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TSR, Inc.

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TSR, Ltd.
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United Kingdom
Design: WoIfgang Baur, Sleve Kurlz
Ldiling: C. Terry IhiIIips
Cover Arl: }eff LasIey
Inlerior Arl: Ton Baxa, Mark NeIson
Typography: Caye ' Keefe
1992 TSR, Inc. AII Righls Reserved. Irinled in lhe U.S.A.
TSR, Inc.
IB 756
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12O Church Lnd, Cherry Hinlon
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Uniled Kingdon
lradenarks ovned ly TSR, Inc.
AL-QADIM and lhe TSR Iogo are lradenarks ovned ly TSR, Inc.
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2129 I-56O76-37O-1
Hnw tn Usc ThIs Bnnk MC13
WeIcone lo lhe lhirleenlh voIune of lhe Monslrous Conpen-
diun. This look delaiIs lhe crealures of lhe Burning WorId of
Zakhara for lhe AL-QADIM canpaign. As in previous voI-
unes, aII enlries are in aIphalelicaI order on renovalIe Ioose-
Ieaf sheels. The Ioose-Ieaf sheels can le pIaced in a nasler
linder and renoved as needed for easy reference during an ad-
Inporlanl Nole: These nonslers shouId nol le inlerningIed
vilh lhe nonslers fron lhe previous voIunes of lhe Monslrous
Conpendiun, keep lhese nonslers logelher in a separale sec-
lion of your linder.
AII nonslers incIuded here are lypicaI for lheir lype, Iikevise,
lhe encounler lalIes are guideIines for generaI pIay. Varialions
of your ovn design are encouraged. Those DMs unfaniIiar vilh
lhe |an cf |a|c and lhe concepls of lhe AL-QADIM gane viII
find a veaIlh of usefuI infornalion in lhe |an cf |a|c Boxed Sel
and lhe various AL-QADIM advenlure noduIes.
CLIMATE/TERRAIN~ defines vhere lhe crealure is nosl oflen
found. NornaIIy, cIinales incIude lhings such as arclic, sularc-
lic, lenperale, and lropicaI, and lerrain vouId incIude pIain/
scrul, foresl, rough/hiII, nounlain, svanp, and deserl.
Hovever, in lhe Land of Iale, sone of lhese lerrain lypes are
unconnon or nonexislanl .
FREQUENCY~ is lhe IikeIihood of encounlering a crealure in
an area. Very rare is a 4 chance, rare is 11, unconnon is
2O, and connon is a 65 chance. Chances can le adjusled
for speciaI areas.
ORGANIZATION~ is lhe generaI sociaI slruclure lhe nonsler
adopls. SoIilary incIudes snaII faniIiaI groups.
ACTIVITY CYCLE~ is lhe line of day vhen lhe nonsler is
nosl aclive. Those nosl aclive al nighl nay le aclive al any
line in sullerranean sellings. Aclive cycIe is a generaI guide and
exceplions are fairIy connon.
DIET~ shovs vhal lhe crealure generaIIy eals. Carnivores eal
neal, herlivores eal pIanls, and onnivores eal eilher. Scaven-
gers dine nainIy on carrion.
INTELLIGENCE~ is lhe equivaIenl of hunan IQ. Cerlain
nonslers are inslincliveIy cunning, lhese are noled in lhe non-
sler descriplions. Ralings correspond roughIy lo lhe foIIoving
InleIIigence aliIily scores:
O NoninleIIigenl or nol ralalIe
1 AninaI inleIIigence
2-4 Seni-inleIIigenl
5-7 Lov inleIIigence
8-1O Average (hunan) inleIIigence
11-12 Very inleIIigenl
13-14 HighIy inleIIigenl
15-16 LxceplionaIIy inleIIigenl
17-18 Cenius
19-2O Supra-genius
21+ CodIike inleIIigence
TREA5URE~ refers lo lhe lreasure lalIes in lhe Dungccn Mas-
|crs Guic. If individuaI lreasure is indicaled, each individuaI
nay carry il (or nol, al lhe DM's discrelion). Major lreasures
are usuaIIy found in lhe nonslers Iair, lhese are nosl oflen de-
signed and pIaced ly lhe DM. InleIIigenl nonslers viII use nag-
icaI ilens presenl and lry lo carry off lheir nosl vaIualIe
lreasures if hard pressed. If lreasure is assigned randonIy, roII
for each lype possilIe: if aII roIIs faiI, no lreasure of any lype is
found. Treasure shouId le adjusled dovnvard if fev nonslers
are encounlered. Large lreasures are noled ly a parenlhelicaI
nuIlipIier ( x 1O, elc.)~ nol lo le confused vilh lreasure lype X.
Do nol use lhe lalIes lo pIace dungeon lreasure, as nunlers en-
counlered underground viII le nuch snaIIer.
ALIGNMENT~ shovs lhe generaI lehavior of lhe average
nonsler of lhal lype. Lxceplions, lhough unconnon, nay le
NO. APPEARING~ indicales an average encounler size for a
hone pIane encounler. The DM shouId aIler lhis lo fil lhe cir-
cunslances as lhe need arises. This shouId nol le used for
dungeon encounlers.
ARMOR CLA55~ is lhe generaI proleclion vorn ly hunans
and hunanoids, proleclion due lo physicaI slruclure or nagicaI
nalure, or difficuIly in hilling due lo speed, refIexes, elc. Hu-
nans and hunanoids of roughIy nan-size lhal vear arnor viII
have an unarnored raling in parenlheses. Lisled ACs do nol in-
cIude any speciaI lonuses noled in lhe descriplion.
MOVEMENT~ shovs lhe reIalive speed raling of lhe crealure.
Higher speeds nay le possilIe for shorl periods. Hunan, deni-
hunan, and hunanoid novenenl rales are oflen delernined ly
arnor lype (unarnored rales are given in parenlheses). Move-
nenls in differenl nediuns are allrevialed as foIIovs: II = fIy-
ing, Sv = svinning, Br = lurroving, Wl = noving in a
vel. IIying crealures aIso have a ManeuveraliIily CIass fron A
lo L (refer lo lhe AeriaI Conlal ruIes in lhe Dungccn Mas|crs
Guic, page 77).
HIT DICE~ conlroI lhe nunler of poinls of danage a crealure
can vilhsland lefore leing kiIIed. UnIess olhervise slaled, hil
dice are 8-sided, yieIding 1 lo 8 cunuIalive hil poinls each. The
hil dice are roIIed and lhe nunlers shovn are added lo deler-
nine lhe nonslers hil poinls. Sone nonslers viII have a hil
poinl spread inslead of hil dice, and sone viII have addilionaI
poinls added lo lheir hil dice. Thus, a crealure vilh 4 + 4 hil dice
has 4d8 +4 hil poinls (8-36 lolaI). Nole lhal crealures vilh +3
or nore added lo lheir hil poinls are considered of lhe nexl high-
er hil die for purposes of allack roIIs and saving lhrovs.
THAC0 ~is lhe allack roII lhe nonsler needs lo hil arnor cIass
O. This is aIvays a funclion of hil dice, vilh any exceplions
nenlioned in lhe lexl descriplion of lhe crealure. Hunans and
denihunans aIvays use pIayer characler THACOs, regardIess
of vhelher lhey are pIayer characlers or nonslers. THACOs
do nol incIude any speciaI lonuses noled in lhe descriplions. Hil
prolaliIily lonuses due lo Slrenglh are Iisled in parenlheses
vilh lhe THACO.
NO. OF ATTACK5~ shovs lhe lasic allacks lhe nonsler can
nake in a neIee round, excIuding speciaI allacks. This nunler
nay le nodified ly hils lhal sever nenlers, speIIs such as nas|c
and s|cu, and so forlh. MuIlipIe allacks indicale severaI allack-
ing arns, raking pavs, nuIlipIe heads, elc.
DAMAGE/ATTACK~ shovs lhe anounl of danage a given al-
lack viII cause, expressed as a spread of hil poinls (dice roII
conlinalions). If lhe nonsler uses veapons, lhe danage done
ly lhe lypicaI veapon viII le foIIoved ly lhe parenlhelicaI nole
veapon. Danage lonuses due lo Slrenglh are Iisled as a lonus
foIIoving lhe danage range.
Hnw tn Usc ThIs Bnnk
5PECIAL ATTACK5~ delaiI allack nodes such as dragon
lrealh, nagic use, elc. These are expIained in lhe nonsler de-
5PECIAL DEFEN5E5~ are preciseIy lhal, and are delaiIed in
lhe nonsler descriplion.
MAGIC RE5I5TANCE~ is lhe percenlage chance lhal nagic
casl upon lhe crealure viII faiI lo affecl il, even if olher crealures
nearly are affecled. If lhe nagic penelrales lhis resislance, lhe
crealure is sliII enlilIed lo any nornaI saving lhrovs aIIoved.
5IZE~ is allrevialed as: T = liny (2 laII or Iess),
S = snaIIer lhan a lypicaI hunan (2 + lo 4),
M = nan-sized (4 + lo 7),
L= Iarger lhan nan-sized (7 + lo 12),
H = huge (12 + lo 25), and C = garganluan (25 + ).
MORALE~ is a generaI raling of hov IikeIy lhe nonsler is lo
persevere in lhe face of adversily or arned opposilion. This
guideIine nay le adjusled for individuaI circunslances. MoraIe
ralings correspond lo lhe foIIoving 2-2O range:
2-4 UnreIialIe
5-7 Unsleady
8-1O Average
11-12 Sleady
13-14 LIile
15-16 Chanpion
17-18 Ianalic
19-2O IearIess
XP VALUE ~is lhe nunler of experience poinls avarded for de-
fealing (nol necessariIy kiIIing) lhe nonsler. This vaIue is a
guideIine lhal nay le nodified ly lhe DM for lhe degree of
chaIIenge, encounler silualion, and for overaII canpaign laI-
ance. Ior lhe crealures in lhis appendix, addilionaI experience
poinl avards have leen caIcuIaled on lhe lasis of exlraordinary
speII use, speII-Iike aliIilies, and exceplionaI nagic resislance.
COMBAT~ discusses speciaI conlal aliIilies, arns, arnor, and
Wilh lhe conlal aliIilies are Iisled any speII-Iike aliIilies pe-
cuIiar lo lhe crealure. SpeII-Iike aliIilies are idenlicaI lo lhe ef-
fecls of lhe speII given. Where nol slaled, lhese speII-Iike
aliIilies are casl al 12lh IeveI of nagic use. Since lhe speII-Iike
aliIilies of crealures are nol speIIs, lhey do nol require verlaI,
sonalic, nor naleriaI conponenls, and do nol require concen-
lralion lo nainlain lheir effecls, even in cases vhere lhe speIIs
descriplion says olhervise.
HABITAT/5OCIETY~ oulIines lhe nonslers generaI lehavior,
nalure, sociaI slruclure, and goaIs.
ECOLOGY~ descriles hov lhe nonsler fils inlo lhe canpaign
vorId, gives usefuI producls or lyproducls of lhe crealure, and
presenls olher nisceIIaneous infornalion.
CIose varialions of a nonsler are given in a speciaI seclion
afler lhe nain nonsler enlry. These ninor Iislings can le found
ly consuIling lhe index lo find lhe najor Iisling.
A!phabctIca! Indcx tn Mnnstrnus CnmpcndIum 13
Monsler nanes are Iisled firsl vilh lhe enlry page nanes given
in parenlheses.
BIack CIoud of Vengeance
CaneI of lhe IearI
Cenlaur, Deserl
Copper Aulonalon
DaoIani (Cen)
Deserl CaneI (CaneI)
DjinnIing (Cen)
Dragon, Zakharan (Vishap)
Lfreelikin (Cen)
LIephanl Birds
Cenie, NolIe Djinn
Cenie, NolIe Lfreeli
Cenie, NolIe Dao
Cenie, NolIe Marid
Cenie, Tasked, Archilecl/BuiIder
Cenie, Tasked, Arlisl
Cenie, Tasked, Cuardian
Cenie, Tasked, Herdsnan
Cenie, Tasked, SIayer
Cenie, Tasked, Warnonger
Cenie, Tasked, Winenaker
Cenie DoulIe (Markeen)
Chosl Mounl
ChuI, Creal
Cianl, Deserl
Cianl, }ungIe
Cianl, Reef
King of Birds (Sinurgh)
Living IdoI
Lycanlhrope, Werehyena
Lycanlhrope, WereIion
Maridan (Cen)
Mason Wasp, Cianl
Mounlain caneI (CaneI),
Racing caneI (CaneI)
Salu Lord
Serpenl Lord
Serpenl, Winged
Slone Maiden
War caneI (CaneI)
Ammut MC13
FREQUENCY: Very rare
DIET: Carnivore
INTELLIGENCE: Average (8-1O)
MOVEMENT: 9, Sv 12, Br 3
THAC0: 15
NO. OF ATTACK5: 1or 2
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 2-16 or 1-8/1-8
5PECIAL ATTACK5: SvaIIov vhoIe, roar
5IZE: L (12' Iong)
MORALE: LIile (14)
The Iegendary vilness al lhe judging of lhe dead, lhe annul
consune lhe danned. An annul resenlIes a cross lelveen a
crocodiIe, a Iioness, and a hippopolanus in nannish forn.
They have lhe laiI and scaIy Iegs of lhe crocodiIe, lhe lully
leIIy and lhick neck of a hippo, and lhe sIeek arns and head of a
hunanoid Iioness. They are fal, lIoaled aninaIs, and lhey are
conpIeleIy olIivious lo lheir surroundings vhen feeding on
vicked souIs.
Cnmbat: The annul can allack eilher vilh lheir vicious lile for
2d8 or vilh lvo sels of raking cIavs for 1d8 each. If lhey lile,
lheir gaping javs nay le unhinged, aIIoving lhen lo svaIIov
snaIIer lhan nan-sized crealures on a naluraI roII of 2O. This
process is sIov and requires 1d4 rounds lo conpIele. During lhis
line, lhe crealure leing svaIIoved is sIovIy forced inlo lhe an-
nuls guIIel vilh ils javs and hands. Crealures leing svaIIoved
nay allack lo infIicl doulIe danage al a -4 penaIly lo hil vilh
snaII, lhrusling veapons such as knives or daggers.
In addilion lo lheir physicaI allacks, annul can roar deafen-
ingIy once per lurn. AII crealures vilhin 2O' nusl nake a saving
lhrov vs. poison or le deafened for 1d1O rounds. The annul
can underlake no olher aclion during lhe round il roars.
Annul are equaIIy al hone fighling on Iand or in valer and
suffer no penaIlies lo allacks vhen undervaler. Their acule
senses of sneII and hearing aIIov lhen lo allack nornaIIy in lhe
dark as veII, lul lhey nusl nake a noraIe check and suffer a
- 2 allack roII penaIly vhen exposed lo sunIighl or olher lrighl
Iighl. A ccn|inua| |ign| speII is irrilaling lo lhen, lul viII nol
force a noraIe check. Hovever, lhey do allack al -1 lo hil
vhen in lhe speIIs area of effecl.
Annul can see and allack crealures on lhe LlhereaI IIane,
usuaIIy hana and olher spirils on lheir vay lo lhe aflerIife.
They can delecl eviI al viII.
HabItat/5ncIcty: The annul are a recIusive race and generaIIy
avoid aII Iiving crealures. They sellIe in caverns, fissures, and
lunneIs under deserl oases and near underground rivers. In ad-
dilion, lhey oflen congregale in or near eviI cilies and necropoIi
vhere lhe spirils lhey pursue are connon. They are Iazy and
gIullonous crealures, aIvays viIIing lo gorge lhenseIves. When
nol feeding, lhey oflen dig lunneIs, undervaler grollos, and
passages inlo lonls and luriaI grounds.
IenaIes are lhe heredilary ruIers anong lhe annul, and lheir
vord is usuaIIy oleyed, if sonevhal grudgingIy. RuIership is as
nuch a funclion of size and slrenglh as visdon and cunning,
revoIls and pover slruggIes over rich feeding grounds are con-
non, lhough lhey are kepl hidden underground. IenaIes gener-
aIIy force naIe annul lo do nosl of lhe lurroving for nev
hunling grounds and lreeding siles, as lhey are loo Iazy lo do il
The roaring of lhe annul can le heard for niIes under-
ground, giving rise lo Iegends of angry earlh spirils and passage-
vays lo lhe Iand of lhe dead in hunan sellIenenls near lhe
annuls Iairs. The annul roar vhen naling or vhen slaking
oul lerrilory as veII as in conlal, so lheir noises can le heard
even under nornaI circunslances. They seen lo enjoy lheir
aliIily lo nake noise, and sonelines roar jusl for lhe joy of il.
Iev underground crealures hunl lhe annul, as lheir fIesh is oiIy
and has lhe lainl of decay aloul il.
The annul have Iived underground since ancienl lines and
cannol sland lhe sun, lhough lhey do infrequenlIy cone lo lhe
surface ly nighl.
Ecn!ngy: Annul eal lhe spirils of lhe eviI and lhe danned. The
spiril forn or hana of vicked peopIe is aIvays eilher a veak
fIier Iike a roosler or parrol or enlireIy unalIe lo fIy, Iike an enu
or a lird vilh cIipped fealhers. Annul can eal naleriaI crea-
lures, lul lhey gain no nourishnenl fron lhen and lend lo sin-
pIy pIay vilh lheir kiIIs, vorrying al lhen and lossing lhen
lack and forlh unliI sone olher underground scavenger nan-
ages lo carry lhen off. Hovever, lhey viII kiII eviI nen lo pro-
vide lhenseIves vilh food.
1992 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
AshIra MC13
Doneslicaled lrees
Average (8-1O)
Chaolic Cood
THAC0: 17
5PECIAL DEFEN5E5: MeId vilh lree
Average (8)
The ashira are lree spirils lhal Iive in doneslicaled lrees such as
dale and coconul paIns, and lanana, orange, Ienon, pIun, fig,
and ponegranale lrees. They are a joyous and Iighlhearled
group of faerie crealures nalive lo lhe Iands of Zakhara, referred
lo as cIose friends ly lhe hunans vho lend lheir lrees. They
can sonelines le heard singing and dancing vhen lheir lrees are
passed al nighl.
An ashira has unnaluraIIy lhin Iinls and viId, curIy lIack
hair. By day lhey are fidgely, aInosl incapalIe of slanding sliII,
conslanlIy svaying in a lreeze, shifling lheir arns and viggIing
lheir fingers. Their hair sonelines noves ly ilseIf, curIing firsl
one vay and lhen anolher. By nighl lhey are quieler, svaying
sIovIy, eyes IislIess. In lhe lIooning and fruiling seasons lheir
dress generaIIy inproves fron rags and scraps of cIolh lo con-
pIicaled voven garnenls of Ieaves, fIovers, and vines.
Cnmbat: Ashira alhor aII forns of vioIence and aIvays fIee
fron conlal unIess lheir hone lrees are lhrealened. In defense
of lheir orchard lhey can grov fierce, even lIoodlhirsly. Sone
cIain lhal lhe ashira once denanded yearIy lIood sacrifices lo
nourish lheir lounlifuI lrees, lul lheir presenl peacefuI nalure
seens lo leIie lhis laIe.
They can casl cnarn pcrscn cr nanna| al viII and frequenl-
Iy do so lo avoid conlal. In generaI, lhough, lhey prefer lo vin
lhe lrusl and friendship of olhers vilhoul lhe use of nagic.
UnIike dryads, ashira are nol Iinked lo a specific lree. Inslead,
lhey are connecled lo a vhoIe orchard or sland of lrees under
lhe proleclion of a singIe carelaker. If lhe orchard is lhrealened,
aII lhe ashira respond. If lhey nusl fIee, lhey can enler and exil
any lree in lhe orchard, lhey are nol reslricled lo a hone lree.
This aliIily funclions as eilher a pass p|an| or p|an| ccr speII,
casl al lhe 8lh IeveI of aliIily.
If lrapped avay fron ils orchard or if ils feIIovs are lhreal-
ened, an ashira can slrike vilh ils lhorny hands and naiIs for 1d6
poinls of danage per allack. Lven so, an ashira viII never deIiv-
er a kiIIing lIov lo a vounded or unconscious opponenl, prefer-
ring lo nurse hin lack lo heaIlh and reIease hin far avay fron
lhe orchard.
HabItat/5ncIcty: Ashira are very cIannish and cannol Iive aIone
vilhoul leconing norose and noody. They are aInosl aIvays
in conlacl vilh one anolher vhen lhey are nel, hoIding hands,
veaving lheir curIs inlo ragged lraids, dressing one anolher,
nassaging each olhers hurls, and dancing and singing cIose lo-
gelher. AII of lhen nake decisions logelher, arguing and voling
unliI lhey aII agree (or unliI lhe najorily nanage lo lrovleal
lhe renainder inlo accepling a course of aclion).
The orchard ilseIf is onIy haIf lhe donain of lhe ashira, lhey
aIso Iive in a separale faerie reaIn vilhin lhe lrees. This lhey
Ieave onIy on rare occasions, such as days of irresislilIe sofl
lreezes and sunshine, vhen no hunans are in lhe orchard.
Ecn!ngy: The ashira can Iive on lhe sap and fruil lhal lheir or-
chard provides, lul nore oflen lhey sinpIy soak up sunIighl
during lhe day and converl lhe Iighl lo food ly nighl, lhus giv-
ing lheir orchard a fainl, eerie gIov fron lhe nagicaIIy slored
sunIighl. This Iighl is so din lhal il can onIy le seen on noon-
Iess nighls, lul il adds veighl lo lhe laIes of orchards haunled
ly faerie foIk.
The ashira are dependenl on hunans for care, proleclion, and
usuaIIy for lhe propagalion of lhe lrees lhe crealures use for
nourishnenl. They forn cIose allachnenls lo lhe horlicuIlurisls
lhey neel, oflen pIying lhen vilh song and dance al harvesl
line and even perforning favors for lhen, such as valching
over lheir chiIdren and Iiveslock. They are friendIy vilh vinged
serpenls as veII. They are friendIy vilh aII olher crealures oflen
found in orchards, especiaIIy lhe lirds, hive insecls, and non-
keys. They enjoy keeping pels, sonelines Iodging lhen in lhe
lranches of lheir lrees and caring for lhen as a group.
Asuras MC13
FREQUENCY: Very rare
Iosilive naleriaI
Cenius (17-18)
Chaolic good
1(2-2OO on hone pIane)
12 II 33 (A)
THAC0: 13
Iiery eyes
SpeII innunilies
MORALE: IearIess (19)
These good spirils are lhe shining nessengers of lhe gods, sini-
Iar lo lhe devas as veII as lheir grealesl rivaIs. They are Iuni-
nous figures, shining leacons of good ly day and nighl. They
oflen appear on lhe Irine MaleriaI IIane lo guide oracIes, nys-
lics, and lhe failhfuI. They never sIeep.
Asuras are roughIy hunan, vilh fIal-vhile skin (Iike narlIe),
aInosl painfuIIy sharp fealures, and enornous red vings of rip-
pIing, roaring fire. Their hair is red, coppery or goIden, and
lheir lrighl eyes shine Iike reddish slars. They have cIaved feel
Iike eagIes, and naIes oflen vear lronze heIns decoraled vilh a
fealhered cresl. Bolh naIes and fenaIes vear Ioose logas.
Cnmbat: Asuras are prinariIy nessengers and heraIds, nol
fighlers, lul lhe nessages lhey are asked lo deIiver have oflen
leen nessages of vralh and dispIeasure, so lheir skiIIs al con-
lal have leen honed ly cenluries of praclice. They allack vilh
lheir ruly-sharp cIavs for 1d1O poinls of danage each and vilh
lheir scinilars or greal spears for 1d8 danage poinls. They pre-
fer lo renain airlorne vhiIe allacking and onIy rareIy venlure
inlo luiIdings or underground. They nay spIil lheir allacks le-
lveen lvo opponenls, one engaged vilh lheir cIavs, lhe olher
vilh lheir veapon.
Asuras are anong lhe visesl crealures of lhe ouler pIanes,
vilh a lypicaI Wisdon of 21. This insighl gives lhen innunily
lo cnarn, ccnnan, fcar, fcrgc|, fricns, nc| pcrscn, nqpnc-
|isn, raq cf cnfcco|cncn|, and scarc speIIs, as veII as conpIele
innunily lo aII iIIusions. Their fiery eyes aIIov lhen lo gaze
vilh lhe sane effecl as a firc |ru|n speII (lheir eyes din vhen Iies
are loId), and lheir vision aIIovs lhen lo slare vilh lhe sane
effecl as |ruc sccing lhree lines per day. (The resuIls of lhis sighl
Iead lhen lo a sonevhal skeplicaI viev of Irine MaleriaI crea-
lures). They have aII lhe speII aliIilies of 9lh-IeveI priesls and
receive aII lhe speII lenefils of lheir high Wisdon.
When allacking fron lhe air in a group of lhree or nore, lhe
asuras nay creale a poverfuI lurning vind vilh lheir vings.
This vind causes 2d1O danage poinls lo eviI crealures and none
lo good or neulraI crealures, lul il onIy Iasls for lhe round of
lheir aeriaI charge. n lheir hone pIanes, lroops of asuras gen-
eraIIy carry fiery spears and scinilars, and hosls of lhen use
lrunpels for signaIing. The sound of lhese lrunpels echoes for
niIes and is capalIe of pulling eviI hordes lo fIighl lefore a sin-
gIe lIov is slruck.
When an asuras vishes lo renain inconspicuous, il can pc|q-
ncrpn sc|f as oflen as lvice per day lo appear as a hunan or
denihunan. In lhis forn asuras are sliII capalIe fighlers, lul
lhey reIy prinariIy on lheir speII-casling aliIilies. They renain
allraclive regardIess of lheir apparenl age or race.
HabItat/5ncIcty: n lheir hone pIanes, lhe asuras are organized
inlo voIunleer Iegions, lrigades, and cohorls Ied ly charisnalic
Ieaders. Though aII lhe nenlers of such hosls are expecled lo
oley lheir Ieaders alsoIuleIy, lhey are free lo Ieave one unil and
join anolher al any line. Their service is freeIy rendered and
freeIy accepled.
The Ieaders of a hosl have doulIe Hil Dice and naxinun hil
poinls. They have a visdon of 22, vilh corresponding speII in-
nunilies. The generaI of aII asuras is a radianl, handsone, and
vise figure naned AlsaIon. His ceIesliaI Iegion nunlers in lhe
lhousands and operales excIusiveIy in lhe ouler pIanes. Hov-
ever, AlsaIon is nereIy a poverfuI servanl of good, nol a god,
and he cannol granl speIIs.
Asuras vho are nol nenlers of a Iegion oflen vander lhe
vorId for a line, seeking lo righl vrongs and shov olhers lhe
palh of good lehavior lhrough lheir ovn exanpIe. They are aI-
so frequenlIy allracled lo pious hunans, and lhere have leen
inslances of chiIdren falhered fron such unions. Though lhey
are lorn vilhoul lheir parenls fiery vings, lhese chiIdren oflen
grov up lo lecone Iearned nyslics and hoIy nen or poverfuI
and devoul varriors. Sone fev lecone hoIy sIayers. Their eyes
aIvays appear lo le unnaluraIIy lrighl, indeed, sone of lhen
have lhe gifl of leing alIe lo c|cc| |ics lhree lines per day as
per lhe firc |ru|n speII. (Such individuaIs are never ICs.)
Ecn!ngy: Asuras are crealures of lhe ouler pIanes, and as such
lake no direcl parl in lhe ecoIogy of lhe Burning WorId of
Zakhara. They feed on energies fron lhe Iosilive MaleriaI
Asuras occasionaIIy cooperale vilh lhe djinn againsl lhe
efreel, lul in generaI lhey avoid such enlangIenenls, preferring
lo vork on lheir ovn lasks according lo lheir ovn linelalIes.
1992 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
B!ack C!nud nf Vcngcancc
Very Rare
LxceplionaI (15-16)
Chaolic LviI or NeulraI
- 3
THAC0: 15 HD: 7
16-2O HD: 5
16-17 HD:4-4O/5-5O
18-19 HD:5-5O/6-6O
2O HD: 6-6O/7-7O
Iiery rain, vind
+3 or leller veapon lo hil,
lolaIIy resislanl lo fire nagic
C (Slorn-sized)
IearIess (19)
15 HD:15,OOO
16 HD:16,OOO
17 HD: 17,OOO
18 HD: 18,OOO
19 HD: 19,OOO
These dreadfuI crealures are leIieved lo le lhe crealions of lhose
vho lroke lhe Lavs of lhe Loregiver in lhe earIy days of lhe
vorId. AIlhough lhey are exlraordinariIy rare, no cuIlure in lhe
Land of Iale is vilhoul laIes of lhe BIack CIouds, giving lesla-
nenl lo lheir devaslaling pover. Many leIieve lhal lhere is onIy
one cIoud, aIlhough lhe Iearned sages nainlain lhal lhere are, in
facl, severaI.
The BIack CIouds are incredilIy poverfuI nonsoonIike le-
ings. They appear lo le senlienl lhundercIouds, noving con-
lrary lo lhe course diclaled ly lhe vind if il suils lhen. Their
roiIing deplhs do IillIe lo conceaI lhe occasionaI fIares of lrighl
red Iighlning, lhe vinds lhal precede lheir coning echo vilh
lhunder. Their vinds carry parlicIes of sool and ash, darkening
lhe ground and lhe air as lhey approach.
As a BIack CIoud dravs near, lhe vinds increase lheir fury,
lIoving nol onIy ashes lul aIso lhe sand lhal Iay lefore and
lenealh lhe cIoud in ils previous palhs. The sound and fury al
lhis poinl are rivaIed onIy ly lhe fiercesl sandslorns of lhe des-
erl. If a cIoud approaches lhis cIoseIy, lhe lesl anyone can hope
for is lhal il viII veer avay fron ils course. lhervise, lhere is
IillIe or no hope of survivaI.
Cnmbat: AII knov vhen a BIack CIoud dravs near, for lhe vind
increases ils speed, lIoving hol and hard. The sky darkens, and
lhe vinds sneII of fire and deslruclion.
When il reaches ils largel or vhen il is chaIIenged ly a fooI-
hardy hero, il unIeashes ils fuII fury. (The vind and fire lhal
preceded ils approach are din ly conparison.) The vinds reach
a hovIing pilch, slrong enough lo IeveI enlire luiIdings. As indi-
viduaI cIouds grov slronger and ligger, lheir vind lecones ev-
er fiercer, causing up lo 6d1O poinls of danage.
More deadIy lhan lhe vinds are lhe fiery lorrenls lhal lhe
cIouds carry. WhiIe lhe vinds are innedialeIy deslruclive, lhe
vind does nol spread Iike lhe fIanes. Lven afler lhe cIoud has
noved on, ils fires fan up and conlinue lo lurn, vhipped up and
carried ly lhe cIoud's vinds. Those lrapped vilhin lhe lIaze suf-
fer up lo 7d1O poinls of danage, aIlhough a successfuI save vs.
lrealh veapon haIves lhis danage.
HabItat/5ncIcty: The BIack CIoud conlines lhe eIenenls of fire
and air lo devaslaling effecl. Their origin is unknovn. They
have exisled since lhe earIiesl nenories of eIven grandfalhers.
Sone cIain lhal lhe cIouds are lhe resuIl of poverfuI nagicks
unIeashed in lhe earIy days of lhe vorId, lefore nen knev of
lhe leneficence of lhe Loregiver. lhers slale lhal lhey are senl
ly Iale lo punish lhose vho vouId dare lo lreak her Iavs.
NearIy nolhing is knovn aloul hov lhe BIack CIouds of
Vengeance Iead lheir Iives. Indeed, aIlhough lhey are knovn lo
le senlienl leings, none knov (or, al Ieasl, none viII say)
vhelher lhese leings are even aIive. They nighl le lhe looIs of
lhe Loregiver, punishing lhose vho faII fron lhe Lav, or lhey
nay sinpIy le free spirils, noving vhere lheir vhins lake
Ecn!ngy: The BIack CIouds of Vengeance survive ly acls of de-
slruclion. They nosl connonIy allack cilies or Iarge deserl en-
canpnenls, Ieaving lehind onIy charred husks and vindlIovn
scraps. Sone cIouds are Iarge enough lo enveIop enlire cilies,
aIlhough lhey never approach cilies favored ly lhe enIighlened
gods (i.e., cilies vilh nosques) or cilies frequenled ly genies.
n lhe olher hand, lhey sonehov seen lo knov vhen a cily is
devoid of gods or genies, and lhey reveI in lhe deslruclion lhal
ensues. Ierhaps lhe cIouds fear lhe povers lhal lhe gods and lhe
genies vieId. Whalever lhe reason, lhe cIouds encourage pious-
ness in lhe peopIe of Zakhara.
Buraq MC13
Very rare
Herd or soIilary
High (13-14)
NeulraI good
27, II 27 (C)
5PECIAL DEFEN5E5: Tine slop
MORALE: LIile (14)
The luraq are lhe horses of heaven, conpanions lo princes and
suIlans of virlue and lhe saviors of nany hoIy varriors. They
choose lheir conpanions and caII no rider nasler.
The luraq are dappIed grey and vhile horses vilh lhe face of
a vise and poverfuI nan. Larger lhan an ass and snaIIer lhan a
nuIe, lheir coals shine vilh a rich Iusler, even ly nighl, lhal
signaIs lheir vilranl heaIlh and slrenglh. The luraqs dappIed
coal grovs nore lrighlIy coIored on ils hindquarlers, vilh
speckIes of green, lIue, lrovn, and lIack. Ils laiI is a Iong fan of
red, green, goId, and lIue, vilh eyes Iike a peacock's laiI. Ils
siIver hooves never need lo le shod, and lhey slrike lhe ground
in conpIele siIence, even al a fuII gaIIop.
Cnmbat: AIlhough lhe luraq can serve as a varhorse, il rareIy
lakes any pIeasure in such service. When il does serve in lallIe,
il avoids lhe fray and prefers ils nasler lake a posilion of Ieader-
ship vilhoul gelling enlangIed in lhe neIee. If necessary, il can
slrike vilh ils hooves for 1d6 poinls of danage each or lile for
2d6 poinls. A foe hil ly lolh hooves is aulonalicaIIy knocked
dovn and lranpIed for an addilionaI 2d6 poinls of danage per
round unliI he spends a conpIele round gelling oul fron under
lhe luraqs hooves.
As a lraveIer, lhe luraq exceIs. Il can gaIIop lhrough lhe air al
lhe sane speed as on ground, lhough il requires a running slarl
of al Ieasl lhree rounds lefore il Iaunches ilseIf inlo lhe air. A
luraq cannol slop noving once il is airlorne. A lrip of any
Ienglh can seen inslanlaneous lo a luraqs rider, lecause, if lhe
luraq viIIs il, a |inc s|cp is in effecl on ils lack. A luraq can
use lhis aliIily lo preserve lhe Iife of a norlaIIy vounded, poi-
soned, or slarving rider unliI il can reach heIp. Sone riders have
crossed greal dislances lhis vay and Iived Iives lhal seened
nuch Ionger lhan lhose of connon foIk.
A luraq can spca| ui|n anina|s al viII and has lhe aliIily lo
conprehend Ianguages lhree lines per day.
HabItat/5ncIcty: The luraq is a friend lo lhe failhfuI and lhe de-
serving, lul lefore il viII consenl lo lake a rider, lhe rider nusl
gain ils lrusl. This nay eilher le done lhrough a Iifeline of good
deeds, cIose personaI allenlion lo lhe luraq (currying, conling,
lraiding ils nane), sharing of fresh fruil and sveels, lravery
and generosily, and a viIIingness lo sacrifice lhe riders goaIs
and desires lo fuIfiII lhe needs of olhers. The polenliaI rider
nusl shov nercy and respecl for each person vhiIe laIancing
his nercy vilh respecl for lhe Iav and aII lhe harsh juslice il
sonelines denands. Iev neel lhe luraqs slandards, and even
a singIe faiIure is enough lo drive il avay, never lo relurn.
A luraq aIvays denands ils naslers care and devolion in re-
lurn for ils service. In relurn, il offers good advice and counseI,
and il viII serve fearIessIy in lhe face of danger.
The luraq can lraveI across any lerrain unerringIy ly day or
nighl, il never gels Iosl lecause of ils aliIily lo navigale ly lhe
sun and ly lhe slars. AIlhough il can cross slrails and narrov
channeIs, il cannol cross oceans lecause il nusl resl on Iand
every nighl.
Herds of luraq are said lo run free al lhe edge of lhe vorId
and in lhe green fieIds of LIysiun, lhe Tvin Iaradises, lhe Hap-
py Hunling Crounds, Iynpus, and lhe Seven Heavens.
Ecn!ngy: The luraq has lhe usuaI needs of a fine horse, lul il
can survive vilhoul any physicaI nourishnenl al aII. Il lhrives
on lhe care and allenlion invoIved in feeding and grooning,
ralher lhan lhe food ilseIf, lhe luraq can IileraIIy eal good inlen-
lions. Thus, il couId le veII nainlained ly a lig-hearled leggar
and il couId vilher avay in lhe care of a dislanl, proud suIlan.
The fealhers of a luraqs laiI are vaIualIe in lhe crealion of
scroIIs, especiaIIy scrc||s cf prc|cc|icn and cIericaI scroIIs deaI-
ing vilh curalive and proleclive nagics. A luraq nay occasion-
aIIy visil a renovned or parlicuIarIy pious congregalion of lhe
failhfuI or lhe hoveI of a nyslic and Ieave a singIe fealher lehind
as a sign of lhe gods favor. Conlined vilh inks nade fron pre-
cious slones and goId dusl, lhis fealher nay le used lo inscrile
eilher a singIe scrc|| cf prc|cc|icn or a scroII of up lo 14 speII
IeveIs in any conlinalion (lvo 7lh-IeveI speIIs, lvo 5lh-IeveI
and one 4lh-IeveI, and so on).
1992 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Dcscrt MnuntaIn RacIng War
Any Iand Any Iand Any Iand Any Iand
Connon Connon Connon Connon
Herd Herd Herd Herd
DIET: Herlivore Herlivore Herlivore Herlivore
INTELLIGENCE: AninaI lo Seni (1-4) AninaI lo Seni (1-4) AninaI lo Seni (1-4) AninaI lo Seni (1-4)
NO. APPEARING: 1-12 1-12 1-6 1-12
ARMOR CLA55: 7 7 7 7
MOVEMENT: 21 21 24 21
HIT DICE: 3 3 2+2 3+3
THAC0: 17
5PECIAL ATTACK5: Spilling, lranpIe
5IZE: L (8' laII)
MORALE: Sleady (12)
17 19 16
1 1 3
1-4 1-4 1-4/1-6/1-6
Spilling, lranpIe Spilling, lranpIe Spilling, lranpIe
L (8 laII) L (8 laII) L (8 laII)
Sleady (12) UnreIialIe (3) LIile (13)
CaneIs are lhe ships of lhe deserl, and lhey carry a IifeIine of
lrade and connerce in lhe caravans crossing lhe sands fron cily
lo cily. CaneIs can vilhsland lhe rigors of deserl lerrain veII
lul require carefuI, experienced handIing. A caneIs hunps aI-
Iov il lo go vilhoul food or valer for up lo lvo veeks.
CaneIs are laII, spindIy nounls, vilh padded feel and avk-
vard saddIes perched lefore lheir hunps. Their fur varies fron
vhile lo paIe lan lo deep lrovn and fron shorl, deserl hair lo
shaggy nounlain caneI fur. The rarer vhile caneIs lring 2-5
lines lhe usuaI price, as lhey are considered Iucky. Deserl, rac-
ing, and var caneIs are aII of lhe one-hunp variely, nounlain
caneIs have lvo hunps.
Cnmbat: Nasly-lenpered caneIs have a 5O chance of spilling
al persons allenpling lo ride lhen or use lhen as pack aninaIs.
The viclin of a spil allack has a 25 chance of leing lIinded
for 1-3 rounds.
If frighlened, lhere is a 25 chance lhal a herd of caneIs viII
slanpede. If a herd slanpedes, roII 2d4 for each crealure in lhe
palh of lhe slanpede vho does nol lake cover (such as ly hiding
in a lree or lehind a rock piIe or vaII). This is lhe nunler of
caneIs lranpIing lhe exposed crealure. TranpIing causes 1-4
poinls of danage per caneI. TranpIed opponenls cannol regain
lheir feel unliI lhe slanpede passes.
HabItat/5ncIcty: Breeding caneIs of aII lypes are especiaIIy vaI-
ued. CaneIs lear onIy a singIe offspring each year, and slrong
and veII-lenpered aninaIs are panpered lo produce as nany as
possilIe lefore lheir lreeding days are done.
Like horses, caneIs can have grades of quaIily as descriled in
lhe DMG, page 36.
Ecn!ngy: CaneIs eal grass, grains, and shrullery. They can
carry heavy Ioads for Iong periods of line. The foIIoving charl
shovs lhe caneIs carrying capacily in goId pieces under various
Ioads. CaneIs are Ioaded vhiIe kneeIing, and lhey oflen refuse
lo gel up under nore lhan lheir encunlered Ioad.
75 95
Encumbcrcd Encumbcrcd
4OO 52O
38O 5OO
28O 34O
War Camc!
SuilalIe for nosl lypes of varfare, lhese aninaIs are lrained nol
lo shy avay fron lIood and nayhen. They allack vilh lheir
lile (1d4) and vilh lheir hooves, vhich cause 1-6 poinls of dan-
age each. If successfuI, lhe hoof allacks force lhe opponenl lo
renain prone. War caneIs are usuaIIy cuIIed fron lhe slrongesl
nenlers of a group of deserl caneIs and lhen lrained inlensive-
Iy for severaI years. In sone cases, hovever, lhey are lred ex-
cIusiveIy fron relired var caneIs, lhus inproving lhe Iine.
Dcscrt Camc!
Wilh lheir vide, padded feel and fal-rich, valery hunps, deserl
caneIs are ideaI nounls for lraveIing lhrough lhe vasles. They
are sIov lul sleady aninaIs, capalIe of laking heavy Ioads
lhrough difficuIl cIinales and lerrain. They svay nore and
have a Ionger, nore roIIing gail lhan horses.
MnuntaIn Camc!
Mounlain caneIs are connon in lhe hiIIs and nounlains vhere
lhey serve as pack aninaIs. They are nol usefuI in lhe deserl.
RacIng Camc!
Bred for speed ralher lhan lenperanenl, racing caneIs are lhe
nosl expensive and Ieasl IikalIe caneIs. They are aggressive
and spil oflen, even al lheir lrainers and riders. Their snaII
hooves and Iong, lhin Iegs give lhen incredilIe speed, lul lhey
are usuaIIy lrained lo accepl onIy a very Iiniled sel of riders. A
good racing caneI cosls al Ieasl lvice as nuch as a var caneI,
and nay cosl nuch nore.
Camc! nf thc Pcar! MC13
High (13-14)
LavfuI good
NO. APPEARING: 1 (2-12)
THAC0: 15
C (3O laII)
LIile (14)
CaneIs of lhe pearI are said lo have leen carved fron a singIe
greal pearI ly }isan of lhe fIoods al lhe davn of lhe vorId, and
lhey have served lhe cause of good and righleousness ever since.
Their deep, enornous eyes refIecl lolh lheir lranquiIily and
lheir greal pover.
