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Photos Bring Money

Every Time You take Photos, Photos bring

Money. Energize Yourself With Money Photos.
Start Your Day
With Yes Energy
Every Time You get up in Morning, Say !
YE"!# as You open Your Eyes. Program
Yourself to Energy $aily.
Think I CAN
%elieve You &an $o an' "(hieve )oals.
"l*ays Think in + &an.
Believe You Will Or
I Will
%elieve You Will 'o it. +,ll *ill a(hieve
my finan(ial )oals. +,ll "(hieve my
!ealth-fitness )oals. %E.+E/E + W+..#
Continually Upgrade
Your Belief
I Dare I do
0pgra'e Your %elief about your skills,
Money an' everything in life.
Expect Financial
%elieve 0ne1pe(te' +n(ome &an "rrive at
Your $oorSteps. .earn To E1pe(t Surprises
in Your .ife. %elieve You (an, You Will.
You $are. You 'o.
Eliminate What You
Dont Want
1. Make A List
2. Make A Wow to de-Materialize the
3. Keep Crossing the Line Over Your
4. As You eliminate Think Something
for Better Is Coming to Me Now.
Allow No Excuses
$on,t "llo* E1(uses allo* "roun' yourself.
Repeat The Mantra.
)et a Mala 2345 %ea's6
I Can, I Will, I Dare and I Do. FEEL It.
Say this mantra for every bea'.
345 &hants 7 8.9 minutes
Prosper from What You
Love Doing
Decide To Be Richly Rewards
from What You Love to Do
Dont Condemn Money.
Plan Your +'eas on :ertile Soil. !ave :aith
+n Pro(ess. Plant Money See's in :ertile
Soil 2"bun'ant Money6. $e;atta(h yourself
from your goals.
Always Have Cash
On You.
Being Borke Is State Of Mind
<eep =eal !ar' &ash n You "l*ays in Your
Wallet. >344 With You 2or Whatever is goo'
Money in Your (urren(y6. :eel goo',
Empo*ere', "bun'ant %y this Money.
Be Grateful For What
You Have
Make A list Of things You are Grateful.
Read It Everyday With PASSION.
This a(tivates the .a* f re(ipero(ity.
Multiply Your Money.
1. Place Hard Cash in Front of You.
2. Place Your Palm Over it.
3. On Inhale Thank You
4. ON Exhale Send out Energy
For Multiplying
Many people bless their foo', You bless
your money.
Realize You are the
Image of God.
Believe You are part of God.
Smile Into Mirror
When you do this, Itll create postive Vibe
around you...
See Yourself Doing.
+magine Yourself as a Magnet for "ttra(ting
Remember Your Best Money
Making Moments
Be Thankful, Do it Daily.
Dont Whine, Complain
About Your Financial
See Money Is GOOD.
!o* (an it be evil? +ts @ust a pie(e of
Feel The Money In Your
:eel the E1a(t "mount You $esire in your
han', visualize in vivi' 'etail.
You (annot magnetize *hat you *ant, until
you feel it have in your han's.
Dont Expect God To Get
You Out of Bed.
Practice More than
Anyone Else.
Pra(ti(e more than anyone else.
Make Your Aob .ook Easy.
=ela1 0n'er Pressure.
Start Your Money Making
Ideas Journal
<eep it With your an' <eep a''ing Be* Money
Making +'eas in +t...
Never Blame Anyone.
Take 100 % Responsibility
Take responsibility for everything that
Happened to you So far. Take Responsbility
for Your Present and FUTURE.
Have a Daily
Productivity Goal
Before going to Bed set goal for tomorrow.
Visualize, feel good about suceeding. Take
Responsibility for your FUTURE.
Eliminate Confusion
with a Plan.
!ave (omplete plan for your su((ess.
Upgrade Your Daily Goal
See Yourself at best at
every Situation
/isualize, :eel it.
Dont Fear Mistakes?
$i' you learn from your mistakes? +f you
are still making same mistake over an' over
again. You 'i' not learn.
Be Willing to do
Whatever it takes
That means, Bo 'e(eit or +llegal stuff.
ther*ise %e *illing to 'o *hatever it
Dont Compare yourself
in Unfovorable manner
No need to compare yourself
unfavorable with Bill gates or
Warren Buffet.
Be Willing to Get Up
After Each Fall.
Winners Never Quit, Quitters Never Win.
Have a Goal & Be Like
a Horse with a
Blinders on.
Have complete Focussed on your goal.
Dont Give Your Power
to Others.
$eny ther people,s po*er over You. Aust
think in Your hea' + $eny Your Po*er ver
Me. Create Boundaries and Protect it like a
Pitbull terrier.
See Yourself Rising
Above All.
See, /isualize yourself =ising "bove Your
(ompetition, Your .imitations.
Stop Fighting Yourself.
Visual In Theature of Your mind Daily
Stop hol'ing ba(k yourself, /isualize an'
then Move this (onfi'en(e into your future.
