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Chelsea 8oLh

lall 2013
SC 3333
SecLlon 003

MLulA kl1 LxAM

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1o: ScoLL.Carlson[
Sub[ecL: 0klahoma State 0niveisity opens new jouinalism builuing

Mr. Carlson,

Cklahoma SLaLe unlverslLy ls proudly unvelllng Lhe Walker SLone 8ulldlng for lLs School
of Medla & SLraLeglc CommunlcaLlons sLudenLs on Aug. 16, 2014 aL noon.

1he openlng ceremony of Lhe Walker SLone 8ulldlng would be an excellenL sLory for 1he
Chronlcle of Plgher LducaLlon because of lLs eco-frlendly and Lech-savvy feaLures. 1he
Walker SLone 8ulldlng wlll feaLure an advanced newsroom seLLlng for broadcasLlng
sLudenLs, exLenslve compuLer labs feaLurlng new Mac compuLers and new renLal
equlpmenL avallable for sLudenLs.

1he bulldlng ls also eco-frlendly wlLh roofLop solar panels and recelves energy produced
by CSu's Cowboy Wlnd larm.

?ou would be Lhe perfecL person Lo cover Lhe sLory because you have wrlLLen abouL
oLher unlverslLles' archlLecLure and consLrucLlon. new Lechnologlcal updaLes along wlLh
Lhe eco-frlendly addlLlons would add a greaL Louch. 1he sLory would be a greaL flL for
your 8ulldlngs and Crounds blog along wlLh Lhe LvenLs page on your webslLe.

lf you are lnLeresLed, l would be happy Lo help coordlnaLe lnLervlews and work wlLh
wrlLers and phoLographers. lease emall me aL chelsea.roLh[, or call me aL
972-743-8133 for furLher dlscusslon of Lhe evenL.

l wlll call you on CcL. 31 Lo dlscuss Lhls sLory. 1hank you.

Chelsea 8oLh
CSu Medla 8elaLlons ulrecLor

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206 aul Mlller 8ulldlng
Cklahoma SLaLe unlverslLy
SLlllwaLer, Ckla. 74078

289: .8;8<:8

lC8 lMMLulA1L 8LLLASL lC8 MC8L lnlC8MA1lCn, CCn1AC1:
CcL. 24, 201 Chelsea 8oLh
Medla 8elaLlons ulrecLor

/=;<>?@< 0A<A8 1BCD8E:CAF ?G8B: B89 H?IEB<;C:@ JIC;KCBL

S1lLLWA1L8, Ckla. ! Cklahoma SLaLe unlverslLy ls hosLlng a grand openlng ceremony
for Lhe new Walker SLone 8ulldlng for Lhe School of Medla & SLraLeglc CommunlcaLlons

1he ceremony ls aL noon Aug. 16 and open Lo sLudenLs, faculLy, alumnl and Lhe publlc.
Lunch wlll be provlded by Lhe CSu Alumnl AssoclaLlon.

1he bulldlng was named afLer Lhe accompllshed CSu alumnus Walker SLone, who was
edlLor-ln-chlef of Scrlpps-Poward newspapers for 16 years.

1he School of Medla & SLraLeglc CommunlcaLlons has been conLlnuously accredlLed
Lhrough Lhe AccredlLlng Councll on LducaLlon ln !ournallsm and Mass CommunlcaLlon
slnce 1928. lLs dlsLlngulshed hlsLory and lnnovaLlve currlculum helped land fundlng for a
new bulldlng from generous donaLlons from alumnl.

1he new bulldlng wlll feaLure many new Lechnologlcal advances as well as new eco-
frlendly Lechnology.

1he Walker SLone 8ulldlng wlll feaLure Lhe newesL newsroom equlpmenL Lo beLLer
prepare sLudenLs for a career afLer graduaLlon. new classrooms and compuLer labs wlll
feaLure new Mac compuLers. LqulpmenL lncludlng lads, cameras, vldeo cameras,
Lrlpods and lapLops wlLh Lhe laLesL Adobe sofLware wlll be avallable for checkouL Lo
sLudenLs. 1he bulldlng wlll feaLure roofLop solar panels and wlll recelve energy produced
by CSu's Cowboy Wlnd larm.