CaneIs of lhe pearI are giganlic, posiliveIy eIephanline ani-
naIs vilh vhile fur, pearIy eyes, and greal pover. They speak
as hunans do, and knov lhe Ianguage of gianls, genies, and
olhers as veII. They generaIIy kneeI vhen speaking lo snaIIer
crealures, so as nol lo inlinidale lhen vilh lheir size. CaneIs of
lhe pearI vho have decided lo serve as sleeds are oflen filled
vilh rich lridIes, saddIes, and lrappings of siIk, siIver, sanile,
lronze, and carefuIIy-giIded Iealher. Sonehov, lhough, even
lhe richesl gear onIy nakes a caneI of lhe pearI seen nore hun-
Ecn!ngy: CaneIs of lhe pearI are onnivores, ealing insecls,
vhoIe pIanls, grain, prepared foods, and even fish. They have a
definile sveel loolh and can sonelines le persuaded lo slay in
an area Ionger lhan lhey nighl olhervise if lhey are pIied vilh
sugar, honey, dale vine, nead, confeclions, or sveel fruil. They
can lraveI vilhoul food or valer for up lo a nonlh.
Cnmbat: CaneIs of lhe pearI are poverfuI heaIers and leachers.
They have aII lhe speII aliIilies of a 7lh-IeveI cIeric vilh a 17
Wisdon. In addilion, lhey can curc iscasc or ncu|ra|izc pciscn
al viII ly Iicking lhe face of an affIicled person. Three lines per
day lhey can crca|c fcc an ua|cr lo feed lhe hungry or lhe
CaneIs of lhe pearI can lIighl lhe venlures of lhose vho
aluse lheir slalion or responsiliIilies, generaIIy ly leaching olh-
ers lo resisl and lo denand fair lrealnenl. They can aIso creale
fooIs goId lo lrile eviI crealures vilh or lo luy lhen off.
CaneIs of lhe pearI do nol spil, lul if severeIy provoked lhey
can fighl as veII as var caneIs. They can lile for 1-8 poinls of
danage and lranpIe for 2d6. A successfuI lranpIing allack
forces lhe opponenl lo renain prone, giving lhe caneI an addi-
lionaI +4 lo hil on fulure lranpIing allacks. If a caneI of lhe
pearI nisses a lranpIing allack, ils foe nay regain ils feel if il
underlakes no olher aclion lhal round.
A caneI of lhe pearI nay lecone invisilIe al viII.
HabItat/5ncIcty: CaneIs of lhe pearI seek oul peopIe and pIaces
vhere lhey can le of service. They are gIad lo shouIder lurdens,
lul lhey aIso insisl lhal lhose lhey heIp heIp lhenseIves. They
oflen serve nolIe djinn and sone deserl gianls as sleeds and
synloIs of aulhorily.
CaneIs of lhe pearI nosl enjoy lhe conpany of olher IavfuI
good leings, lul lhey are aIso viIIing lo lry lo converl olhers
lhrough lheir good exanpIe. They frequenlIy ninisler lo lhose
vho vouId expIoil lhen, lul caneIs of lhe pearI are vise
enough lo see lhrough lhese allenpls and Ieave any silualion
vhere lheir good vorks are lvisled lo seIfish ends.
Thc WhItc MIragc
There are Iegends of lhe grealesl caneI of lhe pearI, a leasl cre-
aled lo serve lhe gods as lheir sleed, carved fron lhe hearl of lhe
pearI lhal gave lirlh lo aII such caneIs. This aninaI is said lo le
near innorlaI, sliII roaning lhe vorId lhousands of years afler
ils lirlh, providing for lhe needy and caIIing dovn curses on
lhose vho harn il or lhose vho oppose lhe viII of lhe Loregiver.
The While Mirage is nosl connonIy encounlered in lhe deep
deserl ly slranded or dying lraveIers, nosl of vhon cIain lhal
il Ied lhen lo an oasis and heaIed lhen lefore Ieaving lhen on a
caravan roule lo le picked up ly passing nerchanls.
Il has aII lhe aliIilies of lhe Iesser caneIs of lhe pearI as veII as
lhe speII aliIilies of a 2Olh-IeveI priesl. Il appears onIy lo lrav-
eIers vho are lolh good and induslrious, pious sIuggards do nol
gain ils synpalhy, nor do hard-vorking cheals. Those vho are
lolh Iazy and naIicious viII onIy regrel neeling lhe While Mi-
rage, il nay curse lhen vilh poverly, larrenness, lhe allenlions
of genies, lhe eviI eye, or rapid aging and decIine. The curses
visiled on such nisguided souIs generaIIy nirror lhe sufferings
lhey have visiled on olhers. In rare cases, lhey are given varn-
ings of vhal viII cone if lhey donl change lheir vays.
1992 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Ccntaur, Dcscrt MC13
CLIMATE/TERRAIN: SullropicaI/deserl, grassIands
DIET: nnivore
INTELLIGENCE: Lov lo Average (5-1O)
TREA5URE: M Q, (D, I, T)
ALIGNMENT: NeulraI or chaolic good
NO. APPEARING: 1-8(7O) or 4-32(3O)
THAC0: 17
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1-4/1-4 and veapon
5PECIAL ATTACK5: MissiIe veapons
5IZE: M (6' laII)
MORALE: LIile (13-14)
Deserl cenlaur Ieader: 175
Deserl cenlaur priesl: 27O
Deserl cenlaurs are lhe uIlinale fusion of nounl and nonadic
lrilesnan~lough, sIin, fasl and sleaIlhy nighlline raiders vho
sIip inlo enenies canps and lhen deparl Iike shadovs lefore lhe
davn. They are as recIusive as lheir syIvan cousins, lul jusl as
defensive of lhe Iands lhey cIain as lheir ovn.
SnaIIer lhan a syIvan cenlaur, lhey have larreI-Iike chesls
(Iike ponies) and lhe Iong, lhin Iegs of an anleIope. The naIes
generaIIy grov Iong leards vhich lhey eIaloraleIy curI and oiI
inlo perfecl forn. The fenaIes vear lhe veiI, lul lake fev olher
cares aloul lheir appearance. When lraveIing lhey carry lheir
goods in packs or drag lhen aIong in Iillers.
Cnmbat: Deserl cenlaurs are aIvays arned, haIf of lhen vilh
Iighl Iances, lhe olher haIf vilh shorl conposile lovs and scini-
lars. In neIee lhey nake lhree allacks each round, lvo vilh
lheir sharp hooves for 1-4 poinls of danage each and one slrike
vilh a hand veapon.
Deserl cenlaurs are vary and prefer lo slrike fron a dislance
vhenever possilIe. They are greal al riding forvard fron an-
lush lo fire nissiIes and lhen neIling inlo lhe sands, onIy lo
relurn Ialer and slrike again. They are viIIing lo slrike again
and again over a period of hours or even days lo lring dovn
lheir prey and lheir foes. When lhe finaI assauIl cones il is pre-
ceded ly a haiI of arrovs and foIIoved up vilh a fuII charge of
HabItat/5ncIcty: Deserl cenlaurs are nosl aclive ly nighl. Their
reIaliveIy Iarge lodies and rapid novenenl nake il easy for
lhen lo overheal and suffer sunslroke vhen carrying heavy
Ioads, and lhus lhey prefer lhe cooIer nighlline lenperalures.
In addilion, lheir exceIIenl nighl vision puls lhen al an advan-
lage reIalive lo olher deserl dveIIers, lhey suffer onIy a -1 al-
lack penaIly in darkness, even vilh nissiIe veapons. They can
see cIearIy up lo 2OO yards under noonIil condilions.
The lerrilory of a lrile of deserl cenlaurs generaIIy exlends
across hundreds of niIes, and lhey are gIad lo sleaI callIe, can-
eIs, or goals lhey cone across, as lhey consider doneslicalion of
aninaIs a crine. ddIy, lhey see no conlradiclion in lhe facl
lhal lhey usuaIIy innedialeIy lulcher and eal lhe aninaIs lhey
free fron lheir ovners.
Lach lrile has a priesless vho funclions as a valerfinder and
reader of oracIes. She has lhe aliIilies of a 3rd- lo 5lh-IeveI ka-
hin. The priesless ruIes in aII nallers of juslice anong lrile
nenlers and in aII nallers of dipIonacy vilh olher deserl
dveIIers. She usuaIIy speaks severaI Ianguages olher lhan her
ovn, such as lhe gianlish lrade longue, lhe Ianguages of nearly
hunans, and sonelines even lhe Ianguages of lhe delli or lhe
Raiding and hunling parlies of deserl cenlaurs are Ied ly ex-
perienced lrackers vho have 4 HD lul are olhervise idenlicaI lo
lheir foIIovers. They lrack as rangers. These Ieaders nake lhe
finaI decisions as lo vhere lhe lrile roans and vhere il raids.
Sone deserl cenlaurs serve as caravaneers or caravan guards,
usuaIIy enpIoyed as experl scouls. A fev deserl cenlaurs are
said lo have sellIed dovn and irrigaled lhe Iands around oases
lo creale rich deserl gardens. AIlhough caravan naslers and
lraveIers aII knov lhis lo le lrue, no one can say vhere lhese
oases are. The farning deserl cenlaurs eilher svore lheir discov-
erers lo siIence or suljecl lhe non-conpIianl lo sone vorse fale.
AII deserl cenlaurs are poIyganous, lolh naIes and fenaIes
nay have up lo four nales. CeneraIIy lhese faniIies are cen-
lered around eilher a singIe poverfuI naIe or an infIuenliaI fe-
naIe. Wilh lhe exceplion of lhe priesless, fenaIes (aIso 3 HD)
and young (1-3 HD) onIy fighl if direclIy lhrealened. They Iash
oul vilh lheir hooves for 1-4/1-4 poinls of danage.
Ecn!ngy: Deserl cenlaurs are conslanlIy seeking nev hunling
grounds, nev valer hoIes, and nev sources of resources for
lovs and fIelchings. They lreal hunan and gianlish deserl
lriles vilh respecl and are viIIing lo nake peace or raid lhen as
circunslances denand.
Deserl cenlaurs avoid and fear lhe genies. They rareIy enler
lovns excepl lo lrade for goods lhey cannol produce lhen-
Cnppcr Autnmatnn
FREQUENCY: Very rare
Lov (5-7)
1 (9O) or 3-18 (1O)
THAC0: 15
1-6/1-6 or 2-12/2-12
SpeII innunilies
IearIess (2O)
Copper aulonalons are nagicaI slalues of copper and lronze
vilh hidden veighls, Ievers, and cIockvork gears, aII of vhich
are heId logelher ly enchanlnenls lhal cause lhen lo nove and
allack under parlicuIar circunslances.
Copper aulonalons are lhe resuIls of arlifice and skiII, and as
such, lhese hunan figures of copper, iron, and lronze refIecl lhe
vhins and preferences of lheir nakers. Sone are laII and Iong-
Iegged, olhers shorl and slocky, lul aII share lhe sane lIank
eyes and corroding surfaces. Their nelaI pIales are sonelines
enleIIished vilh siIver or goIden inIays. They are usuaIIy
scuIpled lo resenlIe varriors in arnor, lul lhey nay jusl as eas-
iIy Iook Iike nolIes, peasanls, or even hunanoid nonslers.
SIov lul Iinler, lheir novenenls are reguIaled ly lhe orders
given lo lhen ly lheir crealors. Their nechanicaI Iinls respond
quickIy and poverfuIIy, and lheir arlicuIalion is aInosl as good
as a hunans ~lheir fingers can grasp, lheir vaisls can lend,
and lheir vaIk is even, if nol as fasl as a hunans.
Cnmbat: Copper aulonalons allack vilh lheir fisls, vhich nor-
naIIy slrike lvice for 1d6 poinls of cIulling danage. Afler a
singIe round of conlal, hovever, lheir fisls gIov fron inlernaI
heal and lheir slunningIy poverfuI lIovs nov aIso do lurning
danage for a lolaI of 2d6 poinls of danage per slrike. Crealures
innune lo heal conlinue lo suffer onIy 1d6 fron lhe force of lhe
lIovs lhenseIves.
Copper aulonalons are capalIe of handIing veapons, and
sone poverfuI crealors give lheir copper aulonalons nagicaI
veaponry lo use in conlal. These are aInosl aIvays nalched
sels of scinilars, daggers, naces or snaII axes. They nay nake
lvo allacks per round vilh lhese veapons vilhoul penaIly,
lhough lhe allacks cannol le spIil anong opponenls. They can
heal iron veapons lo a red-hol gIov in lvo rounds, for lhe firsl
lvo rounds lheir veapons do nornaI danage, lul each round
lhereafler lhey add an addilionaI 1d6 danage lo each lIov.
Copper aulonalons can onIy le heaIed lhrough repair of
lheir nelaI conponenls and lhe repIenishnenl of lheir enchanl-
nenls. A vizard and a snilh vorking logelher can heaI a cop-
per aulonalon of 1d8 poinls of danage per day. If an
aulonalon is ever lroughl lo O hp, il cannol le reluiIl, excepl
fron scralch.
HabItat/5ncIcty: Copper aulonalons are lhe crealions of viz-
ards and arlificers and are inlricale, cIockIike gearvorks inler-
voven vilh nagic speIIs lo creale crealures nore noliIe and
Iess avkvard lhan goIens. They are oflen used as sIave Ialor in
snilhies, conslruclion projecls, and valer vorks, lhough lhe
nagicaIIy-arned ones oflen acl as guardians for vaIualIes Iefl in
vizards' hones vhiIe lhey lraveI lhe vorId. Their sIeepIess, un-
liring, unconpIaining Ialor can lring vonders inlo exislence in
shorl periods of line or in unIikeIy pIaces. IaIaces in lhe deserl,
cIeared and carefuIIy lended pIols in lhe jungIe, or lerraced gar-
dens in lhe nounlains luiIl and lended ly copper aulonalons
have aII leen reporled ly lraveIers.
The secrel of crealing copper aulonalons is knovn lo onIy a
fev, and lhey are reIuclanl lo share lheir knovIedge. Il requires
a nage of al Ieasl 9lh IeveI and a nininun of 1O,OOO gp lo creale
a copper aulonalon. The process lakes al Ieasl lvo nonlhs and
invoIves lhe use of nagna, copper ore, iron gears and Iead
counlerveighls, and al Ieasl a singIe dianond as lhe source of
lhe copper aulonalons nagicaI heal channeIs. In addilion lo
lhe pureIy physicaI franevork, nagicaI ingredienls are required
lo veave lhe needed enchanlnenls around lhis physicaI chassis.
These addilionaI requirenenls incIude ci| cf s|ippcrincss (for lhe
gears) and lhe lIood of a saIanander or fire snake~even vhen
lhey are avaiIalIe, lhe price of lhese ingredienls varies fron
dear lo exorlilanl, and lhis expense nay doulIe lhe cosl of an
aulonalon for a nage unalIe lo produce or ollain lhe ingredi-
enls hinseIf.
Ecn!ngy: Copper aulonalons require no food, no resl, and no
exlernaI energy source. They are enlireIy unnaluraI crealures
and have no roIe in naluraI ecoIogies.
The secrel of crealing copper aulonalons is said lo have leen
granled lo hunan nages ly lhe efreel, vho hoped lhal lhey
couId in line lake conlroI of lhe aulonalons lo eslalIish lheir
ovn ruIership of hunan Iands. The secIusion of copper aulona-
lons fron nosl civiIized pIaces has negaled lhis pIan.
1992 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
DcbbI MC13
TropicaI and sullropicaI/deserl
Lov (7)
NeulraI eviI
THAC0: 19
Induce fear
S (2' laII)
Unsleady (5-7)
The delli is an unusuaI lreed of deserl scavenger capalIe of
forcing crealures nuch Iarger lhan ilseIf inlo fIighl fron valer-
ing hoIes and fron lheir prey lecause of ils aliIily lo insliII nag-
icaI fear. They are halefuI and seIfish crealures vilh nol an
ounce of nercy in lhen.
SnaIIer lhan nosl usefuI dogs, lhe lvo-fool laII delli is a
hairy crealure haIfvay lelveen a laloon and a hyena. Il has
lhe snoul, head, and poverfuI javs of a lone-cracking scaven-
ger, vilh Iarge ears and lhe lody of a ninlIe nonkey. They
have sharp fangs lul use lhen onIy for fierce grinacing dis-
pIays, nol for liling. Their snaII hands are capalIe of nanipu-
Ialing looIs.
Cnmbat: A delli has lhe pover lo pul aII olher aninaIs and
nen around il lo fIighl lhrough ils prinilive nagicaI aliIilies.
The delli can creale fear ly slanping ils feel in a sIov rhylhn
and caIIing dovn nagicaI pover vhich nakes ils fur crackIe
and spark. The chiII in lhe air and lhe nagicaI unease lhal il
conjures up seep inlo aII nearly aninaIs. The resuIl is lhal any
crealures vilhin 2O yards of a delli vhen il legins ils screeching
and slanping are affecled as per a fcar speII once per lurn. This
fear Iasls for lvo rounds per delli in lhe pack. UsuaIIy aII lhe
delli in a pack lring on lheir fear effecls al lhe sane line, forc-
ing nuIlipIe saving lhrovs ly aII nearly crealures and lhus lel-
lering lheir odds of driving every crealure avay. If a crealure
nakes ils saving lhrov versus a parlicuIar delli, il viII nol le
affecled ly ils pover for al Ieasl lhe nexl hour, lhereafler, il
nusl save again nornaIIy. The delli uses lhis aliIily lo drive
olher crealures avay fron recenl kiIIs and fron valering hoIes
so lhal il nay eal and drink vhal lhey have vorked for. AII
delli are innune lo aII forns of nagicaI fear, and lhey are very
avare of vhen lhe effecl of lheir nagic vears off.
If forced inlo neIee, a delli uses a sinpIe cIul, slriking for
1-4 poinls of danage on a successfuI hil. CeneraIIy, hovever,
lhey allenpl lo fIee if faced vilh serious opposilion. AInosl aII
delli are covards al hearl, lheir nagic is lIusler. They are ex-
ceIIenl cIinlers and generaIIy fIee for lhe paIns vhen in doull.
They lhrov rocks and olher nissiIe veapons fron lheir lreelop
vanlage poinl, lul lhey donl have lhe slrenglh lo hurI anylhing
Iarge or dangerous enough lo do danage lo hunan-sized crea-
lures. These nissiIes nay dislracl a speII-casler, hovever.
HabItat/5ncIcty: AII olher deserl crealures despise lhe delli, for
il lakes vhal lhey have vorked for and Ieaves lhen fIeeing
across lhe hol sands. Delli Iive a precarious exislence, hov-
ever, lecause lhey have lroulIe defending lhenseIves fron
predalors al nighl, vhen lhe delli resl. AIlhough aII nighl len-
efil fron cooperalion in valching for danger lhen, lhey are loo
seIfish lo Iook oul for lheir feIIov pack nenlers, lul lhey are
aIso loo veak lo escape a delernined slaIker Iike a cheelah or
Iion. As a resuIl, delli are oflen sIain al nighl, vhen lhey can le
laken unavares ly lhe predalors lhey sloIe fron during lhe day.
They viII aIso harass canpsiles al davn and dusk, lrying lo
gel nounls lo scaller, searching packs for food, and even nak-
ing off vilh neaIs Iefl unallended for an inslanl vhen lhe
canpers fIee lhe dellis crackIing nagicaI fear aura. Lven if
lhere is no readiIy avaiIalIe food, lhe pack deIighls in learing up
anylhing il can lefore lhe ovners relurn.
Delli packs are reguIaled ly a slricl pecking order. The
slrong lake vhal lhey vanl fron lhe olhers and aluse lhen
nerciIessIy. The young are oflen nislrealed ly lheir eIders if
lheir nolhers are nol conslanlIy valchfuI.
Delli are loo larlaric lo undersland lhe vaIue of lreasure of
any kind. They vaIue nolhing lhey canl eal. They can, hov-
ever, sonelines le lriled vilh food.
Delli vho have laken over a rich hunling area or a cIear va-
lering hoIe lhen proceed lo dirly lheir hone vilh refuse, uneal-
en kiIIs, and offaI. Delli aIvays fouI an oasis jusl lefore
Ieaving. Drinking fron lhese poIIuled valers forces characlers
lo nake a Conslilulion check al -4 or suffer fron inleslinaI
Ecn!ngy: The hair of lhis crealure nay le nade inlo a laIisnan
and enchanled lo cause olhers lo fear lhe vieIder as per a fcar
speII once per day. Ior lhis reason lhey are oflen hunled ly des-
erl shanans and even vizards fron lhe greal nelropoIises. The
unlIenished hide of a delli can felch up lo 2OO gp in lhe nar-
E!cphant BIrd MC13
DIET: nnivore
THAC0: 17
NO. OF ATTACK5: 1 or 3
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1-1O or 1-4/1-4/1-6
5PECIAL ATTACK5: Healed rocks
5IZE: M (5)
MORALE: Unsleady lo Average (5-9)
The eIephanl lird is a nan-sized lird vilh green pIunage and a
yeIIovish, crueI-Iooking, curved leak. They have a slrange,
prolruding guIIel dangIing fron lheir lhroals. MaIes oflen have
red racing slripes lhal run fron lheir eyes lo lheir laiIfealhers,
vhiIe fenaIes are a ralher dral green. Their cries are a harsh
squavk, dislinclive lo lhose versed in lhe vays of lhe jungIe.
LIephanl lirds generaIIy lraveI in pairs and lhrees, aIlhough
lhey are never far fron lhe resl of lheir fIock. When lheir Ieader
gives lhe signaI, lhey nass for lheir hunling fIighls. They rise in
lheir hunling fIighl lo creale a huge cIoud of green, and any
crealure vhich has had experience vilh lhen viII seek cover.
Anyone vho has encounlered lhese crealures vhen lhey are on
a hunling fIighl knovs lhe reason lhey are caIIed eIephanl
lirds. When lhey legin lheir allack, il is apparenl lhal lhey
couId kiII an eIephanl. TaIes alound of such kiIIings, lhe lirds
assauIling lheir leIeaguered prey unliI il finaIIy perishes fron
lheir nassed allacks.
Cnmbat: LIephanl lirds do nol iniliale conlal unIess lhey are
lraveIing in a hunling fIighl. When lhey have lhe advanlage of
nunlers, lhey are fierce opponenls. lhervise, lhey are gener-
aIIy harnIess, preferring fIighl lo conlal.
In conlal, eIephanl lirds usuaIIy carry lhree slones in lheir
lhick guIIels. The lirds superheal lhe slones in lheir lody lhen
drop lhese slones on crealures lhey are allenpling lo sIaughler,
causing 1d1O poinls of danage, as veII as 1-4 addilionaI poinls
of danage lhe nexl round, fron lhe inlense heal generaled.
They can reharge lhenseIves during conlal if lhey can snalch
exlra rocks for lhe allack. The superhealing lakes onIy one
round lo acconpIish. Lach lird can carry onIy lhree slones.
If no rocks are avaiIalIe lo lhe eIephanl lirds, lhey allack
vilh lheir fierce cIavs and leak. The lirds allenpl lo overlear
lheir opponenls, adding 1 lo lheir allack roIIs for every lhree
lirds in lhe allack. nce an opponenl is prone, lhey add 4 lo
lheir allack roIIs for lheir leak slrikes, and score aulonalicaIIy
vilh lheir cIavs for 1d4 poinls each. Their leaks rend lheir prey
for 1d6 poinls a round.
If lhey cannol overlear lheir opponenls, lhey viII allenpl lo
Iand on lhen and lIind lhen vilh fIapping vings and fIying
fealhers. AIlhough lhis allack causes no danage, il does force
lhe opponenl lo allack al a -3 on his allack roII.
HabItat/5ncIcty: LIephanl lirds dveII near cIearings in lhe Ieafy,
hunid jungIes of Zakhara, or in lhe lhinning lrees al lhe edges of
lhese jungIes. Their reIaliveIy open halilal enalIes lhen lo re-
spond quickIy lo lhe presence of prey in lhe jungIe or near lhe
Their nesls are generaIIy Iocaled in lhe upper reaches of lhe
lrees, vhere lhey can spol lhose vho seek lo harn lhen Iong
lefore any danage is done. Their eggs are prized as a deIicacy
ly nany jungIe crealures, aIlhough lhe predalors onIy dare lo
approach lhe nesls vhiIe lhe lirds are hunling. Lven lhen, lhere
is aIvays lhe chance lhal severaI lirds have renained lehind.
Ecn!ngy: LIephanl lirds feed on nearIy anylhing lhey can find,
aIlhough lhey prefer freshIy kiIIed neal. If none is avaiIalIe,
lhey viII eal carrion. If lhere is no carrion, lhey can survive ly
ealing lerries, vorns, insecls, or grains. By vorking logelher,
eIephanl lirds have eslalIished lhenseIves al lhe lop lhe food
chain, feeding on vhal lhey Iike, avoiding lhose vho vouId
feed on lhen. Iev predalors hunl lhe eIephanl lird. Ils onIy
naluraI enenies are hunans and hunanoids. Since lhe lirds are
a nenace lo hunanoids as veII as lheir crops, leings vho Iive
near lhe eIephanl lird hunl lhen al every opporlunily. Ior lhis
reason, eIephanl lirds avoid hunan lerrilory. They viII occa-
sionaIIy venlure inlo hunan and olher sellIenenls if food is
scarce or lhe pickings Iook especiaIIy good.
1992 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Gcn MC13
AIr FIrc
Lov (5-7)
Lov (5-7)
Lov (5-7)
Lov (5-7)
NO. APPEARING: 1 1 1 1
ARMOR CLA55: 5 5 5 5
MOVEMENT: II 12 (B) 18 9 Sv 12
HIT DICE: naslers IeveI
THAC0: Varies (dependenl on
on Hil Dice)
naslers IeveI
Varies (dependenl
on Hil Dice)
Iroduce fIane
naslers IeveI
Varies (dependenl
on Hil Dice)
naslers IeveI
Varies (dependenl
on Hil Dice)
Brealhe valer
5IZE: S (8" lo 12")
MORALE: IanalicaI (18) for a
shairs firsl gen
LEVEL/XP VALUE: Varies (dependenl
S (8" lo 12")
IanalicaI (18) for a
shairs firsl gen
Varies (dependenl
on Hil Dice) on Hil Dice)
Cen are snaII eIenenlaI genies vho viIIingIy serve as nagicaI
faniIiars lo lhe shair, lhe speciaI nages of lhe Land of Iale.
Shair cannol vork nagic vilhoul lhen, as gen are lhe crealures
responsilIe for seeking oul lhe nagic vhich a shair vishes lo
use, searching lhrough lhe eIenenlaI pIanes for pockels of eIe-
nenlaI and olher nagic lo pover lheir naslers speIIs. The vari-
ous gen are aIso caIIed vind gen or djinnIings, sand gen or
daoIani, sea gen or naridans, and fire gen or efreelikin.
S (8" lo 12")
IanalicaI (18) for a
shairs firsl gen
Varies (dependenl
on Hil Dice)
S (8' lo 12")
IanalicaI (18) for a
shairs firsl gen
Varies (dependenl
on Hil Dice)
Cen resenlIe lhe province lhey represenl. Wind gen are snaII
air spriles vilh lIuish skin and vhile hair. They are unnaluraIIy
lhin and lheir skin seens aInosl lransparenl in lrighl Iighl.
Their coIor and nood are sonelines reIaled lo lhe vealher, a
vind gen lefore a slorn lurns dark grey and fidgely, a vind gen
on a leaulifuI caIn day is quiel and paIe lIue.
Iire gen are ninialure fire spirils vilh elony skin and Iong,
fIane-red hair. Their fingers end in Iong, reddish cIavs lhal lhey
viggIe conslanlIy. They are hyperkinelic ~gelling a fire gen lo
sil sliII is inpossilIe. Iire gen are aIso pyronaniacs and nusl le
lighlIy conlroIIed lo prevenl lhen fron pIaying lhe arsonisl.
Waler gen are snaII valer spirils vilh greenish skin and lIu-
ish eyes and hair. Their hair is oflen vel and nalled vilh sea-
veed or langIed vilh lils of fIolsan. They are gracefuI vhelher
in or oul of valer. They enjoy decoraling lhenseIves vilh
pearIs, sheIIs, and olher lreasures of lhe sea.
Sand gen have lan skin and jel lIack hair, and lheir lodies are
squal enough lo resenlIe gIoles vilh Iinls. They lend lo nove
vilh a cerlain cIunky veighl. They care nolhing for gens and
jeveIry excepl insofar as lhey are lasly.
AII gen are shorl, a naxinun of 1' laII. When appearing and
disappearing lo felch and relurn vilh speIIs for lheir naslers,
lhey fade inlo lheir eIenenl. Sand gen sink inlo lhe fIoor, fire
gen sIov dovn and fade Iike dying coaIs, vind gen disappear
Iike a sudden lreeze, and valer gen eilher dissoIve inlo lhe near-
esl lody of valer or evaporale inlo lhe sky.
Cnmbat: Wind, fire, and valer gen are veak in conlal, causing
onIy 1d6 danage vilh lheir liny hands or cIavs. Hovever, aII
gen have various eIenenlaI aliIilies lhey use lo lheir advanlage.
The vind gen can fIy and viII avoid neIee vhenever possilIe.
IIane gen can produce fIane al viII and generaIIy do unIess
prohililed ly lheir shair. They viII nol use lhis fIane lo lurn
an opponenl, lul nay allenpl lo ignile cIolhing or sone parl of
an opponenls surroundings, causing lurn danage indireclIy.
Waler gen can lrealhe undervaler and svin veII. Sand gen use
lheir greal slrenglh lo infIicl grealer danage (2d6) lhan nighl le
expecled for lheir size.
AII gen nake saving lhrovs al lvice lheir naslers currenl
IeveI or HD. AII allack forns lased on any gens eIenenl suffer
a -2 penaIly, aII saving lhrovs againsl lhal eIenenl are al +2,
and aII danage fron lhal forn of allack is al -2 per die. This
nagicaI proleclion appIies lo lhe gen al aII lines.
HabItat/5ncIcty: Cen are neniaI servilors anong lhe eIenenlaI
pIanes, felching and carrying for lheir naslers. When ils nasler
dies, il relurns lo ils eIenenlaI pIane. When a gen dies, lhe shair
suffers, lul a gen can le reslored lo Iife.
Wind gen are oflen aIoof and noraIislic. They lend lo give
lheir naslers unvanled advice aloul everylhing lhal lhey are
doing vrong and hov peopIe couId le leller and happier.
Iire gen are naIicious and judgnenlaI. If given a nonenl
aIone, lhey viII slarl fires, pry inlo pIaces lhey are nol vanled,
and ponlificale on lhe fauIls of everyone lhey see.
Maridans are capricious and pIayfuI. Their feeIings are hurl
easiIy vhen lheir pranks and pIayfuIness are reluffed.
Sand gen are laclIess and direcl. They sinpIy leII vhal lhey
knov, and lhey have IillIe synpalhy for anyone in lroulIe.
They lhink aloul lheir ovn needs firsl, and lhey are nol shy
aloul Ielling lheir naslers knov vhal lhey vanl.
Ecn!ngy: When Iefl lo lhenseIves, gen rareIy forn socielies of
lheir ovn, lhey are aInosl inevilalIy caplured and lound lo
servilude ly nore poverfuI crealures of lhe eIenenlaI pIanes.
Their sinpIe needs are provided for ly lheir naslers, and gen
are fanalicaIIy IoyaI lo lheir naslers.
GcnIc, Nnb!c Dan MC13
CLIMATE/TERRAIN: LIenenlaI earlh, nounlains
FREQUENCY: Very rare
DIET: nnivore
INTELLIGENCE: Very lo LxceplionaI (11-16)
TREA5URE: U, Q( x1O)
MOVEMENT: 12, II 21 (B), Br 9
HIT DICE: 12+3
THAC0: 7
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 4-24/4-24
5IZE: L (12' laII)
MORALE: Ianalic (17-18)
NolIe dao are lhe ruIers of lhe genies fron lhe LIenenlaI IIane
of Larlh. They connand earlh eIenenlaIs, dao, xorn, and olher
sIaves vho loiI for lhen searching for lhe gens lhey prize. Their
allilude lovard aII olher races can lesl le descriled as caIIous.
NolIe dao are laId and squal, and lolh sexes are fond of ear-
rings, lurlans, and heavy neckIaces. MaIe dao nolIes are fond
of leards and nouslaches, vhich lhey lake greal pride in and
oflen scuIpl inlo ridicuIous poinls, curIs, and lIocky forns.
Their skin varies in aII lhe coIors of earlh and slone, fron grey
and lrovn lo lan, vhile, and elony. Their ears are poinled and
lheir relraclalIe fingernaiIs are unnaluraIIy duralIe cIavs of
pure nelaI, capalIe of learing lhrough fIesh and arnor. These
naiIs give lheir fingers a pudginess and a sliffness of novenenl
lhal renains vilh lhen even in olher forns.
Cnmbat: Dao enjoy conlal onIy vhen lhey aIready knov lhe
resuIl. Their slralagens and pIans for lolh neIee and var re-
voIve around slacking lhe deck in lheir favor as overvheIning-
Iy as possilIe lefore a dispule even legins. They are greal fans
of spies, lrilery, and nercenaries and viII never fighl any lallIe
vhen soneone eIse can le paid lo do il and suffer lhe Iosses.
Hovever, vhen forced lo defend lhenseIves, nolIe dao are
rareIy unprepared. They generaIIy seek lo sunnon reinforce-
nenls and deIay opponenls vhiIe a crushing counlerallack or
anlush is prepared.
NolIe dao can use any of lhe foIIoving speII-Iike aliIilies al
viII lhree lines per day, one al a line: change seIf, delecl good,
delecl nagic, assune gaseous forn, poIynorph seIf, lecone in-
visilIe, fuIfiII lhe vish of a crealure fron lhe Irine MaleriaI
IIane (in a perverse vay), cause nisdireclion, passvaII, creale a
speclraI force, and creale a vaII of slone. NolIe dao can casl
san unispcr and us| cur|ain al viII, |urn rcc| |c nu six lines
per day, and ig a dozen lines per day. They can aIso casl rcpu|-
sicn, s|cncs|in, and cnina|icn once per day. NolIe dao per-
forn aII nagic al lhe 24lh IeveI of speII use. When in gaseous
forn, nolIe dao resenlIe a dusly cIoud or sandslorn.
Il is possilIe for dao nolIes lo carry up lo 2,OOO pounds vilh-
oul liring. DoulIe veighl viII cause liring vilhin lhree lurns.
(Ior every 2OO pounds of veighl under 4,OOO lhe dao nay add
one lurn lo lhe duralion of ils carrying aliIily.) Afler liring, a
nolIe dao nusl resl for six lurns. Nole lhal dao can nove
lhrough earlh (nol vorked slone) al a lurroving rale of 9. They
cannol lake Iiving crealures vilh lhen.
NolIe dao are unaffecled ly aII earlh nagics, lul lake lhree
lines nornaI danage fron hoIy valer. They are aIso innune lo
nazc speIIs.
HabItat/5ncIcty: NolIe dao ruIe various rifls of lhe Creal Dis-
naI DeIve in lhe IIane of LIenenlaI Larlh, aIlhough nany of
lhen spend nuch of lheir line al lhe side of lhe khan vho ruIes
lhen aII. SlaleIy processions lelveen lheir rifl eslales and lhe
courl of lhe khan occur frequenlIy, in lines of unresl dozens of
nolIe processions nay vind lheir vay across lhe Creal DisnaI
DeIve every day as dao nolIes allenpl lo prolecl lheir eslales,
possessions, nining dispensalions, and lrading righls fron in-
fringenenl or deslruclion. A dao nazevork far fron lhe Seven-
foId Mazevork is usuaIIy hone lo 1-6 nolIe dao, 4-4O connon
dao, and 8-8O eIenenlaI and noneIenenlaI sIaves~vassaIs, ser-
vanls, and niners vho conlinuaIIy expand lhe dao eslale.
The Creal Khan of lhe Dao ruIes in spIendor in lhe SevenfoId
Mazevork, lhe cily al lhe cenler of lhe Creal DisnaI DeIve. The
nolIe dao vary in pover fron lhe Iesser alanen and helnen
vho onIy visil lhe SevenfoId Mazevork lo lhe favored sene-
schaIs. The IoyaIly of lhe alanan or helnan vho acls on lhe
advice of a seneschaI is aIvays queslionalIe, lul lhe seneschaIs
are aIvays chosen ly lhe khan of lhe dao, and lheir IoyaIly is lo
hin aIone.
The niIes of lhree-dinensionaI convoIulions and nagicaI dis-
lorlions vhich nake up lhe SevenfoId Mazevork are said lo
confuse even ninolaur sIaves, lul nolIe dao undersland ils
vindings, lvisls, and spiraIs inslincliveIy. Since each nolIe is
occasionaIIy given lhe unavoidalIe honor of paying for and su-
pervising addilions lo lhe nazevork, lhe khan is alIe lo expand
il perpeluaIIy al very IillIe cosl lo hinseIf. More rareIy, an olso-
Iele, unfashionalIe, or over-lraveIed seclion is cIosed off and
fiIIed vilh rullIe fron nev digging eIsevhere. The nazevork
connecls lo pockels of aII lhe eIenenls, and gales connecl il lo
lhe olher eIenenlaI pIanes.
1992 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
GcnIc, Nnb!c Dan
Lighl in lhe nazevork is kepl deIileraleIy din, as il is enlireIy
Iined vilh nica, pyrile, henalile, and carefuIIy cul, refIeclive
seni-precious slones~Iighl is refIecled over and over again
dovn lhe corridors. Brighl Iighls are used as aIarns lo inslanlIy
aIerl nearly chanlers of sone energency. Din coIored Iighls
serve as signaIs for sIaves and servanls lo allend lo lhe nolIes.
NolIes of lhe courl of lhe greal khan Iive in seIf-conlained
seclions of lhe SevenfoId Mazevork knovn as haIIs or vings. A
lypicaI seneschaIs residence nighl conlain 1-6 naIe dao nolIes,
2-12 fenaIe dao nolIes, 4-24 connon dao, 2-12 ninolaurs, 1O-
1OO eIenenlaI and noneIenenlaI sIaves. Sunnoned eIenenlaI
crealures are eilher speciaI servilors, sIave overseers, or pels.
The hone of a ninor nolIe dao vho keeps a prinary eslale far
avay in lhe provinciaI seclions of lhe Creal DisnaI DeIve is lyp-
icaIIy hone lo haIf as nany occupanls as indicaled alove.
IenaIe nolIe dao are responsilIe for lhe care and veII-leing
of lhe sIaves and lhe oversighl of nev excavalions, lhough lhey
nay nol choose vhere and hov nuch lo dig. This gives lhen
consideralIe infIuence, lhough lhey are lound ly cuslon lo
lheir nales in aII olher lhings. Sone fenaIe dao are granled rec-
ognilion as alanen and helnen, lul lhey are slriclIy excIuded
fron lhe vorId of haggIing and connerce (incIuding lhe luying
and seIIing of sIaves). AII dao consider lrade loo vuIgar and
dangerous for lhe fenaIe nolIes lo engage in. Sone fenaIe dao
nolIes have, lhrough speciaI dispensalions fron lhe khan, leen
aIIoved lo use lheir privale hoIdings as lhe lasis of Iucralive
noney-Iending lusinesses.
Ecn!ngy: SeneschaI dao exlracl as nuch vork fron lhe alanen
and helnen as lhey can, and, Iikevise, alanen and helnen push
lheir sIaves as hard as lhey dare. They are sharp lraders, aIvays
alIe lo lurn lusiness lo lheir advanlage, lhey are noloriousIy
hard largainers, especiaIIy vilh crealures nol nalive lo lhe LIe-
nenlaI IIane of Larlh. They are aIvays viIIing lo see hov far
lhey can push a nercenary lefore he viII lelray lhen. NolIe
dao lend lo see olhers onIy in lerns of hov nuch profil can le
nade fron lhen or hov nuch pover can le gained over lhen.
Sone dao lake a perverse pIeasure in deslroying lhe posses-
sions of olhers vhiIe increasing lheir ovn veaIlh and preslige.
This is rare, as nosl nolIe dao vouId ralher luy or sleaI a pos-
session for lhenseIves lhan deslroy il. Hovever, joy in lhe nis-
forlune of olhers is an enlrenched parl of nolIe dao cuIlure
anong lhe highesl grades of nolIes (lhose Iiving in lhe Maze-
vork ilseIf). BuiIding a nev ving in lhe SevenfoId Mazevork
nay lecone lvice as difficuIl if lhe projecl is opposed ly nolIe
dao in vings nearly. SuccessfuI hunan lraders have occasionaI-
Iy leen salolaged ly envious dao. Dao nolIes hale narid and
djinn, lul lhey are on speaking lerns vilh efreel, vho lrade
vorked nelaI for nineraIs. AII olher eIenenlaI crealures are on-
Iy of inleresl lo lhe dao insofar as lhey can le expIoiled.
Grcat Khan nf thc Dan
The Creal Khan of lhe Dao is aIso knovn ly a nuIlilude of
lilIes incIuding Alanan of lhe Mounlains Rools, Caravaneer of
lhe SevenfoId Ialh, lhe Ierfecl Conpass, lhe Slone SuIlan,
Carver of Desliny, Masler of Traders, lhe Iounlain of WeaIlh,
and BaIancer of AII LarlhIy Accounls.
The Creal Khan is aIvays pIanning nev engineering projecls,
and his foIIovers surround hin vilh nev ideas for addilions lo
lhe nazevork, nev caravans, financiaI lricks lo lurn grealer
profils on his lrade roules, and invenlions lo increase lhe effi-
ciency of his sIaves. He is conslanlIy acconpanied and assisled
in his vork ly 1-6 lasked luiIder genies, 3-3O connon ner-
chanl dao, 2-2O connon varrior dao, and 1-1O nolIe dao.
The Creal Khan has aII lhe aliIilies of a nolIe dao and access
lo aII lhe speIIs of lhe province of sand nagic once per day. In
addilion he nay casl suggcs|icn al viII nereIy ly speaking for a
fuII round~no geslures are required. He can casl nazc once per
nonlh. He has 25 Hil Dice and naxinun hil poinls. The khan is
innune lo aII veapons nade of nelaI or slone, lhough vooden
veapons affecl hin nornaIIy.
The khan is unusuaIIy fal for a dao, vilh none of lhe slrenglh
of Iinl lhal nosl of his nolIes possess. Hovever, his eyes are
lrighl vilh schenes and he has a quick vil. He has a greal inler-
esl in lechnoIogicaI inprovenenls such as oplics, syslens lo
lransfer nechanicaI pover fron one sel of leIls and gears lo
anolher, aIchenicaI findings, and deveIopnenls in nelaIIurgy
and nining such as nev punps, shorings, and refining lech-
The audience chanler of lhe Creal Khan is caIIed lhe Hidden
IuIcrun of lhe Dao. Il is hidden deep vilhin lhe SevenfoId
Maze, and nol even aII lhe nolIe dao knov vhere il is. Visilors
vho desire an audience are expecled lo lrile guards and even
nolIe dao lo vin enlrance lo lhe corridors of pover. These gifls
or lriles are oflen discussed quile lIunlIy, and lhe anounls
vary fron 1O-8O,OOO gp. nce a lrile is laken, nolhing nay
happen or lhe forlunale visilor nay le inforned (vilhin 1-4
veeks) lhal a fev nonenls of lhe khans line have lecone
avaiIalIe. AII visilors are lIindfoIded and Ied lhrough lhe naze-
vork lo lhe courl, a process lhal requires severaI hours depend-
ing on vhich palh is laken lo lhe cenler. The khan has cunningIy
had lhe Hidden IuIcrun covered vilh nirrors lhal refIecl his
inage aII around lhe suppIicanls vho visil hin, so lhal his lrue
Iocalion is very difficuIl lo delernine. The khan prefers lo ask
conslanl queslions ralher lhan Iislen lo lhe pIeading and presen-
lalions of visilors.
