files permissions, type: icacls * /T /Q /C /RESET
This is where Im having a problem. I want to change permissions on My Music, My Pictures,
and My Documents on my OS hard drive. Apparantly, Im not seeing the correlation between
the folder in question and the command prompt to use. Can someone clarify this for me, since I
fail at command prompting?
lallousx86 said
August 9, 2011 @ 10:27 am
Hi xfphile.
For My documents, My Music and other user related files, change to:
3. reset..
Hope that helps.
xfphile said
August 10, 2011 @ 3:09 am
Argh!!! Apparantly, dealing with mortgages all day every day has made me stupid. Do I
do it one folder at a time? If so, can you show the actual command as I need to type it
(with the icacls etc.) for My Music? I promise Im normally smarter than this and swear
on my Bible that I will (endeavor) to get it this time.
Sean Reeves said
September 16, 2011 @ 12:40 am
@xfphile: if youre still having issues, simply download the .BAT file I created, put in
whatever folder you wish to have modified, then run it as administrator.
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So, youd put the file inside each of the three folders you listed and run them. Depending on
how large each of those folders are, it could take a few seconds up to a few hours. Ive had
icacls running in my 1TB drive for about an hour now.
My 1TB has been REALLY acting up after plugging it into Win7. Copying the locked folders
takes about 4 hours for 200GB on USB 3.0. Why? Couldnt tell ya. I also have no idea how or
why Win7 locked my iPod and deleted all my music from it. The music is still on my HDD,
but I cant access my pod via iTunes. It says I need to restore it. However, Im in Iraq (going
back to the States soon, WOOHOO!) and the internet here SUCKS. The firmware required
to restore the iPod is just over 1GB it would literally takes weeks to download on this
Anyway, I hope you resolved your issue, and if not, give the .BAT I made a try
Best Regards,
Sean Reeves
Armorer NCO
Sean Reeves said
September 16, 2011 @ 12:43 am
Oh, forgot to mention that the .BAT is available from the link in my comment below.
Haha, wouldnt want you to get all discouraged since I didnt leave the link in this
31. Sean Reeves said
September 16, 2011 @ 12:29 am
I am attempting to do this to a 1TB drive at the moment, I certainly hope it works. The (external)
drive will allow me to copy the files with proper permissions, but shortly thereafter, the newly
created files will be locked as well.
I have created a .BAT file that automatically does this process. If you dont trust it, simply right-
click the .BAT and select Edit and you will see that aside of text, only the code from this article
is used. The file can be downloaded from
Note that the above URL isnt supposed to have any spaces, just in case WordPress decides to
throw any in there.
Hope this helps! And even more so, I hope the code helps meI am SICK of this permission crap.
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Best Regards,
Sean Reeves
32. Cyberloser said
September 16, 2011 @ 3:21 pm
T Q C Invalid parameter. Now what???
33. Cyberloser said
September 16, 2011 @ 3:28 pm
Maybe I typed it wrong. Im trying to do this on the whole of my C:/Local Disc.
Sean Reeves said
September 16, 2011 @ 4:20 pm
Download the .BAT that I created to do this for you. All you do is place the .BAT in the
directory that you wish to reset, then run it as an administrator. You can download it from
my site:
If you dont trust me, thats OKI understand. Simply right-click on the file and select Edit
which will allow you to see the code. @echo means show text, @echo off means dont show
text aside of the text I added, a couple of CLS (clear screen) calls and pauses, its only the
code from this article. It works great!
Best Regards,
Sean Reeves
lallousx86 said
September 16, 2011 @ 4:23 pm
Thanks for the batch file Sean. It is simple and straight to the point.
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34. Sean Reeves said
September 16, 2011 @ 4:25 pm
By the way, I used this for the You do not have permission to access error that is common on
Win7 when opening files from XP/Vista. I cant tell you how long it took because I went to sleep,
but it was done when I awakened. I know it took longer than an hour on my 1TB external USB
3.0 drive.
Again folks, if youre having problems, use the .BAT file I made. You cant go wrong!
I used it last night and my woes are gone. By the way, in the .BAT file I cited this blog since its
where I got the method; hope you dont mind.
35. delwiv said
September 17, 2011 @ 1:51 am
Thanks for the tip, it helped me a lot!
