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Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church

Volume 44, Issue 10 October 2014

From Generation to Generation
One generation shall commend your works to another,
and shall declare your mighty acts. -Psalm 145:4
When you think about the next generation - children and grandchildren, nieces and
nephews, students and mentees - what is it you hope to pass along? What do you
hope leaves an impression on their hearts and minds? The Apostle Paul, speaking
to the young church of Corinth, answered those questions this way: For I handed
on to you as of first importance what I in turn had received: that Christ died for
our sins in accordance with the scriptures,

and that he was buried, and that he was
raised on the third day. For Paul, the person and work of Jesus Christ was the es-
sential piece that informed every other aspect of life.
Is our longing any different today? We are a mere three months
from 2015 - a year in which GCPC celebrates a centennial anni-
versary. What an incredible occasion to give thanks for Gods
faithfulness! Generation after generation has come through this
church and passed along - of first importance - the person and
work of Jesus. We are here today because of Gods abundant
faithfulness through them.
I am mindful, too, that it is a remarkable moment for the church
to hope and pray into what God will do in the next 100 years.
God has called us to awaken a love for Jesus Christ in the heart
of Richmond. How will that take shape in the coming years?
How will we faithfully pass along that which is of first im-
portance? During the month of October, look for various congregants to share in worship about some of
they see God doing in our midst as well as some of their hopes for the coming years.
As we progress through this month, I ask you to consider
prayerfully how you will contribute financially in this land-
mark year for GCPC. As a starting point for your considera-
tion, I invite you to take these words from Scripture seriously:
A tithe of everything belongs to the Lord; it is holy to the
Lord (Leviticus 27:30). While God calls us to give this tithe,
God is faithful in blessing us and molding us through our step
of faith. May you know that blessing in the coming year as
you seek to pass on with your time, talent, and treasure that
which is of first importance.
Bobby Hulme-Lippert


As you are doubtless aware, the pew Bibles have seen better days. Many have torn bindings
and some are missing pages.

As part of Grace Covenants Centennial Observances in 2015, the Worship Committee will be
working to replace the current pew Bibles with new editions, using the New Revised Standard

The congregation will be given the opportunity to purchase Bibles in memory of or in honor of
family or friends, with bookplates placed in the Bibles.

More specific information as to price per Bible and how to sign up will be made available

Dana McKnight

Annual Mens Oyster Roast

The men of GCPC and their friends are
invited to the annual roast, held at
Pearsons Cabin on the Pamunkey River.

Come and enjoy an autumn day in the
country or watch the football game in the
cabin. Well have cornhole, great food,
and an incredible time of fellowship
See you there!

From the Director of Music
One of my responsibilities as the Dean
of the Richmond Chapter of the Ameri-
can Guild of Organists is to submit an
article to our chapters monthly news-
letter. For our October newsletter, I
chose to write about my experience
with the ladies from CARITAS back in
August. Below is the article, which I
thought I would share with you in
Grace Notes.

Dear Colleagues:

CARITAS is the largest provider of
homeless services in the metro Rich-
mond area. Last monthfor one
weekGrace Covenant Presbyterian
Church (where I am the organist) host-
ed forty homeless women who were a
part of CARITAS. At the end of each day the ladies would return to the church for dinner. Following dinner
our missions committee had arranged special activities and programs for the ladies.

One of our church members approached me prior to the event and asked if I would be willing to give a demon-
stration on the churchs Schantz organ as one of the programs. At first I was a bit hesitant to agree to lead a
program, because I assumed there would be little-to-no interest by the ladies. I was wrong, VERY wrong!

For my program I invited the ladies to sit in the chancel where the choir sings on Sunday mornings. It became
immediately obvious by their body language that they were eager to hear what our mighty pipe organ was ca-
pable of doing. Before I played the first notes, the questions came at me quicker than I could answer: What
are the pipes made from? What is the size of the largest/smallest pipe? How does the sound get from the
console to the pipes? Why does this organ have four keyboards? Why does the organ have pedals?

I decided to open the program with a thrilling French toccata. Two measures into the piece: laughter, joy, ex-
citement, amazement, tears, clapping. These outward expressions of emotion occurred throughout the entire
toccata. Next, I demonstrated the various colors of the organ with a few hymn arrangements on tunes I knew
most would recognize. Again, the same response. I was delighted to see several ladies comfortable enough to
stand and walk up to the console during the performance to get a closer look. I realized at that moment that this
may have been the first time many of these women had the opportunity to be this close to a pipe organ. There
was a true connect that evening with the ladies. They were so grateful to be able to experience an organ tour
and to have the opportunity to be seated directly beneath the instrument.