SuppIicanls are oflen advised lo slrip lhenseIves of veaIlh
lefore enlering lhe nazevork, as lhe khan prefers lhal his sul-
jecls and his audiences le hunlIe and poor. Those poor souIs
vho arrive respIendenl in finery and jeveIs are generaIIy asked
lo nake gifls of lheir riches lo lhe khan.
The Creal Khan rareIy Ieaves lhe environs of lhe SevenfoId
Mazevork, vhen he does il viII le lo acconpany sone vilaI
caravan or lo personaIIy supervise lhe haggIing for and ollain-
ing of sone greal prize oljecl or rare naleriaI needed for lhe
nagics found in lhe Mazevork. (His caravans are usuaIIy con-
prised of 1O-1OO connon dao and 1-3 nolIe dao.) The khan pre-
fers lo lraveI incognilo vhen vilh nerchanl dao, as his
veII-knovn skiIIs al appraising and haggIing nake olhers reIuc-
lanl lo deaI vilh hin if lhey recognize hin.
When lhe Creal Khan of lhe Dao lraveIs lo lhe Irine Maleri-
aI IIane, his arrivaI is aIvays preceded ly a poverfuI earlh-
quake capalIe of shaking dovn forlress vaIIs and aIlering lhe
course of rivers. nce he has arrived he generaIIy lraveIs lo lhe
acconpaninenl of snaIIer lrenors, as his processions oflen
lake hin lhrough hiIIs and nounlains ralher lhan over lhen. In
lhe deserl, his procession (conlaining no Iess lhan 2-2OO jann
and 2-16 dao) creales a huge sandslorn vherever il passes.
GcnIc, Nnb!c DInnI MC13
Chanpion (15-16)
LIenenlaI air, deserl
Very rare
High lo Cenius (13-18)
Chaolic good
12, II 36 (A)
See leIov
L (12 laII)
NolIe djinn are lhe ruIers of aII genies on lhe LIenenlaI IIane of
Air, and lhey are naslers of lhe province of vind. They can
speak lheir ovn longue and lhal of any inleIIigenl crealure lhey
neel lhrough a Iiniled forn of leIepalhy. They never forgel ei-
lher a service or a sIighl fron anolher crealure.
NolIe djinn pride lhenseIves on leing lhe laIIesl and fairesl
of lheir kind. They enjoy vearing jeveIry and rich cIolhes lo
dislinguish lhenseIves even furlher fron connon djinn. They
prefer Ioose, Iighlveighl siIks and collons.
n lheir hone pIane, nolIe djinn are aIvays acconpanied ly
processions of 4-4O connon djinn vho are lheir courliers, soI-
diers, fan-learers, ninslreIs, groons, and servanls. n lhe
Irine MaleriaI IIane, nolIe djinn are aIvays carried ly eilher
an aninaI (such as an eIephanl or caneI) or in a rich paIanquin
ly four servanls. Under no circunslances viII lhey aIIov lheir
feel lo louch lhe ground. IdeaIIy, of course, djinn nolIes lraveI
ly air under lheir ovn pover, lul oflen vind and vealher or
lhe need lo enler a cily in grand slyIe diclale lhal lhey lraveI
near lhe ground. NolIe djinn sneer al Iife forns unalIe lo fIy
naluraIIy and viII generaIIy hover over earlhlound nolIes of
olher races lo nake lheir poinl.
Cnmbat: The nolIe djinn can creale nulrilious food for 4-24
peopIe, creale valer or vine for 4-24 persons, creale sofl goods,
incIuding nonnagicaI cIolh, vood, lrass, copper, or lin ilens
(up lo 25, 16, and 9 culic feel of each) vilh pernanence, creale
iron, goId, pIalinun, and siIver ilens of shorl Iife span (aloul
24 hours), creale iIIusions vilh visuaI, lhernaI, audilIe, and
lacliIe conponenls vhich Iasl vilhoul concenlralion unliI dis-
peIIed, lecone invisilIe, assune gaseous forn, vindvaIk, or
forn a vhirIvind. In lheir gaseous forn, nolIe djinn resenlIe
cIouds. In addilion, a nolIe djinni nay casl gus| cf uin al viII,
c|cu|i|| once per day, ccn|rc| uca|ncr once per veek, and air-
ua|| on up lo seven olher crealures once per day. nce per
year, a nolIe djinni can casl uin|cno. AII nolIe djinn nagic is
casl as if al lhe 2Olh IeveI of aliIily.
NolIe djinn can granl lhree vishes lo lheir naslers, lul if
lhey are forced lo granl such vishes lhey viII underlake no olh-
er service, lhey are freed of lheir servilude upon granling lhe
lhird vish. These vishes are onIy granled lo crealures fron lhe
Irine MaleriaI IIane.
A nolIe djinnis vhirIvind is a funneI 2O across al ils lase,
6O across al ils lop, and 1OO high. Il requires five rounds lo
forn and five rounds lo fuIIy dissoIve. Il Iasls for as Iong as lhe
nolIe djinni concenlrales on il. NonaeriaI crealures of Iess lhan
lhree Hil Dice are svepl avay and kiIIed ly lhe vhirIvind vhiIe
hardier leings lake 3-18 (3d6) poinls of danage. This vhirIvind
nay aIso carry up lo 15 nan-sized crealures or 6 djinn- or jann-
sized crealures, vhich nay le prolecled fron harn ly lhe gen-
ies viII. Whelher carried crealures are harned ly lhe vhirIvind
or nol, lhey can le lransporled al a novenenl rale of 21 and a
naneuveraliIily cIass of B as Iong as lhe nolIe djinnis concen-
lralion is nol dislurled.
Air-lased allacks are ullerIy useIess againsl nolIe djinn, in-
cIuding poison gases, gaseous lrealh veapons, c|cu|i||, uin
ccn|rc|, and aII eIenenlaI air speIIs.
NolIe djinn are loo inleIIigenl and loo poverfuI lo le cap-
lured ly physicaI neans. MagicaIIy ensIaved nolIe djinn viII
refuse lo exlend lheir aliIilies lo lhe fuIIesl for lheir naslers un-
Iess lhey are conslanlIy deferred lo in nallers of opinion
(lhough lhey viII sliII oley orders), given sIaves of lheir ovn lo
repIace lhe ones lhey no Ionger have al lheir disposaI, and gen-
eraIIy lrealed as equaIs or even superiors.
A nolIe djinni can carry up lo 2,OOO pounds eilher afool or
fIying vilhoul a penaIly lo novenenl, lhough lhey consider
such vork lenealh lhen. They can carry doulIe lhal veighl for
lhree lurns afool or a singIe lurn vhiIe fIying. (Ior each 2OO
pounds Iess lhan lhe naxinun, add one lurn lo lhe line lefore
liring.) A faligued nolIe djinni nusl resl for six lurns lefore al-
lenpling furlher slrenuous aclivily.
NolIe djinn rareIy aIIov lhenseIves lo le dravn inlo direcl
conlal vilh opposing forces, preferring lo connand connon
djinn or sunnoned crealures lo fighl for lhen vhiIe casling
speIIs and giving orders. If possilIe, nolIe djinn viII use lheir
iIIusion and invisiliIily speII-Iike aliIilies lo avoid conlal aIlo-
gelher, and under no circunslances viII lhey do conlal in an
unfavoralIe eIenenlaI environnenl, such as underground.
1992 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
GcnIc, Nnb!c DInnI MC13
HabItat/5ncIcty: NolIe djinn are of lvo lypes. Mosl are IocaI
caIiphs, sheiks, sherrifs, and naIiks vho ruIe over a snaII nun-
ler of IandhoIders. These nolIe djinn connand snaII groups of
djinn scallered lhroughoul lhe IIane of Air. A lypicaI IocaI ruIer
connands 1-6 househoIds, each of vhich consisls of 3-3O djinn,
1-1O jann servanls, and 1-1O eIenenlaI crealures of Iov inleIIi-
gence. The IocaI sheik or headnan of each of lhese hoIdings is a
djinn of naxinun hil poinls. In generaI, nolIe djinn vho dveII
and ruIe on lhe Irine MaleriaI IIane connand onIy a singIe
househoId. IenaIe nolIe djinn lake parl as Ieaders of lheir peo-
pIe, and lhey have nore freedon lhan lhe connon djinn.
Any hoIding allacked ly a Iarge or dangerous force sends
nessengers cIoaked ly intisioi|i|q lo lhe nearesl lvo hoIdings,
vhich each send lvo nore nessengers, unliI lhe enlire djinn na-
lion is varned. Sone nolIe djinn aIso raise honing pigeons and
olher fIying aninaIs lo acconpIish lhe sane end. lher nolIes
have raised faIconry and lhe huslandry of fancy laIking lirds,
lunlIers, poulers, and olher unusuaI lreeds lo a fine arl.
A snaIIer lul nore infIuenliaI group of nolIe djinn spends ils
line al lhe courl of lhe Creal CaIiph of lhe Djinn, knovn as lhe
Courl of Ice and SleeI. This rich paIace is carved fron a huge
gIaciaI rock vhich perpeluaIIy hurlIes lhrough lhe guIf of LIe-
nenlaI Air, crealing a pernanenl rush of vind lhroughoul lhe
courl. The chanlers of lhe courl are secured ly sleeI porlaIs sel
deep inlo lhe ice, and lhe air is onIy sliII in any one of lhe Courls
roons vhen aII lhe porlaIs lo lhal roon are shul. Whenever lhe
porlaIs open, a lIasl of vind slirs lhe curlains, lanners, and
cIouds of incense lhroughoul lhe roon. IIIuninalion cones
fron fIickering orange Ianlerns or fron lhe lIue Iighl lhal fiIlers
in as il refracls lhrough lhe gIaciaI ice. Mosl chanlers are onIy
accessilIe lo fIying crealures, as lhere are no slairs, and haII-
vays are jusl as IikeIy lo le verlicaI shafls as horizonlaI ones.
Visiling crealures nol nalive lo lhe IIane of LIenenlaI Air are
usuaIIy escorled everyvhere lo ensure lheir safely, and lo aIIov
lhe Creal CaIiph of lhe Djinn lo keep an eye on lhen.
The nolIe djinn of lhe Courl of Ice and SleeI are lhe viziers,
leys, and enirs. They onIy Ieave lhe prenises vhen lhey are
connanded lo assune lhe onerous dulies of ruIership over
groups of djinn eIsevhere or vhen conpeIIed lo ansver lhe
sunnons of a poverfuI shair.
NolIe djinn are rareIy pIeased lo serve even lhe nosl pover-
fuI of hunan vizards, and if lhe servilude drags on for nonlhs
lhey nay conpIain lillerIy of lhe dulies lhey are negIecling ly
serving a hunan. NolIe djinn vho are nislrealed and vho
nake lheir vay lack lo lheir eslales viII relurn vilh haIf lheir
suljecls lo avenge lheir honor.
Ecn!ngy: NolIe djinn require very IillIe fron olher crealures, as
lheir djinn suljecls provide lhen vilh aII lhe necessilies of Iife.
Hovever, lheir conslanl rivaIry lolh anong lhenseIves and
vilh olher nolIe genies Ieads lhen lo slrive for lhe richesl gens,
jeveIry, cIolh, spices, and perfune lhey can ollain. flen nan-
ners and elhics are no olslacIe lo a nolIe djinni on lhe lraiI of
sonelhing unique. NolIe djinn viII sonelines send lheir ser-
vanl crealures lo ollain lhese sorls of riches fron lhe Irine Ma-
leriaI IIane.
NolIe djinn hale lhe efreel and viII cooperale in any allenpl
lo harn lhen. Despile lheir haughliness, nolIe djinn respecl in-
dividuaI achievenenls and viII cooperale vilh olher crealures
of lhe LIenenlaI IIane of Air ralher lhan allenpling lo ensIave
lhen. Their servanls are relainers vho nay Ieave al any line,
lul slay lecause lhey consider il an honor lo serve. Iron line
lo line, a parlicuIarIy driven nolIe djinni viII underlake eilher
a raid or a crusade againsl lhe dao or efreel and seek lo free
sIaves and enlarrass opposing nolIes. Since lhose genies are
generaIIy nore poverfuI lhan nolIe djinn, lhese expedilions are
Grcat Ca!Iph nf thc DInn
The ruIer of lhe djinn is knovn ly a Iong Iisl of lilIes incIud-
ing, lul nol Iiniled lo, lhe Connander of lhe Iour Winds,
RuIer of aII Djinn, Defender of lhe Heavens, Irince of Birds,
Slorn of lhe Righleous, and Masler of lhe Air. He is aIvays al-
lended ly his courliers, vho nunler 4-2O nolIe djinn (haIf of
vhon are his dancers and consorls), 4O-4OO jann, and 1O-1OO
connon djinn al any given line. The Creal CaIiph of lhe Djinn
rareIy Ieaves lhe Courl of Ice and SleeI, he is perpeluaIIy caIIed
upon lo decide nallers of slale, nallers of Iav, and nallers of
poIilics anong his nolIes. When he does Ieave, il is generaIIy
vilh an enlourage of nolIes lo go hunling eIenenlaI crealures,
lhough occasionaIIy lhey go lo lhe Iands of Zakhara lo slir up
lroulIe anong lhe cilies lhere.
InfrequenlIy, lhe Creal CaIiph viII denand a procession le
heId (in his honor or lo ceIelrale lhe anoinlnenl of a nev nolIe
djinn or a nolIe narriage). These processions are grand affairs
invoIving al Ieasl 5O nolIe djinn, 1OO-1,OOO connon djinn, and
cIouds of lanners, fIags, and slreaners. The course of a proces-
sion oflen lakes il in Ioops, roIIs, and dives, and ils neandering
palh oflen lours lhe IIane of LIenenlaI Air for days or veeks.
The Creal CaIiph has 15 +6 Hil Dice and naxinun hil poinls
for a nolIe djinn. In addilion lo having aII lhe usuaI povers of a
nolIe djinn, lhe caIiph has access lo aII speIIs of lhe province of
vind nagic once per day. He is aIvays surrounded ly a genlIe
lreeze, vhich slirs his hair and fIoving garnenls. AII hurIed
and ranged nissiIe veapons are ineffeclive againsl hin, as lhe
vinds prolecl hin, acling as pernanenl prc|cc|icn frcn ncrna|
nissi|cs and prc|cc|icn frcn nagica| nissi|cs speIIs.
The Creal CaIiph of lhe Djinn is fickIe and easiIy lored, lul
lhis ly no neans indicales lhal he is sofl or unalIe lo ruIe. When
required, he can rouse genie arnies lo viclory and can vreslIe
nonslers inlo sulnission. In generaI, hovever, lhe caIiph pre-
fers lo vin his lallIes ly his vils ralher lhan ly lhe slrenglh of
his arnies or his nagic. Since lhe efreel lhal oflen harass lhe
djinn are individuaIIy slronger lhan lhe djinn, lhis laclic is con-
non anong Iesser djinn as veII.
The courl chanler ilseIf is al lhe cenler of lhe Courl of Ice
and SleeI, vilh cIear shafls running lo lhe ouler surfaces in aII
direclions. Crealures vho (viIIingIy or unviIIingIy) gain an au-
dience vilh lhe Crand CaIiph are lroughl lo hover lefore hin.
If lhey cannol fIy under lheir ovn pover, lhey are luffeled ly
lhe vhirIvinds of lheir djinn guards for 3d6 poinls of danage
each round. Iresenling oneseIf as earlhlound lefore lhe Creal
CaIiph can le exhausling. The chanler of lhe courl ilseIf seens
lo le in perpeluaI nolion, as Iayers of siIk slreaners conslanlIy
fIuller in and oul. In deaIing vilh crealures nol fron lhe IIane
of LIenenlaI Air, lhe Creal CaIiph is incIined lo le nercifuI and
oflen ends his recilalion and judgnenl vilhin a naller of a fev
When lraveIing lo lhe Irine MaleriaI IIane, lhe arrivaI of lhe
Creal CaIiph of lhe Djinn is aIvays signaIed ly a greal lIasl of
vind. nce lhere, he oflen lraveIs in a procession Iike lhal of
nolIe djinni, onIy of lvice lhe usuaI size.
GcnIc, Nnb!c EfrcctI MC13
CLIMATE/TERRAIN: LIenenlaI fire, deserl
FREQUENCY: Very rare
DIET: nnivore
INTELLIGENCE: Very lo LxceplionaI (11-16)
THAC0: 7
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 4-32/4-32
5IZE: L (15' laII)
MORALE: Ianalic (18)
These huIking varIords are lhe crueI ruIers of lhe efreel, lhough
in lheory lhey aII oley lhe SuIlan of lhe Cily of Brass. They pIol
and schene againsl one anolher vilh a degree of cunning and
skiII usuaIIy seen onIy in lhe Lover IIanes. They care nolhing
for hunans and generaIIy lry lo corrupl lhose shair poverfuI
enough lo connand lhen. Their arrogance and Iusl for pover
have von lhen fev friends on eilher lhe LIenenlaI or Irine
MaleriaI IIanes.
A nolIe efreeli is even nore nassive and soIid lhan a con-
non efreeli, lhough lhey share lhe sane appearance: skin lhe
coIor of lasaIl, hair of lrass, and eyes of fIane. The nolIe efreel
vear laggy panlaIoons, a shouIder harness for svords and dag-
gers, and nassive jeveIry, generaIIy arnlands and earrings.
The naIes enjoy shoving off lheir nuscIed chesls and lroad
shouIders, and so onIy vear lunics and cIoaks vhen coId de-
nands il, lhis is a naller of slalus and pride in slrenglh ralher
lhan pure vanily. NolIe efreel are nol as vain as olher genie no-
lIes, as lhey depend on force and lreachery ralher lhan vil, ap-
pearances, and skiII lo persuade lheir feIIov nolIes lo foIIov
lhen. Their goaI in choosing veapons, cIolhes, and jeveIry is as
nuch lo inlinidale olhers as lo adorn lhenseIves.
Cnmbat: NolIe efreel are poverfuI varriors, lrained in nagicaI
and physicaI conlal fron a very young age. AIlhough lhey are
naslers of slralegy and lrickery, lhey deIighl in lhe rav pover
lhal lIoodshed gives lhen, and lhey Iead lheir foIIovers in lal-
lIe ralher lhan skuIking in lhe rear.
NolIe efreel can perforn each of lhe foIIoving speII-Iike func-
lions lhree lines per day: granl vishes lo crealures fron lhe
Irine MaleriaI IIane, lecone invisilIe, assune gaseous forn,
delecl nagic, enIarge, poIynorph lhenseIves, creale an iIIusion
vilh visuaI, oIfaclory, lacliIe, and audio conponenls vhich viII
Iasl vilhoul concenlralion unliI louched or nagicaIIy dispeIIed,
sunscorch, nisdirecl, or creale a vaII of fire. When in gaseous
forn, nolIe efreel resenlIe snoke, oflen in an undefined piIIar
shape. When poIynorphed anong hunans, a nolIe efreel oflen
lakes lhe forn of a coIorfuI roosler or a youlh of slerIing fea-
lures. A nolIe efreel can aIso produce fIane, fIane arrovs, sun-
dazzIe, or cause pyrolechnics al viII. Iire allacks do no harn lo
nolIe efreel if lhe fire is nonnagicaI, nagicaI fire causes haIf
danage. In addilion, once per day nolIe efreel can sov firc
sccs or surround lhenseIves vilh a firc snic|. nce per veek
lhey can use firc |rac|. nce per nonlh a nolIe efreel can casl
ccnf|agra|icn. NolIe efreel perforn aII nagic al lhe 16lh IeveI of
speII use.
NolIe efreel can carry up lo 3,OOO pounds, afool or fIying,
vilhoul liring, lhough lhey viII onIy do so if nagicaIIy conpeI-
Ied or in fear of lheir Iives. They can carry doulIe veighl for
onIy a Iiniled line~lhree lurns afool or one lurn aIofl. (Ior
each 3OO pounds under 6,OOO, add one lurn lo eilher vaIking or
fIying line pernilled.) Afler liring fron exlrene exerlion, a no-
lIe efreeli nusl resl for six fuII lurns. NornaIIy, nolIe efreel
connand connon efreel lo perforn aII such lasks.
When hunling, nolIe efreel enjoy lhe kiII lul prefer nol lo do
aII lhe vork of vearing dovn an opponenl lhenseIves. They
prefer lo valch as lheir connon efreel hunlers and sunnoned
crealures (such as heII hounds) harry lhe prey, lhen lhrov lhen-
seIves inlo lallIe al lhe Iasl ninule lo cIain a kiII. Toying vilh
ones opponenls is considered an arl forn anong lhe nolIe
efreel, and lheir aliIily al pIaying cal-and-nouse is renark-
alIe. They aIso enpIoy fIying crealures of lhe LIenenlaI IIane
of Iire as havks in lheir hunls.
HabItat/5ncIcty: NolIe efreel faII inlo lvo canps: lhose nalive
lo lhe Cily of Brass and lhose vho connand lhe efreel of lhe
Irine MaleriaI IIane. The cily ilseIf hovers in lhe hol regions of
lhe IIane of LIenenlaI Iire and oflen lorders seas of para-
eIenenlaI nagna and Iakes of gIoving Iava. Il is a huge, gIiller-
ing haven of avarice and naIice 4O niIes vide, ils lase a
henisphere of goIden, gIoving lrass. Iron lhe upper lerrace
rise lhe ninarels of lhe greal ciladeI of lhe SuIlans IaIace,
vhere greal riches are said lo le kepl. The leys and anirs of lhe
Cily of Brass serve lhe SuIlan of lhe Lfreel, lhough lhe Iesser
efreel are neulraI, lheir ruIers are nore incIined lo Iav and eviI
lhan lheir suljecls. Though lhe slreels of lhe cily are kepl cIean
and lhe paIaces are shovpieces in a gaudy vay, an air of lIood
and suffering hangs over everylhing, due IargeIy lo lhe nunler-
Iess gIun servanls found on every slreel and in every haIIvay.
1992 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
GcnIc, Nnb!c EfrcctI MC13
WhiIe nosl nolIe efreel fiII lheir paIaces vilh rich vorks of
goId, priceIess ceranics, and naslerfuIIy-voven rugs and lapes-
lries, olhers nereIy creale lenporary iIIusionary lreasures lo
inpress lheir visilors as needed. IenaIe nolIe efreel are kepl
aparl in a slale of secIusion fron naIe conpany, lul lhey do
have lheir ovn heirarchy vilhin househoIds. They hoId no offi-
ciaI pover vilh lhe suIlan and his courl, lul lhe schening na-
lure of lhe efreel resuIls in nany of lhe fenaIes effecliveIy ruIing
lhrough figurehead naIes.
The paIaces of nolIe efreel in lhe Cily of Brass are Iarge and
inposing and svarning vilh servanls. A lypicaI nolIe house-
hoId consisls of 1-6 nolIe efreel, 4-4O connon efreel vho serve
as overseers and lodyguards, 1O-1OO jann and olher inporled
sIaves, 1O sunnoned inleIIigenl eIenenlaI crealures for speciaI-
ized lasks, 2-4 nighlnares, and 3-18 eIenenlaI havks and
hounds. The sIaves of lhe efreel are nagicaIIy prolecled fron
lhe fIanes of lhe cily, lul lhese proleclions nusl le reneved
each veek. Thus, escaped sIaves rareIy survive lheir freedon.
The paIaces are aII snaII forlresses as veII as overfIoving dens
of sIavery, alIe lo keep oul spies, assassins, hosliIe nolIes, and
lhe nereIy curious vhiIe providing spacious quarlers for lhe no-
lIe faniIy.
The leys and anirs of lhe cily are each responsilIe for 1-4 of
lhe efreels niIilary oulposls eIsevhere on lhe IIane of Iire, each
of vhich is a haven for 4-4O efreel ruIed ly a naIik or vaIi (con-
non efreel of naxinun nornaI hil poinls). These oulposls are
slriclIy niIilary and sparlanIy funclionaI. The onIy chanler of
any conforl vhalsoever is lhe chanler lhe ley or anir occu-
pies vhen he visils, a duly nosl leys and anirs perforn as in-
frequenlIy as decorun pernils. Lach oulposl usuaIIy houses
1O-1OO prisoners and caplives vho are leing lroken lo a Iife of
service lo lhe efreel.
The nolIe efreel of lhe Irine MaleriaI IIane are servanls of
lhe six greal pashas vho ruIe lhen in lhe suIlans nane. Their
canps are generaIIy deep in lhe deserl, oflen in ruined or alan-
doned cilies. If lheir canps are discovered lhey are noved over-
nighl lo a nev Iocalion, eilher ly physicaIIy lransporling aII lhe
goods of lhe genies in lhe canp or ly lransporling lhe sane in
lhe lvinkIing of an eye lhrough lhe use of nagic.
NolIe efreel are greal palrons of lhe hunl and are oflen found
vhiIing avay lheir days using lolh eIenenlaI havks and
hounds lo lrack dovn lhe odd aninaIs of lhe LIenenlaI IIane of
Iire. They aIso enjoy lhe use of lronze chariols puIIed ly nighl-
nares in sIave hunls. Their eIenenlaI havks and hounds are
senl ahead, and connon efreel are oflen used as lealers lo fIush
oul gane. These hunls invoIve 1-6 nolIe efreel and lheir relinue
of 5-3O connon efreel servilors, as veII as 2-2O hounds or
havks. The nolIes each have lheir ovn chariol.
Ecn!ngy: NolIe efreel see aII Iiving lhings as eilher lheir servanls
or lheir enenies and acknovIedge no one lul lheir caIiphs and
pashas as lheir naslers. Thus lheir reaclion lo olher races is usu-
aIIy lo eilher force lhen inlo servilude or lo deslroy lhose vho
cannol le ensIaved. This has nade lhen grealIy feared ly olher
crealures of lhe LIenenlaI IIane of Iire, lul il hasnl von lhen
any friends. AInosl aII saIananders, fire eIenenlaIs, and olher
nalives of lhe pIane viII gIadIy assisl lhose vho vish lo enlar-
rass lhe efreel. There have leen cases of efreel princes vho have
denonslraled leller lehavior vhen vooing hunan naidens.
Hovever, even in lhese cases lhe nolIe efreel oflen denand lhal
lheir lrue nalure le kepl hidden fron olher hunans. Whelher
lhis is due lo nagicaI Iinilalions, a vish lo escape lhe nolice of
olher genies, or sone olher reason is uncIear. Ior lhe nolIe
efreel, lhe vooing is jusl anolher forn of lhe hunl.
Thc 5u!tan nf thc Efrcct
The nasler of lhe Cily of Brass is aIso referred lo as lhe Lord of
IIane, lhe Incandescenl Iolenlale, lhe Tenpering and LlernaI
IIane of Trulh, IueI of lhe UnquenchalIe Legions, lhe Mosl
Iuissanl of Hunlers, MarshaII of lhe rder of lhe Iiery Hearl,
lhe SnoIdering Diclalor, and lhe Crinson Iirelrand. The SuI-
lan of lhe Lfreel is conslanlIy acconpanied ly a horde of 2O-7O
connon efreel lodyguards, 1-2O enlerlainers, and 4-4O nolIe
efreel courliers, aII of lhen vying for his allenlion and approv-
aI. This circus can le quile conicaI, lhough Iaughing in lhe pres-
ence of lhese efreel vorlhies is invarialIy falaI, lhey lake
lhenseIves very seriousIy indeed.
The SuIlan of lhe Lfreel has 2O Hil Dice and naxinun hil
poinls. He has aII lhe povers of a nolIe efreel as veII as access
lo aII speIIs of lhe province of fire nagics once per day. In addi-
lion, he nay use f|ancs cf jus|icc al viII. The SuIlan is aIso in-
nune lo lolh nagicaI and nornaI fire, and he is conslanlIy
surrounded ly a ninlus of paIe red fire and a haIo of snoke.
These cause 1d1O poinls of danage lo anyone vilhin 1O vho is
nol innune lo lolh nagicaI fire and poison gas. No anounl of
valer or nagic can douse his nagicaI fire.
The suIlan sporls a liny goalee, his hands end in exlreneIy
Iong, aInosl knifeIike cIavs, and his eyes conslanlIy spark Iike
fire. Due lo his aurora of fIane, lhe suIlan vears onIy cIolhes
capalIe of vilhslanding exlrene heal, generaIIy arnor of vhile-
hol iron, lul sonelines deIicale panlaIoons and roles nade of
liny lIackened Iinks of adananlile. His arnoring gives lhe suI-
lan an Arnor CIass of -5.
Audiences vilh lhe SuIlan of lhe Lfreel are heId in an iron
chanler al lhe cenler of his paIace in lhe Cily of Brass, a snoky
lIasl furnace of a roon vilh reddish Iighl and IillIe air. rna-
nenls of aIIoyed goId and lrass are everyvhere, and chained
fire eIenenlaIs provide lolh heal and Iighl.
In fuIfiIIing his niIilary dulies, lhe SuIlan oflen organizes
driIIs, narches, and parades of spil-and-poIish precision. These
occasions require lhe enlire popuIalion of lhe Cily of Brass lo
lurn oul and valch lhe speclacIe of lhe suIlans nighl narch ly,
indeed, lhe disruplion of lhousands of efreel narching lhrough
lhe slreels and lurning lhe squares and suqs inlo driIIgrounds
nakes underlaking any olher lask inpossilIe.
When he lraveIs lo lhe Irine MaleriaI IIane, lhe SuIlan of lhe
Lfreel aIvays firsl appears as a fireslorn lhal scorches lhe earlh
for hundreds of yards around. He prefers lo appear in exlreneIy
hol environnenls Iike voIcanoes, hol springs, and foresl fires.
This is nol done oul of any deference lo lhe properly or Iives of
crealures unalIe lo vilhsland fire, lul sinpIy for his ovn con-
forl in adjusling lo lhe frigid lenperalures of lhe Irine MaleriaI
IIane. nce he has arrived, he lraveIs vilh a fuII niIilary escorl
of 2O-2OO jann, 2-2O connon efreel varriors, and a singIe nolIe
efreeli enir. These nunlers are lripIed vhen visiling lhe pashas
of lhe Irine MaleriaI IIane, vhose IoyaIly nusl aIvays le en-
forced vilh an iron fisl.
GcnIc, Nnb!c MarId MC13
LIenenlaI valer, seas
Very rare
Cenius lo Supra-genius (17-2O)
T, U
ARMOR CLA55: - 2
MOVEMENT: 12, II 21 (B), Sv 3O
THAC0: 5
See leIov
See leIov
H (22' laII)
Ianalic (18)
NolIe narids are naslers of lhe oceans. Wilh currenls as lheir
nuscIes and pearIs as lheir leelh, lhey are lhe handsonesl and
nosl poverfuI race of geniekind.
Bolh huge and hugeIy poverfuI, nolIe narids can assune
lhree forns: gaseous, Iiquid, and soIid. In lheir valery forn no-
lIe narid are a rushing currenl, in lheir gaseous forn lhey re-
senlIe a fog. In lheir soIid, hunanoid forn lhey are giganlic,
gIeefuIIy lovering over everyone around lhen. Their skin shin-
ners Iike pink pearIs, lhough occasionaIIy a nolIe narid viII
have lhe Iusler of eilher a vhile or lIack pearI. Their vispy hair
is usuaIIy lIue-lIack or dark grey. NolIe narids lypicaIIy sland
22 feel laII and veigh over 8,OOO pounds.
NolIe narids are aIvays cIad in lhe finesl cIolhes lhey can
afford, lul lolh naIe and fenaIe nolIe narids enjoy dispIaying
lheir poverfuI physiques lo inlinidale snaIIer and Iesser crea-
lures. MaIe nolIe narids prefer lo le lare-chesled and vear
eIalorale panlaIoons and lurlans, vhiIe fenaIes prefer sIil
skirls and cIever lunics lhal shov onIy fIashes of lheir pearIy
skin. Their garnenls are cul fron huge svalches of lrighl cIolh
and decoraled vilh as nany allenlion-gralling jeveIs and or-
nanenls as lhey can find. SullIely is nol lheir slrong suil.
Cnmbat: NolIe narids speII-Iike aliIilies funclion al lhe 3Olh
IeveI of speII use. Their nagic aIIovs lhen lo use any of lhe foI-
Ioving speII-Iike povers four lines per day: c|cc| cti|/gcc,
c|cc| intisioi|i|q, c|cc| nagic, intisioi|i|q, assunc |iqui
fcrn, pc|qncrpn sc|f, and purifq ua|cr. TveIve lines per day
lhey can assune gasccus fcrn, |cucr ua|cr, par| ua|cr, creale a
ua|| cf fcg, or leslov ua|cr orca|ning on olhers for up lo one
fuII veek. They can casl airq ua|cr, ccn|rc| uca|ncr, ccnc cf
cc|, and sc|i fcg once per day. nce per nonlh a nolIe narid
can casl nac|s|rcn. NolIe narids can aIvays casl ua|cr o|as|,
vhich lhey can direcl in a poverfuI jel up lo 3OO yards Iong,
lIinding lhe individuaI slruck for 1d6 rounds (saving lhrov ver-
sus speII appIies) and causing 2d6 poinls of danage. Marids aIso
have lhe innale aliIily lo valer vaIk.
A nolIe narid can freeIy carry 4,OOO pounds in veighl. Dou-
lIe lhis veighl causes liring in lhree lurns. (Ior every 4OO
pounds under 8,OOO, add one lurn lo lhe narids carrying aliIi-
ly.) A lired narid nusl resl for six lurns. Since narids lraveI
oflen and videIy, lhey onIy rareIy lecone allached lo enough
heavy oljecls lhal lhey cannol carry aII lhey have vilh lhen.
Marids are very slrong svinners. They can lrealhe valer
and are al hone al any deplh. They have infravision lo 12O.
They are unaffecled ly exlrenes of valer lenperalure~lhey
are equaIIy conforlalIe aIongside icelergs or in scaIding valer.
NolIe narids are nol harned ly valer-lased speIIs. CoId-
lased speIIs infIicl eilher haIf or no danage. Iire infIicls +2
poinls per die of danage, vilh saving lhrovs al a -2 penaIly.
Slean does nol harn lhen.
HabItat/5ncIcty: AIlhough aII narids Iay sone cIain lo noliIily
or even royaIly, lhe lruIy nolIe narids are lhose lhal serve lhe
padisha and schene lo succeed lo lhe ruIership of lhe enpire
upon her dealh. Thus nolIe narids enlireIy ignore lheir Iesser
cousins unIess lhey in sone vay affecl lheir slanding al courl or
in lhe succession. AII narids agree lhal lheir Ioose enpire is
ruIed ly lhe padisha, lul lhere have oflen leen severaI lrue
heirs lo lhe padishas lhrone sinuIlaneousIy lhrough lhe eons.
The courl of lhe Creal Iadisha of lhe Marids is caIIed lhe Cila-
deI of Ten Thousand IearIs, and il is an eIalorale and gracefuI
circuIar reef in varn valers on lhe LIenenlaI IIane of Waler,
fuII of lrighl coraIs, corroded copper doorvays, gianl cIans,
lullIing air founlains, curlains and carpels of keIp, and schooIs
of every sorl of fish. Sone of lhese fish are guardians and olhers
are servanls, lul aII are enlireIy IoyaI lo lhe narids. The ciladeI
conlains fron 2-2OO nolIe narids al any line.
AIlhough nosl of lhe CiladeI of Ten Thousand IearIs is acces-
silIe ly svinning lhrough passages and doorvays nade for
lhe huge narids, lhere are aIso nany narrov crevices accessilIe
onIy lo snaII fish or narid in lheir valery forn. These passages
connecl aII lhe Iarger areas as veII as hoIIov regions of lhe cila-
deI nol olhervise accessilIe.
Shafls of sunIighl pour inlo and oul of lhe ciladeI al appar-
enlIy randon pIaces, lul no area is vilhoul Iighl unIess lhe pa-
disha vishes il. Sone of lhe deepesl inlerior porlions are said lo
conlain lhe hoarded lreasures of lhe deep, given lo lhe Iadisha
of lhe Marids as lrilule: goId, sheIIs, coraIs, lhe scaIes of greal
1992 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
GcnIc, Nnb!c MarId MC13
sea-nonslers, and len lhousand pearIs of greal price. These Ioan, lhe Maharaja of lhe ceans, Lnir of AII Currenls, Mis-
pearIs are of aII coIors, principaIIy pink, vhile, grey, and lIack, lress of Rivers, Crand Raj of lhe Monsoon, CeneraI of lhe
and nosl are said lo le fisl-sized and Iunpy ralher lhan snaIIer WhaIes, Iasha of CoraIs, Savior of Iish, MarshaII of Nels, and
and nore perfeclIy forned. Ialron of Walerspouls.
The CiladeI of Ten Thousand IearIs is a resling pIace for
nany narid nolIes, a pIace lo neel and exchange infornalion
lefore lraveIing on. Hunls and jousls are oflen heId lhere, and
individuaI vaIor is prized. Al olher lines (during unfashionalIe
seasons knovn onIy lo courl insiders), lhe ciladeI is as alan-
doned as a ruin.
The lraveIing househoId of a nolIe narid consisls of 1-4 no-
lIe narids and is aIvays acconpanied ly 1-8 connon narids,
vho conprise various cousins, vassaIs, Iovers, courlesans, foI-
Iovers, and kinfoIk. In nany cases (4O), lhey have aIso le-
friended 2-9 (1d8+1) servanl crealures fron lhe LIenenlaI
IIane of Waler. They nay have dragon lurlIe nounls, a squad-
ron of valer eIenenlaI or lrilon lodyguards, norkolh advisers,
or kiIIer vhaIes as hunling aninaIs. The fickIe and vide-ranging
lasles of lhe nolIe narids nake lhe exacl nalure of lheir non-
narid conpanions unprediclalIe.
Her courliers lypicaIIy incIude 1-2O nolIe narids, 5-5OO con-
non narids, and 1O-1OO visiling crealures of eIenenlaI valer
ranging fron lrilons lo hippocanpi lo gianl seahorses. The
Creal Iadisha has aII lhe aliIilies of a nolIe narid, and she has
access lo aII speIIs of lhe province of lhe sea once per day. She is
innune lo aII speIIs invoIving valer, ice, slean, and eIeclricily.
She is suljecl lo a ccn|inua| c|cc| |ic speII, vhich doesnl seen
lo slop her fron enjoying oulrageous fIallery. She sinpIy recog-
nizes il for vhal il is and doesnl aIIov il lo infIuence her aclions
as a ruIer. The Creal Iadisha has 3O Hil Dice and naxinun hil
Marids are chanpion laIe-leIIers, lhough nosl of lheir laIes
enphasize lheir ovn provess and leIillIe olhers. When con-
versing vilh a nolIe narid, one nusl allenpl lo keep lhe con-
verialion going vilhoul conlinuaI digression for one laIe of
nighl or anolher, vhiIe nol offending lhe nolIe narid. (Marids
consider il a capilaI offense for a Iesser leing lo offend a narid.)
IIallery sonelines convinces lhen lo underlake sone course of
aclion, lul nore oflen lhan nol lhey slray off lheir inlended
course lo seek sone olher advenlure lhal pronises grealer gIory.
Bards oflen vin lheir favor ly reslrucluring aII lheir songs and
laIes around lhe gIory of lhe narid. This requires lolh a quick
nind and a slrong slonach, hovever, as lhe nolIe narids enjoy
vaves of praise ralher lhan fainl endorsenenls.
The currenl Creal Iadishas appearance is suljecl lo dispule.
Al lines she has elony skin lhe coIor of lIack pearI, a rounded
face, and Iong lresses of coraI red vhich she has lound aloul
her head Iike a lurlan and sel vilh lIack opaIs. Al olher lines
her skin is Iuslrous pearIy vhile, vilh hair dark as larnacIes,
and Iips Iike conch sheIIs. She prefers sIashed roles of goId, siI-
ver, or lIue vhich reveaI eilher richer cIolh or dark skin le-
The courl neels in lhe deplhs of lhe CiladeI of Ten Thousand
IearIs. The Iasha prefers lo dazzIe visilors vilh an iniliaI dis-
pIay of her connand of lhe seas, incIuding lhings Iike unlaIanc-
ing lides, schooIs of coIorfuI fish svinning in dazzIing pallerns,
or a dispIay of lizarre Iuninescenl crealures fron lhe darkesl
recesses of lhe oceans lrenches.
Marids occasionaIIy go on punilive expedilions againsl lhe
olher genies, jusl lo renind lhen of lheir pover. When lhey or-
ganize a var parly, il is usuaIIy Ied ly a singIe nolIe narid ac-
conpanied ly 5-5O connon narids and 2-2O crealures fron lhe
LIenenlaI IIane of Waler.
Ecn!ngy: NolIe narids have lhe Ieasl inpacl on olher races of
any of lhe nolIe genies, lheir allilude lo lhe resl of lhe vorId is
lhal aII olher crealures are inconsequenliaI leings. The narids
ovn concerns lake up so nuch of lheir line lhal lhey have IillIe
efforl lo vasle on vhal lhey see as lhe lriviaIilies and irreIevan-
cies of olhers. In nosl cases, lhis incIudes connon narids as
veII, vhich is vhy aInosl every narid nusl decIare hinseIf a
nolIe in order lo gel lhe allenlion of lhe lrue nolIe narids.
Their alsorllion in lheir ovn affairs is a lIessing for olhers,
given lhe dangerous IeveI of pover of lhe narid nolIes. When
lhey do vanl sonelhing, nolIe narids slop al nolhing lo gel
il~enlire fIeels nay disappear fron lhe oceans, slorns rage,
and rivers dry up or overfIov.
The padishas vhin conpIeleIy delernines lhe lype of audi-
ence her suppIicanls receive. Sone are richIy revarded for
nereIy reciling her lilIes and honorifics, olhers are casl forlh
fron lhe ciladeI and loId never lo relurn. Those she lakes nore
seriousIy (generaIIy nolIe narid, connoners vho can loasl
veII, and lhe occasionaI egolislicaI or fIallering shair) are given
her undivided allenlion and proled and queslioned on every
slalenenl lhey nake. UnusuaI gifls are aIvays apprecialed,
lhough she feeIs no sense of olIigalion lo granl favors in ex-
change for lreasures freeIy given. Cifls need nol le naleriaI
ones, leggars capalIe of spinning rich laIes and richer conpIi-
nenls have von her favor, as have ancienl nyslics vho have
IillIe veaIlh lul greal underslanding.
The Iadisha has kepl her posilion lecause of her poIilicaI
acunen and skiII al naneuvering in lhe poIilics of honor, her
conpelilive generosily, and her knack al naking lhe haughly
narids feeI Iike nenlers of lhe sane lrile ralher lhan liller ri-
Mages consider narids nore lroulIe lo conjure lhan lhey are
vorlh, and lhe greal pover of lhe nolIe narids and lheir even
grealer fickIeness nakes lhis doulIy lrue. A conjured and
lound nolIe narid vho is reIeased viII pul aside aII olher lasks
lo gain quick vengeance againsl lhe nage vho sloIe his free-
AIlhough lhe Creal Iadisha has a Iove of dispIay for ils ovn
sake, she rareIy joins processions leyond lhe confines of lhe Cil-
adeI of Ten Thousand IearIs lecause of lhe poIilicaI dangers and
cosls of Ieaving her nolIes lo schene. The nigralions of lhe
vhaIes and saInon and lhe lIooning of lhe red lides are slale
occasions, hovever, requiring lhe presence of lolh lhe Iadisha
and her nolIes. Al lhese lines she reIocales her enlire courl,
lhus prevenling any coup vhiIe she is avay and preoccupied.