36. Sean Reeves said
September 18, 2011 @ 9:39 am
Note to everyone, Ive been informed by Microsoft that icalcs shouldnt be used on the drive with
the OS. I am still awaiting clarification about whether its not to be ran on the drive with the OS
(at all) or simply not in system folders or directories containing system folders.
Ill post back whenever I obtain this information.
37. Bob Broccoli said
October 4, 2011 @ 11:24 pm
Its a sad day for me. Logging on to my Win 7 system, I found I had no task bar icons, no
desktop icons and no files in my start folders. Definitely not good!! Upon investigation, I found
that the files and objects were there but hidden, and found that I could not unhide them. After
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many hours of attempted to repair, I chose to rebuild my system. In order to save my data, since
I am the only user on this desktop I bought a new 1TB drive, formatted and partitioned it, and
rolled off all my data to the new HDD.
My problem is all the data on the new drive is in the same state, read only and hidden.
Since we are talking about 100,000 files, mostly images, docx and xls files, is there a way, using
takeown and icals to set these files back to factory ownership and permissions. Is it as simple
icacls * /T /Q /C /RESET
but what ARE those permissions and who would the owner be.
Also what are the standard security characteristics.
Myke said
October 7, 2011 @ 5:48 pm
Bob it sounds as if you have an infection on your computer. There are several worms out
right now that mod your registry and hide your files. Youll still need to change your
permissions but youll have to get rid of the infections first. Also make sure you do not delete
your temp files first or you will lose all of that.
38. Graham Ashby said
November 5, 2011 @ 8:13 pm
As somebody suggested, execute this from the command prompt available in the list of repair
options available at boot, upon selecting the F8 option.
This was the only way I could get it to reset the majority of permissions without complaining.
Sure, it complained about a few, but they were simply paths which couldnt complete and
terminate during the process, and werent essential paths which would cause general permission
39. ahollier said
November 11, 2011 @ 1:21 pm
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Just gotta say thanks! I didnt want to do all the searching for the answers myself this time and a
google search brought your page right up. And now my problem is solved, much appreciated.
lallousx86 said
May 28, 2012 @ 2:58 am
Glad it worked!
40. Erkan said
December 12, 2011 @ 2:29 pm
Dear Lallous and Yonester,
Youre life saver !
41. Bill said
December 31, 2011 @ 12:02 pm
This worked for me. Thanks a ton!
42. Suddenly cant access USB hard disk in Windows 7: how to
fix (reset permissions) | Welcome to said
January 11, 2012 @ 12:28 am
windows-7 [...]
43. Unable to Change Windows Vista Read-Only Folder Attribute
10/5/13 Resetting NTFS files security and permission in Windows 7 | lallous' lab 18/29
April 14, 2012 @ 2:01 pm
[...] Resetting NTFS files security and permission in Windows 7 Asked by TedPrz [...]
44. Simoon said
April 16, 2012 @ 8:21 pm
Thanks man! worked perfectly for me
45. jeancrosignani said
April 21, 2012 @ 3:17 am
I had a problem installing Microsoft Office 2010, so searching the web I found this site:
Where they recommend typing these two commands:
takeown /f C:\Windows
cacls C:\Windows /G administrators:F
Well, I did it and now I cant open almost ANY program (Chrome, Firefox, Windows Media
Player, ). I have access to cmd and the Windows Explorer.
Do you think the solution you propose could help me restoring my OS?
46. no3gods said
May 10, 2012 @ 9:27 pm
much thanks
47. izz said
May 27, 2012 @ 9:03 am
NOT WORKING AT ALL. it said ACCESS DENIED at the back. what should i do?
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lallousx86 said
May 28, 2012 @ 2:57 am
izz, did you run the commands as admin?
48. lallousx86 said
May 28, 2012 @ 3:03 am
Many thanks everyone for the feedback.
49. king said
June 9, 2012 @ 3:21 am
I already did everything, ran it as admin but it says access denied. Im getting crazy in here.
what do i do? need help.
50. BerthaJean said
June 10, 2012 @ 7:05 am
Worked to fix my problem. Muchas gracias!