See yourself a(hieving your goals.
Clear Your Mind With
Deep Breathing.
Do it At least 9 Times.
$o it *hen you are fa(ing tough situations,
$o it *hen you are 'oing something positive
$o it any*ay *henever you *ant to feel
Believe that Its Okay
to Earn More than
Your Parents.
Walk the Walk
Do it in Private place. Walk The Walk.
Walk *ith $ynamism, &onfi'ene the *ay =i(h
people *alk. :eel the feelings of
Prosperity in "'van(e.
Practice Multiple
Money Magnetizing
Skills Daily
Do it where you cannot be disturbed.
Many Te(hniCues 'is(usse' in this book. $o
it 'aily, Multiple times in a 'ay.
Drop Negative
Thought Patterns
From Your Head,
Speech And Life.
Learn Direct Response
.earn To Sell, .earn To Market. $ire(t
=esponse is 0ltimate art of Marketing.
Get a Website.
Write a How
to Book.
Learn to Write Sales
letters And Ads
$ire(t response (opy*riting is the Single
most biggest investment you (an make to
learn ho* to make more money.
Learn to Write
Powerful Emails
Emails (an Make you tons of money. .earn
the Skill With Writing Sales *riting. "ll
of this is $ire(t =esponse Marketing.
Speak At Seminars.
+f You are not invite'. Put up your o*n
seminars. +f you are not (onfi'ent. $o it
for free an' .ater make a pro'u(t out of
it. Speakers !ave "uthority.
Eliminate Friends Who got
No Money.
r Who have poverty &ons(ious. +f they are
magnet for poverty. )et "*ay.
!grade "our Friends.
Daily Clean Your Energy.
Begative Energies effe(t You. &lean Your
Energies 'aily %y visualization E other
Money magnetizing rituals
Study How Money is Being
Made Online
.earn the Skills to Make Money nline.
Get Fit
Su((essfully People *ho are :it. Su((essful
people ften .ose *eight an' )et fit *hile
be(oming su((essful. E1. "nthony =obbins.
E1(ess *eight is :ear 2not al*ays6
ver*eight is emotional Prote(tion.
Pay Yourself First.
Set up a Magneti( %ank "((ount.
Put 34F of your in(ome there.
$o not tou(h this money.
Money "ttra(ts money.
Matt :urey Save' >3G,444 :irst year 'oing
Mone# Multi!lies
$o not put it in sto(k.
Give Money Away.
The !ole You give Through, The !ole you
get Through.
Start *ith something at first.
+f you give a*ay 34F of your in(ome 2like
other E1perts suggests6 an' You feel
afrai', You are not a(tivating Money
Multipliers in your life.
Watch TV to Get More
Ideas on Making Money.
Dont Watch Drama.
Wat(h T/ to get +'eas. Write about *hat you
*at(h in emails, blogs an' !o* it relates
to you. Make Money *hile Wat(hing T/. +'eas
are key.
Wat(h Something *here you learn.
Turn Your Car Into
University On Wheels.
&onstantly .earn Be* things.
You spen' lot of time in your (ar. .earn a
Be* skill.
Change The Mental
Picture, Nothing In
Universe Will Stop You
&hange the Mental Pi(ture, Mental Movie
about your situation an' Bothing in this
0niverse *ill be able to stop you to
a(hieve anything you 'esire.D
Never Condemed a
Prosperous Person.
+t,s about $e(ision to be Prosperous.
+nstea' %less Them from their !eart.
Set Up Visual
Display Of Money
Where You can See regulary, Glass Jar
$an <enne'y "lso suggests have bills of
money in 'ra*ers all aroun' the
house-offi(e. Put Pictures of Mone# around
#our $ouse.
Remove Poverty Pictures
or Display From Your
Walls or Life.
)oing from putting 'isplay of money. You
shoul' =emove the Po*erty (ons(ious stuff.
Improve Your Wardrobe.
Expand Your thinking.
!ave $ifferent Suit for Every single $ay.
$isplay Your "bun'an(e, +t,ll attra(t
People an' "bun'an(e E Prosperity
Clean Your Clutter.
)ive "*ay Things that you 'on,t use. Thro*
a*ay usless (lutter. &lean Your offi(e
$esk. =oom. Et(
.a* f /a(uum. &reate /a(uum "n' then :ill
it *ith "bun'an(e.
Spirituality & Money Go
People Who have Money are ften !ighly
Spiritual. Monks in "sia travel :irst
(lass. %eing %roke is a (hoi(e.
Eliminate Jesus was
Poor Thinking.
!e Wasn,t.
Cultivate Your Desire
"tta(hment is (ause of Suffering Bot
People *ho 'on,t have, are atta(he' to
Give Away Stuff
$o Bot Sell it.
+f You give it a*ay, You,ll more ba(k.
Join a Mastermind Group.
&reate Your Mastermin' )roup *ho have
Same )oal "s You.