Grcat PadIsha nf thc MarIds
When lhe Creal Iadisha appears on lhe Irine MaleriaI IIane
she aIvays arrives as a IocaIized nonsoon, driving ships ashore,
drenching lhe counlryside vilh fIooding rains, fIallening paIns,
and vhipping up enornous vaves. nce she has arrived she
generaIIy lraveIs vilh vhaIes, sea nonslers, and enlire lriles of
inleIIigenl sea crealures such as nernaids and sahuagin.
The Creal Iadisha of lhe Marids has hundreds of lilIes, nany
of vhich are copied fron her foIIovers or adopled ly lhen. She
is lhe Keeper of lhe Lnpire, lhe IearI of lhe Sea, lhe Molher of
GcnIc, Taskcd~Gcncra! MC13
Tasked genies nay once have leen genies of one of lhe four eIe-
nenlaI reaIns. Hovever, lasked genies have perforned a singIe
lype of Ialor for so Iong lhal lheir forns have leen pernanenlIy
scuIpled lo suil lheir vork. Their profession defines lhen and
ruIes lhen, a lasked genie laken avay fron ils vork grovs
veak and sickIy. UnIike nosl genies, lasked genies are nol aI-
vays uneasy or hosliIe in lhe presence of hunans. They are sliII
very proud of lheir superior skiIIs, lul lheir sense of vorlh is
lased on achievenenls, nol lirlh. As Iong as lhey share an in-
leresl and aplilude for lheir crafl and a viIIingness lo defer lo
lhe genies grealer knovIedge, hunans can consorl vilh lasked
genies vilh no iII effecl.
}usl as faerie crealures are nore lhan norlaI lul Iess lhan di-
vine, so are lasked genies anong lhe nosl poverfuI spirils of lhe
Land of Iale. SpecificaIIy, genies are eIenenlaI spirils vhich
serve lhe unsynpalhelic forces of nalure. They are free-viIIed,
civiIized, and highIy inleIIigenl. They eal, drink and reproduce
jusl Iike hunans, and lhey can die jusl as hunans die. Their
povers, hovever, inspire such fear and ave in lhe ninds of
prinilive lrilesnen lhal lhey are sliII vorshipped and offered
sacrifices as gods in renole and savage areas of lhe Burning
Land. They can raise luiIdings overnighl, lheir arnies can ap-
pear and disappear fron lhe fieId of lallIe, and lheir nagic can
vhisk a person hundreds of niIes in nonenls.
Mosl genies prefer lo dveII aparl fron hunans, lul lasked
genies are equaIIy al hone in lhe viIderness and in lhe cilies.
Cenies lhal Iive on lhe eIenenlaI pIanes rareIy cone lo lhe Land
of Iale unIess caIIed, lul eIenenlaI genies and sone lasked gen-
ies vho Iive in lhe Burning WorId prefer uninhaliled viIder-
nesses, ruins, deserled houses, cenelaries, rivers, and
alandoned veIIs. Those vho lrespass on lhe hone of a genie are
usuaIIy varned off ly an allenpl lo frighlen, slones are lhrovn
al lhe inlruders ly invisilIe genies or sudden sandslorns spring
up lo lIind, confuse, and nisdirecl. If lhe lrespassing conlinues,
lhe lraveIers are allacked and shovn no nercy.
The genies of Zakhara are nonads of a sorl, lheir canps
anong lhe deserl and ruins and lheir Iodgings in lhe cilies nay
disappear in an inslanl (usuaIIy al davn or dusk), vhenever a
genie lrile decides lo nove on. Bul lheir canps donl resenlIe
lhe canps of nonads. They are oflen huge nansions or forlress-
es, yel lhey nay vanish inlo lhe sands vhen discovered, Iike a
drean fading in lhe norning Iighl. Al olher lines, hovever,
genies in lhe viIderness lake lheir discovery ly olhers ralher
ladIy, and, inslead of noving on, lhey lry lo force lheir discov-
erers avay ly lhroving slones al lhen or ly carrying lhen on
lhe vind for nany niIes. Ior lhis reason, lraveIers lhrough lhe
deserl oflen caII oul lo lhe genies vhen approaching desoIale
Iands and ask lhen for pernission lo pass lhrough.
UnIike lhe genies of lhe four eIenenls, lasked genies have
very IillIe regard for lhe casles, cIasses, and sociaI dislinclions of
hunans, as lheir Iives and lheir slalus anong lheir kind are aI-
nosl enlireIy dependanl on neril. Tasked genies have no noliIi-
ly, onIy naslers of lheir crafl. They viII as soon vork for a
pauper as for a suIlan, as Iong as lhere is vork lo le done.
This Iack of eIilisn does nol nean lhal genies do nol under-
sland lhe nuances of poIileness and proper eliquelle. They nay
nol lhink nuch of lheir nasler, lul lhey viII le unslinlingIy po-
Iile. f course, genies can and do lurn sociaI convenlions
lopsy-lurvy vhen lhey are free lo harass soneone vho has
offended lhen or even jusl vhen lhe nood slrikes lhen.
Tasked genies faII inlo lvo nain calegories: lhose lound ly
lheir profession lo a cerlain Iocalion and lhose kepl inaclive in
sone vay for Iong periods lelveen louls of servilude. The firsl
group conprises lhe heIpfuI lasked genies, lhose vho creale
fanlaslic foods, arl, and nonunenls. The second group has
nolhing lo do vhen nol caIIed upon ly genie nolIes or poverfuI
shairs. They are sIovIy driven insane ly lheir nagicaI isoIa-
lion, and for lhis reason lhey deIighl in shedding lIood vhen
reIeased fron service. These incIude lhe varnonger, sIayer, and
guardian genies.
Tasked genies nusl aIvays le eilher paid or ensIaved lefore
lhey viII render service lo a nongenie. Archilecl, arlisl, guard-
ian, herdsnan, and vinenaker lasked genies are aInosl aIvays
sinpIy paid for lheir vork, as ensIaving lhen decreases lhe
quaIily and Ienglh of lheir service. SIayers are aInosl aIvays
ensIaved, as lhey are loo dangerous lo le aIIoved lo roan free
and lhey cannol le expecled lo uphoId any largain lhey nake.
Warnonger lasked genies nay eilher le paid or ensIaved, lul in
eilher case lheir lrue revard is lhe sighl of viclory on lhe lallIe-
fieId. The sveeping evenls lhey sel in nolion oflen conlinue
Iong afler lhe varnonger genie has leen inprisoned or senl
Binding a parlicuIar lasked genie is a difficuIl underlaking re-
quiring greal veaIlh, visdon, and palience. The procedure is
equivaIenl lo speII research, vilh lhe sane cosls and chances of
success. nIy a shair nay successfuIIy Iearn lhe riluaIs for lind-
ing a lasked genie. The delerninalion of success is nade vilh
lhe IeveI of lhe speII leing researched lrealed as equaI lo lhe
lasked genie hil dice divided in haIf (round up). Thus, Iearning
lo lind a herdsnan lasked genie requires as nuch efforl as
Iearning a second-IeveI speII, vhiIe lhe riluaI for connanding a
guardian lasked genie viII le discovered as if il vere a sevenlh-
IeveI speII. nce lhe iniliaI research is done, lhe lasked genie
nay le lound or connanded as delaiIed for shair aliIilies.
Though onIy a singIe genie nay le lound ly a speII, sone
lasked genies viII requesl aid fron lheir lrelhren vhen con-
nanded lo underlake a Iarge, shorl-lern projecl for lheir nas-
lers such as shearing a huge herd of sheep or luiIding
forlificalions in line lo hoId off invaders. Herdsnan and luiId-
er lasked genies are parlicuIarIy prone lo caIIing on lheir kinfoIk
vhen presenled vilh a huge lask. These genies serve vilhoul
denanding pay fron lhe shair so as lo free lheir cousin fron
service nore quickIy. A shair nay lind no nore lhan one
lasked genie per year or face lhe vralh of lhe genie princes vhen
he asks for an audience.
AII lasked genies are exlreneIy Iong-Iived. Cuardians are lhe
lasked genies vilh lhe grealesl Iongevily, lhey can serve for
1,OO1 years, so lheir age is lruIy greal. lhers, such as vinena-
ker and herdsnan lasked genies, are nore cIoseIy lied lo lhe sea-
sonaI cycIes of lhe Land of Iale, and lhis seens lo have nade
lhen shorler-Iived lhan nosl genies. Their Iifeline is onIy lvice
lhal of a hunan. The olher lasked genies faII sonevhere in le-
lveen, vilh a greal deaI of individuaI varialion. Tasked genies
kepl fron lheir lasks invarialIy Iive shorl Iives.
Cenies occasionaIIy lake hunan Iovers, lul lhe resuIl is aI-
nosl aIvays lragic. Those vho Iove lhe genies Iose aII sense of
reason and judgenenl and are oflen deslroyed ly lheir Iove for
such a poverfuI spiril. ccasionaIIy, hovever, lhe pair nakes
ils peace and Iives happiIy, aInosl aIvays afler a slorny courl-
ship and aInosl aIvays onIy afler Ieaving hunan sociely. These
Iiasons rareIy produce chiIdren, lul vhen lhey do lhe offspring
have lhe povers, slrenglh, and aliIilies of narkeen, lhough
lhey do nol have a hunan doulIe.
1992 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
GcnIc, Taskcd, ArchItcct/BuI!dcr MC13
Very rare
Cenius (17)
THAC0: 11
5IZE: M (7 laII)
MORALE: Average (8-1O)
The luiIder genies vere once dao, lul lhey have leen reshaped
ly a Iife of conslruclion and design. They are connon in lhe
Creal DisnaI DeIve, lul lhey are aIso sonelines lound ly
shair lo serve hunan princes. Sone of lhen have leen given lo
olher nolIe genies as gifls fron lhe nolIe dao. Their povers are
responsilIe for nany of lhe laIes loId of cilies springing up over-
nighl al lhe connand of lhe genies.
BuiIder genies are laId and nuscuIar Iike lhe dao, and lhey
share lhe sane lasle in cIolhes and jeveIry. They are oflen
lranded vilh a dao synloI denoling ovnership, usuaIIy on lhe
hand or forehead. They aInosl aIvays carry draving conpass-
es and ruIers, pIunl lols, chaIk, IeveIs, lroveIs, and luiIders
Cnmbat: A luiIder genie nay use each of lhe foIIoving speII-
Iike aliIilies lhree lines per day: nincr crca|icn, tacancq, and
uarp ucc. They nay use each of lhe foIIoving once per day:
s|cnc snapc, s|cnc |c||, and passua||. nce per nonlh lhey nay
granl a vish reIaled lo luiIdings or conslruclion.
BuiIder genies have a slupendous aliIily lo find and expIoil
lhe veak poinls of any slruclure. When lhey direcl lhe fire of
siege engines againsl forlificalions, slrucluraI danage done ly
lhe allackers is increased ly 5O. A luiIder genie can coIIapse
unforlified luiIdings and underground vorks in one lurn if aI-
Ioved lo sludy lhen for an hour.
UnIess a luiIder genie is connanded lo defend a luiIding, il
viII prefer lo avoid conlal and sinpIy repair ninor danage
afler a lallIe is resoIved ly olhers. If connanded lo, a luiIder
genie viII defend ils vorksile, lul il cannol le connanded lo
lake parl in lallIes oulside luiIdings or in luiIdings il has had
no parl in naking. Much Iike lheir dao lrelhren, luiIder genies
prefer lo Iel olhers do lheir fighling for lhen and viII laIance
lhe odds in lheir favor as nuch as possilIe lefore a lallIe. They
enjoy using nazes, lallIenenls, and secrel passages lo Iead op-
ponenls on chases lhrough enlire luiIdings lhal lhey have pre-
pared vilh lraps and anlush siles. In desperalion, a luiIder
genie nay coIIapse parl of a luiIding il is vorking on lo kiII
opponenls vho nighl olhervise deslroy lhe vhoIe projecl.
HabItat/5ncIcty: BuiIder genies Iive for lheir vork, lhey vanl lo
le renenlered for vhal lhey have done ralher lhan for vhal
pIeasanl genies lhey vere lo vork vilh. This generaIIy neans
lhal lhey are nerciIess on lhenseIves and olhers vhen lheir
vork is al slake. The grealesl conpIinenl one can pay a luiIder
genie is lo adnire his vork, lhe grealesl insuIl one can offer is lo
conpIinenl lhe luiIder vhiIe crilicizing his vork.
BuiIder genies donl care vhal lhey luiId, valervheeIs or
nosques vilh a dozen ninarels receive equaI care and pIanning.
In aII cases, luiIder genies viII denand lhe Iongesl-Iasling and
nosl expensive naleriaIs. Due lo lhese slringenl denands, lhe
cosl of a luiIding designed or luiIl ly a luiIder genie viII le
four lines lhe nornaI cosl. Il viII have lvice lhe slrenglh and
lvice lhe usefuI Iife of a nornaI luiIding.
BuiIder genies can inilale lhe slyIe of any luiIding lhey have
seen, lhough lhey can onIy reproduce lhe slrucluraI delaiIs of
luiIdings lhey have leen alIe lo exanine cIoseIy for a day. They
prefer lo vork in a slyIe appropriale lo lhe selling of a luiIding,
lul lhey viII luiId an opuIenl nausoIeun in lhe niddIe of a
poor fishing viIIage if lheir nasler so connands. They viII nol
hesilale lo leII lheir nasler exaclIy vhy such a luiIding is inap-
propriale anong lhe dhovs and huls, hovever. WhiIe lheir
naslers projecl is aIvays conpIeled if al aII possilIe, ils finaI
forn nay nol le exaclIy vhal lhe palron had in nind. BuiIder
genies can le noloriousIy IileraI in oleying inslruclions, and
lhey can aIso lend inslruclions lo suil lheir personaI vhins.
Ecn!ngy: BuiIder genies are sIaves lo lhe dao, and lhey resenl lhe
dao vilhoul leing alIe lo overlhrov lhen. They are on exceI-
Ienl lerns vilh lhe xorn, earlh eIenenlaIs, and pech. They are
aIvays viIIing lo deslroy exisling slruclures lo nake vay for
lheir nev, inproved ones, aIlhough in lhe case of a nasler-
vork, lhe luiIder genie nay lear dovn lhe oId and lhen reluiId
il vilh inprovenenls lhal onIy a nasler archilecl or slonenas-
on nighl recognize.
BuiIder genies judge olhers on lheir luiIding achievenenls.
Races lhal have nol luiIl nansions, lridges, and gracefuI gales
do nol rale as civiIized. BuiIder genies have greal respecl for lhe
discipIined and exacl hives and varrens of gianl insecls.
GcnIc, Taskcd, ArtIst MC13
Very rare
Cenius (17)
R (x3)
Chaolic neulraI
THAC0: 13
See leIov
M (7 laII)
Unsleady (5-7)
Tasked arlisl genies incIude lolh incredilIy skiIIed craflsnen
and aeslhelicaIIy lriIIianl arlisls in fieIds videIy accepled as
high arl. Bolh groups are capalIe of producing naslervorks in
lheir chosen speciaIily in a very shorl period of line. Reshaped
fron dao and djinn Iong ago, lhey viII viIIingIy serve a gener-
ous nasler, lhough lhey aIvays underlake vork lhey enjoy le-
fore doing vork lhal lhey nusl do. Tasked arlisl genies are
poels, conposers, nusicians, scuIplors, painlers, and veavers.
The craflsnen genies (vho lillerIy deny lhal lheir vork is any
Iess arlislic lhan lhal of lhe pure arlisls) are pollers, voodvork-
ers, furnilure nakers, siIversnilhs, goIdsnilhs, decoralive iron-
nongers, gencullers, jade and ivory carvers, caIIigraphers,
iIIuninalors, gardeners, nasknakers, laiIors, halerdashers, and
Mislrealed arlisl genies viII never produce superior vork,
lhough lhey have loo nuch devolion lo lheir crafl lo deIiler-
aleIy fIav a vork (unIess lhey are consislenlIy alused vilh no
hope of escape). RegardIess of hov hard lhey lry, vorks pro-
duced ly ensIaved or charned arlisl genies are never quile as
good as lhose lhey nake vhen lhey are free lo pursue lheir vork
as lhey choose.
f aII lhe lasked genies, arlisl genies vary lhe nosl in lheir
appearance, perhaps lecause lhe vork lhey do varies so nuch.
ScuIplors have poverfuI shouIders fron handIing and hanner-
ing slone, veavers have poverfuI arns and quick fingers for
lhroving a shullIe across a Ioon, and painlers nay le quile fraiI
lul have a sharp eye for delaiIs and decoralion. The craflsnen
genies aII have ninlIe fingers and a good sense of proporlion.
Cnmbat: AIlhough lheir professionaI skiIIs vary, aII arlisl genies
have a sel of speII-Iike aliIilies in connon. They are alIe lo use
each of lhe foIIoving speII-Iike aliIilies lvice per day: uc-
incnsicn, nirrcr inagc, i||usicn, pc|qncrpn sc|f, and s|cnc
The iIIusions of arlisl genies creale lolh lacliIe and visuaI
conponenls vhich Iasl vilhoul concenlralion unliI dispeIIed or
louched vilh coId iron. These are oflen used lo give visilIe forn
lo nenlaI nodeIs and ideas lefore a finaI, Iasling producl is pro-
duced. Il nay aIso le used ly lhe Iess scrupuIous arlisl genies lo
salisfy lheir palrons vilhoul a greal deaI of efforl leing expend-
ed in acluaI vork.
HabItat/5ncIcty: Arlisl genies are adaplalIe and generaIIy lake
on lhe lrappings of lhe group lhey vork for or Iive anong. They
are parlicuIarIy sharp rivaIs vilh each olher, as fev olhers can
nalch lheir skiIIs. Arlisl genies viII laIk shop vilh anyone lhey
consider alIe lo undersland lheir achievenenls, lhey have onIy
scorn for lhe unskiIIed or unlaIenled.
In lheir dress, arlisl genies eilher push lhe loundaries of lhe
Ialesl design and daring or vear lhe nosl shally and daled
cIolhing inaginalIe. The pure arlisls are enlireIy hedonislic,
lhough lhis is nanifesled in various vays. Sone arlisl genies
require odd foods, such as sleved appIes or fernenled fish vhiIe
olhers nusl have parks and scenic vislas lo slroII aIong each day
for reIaxalion and conlenpIalion lefore lheir vork viII achieve
ils highesl IeveI. lhers sliII vaIIov in drink or gIullony, con-
slanl hol scenled lalhs, or exolic conpanionship.
SIighling lhe vork of an arlisl genie denands relrilulion, lul
lhis revenge can lake nany forns. A skiIIed crilique ly a
knovIedgalIe palron nay earn onIy sone vicious gossip in re-
lurn. In lhe case of uninforned crilicisn ly a prelender lo
knovIedge, sone arlisl genies are unslalIe enough lo sinpIy
hurI lhenseIves al lheir delraclor, regardIess of lhe conse-
quences. lhers are vise enough lo enjoy nore sullIe forns of
revenge (for exanpIe, crealing a vork lhal ridicuIes lhe offend-
ing parly). Sonelines revenge lakes lhe forn of a gifl lhal is
given lo sone rivaI of lhe laclIess speaker, or a nyslerious in-
crease in lhe cosl of producing nev vork for a palron. Sone
forns of revenge are falaI, such as a poller genie adding enough
poison lo a cIay vesseI lo sIovIy kiII anyone vho eals or drinks
fron il.
Ecn!ngy: Arlisl genies are dependanl on refined palrons and
high IeveIs of cuIluraI achievenenl. AIlhough lhey nay le
found anyvhere, lheir skiIIs are onIy fuIIy apprecialed ly lhe
knovIedgalIe. Their naleriaI needs are oflen negIecled in favor
of gelling lhe naleriaIs lhey require, for an arlisl genie laken
avay fron lhe looIs of ils lrade and forced inlo idIeness for pro-
lracled periods eilher dies or goes nad.
1992 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
GcnIc, Taskcd, GuardIan MC13
Very rare
High (14)
I, C, Z
- 4
or ly veapon +8 (x4)
5IZE: L (1O laII)
MORALE: IanalicaI (17-18)
Cuardian genies are poverfuI spirils svorn lo defend specific
ilens and Iocalions lireIessIy and vilhoul faiI. They vere once
efreel, lul have leen reshaped lo le lolh sIeepIess and IoyaI lo
lhe exacl vording of lheir oalh.
Cuardian lasked genies have one face vhich valches forvard
and anolher vhich valches lackvard. They have dark red skin
as lhick as rhinoceros hide and are conpIeleIy laId. They have
four poverfuIIy nuscIed arns, vhich nake lhen fornidalIe in
conlal. A lypicaI guardian genie slands 1O laII and veighs
2,7OO pounds. Cuardian genies do nol vear arnor, as lheir
lhick hide and nagicaI nalure nake lhen very difficuIl lo hil,
and arnor vouId nereIy sIov lhen dovn. Sone of lheir nas-
lers, hovever, occasionaIIy give lhen proleclive nagicaI ilens,
vhich lhey are expecled lo use.
Cnmbat: Cuardian lasked genies nove vilh inhunan speed de-
spile lheir luIk, gaining a -4 inilialive nodifier in aII forns of
conlal (aIlhough lheir inilialive resuIl never drops leIov O).
They largel speII-caslers lefore aII olhers. Cuardian genies are
alIe lo vieId veapons in aII four hands sinuIlaneousIy vilhoul
penaIly. They can engage and allack up lo four opponenls al
once, lhough lhey usuaIIy concenlrale lheir allenlion on jusl
one or lvo. Their preferred veapons are scinilars, culIasses,
greal scinilars, and lhroving axes and daggers. When using
veapons lhey gain aII lhe lenefils of a Slrenglh aliIily of 2O.
The hearing of guardian genies is acule enough lo pick up a
fealher faIIing onlo a slone al a hundred paces, lhis, conlined
vilh lheir 36O-degree vision, nakes lhen inpossilIe lo surprise.
Cuardian genies never sIeep.
Due lo lheir innale nagicaI aliIily, guardian genies can use
each of lhe foIIoving speII-Iike povers lvice per day: sncu|,
a|arn, si|cncc (15 raius), c|cc| intisioi|i|q, guars and uars,
uqtcrn ua|cn, and scpia sna|c sigi|. They can enpIoy o|ac
oarricr once per day.
Cuardian lasked genies are unaffecled ly aII iIIusion/
phanlasn and enchanlnenl/charn speIIs. AII olher nagic af-
fecls lhen nornaIIy if il overcones lheir nagic resislance.
Cuardian genies can lrealhe a cIoud of green fire 3O in dian-
eler direclIy in fronl of lhenseIves once per day. The cIoud of
fire causes 14d6 poinls of danage lo lhose caughl in ils area of
effecl, vilh a save aIIoved versus lrealh veapon for haIf dan-
age. The cIoud resenlIes lhe fiery lrealh of lhe fire ealers sone-
lines seen in lhe suqs and lazaars of Zakhara.
Cuardian genies have a 2O chance lo possess povers in ad-
dilion lo lhe ones Iisled alove and a 3O chance lo have povers
lhal sinpIy repIace 1-4 of lhe alove povers. LxanpIes nighl
incIude fIighl, delecl Iie, lhe aliIily lo shape gIyphs of varding
or expIosive runes, hoId porlaI, dinension door, and olher aliIi-
lies lhal nighl le expecled lo heIp a guardian.
HabItat/5ncIcty: Cuardian lasked genies are soIilary crealures
and disIike sociaI inleraclion. They speak in very cIipped sen-
lences if required lo, lul lhey do nol encourage queslioning. In
facl, lhey are conpIeleIy hunorIess aloul lheir lasks, foIIoving
oul lheir roulines and procedures vilh nelhodicaI precision.
They are perfeclIy viIIing lo descrile vhal lhey are guarding
and vho connanded lhen lo guard il, lhough lhey viII nol leII
anyone aloul vhal lhey can do lo prevenl ils lhefl. (ne of lhe
condilions of lheir service is lhal lhey le loId everylhing aloul
lhe ilens Iefl in lheir care.) Cuardian genies viII nol guard Iiv-
ing crealures. Cuardian genies cannol le lriled and viII allack
any crealure lhal allenpls lo do so.
Cuardian lasked genies have no Iove of dealh and vioIence,
aIlhough lhey are nore lhan conpelenl al deaIing oul lolh. If
possilIe, lhey viII use lhreals and varnings ralher lhan innedi-
aleIy resorling lo nagicaI or physicaI conlal.
Cuardian lasked genies serve for Iiniled periods of line,
vhen lheir lour of duly al a given sile is up, lheir services nusl
le renegolialed. Since lheir conlracls are lypicaIIy for 1O1 or
1OO1 years, lheir forner naslers are oflen nol around lo renev
lheir arrangenenls.
Ecn!ngy: In sone vays, guardian lasked genies are fruslraled
crealures, for lhey can never finish a lask and go on lo do sone-
lhing eIse as craflsnen genies of various kinds can. They are
required ly lheir nalure lo le conslanlIy vigiIanl. No genie viII
louch a lreasure guarded ly lhe lasked guardian genies, lhough
lhey nay advise olhers hov a guarded lreasure nighl le laken.
GcnIc, Taskcd, Hcrdsman
DIET: Carnivore
INTELLIGENCE: Very (11-12)
TREA5URE: D for group, I olhervise
THAC0: 18
DAMAGE/ATTACK: By veapon lype
5IZE: M (6' laII)
MORALE: Sleady (11-12)
CapalIe of running aII day vilh lheir herds, herdsnan lasked
genies are dedicaled and socialIe crealures. They Iive lo provide
for lheir aninaIs, and lhey lake lheir nourishnenl fron lhen as
veII, oflen in lhe forn of lIood drained fron snaII punclure
vounds or fron lheir niIk.
Herdsnan genies are shorl and viry, vilh very quick hands
and heavy lrovs. Their skin is dark and vrinkIed fron years of
exposure lo lhe sun and vind. Their hair is dark as jel and faIIs
in Ioose curIs (lhough lhe sun soon lIeaches il lo a reddish-
lrovn in lhose vho do nol vear head coverings). Herdsnan
genies sneII Iike lheir aninaIs and oflen aIso have a vagueIy
rancid sneII fron lhe overripe niIk producls lhey eal.
Cnmbat: Herdsnan genies onIy fighl in seIf-defense or in de-
fense of lheir herds. A group of lhen viII use shorl conposile
lovs (3O), spears (4O), and shorl svords (3O). Sone
lriles use Iassoes vhen lhey vish lo caplure prisoners. In addi-
lion, herdsnan genies can use each of lhe foIIoving speII-Iike
aliIilies once per day: pnan|cn s|cc, us| cti|, rcnctc fcar,
and f|anc oran. They are exceIIenl riders and can fire nissiIe
veapons fron horselack al fuII gaIIop vilh no penaIly. Their
laclics revoIve around keeping lheir opponenls avay fron lheir
herds and lhe sIover nenlers of lheir groups. If lhal is unsuc-
cessfuI lhey nay, in desperalion, allenpl lo slanpede lhe herd
inlo lheir opponenls. (If a group saving lhrov versus speII faiIs
for lhe herd, lhe enlire herd slanpedes as direcled).
HabItat/5ncIcty: Herdsnan lasked genies are nore connonIy
soIilary, lhough lhey galher in groups vhen lhe size of lheir
herds requires il. Their Iives are conpIeleIy cenlered around lhe
veIfare of lheir herds, and lhey are enlireIy viIIing lo disoley
lheir naslers if lhey are ordered lo lake a herd inlo danger or
inlo unfavoralIe Iand vhere lhe aninaIs are IikeIy lo perish.
Herdsnan genies lake lIood fron lheir charges, vhich nusl
le carefuIIy drained so as nol lo veaken lhe aninaI and nusl le
drunk innedialeIy. They aIso lake lhe niIk and nake il inlo
various fernenled drinks, cheeses, curds, and yogurls.
Herdsnan lasked genies are very fond of races of aII kinds,
and conlesls are oflen heId vilhin and anong groups of herds-
nan lasked genies lo delernine lhe faslesl runner. Sone of lhese
races are nade nore difficuIl ly foIIoving lhe pack of runners
vilh a slanpeding herd of luIIs, caneIs, or goals. CaneI and
horse races are aIso connon, and sporls pIayed nounled are
oflen lunuIluous aII-day affairs vilh conpIex ruIes and scoring
syslens. Wagering and haggIing are aIso favored aclivilies of
lhe naIe herdsnan lasked genies. Young fenaIe herdsnan gen-
ies lake parl in fool races, lul lhey prefer roping, lranding,
shearing, and lrick riding conlesls lo nounled lean sporls.
AII groups of herdsnan genies are exlreneIy noliIe. If lhey
feeI lhrealened, lhey nay sleaIlhiIy force narch lheir aninaIs an
enlire nighls lraveI across lhe pIains vilh no iII effecl on eilher
lhenseIves or lheir aninaIs. They nay do lhis once a veek.
This aliIily requires a cooperaling group of genies and cannol
le allenpled ly a Ione herdsnan.
Sone groups of herdsnan lasked genies have adopled lhe re-
Iigions of Zakhara, and, Iike aII nev converls, lhey are zeaIous
in lheir failh. These groups viII lry lo converl olhers lhey neel,
and lhey donl nind if lhey nusl force lhe converl lo nake up
his nind.
Ecn!ngy: Herdsnan lasked genies lend lo push oul lolh conpel-
ing nongenie herdsnen and predalors vhich nighl lhrealen
lheir herds. They knov vhen a given area has leen grazed lo
lhe poinl of lenporary exhauslion and viII nove on, lul lhey
have IillIe regard for lhe arlificiaI loundaries of suIlanales,
sheikdons, and even lhe fences of farners. This unviIIingness
lo acknovIedge lhe aulhorily of sellIed groups oflen Ieads lhen
inlo confIicl, aIlhough lhey noderale lhis lendency if lheir nas-
ler specificaIIy adnonishes lhen aloul il.
GcnIc, Taskcd, 5!aycr
Very rare
High (13-14)
NeulraI LviI
THAC0: 9
or ly veapon lype +9
See leIov
See leIov
L (1O laII)
IearIess (2O)
The lasked sIayer genies onIy purpose is lo connil nurder as oflen
as possilIe~ly sleaIlh as Iong as possilIe or lhrough lerserker
rages vhen discovered. As lhis sorl of lehavior lends lo le noliced
ly senlienl crealures nearly, sIayer genies are usuaIIy very discreel
aloul lheir aclivilies, conlroIIing lhe rage vhich nolivales lhen
lecause of lheir fear of discovery and punishnenl.
SIayer genies are nassive genies vilh four arns and dark, poI-
ished skin and are usuaIIy naked lo lhe vaisl. Tvo of lheir hands
are hunan, lhe olher lvo resenlIe Iions pavs vilh ivory cIavs.
Their red eyes sparkIe vilh fIane. Alove and lelveen lheir lvo
eyes Iies a lhird eye, vhich is green and resenlIes lhal of a panlher.
The lhird eye is cenlered lelveen lvo horns. Their hair is coarse as
horselaiIs. n lheir lacks are lvo nassive vings.
Cnmbat: SIayer genies prefer lo kiII lheir largels quielIy, and
lhey are exlreneIy veII-equipped lo do so, eilher ly nagicaI or
physicaI neans. They can casl o|inncss, si|cncc 15 raius,
ar|ncss, inprctc intisioi|i|q, tcn|ri|cquisn, nisircc|icn,
assunc gasccus fcrn, pc|qncrpn sc|f, and incnsicn ccr. If
lhey reveaI lheir lrue forn lhey can cause fcar in crealures of 3
Hil Dice or Iess.
In neIee, lhey allack eilher vilh lheir lerrilIe cIavs or vilh a
neIee veapon in eilher nornaI hand (al no penaIly). Their enor-
nous Slrenglh gives lhen a +9 danage lonus vhen using ne-
Iee veapons. SIayer genies prefer scinilars, axes, cIeaving
poIearns, norning slars, and naces. SIayer genies viII use nis-
siIe veapons in unusuaI circunslances. They suffer no penaIly
for using such veapons inslead of lheir usuaI neIee veapons.
HabItat/5ncIcty: Il is leIieved lhal sIayer genies vere firsl cre-
aled vilh lhe specific funclion of lerrifying lhe enenies of lhe
genie Iords, lul lhal lhey Ialer legan lo serve as efficienl assas-
sins in nolIe genies pover slruggIes. Civen lheir nalure and
lheir origin, il is nol surprising lhal sIayer genies are aIvays ser-
vanls. Those fev sIayer genies lhal lecone free generaIIy have
very shorl reigns of lerror. They serve hunans, denihunans,
and olher genies, lul lheir naslers aIvays cIoseIy nonilor lheir
aclions. An unvalched sIayer genie is exlreneIy dangerous, and
nay legin sIaughlering ils naslers foIIovers.
SIayer genies enjoy lhe conpany of olher varriors, and viII
spend hours discussing lhe advanlages and disadvanlages of
various veapons, lhe fine poinls of analony, and lhe delaiIs of
sleaIlh, laclics, narliaI lrickery, and arnor vilh anyone viIIing
lo Iislen. Their fascinalion vilh vioIence and lIoodshed goes far
leyond lhe professionaI IeveI. They have a dislurling fixalion
vilh lhe process for ils ovn sake, and lheir descriplions of pasl
lallIes are fuII of Ioving delaiIs of exaclIy hov a foe Iooked as he
died, hov veII each of lheir veapons perforned, lhe quirks of
various fighling slyIes and lheir appeaI, and so on. The joy lhey
have in lallIe and dealh exlends lo lheir ovn denise, vhich
lhey aII Iook forvard lo as a gIorious occasion. Nolhing spoiIs
lhe nood of a sIayer genie quile so nuch as lhe lhoughl of dying
sone vay olher lhan in conlal.
SIayer genies knov neilher shane nor pride vhen asked lo
conpIele sone nission, lhey nereIy seek lo fuIfiII lheir roIe,
and loasl aloul il aflervard. No lrick is loo crueI, no laclic loo
innoraI, no jol loo unsavory for lhen lo underlake.
Ecn!ngy: When lasked genies are driven nad lhey lecone
lasked sIayer genies, genies unalIe lo slay sane afler Iong Ialor
al lhe sane lask. They seek reIease in lIoodshed, and lhey re-
lain onIy a Iiniled cunning.
SIayer genies viev aII olher crealures as nereIy sels of aliIi-
lies and allrilules lo le overcone, crealures vhose onIy pur-
pose is lo neel lheir dealh al lhe hands of lhe sIayer. Hearing a
sIayer genie inforn crealures lhal lhey are denying lheir pur-
pose (lhal is, nol dying al ils hands), and lhus upselling il, can
le very aIarning~refusaI lo adnil lhal one vanls lo die ly lhe
sIayers hands jusl upsels il furlher. Living crealures rareIy sur-
vive, nuch Iess profil, fron neeling a sIayer genie.
The onIy exceplion lo lhis generaI ruIe are lhe undead, sIayer
genies are puzzIed al vhelher or nol lhey shouId lolher lo kiII
lhings lhal are aIready dead. Civen a choice, sIayer genies aI-
vays Ieave undead crealures for Iasl, and if lhere is any chance
of discovery, lhey Ieave lhe undead aIone. This oflen resuIls in
undead crealures leing lIaned and hunled as lhe perpelralors
of sIayer genies crines.
GcnIc, Taskcd, Warmnngcr MC13
LxceplionaI (15-16)
LavfuI eviI
THAC0: 13
1-1O or ly veapon +4
Raise noraIe
M (5 laII)
IanalicaI (17-18)
Warnonger genies are slralegisls and advisers lo generaIs, Iay-
ing pIans for varfare anong lhe genies enirs and caIiphs. They
are aIvays found Ieading soIdiers and nercenaries, and vhere
lhere is no var for lhen lo fighl, lhey slarl one.
A hairy genie vilh lIood dripping fron every hair, varnon-
ger lasked genies lend lo olesily. They are shorler lhan nosl
olher genies, a facl vhich causes lhen no end of anger and frus-
lralion. The lypicaI varnonger genie slands 5 laII and veighs
over 2OO pounds.
Ior lallIe, varnonger genies vear lhe heaviesl arnor lhey
can find and are generaIIy found al lhe rear of lheir lroops, ol-
serving fron horselack or sealed on a ridge overIooking lhe
fieId. They are very fond of vearing sashes, nedaIs, cIuslers of
jeveIs or precious nelaI signifying niIilary ranks and orders, as
veII as olher accessories lhal allesl lo lheir lravery and skiII.
Cnmbat: Warnonger genies are capalIe varriors lul exceI al
Ieadership. Their Ieadership is lolh so inspired and so lerrifying
lhal lroops under lheir connand gain a +2 lonus lo lheir no-
raIe as Iong as lheir Ieader Iives. If a lasked varnonger genie is
sIain in lhe heal of lallIe, aII lroops avare of his dealh suffer an
addilionaI -2 penaIly lo noraIe. In neIee, varnonger genies
prefer veapons for nounled use: naces, picks, and scinilars.
Their greal slrenglh gives lhen a + 4 lonus lo veapon danage.
Warnonger genies can use each of lhe foIIoving speII-Iike
aliIilies lvice per day: c|ca| cf oratcrq, suggcs|icn, and cn-
cnan|c ucapcn. They nay use fcar and rcnctc fcar al viII.
HabItat/5ncIcty: Warnonger genies Iive anong lheir lroops and
vorship lheir Iords. They are conpIeleIy IoyaI lo lheir cause
and viII carry on vilh lallIe even if lheir Iord requesls lhey
slop. They viII, hovever, relreal vhen il is lo lheir advanlage,
lo renev lhe lallIe on nore favoralIe lerns.
CeneraIIy, varnonger genies are sunnoned or hired lo per-
forn a specific lask, such as defending a vilaI pass fron inni-
nenl invasion or Ieading forces in a lid for conquesl. They are
so enlhraIIed vilh lheir vork, hovever, lhal lhey oflen refuse lo
slop al lhe Iinils lhal lheir Ieaders sel. As Iong as a conlinued
advance doesnl overexlend suppIy Iines, push exhausled lroops
leyond lheir endurance, or olhervise appear lo le niIilariIy
fooIish, lhe genies viII urge lheir Iords lo conlinue lhe fighl.
Their reasoning is sinpIe: fighling nov viII prevenl fighling Ial-
er. They are aIso canny enough lo pIay on lheir Iords vanily.
They viII aIvays assure hin lhal lringing nore Iand under his
ruIe viII serve lhe inleresls of olhers as veII lecause of his en-
Iighlened and vise poIicies.
In lheir hearls, varnonger genies see poIilicaI figures as fooI-
ish and incapalIe of underslanding lhe gIories of soIdiering.
Many varnonger genies fancy lhenseIves as profound phiIoso-
phers, appeaIing lo lhis conceil oflen lrings respecl fron lhe
Ecn!ngy: Warnonger genies have no ecoIogy. They deslroy
ecoIogies lhey encounler lecause lhey nusl requisilion food
and suppIies fron lerrilories lhey narch lhrough, and lhey nusl
aIIov lheir lroops a cerlain anounl of pIunder for noraIe pur-
poses. Repealed narching over lhe sane lerrilory during an ex-
lended canpaign oflen resuIls in lhe conpIele deslruclion or
renovaI of any nounls, grain, Iiveslock, valer suppIies, and
olher foodsluffs lhal lhe genies arny can Iay ils hands on. Non-
conlalanls slarve in lheir vake.
In addilion lo lheir pureIy slralegic and laclicaI skiIIs, lhey
are adninislraliveIy and poIilicaIIy skiIIed enough lo under-
sland hov lo creale a cIinale of fear and suspicion conducive lo
lurning enlire nalions inlo arned canps. They viII rulhIessIy
carry oul pIans lo lring aII lhe reins of pover under niIilary
conlroI and lhen nake every cilizen of lheir nalion as efficienl
as possilIe in conlriluling lo lhe var efforl.
1992 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
GcnIc, Taskcd, WIncmakcr MC13
Tenperale or sullropicaI
viIIages and hiIIs
Very rare
Average (8-1O)
X, C
NeulraI (good lendencies)
THAC0: 19
1-6 or ly veapon lype
See leIov
See leIov
Average (8-1O)
Winenaker lasked genies are crealures of lhe grape, dedicaled
lo nurluring lhe vines and exlracling lhe finesl possilIe vinlag-
es. They are quiel crealures, lending lo lheir fieIds and casks
lhrough lhe sunner and vinler and cIoseIy supervising lhe har-
This genie has lhe head of a cal, lhe lody of a dog, and a Iong
lrunk vhich il uses lo crush grapes. Il slands erecl, vilh individ-
uaIs varying lelveen 4 and 5 laII. They veigh aloul 15O
pounds, lhe naIes sIighlIy nore, lhe fenaIes sIighlIy Iess.
Winenaker genies do nol vear cIolh, lul lhey do drape lhen-
seIves in grape Ieaves during lhe groving season and are gener-
aIIy conpIeleIy covered in grape juice during lhe harvesl. Mosl
such genies can speak nany Ianguages, so as lo le alIe lo lraveI
lhe videsl regions possilIe.
Cnmbat: Winenaker lasked genies are poor fighlers, lhough
vhen lhey are angered lheir frenzy can le quile frighlening lo
valch. They use lheir lrunk lo calch and crush opponenls, caus-
ing 1d6 poinls of danage.
In addilion, vinenaker genies can spray lheir opponenls vilh
vine or olher Iiquids lhey lake inlo lheir lrunk. This spray fiIIs a
cone 2O Iong and 1O vide al lhe lase, each crealure slruck ly il
nusl nake a saving lhrov versus paraIyzalion or le lIinded ly
lhe slinging vine for 1d3 rounds. If onIy valer is avaiIalIe lo lhe
genie, lhe lIinding Iasls lul a singIe round.
The vinenaker lasked genie can use each of lhe foIIoving
speII-Iike aliIilies lhree lines per day: ua|cr ua|| (lo vaIk over
lhe vals vhiIe slirring), purifq fcc an ua|cr, crca|c ua|cr,
gccocrrq, spca| ui|n anina|s, and c|cc| pciscn. nce per
veek lhey can casl pass p|an| (lhrough grapevines onIy), sun-
sninc, and p|an| grcu|n.
Any fernenled leverage or fruil juice nade under lhe direc-
lion of a vinenaker genie is heId lo high slandards and is vorlh
four lines vhal a nornaI leverage nighl lring in lhe narkel-
HabItat/5ncIcty: Winenaker genies are lraveIers, vandering
fron harvesl lo harvesl, never slaying al a given vineyard for
nore lhan lvo years. Harvesl line is lhe onIy feslivaI line lhal
vinenaker genies ceIelrale, lhey are greal drinkers and are ca-
palIe of enlerlaining vorkers vilh vil, song, and even luffoon-
ery al lhe genies expense.
UnforlunaleIy, a vinenaker lasked genies lasle for his ovn
vork lypicaIIy Ieads lo excessive drinking and a sIov decay of
his skiIIs. Ider vinenaker genies nay lecone eccenlric vinl-
ners vho caler lo jaded paIales, or lhey nay lecone viIIage
drunks, nadnen, and fooIs.
Winenaker genies serve onIy so Iong as lheir naslers do nol
nislreal lhen, do nol aduIlerale or valer lheir vines, and do
nol ask lhen lo foIIov any parlicuIar nelhod or ruIe, even lhe
lradilions of lhe vineyard. They denand conpIele Ialilude lo
nake vine as lhey lhink lesl. The sIighlesl disagreenenl nay
cause lhen lo seek vork eIsevhere.
Winenaker genies forced lo lheir lask are sliII capalIe of pro-
ducing exceIIenl vines, lul lheir speciaI louch nay le Iacking,
and lhey decIine inlo drunkenness and eccenlricily nuch nore
Ecn!ngy: Winenaker genies gel aIong veII vilh vine snols,
drunks, salyrs, nynphs, cenlaurs, and hiII gianls. They are
friendIy lo any race lhal appreciales lheir laIenls, and lhey have
leen found vorking for eviI hunanoids as veII as for enIighl-
ened caIiphs.
