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PGP 2013-15

Computer Assignment

A separate database on Small Scale Units in SPSS format is provided for the computer
assignment. This database is available on the hard disk of the computer in the classroom.
Make a copy of the database for your purpose.

The details of the variables and meaning of various values can be obtained from the
Variable view. The variable labels and value labels are self explanatory. You can click
on VARIABLE VIEW Tab at the bottom of your screen after you open the data in
SPSS. Double-click on the file name in the Explorer view. Make sure that SPSS is
already installed on the computer you are using!

Each group will take a simple random sample of 10,000 observations. You will analyze
the data corresponding to your sample only. After you copy the database, you should
remove all the records (cases) not corresponding to your sample. Treat this as the sample
that you will be working on. You will have to change the random seed in SPSS before
you select the sample. Otherwise you will not get a unique sample. So please make sure
that you have changed the random seed. Go to MAIN MENU TRANSFORM
RANDOM NUMBER GENERATORS. On the dialog box, click on the box labeled Set
Starting Point. Then select the radio button labeled Fixed Value. Please enter your
PGP registration number (any one member of the group) in reverse order as the random
seed in the box labeled Value. For example, if your Registration number is 1311141,
then the random number that you will enter will be 1411131.

To select the sample: Go to MAIN MENUDATASELECT CASES. On the
SELECT CASES dialog box, select the radio button RANDOM SAMPLE OF
CASES. Click on the button labeled SAMPLE. On the ensuing dialog box, select the
radio button EXACTLY. Enter 10000 in the first box and 1348451 in the second box.
It should read as Exactly 10000 cases from the first 1348451 cases. After you make
these entries, click CONTINUE. On the dialog box that appears next, select the radio
button DELETE UNSELECTED CASES under Output options. Then click

After you select the sample, you can save the data in any format that you wish to. For
example, if you want to save the data in EXCEL format, go to Main MenuFileSave
As and select the file type and file name and the location to save. This is just like any
other Windows SAVE AS Dialog box.

Based on your sample, carryout the following analysis. Your analysis and the
interpretation should be submitted in HARD COPY form to the PGP office by the due
date. Please note that there is no penalty for early submissions!

1. Calculate a 95 percent confidence interval for the Gross output 2001-02
2. Define two different measures that you consider most appropriate for
measuring the performance of the units. This definition is up to you. These
can be the variables that are already in the data or new variables defined based
on the existing variables. Please explain in one paragraph why you have
selected these two measures. Remaining analysis is to be carried based on
these definitions.
a. What is the probability that a firm selected at random is a SSSBE unit?
b. What is the probability that a firm selected at random is GOOD in
performance? (Calculate the average of the first performance measure that
you had defined in question 2 above. If the firms performance is above
this average, it considered good. If it is below average, it is considered
c. What is the probability that a firm selected is a SSSBE Unit and ALSO
GOOD in performance?
d. What can you say about the performance of the SSSBE units in terms of
GOOD or BAD based on the above?
3. Test the null hypothesis that the population average of the variable Value of
Exports for 2001-02 = 87,300. Carry out a one sided test. Clearly state your
null and alternate hypotheses.
4. What are the variables that could be used for determining the two measures of
performance selected by you? Explain your methodology and justify.
Interpret and explain the results.
5. Some male chauvinists like to think that the productivity of women employees
is significantly less than that of the male employees. Do you agree or disagree
with this? Justify your answer with appropriate analysis.

Due date: Sept 7, 2013.

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