!ave people in )roup *ho are more abun'ant
than You.
Double Your Burner.
Put Mirror %ehin' %urner To $ouble the
burners. Same &on(ept as 0sing Mirrors to
look spa(ious.
Increase The Flow Of Chi
in Environment.
3. "'' Win' &hime.
8. "'' More Mirror to 'ouble the burner.
H. Pla(e a :ish tank or Waterfall.
I. Pla(e !eavy stone-statue outsi'e your
9. "'' a %ir'fee'er-%ir'bath.
G. S*or' ver Your 'esk.
J. Put :lo*er E Plants.
5. Make sure your 'esk is properly
Close The Lid On Your

.isten to the "u'io to un'erstan' this.
Create Your Success
!ave a Small T/, %ut %ig libraryD
Get Around Prosperous
Make a &hoi(e to get aroun' Prosperous
Circulate Your Money.
Auan &hin 2&ir(ulate money6 &hinese use
this phrase.
Auor &hin 2Make money6 &hinese 'oesn,t.
Prosperous people 'on,t hol' their money.
They (ir(ulate to get more ba(k.
Dont Be afraid
of More Taxes.
f (ourse You (an save money by 'oing tings
to save ta1. %ut *hen it (omes 'o*n to
*riting (he(k. $on,t be afrai'.
%e prou' of paying the most Ta1.
Learn Fast, Act Fast.
Money Is attracted to Speed.
Spee' +s money. %e pro;a(tive an' get 'oing
fast. +t takes +'eas to Make money. Money
$oesn,t Make Money. +$E"S $ES.
Work the Kinks Out.
)et the message on regularly basis.
Tip More
Tip More than you normally $o. +f you
really like the servi(e. T+P M=E.
:rank Sinatra use' to >344 tip before he
*as the Man.
Never Give Up
Kuitters Bever Win, Winners Bever )uit.
Winston &hur(hhill L Wor's Spee(h.
Bever )ive 0p. Bever )ive 0p. Bever )ive
Know Who else is
in News?
People on Be*s have More money. People *ho
are prosperous are on ne*s. Prosperity
Seek More Wisdom
Wealth E Wise goes !an' in !an's.
Say it with Feeling.
I Feel Myself Getting
Richer & Richer
Everyday & in Everyway.
Have Daily & Hourly
Money Goals.
Focus on Today, To succeed Tomorrow.
Focus on NOW, To succeed Tomorrow.
Find And Count.
2 Power Words Find, Count.
+,ll :in' the Money.
&ount What You have, &ompare to *hat you
E1pe(t Su((ess.
+nspe(t !o* you are $oing.
Count Your Assests
&ount Your Bet *orth 'aily. +t,ll keep on
your toes about your goals. "n' +t,ll give
you abun'ant :eeling.
Stop Renting
%uy Your *n !ome. Stop =enting.
Pay Off Your Mortgage
+f you are *orrying about your $ebts, you
are not feeling abun'antD
Fly First Class
Mindset E%!ansion
Make The $e(ision :irst.
Money &omes "utomati(ally.
Inhale Prosperity
Exhale Poverty
Remove Powerty Mindset.
Better Idea M +f you are abun'ant then.
+nhale Prosperity, E1hale Prosperity.
Make It Rain Money.
See, Visualize, Feeling the Money
Raining All Around You From Every
Surround Yourself
With Smile.
If You are Feeling Low. Surround Yourself
with Smile. Play With your Dog or Kid.
Surround Yourself with people who smile
Create a Money PipeLine.
2 Power Words Find, Count.
+,ll :in' the Money.
&ount What You have, &ompare to *hat you
E1pe(t Su((ess.
+nspe(t !o* you are $oing.
See a Mentor Praising
This is a Way of %lessing Yourself. %less
Yourself =egularly.
Feed The Mind
of Children
)ive Positive min'set to the (hil'ren
aroun' you.
Dont Accept No
Stop Accepting No
:rom People, :rom Yourself, :rom 0niverse.
Bever "((ept Bo as Bo.
Dine With Millionaire
Take Out Millionaire for a Dinner
:in' *ays to TakeNem outD
Keep a Straight Face When
You Ask for Money.
.earn to ask for Money.
<eep a straight :a(e.
See Gold Dust In Air.
In This Economy downturn. Imagine
There is gold dust around You.
See Yourself on 1 Yard
You Just need 1 more chance & Youll break
through all the barriers..
Do One Thing at a Time.
Make a List But Do Only One thing at
A time.
$on,t Multi;task. "l*ays fo(us on one task
at han'. &omplete it an' Then move on to
ne1t. $on,t leave pro@e(ts un;finishe'.
Beware of
Millionaires ten's to get stu(k in 8 *ays.
3. <no* it all
8. Stop .earning Be* Things.
Realize Who You are.
You are not *hat you are.
:in' out the =eal You.
Make Money While
You Sleep
Say it before going to be'.
I a& &aking Mone# as I slee!.

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