Ghnst Mnunt MC13
FREQUENCY: Very rare
NeulraI eviI
THAC0: 17
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1-8/1-8/1-6
MORALE: Chanpion (15-16)
Chosl nounls are undead crealures vhich can heIp desperale or
fooIish lraveIers cover vasl dislances, lul al a price. These
leasls are aplIy naned, nol onIy for lheir appearance, lul aIso
lecause lhose vho ride a ghosl nounl nay lhenseIves lecone
ghosls, dooned lo vandering lhe deserls ly nighl.
A ghosl nounl has lvo forns, ils lrue forn and an iIIusory
one. A ghosl nounls lrue forn is nolhing nore lhan a lranspar-
enl, gIoving oulIine of ils forner seIf (eilher a horse, a caneI, or
possilIy even an anleIope). Il appears lo le a naInourished,
lallered, and scarred vreck vilh viId and shining eyes. A ghosl
nounl can aIso use poverfuI iIIusions lo nask ils lrue forns and
appear as a parlicuIarIy slrong and handsone specinen of ils
forner seIf.
Cnmbat: A ghosl nounl can allack physicaIIy vilh ils lvo
hooves and lile, lul il usuaIIy prefers lo aIIov a rider lo nounl
il and lhen seeks lo use ils Iife energy draining aliIily lo lrans-
forn lhe hapIess rider inlo a ghosl.
Any crealure lhal rides a ghosl nounl nusl nake an aliIily
check using Wisdon (al a -2 penaIly) vhen lhe journey legins.
If lhe check is faiIed, lhe nounl refuses lo oley lhe riders in-
slruclions and inslead lakes hin deep inlo lhe nearesl viIderness
al fuII speed. Leaping fron lhe nounl vhen il is lraveIing al a
gaIIop causes 3d6 poinls of danage, and ilens faIIing vilh lhe
rider nusl nake a saving lhrov againsl crushing lIovs. If lhe
rider slays vilh lhe ghosl nounl, il viII lhrov hin afler lraveI-
ing al Ieasl 75 niIes inlo lhe viIderness. Being lhrovn causes
1d6 danage, a saving lhrov againsl faIIing for ilens carried ly
lhe lhrovn rider nusl aIso le nade.
If lhe iniliaI Wisdon aliIily check is successfuI, lhe ghosl
nounl oleys, lul lhe rider nusl lhen nake a saving lhrov ver-
sus dealh nagic vhen lhe journey has reached a niddIe poinl.
IaiIure indicales lhal lhe ghosl nounls Iife energy drain has
lransforned lhe rider inlo a vrailh. Success indicales lhal lhe
rider has naslered lhe ghosl nounl and nay lraveI vilh il lo his
deslinalion. nce lhe journey is ended, lhe rider nusl sel lhe
ghosl nounl free, lhough he nay lhen sunnon il lo service
again vhenever he vishes. Laler journeys carry lhe sane risks
as lhe firsl.
Chosl nounls are unaffecled ly s|ccp, cnarn, nc|, dealh,
and coId-lased nagic, and lhey are innune lo poison and para-
Iyzalion. A viaI of nc|q ua|cr causes 2-8 poinls of danage lo a
ghosl nounl. A raisc ca or rcsurrcc|icn speII viII kiII a ghosl
nounl if il faiIs ils saving lhrov versus speII.
Chosl nounls seen lo gIide jusl over lhe ground vilhoul ever
Iosing lheir fooling, so lhey aIvays nove al lheir fuII novenenl
rale over aII forns of lerrain. They suffer no penaIly due lo en-
cunlrance lecause lheir undead forns do nol suffer fron fa-
ligue. They have no need for sIeep or resl of any kind. A rider
viIIing lo Iash hinseIf lo lhe saddIe can use a ghosl nounl lo
lraveI as nuch as 18O niIes per day over any lerrain in any
vealher (once conlroI over a ghosl nounl is eslalIished, of
course). A rider nay aIso eIecl lo cover onIy 9O niIes per day
and sIeep al nighl, even if severaI days lraveI are required lo
reach lhe deslinalion. During lhis line, and lhroughoul any
nunler of slops, lhe ghosl nounl viII conlinue lo oley ils rider.
HabItat/5ncIcty: Chosl nounls are forned fron lhe spirils of
nislrealed aninaIs, crealures so lrulaIIy handIed in Iife lhal
lhey survive afler dealh lo lake vengeance on aII crealures vho
ride lhen.
Chosl nounls can le sunnoned ly nagic, lhough lheir Iife-
draining aliIilies are nol aIlered if lhey are caIIed lo serve in lhis
fashion. If a ncun| speII is casl in a region of enply, unciviIized
deserl or pIains, lhere is a 5 chance lhal a ghosl nounl viII
ansver lhe nagicaI sunnons.
Chosl nounls are sonelines found anong herds of ordinary
viId aninaIs, covered in lheir iIIusory Iife forns. In lhis vay
lhey hope lo le caplured and ridden, lhus aIIoving lhen lo
lring nore Iiving crealures inlo lhe reaIn of lhe undead.
Ecn!ngy: Chosl nounls do nol Iive or reproduce in any nornaI
fashion. When injured, lheir forns renain narred unliI lhey are
repaired ly lhe use of an anina|c ca speII. The passage of
line aIso aIIovs lhen lo recover lheir negalive pIanar energy,
lul lhis forn of rejuvenalion does nol reslore lheir originaI ap-
Riders lransforned inlo vrailhs ly a ghosl nounl cannol le
reslored lo lheir nornaI forn ly any neans shorl of a uisn.
1992 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Ghu!, Grcat MC13
Deserl, nounlains
High (13-14)
NeulraI LviI
18 (Br 3 or CI 12)
Magic use, shapeshifling
SpeII innunilies,
+1 veapon lo hil
M (7-1O')
Average (8-1O)
Connon: 1,4OO
1sl- lo 4lh-IeveI nage: 2,OOO
5lh- lo 7lh-IeveI nage: 3,OOO
The greal ghuIs are undead eIenenlaI cousins of lhe genies, lhe
nosl vicked nenlers of an inferior order of jann. They haunl
luriaI grounds and feed on dead hunan lodies. They are usu-
aIIy fenaIe, and aII greal ghuIs are leguiIing and seduclive sha-
pechangers. No naller vhal forn lhey lake, hovever, lheir feel
aIvays renain lhose of a donkey, lhough lhey oflen vear spe-
ciaI lools or Iong roles lo conceaI lhis alerralion. ChuIs deIighl
in devouring lhe fIesh of lheir viclins and lhen sucking lhe nar-
rov fron lhe lones.
Creal ghuIs have lhick hair and lushy eyelrovs lhal oflen
droop over lheir eyes. Their hands end in cIaved fingers, and
lheir feel and sonelines lheir ears are lhose of a donkey. Their
javs jul oul and are poverfuIIy nuscIed. Their paIe vhile skin
is aIvays coId and cIanny, and lhey have lhe hunched poslure
of lheir Iesser cousins. Creal ghuIs are avare of hov lheir Iooks
repuIse olher crealures and are eager lo disguise lheir lrue ap-
pearance vilh cosnelics, cIolhes, and jeveIry. WhiIe nosl greal
ghuIs sland over 7' laII, lhose lhal are nages lypicaIIy sland
aloul 1O' laII. In lheir poIynorphed forn lhey are oflen snaIIer.
Cnmbat: Creal ghuIs allack vilh lheir cIavs and lheir poverfuI
javs. They can onIy le slruck ly nagicaI veapons. Creal ghuIs
can use each of lhe foIIoving speII-Iike aliIilies al viII: leslov
intisioi|i|q, pc|qncrpn sc|f, and sncc|ing grasp.
Like nosl undead, greal ghuIs are innune lo s|ccp, cnarn,
nc|, and coId-lased nagic. They are nol affecled ly paraIyza-
lion or poison. Creal ghuIs can le lurned as ghasls, and nage
ghuIs are lurned as vrailhs. They suffer 2-12 poinls of danage
fron hoIy valer, and lhey suffer a -1 lo lheir allack roIIs in
nIy jann sIain ly greal ghuIs lecone ghuIs lhenseIves, aII
olher races are sinpIy sIain and devoured.
Aloul one in every six greal ghuIs is a nage of up lo 7lh IeveI
of aliIily. Creal ghuIs nay even lecone shair, lhus gaining
sone neasure of pover over olher genies. lher greal ghuIs
sludy lhe nagicaI provinces of fIane, sand, and vind. ChuIs
vho sludy lhe nagic of lhe sea are exlreneIy rare. AII ghuIs are
innune lo lhe linding and capluring povers of lhe shair.
HabItat/5ncIcty: Creal ghuIs Iive in secIusion in ruins or caves
found in lhe enpliesl deserls or on lhe highesl nounlains. Be-
cause of lheir sharp cIavs and incredilIe slrenglh, greal ghuIs
fron lhe nounlains are alIe lo cIinl sheer rock vaIIs lhal
vouId daunl nosl nounlaineers. Deserl ghuIs are nol as adepl
al lhis, lul can dig lhrough sand or sofl slones. AII ghuIs lake
onIy haIf danage fron faIIs.
Creal ghuIs are fond of aII forns of perfunes and scenls, such
as allar of orange, rosevaler, cIoves, and so on. They use lhese
lo cover lheir ovn unpIeasanl sneII.
Creal ghuI nages are soIilary crealures, lhough olher greal
ghuIs forn packs vilh lheir silIings (if lhey have any).
Because greal ghuIs are feared ly hunans and despised ly
genies, lhey rareIy keep lheir ovn forn, even vhen al hone in
lheir IoneIy caves and ruins. Shapeshifling has lecone a halil
for lhe greal ghuIs, and lhey are exceIIenl aclors and Iiars. Creal
ghuIs have nany opporlunilies lo praclice lhese deceplions
vhen lhey lraveI anong hunans. Though soIilary, lhey grov
lored easiIy, and lhis seens lo nolivale lhen lo lake parl in
pranks and daring deeds lhal sonelines pul lhen and lhe secrel
of lheir lrue idenlilies al consideralIe risk. Sone of lheir pranks
are Iess anusing lhan olhers: greal ghuIs are parlicuIarIy fond of
joining groups of nonads and lraveIers and lhen Ieading lhen
aslray. Many of lhese lraveIers are Ied lo lheir dealhs and con-
suned ly lhe carrion-ealing ghuIs.
Ecn!ngy: Creal ghuIs serve lhe genies (vhen required), lul Iord
il over lhe ghouIs, vho are considered unrefined and unreIia-
lIe. Creal ghuIs vho lecone shair are very secrelive, lhe olher
genies resenl and fear lhe ghuIs pover over lhen. Such greal
ghuIs are oflen deslroyed vhen lheir hones are discovered.
In generaI, aII greal ghuIs avoid conlacl vilh olher races le-
cause vioIence oflen foIIovs. Bul, lhey do sonelines heIp hu-
nans and olhers vho cone lo lhen seeking heIp againsl olher
genies. Sonelines lhey aIso heIp hunans in quesls vhich lhe
greal ghuIs find inleresling, and lhey do lhis vilhoul expecla-
lion of revard.
GIants, Zakahran~Gcncra! InfnrmatInn
The gianls of Zakhara are ancienl lriles and races fron lhe ear-
Iy days of lhe vorId. AIlhough lhey are respecled for lheir huge
size and slrenglh, lhey are increasingIy oulnunlered ly lhe
snaIIer races, and lheir cuIlures have decIined fron lhe posilion
of ruIing lhe nosl ferliIe Iands lo sulsisling in lhe corners of lhe
vorId. Mosl gianls accepl lhis change and lecane enIighlened,
lul a fev sliII slrive lo reslore lheir pover over lhe Iand ly forc-
ing snaIIer races inlo service.
The gianls of lhe Land of Iale are nore civiIized and Iess in-
cIined lo Ioulish lehavior lhan olher gianls. Zakharan gianls
are neulraI ralher lhan eviI, lhey have lheir ovn inleresls, lul
lhey do nol inlerfere in hunan affairs. They slay aparl fron
hunans nol fron loorish unsocialiIily lul fron a sense of su-
periorily lo snaIIer races. The exceplion is lhe hiII gianl race,
vhich ningIes freeIy vilh hunans. HiII gianls even Iive in har-
nony vilh olher races in nany of lhe greal cilies. The lhree sul-
species of Zakharan gianls nay once have leen one race, lul
lhey have leen isoIaled for so Iong lhal lhey rareIy neel,
lhough lhey are avare of each olhers exislence.
Zakharan gianls do nol jusl pick up lhe nearesl rock or lree lo
use as a veapon~lhey prefer lo use carefuIIy crafled vood and
nelaI veapons Iike giganlic lovs, lridenls, and even Iances.
ne vay lo vin any gianls lrusl is lo provide such a veapon.
WhiIe lhey prefer nelaI veapons, lhey cannol nake lhen lhen-
seIves fron slarl lo finish, lecause gianls are such poor niners.
To gel coveled nelaIs and finished veapons, Zakharan gianls
resorl lo nany slralegies: nercenary vork, caravaning across
lhe deserls, guiding jungIe hunls, and diving afler sunken lrea-
sures. Sone gianls prefer nol lo vork for lheir gains, lhey Iocale
lhe nelaIs and lake lhen ly force.
The gianls of lhe Land of Iale dress as nosl civiIized peopIe
do, in roles and lunics and lurlans nade of fine collons and
siIks. HiII gianls in Zakhara do nol vander lhe Iand Iike fur-cIad
larlarians: if lhey can afford il and have need of il, lhey vear
arnor. Iorler and dockvorker gianls vear vhal lhey find de-
cenl and conforlalIe.
Zakharan gianls are enlireIy viIIing lo engage in lrade lo gel
various ilens such as coffee, cIolh, and spices fron olher races.
In exchange lhey offer rare furs and jungIe fIovers, riches fron
lhe sea, and opaIs or olher genslones laken fron lhe deserls. A
fev exceplionaI gianls lake lheir skiIIs lo lovn and sel up shop.
Slone gianls, for exanpIe, nay vork as nasler nasons, jeveI-
ers, or quarrynen, and an occasionaI fire gianl is sonelines
found al lhe leIIovs or lhe hanners in a snilhy. Deserl and reef
gianls Iive so far fron nosl hunan haunls lhal lhey venlure in-
lo lhe greal cilies rareIy, and vhen lhey do lhey generaIIy re-
nain in lhe suq or lhe lazaar. CeneraIIy onIy hiII gianls viII
lruIy adapl lo cily Iife.
This viIIingness lo engage in lrade has resuIled in considera-
lIe skiII vilh Ianguages for lhe Zakharan gianls. Lvery gianl
knovs his ovn diaIecl, lhe lrade longue of lhe gianls, lhe con-
non longue, and 1d4 addilionaI Ianguages. The gianlish Ian-
guages are sonelines spoken fIuenlIy anong nearly hunans.
AIlhough lhey are refined, Zakharan gianls are aIso haughly.
They are quick lo connand oledience fron lhose lhey deen
inferior, lul lhey are aIso quick lo acknovIedge skiII and neril.
In a fev cases, lhe gianls have nanaged lo inpose lheir ruIe on
enlire lriles or lovns of hunans and olher crealures, usuaIIy
lhrough sIov and sullIe neans. Because of lheir reIaliveIy snaII
nunlers, gianls nighl iniliaIIy hire on as nercenaries or hunl-
ing parlners, lul over line lhey expand lheir sphere of con-
nand lo olher areas, preferalIy lhose of juslice, lrade, and
ninling coinage. Cianl ruIers are onIy connon on lhe fringes of
civiIizalion and in lackvaler rennanls of oId enpires or lrading
Zakharan gianls Iive nuch Ionger lhan hunans, vilh a gener-
alion varying fron 6O lo 1OO years and individuaIs Iiving 2OO lo
6OO years. ChiIdren are lreasured in gianlish sociely, and aII gi-
anls in a cIan conlrilule lo lhe uplringing of lhe young. Slrik-
ing a chiId is a serious offense, and any nislrealnenl of chiIdren
(ones ovn or lhe chiIdren of olhers) lrings dovn lhe vralh of
lhe cIan on lhe perpelralor.
Zakharan gianls have vrillen lradilions of poelry and schoI-
arship. Deserl and reef gianls are lhe nosl Iilerale, and lhe vork
of lheir hislorians and schoIars is vaIued ly hunans lecause of
ils overviev of Iong line periods.
AII lhe gianls of Zakhara are lradilionaIisls: lhey leIieve lhal
lhere are proper vays of doing everylhing, vhelher il le lrev-
ing lea, curing neal, negolialing a conlracl, or preparing a des-
erl cIan for lallIe. Nol foIIoving gianlish prolocoI is a serious
lreach of eliquelle and oflen resuIls in vioIenl punishnenl or
expuIsion fron lhe conpany of lhe gianls, depending on lhe se-
verily of lhe offense. Zakharan gianls refuse lo le rushed in
anylhing, and lhey are supreneIy confidenl lhal lheir line-
honored nelhods are lhe lesl. Their schoIarship is infIuenced
ly lhis lendency as veII, vilh lhe resuIl lhal il can le caIIed
pIodding and reaclionary. Cianls Iook lo lhe pasl nore lhan
lhey Iook lo lhe fulure.
PrIcsts and Magcs
Because lhe Zakharan gianls are nore Iilerale and refined
lhan lheir cousins eIsevhere, aII aduIl gianls of lhe lhree
Zakharan sul-species nay lecone priesls or nages. Any given
gianl has a 25 chance of leing a priesl or a nage, vilh an
equaI chance for eilher cIass. Cianls nay reach up lo 9lh IeveI of
aliIily as priesls and 11lh IeveI as nages. Cianl priesls lend lo
le elhoisls or noraIisls, lhough sone are nyslics. Cianl nages
cannol le shair, lhough lhey nay le eIenenlaIisls or sorcerers.
Ior each IeveI of aliIily a gianl speII-casler gains, he aIso gains
an addilionaI 3 hil poinls.
GIants and GcnIcs
Cianls and genies do nol aIvays gel aIong, as genies refuse lo
recognize lhe pover of lhe gianls and lheir superior lradilions,
and gianls refuse lo give lhe genies lrilule or sacrifice, neilher
viII lhe gianls acknovIedge lhe genies as superior leings. The
cIash of lhese lvo proud groups has perhaps leen responsilIe
for lhe sIov decIine of lhe gianls, lhough neilher gianls nor gen-
ies laIk nuch of lhe olher. The lvo groups never cooperale.
GIantIsh Law and PunIshmcnt
Cianls operale lheir IegaI affairs in lheir ovn connunilies ly
an ancienl code of Iav lhal enphasizes laking lack fron lhe
Iavlreaker vhal vas Iosl due lo his crine. Thefl, exlorlion, and
even assauIl are judged vilh consideralIe nercy: crininaIs are
forced lo relurn properly and sonelines forced lo enler inden-
lured servilude lo reslore lhe originaI vay of lhings. In cases of
nurder, chiId aluse, lreachery, and rape, vhere il is inpossilIe
lo nake anends, gianlish Iav caIIs for lranding and exiIe ralher
lhan dealh.
Cianlish Iav is especiaIIy harsh on lhose vho nighl expecl lo
le Ieasl affecled ly il: nongianls. Ior reasons of raciaI pride in
lheir pasl, aII gianls consider lheir code of Iav and lheir judges
lo le far alove lhe prinilive, upslarl Iavs of olher races. Crea-
lures lroughl lefore a gianlish courl (for fIouling prolocoI, for
exanpIe) nay nol appeaI lo lheir ovn IegaI syslen. In lhis, lhe
gianls of lhe Burning WorId are unrepenlanl, and lhey insisl
lhal lhey are doing lhe vorId a favor ly spreading lheir code
lhroughoul lhe Iand. In connunilies vhere gianls Iive vilh hu-
nans, lhey alide ly hunan Iavs, lhough lhey nake lheir nis-
givings aloul il pIain.
1992 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
GIant, Dcscrt
Very rare
Average (8-1O)
THAC0: 7
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1-1O or ly veapon (2-12 +7)
5PECIAL ATTACK5: HurIing spears
5PECIAL DEFEN5E5: CanoufIage
5IZE: H (17' laII)
MORALE: LIile (14)
Deserl gianls vere once nunerous in lhe scrul pIains and des-
erls of lhe Land of Iale, lul lhey have faIIen viclin lo a divine
curse vhich lransforns lhen sIovIy lul inexoralIy inlo slone.
They aIvays vander lhe Iand in lhe conpany of lheir callIe and
lheir nounls. Their greal civiIizalion has Iong since vanished
under lhe sands.
The vealhered and craggy faces of lhe deserl gianls are scored
vilh vrinkIes. Lven lhe youngesl of deserl gianls are sonevhal
vrinkIed, lhough lhis is nol visilIe in lhe vonen, as lhey vear
lhe veiI. The dark hair and svarlhy skin of lhe deserl gianls
nake lheir lIue eyes aII lhe nore renarkalIe. Hovever, il is
considered a cIear sign of inpending fossiIizalion vhen lhe eyes
of a deserl gianl lurn fron lIue lo lrovn. The lypicaI deserl
gianl is 17 laII and veighs 7,OOO pounds, lhough fossiIizing gi-
anls nay veigh lvice lhal. Deserl gianls nay Iive lo le 4OO
years oId.
Cnmbat: Deserl gianls fighl nounled vhen lhey can, lhough
sleeds of a size lo suil lhen are rare. BallIe nounls incIude gi-
ganlic Iizards, enornous insecls, huge undead horses of shifling
lone, and even rocs. In lhe pasl, sone deserl gianls look service
as lodyguards and nercenaries vilh lhe nosl poverfuI of suI-
lans. The sighl of a squad of deserl gianls vheeIing aloul in
preparalion for a charge has caused nore lhan one deserl Iegion
lo lreak and run.
Deserl gianls do nol hurI rocks. Indeed, lhey vander nany
areas vhere lhere is oflen no ready suppIy of louIders, and car-
rying such heavy oljecls vouId lire even lhe slrongesl nonadic
gianl. Hovever, lhey do nake Iarge lhroving spears fron vood
lhey find vhen lhey pass near jungIe Iands. These spears are
kepl and cherished as heirIoons over generalions. The spears
have a range of 3/6/9 and cause 2-12 + 7 poinls of danage. Des-
erl gianl chieflains sonelines carry greal scinilars given lo
lheir anceslors for oulslanding niIilary service. These veapons
cause 2-16 + 7 vhen vieIded ly anyone vilh a Slrenglh of 19 or
leller. n occasion, a deserl gianl viII allack vilh one of ils
huge fisls, causing 1-1O poinls danage on a successfuI allack
Sone deserl gianls are gifled vilh lhe aliIily lo caII lack lheir
anceslors fron lhe slones, lhey are caIIed sand-shiflers lecause
of lhe vay lhe sunnoned gianls lhrov aside lhe sands vhen
lhey rise again. Sand-shiflers are nol priesls or nages, lhey have
no olher speciaI speII aliIilies. ne in every len deserl gianls can
lring lack gianls vho have assuned lhe forn of slone and can
connand lhen lo fighl once nore. nce per veek, a deserl gi-
anl can sunnon 1-6 gianls fron lhe rocks for 2-12 lurns, lhe
sunnoning lakes one lurn. These gianls crunlIe lack lo rock
and povder vhen sIain. Deserl gianl chiIdren gifled lhis vay
can sunnon 2-2O slony nounls for lheir eIders lo ride inlo lal-
lIe. AduIl sand-shiflers can sunnon 3-3O nounls inslead of 1-6
gianls if lhey so choose.
Deserl gianls skin is so siniIar lo sand and rock lhal lhey can
canoufIage lhenseIves very effecliveIy if given one lurn lo pre-
pare. This aliIily aIIovs lhen lo anlush foes and prey aIike.
(Deserl gianls vho Iose lheir herds oflen use lhis aliIily lo le-
cone effeclive landils, and lhe nunlers of lhese giganlic lrig-
ands have increased as lhe race dvindIes.) A gianl so
canoufIaged increases chances of a surprise allack lo 1-4 on a
d1O and decreases lhe chance of leing seen ly search parlies or
soIdiers lo 1 in 1O.
HabItat/5ncIcty: Deserl gianls are nonadic herdsnen and are
rareIy found far fron lheir herds. Though lhey are responsilIe
for slripping enlire river vaIIeys lare in ferliIe areas, lhey do nol
reinlurse farners or herdsnen on lhe edge of lhose lerrilories
for any danage lhey nighl do. They see lhe Iands as lheirs for
lhe laking, and lhey nake no apoIogy for overgrazing or even
for grazing lheir herds on crops. Iev suIlanales allenpl lo force
lhen off cropIand, nosl allenpl lo Iure lhe deserl gianls avay
vilh pronises of enpIoynenl as nercenaries. Sone viII pron-
ise rich gifls of saIl, cIolh, spices, and nelaI if onIy lhe deserl
gianls viII relurn lo lhe enply quarlers of lhe deserl.
Ecn!ngy: Deserl gianls vander hundreds of niIes foIIoving lhe
rains vilh lheir herds. When lhe rains faiI, lhe scrul vilhers,
and lhe herds and lheir gianls slarve. Al lhese lines young
naIes anong lhe deserl gianls nay lake up nercenary vork and
use lhe noney lhey ollain lo supporl lhe enlire lrile. If a
droughl goes on for years, nore and nore gianls are driven inlo
lhe cilies, lhough lheir alsoIule nunlers are sliII liny conpared
lo lhe nunlers of hunans and olher snaIIer races.
GIant, Jung!c MC13
Average lo High (8-14)
Q (A)
1 or 1-6
15, C16
1 or 2
2-16 +9 or 2-12 +9/2-12 +9
Surprise, arrovs
See leIov
H (18' laII)
Chanpion (16)
IoverfuI, Ianky, and slriclIy carnivorous, jungIe gianls are a
lerror lo aII lhe aninaIs of lhe lropicaI foresls. They are greal
hunlers and slaIkers, alIe lo cIear a huge lracl of foresl of aII
gane and lhen nove on.
A lypicaI jungIe gianl slands 18' laII yel veighs onIy 3,OOO
pounds~very lhin for a gianl. IenaIes are generaIIy laIIer lhan
naIes. They can Iive lo le 2OO years oId.
}ungIe gianls aIvays carry everylhing lhey need vilh lhen:
looIs for naking and nainlaining lheir veapons, fire-slarlers,
linder, and spare lils of Iealher and sinev used lo repair cIolh-
ing. They aIso carry lheir vaIualIes, and every aduIl jungIe gi-
anl carries a quiver of arrovs.
}ungIe gianls speak lheir ovn Ianguage and lhe Ianguages of
lriles of nearly hunans and hunanoids.
Thin and very laII, jungIe gianls easiIy lIend inlo lhe verlicaI
Iandscape of lhe lropicaI foresl. Their vavy hair is paIe green,
and lheir skin is a rich nuddy yeIIov, Iike sunIighl on lhe foresl
fIoor. They rareIy vear nore cIolhing lhan slriclIy necessary, as
lhey prefer conpIele freedon of novenenl vhen hunling.
Many groups of jungIe gianls use riluaI lallooing, coIorfuI
fealher headdresses, and even fiIed leelh lo shov lheir fierce-
ness. They sonelines decorale lhenseIves vilh nud, slicks,
and Ieaves vhen slaIking especiaIIy Iarge or vary gane.
Cnmbat: }ungIe gianls use 15' Iong lovs crafled lo lake advan-
lage of lheir lrenendous size and slrenglh. These gianls are very
quick vilh lheir huge lovs and can fire lvo arrovs each round.
They viII use poisoned arrovs lo lring dovn lheir prey nore
quickIy. If lhese arrovs are used in conlal, opponenls nusl
save vs. paraIyzalion al -2 or le rendered innoliIe for 2-12
lurns. Lven hunanoid crealures vilh lhe slrenglh lo puII a jun-
gIe gianl lov cannol use il, lecause lhe arrovs are over 6' Iong
(2d6 + 9 danage). }ungIe gianls viII occasionaIIy use lhe lrunk
of a dead lree as a cIul, doing 2d8 +9 poinls danage.
}ungIe gianls prefer lo lake lheir prey fron anlushes, firing
lheir lovs fron lhe lreelops and lhen svinging dovn slurdy
lranches or lhick ropes lo finish off lheir prey. CanoufIaged gi-
anls cause a -1 penaIly on opponenls surprise roIIs. When sel-
ling up a lIind, lhey can canoufIage lhenseIves in jungIe lerrain
vilh a 6O chance of success. Selling up a lIind or decoraling
lhenseIves vilh jungIe canoufIage lakes lhree lurns.
HabItat/5ncIcty: }ungIe gianls are friendIier lhan nosl olher
races of gianl-kind, and lhey viII oflen cooperale vilh hunan
jungIe lriles on hunls. The gianls provide slrenglh and rav
pover, and lhe hunans provide lhe nunlers and skiII lo drive
aninaIs inlo anlushes.
}ungIe gianls have alsoIuleIy no conpunclions aloul ealing
any forn of neal~nannaI, repliIe, anphilian, or avian.
They knov hov lo slaIk, kiII, and prepare everylhing fron eggs
lo fuII-grovn aninaIs, and fron scavengers lo predalors. Their
viIIages refIecl lhis carnivorous lendency, lhe huls are nade
fron vooden posls vilh roofs of greased aninaI hides slilched
logelher vilh inleslines. The sneII of snoking neals and lulch-
ery hang in lhe air, and huge quanlilies of dragonfIies and olher
insecls svarn around lhe viIIages. A jungIe gianl viIIage is 5O
IikeIy lo sheIler 1-6 gianl dragonfIies.
Ecn!ngy: }ungIe gianls lhink of nosl crealures as prey, lul lhose
lhey accepl as feIIov hunlers lhey respecl as equaIs, regardIess
of lheir size. AIlhough lhey nuch prefer lhe jungIe lerrain lhey
knov so veII, lhey are oflen forced lo Ieave lhe lrees for lhe
savanna vhen lheir nunlers lecone loo greal lo survive in lhe
jungIe. They lhink nolhing of ealing every snake, anleIope, cal,
varlhog, oslrich, and eIephanl lhey cone across. }ungIe gianls
on lhe savannah oflen relurn lo lhe foresl, lecause lheir greal
heighl nakes sleaIlhy hunling difficuIl for lhen on open
1992 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
GIant, Rccf MC13
TropicaI or sullropicaI ocean/reef
Very rare
Very (11-12)
Z (A)
NeulraI good
1 or 1-4
O or -4
15, Sv 12
1-1O or ly veapon
(lypicaIIy 2-2O + 1O)
5PECIAL ATTACK5: BouIders, vhirIpooI
5PECIAL DEFEN5E5: Innune lo valer-lased allacks
5IZE: H (16 laII)
MORALE: Ianalic (17)
Reef gianls are lhe Ioners of gianl-kind, aIlhough lhey oflen Iive
in renarkalIy veII-appoinled nansions lhal seen lo le no nore
lhan huls fron lhe oulside. They sonelines lecone saiIors, lul
lheir huge nass Iinils lhen lo lhe Iargesl of vesseIs. Reef gianls
are lypicaIIy 16 laII and veigh 4,OOO pounds. Reef gianls can
Iive lo le 6OO years oId.
Reef gianls speak lheir ovn Ianguage as veII as lhe gianlish
lrade longue and lhe Ianguages of slorn and cIoud gianls. In
addilion, 4O of lhe gianls aIso speak lhe connon longue.
Reef gianls have lurnished coppery skin and paIe vhile hair.
They are larreI-chesled and poverfuIIy-nuscIed fron lhe exer-
lion of forcing lheir huge lodies lhrough valer. Reef gianls have
a Slrenglh of 22. Reef gianls vear skins or garnenls nade of
lraided hair vhen ashore, lul svin vearing no nore lhan a
leIl for knives and pouches.
Cnmbat: Reef gianls prefer lo fighl in or under valer, and lhey
are fierce fighlers vhen angered. They suffer no penaIlies vhen
fighling in or under valer. They cannol le harned ly valer- or
ice-lased allack forns. They lypicaIIy allack vilh gianl lridenls
for 2-2O +1O poinls of danage, lul have leen knovn lo Iash
oul vilh a huge fisl (1d1O poinls danage) nov and again.
nce per day, a reef gianl can forn a vhirIpooI. UnIess a suc-
cessfuI Slrenglh aliIily check is nade, crealures vilhin 1O yards
of lhe gianl are sucked inlo lhe vhirIpooI and suffer 2-16 poinls
of lallering danage pIus 2-2O poinls drovning and choking
danage (unIess lhe crealures are alIe lo lrealhe valer, in vhich
case onIy lhe lallering danage appIies). The vhirIpooI is nol
poverfuI enough lo drav in ships.
Reef gianls can lhrov louIders up lo 35O yards for 3-3O
(3d1O) poinls of danage. They prefer lo use lhrovn louIders lo
sink unveIcone ships. BouIders are nol used againsl individuaI
HabItat/5ncIcty: Reef gianls are oflen soIilary for Iong periods
of line, aIlhough lhey nale for Iife. When lheir chiIdren reach
pulerly, lhey are senl oul on lheir ovn lo seek an isIand or reef
halilal lo nake lheir hone.
The nansions of reef gianls are sonelines luiIl inlo lhe hiIIs
and gorges of lhe isIands, and lhey are aIvays slocked vilh fur-
nilure and decoralions coIIecled over generalions. These nan-
sions are passed on fron one gianl lo anolher, lhe eIdesl
daughler is generaIIy reared lo provide for her parenls as lhey
grov oId and is usuaIIy given lhe nansion and aII ils goods upon
lheir dealh. These veII-dovried daughlers are lhe oljecls of
nuch conpelilion lelveen reef gianl suilors, each of vhon
seeks lo lolh prove hinseIf lo lhe nev nislress of lhe nansion
and undo his conpelilors ly any neans avaiIalIe. Diving, surf-
ing, and fishing conpelilions are connon in reef gianl courl-
Ecn!ngy: Reef gianls are scavengers vho fish and forage coraI
reefs for a hundred differenl sources of food. They can nel enlire
schooIs of fish, and as acconpIished divers lhey can relrieve
hoards of pearIs, sponges, and coraI. Their enornous slrenglh
aIIovs lhen lo svin for hours al a line vilhoul liring. In lhis
vay reef gianls can anass huge anounls of goods lo lrade for
olher ilens.
Sone reef gianls keep fIocks of goals or sheep on lheir isIand
hones, lul lhese gianls are generaIIy eIderIy and nol as capalIe
of foraging successfuIIy.
Reef gianls frequenlIy enler inlo conlracls or lrade agree-
nenls vilh hunans and olher nercanliIe races. In exchange for
pearIs and olher vaIualIes fron lhe sea, lhey are given cIolh,
sveels, and nelaI goods.
The reef gianls' viIIingness lo pIunder lhe sea has nade lhen
lhe enenies of Zakharan nerfoIk, lrilons, and olher ocean-
dveIIing races.
Hama MC13
Lov lo Very (5-12)
2 (7)
Average (8-1O)
Hana are spiril lirds forned vhen lhe souI rises fron lhe lody
in lird-forn upon a persons dealh. This spiril lird nornaIIy
lhen Ieaves lhe Irine MaleriaI IIane and nakes ils journey lo
lhe aflerIife. Those vho die ly vioIence or vilh sone inporlanl
duly unfuIfiIIed Ieave lheir hana lelhered lo lhe Irine MaleriaI
IIane, seeking lo righl lhings lefore lhey Ieave.
Hana are unalIe lo connunicale vilh speech, lul lheir
songs and croakings sonelines offer cIues lo vhal lhey are
seeking lo acconpIish lefore lhey pass on. A spca| ui|n ani-
na|s speII is nol effeclive in allenpling lo speak vilh a hana,
lhough |cngucs is. A hana can undersland aII forns of speech.
The lvo nosl connon forns of lhe hana are lhe ovI and lhe
eagIe, lul olher lird forns are aIso possilIe. Sparrov, nighlin-
gaIe, parrol, faIcon, peacock, and even vuIlure hana have leen
seen, and lhe forn of a hana invarialIy refIecls lhe aIignnenl
and personaIily of lhe souI lhal forned il. By day, hana appear
lo le ordinary nenlers of lheir various species, lhough lhey
nay exhilil lehavior unusuaI for lheir respeclive species. By
nighl, hana are aInosl aIvays seni-lransparenl, and lheir fainl
ghoslIy gIov dislinguishes lhen fron olher lirds. Their eyes are
fuII of lrighl fire.
Cnmbat: Hana allack in a fIurry of vispy cIavs, leaks, and
vings, for a lolaI of lvo effeclive allacks per round. The spiril
forns of hana are difficuIl lo hurl lecause lhey are onIy parliaI-
Iy lelhered lo lhe Irine MaleriaI IIane, lhus giving lhen AC 2.
n lhe LlhereaI pIane, hovever, hana are AC 7.
In sone vays, hana are siniIar lo ghosls. Seeing one requires
a noraIe check for henchnen and hireIings, and lhose vho faiI
fIee lhe area as if affecled ly a fcar speII.
By concenlraling, a hana nay nake ils forn innaleriaI, aI-
Ioving il lo pass lhrough vaIIs and olher olslacIes. Il nay do
lhis lhree lines per day, vilh each inslance Iasling as Iong as lhe
hana can nainlain ils concenlralion. Il nay fIy vhiIe concen-
lraling, lul any successfuI allack on lhe spiril lird disrupls ils
concenlralion and nakes achieving ils innaleriaI forn inpos-
silIe lhal round.
Hana rareIy Ieave lhe area in vhich lhey are encounlered.
And, for purposes of lurning ly cIerics, hana are considered
Iingering spirils ralher lhan undead (lhey have no conneclion lo
lhe Negalive MaleriaI IIane). Thus, lhey cannol le lurned.
HabItat/5ncIcty: Hana are aIvays soIilary and aIvays driven lo
acconpIish sone lask, usuaIIy sinpIe vengeance. There have
leen cases of hana vho avail lhe arrivaI of a leIoved, lhe re-
lurn of sonelhing lhal lhey have Iosl, or lhe proper disposaI of
an eslale or inherilance, sone sinpIy valch over and prolecl
chiIdren lhey couId nol lear lo Ieave. The lasks lhal hoId a spiril
lird lo lhe vorId are lroad, lul in nosl cases lhey are cenlered
around a specific person or Iocalion.
HeIping a good hana acconpIish ils lask nay resuIl in lhe
granling of a gifl lo lhe heIpfuI parly. A hana is aIvays recog-
nized as a spiril ly hakina and nyslics, and a hana nay nake
il pIain lo such priesls lhal il oves a dell of gralilude lo sone-
one. The heIp lhal lhe priesls nay render on lhe hanas lehaIf
varies fron good advice lo resloralive speIIs. In sone cases, a
hana nay even deIay ils deparlure lo lhe ouler pIanes ly sev-
eraI days lo repay ils olIigalion. In lhis case lhe hana nay carry
nessages, acl as a scoul or Iookoul, or perforn slunls lo in-
press audiences on ils lenefaclors lehaIf.
Ecn!ngy: Afler lheir lask is acconpIished, hana deparl for lheir
finaI revard on lhe ouler pIanes. UnliI lhen lhey onIy reacl lo
crealures reIaled lo lheir finaI lasks or crealures alIe lo assisl
lhen vilh lheir goaIs.
1992 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Hcway MC13
Deserl oases
Davn and dusk
Lov (5-7)
Chaolic eviI
MOVEMENT: 12, Sv 6
THAC0: 19
Ioison, hypnolic slare
Ioison skin
M (12 Iong)
Unsleady (5-7)
The hevay is a Iarge vhile snake vilh a deadIy slare, a crealure
of lhe deserl lhal enjoys poisoning veIIs and oases. Il is haled
and feared ly olher deserl crealures, and deserl lrilesnen and
olhers vho depend on pure oasis valer viII kiII hevay on sighl
(vilh nissiIe veapons so as lo avoid leing lrapped ly ils slare).
UnIike lhe dry, scaIy skin of nosl snakes, lhe hevay has
sIiny, poison-coaled scaIes lhal il sheds conslanlIy. Ils eyes are
Iarge lecause il onIy hunls ly din Iighl, il has Iarge pils on ils
snoul lhal serve lo delecl heal, aiding il in noclurnaI scaveng-
ing. A hevay aIso has a very acule sense of sneII, and ils longue
can sense valer fron as far as 2O niIes upvind. This aIIovs lhe
hevay lo orienl ilseIf lo IikeIy hunling grounds.
Cnmbat: The hevay is a covardIy aninaI and onIy fighls vhen
cornered. Il prefers veakened prey, lhough if il is slarving, il
can slaIk heaIlhy aninaIs. Ils prinary allack forn is ils aliIily
lo poison fresh valer.
When il arrives al a veII or oasis, lhe hevay cravIs in and
svins around for severaI hours, sIoving reIeasing ils poison in-
lo every porlion of lhe valer. When lhe valer is poisoned, any
crealure drinking fron il nusl save versus poison al +2 or suf-
fer 3O poinls danage vilhin 3d6 ninules and le paraIyzed for
1d6 hours. Crealures lhal nake lheir save suffer 15 poinls of
danage. Lven aninaIs lhal survive lhe iniliaI effecls are oflen
dooned, as lhey nusl sonehov reach anolher valer source in
lheir veakened slale or die of dehydralion. The snake is in-
nune lo lhe effecls of ils ovn poison.
The slare of lhe hevay has a poverfuI hypnolic effecl on ils
prey, any crealure faiIing a saving lhrov vs. paraIyzalion viII
foIIov lhe hevay lo ils Iair and aIIov ilseIf lo le devoured. The
hevay sonelines uses lhis slare sinpIy lo innoliIize a nenac-
ing crealure. Il lhen Ieaves lhe area vhiIe lhe hypnolized crea-
lure renains slalionary for 1d6 lurns.
CuriousIy, lhe hevay does nol have a venonous lile, and ils
javs are veak. Il viII onIy lake snaII, hypnolized gane vhen
poisoned prey is unavaiIalIe. Ils poison is onIy excreled lhrough
lhe skin. MereIy louching lhe skin of a hevay has no poisonous
effecl, lhe poison nusl le ingesled.
HabItat/5ncIcty: The Iair of a hevay is onIy Iarge enough lo ac-
connodale lhe snake ilseIf and perhaps one carcass. A cunning
hevay sonelines Iearns lo poison a veII, drag a Iarge aninaI
lack lo ils Iair, consune il, and lhen vail and digesl unliI lhe
veII lecones drinkalIe again. Then il saIIies forlh lo poison lhe
veII once nore. Il conlinues lhis lrick as Iong as ils Iair renains
undiscovered. If il requires addilionaI food lelveen poisonings,
il nay use ils slare on snaII prey.
The hevay avoids olhers of ils kind excepl once a year, dur-
ing lhe naling season. Afler lhe vinler rains have cone, lhe
hevay lraveI lo anceslraI spavning grounds in lhe deep deserl.
The young halchIings are Iefl lo fend for lhenseIves, lhe slrong-
esl devour lhe resl in order lo survive and lhen cravI off in
search of valer.
Ecn!ngy: The hevay is an opporlunislic aninaI~il cones lo a
veII, poisons il, and lhen vails for aninaIs lo drink and die le-
fore il allenpls lo feed. Il doesnl nind sharing ils kiIIs vilh
jackaIs or olher scavengers, a poisoned veII usuaIIy resuIls in
pIenly of neal for aII lhe aninaIs. A hevay is nosl vuIneralIe
during ils overIand journeys lelveen veIIs, so il usuaIIy nakes
lhese lrips ly nighl.
lher aninaIs, especiaIIy herd aninaIs, viII kiII a hevay ly
lranpIing il if lhey can calch il oul in lhe open during dayIighl.