rovldlng new Lechnology ls so lmporLanL for our sLudenLs ln order for Lhem Lo be able
Lo keep up ln Lhe compeLlLlve fleld of medla," uerlna PolLzhausen, CSu Medla &
SLraLeglc CommunlcaLlons School dlrecLor, sald.
/'-%,/!% 0(%(" 12$3".0$(4 0+,//- /5 !"#$% 6 0(.%("7$+ +/!!12$+%($/20
206 aul Mlller 8ulldlng
Cklahoma SLaLe unlverslLy
SLlllwaLer, Ckla. 74078
5<MA 0>88A

lC8 lMMLulA1L 8LLLASL lC8 MC8L lnlC8MA1lCn, CCn1AC1:
CcL. 24, 201 Chelsea 8oLh
Medla 8elaLlons ulrecLor

/=;<>?@< 0A<A8 1BCD8E:CAF ?G8B: B89 H?IEB<;C:@ JIC;KCBL

N><AO Cklahoma SLaLe unlverslLy wlll hold a grand openlng ceremony for Lhe new
Walker SLone 8ulldlng consLrucLed for Lhe School of Medla & SLraLeglc CommunlcaLlons
sLudenLs on Aug. 16, 2014. 1he ceremony wlll lnclude lunch and a Lour of Lhe bulldlng.

N>?O CSu resldenL 8urns Pargls and CSu School Cf Medla & SLraLeglc
CommunlcaLlons dlrecLor uerlna PolLzhausen wlll open Lhe ceremony for Lhe bulldlng.
Lunch wlll be provlded by Lhe CSu Alumnl AssoclaLlon.

N>8E8O 1he ceremony wlll be aL Cklahoma SLaLe unlverslLy ln SLlllwaLer, Ckla., aL Lhe
corner of PesLer SLreeL and unlverslLy Avenue.

N>8BO 1he Walker SLone 8ulldlng wlll open aL noon Aug. 16, 2014.

N>FO We wanL our sLudenLs Lo be as prepared as Lhey can be for Lhe compeLlLlve fleld
of medla once Lhey graduaLe, whlch means Lhey deserve Lhe besL learnlng envlronmenL,
Lechnology and faculLy posslble," CSu School Cf Medla & SLraLeglc CommunlcaLlons
dlrecLor uerlna PolLzhausen sald.


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AL lefL: An arLlsL's rendlLlon of 1he Walker SLone 8ulldlng on
Lhe corner of PesLer SLreeL and unlverslLy Avenue. 1he
bulldlng was deslgned Lo complemenL Lhe unlverslLy's
currenL archlLecLural sLyle wlLh a modern LwlsL.
AL rlghL: new equlpmenL for pracLlce ln a newsroom
seLLlng ls avallable for sLudenLs Lo prepare for a career
afLer graduaLlon.
AL lefL: Lnergy cosL savlngs from Lhe bulldlng's eco-
frlendly feaLures allow Lhe purchase of new Mac

Above: Cround ls broken for consLrucLlon of Lhe Walker SLone 8ulldlng for Lhe School
of Medla & SLraLeglc CommunlcaLlons sLudenLs on CcL. 16, 2013.
AL rlghL: 8oofLop solar panels help power Lhe Walker
SLone 8ulldlng.
AL lefL: Wlnd power from CSu's Cowboy Wlnd larm generaLes 67
percenL of Lhe energy used on campus.

1he walL ls flnally over! Cklahoma SLaLe unlverslLy announces lLs grand openlng
ceremony for Lhe new Walker SLone 8ulldlng for Lhe School of Medla & SLraLeglc
CommunlcaLlons. lease [oln us ln celebraLlng Lhe grand openlng aL noon on Aug. 16.
Lunch ls provlded.
Foi moie infoimation, visit http:meuia.okstate.euu.
Foi piess inquiiies, please contact Chelsea Roth at chelsea.iothokstate.euu

Levine, K. (2012, July 12). [Photograph]. Retrieved from
Marsono, C. (2007, June 27). [Photograph]. Retrieved from
Northwestern Oklahoma State University (2006, November 6). [Photograph]. Retrieved
Oklahoma State University (2006, March 22). Mr. Walker Stone - Bennett Award Winner
-- site hosted by OSU Library. Retrieved October 22, 2013, from
Oklahoma State University (n.d.). SMSC Accreditation. Retrieved October 22, 2013,
Oklahoma State University (n.d.). Home. Retrieved October 22, 2013, from
Shockley, P. (2013). [Photograph]. Retrieved from
University of Texas at Austin (2012, September 6). Belo Center for New Media
[Photograph]. Retrieved from
Zoovroo, S. (2008, November 21). Mac Classroom [Photograph]. Retrieved from

*as per asslgnmenL lnsLrucLlons, Lhls source was fabrlcaLed

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