51. Kim said
June 12, 2012 @ 12:09 pm
Successfully processed 9569 files; Failed processing 928 files. Access is denied. Error. Please Help
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Jon said
July 6, 2012 @ 10:33 pm
For those who are getting the access denied error, you need ownership. I found that the
quickest and easiest way to get around this is just to go into the properties of the drive in
question (for example, your C drive) and take ownership of the drive in its entirety. This will
also give you ownership of everything in the drive, which will get rid of the access denied
This would be risky, but since youre resetting permissions and ownership anyway, this goes
away once you finish.
52. Afdhal Atiff Tan said
July 22, 2012 @ 11:35 am
Wow, thanks a lot!
Roger Lehman said
July 24, 2012 @ 7:31 pm
Am trying but cant find my USB drive (k)
Andy said
July 24, 2012 @ 9:59 pm
Are you using cd /d : ?
53. Andy said
July 24, 2012 @ 9:58 pm
Fantastic thanks!! This works on 2008 R2 aswell.
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54. Angga said
August 31, 2012 @ 2:27 pm
Thanks you very much..
Thanks you very much..
Thanks you very much..
Thanks you very much..
Thanks you very much..Thanks you very much..Thanks you very much..Thanks you
very much.
55. chia said
September 14, 2012 @ 11:34 am
damn it just works!!!!
56. Manasa Majumdar said
September 23, 2012 @ 3:09 am
I completely am in awe of this blog absolutely going
to need to put this on my bookmarks.
57. Jeff said
September 26, 2012 @ 3:31 am
What can I say? THANKS! Id completely screwed up my permissions in an attempt to write to
a database via ASP. Eventually, my local computer server was FUBAR. Ran this script, now its
back to default settings. So I now can play with it, and if I screw it up again, I know how to get
back to neutral.
Thanks guys.
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58. liveDecent said
October 6, 2012 @ 12:59 pm
lallousx86. man ure simply superb!!!! thumbs up!!
59. Frank said
October 13, 2012 @ 12:52 pm
Thanks, this saved me a ton of time as I had accidentally messed up my main/drive C:
permissions while messing around under a dual-boot environment.
60. PRatap said
November 4, 2012 @ 5:34 am
Great. Really. What a solution
Nisha said
November 17, 2012 @ 9:16 pm
I accidently denied all permissions to E: drive.
When access denied massage appeared I did undo those security permissions.
Now though I can access E: drive but all the folders and subfolders show that denial message
abd even if I undo the same security settings to each folder seperately still exe,zip, and other
type of files cant be excessed.
I am using Windows 7 ultimate please help.
61. Windows 7 will not boot (Blank Screen) said
November 14, 2012 @ 9:20 am
[...] ACL's as far as I understand it is Access Control Lists. So maybe boot to a command prompt
10/5/13 Resetting NTFS files security and permission in Windows 7 | lallous' lab 23/29
[...] ACL's as far as I understand it is Access Control Lists. So maybe boot to a command prompt
and try: [...]
62. windows 7 Installation disk said
December 25, 2012 @ 5:40 pm
hi!,I really like your writing very a lot! percentage we communicate more about your post
on AOL? I need an expert on this area to solve my problem.
Maybe that is you! Having a look forward to peer you.
63. rahul said
December 29, 2012 @ 5:07 pm
Thanks a lot mate..
Really a great favour to me.
64. Li said
December 30, 2012 @ 2:15 pm
Hi there, Very interesting stuff. Ive just tried to run the DOS command
icacls * /T /Q/ C /RESET (without the quotes), as administrator, in Windows 7, and it says .
icacls* not recognised as an internal or external command operable program or batch file.
That is a * (star) there isnt it? And I tried it both with and without spaces between each of
these. /T/Q/C.
So my Windows 7 operating system doesnt recognise this as a command could you help
please? Thanks, Li
p.s. I also tried your bat file in one of my folders but it didnt change any permissions for me? It
would save me about two days work if either of these worked but they dont work on my PC?
lallousx86 said
December 31, 2012 @ 8:51 pm
10/5/13 Resetting NTFS files security and permission in Windows 7 | lallous' lab 24/29
Hi Li,
Just type the following form an administrator command prompt:
Of course, remove the SPACE and put a space character by pressing the space bar on your
This should work if you are using Windows 7 and above.
Kenya said
January 10, 2013 @ 4:44 am
I have Windows 7 64 bit and did this on my c drive. When the command prompt
finished, it said, Successfully processed 2411. Failed to process 12510. Why didnt it
reset all of the other files?