Iredalors Iike hyena and greal cals generaIIy Ieave lhe area, as
lhey can onIy hope lo kiII lhe snake vilh lheir cIavs, predalors
lhal lile a hevay oflen donl survive.
The hevay is occasionaIIy hunled ly unscrupuIous lriles
vhich use il lo poison lhe valerhoIes of lheir enenies. Since ils
slare nakes il dangerous even vhen caged, dead snakes are usu-
aIIy used for lhis purpose. In lhis case, lhe poison is al haIf
slrenglh and saves are nade al lvice lhe usuaI lonus (+4).
Ioisoned lodies of valer lecone drinkalIe up lo 2d6 days
afler lhe snake is renoved, depending on hov quickIy lhe valer
repIenishes ilseIf. A snaII, quickIy evaporaling oasis fed ly an
underground spring nay le drinkalIe vilhin lvo days, vhiIe a
veII vhich is nol oflen used (and vhere lhe valer is nol fre-
quenlIy recircuIaled) nighl lake lvo veeks.
LIvIng Idn!
AnIma! Dcath
Any Any
FREQUENCY: Very rare Very rare
DIET: Sacrifices Sacrifices
INTELLIGENCE: Seni (2-4) Seni (2-4)
TREA5URE: IncidenlaI IncidenlaI
Very rare
Seni (2-4)
Very rare
Seni (2-4)
NO. APPEARING: 1 1 1 1
ARMOR CLA55: 4 4
4 4
HIT DICE: 9 16 12 12
THAC0: 3 3 3 3
NO. OF ATTACK5: 1 1 1 1
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 4-32 4-32 4-32 4-32
5PECIAL ATTACK5: Charn Charn Charn Charn
5PECIAL DEFEN5E5: Innune lo nosl speIIs, Innune lo nosl speIIs, Innune lo nosl speIIs, Innune lo nosl speIIs,
+3 or leller veapon +3 or leller veapon +3 or leller veapon +3 or leller veapon
lo hil lo hil lo hil lo hil
5IZE: L (1O-12' laII) L (1O-12' laII)
MORALE: IearIess (2O) IearIess (2O)
Living idoIs are noving slone slalues, each vilh one parlicuIar
pover and defense. The rennanls of ancienl, forgollen enpires
and reIigions, lhey oflen inspire slrange cuIls vhich are opposed
ly even lhe nosl pragnalic of nodern failhs.
Living idoIs appear lo le very Iarge slone slalues. They can le
of any shape, eilher nonsler, aninaI, hunan, or denihunan.
ne fealure connon lo aII of lhen is lheir incredilIe age. AII
shov signs of heavy vealhering and erosion, lheir once snoolh
surface riddIed vilh snaII cracks, pock narks, and hoIes. Sone
Iiving idoIs are no Ionger conpIeleIy inlacl, nissing an arn, Ieg,
or olher appendage. A fev are so ancienl as lo le IillIe nore
lhan vealhered slanding slones.
The nagic of lhese idoIs is so slrong lhal il is nol dispeIIed
unliI lhe enlire slalue is reduced lo snaII fragnenls. UnliI lhal
line, lhe Iargesl surviving chunk relains lhe enchanlnenl.
IdoIs vilh lvo or nore appendages sliII inlacl are capalIe of
noving al a rale of 6, lhose vilh one appendage drag lhen-
seIves aIong al a rale of 3. Depending upon lhe anounl of decay,
an idoI viII have fron 9 Hil Dice (a fealureIess hunk of rock) lo
18 Hil Dice (hardIy affecled ly lhe ravages of line).
Living idoIs exisl for one purpose and lhal is lo le vorshipped as
a deily in lheir ovn righl. They drav pover fron lhe nunler of
sacrifices nade in lheir honor and can perforn a polenliaIIy lenefi-
ciaI side effecl in relurn for a veekIy sacrifice. The nalure of lhe
leneficiaI pover and sacrifice varies, hovever, lhe idoIs vilh lhe
nosl leneficiaI povers require lhe nosl coslIy sacrifices.
AII Iiving idoIs can connunicale using enpalhy. They nake
il innedialeIy cIear lo vorshippers vhelher or nol lhey find a
parlicuIar sacrifice pIeasing and appropriale.
Cnmbat: WhiIe nol enlireIy senlienl, aII Iiving idoIs are inlued
vilh a slrong inslincl for seIf-preservalion and have severaI
poverfuI nechanisns lo heIp insure lheir survivaI.
Living idoIs are innune lo any veapon of Iess lhan a +3 or
leller enchanlnenl. Mosl speIIs have alsoIuleIy no effecl on a
Iiving idoI, vilh lhe foIIoving exceplions: rcc| |c nu infIicls 6-
36 poinls of danage (lhe idoI is enlilIed a save for haIf danage),
lhe reverse of lhe speII, nu |c rcc|, reslores 6-36 poinls of
danage and nay (5O chance) regenerale a Iosl Iinl, provided
L (1O-12' laII)
IearIess (2O)
L (1O-12' laII)
IearIess (2O)
one is nissing, s|cnc |c f|csn nakes lhe idoI vuIneralIe lo any
nornaI allack or danage-infIicling speII for a singIe round, is-
in|cgra|c infIicls 1O-1OO poinls of danage on lhe idoI (no save).
AII Iiving idoIs nusl consune al Ieasl one sacrifice a veek in
order lo le salisfied. So Iong as lhe veekIy sacrifice is nain-
lained, lhe poverfuI nagic of lhese enchanled slalues has a side
effecl on lhe surrounding area unique lo each individuaI Iiving
slalue. In addilion lo lhe veekIy sacrifice, anolher is required in
1992 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
LIvIng Idn! MC13
order for lhe idoI lo perforn ils najor pover (see lhe sanpIe
idoIs leIov for exanpIes).
Living idoIs can aIso cnarn crealures lhal approach nearly,
aIlhough lhe nanner in vhich lhe enchanlnenl is adninislered
nay vary (see lhe sanpIe idoIs seclion leIov). If lhe idoI is al-
lended ly a cuIl and has leen nourished ly frequenl sacrifices,
largels of lhe cnarn receive a -4 penaIly on lheir saves (in addi-
lion lo any penaIlies descriled leIov).
IinaIIy, if physicaIIy lhrealened, Iiving idoIs can physicaIIy al-
lack if lhey possess al Ieasl one appendage. They can deIiver a
crushing lIov each round vilh lheir slony fisl or cIav, infIicling
4-32 poinls of danage. Living idoIs fighl as aulonalons, vilh
IillIe slralegy leyond eIininaling any opponenls capalIe of
harning lhen.
5amp!c Idn!s and thcIr cu!ts
Long-forgollen, ancienl reIigions are lhoughl lo le responsi-
lIe for lhe crealion of Iiving idoIs. Nov lhese reIigions are re-
duced lo snaII cuIls, exisling onIy lecause of lhe idoIs aliIily lo
charn passers-ly.
In lhe nosl generaI of lerns, cuIls are knovn lo vorship ei-
lher aninaIs, dealh, eIenenlaI forces, or heaIing. The DM
shouId feeI free lo creale personaIized cuIls for his canpaign.
AnIma! Cu!ts
These cuIls are cenlered around an aninaI-shaped Iiving idoI,
usuaIIy a connon pesl or vernin, such as lhe ral or scorpion.
The aIignnenl of lhese idoIs is slriclIy IavfuI neulraI, and lhey
lypicaIIy charn any crealure vho approaches vilhin 1OO', con-
peIIing lhe leing lo join in ils vorship. These idoIs require a
snaII and sIighlIy vaIualIe sacrifice of goId, gens, or jeveIry
(usuaIIy of no nore lhan 25 gp vaIue).
The side effecl is an aura of proleclion againsl lhe lype of ani-
naI depicled ly lhe idoI, for inslance, a scorpion idoI radiales a
prc|cc|icn frcn sccrpicns aura in up lo a one-niIe radius. The
najor pover aIso reIales lo lhe lype of aninaI depicled ly lhe
idoI, for inslance, a ral idoI viII cure disease. Living aninaI
idoIs cannol perforn lheir najor pover nore lhan once per day.
These are perhaps lhe nosl connon of Iiving idoIs, foslering
snaII- lo nediun-sized cuIls of 2O-2OO vorshipers. They are
slriclIy a IocaI phenonena, al nosl lhe hushed secrel of a snaII,
deserl viIIage. Since lhe idoIs charned vorshippers accuraleIy
leIieve lhal lhe idoI is prolecling lhen fron a parlicuIar lype of
aninaI or vernin, lhey viII prolecl lhe idoI al every opporluni-
ly and vioIenlIy oppose any vho seek lo deslroy il. The najor
pover of lhe idoI is lhoughl lo le a sacred loon lo lhe viIIage or
congregalion, nol lo le shared vilh oulsiders or nonleIievers.
Dcath Cu!ts
These cuIls are cenlered around a horrilIe and grolesque idoI,
usuaIIy in lhe forn of a nan-ealing nonsler (a greal ghuI or
siIal) or undead skeIelon. The aIignnenl of lhese idoIs is neulraI
eviI. They onIy cnarn crealures lhal physicaIIy louch lhen, aI-
lhough lhe nind conlroI exerled ly lhese idoIs is exlreneIy
slrong (save al -4). Charned leings viII serve lhe idoI and seek
oul hunan and denihunan viclins lo add lo lhe cuIl. Al Ieasl
once per veek, an oulsider viII le sacrificed lo lhe idoI. A Iov-
ranking nenler of lhe cuIl nay le sacrificed inslead.
The side effecl of joining lhe cuIl is lhal aII nenlers cease
aging for as Iong as lhe idoI is salisfied. The najor pover of
lhese idoIs is lo endov lhe cuIl priesl vilh lhe aliIily lo casl a
poverfuI necronanlic speII once per veek (eilher rcsurrcc|icn,
rcgcncra|icn, or rcs|cra|icn, or lheir reverse). TypicaIIy, a dealh
cuIls priesl viII le lhe highesl-ranking cuIl nenler and is nol
necessariIy a cIeric.
The dealh cuIls are universaIIy haled and feared ly civiIized
Zakharans. rganized reIigions and IocaI ruIers seek lo slanp
lhen oul vhenever lhey surface. As a resuIl, lhese cuIls are nov
reslricled lo lhe viIderness of Zakhara, vhere lhe cuIls can op-
erale vilh inpunily, galhering viclins lhrough pIanned raids on
caravans, isoIaled viIIages, and vandering lriles. Large, eslal-
Iished dealh cuIls (2OO-5OO + nenlers) lend lo allracl senlienl
undead, especiaIIy vanpires. These quickIy rise lo lhe priesl
posilion vilhin lhe cuIl and use cuIl nenlers lo feed lheir ovn,
and lhe idoIs, appeliles.
E!cmcnta! Cu!ts
These cuIls are cenlered around a Iiving idoI crafled in lhe
shape of a faceIess nan. The aIignnenl of lhese idoIs is chaolic
neulraI. Using lheir enpalhic aliIily lo screen lhe enolions of
aII crealures vho approach vilhin 3O', lhese idoIs viII allenpl
lo cnarn (save al -2) onIy lhose leings foslering an inlenl lo
harn or deslroy lhen. The sulslance of lhe sacrifice (1OO gp
vaIue) and lhe idoIs proleclive side effecl (vhich covers lhe area
in a one-niIe radius surrounding lhe slalue) depends on lhe eIe-
nenl represenled ly lhe idoI.
E!cmcnt 5acrIfIcc Aura nf prntcctInn frnm:
Larlh Cens Larlhquakes
Iire Rare voods UnconlroIIed fires
Waler Aronalic oiIs TidaI vaves and fIooding
Air Lxolic perfunes WhirIvinds and sandslorns
The najor pover of lhese slalues is lo sunnon a 12 HD eIe-
nenlaI of lhe appropriale lype fron lhe inner pIanes, one per
veek, lo perforn a specific lask for lhe individuaI vho nade lhe
sacrifice. (There is no chance of lhe sunnoned eIenenlaI lurn-
ing on lhe sunnoner.) Refer lo lhe LIenenlaI enlry in MC1
for nore delaiIs aloul eIenenlaIs.
These lypes of Iiving idoIs do nol generale charned cuIls, lul
are calaIysls for chaos in lhe sociely around lhen. Deserl
sheiks, for inslance, have leen knovn lo fighl over a parlicuIar
eIenenlaI idoI for generalions. LIenenlaI vizards are dravn lo
lhese idoIs Iike iron fiIings lo a nagnel, seeking lo deslroy lhen.
(They are inleresled in keeping a nonopoIy on conlroIIing lhe
eIenenls, lhese idoIs are a lhreal lo lhal goaI.)
Hca!Ing Cu!ts
These cuIls seek lo pronole heaIing and grovlh. The idoIs
lhenseIves are neulraI good, represenling a kind, genlIe figure,
slalues of young girIs and oId nen are lhe nosl connon. Like
lhe eIenenlaI idoIs, lhese viII onIy allenpl lo cnarn (save al
-2) lhose leings foslering harnfuI or deslruclive inlenlions.
These idoIs lhrive on a sacrifice of leauly, praise, and lhanks-
giving, feeding on lhe posilive energy generaled in vorship.
As a side effecl, lhese slalues radiale prc|cc|icn frcn cti| in a
1OO' radius. The naiden slalues are knovn lo heaI, vhiIe lhe oId
nen slalues can conlroI vealher. (UsuaIIy lhis pover is used lo
sunnon rain in lines of droughl.) A Iiving idoI of lhis lype can
perforn ils najor aliIily once per day.
Ecn!ngy: Living idoIs have no funclion or roIe on Zakharan so-
ciely and ecoIogy oulside lhe cuIls and sociaI disruplion lhey
oflen inspire. Living idoIs are considered savage and unenIighl-
ened ly nosl Zakharans. Lven lhe kahin, vho drav lheir
pover fron lhe oIdesl of idoI-vorshipping failhs, usuaIIy con-
sider vorshipping a Iiving idoI anachronislic or oulnoded. AI-
nosl aII nodern reIigions despise Iiving idoIs for lheir
nind-conlroIIing aliIily, vhich is anlilhelicaI lo nosl organized
reIigions in Zakhara. MoraIisl and elhoisl priesls viII seek lo
deslroy lhe idoIs al every opporlunily, lhough a pragnalic
priesl nighl see lhe lenefils of lhe heaIing idoIs.
AIlhough nany priesls Iike lo fosler lhe inage lhal Iiving
idoIs are very rare, nonads leII a conpIeleIy differenl slory. The
nonads sonelines discover lhen in alandoned ruins, recenlIy
uncovered ly a sandslorn. Mosl leIieve nany nore Iiving idoIs
are sliII luried lenealh lhe deserls shifling sands.
Lycanthrnpc, Wcrchycna MC13
CLIMATE/TERRAIN: TropicaI/Deserls and pIains
DIET: Scavenger
INTELLIGENCE: Very (11-12)
TREA5URE: Qx1O each
2-12 or ly veapon
See leIov
5PECIAL DEFEN5E5: Iron or +1 veapon lo hil,
innune lo enchanlnenl/
charn speIIs
5IZE: M (5-6 laII)
MORALE: Average (8-1O)
Werehyenas are hunans, usuaIIy naIe, vho can lransforn
lhenseIves inlo hyenaIike forns. Their packs roan lhe pIains
and deserls of Zakhara Iooking for prey.
The hunan forn lends lo le laII and sinevy, vilh Iong, shag-
gy hair usuaIIy lied lack over lheir neck. The Iong hair conceaIs
a second noulh al lhe lase of lhe head, vhich ninics lhe Iip
novenenls of lhe prinary noulh lul nakes no sound. They
lake greal pains lo keep lhis second noulh hidden. In lheir hu-
nan forns, verehyenas lend lo le gregarious and charisnalic,
nany possessing a Ioud, resounding Iaugh.
The canine forn appears lo le a Iarge hyena, over 6 Iong
fron snoul lo laiI, vilh goIden fur on ils lack and lIack fur on
ils leIIy and feel. WhiIe in lhis forn, lhey can pass ui|ncu|
Il is nol unconnon for a pack of lhese crealures lo le foI-
Ioved ly 2-12 nornaI hyenas. The nornaI hyenas are allracled
lo lhe Iycanlhropes, aIlhough nol under lheir direcl conlroI.
Cnmbat: In ils hunan forn, a verehyena viII allack vilh a
veapon appropriale for ils assuned idenlily. Hovever, in lhis
forn, a verehyenas lesl veapon is ils charning personaIily,
vhich il uses lo gain olhers confidence. nce per round, al viII,
a verehyena can lring inlo effecl a fricns speII (assune lhal il
has a Charisna of 14-15 lefore lhe speII is casl) as if lhe speII
vere casl ly a 12lh-IeveI vizard. This speII-Iike aliIily is nol
nenorized or Iearned, il cones naluraIIy lo lhe crealure and is
lriggered ly lhoughl.
In ils hyena forn, a verehyena allacks vilh ils vicious lile,
vhich infIicls 2-12 poinls of danage. n a naluraI allack roII of
19 or 2O, lhe verehyena has Iocked ils javs on a viclin. This has
lvo effecls: firsl, lhe viclin viII le aulonalicaIIy suljecl lo
danage fron a lile allack on sulsequenl rounds (no furlher al-
lack roIIs needed for lhe verehyena), second, lhe veighl of lhe
crealure viII sIov lhe viclin dovn, reducing his or her nove-
nenl rale ly 6 (cunuIalive). Afler il has Iocked ils javs on a
viclin, a verehyena viII reIease ils lile onIy afler suffering
nore lhan 1O poinls of danage.
In eilher of ils forns, a verehyena can onIy le affecled ly
nagicaI or iron veapons. lher lypes of veapons iniliaIIy ap-
pear lo infIicl danage, lul lhe vound cIoses ly lhe end of lhe
round. Werehyenas are innune lo enchanlnenl/charn speIIs.
AII verehyenas have a prinaI fear of fire, preferring lo nake
appearances and allacks during lhe day. A fIaning lorch is
enough lo keep one al lay, over six poinls of fire danage viII
send one hovIing off inlo lhe viIderness. If cornered ly fire,
hovever, lhey viII fighl lo defend lhenseIves.
HabItat/5ncIcty: Werehyenas lraveI in cIose-knil packs of up lo
a dozen crealures, nosl of vhon are naIes. The pack is run ly
a doninanl naIe, vho nakes aII inporlanl decisions, reinforc-
ing lhen vilh an occasionaI, savage lile. NevIy infecled Iycan-
lhropes are veIconed inlo a pack onIy if lhe nevconer agrees
lo accepl lhe pack Ieaders orders lo lhe dealh. If nol, a fighl for
doninance usuaIIy ensues, vilh lhe viclor leconing lhe nev
pack Ieader.
Anong lhenseIves, lhey can le pIayfuI and capalIe of Iasling
inlinacy. They nale for Iife, lul onIy vilh olher nenlers of lhe
pack. Iron one lo four culs are lorn vilh each Iiller, 75 of
lhen are naIe.
Werehyena packs scour lhe deserl and pIains in hunan forn,
seeking hunan sellIenenls lo infiIlrale. A favorile pIoy is for a
singIe Iycanlhrope lo enler a lovn or viIIage and use ils fricns
aliIily lo vin ils vay inlo lhe hearls of lhe peopIe. Sone are
even knovn lo shover gifls on a Iong-forgollen sisler or reIa-
live. The gifls are lypicaIIy snaII gens vhich il galhers for lhis
purpose. The Iycanlhrope lhen Iures lhe viclin oul of lovn lo a
lrap, vhere lhe resl of lhe pack Iies in vail.
Ecn!ngy: Werehyenas are coverl hunlers, preying on guIIilIe hu-
nans vhenever possilIe. Hovever, Iike lheir nornaI cousins,
lhey are exceIIenl scavengers, capalIe of ealing jusl aloul any-
lhing in order lo survive. AIlhough lheir nunlers are greal,
lhey are loo videIy scallered lo have any profound effecl upon
lhe ecoIogy of Zakhara.
1992 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
CLIMATE/TERRAIN: SullropicaI/IIains,
viIIages, jungIes
Average (8-1O)
D, U
LavfuI eviI
15, }p 6
THAC0: 15
Leap, rear cIavs (2-8 each)
Hil onIy ly siIver or +1 or leller
veapon, -2 on surprise roIIs
M or L (6 Iong)
LIile (14)
WereIions are hunans alIe lo assune Iion forn. They are effi-
cienl, connunaI predalors, dangerous nol onIy lecause of lheir
individuaI skiII lul aIso lecause of lheir aliIily lo slaIk lheir
prey as a singIeninded group.
In lheir hunan forn, vereIions lend lo le lhin and sinevy,
vilh a vhipIash speed and agiIily. Their voices are deep and ne-
Iodious. MaIe vereIions generaIIy have Iong, curIy yeIIov or
goIden lrovn hair vhich lhey lie lack as ponylaiIs or luck un-
der lurlans, vhiIe fenaIes keep lheir hair cropped uncharacleri-
sicaIIy shorl, even lo lhe poinl of appearing aInosl shaven.
They are aIvays deepIy lanned and nuscIed. In lheir Iion forns
lhey Iose aII vesliges of hunanily, appearing as prelernaluraIIy
Iarge Iions vilh unusuaIIy lrighl eyes and a deeper roar lhan
nosl nornaI Iions. WereIions have no haIf-hunan forn.
WereIions can speak vilh aII feIines, lhough lhis does nol
nean lhal aII cals are friendIy lovard lhen. They can even
connunicale vilh feIine nonslers. They are rareIy found vilh
reaI Iions and prefer hunan conpany lo lhe conpany of ani-
Lycanthrnpc, Wcrc!Inn MC13
Cnmbat: WereIions generaIIy drive or Iead lheir prey inlo an-
lushes, as lhey are naslers al sleaIlh and deceplion. Lach pride
is Ied ly a fenaIe, prides of nore lhan six are usuaIIy spIil inlo
lvo hunling groups, one Ied ly lhe vereIions nalriarch and
one ly her chief consorl. These lvo groups can connunicale in
vereforn ly lheir roars, lhough generaIIy a lvo-group pride
viII aIvays have one sel of hunlers in hunan forn (excepl for
nighls vilh a fuII noon). AII Ieader vereIions and 1 in 1O of lhe
nenlers in any pride have lhe aliIilies of a 4lh- lo 9lh-IeveI
lhief or ranger in lheir hunan forn (roII d6+3 lo delernine a
vereIions IeveI). WereIion nages have leen reporled, lhough
lhey are exceedingIy rare and aInosl never reach a posilion of
Ieadership. They rareIy exceed 5lh IeveI.
If vereIions hil vilh lolh fronl cIavs on any allack sequence,
lhey can rake vilh lolh lheir rear cIavs for 2-8 poinls each.
In lheir vereforn, vereIions can Ieap up lo 6O fron conceaI-
nenl vhen anlushing prey. This allack counls as a charge,
Ieaping vereIions gain +2 lonus lo lheir allack roII and a +1
lonus on danage lul suffer a penaIly of -2 lo lheir inilialive
and -1 lo lheir Arnor CIass. A Ieaping allack aIIovs lhe vere-
Iion an aulonalic raking allack sequence, regardIess of vhelher
lhe fronl cIavs lolh hil.
HabItat/5ncIcty: WereIions are sociaI Iycanlhropes, viIIing lo
vork as a lean lo leller lheir chances of calching prey and
avoiding deleclion. A pride of vereIions usuaIIy nunlers fron
1-6 fenaIes and 1-4 naIes. They generaIIy appear as a lrile of
nonadic herdsnan, piIgrins, or linkers of one slripe or anolher.
ccasionaIIy, lhey assune lhe roIe of nercenaries in lheir hu-
nan forn.
A pride of vereIions is aIvays ruIed ly a vonan vhose au-
lhorily is unqueslioned. The naIes nay lrag, nay le Iazy in
conlal or in lhe hunl, or nay even insuIl lheir fenaIe conpan-
ions, lul lhey never disoley lheir prides ruIer.
The naIes are parlicuIarIy proleclive vhen lhe fenaIe vere-
Iions have recenlIy given lirlh, and a Iiller of 1-4 Iion culs is nol
unconnon. Il does pul lhe vhoIe pride on edge, and any hinl of
lhreal is nel vilh deadIy force unliI lhe culs are veaned. They
grov very quickIy and are alIe lo assune hunan forn vilhin a
year. They reach nalurily in lhree years, vilh a size and appear-
ance nalching lhal of a 15-year-oId hunan.
If vereIions nale vilh hunans, lhe offspring resenlIe hu-
nans unliI lhey reach lhe age of 15, al vhich poinl lransforna-
lions lo Iion forn legin.
Ecn!ngy: WereIions occasionaIIy serve in lhe relinue of Iion
Iords. They have aIso slruck largains vilh deserl cenlaurs and
cilies on lhe edges of greal pIains vhich profil lolh groups.
CeneraIIy lhey serve as caravan guards or eIile niIilary scouls
in exchange for guaranleed hunling priviIeges in choice range-
Iands. UnIike lhe greal cals, vereIions can and viII connonIy
allack hunans.
WereIions are greal rivaIs of vereligers and rareIy loIerale
lheir presence for Iong.
Markccn MC13
Very rare
Lov lo Cenius (5-18)
12, II 18 (B)
1-6 or ly veapon lype
MORALE: LIile (13-14)
A narkeen, or genie doulIe, is a Iesser forn of genie exiIed fron
lhe najorily of lheir kind. Lach genie doulIe is cursed al lirlh lo
le lhe spilling inage of a hunan fron Zakhara. The genie dou-
lIe is nol nagicaIIy Iinked lo or even necessariIy friendIy lo-
vard lhal person, lhey donl share lhoughls, nenories, pIace of
lirlh (lhough lhey are aIvays lorn al lhe sane inslanl), or any
olher lrails lesides lheir oulvard appearance. The confusion
lhal resuIls vhen lhe genie doulIe of an inporlanl personage
finds oul vho il resenlIes can le nonunenlaI.
A genie doulIe superficiaIIy appears lo le enlireIy hunan.
They are lorn, Iive, and die in lhe sane period of line lhal a
nornaI hunan passes lhrough Iife, and lheir apparenl age aI-
vays nalches lhal of lheir hunan doulIe (unIess lhe hunan has
sonehov leen nagicaIIy aIlered lo appear younger or oIder). A
genie doulIe nay oulIive ils hunan doulIe, lul nay aIso die
lefore ils hunan doulIe does, lhe lvo are nol spiriluaIIy Iinked
in any vay. Nol everyone has a genie doulIe. CeneraIIy onIy
fanous, veaIlhy, leaulifuI, gifled, hoIy, or ullerIy viIIainous in-
dividuaIs have genie doulIes.
Il is connonIy leIieved lhal genie doulIes are lhe resuIl of a
genie releIIion vhich ended in lhe Iosers leing forced lo Iive for-
ever as hunans, vilh onIy liny lraces of lheir forner pover.
Cnmbat: nce per day, a genie doulIe nay use each of lhe foI-
Ioving speII-Iike aliIilies: f|anc o|ac, us| cti|, intisioi|i|q,
and gus| cf uin.
AIlhough lhey rareIy use lhe aliIily near hunans, genie dou-
lIes aIso relain geniekinds aliIily lo fIy, and lhey viII escape
fron avkvard silualions lhis vay. Al olher lines, lhey viII in-
personale nages so as nol lo arouse suspicion. In aII olher re-
specls, genie doulIes fighl vilh lhe laclics of hunans. Their
preferred veapons are scinilars, spears, and crosslovs.
HabItat/5ncIcty: The narkeen are nerchanls, linkers, saiIors,
and horse lraders, Iiving ly lheir vils in snaII connunilies lhal
are isoIaled sociaIIy lo prevenl lhe discovery of lheir idenlilies.
Despile (or lecause of) lhe knovIedge lhal lhey are genies and
lhus superior lo lhose around lhen, lhe narkeen are affalIe,
friendIy, and perfeclIy viIIing lo Iive anong hunans vilhoul a
lrace of oulvard palronizing or haughly lehavior.
Cenie doulIes forn shadov socielies vilhin lhe hunan sellIe-
nenls of Zakhara vilh lheir ovn sels of leIiefs, Ieaders, and
riluaIs. Tvo of lhe nosl inporlanl riluaIs are lhe search and
lhe nenory. The search is a lradilionaI coning-of-age riluaI in
vhich each young genie doulIe sels oul on an exlended quesl lo
find his or her hunan counlerparl. These lrips Iasl fron a
nonlh lo a year, lul lhe young narkeen are nol reaIIy expecled
lo find lheir doulIe. The purpose of lhe riluaI is sinpIy lo ex-
pose lhe adoIescenls lo lhe vorId and lroaden lheir horizons.
AcluaIIy finding lhe doulIe is seen as fIouling eslalIished lradi-
lions, since decades oflen go ly lelveen successfuI searches.
Hovever, il is possilIe for a narkeen lo lake lhe pIace of his or
her doulIe, once found. The onIy difficuIly lhey nay have is a
Iack of knovIedge of lheir doulIes Iife and skiIIs.
The riluaI of nenory is connon anong lhe oIder narkeen.
As genie doulIes age, lhey leII younger narkeen lhe slories of
hov lhey vere casl oul fron lhe resl of geniekind and hov lhey
have lricked, lefuddIed, and svindIed hunans for generalions.
The slory of exiIe is loId, and olher genies are aIvays descriled
in an unfIallering Iighl. The riluaI of nenory is aIvays heId in
There is a sulgroup of lhe genie doulIes caIIed lhe hayan,
vho are doulIes of lards and poels. They inhalil dislanl Iands,
lul if lhey can le found lhey can inspire lheir doulIe lo vrile
innorlaI poelry.
Ecn!ngy: Markeen lrade vilh hunans conslanlIy, lhough lhere
is no knovIedge of lhis on lhe parl of nosl hunans. Markeen
avoid aII olher genies and dislrusl lhen al lesl.
Cenie doulIes viII go lo greal Ienglhs lo siIence anyone vho
uncovers lhe secrel of one of lheir connunilies.
1992 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
MaskhI MC13
CLIMATE/TERRAIN: Any lropicaI Iand
DIET: nnivore
INTELLIGENCE: Average lo High (8-14)
ALIGNMENT: Chaolic neulraI
ARMOR CLA55: 5 or O
MOVEMENT: 9 (as aninaI) or O
THAC0: 17
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1-3/1-3 or ly veapon
5PECIAL DEFEN5E5: Shapeshifling
MORALE: LIile (13)
Lore nislress or vilch doclor: 3,OOO
Maskhi are hunanoids capalIe of lransforning inlo an aninaI,
lree, or slone. They dveII in snaII, xenopholic lriles in lhe viI-
derness, far fron Zakharan civiIizalion.
In lheir originaI forn, naskhi appear lo le Iean and viry
nan-sized hunanoids. Their faces have eIongaled fealures, lul
sliII appear renarkalIy hunan, nany vilh vide, ceruIean or
green eyes. AII have lIond, sun-lIeached hair, lied lack in Iong
fIoving nanes or lraids dovn lheir lacks. Their lanned skin is
covered vilh shorl, Iighl hair, Iending lheir skin a fuzzy, peach-
Iike appearance. Maskhi have six-fingered hands and six-loed
feel, lheir digils ending in laIon-Iike cIavs. Their agiIily and
lough skin Iend lhen a naluraI AC of 5.
Lach naskhi is capalIe of assuning a singIe aninaI forn lhal
refIecls lheir personaIily. Many choose lhe shape of a snaII
nannaI or lird. In lhis shape, lheir AC is sliII 5 and lhey re-
ceive lhe forns nornaI novenenl rale.
Their pIanl forn is usuaIIy lhal of a snaII lropicaI lree (fron
8-12 laII) connon lo lhe region in vhich a naskhi lrile dveIIs.
A naskhi can onIy assune lhe forn of one lype of lree. Maskhi
are AC O and slalionary vhiIe in lheir arloreaI forn.
IinaIIy, lheir slone forn is roughIy nan-sized. AIlhough an
individuaI naskhi can onIy assune one lype of rock (i.e., la-
saIl, olsidian, quarlz, narlIe, elc.), lhey can change lheir shape
lo Iook Iike a louIder, slanding slone, or an oulcropping of a
Iarger rock fornalion, as desired. Mosl naskhi choose a forn of
slone connon lo lhe region in vhich lhey dveII. They are AC O
and slalionary in lhis forn as veII.
Maskhi connunicale onIy in lheir ovn Ianguage, aIlhough
lhere is a 1O chance lhal a nenler of a Maskhi lrile nay
knov Connon if lhey have had any inleraclion vilh lhe olher
races of Zakhara lhrough raids or lrading.
Cnmbat: In lheir hunanoid forn, Maskhi prefer lo fighl vilh
veapons, preferalIy lhe spear, shorl lov, and janliya. AI-
lhough sone lriles nay have nanaged lo acquire sleeI veap-
ons, eilher ly lrade or raiding, nany (5O) use lIades and
arrov heads crafled oul of lone, vhich are -1 on danage and
nay lreak (2 in 6 chance) on a naluraI allack roII of 1. If dis-
arned, lhey can allack vilh lheir sharp cIavs.
Maskhi use lheir shapeshifling aliIilies lo aid lhen in an-
lushing, hiding, and fIeeing. A connon laclic is lo vail al an
oasis in lheir lree or slone forns and anlush lhose vho arrive
for a drink. They can change shape quickIy, so lhal lheir oppo-
nenls have a penaIly of +4 on surprise.
In lheir lree and slone forns, lhey are indislinguishalIe in
sneII and lexlure fron reaI lrees and slones. They can fooI even
highIy inleIIigenl adversaries, provided lhe naskhi vere nol
seen vhiIe shapeshifling inlo lheir nev forn. Despile lheir sini-
Iarily lo naluraI lrees and rock fornalions, speIIs and polions
lhal affecl pIanls and slones (e.g., pc|icn cf p|an| ccn|rc|,
cnarn p|an|, |ransnu|c rcc| |c nu, pass ua||, elc.) have no
effecl on a lransforned naskhi.
When il is nol possilIe lo hide and lransforn unolserved inlo
a lree or slone, naskhi shapeshifl inlo lheir aninaI forn, vhich
has a grealer novenenl rale, in order lo fIee.
The Ieadership of a naskhi lrile vilh nore lhan 2O individ-
uaIs is direcled ly a Iore nislress and a vilch doclor, each vilh
33 hil poinls. The Iore nislress is fenaIe, vilh lhe povers of a
5lh- lo 8lh-IeveI kahin priesl. The vilch doclor, a naIe, has lhe
povers of a 6lh- lo 9lh-IeveI sorcerer vizard. Maskhi vilch doc-
lors lypicaIIy choose sand and vind as lheir speciaIizalion.
HabItat/5ncIcty: Maskhi are fearfuI of civiIized Zakharans.
They dveII in isoIalion in lhe viIderness, Iiving in lenporary
sheIlers nade fron aninaI skins slrelched over Iighl vooden
The lypicaI lrile consisls of a Ioose confederalion of up lo 4O
naskhi. MaIes and fenaIes have equaI slalus, aIlhough none
share any Iasling connilnenl lo each olher. Lven vhen an in-
fanl is lorn, onIy a lenporary faniIy is eslalIished unliI lhe
chiId Iearns lo shapeshifl, afler vhich lhe parenls go lheir sepa-
rale vays, Iooking for nev nales.
Ecn!ngy: AII naskhi have a reverence for lhe Iand and lhe envi-
ronnenl. They hunl onIy oul of necessily, never pIeasure.
Mosl lriles are peacefuI, lul if lheir niche is lhrealened or
encroached upon, lhey viII fighl lenaciousIy lo prolecl il.
Masnn-Wasp, GIant MC13
CLIMATE/TERRAIN: TropicaI/IIains or deserl
DIET: nnivore
TREA5URE: IncidenlaI
ALIGNMENT: NeulraI good
MOVEMENT: 6, II 21 (B)
THAC0: 15
5PECIAL ATTACK5: Ioison and fire lrealh
5PECIAL DEFEN5E5: Innune lo fire
5IZE: M (6' Iong)
MORALE: Sleady (11)
Cianl nason vasps are enIarged versions of lhe nornaI varie-
ly, vhich is found lhroughoul Zakhara. Bolh kinds are vieved
as nessengers of lhe gods and lringers of good forlune.
The lody of a gianl nason vasp is 6' Iong, vilh a 12 ving-
span. Ils hard exoskeIelon is a Iuslrous, jel lIack, lul ils fronl
nandilIes and noulh gIov cherry red vilh heal. In addilion,
lhe aldonen is lipped vilh a relraclalIe slinger.
Cnmbat: Cianl nason vasps rareIy allack hunans or deni-
hunans, preying noslIy on lhe aninaIs, repliIes, and eviI non-
slers lhal roan lhe pIains and deserls of Zakhara. If faced vilh a
singIe opponenl, il viII svoop dovn and gral lhe viclin vilh ils
Iegs. The vasp viII lhen lile vilh ils red-hol nandilIes and al-
lenpl lo inpaIe lhe viclin vilh ils slinger.
The vicious lile of a gianl nason vasp infIicls 2-8 poinls of
danage. Crealures nol innune lo fire lake an addilionaI 2-8
poinls of danage fron lhe nandilIes searing heal.
The vasps sling infIicls 1-4 poinls of danage and injecls a
viclin vilh a poverfuI and deadIy loxin. Those nol successfuIIy
saving vs. poison Iose consciousness in 1-4 rounds and are
vracked ly a lurning fever. Viclins nusl nake lvo syslen
shock roIIs: if lhe firsl is successfuI, lhe viclin avakes fron lhe
fever afler 1-3 days. If lhe firsl roII is faiIed lul lhe second is
successfuI, lhe viclin avakes fron lhe fever afler a veek, lul
Ioses 1 poinl of conslilulion pernanenlIy. A viclin vilh lvo
faiIed roIIs viII die afler a veek of fever unIess lhey receive lhe
lenefil of a curc iscasc speII in lhe inlerin, lhey sliII Iose 1
poinl of conslilulion pernanenlIy.
Cianl nason vasps are innune lo fire and aII fire-lased al-
lacks. If faced vilh nore lhan one opponenl, lhey can aIso
lrealhe a cone of fire (5 feel vide al lhe noulh, 15 feel vide al
lhe end, and 2O feel Iong) up lo lhree lines per day. The lrealh
infIicls 6-3O poinls of danage (save for haIf danage).
IinaIIy, il is considered very lad Iuck lo kiII a gianl nason
vasp. Al lhe DMs discrelion,vhoever parlicipales in lheir de-
slruclion nusl roII a saving lhrov or le affIicled vilh lhe cti|
HabItat/5ncIcty: In lhe viId, gianl nason vasps are soIilary
crealures. Their nane is derived fron lhe fenaIes lendency lo
creale Iarge alove-ground slruclures oul of a nixlure of dirl
sand, and saIiva caIIed dhiIva, vhich hardens inlo a rockIike
nce a nonlh, lhe fenaIe viII seek a naIe and nale. The pair
lhen hunl for a Iarge aninaI or eviI nonsler, paraIyze il vilh
lheir poison, and carry il lack lo lhe fenaIes den, vhere lhe
viclin is innoliIized vilh nore dhiIva. The fenaIe lhen Iays
1-3 eggs on lhe viclin and seaIs lhe enlrance lo lhe den vilh
dhiIva. Upon halching, lhe Iarvae consune lhe hosl, dissoIve
lhe dhiIva vilh lheir ovn saIiva, and fIy avay lo eslalIish lheir
ovn hunling grounds and dens. AIlhough gianl nason vasps
do nol hoard lreasure, sone incidenlaI lreasure nighl le found
in a nason vasps den.
Cianl nason vasps are oflen friendIy lo hunans and deni-
hunans. They nake exceIIenl pels and guardians if a connon
node of connunicalion can le eslalIished. Iriesls, vho can
use speIIs lo speak vilh aninaIs, and rangers vho have a nalu-
raI affinily for aninaI handIing, are anong lhose nosl frequenl-
Iy encounlered vilh a gianl nason vasp as a pel or guardian.
They nighl aIso le found as guardians in nosques.
Ecn!ngy: In lolh lhe viIderness and cily, gianl nason vasps can
le found as proleclors of good and lhe opposers of eviI. Their
arch-nenesis is lhe vishap (q.v.), vho lreak inlo lheir dens and
consune vasp eggs as a sugared deIicacy.
There are nany usefuI derivalives lhal can le nade fron a
nason vasp. Since kiIIing a gianl nason vasp can lring lad
Iuck, nosl peopIe vail unliI one of lhe insecls dies fron naluraI
causes lefore using lheir renains in a polion. Their fire gIands
can le used lo nake pc|icns cf firc orca|n, vhiIe lheir exoskeIe-
lon, if povdered, can le used lo nake eilher pc|icns cf firc rc-
sis|ancc or ci| cf firc c|cncn|a| intu|ncraoi|i|q. Insinualive
poison can le ollained fron lheir poison sacks, vhich are Io-
caled in lhe aldonen near lhe slinger. This poison (Type )
Ioses ils polency if nol used vilhin a veek, il can aIso le used lo
nake poverfuI poison anlidoles.
1992 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Nasnas MC13
IsoIaled slronghoIds and ruins
Lov (7)
M (Q, D)
LavfuI LviI
lion is required, vhich can onIy le nade ly an eviI vizard or
THAC0: 17(19)
By veapon lype +5
5PECIAL DEFEN5E5: Iron or nagic veapons lo hil
Sleady (12)
Nasnas are hunanoid vilh onIy haIf a lody: one arn, one Ieg,
haIf a face and haIf a lorso. They are lhe crealion of eviI priesls
and vizards desiring vigiIanl guardians lo secure lheir slrong-
Nasnas Iook Iike nornaI hunan fighlers, excepl lhal lhe righl
or Iefl haIf of lheir lody is nissing. Their skin has a grayish
linge lo il, and lheir singIe eye gIinls vilh eviI insanily. They
nove aloul ly hopping on lheir singIe Ieg. AIlhough lhis nay
appear avkvard, lhey can achieve a reasonalIe novenenl rale
(9). They are lireIess varriors, needing very IillIe food and sIeep
lo survive. They are IoyaI lo lhe vizard or priesl vho crealed
lhen and foIIov lheir crealors lo lhe dealh.
A fev varianls have leen encounlered vilh a snaII, lIack,
lal-Iike ving prolruding fron lheir singIe shouIder. This ving
nereIy conlrilules lo lheir fearsone appearance (and perhaps
lheir laIance as veII). Lven vilh a ving, lhese nasnas are incap-
alIe of fIighl.
AIlhough nasnas can undersland Midani perfeclIy, lhey never
speak lhenseIves, since lhey are nissing haIf lheir vocaI cords.
Nasnas are onIy capalIe of ullering a slrange, high-pilched,
hooling noise, vhich can le lerrifying lo hear. Depending on
lhe voIune and lone of lhe hooling, one can discern lhe nasnass
currenl enolipnaI slale.
Cnmbat: Nasnas usuaIIy vear arnor, vhich reduces lheir AC lo
6, and reIy on veapons for lheir allacks. Mosl nasnas (75)
vieId scinilars, lul sone have leen knovn lo fighl using lallIe
axes (15) or naces (1O) inslead. AII nasnas have exlraordi-
nary Slrenglh in lheir singIe arn (18/95), giving lhen a lonus
of +2 on lheir allack roIIs and +5 lonus on danage.
In conlal, lheir hools and screans can cause a chiIIing fear in
aII opponenls vilhin a 1O' radius. Those hearing a nasnass
hooling screans nusl save vs. speIIs or sland paraIyzed vilh
fear for 2-5 rounds.
