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Globalization has contributed heavily to the success of todays society: from

the merging of cultures to allowing for countless advances in cutting edge technol-
ogy. In short, globalization has been a key factor in bringing the nations of the
world closer than any point in history. However, within this phenomena, education
has taken a backseat. Statistics from a UNESCO study show that nearly 17% of
the worlds adult population is not literate, two-thirds of this being women. Fur
thermore, the study concludes that 122 million youth globally are illiterate.
What this means for future generations is that they will be faced with the same ob-
stacles that our generation and generations prior to us have not been able to over-
come; namely, access to education for all members of society, barring colour,
creed, gender and nationality.
I will be analyzing a U of T doctoral research paper entitled Investigating
college computer course delivered in both online and face-to-face classes. by
Baolong Fu. This paper aims to show that online classes at community colleges
is just as worthwhile as the traditional classroom educational experience. However,
this research has been carried out on a regional scale, whereas I am interested in
utilizing this research on a global scale.



The primary purpose of this study is to describe, analyze and compare a
college computer course delivered both online and face-to-face from the student
perspectives. The researcher collected data via questionnaires tailored for the
class subject and geared towards students. The researcher aimed to answer the fol-
lowing questions through the questionnaires:
1. What are students! perceptions toward course design and delivery?
2. How are these perceptions different between online and face-to-face students?
3. How does student academic achievement differ in these two delivery modes?
4. Are there significant differences in attitudes and motivation with respect to the
acquisition of computer knowledge between online and face-to-face students? .
The results of this research showed that there exists no significant difference
between online courses and traditional teaching methods. A number of observa-
tions showed that online courses were in fact more engaging and fulfilling com-
pared to its traditional counterpart.
In understanding this research and its findings, I aim to create a mechanism
which will break down boarders and allow for a free flow of information. My
project aims to assist adults and children alike in gaining educational opportunities
in countries, cities and town that are unable to do so. I propose the creation of on-
line courses in affiliation with the public school system in developed nations such

as the UK, Canada, the USA and Australia whereby a curriculum and necessary
course materials be provided. Each student would require access to a stable internet
connection. In less developed countries, students can gather in a central location
with internet access and consume the course material en-mass.

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