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February 23, 2013 @ 10:50 am
Hello, yes this article is genuinely good and I have learned lot of things from it regarding
10/5/13 Resetting NTFS files security and permission in Windows 7 | lallous' lab 25/29
Hello, yes this article is genuinely good and I have learned lot of things from it regarding
68. refurbished handbags said
February 24, 2013 @ 6:31 pm
Im not sure why but this blog is loading incredibly slow for me. Is anyone else having this
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69. brac37 said
March 3, 2013 @ 9:13 pm
The solution does not what it claims to do. When I click on the desktop to make a new folder, the
uac shield still comes up. This means that the security settings are still broken. The solution
claims to fix this.
70. dRdoS7 said
March 11, 2013 @ 4:23 am
You said: In Windows 7 it is called icalcs.
You meant: icalcs?
Missed it by that much!!
PS. Worked for me.
dRdoS7 said
10/5/13 Resetting NTFS files security and permission in Windows 7 | lallous' lab 26/29
March 11, 2013 @ 4:24 am
Now I did it!! Its icacls.
71. Resetting NTFS files security and permission in Windows 7 |
ntanvinh144289 said
March 20, 2013 @ 10:06 am
windows-7 [...]
72. Flauschig Dev. Blog Fixing NTFS Security Permissions
(Win 7/8) said
June 24, 2013 @ 9:52 am
[] Source:
permission-in-windows-7 []
73. webpage said
July 30, 2013 @ 9:43 am
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lallousx86 said
August 3, 2013 @ 11:07 pm
Whats your blogs address?
10/5/13 Resetting NTFS files security and permission in Windows 7 | lallous' lab 27/29
74. arad said
July 31, 2013 @ 11:41 am
i use this trick but still donot access!!!
help me please
you dont have the correct permission to access the file location
lallousx86 said
August 2, 2013 @ 8:25 am
Did you run as admin the command prompt?
arad said
August 5, 2013 @ 10:57 am
yes.i Run cmd as an administrator.
I test lots of way but still NO ANSWER
lallousx86 said
August 6, 2013 @ 8:30 pm
Try to change ownership of the folder.
I dont know the steps by heart but this is a rough idea:
1. right click on the folder
2. properties
3. security tab
4. advanced button
5. Owner label -> Change to change the owner
6. Add yourself as an owner and press Apply.
Then try again with the instructions in the blog?
10/5/13 Resetting NTFS files security and permission in Windows 7 | lallous' lab 28/29
75. Rustee said
August 8, 2013 @ 5:58 pm
I run the above line in win 7 64 bit (as admin), and it does the scan, but shows
Successfully processed 3918 files Failed processing 12863 files
Can some one please offer advice on why this is happening??
lallousx86 said
August 9, 2013 @ 8:18 pm
Try to change ownership of the folder.
I dont know the steps by heart but this is a rough idea:
1. right click on the folder
2. properties
3. security tab
4. advanced button
5. Owner label -> Change to change the owner
6. Add yourself as an owner and press Apply.
Then try again with the instructions in the blog?
76. Resetting NTFS files permission in Windows Graphical
Utility | lallous' lab said
August 26, 2013 @ 2:33 am
[] seems many people found the post entitled Resetting NTFS files security and permission in
Windows 7 very useful, however many were having problems executing the steps []
77. cobra said
10/5/13 Resetting NTFS files security and permission in Windows 7 | lallous' lab 29/29
September 5, 2013 @ 4:44 pm
Thanks for the command, worked like a charmif you run Windows 8 and your start menu
tiles disappear due to NTFS issues, use this commandbrings everything back to the way it
Big ups for the share!!
78. Isaac said
September 15, 2013 @ 6:46 pm
This is great, thanks for the tip. When joining an existing machine to a new domain all the file
permissions seem to get messed up in Dropbox. This partially solved the problem and at least let
me get access to the entire Dropbox directory again.
79. Best Golf Marrakesh said
September 18, 2013 @ 2:50 am
The last and final step is to go to the range and practice your swing for 30 minutes the go to
thepractice green and putt
for ne hour. These are designed to help golfers play shots through the rough
or sand. Whisk in flour, 1-teaspoon salt, sugar, and a few
grinds of black pepper.
80. NTSF | Dmitry-Bond said
September 26, 2013 @ 11:14 am
[] - .
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