And so I was reminded again that we organists continually have to play the role as educator. Inevitably, we
will encounter people from all walks of life who have never heard or seen the organ. In our post-modern cul-
ture we must always be open and ready to teach others about the organ and to share our enthusiasm about our
profession. If your church participates in the CARITAS program, consider offering an evening devoted to an
organ demonstration. You and your guests will be glad you did!

Chris Martin
Dean, Richmond AGO

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Care Team 4:00 pm
Carol Choir 4:30 pm
Junior Choir 5:00 pm
WNL 6:00 pm
Chancel Choir 7:15 pm

CDC Chapel
10:00 am
3 4

5 Prayer 9:15 am
Sunday School 9:45 am
Worship 10:55 am
Fellowship Hour 12:15 pm
6 Mens Lunch 12 noon

CDC Staff Meeting 6:00pm

Staff Meeting 9:45 am

Finance Meeting 6:00 pm
Care Team 4:00 pm
Carol Choir 4:30 pm
Junior Choir 5:00 pm
WNL 6:00 pm
Chancel Choir 7:15 pm

9 CDC Chapel
10:00 am


11 Officers Training Retreat 8:30 am
4:30 pm

12 Prayer 9:15 am
Sunday School 9:45 am
Worship 10:55 am
Fellowship Hour 12:15 pm

13 CDC Closed
Teacher Work Day
Mens Lunch 12 noon
Christian Education
6:00 pm
Worship Committee
7:00 pm
Staff Meeting 10:45 am

PW Circles Meet
(see page 10)

Care Team 4:00 pm
Carol Choir 4:30 pm
Junior Choir 5:00 pm
CDC Board Meeting 5:00pm
WNL 6:00 pm
Chancel Choir 7:15 pm

16 CDC Chapel
10:00 am

7:00 pm


18 Shalom Farms
Meet at church @ 8 am

19 Prayer 9:15 am
New Members Class 9:15 am
Sunday School 9:45 am
Worship 10:55 am
Fellowship Hour 12:15 pm


Mens Lunch 12 noon

Staff Meeting 9:45 am
Missions Committee Meeting
7:30 pm
Care Team 4:00 pm
Carol Choir 4:30 pm
Junior Choir 5:00 pm
WNL 6:00 pm
Chancel Choir 7:15 pm

23 CDC Chapel
10:00 am

Boaz & Ruth
Dinner 6:00 pm
24 25
Mens Oyster Roast

3:00 pm
26 Prayer 9:15 am
Sunday School 9:45 am
Worship 10:55 am
Fellowship Hour 12:15 pm


Mens Lunch 12 noon
Staff Meeting 9:45 am
Care Team 4:00 pm
Carol Choir 4:30 pm
Junior Choir 5:00 pm
WNL 6:00 pm
Chancel Choir 7:15 pm
30 CDC Chapel
10:00 am

CDC Fall


Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Care Team 4:00 pm
Carol Choir 4:30 pm
Junior Choir 5:00 pm
WNL 6:00 pm
Chancel Choir 7:15 pm

CDC Chapel
10:00 am
3 4

5 Prayer 9:15 am
Sunday School 9:45 am
Worship 10:55 am
Fellowship Hour 12:15 pm
6 Mens Lunch 12 noon

CDC Staff Meeting 6:00pm

Staff Meeting 9:45 am

Finance Meeting 6:00 pm
Care Team 4:00 pm
Carol Choir 4:30 pm
Junior Choir 5:00 pm
WNL 6:00 pm
Chancel Choir 7:15 pm

9 CDC Chapel
10:00 am


11 Officers Training Retreat 8:30 am
4:30 pm

12 Prayer 9:15 am
Sunday School 9:45 am
Worship 10:55 am
Fellowship Hour 12:15 pm

13 CDC Closed
Teacher Work Day
Mens Lunch 12 noon
Christian Education
6:00 pm
Worship Committee
7:00 pm
Staff Meeting 10:45 am

PW Circles Meet
(see page 10)

