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Goodmorning Everyone!

Its nice to see beautiful and handsome students from the

College of Maritime Education and from College of Allied Health Sciences. How i
miss teaching !
So" I#m here to give you some ti$s on how to set yourself u$ for a much better
academic $erformance. Most college freshmen may %ust have learned the hard way
that the study habits re&uired in college are &uite di'erent from those that wor(ed
well in high school. )hen I was in High School" I was a ha$$y go luc( $erson" i didn#t
mind about the deadline of $ro%ects or homewor(s" I %ust go to school to see my
friends and chitchat with them but when I was about to enter college" I reali*ed that
I have to be serious in my studies since college is the +rst ste$ to achieve your
dream and goals in life. If you#re thin(ing that when you +nish college it will be the
last ste$ in achieving your dreams well you are com$letely wrong because in
college it is where you choose who you want to be in the future" what you want to
do in your career life" it is the start of building your career where you can earn
money. If you didn#t do well in college" most $robably you will be entering into a %ob
that you don#t li(e" you cannot be choosy anymore since you didn#t do your best in
college" there is no turning bac(.
So" what is the +rst ti$ for you to be able to have a better academic $erformance,
-irst is Identify your $roblem areas.
. /e honest with yourself when re0ecting on your academic $erformance.
. 1he &uestion is" are most or all of your lasts semester grades lower that you
would have ho$ed, 2ou need to e3amine your overall study habits 4 are you one
of the contestants in the AMA5I6G 7ACE, I mean is" you race through $ro%ects
and cramming for e3ams at the last minute,
. 8n the other hand" maybe you did a lot of time for study but still did $oorly in
one or few sub%ects.
. 1here are $lenty of o$tions for those who e3$erience wea(nesses with a
$articular sub%ect matter.
. 7EA9 86!
Second is" Attend classes regularly.
. 6o one ma(es you attend class but when you valuable information if you s(i$
. Class $icture!
. Most $rofessors give sur$rise &ui**es 4 if your rating in one of your e3ams in :;"
then most $robably even if you got high scores in your ne3t &ui*" the over all
rating will still be a'ected.
1hird is" 7eview Syllabi and Course 8utlines.
. It is an advantage for you because it gives you references for future sub%ect
matter" research" so you will be ready for your ne3t lesson.
-ourth is" Schedule ade&uate study time for each of your classes
. -or e3am$le" if you attend <= hours of class each wee(" $lan for atleast => hours
outside class to study
. 9o an advance reading!
-ifth is" Communicate with your $rofessors and Instructors in ?roblem Areas
. ?rofessors @ Instructors to your $roblem areas 4 E3am$le Algebra" General
. Many students are embarrassed to admit to a $rofessor that they are struggling
in a sub%ect.
. Introduce yourself and establish direct contact so you#ll feel more comfortable
going to your instructors with &uestions or $roblems.
. 1hey will most li(ely a$$reciate being aware of your concerns and MA2 /E A/AE
18 ?78BI9E 28C )I1H S1C92 1I?S 87 ED17A 7ES8C7CES 1HA1 )IAA HEA? 28C
?ASS 1HE sub%ect.
. 9on#t be ma(ulit!
Si3th is" CSE CAM?CS 7ES8C7CES"
. 2ou should ta(e advantage of the resources in school don#t ta(e it for granted
they are there to ma(e your college life easier.
. 1hey are there to hel$ students who are struggling academically.
Seventh is" 1a(e notes and use them wisely
. ?assive attendance and reading usually will not lead to academic success.
. )hen in class" be an active learner
. 1a(e notes about what the $rofessor and your classmates are saying about the
. Ma(e notes of areas that you don#t &uite understand
. 1hen review and organi*e your notes"
. 7eading assignments" highlight and ma(e notes of areas that you may need to
. Aoo( for additional information in the library or online.
. As( your classmates!
Eight is" -orm Study Grou$s
. It has many bene+ts" it $rovides structure and accountability.
. -ound e3cellent library or online resource that hel$ him gras$ the lesson" other 4
note ta(ing s(ills share ti$s" memori*ing (ey facts that she can teach others .
. Getting together with others to regularly discuss your lessons (ee$s the sub%ect
matter and (ey $oints fresh your mind
6inth is" Im$rove health and well 4 being
. )ere your slee$ing and eating habits healthy,
. Sociali*e into the wee hours of the morning several nights a wee( only to drag
yourself to your classes barely able to (ee$ your eyes o$en,
. Got drun( then attending to your class the ne3t day, )hat do you thin( will
ha$$en in your class,
. Aac( of Slee$
. 7eviewing 4 time management
Aastly" Allow leisure 1ime
. 8ur minds need time to rest" recharge and $rocess information we feed into
. Every now and then $ut down the boo(s and watch silly movies or head u$ and
catch u$ time with friends
. Slee$ in now and then
. Get out and ta(e a long wal(
. 2ou#ll be able to return to your school wor( with a clearer head and a fresh
$ers$ective if you give your mind and body time for rest and fun.
I ho$e I was able to freshen u$ your minds with the ti$s that I have shared. I ho$e
that someday nu agsabat tat (alsada (et ibagam nga ngimmatot grades mun or
Ma(ita (anto ta hos$ital nurse (an" or cruise shi$ nga ($itan (at bar(on.
1han( you for listening. Ho$e to see you again !

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