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Tres poemas vmito (In a strange english)

(Por Flancito)
Zombie fever
System Alucinoides
They smash violently
Destroying hypothalamus

They breathe pay vices whit salt
ntellectual carrion vultures
They chew without teeth
Suc!ing eternity

$aver onomatopoeia
Sad without conscience
They Sleeps %%%
'anch (acu##i Pop
Furnished pine
)ven when you will hide your filth*

Atmospheric words
)+pelling devil ,s spittle
Dont hide from everybody
f your own race only can see you

Always the guilt
Prisi-n of thirsty and seas
Drowning your appropiate feelings
.y nothing/ or nobody
To you %%%
0oncierge failure
Do not carry my luggage
Do not be crow in a henhouse

Dreams ripper
,m tired of your butchery

Displaying your balcony to dismiss bodies
1ou2ll never understand
They are matter
$e will never understand

Someday will reincarnate in liver
,ll e+plode poison and you won,t stop it
1ou will polish your own vomit

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