Care Team 4:00 pm
Carol Choir 4:30 pm
Junior Choir 5:00 pm
CDC Board Meeting 5:00pm
WNL 6:00 pm
Chancel Choir 7:15 pm

16 CDC Chapel
10:00 am

7:00 pm


18 Shalom Farms
Meet at church @ 8 am

19 Prayer 9:15 am
New Members Class 9:15 am
Sunday School 9:45 am
Worship 10:55 am
Fellowship Hour 12:15 pm


Mens Lunch 12 noon

Staff Meeting 9:45 am
Missions Committee Meeting
7:30 pm
Care Team 4:00 pm
Carol Choir 4:30 pm
Junior Choir 5:00 pm
WNL 6:00 pm
Chancel Choir 7:15 pm

23 CDC Chapel
10:00 am

Boaz & Ruth
Dinner 6:00 pm
24 25
Mens Oyster Roast

3:00 pm
26 Prayer 9:15 am
Sunday School 9:45 am
Worship 10:55 am
Fellowship Hour 12:15 pm


Mens Lunch 12 noon
Staff Meeting 9:45 am
Care Team 4:00 pm
Carol Choir 4:30 pm
Junior Choir 5:00 pm
WNL 6:00 pm
Chancel Choir 7:15 pm
30 CDC Chapel
10:00 am

CDC Fall

Grace Notes Deadline:
October 21 is the deadline for
submissions for our November edition.


October 5 Gray/Nochta

October 12 Jake Savage

October 19 Rob Rosebro

October 26 Pete Sizemore

Fellowship Hour

October 5 The Bairds

October 12 The Corleys

October 19 Elizabeth Russell

October 26 The Savages

October Birthdays
1- Janet Stuart
1- Sara Wilson
2- Jo Garber
2- Will Madden
3- Pat Ball
5- Sharon Appich
6- Jed Wilson
8- Benjamin Cardwell
9- Ginny Chandler
9- George Turner
12- Charlie Kennedy
16- Miriam Ralston
17- Susan Pillsbury David
17- Afua Ossei
18- Scott Wilson
18- Rachel Wilson
20- Roman Chenoweth
20- Jennifer Schooley
22- Helen Lanier Reveley
23- Ann Pais
24- Marjorie Adams
25- John Parker
26- Jack Corley
27- Sarah Miller
29- Greta Parrott
31- Jimmy Appich
31- Steven McKay
31- Wilkes Price

Fourth Thursdays Ministry
Fourth Thursdays Ministry recommences at the new
and improved Firehouse 15! For over a decade, Bo-
az & Ruth has been a source of revitalization, op-
portunity, and faithful encouragement in Richmond's blighted Highland Park. Boaz &
Ruth's restaurant, Firehouse 15, is the only sit-down restaurant in Highland Park and
offers job training for program participants. GCPC is supporting this business
by joining in fellowship for dinner on the fourth Thursday of each month. When
there are five Thursdays in the month, on occasion we may shift to the fifth Thursday.
We meet this month on Thursday, October 23, at 6:00 p.m.

No long-term commitment required; intermittent visitors encouraged. If you are inter-
ested in joining, please join our email list for a once-a-month reminder to RSVP.
Contact Jessica Reveley at

Parents Night Out! November 15, at 5:00 p.m. Save the

New Members Class Interested in becoming a mem-
ber? Or learning more about the Presbyterian church? Or, are
you looking for the latest on all that is happening in and
through Grace Covenant? Then join in the next New Members
Class on Sunday, October 19, from 9:15 a.m. 10:45 a.m. in
the Chapel. Rev. Bobby will lead the class, and various lead-
ers from the church community will be present as well. Coffee
and light breakfast items will be provided. Childcare begins at
9:30am. Please RSVP to

Congratulations to the Newlyweds

Our CDC Director, Nicole Rene Williams and Clayton Randall
Flournoy were married on September 27, 2014. We wish you happi-
ness and joy!


Contributions of $34,400 in August were up over 40% from a low
amount in July and were up 14.7% from those of August a year ago. For
the year to date contributions are up 2.2% from the same period last year,
despite the later including a sizable amount attributable to 2012s pledges.
Expenses in August of $66,300 were up sharply from Julys total of only
$42,300. The total, however, included over five thousand for August
Musicales that was offset by contributions not included above. Also
included was $13,200 in insurance expenses and $7,200 for unbudgeted building projects,
most of which was repairs on the air-conditioning system and roof work on the front of the

Expenses in August exceeded income by $15,900 and for the year to date by $6,700.

