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Blake Antal

CNS 120
CNS 220: Journal Entry 1
When I began this semester, I initially did not plan to take this class; actually, I had no
idea that counseling classes even existed. I took CNS 120 (Personal Framework for Career
Exploration) the first half of this semester, because the idea of a class that revolved around
personal discovery intrigued me and it helped me meet credit requirements. However, I did not
expect that I would obtain a world of insight into my interests and ambitions. Simply knowing
what I liked and what I strived for in life made perusing a career not seem so daunting. These
insights are what lead me to CNS 120; I hope to take what I learned in the previous section and
use that to direct me towards a career suitable of my interests.
Road trip nation has been a surprisingly insightful piece of reading material that I have
found to be a compelling read. The stories all seem to involve career paths that have evolved
overtime and lead to a destination characteristic of the pursuers real ambitions. One persons
story that was appealing me was Chaerlie Trotter and his journey to becoming a restraint owner.
While in college he studied philosophy and political science but neither of these things engaged
him; instead he received his self-satisfaction by cooking for his roommates. It was because of
this passion that he eventually became the owner of his own restaurant. However, if you ask him
he will tell say that his career was more of a by-product of his pursuit to learn more about
cooking. Following your ambitions is the first (and sometimes only) step to finding a career.
My tweet would be: Just took the first step down a long ever-changing career path.


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