Because of lheir supernaluraI origins, nasnas can onIy le hil
vilh iron or nagicaI veapons.
HabItat/5ncIcty: Nasnas are vicious guardians and are lypicaIIy
found in lhe slronghoIds of eviI priesls and vizards or near ru-
Nasnas are lhe producl of depraved nagic. Iirsl, a speciaI po-
priesl of 9lh IeveI or higher. The concoclion is reIaliveIy easy
and cheap lo nake once lhe fornuIa has leen researched. A
drop of lhe vizards or priesls lIood poured inlo lhe nagicaI
lrev creales a nagicaI lond lelveen lhe speII-casler and lhe
nasnas afler il is lorn. A fev shady aIchenisls have leen knovn
lo nake lhe polion if offered lhe righl price (lhe luyer nusl sliII
suppIy his ovn lIood).
Afler lhe polion has leen concocled, il nusl le injecled inlo a
succuIenl fruil, vhich is lhen sIiced in haIf. If lhe speII-casler can
sonehov convince a vonan lo eal one of lhe haIves (nelhods
range fron convenlionaI lrickery lo nagicaI coercion), lhe
vonan viII conceive and in nine nonlhs give lirlh lo a nasnas.
The nage usuaIIy arrives soon aflervard lo cIain his crealion.
ne nasna can lhus le crealed fron each haIf of an enchanled
fruil. Hovever, a vonan can onIy lear one nasna al a line.
LviI speII-caslers, inlenl upon crealing an arny of nasnas, usu-
aIIy have 1O-1OO innocenl vonen Ianguishing in lheir slrong-
Hovever, lhe depravily of crealing nasnas en nasse does nol
usuaIIy go unnoliced for Iong. Wonen laIk, vord gels around,
peopIe nake visils lo lhe ruIing caIiph, and prelly soon paIadins
are dispalched lo pul an end lo lhis eviI. As a resuIl, nasnas are
nosl oflen used as guardians in renole, isoIaled slronghoIds.
Ecn!ngy: Nasnas are sleriIe. They nalure quickIy and Iive a reIa-
liveIy shorl Iife. The lvisled nagic used in lheir crealion renders
lhen quile insane for lhe duralion of lheir Iives, aIlhough, in lhe
inlerin, lhey are quile oledienl servanls. Mosl find a vay lo
kiII lhenseIves lefore lhey reach lhe age of 3O.
Nasnas have IillIe or no roIe in lhe vorIds ecoIogy, Iiving on-
Iy lo prolecl and serve lheir crealor. If lheir crealor shouId ever
die, lhey Iose lheir reason for exislence. In such a silualion, over
haIf choose suicide, lhroving lhenseIves off lhe nearesl cIiff or
drovning lhenseIves in lhe cIosesl ocean. The resl vander
aloul lhe viIderness, supporling lhenseIves ly hunling and
scavenging for lhe renainder of lheir shorl, lragic Iives.
PaharI MC13
CLIMATE/TERRAIN: TropicaI/Seas and oceans
DIET: Carnivore
INTELLIGENCE: Very lo Cenius (11-18)
ALIGNMENT: Chaolic good
MOVEMENT: 12, Sv18 or Sv 24
THAC0: 3-4 HD: 17
5-6 HD: 15
DAMAGE/ATTACK: By veapon lype or speII
5IZE: M (5-6 Iong)
MORALE: Average (1O)
LEVEL/XP VALUE: 65O + 4OO per hil die alove 3.
Iahari are shapeshifling, narine nynphs lhal dveII in
Zakharas seas and oceans. In lheir naluraI forns, lhey are sini-
Iar in appearance lo nernaids. They are aIso alIe lo assune lhe
forn of a snaII fish and lhal of a leaulifuI vonan.
The upper lody of a pahari is lhal of a perfeclIy forned von-
an, nore leaulifuI lhan lhe fuIIesl noon. The Iover lody of a
pahari is lhal of a fish, ils scaIes eilher lIue, green, or ruly red.
They prefer lhis forn alove aII olhers, aIlhough lhey can as-
sune lvo olher shapes for an energency or advenlure.
Their piscine forn resenlIes a coIorfuI lropicaI fish, approxi-
naleIy 12 in Ienglh. In lhis forn lhey can svin al speed 24 and
easiIy evade Iarge predalors ly hiding in lhe snaII niches and
crevices of a reef or ocean fIoor.
Their hunan forn nalches lhe upper haIf of lheir naluraI
shape, conpIele vilh a pair of sIender and viIIovy Iegs. They
onIy assune lhis shape vhen venluring onlo Iand or ship, since
in lhe valer lheir olher lvo forns are nore naneuveralIe.
Iahari can lrealhe lolh lolh valer and air. They Iive in
undervaler connunilies, lul occasionaIIy surface lo gaze in
fascinalion al Iand. The lravesl of pahari vork up lhe courage
lo sunlalhe on rocks near shore or lo approach ships and en-
gage in conversalion vilh saiIors.
AII pahari can speak lheir ovn Ianguage and Connon. They
can aIso connunicale vilh aII fish and nereids. The nosl inleIIi-
genl pahari can Iearn up lo four addilionaI Ianguages, choosing
fron anong lhose spoken ly doIphins, reef gianls (q.v.),
vhaIes, and zaralani (q.v.).
Cnmbat: NornaIIy shy and peace-Ioving crealures, pahari are
Ioalhe lo enler inlo conlal. They can fighl vilh any veapon
provided, lul rareIy ever carry any lhenseIves. They are fond
of nagicaI ilens, hovever, and viII use lhen in conlal if need-
Iahari are polenl speII-caslers. Mosl are eIenenlaI vizards,
casling speIIs al a IeveI equaI lo lvice lheir Hil Dice (i.e., a 4 HD
pahari can casl speIIs as an 8lh-IeveI vizard). AInosl aII choose
valer as lheir eIenenl of speciaIizalion. Their favorile speIIs in-
cIude airq ua|cr, ccnnan ua|cr spiri|s, ccnjurc (ua|cr) c|c-
ncn|a|, ccntcrsc ui|n sca crca|urcs, f|ca|, sca sign|, snip cf
fcc|s, s|rcng|ncn ua|cr crca|urcs, ua|croanc, and ua|cr o|as|.
Iahari can poIynorph inlo anolher of lheir lhree forns once
per round, al viII.
HabItat/5ncIcty: Iahari dveII in snaII connunilies on lhe sea
led, oflen cIose lo shore. They galher keIp and seaveed, vhich
forns lhe slapIe parl of lheir diel, ealing snaII anounls of sheII-
fish and noIIusks as veII. They never eal fish, considering lhe
acl akin lo cannilaIisn.
A connunily of pahari consisls of 2-2O individuaIs, evenIy
divided in size and Hil Dice. They nake snaII hones oul of
sheIIs and coraI and lend a garden of keIp or seaveed nearly. A
connunily of nore lhan five pahari viII have a 5O chance of
leing allended ly 2-12 doIphins.
The pahari are advenluresone and regard surface dveIIers vilh
a fascinalion lhal lorders on olsession. They viII coIIecl anylhing
lhal perlains lo Iife alove lhe vaves (especiaIIy nagicaI ilens), of-
len veIconing saiIors inlo lheir connunilies lo hear lhen spin
laIes of lheir honeIands. Wilh lhis preoccupalion aloul Iife alove
valer, il is nol unconnon for a younger pahari lo venlure onlo
Iand in her hunan forn, if onIy lo spend a day shocking lhe viI-
Iagers (vho pronplIy find her sone cIolhes), ealing surface food,
dancing, and singing Iong inlo lhe nighl lefore relurning hone. A
fev have leen knovn lo slay Ionger (aIlhough lhis is discouraged
ly lhe oIder, viser pahari), even narrying a good-aIigned surface
dveIIer in sone inslances.
Like nosl faerie crealures, pahari have a very Iong Iife span
(3OO-4OO years). They soon oulIive a hunan husland, afler-
vard relurning hone lo lhe sea for good. The oIder pahari,
nany vho have aIready experienced lhis hearllreaking Ioss, do
lheir lesl lo consoIe lheir nevIy-relurned sisler. As a generaI
ruIe, lhe oIder and viser pahari prefer shorl, frequenl encounl-
ers vilh surface dveIIers.
Ecn!ngy: Iahari are slaunch proleclors of lheir narine environ-
nenl and oppose eviI sea crealures, Iike sea hags, al every op-
porlunily. A paharis kiss can leslov valer lrealhing on lhe
Iucky recipienl for a day.
1992 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Sullerranean viIderness
R (D)
LavfuI eviI
HIT DICE: 15+1
THAC0: 2 (5)
1-1O +8
Throving rocks, slrenglh
drain, fear
See leIov
H (17 laII)
IearIess (19)
The ron are a race of sullerranean, undead gianls lhal vilh-
drev fron lhe surface vorId in lhe dislanl pasl. They are suIIen,
naIicious, and angry crealures, allacking any vho dislurl lheir
finaI dveIIing pIaces or cairns.
Ron are aII naIe. They have laII, nuscuIar physiques, siniIar
lo hunans in proporlion, vilh lhinning, lone-vhile hair, sunk-
en, gIassy eyes, Iong, curIing fingernaiIs, and ashen-gray skin.
They sland aloul 17 laII, relaining lhe supernaluraI Slrenglh
lhey possessed in Iife (2O). They speak vilh sad, resonanl voic-
es. AII are laIenled singers, poels, and nusicians.
The ron, Iike nosl Iiving gianls, carry sone of lheir leIong-
ings in a Iarge sack. Their nore vaIualIe lreasures renain hid-
den safeIy in lheir cairns. A rons sack viII lypicaIIy incIude
1-12 lhroving rocks, sone lreasure, and 1-8 personaI ilens (in-
cIuding a nusicaI inslrunenl of sone sorl, usuaIIy a fIule).
Ron speak lheir ovn Ianguage and lhal of deserl gianls and
jungIe gianls (q.v.). Mosl (75) can aIso speak Connon.
Cnmbat: The ron are lerrifying enenies. Inlruding upon lheir
cairns uninviled is a good vay lo earn lheir ennily and an earIy
denise. A singIe lIov fron lheir slrong arn infIicls 1d1O +8
poinls of danage and drains lhe viclin of 1-4 poinls of
Slrenglh. When a viclins Slrenglh drops leIov O, he is sIain,
drained of Iife force ly lhe rons chiIIing louch. Losl Slrenglh
poinls relurn al a rale of 1 poinl per day of resl.
In addilion, ron radiale an aura of fcar in a 3O-fool radius.
Crealures of Iess lhan 2 Hil Dice aulonalicaIIy fIee (no save).
AII olhers in lhe area of effecl are enlilIed lo a saving lhrov vs.
speIIs. Those vho nake lheir saves can allack lhe ron vilhoul
penaIly, lhose vho faiI suffer a -2 penaIly lo lheir allack and
danage roIIs and a +2 penaIly lo lheir Arnor CIass.
AIlhough ron rareIy have lhe opporlunily lo lhrov rocks in
lheir sullerranean crypls, lhey have leen knovn lo hurI lhen
al relrealing inlruders or vhiIe defending lheir Iairs againsl an
assauIl. They can lhrov rocks up lo 3OO yards, infIicling 2-24
poinls of danage vilh a successfuI hil.
Ron can onIy le affecled ly +2 or leller nagicaI veapons.
Lnchanlnenl/charn and coId-lased speIIs have no effecl on
lhen. Like aII undead, lhey are innune lo poison and paraIysis.
They are lurned as SpeciaI undead.
HabItat/5ncIcty: Ron are lhoughl lo le aII lhal renains of an
ancienl race of gianl herdsnen. They Iived in lhe hiIIs and on lhe
pIains vhere lheir gianl covs couId graze, sone praclicing a
Iiniled forn of agricuIlure. They vere a quiel, peace-Ioving
peopIe vhose end cane vhen lheir vives produced onIy naIe
chiIdren, lhere vere no furlher generalions.
Shaking lheir fisls al lhe sad desliny Iale had passed upon
lhen, lhey luiIl enornous slone cairns for lhenseIves, fash-
ioned oul of nonoIilhic granile sIals. Lnlire cIans of ron de-
scended inlo lheir seIf-nade lonls, lurying lhenseIves aIive.
Hovever, so greal vas lheir coIIeclive seIf-pily and anger al
Iale, lhal lheir exislence persisled leyond dealh.
Their granile cairns can sliII le found loday, lovering over
lhe pIains or neslIed anong lhe hiIIs. They are shunned ly aII
forns of aninaI and insecl Iife. Nearly vegelalion appears
slunled and Iacks ils usuaI coIor. AII is quiel near lhese lonls
during lhe day, lul al nighl, one can hear a Ioud Ianenlalion
rising fron vilhin lhe coId, slone cairns, a pIainlive cry againsl
The gianls are knovn lo receive lrave visilors during lhe
nighl, vho poIileIy knock on lhe enlrance lo lhe lonls and
hunlIy requesl hospilaIily for lhe evening. Those vho lrashIy
inlrude on lhe gianls during lhe nighl, or vho lreak inlo a cairn
during lhe day, viII le innedialeIy allacked ly lhe 1-8 ron
presenl in lhe lonl. They viII lhrov any corpses oulside as a
varning lo olhers againsl furlher unvarranled inlrusions.
Ecn!ngy: As undead, lhe ron no Ionger pIay a parl in lhe
vorIds ecoIogy. They renain luried in lheir lonls, never ven-
luring oulside excepl lo punish unciviI inlruders.
The ron are a nusicaI and poelic race. Brave lards vho have
visiled vilh lhen for onIy a shorl vhiIe are said lo have leen
inspired lo conpose a naslerfuI, if lragic, song or epic poen. If
reciled or sung al nighl, il viII have lhe sane effecl on lhe audi-
ence as if lhe lard vere pIaying pipcs cf naun|ing. The perforn-
ance is so enolionaIIy denanding on lhe lard lhal il can onIy le
allenpled once per veek.
5abu Lnrds
CLIMATE/TERRAIN: TropicaI/IIains and savannah
DIET: Carnivore
INTELLIGENCE: Very (11-12)
ARMOR CLA55: 3 (naIes), 4 (fenaIes)
MOVEMENT: 12, }p 6
THAC0: 13
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1-6/1-6/2-16
5PECIAL ATTACK5: Roar, sunnoning
5IZE: L (12-16' Iong)
MORALE: Chanpion (16)
Salu Iords, or Lion Lords, are proud gianl cals lhal Iive on lhe
arid pIains and savannahs of Zakhara. These inleIIigenl Iions
are exlreneIy lerriloriaI and viII harass lhose vho lraveI
lhrough lheir donains vilhoul firsl asking pernission.
Salu Iords are Iarger and nuch slronger cals lhan lheir
snaIIer cousins. They aII have lrighl goIden fur, vhiIe naIes are
aIso dislinguished ly lheir fIoving, goIden-red nanes. These gi-
anl predalors neasure 5-6' al lhe shouIder and have a deafening
roar lhal can le heard for niIes in aII direclions.
Salu Iords speak lhe Ianguages of aII cals as veII as Midani.
Cnmbat: Lion Iords rareIy enler inlo conlal aIone. They are aI-
vays allended ly 2-12 connon Iions vilh naxinun hil poinls,
vho viII fighl lo lhe dealh if ordered ly lheir sovereign.
Like lheir connon cousins, lhe senses of salu Iords are in-
credilIy keen, and lhey have a +2 lonus on lheir surprise roIIs.
They physicaIIy allack vilh lheir cIavs and lile and can Ieap as
far as 6O'.
Salu Iords can deIiver a poverfuI roar, vhich has a 6OIong,
cone-shaped area of effecl and is siniIar lo an cnnancc sncu|
speII. The roar affecls aII crealures vilhin ils area of effecl, caus-
ing 3-18 poinls of danage and pernanenl deafness. A successfuI
save versus paraIyzalion reduces lhe danage ly haIf and Iinils
lhe deafness lo a duralion of 1-4 lurns. Any exposed lrillIe or
cryslaI sulslance can le shallered ly lhe roar. (ljecls in a
crealures possession are enlilIed lo a save vs. crushing lIov.)
Deafened crealures receive a +1 penaIly lo surprise and inilia-
live roIIs, vhiIe lhose casling speIIs vilh verlaI conponenls
have a 25 chance of niscasling lhen. A Iion Iord can onIy use
ils speciaI roar lhree lines a day.
In addilion lo lhe effecls descriled alove, lhe roar of a salu
Iord viII sunnon aII greal cals in a 15-niIe radius. n lhe
pIains, lhis neans 1-4 cheelahs and 2-12 connon Iions viII re-
spond vilhin 1 lurn, vilh a Iike nunler arriving 2-5 lurns Ialer.
If lhe loundaries of a foresl are nearly, lhe roar viII aIso lring
1-2 jaguars, 1-2 Ieopards, and 1-4 viId ligers in 2-5 lurns. This
snaII arny of greal cals viII foIIov lhe connands of lhe sun-
noning salu Iord lo lhe dealh.
HabItat/5ncIcty: Salu Iords are haughly and vain crealures.
The connon Iions in a Iords conlinuaI allendance provide for
his or her suslenance, aIlhough lhey nay aII hunl logelher occa-
sionaIIy for enlerlainnenl. Salu Iords lypicaIIy cIain aII Iands
vilhin a 15-niIe radius of lheir Iair as lheir donain. AII cals
dveIIing lherein are considered lo le IoyaI suljecls, vhiIe olher
leings (senlienl or nol) are considered lo le eilher guesls or po-
lenliaI neaIs.
The arrogance of a salu Iord is such lhal any aduIl viII never
le found in anolher Iords lerrilory. Maling lakes pIace ralher
lriefIy al lhe loundary lelveen lvo donains. The producl of
such a union is usuaIIy a singIe cul, vhich is foslered al lhe
nolhers courl unliI il reaches aduIlhood, afler vhich il nusl
Ieave and eslalIish ils ovn donain. If an encounler vilh lvo
salu Iords is caIIed for, one viII le a fenaIe and lhe olher a cul
(vilh 1-7 hil dice).
Anyone lraveIing lhrough a salu Iords donain is vieved as a
lrespasser unIess he pays honage lo lhe feIine sovereign and
legs for pernission lo pass lhrough lhe cals Iands. Il is nol un-
connon for nerchanls lo Ieave gifls of goId, gens, and food for
lhe salu Iord as lrilule, aIlhough a poor lraveIer vilh a fIaller-
ing longue nay jusl as easiIy gain safe passage. Lven a Iarge,
veII-arned caravan is nol innune lo lhe vralh of an unappeas-
ed salu Iord. A snaII arny of greal cals viII le senl lo slaIk and
lerrify lhe lrespassers. Al nighl, lhe cals roars viII fosler sIeep-
Iessness, and Iighlning-svifl raids viII deprive even lhe nosl
vigiIanl of parlies of a fev nounls. Voyagers lraveIing in snaII
nunlers can expecl even nore harassnenl. IoorIy-arned or
soIilary lraveIers viII le repealedIy allacked ly lhe greal cals.
Ecn!ngy: Superslilious peopIe consider lhe salu Iord lo le a
sunnoner of eviI spirils. Anyone spending a nighl vilh a dozen
Iions, cheelahs, ligers, and jaguars roaring jusl leyond lhe Iighl
of lheir canpfire vouId le hard pressed lo deny such a runor.
The peIl of a salu Iord is runored lo averl eviI spirils and curs-
es, in parlicuIar lhe eviI eye. In facl, if lhe hair fron a salu Iords
nane is voven inlo a lraid, il viII prolecl lhe ovner vilh lhe
effecls of a conlinuaI atcr| cti| cqc speII for 6O days.
1992 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
5akIna MC13
Very rare
High (13-14)
Chaolic good
O, -4 vhen invisilIe
II 48 (A)
See leIov
InvisiliIily, +1 or leller veap-
ons lo hil.
5IZE: M (5-6' laII)
MORALE: Chanpion (16)
Sakina are friendIy air spriles, faerie crealures nalive lo
Zakhara. They roan lhe skies Iooking for inleresling scenls and
anusing advenlures. They have no lies lo lhe LIenenlaI IIane
of Air and are nol considered eIenenlaIs.
Sakina are crealures of lhe vind and nornaIIy invisilIe, lhey
receive aII lonuses allriluled lo invisilIe crealures, incIuding a
-4 lonus lo AC. By conlroIIing lhe hunidily of lheir lodies
and draving in noislure fron lhe surrounding air, lhey can le-
cone parliaIIy visilIe, appearing Iike a nan-shaped palch of
cIoud or nisl. Because of lheir incredilIe speed in lhe air, lhey
have a naluraI AC of O (- 4 vhen invisilIe).
They connunicale vilh olher sakina using lheir ovn Ian-
guage. Many (6O) aIso knov Midani.
Cnmbat: Sakina are dangerous opponenls. Their nornaI allack
is a conpressed vave of air lhal luffels lhe largel for 3-18 poinls
of danage. The viclin of an allack nusl nake a Dexlerily
check or le lIovn lackvard aulonalicaIIy Iosing inilialive in
lhe foIIoving round.
More oflen, hovever, a sakina allacks using nagic. They can
nake up lo 7 crealures, each veighing no nore lhan 7OO Ils., as
Iighl as lhe air for up lo 7 lurns (unIess lhe viclins save vs. nag-
ic), lhis is siniIar in effecl lo a ric |nc uin speII. Affecled crea-
lures viII rise inlo lhe air and le lIovn avay in lhe direclion
and speed of lhe prevaiIing vinds. They can prevenl novenenl
onIy ly grasping onlo sonelhing slalionary (a lree lranch or
cIiff face, for inslance). The sakina can conlroI lhe viclins aIli-
lude al viII (lul nol speed and direclion, vhich depends on lhe
vind condilions), raising or Iovering lheir viclins al a nove-
nenl rale of up lo 12O' per round. Viclins drop lo lhe ground
afler 7 lurns (1d6 poinls of danage per 1O faIIen). Sakina can
invoke lhis pover lhree lines a day. They oflen leslov lhis on
lefriended or endangered Iand-dveIIers, or lhey use lhe speII of-
fensiveIy lo lIov avay lheir enenies. Sakina have leen knovn
lo casl lhis speII on olher crealures sinpIy for lhe sake of anuse-
Sakina can aIso conlroI vinds (as per lhe 5lh-IeveI cIericaI
speII), casling lhe speII lhree lines a day al lhe 14lh IeveI of ex-
perience. This pover is oflen used in conjunclion vilh lheir aliI-
ily lo nake olhers ride lhe vind.
They can aIso carry a singIe hunan-sized passenger lireIessIy
al fuII novenenl rale, covering up lo 3OO niIes in a singIe day.
AII sakina possess 5O nagic resislance and can onIy le
harned ly nagicaI veapons.
HabItat/5ncIcty: The sky is hone lo aII sakina. They are soIilary
vanderers vho cIain no Iair and hoard no lreasure.
Sakina suslain lhenseIves ly ingesling parlicuIale nourish-
nenl in lhe forn of sneIIs. WhiIe a hunan nighl eal a roasl
pheasanl, sakina can feed soIeIy on ils arona. They can jusl as
easiIy dine on lhe arona of perfune and scenled oiIs, such as lhe
louquel of a rose.
A riluaI is knovn anong vind eIenenlaI nages for sunnon-
ing a sakina. Il is nol a sunncning speII per se, lul ralher lhe
lurning of expensive incense, spices, and fragrances lhal lhe air
spriles consider especiaIIy deIeclalIe (incIuding cinnanon,
cIoves, rose oiI, nyrrh, and saffron). nce lhe conponenls
have leen assenlIed and igniled in a lrazier, sooner or Ialer
(usuaIIy vilhin 2-5 days) a sakina viII arrive lo feasl on lhe lou-
quel of aronas. The DM shouId assune lhal a days vorlh of
conponenls cosls 1OO-4OO gp.
If approached respeclfuIIy jusl lefore he has finished dining
on lhe sneIIs, a sakina viII usuaIIy agree lo heIp lhe sunnon-
er ly providing aeriaI lransporlalion lo a dislanl Iocalion (no
nore lhan a fev days lraveI). The sakina viII aInosl never ac-
conpany a vizard or olher recenl friend on any proIonged jour-
ney. These chaolic crealures rareIy slay allached lo any pIan or
acquainlance for very Iong.
Ecn!ngy: The sakina are videIy knovn for lheir heIpfuI, if ner-
curiaI, deneanor. They are friendIy lo aII noneviI aeriaI crea-
lures, especiaIIy sinurghs (q.v.) and djinn. They are lhe slaunch
aIIies of lhe luraq(q.v.) and are knovn lo ansver lheir sunnons
and requesls for assislance innedialeIy.
A fev nagicaI ilens reIaled lo fIighl can le enchanled using a
sakinas vhisper as a prine conponenl. In addilion, lheir es-
sence can le used lo concocl a pc|icn cf f|qing.
5crpcnt Lnrd
CLIMATE/TERRAIN: TropicaI/HiIIs and ruins
Very rare
Cenius (17-18)
A, S, T
LavfuI good
ARMOR CLA55: - 2
THAC0: 5
5PECIAL ATTACK5: Conslriclion, speIIs
C (5O' Iong)
Chanpion (16)
Serpenl Iords, vho resenlIe gianl vhile colras vilh hunan
faces, are renovned heaIers and sages. They have a kind and
conpassionale nalure.
The lody of a serpenl Iord resenlIes lhal of a snov-vhile,
hooded colra, up lo 5O feel in Ienglh. They have a hunan face
and a varn, friendIy sniIe.
They can connunicale in lheir ovn Ianguage and lhal shared
ly aII serpenls. They can aIso speak Midani.
Cnmbat: Serpenl Iords regard lhenseIves as heaIers and
schoIars, nol fighlers. They are aIvays prolecled ly al Ieasl four
gianl conslriclor snakes vilh naxinun hil poinls. Il is nol un-
connon for a serpenl Iord lo le allended ly an addilionaI 2-12
gianl poisonous snakes and 2-8 spilling snakes (colras). These
guardians viII fighl lo lhe dealh in order lo prolecl lheir king or
The serpenl Iord is endoved vilh slrong nagicaI povers.
Lach has lhe aliIilies of a 16lh-IeveI cIeric vilh an 18 Wisdon,
alIe lo lurn undead, and nenorize lhe foIIoving nunler of
speIIs: nine 1sl IeveI, nine 2nd IeveI, eighl 3rd IeveI, seven 4lh
IeveI, four 5lh IeveI, lhree 6lh IeveI, and one 7lh IeveI. They lyp-
icaIIy choose speIIs fron lhe heaIing, necronanlic, divinalion,
proleclion, and charn spheres, lul have leen knovn lo neno-
rize conlal speIIs as veII. Their slrong nagicaI resislance pro-
lecls lhen fron lhe effecls of nosl speIIs used againsl lhen.
ShouId lheir speIIs and guardians faiI lhen, serpenl Iords can
allack ly coiIing lheir serpenline lody around an opponenl and
conslricling for 4-24 poinls of danage. They can enlangIe up lo
eighl nan-sized opponenls in lheir sleeI-Iike coiIs. nce a con-
slriclion allack has leen successfuI, lhe viclin lakes danage au-
lonalicaIIy on sulsequenl rounds unliI freed. Il requires a
conlined lolaI of 7O Slrenglh poinls lo exlricale a nan-sized
viclin fron a serpenl Iords crushing enlrace.
HabItat/5ncIcty: Serpenl Iords Iive in Iarge, secIuded caves in
lhe viIderness, far fron civiIized Iands. Their caves are lypi-
caIIy found in larren, slony hiIIs favored ly snakes or in Iong-
alandoned ruins.
Serpenl Iords are poverfuI nonarchs. As king or queen of lhe
snakes in a 2O-niIe radius of lheir Iair, lhey can sunnon 1O-2O
nornaI and gianl conslriclors, 1O-6O nornaI and gianl poison-
ous snakes, and 1O-4O spilling snakes lo lheir defense if given
enough line (1-4 days). The repliIes nornaIIy found in lhe ser-
penl Iords conpany are regarded as his friends and faniIy as
veII as his guardians. They viII nol le sacrificed in conlal fooI-
ishIy or haphazardIy. The serpenl Iord viII personaIIy prolecl
his Iesser cousins againsl poverfuI adversaries and predalors.
Ierhaps lhe liggesl concern for lhe serpenl Iord and his pro-
lecling snakes is lhe acquisilion of food. They are prinariIy car-
nivores, preferring Ianl or leef, chickens and olher lirds viII
suffice, lul fish is definileIy oul of lhe queslion. Serpenl Iords
prefer lheir neal cooked vhenever possilIe. Anyone lringing
neal lo a serpenl Iord viII earn a -4 lonus on lhe reaclion roII,
anyone offering roasled or cooked neal lo a serpenl Iord viII
earn a -1O on lhe reaclion roII.
Serpenl Iords are videIy soughl afler for lheir heaIing povers.
ver lhe years, lhey lend lo accunuIale a consideralIe hoard,
consisling nainIy of gifls Iefl lehind in gralilude ly cured pa-
lienls. Serpenl Iords are nol greedy or avaricious crealures,
hovever, and viII oflen leslov a precious jeveI or jar of goId lo
a needy suppIicanl or a favored guesl. f lhose unalIe lo afford
Iuxurianl gifls in exchange for heaIing, a serpenl Iord nighl re-
quire lhal lhey slarl a fire, calch a viId pig or herd aninaI, and
cook il for lhe serpenl Iords dinner.
Serpenl Iords are sages as veII as poverfuI heaIers. They are
speciaIized in lhe lhe Iore of herlaIisn, nagicaI polions, and
cIericaI nagic in generaI. They are sonelines lhe guardians of a
poverfuI cIericaI or reIigious nagicaI ilen (Iike a 8cc| cf |xa||-
c Dccs or a Sucr + 5, Hc|q Atcngcr), yieIding il up lo vho-
ever can perforn a preordained quesl.
Ecn!ngy: Serpenl Iords are lhe chanpions and proleclors of
snakes in lhe viId. They devole aInosl aII of lheir allenlion lo
lhe praclice of heaIing.
A vide variely of poverfuI polions can le nade fron lhe
lrain of a serpenl Iord. The righl haIf of lhe lrain is exlreneIy
loxic and can le used lo nake poisons. The Iefl haIf of lhe lrain
is nourishing and Iife-giving. Il is a prine ingredienl in c|ixirs cf
|ifc and pc|icns cf |cngcti|q.
1992 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
5crpcnt, WIngcd MC13
DIET: Herlivore
MOVEMENT: 12, II 18 (B)
HIT DICE: 4 +4
THAC0: 17
5PECIAL ATTACK5: Ioison, spark shover
5PECIAL DEFEN5E5: Innune lo eIeclricily
5IZE: L (8-1O Iong)
MORALE: Average (9)
Winged serpenls, sonelines caIIed spark snakes, are coIorfuI
repliIes lhal dveII in Zakharas foresls and jungIes. Winged ser-
penls cone in nany coIors, ranging fron sky lIue and eneraId
green lo rasplerry red. They are supporled ly invisilIy svifl,
gossaner vings, naking lhen resenlIe repliIian hun-
ninglirds. When lheir deIicale vings are foIded lack, vinged
serpenls can spicr c|ino al viII.
Cnmbat: Winged serpenls nove vilh Iiquid grace and devaslal-
ing speed. They aIvays receive a -3 lonus lo inilialive.
The lile of a vinged serpenl infIicls 1d4 poinls of danage and
injecls lhe viclin vilh a corrosive, acidic fIuid. This poison has
an onsel line of 1 round and infIicls an addilionaI 2d8 poinls of
danage for lhe foIIoving 2 rounds (haIf danage if a save vs.
poison is nade).
By far lhe nosl dangerous allack of lhese repliIes is lheir
sparkIike lrealh veapon. Their vings leal so quickIy lhal lhey
luiId up a slalic charge fron lhe anlienl air (especiaIIy in lhe
hunid foresl). A vinged serpenl can discharge lhis slalic eIec-
lricily fron ils noulh in a spark shover, a cIoud of dancing
sparks and eIeclricaI energy 1O feel in dianeler. Those caughl in
lhe area of effecl lake 2d8 (2-16) poinls of danage (haIf if a save
vs. lrealh veapon is nade). The spark shover viII aIso ignile
any exposed fIannalIe oljecls, Iike cIolhes, hair, dry vood, or
Ianp oiI. nce il has leen discharged, il lakes one lurn for a
vinged serpenl lo luiId ils slalic charge lack up. AII vinged
serpenls are innune lo eIeclricily.
Winged serpenls are vuIneralIe lo fire-lased allacks (espe-
ciaIIy lheir deIicale vings), againsl vhich lhey save al penaIly of
-2. If a vinged serpenl faiIs ils saving lhrov againsl a fire al-
lack, assune lhal ils vings are incineraled. AIlhough lhis vonl
affecl ils aliIily lo lile a viclin, lhe serpenl cannol use ils lrealh
veapon unliI lhe vings grov lack.
HabItat/5ncIcty: Winged serpenls nusl eal conslanlIy in order
lo survive. They fIil aloul lhe jungIe in snaII fIocks, searching
for lropicaI fruils, fron vhich lhey drav lheir nourishnenl. A
vinged serpenl viII fIy up lo one and injecl il vilh corrosive
venon. The venon lreaks dovn lhe fruil inlo a sofl, juicy nix-
lure, parliaIIy digesling lhe fruil vhiIe il sliII renains in ils skin.
The serpenl viII lhen suck oul lhe fruily puIp lhrough lhe inci-
sions nade ly ils fangs. A lypicaI vinged serpenl viII eal rough-
Iy len lines ils veighl in fruil each day, jusl lo slay aIive.
Winged serpenls nale as oflen as lhey eal (i.e., incessanlIy),
aIlhough lhey do nol care for lheir young, vhich are lorn Iive
and vingIess. They are lorn vilh lheir spider cIinling aliIily,
vhich heIps lhen cIinl fruil lrees and search for food. The
young are dark green in coIor lo heIp lhen lIend in leller vilh
lhe foIiage, gaining lheir chronalic hues onIy afler lheir vings
nalure. During lhe firsl fev nonlhs of Iife, vinged serpenls are
exlreneIy vuIneralIe lo an enlire hosl of predalors lhal roan
lhe jungIe heighls (incIuding nundane snakes, nonkeys, and gi-
anl insecls). VesligiaI vings appear afler a nonlh of Iife, and
lecone fuIIy funclionaI afler lhree nonlhs.
Winged serpenls have no pernanenl Iair and hoard no lrea-
Ecn!ngy: Winged serpenls pIay an inporlanl roIe in lhe jungIe
ecoIogy. Like gianl lees, lhey lransporl poIIen fron fruil lree lo
fruil lree and heIp vilh lhe dislrilulion of seeds lhroughoul lhe
jungIe. As aduIls, lhey have no naluraI enenies.
If caplured during lheir firsl nonlh of Iife lefore lheir vings
have nalured, lhey nake exceIIenl (if expensive) pels. They
nusl consune a greal quanlily of fruil lo survive, ealing on av-
erage 1OO gp vorlh of fruil each nonlh (lhis cosl nighl le re-
duced if a Iarge orchard is avaiIalIe). A skiIIed aninaI lrainer
can leach a vinged serpenl up lo lhree lasks or lricks per poinl
of inleIIigence, vhich lhe crealure viII gIadIy perforn (provided
a suppIy of fresh fruil is conslanlIy al hand). They can even le
lrained as guardians, aIlhough rogues have quickIy discovered
lhal unIess lhey are exlreneIy veII-lrained, lhey can le easiIy
dislracled ly a decoy of aronalic, fresh fruil.
Iev usefuI ly-producls can le ollained fron a vinged ser-
penl. Their poison deconposes aInosl innedialeIy afler expo-
sure lo air, and lheir hide is loo lhin and fragiIe lo serve as good
Iealher. Their vings, hovever, if povdered and nixed vilh ink,
can le used lo inscrile a prc|cc|icn frcn |ign|ning scroII.
5I!ats MC13
Ynung Adu!t
FREQUENCY: Unconnon Rare lo very rare
ORGANIZATION: SoIilary SoIilary or faniIy
DIET: Carnivore Carnivore
INTELLIGENCE: Very (11-12) High lo Lxcep-
lionaI (13-16)
ALIGNMENT: Any chaolic Any chaolic
NO. APPEARING: 1 1 or 3-9
ARMOR CLA55: 3 O or
-3, Malriarch
HIT DICE: 7 9 or 12, Malriarch
THAC0: 1O (13) 8 (11) or
6 (9), Malriarch
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 8-11/8-11/9-15 8-11/8-11/9-15
5PECIAL ATTACK5: See leIov See leIov
5PECIAL DEFEN5E5: See leIov See leIov
5IZE: L (1O laII) L-C (12-15' laII)
MORALE: LIile (14) LIile (14)
Malriarch: 17,OOO
deserled Iocalion.
SiIals are a race of fenaIe, shapeshifling hags lhal roan lolh lhe
viIderness and cilies of Zakhara in nagicaI disguise, searching
for food.
In lheir lrue forn, a siIal appears lo le a gianl fenaIe hunan-
oid vilh paIe green or lIue skin and curved rans horns curIing
fron each side of her head. The size of lhe horns depends on lhe
siIals age, groving a conpIele spiraI every cenlury or so. The
hair is usuaIIy lhe sane coIor as lhe skin, lul of a darker hue.
Their leelh and naiIs Iook Iike yeIIoved ivory, lul are harder
and sharper lhan olsidian.
In lolh lheir poIynorphed and lheir naluraI shape, siIals
vear rags lhal lareIy cover lheir lenl and vrinkIed forns.
Cnmbat: AIlhough lhe shapeshifling aliIilies of siIals vary vilh
age, aII possess slrong nagic resislance and superhunan
Slrenglh (19). They allack physicaIIy vilh lheir daggerIike
cIavs and a vicious lile. SiIals can onIy le affecled ly nagicaI
or iron veapons and regenerale al a rale of 1 hp/round. They
are unaffecled ly poison or nind-infIuencing speIIs (iIIusions,
charns, |SP, and lhe Iike).
Younger siIals (up lo a cenlury oId) can poIynorph aII lul one
parl of lheir forn (usuaIIy lhe feel) lhree lines/day. They viII
aIvays lake greal pains lo hide lhese appendages ly covering
lhen vilh rags. nce siIals reach aduIlhood (one lo five cenlu-
ries oId), lhey can fuIIy pc|qncrpn sc|f al viII. In addilion,
aduIl siIals can casl pc|qncrpn c|ncr lhree lines/day. The nosl
ancienl of siIals (over five cenluries oId) are revered as nalri-
archs. They can pc|qncrpn sc|f and pc|qncrpn c|ncr (-4 on
opponenls save) al viII and can pc|qncrpn anq cojcc| lhree
NeulraI and good siIals use lheir poIynorphing aliIilies lo
nove unnoliced and unlolhered lhrough hunan and deni-
hunan sociely, vhere lhey are nosl connonIy (and unknov-
ingIy) encounlered. LviI siIals use lheir povers lo allracl
viclins, frequenlIy posing as heIpIess oId vonen in need (or
fIirlalious naidens) in order lo Iure unsuspecling youlhs lo a
HabItat/5ncIcty: SiIals are lypicaIIy soIilary crealures. They can
le found jusl aloul anyvhere in Zakharan sociely. WhiIe hunl-
ing for food, siIals viII pose as hideousIy ugIy hunan fenaIes lo
discourage encounlers.
In lhe viIderness, aduIl siIals nay le encounlered aIone, or
vilh lheir faniIy. SiIals propagale lheir species ly naling vilh
ogre nagi. MaIe offspring of such a union are ogre nagi, vhiIe
lhe fenaIe offspring are siIals. ShouId a faniIy le encounlered,
il viII consisl of an aduIl or nalriarch siIal vilh 1-4 sons (ogre
nagi) and 1-4 daughlers (young siIals).
Connon lo aII siIals is a desire lo le Iefl aIone, and faiIing
lhal, lo le lrealed vilh respecl. Lvery viIIage or lovn has a slo-
ry of a lraggarl vho insuIled a decrepil crone one day and vas
found sporling a donkeys laiI lhe nexl. Lven an eviI siIal viII
nol allack one vho lovs respeclfuIIy and haiIs her poIileIy vilh
a friendIy greeling. Those dispIaying refined nanners and
proper eliquelle are rareIy ealen and nore oflen are heIped on a
quesl or journey.
Ecn!ngy: Much of a siIals noclurnaI aclivily cycIe is spenl in
search of food. NeulraI and good siIals dine onIy on aninaI
neal, vhiIe eviI siIals prefer hunan or denihunan fIesh.
In spile of lheir parasilic or predalory reIalionship vilh hu-
nan sociely, nany hunans and denihunans regard lhen vilh
anlivaIence, parlIy oul of fear, lul noslIy lecause lhey are
knovn lo le exlreneIy heIpfuI lo lhose approaching lhen in lhe
proper nanner.
UnforlunaleIy, lhe proper nanner of greeling a siIal varies
fron individuaI lo individuaI. Wilh sone, a poIile saIulalion,
such as Ieace upon you and your faniIy! nay suffice. Ior olh-
ers, a visilor nighl le required lo perforn a fev ninor chores,
Iike lidying lhe siIals Iair or conling her langIed hair. A fev
eccenlric siIals are knovn lo onIy heIp visilors vho perforn lhe
exacl opposile of vhal vas requesled, poIynorphing olhers in-
lo an enlarrassing or ugIy shape.
1992 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
5Imurgh MC13
CLIMATE/TERRAIN: Warn hiIIs and nounlains
FREQUENCY: Very rare
DIET: nnivore
INTELLIGENCE: Cenius (17-18)
ALIGNMENT: LavfuI good
MOVEMENT: 3, II 48 (A)
THAC0: 11
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 2-16/2-16
5IZE: C (2O vingspan)
MORALE: LIile (14)
The sinurgh, sonelines caIIed lhe king of lhe lirds, is knovn
lo aid and prolecl olher IavfuI good leings. Il is a peace-Ioving
and friendIy crealure, heIpfuI and kind lo aII good crealures.
In ils naluraI forn, lhe sinurgh has a naIe or fenaIe hunan
face and lhe lody of an enornous eagIe vilh orange nelaIIic
fealhers. Tvo pairs of goIden vings sproul fron ils lack, and ils
Iong laiI fealhers can spread inlo a nagnificenl fan lhal vouId
nake even a peacock jeaIous. n lhe ground or vhiIe perching,
a sinurgh uses ils laIons for supporl.
Sinurghs speak lhe Ianguages of aII lirds and crealures of lhe
air (incIuding air eIenenlaIs and sakina). They can aIso speak
Cnmbat: AIlhough keenIy inleresled in heIping olher good crea-
lures, sinurghs are pacifislic and viII rareIy enler inlo physicaI
conlal, even lo save anolher leings Iife.
A sinurgh can enpIoy lhe foIIoving speII-Iike aliIilies al 1Olh
IeveI of aliIily (avaiIalIe once per round) al viII: c|cc| intisi-
oi|i|q, |ncu a|ignncn|, infratisicn, snapc cnangc (inlo lhe forn
of any snaII lird or hunan onIy), and spca| ui|n anina|s/
ncns|crs (lirds and avian crealures onIy).
When lhe need arises, a sinurgh viII unfoId ils leaulifuI goId-
en laiI, vhich viII legin lo gIov vilh aII lhe coIors of lhe rain-
lov, dazzIing everyone nearly (friend and foe aIike). The laiI
fealhers shifl in hue, conslanlIy changing lheir fascinaling, inlri-
cale pallerns. Lveryone vilhin a 5O-fool radius nusl save vs.
speIIs or sland lransfixed (hypnolized ly lhe scinliIIaling coIor)
unliI 1d4 +1 rounds afler lhe sinurgh foIds up ils laiI. Crealures
nusl save each round lhey spend in lhe area of effecl. AIlhough
il lakes one round for a sinurgh lo unfoId ils laiI and slarl lhe
coIors in nolion, lhe dazzIing dispIay can le nainlained indefi-
nileIy vilh IillIe or no concenlralion. The unfoIding of a si-
nurghs laiI is usuaIIy lhe preIude lo ils hasly relreal.