In August the Five Cents Per Meal offering was $73, our Loaves and Fishes offering was
$360, and the Mercy offering, $163.

Christian Education and Discipleship

Sunday School is held every Sunday from 9:30-10:30 a.m.
The nursery crib room and Sunday School are available for
children ages 2 and up.
Fellowship Hall Class: This fall, Joshua Ralston will be lead-
ing a class entitled The Salvation and The Cross. This 10-
week class, which began September 14, will approach ques-
tions of our Salvation. Please join us in the Fellowship Hall.
Connections Sunday School and Forum Sunday School classes will be partici-
pating in this class.
Grace Bible Class: Jack Corley will be teaching on the Letters to the Thessa-
lonians. Grace Bible Class meets in room 212.
The Vanguard Class will be following the lectionary to compliment our Ser-
mon Series on Work. They meet in room B4.

Dawson Watkins was led to write a prayer during one of his devotonal tmes in September.
He has ofered to share that prayer that others might join in and be made further in the image of Christ.

Our gracious Heavenly Father,


Help me to accept others as they are not how I want them to be. Help me to understand that sinful
behavior has nothing to do with my love of and for others.

As I learn how some behavior is sinful, changing that behavior as it applies to me depends on my lov-
ing you and improving my relatonship with you.

Changing behavior of others is your providence not mine. It hurts my soul and heart when my be-
havior hurts you. My conscience, molded by your Word, needs to be sensitve to hurtul behavior.

Help me to be serving of others not just how I want to serve but how my service can be according
to your will.

All of your children do not reach Christan maturity at the same tme. We live with your love and for
your love. We live to support each other where and how we can.

Lord, I know it would be boring if everyone was the same. We are blessed because you made us indi-
vidually, in your image, and with free will to make decisions that are pleasing to you.

Its my choice to care for others because its part of your will and begins with relatonships. I realize,
and hope others do too, that our life is not ours but yours.

I make this prayer in my Saviors name, Jesus Christ, Amen.

A+ School Rewards Program!

Its that time of year again! Time to register your Martins bonus card
to benefit the Grace Covenant Child Development Center. Purchases
made in 2014-2015 will result in earnings for the CDC Scholarship
Fund. To register your bonus card, just follow these easy steps:
Go to
Click on Customer Zone
Click Register
Enter the first 3 letters of your last name
Enter your 11 digit bonus card number (begins with 48 on back of your card). Then click Log in.
Enter ID number for CDC: 03012
Click Complete
Now, go shopping at Martins!!!!

We also can begin to earn rewards in the Kroger Community Rewards. By reg-
istering your Kroger Plus Shopping card, you can help us raise money to pur-
chase new equipment for our playground. Much work has recently been done
to improve drainage from rain so that our children can be outdoors more often.
Go to
Click on Sign In/Register
Click SIGN UP TODAY in the New Customer box.
Sign up for a Kroger Rewards Account by entering zip code, clicking on favorite store, entering your email ad-
dress and creating a password, agreeing to the terms and conditions.
You will then receive a message to check your email inbox and click on the link within the body of the email.
Click on My Account and use your email address and password to proceed to next step.
Click on Edit Kroger Community Rewards information and input your Kroger Plus card number.
Update or confirm your information.
Enter NPO number 92997
To verify you enrolled correctly, you will see your organizations name on the right side of your information
Dont have a Kroger Plus Card? Stop by the Customer Service Desk and sign up for one. Then register your
card to benefit the CDCs playground fund! Any questions of need assistance contact Nicole Flournoy at

