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1. Check llsL
2. llshbone dlagram
3. ConLrol charL
4. PlsLogram
3. areLo charL
6. Scauer dlagram
7. SLraucauon
uaLa orlenLauon: locus on
numerlcal daLa measure
and calculauon.
new vs. Cld
Powever, many cusLomer requlremenLs
cannoL always be adequaLely expressed by
40?"=2@1* ;1(1 alone.
new vs. Cld
neverLheless, even verbal sLaLemenLs can be
expresslons of facLs, because lL represenLs
facLs, we oughL Lo use verbal daLa as well as
numerlcal daLa ln managlng quallLy.
new vs. Cld
1. 8elauons dlagram
2. 1ree dlagram
3. Arrow dlagram
4. AmnlLy dlagram
3. MaLrlx dlagram
6. MaLrlx daLa analysls
7. rocess declslon
program charL. (uC)
Comblne verbal wlLh
Looklng for rooL cause
Clarlfy, prlorluze goals
and schedule
lnvolve everyone lnLo
full cooperauon
CeneraLe ldeas
new vs. Cld
new 7 CC Lools are compauble wlLh Cld 7 CC
Lools, and complemenL Lhem.
new 7
Cld 7
A9 B"*1C)4 ./2D E215=1?
ueclde LllLC1S
ueclde lMMLulA1L CAuSLS
ConnecL lMMLulA1L CAuSLS Lo LecLs
1aklng lmmedlaLe Causes as eecL Lo nd CAuSLS for
Lxplore 8LLA1lCnSPl of Causes and ConnecL Lhem
llndlng more lmporLanL causes and promlnenL llnks
Make Lhe llnk SPC81, make Lhe dlagram CCMAC1
1lLle lL
1. 8elauon Shlp ulagram
1. 8elauon Shlp ulagram
Lxplore cause and eecL relauonshlps
Lspeclally for complex slLuauons where Lhe
causes are llkely Lo be Mu1uALL? 8LLA1Lu
G9 FH42(- E215=1?
Crganlze large number of ldeas lnLo a loglcal
way, make Lhem lnLo a sysLemauc order Lo
help you plan acuons
2. AmnlLy ulagram
1. Su8!LC1 1ClCS
2. CeneraLe a Large number of luLAS
3. ueclde # and 1lLle, creaLe a CA8u
4. ulsLrlbuLe all Lhe ldeas among Lhe cards
3. Arrange Lhe cards accordlng Lo Lhe
relauonshlps beLween Lhe groups
6. 1lLle lL
2. AmnlLy ulagram
8reak up any complex problem or Lask lnLo
smaller more easlly manageable blLs
2. AmnlLy ulagram
I)0 @14 )=5142J" (/" @0+()?"=
@)?D*124+ 14; ="K02="?"4(+ 24
14 FH42(- E215=1?
2. AmnlLy ulagram
2. AmnlLy ulagram
2. AmnlLy ulagram
L9M="" E215=1?
ldenufy a hlgh 8lC8l1? 8C8LLM LhaL need Lo be
solved earllesL.
Choose lC8M: 1ree or Cascade?
ldenufy 8lMA8? MLAnS
ldenufy SLCLnuA8? MLAnS for prlmary means
1L81lA8? MLAnS
Conunue Lhe process ull Lhe group feels LhaL Lhe Lnu
of Lhe llne has been reached
use of CS1-l1 Au
Consensus of MLAnS
1lLle lL
3.1ree ulagram
3.1ree ulagram
M="" <)=?
3.1ree ulagram
uevelop a sysLemauc sLep by sLep sLraLegy Lo
achleve an ob[ecuve.
uevlse soluuon for problems
Appllcauon of Seven new CC 1ools
8y Muhammad Am[ad Manager ,
CuallLy Assurance newage Cables (vL)
LlmlLed ,Lahore - aklsLan
7 AuvAnCLu CC 1CCLS, Complled from u L
Shah 1rusL publlcauon 8y 8.Clrlsh, uy. ulrecLor
nauonal roducuvlLy Councll, Chennal
4. MaLrlx ulagram
urpose: Lxplore Lhe exlsLence and Lhe exLenL of
relauons beLween lndlvldual lLems ln 2 seLs of
facLors or feaLures and characLerlsucs and
express Lhem ln a symbollc form LhaL ls easy Lo
MosLly used Lo undersLand Lhe relauons beLween
Lhe cusLomer expecLauons as expressed by Lhe
cusLomers and producL characLerlsucs as
deslgned, manufacLured and LesLed by Lhe
1. ueLermlne 2 seLs of facLors for whlch Lhe
relauons are needed Lo be esLabllshed.
2. ulvlde Lhe feaLures and characLerlsucs lnLo
prlmary, secondary and Leruary characLerlsucs.