If cornered vilh no avenue for escape, a sinurgh can physi-
caIIy allack lvice in a round vilh a poverfuI ving luffel (one
fron each sel of vings). The ving fealhers are nol onIy nelaIIic,
lul have razor-sharp edges, infIicling 2d8 poinls of danage.
Their slrong cIavs are nol used in conlal excepl vhen rescuing
or lransporling olher good-aIigned leings.
HabItat/5ncIcty: Sinurghs are soIilary crealures, aloul 65 of
vhich are fenaIe. AIlhough lrealed vilh respecl and generaIIy
oleyed ly nosl avian leings, sinurghs are usuaIIy (aloul 7O
of lhe line) found vilh a fIock of adnirers. This courl of lirds
nighl incIude any of lhe nornaI lirds (for inslance, nighlin-
gaIes, sparrovs, and svaIIovs), snaII predalors (havks, eagIes,
or vuIlures), and gianl-sized eagIes, condors, or perhaps even a
roc. These vandering courls of lirds are onIy encounlered far
avay fron hunan halilalion.
Sinurghs keep no Iair, excepl vhen naling, vhich occurs
aloul once every six years. A naling pair prefers a nounlain
cavern, deep in lhe viIderness, in vhich lo rear lheir young.
Such a Iair viII incIude lvo aduIls and 1-3 heIpIess young. (Treal
lhese young as having haIf lhe hil dice of lheir parenls, lhey
have no allacks excepl lheir shinnering laiI. AIIov a +3 lonus
on saves againsl lhe hypnolizing effecl of lhe laiI.) The sinurghs
viII le guarded ly 3-12 gianl eagIes and 1-2 rocs. The naled
pair separales afler lhe young are oId enough lo care for lhen-
seIves (aloul 2-3 years oId).
Sinurghs have no inleresl in coIIecling or keeping naleriaI
veaIlh or lreasure.
Ecn!ngy: Because of lhe aslonishing leauly of lheir laiIs, si-
nurghs are frequenlIy hunled, especiaIIy ly hunans vho dveII
in lhe nounlainous regions of Zakhara.
The goIden laiI fealher of a sinurgh, if freeIy given, is slrong-
Iy nagicaI. Descriled ly sone as a piece of lhe sun, il radiales
ccn|inua| |ign| and viII hypnolize any and aII crealures vilhin a
5O radius (incIuding lhe ovner, if he is nol carefuI, aII crealures
vieving lhe fealher gel a +3 lonus on lheir saving lhrovs vs.
speII). A sinurghs laiI fealher is needed lo concocl a pc|icn cf
rainocu nucs and lo enchanl a rcoc cf scin|i||a|ing cc|crs. Il can
aIso le used lo inscrile cc|cr spraq, nqpnc|ic pa||crn, rainocu
pa||crn, prisna|ic spraq, prisna|ic ua||, and prisna|ic spncrc
5tnnc MaIdcns MC13
CLIMATE/TERRAIN: Any slone (near deserl)
FREQUENCY: Very rare
DIET: nnivore
INTELLIGENCE: High (13-14)
ALIGNMENT: NeulraI good
NO. APPEARING: 1 or 1-4
THAC0: 15
DAMAGE/ATTACK: By veapon lype or speII
5PECIAL ATTACK5: Suggeslion
5IZE: M(5laII)
MORALE: Sleady (12)
Slone naidens are exquisileIy leaulifuI danseIs lhal dveII in
rock fornalions, slanding slones, and lhe vaIIs of secIuded ca-
verns and caves.
A slone naiden is said lo have a face Iike lhe noon, eyes Iike
a gazeIIe, and Iips Iike rose pelaIs. She Iooks Iike a leaulifuI hu-
nan or eIven fenaIe, vearing sinpIe, Ioose filling roles and
veiIs. She favors garnenls lhal refIecl lhe kind of slone she in-
halils. A slone naiden dveIIing in a sandslone nighl vear
dusly red, vhiIe one Iiving in a lasaIl cave vouId favor lIack.
Cnmbat: Like a gazeIIe, slone naidens are shy, peacefuI, and
quick lo fIee. If angered or provoked, hovever, lhey lecone
dangerous opponenls. They can fighl vilh any veapon provid-
ed, lul aInosl aIvays prefer lo use nagic. Slone naidens can
casl lhe foIIoving speIIs al 14lh IeveI of aliIily, once per round,
lhree lines/day: anina|c rcc|, nc| in|c s|cnc, spi|c s|cncs,
s|cnc snapc, s|cnc |c||, and suggcs|icn.
If confronled vilh hosliIe adversaries, a slone naidens firsl
aclion viII le lo use her poverfuI suggcs|icn (-3 on saves) and
allenpl lo convince lhe adversaries lo Ieave. IaiIing lhal, she
viII escape ly casling an inproved version of nc| in|c s|cnc,
vhich aIIovs her lo slep inlo any rock fornalion and renain
lhere indefinileIy. Using lhis inproved version of lhe speII, she
can use her olher nagicaI aliIilies as desired vhiIe safeIy en-
cIosed in lhe proleclive rock.
A slone naidens nosl poverfuI allack is her aliIily lo ani-
na|c rcc|, vhich causes a nan-sized slone lo nove al up lo 6O
feel per round and allack her adversaries (AC 1, HD 11, hp 28-
84 (28d3), THACO 15, Dng 14-28 (14d2). If a nan-sized slone is
nol avaiIalIe for aninaling, she can creale one using s|cnc
snapc. She viII onIy use lhis allack if seriousIy lhrealened (ly a
group vilh nining looIs, for inslance).
IinaIIy, a slone naiden viII use her s|cnc |c|| aliIily lo galher
infornalion aloul polenliaI visilors lo her Iair, casling spi|c
s|cncs lo hinder lheir approach shouId lhey le nanifeslIy eviI
Because of lheir poverfuI lond vilh lhe LIenenlaI IIane of
Larlh, slone naidens are nol harned ly earlh-affecling nagic.
HabItat/5ncIcty: Slone naidens have a nyslic lond vilh lhe
parlicuIar rock fornalion or slanding slone of vhich lhey are
(IileraIIy) a parl. They viII never slray nore lhan a quarler niIe
fron lhis slone, if forcilIy renoved lhey Iose 1 hil poinl per lurn
unliI lhey perish.
ver lhe years, slone naidens nay acquire lreasure, eilher as
looly fron eviI crealures driven fron lhe proxinily of lheir
Iairs or as suggesled gifls fron rude or pushy deserl nonads,
sone of vhon consider il a greal acconpIishnenl lo have a
forner slone naiden lo add lo lheir coIIeclion of vives.
Many slone naidens have Iairs near goId or gen deposils and
use lheir nagicaI laIenls lo galher and shape lreasure inlo pIeas-
ing shapes and sizes. They viII keep lheir cache hidden inside a
slone near lheir Iair, encIosing lhe lreasure in soIid rock using
lheir slone-shaping aliIily.
According lo sone Iegends, slone naidens are lhe anceslors
of a deserl priesless vho vas sloIen fron her lrile and inpris-
oned in slone ly an eviI dao. The slone naidens are lhus
lhoughl lo le searching for a vay lo renove lheir curse and re-
lurn lo lheir forner nonadic exislence. Bul, vhiIe sone slone
naidens appear neIanchoIy (supporling lhe deserl nonads Ieg-
ends), lhere are jusl as nany vho are conlenl, asserlive, and seIf
reIianl, nanifesling no apparenl need lo le rescued fron any
The lask of freeing a slone naiden is descriled in Iegends as a
nonunenlaI underlaking, usuaIIy invoIving lhe recovery of one
of lhe naidens personaI possessions (a veiI, for inslance) fron a
poverfuI dao or genie. ShouId lhe loken le relurned, lhe slone
naidens Iink vilh lhe LIenenlaI IIane of Larlh vouId le lro-
ken, and she vouId Iose aII speII-Iike aliIilies forever, leconing
a nornaI vonan.
Ecn!ngy: Slone naidens sonelines acl as proleclors for lhe
Iands and deserl in a quarler-niIe radius of lheir Iair. More oflen
lhan nol, hovever, lhese vilhdravn crealures pIay IillIe or no
parl in Zakharas ecoIogy.
1992 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
TropicaI/HiIIs or deserl
SoIilary or cIan
High (13-14)
NeulraI eviI
3 (lase)
18 }p 6
8 (lase)
3 and 1
1-4/1-4/2-12 and
2-8 (+conlal nodifier)
Huge (25' lase)
LIile (14)
Bndy Lgth.(') TaI! Lgth.(') AC
1 1-4 1-5 7
2 4-12 5-1O 6
3 12-2O 1O-18 5
4 2O-28 18-26 4
5 28-35 26-32 3
6 35-42 32-4O 2
7 42-5O 4O-48 1
8 5O-58 48-56 O
9 58-66 56-64 - 1
1O 66-72 64-7O - 2
11 72-8O 7O-78 - 3
12 8O-88 78-86 - 4
A vishap is a fIighlIess Zakharan dragon, a crafly and cov-
Despile ils greal size, a vishap can run, cIinl, and junp vilh
ardIy crealure lhal preys on lhe veak and fIees lhe slrong. They
are sIy, cunning predalors lhal fighl lhrough sleaIlh and deceil.
surprising agiIily, aIlhough il Iikes lo fosler a sedenlary inage in
Like aII dragons, vishaps are exceedingIy vain and greedy.
order lo calch ils opponenls off-guard. The scaIes of a vishap
can lIend in perfeclIy vilh ils surroundings (Iending il a +4 lo-
nus in surprise silualions).
Like olher dragons, lhe vishap has exceIIenl sighl, sneII, and
hearing. Ils senses aIIov il lo delecl invisilIe crealures or oljecls
in a 1O' radius per age calegory. Vishaps are adepl Iinguisls, lhey
can fIuenlIy speak Midani of Zakhara, and up lo five addilionaI
UnIike lheir veslern cousins, vishaps have no cIairaudience
aliIily vilh respecl lo lheir Iairs, lhey have no lrealh veapon
nor can lhey casl speIIs. They exude no dragon fear. A vishap
nusl survive ly ils vils aIone. Civen lheir penchanl for deslruc-
lion, hovever, nosl Iead shorl, vioIenl Iives.
Cnmbat: Using lheir canoufIage aliIily, vishaps viII valch a
polenliaI largel for days, Iearning ils slrenglhs and veaknesses
lefore allacking. Afler a vishap has surveyed ils largel, il viII
usuaIIy approach lo speak vilh ils largel. Weak, fearfuI viclins
are innedialeIy allacked. Weak viclins lhal fIaller lhe vishap
HD MR Trcasurc XP Va!uc
2 NiI NiI 42O
4 NiI
6 NiI
8 NiI
9 5
1O 1O
11 15
12 2O
13 25
NiI 975
D,Y,U 11,OOO
D,Y,U 12,OOO
D,Y,U, 14,OOO
D,Y,Ux2 15,OOO
14 3O D,Y,Ux2 16,OOO
15 35 D,Y,Ux2 17,OOO
16 4O D,Y,Ux3 18,OOO
nighl le spared if lhey svear lo yieId aII lreasure or serve lhe
vishap as sIaves. Viclins vho dispIay a viIIingness for conlal
viII le Iefl aIone afler lhe inlerviev and allacked al a Ialer dale
vhen lhey can le caughl ly surprise.
A vishap can physicaIIy allack one crealure vilh ils leelh and
cIavs, il can aIso Iash ils laiI al up lo four nan-sized crealures,
doing 2d4 poinls (lase danage) lo each viclin. Viclins nusl
nake a Dexlerily check or Iose lheir fooling and le unalIe lo
allack during lhe sulsequenl round.
Vishaps are innune lo aII enchanlnenl/charn speIIs fron
lirlh. As lhey age, lhey gain lhe foIIoving addilionaI povers:
Ycung. s|ccp 2/day, ]utcni|c. intisioi|i|q 1/day, Au||. suggcs-
|icn 1/day, Vcrq c|. cnarn ncns|cr 1/day, Vcncrao|c. unc-
|cc|ao|c |ic 1/day.
HabItat/5ncIcty: These dragons Iair in shaIIov, open caverns
vhere lhey have a connanding viev of lhe approach and enlry.
Vishaps viII aIvays have al Ieasl one secrel pIan of escape
shouId lhey le cornered in lheir Iair.
Ecn!ngy: Vishaps are carnivores, aIlhough lhey nay sloop lo
ealing carrion or pIanls in order lo survive. They grealIy reIish
hunan and denihunan fIesh. Vishaps have leen knovn lo
vork logelher and ensIave enlire viIIages, lhriving on lhe viI-
Iagers fear-induced vorship.
Zaratan MC13
TropicaI/Iresh and saIl valer
Very rare
Average (8-1O)
See leIov
1, Sv 2
Innune lo poison, nagic
veapon needed lo pierce sheII
5IZE: C (2OO-35O dianeler)
MORALE: IearIess (19)
LEVEL/XP VALUE: 46,OOO + 1,OOO per HD over 51
The zaralan is an enornous, passive lurlIe found in lhe varn
currenls of Zakharas seas. ThankfuIIy, lhe zaralan spends nosl
of ils exislence in a profoundIy deep sIunler.
The sheII of a zaralan (pIuraI, zaralani) Iooks Iike a sIoped,
rocky nound severaI hundred feel in dianeler. The zaralans
head, over 5O feel across, is oflen nislaken for a parliaIIy-
sulnerged, larnacIe-encrusled louIder. The zaralan usuaIIy
keeps ils eyes shul, covered vilh slony Iids lhal lIend vilh lhe
resl of ils head in lexlure and coIor. The zaralans four fIippers,
each over a hundred feel Iong, appear lo le snaII reefs, supporl-
ing a variely of coraIs, larnacIes, and snaII fish. The zaralans
rocky sheII is considered AC -6, vhiIe ils head and fIippers are
onIy AC O. In ils dornanl slale, a zaralan appears lo le a snaII,
fIoaling isIand.
Cnmbat: More oflen lhan nol, once vakened fron ils sIunler, a
zaralan viII reacl lo an eneny ly vilhdraving inlo ils rockIike
sheII, againsl vhich nonnagicaI veapons have alsoIuleIy no ef-
fecl. In addilion, no knovn poison viII affecl a zaralan vilh ils
incredilIy sIov nelaloIisn. A zaralan viII renain in ils sheII
for 1-1O years (if nol furlher provoked) lefore re-energing.
Hovever, if peslered and vounded for nore lhan 5 of ils
lolaI hil poinls, a zaralan lecones a lerrilIe opponenl. AI-
lhough il allacks Iasl in every round, a singIe lile fron ils 4O
nav deIivers 1O-1OO poinls of danage and viII svaIIov any le-
ings vilhin a 1O radius of ils largel (no save), shouId ils allack
roII succeed ly 4 nore lhan needed.
The slonach of a zaralan is a lough, lule-shaped cave. Usu-
aIIy lhere is enough slaIe, lrapped air for a crealure lo survive
indefinileIy (if lhey survived lhe lile allack), lul crealures
lrapped vilhin aIso suffer 2 poinls of danage per day unIess
lhey can figure oul a vay lo prolecl lhenseIves fron lhe slon-
achs corrosive digeslive juices. The slonach Iining is AC 5.
Danage equaI lo 5 of lhe zaralans lolaI hil poinls (a case of
painfuI indigeslion) viII resuIl in lhe viclins regurgilalion. A
zaralans slonach nighl conlain jusl aloul anylhing, depending
upon lhe vhin of lhe DM, fron pieces of driflvood and chunks
of ships, lo veapons, arnor, and even a snaII anounl of lrea-
sure (suggesled lype Z).
Afler a lallIe, a zaralan viII innedialeIy faII inlo a deep
sIunler, vhich lypicaIIy Iasls 1-1OO years.
HabItat/5ncIcty: The sIov nelaloIisn of lhe zaralani assure
lhen incredilIy Iong (if unevenlfuI) Iives, neasured in niIIen-
nia. The zaralani are said lo have leen fIoaling in lhe sea Iong
lefore lhe genies firsl visiled lhe Land of Iale.
Al any given line, a zaralan is 99 IikeIy lo le sIeeping. As il
sIunlers, il keeps ils noulh vide open. Any snaII lo nan-sized
crealures slupid enough lo svin inside (Iarge fish noslIy) are
refIexiveIy svaIIoved. The zaralan spends lhe resl of ils line
eilher naling or conversing vilh olhers of ils ovn kind.
Lvery fev cenluries, ly sheer coincidence, a pair of zaralani
viII drifl inlo each olher. ShouId lhey avake (and le of lhe op-
posile sex), lhey viII nale. The courlship riluaI nay lake dec-
ades, and lhe naling ilseIf Iasls as Iong as a year.
The zaralani connunicale vilh one anolher in a Ianguage
siniIar lo lhal of lhe vhaIes. Conversalions lelveen lhe zara-
lani oflen Iasl decades. n rare occasions, lhey have leen
knovn lo connunicale vilh olher leings via leIepalhy.
Ecn!ngy: The oIder a zaralan gels, lhe Ionger il sIeeps. As a re-
suIl, nany acluaIIy lecone indislinguishalIe fron a fIoaling is-
Iand or reef, supporling lheir ovn nini-ecosyslens on lheir
lroad, rocky carapaces and underleIIies. Many sporl slunled
paIn lrees and vegelalion on lheir sheIIs.
The oIder and viser zaralani are perfeclIy conlenl lo le al-
lended ly Iesser synliolic leings, provided lhe synlioles are
nol loo lolhersone and donl inlerfere vilh a zaralans sIeep. A
fev are knovn lo supporl snaII, unciviIized viIIages, vhiIe olh-
ers have even leen used as a noliIe lase for pirales and cor-
Visilors viII find nosl inhalilanls of a zaralan highIy super-
slilious. Many revere lheir isIand hone as a god. They leIieve
(righlIy) lhal vere lheir deily lo avaken due lo hunger, lheir
isIand nighl sink lenealh lhe sea, deslroying lheir viIIage. As a
resuIl, lhese viIIagers slrive al every opporlunily lo keep lhe
zaralan veII-fed and conlenl, sacrificing Iarge quanlilies of
caughl fish and even visilors lo pIacale lheir fIoaling deily.
1992 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
ZIn MC13
CLIMATE/TERRAIN: Ireshvaler rivers and Iakes
FREQUENCY: Very rare
High lo Cenius (13-18)
Chaolic neulraI
12, Sv 12
See leIov
M (6-12 Iong)
Average (1O)
The zin are spiril snakes lhal dveII al lhe lollon of rivers and
Iakes. They are shapeshifling, lardic prankslers, deIighling in
spreading nerrinenl, song, and nischief anong lhe surface
dveIIers lhal lraveI near or across lheir donains.
In lheir lrue forn, zin Iook Iike paIe lIue or green snakes.
AIong lheir lacks, lhe scaIes depicl a nollIed lIue and green
nosaic pallern, unique lo each individuaI zin. Their coIoralion
nakes lhen difficuIl lo spol vhiIe svinning, lul lhey can easi-
Iy le spolled vhiIe resling on a river or Iake led.
Cnmbat: Zin aII have 6O infravision. They can poIynorph inlo
hunan or denihunan forn al viII and are nosl oflen encoun-
lered in lhis forn. The zin each possess lhe laIenls and speII aliI-
ilies of a 5lh-IeveI lard, vilh eilher lhe saIuk, ravun, or larler
kils. They can Iearn four vizard speIIs (lhree 1sl-IeveI and one
2nd-IeveI), lypicaIIy choosing fron lhe enchanlnenl/charn
and iIIusion schooIs (tcn|ri|cquisn and Tasnas unccn|rc||ao|c
niccus |augn|cr are Iong-slanding zin favoriles). Zin equip
lhenseIves vilh lhe accoulrenenl lypicaI of a lraveIing lard.
They deIighl in using nagicaI ilens.
AIlhough each individuaI zin possesses a lardic voice, vhen
lhey pIay and sing logelher as a land, lheir nusic lakes on a
supernaluraI quaIily lhal il did nol possess lefore. In order for
lhis eIdrilch nusic lo le effeclive, lhe zin nusl le vilhin 1O feel
of one anolher. SpeIIs casl ly a land are exlreneIy difficuIl lo
resisl (-1 on saves per zin presenl) and depend upon lhe nun-
ler of zin in lhe land (per lhe foIIoving lalIe).
Dun: nc| pcrscn or suggcs|icn
TrIn: cnarn ncns|cr or cnc|icn
Quartct: |ccnun's |ancn|ao|c oc|aocrncn| or cnacs
QuIntct: nass suggcs|icn or cnarn p|an|s
5cxtct: cnan or O||cs irrcsis|io|c ancc
The speII reperloire is cunuIalive (i.e., a quarlel knovs lhe
speIIs of a lrio and duo). A zin land can coIIecliveIy casl any
speII fron lheir reperloire, once per round, al a IeveI equaI lo
lhree lines lhe nunler of zin presenl.
In lheir naluraI forn, zin can physicaIIy allack vilh lheir lile.
The viclin suffers 1-6 poinls of danage and nusl save vs. poi-
son or faII inlo a calalonic sIunler for 24 hours. Upon avaken-
ing, lhe unforlunale viII nosl IikeIy find hinseIf conpIeleIy
naked and prolalIy (if lhe zin have a naIicious slreak) danger-
ousIy cIose lo lhe Iair of an unpIeasanl nonsler.
HabItat/5ncIcty: Bands of zin dveII logelher in air-fiIIed caverns
al lhe lollon of rivers and Iakes. They are carnivores, sulsisl-
ing nainIy on a diel of fish.
When lored, a group of zin viII approach a canp of lraveIers
passing nearly and ask for proleclion for lhe nighl. During lheir
visil, lhe zin viII slrelch lhe Iinils of lhe ICs hospilaIily vilh
lavdy jokes and a fev pranks. If lhe hosls relain lheir conpo-
sure, lhe zin viII perforn a snaII concerl in lheir honor, casling
aII of lhe speIIs in lheir reperloire lo achieve lhe nosl hunorous
and enlerlaining resuIls (fron lhe poinl of viev of lhe zin, lhal
ShouId lhe hosls adhere lo lhe code of hospilaIily, lhey viII
have al Iasl earned lhe respecl of lhe zin, vho viII Iavish on
lhen a concerl of nerrinenl, song, and nirlh Iasling lhe re-
nainder of lhe evening. In lhe norning, lhe zin viII vish lheir
hosls Iuck and Iong Iife and lroulIe lhen no furlher.
If lhe hosls are offended ly lhe zins anlics and lelray lhe sa-
cred lrusl of hospilaIily (ly allacking one of lhe zin), lhe land
viII allenpl lo fIee inlo lhe darkness and pIague lhe parly for
lhe renainder of lheir journey vilh a nighlIy concerl. Al lhe
DMs discrelion, on lheir finaI nighlIy visil, lhe zin viII curse
lheir poor hosls vilh lhe cti| cqc (no saving lhrov).
Ecn!ngy: Zin onIy care aloul nusic, dancing, and having a
good line (frequenlIy al lhe expense of olhers). They have IillIe
concern for lhe vorId around lhen or ils ecoIogy, aIlhough lhey
viII quickIy lake offense al anylhing defiIing lhe lody of valer
in vhich lhey Iive.
The hide of a zin is highIy prized ly aII rogues. Zin-hide san-
daIs viII increase a rogues chances of cIinling vaIIs and nov-
ing siIenlIy ly 1O. f course, openIy vearing such sandaIs
viII earn a rogue lhe innediale ennily of nosl zin encounlered
lhereafler (-1O on reaclion roIIs), vho nighl decide lhey vanl
a pair of sandaIs nade fron lhe rogues skin.
This seclion Iisls nonslers fron lhe previous voIunes of lhe Monslrous Conpendiun lhal are appropriale for lhe AL-QADIM
canpaign. Nane refers lo lhe crealure in queslion, Seclion refers lo lhe enlry in vhich lhe crealure is found, and Conp. refers
lo lhe voIune of lhe Conpendiun in vhich lhe enlry is found (MC1 and MC2 refer lo Iarls 1 & 2 of lhe conpendiun, IR1
refers lo lhe firsl IRCTTLN RLALMS appendix (MC3), IR2 refers lo lhe second IRCTTLN RLALMS appendix (MC11),
DL refers lo lhe DRACNLANCL Appendix, CH refers lo lhe CRLYHAWK appendix, I refers lo lhe uler IIanes
appendix, and Isi refers lo lhe Ccnp|c|c Psicnics Hanocc|).
5cctInn Namc(s) Cnmp.
DL Anenone, gianl
AninaI, Herd
Anl Lion, Cianl
Ape, Carnivorous
Cals, Creal
Cruslacean, Cianl
CaneI, CallIe,
AnleIope, Sheep
Connon, Cianl
Cheelah, }aguar, Leopard,
Lion, Tiger
Cianl, Huge, MegaIo-
CrocodiIe, gianl crocodiIe
Cianl cral, gianl crayfish
WiId, lIink, dealh
WiId, gianl
AII lypes
Air, earlh, fire, valer
}ann, narid, djinn, dao, efreel
ChouI, Iacedon, ghasl
Annis, green, sea
Large, snaII (faIcon),
lIood havk
Hornel, Wasp
Lighl, pony, viId, riding, nuIe
Nighl hag
IIanl, carnivorous
Sea Lion
Squid, Cianl
Waler veird
Lesser, grealer
Iire, gianl, ninolaur
Cuardian, spiril, valer
gre, ogre nage
Connon, gianl, laIking
Caclus, vanpire
Rakshasa, grealer rakshasa
Connon, gianl
Manla, pungi, sling
Large, huge, gianl
Lesser, grealer
SkeIelon, nonsler
AII lypes
Androsphinx, criosphinx,
gynosphinx, hieracosphinx
AII lypes
Sea, gianl and snapping, gianl
AII lypes
Connon, kiIIer
Connon, dire
Dccp Dcscrt
2 Djinn or efreeli
3 Dao or jann
4 Hyena or ghosl-nounl
5 Scorpion, Iarge or huge
6 VuIlure, nornaI or cenlaur, deserl
7 Bandil or dog, viId
8 Delli or voIf
9 Horse or caneI, deserl
1O Lion, or caneI, dronedary
11 Nonad or piIgrin
12 Herd aninaI or jackaI
13 Mason vasp, gianl or Maskhi
14 gre or halori
15 Snake, gianl poisonous or vishap
16 SiIal, young or greal ghuI
17 Snake, conslriclor or poison
18 gre, gianl or gianl, deserl
19 DMs SpeciaI
2O DMs SpeciaI
Dcscrt Bnrdcr
2 CaneI, dronedary or deserl
3 Chosl-nounl or halori
4 Mason vasp, gianl or harpy
5 Merchanl caravan or greal ghuI
6 Nonads or cenlaur, deserl
Spider, huge or Iarge 7
8 Horse or herd aninaI
9 Lion or delli
1O Merchanl caravan
11 }ackaI or vuIlure, nornaI
12 IalroI or fire leelIe
13 gre or hevay
14 IiIgrin or ovI
15 Bandil or voIf
16 NIC parly or siIal, young
17 Lycanlhrope, verehyena
18 Vishap or harpy
19 DMs SpeciaI
2O DMs SpeciaI
P!aIn nr 5crub
2 Boar, viId or liger
3 Dog, viId or delli
4 LIephanl, African or ghosl-nounl
5 Cenie, lasked, herdsnan or harpy
6 Hyena or Iycanlhrope, vere-Iion
7 Bandil, nonad, or piIgrin
8 Scorpion or lal, Iarge or huge
9 Spider, huge or Iarge
1O VuIlure, nornaI or horse
11 Herd aninaI or laloon
12 Snake, conslriclor or poison
13 Lion or cenlaur, deserl
14 Lycanlhrope, verehyena or ogre
15 Mason vasp, gianl or jackaI
16 ChouI or naskhi
17 Snake, gianl poisonous
18 SiIal, young or anl-Iion, gianl
19 DMs SpeciaI
2O DMs SpeciaI
Rnugh nr HI!!
2 Annul or copper aulonalon
3 Herd aninaI or dvarf, hiII
4 Vishap or harpy
5 gre or nuIe
6 Spider, Iarge or huge
7 VuIlure, nornaI
8 Delli or ovI
9 Bandil or fire leelIe
1O Tiger or dog, viId
11 Lion or voIf
12 Nonad or lal, connon
13 Scorpion, Iarge or vasp, gianl
14 SiIal, young or anl-Iion, gianl
15 Snake, conslriclor or poison
16 Baloon or eIephanl, African
17 Boar, varlhog or viId
18 Cenie, lasked vinenaker
19 DMs SpeciaI
2O DMs SpeciaI
2 Dvarf, nounlain
3 Cenie, dao
4 gre or harpy
5 Spider, Iarge or huge
6 VuIlure, nornaI or greal ghuI
7 Bandil or piIgrin
8 Cockalrice or lal, connon
9 Delli or fire leelIe
1O Scorpion, huge or Iarge
11 ChouI or voIf
12 Herd aninaI or dog, viId
13 Lion or liger
14 Manlicore or faIcon, snaII
15 SiIal, young or anl-Iion, gianl
16 Snake, conslriclor or poison
17 Snake, gianl poisonous
18 Yak nen
19 DMs SpeciaI
2O DMs SpeciaI
Boar, varlhog or viId
LIf or Iycanlhrope, vere-Iion
Dog, viId or voIf
LIephanl, African or ashira
gre or eIephanl lird
Hornel, gianl
Delli or horse
}aguar or ovI
Cianl, jungIe or fire leelIe
Lion or liger
Baloon or Ieopard
IiIgrin or lal, connon
Scorpion, Iarge or huge
SiIal, young or ape, carnivorous
Snake, conslriclor or poison
Snake, gianl conslriclor or poison
Spider, gianl or huge
DMs SpeciaI
DMs SpeciaI
InhabItcd nr Patrn!!cd Arcas
2 WiIderness TalIe
3 Lycanlhrope, vere-hyena
4 Lycanlhrope, vere-Iion
5 NIC parly
6 IiIgrin or lraveIer
7 Ireenan or peasanl
8 Ireenan or peasanl
9 IalroI or fire leelIe
1O SiIal, young
11 Nonad or raider
12 Merchanl
13 Merchanl
14 Bandil or voIf
15 Herd aninaI
16 Boar, viId
17 gre
18 Cenie, lasked, vinenaker or arlisl
19 DMs SpeciaI
2O DMs SpeciaI
AcrIa! Encnuntcrs
2 Sakina
3 Sinurgh
4 Dragonne
5 Chinera
6 Wasp or Hornel, gianl
7 Mason vasp, gianl or harpy
8 Serpenl, vinged or roc
9 Cenie (djinn or efreel)
1O LIephanl lirds or vuIlure, nornaI
11 gre nage or naskhi
12 Connon lird or ovI
13 LagIe or faIcon
14 Lannasu or shedu
15 Roc, greal
16 Connon lird or lal
17 Buraq or hana
18 Roc, lvo-headed
19 DMs SpeciaI
2O DMs SpeciaI
NIC parlies in lhe viIderness viII oflen
le near lo lhe advenluring group in nun-
ler, IeveI, and equipnenl. lhervise, lhe
lypicaI NIC parly viII le 7lh lo 1Olh
IeveI, vilh henchnen of approxinaleIy
haIf (round up) characler IeveI. Such par-
lies are 9O IikeIy lo le nounled (See
NIC parlies in MC2).
P!aIn: neadov, savanna.
5crub: lrush, lush, lhickels. MnuntaIns: high peaks.
Fnrcst: groves, jungIes, voods. Dcscrt: larrens, fIal, vasle, dunes.
Rnugh: ladIands. Frcsh watcr: Iake, pond, pooI, river.
HI!!s: lIuffs, ridges. 5a!t watcr: Iake, ocean, sea.
DM 5pccIa! Tab!c
A speciaI encounler can aIso le a naluraI
hazard (eilher a gaIe al sea, or a sandslorn on
lhe deserl) or an encounler vilh a knovn NIC.
BIack cIoud of vengeance
CaneI of lhe pearI
Copper Aulonalon
Cenie, dao
Cenie, djinn
Cenie, efreel
Cenie, narid
Cenie, nolIe dao
Cenie, nolIe djinn
Cenie, nolIe efreel
Cenie, nolIe narid
Cenie, lasked, archilecl/luiIder
Cenie, lasked, arlisl
Cenie, lasked, guardian
Cenie, lasked, sIayer
Cenie, lasked, varnonger
Cenie, lasked, vinenaker
ChuI, greal
Hag, annis
Hag, green
Lannasu (1O grealer)
Salu Iord
Living idoI
Naga, guardian
Naga, spiril
Nighl hag
gre nage
Serpenl Iord
Serpenl, vinged
Shedu (1O grealer)
SiIal, aduIl (1O nalriarch)
Sphinx, andro-
Sphinx, crio-
Sphinx, gyno-
Sphinx, hieraco-
Slone naiden
5a!t Watcr 5urfacc
2 Shark, gianl
3 Deplhs encounler
4 Chosl ship
5 Iahari
6 Cianl, reef or isIand
7 DoIphin or vhaIe
8 Seaveed or slrangIeveed
9 Shark or larracuda
1O Iishernan
11 Merchanl
12 Iirales, snaII loals
13 Warship
14 Iirales, Iarge ship
15 TurlIe, gianl sea
16 Hazard (navigalionaI)
17 CrocodiIe, gianl
18 AeriaI encounler
19 DM's SpeciaI
2O DMs SpeciaI
Frcsh Watcr 5urfacc
2 Deplhs encounler
3 AeriaI encounler
4 Snake, gianl conslriclor
5 CrocodiIe, gianl
6 Naga, valer
7 Hazard (navigalionaI)
8 Iirale, snaII loals
9 Iishernan
1O Merchanl
11 CrocodiIe, nornaI
12 Seaveed
13 Bunyip
14 Waler veird
15 TurlIe, gianl snapping
16 Spider, gianl valer
17 Hippopolanus
18 CrocodiIe, gianl
19 DMs SpeciaI
2O DMs SpeciaI
5a!t Watcr Dcpths
2 Shark, gianl
3 Squid, gianl
4 Shark
5 Nereid
6 Sea hag
7 Cianl, reef
Ray, nanla
1O Iish schooI
11 Iish schooI
12 Hippocanpus
13 clopus, gianl
14 Anenone, gianl sea
15 Snake, sea
16 Iahari
17 Barracuda
18 Cianl, reef
19 DMs SpeciaI
2O DMs SpeciaI
Frcsh Watcr Dcpths
2 Snake, gianl conslriclor
3 Sea veed or slrangIeveed
4 CrocodiIe, gianl
5 Cral or crayfish, gianl
6 Iish schooI
7 Iish schooI
8 TurlIe, gianl snapping
9 LeI, gianl
1O Bunyip
11 Hevay
12 Lacedon
13 Naga, valer
14 Cenie, narid
15 Nereid
16 Zin
17 Sea hag
18 Waler veird
19 DMs SpeciaI
2O DMs SpeciaI
AcrIa! Land, nr Dcpths Encnuntcrs: RoII on
lhe appropriale lalIe. If lhe encounler is nol
suilalIe, lhen none occurs.
5urfacc cncnuntcrs: UninleIIigenl nonslers
are 75 IikeIy lo le driven off ly fIaning oiI
nearly, 9O if acluaIIy lurned ly il. Large
anounls of food lhrovn overloard are 5O
IikeIy lo end such an encounler.
FIsh 5chnn!: This is a Iarge group of one lype
of fish, lhe aqualic version of herd aninaIs.
They usuaIIy do nol allack, unIess connanded
ly nagicaI neans. If panicked, lhey nighl niII
aloul, olslrucling vision and novenenl. If
Iarge enough, lhey nighl cause luffeling dan-
age (1-2 lo 1-8, depending on size).
Ghnst 5hIp: This is a Iosl ship, nanned ly
undead. AIlhough il can le seen al any line, il
viII usuaIIy allack onIy al nighl, vhen ils nas-
lers are al fuII pover. RoII percenliIe dice once
for lhe crev and once for lheir Ieaders. Crev:
O1-4O = 1O-4O skeIelons, 41-8O = 1O-4O zon-
lies, 81-OO = 1O-3O Iacedons. Leaders: O1-3O =
1-3 speclres, 31-6O = 1-2 ghosls, 61-9O = 1-2
vanpires, 91-OO = 1 Iich.
Hazard (navIgatInna!): This can ground or
danage a vesseI lhal does nol have a piIol fa-
niIiar vilh lhe valers. Such hazards such as
sandlars and sulnerged Iogs oflen change po-
silion. They can le circunvenled ly roIIing a
successfuI navigalion proficiency check.
PIratcs, sma!! shIps: This encounler invoIves
1-6 snaII vesseIs, ranging in size fron snaII
Iaunches and oulrigger canoes lo larijahs. The
ships are cranned vilh a lolaI of 2O-12O sea-
faring lhieves and fighlers of 1sl-3rd IeveIs, Ied
ly four 4lh IeveI nales, a 6lh IeveI Iieulenanl,
and an 8lh IeveI caplain (1O chance for a 6lh-
9lh IeveI vizard). Connon pirales vear Iealh-
er arnor, Ieaders vear chain naiI. AII are
arned vilh knives and svords, 25 aIso carry
lovs, 5O spears, and 25 poIe arns.
PIratcs, !argc shIp: This encounler invoIves
eilher a dronnond (4O), greal gaIIey (4O),
or gaIIeon (2O). The ship is cranned vilh
1OO-3OO seafaring lhieves and fighlers of 1sl-4lh
IeveIs, Ied ly four 5lh IeveI nales, a 7lh IeveI
Iieulenanl, and a 1Olh IeveI caplain. There is a
4O chance for a 7lh-1Olh IeveI vizard and/or
priesl (check for each). Connon pirales vear
sludded Iealher arnor, Ieaders vear chain naiI
and shieId. AII are arned vilh knives and
svords, 5O aIso carry lovs, 25 spears, and
25 poIe arns. The ship is furlher arned vilh
O-3 laIIislas and calapuIls.
5cawccd: This incIudes lolh fIoaling nasses
of veed and leds al lhe lollon. The forner
sIov ships ly 5O. The Ialler are 3O-3OO high
and reduce vision lo 1O feel. Bolh provide 4O
chance for anolher encounler if enlered.
Namc #AP AC
Annul 1-12 3
Ashira 2-12 7
Asuras 1(2-2OO) -2
BIack CIoud of Vengeance 1 -3
Buraq 1-4 4
CaneI of lhe IearI 1(2-12) 6
Copper Aulonalon 1 or 3-18 3
Cenlaur, Deserl 1-8 or 4-32 6
1-8 7
1-12 7
1(2-9) 3 (lase)
1O-1OO 5
1 5
1 1
1 -1
1 O
1 -2
1 4
1 5
1 -4
1-1OO 6
1 -2
1 4
1 8
1 5
1-3 O
2-2O 1
1 or 1-6 3
1or1-4 O or -4
1 2 (7)
1-2 7
1 1
1 4
Lycanlhrope, vere-hyena 2-12 5
Lycanlhrope, vere-Iion 2-8 7
Markeen 1 7
Maskhi 2-4O 6 or O
Mason-Wasp, gianl 1-2 2
Mounlain caneI (caneI) 1-12 7
Nasnas 3-3O 6
Iahari 2-2O 7
Racing caneI (caneI) 1-12 7
Ron 1-8 1
Salu Lord 1-2 3/4
Sakina 1 -4/O
Serpenl Lord 1 -2
Serpenl, Winged 2-8 5
SiIal, young 1 3
SiIal, aduIl 1 or 3-9 O or -3
Slone Maiden 1 or 1-4 8
War caneI (caneI) 1-12 7
Zaralan 1 -6/O
Zin 1-6 5
Deserl CaneI (caneI)
Dragon, Zakharan (vishap)
LIephanl Bird
Cenie, NolIe Djinn
Cenie, NolIe Lfreeli
Cenie, NolIe Dao
Cenie, NolIe Marid
Cenie, Tasked, Archilecl
Cenie, Tasked, Arlisl
Cenie, Tasked, Cuardian
Cenie, Tasked, Herdsnan
Cenie, Tasked, SIayer
Cenie, Tasked, Warnonger
Cenie, Tasked, Winenaker
Chosl Mounl
ChuI, Creal
Cianl, Deserl
Cianl, }ungIe
Cianl, Reef
King of Birds (sinurgh)
Living IdoIs
9,Sv12, Br3
12, II 33 (A)
II 24 (L)
27, I1 27 (C)
15, CI 6
18, }p 6
II 18(C)
9, II 12 (B), Sv 12
12,II 36 (A)
12,II 3O (B)
12, II 21 (B), Br 9
12, II 21 (B), Sv 3O
24, I1 3O (B)
18 (Br 3 or CI 12)
15, Sv 12
1,II 3O
12, Sv6
3,II 48 (A)
6, 3, or niI
15, }p 3
12, II 18 (B)
9, as aninaI, or O
6, II 21 (B)
12, Sv 18 or Sv 24
12, }p 6
I1 48 (A)
12,II 18(B)
6 15
3 17
8 13
15-2O Varies
5 15
5 15
6 15
3 17
1+1 19
3 16
8 (lase) Varies
3+3 17
Varies Varies
1O+3 9
13 7
12+3 7
16 5
9 11
7 13
14 7
12 9
7 13
2 19
3 17
4 15
13+2-4 7
11+6 9
18+1-6 5
1 2O
1-+3 19
1O+1O 11
8-18 3
5+1 15
6+6 15
2 19
4+1 17
6+1 15
3 16
2+2 17
3-6 Varies
2+2 16
15+1 2
8+8 13
7+7 13
16 5
4+4 17
7 1O
9 or 12 8 or 6
5 15
3+3 16
51-7O 5
5+1 15
1 or 2
1 or 3
1 or 2
2 or 3
1 or 2
2-16 or 1-8/1-8
1-4/1-4 and veapon
1-4/1-4/2-12 and 2-8 (lase)
1-1O or 1-4/1-4/1-6
1-6 or 2-12
1-1O (x4) or ly vpn +8 (x4)
ly vpn
2-16/2-16 or ly vpn + 9 (x3)
1-1O or ly vpn +4
1-6 or ly vpn
1-1O or 2-12 + 7
2-16 + 9 or 2-12 + 9/2-12 + 9
1-1O or ly vpn + 1O
2-12 or ly veapon
1-6 or ly vpn
1-3/1-3 or ly veapon
4-16/ 1-4
ly veapon +5
ly veapon or speII
1-1O + 8
ly veapon or speII
5A 5D AL
Yes No NL
Yes Yes CC
Yes Yes CC
Yes Yes CL or N
Yes Yes NC
Yes Yes LC
Yes Yes N
Yes No NC or CC
Yes No NL
Yes No NiI
Yes Yes NL
Yes No N
Yes Yes Varies
Y Y Any C
Y Y Any L
Y Y N(C)
Y Y Any
Yes Yes LC
Yes Yes Any N
Yes Yes NL
Yes Yes LL
Yes Yes CN
Yes Yes NC
Yes No NiI
Yes Yes LL
Yes Yes CC
Yes No NiI
Yes Yes LL
Yes Yes N
Yes Yes CC
Yes Yes LC
Yes Yes N
Yes Yes Any C
Yes Yes Any C
Yes Yes NC
Yes No NiI
Yes Yes N
Yes Yes CN

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