PW Circle 3
9:30 a.m.
Social Room
Hostess: Will Madden

ircle 1
g C
ark A
stess: C
eryl Jaco

PW Circle 2
11:00 a.m.
Vanguard Room
Hostess: Nell Dickenson
& Jeannette Strunk

I first and foremost want to thank the Christian Education
Committee for cooperation on planning our second annual
Grace Covenant Community Open House! Sunday School
combined with Child Development Families gathered to
celebrate and explore this upcoming year of learning both
secular and Christian concepts. Most importantly, we look
forward to another year of community, ministry, and pur-
pose as we provide education, care, and love to the Rich-
mond area through both of services. We are so excited to continue to partner with GCPC to
spread the gospel to Richmond through this community!
As we celebrate the start of the new school year, we also say good-bye to summer
and hello to the fall season! All through the month of October we will explore the changing
season of fall. Through interactive activities, children will learn to recognize the changing col-
ors of plants and leaves, as well as be able to identify plants, weather, and animals associated
with the fall season. Children will learn about how animals adapt to the cooling weather, such
as hibernation and gathering food. They will learn all about the fall harvest and what kinds of
plants and foods we planted in the summer that are ready to be harvested now during the fall
season. The children will celebrate the fall harvest and beginning of a new season with a Fall
Festival, during which we will dress up and gather together to play games and engage in cele-
bratory activities. Children will also learn all about what is real and what is only pretend to
better prepare them for the more scary way the community may choose to celebrate this time
of year (Halloween). Pre-K will go on a field trip to the pumpkin patch, and pick a pumpkin of
their very own! We are so excited to celebrate the fall season!
Lastly, I would like to thank the Grace Covenant community for the huge level of
support I have received during my time of being engaged. I have received congratulatory
cards, gifts from members (both church and Board), and most meaningful, many words of sup-
port. I have even had members ask if getting married meant I was leaving, and express their
desire to the contrary, which means so much to me! Starting at Grace Covenant Child Devel-
opment Center as a 19-year-old almost seven years ago, I have become an adult in this com-
munity. The values and supportive community I have been associated with here have helped
shape the kind of adult I am going to be and are things I will carry with me for the rest of my
life and into my new marriage. Yes, GCPC, I am here to stay! This is the last Grace Notes arti-
cle I sign as Nicole Williams. I look forward to continuing my professional, spiritual, and emo-
tional growth in this community over the years to come as Nicole Flournoy! Thank you again
for your wonderful encouragement!

- Nicole Flournoy, CDC Director

Loaves and Fishes Update
One exciting way that we are involved in growing Gods kingdom both lo-
cally and internationally involves the Loaves and Fishes Fund. This fund
was established by Grace Covenants Session and an anonymous donor
three years ago. The money disbursed by the fund goes equally in two di-
rections. First it is used to help support the mission work that the church is
doing internationally by supporting specific mission organizations and
workers. Second, the money is used to help local families in emergency

So far this calendar year we have allocated over $4,700 locally to help families in our city that have
been in some desperate situations. Let me share a few stories. We helped a mother and her two chil-
dren that were living out of their car get stable housing. We also were able to provide assistance to a
woman whose husband suddenly passed away, leaving her to take care of their three children. These
folks have been so grateful for the support of our church. And we are grateful to those who have con-
tributed to this fundGod is using your gifts to bless families in very practical ways! As always, if
you know of a family that needs help, please contact Matt Hartman,, 212-1961.

Shalom Farms: Saturday, October 18
8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon
Join us on the third Saturday of every
month for a morning out at Shalom
Farms a local food access and commu-
nity development ministry
( - as we help en-
sure everyone in our city has access to
God's bounteous gift of nutritious pro-
duce. We'll be out on the farm from 9:00
a.m. to 11:00 a.m. For more information
or if you would like to join in, please
RSVP to Nelson Reveley at or 387-8094. Car-
pooling from the church parking lot at
8:00 a.m. (and returning by 12:00 noon)
is possible if there is interest. Otherwise,
you can meet us out on the farm at 9:00
a.m. (1033 Rock Castle Rd., Goochland,
VA 23063)!

Wars and Rumors of War:
A Panel Discussion on Religions and the
Modern Middle East
Union Presbyterian Seminary will host a round-table discussion on Tuesday, October 14, at 7:00 p.m.
in Lake Chapel of the Early Center, featuring three experts on the Middle East:

Some of the issues addressed will be: Who are the Christians of the Middle East? How do most Mus-
lims understand ISIS? How might Christians (and other people of faith) in the USA contribute toward
justice and peace in the region? How can your congregation here in Virginia take steps to learn more
about the modern Middle East? Let Rev. Bobby know if you would like to carpool (bobby@grace-