3. lace Lhe feaLures verucally on Lhe le slde of
Lhe maLrlx and characLerlsucs horlzonLally on
Lop of Lhe maLrlx.
4. LnLer Lhe lmporLance of Lhe feaLures on Lhe
column aer LhaL for Lhe Leruary feaLures.
3. ln Lhe maln body of Lhe maLrlx, use Lhe
symbols Lo represenL Lhe degree of
connecuons beLween Lhe feaLures and Lhe
MaLrlx dlagram can be used Lo solve problems
by arranglng daLa ln such a way LhaL Lhe
relauons beLween relevanL facLors are broughL
lnLo sharp focus.
1here ls no llmlL Lo Lhe use of Lhe Lool.
1he mosL lmporLanL appllcauon of maLrlx
dlagram ls ln clarlfylng relauons beLween
lndlvldual feaLures of cusLomer requlremenLs
and lndlvldual producL characLerlsucs.
Lxample of MaLrlx ulagram
3. MaLrlx uaLa Analysls ulagram
urpose: 1o presenL numerlcal daLa abouL Lwo
seLs of facLors ln a maLrlx form and analyze lL
Lo geL numerlcal ouLpuL.
Can be applled ln undersLandlng Lhe producLs
and producLs characLerlsucs.
1. ueclde Lhe Lwo facLors whose relauons are Lo be
2. Check Lhe number of lndlvldual lLems ln Lhe Lwo
3. repare a maLrlx Lo accommodaLe all Lhe lLems
of Lhe Lwo facLors.
4. LnLer numerlcal daLa ln Lhe maLrlx.
3. Clve Lhe dlagram a sulLable uLle.
6. rocess ueclslon rogram CharL
urpose1o prepare for abnormal occurrences
wlLh low probablllLy whlch may oLherwlse be
overlooked and Lo presenL Lhe occurrences as
well as Lhe necessary counLermeasures Lo
guard agalnsL such occurrences ln Lhe form of
a vlsual charL.
1. repare a normal owcharL wlLh all expecLed
evenLs ln Lhe charL.
2. Conslder Lhe posslble occurrences LhaL wlll
aecL Lhe process and demonsLraLe Lhrough
branchlng aL approprlaLe locauons.
3. Conslder how Lhe abnormal occurrences wlll
lnuence Lhe process and nd ways Lo counLer
4. Show Lhe counLermeasures connecung Lo Lhe
abnormal occurrences on one slde and Lhe
process of Lhe goal on Lhe oLher.
1hls Lool has Lhe wldesL range of appllcauons
from Lhe slmplesL Lo Lhe mosL complex.
1he Lool can be used Lo prevenL problems by
ldenufylng opporLunlues for error and
devlslng measures Lo avold fallure.
lL can be used durlng Lhe lmplemenLauon of
soluuons for predlcung reslsLance and for
plannlng measures Lo overcome Lhe reslsLance
7. Arrow ulagram
urpose: 1o creaLe a vlsual presenLauon of Lhe
sLeps of a process or Lasks necessary Lo
compleLe a pro[ecL wlLh speclal emphasls on
Lhe ume Laken for Lhese acuvlues.
1. LlsL all Lhe Lasks or acuvlues needed Lo be
accompllshed before Lhe process of Lhe pro[ecL.
2. ueclde whlch sLeps are underLaken ln serles and
whlch sLeps can be run ln parallel. Arrange Lhe
acuvlues ln a proper sequence.
3. repare 'LvenL nodes' aL Lhe compleuon of
sLeps and number Lhem.
4. WrlLe Lhe descrlpuon of Lhe sLep and declde Lhe
ume requlred for compleung each sLep.
3. CalculaLe Lhe earllesL ume Lo reach an evenL
node for Lhe sLarL of Lhe process.
7. Aer Lhe ume for all evenL nodes lncludlng
Lhe compleuon of Lhe process or Lhe pro[ecL
ls avallable, one calculaLes Lhe laLesL ume by
whlch an evenL node musL be reached.
1he dlagram ls also useful ln plannlng and
schedullng sLeps ln compllcaLed processes,
especlally ln plannlng and schedullng pro[ecLs
whlch lnvolve a large number of acuvlues.
1. ldenufy Lhe Lasks. L.g: 1,2,3,.,13.
2. know Lhe ume each Lask needs.
3. ueLermlne whlch Lasks can be run ln parallel and ln
normal sequences.
4. uraw Lhe sequence dlagram and nd Lhe crlucal paLh.
3. CalculaLe Lhe pro[ecL durauon.
6. CalculaLe Lhe earllesL sLarung ume(or Lhe earllesL
nlshlng ume of lasL Lask) and Lhe laLesL nlshlng ume
of each Lask(Lhe laLesL sLarung ume for Lhe followung
7. Mark Lhe ume lndlcauon.

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