Justice House Meeting Join Nelson and Jess Reveley (1031 Ridge Top Rd, 23229)
from 7:00-8:15 p.m. next Tuesday, October 7. Snacks and beverages provided. The purpose: to join
in a brief devotion reflecting upon God's call for us to undertake justice ministry and to think about
what we see and feel are pressing issues facing our communities and the Greater Richmond Area to-
day. All are welcome to come! Please RSVP to Nelson (
Joshua Ralston,
instructor of theology
at Union Presbyterian
William L. Sachs, director
of the Center of Interfaith
Reconciliation and priest
associate at St. Stephens
Episcopal Church,
Richmond, VA.
Imad Damaj, founder
of Virginia Muslim
Coalition for Public

Childrens Worship Camp
Coming in October... a camp that helps our older kids better engage with worship and prepare
them for a new way to resonate with and experience worship in the reformed setting. Each
Sunday in October, we will be looking at worship together as we sit together, listen, sing, and
see what the Holy Spirit has in store for us--together! All students ages seven and up are invit-
ed to participate. Please contact Christopher, at or by phone at
359-2463 ext. 203 if you would like to know more and to RSVP.

Wednesday Night Live! Each Wednesday evening we gather at 6:00 p.m. for table fel-
lowship, followed by a program from 6:30-7:15 p.m. All are welcome! Childcare is
available. For more information contact Vanessa Strait in the church office at 359-2463,

October Programs:

October 1: Brian Blount, President of Union Presbyterian Seminary, Mark 16:1-8:
"The Ending of Mark and the Beginning of Discipleship.

October 8: Presentation on Middle East Trip.

October 15: Worship in the Chapel with Communion.

October 22: Nelson Reveley, Book Presentation, The Reformed Imperative:
What the Church Has to Say That No One Else Can Say by John

October 29: Nicole (Williams) Flournoy, Child Development Center Update.

October Menus:

October 1: Chicken pot pie, peas, salad, and pie.

October 8: Meat loaf, red skinned potatoes, green beans,
salad, and banana pudding.

October 15: Spaghetti with meat sauce, garlic bread, salad, and sheet cake.

October 22: Chicken casserole, squash, salad, biscuits, and ginger bread.

October 29: Pizza, salad, and bread pudding.

Bobby Hulme-Lippert

Chris Martin
Director of Music and Organist

Christopher Tweel
Director of Christian Formation &
Pastoral Assistant

Vanessa Strait
Administrative Assistant

Martha Rubin

Rex Childs
Seminary Intern

Linda Pitts
Seminary Intern

Church Office Hours:

Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m. 5:00 p.m.
Phone: (804) 359-2463
Fax: (804) 278-6298


9:45 a.m. Sunday School for all ages in
the Education Building
10:55 a.m. Worship Service in
the Sanctuary
12:00 noon Congregational Fellowship in
the Social Room

Grace Covenant Child Development Center
Nicole Flournoy
Our Elders serve the church as leaders.
Our Deacons lead the church in service.

Please feel free to approach them
with any questions or feedback about
Grace Covenants ministries.
CLERK OF SESSION: Everett Reveley

Jordan Ball (14) - Nominating (M), Finance
(Co-M), Property (Co-M)
Matt Hartman (16) - Missions (M)
Virginia Hudson (14)
Cheryl Jacobs (15) CE/Discipleship (M),
Caroline Leith (15) - Fellowship (C-M),
Katie McCullough (16) - Administration (Co-M)
Dana McKnight (14) - Worship (Co-M),
Christof Meyer (15) Evangelism (M)
Joy Nevin (14) - Fellowship (Co-M)
Everett Reveley (15) - Finance (Co-M),
Property (Co-M)
Pete Sizemore (16) - Administration (Co-M)
Rob Turner (14) - Worship (Co-M)

Lisa Cardwell (15) - Flowers
Courtney Clements (15) - Fellowship
Phil Coltrain (16) - Deacon Fund
Mary Gray (15) - Meals
Jan Kessel (15) - Care
Ann Pais (14) - Care and Deacon Fund
Jennifer Schooley (15) - Greeters and Ushers
Judy Waldron (14) - Visitation

Greeter/Usher - Jennifer Schooley (Jan - Apr),
Courtney Clements (May-Aug),
Erika Tabor (Sept - Dec)

Guest follow-up/Inquirer Class - Erika Tabor (14)
Justice Ministry - Jessica Reveley (16)
Glass Office - Phil Coltrain (16)

Moderator - Erika Tabor (14)
Secretary - Judy Waldron (14)

Caroline Leith (14)
John Roberts (15)
Warren Zirkle (16)
The Staff Church Officers

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